Feb. 14, 2002 issue 16 Loquitur

Page 9

Plagiarism: writing the wrongs

Students can now plagiarize easier than ever before. With multitudes of information, on any subject available on the Internet, the need for students to plow through mile-high stacks of encyclopedias is becoming obsolete. This wealth of information, however, has been leading students to cut comers and lift materials from various websites, otherwise known as plagiarizing.

Professors today face many more difficulties when it comes to catching plagiarism than they did 10 years ago. Dr. Margaret McGuinness, professor of religious studies and chair of the department said, "Before we could go to an encyclopedia or two and know within a few minutes if the student had plagiarized or not. Now, with so many options, it is

becoming harder." That does not mean that it is anywhere close to being impossible for a professor to catch plagiarism. Tumitin.com is a website devoted to comparing students papers against Internet materials to see if any matches come up. A professor can also log on to a search engine like Google.com, type in a sentence, hit the search key and within seconds any matching materials to that students work will appear.

Mariana Peiretti, a first-year student at Cabrini, said, 'Tm too afraid to get caught." In this instance, fear could be a good thing.

With professors teaching multiple courses, time does not allow the professor to double check every paper for plagiarism. Professors need to rely mainly on instincts. John Heiberger, chair of the business department and associate professor, said, "If I see a level of work far superior to what-

Student plagiarizing is a violation of the college's academic honesty policy.

ever I've seen from th.is student, that's a red flag."

Once a professor has gathered reasonable evidence that a student

•has plagiarized, they must go to the student first before any other actions occur.


Co-ops offer students experience

should think about how to do their schedule first before they come in," Kristie Conway Beucler, assistant director of co--0p education and career services, said.

Co-ops - are available from two to six credits per semester. A maximum of 12 credits may be used for coop positions. The credit amount is dependent on the number of hours worked.

On average, students do three credit co-ops, which equals about 15 to 20 hours a week. The co-op credits qualify as general elective

photo by Sharvon Urbannavage credits.

Large and small compaThis board is outside the Co-op and Career Services office. It lists jobs and posts sample resumes. nies, non-profit organizations, educational institu-

Experience is one of the most crucial attributes necessary for a college graduate in order to find the perfect position when searching for a job. This experience can be acquired through a co-op or internship while pursuing a college degree.

Co-op and internship information is readily available to Cabrini

low a process in order to obtain a co-op. "It's harder to find a co-op the later you wait," Beucler said. The first step is to visit the co-op office the semester before the coop would begin and get an application, which must be signed by the student's advisor before returned to the co-op office.

Every student on campus can access the Career Connections web site to view co-ops that are available throughout the year. Beucler said, "Students can browse the site and decide just by looking if they want to go through with a co-op." By logging on as a guest, one can view the list of organizations until the co-op office has approved their application.

students in the Cooperative Education and Career Services Office located in Grace Hall. Once stu-

tions and government agencies all offer co-op and internships for students in all majors. Co-ops usually last for three or four dents have attained 45 credits and months and are usually done durpossess a 2.0 grade point average, ing the fall and spring semester they are eligible to apply for a co- due to payment for credits. "We op or internship. Transfer students have about 50 students registered are required to have received at this semester, but it's lower during least 15 credits at Cabrini. the summer," Beucler said. A If the basic requirements are summer co-op would have to be met then a student can begin paid on a per credit basis. searching for a co-op. "They Interested students must fol-

After being approved, one must upload or create a resume on the Career Connections web site. "We definitely help with resumes," Beucler said. The student may then browse through the site for positions that catch their interest and submit their resume to the organization utilizing the web site, which eliminate the hassle of standard mail.

See CO-OPS on 3.

photo by Justine DiR/ippo

Plagiarismon the professionallevel Plagiarism Continued from

Plagiarism is not limited to the student level. In the past year alone, many famous authors have been accused of plagiarizing passages from their books. The consequence~ of these allegations are still not clear, but it has shown the public that an author's word may not be solely their own.

The· most recent allegation of plagiarism has been made against historian Stephen Ambrose. Ambrose, author of many books including "Band of Brothers;' has been accused of taking some of the lines in his book "Wild Blue" from a work of Thomas Chiders, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, according to CNN. Ambrose mentioned Chiders in the bibliography, but not in the specific passage.

"There are something like six _or seven sentences in three or four of my books that are sentences of other writers," Ambrose said at a lecture at Maryville University on Jan. 31. He said the only thing he failed to do was place quotation marks around the statements.

Other history writers are also under suspicion. Doris Keams Goodwin has been accused of plagiarism, and David McCullough in bis recent book "John Adams"

misquoted Thomas Jefferson. This does not stop at non-fiction. In 1999, Tom Stoppard, a screenwriter, was accused of stealing the idea for the Oscar-winning "Shakespeare in Love" from Faye Kellerman. Kellerman said she had written a novel similar called the "The Quality of Mercy" which has a love-lorn William Shakespeare similar to Stoppard's. However, the similarities seem to end there. In "Shakespeare in Love," the woman is used as the inspiration for "Romeo and Juliet" whereas in Kellerman's book, Shakespeare tries to solve a murder, and his lady works on freeing Jews from the Spanish Inquisition.

Cabrini graduate Chris Vesci, permissions and research coordinator at a middle-sized publishing company in Philadelphia, now deals with making sure no allegations of plagiarism are made against his company. He deals mainly with pictures, but he explained that the process of securing a permission.

Vesci said that permission is needed to print anything that appears from another source and is not yours. Most permissions are for a one time only use, and you must get it in writing. You must also tell whoever holds the permission what you intend to do

with the picture or writing. Sometimes you will have to pay for permission. This can cost as much as $200 for one image, according to Vesci.

There are three types of permissions, electronic, which is anything on a CD-ROM or like source, print and Internet. If you wish to use something from another medium on the Internet, you need to get a separate permission for that. If permissions are not secured, lawsuits can follow.

While a lawsuit in the Ambrose case is still not certain, the issue of plagiarism and honesty has become a hot topic. According to CNN.com, college professors have taken Ambrose off of their reading lists and are discussing plagiarism more openly with their classes. Professionals are also taking a stand. In a CNN article on Jan. 23, Anita Jones, executive director of the American Historical Association, said, "This saddens me because I've always been an advocate of historians trying to reach a public audience, and I would hope the next generation of historians will not be dissuaded."

Vesci, however, feels there is an easy way not to get caught in a lawsuit. "The best solution is not to borrow anything or at least to limit your borrowing," he said.

page 1

As it stands now, there is a form that the teacher fills out stating the student's name and the offense. That form now goes to the student to sign. The problem with the form, however, is that once the student signs the form he or she has admitted guilt to the accusation. Heiberger said _thatthey are working on re-tooling the form so that it is no longer an admission of guilt but a statement letting the student know that they have been accused of plagiarism. The student can then either accept the charges or go before a committee to contest.

Penalties for plagiarism vary from professor to professor. "The student will receive an F for plagiarizing a paper," McGuinness saicf."If the plagiarism is extensive, the student may fail the course." McGuinness does make clear that the long-term effects-of plagiarism are not damaging to the student. "It just stays on file. Other teachers do not know," McGuinness said. Heiberger agrees that a student's anonymity is important for both the teacher and the student. "I start each semester with a clean slate towards each student. I think the information should remain private." But Heiberger does believe that if the student is a chronic plagiarizer, the professor should know about it or the student should be asked to leave the college.

McGuinness thoroughly explains on the first day of class and in the syllabus that plagiarism will not be accepted. McGuinness, however, said that she comes across at least two cases of plagiarism each year. Plagiarism, though, is not always an intentional offense. "In some cases it's more stupidity than intent to deceive," Heiberger said. Heiberger also says that he strongly encourages research, just as long as the student cites the sources used. Senior Joe McCullough said, "I use other people's work for ideas, but never word for word." Senior Eric Dittler, an education major, agreed, "I use other papers for ideas. The library· has examples that are helpful for coming up with lesson plans and things." Heiberger says that if a student finds an idea he must expand on it, not paraphrase it.

The grounds for plagiarism differ from school to school. Cabrini does not incorporate an honor system, which mandates a zero tolerance policy for all wrong doings within the institution. Some honor systems require a student signature verifying that it is the student's own original work and not an act of plagiarism. McGuinness said, "An honors system would be ideal, but it can't happen overnight. It is something that would take years to initiate."

What is plagiarism? Caught? What now?

"Plagiarism is the attempt to present research, ideas and writing of another person as original work. Some guidelines for avoiding such misinterpretations are:

1. All direct quotations of any length from another author must be enclosed within quotation marks and a complete citation, using any consistent and generally accepted citation method, must be given for sources.

