Feb. 22, 2001 issue 16 Loquitur

Page 12

Infante 104, founder's day established

State courts were battling whether women should be allowed to vote. William McKinley was president and Academy Awardwinning director and filmmaker Frank Capra was born. Mark Twain wrote "Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it," and K.F. Braun invented the television's earliest ancestor, the cathode-ray tube. It was 15 years before Titanic plunged to the bottom of the At-

!antic and the year the college's foundress, Sister Ursula Infante, MSC, was born.

It was 1897.

Sunday marked the 104th birthday of the Philadelphia Archdiocese's oldest religious servant. The college has also deemed Feb. 18 Founder's Day in honor of Sister Infante.

The community of sisters, friends and employees of the Cabrini Sisters' Nursing Home, West Philadelphia, gathered with the post-centurion to celebrate her life and another year at a little past

noon. A full-course lunch was served, followed by cake and gifts. Nine floral arrangements of red and white roses, tulips and lilies towered over the petite and surprised nun.

Sister Infante finds strength in such celebrations. Her fellow sisters know she loves a good party.

At first sight, Sister Infante made sure the most beautiful arrangement of flowers was taken to the chapel to be displayed for daily Mass. A woman of impeccable faith and dedication to Christ, the Blessed Vrrgin and St. Frances

Cabrini, her spirits have been upbeat and her senses have continued to be sharp.

Earlier in the day, a Mass was offered in her honor. Fr. John Dellacarpini, chaplain, thanked her for her dignity and presence and "the pride that she exemplifies in her faith. She's really been a real woman of faith.• Each night, Sister Infante thanks God for her life. "She's on her knees at 104 praying and thanking God.• The other sisters can bear her repeating the words "thank you, God."

continued on pg. 8

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• Bingo, 9 p.m., Widener Center GatheringArea

• Nikki Giovanni Confronts Racism, 9:35 and 10:55 a.m., GraceHallAtrium

, tr i 23

• Last Day for Seniors to apply for Dec. 2001 Graduation

• From Bosnia to Cabrini:A Life's Journey, 12:lOp.m., Commuter LoungeWidener Center

• Movie: "SchoolTies," Grace Hall BoardRoom, 7p.m.


-..,u 17 25

• Mass, 7 p.m., Brockmann Chapel of St. Joseph

n1< ) n 26 27 28

• Improv Troupe, • Mass, 4:45, • Ash Wednesday 10 p.m., Widener Brockmann

• Mass,12:15 p.m., Center Lecture Hall Chapel of St. Joseph 4:45p.m., Brockmann

• Birthday reception Chapel of St. for Sister Ursula Joseph Infante, 4 p.m. Mansion

photos by Joe Holden Sister Ursula lnfante's birthday celebration was held on Sunday at the sisters' residence, West Philadelphia. Clockwise from left, Sister Infante reads a well wisher's card; a cake with Miller Ute beer candles is cut by Sister Infante; a friend wishes Sister Infante all of the best for her 104 birthday.
l l l' ..._ I l.t,
calendar information
by T,acy Tlf11$0fl j

Accident causes Inattention found to cause most extensive damage accidents, not driving ability

On Feb. 13, David Mackay, a senior, was involved in a one-car accident on Cabrini Drive East, the main driveway. Mackay's 2001 Jetta slid off the road while headed off campus. The Volkswagen went out of control and into the trees by the side of the road. The accident occurred at approximately 1: 15 p.m.

Mackay was uninjured in the accident. However, the car "sustained major damage to both front fenders and both front doors," and the front axle was broken according to the Radnor Township police report. Inspector Calloway filed the report.

According to Charlie Schaffner, director of public safety, the driver has been issued a citation for reckless driving, which carries a $75 fine. Mackay has also had his on-campus driving privi-

leges revoked.

Apparently Mackay has been cited for traffic violations by public safety before.

"At this point it's not a good idea to have him driving around on campus," Schaffner said. When reviewing the incident, Schaffner estimated the speed of the vehicle to be approximately 50 mph. The posted limit is 15 mph.

According to the report, Mackay told police that a vehicle entered his lane, which caused him to tum abruptly and lose control of the car.

Radnor Police cited Mackay for driving too fast for the conditions.

"From the extensive damage and the distance of loss of control Mackay was driving too fast for the damp conditions," the report said.

How many of us have had someone say to us "keep your eyes on the road?" Most of us have probably heard this many times. Whether it was from our parents when we were learning to drive or while when were chatting away driving with friends, this phrase could save our lives.

Not only is it important for us to keep our eyes on the road, it is also important to keep our minds on the road.

According to a recent study published in Self-Help Magazine, it was found that the high percentage of car accidents was due to inattention caused by all the secondary activities while driving, rather than driving ability.

Previous studies have focused on the external distractions, such

as looking at road signs or a map while driving as the causes to most accidents, however this study featured looked at internal distractions, such as one's thoughts.

The study was conducted by M.A. Recarte and L.M. Nunes of the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, Spain. They studied whether a driver's eye movements would be affected by other tasks, such as talking or looking, to the point of not being able to pay full attention to the surroundings.

Twelve drivers had their eye movements recorded while being asked to perform other tasks by speaking or imagining. During the tests, it was found that drivers focused their eyes on certain points and did not look at the dashboard and the mirrors as often. Also, peripheral vision was affected, which could make it more difficult for drivers to

notice quick changes in traffic.

Using cellular phones is another cause of losing attention while driving. Adding in conversation and remembering directions can make it very risky for drivers.

The research shows that doing mental calculations while driving will make drivers pay less attention to driving and put them at more risk for an accident.

"With our research, we are trying to help people know a little more about themselves to give them the opportunity to learn better criteria to decide how much they want to use their minds while driving;· Nunes said.

On an opposite note, the research found that other behavior while driving, such as listening to music can be beneficial. Drivers need to know how much they can do or think while driving and know when to stop and concentrate.

New sites created to detect forms of plagiarism

Plagiarism.org and EVE are two new Internet services that will help to find cheaters. Writing sent to these services will be examined and the sites will be able to determine if even phrases or inserted material have been plagiarized.

One of the biggest problems on college campuses today is cheating. Cheating is not limited to furtive glances at your classmate's test paper. A more prevalent form is plagiarism.

Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary defines "plagiarize" as: to steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as one's own; to use without crediting the source; to commit literary theft.

Plagiarism has probably been present on college campuses as long as there have been college campuses. When our parents were in college, "word-ofmouth" networks were in place to help a searcher find just the paper he was looking for.

With the advent of computer technology, finding completed papers on just the topic you need

is so much easier. A student can find a Web site, enter his topic, and download a variety of papers that he can claim as his own.

Probably more common is the student who attempts to write his own paper but finds that he just doesn't have enough material to stretch it out to fit the instructor's minimum requirements. Or, he doesn't think his work sounds good enough. This student will intersperse his own work with segments "borrowed" from works found on the internet.

So, what does a professor do when he suspects that his student's paper is not an original work? He may want to check out some of the new Web sites created to detect cheaters.

Dr. David Presti, a professor of neurobiology at the University of California, Berkeley, was suspicious of several of his students. Thanks to a new Web site, Pia-

giarism.org,. Presti found that 45 of his 320 students had submitted plagiarized material. Plagiarism.org was created by


Universities or teachers can purchase the services of Plagiarism.org for as little as $20 per year for a class of 30 students. Papers sent to Plagiarism.org are checked by a computer program that looks for phrases matching those from other sources. Submitted papers are also compared to papers from previous semesters and other universities. Reports are returned to the requester within 24 hours. The reports point out segments that should be examined by the subscriber as possible plagiarism.

rized material into the middle of his own work, EVE will detect it. Dr. Janet Lohmann, a professor of Sociology, said that she has never used an anti-plagiarism Web site. She added, however, that if she suspects plagiarism, she does visit web sites on the topic of the paper to see if she can find evidence of literary theft.

John Barrie, a graduate student at U.C. Berkeley. Barrie said that his intent was to "level the playing field for honest students."

Another anti-plagiarism internet service known as EVE (Essay Verification Engine) can be found at www.canexus.com. EVE can detect even subtler forms of dishonesty. For example, if the student stole only a few paragraphs and tried to disguise his theft by changing a few words or inserting the plagia-

Catherine Yungmann, associate professor of communications, said, "Anti-plagiarism Web sites are one of the teacher's few lines of defense. I would definitely consider using such a web site if I felt suspicious about a student's paper." She added, "Students should give their professors more credit. It is possible to find something on the web, but a professor will spot a different writing style a mile away."

r. 2 ?'n~1r1 --·..... ---.. ·--.-. NEWS 1J;tiJ,1,,,. Thurs:, Feb. 22, 2001
"Anti-plagiarismweb sites
one of the teacher's few lines of defense. Students should give their professors more credit."
-CatherineYungmann,associateprofessor of communications

Former cameraman 'has seen the world' for job

"I'm an equal opportunity shatter," Eric Goldenberg said. He gives both sides coverage with bias to either. A retired Channel 6 Action News cameraman, Goldenberg was the eye of Action News for 27 years.

