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College and University News
Georgetown University
Every Georgetown student knows "The Steps." Those 97 stone steps which lead from Prospect Street down to M Street.
Prior to 1973, they were called the "Hitchcock Steps," named after the famous suspense author. However, a Georgetown movie changed horror cinema, and they are now called the "Exorcist Steps."
Georgetown University graduate William Peter Blatty's, "The Exorcist" hit theaters again. There is twelve more minutes of original footage, remastered sound and new sound effects.
University of Pennsylvania
The University of Pennsylvania is one of four schools that has not responded to the request to ban the use of Napster on their campuse_s.Out of 29 universities, Penn, Boston U., Columbia and Harvard have all remained silent about what their decision will be.
Many in the music industry feel that they are losing money from this service and breaking serious copyright infringement laws. Since the matter of whether or not Napster is legal is still under review by the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, it is still available to those whose who choose not to ban it.
New York University
New York University claims that they have squashed the bug in the NYU Home system. Programmers say that it still may be hidden within the system. Presumably, the bug would allow someone to send and receive e-mails under someone else's e-mail account.
The core programmers were suspended and are under investigation for misuse of NYU computing resources. The firing and resignations have slowed the switch from the old system to the new one. Only 6,000 out of 40,000 have been switched.
Emporia Sate University
Banned book week wa the week of Sept. 23-30. The week-long awareness is in its 19th consecutive year.
Some of the books which have been subject of controversy includes books such as, 'Tue Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," 'Tue Catcher in the Rye" and "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings."
Just recently ad4ed to the banned book list is 'The Harry Potter" series, because of its references to magic.
The dean of teachers at Emporia State, Tes Mehring, said, 'Tue more books we ban the difficult it is for the teachers to find replacement books with the same material."
University of Minnesota
For the first time ever, University of Minnesota students and faculty can avoid crowded computer labs. They have an option other than the expensive cost of owning your own computer.
Fifty laptop computers will be available for check-out for as little as $3.50 per day. They will be equipped with wireless Internet access, CD-ROM, word processor and data spreadsheets.
The wireless Internet is called Hubinstalled and it acts as a radio frequency device to give instant Internet access.
-Shaun Hazlett
Back to Vietnam: a Veteran Returns 30 Years Later Richard Lieb
Marine Corps major and now president of SEI Investment Services
Join him as he reflects:
-on his time at Duke University as one of only two students in his entire class who are Vietnam vets
-on his experience in Vietnam in 1970 & 1971
-on his thoughts and feeling upon returning this past spring.
Lieb was part of a U.S. delegation of prominent Vietnam veterans, now business leaders, who returned to establish a computer center at Hanoi University.