2. All direct quotations, while not enclosed within quotation marks, must be credited to their sources by a citation method as in guideline number one.

3. In most cases, paraphrasing or changing the words of a direct quotation, while keeping the ideas without giving credit to the original author, is considered plagiarism. Merely recasting the ideas of one author into different words does not make the ideas yours.

4. The research, ideas and writing of another student is considered to be that of another author, in the same way that they would be if the other student were an established scholar in the field of question.

5. All books, periodicals and research materials are never completely accurate. Information -in one book may be contradicted in another."

taken from page 167 of the Student Handbook

"In the event of a suspected violation of the College's Academic Honesty Policy, the individual instructor will follow the procedures listed below:

1. The instructor will notify the student verbally of a suspected act of academic dishonesty, specifically the act and reasons for the charge. The instructor will also tell the student what penalty is intended for the student's action (see options below). That faculty member should assure student confidentiality in all matters pertaining to the charge and intended action.

2. The instructor will then complete the "Academic Honesty Violation Charge Form" and submit a copy to the academic affairs office and to the student involved. Faculty members may obtain copies of the "Academic Honesty Violation Charge Form" from the office of academic affairs.

3. The student has the option to present his/her position to the instructor and ultimately to an Academic Honesty Board if the student disagrees with the charge. He/she may also discuss the charge with a student ombudsperson appointed by the Students Academic Council. In any event, students will sign the "Academic Honesty Violation Charge Form" after reviewing its options to signify that they accept the prescribed penalty for the alleged offense or elect to challenge the charge.

Penalties include:

1. Assigned or test failed.

2. Course failed

3. Course failed with recommendation for suspension or expulsion."

taken from page 141 of the Student Hand.book

2 NEWS Thursday, Feb. 14, 2002

New-science building in planning stages

There are plans to break ground on the new Science, Education and Technology building in 2003.

The new building will be connected to the east side of Founder's Hall. The college plans to break ground in the spring of 2003 and open in the fall of 2004.

The cost of the building has not been released. However, Dr. Jonnie Guerra-was quick to point out that, "Buildings like this are not cheap, but they are well worth the expense."

The estimate that was given to the college was based on the cost per square foot. That es.timate could change depending on the particulars of the building that the college has not decided on yet.

The overall feeling in the science department is that the building has been needed for a while.

Sophomore Jennifer Howitz said.

"The biology labs are on the older side, and the chemistry lab is small and not well ventilated."

The teachers are also excited about the new facility. The new and updated equipment, larger facilities and better lab and lecture accommodations are some of the reasons why they are looking forward to the new building.

Although Howitz may not get the chance to use the new facilities she says, "I am excited about it for the future students. I just wish that they considered this a long time ago. It is good to see that the science department is growing:'

One reason why the new building was not built a long time ago may be because there are not many science majors. In the class of 2004 there are about eight biology majors.

The new building may entice future students to come to Cabrini as science majors.

The new communications facility has proven to be very attractive to prospective students. Hopes are that the new science building will be just as attractive to students as the communications facility.

Howitz hopes that along with the new building comes more full time faculty. She hopes that with more faculty come more classes. It is tough for biology majors to take all of the classes necessary because classes are not offered at a number of different times.

Another plus for the science department is that they will not have to share their facilities with other departments as much.

There are high hopes for the new science building. lf all goes as planned the students will be able to use it by the fall of 2004.

The new facilities will allow students to get the best education available due to the modem equipment and the first rate facilities.

0-0pS Continued from page 1

"We have handouts on interviewing skills and information on all the organizations. Students should research the organization before the interview so that they know about the place they are applying to," Beucler said.

Employers will contact applicants for interviews, which is a very significant step in attaining the coop. "Believe it or not, there have been students who didn't show up for interviews," Beucler said. If a position is offered, the final step is to notify the co-op office.

The probability of obtaining a desired co-op depends on the determination of the student. "Most students who try hard to find a co-op usually do," Beucler said.

For these hardworking students, their co-op experience will be extremely beneficial. A co-op position not only grants students with the opportunity to gain work experience, but it also allows one to explore their selected career field. "Some students do co-ops to see if that is what they really want to do," Beucler said.

Another obvious benefit of a co-op position is receiving a paycheck. Though some co-ops are unpaid, most tend to pay anywhere from minimum wage to $15 an hour. Some organizations may provide a stipend for necessary expenses or the college may offer work-study payment for the unpaid positions. Co-ops assist student in building confidence in their career decision. "Students become acclimated

to an office environment," Beucler said. "Plus it's one less class you have to take."

A science wing is in the works for the east side of Founder's Hall. Above is the proposed site. It is hoped that the building will be open for student use by the fall of 2004. The school also hopes that the new science facilities will be attractive to prospective students interested in science.

Siblings glimpse college life

Siblings of students were offered a glimpse into college life this past weekend. Events were planned, and arrangements were made to offer opportunities for siblings to spend quality time together. Overall the weekend was considered a success, even though things did not go over as smooth, as expected.

With an itinerary of events scheduled, students were looking forward to spending time doing the scheduled activities with their loved ones. Caricatures, balloon animals and even a magician, yet some students felt as though these events only caught the interests -0f the younger siblings.

"I was embarrassed to have my sister here on Saturday and my family come up on Sunday because they were so excited to come up and only disappointed when they left, since all the events were lame, ended early or deflated by 2:30," Krista Michalowski said. "I know a lot of hard work went into to planning this event. I just think that next year maybe CAP board should plan more events for the teenage siblings."

"The turnout for siblings weekend was much better then I expected," CAP board member Michael Sofia said. He also noted that all difficulties dealing with power and so forth that were associated with siblings weekend were oot of CAP boards hands.

The Co-op and Career Services office assists students in their co-op and career searches, including helping students with their resumes.

Overall, this weekend would be marked down as a success. The main purpose of the event is to rekindle relationships of siblings and to provide an opportunity for siblings to spend quality time with one another. That is exactly what happened.

Loquitur NEWS 3
photo by Sharvon Urbannavage photo by TrevorDaniels

Leadership at Cabrini Alumni affairs holds the

This semester, Cabrini College is hosting a new training program entitled Leadership with Heart sponsored by The Wolfington Center for Service & Leadership. The program, dedicated to educating the heart through community service, runs from Jan. 29 through :tvlarch21. The program will take a hands-on field-based format, with five required sessions. Developed by Mary Laver, Coordinator of Community Outreach and Partnerships, the pilot program was designed in response to student interest concerning community service.

The program was developed in response to the enormous amounts of energy and dedication there is towards reaching out to the surrounding community stemming from Cabrini's well-known Education of the Heart service program for all freshmen. With the help of students, teachers, faculty, Campus Minister Steve Albero, Jessica Morgan and the outreach staff of Saint Joseph's University, Mary Laver has developed this program to train leaders for the community through service. "There is so much interest from Cabrini students, especially the sports teams, to do more community service then just the required day of freshman year," said Mary Laver. "Seeing all of this energy and knowing that Cabrini College is known for training leaders for the community through its education, why not train leaders through community service," said Laver.

Intended to energize and prepare students for community service, this new program takes place inside of a classroom first to teach students about the role they will have through community service and what they will learn. "We are trying to teach the students such things as 'why are these people homeless' and 'why are these people starving' so they can better understand and appreciate the extent of their service," said Laver. "I think it's a great idea to include classroom learning first because you learn so much more about why you are going to help at a soup kitchen or a trauma ceriter instead of just going there, doing your service and leaving," said Karen Boni on, a student involved with the new leadership program. It is more than just classroom experience however, you learn how to apply what you know and what you have learned.

The program began with an orientation to Leadership on Jan. 29 with HEART: heal what hurts, educate, act, reflect, thank and transform. HEART is intended to help those participating in the program to learn how to link what they will learn here with what they will do in the world. Consisting of rougWy 20 students, the group will par take in their first real community service project this Saturday, Jan. 16.

"I am pretty positive of this program. It really does teach people to get out there and do something for your community and devefop your skills. It also helps to broaden community learning as well," said Benion. "One of our main focuses with the program is to allow students to organize and motivate themselves to open up to skills that everyone has. It is so important to recognize your skills as well as others' skills if you want to be an effective leader," said Laver.

Supposing this pilot program is a success, where will the college go from here? "I am eager to move forward with this program," said Laver. Laver also mentioned that in the end she hopes to have four components to the program so that a student who attends the college for the full four years will be able to go through levels of leadership development. This introductory pilot program right now will be offered both semesters next year and possibly a second step program will be developed.

