Many answer call to arms
by CatherineDilworth staff writerA call to arms is what the country cries. Will you take the call? Since the attack on America on Sept. 11,2001 there has been patriotism pouring out of Americans hearts. For some it goes much deeper than American flags on antennas and windows. Armed Forces Recruiting Stations have had a rush of men and women come into their offices and wanting to fight for their country.
Recruiters make telephone calls and go out into the local community to area canvas daily to ask Americans ages seventeen to twenty-eight if they would be interested in what the Armed forces could do for them. "In previous months it has been a mission accomplished task day in and day out. .It is hard to talk to a kid who is fresh out of high school, 18-years-old into committing his life for the next 4 years to his country," Staff Sergeant Shipman from the United States Marine Corps recruit sub station in Whitehall, Pennsylvania, said. "However, since the tragedy, myself and my fellow recruiters have received phone calls and walk-ins from interested applicants."
Since America's tragedy the words of John F. Kennedy have come alive, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." The rise of American patriotism has made the recruiter's job a little bit easier. "Most of the walk-ins are former Marines wanting to get back in. Unfortunately they don't qualify for re-enlistment because of dependents or age," Sergeant James Hatchet from the United States Marine Corps recruit sub station in Whitehall, Pennsylvania said.
Our fearless leaders words "We are a country awakened to danger," Bush said. Motivating many Americans he continued, "We will direct every resource at our com-
mand, every means of diplomacy, every tool of intelligence, every instrument of law, every financial influence and every necessary weapon of war to disruption and to the defeat of the global terror network." "Be ready," Bush told American's service members in a television address to the nation Sept. 20. "The hour is coming when America will act, and you will
ple. " I signed up in peace time as have much of my recruits, and myself and my Marines felt that patriotism without tragedy. I have seen many small town people for years drive with American flags on their pick-ups, it is about time the rest of America caught up," recruit Bailey said. Sgt Shipman feels honor he explained, "People will approach us more. Before they thought we wen~ there to take military action. We got looks like we had the plague. Mothers and Fathers saw us as the evil men who called up their house; brain washed their sons and daughters and took them away from home. Now I hear cries of "Go get 'em," "You're in our prayers" and "Good luck." One day this little old lady came up to me, shook my hand and said "Thank you so much for all you have done and all that you will do. I lost a husband in WWII, and I know you will bring honor to his memory."
The Army too has had a high amount of applicants walk in and call in to inquire about enlistment. However, much like the Marines, most are not qualified.
make us proud. Whether we bring our enemies to justice, or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be done."
Sergeant Hatchet said, "Many applicants want to know more about what is going to happen, as if all military personnel know anything more than what CNN has broadcasted. "Sgt Hatchet is motivated to see such patriotism but feels it should not take a tragedy to bring out appreciation in peo-
"We have had a much bigger interest from our target market, but some applicants do not meet the minimum requirements," Specialist Thomas Bolin of Army National Guard recruiting sub station in Plymouth Meeting, Pa., said. " We have had a great vibe from the community, and we see more of an interest of parents whose kids wish to join and whom have already joined.
-continued on page 3
• Wood dming services has an improved menu for the new
I Human Sexuality Week: Oct. 7-13 I
The facts about sex: keeping it safe
Sex is on television, movies, magazines and posters on dorm rQOmwalls. Sex is not the taboo subject our grandparents blushed and whispered a reference to. Sex seems as common to a society where 75-percent of their twelfth graders have lost their virginity as playing a video game. With sexual curiosity comes sexual responsibility.
Sexually Transmitted Infections, STls
Sexually Transmitted Infections, or STis, are among the top infections that occur in this country today. According to Planned Parenthood, people between the ages of 18 and 44 underestimate their risks for such infections for two reasons. One, many times the symptoms are asymptomatic and they won't even see the signs. And two, there is still some socially placed stigma about talking about sex and STis. There is an estimated 15 million new cases of incurable STI's reported in this country each year, that puts us ahead of
any other developed country and ahead of some developing countries.
HIV, AIDS, or another infection. Freshman Brian Feice sees young Catholics like himself look-
can get condoms on-campus. Feice believes condoms should be made available on-campus to promote responsible decisions.
Deleo understands that as a Catholic college it is not the school's responsibility to recommend or supply condoms to its students. But she worries about freshmen that do not have cars to go off-campus and buy their own.
She stressed the importance of remaining healthy and smart about sex and promotes continued education on the subject.
to about it before they make a decision.
Date Rape
One in three women and one in five men will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. 66 to 88-percent of victims know their offender. 64-percent of rapes and 80-percent of attempted rapes are never reported to the police. 62-percent of rape victims knew their assailants.
photo by Justine DiFilippo Condoms, and birth control pills are displayed to promote safe sex.
How can people prevent the spread of these infections? Donna Stoll Deleo, RN, MSN, recommends abstinence but understands that many students don't practice it. She hopes that sexually active students are using condoms to prevent the spread or contraction of
ing at sex more openly than they ever have before. He doesn't think many young people are waiting until marriage anymore and thinks "its important to practice safe sex."
Cabrini College does not officially have a place where students
Holly McCloskey, a sophomore, thinks that the decision to not supply condoms on-campus was the right one. "It keeps it safer," she said. She believes that having condoms readily available to students would be an invitation to have sex. She thinks that as a Catholic college it is the school's responsibility to recommend abstinence.
Junior Dana Derose thinks it is important that information on where students can get birth control should be available and recognizes the importance of the school's counselors and PEER educators. Derose thinks many students "might want someone to talk
The statistics are grim. The relationship between sexual assault and alcohol is just as dim. 74-percent of rapists and 55-percent of the victims were drinking or using drugs prior to the assault. Campus reported 1,842 forcible sexual offenses in 1999. To keep safe, students should know their limits, what they are willing and not willing to do on a date. Communicate your limits and be assertive. Don't drink or use drugs. They interfere with a person's ability to decide what they really want. Trust their instincts. If something feels uncomfortable, there is a probably a reason why. And understand that rape can happen to anyone.
President Iadarola active in Belarus peace talks
by Vince DeFruscio staff writerThe carpet on the floor of the airplane was frayed and pulling up. A petite hand reached down and lifted back the tapestry. Once removed, the fuselage of the plane showed clearly to the occupants above. This was not an ordinary flight to an ordinary country. This was a flight to the ailing country of Belarus.
In many ways, that plane would represent the country itself, and the people within.
The helping hand on board that day was President Antoinette Iadarola. Iadarola was asked by the U.S. State Department to submit proposals for a conference of Non Government Organizations in
three different areas of the coun~ try. The trip, as well as the conferences was funded by the United States, which gives the project bipartisan support. The State Department has an invested interest in turning Belarus into a market economy. Iadarola was to give three seminars on the topics of "strategic planning" and "negotiating skills."
Belarus is a flat piece of land wedged between Poland and Russia. It was once part of the U.S.S.R., but declared its independence in July of 1990. The country and its people have suffered greatly since both world wars.
The Ukrainian Chernobyl power plant meltdown of 1986 sent most of its fallout into Belarus. The result is a country of more than 10
million people whose children have enormous occurrences of •throat and larynx cancer.
When Iadarola's plane landed in the Belarusian capital of Minsk, a translator, Igor Samavich and a driver, simply known as Sergi, greeted her. These three would become great friends before the trip was over. Iadarola would be one of the last volunteers allowed into the country.
The KGB is still an ever-present factor in Belarus, a country that claims to be democratic. It is still very much an authoritarian-style country. Iadarola was told to bring American money, not to convert it into Rubles.
Iadarola said her experience upon arrival was "moving." The Belarusian women have a "great
spirit of concern," and seemed to be cautious towards Iadarola's Westernized thinking. The women of these NGOs were mostly lawyers, doctors, and PhD's. They were at an even playing field with Iadarola professionally. Their skepticism was short lived, as they began to ask questions about America. One group of women wanted to know if Iadarola had a car. These women were interested in the modem world of America. Of these women, Iadarola said they "had a tremendous respect for our country."
Iadarola was representing a school of thought that Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko didn't approve. Consequently, all Americans have been asked to leave the country. Lukashenko is
a corrupt President who is believed to have murdered his opposition in a recent election. Iadarola said, "I haven't met anyone who likes this man."
Some of the issues that face these NGOs are spousal abuse and prostitution. Many Belarusian girls are lured into prostitution under the promise of a better life.
Iadarola thought that many of the women brought up common issues that are relatable as members of the human race. Many of these seminars would end with crying or hugging.
-story continued on page 3
Men, women rush to join the military
-story continued from page 1
I can't walk through a mall or a store or even down the street without hearing horns honking and shaking hands. It is a great feeling and it gets our faces known in the community so that they know who to come to if they or someone they know wishes to enlist," Specialist Bolin said.
Since the tragedy President Bush has sent out many aviation specialists. These would include air traffic control men, pilots, and ground crews for refueling and maintenance. Unfortunately the Air Force recruiter had no comment on this information or any information on recruiting status.