According to Goldenberg, the news business is endless selfpromotion. "There's so much competition out there. I don't know liow I got hired at Action News," Goldenberg said. "I think if I applied again, I wouldn't be hired."

"Eric has seen the world for Action News," Cathy Yungmann said. Yungmann, associate professor of communication, invited Goldenberg to speak to her television news production class last Wednesday about the industry, its perks and its pains.

Goldenberg, a man with determination and unstoppable confidence, sees himself as an artist with a paintbrush. "I have to translate what is happening from my perspective and make it understandable to others." Goldenberg does make it understandable for others. "The people that come over to the news van feel like you're their family." He sees his responsibility as deciding what to film and who the audi-

ence is.

Derick Colonello, a sophomore English/communication major and a student in the news production class, sees the communication and news industry as being a little more brutal than he first thought. "I knew it was a hard field to get into, but I did not re-

alize all of the work it involved," Colonello said. Colonello, along with the other students, produced a short segment with Goldenberg's help. Colonello added that he thought Goldenberg knew pretty much everything there was to know about video.

Goldenberg took the time to

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explain to the students exactly what was expected of them as a photojournalist. The entire business is based on getting in a person's face. The photojournalist has to bring back what they have experienced. The photojournalist is responsible for getting the feel of what is happening. "You have

to grasp the situation and relate it."

Grasping and relating are two jobs that Goldenberg takes very seriously. Each time a person goes out with a camera, they must be asking themselves, 'What does it mean to me and my audience?' Goldenberg sees the news business as being about ethics. "You must be independent and be able to stand on your own regardless of management."

Goldenberg credits himself and a friend for being the first to experiment with the camera off the tripod. "Everybody was going by the old rules." Action News' first news director, Mel Campmann, told Goldenberg to get out and just do it. That is exactly what Goldenberg did.

Goldenberg is known throughout the Philadelphia metropolitan area for his photojournalism and his credibility. The downside of knowing the movers and shakers of the city is that "you can never be good friends with anybody," Goldenberg said. "Once you take the oath to be in the Fourth Estate, you are independent."

"The news business is business. They want to use you until you're cheap, until you have no more." Goldenberg said. "It's a fun field and is quite enjoyable. You're on the forefront of what's going on."

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Loquitur NEWS 3
photo by Joe Holden Former Channel 6 Action News cameraman, Eric Goldenberg, speaks to Cathy Yungmann, associate professor of communications and senior Brian O'Connell as sophomore Derick Colone/lo videotapes the session.
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Cultural Kaleidoscope Week

Disability does not stop student from teaching, learning

"My imagination allows me to outrun my limitations," junior Shelley Nixon says in her first book "From Where I Sit." Nixon's writings express her thoughts in a way she never thought possible.

On Feb. 19, Nixon and Andrea Maneval, coordinator of Disability Support Services, spoke about what it is like for students, children and adults living with both physical and learning disabilities.

Nixon has lived all her life with quadriplegic cerebral palsy. She said that because of people's attitudes she had to work harder. Many people had to look past the wheelchair to see her true personality.

Nixon's desire to write stems to when she was 7 and watching an episode of "Mister Roger's Neighborhood." She remembers him telling his television neighbors that anyone could write. In her book, she includes the letter she wrote to him telling him that

she would write a book.

Excerpts from Nixon's book were read at the talk. They ranged from early memories of the teasing she had to endure, to an email she wrote to her friend Jim after he died in 1995. Jim had muscular dystrophy.

Nixon admits that college has been hard, but she enjoys the experience. Nixon takes three classes a semester. She would like to be a counselor for disabled children.

Teachers who have had Nixon describer her as "a wonderful and diligent student." They also praise her writing.

When asked about how Cabrini students were, she said, "They are wonderful, much better than in high school."

Nixon's cerebral palsy does not stop her from experiencing the world. For example, she recently went scuba diving.

Maneval also showed a short video that explored the world of a person living with a learning disability. Many teachers and parents often blame the person with

the learning disorder for not trying hard enough. They cannot understand the frustration, anxiety and tension that people with learning disabilities experience.

In the video, a group of parents, teachers, social workers and psychologists went through an experiment to put them in the mindset of a student with a learning disorder. They were subject to many of the same demands students are put through when their brain is not processing fast enough to come up with a quick response.

Mainstreaming children with learning disabilities was also discussed. "It may be socially good, but it fails without support," Maneval said.

Nixon and Maneval both said Cabrini is a good place for students with disabilities. Measures are being made to make the campus more accessible.

Nixon's outlook for the future is optimistic. As long as she has support and "air in her tires," she can only go forward.

'Gift of blackness'must be incoporatedinto liturgy

Approximately 40 harmonizing voices filled the Bruckmann Chapel of St. Joseph during an interactive presentation given by Valerie Lee-Jeter, director of music and liturgy at St. Vincent de Paul Church, on Sunday, Feb. 18.

The presentation, entitled, "The Gift of Blackness: The Contribution of African American music to Catholic Workshop," featured the Our Lady of Hope Gospel Choir, directed by Tonya Taylor-Dorsey.

Jeter posed the thematic question of her presentation as being, "How do we incorporate the gifts of blackness into the Euro-

centric model of the Catholic Liturgy so that it meets people in their 'lived conditions'?"

Jeter explained the gifts of blackness as possessing a contemplative spirit, being holistic, joy and of being communitarian.

"The idea is that when we walk through those doors, we lose ourselves to serve the assembly," Jeter said, explaining the contemplative spirit.

She gave the example that even in slavery, African- Americans knew that God loved them and so they turned their sorrows over to Jesus

"Being holistic involves the whole body," Jeter said. "You know we got to clap. We've got to move our bodies."

Commenting on the third gift

of blackness, Jeter said, "There is a joy just in being." She expounded the joy as in being able

those from Northern Ireland and those of Jewish decent. "Somehow, we got lucky and we know the suffering servant."

Jeter personified the fourth gift of blackness, being communitarian, bye saying, "the 'I' in African means 'we."'

Intermittent with Jeter's talk, Our Lady of Hope Gospel Choir sang songs to exemplify the different gifts of blackness.

-Valerie Lee-Jeter, director of music and liturgy at St. Vincent de Paul Church

to know the "suffering servant."

Jeter said that every group of peoples has known suffering including African-Americans,

Jeter then talked about how to incorporate the gifts of blackness into everyday life.

"You have to know your community," Jeter said. She stressed that the liturgy is not about serving your culture, rather it is about serving your community.

Jeter then stressed that the liturgy needs to be Catholic.

"Our climax is corning to the table to be fed, Jeter said. Jeter said that the final stage is incorporating the gifts of blackness. "Everything about liturgy should be beautiful," Jeter said.

Stacey Lawson, a sophomore, attended the workshop. "I think that the interactive presentation was a good eye-opener for me, as a student. I think that if they can get her back on campus that it would be an awesome presentation for the campus to hear."

Sponsored by campus ministry, the presentation was followed by dinner with the choir. At 7 p.m., the choir joined the Cabrini congregation for Mass.

4 NEWS Thurs., Feb. 22, 2001
Shelly Nixon's book courtesy of Renee Tomcanin Junior Shelley Nixon was inspired to write after watching "Mr. Roger's Neighborhood" when she was seven years old.
"Beingholisticinvolvesthe whole body.You knowwe got to clap. We've got to moveour bodies."

Cultural Kaleidoscope Week

Henna hints toward diversity in form of temporary tattoos

One dot, two dot 20 dot the little tube of henna paste moved up and down over the once solid color skin that is now temporary decorated with a henna skin design. Free henna skin designs were available for anyone who came to the food court Monday afternoon, and were part of Kaleidoscope week activities and compliments of the International Club. Eleven female students received the exotic temporary tattoos.

Nirmala Narayan, a graduate student and member of the International Club, agreed to help Jennifer Marks-Gold, International Club advisor, with the event.

"People most often get henna tattoos for special occasions, like weddings or just because they want one," Narayan said. She has been involved with the trend in the past and once had her hands and

feet done for her sister's wedding.

"I couldn't move for three hours," Narayan said remembering the day she had her feet and hands done. She continued to tell of many other experiences with henna skin designs and explained how the henna paste is all natural.

Narayan owns a henna plant and explained that grinding the leaves and mixing with water "creates a henna paste at its best."

Henna tattoos are popular down the shore in the summertime and cost about $25, so the students that took advantage of the workshop walked away with an exotic natural gift, all for the price of sparing a small amount of time.