"Eventually I believe the college will offer this program as an actual academic credit. The leadership program would be worth one credit and work towards being part of a certificate program in social justice or leadership for service in addition to a students major or minor on their transcript," said Laver. This combination of academics and service would be the first compqnent of the program. With encouragement from Dean of Academic Affairs Kate O'Connell, Laver is looking to expand Leadership with Heart to a full-blown leadership certificate program within the next school year.

asses together

While in college, many students have one thing on their minds, graduation and getting the perfect job. Students often do not think about how they can help their school after they graduate and how involvement with their school does not have to end after they receive their diploma. The Alumni Association makes it their priority to keep alumni connected with each other and their school.

The Alumni office is located on the second floor of the mansion. There, Alumni Affairs Director Martha Dale, Alumni Association President Jamie Miller Prince and two student liaisons Lisa Simonetti and Linda Cylc work to make sure current and future alums of Cabrini have a chance to stay connected to the school.

Dale describes four particular goals for the association. They work to keep all alum connected to Cabrini, make them aware of activities and events that students are'partaking in, maintain the important friendships made during college and enforce the importance of being proud of their alma mater.

Often students complain about the letters that they receive in the mail asking for donations, even though they have not graduated yet. Dale and Miller Prince want to assert that although donations

are very important to the college alum can also volunteer and get involved in many ways to support Cabrini.

Miller Prince graduated from Cabrini in 1984 as a history, political science and social science major. She said, "Cabrini was an enriching. experience for me and took me from being a nai've, lost, innocent kid to an adult." She wants to stress the importance of staying connected with Cabrini after graduation througH donations, volunteering and fundraising. "Get involved," she said. "It's your school and you can still influence it even after you graduate."

All Cabrini graduates are automatically part of the association. Also students who only attended for one year or have only taken a few classes may still be members. Alumni can volunteer at Alumni weekend, the Mansion Gala, as board of directors and class agents. They can host an alumni reception, do career mentoring and take part in many other events and councils.

The Alumni Association gives out scholarships to students and awards to distinguish alum for community service and recognize their achievements. They also take care of those reunions that no one wants to miss. Coming in 2003, the Alumni Association will be opening Alumni Central, a website, with Career Seivices to

link students with alumni. The plan is for alum to post their resumes and contact information on the site for students to access. Students will then be able to contact the graduates to ask them questions about their career and steps that they took to get there.

Cylc, a junior and Simonetti, a senior are student liaisons for the Alumni Association. It is their job to build communication between the undergraduates and alumni of Cabrini. They try to increase student awareness about the association and try to cultivate leadership. There are many boards and counsels within the associatiQn that alumni are involved in. The Alumni Board of Directors is a board of 18 members from a wide range of graduation years who take charge of programming, scholarships and fundraising. The Continuing Education Board is for non-traditional students and the Alumni Recruitment Counsel looks out for prospective students. During senior year, current students who show leadership and dedication are recruited by the Alumni Association to be Class Agents. They also create a link between their graduating class, other alum and undergraduates. The Alumni Association gives students the chance to give something back to the school that gave so much of itself.


Essay Contest for College Students

Offered by the Ayn Rand Institute

Topic: Ayn Rand's Novel Atlas Struggled

Deadline: Sept. 16, 2002

First Prize: $5,000 Cash Award

For more information: go to www.aynrand.org/contests/ or contact the Financial Aid Office at x8423.


4 NEWS Thursday, Feb. 14, 2002

Fecal Phantom plagues Cabrini

An unknown suspect, or suspects, defecated in the Dixon House and the Cabrini Apartment Complex recently.

On the weekend of Jan. 25, human feces was left i.n the ground floor bathroom of the Dixon House. Along with smashed Christmas ornaments scattered in the common area and a large· tree limb obstructing the main entrance, the feces filled the bottom floor with a "horrible, almost unbearable stench," according to Gina Bocelli, a sophomore Dixon House resident.

The housekeeping department cleaned up the mess and repaired the broken toilet paper dispenser found near the scene.

Duana Gonzalez, the first house-

keeper to clean the bathroom after the waste was removed said, "My boss cleaned it up and put it in a bag. It was bad. After it was in the bag, he told me that I could go clean the bathroom again. It still smelled bad."

Residents of the Dixon House lost all visitation rights and will be fined for the damage to the house and cleanup of the feces.

"I don't think that we should have to pay for someone else's poor judgment," Quincy Adam, a sophomore, said. "Living in [the Dixon House] is turning out to cost more than it's worth."

The following weekend, the Cabrini Apartment Complex fell victim to a similar crime. In the third floor lounge of the upperclassmen residence apartments, human waste was found once again. This time located in a pub-

Public Safety Report

The following is a list of infractions reported by Cabrini College Public Safety between Feb. 4-Feb. 11. The dates cover from midnight to midnight

On Monday,Feb. 4, there was a theft from two rooms in Woodcrest. One hundred dollars was stolen from three women in $30, $20 and $50 increments.

On Tuesday,Feb. 5, there was a theft of a credit card. The credit card number was used for a $178 purchase in the campus bookstore,

On Saturday,Feb. 9, two citations were written for drinking in the New Residence Hall.

On Sunday,Feb. 10, there was a fight on Residential Boulevard.Three visitors were turned over to Radnor TownshipPolice.

There was also a fight between houses four and five. There was also a theft of a cell phone, on Feb. 10. It was taken from House three and has since been recovered.

lie sitting area and not a bathroom, the remote possibility of it being an accident was terminated.

Residents of the apartment complex are being issued the same fine as those in the vandalized house. Visitation rights for the apartments will not be restricted, however.

David Carpenter, director of residence life and student life, cannot put his finger on the motive for the crime and is still unsure as to whether or not the criminal or criminals are Cabrini students.

" I have a hard time understanding the behavior that would lead to something like this," Carpenter said. "It's not appropriate in our college or anywhere in our society, but someone is doing it. I would love to find who is responsible to get some answers."

Carpenter does not believe for

certain that the party or parties involved are associated with Cabrini.

"All in all, the students here are an exceptional group," he said. "It's sad that we have to live with things like this, and I hope it's not a student here. If it turns out to be a guest, the residents are still responsible, but at least it wasn't their idea."

Public Safety is not formally investigating the cases and do not believe at this point that they are related. Although Public Safety does not handle visitation rights or similar citations, reports of the incidents have been filed and will be kept on record for future reference, if needed.

Charles Shaffner, director of Public Safety, commented that no investigation is underway and "no samples have been taken."

Presently, the cases are being handled as public area damage, of which there is a clearly defined definition in the Cabrini College Student Handbook.

"Unless we have someone come forth and take the blame, there isn't much we can do other than treat it as a vandalism case," Shaffner said. "We expect students to assist us in finding those responsible so we can put an end to this."

Residents of the Dixon House regained visitation rights as of Tuesday, Feb. 12.

With no potential suspects undergoing interrogation or promising leads, the case of the fecal phantom is still wide open. Meanwhile, residents of Cabrini may want to watch their step.

Buried in the back pages

A Backwards Universe

Galaxy NOC 4622 is apparently dyslexic. Rather than rotating in a counter-clockwise motion like in most galaxies, the outer arm of NOC 4622 moves clockwise. The Hubble 2 telescope first sighted the galaxy in May 2001. Scientists are looking for an explanation for this phenomenon, but for now, they are attributing it to a gala_cticcollision.

From the BBC website (bbc.co.uk)

Dead Alive

Seventy-five year old Frances Foster of Brooklyn, N. Y. died twice over the weekend. Paramedics found her Saturday afternoon after she had suffered from a stroke. They pronounced her dead and placed her in a body bag. She later woke up inside and was released. She was rushed to the hospital and died Monday morning.

"She could have been in the hospital being taken care of," Karen Foster Littlejohn, Foster's daughter, said. The paramedics have been placed on desk duty until the investigation is complete.

From Newsday.com

Remedy of Champions

Australian aerial freestylist Jacqui Cooper has a concoction that she says helps her heal faster. After a recent back injury, Cooper crushed cockroaches and put it in her Diet Coke. She says it killed her stomach but healed her vertebrae. She uses it to clean out her system and "draw out the bad blood."

Cooper may have to choke down the mixture again in hopes to compete in the Salt Lake City Olympics. She may have to pull out of competition as the result of a knee injury.

From ABC Online (abc.net.au)

Loquitur NEWS 5

Hey guys, it is Valentine's Day. Rather than thinking the only gift your girlfriend will receive on Cupid's Day is a candygram purchased from the cafeteria, why not wine and dine her for the evening? It is understood that most college students can't afford to wine and dine their significant others for the evening, but don't worry. There ·is hope. Dr. Seth Frec!Jie and Dr. Charlie McCormick have taken time out of their busy schedules to educate students on a topic other than English. They have • given dinning suggestions that are unique, yet affordable for college students.