Recruit King attended Willow Grove Naval air show on September 8th, three days before the tragedy that would change her life. She lost a loved one on that fatal day. Recruit King explains her story. ''When I attended the air
show I saw protesters at the front gates of Willow Grove Naval air station. They held up sign that read 'Don't teach our kids about weapons of death and Peace not war.' I was stunned to see such protest from people who sleep so well at night knowing that everything is going to be peaceful. But have the gull to protest the very people and weapons of death that give them that peaceful nights sleep. Not even to mention their first amendment right. I have often wondered why people whom speak so freely against the military but have never spent one day of their lives in the military to preserve their right to do so."
Sgt Hatchet said, "Recruits are more supportive of their decision to sign on to America's fighting force since the tragedy, these men and women were meant to be Marines. I am honored to know all of the Whitehall station recruits have shown an active support in their country."
International Students Speak up
Military personnel on a tour of recruiting duty are not called upon in wartime. These men and women are more precious to their service as recruiters because their job is to bring in more men and women to serve their country. Sgt Hatchet who was in dessert stomi, knows combat, and has the utmost respect for those continuing the tradition. America our wake up call is upon us. It is sad that a tragedy like this became the fuel to the fire that sparks our want to unite. It is a good thing that such words as patriotism, loyalty, and teamwork are second nature, and tattooed onto the souls of our armed forces and has been in peacetime as well as war. We honor our armed forces by backing them in this precious time and to back them always as they have always backed us by giving their lives for our freedom.
U.S. State Department selects President Iadarola to consult
-story continued from page 2
Iadarola felt that these women had a "sense of hope, of spirit."
These NGOs want more contacts with the Western world. They don't understand democracy, and don't think that it works. Iadarola explained to them that democracy is adaptable to all forms of living.
The people of Belarus have no confidence in themselves. They think that they cannot be successful. They need a sense of hope, a spirit.
Many of them have little opportunity to leave. The average income is about $1,000. Teenagers and adults alike have curfews and are often stopped and questioned in their travels. "Bathrooms are to be desired," said Iadarola.
During her time in Belarus, Iadarola traveled across the country in a car with her translator and
her driver. The rides were long, oftentimes eight hours on a dirt road. On one of these trips, Iadarola came across an accident on the road. There were eight bodies lying on the road, bloodied and gored. Iadarola assisted the victims on the road. There was no language barrier between her and the victims, just the reality of human suffering. It would be an hour before the police would arrive. Iadarola left before the ambulance arrived, but already one man was dead.
Every year, Cabrini students are encouraged to volunteer in the community. Iadarola said that she considers this h1;;rduty to volunteer. She feels that giving back is important.
Iadarola went to Belarus with a job to do. She was there to teach women's NGOs skills to use in their world. But listening to her speak, one can't help but tell that perhaps it was Iadarola that
by Catharine Hernson and Richard Magdastaff writers
Congress has been working on making new laws to limit the n~mber of immigrants coming into the United States since the 1993 bombmg of the World Trade Center. Now, in the wake of an even greater tragedy, the government is trying to speed up the process.
The laws being worked on include changing requirements for mternational college students. Tuition may be raised for international student~, as will the bar for standardized test scores. For international students, It will become harder to qualify for a Visa to enter the United States.
To be an international student, one must go through multiple interviews with the U.S. Ambassador to their country. The criteria calls for a standard minimum family income to ensure that the student's family can afford the cost of an American education. Financial stability is pertinent because should the student become unable to support himself, the INS goes to his family in the home country rather than give the student U.S. welfare.
There was a forum held in the Grace Hall Board Room, at which international students were able to speak about how their lives were affected after the tragedy. One student, Amina Moukhliss from Morocc~, relayed her story of going to work that morning. A coworker asked If she was "one of them," Moukhliss replied, "I am an Arab, but I am not a terrorist."
The students were also concerned with the changes to laws allowing foreign students access to U.S. education. Sorin Ilies of Romania, candidly stated, "The moment you make it harder, America loses. Students are free minds."
Moukhliss added that not all Arabs are bad and that Islam never taught anyone to kill. "Everybody in my country was against it. They were united for America, not because they are Americans, but because they are human."
We l)o Mondays
learned more on this trip. She brought along Cabrini shirts and pens to hand out to the people she met. She treated them to caviar, chocolates and champagne.
There is a war memorial in Belarus that "speaks to the human spirit." This trip was about the human spirit. Dr. ladarola's driver in Belarus told her, "We are bonded, we are friends." It is that ability, to see beyond all obstacles and barriers, that has kept the Belarusian culture alive. It is that courage that is seemingly non-existent, that has led Belarusian's to challenge Lukashenko with their own candidate.
Iadarola entered Belarus on an airplane that was seemingly falling apart. She left on an airplane that was in good condition. On much the same note, Iadarola entered a country that was ailing. She has left that country a renewed sense of optimism, of hope.
II 1•1
The stories below are real. They were featured in real periodicals.They happenedto real people.
Woman finds a dead frog in custard pudding
A woman in 1apan found a four-centimeter-long dead frog in a custard pudding. The woman says a member of her family found the frog after opening the container. The manufacturers of the custard say that it was an isolated incident and the company isn't planning on recalling any of its products.
Website dedicated to urinals
A website, which was dedicated to urinals, bas recently placed a female urinal among its top five toilets from around the world. The ladies facility comes complete with a funnel and can be found at the Dairy Queen in Port Charlotte, Florida.
The urinal net also contains a gallery, message board, shop, and United States urinal map. One of the founders, Joe U Rinator, ol San Francisco, says he and his friends were inspired after coming across many different urinals while touring Europe.
Here are the top five places to pee away your time:
The facilities at Kowloon Sheraton Hotel and Towers in Hong Kong are considered the best in the world.
The public restrooms of Rothesy on the Isle of Bute are so wonderful that Prince Charles decided to visit them. Facilities at the Millennium Dome.
The long outdoor urinal, which is set up once a year for the New York Marathon.
So now you have it. At any point of your lives, visit these glorious urinal attractions that are so well known and popular.
Bull attacks car at road junction
A motorist had his car attacked by a bull as ht waited on a main road in Bhutan. As the man waited for the traffic to clear the bull simply pummeled bis Hyundai. It rammed its horns into the ~ideof the vehicle and smashed the wing mirror before running off. The bull escaped unhurt. Fortunately, the man driving the car wasalso without ex• ternal injuries also.
The writing center's hours are:
•Mondays and Fridays from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
•Tuesdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 9:00
•Wednesdays from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.,
•Thursdays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
•Sundays from 6:30 8:30 p.m.
Public Safety Report
The following is a list of infractions reported by Cabrini College Public Safety during the week of Sept. 25. The dates cover from midnight to midnight ..
• On Tuesday, Sept. 25, a citation for a visitation violation was issued in the NRH.
• On Friday, Sept. 28, five citations were issued in Wood.crest for visitation violations and for drinking underage. One citation was issued in Xavier for a student who opened an alarmed door. One citation was issue in the Dixon House for visitation violation.
•On Sunday, Sept. 30, one citation was issued for a party violation at the CAC. Two citations were issued in the NRH for underage drinking. Three citations were issued in the NRH for visitation violation.
•On Monday, Oct. 1, a citation was issued in the NRH for avisitation violation.
New writing center in Mansion
by ReneeTomcanin managing editorHelp for all those impossible papers is just around the corner. The new Writing Center is open and ready to help students with any kind of writing from English to biology.
The new center is located on the third floor of the Mansion in rooms 32, 33 and 34. The goal of the center is to help students improve their writing skills in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere.
Dr. Ted Blaisdell, who is running the center along with Cabrini graduate Rachel Slaughter, said that creating a laid back feeling is something he was directed to do. The Writing Center is billing itself as home of the Rough Writers and is using the horse as the mascot.
"A cavalier is nothing without his horse," Blaisdell said. "A student needs excellent writing skills."
A student can expect many things when he or she arranges a meeting at the center. Blaisdell, Slaughter and a group of peer tutors will be available many hours to sit down and discuss papers with students within the next week.
The advisers will sit down and give constructive criticism on papers from any course. They will take a more diagnostic approach to tutoring. Instead of fixing errors, specific problems will be ad-
dressed. It will be up to the student to ~orrect most grammatical errors. "It is like exercise. You benefit by doing it yourself," Blaisdell said.
What students can expect is help communicating ideas and understanding assignments. According to Blaisdell, most students can write well, but they have trouble understanding what a professor wants them to write about. The tutors at the Writing Center will help a student read through the assignment and syllabus and help them to interpret what the professor wants. The Writing Center will help the students see what the assignment is.
Assistance in writing will be available for students of all writing levels, but Blaisdell sees it as best for those in an intennediate level.
Those are students who have the mechanics but just need to sort through the clutter to develop a good paper.
The Writing Center will also be reaching out on campus to help.
On Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights, representatives will be in different residence halls. Students from all halls and off campus can come and use the service. "We don't proofread, but we're a big help," Blaisdell said.
The Writing Center is also looking for peer tutors. Anyone interested should have a 2.15 G.P.A. and a 3.0 in writing classes. They must have excellence in writing and be able to give constructive criticism. Anyone interested can see Blaisdell or Slaughter in the Writing Center.