The skin design lasts about six to eight weeks after the initial paste hardens and falls off. The paste falls off after a short amount of time of 20 minutes, but the tattoos had to be put in places on the body that were exposed for the rest of the day to avoid smearing

under clothing. There were no dominant designs asked for by those who participated in the workshop. The participants trusted Narayan and asked her to go with her instincts for designs.

During the process Marks-Gold was happy to share information on the skin tattoos and the International Club.

"The International Club promotes diversity and cultural awareness," Marks-Gold said, "and we were very pleased to promote these things during Kaleidoscope Week." The International club is a perfect example of diversity, while being composed of members from every continent in world except for Antarctica.

At 2 p.m. on Monday when the workshop ended, Marks-Gold's daughter, Maddy Gold, smiled and donned her new henna tattoo. ''This was a good experience for her," Marks-Gold said.

National College and University· News

Princeton University

An injunction issued against Napster last July was sent back to the district court for modification. The injunction would prevent Napster from allowing users to trade copyrighted material. Napster users can still download music, but the possibility is high that Napster will be shut down.

The CEO of Napster, Inc., Hank Barry, said, "Even if Napster file sharing is shut down while our trial is pending, we will do whatever we can to work within the limits of the injunction to continue to provide more than 5,000,000 Napster community members access to music."

Princeton University Professor Paul Lansky, currently teaches MUS 104: "When Music is Made," said he thinks the ruling is a mistake. "While I agree with the need to protect the principal of copyright, the suppression of Napster will only be counter-productive since this sort of sharing will continue with or without Napster."

University of Virginia

Phi Delta Thelta fraternity is the first fraternity on Grounds to have alcohol-free housing. This is part of a nationwide trend in which fraternities are "going dry." The University's Phi Delta Theta chapter lost its charter last summer after refusing to adopt the national dry policy. The old Phi Delt brothers tried to continue as a fraternity after losing their charter and changed their name to Phi Delta Alpha. Phi Delta Alpha President, Rob Abendroth, said they did everything they could to compromise with nationals, but the two groups could not reach a compromise.

The original Phi Delta Theta members broke off from their national organization and felt that if you are 21 and want to drink responsibly, you should be able to do so in your own home.

Ohio University

"On the field athletes are warriors, but many people wonder if that violent mentality itself is in domestic violence and other criminal offenses;' said U-Wrre researcher. Some say that athletes are born with violent aggression, while others say socialization is to blame for domestic violence.

Ohio University sociology professor Walter DeKeseredy, said, "The pathway is such that the coaches from colleges and universities, in an attempt to recruit them, invite them on campus, entertain them, wine and dine them, take them to parties where there are lots of women, and they use this as a recruiting mechanism."

The report concluded that male college student athletes are responsible for a significantly higher percentage of sexual assaults than other males. The status acquired by a college or professional athlete is often termed the "Star Effect" and can work for and against the athletes. This feeling is sometimes intertwined in relationships.

Louisiana State University

Two student senators introduced a resolution Wednesday demanding the University improve on campus access for students with disabilities. Senator Ed Silence said that a student told him she cannot use many campus facilities. She cannot go to the bathroom, go to class, eat in the cafeteria, or participate in academic programs.

The disabled students cannot use building elevators because their wheelchairs are unable to fit through the doors. One disabled student broke her shoulder when a door slammed shut on her.

The senate referred the resolution to its committee on Students' Rights and Welfare and will discuss it at a later meeting.

Dartmouth College

"Love affair eyed in N.H. killings," was reported in the Boston Globe on Friday. Investigators believe the killings of Dartmouth professors Half and Suzanne Zantop were crimes of passion resulting in an adulterous love affair.

The attorney general's press release said the Hanover Homicide Task Force has received many calls about the killings, but "they will not and cannot confirm one word of the Globe story." Senior Assistant Attorney General Daniel Mullen told The Dartmouth Globe's story is false. He confirmed that a love triangle is not the focus of the investigation and could not confirm other details published by the Globe.

Loquitur NEWS 5
photo by Matt Holmes The lntemational Club gave free henna skin designs on Monday, Feb. 19 as part of Cultural Kaleidoscope Week.
compiled by Georgiana Rushworth

'Cabaret' raunchy and riveting as ever

"Cabaret" is playing at the Merriam Theatre on Broad St. in Philadelphia until February 25th. This musical, with songs by Kander & Ebb and book by Joe Masteroff, tells several, inter-woven stories that take place in Berlin just before World War II. Most of the play centers on the Kit-Kat Club, a hedonistic nightclub that provides most of the songs of the play. These musical numbers parallel both the situations of the characters, and the historicai development of pre-war Germany. The versatile orchestra acts, sings, dances, and provides all the music of the play, lending to the realism of the Kit-Kat Club, and does it all barely dressed.

As the play starts, they stretch, strut, and stagger around the stage. It feels as though you are actually in a German nightclub in 1929. Also lending to the realistic feel of the imagined nightclub is the engaging emcee. Played by Jon Peterson, who chats with the audience, he narrates the play and the rise of Nazism through song and leers over the lives of the characters around him. He is both creepy enough to show the slow progression of Hitler's rise to control and charming enough as the host of the club and the play. Peterson's performance of this difficult role was excellent.

Andrea McArdle plays Sally Bowles, a singer at the Kit-Kat Club. Though her British accent is shaky, she delivers a performance that shows the development of Sally from coy, bad-girlishness in "Don't Tell Mama," to hopeful desperation in "Maybe This Time," to jaded anger in "Cabaret." She acts the part of the flaky, troubled performer very well and makes her both a bad role model and a sympathetic character at once. Hank Strat-

ton plays Cliff Bradshaw, a sexually confused American writer who visits the Kit-Kat Club and ends up living with Sally. His emotional performance subtlely shows his stressed relationship with Sally, his homosexual frustration and his strained attempt to stand up against the growing Nazi hatred around him.

Hal Robinson as Herr Schultz, a Jewish fruit vendor, and Alma Cuervo as Fraulein Schneider, who is not Jewish and runs the boarding house where Cliff and Sally live, give a touching, mature story of love tom apart by hatred. Both of their performances are excellent, and show the real effect of the Nazis. Also excellent is Nicole Van Giesen's portrayal of Fraulein Kost, a whore who also lives in the boarding house. Her scenes are both humorous, with multiple sailors running out of her room, and pathetic as she persuades Herr Schultz for money. She also shows the desperation of Germany after the First World War that leads to Hitler's eventual power.

All of the actors provide clear, understandable performances, some with difficult accents, and still deliver emotion and character insight. One rather effective song is "Tomorrow Belongs to Me" where the emcee, with a growing spotlight around him, plays a recording of a young boy singing. The song is later reprised in full orchestration as Fraulein Kost leads revealed Nazi sympathizers at a party for Herr Schultz's and Fraulein Schneider's wedding. The music is delivered flawlessly, and the songs, also with accents, are sung quite well. The humor is at times bawdy, in the lusty "Two Ladies," at times witty, in the dialogue between Herr Schultz and Fraulein Schneider, and the rather difficult material is delivered nicely through story and vaudevillian song and dance. The funny, sexy songwriting helps you to under-

Radio contests invade airwaves

You could become a radio contest winner. Currently, just about every major FM radio station in the Philadelphia area is hosting some sort of contest. There is a wide range of prizes to be won. Moreover, the effort it takes to try to win is minimal.

The biggest radio jackpot right now in the Philadelphia area is $2 million. The radio station 95.7 Jammin' Gold is hosting the "$2 million Birthday Game." In order to win, listen weekday mornings at 8 a.m. for your cue to call in. If you're the ninth caller, you can play the • birthday game. If your birthday month matches the one in their sealed envelope, you'll win $1,000 and if it matches both the month and day, you'll win $5,000. If it matches the month, day and year, you'll win $1 million and if you're in the V.I.P club, you'll win $2 million. That's not all, just being the ninth caller wins you $500.

Another radio contest taking place right now is the "102.9 MGK Payroll 2001" contest. To win, go to their website (www.wmgk .com) and fill in the provided job application. Then, listen for your name every weekday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you hear your name, call the Payroll 2001 Hotline (800-678-WMGK) within 10 min-

utes and 29 seconds and you'll win $102.90 and a Palm hand-held organizer. You will remain "on the payroll" for each hour up until someone else hears their name and calls in.

Listen to the Power 99 Dream Team weekday mornings from 5:30 to 10:30 a.m. to play lucky seven and the $99 pyramid game. Just for playing you'll qualify to win a trip to New York with Colby Colb to attend the premiere of the movie "Exit Wounds" starring DMX, Steven Segal and Isaiah Washington. Listen on Friday, Feb. 23 for the grand-prize drawing.

