Oct. 11, 2001 issue 06 Loquitur

Page 6

Preparing for possibilities

are now, for the first time, full of suspicions reeditor in chief garding their safety. From that day on, the nation has been collectively asking, "What will

The threat of chemical and biological warfare has been hanging over the nation's head since tragedy struck on Sept. 11. The attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon has heightened America's sense of fear. Americans

happen next?"

The fear, however, that is consuming people is unknown. Is chemical or biological warfare a realistic threat and if so, are we prepared? In the days following the attack army/navy stores weren't able to keep gas masks on the shelves. The sales of the antibiotic Cipro, a drug that can be used to help reverse the effects of anthrax, have skyrocketed. The gas masks, however, will prove to be "Practically useless in the event of a chemical or biological attack," according to Detective Thomas Farrell, Suffolk County, Long Island Arson Investigator. "Every known chemical photo by Justine DiFilippo fil Unlike biological elements, chemical elements are much easier to ob- needs a separate ter to tain. be placed in the gasmask.

After weeks of silence, America strikes back

On Sunday, Oct. 7, America fought back.

The initial strike began on Sunday afternoon. While Tomahawk cruise missiles and bombs found targets in Afghanistan, Bush addressed the country. "We will not waver, we will not tire," the president said. "We will not falter and we will not fail."

Bush approved the strike on Saturday, less than four weeks after the terrorist attacks that dropped hijacked planes from the skies over U.S. soil on Sept. 11. Two to three dozen sites were targeted in Sunday's attack, including terrorist training camps, military airfields, military

If your filter blocks anthrax but we're hit with plague, the mask means nothing," Farrell said. Some of the chemicals can also be absorbed through skin and eyes.

Historically, the United States has never had to deal with bio-terrorism. Terrorists have been and are, experimenting with both chemical and biological warfare. Outside of bin Laden's training grounds in Jalalabad, several small animals have been found dead due to lethal poisoning as reported in the Oct. 8 issue of Newsweek. Internationally in 1995, sarin, a nerve gas developed during World War II, was released in a Tokyo subway station. The attack, lead by cult leader Aum Shinrikyo, killed 12 people.

But the threat of biological or chemical warfare is unclear. Dr. Jolyon Girard, professor of history and political science, said, "If one has access to the materials then it is a conceivable approach." If terrorists like bin Laden decided to go forth with these types of attacks they must be aware of the consequences. 'The reprisal of the United States could be nuclear," Girard said. "It's a very dangerous way to engage in war."

-continued on page 3 aircraft, air defense radars and surface-to-air missile sites.

Although the Taliban claims he survived the attack. smoke could be seen billowing from the Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar's compound. Afghan sources in Pakistan also told the Associated Press that the attack successfully damaged the Taliban military headquarters and destroyed a radar installation and control tower at the airport in Kandahar, a city in southern Afghan.

Almost immediately after the first of the blasts, the city of Kabul lost power and was sent into darkness.

-continued on page 3

\\'hat's up on Campus? ,,,,-,,-.theloquitur.com tbut---t l•, I • • !Tl l) n 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 •Semester Mid- •Mass, 7 p.m., •Career Connec- •Scary movie point Brockmann tions Workshop, night, 7 p.m. and -Comedian Chapel of St. 12:15-1:15 p.m., 9:30 p.m., LeeTommy Blaze, Joseph Grace Hall, Room turc Hall 160 8 p.m., Grace Hall Atrium

Attack spawns apprehension in consumers

Banks, airlines, plane makers, insurance companies, entertainment companies.,travel and leisure finns, online travel agencies, the list is dismally long of individual companies and entire industries that are already being affected by an abmpt drop in consumer and business spending; a decline that unexpectedly came in an already shaky economy.

What it all means, say economists, is that the U.S. economy is going to experience some extremely tough times in the months ahead, despite lower interest rates, tax rebates, talk of further tax cuts and now what financial markets are dubbing a "war premium" as efforts to find the culprits behind last month's unspeakable acts goes forward.

Even soothing words from Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, testifying before Congress on Sept. W, that any shortterm uncertainties will not undo long-term prosperity, did little to instill confidence on Wall Street

"Consumers are like deer in the headlights. They're just paused and waiting to see what happens next," said Sherry Cooper, chief

economist with Harris Bank / Bank of Montreal Cooper downgraded her firm's forecast after last month's attacks to reflect what she expects will be a much longer time-frame for recovery.

In Manhattan, few are in a shopping mood, and visitors to the city have either left in a scramble or canceled their plans. Aagship department stores such as Bameys, Bloomingdale's and Saks Fifth Avenue are practically empty; the landmark Plaza Hotel is considering closing its famed Oak Room and Oyster Bar because of Jack of business.

At the Loews Hotel in Miami Beach, occupancy was at 12 percent Tuesday down from 70 percent last Monday. Convention meetings scheduled for the next few weeks are being canceled And its not just tourists too shell shocked to travel. Hundreds of meetings and conventions are being canceled across the nation, a trend analysts say may drain billions more dollars out of a travel industry already staggering before last month's terrorist attacks.

"'lbe airlines are the vehicle, for the most part, for delivering guests and business travelers to our doors," said Jonathan M. TISCb,



the chief executive of Loews Hotels. "If the people are not flying, they are not staying in our hotels. If they are not in hotels, then they are not eating in restaurants or shopping in retail."

Other industries, too, are reeling from the effects. The cruise line industry is suffering as travelers cancel their vacation plans or simply decide they don't want to fly to the destinations where the ships depart. Both Carnival Cruise Lines and Royal Caribbean have indicated bookings are down about 40 percent in the past week:.

Greenspan, in his testimony, acknowledged too that the unprecedented shutdown of America's air travel and tightened border restrictions have led to dramatic shortages of parts and products.

VUlaoova c.oonclly Calter .

16 seminars on VUJanovaprognms,

Lots of Layoffs, Warnings

Many companies wasted no time-sharing their expected bad news with Wall Street, unveiling expectations of slowing sales and redundancy of wotkers.

Among them were: Dow Jones/New York Tunes, Walt Disney, Boeing, Viacom, American Express, American Airlines, Charles Schwab, and Hilton Hotels.

Economic activity was severely disrupted following the terrorist attacks. Airline travel, once so routine it bad become the equivalent of a new mass transit, is reemerging with a web of delays and new security measures.

General Motors, Ford and Toyota, once able to transport parts overnight, were forced to shut down plants throughout North America because of security-related traffic snarls at the Canadian border. And a new generation of high-tech wireless communications possibly on hold because the military may keep the airwaves that cell companies need.

Help is said to be on the way, but it's still unclear how much of a difference it will make as the nation finds itself pushed over the edge into an almost certain recession.

The White House plans to help boost the struggling economy with a stimulus package that will likely include more tax cuts that could take effect before the end of the year. Policymakers aim to keep consumers confident and spending, and prevent corporate balance sheets from further unraveling.

President Bush, in New Yolk today to meet with business leaders and promote the stimulus package, said the country is starting to get back on track after the devastation. "Americans ought to go about their business, and they are beginning to do so. They ought to take their kids on vacations, they ought to go to ball games."

Also offering some relief is the Federal Reserve, which has twice cut short-term interest rates since the attacks. In pushing down the federal funds rate to 2.5 percent Tuesday, the Fed acknowledged

that events of Sept. 11 hurt an already weak economy and further dampened business and consumer spending.

But uncertainty over the shape of the administration's anti-terrorism campaign is likely to weigh on the economy as long as Americans are making sacrifices to deal with threats.

"In the past 10 years, we dido 't have to pay attention to the bad guys," said Neal M. Soss, chief economist with Credit Suisse FI.ISt Boston. "We were allowed to devote ourselves to investing, consuming, living the good life. Now we're going to have to pay the costs of protecting ourselves from the badguys."

But that doesn't mean consumers have panicked or given up. A new ABCNEWS.com/Money magazine poll shows consumer confidence has improved slightly since the attacks.

And anecdotal evidence from around the country suggests many Americans are spending again. Mark and Laura Wainwright, for instance, considered postponing their plans to buy a bigger home after Sept. 11. But with 30-year mortgages available at 6. 7 percent, the Vuginia couple figured the opportunity was too good to pass up.

-story continued on page 4

2 N£W5 _______________ Th_ursda_y_,Oc_t_11_.,_200_1
Tuesday, October 2J, 2001 4.-00 to 8:00 p.m.
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An American flag hangs over the floor of the New YorlrStock Exchange. photo courtesy of the intemet

A fearful nation asks 'What's next?'

U.S. bombs Afghanistan, bringing 'evildoers to justice'

-story continued from page 1

The campaign, dubbed "Enduring Freedom." also includes airdrops of thousands of vitamin-enriched food rations for the needy civilians of Afghanistan. 1be yellow plastic packages feature a picture of a person eating from a pouch and a stencil of the American flag. Written in English, there is an inscription that reads, 'This food is a gift from the United States of America."

The U.S. received support from countries around the world, including the promise of forces from the countries of Canada, Australia. Germany and France.

In a statement taped before the attack and released after, Osama bin Laden claims Americans ''will never dream of security or see it before we live it or see it in Palestine, and not before the infidels' armies leave the land of Muhammad" He also belittled Americans' grieving over the thousands that died in the attacks on SepLll.

"I know many Americans feel fear today," Bush said in his nationally televised address from the White House Treaty Room on Sunday.

Vice President Dick Cheney has been taken from his residence and secured in an undisclosed location. 1be Capital has stepped up its security. Government nuclear weapon labs have been put on a higher alert.

