March 15, 2001 issue 18 Loquitur

Page 11

hand to raise hope in West Virginia

Fresh country air mixed with a rippling mountain view served as the backdrop for 40 students, campus ministers John Dimucci and Mary Laver, and Father Steve Albero, campus chaplain. These voyagers traveled to West Virginia for a week of community service.

Project Appalachia, the community service spring break trip

sponsored by campus ministry, took place from Sat., March 3 until Fri., March 9. The trip was broken up into two separate sites of service.

Union and East Bank served as the home bases for the separate sites.

Fourteen students and Mary Laver, campus minister traveled through Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia to Union, W. Va.

, .XLVll, .18 Inside
photo by Amy Gassen Junior Marl< Krauss hammers a nail into the wall on the side of a house that was being built by Cabrini students who attended the Union site at Appalachia in West Virginia.
Students lend.a
continued on pg. 3 photo by Janice Funk
"'"', th ll r~ t r i --.. u I 1 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 • Hypnotist • Dance, 9 p.m., • Mass, 7 p.m., • Semester Midpoint • Senior Pre- • Intercollegiate Michael Grace Hall Bruck:mann • Improv Show, registration for Career Fair, Anthony, 8 p.m., Atrium Chapel of St. lOp.m. Summer/Fall 2001 Noon-4 p.m., Grace Hall Joseph • Mass, 4:45 p.m., Immaculata Atrium Brockmann College Chapel of St. • Singled Out Joseph Game Show, 8p.m.,Food Court ··-·····················J
Senior Mike Repice crawls down a hole with a flashlight in order to make some repairs at the East Bank site of the Project Appalachia trip in West Virginia.
up on Campus

Some ideas for deflating the stress bubble

Adrenaline rush, your heart is racing, echoing in your ears, you are sweating, you feel nausea and the butterflies in your stomach just did a triple somersault dismount off the uneven bars what a fun way to wake up in the middle of the night. Nightmare right? Wrong, these are all physical symptoms of stress. The question is how to answer your cry for help.

How do you handle the situation when your best friend becomes overwhelmed with stress?

You probably try to give them an escape from the hell of their stressful day and encourage them to relax or to escape out to a party. You tell them to forget about the problem for a little while and not to dwell on things they cannot control. As the situation gets worse you comfort them, remind them to approach their problems one step at a time and you basically are a good friend and take care of them.

When was the last time you were a good friend to yourself?

Think of all that you do for other people, how much you give of yourself to others and how many

times you are there for friends and family. Now is your time to look in the mirror and see the self-neglecting that is happening. When the muscles in your neck cramp up and the side of your head is throbbing you cannot concentrate or focus on what you want in life. The signs of stress need to be responded to and soothed because your body is telling you to seek some help.

If you do not know where to tum, help can always be found with the peer educators. Junior John Wood is one of the peer educators and is majoring in sociology with a concentration in criminal justice. He said that students' main source of stress is schoolwork and he would like to remind everyone that they must "take one step at a time" when dealing with stress.

"During the last week of classes the peer educators are going to be organizing a Stress-Pree Zone from 12-3 on that Tuesday and Thursday afternoons," Wood said.

During the Stress-Free Zone, massaging chairs are going to be brought in for students to be able to kick back and relax in and aromatherapy will be taking place. A student can create a stress ball

from filling a balloon with rice and flowers. Making the stress ball provides two products, a stress ball and a little procrastination, a very good friend to many.

The peer educators just started office hours this semester. They were trained last semester and currently are going through additional training. They encourage students to stop by and set up appointments if there is an issue that the student wants to discuss. Do not ignore stress because it affects daily performances and interferes with decision making. Negative thinking can result from stress and damage one's self-confidence, according to the American Institute of Stress.

Wood said, "If you have too much to deal with, take a break and step back from the project and remind yourself to pace yourself and not to do everything at once."

Many students have their own way of dealing with stress. "I go to the mall to shop, walk around and to eat," said junior Conrad Crane, psychology major and Spanish minor.

"I try and find some time for me," said junior Carolyn Ashton, psychology and Spanish major.

Violations now homebound

Underage drinkers at the University of Delaware do not get off so easy. Since 1997, whenever students whose parents help them pay tuition break the drug and alcohol rules, a notice is sent to their parents.

According to the Chronicle of Higher Education, the number of institutions with parental-notification policies has grown since October 1998, That. year Congress passed an amendment to the Higher Education Act that allowed colleges to notify parents any time a student under 21 violates a drug or alcohol policy on campus.

The motivation behind such a policy is not to scare students, according to college officials, but rather to have parents be part of the solution to the problem of drug and

alcohol abuse.

The Chronicle reports that the 63 institutions that had policies in effect for the fall-1999 semester, 52 percent of the schools reported that

"I take time out to think," said senior Abel Rodriguez, math and Spanish majo_r. He commented later that soothing music "always does the trick."

Stress seems like an unavoidable aspect of life but it is avoidable and has many remedies to be treated with. Each person has his or his own preference. Some more suggestions from people of all ages on how they deal with stress are to ride a motorcycle, play pool, go to the mall, set aside personal time, listen to music, grab a blanket and take a nap, and to just take a step back and look at one thing at a time.

Best case scenario is to realize there is a problem and it needs attention. The longer stress is put off, the more likely the stress will become damaging. The physical and mental strain that result from stress can affect the appetite, result in frequent colds or illness such as asthma, sexual disorders, aches and pains and feelings of intense and long-term exhaustion or tiredness, according to the American Institute of Stress.

When life's begins to throw the fastballs and you begin to see them as threats instead of challenges, it is time to deal with the stress in your life.

Internal and Physical Signs of Stress

• Confusion and an inability to concentrate or make decisions

• Feeling ill

• Worry or anxiety

• Feeling out of control or overwhelmed by events

• Mood changes

• Frustration

• Hostility

• Helplessness

• Impatience & irritability

• Being more lethargic

• Difficulty sleeping

• Drinking and smoking more

• Changing eating habits

• Reduced sex drive

• Relying more on medication


Justin Christian, junior violations had been slightly or significantly reduced.

"I believe it is a good policy." Charles Schaffner, director of public safety here, said on the current policy at the University of Delaware."When young people are

away from home they sometimes lose touch with their families."

Schaffner thinks that such a regulation would be effective because it can get the parents involved if there is a serious problem developing.

Several students did not think the University of Delaware policy's would work here at Cabrini.

"I don't think it would work because people always have a way of getting hold of something,"junior biology major Meghan Towers said.

'There are so many ways you can avoid having your parents see a violation," sophomore Dori Cutler said.

Junior Justin Christian said that such a policy would only anger students. 'That's why we move on campus - to get away from our parents," Christian said.


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2 NEWS Thurs., Mar. 15, 2001
"That'swhywe move on campus- to get awayfromour parents."


continuedfrom pg. 1

The volunteers in Union stayed at St. Andrews and were housed by Sister Molly.

The students worked at two main sites. For half of the week, an old school in Greenville was painted. For the other half, the group worked on building a house.

While at the school in Greenville, students stripped, cleaned and re-

painted the cafeteria, gym bleachers, gym walls and hallways.

Snow threatened to leave the group indoors on Tuesday, but did not succeed. Half' of the group braved the snow and traveled to Greenville to paint while the other half of the group played with children at a shelter nearl>y.

Working on the house involved carrying multiply piles of wood, constructing the shell of a roof and assisting in the building of walls.

An additional 25 students, along with John DiMucci and Fr. Steve Albero, ventured a little further west to the town of East Bank, W. Va Unlike in Union, the East Bank crew was divided into smaller groups and sent to different sites in neighboring communities.At each location, there was much to be done.

The first site students went to was in the Kincaid region. Here, they teamed up with members of AmeriCorps and the Southern Appalachia Labor School to help build and restore houses. In addition to gutting a house and putting up insulation, the students learned more about AmeriCorps. Many of the workers were part of a program called YoutbBuild, in which teens and young adults have the opportunity of going to school for a week and then working on site the next.

Another group stayed in East Bank and helped to transform an old VFW building into a social center. The crew cleaned, fixed and painted the walls of the building. By the end of

Preparation. crucial when it comes time to registering

It's that time of year again. Time to register for those classes that will help you graduate from college. Registration can be a difficult time for some, however, being prepared will help you register with ease.