"Poor college students," this is a saying that many of students can relate to. So, where can college students ·eat that will not cost them an arm and a leg? There are many restaurants, diners, and unique eateries located just around the corner from Cabrini College that most students do not even know exist.

Dr. Seth Freebie, the all-knowing in the category of frugal dining spots in the area, gave some valuable suggestions for those who want good food at a reasonable price.

The Main Line may be pricey, but there are plenty of good and affordable locations. A favorite attraction for the English/Communications faculty, including Dr. Charlie McCormick and Dr. Freebie is Bertucci 's in Devon.

They have great salads, pizza and pitchers of soda at a reasonable price.

Marbles, in Bryn Mawr, features mouth-watering specialties, such as the Mediterranean (a popular daily special) at a low price. You will find many people from Villanova at this eatery, as it is a common hang out for students.

Do you like hamburgers? Maybe you enjoy a greasy burger once in a while. Try Ruby's Diner at one of its two locations in the King of Prussia Mall or in Ardmore. Ruby's has a '50s style atmosphere and a menu consisting of burgers, fries, shakes, etc. Just ask Dr. McCormick where his daughter's favorite place to eat is and he will say, "Ruby's at the mall." "She simply loves the chicken fingers."

Are you watching your weight? No_ problem. There are also affordable places to get the unique salads in town.

Dr. Freebie suggests Salad Works (located in the mall) and Nudy 's in Devon. These places are pretty close to campus and have health foods, such as salads, soups and sandwiches. Nudy's also has offers breakfasts, if anyone has a craving for a taste of the morning.

Are your parents visiting and you cannot find a place for them to take you? Well, look no further. Have them take you to Sullivan's on Route 202. It is a bit pricey, but you are not paying, so eat up. The price is worth it.

Did you meet that special someone and have no idea where to take him/her for your first date? Dr. Freebie recommends Fellini's in Ardmore. There, you will find a variety of pastas and a regional Italian ambiance that will not burn a hole in your pocket.

Do you love foreign foods but do not know exactly where to go to find

decent food at a low price? Thai Pepper, in Wayne, is perfect for those who love Thai food. The menu offers a wide variety of Thai and Chinese dishes. For Indian food, drive into Ardmore to Khajajoru for sensibly-priced Indian food on the Main Line. You can enjoy an elaborate lunch buffet that is cheap. Dinner, however, is a not so cheap, so be prepared to bring some extra cash in your wallet for this dining experience.

Chinese food is always a popular meal among college students. For Chinese variety, visit Bei Jeing in Bryn Mawr. Dr. Freebie's mom says, "that it is the best around." She likes to go there every Sunday, so he does not let her down. If you are looking for a Japanese restaurant and bite of sushi there is Osaka in Wayne.

Finally, there is always Minella's, where you will always find Dr. Freebie.

6 Thursday,Feb. 14,2001

Buried 1reasuret

. There have been countless memorable movies that have been translated from the written word to the silver screen. From such classics like "Gone with the Wind," to modem movies such as "Jurassic Park," the novel and the stories !)ley tell continues to make their way onto the big screen. Two of the most recent movies that received their inspiration from a book are "Lord of the Rings" and "Black Hawk Down." While one tells the story of a world of fantasy and legend, the other brings the true horror of war to life.

for young children. As a philologist, Tolkien made many languages for his make-believe world, which he calls Middle Earth, and also created a history for his fantasy world. Because of these two aspects and the quality of his writing, the novels are very realistic and enjoyed by over 50 million people around the world in over 25 languages.

"The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring," from New Line Cinema, which came out on Dec. 19th, has enjoyed a long standing success in the theaters. The new movie is the first in a scheduled trilogy. The next two movies are due to be released in.late 2002 and late 2003.

The movie stars many famous actors and actresses, which include Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, and Liv Tyler. The movie received excellent review by Roger Ebert and was well like by other critics as well. The movie is a long one, running at 178 minutes long, so if you want to get home before midnight, I would suggest seeing the early show. Ryan Dixon, sophomore, comments, "Visually the movie does the novels justice. I enjoyed this film very much and would recommend it to anyone."

"8taclc Haw(( l>own"

photo from www.bn.com

"Black Hawk Down# was written by Mark Bowden.

Inquirer, and is the story of the climactic battle in the short, illfated American military campaign in Mogadishu. The Battle of the Black Sea, as it is known, was the most serious firefight involving American troops since the Vietnam War in the late '60s and '70s. Eighteen American soldiers were killed, and more than 70 were wounded in the battle.

First-year - I read the book.

'The Fellowship of the Ring" was originally one in a series of books written by Tolkien

"Lord of the Rings" is based on the series of novels written by J. R.R. Tolkien. It is "The Lord of the Rings" series that jumpstarted the entire fantasy genre and made the public aware that not all fantasy novels were fairy tales

Directly opposite from the fantasy world of "Lord of the Rings," comes the movie "Black Hawk Down," which is based on a true story and actual events. "Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modem War," was written by Mark Bowden, a reporter for the Philadelphia

The movie is released by Sony Pictures and is currently in theaters. It stars Eric Bana, Josh Hartnett, and Ewan McGregor. Jerry Bruckheimer, who is responsible for such movies as The Rock and The Fast and Furious, produces the movie. The movie is not for the faint of heart and is extremely graphic, depicting the realistic violence of war.

"Lord of the Rings" and "Black Hawk Down" are two more recent movies that have been made from existing novels·.To say whether or not the novel or movie is better is strictly a matter of opinion. However, both novels and movies are well worth a checking out no matter what format you experience it.


Have you ever wondered what a real live fashion show would be like? You don't have to wonder any longer. The Ethnic Student Alliance is hosting a fashion show here at Cabrini College. The fashion show is scheduled for April 13 at 9 p.m. in the Dixon Center Gymnasium. All students are invited to attend the show, followed by a party that will run until 1 a.m. The show will-be free of charge to all models and $7 for anyone who comes to watch the show and enjoy the festivities at the party.

There were auditions for models on Tuesday, Feb 5 and Saturday, Feb. 9. At this point in time, the models will be

wearing the latest fashion trends available in stores such as: Bang Bang, Tommy Hilfiger, Fossil, and possibly a few shops located on Philadelphia's own South Street. There are also two New York designers involved in the fashion show, which will be showcasing their designs in addition to our local fashion stores.

The purpose of this fashion show is to promote diversity in displaying talents, music, people and styles of fashion. There will be lots of music ranging from hip-hop to techno to salsa to reggae. The party is where students will be able to dance and have a good time.

ESA would like all different types of people to attend the show. There will be students from various clubs at Villanova, Rosemont, Eastern, Temple and DJ:exel attending the show.

- I prefer the book because you can't always understand the movie.

I --~,Ldg~itbi \ -;; , ,J '' • A&E
photo from www.amazon.com
. 7
Movies or Boo((t
Catrina Broan Pre-nursing
First-year Alex Congyham
, • Informationcompiledb'yLeannePantoneand Ryan Mulloy *
April Rex Elementary Education Sophomore Tracey King
Justice/ Social Work Senior - I prefer the book. The book has more detail. - I watch the movie.

True believers of fate would agree that everything happens for a reason. When certain stars cross and magic happens, more times than none it is when we least expect it.


booth was next to mine asked if he could read my palms. I told him no because I don't believe that stuff, but he kept persisting so I finally gave in. He took my hands and began to get all excited. He said that the next guy that I was going to meet was going to be a lot like me and I would marry him," Francis said.

Two weeks later I left Ohio and came back home. I was working at my church and a mutual friend had told Dan that I was working there and they came down together one day when I was serving food at a social. It was so funny because when I turned the comer and saw Dan I couldn't believe that he was there."


Yungmann were there. My whole wedding party was made up of Cabrini girls except for my maid of honor and. Dan's best man was a Cabrini guy," Francis said.

Love At First Sight

A Roast Beef Romance

Dawn was all business with a school bag that her friends referred to as "the briefcase" and the big bows that she wore in her hair, while Dan was more alternative with his long hair that he permed and put in cornrows. To top of Dan's eccentric style he was a bass player in a band called Aynap. Despite their different styles these two opposites attracted.

"When two people love something or share a common interest they tend to gravitate toward one another. We did all of our projects together and became friends. I would go and see him play in his band. I thought that he was really cute, but we were both dating people at the time," Francis said.

Dan graduated from Cabrini in '92 and Dawn graduated a year later and then went off to Ohio University for grad school. Over Christmas break in Dec. '93 Dawn and Dan had met up again. They went out a few times, but that was it.

