Oct. 26, 2000 issue 07 Loquitur

Page 12

Faithfulgive candlelightwitness

Find what you should know about Halloween. See what the popular Halloween costumes are- pages 8 & 9


Read about a recent speakers experiences in Vietnampage 2

Photos left: The Archdiocese of Philadelphia hosted a sponosred a Eucharistic Procession on the Parkway last Sunday evening. The event drew an estimated 50,000people. There was a choir of 1,000 voices.

See article·onpage 4

C a b r i n i C 0 1 1 e g e
XLVII, No. 7
Thursday, Oct.
2000 Radnor, PA 19087
, I •. ... .. .

Veteranspeaks of memories,returnto Vietnam

Rick Lieb, president of SEI Investment Services, spoke on Oct. 17 in the Mansion about his experience in the Vietnam War. He feels that the media portrays Vietnam veterans with a 'negative image.'

The pain and anguish that the Vietnam War caused is finding a salve in the generous acts of veterans and open discussions taking place on college campuses today.

"I think the media has played a huge role in creating the image of the Vietnam vet who is maladjusted and a drug addict." Rick Lieb said, "I was in a room yesterday with a number of people who are very successful businessmen," Lieb stated.

Lieb, the president of SEI Investment Services, came to talk to students about his experiences in Vietnam thirty years ago and now.

Lieb and a group of other prominent businessmen who served in Vietnam returned there this summer to help promote economic growth through the philanthropic acts of themselves and the companies they represent.

"We met government officials, many of whom had been in the war, and that was odd. A couple were actively hostile," Lieb said.

Lieb and others took the time to

visit the places where they fought during the war.

"One senior vice president at Merrill [Lynch] went back to the place where he was wounded. Another fellow had three tours in the Special Forces and he said 'no, all I'd see would be trees and I've seen enough trees," Lieb said.

Before the war, Lieb was a student at Duke University. Colleges and universities at the time were a hotbed of anti-war sentiment.

"The fact that I had short hair, was in the service and going to Vietnam elicited a whole lot of comments," Lieb said.

Lieb lost friends because of his decision to enter the war, one of whom was a roommate who Lieb has not spoken to since. Others who Lieb has spoken to briefly are unable to "reconcile" their friend's decision.

Lieb said his childhood hero, Jack Kennedy, inspired him.

"I felt I should go and wanted to go. A fair amount of that was curiosity and patriotism," Lieb said.

When asked if he had any

haunting memories, Lieb responded that there were some, yet it would be difficult to single out many.

"I have some memories that come back and the rest are kind of jumbled you pack it away and forget about it," Lieb said.

Lieb saw some horrible things during the war.

"Once the firing starts nothing is right or there is only survival," Lieb added.

Towards the end of the war, Lieb said the vets "felt like we were at the end of the world and no one cared."

When they returned home those feelings were at times very tangible.

"[I was] cursed at, people wanted to fight me at parties and I was spit at," Lieb remembers.

By going to Vietnam this summer, Lieb was moved by the curiosity that he felt moved him to join the war. In his article for Duke Magazine, Lieb explained that he was unsure of his decision to return to Vietnam. Yet in the end, he felt he would "regret passing up the opportunity much


Lieb feels that works like this trip may help change the "negative image" that is popular in the


"I really struggle with the war and the image of the Vietnam vet," Lieb said.

Universities disagree on banning access to Napster

Colleges and universities are at an indecision on whether to ban access to Napster from their networks. Napster is the popular program, loved by teenagers and young adults and loathed by the record industry, which provides software for users to share music on the Internet.

The record industry is now looking at colleges and universities to ban access to Napster, Inc. So far, 34 percent of U.S. colleges and universities have banned access to napster on their campus networks. Anyone on the Napster network can download any MP3 that any other user has put up. This includes songs and even complete albums. In some instances, an advanced copy of an album can be downloaded from Napster before its actual release date. The record industry charges that the pre-release impedes sales of the album while others contend that it provides publicity and increases sales. This brings up the case that the popular

heavy metal band Metallica has against Napster. Unauthorized copying and sharing of their most recent album has caused a considerable drop in record sales for the band.

Dr. Dre now joins Metallica and most of the record industry in their efforts to shut down or at least regulate Napster. Their efforts, however, have been stifled somewhat by major colleges and universities.

A lawyer representing the musicians sent a letter to 25 major schools seeking to ban access to Napster from their networks. So far 15 schools have answered no.

Judith Rodin, president of the University of Pennsylvania, said in a letter, that Penn "found the request troubling because it requested a blanket ban on access, not simply to specific unlawful material.

Rodin also went on to say that, "Although Penn respects the intellectual property of others, the university believes that free inquiry and expression also are

important to its educational mission and should not be impeded."

Penn may refuse to ban Napster. However, the recording industry, which considers Napster's service wholesale piracy, won a preliminary injunction in federal court against the company.

Among the institutions that have banned access to Napster, include the University of Notre Dame, Yale University, University of Southern California and the University of Texas.

Among the institutions that have not banned access are Harvard University, University of California at Los Angeles and Villanova University.

Villanova University actually restricted access because it slowed their network, but reversed this decision when the ban did not alleviate this problem.

Villanova now has restricted access to music sharing sites in order to observe Napster's effect on the performance of the network. Villanova did not restrict access because of the copyright infringement issue.

When asked if Cabrini should ban or restrict access to Napster, first-year student, Scott Elkisch, said, "No, it's the easiest and most affordable way to get the music I want."

Dr. Ronald Becht, the vice president for graduate and professional studies said, "As of now, there is no policy or talk of a policy to ban Napster (from the Cabrini College network)." He also went on to say that; "If a court rules that Napster is illegal that the college will respect the court's decision."

Anyone on campus will agree that there are problems with the network being down. When asked if this could be due to the excessive use of Napster, Dr. Becht, replied, "It is a possibility and will be looked into if the problems with the network persist."

A technical expert from Drexel University has been hired for three days a week to locate and eliminate any problems with the network.

NEWS • Thursday, Oct."2~. 2000
photo by Anita Pirri Rick Lieb, a veteran remembered his days in the Vietnam War by returning there over the summer

M'i'CabriniDay 2000 promises to educate the heart

staff writer their lives to helping those less fortunate and for that reason this day is to honor them.

Cabrini Day 2000 is just around the comer and this year's theme, "Coming · to America: The Human Face of Immigration," promises once again to educate the heart.

Cabrini Day 2000 is Thursday, Nov. 2 and everyone in the Cabrini College community is encouraged to participate.

The theme of immigration was especially picked for this year, 50 years after St. Frances Xavier Cabrini was named Patroness of Immlgrants.

Cabrini Day is a tradition in learning about injustice throughout the world and why it is important to be dedicated to changing it. St. Francis Xavier Cabrini and the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus dedicated

10 a. m. - Noon

The day kicks off with a Celebrity Brunch from 10 a.m. to noon. The Cabrini Day tradition continues with professors and staff members serving students brunch in the cafeteria. Making waffles, serving bacon and eggs and waiting tables are now included in the staff's job description.

The first session begins at 12:45. Shirley Dixon is moderating a program called "Getting Along." It deals with conflicts, crises, mediation and alternatives to violence. This live, multimedia presentation, given by Key Arts Production Company, includes video clips, lectures and live voices. Dixon is certain this program is related to the theme of immigration because "it's about

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more than moving from one place to another."

The Cabrini Mission Corps is giving a program called "Bridging the Cultural Divide: Ministry to Immigrants." Lisa Grzyboski is a young missioner coming to Cabrini to discuss her work with immigrants in New York City with students. Her work has changed how she views the world and she hopes to help students see that they can make a difference.

2:00. Lisa Grzyboski will be speaking with students again in her program "Bridging the Cultural Divide: Ministry to Immigrants."

Cabrini's improv troupe "On the Spot" will be having a show in the second session. They will take audience suggestions to put on an improvisational show on the day's events and themes.

"Working in Another Culture," "Amnesty International at Cabrini College," "The Border Experience," "Philadelphia and the Rest of the World: Immigration, Migrants and Refugees," "Where Do Presidential Candidates Stand on the Issues?" and "Children and Women: Other Victims of Civil War" are all programs included in the second session.

"Immigration Through Sponsorship," "Celebrating and Transmitting Our Amenian Heritage," "Freedom from Hunger: Learnings from the Hunger Project," "Corning from Bosnia to Cabrini College" and "Reaching Out to Sudanese Refugees" are the other programs planned for the first session. "Words We Bring with Us: The Immigrant Experience" is being held in the second session. "It is

people reading work they wrote that is about immigrants or works by immigrants," said Chris Vesci, senior. It will also feature a speaker. Father John McNamee will be reading some of his poems from his published book of poetry "Clay Vessels." His poetry falls within a wide range of topics.

