Sept. 21, 2000 issue 02 Loquitur

Page 2

They're not going to take it

C a b r 1 n 1 C 0 I I e g e Vol. XLVII, No. 2 Thursday, September 21, 2000 Radnor, PA 19087
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photos reproduced from the video recorded by Chris Dell'Osa and John Dell'Osa Photo above- Nearly 230 students raised their hands when asked who would have moved off campus if they were notified of the housing policy changes. Questions and comments were recorded for SGA for presentation to college authorities. Photo left- SGA President Nick Luchko and SGA Vice President Janice Funk along with the other executive SGA members conducted the student union meeting. All of the students maintained respect throughout the meeting as classmates took their turn at the microphone acknowledging problems and suggesting solutions. Article on page two.

Student union meeting raises issues, concerns

Tempers flared as about 230 students gathered together to speak their minds and to seek solutions to the problems that many resident students are dealing with as a result of new resident life policies. This student union meeting was held on Tuesday, Sept. 1.2 and sponsored by the Student Government Association.

As the Widener Center Lecture Hall filled to beyond capacity, many issues that students felt are disrupting their college life were brought up.

Because most of the students attending the meeting were residents, visitation was the first concern. Under the new rules for this year, no opposite sex guests are allowed to stay overnight in any building on campus, including the apartments. Opposite sex guests must leave by 2 a.m. during the week and by 4 a.m. on the weekends. Also, residents in the Dixon house are not allowed to have any visitors at all because of earlier incidents in the year. Many students are upset by the change of rules.

Senior Janine Laskowski said, "Our visitation was taken away. The apartments were supposed to be independent living. Now it is not."

A majority of the students agreed that resident life administrators should have informed the resident students of the new rules. Many students also said

that if they had k.n'ownabout the changes they would have moved off campus. SGA president Nick Luchko added, "We signed the resident hall agreements under the old rules, so why should we have new ones"?

Another concern about the new visitation rules is safety. Junior Gabby Beltran said, "How safe is it for people to leave at four in the morning, when they're not allowed to stay overnight"?

Another new visitation rule this year is that commuters are not allowed to stay overnight on campus. While some commuters already feel as if they are missing out on campus activities, this is just another setback to enjoying their college experience. Also, transfer students who are currently being housed at Rosemont College are not allowed to stay overnight.

Some students are not happy with the placement of different classes on campus. They wonder why there are first-year students in the houses, but sophomore and juniors living in Woodcrest and Xavier. This means that some first-year students have more privileges than upperclassmen.

While the members of SGA kept the meeting calm, they asked for solutions to the visitation problems. Some of the solutions mentioned were to have overnight guests, but to sign them in at all times or to just keep the rules that applied last year.

Senior Ben Lunn suggested another solution. Lunn pointed

out that the 1999-2000 student handbook says that each resident hall can make their own rules if everyone is in agreement "Why not let the apartments and each house set their own visitation rules," Lunn said. Other concerns of the students deal with parties and alcohol. There will be no more legal parties, held on campus that will serve alcohol. As for parties in the resident halls, each must be registered and the number of people attending listed. However, senior Dave Toia said that he was unable to obtain a party registration form.

The final concern brought up was counseling on campus. Currently, Cabrini has no counselors on campus and students must go off campus for counseling, which could lead to future problems, such as transportation and confidentiality.

The purpose of the student union meeting was not to complain, but to find answers to the problems that the campus is dealing with. A part of the problem is that a lot of the students at the meeting do not even know who to go to address their concerns because of new administrators.

First-year student Elizabeth Gra-

ham said, "There is no way to get a straight answer about anything." Others feel that the college is growing and changing too rapidly and the students are being punished as a whole for the mistakes of a few.

The meeting was videotaped and will be shown to President Antoinette Iadorola and anyone else, iftheye choose to view it. SGA parliamentarian, Azeen Keramati, encourages students to keep their voices heard. Both Resident and Commuter councils will be set up in the near future for those who are interested.

Dixon Center Intramural League

Sundays- Volleyball1-3 p.m. starting10/8/00

Tuesdays- Basketball8-10 p.m. starting10/6/00

Wednesdays and Thursdays- Squash3-5:30 p.m.

Fridays- Swim Club, TBA

Saturdays- Ultimate Frisbee11 a.m.-1 p.m. and Flag Football13 p.m. starting~/30/Q0

2 NEWS Thursday, September 21, 2000
photo reproduced from the video recorded by Chris Del/'Osa and John Dell'Osa Students listen intently to the issues being brought up and discussed by other students and the members of the Student Government Association. SGA president, Nick Luchko, led the students in discussing the problems that they are dealing with.

Number of first-year students exceeds 300 for first time

If it seems to you that there are a large number of first-year studen~you are right. There are 362 first-year student$ enrolled in the Fall 2000 semester. This chiss size is rather large compared to past years, considering the number of incoming students has never exceeded 300.

With all of these new students, one wQnders how the registrar's office dealt with these numbers. According to Katen Karlsen, who is the assistant registrar, their operations have run quite smoothly. Karlsen, along with the other members of the registrar's office, have been very busy since the onset of the semester. Karlsen was joined in this effort by Raymond I. Matzelle, Registrar/ Assistant Dean for Academic Services, Camille Tinney and May 2000 graduate Chad May.

Over the past summer, Lisa Meehan, a junior, worked very hard to complete all of the first-year student registration. As a result of her effort, most of the first-year student's schedules are completed prior to their

July 21 and 25 orientation dates.

According to Karlsen, the drop/add period of time was not as hectic as prior years, with the exception of Monday, August 28 the registrar's office did have to make quite an effort to fit many of the first-year students into certain classes.

For example, three more sections of English 101 had to be added to accommodate all the students. Also, some classes, like one Seminar 100 section, which is composed of first-year students who placed out of English 101, had to exceed the cap of 18 by one student. Another class which has been difficult to place many first-year students into is Psychology 101, Introduction to Psychology.

Inspite of the extra challenges the registrar's office has faced, Karlsen said, "I think the registration has gone well, we've done a good job at getting first-year students into good and appropriate classes."

Before the first-year students touched base with the registrar's office, they were in contact with the admissions department of the college.

According to Vicki Maumus and Steve

Colfer, assistant directors of admissions, the college has expanded its recruiting area. As a result of this, high school students from a more national level know about Cabrini.

Not only is the college going out to recruit more students, many are coming to us.

Cabrini's academic reputation is growing. We have many more prospective students coming to visit the campus, many more than we've had in past years. Moreover, the college's applicant pool for this academic year was greater than it's ever been.

Not only is Cabrini growing by numbers of students but also by numbers of majors. Three new majors have been added to the schools curriculum. They include Internet Computing, Environmental Science and Sports Science. With such a variety to choose from, prospective students are more likely to find something they like.

Both Maumus and Colfer were very pleased with the admission's process this year. Maumus said, "I think that overall, we've recruited a very good first-year class. They're smarter, more outgoing and because of their attitudes, everything's gone great. Everyone on Cabrini's campus has

done a great job of getting the first-year students acclimated to Cabrini."

Colfer added,"Overall, I think that the transition of bringing the largest class of first-year students in has gone smoothly. The hard work of the administration and student services has paid off in allowing the class to begin their academics at Cabrini."