March 20 is the first day of registration for the summer/fall 2001 semesters. It is senior pre-registration. Junior pre-registration is on March 22, sophomores register on March 26 and 27, while first year students will register on March 29 and 30.

Chad May, registration and reporting coordinator, said, "The best way for registration to go smoothly is for students to be prepared and have a plan." May also advises students to make sure they talk to their adviser and have one or two alternative courses in mind in case a class that they wanted to take is closed. Another great idea May suggested was for students to check online at under the current class schedules and closed classes. The current class schedule allows students to see bow many people are permitted in

each section and bow many people are already signed up for that particular class. The current class schedule is updated every 60 minutes. The closed classes show the students if the course that they want to take is already closed. This helps the students with planning an alternative. If they see that the class is already closed they will be able to find another

States History fill up the fastest. May also said that senior class members are the easiest for him to register and first year students are the most difficult. It seems the more times students register, the easier it is. It also helps that seniors get first pick in the classes that they need to take in order for them to graduate.

Chad May, -registration and reporting coordinator

course to suit their needs. The closed class schedules are updated every 15 minutes.

"General core courses are the ones that get filled up the quickest," May said. "Especially the ones in which only one section is offered." Other than the regular required courses, May said that Philosophy 323: Love, and History 107 and 108: Survey of United

Another problem that students may have while trying to register is having a business hold. Many times when students are trying to register they find out that they are not able to register because of numerous reasons. People who have residence hall charges are unable to register along with those who have unpaid parking tickets, parking permits and those who have not paid their tuition.

So when the time comes, make sure that you are prepared to register. Have alternative classes in case you aren't able to get in the one that you actually want. Also, make sure that you have your copy of the fall 2001 class schedule that you can pick up in the Registrar's office. You will have a much smoother registration process and will help those hard workers in the Registrar's office.


West Virginia, to perform community service during Project Appalachia. the week, their task was finished, and the building was ready to take on a new life.

Other students got to try their hands at plumbing when they were asked to help install a bathroom in a nearby home.

In addition to these sites, others completed many other important tasks. These included straightening up a thrift shop, painting and repairing ceilings, cleaning houses, tutor-

ing and helping children with school work and fixing up boles in the side of a house.

Despite difficulty with snow cancelling work at some of the sties on Tuesday and some other uncontrollable difficulties, the volunteers at East Bank were able to help out. Service was definitely the spirit of the trip.Through lots of hard work and determination, Project Appalachia 2001 was successful.

New Class Announcement

PHY 103-Astronomy Summer Session I, 2001

T, R 6:30-9:35 P.M.

3 credits helps to satisfy science distribution no prerequisites

The Science Department will be offering a new astronomy course this summer. Designed for the non-science major, this course covers basic concepts of modern astronomy and cosmology. Completion of this course will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of topics such as the origin, structure, and evolution of the universe, stellar evolution, super novas, black holes, quasars, constellations, the solar system, eclipses, tidal effects, prospects of extraterrestrial life in the universe, as well as other types of celestial bodies and phenomena. This course will help fulfill the science distribution requirement and there are no prerequisites.

For more information contact:

Dr. Joseph Smith x8585


photo courtesy of Amy Gassen
The group of students pictured above traveled to Union, West Virginia, for Project Appalachia during the week of Spring Break.
''Thebestway for registrationto go smoothlyis for studentsto be preparedand havea plan."
photo courtesy of Janice Funk group pictured above visited East Bank,

Retention rate of students steadily increasing

Think back to your senior year in high school. The year that you received the countless brochures from various colleges all across the country and in some cases from across the world. Some of them you just overlooked and tossed into the trashcan, but the one you received from Cabrini caught your eye. If it didn't you would not be reading this right now.

when choosing a college students look at all different factors such as size, location, majors offered, tuition, sports teams and atmosphere. When it is finally narrowed down to that one special place it is expected that you will spend the next four years of your life there. That is the place that you will "make friendships that will last your entire life, the place that you may meet your future husband or wife. It is the place that will prepare you to go out into the real world and make something of yourself. Well what happens when you get to the place that was supposed to be your home away form home and you want to leave?

Cabrini's retention rate, the rate of students that continue at Cabrini each year, has steadily increased over the past few years. For full-time students from fresh-

man to sophomore years the retention rate in 1997 was 74 percent; 1998, 76 percent; and 1999, 78 percent and in 1999 78 percent.

About 75 students transfer out of Cabrini each year. Students leave for various reasons: the cost of a private school is too expensive therefore they transfer to a state college, academic difficulties, a change in major that is not offered here, etc.

"Each student considering transferring is treated individually. If he or she has decided upon a major we don't offer we would support that student's decision. If a student is facing academic difficulties or is in need of personal counseling, we would refer them to someone at the college who could offer the right kind of assistance," explained Dr. Laura Valente, vice president for student development.

Frank Bradley, a senior at Penn State University, transferred out of Cabrini after his sophomore year.

"I liked Cabrini, but after a while I wanted something bigger with more diversity," explained Bradley. "I felt like I needed to challenge myself more in the classroom."

It seems as though. most students who decide to transfer do so after their freshman or sophomore years. If a student decides to

transfer a deciding factor is often how many credits will transfer. Not all schools will accept the credits that have been achieved.

Junior Allison Webb, a student at Temple University, transferred after her sophomore year.

"I think Cabrini is a good transition school. It was an easy adjust-

sons that they received from students that decide to transfer.

"Feedback from all students, whether or not they transfer is accepted and reviewed. Each suggestion must be analyzed to assess its congruence with Cabrini's mission," said Valente.

Shannon Broadhurst, also a junior at Temple, left after her sophomore year.

"What attracted me to Cabrini in the first place was the closeknit atmosphere. When you walked to class you knew practically everyone that you passed on the way, but on the other hand sometimes I wanted to see a new face," explained Broadhurst.

Junior Jean Chuba transferred to Cabrini this semester from The University of Delaware in Newark, Del. She transferred to Cabrini because after a while Delaware got to be too big for her.

quiet and peaceful to finish up my last two years. One factor that really attracted me to Cabrini was I felt that I would have a better chance at job placement if I graduated from a small private school. That was something that caught my eye in the brochure," explained Chuba. "I am really glad that I came here. I thought that the transition would be tough, but everyone has been really friendly."

Junior Donna Kain was considering transferring to West Chester University in the second semester of her sophomore year. She thought that she wanted something bigger, but after a tour of West Chester she realized that she wanted to stay at Cabrini.

ment to make form high school, but I wanted to go somewhere bigger," said Webb. "I wanted to go somewhere that had a broader range of majors to offer, that is why I chose Temple. Even though I transferred I do not regret going to Cabrini. It gave me a good foundation for what I am learning now and I made friends that I will have for the rest of my life."

A lot of times it is questioned if colleges and universities do anything about the complaints or rea-

"It was to easy to be lost in the crowd if you did not have your own group. There I was just a number, here I feel like I get more attention from my professors," explained Chuba.

Many times students complain that there is nothing to do on campus. Chuba explained that that was a common complaint at the University of Delaware too although the settings are very different. Delaware is in a college town; Cabrini is set in the woods.

"I wanted to go somewhere

"I used to go there all of the time to visit my friends, but once I walked around and saw how big it was I was overwhelmed. I was afraid that I would lose the oneon-one attention that Cabrini has to offer. I had all of my papers filed. Everything was set, but I changed my mind last minute and I am so glad that I did. I have made close relationships with my friends, peers and teachers," said Kain.

A College Retention Committee is being formed and will begin work over the summer to develop a strategic plan for retention efforts. Valente will chair that committee.

Intercollegiate career fair to be held at lmmaculata

On March 21, the Intercollegiate Career will be held at Immaculata College. The fair is co-sponsored by Cabrini, Eastern, Immaculata, Neumann and Rosemont Colleges. Seventy companies will recruit juniors and seniors for full-time and part-time jobs, summer jobs, as well as summer internships and co-op. All majors are welcome.