Officials close to intelligence secrets reported to the Associated Press that the attacks of early this week increase the danger of more terror in the United States. While Bush addresses the fears of Americans sadly, bin Laden noted American fear with satisfaction.

At the swearing-in ceremony of former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge as the new director of the Office of Homeland Security, Bush said that the United States is trying to "not only protect ourselves but to bring the evildoers to justice."

1be Taliban is claiming that U.S. attacks have taken significant civilian casualties. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld rejects their claims. "We have approved every single target and each one is a military target," he told the Associated Press.

1be campaign against the Taliban is intended to punish them for hiding bin Laden, accused of the attacks of being the mastermind behind the attacks in the U.S. on Sept. 11.

1be attacks of early this week have received support from far and wide. In Philadelphia. 64,000 fans cheered at Veteran's stadium where the beginning of a football game was delayed so the president's speech could be seen by fans on the big screen.

However, there has been protest. At a number of colleges across the nation, including Bryn Mawr College, students protested the attacks by walking out of class. There were also protests outside the White House and in Europe where demonstrators carried signs that read, ''Stop the bombing."

Sorting out the facts about bio and chemical warfare

-story continued from page 1

Dr. Sherry Fuller-Espie, chair of the science department and assistant professor of biology, said "No one knows how real the threat is," and that "a clear understanding of what is and what is not possible is very important." When biological and chemical warfare is being discussed in the capacity that it has been in recent weeks, people must realize that there is a difference between the two. Chemical agents were first being used during World War L The agents are much easier to obtain. -Cyanide for instance is a widely used tool for cleaning metals. The largest problem that terrorists face with both chemical and biological warfare is finding a way of "weaponizing" it. This means they must first find a way to keep the samples active and develop a system of dispersal. 1be Tokyo subway sarin attacks were done with plastic baggies full of the gas that were popped with either pins or umbrella points. It sounds very archaic but so does flying a commer-

problem with anthrax poisoning is that it is pathogenic. "When anthrax spores germinate in the body, they can produce a capsule around themselves in order to evade the body's phagocytic white blood cells," said Fuller-Espie, enabling the disease to spread faster throughout the body. Anthrax cannot be passed from one person to another. Detective Farrell doubts the likelihood of a biological attack due to the fact that the materials are so heavily controlled. In either the case of biological or chemical warfare, immense quantities would be needed in order to cause mass destruction. But Farrell says that that is not always the intent on the terrorist's part. "1be goal of the tenorist is to disrupt normal, daily life," says Farrell "If someone were to leave a container containing hazardous chemicals in the King of Prussia Mall, the causalities would not be outstanding, but people would begin to question ever leaving the house."

cial airliner into an office building. r----------------------Another downside that terrorists face is the short life span of the chemicals. After the sarin was exposed to the air of the subway it began to lose its efficacy. Biological materials like anthrax, botulinum and smallpox are extremely difficult to obtain. Acconling to FBI reports bin Laden has tried, without any success, to obtain some of these materials. Some biological agents, unlike chemical agents, can be spread throughout the public. Smallpoxfor example is a highly infectious biological disease and since a small quantity of vaccines exist, a contaminable disease like smallpox would be very difficult to control On Oct. 5, a 63year-0ld Florida man died from anthrax poisoning. At first there were no criminal suspicions, but after a second man in the same building was found with the anthrax bacteria in his nose, the attorney general has sealed the building. The Centers for Disease Control has been brought in to investigate. 1be disease, bio-

logical, causes respiratory failure In the event of chemical warfare

but can be treated with antibiotics if like the one pictured above save you from the effects? it is caught in an early stage. The

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photo courtesy ofgas-masks-onlincom or bio-terrorism, will gas masks

Abrupt drop in consumer and business spending

-story continued from page 2

The National Association of Realtors says business is not back to normal yet, but the organization still expects 2001 to be the seconq-best year yet for home sales.

For the auto industry, even a rough September won't sidetrack what it expects will be its third-best year ever. Atlanta dealer Eddie Bostwick said zero percent financing has customers back in force last weekend. ''The customers are feeling good about it," Bostwick said. ''They know it's a good deal."

Customer Verlin Sweat said the rates were right, but that wasn't his only reason for buying. "I can buy a new vehicle

and serve my purpose as well, maybe help the economy a little," Sweat said.

Mall traffic this past weekend actually surpassed year-ago levels. Some consumers are shopping to prove they have moved beyond the shock of events three weeks ago.

Paul Charron, CEO of apparel maker Liz Claiborne, said the retail climate has improved since Sept. 11, but it still has a ways to go. "Retailers are very cautious," Charron said. ''They were cautious before Sept 11 and they've become more cautious now."

"Our government will do everything it can to get our economy growing, make it as strong as possible," Bush told a gathering of executives from American Express, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan Chase, AT&T and more than 20 other

companies. "We need to provide more tax relief to individuals to boost consumer confidence."

Wall Street liked the news, sending the Down Jones industrial average up more than 173 points and the Nasdaq composite index up more than 88 points to almost the same level it closed at before the attacks.

This also bears burden upon up and coming college graduates. Students will have all it takes to make a good resume, but will be born into an economy that does not want them. With such a high numbers of lay-offs it is impossible to find a help wanted sign upon the widows of corporate America.

American flags fly off shelves It's oot toolate to do a Spring2002 Co--op!

Patriotism is on a rise in the USA. From rooftops to windows; from traffic lights to car antenna; American flags are flying high and in abundance. The terrorist attacks on our country have brought us to stand united through this unspoken symbol of freedom, peace, and patriotism.

September 11th was a tragic day in America. Precious landmarks were destroyed and thousands of

people were killed. So to show our sympathy and support we raise the star spangled banner from our houses, cars, schools, and traffic lights. Flags are everywhere.

Walking down the streets of Wayne, Pa, flags are hanging from every street light, and every store has one in their window. Local residents have even put this symbol of unity on display in their homes and on their lawns. In the Window of a Barber Shop on Wayne Avenue, sits a boy getting his hair cut while facing a flag. Outside of Weichart Realtors hangs a flag. In the display windows of Wayne Jewelers and Silver Smiths is a flag resting in a beautiful floral arrangement. All of these stores have two things in common: They have flags in their windows, but not on their shelves.

Michael Squyers, Owner of True Value Hardware in Wayne said his store sold out of American flags three times since September 11. "We get a shipment of flags in every week, but in a few days we're sold out again," Said Squyres. So, where CAN you buy a flag? ACME sells flags for $1.50 each as well as patriotic ribbons and bows. A flower shop on South Street in Philadelphia advertises "Patriotic flowers $3.50 a bunch." Before the attacks in September, ACME did not sell flags, Flower shops did not sell "patriotic flowers," and traffic lights did not have flags tied to their poles and waving in the wind. Patriotism has indubitably risen in our country and in our hearts.

Francis Scott Key poses the question: "O say does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave / O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?" Clearly we can see that it does.

4 NEWS Thursday, Oct 11, 2001
photo by Maria R. Chambers rue Value Hardware in Wayne sells out of American flags quickly much like other stores across the nation.
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Cooperative Education at Cabrini CoUcg

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The stories below are real. They were featured in real periodicals. They happened to real people.

Stuck in a Rut

A man in London has been a compulsive digger for years, according to neighbors. In order to satisfy his needs, William Lyttle, 71, has dug extensively all over his property of many acres. He once dug a hole that was 50 feet straight down before the man decided he was bored and cemented up the hole. However the man in his latest expedition, which the London police say is probably the first time his digging has gone past his own property line, Lyttle's digging obsession caused the street in front of his home to collapse in on itself. Lyttle lives in a huge 20room home that would be worth over $1.5 million, that is if it was in good repair.

Guaranteed to Be There

Blockbuster's guarantee- to- be- there might not apply in this case. In a crime spree held this past spring in Edmonton, Canada, shoplifters hit and robbed several Blockbuster Video stores. However the thieves weren't exactly after the money. The only items missing from the Blockbuster's were all 81 copies of Sean Connery's movie "Finding Forrester" and (which is even more bizarre) 12 copies of Adam Sandler's movie "Little Nicky."

Nature Calls

The South Carolina's Departme~t of Motor Vehicles has recently pared services, which has been attributed to creating much longer lines. The department has also privatized its janitorial service, which now makes an appearance only once a day. In a recent incident in Spartanburg, S. C., an elderly man had an accident while waiting in line to renew his driver's license. Neither he nor his adult daughter, who was waiting with him, wanted to lose their place in line. He had tried to ignore his "urgency" as long as he could but in the end his bowels won, with no one volunteering to clean up the floor. Lines snaked around the mess for .hours. However the man and his daughter stayed in line. The office's deputy officer commented, "You can't keep someone from getting a driver's license for incontinence."

This Pillow is Really Soft ...

Some kids will do anything in order to receive attention. For most kids the need to doing strange things and crazy stunts is a passing phase. For others however, never growing out of this phase has become a life long quest for recognition and leads to some dubious notoriety. A man named Australian Graham Barker, every day since the year 1984, has carefully collected and preserved and cataloged his own belly button fluff. His current total of fluff is a whopping world record of 0.54 ounces. His goal one day is to have enough so that he can use his treasure to stuff a pillow.

It Comes with the Job

Police in England recently agreed the pay Detective Brian Baker the equivalent of "several thousands" of dollars to compensate him for the snoring habit he acquired from allegedly being around the evidence room for many years, inhaling the dust from seized marijuana plants. His problems, including a whistling in his nose, were said to have caused Baker marital disharmony.