Cabrini Day 2000 will also have an awards ceremony at 3: 15. The Charles A. Matronardi Awards for Leadership and Service will be awarded to four students who have demonstrated the qualities of good leaders as well as a strong interest in service to the community.

Cabrini Immigrant Services in New York will be presented with a Cabrini Award for their work and the impact it has had on individuals, local communities, the country and the world. The second session begins at


Celebrity Brunch. (Founders' Hall cafeteria) See your favorite professors and staff members demonstrate their skills in making waffles, serving bacon and eggs and waiting tables.

Session One: 12:45 p.m.-1:45 p.m.

''Getting Along: A Live Musical Performance and Video" (Lecture Hall) Through live performance and video, Getting Along helps people identify why conflicts occur and avoid crisis situations. Moderator: Shirley Dixon, Coordinator of Diversity Initiafrves.

''Bridging the Cultural Divide: Ministry to Immigrants in NY" (309) Lisa Grzyboski's year of service with Cabrini Mission Corps has changed her views. Talk to her about what she is doing in her work with immigrants in New York City. Presenters: Eileen Zebrowski, Madeline Bialecki and Lisa Gnyboski, Cabrini Mission Corps.

''Coming to the United States: Acting as Sponsors" (352) How can immigrants get the rest of their family members into the United States? How do they get green cards? This workshop is of special interest to students interested in global issues. Presenter: Linda J. Collier, Esquire.

''What do Cabrini Students Say About Service?" (210) Talk about how you feel about community service and service learning. Presenter: Dr. Janet Lohmann, Co-Chair, Cabrini Institute.

"Celebrating our Armenian Heritage" (205) In the early 20th century, the Armenian people were victims of genocide. How do people retain and transmit their cultural heritage in the face of oppression? Presenters: Harry Andonian and Mary Zakarian. Moderator: Professor Bob McGee.

"Freedom from Hunger: Learnings from the Hunger Project" (279) Students in Biology 250: Nutrition were assigned The Hunger Project. Five students will present their projects and talk about the people they worked with. Presenters: Justin Christian, Eric Kenny, Renee Lewis, Megan Lomas.Nyetta Pendleton. Moderator: Dr. Sherry Fuller-Espie

''What do you Know? A Quiz Show on the Environment" (211) Raise your awareness of environmental issues. Match wits with fellow students, faculty and staff in a highly interactive quiz show format. Moderators: Dr. Lou Nudy and the Science Department.

''Coming from Bosnia to Cabrini College" (358) Sjela (Shayla), Assistant Director of Resident Life, came to the United States after she and her sister escaped from the war in Bosnia. Talk with Sjela about her experiences. Presenter: Sjela Hasic-Stamps

''Detention of Immigrants in American Prisons" (207) The US Immigration and Naturalization Service is currently holding 15,000 detainees in American prison. Dr. Westerman will discuss the situation. Presenter: Dr. William Westerman, Director of Programs for Immigrant Traditional Artists for International Institute of NJ. Moderator: Dr. Leonard

"Reaching out to Sudanese Refugees'' (313) Talk with Alice Muludiang, a Sudanese refugee, who is now a social worker with the Southern Sudanese Relief Foundation in Philadelphia. Presenter: Alice Muludiang, Southern Sudanese Relief Foundation. Moderator: Mary Laver.

Session Two: 2:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m.

''Where do Presidential Candidates Stand on the Issues?'' (Lecture Hall) Hear a panel of Cabrini faculty members analyze key issues in the campaign and learn where each candidate stands. Moderator: Dr. Jerry Zurek

''Bridging the Cultural Divide: Ministry to Immigrants in NY'' (309)

"AmnestyInternational at Cabrini College" (203) Join students in Cabrini's Amnesty International Chapter and Alliance for Justice in exploring the effect gun violence bas on families and communities. Speaker TBA. Presenters: Melissa Shannon and Azeen Kermati

''Philadelphia & the Rest of the World: Immigrants, Migrants and Refugees" (202) Maybe you never knew Philadelphia is a center of immigration. Tallt to Father Betz about how the city relates to immigrants, migrant workers and refugees. Presenter: Father Tom Betz, Director of Archdiocesan Pastoral Care for Migrants and Refugees

''Words We Bring With Us: The Immigrant Experience" (Grace Hall Board Room) Woodcrest, Cabrini's literary magazine, sponsors a reading ofliterary works. Speakers include faculty members, students and Father John McNamee, renowned poet and inner city priest Presenters: Carolyn Ashton and Chris Vesci. Moderator: Dr. Seth Freebie

''Civil War: Hidden Victims in the Sudan and Bunmdf' (208) Kristen Schwarze spent six years in Africa doing volunteer relief work in Sudan and Burundi. Talk about her work with women and children who are the hidden victims of the civil war in the region. Presenter: Kristen Schwarze. Moderator: Dr. Sharon Schwarze.

"Immigration 'On tile Spot'" (Red Cloud Theatre) Cabrini's Improvisational Troupe, "On the Spot," will do an improvisational show, based on themes from the day's events. Presented by Cabrini Improvisational Troupe: Matt Holmes, Lisa Fmegan, Tony Barrett, Stephanie Masucci, Jessi Snow, Kit Dewey. Moderator: Neal Newman

''Detention of Immigrants in American Prisom'' (207)

''Working in Anotlaer Culture" (351) Brother Corso bas lived and worked in Peru and now works with the Norbertine Outreach Committee with migrants at Mission Santa Maria, an agency that helps migrant workers who labor in the mushroom fields in Kennett Square. Presenter: Brother Blase Corso, 0. Praem, Daylesford Abbey

3: 15 p.m.-4:30p.m.

Awards Ceremony (Grace Hall Atrium) Charles A. Mastronardi Awards for Leadership and Sevice, Cabrini Award presented to Cabrini Immigrant Services of New York. Prayer Service 8:30 p.m.

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Faithful give public witness by candlelight

An estimated 45 to 50 thousand faithful from all over the Philadelphia region participated in the Eucharistic Candlelight Procession on Sunday. Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua, archbishop of Philadelphia, called those present, his brothers and sisters, to take the message of charity home with

them and share it with their neighbors. The procession, which began at 5:30 p.m., was held on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Center City.

The festivities began with a 1,000-voice choir setting a prayerful atmosphere at 4 p.m. The choir was made up of members from Archdiocesan-wide choirs and high schools. A ~00-piece band accompanied the choir. While hymns

were resonating off of the many old historic buildings on the Parkway from the choir, the Philadelphia Archdiocesan Boys' Choir gave a prelude performance inside the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, located at 18th Street and the Parkway. With the regal herald of trumpets, the Blessed Sacrament, the consecrated bread that becomes the body of Christ, left the cathedral in a monstrance, which is a sacred vessel to carry the Eucharist.

The Blessed Sacrament was transported on a flatbed truck that was converted into a float with Bevilacqua and an escort of approximately 4,000 people. The escort was made up of two members from each of the Archdiocese's nearly 200 parishes, priests, seminarians, dignitaries and religious. The float was decorated with an abundance of yellow, red, white and orange chrysanthemums and trimmed with gold and silver fabric that reflected the multitude of candles along the route. The float made its way out of Logan Circle and down the inbound lane of the Parkway and around Eakins Oval where the

AttentionCabrini Community:

On Monday, Oct 29, the health officials will be attending a conference and will not be on campus.

Dr. Danny will be available by phone, but must be contacted through Eleanor DiDonato in the Rooymans Center., ext. 8561

If there is an emergency, call Public Safety at ext. 8245.

choir and band were positioned and continued past thousands of people who raised their lit candles out of respect to the Blessed Sacrament.

"It was amazing to see that many people and all of the candles," Emil Pilacik said. Pilacik, 45 and orchestra director at Saint Maria Goretti High School, South Philadelphia played trumpet with the band, which has been working and practicing for the occasion since the beginning of the school year. "There was just this mob of people. It was wonderful to see that many participating in the procession," Pilacik said. The people

gathered on the Parkway took part in responses and hymns. There were three stations set up at various points along the Parkway for the readings. Bevilacqua delivered a short sermon at each.

'The entire experience was very invigorating," Pilacik said. "It says a lot about the Catholic Church. The people present weren't embarrassed or ashamed to be there."

This event marks the climax of the observance of the Jubilee Year, the 2,000th anniversary of the birth of Christ. The archdiocese has sponsored numerous events, this being the culmination of the events.

Don't forget to turn your clock back one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night.

