3 minute read
Campus repairs and luxuries put before teachers financial benefits
Last week I heard something that irked my cookies. The school has lowered the coverage on the teachers benefit plans. They were told there wasn't enough money in the budget for benefits, or the medical and dental plans, for the teacher and their family members.
Justine Di Filippo
Last time I checked, the photo editor school was making good money from tuition. The Loquitur in the past has tried to find out where the students tuition goes but no one has succeeded yet. For every 100 residents the school makes roughly $2.6 million and for every 100 commuters the school makes roughly $1.6 million that equals $4.2 million now that's only from 200 students that go here.
Let's see, I can tell you where most of the money has gone from the changes I have seen on campus. New steps in front of Woodcrest, added speed bumps, a new roof for Grace Hall, new computers in the library, the first floor Founders computer lab, and the new sign located at the back gates of campus. Oh yes, the greatest thing I saw last Thursday, a fresh coat of paint being applied to the back gates of the college. These are just the examples of obvious places money is spent on this campus. see related news story on page 3
I'm not an expert roofer or anything but these improvements to the campus seem to me to be ridiculous if we cannot afford to get a good medical plan for our teachers. The computers in the library worked fine, I used them all the time. Sure they weren't as great as the one at my house but they didn't freeze as much as the ones in the newsroom. If the roof was so bad that it needed to be replaced why were there residents living there last year?
The campus already had a high number of speed bumps for such a small campus. Why do we need more?
The back gates looked perfect when driving by them I don't think I ever saw someone actually looking at the gates to see if the paint was chipping. Woodcrest had the original steps for many years. The funny thing about the new steps is that they are still not handicap accessible. What was the point?
I may be over stepping my boundaries here, but I feel that my tuition here is not going to anything that is worth my money. I feel that the person who is put in charge of the college's finances has made many bad decisions. Why the teachers have to be punished for poor decisions of the person in charge of the budget is beyond me.
No help from the 1ST department
Tracy Timson
Geri Lynn Utter
Renee DiPietro
Jill Hindman
Justine Difilippo
Joe Holden Cbarles La Comte
Dr. Jerry Zurek
Staff Writers
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Jennifer Dalvano Alexis Strizziere
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Editorial Board Renee Tomcanin
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Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.
Tara Taylor guest writer
Have you had a problem with your computer and needed the 1ST department to help you? I'm sure this has happened to most of you. I have had a problem with my computer for about a month now. I've left messages on their voice mail at least once a week. They never returned my phone calls. I do not think they are that busy that they cannot return phone calls. There have been many times where I have walked by the 1ST office, and they are sitting at the desk either on a personal phone call or playing on their computer. I do not think I've seen them do anything all year. .
I understand that there are a lot of people on campus and not that many computer workers, but shouldn't they show more concern towards the students? I mean Cabrini is about the students, isn't it? Ever since I visited this school for the first time I've been told that the faculty and staff are here to help the students, and they will do more for you then at a large university. I think that the new 1ST department needs to think on a Cabrini level instead of a Drexel level.
I never got a phone call returned. I complained to residence life about my problem and a couple days later the IST department called me. Now should we have to complain about everything to someone who is in charge in order to get something from this school? I don't think this is fair. I had to drive a half an hour away to take my computer somewhere else in an area and I didn't know to if I needed to get it fixed because nobody here wanted to help me.
Last year I did not think too highly about the 1ST department either because I thought that they took too long to come to your room. The good part about it was that they actually showed up. If you called and left a message they would call you back and make an appointment to come to your room and fix your computer. I think it should still be like that.