Mr. Ridge goes to Washington

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge stood down on Friday, Oct. 5, to take on a new role in the nation's government. This marks not only a big change for the country but also bigger changes for Pennsylvania.

On Friday, Oct. 5, Ridge became the new director of the Office of Homeland Security. The Cabinetlevel post was announced to Congress during President George Bush's address on Sept. 20. According to Bush, the new position will help the United States develop a plan to better protect the country against further attacks.

"[Ridge] will lead, oversee and coordinate a comprehensive national strategy to safe guard our country against terrorism and respond to any attacks that may come," Bush said in his speech.

Ridge wilJ be working with retired Army General Wayne Downing, who will concentrate on the intelligence and military resources, and Richard Clarke, current bead of the government's counterterrorism team. He will work on protecting the nation's information infrastructure. In addition, he will have "as many as 100 aides detailed from other agencies," according to the Philadelphia Inquirer.

''The only turf we should be worried about protecting is the turf we stand on," Ridge said during his swearing-in ceremony.

One of the main problems Ridge's new position may have is that it was created under an executive fiat, rather than an act of Congress. This means the FBI and CIA may be suspicious of Ridge and withhold information. The President has ensured that he will be able to access all intelligence about terrorist threats.

Upon accepting this new position, Ridge resigned as governor. Lieutenant Governor Mark Schweiker was sworn in and will complete the remaining 15 months of Ridge's term. The change should be

"seamless," according to Ridge.

''It will be impossible to replace a governor as talented, as compassionate and as effective as Tom Ridge,"' Schweiker said.

Schweiker has said that he will not seek election in the 2003 gubernatorial race.

Schweiker takes office

On Friday, Oct. 5, Mark Schweiker was sworn in as Pennsylvania's 44th governor. He will finish out the rest of Tom Ridge's term.

Schweiker is 48-years-old. He was born in Levittown,-Bucks County. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Bloomsburg University and his master's degree from Rider University. Before becoming lieutenant governor, he served as a Middletown township supervisor from 1980-87 and as a Bucks County commissioner from 198894.

As lieutenant governor, Schweiker's duties included presiding over the state Senate, chairing the state's Board of Pardons and looking over several state initiatives and programs. One of these programs is the Pennsylvania Weed and Seed initiative, which aims to 0 weed" out crime by combined efforts of local and state police and then rebuilding, or "seeding,'' the community.

During the Ridge administration, Ridge and Schweiker helped to launch the PRIMEinitiative. PRIME, which stands for privatiz.e, retain, innovate, modify and eliminate, is a program that aims to make Pennsylvania more "consumer-oriented,'' by using technology. For example, drivers license and registrations renewals are available online through PENNOOT. PRIME has saved Pennsylvaniam over $650 million, according to the Pennsylvania website.

Flu shots are available in health services beginning Monday, October 15, 2001 Cost $12 The CDC recommends vaccination for: Individuals with a chronic illness Individuals 65 and older Health care workers Any person wanting to minimize their risk of infection Come to health services in the Rooymans Center Monday through Friday 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Phone: 902-8400

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"T1leCase foe Faith" - Lee Str•hel

Adast-tumed-Cbrlllia journalist Lee Strobelaccepts the cballeoging task of defeoding the Christ-

ian faith in his boot. "The Case Faith."

Strobel.prepared with eight objcc tioos, conducts interview after int«view to get at the heart of his protests. In each interview, Lee Strobel dives right in with tough questions many have struggled with in faith.

Burning with ~c itement

Making mixes of your favorite music has been possible for the last few decades. It started with taking a record and copying the songs onto a tape. As the years went by, compact discs were developed for more space and convenience in listening to music. With a tape recorder and a receiver, it was just as easy to make a mix of your favorite music onto a tape. The one question remained. however: When can we start recording

M pldaB "1lnBlllltl

"TheCase al Fallh9pinpoinllJlltoBe hard to,.' swsrasped8 of faith.

In this boot. which is a follow up "The Case for Ouist... Strobel • points every aspect. every QIICIIIJOIII lhat people cannot seem to find swen for when thinlring about faith. FOfexa,npl,\. Slrobel whedla- ornot the Btole can be •ac1.And. meac:hamriew.

ue answeftldby people with doctoialCii fle>aplain • and .inlellc:c:taiiywith~ 1m11--~ brinp out a..,., imipt to faith.a diffeud way fl tbe hurdle to faith. Om Dy one.Strubel bleab down the walls guarding spirituality that most face in their fai1h.

"l!VSB" - 6•a1bln

Instead of buying millions of CDsjust bum the tracks you like onto one CD. It saves you money in the long run.

screen directions and burning yourself a CD.

Burning music CDs can be a little more work. If you have two drives for your CDs, you can copy a CD rather easily. If you're using MP3 files, songs recorded on your computer in digital format. you have some work ahead of you. Many programs, like the popular "Toast'' program by Roxio, require you to convert your file into one of two kinds of file. Roxio is a leading company in the production of programs for CD burning technology. They bundled their software with more than 20 million PCs last year and are now working in conjunction with RealNetworks, the developers of programs like Real Player and Real Jukebox. MP3 files can either be formatted into an AlFF file or a WAV file, so that they can be burnt onto a CD. This task is rather costly to one's hard drive, as formatting expands an average 5 MB file to somewhere around 50 MBs

Though the •'Toast'' program and several others operate this way, Roxio's highly rated •~y CD Creator" makes things very easy to work with. The program does not require any technical work in preparing files or CDs. "Easy CD Creator" allows the user to pull his files from the hard drive and place them directly onto the CD.

Since computers are all different pieces of machinery, there are hundreds of programs that bum CDs and some only work with certain computers. Apple's "iTunes" is quite popular for the Macintosh and one of the most highly rated programs for that operating system. Many programs are bundled with new PCs or Macs. These programs include ''Toast." •~t CD Creator," ''MusicMatch," and many other different programs.

onto CDs?

That time is now. In the late 1990s burning CDs became a reality. Essentially, burning a CD means siinply laser burning information into a blank CD for data use or even musical purposes.

her lonely life and how just one person change her attitude. She reveals to the Jeader the strength that she draws from an uotraditional teacher who pays attention. cares. and encourages her. And. she shows the reader how all that changes her life.

Although this novel is a work of ~-. Sapphiredrawsa very fiDeline betweenreal ity and illusion. The Precious Jones story is very real to the hearts and minds of Harlem' society.

Told in a first penon ~. Harlem's Precious Jones C8(JClm$1 heart of her audieooe. At just 16 years old, Pttdous is a molillerl f one.with another oo the way. The father of these children is Pie cious's own father. who frequentlyrapes her. Unable to tum to mother because she is guilty of abusing her as well.Precious struggles through life alone. The school system does nothing to help either. She is disregarded by the adults around her. Precious explains "Push•ls an easy to read novel witha hard to swallow 'lhtlme.

The language in Sapphire's novel • crude, profane, and blunL It .is written •• Prec:ious.who caabaaly Jad bmelf, is Dling. Thelanpageistbe in-,wr..fece guagc that in Pffdou&'swodd Cl¥el)'day.Sapphn.hold, 1111&£ an edlemely baat~ all-lOO-leal of life.

Data CDs have quickly eliminated the uses of the floppy disk. A CD-R, a blank disc that you burn once, can hold up to 650 megabytes of memory, as opposed to the floppy's 1.4 megabytes. There are now also CDRs that can hold an extra 50 megabytes of memory. The advanced CD-R, called CD-RW, can hold the same information, but can be burned and erased up to 1,000 times.

The most popular use for CD-Rs, though, is for music. CD-Rs can hold either 74 or 80 minutes of music, depending on the brand and the model of CDR. CD-RWs for music have also been developed and are currently selling, though they are not compatible with all players.

The process itself is fairly siinple. John Brogan. a junior communications major, says, "CD burning is very easy and only takes a few moments to learn." Burning a data CD is the easier of the two, with most CD burning programs. For example, if you write a paper or save a few pictures, all you really have to do is point and click. It's a matter of following the on-

Almost 20 million recordable CD drives are predicted to sell in the United States alone this year, three times as many as last year. Though it takes a little bit of work to figure out. over the last few years, CD burning has become mainstream and is only looking to expand. At least if you cannot figure it out right away, you will have plenty of faulty CD-Rs that would make great coasters.

A&E Thursday, Oct. 11, 2001
Photo taken by MichaBIA. Kazanjian Pfloto retriewd from www.circuitcity.com The above photograph demonstrates exactly what a cd burner is; however, cd burners are also located inside of some new model PCs and Laptops.



Buried Treasures:

and takes place during staff writer the end of World War II. When Imagine you're sitting in a dark movie theater all alone, because the person you came with left you to go to the bathroom.

All of a sudden, someone grabs you from behind Trying to stifle a scream, your heart jumps into your throat and falls down to your stomach at the exact same time. All in the same moment you turn around to see who is behind you, and you realize that it's your movie-mate back from the bathroom trying to get a laugh.

three new servants move into the house, strange happenings begin to occur, including Grace's daughter confessing that she sees ghosts. Initially, Grace does not believe her daughter. After a short time, however, she too senses an overwhelming presence in their house. A combination of scary noises and scary music increases the thrill of this movie, not to mention the surprise twist of an ending!

Another movie out in theaters that provides a great thrill for its viewers is "Don't Say a Word."

Although not technically considered a scary movie, this suspensethriller provides the same rush for its viewers, as does a horror film.

After his daughter is kidnapped, psychiatrist, Nathan Conrad (Michael Douglas), must get into the mind of a near catatonic psychiatric patient to find the sixdigit number the she holds in her head With a limited amount of time to accomplish this task, Conrad's daughter's life is on the line. After a great effort to gain her trust, Dr. Conrad finds himself closer to cracking the code and getting his daughter back.