The fair will be held Wednesday from 123p.m. One van will leave Cabrini at 11:30 a.m. People can board the van on a firstcome, first-serve basis. The van will leave Immaculata College at 2:30 p.m. Directions to the career fair and detailed information links to specific jobs are posted on the Cabrini website.

People who attend the job fair should be as professional as possible. Students should wear suits and bring up-to-date resumes with

them. The purpose of the fair is to "get yourself known."

The Co-op & Career Services Office can help students create a resume. Students can go there and pick up a packet on how to write a resume. Resumes should be printed on resume paper. This is a thicker paper than regular printer paper and can be purchased at any office supply store.

There is a resume template on the Career Connection website. The login ID for the website is your entire social security number and the password is the last four digits of your social security number.

"Students should write positive things on their resumes. If you got a low grade in a subject don't include that information on your resume," Kristie Beucler said.

Students should look at the list of businesses before they attend the career fair and they should bring several resumes.

Students should bring a binder or covered

notebook and pen. This will allow them to take notes on how to do an interview, keep contacts with possible employers or write down any questions or concerns the students might encounter at one of the stands.

"Last year one person went to the fair and got a summer job. She did so well at the summer job that the company offered her a full-time job during the school year and a job after she graduates," Beucler said.

Opportunity isn't always where you look. Many jobs can be found in different places. " An accounting major approached a hospital's stand. He said he knew that his major was not in medical care, but he wanted to know if the hospital needed anyone in the hospital's business offices. He was hired," Beucler stated.

The Co-op and Career Services Office is open to students Monday through Friday and can be contacted at 902-8304, 5 or 6.

Other CareerFairs:

March 21-Careersfor TeachersUniv.of Delaware8 a.m.

$5 Registration,forms in Co-op and Career Servicesoffice.

March28.-Greater PhiladelphiaTeacherJob Fair Fort WashingtonExpo Center.10a.m.-3 p.m. $3

April 2-Job Fair for Teachers

HolidayInn ConferenceCenter in Fogelsville,PA

April 4- TeacherRecruitment Day

MillersvilleUniversityin PucilloGym.

Pick-upfree ticket in Co-op and Career Servicesoffice.

4 NEWS Thurs., March 15, 2001
I liked Cabrini,but after a while I wanted more di- • veristy.I felt like I neededto challenge myselfmore in the classroom
Frank Bradley -former Cabrini student
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Rapid growth causes changes in housingselection

It is that time of year again when the sounds of angry students and parents raid the Cabrini campus community.

I am of course, talking about the upcoming housing availability for the 2001-2002 school year. Cabrini College has experienced a rapid growth of resident students in the last few years. This expansion has forced the college to establish certain requirements for students to be able to reside on campus.

Director of Residence Life David Carpenter provided an update on what is to be expected.

Woodcrest and Xavier will designated for first-year students.

The new dorm and Houses One, Two and Three are reserved for students who have completed less than 29, or who are participating in Special Interest Housing (S.I.H). All of these halls are alcohol-free and House one and three have a possibility of being co-ed

althoughnothing is finalized. Houses four, five, six and seven are reserved for students with 30 credits or more. Students will not need special approval to live in these houses.

To live in the Cabrini Apartment Complex (CAC) you must be approved in advance by the Residence Life staff. Applications will be distributed to all student mailboxes this week; however, if one wasn't received, applications are available in the Residence Life Office.

There are certain requirements that students must fulfill to live in the CAC. They include likelihood of compliance with the Code of Conduct based on the past disciplinary history and 45 credits currently completed. No exceptions will be made. Appeals will be considered on March 22. If more than 111 residents are eligible, preference will be given based on GPA, credits earned, and involvement in college and service activities. Keep in mind, there are only five apartments with accommoda-

tion for four people, nine apartments accommodating five people, and apartments for six people.

Students who currently have completed 105 credits or turn 24 years old by the start of the academic year may not enter the housing- selection process. Residence life, however, is giving students who feel they have extenuating circumstances to appeal in writing no later than March 28.

Each student must complete a Housing Application, Residence Life Hall Agreement and a Roommate Questionnaire. Points will be distributed for students who wish to live in the CAC: one point for each semester on camps; one for campus leadership activity and/or athletics; various point values awarded for GPA.

Points will be subtracted for previous violations of the student Code of Conduct

Points are determined by Residence Life staff and are based on student leader input and cannot be appealed. All packets are due by 4:30 p.m. the Residence Life on

MLA research helps the salaries of adjunct faculty members

Salary information for part-time and non-tenure faculty members has been poorly documented over the years.

Recently, the Modern Language Association (MLA) noticed this lack of information.

In 1999, the MLA contacted the 5,245 English and foreign language departments within its college and university database and sent them a survey regarding the salaries and benefits of their adjunct faculty.

Out of the departments that were sent the survey, only 42 percent sent back a completed survey, compared to the usual 90 percent repsonse rate.

An article written by Scott Smallwood for The Chronicle of Higher Education explored the advancements in information that this new survey has started.

Before this survey, no documentation existed on the salaries of part-time faculty members. A col-

lege who participated in the survey might be looked upon differently through how well or poorly they treat their part-time faculty in comparison to other schools.

William Pannapacker, an assistant professor of English at Hope College explained that many of the colleges who did not respond might have something to hide.

Harvey Lape, philosophy professor at Cabrini is the chairman of the Adjunct Faculty Board of the faculty senate.

Lape explained that Cabrini's adjunct faculty salaries are comparable to similar schools such as Immaculata College.

Lape also explained that Cabrini couldn't be compared to such schools as Bryn Mawr or the University of Pennsylvania because these schools have more luxuries than Cabrini.

Karen Thompson, head of the part-time faculty union at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J., commented in Smallwood's article, "Even generating discus-

Tuesday, March 27.

"Most likely in the future we will not be offering housing to seniors. We want to focus on freshmen and sophomores giving them support as they adjust to the college life," Carpenter said.

"I feel that this is ridiculous. How can the college not guarantee housing to certain seniors when they have given all their time and money over the last three years to this institution?" junior Tina Hadley said.

"Why would Residence Life make upcoming seniors worry about housing when it is the last possible thing on our mind?"

Maureen Kelly added.

When asked if incoming freshman would be made aware that they would not be guaranteed housing for all four years. Carpenter said information was sent to the Office of Admissions.

"I do not want housing to be a secret," Carpenter added.

sion is useful. Its' always good to stir the pot and give something to stick in front of the face of their administrators."

The article also offered a very local example. Part-time English instructors make about $2,400 per course at St. Joseph's and Villanova Universities. The University of Pennsylvania's part-time staff now earns about $5,000per course.

Although the survey is very incomplete due to the small percentage that responded, it is new and helpful information for adjunct faculty members.

Lape commented "I'm not so sure there are good guys or bad guys, but I would have liked to have seen the survey more complete."

Lape also said, "Cabrini would sincerely like to help adjunct faculty be more a part of campus."

Dr. Seth Freebie, English/communications professor at Cabrini, and a member of the MLA said "I think the MLA is helping the adjunct lobby for better pay."

Loquitur NEWS 5
photo by Michelle Palandro
IntercollegiateCareerFair 2001 Wednesday March21 12 - 3 p.m. ImmaculataCollege AlumnaeHall • Meetwithorganizationsseekingfull-time,part-time,<.O-OP & lntemsNp • 8ring resumesand dresstor$UCX'e$$ (le: weara suit)! • A vanwillshuttleftomcabrinlCollegeto lmmaculataCollege. JOINUS! 1/11$ewnt Is opentoa/1 IMl11/Jefs DIthe OKleflt!commtllllty Spoh$Ot'#Jdby c.btini.&stem. Mtumann1111(/RosemontC,o41tQes Formo,e lntornt.tlon &"""'..,.._ •t61HO:..Jl04, 5, 0¥'6 Orftlndn1Msioj· «~ ,.. - ::::r:---::
Next year, Woodcrest will be a first-year dorm, as will Xavier.

Even without Napster music will go on

a&e editor

Napster's reign may finally come to end. The popular musicsharing site was ordered on Monday, March 5 to start weeding out any copyrighted materials from its database. After months of court proceedings and appeals, the Recording Industry Association of America found part of the victory, that they were seeking for. A court order stated that the major record labels must provide Napster with lists of songs that they do not want put on the server. Hilary Rosen, president of the RIAA, said the company would comply with the court's order. "We intend to provide the notifications prescribed by the court expeditiously, and look for-

ward to the end of Napster's infringing activity."