''Three years later, I was at a trade show and the guy whose

Dawn and Dan were reunited that day over roast beef sandwiches. Dan was trying to be cool and ask Dawn out again while almost choking on his sandwich. Dawn had thought that Dan had gotten married and had had kids by that time. They had their second first date on Nov. 14, 1997 and Dan knew that he wanted to marry Dawn on that date because she ordered des·sert,something that most girls don't do. On May 15, 1998 Dan and Dawn were engaged and they were married on May 22. 1999.

"We had a down-home wedding with all homemade food. It was a great time. Dr. Zurek and Cathy

Freshmen Gabby Beltran met sophomore Shawn Hazlett at cross country camp in the summer of '98. "He saw me, but I did not know who he was," Beltran said. "Once school started I was taking a class at Villanova. One of my friends usually picked me up and one day I was standing there waiting, but I didn't see her car. Shawn was there to pick me up instead. He had asked my friend to let him pick me up because he wanted to ask me out."

Shawn and Gabby had their first date at the movies along with two friends. One month later they were going out and have been ever since. "Shawn is the only guy that I have ever kissed at Cabrini. I went out with a guy in high school who was the complete opposite than him. Shawn was everything that I was looking for and I can't see myself with anyone else," Beltran said.

In Aug. '01, Shawn rode a rental bike over from Bikeline where he was working to propose to Gabby during her student ambassador training in Grace Hall. He proposed to her on campus because that is where they had met. "I had no idea, I thought he wanted to borrow money for lunch and then he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him," Beltt:an said. "He told me that he had the ring for three days under pty bed. He was hiding it in my room. I couldn't believe that it was right under my nose the whole time."

"From the first time that I saw her I knew that there was no else in the world for me, but her," Hazlett said. The couple will marry in June '03. They are still deciding on where the ceremony will take place. Gabby would like to get married in an arboretum where there are tons of flowers blooming, but the couple is also considering getting married at Cabrini being that this is where they first met and got engaged.

Melissa and Chad will be married on Oct. 19, 2002.

A Proposal Over Pizza

Melissa Feehan met Chad May at her freshmen orientation. She was an incoming freshmen and he was an orientation counselor. "Our first conversation was through an event ran by Campus Ministry to the Tyler Arboretum for a pumpkin festival," May said, who was a junior at the time.

Melissa and Chad began dating in Dec. '98. Their first date was at Bennigan's. "Melissa said that she knew from the first time that she met me she knew that this was something special," May said.

Melissa, an early-childhood education major graduated a semester early this past Dec. and is now teaching. Chad graduated in '00 with a double major in Math and History. He now works in the Office of Institutional Research in the Registrar. "With Melissa living at home in NJ. and teaching I don't get to see her as much because she is 45 minutes away from me. I got to see her more when she was on campus," May said. Soon enough Chad will get to see Melissa everyday and every night On Oct. 19, 2002 they will be married at St. Lucia Church.

On Nov. 30, 2000 Chad proposed to Melissa at Altarneo's on Lancaster Ave., in Stratford. Their Friday night ritual was going to Altameo 's when they were both students. "We had talked about it, but she was surprised at the timing. It was really nice because we knew all of the waiters and waitresses from always going there," May said. "I am ~eally excited."

A SoftbaUSweetheart

Rosanne Crafagano was working in a doctor's office '92. One of her colleague's told her that her friends, Kevin Corcoran, needed a girl for a softball game that he was having. Rosanne was the perfect teammate because she was a softball player. In August of '92 she agreed to play on team.

Kevin graduated from Cabrini in '88 and Rosanne is a graduate of the class of '94. The two are only a year apart, but Rosanne took some time off from school, but later came back to Cabrini.

"We played in the game and that was it. Then later that year in Dec. I had a Christmas party to go to. I wasn't going to bring anyone, but one of friends suggested that I ask Kevin so I did," Corcoran said. "It was a whole different atmosphere. When you are playing sports it is so competitive, going to a party together was completely different."

Not only were they compatible teammates, but also mates for life. Rosanne and Kevin married a year later on Dec. 26, 1993. They had 17 guests that were Cabrini graduates at their wedding. "I like the fact that we had our first date in December and we married in December," Corcoran said. "I think that's pretty neat."

The Corcorans have been happily married for eight years and have two daughters, Rosemary, 4 and Erin, 11 months.

photo courtesy Dawn Francis Dawn and Dan were married on May 22, 1999.
FEATURES Thursday,Feb. 14,2002
photo courtesy of Gabby Beltran Gabby and Shawn will be married in June 2003. photo courtesy of Dawn Francis Rosanne and Kevin were married on Dec. 26, 1993.

Grab your candy necklaces, your "Count Chocula," and your "Pound Puppy," because it's time to watch the "Berenstein Bears!"

The '80s were a decade of flash and pizzazz, CQeesy"pop" music, and big hair!

Wall Street, greed and politics reigned supreme, and were even mocked by· such '80s shows as "Family Ties," and movies like "Wall Street." This image led the '80s to be dubbed, "The 'Me' Decade."

What is it about the '80s that seems to be so comforting to us?

We all talk about "Punky Bruster" and "Rainbow Brite," perhaps because they remind us of our childhood. Everyday, e-mails are circulated throughout the Internet, they are forwarded and copied to share with friends. Most of them have subject headings such as "You know you grew up in the '80s if "

Do you still end your sentences with "psych!"? Did you admire Mike Seaver's friendship with "Boner?" How about Theo Huxtable's friendship with "Cockroach?" Perhaps you wished that you had a tree outside your bed-


room window, so that a young Zack Morris could climb in and comfort you when your stint on caffeine pills sent your record career into a tailspin. "I'm so excited, I'm so excited, I'm so ... scared!" Or maybe Vinny from next door would invite himself in while you were typing up your discharge orders/diary every night, as Doogie Howser, M.D. did.

I can still remember going to "Circus Town" (a precursor to "Chuck E. Cheese") for my birthday, where the hit makers, "Celebration Station" would sing "Celebrate Good Times." I was most likely wearing my fanny-pack and one of my birthday gifts had to have been a "Transformer." There

signed specifically for nostalgic '80s-boomers. Sites such as www.80snostalgia.com, and www.inthe80s.com, profile such '80s things as games, like "Candyland," "Pac-Man" and "Cooties." They also profile slang words and phrases, such as, "gag me with a spoon," "grodie," "like" and "sick."

One of the most commonly associated trends with the '80s are Saturday morning cartoons. Shows like "Alvin and the Chipmunks," "Alf," "Popeye the Sailor Man," "Pound Puppies" and "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles."

ABC's T.G.I.F., originally consisted of shows like "Perfect Strangers," "Full House," "Family Matters" and "Just the Ten of Us." was also the "Transformer"-ish Here is the real question; can you "Mask" series, where vintage cars put these shows in order, by the morphed into weapons of destruc- time they came on? Well, if you tion. can, chances are you were a prod-

There have been recent resur- uct of the '80s. gences of '80s trends, including a Shows like "Sesame Street" T.V. show called, "That '80s and networks like "MTV" that Show," and the always popular, were developed in the '80s remain crimped hair. Madonna was num- pop-culture icons. Musical acts ber one on the charts for much of like Cindy Lauper, Madonna, the beginning of the new Millenni- Michael Jackson and New Kids on um and Michael Jackson is up for the Block al.l. saw their careers a Grammy at this year's 2002 • peak in the '80s. awards. The one thing that most people There are even website$ de- remember about the '80s, is the

Go anywhere on campus, and you will hear spirited recounts of life in the '80s. Rachel Kanter, junior English major, remembers "Garbage Pale Kids," tie-dyed shirts and Chinese-jump-ropes. "I remember hair spray frizzed arches," says Kanter, "it was like, 'how high can my hair go'?"

Now the question remains, will

the '80s fashions ever return?

Many people believe that fashion trends repeat themselves every 30 years, which means that we are all in for a little dose of '80s humiliaticmsooner or later.

The 'BOs was full of material girls and mullets, cheesy movies and endless love music. fashion faux pas we all committed. Hair spray, mullets, Frenchrolled jeans, Swatch watches, Z. Cavaricci, pump high tops and "L.A. Lights" were all "musthave's."

Everyone wonders who will still be around in 20 years. Many people think that *Nsync, "Reality Shows," Starbucks and XandO's will turn out to simply be fads. Whatever the future holds, one thing is for sure, the timeless allure of a decade past can always bring smiles back to our faces!

Dr. Love Wants To Sex You Up

Dr. Love guest writer

Didn't Christmas just end? Well it feels like it did, but anyway, today is Valentine's Day, the only day of the year that somebody, somewhere is going to pay 100 bucks for a dozen roses. Valentine's Day is one of two things: It either sucks, or it doesn't. If you're single than it definitely sucks. There is nothing worse than being a loner and walking into a drug store around V-Day. Everywhere you tum you 're bombarded by candy hearts and those annoying Hallmark kissing bears. If you are, however, lucky enough to find someone to put up with your crap on a daily basis then it might not be too bad, unless of course you screw it up. My advice today is mainly for men, but listen up women, you may hear a few things that either delight you or disgust you, but hey, that's the nature of man.