One scary movie out in theaters now is called 'The Others."

This movie stars Nicole Kidman

One drawback to these movies is that they seem somewhat unoriginal. For instance, in the movie, "The Sixth Sense," a

by Mike

The lights dimmed as a full house at the spectrum waited in anticipation for Jane's Addiction to take the stage. Everyone looked as if they were ready to explode at the first note struck. Last Wednesday night, Jane's Addiction played in Philadelphia for the first time in four years. Their fans had high expectations and the band did not disappoint After they walked out on stage, Jane's Addiction went right into the song "Kettie Whistle", as dancers pranced around underneath the giant skirt lead singer Perry Farrell was wearing. The stage was decorated with lights and dancers to compliment the bands outlandish sound After being eased into the show with the first song, the crowd stood ready to explode. As the band dove into the second song, "Ocean Size", it

young chi 1 d has the ability to see ghosts, but his mother does not believe in his ability. After t h e same types of thrills that are seen in "The Others," the movie ends with an unexpected twist Again, the same kinds of suspenseful thrills that are seen in ''Don't Say a Word". So what does this say about movies today? Perhaps it indicates the movie writers' inability to create their own story ideas. Perhaps it simply indicates the movie writers' perception of what people like, therefore they continue to create the same type of movies to intrigue the viewers. Despite the true reason behind the creation of these types of movies, they do serve their purpose - to entertain their viewers with thrills, chills and excitement

c continued f ro111 page 6 > >

"TheCorrections"- JonathanFranzen

,I Remember how out of touch with society the Brady Bunch was in "The Brady Movie"? Well that is how life is like in Jonathan Fram.en's

novel, "The Corrections."

"Don't Say A Wo«r, starring Michael Douglas will really keep you on the edge of your seat.

If you lire the Brady Bunch, you'll love "The Con8cfi,ns.•

Franzen's main characters, the Lamberts, find themselves lagging behind a fast-paced world. Being stuck between the past and present signifies a difficult challenge for Alfred Lambert, who suffers from Parldnsoo 's disease, and his wife Enid.who does not face the reality of her family situation. •Even Alfred and Enid's three children are just as delusional as their parents. Gary, Chip, and Denise, all radically different, suffer from their own individual problems, and cannot seem to solve them.

In the midst of the rising society, everything is moving fast and the Lamberts seem to be stuck in slow motion. However,they want a quicksolution to their problems. They come across a new chug. Corecktall,whichappearsto be the answer they are loo.kingfor. Needto say, this pill does not even come close to solving the problems f this family. l

However. with his humorous style, Fram.en eod with each character a "correction" for themselves, a sort of happy ending afta all.

!! CoMINGSooN !!


staff writer was pure mayhem as people began jumping around and screaming the lyrics.

The band's original bassist Eric Avery declined to join Jane's Addiction on their cwrent reunion, so they grabbed bassist Martyn Lenoble from Farrell's other outfit, Pomo For Pyros.

The show consisted of two stage setups and several platforms where topless dancers gyrated to the music. The band was tight and sounded fresh as ever and they played with pure energy.

Jane's Addiction proved last Wednesday night that they are still a vital force in the music world They never cease to be among the strangest group of guys around. They also never cease to put on a spectacular concert

d&f/aDDm flii1



Loquitur A&E
All tnC1Viephotos retrieved from -mowes.hsx.com Nicole Kidman stars in the new thriller "the Others", now playing in theaters.

Donna Karan is the chairwoman and chief designer of the international company that bears her name. Wife, mother, artist, and businesswoman are among the many roles for this successful clothing designer. She has made a name for herself in the male dominated clothing design world and has branched out far beyond just designing clothes. Her creative instincts and feminine intuition is what Karan credits to the founding of her company in 1984 with her husband Stephan Weiss.

Donna Karan became interested in style when she was in high school, where she created her first collection of clothing for a fashion show. In her second year at Parson's School of Design, Karan was hired by Anne Klein. The job with Anne Klein was to last only the summer, but turned into what would be the beginning of her career in the fashion industry. She has come up with a different way to view one's wardrobe. What Karan has offered the fashion world is a method of dressing that is new and innovative. How you ask?

Karan's concept of style and design is based on seven easy pieces, where a few garments can be mixed and matched to create a complete wardrobe. "I'm designing for the international man and woman. A creative person that never knows where a day is going to take them," says Karan. The Donna KaranMenswear was founded in 1991, which was not surprising to her, considering that her father was a custom tailor. Since then she has been busy at work creating and designing so much more for the fashion world.

Donna Karan has designed everything from the right bra, eyewear, hosiery, and sleepwear. The list goes on to include belts, shoes and even a new line of baby wear. Her clothing can be as professional as a suit and as laid back as a pair of jeans and a tee shirt. The Donna Karan New York logo, DKNY, can be seen all over. For the true lovers of her fashion talents there was the release of the Donna Karan Home Furnishings. The furnishings cover everything from aroma therapeutic scented candles, cashmere pillows and throws, as well as a line of bath and body products.

Donna Karan is also dedicated to many social causes, in which her company's visibility and resources come in handy. Her soul may be in design, but her heart is definitely into helping others. She has donated her time and service to events such as, Pediatric AIDS Foundation and hosted a Super Saturday flee market and barbecue with Liz Tilberis to raise money for the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund. This successful businesswoman has only just begun her long-standing career with fashion and design. --_,,,

ii 11 on-campus~bannersanda.,. to pride; Yodr: •


"tatami" style woven suaw.Today.rup:tlopsme itilfiiiiile ofi staff writer straw, but more commonly made of rubberwith plaslic or nylon straps.

It's time to put away your flip-flops. That's right, fall is hae and now we arc back to wearingregularshoes.

Flip-flopsarevery common among people today, especially among college students. You often see and hear them going to and coming from classes. However, what many don't know is the how the flip-flop originated. Let me give you a little b~kground on those fascinating sandals.

Invented in Japan, flip-flops are known as Zori. They arc a very traditional type of :Japanese footwear. Originally Zori were designed so that they were easy to slip on and off. In the Japanese culture the footwear is always removed before entering a house.'Ibey can either have a thick sole or a thin sole with a V-shaped thong that comes between the big toe and the rest of

They give your feet that extra space so they can breathewhile conservative shoes make your feet cramped. trapmoistureinto your shoe and leave your feet with very un-. healthy conditions and sometimes sore. Some agree that Zori, or flip-flops, are the most versatile, convenient, and comfortable shoes around.

People love the ease of flip-flops, whether it be slipping them on to run to the store, going outside to get the mail or the newspaper, or even taking a leisurely walk. I think they serve an important purpose of relieving pressure on your feet and toes. After a long winter, I look forward to getting out my flip-flops every spring. It makes me happy and keeps my toes happy too. Even though we still might see some

8 Thursday, Oct. 11, 2001 -------------------------- FEATURES
L... --m&~~JL.~~~==---_J
photo by Justine DiFilippo ·out, it is time to put them away for the win- the foot, so the sandal stays in place. Traditiooally Zori are made of straw. The sole is often made of
ter. Come spring we will be seeing all the new !ityles and our feet will thank us, yet again.,

lij Sli:lnnon King staff writer

Bones and blood outline the doorway. ;¥ou.enter the house in pitch darkness, despite seeing people screaming for the exits. ;¥ou begin to walk and feel your way gore and guts. Turning the comer, you get tangled in spider webs and someone grabs you from the shadows. You escape from the evil clutches and from a corner in the next room, a low eerie voice asks you to hang around for a little while. Be careful how you answer, they may mean forever.

With Halloween only 20 days away, thousands of haunted houses, hayrides and ibeaters across the country are creaking open their doors promising spine-tingling adventures that you will never forget. The Philadelphiaareais no exception. With so p,any interesting places close by, there will be plenty to do at the witching hour.

About 20 minutes from campus lies the S-S. Maeeland HauntedHayride at ArasFauns on:Rt. 352.in Oradyville, PA. mm:l this year includes high tech special dfacls., digital sound track and compa.zimffigbting meant to scareyou withm an inch of your life. A giant fire-breath• g dragon welcomes you into the haunted abomdtbe hayride. 1be ride should last about 20 minutes and has 26 all


new terrifying scenes with over 30 zombies, vampires and ghosts who will fly over you, grab you or maybe just come along for the ride. If that is not enough of a scare for you, there is also a maze through a cornfield with demons and goblins lurking in the turns.

Frightened enough? It is time to relax around a bonfire and enjoy some hot apple cider and a caramel apple. The fright fest is in full swing and runs until Oct. 31. There are also special nights including a live Q102 broadcast and live bands pn stage. On Oct 13, dueling electric chairs and Zombie Paintball will begin at 3 pm. Tickets to everything can be purchased from Ticketmaster to avoid long lines.

In Fairmount. Philadelphia stands a Gothic castle-like strUcture that use to be the home of famous gangster criminals such as Al Capone and Willie Sutton. Eastern State Penitentiary is scary enough on an ordinary day, but this year experts from around the country are preparing a hairraising Halloween tour. Program Director Sean Kelley says, "Certainly two acres of rusted and crumbling prison is unnerving on its own, but for the new year we wanted to learn what professional effects designers could do in these massive corridors." "Terror Behind the Walls" invites visitors to in a witch trial andruns from now until Halloween. Last year31,000vis-

itors toured the site that The New York Times calls "perfect for Halloween." Reservations are recommended and are available at Ticketmaster.

