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Letters to the editor
volves a scenario, scnptmg or anything other than a format and a suggestion from our audience.
Commedia is an art form though which actors develop their own scenarios or work with more famous scenarios and add their own inspirations, abilities and style to their performance. No script is ever used, but the scenarios are clearly written and it is important for each actor to stay within the guidelines of the pre-established story. Improvisation comes into commedia in both the scenario writing process (if am existing scenario is not used) and most importantly, in the lines each character uses to tell the story. Commedia works because each scenario is repeated in both rehearsals and performances, so the actors get to tty new lines, movements and ideas. The best material gets kept in the show for the next performances and that which did not work as well is replaced for the last time. 'On the Spot's' style of improv is very different.
'On the Spot' repeats "games," but never the same story. This improv troupe plays games established by and in the style of Keith Johnstone, who is widely regarded as the father of modern improvisation (commedia is 'old school' improv). The games always have a different inspirational suggestion, different actors, locations and storylines.
Neither of these forms of improv is better than the other and we, the members of both tro.upes, enjoy both and think our audience do and will enjoy themselves as well. We just want to avoid people coming to a show expecting something completely different than what they receive.
Thanks for your time,
Jessisa Snow, Kit Dewey, Brian Fry, Haven McMickle and Jana Fagotti
No offense, but the speed bumps on campus are because of most of you. I read the article and thought it was a good article. However, your point about why they should be removed- not happening. The cars on this campus move way too fast and the only reason the cars feel like they are jumping off a cliff is speed.
It's for people who walk that we should put first. Why would anyone want to hit someone? They wouldo 't. Why did they? Moving too fast. So if you place a speed bump on campus everyone is safer.
Why doesn't the Loquitur look at finding out why Cabrini doesn't have more traditions, or something that should allow for the college to be built up instead of tearing down something that is in everyone's best interest - safety?
Thanks for listening,
Chris Winkler Recreation, Intramural & Facility Director
talking back and forth about the lack of campus life on weekends. I don't know why the students feel it is the college's requirement to make students stay on campus. I think what Matt said was excellent. If the students stay, then we would plan a lot of things on campus for your benefit. Moreover, we do not do this job for the money, there is a bigger pot of gold in the corporate world.. We do it because Cabrini is a great place and our students are great people.
I know this fall semester there have been a number of new things that began because of freshmen students who are aggressive to change things. We have a president who cares about developing talent on campus. Her office alone has initiated a recreational dance program and a horseback riding program. She has supported a number of ideas that are for the students' enjoyment.
There is a new student activities coordinator on campus. Has anyone been to see her about doing such and such?
Has anyone come to me to start something? Yes and because of that a roller hockey group idea grew into a club, which Frank Plumb started and now a baseball group is working to become a club.
want to see you lack because you did not try. Change starts with one person who will not quit and from there anything is possible.
I hope you make this campus the place to be. Students from all over will come here and say I wish I had come to Cabrini this place rocks!
Thanks for hearing me out. Matt; I appreciate your ideas.
Chris Winkler Recreation, Intramural & Facility Director
Commentariesand lettersto the editormay be submittedby the entire Cabrinicampus communityto Theloquitur @hotmail.com
I am responding to Matt Holmes and echoing his statement of changing the way we live here at Cabrini. I often see students
Studen~ of Cabrini, you have to know that if things are going to change it will start with your hopes being voiced, your words being heard and your initiative being funded. Your enthusiasm will draw more students. I do not
•Requirements:Names will not be withheldfrom lettersto the editoror commentaries,even at the author'srequest.A phonenumbermustbe includedwiththe submission.
Movie theater offers more than entertainment, but an escape
I was unaware how beneficial a trip to the movie theater was until the lights dimmed and the previews for other movies began.
Renee Di Pietro perspective editor
I felt at home. I love going to the movies. One of the only reasons I look forward to winter is because I get to go to the movies more often, yet this time was different
As I sat in the dark theater a sweet sense of peace came over me. I was never aware of how stressed I was until it vanished. I looked at my mom and I know she felt it too.
There was no news anchor to break in and report the latest scare, no American flags hanging up everywhere to remind us of the tragedy and even the everyday thorns of life were left outside the theater's doors, banned from entering.
The movies offered a lot more than entertainment this we~kend. They offered an escape that I needed.
I could not find this escape at home, school, church, in my car, the bar or anywhere else.
I am not one who wants to run away from reality and close my eyes and pretend that everything is magically better, but spending two hours watching Bruce Willis and Billy Bob Thornton rob banks was the foundation I unexpectedly needed for an enjoyable weekend.
When I sat down in my seat I did not know that I was escaping my unconscious stress and fears. Actually, I looked at my parents and then at the tall woman ready to sit down in front of m~. She laughed when she saw me gawk up at her. She said to her friend loud enough for me something about how I looked traumatized to see such a tall woman. She laughed. I laughed along with her, not really aware why we were laughing, but this is how it all began- the best decision of my weekend.