You've known that Valentine's Day has been coming up for a while now and you know that your lady is expecting something nice. That's where the problem comes in. What

should I get her? Should I take her out for a nice dinner? What about those friggen Hallmark bears? Is chocolate not enough? I know the questions, but like any good therapist, I have no answers that will truly do you any good, but it's free advice so listen up.

Gifts, unless they are incredibly meaningful, are trivial.

"I Jove you, honey. Here's your very own copy of 'The Princess Diaries,"' I don't think so. If I can mention this one more time, just to be clear, DO NOT BUY THE KISSING HALLMARK BEARS! Thank you. No gift you can give is as good as giving your time. Men are busy creatures, I know it. Men have comic books to read, DVDs to watch and pedestrians to slaughter in "Grand Theft Auto 3," so if a man can put aside some of that time to spend with his girlfriend/fiance/wife/leg weight, then lady, you got yourself one special guy.

Now that you've put down the PS2 controller long enough to get feeling back in your hanc!syou have to come up with a plan for all that"freetime·.As the Beatles said, "All You Need Is Dinner," or something like that. Going out to

dinner had to be invented by a man. It's a wonderful gift for the woman and the man gets something he hasn't gotten in a long time ... a good dinner. Just for the record the follow~ ing restaurants do not count: Burger King, Taco Bell, Bennigans, Houlihans or Beefeaters. Open up your wallet a bit. It's only one night.

After dinner stop off and get a bottle of champagne and rent a movie. A bottle of Andre Champagne will cost you $4.99, add .25 if you want it chilled, the movie will run you about four bucks. If you're not 21 stop at Starbucks and get a coffee. Trust me there's more kick in one of thos-eovercaffeinated cups of crap than in a whole bottle of champagne.

Take it from there, slugger, she's all yours now. I don't want to leave out any of these pearls of wisdom for the ladies so here's what you can do for Valentine's Day for your special guy: Don't make him rent any movie that stars Heath Ledger.

Good luck out there. Until next time ...

photo by Katie Reing

Plagiarism...easier th·anever?

In college courses, we are continually engaged with other people's ideas: we read them in texts, hear them in lecture, discuss them in class, and incorporate them into our own writing. As a result, it is very important that we give credit where it is due. Plagiarism is using others' ideas and words without clearly acknowledging the source of that information.

Plagiarized work used to be generated through frat house recycling efforts, purchased from local ghost writers, or simply copied from campus library reference materials-all clumsy efforts readily detectable by educators familiar with their course material. But the World Wide Web and other electronic resources have changed the game and left educators scrambling to keep abreast of plagiarists' new methods.

Of course, this editorial would not exist without the invention of plagiarism. The above two paragraphs were cut and pasted from www.indian.edu and from www.asee.org, respectively. Yet, if we did not admit this fact, you would have never known. Many papers written by college student's initially appear to be the original work of the students. However, many of these students also choose to cut and paste, rather than write an original work. But plagiarized words do not belong to us. So remember, "honesty is the best policy; but he who is governed by that maxim is not an honest man." Those words originated by Richard Whately, the archbishop of Dublin. Unless, of course, he plagiarized them. •

Leadership: Cabrini's strongest muscle

Cabrini may be a small school, but the opportunities for growth that it offers its students are far more abundant than colleges five times its size.

In large schools, students run the risk of becoming just another number. At Cabrini, however, each student has a chance to shine among their peers. Whether it's joining a sports team, becoming a disc jockey or writing for Loquitur, you will be able to find something that makes you feel like you are playing a significant part within the group.

So the next time someone decides to complain that Cabrini isn't D-1 or that there are not enough computer labs remind them of what they can make of what they have around them. Ask your friends at . other colleges if they can do as much as you can, an easy guess would be that they can't.

The edit.orials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the edir.orpublished in Loquitur are the views of the student editprial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.


Party, parking and public safety change not for the better

After reading Catharine Hemson's perspective "Public safety cracks down hard on athletes," I realized that public safety is cracking down on everyone since last semester.

You would think that public safety would be harder on the students in the first semester of school since we are just coming back from a three month break and a little more lenient in the second semester.

Do not get me wrong, I wish they would be more easy-going in both semesters.

I feel like they were buttering us up last semester so we thought we could have a great year with all of our friends and now we get slapped in the face with almost two write-ups in one weekend, sometimes even in one night.

Commentaries and letters to the editor may be submitted by th~ entire Cabrini campus community to Theloquitur @hotmail.com or The Loquitur 610 King of Prussia Road Radnor, Pa. 19087

•Requirements: Names will not be witt,held from letters and a phone number must be provided.

I do realize they are just doing their jobs but it was so much better last semester. For some reasons last semester seemed to be much calmer than this semester. I think it is because we had more leeway and were actually treated somewhat like adults. This semester is the complete opposite. There are more restrictions that in turn make people rebel against those restrictions.

Not to mention the unfair treatment we, the students, have been receiving recently. There is one instance that comes to mind. A public safety officer chased a number of young male students on foot and actually tackled one to the ground. We are human beings, not animals.

What if our parents fully knew that we were being treated in such a manner?

You think Cabrini College is small now? The reason for students leaving Cabrini is not due to their major not being offered, but due to the lack of respect they receive on this campus. Not to mention being treated like animals.

Another issue is public safety's training. Do they go through the same training as the resident assistants do as far as party violations? I can recall a night where public safety had to call the RA on duty

to figure out what to do and how to go about the situation because they did not know.

I am not only talking about the party scene. Parking is a big issue also. I am stating this issue because last semester we had dumpsters located in the back of the houses.

They were removed and new dumpsters were supposedly going to be put in their place. Instead, theses· new dumpsters are taking up at least two parking spaces in numerous locations. This is causing students to pile up the parking in the house driveways.

This situation is nothing new. People would park anywhere with the exception of on the grass and not worry about getting tickets. It is not so much the same this semester.

I am not trying to sound disrespectful in the least. I am just trying to put some logic in the students thinking. I also fully understand that public safety is on campus to protect the students.

Yet I think it needs to be known that we are away from home and most of us, not aU of us, are responsible enough to be on our own. Try to remember that.

Thursday, Feb. 14, 2002
, I
EcHtor in chief: Managing editor: Ne"'s editors: Sports editor: A&E editor: Perspectives cdltor: features editor: Editors Michael A. Kazanjian Renee Tomcanin Beth Ann Conahan and Amy Gassen Tracy Timson Geri Lynn Utter Renee DiPietro Jill C. Hindman Photography editor: Justine DiFilippo Joe Holden Charles La Courte Dr. Jeny Zurek Copy editor Web editor: Adviser: Staff Photographers Mike Baggiano Bernadett Hazel Loren Burton Jamie Knobler Tre'w'orDaniels Charles La Coune Kit Dewey Steve Neild Mike Dotzman Ryan Norris Rose Marie Gonzalez Alicia Perry Tom Grosse Erin Smith "Nat Hamilton Jen Smith Tara Taylor Katie Reing Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of ~ues. Staff Writers Kenneth Baumbach Lisa BroomaU Maria Chambers Colleen Connor Vincent DeFruscio Catherine Dilworth Melissa Modesti Ryan Mulloy Leanne Pantone Gina Roswell Karen Schweizer Jen Smith Jennifer Dalvano Alexis Strizziere Kelly Finlan Cheryl Tranchitella Catharine llemson Lucy Truglio Eugene Iacovelli Sharvon Urbannavage Shannon King Cheryl Wagstaff Richard Magda Paul Williams Tanya McCausland Loquirur is a laboratory newspaper written, edited and produced by students registered in COM 346. 350, 351, 353 and 354. Members of the campus community are invited to work on or submit stories for Only students registered in the above classes. however, are eligible to receive academic credit. Subscription price is S25 per year and is included in the benefits secured in tuition and fees. Loq_ujturwelcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. Names are withheld only in unusual circumstances approved by the editor in chief. Letters to the editor should be submined by noon on Mondays.
The Loquitur

Handy advice for the boys from the girls

Applicable location: Cabrini College. Topic: Oh, no he didn't. Have a seat, boys, this could take awhile.

It seems as though a large amount of our time as women is expected to be devoted to primping ourselves for the mere satisfaction of your approval. So we were wondering, while we are spending countless hours trying to improve upon our already naturally perfect looks, what the hell were you doing?