The "Festival of Fear" in Feasterville, Pa, is open every weekend until Halloween and has a haunted house, a trail of terror and a haunted mini golf course. Fear Factor on the Fifth Floor is located at 23rd and Allegheny Avenues in Philadelphia and will feature celebrity appearances and live broadcasts from Philly 103.9. Jason's Woods in Lancaster, PA, attempts to give us goose bumps with a horrifying hayride, barn of terror and a new 3D carnival of fear.

Grisly Gothic Gables in West Conshohocken tells visitors of the tormented souls of the family that once lived in this mansion. The family had much turmoil in its existence and some family members are still seeking revenge on each other. Be careful at this one, the living dead may try to get you involved. This event runs from 7-10 pm every weekend beginning today.

If you arelookingfor somethingoncampus, Cabrini'shauntedtail is being held from 8-11 pm in the GraceHall woods Oct. 19 and 20. The tourleaves&omtheGraceHall Atriwn and is free to students. Beware of the Camni gbosls,however. They tml to show up this timeofyc:m-!


Arasapba Farms

Bates Motel and Haunted Hayride


(610) 497-0647

Hayride $10

Bates Motel & Com Maze $7 each Combo ticket $20

(Available also at Ticketmaster)

Eastern State Penitentiary

Terror Behind the Walls



Student nights Oct. 24 & 29

(Available also at Ticketmaster)

Festival of Fear

Haunted House$8, Trail of Terror $5

Combo $10

(215) 407-FEAR

Fear Factor

$ 10 Admission

(215) 227-2710

Jason's Woods

editor in chief

On the clock outside of the Great American Pub is a sign that reads "Consby 'fyme." It doesn't seem to matter where the hands are resting when you look at it. You should, for a brief moment, forget about time and immerse yourself in the small neon lights that brighten the rows of windows on Fayette Street in Conshohocken.

The Great American Pub is the kind of bar that is pulled out of the pages of a novel describing the transition between leaving college life behind while trying to bold on to every last piece you can get your hands on.

One of the key factors to what makes or breaks a bar are the strangers who decide to make it their home for a night "It's a bit of a yuppieish crowd," said Ed O'Brien of Drexel Hill, "but that's OK, yuppies usually have some pretty good looking singles strolling around." But for every "yuppie" at the Great American Pub, there was a complete opposite to be found. Some were dressed in tattoos while others looked as if they had just strolled out of bed. There was a disproportionate mix of meil and women. The men came in groups of four or more in hopes of scouting some unattached women. The women, however, were scattered only in a few small handfuls around the bar, leaving some men to hash over last weeks sports scores for the thousandth time.


(717) 872-5768

Hayride $10, Barn of Terror $8, 3D Carnival of Fear $9

Grisly Gothic Gables home.att.net/ ~allistair/Grisly

$10 Admission


The atmosphere is, as Stephanie Herr of Media says, "Like a really nice frat house." It has that certain over-ambitious attitude about it that tries to please everyone that walks through the door and fights their way in out the crowd in pursuit of the bar. Each of the four floors that the "Pub" houses is its own separate entity. The first

touched for the majority of the evening.

If you are able to arrive at Fayette Street a couple of hours before midnight rolls around, there are plenty of other areas to be explored. The Great American Pub falls into the same category as most bars that you will run into at one point or another. Unfortunately you cant always forget about the time, so if you find yourself standing outside of the bar be sure to keep an eye on "Conshy Tyme" because even there, last call is at 2 am.

Haunted Trail FREE Oct. 19, 20 floor, after working yourself through the entrance, is set up like your typical run-of-the-mill bar. There is shortage of about 100 bar stools and every so often you can feel the warm splash of some wobbly patron's beer smack you in the neck and trickle down your back. The second floor is pretty much the same deal as the first with the exception of a few tables here and there. The next two floors seem to be forgotten or just missed by most people. Pool tables are stashed away on the fourth floor and the handful of people up there ,.,,.,look at you as if you're intruding their personal space, .•..

Check the Websites or call for directions and more information. Some websites contain coupons or informa'tion on discounted nights. For other haunted events check www.hauntworld.com.

In the far comer of the second floor was an "Internet ready" station. The attempt at melding the web and the bar is a noble one, but 1 not many people like to knock back a few cold ones before checking their Hotmail accounts. In other words, the station remained un,.•


Has the media gone too far with ongoing news coverage?

Over saturation can be a very bad thing, but it some cases it is very necessary. For the past four weeks images of the America's nightmare have been plastered onto almost every magazine and newspaper released. Television news coverage has been going on around the clock trying to keep us up to date with every last detail.

In t)le past week, America began to bomb sections of Afghanistan (see related news story on page 3.ed) and channels like CNN and MSNBC are broadcasting live footage of the attacks. The problem with this footage, however, is that you can't see a thing. All you can see is a dark green screen white light flashes in the comers from time to time.

Is it coming to a point where the media is just doing a little too much? We at the Loquitur are guilty of doing the same thing. Four out of the Loquitur's six covers have dealt with the topic (page 1 contains a story on both the recent bombings as well as an article discussing biological and chemical warfare .ed). There is reasoning behind all of this coverage. What happened to America on Sept. 11 was the one of the biggest, most significant events in our history. For the students of Cabrini, this was a day that we will all remember for the rest of our lives. Something so important doesn't just deserve the media's coverage, it requires it. We promise to give you news and events outside of the tragedy but we will continually keep you informed with any new information regarding the tragedy that comes our way.

The editorials,viewpoints,opinionsandleUersto theeditorpublishedin Loquiturare the views of the studenteditorialboardandtheindividual writers.not theentirestudentbody or thefaculty andadmioisu:ation.

Pizza shop mural brings the realizali~

I was at a pizza shop in Collegeville, PA. eating with one of my friends when I looked up and noticed a mural of the New York skyline. In the middle of the mural were the twin towers. On a normal day this would not have affected me but this day was different. This day was just a few days after these buildings, along with thousands of people, were taken away from our country. In

just an instant these buildings were taken down with our own planes and with our fellow Americans aboard. This same day people were working in their offices in the world trade center doing normal daily stuff, just like me in the pizza shop, only these people can no longer do these normal things. They, like the buildings, are gone.

I do not think these changes in our world had sunk in for me until this day that I saw this mural of the old New York skyline. Before then, the fact that our whole world had changed, had not quite clicked in my head.

I had been going on with my life, even though I was watching it on the news, listening to it on the radio, and reading it even in our own college paper. I was trying not to think about it. What was going to happen now? That was

the question that kept me pushing the memory of Sept 11 to the back of my mind I was scared. I needed to realize that this is the biggest thing that has happened to our country. Even now almost a month after I am still scared. The question is still in the back of my mind. This event is not something we just read about in a history book. It happened right in front of our eyes. We witnessed history.

The mural will hopefully stay in the pizza shop forever. I believe that we need to see the old skyline to help us never forget what happened on Sept. 11. We need to remember the thousands of people that died and all of their families. We need to remember that every American was affected some way on that day.

Lifeguards, oddly entertained ••

do odd

Amy Gassen

Loqultor Is established 11S a forum for stu-

expression and as a YoiceIn tbe

things in pools. I have worked as a lifeguard for the past seven years. Throughout those years, I worked steadily at four different pools. Sometimes, people forget that I am an actual person and that they shouldn't do things in front of other people, or at all for that matter.

My first job as a lifeguard was the summer after my freshman year in high school. I worked at a local, privately owned swim club. I anticipated sitting in the high metal chair, getting a fabulous tan, and enjoying my summer by the pool. What ensued was a summer of constantly screaming, "walk," "stop" and "don't hit him/her with your noodle." That summer I learned how to clean bathrooms with a hose, how to find tiny pieces of trash in the ground, and how to play the card game Rummy.

That first summer was tame. The second summer, the fun began. The swim club had three different pools to choose from. Pool number three, (we were as creative as Cabrini College with names, hence Cabrini's "New Residence Hall'') was constantly inhabited by little people.

On one particularly sunny day, I was guarding pool three by myself.

During my constant scanning of the pool and the surrounding areas, I noticed a girl around the age of

10 wearing a particularly odd bathing suit. On closer inspection, I was astonished to realize that the girl was naked. There were 30 other swimmers in the pool. Thankfully, they were all wearing their bathing suits. Luckily for me, the girls' mother realized that her child was naked before I had to settle the situation. She was taken out of the pool and quickly clothed.

On another occasion, a family decided that it would be a good idea to use the rubber rug by the pool as a flotation device. When I tried to explain to them that the rug is needed so that people do not slip around the pool, I realized that they could not speak English. and could therefore, not understand me.

Communicating through hand gestures is not something that I am articulate in. I lost that battle.

At one of the indoor pools that I worked at, swimmers basically stuck to lap swimming. Watching people swim back and forth for hours becomes very monotonous. A homosexual couple that swam would always break up the routine. They would swim in side-by-side lanes. Their breathing was synchronized so that they could smile at each other when they would come up for air. Sometimes, they would exchange a peck during a rest at the end of the lane.

I've had my fair share of fun with various animals, too. I've had to pull everything from a turtle, to a mouse to a frog out of the pool. The best was this summer. At least three dead frogs would inhibit my pool every day. That was not something that I looked forward to in the mornings.

All in all, I enjoy lifeguarding. It's a job that can become routine. Eccenttic swimmers, however, add a nice spice of variety to my current profession.