Already Napster users are looking for ways around this order by misspelling the titles of songs and the names of the artists in hopes of keeping the songs on the site alive. Napster users have already done this in order to post songs by Metallica who headed the crusade to bring Napster down. Napster, however, is allowed to be host to materials not copyrighted and to artists who appear on small independent labels. It is unclear as of now if users will have to pay a monthly access fee to download songs.

With Napster's fate looming, college students in dorms across America have begun frantically searching the Internet for a Napster alternative. Sharing MP3

files goes back before Napster' s time, the only difference was that there was much more pointing, clicking and searching going on before one could find their song of choice. But just like any other good idea out there, Napster has many clones. Some of these clones are far scarier to the entertainment industry than Napster could ever be. is a file-sharing site that offers everything from current radio hits to this weekend's movie box-office sensation. offers the same type of service but in a very disguised way, which makes it a bit clumsy to search, in order to avoid any legal issues for as long as they can. The Motion Picture Association of America has yet to make a statement about movie

swapping on the web because it is not yet a major threat to the industry. These types of mega movie downloads are also not very accessible for the average user. A 40GB hard drive, for instance, can only hold up to 10 feature length films, and the download times, even on the college-equipped Tl lines, can take several hours. Sticking to songs only, Napigator provides access to millions of songs and runs on very similar lines to Napster. also offers songs from Rebop to the Jackson Five.

Copyright laws are not the same across the globe. ! is a Napster-like program that you must download first before sharing files but the main server is in [srael where

copyright laws are very lenient. Expect many more programs coming from outside the U.S. very soon.

Optimism still remains for Napster fans who are pleading for the site to remain online sticking to their claim that Napster opens consumer's ears to music that would otherwise go unheard, therefore creating more sales for record labels. The recording industry releases about 37,000 albums year, most of which go unheard on airwaves and in homes across America and Napster gives these artists a chance to be heard.

For now, the estimated 12 million Napster users will have to find a way to survive and rest assure that it won't be long until something else takes its place.

Buried Treasures: Books that touch the heart and cause a laugh

time it takes to get into the book.

''More Letters from a Nut" by Ted L. Nancy

He writes to Sara Lee Cakes to inform them that he found someone who doesn't like Sara Lee, which goes against the Sara Lee slogan "nobody doesn't like Sara Lee." He writes to Coca-Cola introducing his beverage kiet doke, asking if it will interfere with their beverage, diet coke. He writes to the Ritz Carlton reservation desk addressing his problem of eating the bedding while he travels. The letters are laugh out loud hysterical.

Ted Nancy is a citizen of Thousand Oaks, California, and writes silly letters to corporations, government offices, correctional facilities, celebrities and more. More Letters from a Nut is the second collection of Nancy letters.

It is rare you will read one of his letters and say, "wow, I've always felt that way too," but it is a guarantee that that you will be greatly entertained in the short amount of

"The Four Agreements"

On the inside cover of many books there is a description of the book's life-changing qualities and how you

will never be the same after Welcometo one of those books without the self-proclamation all over the cover. Don Miguel Ruiz, the author, is far more than a writer, he is a teacher of Toltec wisdom and of life's simplest lessons. By the end of the book, the spiritual road traveled will have you loaded with the complete amount of puzzle pieces to piece together a transformation of your life into freedom, true happiness and love. He teaches us how to heal our emotional wounds The cover of "The Four Agreements• by Don Miguel Ruiz.

and to avoid being hurt again. His enlightening lessons include being impeccable with your word, not taking anything personally, not making assumptions, and to always do our best. Toltec knowledge is not a religion but it does embrace the spirit and describe a way of life that many are amazed by. After Ellen DeGeneres read this book, she told Oprah, and then Oprah told the world and now I tell you because not everyone gets a chance to hear Oprah's word

"The lliustrated Alchemist"

Following your intuition and your dreams in learned in this magical fable. Beautifully illustrated by the artist Moebius, a widely acclaimed

The Mr. and Ms. CabriniPageantIs back

Thurs., March 22, 9:30 in the Grace Hall Atrium

$2 per person to benefit the senior class

creator of western. science fiction and fantasy art, this mystical story becomes encouraged to a variety audience. The maincharacter, Santiago, is an Andalusian shepherd boy who has a recurring dream of a young child leading him away from his sheep to the Egyptian Pyramids to find a worldly treasure. Though Santiago is uncomfortablewith asking a gypsy to interpret his dream, he decides it would be interesting and stops on him way to the market. He sits through her interpretation and is told that he must go to the Pyramids to search for a treasure. From his home, Spain, Santiago embarks on his path to fulfill his personal legend.

We begin to meet a melting pot of characters through Santiago and sit back in awe as Santiago links the omens set before him. Just as he step by step learns the language of the world, how to listeii to his heart and how to follow his dream, we also move right along with him learning.

During these years, confusion pops up frequently for students on what path to take or to follow, this boot helpsteach you to listen to what you 1mlywant.

6 A&E Thurs., March 15, 2001
The most entertainmentyou can get on the Main
Featuring surprise celebrity judges and a perfonnance from Cabrinrs lmprov Troupe.
two bucks.

Staff exhibits artiStic pottery, artwork

Creative juices are flowing in the Holy Spirit Library. Four faculty members have their works on display in the Grace and Joseph Gorevin Fine Arts Gallery on the second floor of the Holy Spirit Library.

Bernadette Curran's pottery is currently being exhibited. She explained why she enjoys using a three-dimensional medium. "It takes on a life of its own," Curran said. Curran's works were created to be shown in this exhibit.

Cabrini staff members introduced their works on Tuesday at the Annual Fine Arts Faculty Exhibit in the Grace and Joseph Gorevin Fine Arts Gallery. Their works will be exhibited through April 2. On the left, Lisa Learner is standing with one of her paintings, encased in a frame carved by Richard Wagner.

Above, Bernadette Curran is standing with two pieces from her collection of pottery. Below on the right, Cassandre Maxwell poses with her pastel and collage work "In the Line of Duty." Below on the left, Richard Wagner poses with his favorite print "Bike."


Richard Wagner's paintings are mostly demonstrations for his print making class. In addition to his own work, Wagner created the frames on the work of Lisa Learner. They are hand carved and water-gilded. Wagner said that preparing for this show involved pulling many all-nighters. "I feel like I'm in college again," he said.

Lisa Learner is displaying paintings that are oil shellacked on watercolored paper. Most of her works are very recent, having been created in the last six months. Learner said that she spends three to four hours every night painting. "It helps me to review what I teach every day," she said. Learner's art is also currently showing in New York City on 57th Street.

Cassandre Maxwell says that her works all convey a very different story. Her works are also fairly recent and have been painted over the last year. She enjoys art exhibits. "These are fun. We have been doing them for a very long time," Maxwell said.

Visit the Holy Spirit Library and see the works, which will be on display until April 2. Each of the works is on sale.

Loquitur A&E 7
-photos by Anita Pirri
Wagner, Learner
April 2 in the Holy Spirit Library. Each work is on sale.
out Curran,
and Maxwell's works now until
Every Monday night at
In the Widener Center Lecture Hall "On
Improvisational Comed L+--=-----------~~.,.L..V.J,,,L~~ .......-¥4~~..W,"-W~~~JU-~sc:J--4!~.....U.~~Ul.44.Jf.U.;~c.:i.-.,(µ.;tuL..u.; '•••••~••••~•----•---••~•e•J•,¥~~
the Spot"

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Negril, Jamica
Thurs, March 15, 2001
All photography by Meghan Merkel, Jill C. Hindman and Renee Di Pietro Destin, Florida Negril, Jamica

Cold bitter weather. Dark snowy nights. For a week we traded reality for a little taste of paradise. No alarms. No worries about midterms. No rushing to the job. Instead, just some sunsets and sandy beaches.

_Loq_ui_w___________ FEATURES------------ 9
Key Largo, Florida Key Largo. Florida
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

EDITORIAL College good at playing < 'rules roulette'

"Comfort in consistency" is not a phrase that this college strives to uphold. Students can never count on knowing what is around the corner. No one knows what will be happening here from one year to the next and what policies are good and which will be thrown out.