First of all, we like our hair as much as you do. However we are allowed to style, cut and color it to our liking. We don't complain when you and a box or Clairol bleach get into a fight. Clairol did not intend for their highlighting products to be used iri that manner. Therefore, we would appreciate all complaints pertaining to our hair to be kept to yourselves. And F.Y.I., testosterone is no excuse for you to go buck wild with a Bic razor on your head.

Moving right along. The State of Pennsylvania prohibits any act of lewd or lascivious behavior in public this includes adjusting your junk. PERIOD. Please TRY to reframe from touching, grabbing, adjusting, itching, or rearranging your package in the presence of women. WE DON'T WANT TO SEE IT Helpful hint, Gold bond powder, use it.

According to popular male opinion, the tighter and shorter, the better.

Well, guys, just because you


assistant features editor

expect us. to be vacuum-sealed into our clothes, does not mean that we expect you to be swimming in yours. Medium means medium, not extra-large. Know your size and wear it. If your pants are falling off, buy a belt for the love of God. And when shopping for this belt, please make sure to consult the color of your shoes. A brown belt and black shoes equals a fashion NO-NO. Socks, let's hit it. Black dress pants DO NOT call for white ankle socks. Wear them to the gym and

nowhere else. If you can afford $150 shoes, please spring for the $4.99 dress socks to boot.

If you learn one word today please let it be clean.

Cologne is not soap and Febreeze is not detergent. Washing yourself and the articles of clothing worn day-to-day is essential in the art of good hygiene. We know you do not have seven of the exact same shirt, even though we see it everyday. Hopefully, you have learned that Cabrini has provided every house, apartment and

dorm with their very own laundry facilities free of charge. PLEASE TAKE ADVANTAGE. One more thing, plug it in, tum it on and press. The iron is your friend.

Rough, we don't like it like that. Put some lotion on those not • so soft hands, moisturize those chapped lips and shave it off or grow it in. Get our drift guys?

Stubble hurts. Another tip. Keep those hands clean and nails clipped, not bitten. We go to grel!t lengths to keep our hands soft and holdable, don't you think you should do the same?

So there you have it. Next time you 're chilling in the caf with your boys, and even consider passing judgment on our appearance, maybe you should take a good Jook at yourself? Reflect on all aforementioned points in this article, and consider them VERY carefully. How much effort did you put into looking pretty this morning?

Spruce up the semesterwith some craziness

I have devised a perfect plan to spruce up your semester. Whatever the cause of unhappiness, don't worry. This has nothing to do with that stuff. If you're already having a great semester and just are looking for laughs, you are also encouraged to read on.

My friend recently changed her major at her school. She is completely bummed. Her new classes are hard and she doesn't know anyone in the major. These new people are giving her the vibe that it makes no difference to them if she'd disappear just as

quickly as she appeared, so to say the least she's been extra down. I know this is a tough spot for her but I also realize that it will go away. She will get over these hurdles but she cannot see it just yet. So since I could not literally speed up the process, I found another way to help her along, which is the point of this whole rambling.

It is a list of fun new identities to go by to turn the dullness that lingers in the day into excitement.

1. I encourage a change of age. You are no longer 20, but 28 now. You have been blessed enough to have had a wonderful wandering four years of travel before and after righ school. You saw every island off the coast of the United States, Spain and Thailand. You speak English fluently.

2. You are secretly a circus entertainer by weekend and student by week. The other weekly job you have is just your cover up. The reason you attend college is

to learn how to help advertise for the circus. You were very interested in learning how to draw an animated dog for the ad. Your partner in your skit, a dog, is light phobic. You need to create an image of the dog since he practically overturns the tent every time you take out a camera.

3. You are a hippie/surfer. Every time someone says hello or asks how you are, just stare back at them and say, "Yeah man, just sweating on how nice it would be to be on a 20 foot one right now." FYI. To pull off this identity you must change your style of clothes to nothing but thrift-store-funhippie gear floral shirts and a standard bandanna that you will wear everyday. Never blow dry your hair.

4. You are liquid sunshine. Tell people you were created in a lab and that's why the smile has never left your face. Also the fun advantages of liquid sunshine are that you can jump-s_tarta car and also use your finger as a flash-

light if the lights go out. Your heart also has the ability to glow like ET's when you begin to fire up with love.

5. Finally, you are a child of my father. This will make news with anyone. Your father has been diagnosed with the strange disorder of nothing to do. He enjoys studying the TV weekly after the first three days it comes out. This is a talent of his to recite what the programming is for the rest of the week. Other talents include: his own personal style of hip-hop (which is a dance he does to Dion,) two hour coffees in the winter, a collection_ of phone books that date before the year 1990, Al Pacino impersonations, preaching to the local world the benefits of Total raisin bran over all other cereals... (Total has I 00% vitamins, whereas the rest only have like 25%). Finally, your father's greatest talent is his unconscious appearance of attorney. His disorganized array of papers, pens and calculator follow

him wherever he goes in the house, being rearranged frequently after a room change. Don't worry; the man is harmless.

My point at the beginning of this rambling is that life can get low at times. People will tell you things change yet really what they are actually saying is that something has happened to you that you weren't expecting and it sucks. Listen to me now. Don't give in to that. I know it's hard when a curve ball is thrown your way but what are friends for?

Grab one and talk until it works. If they cannot come up with a fun list of alternatives to take your mind off of life's frowns then borrow this. It's yours.

So in hope of turning sober faces to smiles and smiling faces to bigger. grins, please try out these new identities and report back to me.

'r:oquitur , f-,...,. ,.., r-, PERSPECTIVES 11
Jennifer Dalvano staff writer Strizziere Jen Smith staff writer

What is thi$ Valentine's


really all about? Her view His view

things: single or not. Either way, Valentine's Day is just a reminder of that fact. The question remains to be answered. Is Valentine's Day better for those of us in love, or is flying solo the only way to spend the day?

Here you have it girls. Valentine's Day is back. Who's excited? Drug stores and supermarkets certainly seem to be. They started loading _uptheir isles the day after Christmas with candy hearts and "I love you" balloons. Everyone's favorite, Victoria's Secret, seems to be cashing in big time on all of the Valentine's hype. Too bad we all can't get one of those bodies to go in the little outfit instead of the traditional box of chocolate, which we coincidentally probably don't need.

Regardless, Valentine's Day has caught on like a bad Britney Spears song and you can't go anywhere without hearing about it.

Valentine's Day is supposed to be the most romantic day of the whole year. I am here to tell you, I don't buy it. Despite all of the Valentine's Day commotion, on Feb. 14, you are either one of two

For those of us girls who are currently available, we are most likely surrounded by friends, roommates and sisters who are madly in ·1ove and disgustingly happy. The flowers pile up on their dressers and desks until the place looks like a scene out of "Bed of Roses." They hug and kiss while we get nauseated and try to do our homework despite the blissful glee of our love-struck friends.

However, Valentine's Day isn't necessarily a sacred 24 hours of worry-free fun for everyone who has a significant other. While there is an abundance of romantic fun to be had, there are also a few logistical concerns about Valentine's Day to consider (for those of us who plan on participating that is).

First of all, there is the issue of where to go, what to wear, what to purchase for your date and whose money to purchase it with. Let's face it folks, coming off of the heels of the holiday season, we're all broke.

Secondly, if the "I love you"


hasn't been exchanged, is today the day? Or if you haven't been feeling the same way about your love in a while, can you last through Valentine's Day to cushion the blow? These are all questions that the single Valentine does not have to consider.

Maybe the point to make here is that the grass may always be greener. You may want a Valentine, or you may wish you were single when date time comes on Feb. 14. Either way, the key to having a happy Valentine's Day, is maintaining a positive outlook, no m!itter whom you wind up spending the day with.

So whether you're sitting at a fancy restaurant with the love of your life or in front of the couch with your best friend, whether you're saying, "Please pass the rolls" over this huge bouquet of roses, or "Please pass the Ben and Jerry's" over this pile of tear stained tissues, be proud of who you are, girls. Be happy with yourself single or committed, and realize that it isn't a Valentine or the lack thereof that makes this day the good one it can be. Have fun, alone or together, and remember Valentines is just another day of the year.

There is much to be said about Valentine's Day. It's that one day out of the year for people to express their love for someone, in the most expensive way possible. One day to say "I love you" to that special someone. But there are so many other days you could say that to someone anyway. So, what is the story with this day?

Cupid is in the air and he's setting the scene for romance. Guys scrambling around and dressing appropriately for dinners with girlfriends and worrying about the gift they bought. Buying gifts for ·anyone can be a strenuous task. It seems as if everything has this secret kind of meaning these days. Buying your girlfriend too much candy may send one message, but not buying your girlfriend enough candy will send a completely different message. Besides, some may argue

Come check out the Loquitur online!


