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Psychologystudentspresentwork in D.C., come home victorious
by GeorgianaRushworth staff writer
Cabrini's psychology department went to Washington DC last week to compete in the Eastern Psychological Association. Forty students from colleges all over the East Coast participated in the conference, and five of the students were from Cabrini. Each undergraduate student presented their research on various topics to a panel of judges. The judges ranked the 40 students' topics, but only eight students would be announced as the Regional Research Award winners.
Diana Andrejczak, a senior psychology major and presiding President of Psi Chi, won $300 and was announced as a Regional Research Award winner. She won for having high quality undergraduate research and is now eligible to have her paper published in a periodical journal. She can choose between the Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research or the Sociological Inquiry.
"It will be an honor to have my paper published in an undergraduate journal," Andrejczak said.
Andrejczak's win- ning topic was about students' perception of their teacher's gender role as masculine, feminine, androgynous (high