10 PERSPECTIVES Thursday, Oct 11, 2001
Editors Edttor In dlief: Mamwog editor: News editors: Sports editor: A&Eeditor: Puspedms editor: Featuns editor: Photography editor: Copy editor Web editor: Adviser: Michael A. Kazanjian Renee Tomcanin Beth Ann Conahao and Amy Gassen TracyTunsoo Geri Lynn Utter Renee DiPietro Jill Hindman Justine DiFilippo Joe Holden Charles La Courte Dr. Jerry Z.urek Slaff Writers Kenneth Baumbach Ryan Mulloy Lisa Broomall Leaooe Pantone Maria Chambers Michael Paolucci Colleen Connor Vmceot DeFruscio John Delsordo-Tarlecki 6atbarine Dilworth Ryan Griffiths Calharine Hernsoo Eugene Iacovelli Sbaooon King Richard Magda Tanya McCausland Marianne McKim Gina Roswell Karen Scbweiz.er Jennifer Spriggs Alexis Slrizziere Cheryl Trancbitella Lucy Truglio Sharvon Urbannavage Aron Usdan Melissa Modesti Cheryl Wagstaff Paul Williams
Board Michael A.
Renee Tomcanin
ol issues. Staff Pbotognpben Sean Atwell Tun Gordon Jennifer Brunner Jefli'ey Hardy Maria Ouunbers Catharine Hemson Jennifer Dalvano Amanda Howard Kristin Maloney Marianne McKim Ashley Mottola Michael Paolucci Katie Reing Diane Wizimirski Loqww is a labontory wrine., edifiedlad daccd by srudcau n:giACred UI COM :M6_ ]50. 35J. 353 ad lS4. Members of die campus coen:wnicy an:iavitcd to wort on or tubnut uorieaifor Only ll:udenls n:gistz:rcd iii the abow: ct.scs. liroweYer,arc di&iblc eon:ceiveac:adcaic Cl'C<il..Sub-scripoon price is $25 per year and is iadudcd in the llmefiu seaucd i• OJition and fees. Loquiw wckomcs lcucn 10 lhc cdilOI'. Letkn lhoukl be signed. ad the .,lhonhip known to the editors. Namcs aR wilhhdd only in unu.wal cin:u.msunccs apby the cclilor 11'1cbief. l.c:tttts lO dtit edit« $houkt be llllnitlal by mo11 oa MoadayL
robu.fl,rneand open discussion

Unprepared mentally and physically,the' military is not ready for war

The attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon has left a lingering fear of war in the hearts of many, especially our nation's youth. The world seems to be bracing itself for something serious, but no one is certain what is yet to come.

ly in size. So, what does that spell for young males just entering adulthood?

Unforgettable·en- . counter with angel_ in disguise

The armed services are in trouble. All branches of service are in need of recruits. The only thing that you needed to go into the U.S. Army was a high school diploma, and now, that is not even necessary. The army has been cutting standards and doing away with tradition in order to recruit more soldiers, and this has been going on long before Sept. I 1. The army will now take you even if you test positive for some illegal drugs.

There have been reports on several news programs discussing the possibility of starting the draft that is if this now "military operation" actually turns into a full-blown war. The question most men between the ages of 18 through 21 should be asking themselves is how ready is our military for war?

The United States Armed Forces has undergone massive changes in the past several presidencies. There was an effort to improve our military as well as down size all branches of service, which began towards the end of former President Bush's term in office.

Through the Clinton administration the armed services may have improved technologically with increased firepower and new weaponry, but recruits decreased drastical-

The fact is that this country and its military are not ready for war. There was a time when our country went to war and we attacked the enemy in every possible way. Now, news reporters are not allowed to·refer to terrorists as terrorists. The idea is that the "terrorists" believe that they have a true agenda and by dehumanizing them with such phrases is insulting to their beliefs. This is nothing more than political correctness gone mad. Liberalism, love, and good intentions do not win wars. War by definition is the loss of innocence.

Unless this nation collectively can realize that we are unprepared, mentally and physically, for any sort of confrontation we are doomed. For those as pessimistic, we can only come together in the hope for a diplomatic end to our nation's tragedy.

Housekeeping, Internet and Delaware

The first time I saw him he wasstanding waiting patiently for his turn in line at the bank. His clothes were ragged and his head was covered with a worn knif bat. He made his way to my window and as be got closer a smile that spread across his face revealed his missing teeth. He looked like he had not showered in days. He was not sure bow to go about taking money out from his checking account. ,_________ _, I informed him that he would need to write out a check to himself and cash it. To my surprise he handed me the checkbook and asked me to fill it out. I was cmious as to why he didn't do it himself, but I just nodded and filled out the blank check. He signed his name at the bottom in a chicken scratch that he wrote with such grace and concentration. I read the bottom of the check and saw that his name was Oarence. That name always makes me think of angels, because of the movie "It's a Wonderful Life." I completed his transaction and told him to have a nice day. He smiled and told me to do the same and graciously thanked me for helping him. I told him that it was no problem at all.

staff writer

How is it fair that housekeeping can decide not to clean your bathroom if it is too messy? Then if they do not do a good job cleaning you cannot tell them not to come back. My bathroom has not been really cleaned since I got here, and that was a week and a half before school actually started. It is a good thing that I live with girls who like to keep things neat, be._________ _. cause if I did_not I might yak every time I went into the bathroom.

The Internet sucks this year. Ever since the school hooked up with Drexel it has been ridiculously hard to check e-mail. I thought the merger was supposed to help, when all it did was cause more problems. People work for the school as information technology repairmen do not do anything and get paid for it. And my Internet still does not work.

We bombed Afghanistan. I kind of knew that we would but I was thinking it would happen sooner. I was getting my hopes up thinking that there would be no war, but now it is inevitable.

I am from Delaware, home of tax-free shopping, and that is apparently all my home state is good for. It is not true though; there are plenty of good things going on in the First State, like umm. Ok, it is true, sorry.

Last week I let my mom read my article and she got mad at me for remembering the city as smelling of "asphalt and drugs." She's right that's not all the city smells of.

I grew up in a nicer neighborhood, and there was always some one with a barbeque or a fire going. I was able to sit out on my front porch and talk to people as they walked by with their kids or dogs or both. But what I said was honest. When I came home from basketball practice around seven p.m. and had to walk through the ghetto to get home there was definitely a strong odor of hot road and marijuana.

Weekends on campus are not a good time to eat. The cafeteria is never open when it needs to be, and the Wigwam isn't available at all. Brunch and a shortened dinner service is not a very nice way to treat the residence who either can't or don't go home all the time. If the school is really trying to save some of the 8000 plus dollars a year we spend to live and eat here then just have the Wigwam open all day and shut the cafeteria down for the whole time, or an even better idea just keep the hours the same and stop the confusion.

I feel that I should end on a more positive note. I really like my room at the new dorm. I have lots of sunlight and fresh air. My "pod"is the coolest, we all have so much fun with each other its scary. There is no better feeling than knowing that you don't have to worry about disturbing your neighbors with obnoxious guitar playing or loud music, because they do the same things to you.

As Oareoce turned to leave the window it suddenly dawned on me that he <:ouldnot read and I was SID'C of this when I watched him push the doors that exit the bank several times as he was looking at the big black let-·-ters that instructed you to pull. I just watched him until he disappeared from my sight.

I wondered if he would have to go anywhere else that day where he would need someone's assistance and I hoped that they would help him and not belittle, or yell at him. I wondered how difficult life would be without being able to read and only knowing how to spell my name. I thought about how lucky I am to be in college and to have an education. l tho~ght about bow embarrassed Clarence ·mustfeel each time he has to ask someone for help with something as remedial as filling out a check.

As the summer went on I would see Clarence from time to time and he always looked relieved when he saw me at my window. He would bring up his checkbook and sign his name with grace every time and then he would hand the book to me and I would do the rest. After I was all done he would always say, 'Thank you miss." Each time he left I always thought the same things. Where else did he have to go that day, would someone else help him and will he be okay?

Clarence was a little man. He was short and thin and looked as if be bad not eaten or showered in days eac~ time that I saw him.but he could not have been nicer each time be came in. Not one day went by that he would not give me a big smile and thank me. I sometimes wonder if Clarence was an angel in disguise?

Jill C. Hindman features editor
L _____________ __,,___.....,.. ______ _

~ight to revenge -

U.S. too quick in response

Where is the security? As a baby I had a blanket. As a child, I had a stuffed animal brontosaurus. Now I trust my life to President Bush and numerousgovernmentdepartments tangled in planning, following a war

I know some people are strongly against the old theory of "an eye for an eye" and "a tooth for a tooth," but I totally agree with this primitive theory when it comes to the United States defending itself by bombing Afghanistan. Prior to the terrorist act that took place on Sept. 11, I was under the impression that the U.S. was invincible, but that childish image of the U.S. was shattered on that day. Who would have thought that the U.S., the most invincible country in the world, could be broken down into a complete state of panic in the matter of an hour? I never did.

Take a minute and think about the all the innocent people that were killed. Those people did not go into work that morning knowing that they were going to die. They were viciously murdered without even being given the chance to say 'goodbye', 'I'm sorry' or "I love you' to their close friends and family. They were just like the rest of us; however, most of them were not given the chance to express how they felt.

After trying to imagine what the people involved in the terrorist acts experienced that day, I asked myself, do we have the right to take our revenge on the people of Afghanistan? I think we do have the right to take our revenge. Some people may view bombing Afghanistan as playing God, but I see it as protecting our country. If we, as a country do not put our foot down, it is bound to happen again. Are the people of the U.S prepared to watch over 600 innocent people die for no reason again? I don't think so.