What's Going On This Week

all photos by Joe Holden Faithful of the Archdiocese listen attentively to Bevilacqua's words
Margaret Campell, music director at Archbishop Shanahan High School, Chester County, conducted the 1,000 voice choir.
Thursday Frida Saturda Sunda Monda Tuesda Wednesda • MSC Provincial As- • MSC Provincial As- • MSC Provincial As- • MSC Provincial As- • Hunger and Home- • HALLOWEEN • FEAST OF ALL sembly sembly sembly sembly lessness Awareness • Mass, 4:45 p.m., SAINTS • Workshop, Develop- • Haunted Trail, 8-11 • Haunted Trail, 8~11 • Hunger and Home- Brockmann Chapel of • Mass, 12: 15 p.m., ing Your Reswne and p.m., Grace Hall p.m., Grace Hall lessness Awareness St. Joseph Brockmann Chapel of Searching Full-Ti.me Woods Woods Campaign • Hunger and Home- St. Joseph Employment On-Line, lessness Awareness • Hunger and Home3:10 p.m., Grace Hall, Campaign lessness Awareness Room 160 Campaign

New director for graduate and professional studies

You can tell by the look of her desk, covered with papers, that her job requires a lot of work and time. Nancy Allen is the new executive director of graduate and professional studies here at Cabrini.

She is just as new to Cabrini College as the first-year students. She came to work at Cabrini to help develop a well-rounded graduate and professional studies program.

TJ:ie goal for this well-rounded program is to better

accommodate the college's graduate and professional studies students. Accommodation means scheduling classes around their students' time schedules and/or building programs that can cater to their students' needs.

Allen's job here at Cabrini is to help blend the newly developed staff for the professional studies program. This staff consists of faculty members that were taken from different aspects of the college, such as the undergraduate staff, full-time studies staff, etc.

Currently, the professional studies program is doing

teleconferences to teach its students online. There is a program set up in Wilmington, DE at Amtrak. There is also a program in process in Philadelphia at Amtrak. Online conferencing is the start to the well-rounded program the department is aiming towards. Teleconferencing allows the student to learn via computer in the comfort of their workplace or even in their home.

Five ye.ars from now, Allen said she "hopes to see the college grow as more of a community." She added, "I also hope to see the graduate and part-time studies student population grow."

College and University News Letter of interest to the campus

Brown University

Eleven members of the Student Labor Alliance went to Target in Warwick to protest Target's use of sweatshops and address Target CEO Robert Ulrich about this problem.

Chantex workers are fighting wages as low as 30 cents an hour, restrictions on health leaves, timed bathroom breaks and 12-hour work days.

Small groups of students walked into Targets with flyers asking customers to sign them. The protesters attracted security and were removed from the store within an hour.

University of Alabama

"Mark's Madness" was held at the stroke of midnight on Oct. 20, marking the first celebration of a midnight practice in the university's history. Full time students registered to win a $5,000 scholarship given away after third quarter. Also, attempts were made for a half-court shot worth $5,000, and there was a game of students against coaching staff.

University of California

A riot erupted on Saturday after the football victory earlier that night. Hundreds of people crowded into the street and began stealing from area stores. The riot broke out when a large crowd was denied access to a Kappa Alpha Psi frat party at the Student Union. A fire alarm was pulled and everyone was forced outside. Several students said the Berkley police department took too long to respond to the riot.

University of Hawaii

On Friday, Oct. 20, the basketball team held a Midnight Ohana at the Stan Sheriff Center. This night was to get the school pumped for the upcoming basketball season. Students were given a chance to shoot a free throw for free tuition. Two scholarships were given--one to the first male to make the shot, Colin Wagatsuma and the other to the first female to make the shot, Rie Ikeda. Ikeda's shot was taken by head coach Riley Wallace.

University of Michigan

Shannon Elizabeth Mayes, a junior, and her sister were killed in a car accident early on Saturday morning, Oct. 15. A 20-year-old man from the area was also involved in the accident. The two girls were pronounced dead on arrival at the area hospital. The girls' father said, "The person who hit her, they don't know ifhe was drunk because they didn't take a blood alcohol test. He ran a red light and was going 90 miles per hour." The accident remains under investigation.

-Justine DiFilippo


To the Cabrini College Community:

Over the years our community has stood behind its members through good times and through times of tragedy. We believe that the students, faculty and administrators are part of the family that makes Cabrini so unique as a school.

Two weeks ago, one of our family members suffered a terrible tragedy. This student lost everything in a fire that destroyed the family's home and all of their possessions. Now. they are in need of the most basic things-soap, towels, sheets, blankets, school supplies, etc.

Phi Sigma Iota, the international foreign language honor society, would like to ask for your help on behalf of our member in need. We will be holding a fund raiser to help the student and their family recover from this tragedy and to show our support as

part of the Cabrini Community. Anything that you can contribute would be greatly appreciated from 25 cents to $25, it does not matter what the amount is. All that matters is that we are able to come together as a community to help one of our family members who needs us.

If you wish to donate items such as bed sheets (2 queen beds and 1 twin), blankets or towels (in neutral colors such as beige or gray) please bring them to Myrna Grandgenett in the Mission Integration Office in the Mansion. If you wish to donate money please make checks out to "Cabrini College" and put "Student Fire Relief'' on the memo line. You can bring any monetary donations to Lourdes Baretto in the Faculty Secretaries offices. Thanks so much for your concern!

...,_,i_ ----·---------·-------····-·-------·---····-~~---······-············ Loquitur NEWS le • • ~......-." 5
-Katie Mirek, president of Phi Sigma Iota

What is the best Halloween costumeyou've ever worn?

Video dance party 'something to do,' probably won't be back

Legal parties may not be legal anymore, but Cabrini students haven't hung up their dancing shoes yet.

On Saturday, Oct. 21, CAP Board hosted a Video Dance Party in the Grace Hall Atrium.

The DJs, two brothers from New York, were hired from Big Wave Entertainment. Unlike the typical DJs students have become accustomed to, they specialized in Hip Hop and Underground Hip Hop.

Tricia Arnold, senior and SGA CAP Board chair, was disappointed with the variety of music they played. ''The didn't seem to cater to what we wanted them to play."·

Colin McGinley, junior and CAP Board member, said after leaving a Board meeting held after the dance, ''The general consensus was that other than the music, we thought it would be a lot better."

The Video Dance Party consisted of dancing, music and video clips projected onto a huge, white screen in the center of the room.

The huge screen turned out to be a challenge for CAP Board members. They had originally intended to place it in a comer of the Atrium. Big Wave Entertainment, how-

ever, accidentally brought a larger screen than the Board members expected. It was too big to fit in a comer and was, in fact, too big to put anywhere except in the middle of the room, cutting the dance floor in half.

All in all, the screen was a point of criticism for many of the students that attended the dance.

"I think they could have found a better place for the screen," said junior Casey Smith.

Junior John Ferrise thought, ''The big TV was a nice try" but wasn't very impressed with it.

Amy Arcuicci, junior, had a suggestion for improvement. ''They should have used the videos for the music they were playing."

Arnold, McGinley and the rest of the board were not completely satisfied with the dance. Arnold remained positive. "Overall, it was a success," she said.

But McGinley was not. "Most likely we're not bringing it back."

In the course of the night, 270 people came through the dance, some stayed to dance and others just passed through.

Arnold and her board stand behind the dance. "It was something to do," she said.

1ST club tours Internet company, plans various future events

staff writer

A variety of majors, particularly education majors, recently had the opportunity to tour a popular internet company while traveling to BigChalk.com under the leadership of Cabrini's Information Systems Technology club. BigChalk.com, which is an online help service for kindergarten through 12th grade students, acts as an informational resource for students and schools.

Recently relocating from Wayne to Berwyn, Pa, the internet company has an online service that offers homework help and practice questions that might appear on standardized tests.

The trip included a tour of various areas of the company. Those who attended were exposed to the software department, operations, quality control, sales and marketing center, as well as the data center. The tour lasted about an hour.

Junior Crystal Boodoo, president of the 1ST club, said that many students needed this type of exposure. "Many students are just working on their computers in their rooms, and not getting enough introduction to external services," Boodoo said. "The whole point of a club is to get people involved in a fun way outside of the classroom."

The 1ST club, which just started last year, is an academic club whose purpose is to get people involved in technology. Computer majors are not the only majors who can become involved in the club. "We want to open

the club up to as many people as possible," Boodoo said. "We want everyone from accounting to communications to education majors, or those who express any interest." The membership base isn't large since the club was just started, bui: as Boodoo organizes more events, she hopes more individuals will become interested.

The club also proves to be an excellent networking opportunity for students. It often holds 1ST alumni events, where alumni who have established themselves in a company can be a contact and offer advice to students.

Not all events are academic. On Oct. 27, the 1ST club will to travel to New York to attend a free major event involving some of the top names in internet computing. For more information, contact Boodoo before Oct. 20. Adobe Systems, Dell Computer and Creative Labs are just a few of the 100 companies expected to attend. The companies will be displaying any innovative strides that they've made in the past five years. Everything from software improvement to new products will be introduced.