Recycle today- for a better tomorrow
by Lisa Broomall staff writerStop. Think about where you are putting that soda can or that plastic water bottle. Some people just put it in the trash bin without thinking, while others put it in red or blue recycling bins. People have learned that recycling is the best way to help conserve the environment, and to help save animals that are in the local areas.
Yet, does Cabrini College recycle their aluminum and plastics? When talking to a Wood Dining Service employee, Linda Roscioli, she stated that "cardboard boxes seem to be the only thing recycled." She also said, "I recycle at home, but the plastics and aluminum here seem to be thrown away."
Most people would even wonder why they should recycle here on campus when at times it is such a task. Between studying, working and attending "classesno one-has time to sort their trash, yet, when students go home they have the time to sort the garbage. Students should still recycle no matter if they are at home or at their dorms.
Residence Life Director, David Carpenter, said, "recycling is all up to the student body, and that we should not have to pay people to sort through student's trash. It would not be right."
Shayla Hasic-Stamps, assistant residence life director, said, "We tried recycling program once, but there was hardly any activity. Student involvement was so low that recycling companies would not come to pick up the recyclables."
• Residence Life is trying to get rid of fenced-in trash bins that are near the houses and get better trash bins. In doing this students will not leave their trash lying around, but they will put in the trash bins. As for the college helping out in recycling they have dumpsters
Student activities puts focus on weekend life
by Jennifer Dalvano staff writerOn all college campuses student activities play a key role to campus life. Student activities department is the base for all the activities that take place on the college campus. The department helps with clubs and planning activities, which Cabrini College feels, are essential in the development of their students, making more rounded people.
Since the beginning of the year we did not have an official student activities coordinator. The Student activities department was being overseen by David Carpenter, director of residence life and Patricia Arnold, resident director / new resident hall.
After searching long and hard, they came across the perfect replacement for the former Student activity coordinator Bridget Baxter. Mary Beth Horvath, graduate from Dickinson College with a Bachelors degree in Music and Environmental studies. She then attended Syracuse University where she earned her masters in Higher education. Mary Beth officially started September 24, 2001 as Cabrini College's Student Activities Coordinator. After a year of training as Student Activities coordinator at Vrrginia Commonwealth University she is ready to exceed the expectations of her duties as Student activities coordinator. Although you probably have not seen her face around campus yet. Mary Beth plans on getting involved with the students as much as possible.
As of right now, Mary Beth's main focus is on weekend programming. She hopes to have an event every weekend to make sure there is something for the students here at Cabrini to get involved in. Mary Beth also wishes to have permanent monthly schedules for activities taking place during the week, so the students have something to look forward to. She hopes to get as many students involved from the college, which will open new doors of opportunity to meet new people for everyone.
that recycle cardboard and office paper. Leaves and aluminum can also recycled.
The college gets a discount from the trash companies for their part in recycling. They separate cardboard and office paper in order so they do not get contaminated, and if they are contaminated the college receives a fine cause they company considers this regular trash.
Mary Beth is available to meet with students who are interested in planning or participating in campus activities. She is open to suggestions and ideas. Feel free to contact her about any questions involving campus activities at (610) 902-8407, or stop in at her office, which is located on the second floor of the Widener center in the Student Life Center.
Bryn Mawr Student cries against police brutality
· Ken Baumbach staff writer mainly with issues that are political in nature. She was arrested on July 22nd, after the Italian police Susanna Thomas spoke out alleged ~at the theater group, to against what happened in Italy which Thomas belonged, had conafter riots broke out following spired with a violent radical group protests surrounding July's G-8 known as the Black Bloc. Many summit meeting in Genoa, Italy. considered the Bloc to be responThomas, 21 years of age, was irn- sible for instigating the riots. She prisoned for three weeks in an was held prisoner in Voghera.outItalian jail, after what she de- side of Milan until her release on scribes as being a "terrible brutal- August 14th. ity" in the riots that left one pro- The riots in Italy where some of tester dead and hundreds injured. the most brutal and violent since Thomas, who is originally from the anti-globalization movement Warren, New Jersey, attends Bryn erupted at the World Trade OrgaMawr College located in Bryn nization in Seattle, Washington in Mawr,Pennsylvania. She is part of 1999. The Italian police have been the Australian Pulbix Theatre car- criticized of engaging in acts of avan, a theater group that deals brutality and using unnecessary --=---------=-----""'-----'
force against protesters. The
Susanna Thomas, Bryn Mawr student events hat occurred on July 22nd left many people severely injured and beaten and at least 92 people were arrested. Police shot one man, Carlo Giuliani, to death during the assault. He was the only fatality during the assault,
Thomas, "Thankful I was never beaten or assaulted," and that she prays for all those who where injured. As of the previous week 20 of the Italian police force, including a man named, Arnaldo La Barbara, the then head of Italy's antiterrorist force had been placed under a criminal investigation.
'Toe work of the Pulbix Theatre caravan of, freedom and of the movement and rights of migrant and refugees is never more important than now," Thomas said on • her personal website dedicated to the incident. "As capital crosses borders with ever-increasing ease, people as well must reach across boarders with ever-increasing bonds of friendship and trust.
As Thomas said, "I pray that the Italian authorities remember their democratic heritage and honor that right, and honor the continued political dissent that is so vital to any democracy. This is my prayer for all nations."
For more information regarding the incidents in Italy and for an update on the Pulbix Theatre caravan log onto http:/ If anyone is interested in contacting the Pulbix Theatre for more information they may write them at: Publix Theatre Caravan, PO Box #31 Gillette, NJ 07933
"ThankfulI was never beaten or assaulted,"
After rescheduling due to the attacks on the United States of America, the Emmy awards are coming to television and they're bringing over 80 categories with them. On Oct. 7th, the 53rd Annual Emmy Awards will be taking place on CBS. While some of the nominees and guests are opting to stay away this year, in the safety of their own homes, many people, well as fans, simply cannot tum away. They will walk the red carpet this year in a dressy business attire, rather than the standard black tie.
Buried I n Treasures: M u s • I c
., by MichaelPao UCCIWmg," Smith felt "The West Wing" has the award pretty
much won. While she likes ''The Sopranos" more, she thinks it would have a better chance in winning if it were up for comedy.
On the other side of the spectrum, the comedy category seems completely remodeled this year. As always, "Fraiser," the seasoned veteran, has been nominated. However "Friends," a staple in the NBC Thursday night line up, was passed over this year. It was replaced by the wildly popular "Malcom In The Middle" from the FOX network.
Though "Friends" was passed over this year for the best comedy on television, both Jennifer Aniston and Lisa Kudrow will be facing each other in the Outstanding Supporting Actress In A Comedy Series category. While they will be going head to head, it will be certainly difficult to pass by last year's winner, Megan Mullally. Mullally won last year for her performance on "Will & Grace" as Grace's assistant Karen Walker.
Usually one of the biggest and most lavish award cere-
The drama television show, 'The Sopranos" earned 22 Emmy nominations this past season.
This year, the event will be hosted by Ellen DeGeneres. DeGeneres recently started a new show entitled, "The Ellen Show," which is featured in the Friday night CBS line up.
With 416 separate nominations, this year's awards ceremony looks to be another year of heated rivalries. After last year's race for victory, 'The Sopranos" and 'The West Wing" have both come head to head, both vying for the position of best drama, along with awards for best actors and actresses. 'The Sopranos" has managed to rake in 22 nominations, while the show's closest enemy has only brought in 18. Both shows will go head to head in categories such as Outstanding Drama Series, Outstanding Lead Actor In A Drama Series, Outstanding Lead Actress In A Drama Series and Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Drama Series just to name a few. Oddly enough, the two are the only shows represented in the Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Drama Series.
Both shows were two of the most talked about on television this past year and were the featured rivalry at last year's Emmy awards ceremony. While actor James Gandolfini, who plays Tony Soprano, won the award for Outstanding Actor In A Drama Series, it was not enough to stop 'The West Wing" from being the big winner at last year's awards.
Sophomore Anne Marie Smith is an avid follower of 'The Sopranos." When asked why she had such a love for the show, she immediately said, "Uncle Junior." Corrado "Junior" Soprano is•the uncle of the main character, Tony Soprano. He is portrayed by actor Dominic Chainese.
When asked how Tony Soprano would fare against the President of the United States, Martin Sheen of "The West
Even though·the hit television show "Friends "did not get nominated for best comedy on television this year around; Jennifer and Lisa earned a nomination for Outstanding Supporting Actress In A Comedy Series.
monies on television, the Emmy awards will be a nice step back from the situation in the world involving the United States, allies, and terrorism. While the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, the group who hosts the Emmys, ar~ looking to get on with their lives, the event will be toned down and will be paying special tribute to those whose lives were taken, including David Angel. Angel, who won a total of seven Emmys, was knows for his writing and producing of shows such as "Cheers" and "Fraiser."
This ye-ar's ceremony is being waited on with great anticipation and should not disappoint the fans. And the Emmy goes to
staffwriterAlbumreview; Aerosmith"Get your Win1s"
It's hard for some people; especially college aged people, to imagine a band that they think they know pretty well. Aerosmith, only being played on classic rock radio stations. That's the only place you would hear Aerosmith, if they had retired years ago, like most of their peers. But they somehow flirted with death and lived to tell about it. They've been to hell and back as a band, only to come back and be a significant part o the MTV generation. Well, for those of you Photr> retrieved from who don:.t know about It has been over 20 years and Aerosmith is still banging out the hits.
the young and fresh sound of Aerosmith, try opening your eyes to their second album, ''Get Your Wings."