So from the point of view of both the registrar's and admissions offices, the large number of incoming students did not ·prove to be a problem. But what do the students think?

Commuting senior Brad Hurley said, 'Toe school is definitly overcrowded. It is very difficult and time consuming to find parking spaces. Even if you come to school early you may still not arrive to your class on time because you're driving around looking for somewhere to park."

Junior Christopher Swift, who resides on campus, said, "In general, the whole campus is crowded. It's most easily recognized in the cafeteria and the houses, where our lobbies were changed into dorm rooms. I really don't mind it though. At least things aren't boring."

Faculty has mixed reviews on locations of new offices

The packing and unpacking is almost complete and faculty and staff are finally settling into their new offices.

Grace Hall has been successfully transformed from faculty offices back to a residence hall. Faculty has scattered to offices in the Mansion, Widener Center and even Founder's Hall and first-year girls have moved into their former of-

fices, refinished with new carpeting and freshly installed showers and facilities.

"It was a challenge but you just have to do it and move on," says Shirley Dixon, coordinator for diversity initiatives and student liaison for service learning. She moved from a cozy office in Grace Hall to a bright and spacious office built for her in the Widener Center, in the former newsroom.

Moved into her new office, with sun pouring through her windows

and her belongings unpacked and in place, it looks as though she has been in that office for years. She's content with her new location, which she feels has brought her closer with "students, faculty and staff."

After eleven years there, Dr. Joseph Romano, professor of philosophy, left his Grace Hall office and moved to the third floor of the Mansion. His new office is half the size of his former, so it has been a challenge finding space for his things.

Romano feels that his new location has begun to hinder his use of time in his daily routine. The distance from faculty secretaries, the Registrar's Office, the copy room, etc. have slowed down his routine. Romano remains positive however.

''There's no question that we've been inconvenienced but it's temporary so it's ok," says Romano.

'Toe faculty made this move or the sake of the common good and we always try to help students as much as we can."

Despite the changes made in Grace Hall to make it a residence hall, it is expected to revert back to

offices in a year.

Another professor who made the change from Grace Hall to the Mansion was Dr. Leonard Norman Primiano, assistant and acting head of religious studies. It took him some time to unpack and arrange his office."Both the packing and the unpacking of my office was extremely time consuming over the

summer. This was time that I would have preferred to spend working on my scholarly research and writing because the summer is the only time when I can fully concentrate on such activities. But, like so many faculty members, I realize how important it was to move and sacrifice our time for the good of the college."

Loquitur NEWS 3
photo taken by Anita Pirri Dr. Leonard Norman Primiano, head of religious studies, smiles at his display of pictures on the mantle in his new office. photo taken by Anita Pirri Shirley Dixon, coordinator for diversity initiatives and student liaison for service learning, enjoys her new office in the former newsroom.

Construction of new dorm should end in April 2001

The construction of the newest dorm at Cabrini is on schedule for an April completion date.

"We are expecting the contractor to be out early to mid- march next year," Michael Caranfa said, "and then another month for furnishing and testing (the facility)."

Michael Caranfa is the chief facilities officer here at Cabrini.

"We did not lose a lot (of time) with rain because it was mostly on the weekends that it rained," Caranfa added.

According to Caranfa, the construction process has undergone no major delays once the school was able to receive all the necessary permits. There was an initial delay with the sewage permit for the dorm because of concern over whether the Radnor Township pumping station was big enough. Several different authorities needed to pass sewage permits for the construction to begin, including Radnor Township, Delaware County and the State of Pennsylvania among others.

Currently, the contractors are preparing to place the roofs upon the building.

"We have almost structurally completed the roof framing," Kenny Wellington said.

Wellington is the lead foreman at the construction site.

They hope to have the roof complete by the 22nd of this month.

This new dorm will provide 160 beds according to the original plans. The rooms will have one port or data jack for each resident, as well as a phone line in each of the 108 rooms. Every room will also be wired for cable television.

,The dorms comprise four wings with three floors to each.

"The township will only allow you to come up 38 feet, so there is no 4th floor, though the south and north wings will appear to be lower than the others," Wellington said.

Each floor of a wing will be a suite, with nine bedrooms, a common lounge and a series of central showers and restrooms. The bedrooms vary from single to dou-


Selected apartments within the dorm will be completely handicap accessible. In addition to elevators and ramps, the new dorm will have peepholes and clothes racks lowered for easier use. Also, the call button for outside access to the dorm will come equipped with a flashing light.

The school also has plans to landscape the area around the dorm.

"We took down 166 trees (while building), and are re-

planting 198," Wellington said.

During construction the road that runs past Xavier and down through the houses is being repaved, and will now have 128 new parking spaces along both sides. A new 12-inch water main runs beneath the road to service the new dorm.

"We are very pleased with the architectural design of the new building," Caranfa said.

Each of the suites will have access to a trash chute that The new dorm, in between Xavier Hall and Woodcrest Hall, is on track for completion and should be finished leads to a centrally located compactor, as well. by April 2001. The dorm wil house approximately 160 students.

• W's Field Hockey vs. Gwynedd-Mercy, 4p.m.

• W's Soccer @ York College, 4 p.m.

• W's Tennis vs. Philadelphia University, 4 p.m.

• W's Volleyball at Swarthmore, 11 a.m.

• College Day on the Parkway, Noon

• M' Soccer at College Misericordia, 1:30 p.m.

• W's Soccer vs. St Mary's, 3:30 p.m.

• Phillies vs. New York Mets, 1:35 p.m., Veterans Stadium

• Mass, 7 p.m. Brockmann Chapel of St. Joseph

• W's Field Hockey vs. Immaculata, 4:30 p.m.

• W's Volleyball @College of Notre Dame, 7 p.m.

• One Hit Wonder, 10 " a.m.-4 p.m., WCGA

• Resume and and Coop Jobs Workshop, 3: 10 p.m., Grace Hall

• M's Soccer vs. Wesley, 4p.m.

• W's Tennis @ Rosemont, 4p.m.

• Mass, 4:45 p.m.

• W' -Soccerv~.Wes- 1 ley, 4 p.m.

• W's Volleyball vs. Eastern, 7 p.m.

4 NEWS Thursday, September 21, 2000
photo taken by Matt Holmes

College and University News

Penn State University

Jessica Meeker, age 12, is the youngest student to ever attend Pennsylvania State Universtiy.

Meeker breezed through high school and is now enrolled at the Eberly College of Science at Penn State.

Meeker, a pre-med major, earned her high school diploma through home schooling.

At 11, she earned a combined score of 1060 on the SATs.

University of Illinois

Legislators in Illinois are debating whether the University of Illinois will be allowed to grow industrial hemp for research purposes.

A bill concerning the hemp is now in reading and should be called in the next veto session.

Industrial hemp has many uses and is one of the oldest fiber plants in the world. It is often confused with marijuana because of the leaf shape of both plants.

Indiana University

The Delta Tau Delta fraternity at Indiana Universtiy enjoyed a nice dinner recently with Playboy playmate Tiffany Taylor, Miss November 1998.

The celebrity dinner was arranged as one of the rush activities of the week.

The members of the fraternity donated five dollars for each picture that Taylor signed.