H any students have any questions or are interested in joining the 1ST club, or just want to attend this event, e-mail Crystal Boodoo at Crysta1FB19@hotmail.com or leave a note in mailbox 837.

•a ghostbuster"
Troy Blandon,11rst-yearstudent
"a punk rocker"
Shira Y. Marshall, senior
NEWS Thursday, Oct. 26, 2000
Josh Selchert, sen1or

Cabriniana room offers history of Mother Cabrini

Imagine being able to walk into the life of Mother Cabrini, right now, and learning everything you could possible know about her and her fabulous life. Thanks to the Cabriniana room located upstairs in the Holy Spirit Library, students and faculty are able to do just this.

The Cabriniana room, which has been· up and running for 18 years, primarily focuses on the life of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini and the Italian-American experience since she arrived in America in 1889. Sister Mary Louise Sullivan is the curator of the room and Letitia Principato is the assistant curator.

An array of wonderful items fill the Cabriniana room, including many of Mother Cabrini's writings, copies of her teaching certificate, baptismal record and even gifts she received from Pope Leo XIII. There are also numer-

ous photographs of Mother Cabrini and her missionary sisters, who were a religious order of women, displayed throughout the room.

Books are abundantly lined on bookshelves with several acidfree boxes filled with her convent diaries and other artifacts. Thirteen volumes of books overflowing with letters that Mother Cabrini wrote from 1890 to 1917 are available. Although all of the letters are written in Italian, some have been translated to English. Biographies of Mother Cabrini's life • are written in several languages that range from Italian, French, Portuguese, Spanish and English and are arranged accordingly around the room.

An original habit, the uniform that Mother Cabrini and the missionary sisters wore, is modeled in a corner.

"The Cabriniana room is the center of immigration studies, particularly Italian immigration," Sullivan said, who completed a

doctoral dissertation on Mother Cabrini. "The room is a work in progress. We would be very happy to have people drop in on Tuesdays to explore the room."

Behaving as a comprehensive research center for Mother Cabrini and other women's studies, some have completed extensive research in the sanctuary. "I wrote most of my thesis on Mother Cabrini based on the abundance of information I found in this room," Principato said. "The Cabriniana room is a special collection of the library that not many people know about. It's the best kept secret here on campus."

Sister Ursula Infante, who founded Cabrini College in 1957 and is 103 years old, spent a total of 10 years working in the Cabriniana room during the mid'80s. She took thousands of letters and translated them from Italian to English. Ursula lived in the Mansion on campus and worked on the letters everyday for several hours at a time.

Christian conference promotes leadership, spirituality

This past weekend, the Christian Leadership Conference took place in Camden, N.J.

The 24 hour-retreat, which went from Friday, Oct. 20 to Saturday, Oct. 21, was coordinated by campus ministers, Dr. Mary Laver and John DiMucci. The purpose of the retreat, according to Laver, was to help students develop their leadership skills and spirituality together.

Laver noticed that once students get involved in Campus Ministry, they begin to discover their gifts and talents. As a result of this, they grow eager to get involved in leadership, in Campus Ministry and other services as well.

Laver and DiMucci contacted Matthew F. Manion, the executive director of the Catholic Leadership Institute in Ardmore, Pa. Through Manion, the conference was scheduled and planned.

The name of the program that the institute uses and the conference was styled after is called Leadership for Life. This program is practical and interactive. It provides students with knowledge they can use whether they're working on a social service program or for a


Twelve students attended the conference. The major themes included conflict resolution, recognizing gifts and talents, leading a group effectively and stages of group development. The attendees took part in discussions, role-playing games and indoor and outdoor activities.

DiMucci said, "The conference exceeded our expectations. In Christian Ministry, we try to make everything we do fun and interesting. People had a good time and they learned a lot."

According to two of the students who attended the conference, it did help them to understand their roles as leaders.

Sophomore John Verdi said, "Many of the topics that were addressed during the retreat helped me to understand my role as a leader. Many of the qualities that were brought up during the retreat have given me the opportunity to take the information and use it successfully in real life situations."

Junior Crystal Boodoo said, "I think it helped me a lot to understand how to be a better leader. It is something I can definitely use in both my personal and professional life."

Loquitur NEWS 7
photo by Mike Fenn Sister Mary Louise Sullivan holds up a picture of Mother Cabrini, in her office, the Cabriniana room, on the second floor of the library. phetr>by LinseyHel$er Lisa Learner-Wagner, assistant professor of fine alts, was one of the six artists chosen out of 5,000 to do a tile mosaic of a train station in New Jersey. She is pictured her with her husband, Richard Wagner, with the mock-up of the train station.

The historyof Halloween: You don't know Jack

Ever since I was a child my first memory of Halloween was going to the pumpkin patch and searching for the perfect pumpkin that would grace the front steps of my house. I would try so hard to be very detailed when carving the eyes, nose and crooked mouth. After my pumpkin creation my mother would then make pumpkin pie.

After remembering this particular fond moment of my childhood. I pondered one question how did the pumpkin become associated 1with Halloween? Well the answer I found is in the tale of a man named Jack.

According to Irish folklore a man name Jack, well known for his drunkenness and quick temper got very drunk at a local pub on All Hallows Eve. Jack was on the brink of death when the Devil appeared to claim Jack's soul. Jack, wanting to live, begged the Devil to let him have one more drink before he died. The Devil agreed to Jack's plea. Jack was short of money and asked the Devil if he would not mind assuming the shape of a coin so he could pay for the drink. After the transaction the Devil could change back.

The Devil agreed. Jack immediately grabbed the coin and shoved it into his wallet. So the Devil would now be imprisoned in the wallet. Jack agreed to let the Devil out from his wallet if the Devil promised not to bother Jack for a year.

The Devil agreed.

Realizing he had to make this year count. He decided to change his life around and began to be good to his wife and children. And even attended church and gave to charity.

Eventually Jack regressed into

his old ways.

The next All Hallows Eve Jack was on his way home and the Devil appeared. Once again Jack distracted the Devil by pointing to a nearby apple tree. Jack convinced the Devil to get an apple from the tree. Jack took a knife and carved a cross into the tree. Tapped once again the Devil howled to be released and told Jack he would give him 10 years of his life in exchange for his release. Jack on the other hand, insisted the Devil never bother him again.

Again the Devil agreed.

Almost a year later Jack's body, unable to keep up with his evil ways, gave out and he died. When Jack tried to enter Heaven he was told that because of his meanness he would not be allowed into Heaven. When Jack attempted to gain entry into Hell, the Devil refused Jack admission. However, being the generous Devil he was, he threw a piece of coal to Jack to help him find his way in the dark. Jack put the piece of coal into a turnip and it became know as a Jack O'Lantem. On All Hallows Eve you can still see Jack's flame burning dimly as he searches for a home.

Interesting story... right?

You might ask how do pumpkins fit into this? See Jack O'Lantems were used as festival lights for Halloween. This custom descends from the Irish who used to carve out beets or turnips for lanterns.

On Halloween these lights represented the souls of the dead or goblins freed from the dead. When the Irish emigrated to America they could not find many turnips to carve the Jack O'Lantems but they did find a ton of pumpkins.

For more information on this anct"other scary stories to get you in the Halloween spirit visit www.halloweemnagazine.com.

Other Traditional Treats

Dressing up in costumes, bobbing for apples and trick-or-treating are some of Halloween's most famous traditions.While growing up we all did these things every year in honor of Halloween, but did them without any wonder. Why did we dress up as our favorite cartoon character or superhero and ask strangers for a tasty treat? All we were thinking was, "free candy."

These traditions originated over 2,000 years ago in Ireland. The Celtics celebrated Samhain on October 31, which is the Celtic New Year.

The people believed that at this time the spirits of those who had died in the past ye~ would come back to haunt the living to bring them into the world of the supernatural. This is how costumes came about.

The townspeople would dress up in gruesome masks and parade around the neighborhoods being loud and disruptive so that they would frighten the spirits. They would also put out fires in their homes, making them uninviting, so that the spirits would not want to enter.

When the Celtics were taken over by the Roman Empire, they also began practicing Roman traditions. One of these was the worship of Pomona, the goddess of harvest. Apples were her signature fruit. They symbolize good luck. Today bobbing for apples is a popular Halloween party activity. ;

Trick-or-Treating originated from the people who would dress up as fairies, going door to door begging for treats. If a treat was not presented then the homeowner was in for some kind of prank. , '

So this year when you are at a crazy Halloween bash, you no longer have to stop and wonder the significance of why your face is in a bucket fishing for an apple, or why you are wearing a costume, now you know why.