In 1974 a young, brash band of punks from Boston who dubbed themselves Aerosmith released a sophomore album that had to be a hit. It was sink or swim for them and without success, they would surely sink. Well, due to the fact that they are currently on tour, it is safe to say that they swam and are still afloat.
The album starts out with the funky "Same Old Song and Dance" and continues with "Lord of the Thighs", a play on words inspired by the famous William Golding novel. ''Train Kept a Rollin"' and "Seasons of Whither" is the band at their best and provide the foundation for the success of Aerosmith.
Although it can be hard to imagine finding Aerosmith in your dad's record collection, you should check it sometime. Chances are he has dabbled in the works of ''America's greatest rock and roll band" and if you haven't you should too. This classic album is a great place to start.
****.. Checkout a full review of the Aerosmith/Fuel concertonline at******
< < continued on page 7>> >
Buried I n Treasures: M u s • I c
c continued from page 6 >
Album review: Maryin Gaye. "What's GoJn1 On"
staff writer
Not many people would consider putting the words theater and sport in the same sentence. However, that is exactly what Cabrini's On The Spot Improvisational Troupe does.
On The Spot is a student-run and-operated group that plays comedy games. Jessica Snow, a senior on the Troupe, said that they play games in the style of Keith Johnston, who formulated theater sports. These are "games for actors to play based on suggestions from the audience," Snow said.
Like "Who's Line Is It Anyway," the Improv Troupe plays games based solely n audience suggestion, for the audience.
"We usually don't play against teams. Sometimes we split our troupe, but the points don't matter," Snow said.
Photo retrieved from
Marvin Gaye's soothing voice fills people with a sense of hope.
It can be refreshing, especially in these troubled times, to be able to put on an album that will fill us with peace and give us a sense of hope. Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On", does just that. Although it was written 30 years ago in re• sponse to proplems that were plaguing the world then, its message has the same meaning now. In songs like "Mercy Mercy Me" and the title track, Gaye illustrates a world of pollu• tion and war and J?Ointsout that, "things ain't what they used to be."
'Throughout ''What's Going On", a message of peace and love for your fellow brothers and sisters is conveyed. In the first song, Gaye exclaims, "You see, war is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate." It just goes to show that good music is truly timeless.
This is a beautiful album that is truly timeless and only gets better with age, because time enables you to realize how smart and powerful the message is. It's clear and simple. Love will conquer hate. Therefore, it is important in these troubled times to remember the importance of loving one another and holding peace as the ultimate goal. Using "What's Going On" as bis platfonn, Marvin Gaye, shows us the way.
In the aftermath of the alternative explosion that took over the early to mid 90's we are left with few bands that embody the true spirit of wli.atit meansto be alternative. There is a small group of bands today that still demonstrate that sort o integrity in their music. Unified Theory is a part of that group.
With their self-titled debut, Unified Theory reassures us that there is still a conscious effort to create art that is new and innovative. The album starts off with a bang, hitting you with the first song, "Cessna", and never looking back. Lead singer Chris Shinn's vocals and high-pitched howls are distinguishable immediately, and are a perfect fit for the album's recurrent groove.
As the album g_oesooand rips through songs such as-"AM Radio" and "Full Flavor; it gives off the impression that these guys have been there before. That's because they have. Both guitarist, C~opher Thorn and the bassist, Brad Smith were members of the hishly successful Blind Melon, while drummer Dave Krusen played the skins on Peap Jam's debut album, ''Ten."
Their new dlwB wasrecordedin Seattle (the alternative capitol of the world), and has a very coastal feel too it (i.e. songs about the oeean and waves etc.). It is a powerful blend of music that gives bope to fans that are tired of being Jet wn by band&who are slaves of the music industry. This al.bum is all we have, though, as we wait patientlyfor more.
Neal Newman, the faculty adviser for the troupe, tells them that they are "one of the top 10 in the country;• Snow said~ Every year on the second week in February, Cabrini's Improv Troupe travels to the National College Comedy Festival at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. At this festival, they meet with other colleges, the best on the East Coast, and do workshops. Last year, Kevin MacDonald, from "Kids in the Hall," ran one of the workshops to help the colleges to improve their improv.
The Improv Troupe performs every Monday night at 10 p.m. in the Widener Lecture Hall. Admission to this event is free.
Auditions are being held for On The Spot on Sunday, Oct.14, at 10 p.m. in Grace Hall. For more information, check out the website at For questions, email the Improv Troupe at
by Michael Paolucci staff writerIn LA, in the late 80's, there was no bigger band than Jane's Addiction. The band included bassist Eric Avery, guitarist Dave Navarro, drummer Stephen Perkins and singer Perry Farrell. Together, they used an energetic, in your face style of playing that helped deliver their music and catapult them to the top.
1\vo studio albums is all that exist from Jane's Addiction, and in both instances, it seemed as if Perry Farrell did his best to annoy record store owners by putting provocative artwork on the album covers. The band's first studio album, "Nothing's Shocking", featured a statue of naked Siamese twins with their heads on fire on the cover. Even though this proved to be controversial, it still managed to slide by and was displayed in record stores. The Band's second studio release, "Ritual De La Habitual", featured an album cover that depicted naked sculptures in bed with each other. This proved to be too much for record store owners and Farrell was forced to change the cover. He then
put out a cover, which was all white and featured the first amendment and nothing else.
into a fistfight on stage. Escalating tension within the band and drug induced fights had been occurring more and more until it finally erupted that uight in Hawaii.
Jane's Addiction shown in '97with a new member and some new hair styles.
Although Perry Farrell has influenced many in the music world, bis greatest contribution is most likely the creation of the Lollapalooza festival, which he created in 1991 as a way to bring a festival like atmosphere i,nto different cities. Although some were unsure if this festival would be successful, its creators went all out. The first year of Lollapalooza was an immediate success, but it was during one of the tour's stops in Hawfa that Jane's Addiction called it quits after Perry Farrell. and Dave Nav;uTo got
No one was more upset over the breakup of Jane's Addiction than their fans'. It took six years before the differences within the band were reconciled and Jane's Addiction played together again. They decided to go on tour and they released a CD containing live tracks and rarities entitled "Kettle Whistle." Despite the fact that founding member Eric Avery declined to participate, they went ahead with it anyway grabbing Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist F1ea and hitting the road.
They dubbed it the Relapse tour and they kicked it off on Halloween 1997 in New York's Hammerstein Ballroom, live on MTV.
The band has since remained close and are currently touring again for the first time since the 1997 Relapse tour. The tour Kicks off October 2nd in Boston andcomes through Philly October 3rd.
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by Catharine Hemson staff writerThis year the food in the cafeteria is different OK. maybe there was no dramatic change, but you have to admit that there is a whole lot more to choose from.
Over the summer Wood Dining revampedthe menus to accommodate more variety at both lunch and dinner. The new theme for the cafeteria is "Market Place." The idea for this was to give students a wider array of choices on a daily basis. The menus may repeat more often than lamyear, but the everyday selectionwill be better. Studentshave noticed thechange in styles at the cafeteria Mel Klaus, a junior sports science ma~ noted, "The variety that they have had has been good, like crab cakes, beefnos, and the roastedchicken."
Also oewthis year is the "Red Hot chef' action station in the cafeteria Thereis a "Red Hot chef' at lunch and dinnermaking food to order at bmcb abd dinnerevery day. According to executive chef, Steven Brisgone, 111c "RedHot chef' will put together salads, hoagies, and stirny. He also may do the carved turkey and pork." All you have to do to find the "Red Hot chef' is look for the bright "Red Hot jacket"
The cafeteria is not the only kitchen to get a makeover this year. The food court also has something brand new for 2001. The theme there is "Market Fresh," meaning the food is made to order.There is a full deli bar with a new choice of three differentcold cuts: tmkey,ham, and IO$l beef. You can just pick up a pre-packaged salad or sandwich also. With the salads there is new low calorie dressing. .,
The biggest change is the new "Asian Sensation'' menu. Every day there is a cook making stir-fry. The students have a choice of chicken, pork, beef, and shrimp with mixed vegetablesand in true Chinese fashion bamboo shootsand water chestnuts.Thai and peanut sauce can accompany your cuisineand for those vegetarians on campus there will always be a meat free meal at the food court.
As the "Asian Sensation" progresses the Wood Dining staff will try edgier meals, such as Lo Mien, fried rice, and egg rolls. When asked how the new Chinese bar was progressing Benjamin Dunn, manager of the food court, responded,''Not as much as I'd like." He feels the studentsjust need t.o try the new food. But don't worry there will still be the same old chicken fingers and burgers that made the food court famous.