California State University- Chico

1O added to public safety staff

A zero tolerance alcohol policy for underage students on campus along with a new residence hall created the need for additional Public Safety officers. Ten officers have been hired in the last six months, three last March and seven during the month of August

The hiring of three was needed due to former officers who had left and had never been replaced before Charlie Shaffner, director of public safety, arrived on Jan. 18, 2000. The hiring was also considered necessary due to an officer leaving over the summer and one officer moving down to part-time position plus the addition of the new dorm Grace Hall. The hiring began last March with the additions of Kevin Obrecht, Greg Scott and Alan Weston. Throughout the month of August the spurt continued with the additions of seven new officers: Wayne Crawford, Pierre Gomez, Brian Hough, Tim Matei,

Phillip Mcgrory, Abdulhakym Muhammad and Jessica Webb.

Alan Weston, a 1997 graduate of the Temple University Police Academy, said "I like my job and I am easy to get along with. I am not complicated so the students can talk to me about anything."

Over the summer, Cabrini College adopted a zero tolerance policy for underage drinkers. "With the new rules we want to increase the atmosphere so that we can protect the students and have a good study environment," Shaffner said.

The department got a Boot to put on the wheels of multiple traffic ticketed violators. The Boot is a device that immobilizes your car and cannot be removed without a key. To be able to unlock the device, the driver of the car must contact Public Safety to come and remove the device. The department will then be able to identify the violator.

Other regulations that Public Safety would like the communi~ to remember is that when parkin~

University of Iowa

The Academic consortium on International Trade wrote a letter to college presidents urging to consider when deciding to join anti-sweatshop groups.

The letter was written because the group feels that colleges will agree to join the anti-sweatshop groups based on students' wishes.

The University of Iowa Students Against Sweatshops say that they believe that the academic consortium does not have a supported argument.

Cal State University at Chico is the first university in the nation to offer skateboarding as a class.

The idea of the class has been a discussion at the university for about IO years.

The class currently has 27 students enrolled, two over the limit.

The class uses tennis courts as its classroom.


white stripes are for general parking, yellow stripes are for staff and faculty and blue stripes are for handicapped which is all outlined with other policies in the Public Safety Handbook.

Over the last six through eight weeks the department has been going through :,reparation for the school year. The exercises attended by the officer included: CPR and first aid training, report writing with resident life staff and the Public Safety Department, joint instruction with Villanova University, a course on cultural diversity, a class on crime scene protection, a personal defense seminar and an interview lesson.

With all of the new additions hired and the school year started Shaffner said, "I am very happy to be here and I want to thank you for welcoming me and making my job easier. I encourage you to meet the officers and if you have any questions to come and talk to me."

Tutoring in writing is available in all subjects to all Cabrini students at the Center for Academic Excellence. Callfor an appolmment(610) 902-8573 or Stop by Room5 of the R~'s Center








Loquitur NEWS 5

The ska is the limit

Less Than Jake signed with Fat Wreck Chords. This sounds like a big accomplishment for your average six-piece ska/punk ensemble based in Florida, but what makes their story different is that the members of this outfit left the major label Capital Records to sign with an independent one.

"What can I say. They didn't like us anymore. They wanted us to leave and we did," Roger, Less Than Jake's bassist, said. (Apparently the members of the band do not have last names.)

This decision seemed inevitable to many fans on message boards and websites because of the group's independent nature and respect for their fans, which often did not mesh with a large corporation.

"Well I really don't know if it matters at all so, but we try to keep our prices low for records and our shows," is a line from the song 'Johnny Quest Thinks We're Sellouts" on "Losing Streak", which was released by Capital Records.

These fans that Less Than Jake fight for were waiting for the newest release to arrive in August, but it was held up because of the switch to Fat Wreck Cords. It is the amount of time that was spent on their new album that makes it different from the band's other releases, especially those on Capital, according to Roger.

"We sort of almost got anal about it.. "Rockview", our last record, we wrote in two weeks and recorded in three weeks. We did "Losing Streak" in a ridiculous amount of time, like three weeks. And this one was actually months of writing, and a month of just kind of hanging out together and just working it out and then two months of actually recording it," Roger said.

This recording may be different from the band's other releases, which number over 130, but the live show has not changed much according to Roger,

since "unpredictable" is still the best word to describe a Less Than Jake show.

The band has not headlined its own tour in over a year and a half, but after a stint with The Warp Tour, it has been traveling across the United States for 1O weeks. A New Found Glory, The Ataris and Zebrahead are among the bands that toured with them. The Suicide Machines, Pollen and One Man Army were with them for a Sept. 12 show at The Electric Factory in Philadelphia. The show was hot. Flames decorated the stage and the finale included Vinnie playing with flaming drumsticks. It was not the kind of show the insurance people at Capital would have enjoyed. The band can now return to other antics its fans appreciate and expect.

"I just go to the grocery store and buy like 300 bucks worth of food and just stay at home and never leave, ever. I play 'Tony Hawk', relax, collect toys on the internet, be dorky, pet the cat," Roger reports. The cat's name is Jake, completely by coincidence.

There are several stories about how the band actually got its name. The most widely accepted is that Chris, the lead singer and one of the three founding members in 1992, had a dog named Jake as a child whom his parents spoiled and everything else in the family's house was said to be "less than Jake."

Along with Chris, Roger and Vinnie, the drummer, the band now consists of Buddy and Pete on trombones and another Pete on the saxophone. Derron recently left Less Than Jake and was replaced on the baritone sax by JR.

''That's been cool. A new face hanging out on stage," Roger said lookinh towdard the door as he lounged across an old couch in the Electric Factories Backstage area.

The band and its loyal audience are responding in a positive way to all of the changes happening on the brink of "Borders and Boundaries'" release. The album is scheduled to arrive in stores Oct. 24 and the band is anticipating the date as much as the fans are.

"Now we can go back and start doing wacky stuff like the old 'pizza box 7 inches' and weird cover records and stuff like that with out having to deal with the major label issues that came into play every once in a while,''. Roger predicted like a little boy on Christmas Eve.

"Expect to see wacky vinyl from our band soon."

Less Than Jake will get its time to start these projects after three dates in Japan and three weeks in Europe. In their off time the guys usually "sit around, watch some TV, eat some fast food from Gainesville" and do not see much of each other, according to Roger.

"It sounds way better than anything we've ever done. I really think that the songs are way better than anything we've ever done. I'm really stoked on it. We didn't cut any corners. When it came time to do it, we never went 'ah, that's ok' we always went 'all right, lets fix it' So I am really excited about it and I can't wait for it to come out actually," Roger said.

Anything can happen with Less Than Jake in its newly independent future.

"Now I want to tour with like Ricky Martin or somebody. Tap into the Latin market, sell records to people like my mom," Roger joked. "Actually, we might tour with ICP. We'v~ been talking about doing the Australian Warped ff our." The possibilities seem endless.

----6 A&E Thursday, September 21, 2000
photo by Jessi Snow Pollen (pictured above), The Suicide Machines and One man Army opened for Less Than Jake. photo by Jessi Snow Chris of Less Than Jake, one of tour bands that appeared at The Electric Factory on Tuesday, September 12. photo by Jessi Snow Less Than Jake's singer Chris, in scrubs and a fake mustache, and its bass player, Roger. The dreadlocks are real.

Picture "Whose Line Is It Anyway" without Drew Carey,s basketball shaped head and you have Cabrini College's Improv Troupe.