The residence life office sent a letter to the student body saying that any student with more than 89.5 credits would not be allowed to live on campus next year. The college had a planning crisis-thanks to them students suffer once again.

Many students received scholarships that would only remain in effect if they lived on campus during their entire college careers. How are these students going to be held liable for not holding up their end of the bargain when they are not permitted by the school to live on campus?

These students are not being kicked off campus because they are unruly or threatening to the safety of other students. An over-admittance of students and lack of proper planning and development of the campus is to blame for this problem. The characters of these students and their obedience to rules are not in question. Students are now being forced to prove themselves to residence life to remain on campus.

This policy may alleviate the crowding on campus, but why should the student body have to compensate for the inadequacies of this administration. The students pay the bills and make this institution what it is. Retention rates and content students should be important to the powers-that-be of Cabrini College. The college may have a strong enrollment now, but if this garbage of socking students with administrative problems continues, Cabrini College will be only a memory. Seize the opportunity and consult the student body with such important decision making.

Press blind-sided by local bomb threats

Some local news media have contributed to the hype of the bomb threats plaguing northern and central Montgomery county. Some have been the direct root of the panic.

In a broadcast last week, Jim Gardner, channel six anchor, read a letter sent to him warning of further wrath if people did not "change their ways." A Montgomery county daily news paper also featured a similar letter on its front page.

The medias' job is to report the news. There is no certainty that this was anything more than mail to hype the situtations already playing out in Montgomery county. If the letters had made specific indications of when something were to happen, then its reporting would have been justified. The media has gone too far with its sensatiQnalisticreportiug.

Who are the real cowards?

instead of cowering behind the excuse of, "We didn't want to get him in trouble, you know?"

equally pathetic friends to cheer them on.

President Bush described the recent Santee, Calif. shooting at Santana High School, executed by Charles Andrew Williams, 15, as "a disgraceful act of cowardice."

While the shooting was certainly Williams' own malicious and maddening prerogative, the cowardliness does not solely belong to him, but also to his friends who were repetitively warned of the boy's plans to kill a month prior to the gunfire. The individuals who loved to make Williams the butt of their jokes, which often resulted in violence, also hold the responsibility as cowards.

How could these students have chosen to remain silent?

The two dead students and 13 other casualties could have been prevented if these cowards would have mustered up enough courage to inform the proper authorities

No, I don't know, nor do I understand this logic, the carelessness of allowing him to potentially scar the physical, emotional and mental well-being of others for fear of expulsion. I would rather have my friend expelled from school for an attempted massacre than have him spend the rest of life behind prison bars.

Let's not forgot those who liked to hurl insults, both verbally and physically, on Williams, who always responded passively.

Individuals who feel the need to prey on others who appear different or not the "norm" are the real cowards.

Often observing the harassment of victims throughout high school and even here at Cabrini, I believe the individuals who enjoy victimizing others practically scream out their own insecurities. They attempt to belittle others in hopes of making the target appear inferior, and themselves, the bully, superior.

And there is always, always an audience.

Bullies do not have enough courage to commit the act alone and need their usual audience of

It is easy for those who do not thrive off abusing others to stand up and say that such 11ebavioris unwarranted and cruel. However, I often wonder at what point does a bully feel so hindered that they are unable to gather the nerve to do the same.

Most of the recent strings of school shootings have occurred due to the repercussions of continuous harassment and taunting.

While school shooters have no excuse for their horrific actions, the unbroken streak of coincidences relating to each case with an individual or individuals who are the school outcasts is critical.

Abusive behavior amongst students is usually dismissed as "kids will be kids," a common statement that should have been put to rest long ago.

While there is no justification for committing these massacres, society has to come to grips with the cowardice that permeates adolescent society today. We need to teach our children, our students, that standing up now is better than burying someone tomorrow and the effects of taunting and teasing can prove to be fatal.

The editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.
Thurs., March 15, 2001
Checkout the Loquituronlineat Loquitur is established as a forum for student exp~ioo and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of is.sues. News Editor: Linsey Heiser A&E Editors: Michael Kazanjian Beth Ann Conahan Features Editor: Meghan Merkel Advertising Manager: Jose Jalandoni Staff Writers Kendra Clark Jill Hindman Mike Bevelaqua Georgiana Rushworth Beth Ann Conahan Jenine lkeler Jennifer Coots Michael A. Kazanjian Matthew Coughlin Marianne McKim Jennifer Devereaux Lauren Norton Justine Difilippo John O' Donnell Renee Di Pietro Kate Pelosi Jennifer Ford Arny Gassen Jessica Giordano J\:ick Luchko Julia Marie Teti Tracy Timson Renee Tomcanin Geri Lynn Utter Chris Vesci Editor in Chief: Joe Holden Managing Editor: Stephanie Masucci Editorial Board Linsey Heiser Stephanie Masucci Joe Holden Advisers:Rita Cellucci, Dawn Francis Sports Editors: Amy Gassen Geri Lynn Utter Perspectives Editor: Mike Butler Photography Editor: Matt Holmes Web Manager: Matt Tooley Staff Photographers Justine Difilippo Jenine ll<eler Anita Pirri Matt Holmes Loquitur is a laboratory newspaper written. edited and produced by students registered in C0\1 346, 350, 351, 353 and 354. Members of the campus community are invited to work on or submit stories for publication. Only students registered in the above classes, however. are eligible to receive academic credit. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefit~ secured in tuition and fees. Loquitur welcomes leuers to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. Names are witheld only in unusual circumstances approved by the editor in chief. Letters to the editor should be submined by noon on Mondays.

Crueltydespair,smilinggunmancasts chains

Call me sick. Call me macabre. Call me whatever you like, but I am not afraid to admit that when I hear about a school shooting I tend to get a big grin on my face. Why? I'll get into that after I give you the facts of the story.

Last week's school shooting in Santana High School in California was the deadliest since the shootings at Columbine (my favorite C-word) almost two years ago. The gunman, 15-year-old Charles Andrew Williams, netted himself two kills and wounded 13 others as he sprayed bullets from the lavatory doorway, smiling as he pulled the trigger according to one student. Other students said that Williams was picked on all the time, mainly because "he was one of the scrawniest guys," thus making him an easy target for the cruelty of his peers. But unlike the Columbine gunmen, Williams acted alone and surrendered peacefully in the bathroom he was shooting from. What makes this shooting refreshingly different from the Columbine shooting is that no one is blaming video games, movies or black trenchcoats for Williams' actions. But what still frustrates me is that no one is focusing on what I think is the real cause: the ones who made this boy's life a living hell.

High school is a savage realm where the rules of the outside world have little relevance. It is a tiny world where all you need to succeed are good looks, athletic ability to play for the varsity team and the ability to confonn readily, immediately and without question (these people are commonly referred to as jocks). Those who do not possess good

looks, athletic ability and the ability to confonn are subject to being ostracized, ridiculed and savagely beaten by their peers with virtual impunity. And to further make sure that the above points are driven into the brains of high school students, they are forced to spend eight hours a day in this absurd universe for two-thirds of the year for four years. Tell this scenario to an eighth grader who is handsome and good at sports and he or she will fall in love with the concept of high school. Tell this scenario to a skinny bookwonn with headgear and despair will consume this child. And that's what causing these school shootings: despair. Not a lot of people know the crippling power of despair (especially those who were at the top of the social pyramid in high school where your most pressing issue was who you were going to take to the prom) so let me try to convey a sense of it to you using mere words. Imagine yourself in a small room with no doors or windows. In this room with you are four people who ridicule you and beat you up every day with no remorse for the sole reason of because they can. Now imagine that you have absolutely no means to fight back. And as if things couldn't get worse, imagine that there is no hope of this situation ever changing. If you have any sense of empathy you now know what despair feels like. Sadly, that is also what high school feels like for someone at the bottom of the food chain. And with a recent survey saying that being bullied is the number one problem that kids face in school, I think it's safe to say that more and more kids are being gripped by this type of despair and depression.

