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Staying positive in a very negative time

The world is in a turbulent time. Everytime we turn :m the news we hear stories of destruction, devistation and war. New reports of bioterriorism and bombing are on every news broadcast.With all of this comng out at us, it is hard to believe that there are still ~ositive things in the world.


But there are. Cabrini students are still maintaining !heir spirit of charity and caring for people and cultures ¾roundthem. These tough times have had an effect, out the same kind of dedication is there.

On page 2, Jennifer Dalvano features one of the newest service clubs on campus, Circle K. Students have taken time to form this club and want to help others. Many events like the hoedown are designed for people to have fun while helping.

Campus Ministry, in their newly opened Wolfington Center, promote service and community outreach. On page 3, Shannon King features student and staff leaders who put together a team to participate in the AIDS walk to help raise money to find a cure for the disease.

Even in the classrooms, students are helping the community. The service requirement in the Seminar 300 classes have many students donating time to help feed the hungry in Philadelphia, spending time with children in and out of classroom settings and helping the elderly. Peer tutors, featured on page 5, help on students campus as well.

Even though the world is in turmoil, Cabrini is still helping the surrounding community. It is nice to hear something positive.

The editorials,viewpoints,opinionsand letters to the editor publishedin Loquitur are the viewsof the studenteditorialboard and the individual writers,not the entirestudent body or the faculty and administration.

Editors Editor



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