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This summer some ve,y lucky Cabrini students accompanied the Delaware County Community College Choir on a musical tour of France and Italy.

by Shanna Lynn Fanelli a & e editor


Every two years the Delaware County Community College Choir, under the direction of Dr. Adeline Bethany, embark on a journey to foreign places to share music, the universal language, with the rest of the world.

Cabrini students involved with the Cabrini College Choir are encouraged to participate in these spectacular events. This year junior Jenna Mancini, and seniors Dave Toia, Sal Iaquinto and Shanna Fanelli accompanied the choir for 14 days as they toured France and Italy.

The trip was a success and the choir performed for many audiences who showed their appreciation through the rhythmic clapping of happy European applause.

"I thought it was an enriching experience for all involved," Dave Toia said.

"It was fun."

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