So why do school shootings make me grin like the Cheshire cat? Because I see school shootings as a sort of modem-day storming of the Bastille. The hopelessly downtrodden rise up and cast off their chains of despair in a fit of revolution (and barrage of bullets). Plus, it really shakes up the jocks. It's not often, if at all, that the balance of

power shifts that far away from them. But sadly, in the end, nothing really changes (except for a couple people on permanent leave from school due to being arrested or killed). After a week or so of mourning and people supporting each other and all that other community solidarity bull, things revert to the way things used to be. The jocks go back to the top of the social mountain where they rule with cruel impunity and the freaks and geeks flutter back down to the bottom. But for that short period of time, the once untouchable members of the high school social elite were no better than the nerds they so zealously abuse. That is justice, my friends, and it makes me feel warm inside.

Of course, not everyone shares my opinion. President Bush called the shooting "a disgraceful act of cowardice."

I say it was a desperate act of courage. He was not courageous in the sense that he was doing a worthy deed. He was courageous in the sense that, in his own misguided way, he refused to be a victim anymore. He hated his situation and did something about it. Was it right? No, but at least he did something. He stopped being a passenger in the car ride of life and, for a short time, became the driver. Bush added "When America teaches our children right from wrong and teaches values that respect life in our country, we'll be better off." Aside from the disgustingly obvious religious slant, I agree with this statement. If our children knew what right and wrong were, Charles Andrew Williams and the Columbine gunmen would never have been driven to the point of irrevocable despair.

And so to President Bush and the rest of the American public, I say save your scorn for Charles Andrew Williams. Our judicial system will deal with him. I say turn your harsh eyes and thoughts to those who tore him down until he could no longer bear it. They are the ones to blame, but sadly no one will. Except for me.

Difference made through "domino effect"

You wake up and the clock reads 6:30am. You get up from the floor you slept on and you feel a shiver down your back. You go to the kitchen and get a cup of coffee. You look outside and all you see is mountain tops with snow on them, a river rushing by and the inspiration of the people that are around. That is Appalachia.

For the past two years, I have been going on the "Alternative Spring Break" trip to East Bank, West Virginia with Campus Ministry. Now you might ask "why would you want to travel over eight hours with 16 people in a van to the poorest state in America?" Well, honestly, I don't know why, but I know what I do and what so many other students do: make a difference. That is Appalachia.

I know that sometimes people here at Cabrini (I'm guilty of this too) feel that things suck and complain about the little things, and that's ok. We are accustomed to that.

It's our nature. However, learning and talking to the people of West Virginia has made me think about what is important, like family, friends and God. The attitude that we display is somewhat of a "domino effect" to the people of Appalachia and they see what we can do and in turn change their attitude toward life for the better. That is Appalachia. There is one family in particular that Cabrini College has helped for the last four years. We have installed drywall in their home. Last year, we put a roof on and this year we finished the bathroom. The family has made Cabrini students a part of their family. The mother has gone back to school and is on her way to getting an education. The last night we were in East Bank, she and her son shared dinner with us. It was so great to see the smiles and inspiration that were in their eyes. Knowing that we, Cabrini, helped change this woman's life was awesome. That is Appalachia.

vice trips that meet not only the needs of the students but also that of the college. I think that the college should provide more service trips for the students so that they can help more people who are in need and carry out the mission of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini. After all, our mission does state "the College assists students in actualizing their potential, personally and professionally, so that they better understand themselves, be more sensitive to the needs of the global community, and contribute competently to society. That is Appalachia.

Service to the poor is something that I really didn't think about when I came to Cabrini. However, from my trips to Appalachia the past two spring breaks and Mexico this past summer, I have found an interest and a calling. The people of West Virginia love life. This attitude has hit me too and I hope that after graduation I can serve these people and make their lives as happy as they have made mine. That is Appalachia.

This trip is something that every student should at least consider. Campus Ministry does a great job providing ser-


Loquitur Dome: The Eternal Debate

As shown here in this scene from "Save the Last Dance, w just getting on the dance floor and letting loose can be a good way to allievate stress.

Consider this: You have three tests coming up that you don't even have a clue as to what you are supposed to be studying.

Does this scenario sound familiar to you? It is all to familiar for me. I am often overloaded with work and it is mostly on my own terms. I try to keep myself busy and experience as much as I can, and sometimes it's just a little too much to handle.

I get very stressed.

Throughout my years of experience with stress, I have finally found that one thing that will relieve me from all my worries and troubles: dancing.

I'm not talking about ballet or tap. I am talking about getting on that dance floor and dancing your heart out to all kinds of club sounds. From techno, house, hiphop, reggae or club, they all have special meanings to me. I can picture it now: a smokey room, people all around doing their thing and there it is, the dance floor.

Nothing gets me more relaxed than walking out on the floor,

even if no one is there, just closeing my eyes and ripping it up. I dido 't go anywhere special to relax for spring break. I wasn't lying on the beach somewhere in the Caribbean. I was at home going out just about every night of the week with my friends, having a good time, and most importantly, dancing. Dancing is a big part of my life. I never feel so relaxed or at ease. I just free myself and let the beat control my body. This semester had me so tense and as I sit here and recall the events that took place in the last week, my body is probably thanking me. Starting last Friday up until this past Saturday night, I went out and danced every night with the exception of Sunday night. Even though my friends had to get up early for work the next day, I dragged them along with me to the clubs and bars and had a spectacular time. I have never danced so much in my life, but I never felt so good.

Dancing is not only a huge stress reliever for me but also great exercise. When my body feels good then so does my mind. When my mind feels good, then I am stress free.

I understand that dancing is not for everyone. I know many people that would never even step foot on a dance floor, in my case that would be devastating. Whether it is in a club, a bar or the comfort of my own house, I will dance anytime, anywhere if I feel the need to relax. It has become a part of my life that will hopefully never end. So as the semester is kicking in again, I am going to put on one of my favorite techno CDs and dance 'till my heart's content.

Tllis ,,,,t'sISSIIB: Banc, • llrama,,,,.,,

Whichis the better stress reliever?

Marianne McKim and Geri Lynn Utter debate the merits of their favorite stress relievers.

Do you know of a heated issue that deserves attention? Write Mike '80s Butler and give him that beef at

picture from

Feeling stressed? Light a candle. Like the oils, aromatherapy candles give off calming, relaxing scents that relieve stress.

What do you do to relax after a taking an impossible midterm? Some people may kick back and drink a few beers, while others pass out in front of the television. I prefer to do something a little different: aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils such as, lavender and chamomile. You're probably asking yourself,who cares about aromatherapy when I can just watch the_"Simpsons" or suck down a couple of beers to relax.

Aromatherapy does a lot for your physical and mental health, as well as acting as a relaxation agent. To prove that aromatherapy works, lavander oil was massaged on people that had undergone cardiac surgery in order to alleviate anxiety and the results were incredible. Each person's recovery was a complete success due to the aid of aromatherapy. Ok. Maybe you are still saying, who cares? Look at his way, rather than dancing,exercising or over exerting yourself at the risk of getting injured in order to relieve stress; you can stick a couple drops of lavender into the bathtub or on a hot washcloth to relieve your body of stress.

The most essential Aromatherpy oils that are used to relax the

nerves and relieve stress are lavender and chamomile. These oils work togather to calm both your physical body and mental health. For instance, chamomile is best known for its calming properties.

You have heard enough about these essential oils and how great they are for you. How do you get them? This is the easy part. For the ladies, most of those pretty smelling lotions you smother yourself with from Victoria's Secret and Bath & Body Works Inc. are full of oils like chamomile and lavender that are essential for aromatherapy. For the guys, the same applies. Aftershave lotions and colognes, as well as most hair products already include the essential Aromathearpy oils that help relieve stress. It is all in the nose. If you open your sense of smell, the lavender and chamomile fragances will relax and relieve your tensions. If you are looking for a more pure form of aromatherapy you can find these oils in the Garden Botanical store at the King of Prusssia Mall.

Remember, drinking beer and vegging out in front of the television may feel good to you, but it is not good for you. Try treating your body and mind with Aromatherapy. Or you can always dance or workout like a maniac at the gym for three hours to get the similar results.