If you would like 94 WYSP to drop by your office, play "The 94 WYSP Office Invasion" contest. In order to win, send your name, date of birth, address, home and work phone numbers, and/or email addresses and workplace location to WYSP (101 South Independence Mall East, Philadelphia, Pa 19106). On non-holiday weekdays, after the Howard Stern Show, WYSP will randomly pick a varying number of offices and visit them between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

If you would like to learn about more Philadelphia area radio contests check out www.phillyradiocontests.com.

photo taken from playbill courtesy of the Merriam Theatre stand the cause of, and growth of Hitler's Germany, and the horrible effects of it, but not be so drained emotionally that it's not a good show. By the time we get to the end of the play, the call of "Leave your troubles outside" becomes an ironic statement of how you cannot ignore your problems or the world around you.

What you can win and how:

ListenWeekdaysat 5pm to 102.9 WMGKto playthe "MysteryMontage" Prizesvary day to day 1-215-263-WMGK

93.3 WMMR:20 songsor 20 grand.If the DJ "messesup"and playsany less or any morethan20 songsjustbe the firstcallerand you couldpickup $20,000 1-215-263-WMMR

Y100 givesaway prizesfromunreleasedalbumsto concertticketson a dailybasisand the onlythingyou have to do is be the 13thcaller 1-800-232-1,003

6 A&E Thurs., Feb. 22, 2001

Everlast 'rocks' the TLA

The darkness of the stage radiated throughout the entire building. The crowd filled the room almost ear to ear. The lights slowly came on to illuminate the stage and introduction music filled the air. All of a sudden, a man ran out and the lights sharply lit up the room.

This scene took place at the Everlast concert and occurred at the Theater of the Living Arts (TLA) on South Street last Thursday night. Normally, I am not a big Everlast fan but live music always seems to be very thrilling.

The TLA is a very small building compared to the First Union Center or Veterans Stadium but the building was still packed with just as much excitement. Corey Johnson and I attended the Everlast concert by winning tickets off of 89.1 WYBF.

The opening band called Dexter Freebish prepared the audience by performing their new album entitled Life of Saturdays. Corey and I never heard of this band but when we left the TLA we thought that they would be the next popular band. They have a sound very similar to Tonic or

Vertical Horizon but they add their own style to their music.

"Everlast was good, but Dexter Freebish was incredible," Johnson said.

As soon as we returned home, I began downloading their music from Napster in order to bear more of their songs. From this, I went out and purchased their CD at The Wall.

After Dexter Freebisb rocked the TLA, it became Everlast's turn. Accompanied by a DJ and his band, The Whitefolx (not a typo) Everlast played all of this radio hits and more. I was exposed to a type of music I usually would not have listened to, but I found myself liking Everlast's rock/rap/jazz style more and more as he played songs that I have never listened to before the concert. The crowd screamed Jump Around, (referring to Everlast's days in the rap group House of Pain) and with a simple shrug, Everlast said "Anything else but that ... "

Overall, the entire concert rocked. Everlast bas a sound that truly should be experienced live. He was very entertaining and knew how to handle the crowd. Dexter Freebish, however, stole the show. I expect that they will shortly be the next Tonic or Vertical Horizon so be prepared to hear them widespread on the radio in the future.

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Whiclilo vou prater?



"Half naked men."

Tara Beakley, junior

- Mike Butler, perspectives editor

''Temptation Island, because of the hot guys and the sexual drama."

Donna DiBlasio, senior

Jeff Sy, first-year student

''Temptation Island. I've never watched Survivor."

Tara Taylor, sophomore

Catch Survivor and Temptation Island and see what all the fuss is about.

Survivor: The Australian Outback, CBS, Thursdays at 8 p.m.

Temptation Island, Fox, Wednesdays at 9 p.m.

Loquitur A&E
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"Survivor. I think it's more fun. It's got the challenges."
J 11£'.J .,mnn WO\' 1r.5!1 H'l'I 11 m q r 01 m r l$ f!"'O It

Birthday celebration honors lnfante's full life

continued from pg. 1

Sister Infante, born Anna Lawrence, was adopted and came from a wealthy family in New York City. She attended Catholic schools in Brooklyn. She entered the convent on July 21, 1915 and was accepted by Mother Frances Cabrini, now Saint Frances Cabrini.

The times were turbulent as World War I was being fought. Sister Infante had to persuade her father to allow her to enter. She reasoned that he would always know where she was as young men her age were being drafted to fight on the front lines. He agreed and gave her his blessing.

Sister Infante received a pharmacy degree and a license from New York's Fordham University in 1922. She continued her education, earning a bachelor's degree from Fordham and a master's degree from Columbia University, both in education.

From the late 1920s until 1957, Sister Infante taught in various schools in New York, eventually becoming a principal.

er learning. In 1967 she was transferred to do other work for the community. She directed Cabrini-on-the-Hudson Retreat House, West Park, N.Y. Sister Infante returned to Cabrini in 1984 and became curator of the Cabriniana Room. There she translated over a thousand of St. Frances Cabrini's letters from Italian to English. She also published an English edition of a book of Cabrini's letters.

When Sister Infante first met Dellacarpini she told him that Mother Cabrini really loved priests. She told him that she loved him as well. "She's been a tremendous addition to this community," Dellacarpini said. Sister Infante uses her time to pray and read, but she also enjoys the company of good friends. Dellacarpini and Sister Infante were talking in the chapel when she noticed the statue of the Sacred Heart. Nonchalantly, she turned and said, "well we know we're in good company."

Clockwise from bottom right: Sister Infante salutes the crowd of well wishers with one of the cookies she received as a gift; Sister Infante can only imagine the size of the wine bottle inside that box being held by Fr. John De/lacarpini, chaplain of the nursing home; Sister Infante received numerous birthday-floral arrangements. This particular one measured two and a half feet tall, half of Sister lnfante's height; Sister lnfante's expression of surprise is priceless as the Cabrini Nursing Home staff brings out her birthday cake with Miller Lite beer candles.

The order of Cabrini sisters wanted to open a college in the Philadelphia area in 1957. Archbishop John Cardinal O'Hara saw no need for another Catholic college. Determined to succeed, she visited all of the area college presidents and asked them if they objected to a new college. She returned to the cardinal and showed him her findings. Cabrini College was founded and Sister Infante was president.

For 10 years she nurtured the young college into a well-known and respected institution of high-

It's good company that keeps the 104-year-old nun going. Though she uses a wheel chair to get to and from distant places, she prefers to walk most of the time. Good company is not hard to find with so many sisters admiring her accomplishments. "It's been a blessing beyond words knowing Ursula for which I thank God," Sister Julia Toto said. Toto, a member of the order and of the Saint Donato convent, Overbrook, visits often with Sister Infante.

The college will honor Sister Infante on Feb. 27. There will be a reading of the proclamation instituting Founder's Day followed by a reception in the mansion.

- t_ t_L:....S..l, -• 8 FEATURES Thurs, Feb. 22, 2001
photos by Joe Holden and Cabrini Nursing Home staff

Cav of the Moment: Caring about Cabrini grads' future

Located in Grace Hall, a lady works bard to help the Cabrini community determine their future.

Nancy Hutchison is the director of Cooperative Education and Career Services here at Cabrini. Hutchison, who has worked at Cabrini for 11 years, helps students obtains internships, jobs and counsels them on their majors.

Hutchison, who is originally from New York, attended Beaver College as an undergraduate and went on to Villanova University for master's in arts in education.

In 1989 she came to Cabrini as a part-time employee and in 1994 Hutchison obtained her present position.

Over the years Hutchison has experienced lots of memories through working in the office and finds a hard time to remember just one. "When someone comes in and is a senior and they receive a full time job from their co-op, that is something," said Hutchison.

Besides finding internships and co-ops for students Hutchison's job consists of much more. Maintaining the office's web site and job squad list is some of the duties, but Hutchison prides in the fact that her office has an open door policy. The policy means that people from the community can come in at anytime during office hours and ask for help on their resume or any questions that they might have. "When I ask myself what keeps me here, it's the students," said Hutchison.

In 1997 Hutchison was awarded the Honorary Alumnus Award here at Cabrini. The description of the award as Hutchison states, "Is an award given to someone who has worked with helping alumni and providing service to the college alumni association."

Hutchison's life continues way outside of Cabrini. With relatives scattered all over the United States, Hutchison finds time to travel with her husband and two children, who are both freshmen in college.

When not helping the Cabrini community in the co-op_ office, Hutchison finds time to help in the crew on her husband's sailboat. Hutchison's husband is a competitive racer in Riverton, N.J. where she joins him once a week. In response to helping her husband she responds, "Sometimes J like it, sometimes I don't."

When not helping students or her husband she likes to relax at home with her two dogs. " I love spending time working in the yard and around the house," said Hutchison. She also is a NYPD Blue fan and likes the book Red Dragon, "I like gory books and I find mysteries intriguing," said Hutchison.

