2 minute read

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a & e editor

Though they may tell you to, "beg, scream and rip your clothes off," dressing up in Medieval costume is more than enough to gain access to the Pennsylvania Renaissance Fair.


The fair, located in Lancaster PA, is currently the hottest ticket to travel back in time to a land inhabited by gypsies, pirates, fairies, monsters, lusty ladies and burly Scotsmen.

And what makes the Scotsmen so burly? You can find that out and more during one of the 37 shows that are featured throughout a day that begins at 10 a.m. and ends at 6:30p.m.

Since 1980, the Fair has been recapturing, portraying and including guests in what has been called, "the best Renaissance Fair in existence." Over 500 actors draped in Medieval garb rule the 35 acres, recreating scenes and lifestyles of a time gone bye.

All are expected to give themselves over to the fantasy of the Elizabethan period, something not too hard to do since the queen herself parades around with her royal entourage through out the grounds.

The Pennsylvania Renaissance Fair is a terrific way to escape from the "real world." A day of tournaments, live theatrical productions and on-the-spot-street improv, (you may get caught in a sword fight) is to be had. Food native to the times, unique shopping experiences and other fonns of entertainment are to be enjoyed.

God bless the Queen! And the pirates. And the cotton candy. And the jousting. And the burly Scotsmen.

The Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire Rt 72, exit 20. Open every Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. until Oct. 16.

For more information call 717-665-7021.

Adult admissionIs $17.95

• There Is a $2 discounton Faire admissionfor those who dress up in costume.

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The King Of Prussia Mall has opened its doors and is mothering yet another store within its labyrinth of shop-aholic glory.

Bang Bang, a name mostly· associ- photo by Shanna Lynn Fanelli courtesy of ated with gunfights mall management. of the wild west, smokey old cars or little boys with white hair and friends named Pebbles, has arrived.

The store, featuring clothes in fashions ranging from funky to sophisticated, are products mimicking the racks of the big Bang Bang's New York outlet store.

Run, run all ye eager consumers and blow your bucks out with a bang.

Some of the sights to see at the fair include; a juggling jester (above) right top; The gallant "Earl of Northumberland» in the midst of a fierce joust. bottom right; A burly Scotsman looks on as another young jester takes his turn at amusing the crowds.

by Shanna Lynn Fanelli

a & eeditor

Words fail me. No, really. They fail me, like the movie "Bring It On," starring Kirsten Dunst and Eliza Dushkin, did.

It started out amusing enough, as any teen-oriented money making movie does, but somewhere after the first half hour, my tush fell asleep and I became highly aware of that instead of the buildup of plot.

It's not that "Bring It On" was terrible. It just wasn't memorable.

The story is about two cheerleading teams against each other for the title of state champic original routines. The problem is that one teat stealing routines from the other under the, ... haired" captain. All that changes when the nelike captain, (played by Dunst) decides that going to be done right and they're going to be<

The movie explores self-discovery and tough-chick word fights, a few passionate me lots of backflips. Wait for it to come out on V-

Clockwise from top left: The Loews Hotel displays a banner welcoming delegates as marching demonstrators demand justice.

Police on bicycles wait for orders to help clear out a crowd of protesters stationed outside of the police administration building.

Police receive orders to dismantle the crowd.

A group of protesters march for the legalization of marijuana.

A press conference is held by protesters to demand those protesters arrested to be released.

A fireworks display on Penn's Landing caught the attention of those near the waterfront, pulling people out of buses, diners, hotels and restaurants.

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