8 FEATURES------------Th_ursda_~Y•~_t_.u_._20_00
photo taken by Jenine Ike/er Two masks available and popular from MStar Wars," Yoda and the Emperor.

What to wear:A Halloween costumereview

Okay, this year let's try and be just a tad more original with our costume selection. Everyone kick your cliche farmer. costume to the curb and get in the Halloween spirit.

Deciding what to be for Halloween can be extremely aggravating. Face it there is a lot of pressure to find that perfect costume. Do you want the sexy or scary look? With all of the choices one can easily just give up and decide not to go out on All Hallow's Eve. We have done our research and are officially costume connoisseurs.

So why does everyone choose to dress up as the same old boring things such as witches, devils, cats and hookers? Possibly a lack of creativity is the case or just plain old laziness. Well there are no excuses this year.

In the heart of Wayne sits a century-old costume store. Irvin Stern's Costumes, located at 163 East Lancaster Ave., is a family owned business that is open all year.

You would think that Halloween is the busiest time of year, but John Williamson, store owner, explained that it is just one of the many hectic costume-bearing holidays. Stern's has a wide variety of costumes that will tickle your fancy. You can choose anything from Aladdin to 2'.orro.


Sometimes things happen that we like to forget.

Talking about it is not always easy. That's why we were fortunate enough to have Rick Lieb, Vietnam Veteran, come to Cabrini to share bis experiences about the war. Recently be returned to the places be fought over 30 years ago. He spoke about the facts. He described the locations, the events, even his return to America. When asked about questions below the surface, be maintained an upbeat response and usually included a humorous anecdote. He openly admitted be "tries to forget."

Who can blame him? He shared with us the horror stories of the ruthless Vietcon. They were only words to us that created images. But be lived through these images himself.

This raises a question. Many of us have loved ones that have had to endure the same experiences. Do we bring it up? Do we pretend it didn't happen?

William Snow, junior Jessica Snow's father, enlisted as a military police officer. Although they do not discuss it often, J. Snow recalled a time as a little girl when she found a picture in her father's room of friends from the war. "I asked who the two men were with hiin, and he told me their names and simply stated that 'they didn't come back from Vietnam.'" Most of the information Snow learned about her father's experiences she obtained from her mother or grandmother. "My grandmother told me that the hardest part was when be returned and people took out their frustrations with the war on hiin," Snow recalled.

Junior Matthew Tooley seldomly speaks to bis father, who was a medic in the 4th infantry, Frank Tooley, about the issue. "If I have a question I don't hesitate to bring it up, but I just assume he would rather not rehash the whole thing," Tooley stated. Frank Tooley bas been to the Vietnam Memorial once and saw many names of the men be served with. "My dad still thinks about it once and awhile, but he tries not to," Tooley said.

When senior Alex Muller was considering joining the Navy after college, his father, Fran Muller, convinced him otherwise. "Since the war he has reflected on his choice of enlisting in the Navy [during the Vietnam war], and he disagrees with that decision." Like Tooley, Muller can talk to his dad about the situation, but does not make a habit

out of it.

The speaker, Rick Lieb, also added that be feels the media has a huge contribution to creating the image of the "homeless veteran."

"Each year you read about an unfortunate soldier who lives on the steps of some building in the city and is addicted to drugs. There are just as many successful veterans out there that they don't focus on," Lieb stated.

All three student's fathers are in fact in the latter category. They all lead lives in successful businesses, ranging from carpentry to the police force.

9 _Loq~w-·tur--------------FEATURES---------------
photo by Jenine Ike/er
NOT FOR SCARED THE • • Anyone interested in some haunting Halloween fun? Head to the Eastern State Penitentiary .... When: Sunday 6:00 pm How much: $5 (regularly $20) Available in resident life office Transportation included '
photo courtesy of Matthew Tholey Father and son, Frank and Matthew Tholey pose for a graduation picture almost 30 years after Frank fought in Vietnam.

A story that may save your life

EDITORIAL Access denied _by Cabrini

C~brini students can go and download information from any pornographic or questionable site, but are unable to access a web site still entirely legal and most often informative.

Napster.com is a site devoted to music-file sharing. In addition to the file sharing, there are polls and congressional links that support Napster.com's argument on why they are within legal limitations. The college has blocked access to the site, therefore making its own judgment and legal ruling against N apster.com by disallowing the other side of the argument to be heard from the source. Napster.com promotes an opportunity for unsigned artists to circulate work that would otherwise go unheard. Napster.com in no way has control of what types of music files- are shared between users. In essence, it's the sanie as lending someone a CD or tape.

So the question that remains is why has the college banned access to a site enforcing a policy that has no legs? In late August the courts found Napster.com guilty of copyright infringement laws and had the site temporarily shut down. Napster.com appealed and had the site up and running three days later, all within legal reason. Cabrini is not the only college enforcing the policy of banning the site. Upwards of 30 percent of schools nationwide have issued this ban on Napster.com. One argument states that colleges do not want to be in support of something that they feel is illegal on their campuses.

What colleges do not get is that it does not stop with Napster.com. File sharing sites such as Gnutella.com are spreading like wildfire on Napster.com's heels. Many computers already come with a parental lock feature that allows parents to control what sites their children can access. What's next, college locks? Napster.com's fate is still up in the air. They are expected to be back in court within the next month for another one of possibly several more hearings. Until a ruling is reached Napster.com should be fair game to anyone with access. Colleges do wield power, but the government swings a heavier hammer, and perhaps that's who the colleges should be listening to and not to what they think makes them look more upstanding.

_Stcphanil1.1:gicc~ C O 1\11\·1ENT A RY

I love meeting new people, and I love the way they can affect your life in an instant The way a person tells a story or the way they conduct themselves can almost become contagious. Even if you only met someone for a few hours they can leave a part of themselves that you will take,with you forever.Last year I met a man that changed the way I think about drunk driving forever.

Over Christmas break last year, a group of friends and I went downtown to hang out We wound up at a trendy coffee house named Xando's which is located right off of South Street. We were gossiping about people we knew from high school when a young man walked up to our table. He had strawberry blonde hair was about 130 pounds and about 5 feet 6 inches. His face looked pale against the black leather coat he was wearing.

"Hi girls, how are you," he said with an innocent smile.

"Do you mind if I sit down?"

We all took a look around at each other's expressions and warmly said sure.

He told us that his name was JB and that he was glad to meet us all. He asked us what school we all went to and what our majors were. We all told him about our schools, Temple, Cabrini, Yorlc,Marywood and about how basically we were all studying English.

"Wow, I used to study English when I was in college. I went to Temple but I didn't graduate," he said with his hands tightly held together and his head looking down.

We asked him why he didn't graduate and this was when he told us about his life.

When he was a junior in college he was into drugs and alcohol. He told us about how he would get drunk and smoke and was even addicted to such hea,y drugs as cocaine. One night he and his best friend were driving home from a party intoxicated and high. JB was driving when he fell asleep at the wheel crashing into a tree. He woke up later after being in a coma with a massive head injury. He was notified that his best friend had been killed in the crash.

JB sat for a second in silence. He couldn't remember anything before high school and would go through years of physical therapy. He had to be taught how to do basic skills including walking, reading and writing.

He told us that he has trouble staying awake past lO o'clock and how he needs help with a lot of things.

My friends and I listened to his story, jaws opening and closing, tears in our eyes as this man told us about his second chance at life. My friend asked if he was thankfulfor his second chance at life and if he was now closer with God. He mentioned how he was not a man of strong faith but that he was glad to be alive.

He told us about how he loves to write and how he is in the process of writing a book with a woman who helps him with his thoughts. He stressed how important it is to

stay away from drinking and driving and to never get in the car with someone who is under the influence. JB wants to have a house of his own and wants to go back to college. His mother fears that it will be too much for him but he is working towards it. h took him over five years to get where he is today and he is still a lot slower than a man of his age should be.

My friend said he should become a motivational speaker at area schools to talk about his experience. JB said that someday he would like to. When JB was done talking he said he was going to go have a cigarette. He walked over to the couple whom he was having coffee with and I remember him saying "See I told you they were nice." That was the last I ever saw or heard of that man.

My friends and I sat at our table staring at our lattes and cappuccinos with a new-found sensitivity in our hearts. We let this man sit at our table and share his thoughts with open minds and curious thoughts. It arnaz.esme howI was at that coffee house at the same time JB was. If anything he has made me realize how one little car ride home can change the lives of many forever. I just hope that by reading this article JB has helped save the lives of a few more passengers.

Steph Masucciis the ManagingEditor of the Loquitur.She's not wearing a mask, but she is wearinga wig.

Loquitur is established as a romm for student eipression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open disc~on or issues.