I am well aware of the fact that there are innocent people living in Afghanistan that may be affected by the bombing; however, at least the U.S. has the decency to help the civilians of Afghanistan. After all, we are targeting those that have hurt our country. It is not our intention to kill civilians that were not involved in the terrorist acts; but, it is only realistic to conclude that some innocent people will be affected by our bombing.

I look at it this way, should we sacrifice the lives of a few Afghani civilians or should we make ourselves vulnerable to be attacked again? Even though it may seem harsh to some, I think the safety of our country is more important. Do I believe we should continue to bomb Afghanistan? Definitely.




Radnor, Pa. 19087

Karen Schweizer on terrorism that our staff writer government branches are not ready for.

Citizens of the United States met the terrorist attacks Sept. 11 with surprise and horror. United States departments such as the CIA and FBI stepped into action to prevent a breech of security, as did the United States department of defense with military plans. The world's people cried out for retaliation as the Pentagon, the World Trade Center Tower one, and two crumbled like plaster toys. The United States retaliated with bombings in Afghanistan on "military targets" according to Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld. However, is the attack a good thing? There is

speculation of a 100 percent chance of terrorist retaliation.

The United States should not have bombed Afghanistan without first taking larger steps to protect its citizens. The FBI is only now implementing a major plan to identify and trace economic funding of the Taliban and Al Qaeda organization. There may be 100 religious fanatics in this country receiving funding from Osama bin Laden at this moment that we don't know about.

The Federal Aviation Administration ordered an expansion on the Federal Air Marshall's program and a ban on cutting instruments including disposable razors, a ban that came too late for passengers on the fated planes.

The cases of anthrax in Florida demonstrate that •the United States is facing a new enemy. The threat of biological warfare is now more of a concern. We now may need to monitor even mail.

We are just learning how to deal with the new enemy of terrorism. Our organizations are not equipped to handle this situation now, although they are adapting every day. The American response of bombing should have been conducted after these breeches were secured.

Baby please don't go ...

Everyone has complaints about Cabrini, the greatest one being that it sucks. I think that I've figured out the problem with our school; nobody goes here.

I'm sure that everyMati Holmes one has noticed the mass guest writer exodus of people going home on Friday after._________ __. noon, and I agree that it's important for people to see their families and friends and enjoy some time off-campus, but it seems that everybody leaves every weekend. I exaggerate, but anyone who's been around campus on a Saturday or Sunday, anyone who isn't from this area and can't go home whenever they want, anyone who has been totally bored on this deserted campus will surely understand what I mean.

The problem is that it's a cycle that makes being on campus on the weekends worse and worse. People naturally go home. It's what people do when they go to college so near where they live, and that's fine, but it leads to there being no one around. Then, since no one is around, people think, "Why stay here? No one's ever here and there's never anything to do."

are just commuters who sleep on campus four nights a week.

I don't understand why people would spend so much money to go to college, and then never be around. I don't understand why people complain when there's nothing to do on the weekends; anything that's ever planned hardly gets any attendance. Even the dances don't really get anyone until an hour and a half before they're over, and I've heard people say that they were going home, coming back for the dance and then going home again. It sucks here on weekends and that's why no one stays around, but it sucks here on weekends because no one stays around.

I would ask the current freshmen to try to change this. If you do, you'll start something that will eventually make this college not suck so much, at least in one aspect. I'm not saying to make yourself into a prisoner here. Go home. See your family. V1Sit friends at home, but don't do it every single weekend. You live here now. Hang out on campus. Have friends over on Friday and Saturday night when they can stay later in the dorm and you don't have to worry about waking up people who have an 8: 15 the next morning. You'll get less hassle than on a Thursday night. Hang out on campus and enjoy it. as opposed to during the week when you're just running around to classes and work and whatever else. The more people that are around on the weekends, the more stuff there will be to do. Make your college into what

to tell us of a deserving story for future issues?
something that was not in the paper? Need
are welcomed by classic mail or email: The Loquitur 61O King of Prussia
PERSPECTIVES Thursday, Oct. 11, 2001
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you want it to be.
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Then people are even less likely to stay on campus, and it gets to the point that the resident students

Swimming your way this springl

Coming soon to the Dixon Center near you a swim team. For the first time in Cabrini College history the

athletic center on campus known as the "Dixon Center"

will open its doors this spring to what the colleges hopes in time to be a new intercollegiate sport. With financial support from the college and NCAA competitive swimming additions to the already existing pool, a new swim club team will form second semester this year.

pads" to mark the swimmers' finish time, and score boards will be added to the pool," Danehy said. Although the pool is not Olympic size, it is however an official NCAA 25-yard


When the Dixon Center opened in April of 1998, "It wasn't a priority to add a new sport," Leslie Danehy, the associate athletic director, said. 'The college wanted to improve the other athletic programs. Now the college is nl'"'w.:., , supportive of a swim team and they expect it to come close to the level of the other programs," states Danehy.

Although the team could not compete in any type of Pennsylvania Athletic Conference championship, they would compete against a few colleges in the PAC that do have swim teams and other colleges in the region.

There were a few steps the college needed to take before the program could reach this state. First, the program must start with a swim club team. This spring a new coach will be hired to take full action to develop an intramural team and prepare for unofficial meets against competitive schools in fall 2002. The coach, who has not yet been chosen, will have one full year to recruit and Danehy said she hoped by the fall of 2003 there would be a full varsity team. NCAA rules state that each new sport must have one full year club status before becoming an actual sport of the college. "If the club team does take off, competitive swimming additions such as "touch

short-course pool that is capable of holding meets. The college has been laying the basis for a swim program over the past four years. Starting in September 1998 water aerobic classes took off. Aquatic director Colleen Poole and assistant aquatic director Miriam Hansen run these classes. In the fall of 1999, official credit classes were begun at the college. The classes include swimming in the fall semester and lifeguarding in the spring semester, both taught by Poole. Most of the time it is outside community members, who are allowed to join the Dixon Center, who come to the aerobic classes. "We would love to see some more students out here. We are trying to start a new water cardio class for all out-of-season athletes that would target every major muscle group for a full body workout," Poole said. Poole also said that Eastern College recreational aquatic program runs its program out of our _ pool. 'They play everything thing from water polo to water basketball. Cabrini students are welcomed to come join the Eastern students and we hope that our students ' begin to take advantage of this program in the near future."

Other then outside community members, there are five local schools that use the pool for swim practice and meets 3-7 p.m. Monday thru Friday, during the months of November thru February. Both the teams and community members pay fees to use the pool, which is a great way to offset the price of taking care of the pool. A pool is expensive to maintain and by allowing the community to purchase memberships, additional expenses are avoided for students. A copy of the water aerobic classes and There will be a swim team coming to the college's athletic department. This spring will hopefully be the beginning of the new team.

times of operation for the pool can be picked up at the front desk of the Dixon Center or online.

E~ic Lindros back in Philadelphia"

The New York Rangers, who have long been division rivals of the Philadelphia Flyers, have added to the Philly fans' hatred of New York by trading for Eric Lindros on Aug. 20.

The Flyers traded Lindros for three players from the Rangers, along with a draft pick from the Rangers' minor league system. Lindros played extremely well early ·on in his career with the Flyers. In 1994 he became the youngest captain in the team's history at 21 years old, and he won the National Hockey Leagues most valuable player at 22, the youngest player since Wayne Gretzky.

However, Lindros and Flyers' general Manager Bob Clarke started to have a falling out in 1996. In the summer of 1996 Lindros, and the flyers were locked in a contract dispute. They settled but Eric pulls his groin muscle and misses the first 23 games. According to msnbc.com the sporting news, "In 1999, after Lindros suffered a collapsed lung in Nashville, Clarke allegedly pressured Lindros to play against the Maple Leafs. Lindros said that he could have died. frqi.n.the pressure if he went on the plane to

Philadelphia, and then he asked for trainer John Worley to be replaced." In 2000, Lindros suffered two concussions for a total of four in his career to that point. Lindros later criticizes Worley again for misdiagnosing one of his concussions. According to msnbc.com the sporting news, " On March 27, 2000, after meeting with his players, several of whom criticize Lindros for his comments, Clarke strips Lindros of his captaincy." Lindros would make a surprise appearance in game 6 of the Eastern Conference Finals, where he scored, but the flyers lost 2-1. The next game would be Lindros's last with the Flyers where he would suffer his sixth concussion.

Next, Lindros demanded to be tra. :!d, not to just any team, but the Toronto Maple Leafs. A deal was made with Toronto, but the Flyers pulled out of the deal saying one of the players they would be getting was injured. After realizing that a deal with Toronto would not be possible, Lindros added teams to his list. Clarke stated, "He didn't care ifLindros ever played again," according to NHL.com. Lindros was finally traded to the New York Rangers Aug. 20, 2001. The story should seem familiar to Flyer's fans. The reason

to play for the Quebec Nordiques the team that drafted him in 1991. Two teams actually had claims to the rights of Lindros. Ironically, those two teams were the Rangers and Flyers who both worked out deals with Quebec. An arbitrator settled the case and sided with Philadelphia, According to msnbc.com the sporting news, "On·July 13, 1992 Lindros was acquired from Quebec in exchange for six players, two draft picks, and $15 million. In that deal the Flyers gave the then Nordiques who moved to Colorado, two players- Mike Ricci and Peter Forsberg. They helped the Colorado Avalanche win the Stanley cup in Colorado's first year.

When Lindros played in his first game with the Flyers, in Quebec, the fans dressed up with diapers on and pacifiers in their mouths. They had the word "Eric is a baby scrawled on their signs," according to NHL.com. The Philadelphia fans are unusually hostile when the New York Rangers come into town, and they will be even more so on Nov. 14. That's when Lindros is expected to play in Philadelphia with the Rangers jersey on.