Loquitur Dome is looking for someone to debate Chris Nielsen on the legalization of marijuana. Nielsen will argue the pro-legalization side. You'll have to tackle the reasons why it should be illegal. Send an e-mail to

12 PERSPECTIVES Thurs., March. 15, 2001
Let Loquitur know what's on your mind! Commentaries and letters to the editor may be submitted by the entire Cabrini campus community using the following format. We look forward to hearing from you! •Email: •Classic Mail: The Loquitur 610 King of Prussia Road Radnor, Pa. 19087 •Phone: (610) 902-8412 •Length: No more than two typed pages •Requirements: Names will not be withheld from letters to the editor or commentaries, even at the author's request.

,,. ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,. ,,, •• ,,,,,,,,,,

Mid-semester blues are here and the Loquitur would like to supply helpful tips to beat stress. A good nutritional diet fights off the beginnings of stress so Loquitur is also honoring National Nutrition month with healthful eating tips.

Simple tips to beat the stress

It's 3 h.m. and the biology midterm is at 8:15 a.m. There are still three more chapters to cover. Stacey Hanby, sophomore, recalls this moment vividly.

Like many college students, Hanby suffers from midterm stress, but has found ways to beat it. "When you choose to go to college - you choose to deal with stress," stated at, which is from the office of health promotions on the campus of Georgia State University and is devoted to the students of the university.

Stress is the body's reaction to an event that is seen as emotionally threatening, disturbing or disquieting, stated at, which is another site dedicated to give people ideas, information and tips on various subjects.

Finding joy, as Hanby does, is a cheap and affective way to beat stress. "When I was a freshmen in my college success class, we talked about stress and my adviser, Steve Murray, gave us all play dough," Hanby said. "By playing with the Play Dough, I remember my childhood and my stress disappears because when you are a child you have no stress,"

According to themestream, a person can relieve stress by creating a list of simple activities that they can perform within two to five minutes. These activities should not be strenuous, but should bring back happy childhood memories. Examples of these activities are playing jacks, blowing bubbles or filling in a crossword puzzle.

Relaxation techniques are a substitute for someone who does not have time to play jacks or blow bubbles. There are various types of relaxation techniques that range from visualization to reflexology and include imagery, daydreaming, prayer and meditation.

Lisa Rodriguez, a certified shiatsu therapist, recommends that the best thing to do is to perform deep breathing and call a masseuse for a one-hour massage.

Rodriguez says that if it is not possible to see a masseuse then one can perform reflexology at home. "The shoulders are where the most stress is held and carried," said Rodriguez. "By rubbing your palms on your shoulders you can start at the base and work towards down to the fingers, you can work the stress out."

Besides the various stress relievers that have been mentioned, yoga is also a high-quality stress reliever. According to Erin Lally, sophomore, "Lots of times I am tense and have lots of thoughts going through my mind, but after I do yoga I always feel relaxed, energized and my mind is free."

Yoga classes can be found at most gyms and tapes can be bought in video stores or purchased over the Internet. offers various yoga tapes. Along with a description of the tapes, opinions of people who have tried the tape are also offered to the buyer.

Over - the - counter medications are also offered. According to Rodriguez, brands such as One-A-Day and Ceo-

March into a healthy life

Rodriguez also says that there are many independent companies out on the market. An example is Sunrider. This product can be taken in tablet or drops and is used to fight stress. Sunrider contains Ese, which is a whole food product.

Though all of these activities can be used to beat stress, the best way is to manage the stress. Each day steps should be taken to beat the stress. These include doing 20 minutes of aerobic exercise combined with well-balanced meals, which include low amounts of caffeine and reduced amounts of refined sugars, alcohol and drugs. A low stress life also includes at least seven hours of sleep a night, time spent each day with at least one relaxation technique, a warm bath or shower, a walk and getting in touch by hugging someone, holding hands or stroking a pet..

National Nutrition Month is March and hopefully if you go in looking like a lamb you can come out built like a lion. National Nutrition Month is a nutrition education and information campaign sponsored by the American Dietetic Association and Foundation. The theme for this year is "Food & Fitness: Build a Healthy Lifestyle." This theme incorporates the three major guidelines of the ADA: aiming for fitness, building a healthy base, and choosing sensibly.

"I had no clue it was National Nutrition Month, but I eat healthy and watch my carbohydrates to stay in shape for lacrosse," Kelli Romano said. Romano is a sophomore psychology major who plays for the Cabrini woman's lacrosse team.

In aiming for fitness, the ADA recommends selecting a healthy weight and being moderately physically active for a half-hour each day. They define moderate physical activity as walking two miles in that time period.

"Having a healthy base" really just means eating right. The ADA offers a Food Pyramid guide link at their website People should make grains, fruits and vegetables the foundation of meals. The Food Pyramid will help an individual select the right balance of vitamins, minerals and other substances each day.

"I eat healthy every chance I get," Georgia Potter, a Computer Science first-year student said.

While some may take eating right to be important, others are planning on going on as-is.

"I don·t care if it is National Nutrition Month," junior Katie Burlingame said.

But having a healthy base is not just about eating right; hygiene is also a concern. Washing your hands, keeping food stored at the right temperature and cooking food thoroughly are also essential components to maintaining a healthy base.

"Sing two choruses of 'Happy Birthday' while you lather up - cleaning your hands for 20 seconds," the ADA recommends.

The ADA recommends not only washing your hands before eating, but also whenever handling food or even switching from handling raw meat to making a salad. Tips on keeping your food safe in the home can be found at, another ADA site. The bacteria on a meat product may crossover to a vegetable and vice versa. They further suggest using one cutting board for meat and another for fruits, breads and vegetables.

Loquitur SPORTS 13 -
Quick tips to beat stress ·play jacks ·run •blow bubbles ·rest ·color ·ride a bike ·daydream ·eat right ·meditate ·swim ·do yoga •cut caffeine ·pray ·massage Stress-busting websites www.teach

Practice makes perfect for women's lacrosse team

Spring break. A time to relax have some fun with close friends and catch some rays. Students go to places like Texas and Jamaica. Fo~getting about homework and college in general.

The woman's lacrosse team took this time off to better their athletic ability. While they did get a chance to catch some rays and have some fun, they spent most of the week sweating and playing a game that they love.

From March 3 to March 10 the lacrosse team went to St. Petersburg, Florida. Stayed in the Howard Johnson hotel and participated in a team camp to practice, scrimmage and bond with their teammates.

Cabrini amongst six other schools, including Temple, St. Joseph's University and Rochester, practiced and scrimmaged each day while they

were in Florida. Tuesday the teams participated in a round robin where each team played each other for 20 minutes.

close in score with the other team. At the end of the week four girls were chosen from each team to play against a team that had traveled from Scotland.

The teams were pushed to use their athletic ability on the field in both practices and especially scrimmages.

Junior Jill Foster said, "this was a good chance to get to know the team without other pressures from school, besides playing and having fun." Other then learning new strategies of play the team also learned how to work with each other on the field

Men's lacrosseteam victoriousover Kean University

The men's lacrosse team got off to a rocky start, but the team remains in good spirits.

Over spring break, the Cav's played two games. The first game against Western Maryland College was a defeat; however, the team demonstrated that they have what it takes to make the remainder of the season a success.

from here," said junior Adam Shaff.

The Cav's may have defeated Kean, however, they were not happy with their playing skills. "After we are fundamentally sound, our level of play will dramatically rise," said senior Josh Selchert.

At night each team played in two full games. Scores were not kept in the scrimmages but Cabrini's team did well. If they did not win the game they were

The team expects to have a good season this year. The woman's lacrosse team expects to do as well if not better then they did last year, hoping once again to win the PAC. They have won the championship three years in a row and are expecting a fourth.

Did you know?

• Jackie Neary, head- coach, started the women's lacrosse program five years ago.

• The Gav's have been the PAC champions tor three consecutive years.

• In 1999, women's lacrosse went to the ECAC's.

• In 2000, they participated in the NCAA tournament.

"Even though we suffered two loses, we've learned to play in close games against good teams," Tom Lemieux, junior, said. The rest of the team also feels that once they perfect their fundamentals on the field the season will prosper with more wins.