Starr Writers

Kendra Clark Jill Hindman

Mike Bevelaqua Georgiana Rushworth

Beth Ann Conahan Jenine lkeler

Jennifer Coots Michael A. Ka7.anjian

Matthew Coughlin Marianne McKim

Jennifer Devereaux Lauren Norton

Justine Difilippo John O'Donnell

Renee DiPietro Kate Pelusi

Jennifer Ford Julia Marie Teti

Amy Gassen Tracy Timson

Jessica Giordano Renee Tomcanin

Geri Lynn Utter

Editor in chief: Joe Holden

Managing editor: Stephanie Masucci

News editor: Linsey Heiser

Sports editor: Jessica Snow

A&E editor: Shanna Lynn Fanelli

Perspectives editor: Mike Butler

Features editor: Meghan Merkel

Photography editor: Matt Holmes

Ad,·ertising editor: Jose Jalandoni

Design editor: Janice Funk

Adviser: Dr. Jeny Zurek

Laura Gi\'ey

Mike Bevelaqua

Stacy Hanby

Staff Pbotograpbers

Mike Fenn Justine Difilippo

Anita Pirri Jenine fkeler

Tory Ey Michele Palandro

Matt Holmes

Editorial Board

Linsey Heiser Michael A. Kazanjian

Joe Holden Stephanie Masucci Meghan Merkel

Jessica Snow Matt Tooley

10 The
editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.
see related article on pg. 2 PERSPECTIVES Thursday, Oct. 26, 2000
l I
Loquitur is a labon.LOryDCM'ipaptt 'Arntt.en,edited and produced by itudems registered in 00\1 J.:6, 3$0. J,1. 353 and 354 Members ofmt campuscommuaity ll"C irrvrtcd lo work on 01 submit stories for Only studenu rqinered in the ab<weda.ues. however, are eligible 10 receive acadtmic credit. Subscnptiu. price is $25 per yew and is included m the benefits KCured m tw.noa and fees. Loquitur wclcome.s lcami to the editor. Lene.rssbou&dbe SlCrted ud tbe autbonbip tno to the cd.Lton. Namesarc "''ltheld oaly ill llllUIUaJdtcum1tanoes approved by the ediuir ia chief. Let· te., lO the ed.i10l'should be submitted by noon oo Mondays.

The return of a Nielsen Top Ten list

"Let that which does matter truly slide " -Fight Club.


10) You spend an hour eating a dinner in the cafeteria that you don't even like.

2) You've made up a ''tree" detailing who among your friends has hooked up with who else.

CHRIS NIELSEN words. Just figure it out.)

We may be seeing the death of quite a beloved tradition this year. No more Spring Fling as we know it, no more legal parties and probably no Crenior Sprawl (not it's true name, I'm not allowed to even say the

But some traditions continue, well and strong. One of these traditions is the Senior Slide. You've all probably heard about the Slide and thought that it was the typical mindset of most second semester seniors when graduation gets closer. Well, it's not The Slide has already begun and it doesn't seem likely to end any time soon.

As anyone who has read the Loquitur through the years knows, I love doing Top 10 lists. I also love doing 'The Nielsen Ratings" butI think those single--handedlycost us a ACP Mark of Distinction last year.

So here 8IC the •,op 10 SIGNS YOU ARE ON THE

9)You cut your night class to attend a CAP sponsored game show.

8) 8 Minute Abs- easy. 8 minutes reading Faulknerstrenuous.

7) You drink beer on Sunday nights just to get rid of "leftovers."

6) You are obsessed with "sour damage" to the school.

5) You've caught up with "Dawson's Creek."

4) Two words: Ultimate Frisbee

3) You've sent out an E-mail celebrating ''National Friendship Week."

1) The WWF plays a role in any way, shape or form in your life.

See, everyone is guilty! And we all used to be so smart. Well, I guess that maybe we have earned this. These past three years have been tough. And if you've come this far and you are not currently on the six-year degree program, well, congratulations. You just about owe it to yourself to make it a Blockbuster night everyone once in a while instead of a Dean's List night.

Well, there you have it. Let's face it, life ain't that bad here at Cabrini College. It seemed like it might be in September, but look around. Things are basically all right. Hell, 100 or so young world travelers, and a week later Ruthie from 'The Real World," all had a good time here. Why shouldn't you?

Chris Nielsen is a guest columnist for the Loquitur. If his "Nielsen Ratings" cost the Loquitur an ACP Mark of Distinction last year, God knows what Mike '80s Butler has cost the Loquitur this year.

"-'.:ll.J'2'-Jl"-I: Loquitur PERSPECTIVES 11
Double \Var Hell Ride--- two visual commentaries from Mike ·sos Butler
pretty evident that ing hit my car, but it ult to be sure because gotten in a lot of accioents that week.''
Xavier Hall Public Safety reports no arsons at Cabrini in the school year 1998-99.
- a t from Becki Carman s letter to the editor in weeks Loquitur.

Coming your way

Dr. T delivers the goods

Robert Altman knows his craft. The acclaimed director of "M*A*S*H," and "Nashville" (which i~ currently available in a beautiful DVD package) is back with his third feature in three years. Not too bad for a guy quickly approaching his 76th birthday. In his latest film "Dr. T and the Women," Altman does what he's best at, putting together an extensive all-star cast and telling stories reminiscent of the days of Cary Grant and Clark Gable.

Altman re-teams with screenwriter Anne Repp (who wrote Altman's last film, "Cookies Fortune") for another over-the-top southern fable. Richard Gere stars as Dr. T, a gynecologist who, ironically enough, every woman in town adores. If you're willing to take "Dr. T" for what it is, that of an off-beat quasi-romantic comedy, you'll come away entirely satisfied.

Altman knows how to work a cast. Some of today's big name directors, like Paul Thomas Anderson, use Altman's gigantic casting strategy, but

with nary the same effect that Altman has perfected throughout his years. Take a look at 'Short Cuts" by Altman and then P.T. Anderson's "Magnolia" and you'll understand completely.

The women in Dr. T's life are very typical. We've seen them before and know them like old acquaintances. But through Repp's script and a dynamic cast of women including Helen Hunt, Kate Hudson and Laura Dern, they're able to transform repetition into something new. Each of them, especially the up-and-coming Hudson who also stars in "Almost Famous," bring a unique charm and depth to each scene they appear in.

The story is simple. All of the women in Dr. T's life are inducing an incredible amount of stress upon a man who is already dealing with a mentally unstable wife (Farah Fawcett dancing naked in a mall fountain) planning a wedding and having women falling for him (and away from him) when he least expects. Gere grabs ..onto the role with a certain charm that many actors of his generation have long forgotten. The role is a good one for Gere who has spent the

last several years in roles like "First Knight" and "The Jackyl" that didn't really fit his likeable but sometimes charmingly cocky attitude.

Gere is able to do something here that Gere doesn't typically do in his films and that is being the driving force of the picture. It seemed that Gere was more of background leading man, whose name while being synonymous with big budget movies and enormous salaries, really wasn't the reason people filled theatre seats. Maybe it's Altman's carefully chosen, warm shots, or Repp's endearing dialogue, or maybe Richard Gere is finally growing into his own. Either way it's something that he will hopefully carry into his future projects.

Just like any good gynecologist, "Dr.T'' delivers. Don't expect to see it as the film of the year and try to disregard the Fellini-like ending. Trust me, I'm not giving anything away, I'm just trying to prepare you for the worst. And you'll walk away from Altman's latest like you would the rest of his films, not really sure if you liked it until a few days afterward.

The dead will rise

=-b.L..=:Jc.=e.:.:n.:..:n.:.:ifi-=-e:....r"---Fi--'-o_,d;...._____ _ _ _____ _ staff writer

The woods on campus will be converted into a spooky site for the annual Cabrini College Haunted Trail.

The Haunted Trail is an event that started at Xavier Hall and has been celebrated by Cabrini students and the Radnor community for years.

Each year a group of 25 to 40 students decorate the Grace Hall Woods and put on a Halloween display for anyone who is interested. ''We do it each year because it is fun

and the community likes it," Colin McGinley, the CAP board co-chair said.

To save money, costumes and set from prior haunted trails are kept in the closet of the commuter lounge. The money collected as an entrance fee is used to rent equipment such as fog machines.

Usually, the Haunted Trail is set up the day of the event. " All people are welcome to join in. Any person can get involved," McGinley said.

Come out to the trail!

Grace Hall Woods (enter through main entrance and out the side door)

Friday, Oct. 27 at 8 p.m. - 11 p.m.

Saturday,Oct28 at 8 p.m. -llp.m.