New variety and better food in the cafeteria and food court are a welcome change on campus. Krista Stella, a sophomore psychology major. said, "I think that the food has been very good lately. Honestly,it's been much more healthy.It looks appetizingon a more regular basis,excepton thewmods:'
by Shannon Kingstaff writer
THRyou think. For example some of the granola bars are now made with chocolate chips, pean~U,utter chips or even with Snickersor other bits of candy bars. Reading the nu-
Your alarm rings in your ear and you scream, notic- trition labels is a must when trying to pick out a quick and ing that you only have five minutes before class. You healthy start to your day. Sometimes you might be better barely have time to brush your teeth and comb your off just setting that alann for hair, but you're starving a little earlier. and there's no way that
With college students there is time for break- and other very busy people fast. What do you do? as the target market for
For most people today, these products, are these our lives are pretty busy bars just as popular as the and typically we don't real thing? No. Most stuhave time for the most dents prefer actual cereal important meal of the to the fad cereal bars. Juday. That's why so many • nior Ashley Graham says, companies have come out 'The ones with the milk in with breakfast bars as the them are disgusting. It's "meal on the go." not real milk, they're real-
The craze started with ly dry." One bar that still Pop Tarts when we were ;,;,;..-; gets a good reaction from younger, which are still / .A almost everyone however, pretty popular. Today !l is the Rice Krispy Treat. however, we have fruit _...._ ____
photo by Justine DiRlippo that these bars are quick
A nice big bowl of cereal with some cold milk seems to and convenient, there is be more popular than the convenient bars. still no substitute for sit-
_..;.1 While most students admit and grain bars, oatmeal bars, granola bars and any other kind of bar that you can think of. Cheerios and
Golden Grahams have even come out with a cereal bar that claims to have real milk in it.
Some of these bars may not be as healthy for you as
ting down to a good old bowl of cereal with fresh cold milk.
Cinnamon Toast Crunch Rob Eshelman Captain Crunch Berries
Cookie Crisps Josh Bennet Cookie Crisps 1,
Ashley Graham Trix
Nut Cheerios ConradCrane Lucky Charms
hBy Richard Magda staff writerHidden between two trees stands a simple, weathered, off-white statue of Jesus holding his barbed heart and offering his scarred hand. In any light, one could notice that he appears lonely at Cabrini College, watching students drift by on their way to class in Founder's Hall.
Despite the attacks on the United States, students are not rushing to religion for comfort or answers. Instead, those who have been religiously uninvolved are continuing to passively ignore the outstretched hand and welcoming heart of the Catholic Church.
"Since what happened in New York City, I haven't noticed any change in attendance or faith at mass," said John Verdi, junior, who is the leader of Campus Ministry's First Year retreat. "It's basically the same people there as were in attendance before the attacks."
Although interest has not noticeably increased in the Brockmann Chapel of St. Joseph since the World Trade Center disaster, several student-organized prayer vigils have sprouted around campus. Since some students were unable to attend the initial service held by Cabrini College, other students have taken it upon themselves to help remember the victims and pray for the survivors and rescue workers.
A prayer service called "SeeYouat the Pole," for the leaders of our country and for the expression of students' feelings, was organized by junior Kaity Barnes. Both students and faculty were in attendance. As another part of the program, Barnes also prepared the "Campus Cares" banner, which can be seen in theWigwam
Also leading students in prayer, Verdi organized a Residence Life sponsored service at the peace pole on Sept. 17. Gathered at the pole, which was surrounded by candles, students prayed in song and word.
"Along with the candle light vigil that I held at the peace pole, I have noticed other involved students
tholding their own services as well," said Verdi. "Kaity Barnes held a prayer service, too. I noticed a lot of faculty and staff there with students. Some professors even brought their College Success classes out to join the crowd."
Although not attending mass or prayer services at Cabrini, some students practice their faith and pray at their own churches.
"As a freshman, I went to church here every Sunday," said Mary Catherine McDonald. "I went on a regular basis last year too, but this year I am partial to the masses at home. I didn't go to any of the prayer services on campus, but I wish I would have."
Keeping the victims of the disaster in mind, other students express their religious beliefs in unique, untraditional ways.
"I would rather do what God put me here to do," said Dave Johanson, junior. "I'd rather show him with actions than tell him with words. By doing that, I feel like he knows that I appreciate the gifts he bas given me instead of hearing about them."
With such diversity in where and how students of Cabrini College follow their faith, it can be expected that involvement in campus is stagnant. However, what most students are not aware of is that Campus Ministry offers services and makes it their policy to tend to the college The statue of Jesus greets us on the steps < student, according to Verdi. Founder's Hall each day before class.
Like many churches and religious groups, Campus Ministry is stepping forward in the wake of the strikes on the United States to comfort, offer prayers, and maybe gather a few enlightened souls to join their mission.
by MarianneMcKlm staff writerAll work and no play can make any person stressed. A great thing to do to avoid being stressed _allthe time is to ·get out and do something. Don't just sit around, come out for some good ol' karaoke fun. Sometimes you might find some great talent, other times you might get a great laugh. People often wonder where the word karaoke came from and what is karaoke. Karaoke is the Japanese abbreviated compound word "kara" comes from "karappo" meaning empty, and "oke" is the abbreviation of "okesutura:' or orchestra. Music tapes in which only the accompaniment is rerecorded were named ''karaoke." It actually started at a snack bar in Kobe City. Karaoke is a form of entertainment that was originally established for Japanese business people. Since everyone enjoyed singing popular songs to the accompaniment of music, karaoke bas become known worldwide and bas been entertaining people for the past 20 years. Originally in the f~ _of a tape, karaoke ~volvod to· the
CD. This great development made possible the enhancement of video scenes for each song on a TV monitor along with the lyrics to the song that is being played. Many people enjoy it not only because they take pleasure in singing, but also because they say it is a way that you can actually feel like a professional singer standing in front of an audience holding a microphone.
Family karaoke has also grown to be growing attraction in entertainment. Many people are buying home karaoke machines for get-togethers. Hearing your voice for the first time can be very strange. That is why some people are also buying home karaoke machines. way they are able to prepare themselves with hearing their voice or sometimes even practicing before they go out in public. With this home form of karaoke becoming increasingly popular, there are now sites on the Internet that allow you to download karaoke players. Many of them even offer a music search engine in which to find songs that you can sing with. You can check out,, J • l ,l t •
or even Any of these will let yo download a karaoke player on your very own computer. There are also a number of karaoke contests in whic people can win great prizes or a large sum of money. Th number of karaoke contestants has risen in the past fe, years because this form of entertainment bas become in creasingly popular. To find out about contests there ar many websites that can inform you what is going on in you area and places that you can go to join the karaoke~There are many places that offer karaoke in our area lik New City Tavern, Nickels' Tavern, Blarney Stone, Th Draught Horse on Wednesday nights and Casey's on Tues day nights. For a larger listing check out the web 2 Remember, have fuo and get Ol and sing karaoke. This is a sure way to ease those stressft nights, a great way to meet new people and sometimes be good laugh, which is a great way to stay healthy.
The reality of tragedy is just starting to hit home
For some, the reality of war never seemed possiJle. It was something that just didn't apply. For those Nho have been enlisted for many years, they thought hat war has passed them by. All of that has changed )OW. It has been nearly a month since the WTC atacks but the reality is just starting to set in.
For many, the reality comes from talking to people Nho are dealing with these issues first hand. One, a ,appily married veterinarian, was telling about her 1usband, 53 years old, was called for service last Neek. He is now in Virginia training for what is being jubbed "America's New War." Odds are that he won't oe home for at least a year. This woman who has 3een her husband practically every day for over a jecade is feeling the repercussions of a war she had 1othing to do with. For her husband, he's in the midjle of all the speculative talks that are engulfing our 1ation.
The second person said that her boyfriend has oined the military. He'll be gone for five years. He nas also signed up for active duty. He is in his early 20's, his fate is now unknown. Within one hour two jifferent couples told two stories of how their lives ::ire now different in the wake of this tragedy. Reality s hitting home, but we may never get used to it.
Trapped outside of the real ·world
The editorials,viewpoints,opinionsand letters to the editorpublishedin Loquiturare the viewsof the student editorialboard and the individual writers,not the entire student body or the facultyand administration.
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Staff Writers
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Editorial Board
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Loquitur is established as a forum for student expressionand as a voice in the uninhibited, robusl, free and open discussion or Issues.
Staff Pboto«rapbers
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Walking back to your creatively tagged abode, the New Residence Hall, after an extensive night of research, you are pulled to the side of the pathway by a Cabrini College Public Safety officer.
nario, as ridiculous as it may seem, is entirely probable and, considering how Cabrini College Public Safety operates, it is highly probable as well.
unless he can clearly see visible evidence on which to base his probable cause.
Rich Madga staff writer
"What's in the bag," he forcefully mumbles in his most intimidating voice.
"Just a few binders and some candy cigarettes, sir," you innocently respond with the utmost respect.
"That's funny, you unlawful college student. I have no reason to believe that there are more than school books and candy smokes in your bag, but it looks suspicious to me," he proclaims.
Shocked, you raise your hands in disbelief.
With a tumbling roar, the officer digs deep within his authority and shouts, "Empty your bag, now!"
Without thinking twice, you open the bag to show the officer he has nothing to worry about. After all, you were only studying.
But then, as you pull the zipper down until it can travel its hinges no longer, you see your demise showing its strikingly incandescent glow as your breath pushes out of your lungs with a powerful thrust of anxiety.