Loquitur SPORTS 3
Photo by Katie Reing.
that Eric Lindros came to Philadelphia was that he refused_...,..
__ ....,,,....,.....,..,....___

~ordan returns to basketball

After months of keeping fans on edge. Michael Jordan finally announced his return to the NBA on Tuesday. Sept 25. Returning after a three year hiatus. Jordan will suit up as the newest addition to the Washington Wizards.

The five-time league Most Valuable i'layer retired for a second time in 1999 after leading the Chicago Bulls to their sixth title of the decade. In a press conference on Oct. 1. Jordan discussed his last championship win. "Obviously, when I left the game, left something on the floor after we won the last title. I didn•t sit down. ready to quit the game."

the Wizards. ''I am happy to welcome Michael Jordan. the player, back to the NBA," said David Stern. NBA commissioner, "Although l am sorry to lose him in the boardroom."

People are looking for all sorts of reasons and different

When asked about Jordan's return, Wtzards coach Doug Collins said "Michael's not coming back for revenge. Michael's coming back to play. He loves it."

Jordan's eagerness to continue playing will be displayed in the upcoming NBA season. Jordan, 38. will bear his renowned No. 23 jersey with the Wizards beginning with his regular-season debut on Oct 30 in Madison Square Garden against the New York Knicks. He has vowed to donate his first year $1 million salary to the victims of the Sept 11 terrorist attacks.

Jordan delayed his announcement. which he had intended to make on Monday, Sept 24, due to negotiations with the video game manufacturer EA sports and the NBA He had an existing five-year licensing agreement with EA sports, which used Jordan•s image in its video game (obviously as a Chicago Bull). The additional day was used to work out a financial settlement with the video game manufacturer, which resulted in EA swren- Photo courtesy of NBA.com.

Jordan has been in training for about six months. He rigorously worked himself into playing shape during the summer by holding several invitation-only camps of pickup games with other NBA players at a gym in Chicago. He occasionally worked out with the Wizards last season when he was president of basketball operations.

Suffering from back: spasms, knee tendonitis and two cracked ribs during.the summer, Jordan raised doubts whether his body couJd endure the rigors of an 82-game schedule. 'Toe young dogs are going to chase me around. Well, I'm not going to bark too far away from them. either. I'm not running from nobody. If anything, it'll be a great challenge," Jordan said of his competing with the younger players he will have to face this season. dering its exclusive rights to Jordan. Michael Jordan gives his opinion from the sidelines at a recent W,zants game. Much controversy has surrounded the While not playing Jordan still gives his views on the game. comeback of Jordan due to the fact that

'Though three years removed from the league. he has ownership of the team he intends to play for. How- motivations for Jordan coming back. but obvious to many love." ever NBA rules require that he sell his ownership stake in fans and league officials, it is for the love of the game. \

Jordan is endmsiastic about his coming bact to the NBA "I am returning as a player to the game I

How.do·you feel about Michael Jordan coming back to basketball?

"I'm from thai area so I'm a Wizards fan and after seeing the Wizards suck for so long its nice to know they might do well in the near future."

ChrisSalemme junior

"l;m excited that Jordan is coming back because the sport will be more enthusiastic. I especially want to see Jordan come back and ball Iverson."

--" Megan Hartman junior

"I really think Jordan was a great player but not anymore he's too old. If he plans on coming back he'll get smoked."


Jack Heim sophomore

-----------=-----------SPoRTs,__ _____________ Th_ursda_y._Oct_.-l_l,_'~-

Dixon Center: A place for everyone

Trained movement is the reoccurring theme, as is the squeal of sneaker soles on floor wax and the blurry vision caused from being underwater. Individuals come to do shaping. Still others come to have fun.

The Dixon Center is the place on campus where students and community members alike can mingle when they get time between classes, during work lunch breaks or during the day,

Students and community members stated that like the facility. User sticking points however, included the choice of music and the towel policy. Highlights included the condition of the center and the sense of belonging that a participant feels while they are in the gym.

Student Joaquin Ubau agreed that he feels a sense of belonging in the center. "It's like a family here," he said, "You get to know who comes in and who goes out" Ubau uses the gym for weight training and also to get extra adrenaline from his workouts to help him during classes.

Several community members agreed. Former Cabrini staff member Bobbie Rubin stated that she likes the gym but has a suggestion. "I think that the gym should have higher energy music on." Rubin follows an exercise regimen and says that she likes coming back to Cabrini.

1be .basketball and the track were the other two largely favored activities through out the community. Community member Henry David said that be likes to come and shoot some hoops or workout when he isn't working at Radnor corporate center. Freshmen playing basketball stated that the Dixon center is better than some division one schools gyms.

Students generally agreed that the center is a very good place to come and work out and thought that the only problem with the center was the lack of towels.

1be Dixon center's official towel policy is that all users of the facili~ must bring their ID card to get a towel. 1bey must sign in at the front desk and they must pay a $1 retainer on each towel 1bese policies were set into action because of towel theft.

StUdents 'squash' stress levels

Tests, papers, quizz.es,lectures and homework, the workload never ends at Cabrini College. Some students may find that this can be quite a stressful thing to be dealing with especially with the weather getting colder and outside activities becoming few and far between. A great way to blow of some steam during the fall and winter months is to join one of the many indoor intramural sports that the Dixon Center has to offer. For those who don't swim, play hoops or volleyball. the game of squash can be the perfect solution for over worked students seeking a great workout and lots of fun.

If you've ever wondered what the glass enclosed courts are for when you first walk into the Dixon Center, they're for squash. a game that has been played for centuries and bas evolved into a favorite among both young and old The players use racquets similar to the ones used in the game of racquet ball in order to hit a small. black. rubber ball between a collection of lines painted on the wall in front of them. Sounds pretty easy bub? Well it's not; the ball is made out of a tough kind of rubber that doesn't bounce very w~ll. making it extremely hard to keep the ball in constant motion. To keep the ball constantly moving. players find themselves pushing their physical capabilities to the limit If playing squash sounds fun to you make sure that you invest in a good pair of ruuning shoes and towel because

you'll be ferociously sweating the entire time you play. 1be squash league meets twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Dixon Center. There will also be an open tournament on October 24th at 8p.m., all abilities are welcome. Sign up sheets foe the regular squash league are on the glass doors opening to the courts.

Squash is a great way to let off some s~ and have a great workout at the same time. Learning new sports such as squash is also a great way to meet new people. Now is the time to get into the exciting game of squash. ,

<4' .,
Photo by l(afje Reing. The Dixon center gym is a place for everyone to work out and stay healthy. Mike Demarest and spotter Josh Hagdan lift weights in the gym.


Volleybi:illteamkeeping their spirits high in spite of loss to lmmaculata

The girls volleyball team suffered a crushing defeat against Immaculata College last week. Hosting the Lady Cavaliers, the Immaculata Macs managed to dominate all three games finishing with a score of30-15.

Natalie Taylor, sophomore outside for the Lady Cavs, was disappointed about their loss. ''They definitely played a better game than we did. We were missing two of our starters for this game, and we really felt the loss," Taylor said.

Katie Updike and Kerry Coleman were missing in action on Oct. 4 as Cabrini took on Immaculata. Two players who definitely made up for the loss were sophomores Alissa Smith

and Kristin Johnson. Both girls put forth enough effort to make up for their team's lack of numbers.

"Kristin and Alyssa both played real well," Taylor said of her teammates. ''They really kept up the stamina for the team."

Head Coach Jim Harrigan is in the midst of his tenth season at Cabrini. In the past decade Harrigan has taken Cabrini to five playoff series and hopes to do so again this year. Despite a recent slump in their performance, the team maintains its optimism for a good season. With a team roster of only eight, the Lady Cavs have faced a few hard loses so far, but still maintain their sights set on playoffs.

The loss at lmmaculata made their second for the week and the eleventh of the season.

"We just need to continue to work hard." Taylor said. ''We work well together, and if we keep going hard, we will definitely turn this season around."

Cabrini is up against Gwynned-Mercy, Misericordia and Rosemont all in the coming weeks. The ladies are going into this week's games with a sense of confidence in themselves and their team.

"I know we'll pick it up," Taylor said. "We're tough."

The Lady Cavs have suffered a few loses like the one last Thursday. Hopefully in the future though, they will be congratulating each other on a lot more wins.

The team has been practicing hard for each game. These athletes work hard and prove that they are indeed "tough~.

Oct. 11,
XLVIII, No ..6 Inside
2001 Vol.
•Michael Jordan mumsto
\'\'ho's Playing? ,,-,v,-..·.theloquitur.com thu r-.., 11 • Women's field hockey vs. Neumann College, 4 p.m. • Flag football, 5:30 p.m., upper field : t ri 12 ' "cl t 13 •Women's volleyball classic, 9 a.m. • Women's soccer vs. Villa Julie College, 12 p.m. • Women's tennis vs. Wesley College, 1 p.m. • Men's soccer vs. Elmira College, 2 p.m. '""llJl 14 , n1< ) n 15 •Women's soccer vs. Bryn Mawr College, 4 p.m. -Co-ed volleyball, 8:30 p.m., Dixon center 16 •Men's soccer vs. Gwynedd- Mercy College, 4 p.m. •Women's volleyball vs. College Misericordia, 7:30 p.m. •.\' l..'\...1 17 •Women's tennis vs. Chestnut Hill College, 4 p.m. • Squash league play, 4-6 p.m., Dixon center.

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