$2 for adults

$ 1 for children

Free admission for Cabrini students

Hosted and created by Campus Activities and Programming Board

For more informationcall: ColinMcGinley - CAP BoardCo-Chair(610) 902-8401

On and Off-CampusEvents

• Nov. 2 Cabrini Day.

• Nov. 4 FallFormal9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at theValley ForgeRadisonHotel.

• Nov. 7 Election Day.

• The PhiladelphiaMuseum of Art,special exhibit, "Van Gogh: Face to Face."Runs until Jan. 14.Tickmust be bought in advance. Students are $15 weekdays, $18 weekends.Adults are $18 weekdays, $20 weekends. 26th Street and the BenjaminFranklin Parkway.Phone: 215-235-7469.Web; www.philamuseum.org.


• ''Blair Witch 2'' opening Oct. 31. Sequel to the low-budget hit horror film. The movie follows a group of young people who are obsessed by the Blair Witch phenomenon. They head into the cursed Black Hills for a tour and end up having a terrifying experience. Starring Kim Director, Jeffrey Donovan and Tristen Skyler.

• "Charlie's Angels," opening Nov. 3. Action/comedy based on the hit l 970s TV show of the same name. The trio of beautiful, Americanspies use Kung fu to stop international terrorism. Starring Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu, Cameron Diaz and Bill Murray.

• "The Legendof BaggarVance," opens Nov. 3. A sports drama about a WWI war hero who gets help in a professional golf tournament from a seemingly all-knowing caddy. Starring Matt Damon, Will Smith and Charlize Theron.


RewosedOct. 31

"Mama's Gun" Erykah Badu.

''Musicllespome" The Chemical Brothers. "Biz7.ar" Insane Clown Posse.

'VfheLast Meal"Snoop Dogg.

"All That Youcan't LeaveBehind" U2.

Released Nov. 7

"AllyMcBeal Christmas'' Original Soundtrack. "TP2.com'' R. Kelly.

''Forever" Spice Girls.

''Live" Ziggy Marley.

, \ 12 A&E
Thursday, Oct. 26, 2000
____ ~~a'"'
staff writer

The reality of 'The Real World'

'The Real World:Hawaii"cast member,Ruthie,came to visitlast week to discussthe dangersof excessivedrinking. She shared her experienceson the show and what she learned for her experienceswithbinge drinking.

"I'm not saying to be like me," said 22 year old Ruthie during her speech to promote alcohol awareness week last Thursday night.

"The Real World: Hawaii" cast member has been making appearances at colleges all over the United States since the series ended its television run on MTV last summer.

The Real World is a show where "seven strangers get picked to live in a house, and have their Jives taped, to find out what happens when people stop getting polite and start getting real.''

"They tape 3,000 hours

of our lives, and they only air 8 hours on television," said Ruthie when explaining why nobody can really say they "know" a cast member. Ruthie entered the show as the only native-born Hawaiin cast member on the show.

"When I came on the show all of my roommates thought I would be able to show them around but I am from the other side of the island," said Ruthie.

She was just as clueless to the neighborhood as her roommates were and she mentioned that she may have only been picked for the show because of her Hawaiian background.

Ruthie, a triplet, was raised by a foster family

until she moved away to school. Her family refused to pay for her education and her grandmother stated that she would never make it through college. Ruthie attended Rutgers University and when she became a sophomore she called her grandmother up and told her that she "did make it." Ruthie took a semester off at Rutgers to be on "The Real World."

To become a Real World cast member there is a lengthy process one must follow which starts with the sending in of a tape.

Ruthie missed the cutoff date so she called MTV and told them that they must have lost her tape, since she had sent it in before. They asked her to send in a tape immediately so it could be reviewed. She was called one week later and they conducted an interview over the phone while viewing her look and actions through a video camera.

Ruthie was asked to tell everything about herself to see how "willing I was to open myself up." She remembered how emotional she got when they asked her about her mother and she said that they like to see you show such emotions as crying real tears.

When the Real World cast comes together it is said that they have a honeymoon period before things started getting rough.

"My honeymoon ended the second night," said Ruthie with a slight laugh.

The second night on the show Ruthie consumed so much alcohol that she was unable to walk and her


"The Real World" Gossip

-Kaia \Vasmarried to a man from Africa during the show.

-Kaia speaks fluent Swahellcc.

-Colin was offered a television series but it was cancel1ed.

-Teck takes ballet lessons.

-Ruthie's twin sister was not in Jove with .Matt.

-Ruthie's older sister wrote Matt a six-page •• loye letter.


eyes were rolling behind her head. Her roommates took her home and tried to revive her by putting her under cold water in the shower. They called an ambulance and she was rushed to the emergency room while having her stomach pumped. She didn't remember any of the events from that night so when she saw the show on television she was shocked to see herself so out of control.

"I had only heard about what had happened to me from what my roommates told me. When I saw myself on TV I cried," Ruthie said.

Throughout the show, Ruthie's reckless behavior worsened. She drove intoxicated, threw glass objects on the ground, yelled at her roommates and would wake up the next morning with no recollection of the previous night. Her roommates saw her outrageous and frequent drinking as the first signs of alcoholism.

They kicked her off the show for a month so she could seek professional help. After a month of treatment, she came back

to finish the show.

Ruthie came to Cabrini to help students realize the dangers of excessive drinking. She pointed out that a statistic shows that 80% of college students have sex and 60% of them have sex while under the influence. She said to use precautions since most people do things that they would not do if they were sober.

When she was a freshman at Rutgers University, in New Jersey, she and a group of her friends put one of their friends to bed since she had too much to drink that night. They left the door unlocked and would check on her periodically. The next morning they realized that she had been raped in between one of their checks.

A member of the football team walked into her room and raped this girl that he was friendly with. She never even knew it happened until she woke up the next morning in pain and with her underwear on backwards.

"I'm not saying not to drink," Ruthie said. "I'm just saying be careful.•

photo by Jenine Ike/er Ruthie was more then happy to talk to students and pose for pictures after she spoke.

~·~-sixersto begin exciti

The NBA season is right around the corner. Tip-off is set for Oct 31. And for the Philadelphia 76ers, it should be another exciting season. After yet another second round playoff exit at the bands of the Indiana Pacers for the second year in a row, the Sixers look to get beyond that and get closer to a world championship.

It all starts with Allen Iverson, the Sixers' star who spent some time talcing on a new but brief career in rap music. Much controversy and dispute was raised on that topic and his album, but that it all behind everyone now and it is time to look ahead to the season. Look for Ivers~m to once again lead the team in scoring and see his field goal percentage improve. Hopefully be has improved himself as a leader and team player. But, that is why they play the games.

Along with Iverson, Eric Snow is back. All Snow really bas to do is keep improving on his game that he has done so well with in the past. He averaged around eight assists a game last year, which is a great sign for the team. We will just have to see if he can carry that stat into this season. In addition to Snow and Iverson in the

backcourt, the Sixers are also returning guard Aaron Mckie who had a great showing last year in the playoff series versus Indiana. A great all around player, look for McKie to continue to do what be does best, and that is get the other four players on the court involved.

In the frontcourt, the Sixers are solid with Tyrone Hill who led the team last year with a near 50 percent field goal percentage. George Lynch, will give the Sixers another inside outside threat. Despite being a forward, he led the team in three-point percentage bitting on 41 percent of his attempts. And finally there is my man in the middle, Theo Ratliff who has hopefully already sent out invitations to this season's block party. He led the team in blocks last year accounting for 171 of them. Look for more of that this year along with his rebounding and scoring down low.

And then there is rookie Craig "Speedy" Claxton who unfortunately will miss the entire season. The star guard from Hofstra tore his anterior cruciate ligament in a preseason loss to the Utah Jazz. So, any hopes of seeing Claxton will have to wait for next season. In terms of the pre-season, the Sixers are 4-1. But, Coach Larry Brown is not happy with what he has seen so far. He says that there is a lack of effort on rebounding and shot selection

ng season

so far and wants to see improvement in those areas. And injuries are not helping the team any either. Toni Kukoc bas tendentious in his achilles' tendon. He has been able to play, but just not at full speed. Theo Ratliff suffered a sprained ankle, but the Sixers are taking extra precautions with him. And the worst case is with center, Matt Geiger. His knee injury occurred on the first day of training camp.

So, the Sixers need to get these players back to one hundred percent if they expect to challenge in the Eastern conference, which they will do again this year. Look for another spot in the playoffs and finally getting past the second round. They have more than enough experience in the playoffs to advance to the next round. As for an NBA championship, well the fans in Philadelphia will have to wait on that one. The Sixers have a very good team, but not a great team just yet. But remember, president Pat Croce said he is not going anywhere till he sees a parade down Broad Street. This team will have another great year just as long as the guards get everyone involved and avoid injuries. But that should hopefully not be too much of a problem.