Now clearly visible to the Public Safety officer, the lone forgotten beer can in your bag from the last trunk-to-dorm transfer 1s about to cost you.
"Oh, damn!" you shout as you snap your fingers and shake your head in disbelief.
"Ha;' the officer confidently chuckles as if he actually knew that you were hosting a beer can in your bag all along. "It looks like we have some business to work out," he says as he reaches for his citation book.
This story is purely fictional, right?
As of last week, when the most recent hall meetings were held in the New Residence Hall, this see-
Collaborating to form yet another social restriction for students, Public Safety and Residence Life have declared that they are now allowed to search bags both entering and leaving the New Residence Hall. The searches will be performed in the best interest of all students, in attempt to keep alcoholic beverages and contraband from entering the new dormitory. Inconsistently, the searches can only take place Thursday through Saturday, according to Resident Assistants at the hall meetings.
Granted, the New Residence Hall is a dry donnitory. Students living in the building should be prepared to suffer the consequences if they do not abide by the set of guidelines clearly outlined in the Student Handbook, which states that the use of alcohol and illegal drugs is prohibited.
It is assumed by the college that the obeying of these rules will be expected by Public Safety and respected by the students. After all, it is the duty of Public Safety to work towards the complete and unbroken safety of the public, hence the name.
However, we, as citizens and students of America, have the right to be secure with our possessions and to be free from unreasonable searches without probable cause, according to Amendment IV of the Bill of Rights.
By infringing on the Constitution, which our proud nation is based on, authority figures of Cabrini College, who are in no way affiliated with the police, are making up their own rules.
How do they justify defying the Constitution of the United States of America?
They don't. They just continue to act ignorantly.
And considering that they are not the police, what gives them the professional opinion to decide what constitutes a "suspicious" bag?
Even the most keen-eyed police officer cannot search a bag
Of course, Public Safety and Residence Life do a fine job keeping this fine institution running like a well-oiled machine. This argument does not condemn their hard work at all. But enough is enough all ready.
Compared to other schools, with much less public safety intervention, are we, the students of Cabrini College, really that horrible when it comes to unwinding after a long week hard at work?
I don't think so.
I, along with many other students, have visited other colleges and universities on weekends and the Cabrini environment is incredibly calm. Students here have already been as tamed as college kids can get.
The recent decision by Public Safety, allowing bag searches, does not promote real world living for students. Nor does it promote the American way, which our nation is fighting hard to maintain right now.
This invasion of privacy is heinous, impracticable, and in my opinion, borderline Nazi.
With that understood, I ask you Public Safety, is it absolutely necessary to trap us even further into the comers of this already tightly assembled campus? Commentaries and letters to the editor may be submitted by the entire Cabrini campus community to SPEAK UP
•Requirements: Names will not be withheldfrom letters to the editor or commentaries, even at the author's request.
Servers doing the best that they can.
''I'll be with you in a second." I'm carrying five dinner plates, five bread plates, seven glasses and enough silverware to feed and army.
It's Saturday night and I just got triple sat. This means that three families have been seated in my section at the same time. Yes, I am a waitress. I .---------, just started my new job a little more Justine Di Filippo photo editor
than a month ago and it's my first time being a waitress. It's a lot of fun except on the Saturday nights when everyone goes out to eat. These are the nights when there is a half hour wait just to get a table. The customers are hungry and they want their food now! Friday and Saturday nights are the nights that servers pray to god that three of the five table sections do not finish at the same time because you will be given three new sets of people at the same time.
The rule is that the server has to great the guests with silverware, beverage napkins, and bread plates with in the first couple of minutes that they sit down. Once you introduce yourself you take the drink orders, you head on to the second table and then to the third table.
"Justine," the pizza cooks are calling my name. One of my other table's food is up. Do a quick greeting tell the table I'll be back shortly for their order. Go to the pizza station. One chicken margarita pizza waiting for me. Ok now I have to cut it, put oil on the crust, add the basil, grab the dinner plates, the tray stand, the pizza server and get to the table. Set everything up.
"Would you guys like me to serve your first slice? Al-
right here you go enjoy."
Run to the back. Get the drinks for table one and two. Get the rolls. Oh no there's not enough rolls.
I leave the back and drop off the drinks to the two tables and take their dinner order. Go to the third table take their entire order. Check on the other two tables that were already there. I run to the back of the restaurant to get the rolls and the rest of the drinks bring them to the table and now it's time to relax. I go to the computer and enter in all the new orders and I just wait for the food to be ready.
This is how weekend nights go for servers. We have to be able to do at least three things at once and when it is busy it gets the best of you, and sometimes gets confusing.
What I have learned in the month I have been a waitress is that I need to take my time. Yes, the customers might not be happy with you for taking your time but if you rush around you are going to screw up all of the orders. There is always going to be the pain in the butt customer that wants things to appear magically, but all you have to do is explain what is going on. Believe me, I wish that I could get the food out as soon as it is ordered but it doesn't work that way. I will do anything to avoid a customer getting angry with me for something that went wrong. I know that the customer is the one who is paying my bills. I get $15 every two weeks in my paycheck and that is not going to help me with my bills.
For those who are not servers, remember the next time you go out to eat that serving is a hard job. If your server is not happy and cheery, or might take a long time, notice how many tables she or he has and how many times they stop to check on their section.)'hen realize that the server is doing the best that they can that day.
Keep in mind the heroes close to home
Yep, this is your month and you will really rank it in. Also a gift may inspire you to change your ways.
ILflm &IDIl®f~
This month you will jump right in. What gives you this sudden burst of courage is unclear but hey, you 'refeeling way more yourself than usual.
~®lflp>fl®Il®lU Jl111212l
This month you'll be inspired to do something with your hands. Save up the money because your new hobby may end up costing you some major bills.
§~tl&IT'fi~ 111li~ft® n.:Yin
Whatever started this recent weirdness between you and your friends, you can all get over it now. "Friends are forever" is going to have a serious meaning this month.
"Good things will come your way."The winds of opportunity are blowing in your direction.
A~imm~ mt oom,
Thanks to all that studying you left to the last minute, your brain is fried this month.
You normally are the social director, the leader, or the captain this month you will be surprised by how ell everyone manages without your constant supervision.
staff writer
I was eight when my father left to go to the gulf war. We lived in Germany at the time and I remember vividly the day my father broke the news to my family. My young mind could not comprehend exactly where my father was going or what he was going to be doing. In my mind he was going away to one of his trainings but only in another country. That was normal and my daddy was going to be just fine. He was a big man who commanded a battalion, nothing was going to happen to him.
He wrote us letters about the desert, the people he was meeting and where they were positioned at the moment. Every letter ended with, "I love you so much and I'll be home soon." Weeks and months went by. Many soldiers from my dad's battalion came home on big buses. My mom and I always went to greet them but my dad never came off the bus. I just wanted him to come home.
After seven long months he finally did. His division marched into the base looking like heroes in their desert camouflage uniforms and helmets. They were scruffy, thin and tired but I will never forget the relief and happiness on their faces. That night I snuggled up next to my dad, so
glad that he was finally home from his "training."
The terrorist attacks on Sept 11 not only shocked and saddened me but they made me realize what a hero my dad and others in the military really are. He is my hero. I have never ~n a big patriot nor have I given my father's job much thought but after the incident I have a new- found appreciation for the military and anyone who decides to join. Thankfully he will most likely not be sent to the Middle East, but many people that we know are training and are getting worried.
On Thursday, Sept. 27, I met John, a 22 year-old marine at a concert. He told me about how he his division is beginning serious training and that he will be shipped out in about two weeks. John seemed so sad and scared but still ready to do his job and fight for our country. He chose to join the military and I admire him for that. After speaking to him the tragedy really hit home to me.
I'm not becoming a big military advocate and I'm not expecting anyone else to be either. For me this tragedy has brought a new appreciation for my dad, the one person who I probably take for granted much too often but has done so much good. I only ask that we all keep the young men and women in our minds while they are away from friends and families defending our country.
You have a lot of extra cash this month and the party is just around the corner. Just be careful not to take something or someone for granted while on • this streak of good luck.
To~ ~n ft®~,in
Look in the mirror. You need to remind yourself exactly who you are this month. It's cool to get along with everyone, but not to be in agreement with every single word they say.
!Gkemmfimln ~/'¾l, U®<iil2lll
Stop feeling oh-so-sorry for yourself. No matter what is bother you, one thing is for sure brooding will not help. Believe it or not, something is coming to cheer you up.
CC&um~~I!'(ID/2l2l tt®'l!'m
"Happiness is in the heart, not in the circumstance." Once you realize this, your talents will be recognized and rewarded.
lL®®''l!U oo~il
You've been having a roaring good time, haven't ya? Frolicking while work needed to be done. You need to decide if making excuses is going to become a permanent part of your life.
=eelingthe unjusticeiouse 2- not visitable
Have any friends in house 2? Well if you do, don't plan on visiting them anytime soon. That's right, as of last Tuesday, House 2 has lost their visitation rights for one full month.