Going by the name "On the Spot," the troupe is composed of Cabrini students who try their hand at improvisational comedy routines like that found on ABC's mildly successful program (highly successful if you stick Regis in Carey's place.)

"On the Spot" performed on Wednesday evening, Sept 13, at the Great Room in Xavier to an audience made up of about 25 people who like to hear themselves talk even more than listening to the show, which isn't entirely bad, based on the fact that the performers routines are based almost entirely on audience suggestions.

The show consists of several different "games" that challenge the participants to come up with unrehearsed performances that have some rather unusual topics such as foreign films, porn suggested themes and even one about Samurai Cooking Grandmothers, or whatever that was.

"There isn't much that we can't do,"

Matt Holmes, the leader of the troupe, said. "Since we're basically run by ourselves there aren't a lot of restrictions."

Wednesday night's show consisted of four players: juniors Matt Holmes and Jessica Snow, senior Tony Barrett and sophomore Kit Dewey, which is one of the smallest groups that the troupe has

had to perform with.

"When there are more people it can be more fun, but having a small group of people has its advantages," Snow said, who is in her third year with the program. Speaking of more performers, there will be open auditions held in early October. Auditions are open to all who

aren't afraid of embarrassing themselves and taking a bit of criticism in front of a large group of people. In fact Snow also said that getting over "stage fright" is also a good way of prepping ones self for other real-life situations like interviews and being around other groups of people.

Want to see the troupe? They usually perform the first Friday of each month in the theater at Grace Hall. Admission is usually very inexpensive. Simply put: if you can afford to come here you should be able to part with a buck or two. The troupe is also speaking with other colleges about getting together with their improv teams and performing together at different colleges. But that's not the biggest concern of the troupe right now. The concern now lies in getting more people interested in the shows.

"The more people there are, the more fun the shows are," Holmes said. And to all of us who can be bought easily, candy is given out before the show.

So if you can't splurge for the plane ticket out to California to see Drew and company, be on the lookout for flyers posted just about everywhere you turn for the troupe's dates and show-times. And remember free candy.

Popcornirl the fingers of the Cabrini theater

"Popcorn" anyone? Cabrini's theater director Neal Newman has chosen "Popcorn" for the fall production. This play has been said to be a powerful dissection of our times and is frighteningly up to date. "Popcorn" is a British play written by comedian Ben Elton. In

America, he is known as the writer of 'Black Adder" and "The Thin Blue Line."

"Popcorn is a ha-ha comedy that's very funny showing indictments about mass media today," Newman said.

The hilarious comedy is set in Beverly Hills,

California home of Tarantino-style movie director Bruce Dalamitri a successful and vain film director.

He arrives home with his date Brooke, a beautiful model that is a wannabe actress, after winning an Oscar for his movie "Ordinary Americans," only to find Wayne, a teenage killer modeled on Dalamitri's movie and Scout, Wayne's girlfriend, a killer, waiting in their home.

They take Dalamitri's and his family hostage and demand a live television hookup where they will make Dalamitri admit that his films have caused the killers to become who they are, changing their status from killers to victims.

Wayne then threatens to kill the hostages if their television ratings drop.

The roles include Dalamitri's ex-wife Farrah greedy but elegant and their 15 year old spoiled daughter Velvet. There is Karl a slimy agent, Kristen a sound recordist and Bill a cameraman. There are also film roles for four men and four women in scenes that are pre-recorded to be viewed on television during the play.

Those interested for stage crew, stage managers and assistant director should contact the director at 610903-8510.

photo by Renee Tomcanin
The members of "On The Spot" (left to right) Matt Holmes, Kit Dewey, Lisa Finegan, Jess Snow and Tony Barrett. (Stephanie Masucci not pictured) Neal Newman is the director for the productionof "Popcorn."
·----· ..

The cling and clatter of construction have become a common commotion at Cabrini College. While previous semesters have unveiled the new Dixion Center and the renovation in house 2, this semester marks the exposition of the brand new Communications Center.

"It marks unprecedented connectivity among all the communications areas," stated Dr. Jerry Zurek, Professor of English and Communication. "We are trying to visibly show how all the areas of Communications are connected," Zurek continued.

Many windows decorate the walls to show onlookers how all of the fields are interchangeable. For example, a student can design an idea in the graphics design lab and scan it onto the computers. Then, a student in video production can put it on video while a student in radio production can add an audio mix.

Along with being connected, the new Communications Center boasts having the latest in technology. "We have the latest in software and hardware," Zurek stated. Fifty Macintosh computers in various blues and grays are available for student use. Additionally, radio and video faculty offices house a few more. Then, Zurek

added, "Video is completely digital."

Cathy Yungmann, associate professor of communications, stated, "The college has realized that every field will be using video in thefuture."

Many communications majors are excited-


Due to the fact that communications majors put in many hours, there is a new lounge for the students to relax. "We know our students work on projects 24 hours a day, so we wanted to give them a place to eat and rest," stated Yungmann.

"I think it's a great aspect to our college," stated Anthony D' Aleo, sophomore. "It's going to help out all of the communication majors and other students who get involved in the communications department."

"With the radio station," D' Aleo continued, "we'll have enough mikes for all four or five of us to be on the show. This will give us a chance for everyone to voice their opinions at the same time instead of sharing microphones." Prior to the new center, radio deejays were forced to pack like sardines into a box-like studio.

about the opening of the new center.

Derick Colonello, sophomore is most excited about the "easy access."

"Every Communications student will have and ID card and they will be programmed to open the center twenty four-seven," stated

Luke Stevenson, sophomore, is most excited about the video aspect of the new center. "I think taking a video class in a room with lots of video equipment would be more beneficial than taking a video class in a room in which video supplies are low," Stevenson said.

Summing up the voice of the communications majors, D' Aleo stated, "It will give me a better background and learning experience."

• 8
photographs by Matt Holmes clockwise from left: Sophomores KendraC/ark and Victoria Ey pan the monitors closely;Kathy Yungmann assists students with the new software, and Nancy Schill is seen from behind the windows helping graphic design majors


How would you like to know a little bit about one of the busiest men in the Registrar's office?

Chad May, Registration and Reporting Co-ordinater is not only busy now, but while he attended four years here at Cabrini College he was involved with numerous commitments.

To start things off, May double majored in mathematics and history. He also co-facilitated Dr. Hedtk:e's College Success Seminar for three years, co-coordinated the first year orientation for the summer of 1999. May worked as a student ambassador in the admissions office, along with dedicating his time by trying to help further the education of his fellow classmates by tutoring in the Rooyman's Center. He also helped with the Search Committee that hired Dr. Laura Valente. He served on the academic council for one year and the academic curriculum for two years and to top it off he still fit in time for singing with the college chorus. But it doesn't stop there.

May was also involved in Campus Ministry, where he co-chaired the Hunger and Homeless Week. He was in charge of getting volunteers to help with the different activities. May also gave his time to the retreats offered each year. During his junior year he was a leader for the Search Retreat and in his senior year he was a leader for the First Year Retreat

May also sat on the Student Government Association (SGA) where he was the chair of the Student Academic board. This is where they select the faculty members who receive the Lindback Excellence in teaching. They also take care of any academic issues that come up, such as "Do we need more computers in the labs?" or ''Do the lab hours need to be extended later?"

