1 minute read
Hollywood demand for perfection too much
by Unsey Helser newseditor
The pressme to look good in Hollywood is immense. Celebrities will do anything to look thin when they are in the public eye and labeled as either "too thin" or "too fat" But when does the desire to look perfect go too far?
Many people do not realize how many of the rich and famous have actually been stricken with an eating disorder, such as anorexia or bulimia. Your favorite athlete, TV or film star or talk-show host may be suffering from these potentially fatal diseases.
1984 of anorexia nervosa.
Exercise guruRichard Simmons recently revealed that he battled both anorexia and bulimia in a new book titled, "Still Hungry After All These Years."
Pop star Paula Abdul overcame bulimia, which involves binging and purging food, in 1994 by checking into a clinic.
1980s TV star Justine Bateman of "Family Iles" bad bouts of bulimia, anorexia and compulsive overeating during her stint on the show.
Singers Elton John and Brian Wtlson both suffered from bulimia while also using drugs and alcohol.
Women's Issues
Tonight at 8 p.m. in the Wood- in bright, attractive women crest Basement, Angela Grassi of between the ages of 12 and Held as part of the Renfrew Center will present 25. an "Eating Disorder Workshop".
All are welcome to attend. -4% of college females have Week 'We are here to help anyway an eating disorder fJJ(f)