As a community, on top oflosing visitation rights, House 2 is also being charged $775. These fines are for mud found on the MeliM&Modesti sinks, stairwells, and mirrors, a fire alarm staff writer being pulled and the time and suffering it took Public Safety to turn it off, and a pair of women's underwear being attached to an exit sign. Added to this list is also fines for signs and posters being ripped down off of walls, obscene gestures drawn on posters, the front door being propped at least eight times, and my personal favorite, laundry being on the laundry room floor and the time and effort it will take the cleaning ladies to clean the clothes up. Are you kidding me? Do we not pay enough money to go to this school that we have to pay extra for cleaning ladies to clean, and for Public Safety to do their job?
I am a resident of Hoose 2, and I respectively must say that this "punishment" for the whole house is absolutely ridiculous. My parents sent me to school to get an education, but to also interact with new people, make new friends, and enjoy myself. Now that I am grounded from having friends over, I don't feel as if I can do what I was sent here to do. I am astonished by the fact that this school can take my visitor privileges away because other residents and visitors decided to act like they are five years old and do childish things. It is not my fault that some residents forgot how old they are, or that they neglected that fact that this school is more on the strict side, but for some reason, I am being punished for it.
I walk down my hallway to go to my room, and I see comments like "I come to college for more freedom, yet I have more privileges at home:' written on dry erase boards. Is this not the complete truth? I feel like I amliving in a prison, able to leave when I want, but unable to come back as a college student with rights.
At my house meeting, when I found out these terrible truths, I was told that since we live as a community, we should be punished as a community. What angers me the most about this is that I had nothing to do with any one of these incidents, nor did about 90 percent of the house. I can only ponder what went through my RD's head when he decided that this punishment was suitable. He told us that the only way we have a chance at receiving our visitor privileges back is if we telLon the people who did the acts, or if they come forward. I know that since I have been able to talk, my mother hasalways taught me that telling on people is completely wrong, and rude, unless not telling would result in serious injury or death. So basically, this school has asked me to take the values instilled in me by my parents, forget them, and live by what this school says is right. I honestly think by my RD asking the residents to rat people out is acting very cowardly, and a way to find out what went wrong the easy way - having other people do his job.
I will be the first to say that the events that happened in House 2 were very childish and uncalled for. I think that the people who performed the acts had the guts to put all the residents privileges in jeopardy, so therefor they should have the guts to tell the truth and relieve everyone else from this avoidable situation. Until these people fess up to what they did wrong, I have no power to change the restrictions set upon me. For future references to anyone living on this campus, you obviously have no power to change something you feel is unjust. All you can do is sit back and watch your rights be taken away from you. That is at least what happened to me.
The meaning of being a team
AlexisStrizziere staff v.Titer
So here I am sitting in the Loquitur newsroom on a chilly September afternoon thinking about the women's volleyball team. Well I'm not really thinking about them per se, but I am thinking about the game we will play in a couple of hours, perhaps one of the most important games of the season. What I am focusing on the most is the word "team," and it's meanings. What is a team?
When I sit back and think about it, I think about the girls who make up the team, and all the things that they offer as individuals to our team. Notice the key
word "team" that I keep reusing, because in the end, that's what we are above everything else, a team. Although teams have their ups and downs they always have one another and the love of the game that brings them together. We as athletes share a passion for volleyball. To some it's a joke, but to us it's an incredible game that only those who step out onto our court could only understand.
A part of being a team is winning, and part of winning is winning as a team. In order to win, we must play together to accomplish our goals. No single person on the court can do it alone. Teamwork is the most essential part of a team. Without it you have nothing.
Every athlete must feel respected, supported, trusted and above all accepted for everything they are and offer to the group. It takes time and dedication, and we must be willing to sacrifice things to benefit the team as a whole. We must learn to support each other
and stand by their sides. We are a family, we are friends, we are passionate and we have dreams. Some of us share the same dream, the dream of winning.
For most of us our coach is our mentor, and with his help we can reach our dreams, but without his support, we stand-alone. There is a captain and perhaps a co-captain who pull the team together and try to make each player understand just how important he or she is to the team. Without each player, there is no team. Together we are one and as one we will win. We need to focus on the goals we want to accomplish for ourselves and simply play the game we came to play., The chance of a lifetime is to be part of a team because from this team you will learn some of life's most important lessons, the ones that cannot be taught in the classroom.
Don't touch the Beefaroni
My roommate and I get along very well most of the time, but for some reason on the first day ;e both stayed in the room we had a problem. It all started out well enough, we talked and caught up on each other's lives from the summer. There was some discussion of Catharine how to rearrange the room, Remson and who would sleep where. staffwriter I'm scared of heights so I really didn't want the top bunk that seemed to be twenty feet off the ground. The rules of sharing were decided, and this is where the problems started. She told me I could have.any of her food that I wanted but, "Don't touch the Beefaroni!"
I realize that it's still the beginning of the semester but I have been so proud of myself for not missing any classes. By this time last year I had missed about 15 classes. Do the math, that's 3 classes a week.
There is an old saying that if you want something done give it to a busy person. I don't know if that can actually work, because I'm really busy and somehow I never get anything done.
Where do we go when we die?
The new patriotism that was just found in this
.country frightens me. I have this terrible feeling that people are going to hurt people who are not white. It already happened to my neighbor at home. She works as a nanny for two Filippino children, one is four and the other is almost two. They were going to the zoo on a nice day with all the car windows down. Some jerk in a big truck pulled up next to them and screamed out his window, "get the [exploit deleted] out of my county."
Music costs entirely too much money. I go out to buy c.d.'s and I have to make a list and limit the number I buy so that I don't spend $ 100 on just five. It is ridiculous, and the industry wonders why Napster is so popular.
Abercrombie and Fitch catalogs do not showcase the clothes they sell, it's just really well built guys in their skivvies.
I grew up in the city limits of Wilmington, Del. but I was shipped out to the country to go to school everyday. My high school was in the middle of a bunch of mushroom farms and when the wind blew in the right direction you knew how mushrooms grew. Manure smells extraordinarily bad to a city kid because we're use to the smell of asphalt and drugs.
Remember Chris Rock's advice to the GED class of 1999, "There is no sex in the champagne room. None."
There's no fumbling in flag football
by Lucy Truglio staff writerIt was an unusually crowded dinner in the cafeteria. As I was going up to get my usual piece of pizza, I couldn't help hearing the members of Cabrini's Flag Football lntramurals team buzzing about how disappointed they were that their weekly game was cancelled because of rain the previous day. They were all huddled around in a circle as if they were devising a defense tactic in a game, but the only thing these guys ·were trying to devise was a way to get around the system and still play in spite of the cancelled game. Intramural Flag Football is held on the upper field by Grace Hall every Tuesday night. The members of the team are very dedicated. and never miss a game, so as you can
imagine a rain out to them is a big deal. The team is headed by first-year student Joe Woods.
While talking to sophomore Aking Beverly who was in charge of the team last year. Beverly noted that Woods is doing a great job leading the team this year and deserves the position, ''The freshman are the driving force of the team this year, they are extremely dedicated, it is only right that a freshman lead the team."
First-year student Jason Catalanotto expressed what it seems most of the members of the team feel, that most of the players are former football players from high school. They are discouraged that Cabrini does not have a football team and miss playing the sport. They feel as though Flag Football is their way of staying in touch with football, and they will take what they can get.
"Flag Football is a great way of keeping myself occupied and meeting new people," Catalanotto said.
Catalanotto also expressed his excitement at the possi bility of going to Florida
Most people at Cabrini focus only on the organized sport of the school, and tend to neglect the intramurals.
Intramural athletes are just as dedicated and put in a much effort as any athlete on campus. More students 01 campus should try and support the intramural teams a much as they can; they need your support to. Also students who share the interest of football like Beverly and Catalan otto, should contact the Dixon Center or Woods and see i you can get involved too.
Lady Cavs serve up another win
The Lady Cavs hosted Rosemont College on Tuesday, Sept. 25. The team played a hard game to bring home a win with the final score of 8-1. As of press time, the team has a record of 3-4 with 8 games to go before the PAC championships.
Eagles start t~e season off on the right foot
·>ySharvon Urbannavage staff writerRegardless of minor injuries early in the ;_eason,the Philadelphia Eagles' 2001 roster ,hows promise of reaching further into this rear's playoffs.
Andy Reid returns for his third year as 1ead coach of the Eagles. Reid came to the ~agles after spending seven seasons as an 1ssistant coach with the Green Bay Packers Nhom he helped reach the playoffs six ;traight times from 1993-98.
His plan to make the Eagles a champimship team has been evident throughout •he last two years by a reflection of his style Jf coaching. Reid has an affinity towards borough preparation and attention to detail.
Reid's organizational skills will be crucial his season, especially with the recent inuries of running back Duce Staley and cor.1.erbackTroy Vincent. Staley suffered a ,mall tear in the cartilage of his right shouljer. Expect the Eagles to rely heavily on ookie Correll Buckhalter since Staley's inury prevents him from playing. Vincent, Nho is considered one of the best corner>acksin the league, has an AC sprain in his .eft shoulder but remains optimistic about .lis recovery.
David Akers kicks the ball on Sundays game against long time rivals, the Dallas Cowboys .