During the second semester of May's senior year, he interned for Institutional Advancement. May had many responsibilities while putting together a written report on alumni contributions to the college. May wrote up an analysis of alumni that gave to the college for the past ten years. May

was in charge of two large programs, the Phone-athon and the direct-mail brochure. May was the cocoordinator of the Phone-a-thon that calls parents and alumni for donations to the college. May put together the plans, solicited students, picked dates and came up with a strategy of whom to call. The direct-mail brochure solicits a donation for Cabrini. He also helped design the Annual Giving Brochure. After this the Vice President of Institutional Advancement offered May a temporary position over the summer until something else came along. May heard about a full-time position in the Registrar at Cabrini. He put in his application and was hired in early Aug He will be working in the Registrar's Office until June 2001.

''My future plans are to go to Grad school for higher-eeladministration or student college personnel," May said. Although he hasn't applied yet, his first choice is to attend Bowling Green State University in Ohio. He was informed that Bowling Green was the top school in student college personnel. He would like to get involved with it because it prepares careers in student affairs, it works with student activities, health education, disability support along with many other aspects.

Although May has decided to further his education, he does enjoy working at Cabrini. When asked why he came back to Cabrini he said '1 really like the people here." Apparently, that's true.

Last summer, Cabrini College decided that our legal parties were not legal at all, thus ending one of the college's long standing Saturday night traditions. No longer can students of the legal drinking age pay $3 to go out and dance and drink five cups of Natty Light. This could well have left a gaping hole in the social lives of our students, but it has not.

The Cabrini legal party- out. The Brownies 23 East office party- in.

Ah, yes Brownies office parties, a new tradition in the making. Where else can you win a Saturday night party in your name and have all your friends get in for no cover charge and quarter priced drinks for two hours? It's almost too good to be true.

Brownie's 23 East, owned by Villanova graduate Joseph Rufo, will celebrate its fifth anniversary this February. Contrary to popular belief, the bar/nightclub is not part of a chain and is not affiliated with Brownies Plymouth, another local bar.

Although many college students populate the bar , it is not a "college bar" in the traditional sense, according to Janet Richards, advertising manager of Brownies. "Thursday nights draw in a whole different crowd for our Grateful Dead band, Splintered Sunlight," Richards said.

Friday nights are the most popular at Brownies, due in part to their happy hour specials (quarter-priced drinks.)

What really separates Brownies 23 East from other local watering holes is the live music. Among the bands who draw a big crowd at Brownies are Mr. Greengenes, Speed, Steamroller Picnic, Burnt Sienna, and Tin Pan Alley.

So if you are 21 or older and going through legal party withdrawal, there is a place for you to go on Saturday nights. "It's a fun atmosphere. People who work here like working here, and it shows," says Richards. And as Shawn Hazlett brings up, "It's away from Cabrini." Does

_Lo_qw_·oo_____________ FEATURES-------------- 9
someone deserve a lltUe recopltion for a Job well done, an honor they received, or the fact that they are Just too darn nice to 10 unnoticed?
them a spot of glory and a moment to shine as the "Cavalier Of The Week."
Leave a nomination including name, phone number and a brief description of what makes this person so terrific in the newsroom, located on the top floor of the Widener Center. Op•• to 1111•••ben of the Cabri•i co••••ily.

Commuters need love too


SGA: united we stand

The student government association is encouraging students to be heard. They want the administration not only to hear the students, but to listen to them and their needs.

SGA is awake from a long sleep and is working hard to convey student disgust over the recent policies drafted by the administration. A student union meeting was held Sept. 12 for the students to voice their concerns. SGA videotaped the meeting in order to show and debate the problems recorded on tape with the administration.

SGA is commended for their initiative and willingness to serve the needs of the student body. Their rapid and enthusiastic approach in addressing the problems on campus renews trust in an organization that will ultimately challenge the powers that be. SGA's members have dedicated hours of time over the summer and the beginning of this year to formulate a plan so that the students can be satisfied with their college experience. Because of this, students must support the SGA in their battle to make the campus environment amicable for all.

Housing-visitation hours, counseling-center tumult and what seems to be a universal rule for all class levels can only be resolved through supporting the SGA. Uniting in an effort to explain student problems to the administration is the first step in accomplishing results.

Approximately 230 students joined the SGA for the open-discussion student union meeting packing the seats and aisles of the Widener Center Lecture Hall. Students are the heart of every educational institution and without the students there is no reason for a Cabrini College to exist. Upset and disillusioned students reflect a deaf administration. The SGA is the voice of the students and without full support, is challenging insurmountable odds.

Is the safety of commuters being threatened by the new visitation policy in both the houses and the dorms? According to Cabrini College rules and guidelines, visitation rights are as follows: on weeknights visitors have to exit campus housing no later than 2 a.m. On weekends visitors have to leave no later than 4 a.m What happens when a commuter has difficulties returning home? For example, there are several reasons why a commuter might have to stay on campus overnight. A few clear examples of this would be:

1) A 21-year-old commuter has had too much to drink at a registered party that ends at 1

a.m.. If that commuter has at least eight cocktails/drinks in between the times of 8 p.m. and 1 a.m. the alcohol level in their system would not be fully diminished until after 4 a.m. So what happens at 4 in the morning? A drunken commuter stumbles to his or her car and attempts to drive home, threatening not only their own life but also the lives of those around them.

2) Another clear example of the problems with the visitation policy are as follows: A study group has been preparing for a test or exam, and the members of that group have been awake most of the day and night studying. What happens to the commuter? Once again the commuter has to track all the way to the Widener center and attempt to drive home in a sleepy haze. Once again, lives are being threatened.

Personally I would rather see commuters get written up for staying on campus rather than threatening their lives and the lives of those around them by attempting to drive home in distraught conditions. We all understand that we are in college to earn a degree and get an education, but what about the other part of college that makes the college experience both fun and worthwhile.

Both the commuters and the residents need to team up with SGA and fight this new visitation policy before some student becomes a statistic.

Matt Thotey is the Assistant Features Editor for the Loquitur. He is the unofficial King of Commuters. He has a dream and in this dream commuters and residents live in a world of peace and love. Ch

3) The last and final problem with the visitation policy, is the problem of socialization. How is a commuter supposed to experience the benefits of college life if they cannot sleep over in the dorms?

- The games listed in the Sports section in the first issue were just home games. For more information on the away games, schedules are avaifable at the Dixon Center.

Sorry for the oversight!

The editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.
-·PERSPECTIVES Thursday, April 27, 2000
. , , McGarvt1, of ResidenceLife, and Laura Va• lente, dean nts, will be on Cabrini's radio
"Sou on." Yoocan canin
a kt. onca~)
at 610-902-
let r "Y,. OOPS!

Top ten TV shows I would like to see made

9. Darva Conger, the "winner" of "Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire?" returns in a new show based on the aftermath of that show, "Who Wants to Be a Media Whore?"

8. Regis Philbin is revamping the old "Live with Regis and Kathie Lee" show into a new talk show, "Thank God She's Gone!" Regis plans to open the show with a song entitled "If I heard Kathy talk about Cassidy and Cody one more time I would have punched her in the mouth."