Hutchison describes herself as a caring person and someone that people can count on. Her job fits the description.

"We are all a wonderful community. We try to help each other. The support from everyone who works here to help the students is special," said Hutchison. "Cabrini is a wonderful place to work."

Christopher's:a friendly neighborhoodplace

assistant news editor

dent Ann Donohue said. "This is our third time here," Donohue added.

Christopher's Neighborhood There is an Italian atmosphere Place creeps up on you from the to the restaurant, and the menu middle of the block on Wayne begins with pizza. Avenue. The catchy little place One item on the menu is the on the main line serves a casual "Try Me I'm Good" pizza. This blend of what part owner Jennifer is a pizza with caramelized Bailer calls "American comfort onions and Granny Smith apple food in a casual, family atmos- slices. The menu is certainly one phere." It is tucked in between of the most creative on the Mainthe neighborhood shops. line. Yet some items leave some"lt's nice and it's convenient thin_gto be desired.

drea Pirri, junior, said of the "Try Me I'm Good" slices.

The crust was very good, but the choice of toppings was, perhaps, too unique for most palates.

Christopher Todd, the head chef, and another part-owner, spends his time in the kitchen while Bailey hovers in the front of the place, doing what she can to welcome the customers to the community-oriented establishment.

'We are lookin it's new;' local resi- "It .zuccbiru, An-

a friendly neighborhood place," Bailer said.

Bartender Marc Fisher said that there is a "good college crowd on Fridays and Saturdays." Fisher has been a bartender for five years, and added, "Sunday seems to be the bar crowd night."

''The place is very original, the brick walls give it a bare look," Pirri said.

The single open-area dining room separated from the bar by a partition. The restaurant's dim

lighting and brick walls set off a very European/Romantic setting.

Christopher's Neighborhood Place opened two weeks ago. While the restaurant seemed slow before six, the walk-in traffic really picked up just before 7 p.m.

While the food seemed to take a longer than anticipated wait, the wait staff is always at hand for another drink.

'We hope to become a vital part of the community," Bailer said.

Loquitur FEATURES 9
photo by Matt Holmes Nancy Hutchison gives her all when helping students to find career placements and co-ops. photos by Joe Holden and Matt Couglllin From left to right: bread along with olive oil are seNed first; a waitress takes a customers's order; the sign gleams brightly and lastly is the "Try me I'm Good" pizza.
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EDITORIAL Founder'sDay: passed beforewe knew it

Founder's Day, the new annual day of .celebration of the ~xtraordinary contributions of Mother Ursula Infante to the Cabrini community will be set aside as Feb. 18. The college will celebrate and honor all of the hard work, abundant dedication, and timeless amount of hours our foundress Sister Infante continues to provide for Cabrini College after 44 years.

The initial celebration of Founder's Day passed silently as the festivities have been postponed until Feb. 27, nine days after the official day of the annual event.

Sister Infante celebrated her 104th birthday on Feb. 18 but the college will not celebrate her birthday until Feb. 27 in order to allow her tim~ with her family.

The delaying of her well-deserved recognition for Founder's Day and celebration of her birthday is a neglect action walking the fine line of loyalty and respect.

A letter released from the president's office invites the community to join the celebration of her birthday and the commencing of Founder's Day on the 27 ... but where is the prioritizing or administrative planning?

Cabrini College is possibly the most important thing in the life of Sister Infante and waiting to celebrate the foundress' birthday until Feb. 27 is directing lacking the outstanding appreciation due to this woman.

Mistakes sometimes happen when it comes to planning, yet scheduling a 104-year-old religious' birthday party nine days late is embarrassing. The foremost conclusions are that administrative meetings may take precedence over this milestone. Though certain "key players" may be out of town or the mansion was booked five years ago, the schedule should be juggled for our founding president.

The letter states that the college will institute Founder's Day as Feb. 18. It is unfortunate that the college administration was unable to plan the initial celebration of Founder's Day on the actual birthday of its founder. Why did the administration wait two days before Sister Infante's birthday to announce this "wonderful new Cabrini tradition" to the college family?

Other than daily prayers and reading, Sister Infante is relatively free during most weekday afternoons. She is certainly available to visitors and others who may call and like to share in her special moment.

Next year it will be interesting to see when the campus will celebrate Founder's Day.

A full history lesson in one article

1955, and was carted off to jail for doing so.

Although many credit the civil rights movement to Martin Luther King Jr., if it hadn't been for Parks, no one would even know who King was.

breakdown. The Parks's received numerous threats each day from whites and constantly lived in fear.

Something rather disturbing occurred while my friend and I engaged in conversation the other night in the school library.

My eye caught a glimpse of a biography of one of the most predominant leaders of our time. Thinking aloud, I announced the name of the individual and to my horror, my friend turned to me and asked who the person was.

The awkwardness of that moment was defining, and the humiliation felt by both us, her for herself, and me for her, was unreal.

Imagine this, a twenty-yearold college student, who couldn't put a face to the name or even identify one of the most remarkable and influential woman in American history, the mother of the civil rights movement, Rosa Parks.

At this particular moment, I came to the realization of my own limited knowledge on the subject, and furthermore, set out to educate myself as well as others.

Rosa Parksis a woman who refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man in Montgomery Alabama in December of

The Woman's Political Council at Montgomery's Alabama State College ignited the bus boycott, which was immediately started after Parks's arrest. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), whom Parks served as a secretary for, worked to defend Parks in court and stand against the vicious bus segregation laws.

While Parks's case went to court, was lost, and then appealed in hopes of taking it to the Supreme Court, the bus boycott, which eventually was lead by King, occurred for over a year, with hundreds of blacks walking as much as 35 miles a day to and from work.

In November of 1956, the Supreme Court ruled that segregation on buses was illegal, and in December, the segregation laws were officially crushed. Although a huge victory for the blacks of Montgomery, extreme hostility turned horrendous, as violence from whites against desegregation became severe.

Due to Parks's involvement in the movement, both Parks and her husband lost their jobs, and her husband eventually became mentally ill, suffering from a nervous

But Parks survived the harsh treatment and became a leader and major influence on everyday life, which should not be forgotten or overlooked.

After a long hiatus of facts, my question is, what is happening to our education system? How can a student go through 12 years of schooling and not know who Rosa Parks is?

If students today are not taught these important historical facts, then we can assume that they are being taught nothing about other American history and the importance of appreciating history.

So, my advice to those who were victims of a failing education system, go to your local or school library. The shelves are loaded with fascinating stories and events that will educate the mind far better then a couple pages in a textbook.

Within the confinements of the word limit that my editor assigned me, after reading my article, I have done the jobs of your high school teachers. You know, at least briefly, the story of Rosa Parks and the fight of the civil rights movement.

Jennifer Coots is an assistant perspectives editor for the Loquitur.

u,quitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice In the uninhibited,robust,free and open disc~ion of issues.

Editor in Chief: Joe Holden

Managing Editor: Stephanie Masucci

News Editor: Linsey Heiser

A&E Editors: Michael Kazanjian Beth Ann Conahan

Features Editor: Meghan Merkel

Advertising Manager: Jose Jalandoni

Staff Writers

Kendra Clark Jill Hindman

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Beth Ann Conahan Jenine Jkeler

Jennifer Coots Michael A. Kazanjian

Matthew Coughlin Marianne McKim

Jennifer Devereaux Lauren Norton

Justine Difilippo John O' Donnell

Renee DiPietro Kate Pelusi

Jennifer Ford Julia Marie Teti

Amy Gassen Tracy Timson

Jessica Giordano Renee Tomcanin

Nick Luchko Geri Lynn Utter Chris Vesci

Man Coughlin

Editorial Board Renee DiPietro Joe Holden

Advisers:Rita Cellucci, Dawn Francis

Sports Editors: Amy Gassen Geri Lynn Utter

Perspectives Editor: Mike Butler

Photography Editor: Matt Holmes

Web Manager: Matt Tholey

Smff Photographers

Justine Difilippo

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Loquitur is a laboratory newspaper written, edited and produced by students registered in COM 346. 350, 351, 353 and 354. Members of the campus community are invited to work on or submit stories for publication. Only students registered in the above classes, however. are eligible to receive academic credit. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured in tuition and fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters shoJld be signed and the authorship known to the editors. Names are witheld only in unusual circumstances approved by the editor in cbief. Letters to the editor should be submitted by n0011on Mondays.

editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.
'.f l'.J .-(1 rfl 1: PERSPECTIVES Thurs., Feb. 22, 2001

There will be no little ones from me

Most people plan to have children during the course of their lives. I am not one of them.

