2 minute read

Cambire.com offers new way to buy and sell textbooks

by Lauren Norton staff writer

"For the past few years, the price of textbooks has increased tremendously. Students always complain they are paying too much for textbooks," Volick Derose, creator of Cambire.com, said. Derose was studying for his master's degree in electrical engineering at Johns Hopkins University when he began the process of designing and implementing this unique website.


"Cambire.com has created a forum for college students across the United States to come together and help each other save money and exchange their textbooks," Derose said.

"As a student, I spent hundreds of dollars on textbooks that were used for a few months then put on a shelf for good, and it was with this in mind that I developed Cambire."

The purpose of Cambire.com is to allow students to browse, search, lease, and exchange textbooks.

"Our website has many advantages," Derose said. First, it allows students to exchange textbooks among themselves, rather than buying new textbooks. Second, it allows students to donate textbooks to each other.

For students - like fist-year students - who do not have textbooks to exchange but want to buy textbooks, this website allows them to advertise what they are willing to pay for textbooks they want.

Although selling textbooks is not the main objective, this service is provided to accommodate students who are interested in gaining money.

Cambire also offers different types of exchange services suitable for students. Not only can a student post listings of textbooks, but also a listing of specific items they are searching for, such as music.

The service, of which registra- tion is free, then provides the opportunity to match up corresponding items resulting in an exchange.

This service officially started mid-September of 2000 and has already received more than 300,000 hits in that short period of time.

For additional information on Cambire Inc. and the services they provide, you can visit their website at www. Cambire.com.


*Registration is free

*Buy textbooks

*Sell textbooks

*Exchange textbooks

Duke University

The administration at Duke U. is considering making it a requirement that all incoming students after 2002 own a laptop computer.

Over the next year and half, Duke's faculty will be trained on the newest technology and on the conversion to wireless. In addition, new transmitters are being installed all over campus.

The possible requirement of laptops is part of plan to use more information technology in the classroom.

The plan also calls for more online learning and the creation of an information studies program.

University of Idaho

Steven Austad, a zoology professor at the University of Idaho, believes that the first 150-year- old person is living right now. Austad is so sure that he bet $500 million dollars against good friend, S. Jay Olshansky, a Chicago researcher. Both Austad and Olshanskywill be depositing $150 in a trust fund, which will reach $500 million in the year 2150. If there is a 150year old human in 2150, the closest living relative of Austad will get the money and the same for if Olshansky if there isn't a 150-year -old human.

If there is an heir of the winner, the money will be distributed to their colleges of choice and used for scholarships.

In 1997, Austad wrote a book called, "Why We Age: What Science is Discovering About the Body's Journey Through Life."

-Linsey Heiser

Tutoring Will Now Be Available Evenings In The Rooymans Center

Tutors will be available for Spanish and math Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights.

This new service is being offered to reach students who have trouble finding time during the day to meet with a tutor.

If you have questions, please contact Janet Shoemaker, tutorial coordinator at ext. 8567.


Sat., Feb. 10 12-2 p.m. Workshop A 2-4 p.m. Workshop B

(Topics: Electronic Resources, ERIC database and Internet tips)

Please can the library at 610-902-8536 to register for Workshop A or B.

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