7. The Olsen Twins return in a sitcom called "Puberty Makes You Less Cute." Also starring Macaulay Culkin, Jonathan Taylor Thomas, and Vicki from "Small Wonder. People who were turned down for the show were the children from "Mr. Belvedere," "Growing Pains," and "The Hogan Family." Our Paf"fy

6. James Van Der Beek stars in the first spinoff from "Dawson's Creek." In this show, Dawson moves to Detroit, has everything he owns stolen, and is forced to be homeless in "Dawson's Refrigerator Box."

S. With the success of CBS's "Touched by an Angel," FOX has decided to cash in on the whole angel phenomenon with their new reality-based show: "What Angels See You Do When You Think No One Is Looking."

4. There's a new chapter in the "Star Trek" universe. Capt. Jean-Luc Picard's mother dies and comes back as the new Enterprise and guess who has to captain the ship? Patrick Stewart stars in "My Mother, The Starship." The show also features Leonard Nimoy as a talking inter-galactic blender.

3. Every Monday night, WWF superstars in-

vade Capitol Hill to bring you two hours of legislative hearings that will lay the smack down on congressional gridlock. It's "WWF C-SPAN is WAR!" See senators get chokeslammed through tables for creating bureaucratic red tape.

2. Live on HBO is the concert of a lifetime: "Shatner: Live from Madison Square Garden." See William Shatner talk his way such songs as "Hit Me Baby One More Time," "The Safety Dance," and "Dark Side of the Moon."

1. OJ Simpson stars in a new sitcom entitled "Blood is Thicker than Water." OJ is the head of a family with a wife and three kids who keep thinking that OJ is going to kill them.

Letter to the editor

Deareditor, Somebodycame into the bathroomof House 4 and made two huge oles in the wall of thetoiletstall.I don'tlike big holes in my wall. I know thatno one would want to destroytheirown living quarters,only to be ed for the damagelater.Somethinglike thatwould have to be caused by a visitor.

If you have a guest visit you where you live, make sure thatthey respect thatplace. If you are a guestof someone,please respectwhereyou are visiting. I know that you want to have fun. Please have a fun time. Enjoy whatever you do, but try to slay in control of yourself, at least to the • t tltal you doo't makeSOIDl!IOQeelse pay for your mistake.

If somethingwould happepwhereyou live, you'd be pietty upset. especialy if you badto pay for tbe damage. Don't let yourgood time ruin somooaoelse'.f.

perfecl for any special oc.c.asion. And don+ forse± abou½ our Bi8 Mou½h Bursers. Baby Back Ribs. FajiTas, Salads and more. Dine in or 9e½ iT To fP· Wayne 312 W.Lancaster ro,'J;B. West Dekalb 610.687.1001 610.992.089.:7'-,;__,,;;..;...;;;.;;;;..~ ii. &BAR valtd every Hobday.11 a.m.-cloae l!iMIM'riltii ,_with ~Wif •---lafe~.-..~i@d--«>fMtPto ---J,dap up il .• dillij; Youdoa~bive to ,..,_--..,. ... _. .._.._,.,. ue.., ---..mdly fdmls,- ,_,; -·t------~----Mib'Ws"Buder,

I must write this angry column for freedom.

ger brass ones to be pro-life and then kill an abortion doctor.

I am all for people having different opinions on issues, but it is not our place to infringe on the rights of others. I say if you don't like abortion, you don't have to get one. No one is making anyone get an abortion.

ot by Apollo, then maybe we can discover that homosexuals are not evil just because some big book says so. And having straight men write about homosexuality being evil is like hiring Coca-Cola to create a commercial about PepsiCola. You're not going to get an unbiased opinion on the matter.

can't stand Dawson's Creek or 7th Heaven, but I don't try to get them thrown off the air. Instead, I exercise my freedom of choice and watch "South Park" or "WWF Smackdown."

I cherish the fact that I live in a country that holds freedom in such high regard. I enjoy freedom· of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion. I am proud that we as citizens of this country have rights that protect our freedom.

But there are those who are against freedom. There are those who want to take those rights away from you and make choices for you. They want to tell you what you can say, what you can see and what you can hear. They want you to live your life according to their values and beliefs.

Who are "they?" They are many. They are known by many different names and have many different agendas, but in the end they are looking to squelch your freedom, either intentionally or not. Here are some that rile up the freedom fighter in me.

Insane abortion protestors: I have nothing against people who are against abortion, but I do hold a grudge against pro-life people who terrorize abortion doctors and patients. A woman's body is a woman's body and she should have the freedom to do what she wants with it. I find it amazing that old men in Washington D.C. are trying to tell young women what do to with their bodies. That takes some big brass ones. And it takes even big-

Gay bashers: Being racist is bad enough, but to bate someone because of their sexual orientation is just as bad. And hatred toward a group of people is dangerous because then you can easily justify taking away their rights as human beings. But not only are Neo-Nazis and the KKK against homosexuals, but so are religious groups. I know that the Catholic Church, which Cabrini College affiliates itself with, believes that homosexuals are not evil but their acts are. I have the same feeling about murderers. I have nothing against murderers until they kill someone.

Religious people say that it is written in the Bible that homosexuality goes against God's will, but let's look at the Bible from a different point of view. The Bible was written a long time ago by heterosexual men who were "inspired by God." Now the whole "inspired by God" thing might have worked in the Dark Ages, but not today. The only people I know who God talks to are the crazy homeless people who scream on street comers. Plus the Bible was written during unenlightened times when we believed that we were the center of the universe and that the world was flat. If we can discover that the sun is not pulled across the sky on a chari-

What's the big a deal about people who are attracted to members of the same sex? There is no worldwide homosexual conspiracy to convert heterosexuals. They are not infiltrating our society in an attempt to send it crashing to oblivion. They're just people, like you and I. So don't hate someone because they're gay. Hate them for a good reason, like for being an asshole.

Media Watchdogs: These are the people who want my favorite TV shows off the air because they find their content offensive. They range from housewives to politicians running for the White House. I find that these are the people who are the biggest threats to freedom, and also the biggest threats to intelligent thought.

I could rant all day long about media watchdogs, but for the sake of my readers I'll just get to the meat of the matter. If you find something on television offensive, DON'T WATCH IT! If you don't want your children to watch it, don't let them. Assert some damn parental power. Or better yet, talk to your children about the program in question. Tell them why you object to it. But don't try to eradicate something just because you don't like its content.

Here's a news flash for you: not everything in the world is geared toward you. I particularly

The big point that media watchdogs make is that kids imitate what they see on TV and in movies. I think that if a kid isn't smart enough to separate the TV world from the real world, it is not the fault of Hollywood. It is the parents' fault for not teaching that child common sense. If you don't have the brains to figure out that you're doing something completely and utterly stupid, you have no one to blame but your own dumb self.

The point of all this is that you don't have to like everything, but don't try to ban or condemn it just because it conflicts with your opinions or beliefs. I'm not trying to force my views on anyone. If you like the article, great! If you disagree with this article, that's perfectly all right. You can choose to write a letter voicing how you disagree with me. Or you can choose to never read this article again. And that, my friends, is freedom.

Mike "80's" Butler is Perspective Editor of the Loquitur. Some people call him "El 80's."

Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninllibited, robust, free and open discussion orIssues.