The team opens its season on Oct. 31 taking on the Knicks in New York.

2 big wins for women's volleyball

by John O'Donnell 7, 15-2, and 15-11. future. staff writer a chance to make the playoffs," first year student Kristin Johnson said. The team was led by Farnan, who had 6 kills and 13 digs, Arnold, who had 7 kills and 13 digs, and Gramlick, who had 10 digs and 4 kills. Smith contributed 15 assists.

Cabrini's volleyball team played two key matches during the past week. The first game was on Thursday, Oct.19, against Rosemont College. The Lady Cavaliers won 3-0, posting scores of 15-2, 15-3, and 15-2. Leading the way for Cabrini was senior Tricia Arnold with 6 kills, 6 digs, and 5 aces.

'This is a big win for us because it shows that we are getting better and we still have

Senior Nicole Grarnlick bad 5 kills and 8 digs; first year student Alicia Smith added 13 assists, 4 aces, and 5 digs; first year student Kristin Johnson had 4 kills and 7 digs; Senior Mary Beth Farnan had 4 kills, 4 aces, and 3 digs; and, first year student Teresa Holland had 6 assists, 3 kills, and 5 digs.

The Lady Cavs played against Wilson College on Sunday, Oct. 22. Once again, Cabrini prevailed 3-0, posting scores of 15-

Arnold, the team captain, said that the Rosemont win was needed to keep their playoff hopes alive.

'The Wilson game was not a PAC game, but if felt good to end the season with a win," Arnold added.

Arnold, who missed the last season with a knee injury, feels that the team has a bright

"I was happy with the way the team played because we gave it our all," she said.

'These are two very big wins for us because we're still alive in the playoff picture,"Jim Harrigan the women's volleyball coach said.

However, the Lady Cavs do not control their own destiny. Even if they win all of their remaining games, they will not qualify for the playoffs unless College Misericordia loses the rest of their regular season games.

Last week's results for Cabrini sports

Men's Soccer

The men's soccer team had a great week, winning all of their games.

At Gwyendd-Mercy on Tuesday, Oct. 17, team won 3-0. On Thursday, Oct. 19, the team's home game against Holy Family College gave them another 3-0 victory. The team won again at home on Saturday, Oct. 21 against Marywood University. The score was 7-0.

Goalie Eric Lukach, a junior, had two shutouts this week.

Michael Braun, a senior, was the team's high scorer with five goals.

Women's Soccer

The women's soccer team did well this week, winning 2 of their 3 games.

At the University of Scranton on Tuesday, Oct. 17, the team lost 5-0. They had better results on Thursday, Oct. 19 at King's College, winning 3-0. Goalie Jess Huda, a senior, earned her eighth shutout of the year in this

game. The team earned a 2-1 victory Saturday, Oct. 21 at home against Marywood University. The major scorers for the team this week were junior Katie Hecht and first-year students Colleen Feeney and Lauren Kwiatkowki with one goal each.

Field Hockey

The field hockey team played two games last week.

On Wednesday, Oct. 18 at the College of New Jersey, the team lost 8-0.

On Saturday, Oct. 21, the team played Gwynedd-Mercy in the . '

Pennsylvania Athletic Conference quarterfinals. The team won 4-3 in overtime. Junior Nicole Schulz scored one goal and bad two assists in the game. Senior Monica Paolucci scored the game-winning goal in overtime.


The volleyball team was 2-1 for the week.

On Tuesday, Oct. 17, the volleyball team lost 3-0 at College Misericordia. The team had two 3-0 victories this week. The first was on Thursday, Oct. 19 at Rosemont College. The second

was on Sunday, Oct. 22 at Wilson College.

Cross Country Saturday, Oct. 21 was Cabrini College's Invitational. Both men and women's teams competed against 11 other teams. The men's team came in third place. The women were second overall. Senior Lauren Dean won the women's race setting a meet record of 19:08. Junior Ryan Jones placed the highest for Cabrini in the men's race coming in eighth.

Music,Madnessin Dixon Gym

The lights were bright, the volume of the music comfortable and the events were fun. This year's Midnight Madness celebration was very different from those of the past, and far superior.

The sides of the Dixon Center gym were lined with concessions, raffle ticket-hockers and various other tables. Cabrini's radio station was r~presented, advertising it's new name "89.1, WYBF-FM, The Bum."

The night started out with the usual array of silly contests and prizes, which lead to one of the highlights of the evening for many of the spectators as sophomores Derick Colonello, Ian Duncan and Anthony D' Aleo did a dance to the N'Sync song "It's Gonna Be Me."

photo by Jessica Snow SophomoresDerick Colone/lo,AnthonyD'Aleo and Ian Duncando an impersonationof a dance by the pop group N'Sync to the crowds delightat MidnightMadnesson Friday,Oct. 20., in the Dixon center gym.

Many commented that the troupe's performance was too short and left them wanting more.

impersonators or the dance team was better."

"I've waited my whole life to do an N'Sync dance in front of millions of people," Colonello said.

"This was by far the best Midnight Madness in a long time," Seruor Nick Luchko, president of the Student Government Association, said.

"Derick Colonello can be my Justin Timberlake anytime," Finegan added referring to one of the real members of the five piece pop sensation. He will have to wait for a crowd of millions, but Colonello did describe the experience as "everything I imagined it would be."

In black and blue outfits however, the crowd's favorite attraction was the newly reformed dance team.

"I can vouch for that," senior Lisa Finegan said, "In my five years here at Cabrini never before have I seen such an incredible turnout. Being a huge N'Sync fan, I am having trouble deciding whether the

The purpose of the night is to signify the beginning of the basketball season for both the men's and women's teams which were announced before playing a few games and entertaining more than 300 student spectators.

Overtime success for Cabrini field hockey

The field hockey team played in the semifinals this past Samday, beating GwyneddMercy College 4-3 in overtime.

The Lady Cavaliers were losing 3-0 at half time and needed a pep talk from their head coach Jackie Neary.

"You are better than Gwynedd-Mercy and you can do it," Neary said, giving the players the confidence they needed.

The team came together and with 20 minutes left in the second half junior Nicole Schulz, scored the first goal of the comeback.

Then first year student Maureen McQuade scored the second goal and then junior Carolyn Katkowski scored, tying up the game.

The game went into overtime with seven on seven. Minutes later senior Monica Paolucci scored the winning goal bringing the score to 4-3.

''To score three goals in the second half is awesome," Stephanie Masucci said.

The women beat Gwenedd Mercy 5-1 in their regular season before the playoffs and now beat them in the quarterfinals 4-3.

The field hockey team's overall record is 12 - 9 and 8 - 3 in the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference.

We really pulled ourselves together and drastically came back in the second half," junior Erika Scheife]e, goalie, commented.

"We've learned to play really well together and have all greatly improved as individuals since the start of the season."

'Toe team has had a great season. They have five or six freshmen that play at significant times and score a lot of goals," Bob Macartney, Cabrini's sports information coordinator, said.

The Lady Cavs will now advance to the semifinals to play Wesley College this Wednesday.

If the women win on Saturday they are going to the Championship competition.

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photo by Jessica Snow Senior Andrea Manieri and the dance team recieved a roar of applause for the team's first public performance.
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Lo q u 1 tu r
No. 7
Thursday, Oct.
2000 Radnor, PA 19087 Madnesssignifiesstartof basketballseason
' - - -
by Jessica Snow Cabrini's new dance team was unveiled at "Midnight Madness" on
Oct. 20, in the Dixon Center gym. The captains are seniors Suzy Szafran, pictured above center, and Andrea Manieri.

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Articles inside

Overtime success for Cabrini field hockey

page 15

Music,Madnessin Dixon Gym

page 15

Last week's results for Cabrini sports

page 14

2 big wins for women's volleyball

page 14

ng season

page 14

~·~-sixersto begin exciti

page 14

The reality of 'The Real World'

page 13

The dead will rise

page 12

Dr. T delivers the goods

page 12

The return of a Nielsen Top Ten list

pages 11-12

A story that may save your life EDITORIAL Access denied _by Cabrini

page 10


page 9

Other Traditional Treats

pages 8-9

The historyof Halloween: You don't know Jack

page 8

Christian conference promotes leadership, spirituality

page 7

Cabriniana room offers history of Mother Cabrini

page 7

1ST club tours Internet company, plans various future events

page 6

What is the best Halloween costumeyou've ever worn? Video dance party 'something to do,' probably won't be back

page 6

College and University News Letter of interest to the campus

page 5

New director for graduate and professional studies

page 5

Faithful give public witness by candlelight

page 4

M'i'CabriniDay 2000 promises to educate the heart

page 3

Universities disagree on banning access to Napster

page 2

Veteranspeaks of memories,returnto Vietnam

page 2
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