A lot of it has to do with the fact that I think I'm barely capable of taking care of myself, let alone a son or daughter. Another portion 9f that decision pertains to the fact that I relish my independence and ability to do what I want when I want. But the big part of this decision, and the subject of this week's article, is that I honestly believe that children are evil.

Like always, I back my claims with evidence. In a story from Florida's Sun Sentinel, an 8-year-old boy was arrested for throwing a neighbor's cat into a yard containing three large dogs, knowing without a doubt that the cat would be killed. The boy was upset with the cat's owner because she kept chasing him out of her yard and thus decided to exact his revenge by executing the neighbor's 2year-old Persian cat. He also admitted to police that he watched the cat die and then fled. But the real kicker to this tale is that the boy already has a juvenile record for crimes such as burglary and arson. And let me reiterate that this kid is only eight years old.

Some people will claim that this kid is a product of our ever-increasing violent world. Others will blame the media. I disagree with both of those opinions. I submit to you the idea that this kid, and other children in this world,

A Letter to the editor

Regarding Chris Vesci's Top Ten Most Annoying Things in Pop Culture List

Why in the world would we turn our noses up at television shows that actually promote something positive and uplifting, when it seems everything on television is sex and violence? The Cabrini College students are from the 80's generation, many of whom grew up with the Tanner family on Full House. And 7th Heaven, about a minister and his family, with yes,a little bit of preaching in it (he is a minister, remember),is only going to foster good behavior and civilized mannerisms. Does the news coverage express that wholesome family television, or for heaven sake the classic movie "Big", about a child's adventures in a grown body? Or is it promoting the violence that took place in Greensboro, N.C. or at Columbine High School?

Technological advances like AOL Instant Messenger and cellular telephones have helped to improve society's systems of communication. If they are misused (as in the example of !Ming another person in the same room) it is simply a misguided understanding of the purpose and usefulness of these advances.

Your tangent last year about the King of Prussia Mall must have escaped my reading list, but shopping is an incredibly popular pastime and the King of Prussia Mall is rated among the largest on the East Coast. So good luckfinding a parking space there, or trying to point out the problems with this wonderful place.

I won't attempt to defend the lack of morals presented

are just malevolent creatures to begin with. Think back to when you were a child. Think about the bullies in your school that mercilessly terrorized and beat up other kids. Think about all the gossiping and talking behind people's back there was. Think of all the mean things that children say and do to each other. And why? No reason at all. And that, my friends, is what evil really is; doing something wrong for no reason or just because you can.

I remember writing a paper for my SEM 300 Problem of Evil class about humans being inherently evil. The main argument in the paper was that evil was an instinctual impulse that fed on our natural senses of self-interest and that good was learning how to control those impulses for the sake of the common good. Children have major problems controlling their impulses and that is why they do things for no reason, or if they do have a reason it is a very selfish one, like revenge.

Of course, most people who have kids or want to have kids will retort to my claims with a statement like "We will teach our kids right from wrong and how it's not good to do bad things." I have nothing against fighting the good fight, but there's one variable that you probably haven't accounted for: will your child care about what is right and what is wrong? You can read your child the Bible every day-hell, you can beat your child with the Bible every day-but it won't do a lick of good unless that child learns to care about right and wrong. And that is something that a parent, teacher or anyone else cannot teach. It is something that children must learn themselves and these days it doesn't look like children are learning this essential lesson. If they were, schools wouldn't be in-

stituting irrational rules like banning students from having backpacks for fear of them packing guns or expelling students for having negative thoughts about their teachers and classmates.

Yes, I know full well that I am a cynic. I also know that my opinions are rarely popular (except for ones about banning the Bible and religion. Apparently those opinions were so popular that I received only one letter of dissent between the both of them). I know that there are exceptions to pretty much everything in this world, and I know that everything we do in this world has a risk factor attached to it. I like to take my fair share of risks, but I'd rather not play the Three-Card Monte game of bringing a child into this world.

I am aware that not all children execute cats or burn down houses and I am also aware that without having children the human race will become extinct. But I know this world is in no danger of running out of people and so my decision to bring a child into this world is made even easier with the knowledge that the human race does not depend on my seed. If you want to contribute a fresh human life into this world, that's fine with me. It's just not my glass of Bailey's. And to those other people out there who know that being a parent isn't their thing either, I salute you for knowing yourself as well as you do.

And as for that 8-year-old cat executioner, I'd like to see him take a spin on Mr. Toad's Wild Electric Chair Ride. He's only eligible for a three-year turn in a juvenile institution, but I figure since President Bush's cousin is governor of Florida, this would be a feasible option considering the President's execution record in Texas.

Dad, most Americans still don't think I won the election. What can I do get people to like me?

Ever thought of bombing Iraq? I did that when I was president and my approval rating went through the roof.

Wow, thanks Dad. You're the greatest. This is the best thing you've done since you got me the presidency.

by certain reality-TV shows, but Survivor has risen to the top of the ratings, promotes basic survival skills as well testing wits vs. strength, and even sparked an on-campus recreational activity (giving the Thursday night beer-busting crowd something better to do for a few nights on our college campus).

And, of course, the ever-so popularly used Internet search engines. Anyone who has had to write a serious research paper in the last five years would think twice, long and hard, before criticizing one of the tools that saved them

a countless number of hours manually searching for the materialthey needed.

To criticize some of the greatest things to come out of this era, and call it "pop culture" if one chooses, seems to to be a slap in theface of gratitude. Is the next step to refuse the gratitude rightly deserved by our parents and teachers for their sharing of knowledge and experience?

- - ----Loquitur PERSPECTIVES 11

Loquitur Dome: The Eternal Debate

Ab, winter. Brisk winds, dropping temperatures, and of course, snow days.

Snow days are truly meant to be savored, and one of the favorite activities to when everything is shut down is to go sled riding, or as you from the Eastern half the state call it, "sledding." But what is there to use when you are miles away from your garage full of plastic sleds and toboggans? A cafeteria tray, of course!

The benefits of using a tray over many other forms of makeshift sleds are numerous. For one, they are readily available and easy to obtain. Everyone eats at the cafeteria, especially at a small school like this. And since it is winter, a large, warm overcoat provides a perfect means for getting your tray out of the cafeteria. And when you're done enjoying the winter wonderland outside, you can always return it at your next meal.

Trays are sturdy, unlike some of those other items often used to go sled riding. They are made from similiar material as the real thing, and it is even stronger than the plastic in the old sleds from our younger days. And the fun doesn't have to be limited to cafeteria trays. A good cookie sheet is just as good. With a good push, you

can go flying down over the bill with the wind blowing in your face making your cheek rosy and warm like in your favorite holiday tune. Add a little Crisco or oil or other lubricant and the speed, and the fun, increases. A good tray will last for many sled rides. There is no risk of ripping or shredding as in other conventional substitutes for a sled. Even if you hit a bidden rock or bump, your tray will remain intact, and you may even spare your behind unneccesary pain and suffering.

True, the tray is difficult to steer your first few times gliding down the hill, but you can get the hang of it. Then again, that feeling of being out of control just adds to the fun of sled riding. You sit on the sled, go rushing downhill, hit a bump and fly into a pile of snow. These are experiences that can only be truly savored on a tray. Soon you'll be able to get the hang of tray riding, and it is easier to handle and a little less haphazard than other means of sled riding.

Trays are economical. Trays are readily available. Trays are reliable. Trays are more fun. Trays get you from point A to point B as quickly and excitedly as one can imagine. There is no debate. When the snow piles up and classes are cancelled, you want to get out and enjoy the day as soon as possible. If you are in the right mind frame and want to relive the days of your old red plastic sled, grab a tray. The experience is the same and makes for a fun afternoon of winter bliss.

Go trays!

This week's • issue: Trays vs. Trash bags



Ju..,tinL' l)il'illipl1

Snow is falling and students' hearts fill with glee. School is cancelled. Go back to bed.

The snow has landed and that means sledding. Now for those of us who do not own a sled or just cannot fit them into their shoebox they call a room, the trash bag has come to our rescue.

My opponent says trays from the cafeteria are the way to go but that is hogwash.

Trash bags are bigger. You don't have to cram your legs and your butt onto a tiny area. Trash bags can be simply laid out and two people can fit on top of the bag comfortably. Trash bags made from plastic makes it slippery enough to use for sledding purposes.

Take our experience from the last snowstorm. Renee and I (amongst others) took a trip to Valley Forge Park. The five of us with one toboggan, a tray and a trash bag went sledding. The tray attempted by many of us only made it about halfway down the hill. The trash bag with a little push made it to the bottom of the steep bill and over the man-made jump. Two people at a time went on the trash bag. The poor rider of the tray had to go alone.