12 PERSPECTIVES Thursday, September 21, 2000
~ews editor Llnscy Heiser Editor in chief JoeHolden Maoagjngeditor Stephanie Masucci Sportseditor Jessica Snow A&Eedltor Shanna Lynn Fanelli Penpedh-es editor Featureseditor Meghan Mcii.el Photography editor Matt Holmes Staff writers Kendra Clari< Jill Hindman Mike Butler Ad,i,rtislng Editor Jose Jalandooi Ad,iser Or. Jerry Zurek Design editor Janice Funk Editorial i-n1 Mike Butler ~file Bevelacqua Beth Ann Conahan Jennifer Coots Matthew Coughlin Jennifer Devereaux Justine Difilippo Renee DiPietro Amy Gassen Jessjca Giordano Ge<>rgianaRushworth Jenine lkeler Shanna Lynn Fanelli Linsey Heiser Mike Kazanjian Marianne Lauren Norton John O'Donnell Julia Teti Rt:neeTomcanin Geri Lynn Utter Stair photographers Laura Givey Mike Fenn Justine DeFimpo Mike Bevilaqua Michelle Palandro AnitaPirri Janine lkeler Stacy Hanby Tori Ey Matt Holmes Joe Holdco Stephanie Masucci Meghan Merkel Jessica Snow Matt Tooley Loquilut 11a laboratory newsp11pt:rwritten. edited and produced by students reg.i5tcredtn co~ 346, 350, 351, 3S3 and 35-4 Members of the campus oommunity invited IO "'urli:on or submit stonet. for Only students reJis1credin the atxwc cla$$el, ~-ever, are eligible to ftiCetYCacadenuc credit SubscliptlOflprice is$25 per yew and is included in the bea.dits so::urcd l.11toition and fees. Loquitu.rwelcotne$ leucn 10 the editor. Leners should be sigacd and the autbonhip known to the cdi.ton. Names are ,.,.itbeldooJy in unUSllalcircumstances apprcwedby the edi«>rm chief Lcncn 10 the cditO!'should be ftUbouttedby oooa on Mon4'ys. Let Loquitur know what's on your mind! Commentaries and letters to the editor may be submitted by the entire Cabrini campus community using the following format. We look forward to hearing from you! •Email: •Classic Mail: The Loquitur ,610 King of Prussia Road Radnor, Pa. 19087 •Phone: (610) 902-8412 --------------•Length: No more than two typed pages •Requirements: Names will not be withheld from letters to the editor or commentaries, even at the author's request.

7 new players give field hockey team a boost

The field hockey team started its new season off with a bang. The women won their first game against Alvernia, 5-2 Saturday, Sept. 9. They shut out Chestnut Hill with a score of 5-0 on Tuesday, Sept. 12.

With the loss of two of their senior players, the women were still hoping for a good year. As it turns out, the Lady Cavs gained seven brand new teammates, six freshmen and one sophomore.

"They are a strong group of girls and will be a huge asset to the team. They are all very experienced and have great field hockey backgrounds," Lauren Calamia, a junior and one of the teams captains, said. Their coach and fellow teammates are confident about the women's abilities and will be depending on them throughout the year.

The Lady Cavs all agreed that one of the benefits of having many new players is that the amount of experience will be great for years to come. With the assistance of the more veteran players, the new ones will be able to step in and keep up this 2-0 record. Everyone also has the

Senior, captain Lisa Reynolds charges down the field.

chance to recognize their teammates' strengths and weaknesses and, therefore, have the ability to improve their skills as a whole. All

The feild hockey team is lead by senior captains Laine reddish (pictured above), Lisa Reynolds and Monica Paolucci and junior captain Lauren Calamia. of the women seemed extremely positive about the future of the team. "We all work well together and the bench is strong this year," Senior Monica Paolucci said.

The women are looking forward to going far with their main goal of winning the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference. All are certain that with

hard work and dedication this goal is within their reach.

The Lady Cavs would love the support of their fans at their upcoming games, scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 21 at 4 p.m. against Gwynedd-Mercy and Monday, Sept. 25 against Imrnaculata College, also at 4pm.

Last week's results for Cabrini sports

Field Hockey

Tet, 2 for the season and 1-0 for the staff writer PAC.

The field hockey team was busy this past week, starting on Wednesday. The competition was blown away as the team won 2-1 against Philadelphia University. Nicole Schulz and Katie Ross scored Cabrini's goals. At Rowan on Thursday, the tables turned as Cabrini lost 3-1, making the team's record 2-2. The women ended up coming back out on top as they won 5-2 over Alvernia. Monica Paolucci and Carolyn Katkowski scored two goals each. The field hockey team's record remains at 3-

Men's and ·women's Cross Country

While away at Beaver this Saturday, the men finished first out of 10 teams, with Jason Bull winning the race at a time of 31:06. The women finished second out of 11 teams.

Lauren Dean clocked in at 20:02 winning the women's race.

Women's Soccer

At Bryn Mawr on Tuesday, Katie Hecht scored a goal for Cabrini, helping the Cavaliers to win 2-0.

Goal tender Jess Huda scored her second shot of the season. The

women celebrated another victory by winning again with a score of 20 over Misercordia in their Pennsylvania Athletic Conference opening. Their record stands at 3-0 for the season, 1-0 in the PAC.

Men's Soccer

On Saturday, Sept. 9, the men played at Eastern, where they lost 1-0, and dropped to 0-3 for the season.


At West Chester University on Thursday, the tennis team lost 8-1. Lori Gibbons played number two singles. On Saturday at Goucher

College, Gibbons played number one singles, while her teammate Melissa Arriola played number two.


The woman's volleyball team traveled to Chestnut Hill College on Tuesday, where it won 3-0. Then at Neumann on Thursday, they suffered a loss of 3-0. The Philadelphia College of Bible Tournament saw another loss for the women at 3-0 as they dropped 2 out of 3 contests. Once again at a score of 3-0, Cabrini lost to Wagner. The women finishe~ up the weekend by defeating Bryn Mawr 3-1.

Loquitur SPORTS 13
photo by Matt Holmes photo by Matt Holmes
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01ympic sponsorship symbiotic

The Sydney Olympic games have gained support from many companies. The official sponsors, partners and supporters have contributed time, products and J?lOneyto the success of the games.

NBC will broadcast the summer games on NBC, CNBC, and MSNBC. Coverage will also be on its web site,

All advertising slots have been sold for the duration of the televised Olympic events. NBC collected $900

million through the sales of commercials. An average of nine minutes of advertising per hour will be shown during the games. McDonald's has been a major sponsor of the Olympics for many years. The fast-food chain will be feeding athletes in the 2000 Olympic and Paralympic games. It will provide breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. McDonald's has extended its sponsorship of the Olympic games through 2004.

to accomplish this goal through fundraisers and merchandise sales. This campaign started in 1998 and will last until 2004. Many other corporations are official Olympic partners. Each will provide many services and items to the games. Coca-Cola is one of these partners. The company will provide refreshments such as soft drinks and water to the athletes. Coca-Cola radio will also broadcast the games to 200 different sta~ The Bank of America is tions. raising $1 million for the IBM will provide real-time athletes and games. It hopes results from each of the

events as well as informa- Time, Inc. are keeping fans tion on the sporting events, at home in the United States biographies and profiles of up to date on the events. Stothe athletes, event schedules ries and results will be puband weather reports. The lished as well as biographies computer company also ere- and profiles of the athletes. ated FanMail on the A viewer's guide will come Olympic web site, which al- out before the games. Time lows fans to send e-mails of Inc. also developed the offiencouragement to their fa- cial program for the games. vorite athletes. Many other companies, Kodak will be sponsoring American, Australian and the Imaging Centre in Syd- international, have donated ney, which will provide im- time and services to the ages of the games. It will games. A complete list of also create the ID badges these companies and their worn by the athletes and contributions can be found provide medical imaging on the official Olympic web services. site at

Sports Illustrated and

Youngteam, coach for men's soccer

The men's soccer team, the defending Pennsylvania Athletic Conference champions, began their year with a shaky start is determined not to give up. They have every intention of working hard and tasting the sweet victory of winning the PAC once agam.