The second game the team played over spring break was Kean University,Union, N.J. The Cavaliers walked away with a victory. The final score was 5 to 3. "Kean was our worst showing thus far. It can only get better

The men's lacrosse team continues to practice hard and work on perfecting their playing skills in order to make the rest of the season a success.

"We need to put our past games behind us and play as a team," Matt Clements, senior, said. With the determination and dedication of the players along with head-coach Stephen Colfer, both look forward to competing in the PAC championship games this season.

The Cavaliers will be playing today at home against the Eastern Eagles at 4p.m. and Sat., at home against Villa Julie College at lp.m.

Men's LacrosseSchedule:

• 3/15vs. Eastern College 4p.m.

• 3/17 vs. Villa Julie College l p.m.

• 3/21 at SUNY-Farmingdale 4p.m.

• 3/24 vs. College Misericordia 2p.m.

• 3/28 at Allentown College 3:30p.m.

• 3/31 vs. Shenandoah U Noon

• 4/4 vs. at Neumann College 4p.m.

• 4/11 vs. Wesley College 4p.m.

• 4/13 vs. Marymount University 1 p.m.

• 4/18 vs. Ursinus College 1 p.m.

• 4/21 at U of Scranton I p.m.

• 4/25at Montclair State 4p.m.

• 4/28 PAC Championship Game TBA

"This was a a good chance to get to know the team without other pressures from school, besides playing and having fun."
Jill Foster -junior
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Preview:the NCAA final-four tournament

Well basketball fans, it is that time once again. The madness is here and this year's tournament promises to be a great one. It seems like a month ago Michigan State defeated Florida to take home last year's national championship. But this year's tournament is anyone's for the taking and could possibly be more entertaining than last year's. The top seeds foature overrated Duke, Illinois, Stanford and last year's champion, Michigan State.

The first round of the tournament starts this Thursday and concludes this Friday. The games to watch are the eight-nine games. These could be the closest and the most entertaining. Certainly look

for the number one seeds to advance. However, Duke could run into some trouble along the way. They have already lost Carlos Boozer and Jason Wt.lliams. If Williams cannot play during the tournament, then Duke better prepare themselves for a possible early exit. Illinois has had a very solid season and should hopefully go deep because they have a great coach in Bill Self. And keep in mind this in Self's first season as head coach at lliinois and he has already guided them to a number one seed. Check out the South bracket. See any familiar teams who might have played one another in a pretty significant game last year? That's right, last year's final two teams could square off again in a bit of a re-match. That would be the game to see. But Florida

has a problem. They might have to beat North Carolina before they have any dreams of knocking off Michigan State. Three teams in the East to watch are Duke, muchimproved Boston College and Kentucky. All three won their conference championships and if one plays the other, get ready for a serious war. The West has some great teams. Stanford is the top seed and could take the region. The St. Joseph's Hawks will have an interesting first-round game. And keep an eye on Indiana and Maryland. Especially Indiana, because they have been playing very well as of late.

Locally, the only teams who will be doing some dancing this March are the Atlantic 10 tournament champions, the Temple Owls and the Atlantic 10 regular season

champions, the St. Joseph's Hawks. Temple is on a roll as of late, defeating George Washington and Umass to win the A-10 tournament and receive their automatic bid. The Hawks had a bit a disappointing end to their season losing two out of three including an A-10 tournament semi-final loss to Umass. But for both teams this is a new season. However, Temple could run into some trouble because they have no bench whatsoever. But no one wants to play that smothering defense of John Chaney's. The Hawks will have an interesting game with Georgia Tech, who is coached by former Villanova assistant Paul Hewitt. But if they get past the Yellow Jackets, they will more than likely have to face Stanford. But fear not, because one of the country's

best backcourts will return next year.

All 65 teams are 0-0 and will look to go 6-0 over the next few weeks. The brackets are done and now fans can get their office pools together and enjoy the best basketball of the year. Who will win is anyone's guess. The tournament is wide open and the madness starts Thursday. How far will the number one seeds go? How far will Temple and St. Joseph's go? The road to the Final Four starts Thursday. Get ready.

Stay tuned for O'Connell's indepth review of March Madness0 'Connell will give you all you need to know about this season's games

Fine season ends in disappointingearly NCAA exit


Point, N. Y., eagerly

possession of the ball.

The lady Cavs slide into the season with a 6-2 record

While students headed to exotic locations like Cancun, Mexico and Panama City, Florida to bask in the sun, the Lady Cavalier's softball team headed to LaGrange, Georgia to compete in their most challenging tournament to date.

"Since we are not yet ranked, it was difficult for us just to get into

the tournament," sophomore Rita Horning stated.

However, Cabrini made a name for itself quickly.

As the Lady Cav's approached the field, they passed a mother of one of the players being interviewed by a local newspaper. She smiled and declared, "the best teams in the nation are playing here this weekend."

Later they discovered that the mother was there supporting St. Mary's University, last year's Division ill National Champions.

The Lady Cavs defeated the National Champions soon after with a score of 4-1. First-year student Jamie Dautel smacked a three run homer in the fifth.

When competing against LaGrange College, junior Megan

Johnston hit the first pitch of the seventh inning for a home run to break a scoreless tie ensuring Cabrini's victory.

It also defeated No. 3-ranked Muskingum College with a score of 7-4.

Cabrini spilt with Roanoke College and defeated Clark University and Moravian College. The Cavs finished with a 6-2 record.

Dautel was honored with an Alltournament selection.

Overall coaches Baxter and Pelkey were pleased.

"We went in as the underdogs and came out on top," senior Katie Vallone concluded.

The Lady Cavs head down to the Salisbury State University tournament this weekend.

15 ____________________ SPORTS.----------------Th_u_rs_.,_M_ar_ch_15_,2_00_1_
photos by Matt Holmes and the Merchant Marines, King's struggle for The Cavaliers' defense chase the Merchant Marines from Kingspoint, NY. up the court in order to gain repossession of the ball. It was a competitive game, however, both the Cavaliers and the Marines gave it their all.

Cavaliers lose at the foul line

The Cavaliers waged an impressive war against the Merchant Marines of King's Point, N.Y., but failed to defeat them. The number of fouls called on the Cavs cost them the game. The Merchant Marines sunk most of their foul-shot opportunities. This loss ended the Cavs postseason play in the NCAAs.

The first half was a scoreboard tug-of-war with an equal display of power and agility by both teams. The Cavs had a considerable low amount of turnovers and delivered the ball to

The second half was plagued with an overwhelming amount of technical fouls being called on the Cavs. The Cavs were over their foul limit by the middle of the second half. Many key players bad also fouled out by the last quarter of the second half. The Cavs were down by little more than four baskets for most of the second half, however, the Merchant Marines pulled far ahead in the remaining five minutes broadening the gap and leaving the Cavs scrambling to get to the basket.

Cabrini College Radnor, PA 19087 Thurs., March 15, 2001 Vol.XLVII, No.18 Inside
photo by Matt Holmes
Brian Wood, sophomore, scores an easy
Henosh, senior, was ready to get the rebound if needed. School spirit was alive at the game, courtesy of the Cabrini Crazies. The group was organized by SGA to lead the crowd in cheering for the Cavaliers. \i\'ho's Playing? '"''"' t hu r--- I r i ...._ ll 11 ' 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 • Softball vs. • W's Lacrosse vs. • M's Tennis vs. • Softball at • W's Lacrosse vs. • M's Tennis vs. • M's Tennis vs. Rosemont College, Catholic Goucher College, Salisbury State Immaculata Universityof the Philadelphia 3p.m. University, 1 p.m. University College,4:30 p.m. Sciences, 4 p.m. University,4 p.m. • M's Lacrosse vs. 4p.m. • M's Lacrosse vs. Tournament, • Open Swim Club, • Squash, 5-7 p.m., Eastern College, Villa Julie TBA Sp.m., Dixon Center 4p.m. College, 2 p.m. • Volleyball, Dixon Center • Ultimate Frisbee, • Softball at 9-11 p.m., • Indoor Soccer, 4 p.m., Mansion Salisbury State Dixon Center lOp.m., Lawn University Dixon Center • Squash, 5-7 p.m., Tournament, Dixon Center TBA I -----·-----····•··..••• -•--------..----
photo by Matt Holmes
as Mark

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