Trash bags did not only go further but they hurt the rider less. It seems that one's butt is

the best padding. Going over a jump on a trash bag sounds like it would hurt but somehow it didn't. The five of us bad ridden down the hill on many occasions. On the first ride, we lost one of our passengers. On the second, the toboggan almost flipped on its way down. When we finally made it over the jump we landed on the hard wood and many were complaining about their rear ends hurting. The tray had never made it to the jump. The trash bag made it over and did not hurt the riders at all. My final point is that trash bags are easier to get a hold of (Unless you own a huge jacket and baggy pants.). Trash bags can be found in any home, room or apartment. If you ran out of trash bags I am sure that your neighbor will give you one considering they come in packs as big as 55 in a box. They are easy to replace. What happens when you break a tray? Next time it snows and you want to have some fun but not get into trouble, try the trash bag they are better.

Do you know of a heated debate that deserves attention? Write Mike '80s Butler and give him the beef. Visit the website at: WWW. theloquitur. com

12 PERSPECTIVES Thurs., Feb. 22, 2001
one is better for
Renee Tomcanin def ends trays as Justine DiFilippo argues for trashbags in this debate for sledding superiority BATTLE 5
Let Loquitur know what's on your mind! Commentaries and letters to the editor may be submitted by the entire Cabrini campus community using the following format. We look forward to hearing from you! •Email: Triple80s@aol.com •Classic Mail: The Loquitur 610 King of Prussia Road Radnor, Pa. 19087 •Phone: (610) 902-8412 •Length: No more than two typed pages •Requirements: Names will not be withheld from letters to the editor or commentaries, even at the author's request.

Just do it: run to get new kicks for spring

Shopping. It can be a task filled with exhilaration or one that leaves you bored and frustrated. The frustration is particularly true when shopping for personal items that reflect your own personal style and need to fit well for comfort, items like jeans or sneakers. Every person is unique and so is every body part, especially when it comes to feet. I spent some time in the mall exploring the comfort, style and price of various brands of sneakers on the market.

The first pair of shoes that I tried on were the new Nike "Shox" for women. These are very popular at the moment and the men's "Shox" was sold out in both of the athletic shoe stores in the King of Prussia mall. According to Nike, this sneaker is better at absorbing shock when you run because of its unique design. The design of this shoe is modeled after a spaceship. I thought that they were comfortable and I liked the metallic tan and red colors, but I thought that the spaceship-like soles looked really weird. They were a bit too expensive also, retailing for $150.

Giving Nike a chance to redeem itself, I tried their "Air Max" running shoe for women. I liked this shoe because it was comfortable, lightweight and fit nicely. It was also less expensive than the "Shox" and I liked the light blue with orange accent styling.

Nike is always popular and that fact was reflected when I spoke with students on campus. "In the past I have worn Adidas, but now I wear Nike. I like them because they are comfortable and stylish," junior pre-pharmacy major Jessica Van lngen said. Junior pre-med major Dana Cavalcanto agreed saying, "Nike are comfy."

The next brand that I tried was Reebok's DMX running shoes for women ($70-$80). The DMX line has an air bubble in the sole to absorb shock and prevent injury. These were pretty comfortable, but I thought that the air bubble felt slightly strange and I probably would not buy them because of this feature.

Another popular brand with athletes is Asics. "A lot of serious runners wear Asics," Nick Bruzzese, a salesperson at The Athlete's Foot in the King of Prussia mall, said.

I tried Asics "Gel GT" ($85). This was a very lightweight and comfortable shoe. It fit my foot very well. However, it was not the most stylish running shoe available.

"They are the best ones I've found," first-year elementary education major Natalie Avramovitz said. She has been wearing Asics for about two years and says that she likes them because "they have really good insoles."

One of my favorites was Adidas "Taiga" trail running shoe ($70). This shoe was extremely comfortable and lightweight as well. It contoured to my foot great and it

and is dark blue, gray and black with bright green accents. The toebox of this shoe was also made with black rubber, which I think is an excellent feature in a sneaker, since that is the part of the shoe that always gets beat up. The next time I need a pair I will probably buy New Balance "804."

There are two important things to remember when buying shoes: 1) try on shoes at the end of the day if possible because your feet will be at their largest at that point. 2) Make sure that there is half an inch between your longest toe and the end of the shoe. This will ensure a comfortable fit.

If you are still interested in finding out what sneakers are best for you, there are two websites that can be of assistance on this issue: the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine has a list of the best shoes for various athletic activities (aapsm.org). Runners World magazine also has a list of recommended sneakers (runnersworld.com). Like any important purchase it is essential to shop around and make an informed decision.

Important tips to remember when buyingsneakers:

•Try on sneakers at the end of the day because your feet will be at their largest point.

felt very secure. I also liked the rubber tip on the toebox, which prevents wear and tear. The design was also very stylish with a dark blue and gray coloring.

The sneaker that I liked the best was New Balance's "804" ($85) This is an "all terrain" shoe as well, and according to Bruzzese, is popular with college students in this area. This shoe appeared to be very durable, it had great support and it fit my foot extremely well. The style of the "804" didn't hurt either. The shoe is very attractive

•Makesure that there is half an inch betweenyour longest toe and the end of the sneaker.

Men's basketball team approaches finals

The men's basketball team cruised through the regular season this year, crushing weekly challengers with final scores that nearly doubled the final score of the opponent team. No need to grab Metallica for announcing to competitors in the playoff season that there's a freight train coming their way its pretty obvious.

As the team traveled to games this month, their strong aggressive playing kept them from being intimidated.

"This year the team has a stronger focus on defense then last year," junior Tim Gordon said. Gordon plays guard for the team. With wins over the colleges of Misericor-

dia, Eastern, and Beaver, the team assured a second place seating in the PAC.

Dzilc, head coach and athletic director, re-

called the Misericordia game as solid.

"Junior Gary Goldman played well against Misericordia's lead scorer, Will Chandler," Dzik said.

Chandler leads the league with points per game and Goldman kept Chandler from hitting his average. Along side Goldman's strong defense, he led the team with 16 points. Sophomore Brian Wood provided a strong defensive game with nine rebounds and 10 points. Final score was 71-58.

Tim Gordon power forward

The neighborhood game against Eastern Saturday, Feb. 10, finished with a win and a final score of 79 to 40. The lead scorer for the game was Gordon with 19 points followed by sophomore Bill Rookstool with 10 points.

The playoff season began this week. Last

year the men's team was seated first going in, but lost within the first round. This year the team is seated second and is looking to capture the championship by not making the same mistakes as last year.

"This year, being seeded second," Gordon said, "the team is not going to take anything for granted as we may have done last year with the higher seed.


In nearly every game the Cavs played this season, they doubled the final score of the opposing team.

Loquitur SPORTS 13
photo by Jessica Giordano Pictured from left to right: Nike "Air Max", Asics "Gel GT", Reebok "OMX".
"The team is not going to take anything for granted as we may have done last year with the higher seed."

Hope for St. Joes to thrive in March Madness

It is late February and the madness of March is fast approaching. This is by far and away the best time of the year in any sport if you are a die-hard college basketball fan. Web sites have started with their predictions for the tournament and who will win is anybody's guess.

The recent top 25 polls have Stanford and North Carolina as the number one and number two teams in the country. Duke has dropped, which I am sure some are happy to see. In the Associated Press poll, two teams have climbed to the top 25. Providence at number 25 and local powerhouse St. Joseph's at number 23. But the conference tournaments and the NCAA tournament are going to be a whole lot of fun once again.

Locally, the LaSalle Explorers are an absolute mess. They are

more than likely going to suffer yet another losing season under head coach Speedy Morris. If anyone is keeping track, they have not had a winning season since 1992-1993. This is a long time and it is really a good idea for Speedy to start winning or he may not find himself as the head coach much longer. They have only two legitimate players in Victor Thomas and Rasual Butler. Both are scoring machines but it is nearly impossible to win when you only have only two guys who can really score the ball for you.

Down at University City, the Pennsylvania Quakers are going through a tough time. It is usually the belief in the Ivy League that the championship will always come down to Penn or Princeton, which could be the case this year. Princeton has already killed the Quakers at the Palestra and the re-match is set for the end of the season. Prince-

ton bolds the lead right now in the conference, but it will be the usual race to the end to see who makes the tournament.

Out on the Main Line are the underachieving Villanova Wildcats. They were expected to have a great season with the returning players and the addition of the talented Michael Bradley. After winning three in a row against Big-5 foe Penn, Uconn and Georgetown, 'Nova was hammered by Miami at home. They appear to be headed possibly to the NIT, but it all depends on how they do in this tough four game stretch ahead of them which features two home games and two away games.

Down on Broad St., the Temple Owls have gone through a Jot this season with the losses of Carlton Aaron and Ron Blackshear. Just recently, Coach John Chaney lost Ron Rollerson who suffered a leg injury against St. Joseph's. So Chaney is limited in terms of the FEB. 23 ' 7:05PM

number of players he can use.