This year's team mainly consists of underclassmen and is lead by Doug Meder, now in his second year. Last year Meder became the head soccer coach when Duncan Hubley retired after 12 fulfilling seasons. Hubley had an incredible record of 140/87/4 with 4 PAC titles. One of these titles came with help from Meder, as his assistant coach.

Hubley began his coaching career in 1987 and ended it abruptly in 1998 leaving the players astonished.

"I have great respect for a coach with that much experience and was shocked when I heard he was leaving. He had done the recruiting of the players for the following year, so no one expected it," Mike Braun, a senior and captain for the Cavs, said.

Now that the team has begun its second season the players can compare Hubley's and Meder's coaching styles. Braun feels that they are totally different leaders as Hubley was very outspoken

and outgoing and Meder is more laid back and soft-spoken. Hubley will be missed, but Meder has put a lot of time into the team and has also done a lot of recruiting. Braun knows that Meder can only get better in time. Meder admits to learning a great deal from Hubley, but is still a rookie. Meder's first season went very well last year with his team finishing the year 17/5 and going to the PAC championship.

This year's team is full of freshmen and sophomores, so Meder hopes that his captains Mike Braun, Eric Lukach and John Amerman will help to pull the team together and win the PAC.

"We have lost a lot of key players and are fighting injuries, so this has allowed the freshmen to '"pick it up a bit'" and play.

One main challenge the Cavs are experiencing is trouble with scoring, but, Meder explains, this is understandable because it is still early in the season.

"Our team's biggest weakness right now is inexperience. Our line up is full of underclassmen, but, then again, this will benefit us in the future because we have a chance to become a strong team for years to come," Braun said.

The Cavs also have to tackle a rough schedule this year because most of the team's games are away. Misericordia, and now Eastern, are among the games the team will play this year that it expects to be exciting.

14 SPORT,"----------------
photo by Stacy Hanby Doug Meder (pictured above) took over as head coach of the men's soccer team last year after Duncan Hubley left the position. Meder had previously spent a season as Hubley's assistant coach.

Softball players, coach successful in Germany

Three women on the Cabrini softball team visited Germany during the past summer to play in the German Open tournament. Sophomores Erin Brooks and Rita Horning and Junior Megan Johnston were selected to play for USA Team 2000. Also, Cabrini coach Bridget Baxter was chosen to coach the team. The three women were picked for the team by an association called USA Athletes International for their outstanding play last season. The tournament consisted of eleven teams from Germany, three

This team consisted of players from Divisions one and two schools, while Team 2000 consisted of players primarily from Division three schools.

USA Team 2000 won the tournament while posting an 11-0 record. Team 2000 won most of their games by overwhelming margins and defeated the USA Athletes International team 4-3 in the final game."The • United States teams were just a step ahead of the rest," Coach Baxter said. "The competition over there isn't as good as the competition in

our league because we have been playing a lot longer. Softball is more evolved over here," Erin Brooks said.

Briget Braxter is not only coordinator of Student Activities, but head softball coach.

teams from the Netherlands and two from the United States. The other team from the United States was called USA Athletes International.

Megan Johnston was one of the pitchers on Team 2000 and when she wasn't pitching she was playing the outfield. Over the course of the tournament Johnston put up some impressive numbers. She hit .455 and scored nine runs. Johnston also pitched the championship game in the team's upset win. ''It was kind of funny pitching against the other team from the United States because we had gone all the way over to Germany just to play each other in the finals. It was fun pitching in the big game because we got to play in front of a big crowd," Johnston said.

Erin Brooks also had a great tour-

nament. She hit .393, scored 14 runs and knocked in 7. Brooks contributed the game-winning run in the championship game. "I was surprised that we came back to defeat the other U.S. team because we were losing going into the last inning. We came through as a team," Brooks said.

Rita Horning was also a major contributor to the winning team. She put up huge numbers and led her team in most offensive categories. She managed a .538 average with 14 hits, scoring 16 runs and knocking in 12, all in only 26 at bats. ''I was happy with the way we played as a team. We clicked on and off the field. I was also happy with the way I played," Horning said.

Horning also added that she had no trouble adjusting to her new team-

mates. She said that some of the girls had trouble at first, but found a rhythm after the third or fourth game.

Baxter feels that the big game experience will enhance the Lady Cavaliers' upcoming PAC season. She said that it should give the players more confidence. She added that the fine performance would help in Cabrini·s recruiting efforts. When asked to describe how her team played in U.S. Team 2000, Coach Baxter replied, "They played awesome; they dominated."

The Lady Cavaliers found some time to do a little sightseeing while in Germany. They visited the cities of Munich, Auchton, and Regensberg, and toured the Olympic village in Munich. All three were impressed by the German architecture. John-

Coach Day confident in women's tennis team

by Geri Lynn Utter singles at West Chester Uni- senior Alexis Lundeen from new semor An~ Hunter staff writer versity with a win. The final Goucher College.Andrea have also contnbuted to Watch Out. Cabrini's women's tennis team is back, and vastly improved for the new season.

"This team knows how to win. It's a good team with a lot of strength and determination," Reggie Day, the team's coach, said.

Speaking of determination, senior Lisa Gibbons, opened up the number one

score was 7-5, 7-6. Accord-

Sanchez, a team member Cabrini's early success this ing to Reggie Day, Gibbons and classmate of Arriola. season. The entire team is Cabrini's star player. The has what it takes to get the shows a lot of promise for coach said that Gibbons is a job done on the court. Cabrini this upcoming seastrong player who possesses Sanchez plays second dou- son. the motivation needed to bles. Team members feel The team would like the win the game. However, that Sanchez definitely puts support of loyal fans to enGibbons is not Cabrini's __ the "C" in competition. courage them, throughout only valuable player. Other team members, such this already successful year.

Two weeks ago at Gouch- as freshmen Robin Blanda Day feels that they are a er College, freshman Melis- Tennis players, both new and and Melissa DiGulio, fresh and energetic team sa Arriola from Rancocas vetren, show promise for a sue- sophomores Sarah Rothfus- with the potential to win. cessful season in the PAC.

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photo by Jenine Ike/er photo by Jenine Ike/er Megan Johnston, Rita Homing and Erin Brooks played for USA Team 2000 in Germany this past summer.
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Young team expects bright future

L 0 q u 1 t u r Vol. XLVII, No. 2 Thursday, September21, 2000 Radnor, PA 19087
the addition of seven new players, the field hockey team looks to be successful for years to come.
photo by Matt Holmes
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