Other key players to watch for this season include quarterback Donovan McNabb, free safety Brian Dawkins, cornerback Bobby Taylor and wide receiver James Thrash
Immortalized in the form of a bobblehead doll, McNabb has kept the drive alive for the Eagles after passing for over 300 yards against Seattle. Dawkins, at the top of
his game, has been especially effective blitzing this year and has not made a single mental mistake.
Taylor, complementary to Dawkins and Vincent, has been strong in coverage and solid so far this season. Thrash, who was signed to a five-year contract in March, has made great progression from undrafted rookie to starter.
The Eagles have a good chance of improving their league ranking. "On this football team we don't get into the records and what other people perceive to be. We're going to take each one just like we do all teams and prepare ourselves the same way we do for every team in this league.," Reid said in a press conference on Wednesday, September 26. "We're not out there to judge the other team. We're out there to play the team, respect the team, and do the best possible job that we can do and get ourselves ready for that. That's how we're going to go about doing it."
With three games under their belt and a 21 record, the Eagles are in full swing for the season. The optin.lismemanating from both the Eagles' coach and players show the fans that the best may be yet to come this year.
Gold's Gym opening in King of Prussia
oy Paul Williams
staff writer
Gold's Gym is the largest gym chain in .he world that is dedicated to serving its nembers, _anda brand new gym is coming ,o King of Prussia.
The new gym that is going to come to King of Prussia in December of 2001 will
!>eGold Gym's best in the area as of right 'lOW. It will be located at 431 West Valley i:.'orgeRoad next to the Bed, Bath, and Beyond in the Valley Forge shopping center.
l'he state of the art fitness center will have nuch to offer its members. The regular rate >ffered will be 29 dollars a month, but for ,tudents the rate is expected to be 10 dollars ·ess. There is also a 30-day lOOpercent
money back guarantee. If you aren't satisfied with the gym, Gold's Gym will refund you all of the money for the first month.
Randy Young, the General Manager of the new gym said, "This is the most unique gym in this area. I have been working with Gold's Gym's for 15 years and it's basically the dream gym for anyone who likes working out." The· actual gym will be host of the largest workout floor in the area, over 70, 000 square feet. The gym will always have a certified trainer on staff to help in the workout and conditioning of anyone. The facility will hold over 150 pieces of revolutionary equipment along with 3 outdoor pools. Although the outdoor pools are available with a separate membership the indoor pools are available through a regular mem-
When a person thinks of soccer or field hockey, they don't always think of playing them inside but at the new Gold's Gym they will be able to play these sports in the indoor sports complexes. Another indoor complex that is almost unheard of in any gym is the regulation sized floor hockey rink. Other indoor sports complexes that will be a part of the gym include basketball, volleyball, and touch football.
Additionally, the gym will be host of many activities. The child play care center will be indoor and outdoor for active children to play in any kind of weather, and there will also be kids and adult sports leagues. If you are looking for a place to do business or to have a party there will be
birthday party rooms and also a conference facility.
Gold's Gym continues to be the authority in fitness gyms and they have been since 1965. As stated in their mission statement, Gold's Gym's are dedicated to providing the finest equipment and fitness knowledge available to help their members achieve their potential. It is recognized for its passion, unique heritage, and experience as the authority in fitness.
If any students have any additional questions they can go to the Gold's Gym preview center located in the Valley Forge shopping center where the new gym will be opening in December. There is also a phone number to call (610) 205-3570.
Cabrini teams make up games after Sept. 11 tragedy
by Cheryl Wagstaff staff writerCabrini's sporting events have been affected by the tragedy in the United States. Four teams were supposed to play on Sept. 11th. Their games were either postponed or canceled.
Women's soccer was supposed to play at Immaculata College. The game was postponed until the Sept. 21st. Cabrini won the make-up game 4-0.
The women's volleyball game for Tuesday against Cedar Crest College was played the following day. The Lady Cavaliers lost the game 3-2.
Cabrini's tennis team was supposed to travel to Alvern.ia College. The game will be made up on Oct. 3rd at 4 p.m. at Alvernia.
The junior varsity field hockey team was to play at Philadelphia College of Bible. It will not be made
up. Due to scheduling difficulties and the fact that it was a scrimmage, not a game.
During a time when all professional sports were basically shut down for at least a week, Cabrini sports moved on. The overall feeling of athletes was that it was appropriate not to play on Sept. 11th because many people were upset and could not focus on a game.
Coaches talked to their players and asked them questions about how they were impacted by the attack. After everything was said it was time for everyone to go back to his or her normal routines.
For a majority of the players, getting back onto the field was what they needed. Jamie Matozzo of the women's soccer team said: "It was good to have soccer to get our minds off of the attacks."
Men's soccer nets 2-0·
-continued from page 16
Players collided as they fought for control of the ball and a cheap shot, according to Nagle was inflicted on Brauny. "The Misericordia player grabbed Brauny's legs," he said. Ending the game, Cavalier sophomore Jason Catagnus assisted with a cross with a time left of 3:28 for the second goal win.
Post-game excitement rippled through the players following the game victory.
Junior Michael Rennie said, "We're back in the playoffs."
According to Rennie, the game should be a boost for the new team goalie's confidence. Cabrini lost James Beck, junior goalie, due to a bone injwy earlier in the season. Replacing him is freshman Brad Rink.
Last ·week's Results
by Cheryl TranchltellaReview of last week's sports events.
staff writer
The men's soccer team played Wesley on Sept.23 and won with the score of 3-1. The Cavs had a tough break against St. Mary's on Sept. 29 and lost with the score of 0-3. Jason Catagnus, a sophomore, is the POTW nominee with one goal and one assist in a one to one week.
"I'm going to step it up for my team." Rink said. Coach Doug Meder, following the victory, said that Cabrini was lucky.
Opponents from Misericordia are ranked number one in the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference, PAC preseason poll. Cabrini's team also had a tough season start. They have tied once, lost four times and won twice. Coach Meder says however, that the team is on its way up.
Misericordia and Cabrini team athletes are looking forward to playing each other, should they meet in the PAC semi-finals. Michael Kern of Misericordia said that if his team faces Cabrini again, Misericordia is going to "come together to win it."
The Cabrini Cavaliers respond that they are ready and fired up for the next challenge.
The Woman's Soccer team played Wesley on Sept 26 and won with the score of 2-1. They alSQplayed Gwynedd-Mercey on Sept.29 with a loss and the score of 2-3 in overtime. Patricia Bradley, a junior, is the POfW nominee with one goal and one assist in a one to one PAC week.
Field Hockey
The field hockey team played Im.maculata on Sept.25 and won with the score of 4-0. They also played Misericordia on Sept. 29 and lost with the score of 1-4. Nicole Schulz, a senior, is the POIW nominee with two goals and two assists in a one to one week. Schultz also became the second player in the team's history to score 100 career points.
The volleyball team played Rutgers-Camden .on Sept. 24 and won with the score of3-0. They played Eastern on Sept. 26 and lost with the score of 0-3. On Sept.29 they defeated Bryn Mawr with the score of 32. On Sept. 29 they played William Paterson and lost with the score of 0-3. Kristin Johnson, A sophomore, is the POTW nominee; hit .310 with 39kills, 37 digs, and 6 aces in a two to two week.
The women's tennis team played Widener on Sept. 24 and lost with the score of 3-6. They played Rosemont on Sept. 25 and won with the score of 8-1. On Sept. 27 they played Philadelphia Bible and lost with the score of 4-5. On Sept. 28 they played Cedar Crest and won with the score of 5-4. Erminia Marino, a freshman, is the POfW nominee; went 4-0 in singles, 3-1 in doubles in a two to two week.
Men'sand Women'sCrossCountry
On Sept. 29 the cross country team went against Belmont Classic the men's placed 9th out of 16 and the women's placed 3rd out of 15. Patrick Hutton is the POTW nominee, he placed 17th out of 125 with a time of 30:07. Kristin Zielinski, a senior, is also the POfW nominee, she placed 4th out of 105 with a time of 21: 16.
Cabrini shipwrecks Misericordia
Cabrini men soccer players were grinning like a crew of adventurers who had sunken a mighty fleet, following a 2-0 conquest over the team from College Misericordia Saturday, Sept. 22
"We dominated;' screamed sophomore defender Michael Ferrise.
The team held off attempts to keep a deadlocked no-score through the first quarter. Then, number 9, Captain Michael Braun, or Brauny as he is
called, made the first goal of the game, following halftime. Brauny's goal raised the intensity on the field and cries of "Go White;' could be heard traveling from home fans across the green.
The crowd on the stands leaned in towards the grass as time in the second half moved on. Will Nagle, a Cavalier fan and former high-school varsity soccer player, commented, "The first half was a little shaky. The team is doing better now."
-continued on page 15
•Women's tennis vs. Neumann College, 4p.m.
• Co-Ed volleyball, 8:30 p.m Dixon center.
•Women's field hockey vs. Marywood University, 4p.m.
• Flag football, 5:30 p.m.
•Men's soccer vs. Randolph Macon College, 4 p.m.
• Women's tennis vs. Eastern College, 4 p.m.
• Squash League play 4-6 p.m., Dixon center