But if their guards Lynn Greer and Quincy Wadley are hot, anything can happen. It has been said that the Owls might just miss the tournament for the first time in a long time. But in reality, not every team goes every year.

Out on City Line Ave. is the best team in the city by far, the nationally ranked St. Joseph's Hawks. The Hawks are ranked 23rd in the polls this week and are in first place in the Atlantic 10 with a 21-4 record. Experts had the Hawks in the NCAA tournament a while ago, but Coach Phil Martelli, who picked up his 100th career victory at St. Joseph's does not want to hear about polls or what he thinks will happen two weeks from now. His only concerns are to improve each day and win the next game.

The Hawks have four regular season games left that they should win which would give

them the Atlantic 10 regular season title. The success of this team is due to the unbelievable play of freshman guard Jameer Nelson. ESPN has commented that he could be the best freshman in the country this year. Anyone who has not seen this student play will have to wait for the Atlantic 10 tournament to see him in person because the last home game is completely sold out. His explosive play bas helped the Hawks on their tremendous run this season and is on track for Big 5 and Atlantic 10 freshman of the year. The best is yet to come and the NCAA tournament will be quite a treat as it bas always been in the past. Who will win it is anybody's guess. The tournament is anybody's for the taking. Will it be Duke? Will it be Stanford? Will UNC be upset? How far will local St. Joseph's go? The road to the Final Four is on. Enjoy it. It will be quite a ride.

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One Time Only Yoga 8-9 p.m. Dixon Center aerobicsroom vs. W.B./ScRANTON PENGUINS for more info call TraceyGreenwoodX8318 TICKO PRICES $12, $16, $17 First IWon sr&:IIIUIIINIGHT! •.·.'Ii lYHYOIII Ill ArflllUIICl Will HCIJYI ., A likMa,AD, C°"111Y Of Colff:.ut S.0..SNrr Swing and Salsa lessons Wed., Feb. 28 9-10p.m. Dixon Center aerobics room for more infor call Chris Winkler X3909

Hit slopes for mountains of fun

Imagine you are fully dressed in 'micro-fleece and Gore-Tex. You have your chapstick in your pocket and your Oakley goggles are hugging your head. You wait patiently as the lift chair swings around to take you to the top of the mountain.

When reaching the top you push off your poles and begin to head down the mountain. You are going at a fast pace from side to side. The fact the wind is hurting your cheeks does not even cross your mind. Then you approach the moguls and glide into the air.

This example of a perfect run is why skiing is such a popular outdoor sport. Living in Pennsylvania gives us the opportunity to take full advantage of what the mountains have to offer.

Some popular resorts, are Montage

Mountain located in my hometown of Scranton, PA, Elk Mountain Ski Resort located in Union Dale PA, and Camelback Ski Area in Tannersville, PA. These resorts have excellent trails with great package deals. At each resort, you will find trails for the beginner, intermediate

"Skiing is the best part about the winter and a great way to stay in shape," junior Roxanna King said.

Graphic design major Tina Hadley enjoys not only the scenery, but also all the action that is happening in the lodge. "It's a great way to meet new people," Hadley added.

Skiing is fun for the whole family, and you are never too young or old to begin to learn. Each of the resorts offers free lessons, which usually run hourly. So there is no excuse not to learn. Get up and out there and I will see you on the slopes.

Roxanna King, junior and expert.

" I like extreme sports and naturally skiing is something that is fun to participate in during the winter months," Jack Ferrise said.

Dance Squad has great spirit

Today, cheerleading and dance squads are more about strength and stamina. The people involved do more than look good; the participants display athleticism usually·~ found in traditional sports. Cheerleading has grown as a sport itself with more than 600,000 young people in the United States participating.

Look for The Loquitur's stress management issueMarch 15. There will be ways to limit stress and how to deal with it when you are ready to throw in the towel.

How do you handle your stress? Write to us and tell us about it.

Directionsto Spring Mt., a localski resort.

915 ChesterfieldDrive

LowerGwyneed,PA 19002


•take interstate1-476

Northto PA turnpike,1276

•take exit 26, PA 309 to FortWashington/ Philadelphia/Ambler

•turn rightonto Fort Washingtonexpressway

•turn left onto Norristown Road

•turn rightonto N. BethlehemPike

•turn rightonto


•turn rightonto Old BethlehemPike

•turn left on Chesterfield Drive.

Cheerleading and dance teams involve skills that require the strength of football, the grace of dance, and the agility of gymnastics. Complex maneuvers are performed to challenge the limits of the body. Ability, skill, and experience are beneficial to a team, but even more important are enthusiasm, determination, perfection, and practice.

Members of such teams go through rigorous training. They are left with broken limbs, multiple sprains, and frequent trips to the local hospitals. But, when performance comes, each person can be seen with a smile and all team members convey an emotion that consumes an audience.

Cabrini is one of the lucky schools to be graced with a spirit team. Before Midnight Madness, Cabrini's dance team practiced two to three times a week. The team's two talented coaches worked together to create halftime dance routines.

"I have been dancing all of my life. I love to dance and I didn't want to cheer," said Kelly Miskin.

It's not a debate over whether cheerleading is better than dance. It's simply a chance to do something different. Dance teams are looking for their own recognition - apart from the cheerleading squad. The teams "' want to have an identity separate from cheerleading. It is not insulting to be called a cheerleader; it is just the wrong title.

To gain control, a team and its coaches must get along. Last year the Cabrini cheerleaders ceased to exist due to miscommunication between the team and the coaches. "It was a bad program with a bad staff," said Lisa Cicchetti

Due to Andrea Manieri's and Suzy Szafran's (the dance squad coaches) love of dance the Cabrini dance team evolved. The team is an ever-growing group of women who are determined to entertain during the halftime shows at our basketball games.

Self Defense

Now through March 28

Instructor Flex Houvig

Dixon Center aerobics room

"Skiingis the best part about the winterand a great way to stay in shape."
photo courtesy of Lisa Simonetti Matthew PHeggi and Corey Valardo travelled to Aspen, Colorado to experience the famous ski slopes, black diamonds and more.

Cabrini intensifies,beats Neum8"n"r1

The Men's basketball team played The Neumann College Knights Wednesday. The men produced a landslidevictory in this PAC semifinal game. The team now advances to the next round of playoffs.

Cabrini Beats Neumann in PAC Semifinals with bittersweet victory

A lot more than baskets were being sunk at Cabrini's PAC playoff game against Neumann College. There was an eerie feeling in the air as the Cavaliers waltzed across the court to battle the Neumann Knights. The whistle blew, and the game began with great intensity amongst both the players and the spectators.

Kareem Brunson, forward, scored the first basket on the Knights, from that point on the adrenaline was pumping on the court and in the stands. As time passed, the tension in the stands escalated amongst Cabrini and Neumann fans. "Go defense", shouted Neumann fans as Tyquine Wilson, guard, swiftly sunk another basket on Neumann. Temperatures began to rise along with emotions in the Dixon Center.

The half-time bell rang. The players exited the court and some fans ushered over to the snack bar for a bite to eat or something to

drink. All of the sudden, fists started flying and curious spectators rushed to the scene to see why people were fighting. It ended abruptly, but the confrontation amongst the fans made the game that more exciting.

The bell rang and the game resumed. Due to the intensity in the air, the Cavaliers and the Knights came out on the court at full force, however, only one team could win the game. About half way into the second period, the adrenaline began to decease along with the extremely high levels of intensity from some fans. Was it because the winner had already claimed victory or because everyone was beginning to feel disheartened due to the boxing match at half time?

By this point in the game, spectators for the Neumann Knights were losing their flare because the Cavaliers had already claimed a bittersweet victory over the Knights. Fight or no fight the Cavaliers showed not only the Neumann Knights, but themselves that team work and strong effort is what inspired them to beat Neumann by 21 points. The final score was 72 to 51.

\'\'ho's Playing? ,,-"·,,·.theloquitur.(om

photos by Geri Lynn Utter Top: The men's team worl<s out a plan for strong defense with Coach John Dzik. Right: o
th u r~ I f ri ~un 1 . ·L, -. , . Li 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • Squash, 5-7 p.m., • Women's PAC • Women's PAC • Volleyball,9-11 • Squash, 5-7 p.m., • Squash, 5-7 p.m., Dixon Center Basketball Basketball Finals, p.m., Dixon Dixon Center Dixon Center •Men's PAC Bas Semifinals,TBA TBA Center • Open Swim Club, •Swing and salsa ketball Finals, 8 p.m., Dixon dancing, 9TBA Center Pool lOp.m., Dixon •Yoga, 8-9p.m., • Indoor Soccer, 10 Center Dixon Center p.m., Dixon Center

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