You can read all the stories online and electronically interact with the writers and a community message board to voice your opinions• of praise or dismay.

Also, you can participate in the website's weekly poll.

that Valentine's Day is just another corporate holiday. Another day out of the year to feel obligated to buy someone something that they do not want or need.

Stuffed animals or teddy bears should not be a symbol for anything. Believe me, it is humiliating to walk out of a store with one of those big red heart shaped candy boxes. The boxes that have the obnoxious shiny coverings that are an immediate eyesore by Jan. 2.

Let's not get started about Valentine's Day cards. Guys that do not write to their parents are not going to write to their girlfriends.

Let's turn Valentine's Day into this new grassroots movement. No more dinners, candy, cards and dead flowers. Learn to appreciate the people that love you. On this day spend some time calling the people that love you. Call your family and let them know that you are alive. Spend some time talking to that special someone that you love, before you shower them with all of that Valentine's Day garbage that will never be seen again. What can you give the person that you love, time, compassion and understanding. Spend time with the person that you love and listen to what they are saying, before you speak.

Corrections Issue 15

•The article on Enron spoke of allegations of "bank fraud." The article should have said allegations of securities fraud. The violation of Federai bank-fraud has not been found.

•The article on the NSF grant stated that Cabrini would be matching the grant of $124,876. The correct amount that Cabrini is matching is $84,876.

•An advertisement_ for poet Rachel Tzvia did not provide her full name: Rachel Tzvia Back.

•In Tim Maddox's player profile, Kris Pittman's name was spelled incorrectly.

i .,.. 12 PERSPECTIVES Thursday, Feb. 14, 2002
Eugene A. Iacovelli staff writer

What to do with brooms and stones

Have you ever played horseshoes at the beach? Perhaps you've putted on a golf course? Or maybe you 're familiar with shuffleboard or bowling?

If you can answer yes to any of those questions, then the concept of curling sho1M not be that hard to grasp.·

Robert McGee, a professor of mathematics, participates in curling games in his free time, but hasn't always been an avid fan. "Growing up in Buffalo, I had heard of it before," McGee said, "but never really gave it a try." He didn't actually start until about 12 or 13 years ago.

McGee was also a runner but began having knee problems and needed to try something else. These days, McGee curls with his family and friends at the Philadelphia Curling Club, the only club of its kind in Pennsylvania, located in Paoli. When his kids asked to try the game, he told them to wait until they weighed as much as a curling stone-40 pounds.

If you were to ask McGee about curling, he could tell you just about everything. Curling is a sport that started •in ancient Scotland. It is a game played on a

Jong, wide sheet of ice, with inner circles on either end, almost looking like a dart board when viewed from above. There isn't much equipment. The game involves curling stones and brooms (or brushes). There are also special

shoes. The left shoe helps the player stride, while the right has adhesive to hold to the ice. "They're just like regular shoes. I've even just put duct tape on my shoe to help me."

The teams consist of eight peo-

pie with four people to a team. Two players stand on the ends and two stand to the sides. The two at the side are the sweepers. They sweep in order to get the stones to continue on their way to the other side or to slow them down. Those players at the end throw the stones, which isn't exactly throwing. The players at the end slide them down to the other side. Sounds easy enough, right? Wrong.

While everything up to this point has sounded as straightforward as horseshoes, this is where it gets more complex. The stones have a hollow-grind on their bottoms, which allow them to curl. This is where the strategy comes into play. "It's a bit like a chess game. Though sometimes you just need to be lucky." The player opposite the slider points out the spot to aim. It's important to have a spot picked out and to anticipate the curl of the stone. McGee compares it to putting in golf. "Sometimes the players need to worry about the hill and need to change their aim."

So now you've curled the stone and you need to score it. Here is where any knowledge of horseshoes is a big help. The inner circles at the end all determine how well you do. The closer to the

center you are, you get one point. If you are even with someone, your scores are nuU and void. What's key in keeping the opponent from scoring is guarding or taking out your opponent. If you want to give it a try, you can put your stones together to guard them or you can aim for your opponent's stone and try your best to completely nail him from the circles. The game is played in eight ends, sort of like frames, with each player getting a tum and tossing the stone.

McGee's club, the Philadelphia Curling Club, is very diverse. Men and women can play the game, as well as children. He shares the interest in the game with his wife and often plays with her, living just five minutes from the club. Though he's seen people in their 80s playing the game. the club also has programs for children.

The club will be holding an open house this weekend in Paoli. The open house will be from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. If anyone is interested in seeing the game in person and not at this year's Olympics, they can contact McGee at x8344 for further details.

Week in review

A rewind of athletics for the week of Feb. 4 through Feb. 11

Women's basketball

A 70 to 21 win occurred Feb. 4, against Rosemont. On Feb. 6 the team lost to Alvemia College with a score of 68-53. Then,on Feb 9 the team came back to win against Cedar Crest College with a score of 60-29.

Men's basketball

For the week the men have Jost two games. On Feb. 6 the team lost to Alvernia College with a score of 62-61. Then on Feb. 9 the team suffered a loss to Gwynedd Mercy College , 70 to 65.

Loquitur SPORTS 13
photo by Robert McGee
Welcome to an Olympic Open House at the PhiladelphiaCurlingClub 65 Plank Road, Paoli.Pa. 610-644-9803 www.philadelphiacurlingclub.org Saturday,Feb. 16 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. To benefitthe ChesterCountyspecialOlympics
Curling, one of the many olympic sports, will be played until the Feb. 22.

Roller hockey sponsors a dance for all students

On Saturday Feb. 2, 2002 the roller hockey club sponsored a dance to help raise money. According to Frank Plu_mthe club made "good profits" that will continue to support them in their leagues.

The club is split up into two different teams, Cabrini A and Cabrini B, who play in different leagues every season. This season the club is playing at the Marple Sports Arena where Cabrini B is doing very well. There they play against all different kinds of organizations with people of all different ages. Plum said that the league now is "very competitive" and is proud of how well Cabrini is doing.

After last season many of the good players left the club for many different reasons and now many others have joined to fill their place. Although Cabrini A is not doing too well this season Plum attributes that to the new players who have joined and has faith that they too will soon come together to do better as soon as they get more practice time in.

"The new kids are learning more about how to play as a team."

Plum said.

Since the club started in October 2002 it has become very popular.

"No one took us seriously in the beginning," Plum said, "so we've come a long way." Cabrini helped the club get started by donating money for jerseys and gear. From there, the team held fundraisers.

Kris Pittman sums it up

For every league the players have to put up money themselves in order to play since the club is not an official sport at Cabrini. The costs, which usually runs around $100, depends on the type of league and how many players are involved.

Plum feels that the roller hockey team is a great way to meet new people and share there common interest of hockey. "It's a good way to exercise and have fun." He adds.

The club is open to males and females and Plum encourages all to come and check it out. For any questions about the team you can call Frank Plum at extension 5169.

Kris Pittman

Q: What is your major?

A: Liberal Arts.

Q: What is your hometown?

A: Philadelphia.

Q: What are your plans after college?

A: To work for the Big Brother and Big Sister corp. in Philadelphia.

Q: Favorite Food?

A: Chicken.

Q: If you were trapped on an island what CD would you bring?

A: Jay_Z.

Q: What is your dream car?

A: 600 Mercedes Benz.

Q: Are you single?

A: Yes.

Q: What celebrity do you think you look like?

A: Some people say Gary Coleman.

Q: What are your plans for Valentine's Day?

Students dance the night away at the Roller Hockey sponsored event. It was held to support Cabrini's teams A

A: Just hang out with my mom and my family.

f l I I r r I ! r I I ~14~--------------------SPORTS~---------------T_h~_da_y_,F_eb_._14_,_200_2
photo by Rose Marie Gonzalez and B. photo by Tom Grosse
Keep your eyes open neHt issue for another player profile

U.S. Olympic Snowboarders dominate competition, take medals in the halfpipe

The United S~tes broke ground this weekend, striking gold in the Salt Lake City Olympics. Snowboarder Kelly Clark won the first gold medal in the women's halfpipe. Her medal winning performance was quickly followed by a medal sweep in the men's halfpipe snowboarding event.

The U.S. invention of snowboarding is still in its infancy in the Olympics. Tricks evolve and change every day making the halfpipe event hard to judge. Judging consist~ of four categories: standard maneuvers, amplitude, rotation and overa11impression. A perfect score would be 50 points with an athlete receiving 10 points from all five judges, two judges for im-

pression and one for other areas.

Clark, an 18 year-old form Mt. Snow Vt., received a near perfect score of 47.9 on her final run of the day. Had she not wowed the judges with her highly technical maneuvers, France's Dorianne Vidal would have won the gold medal with her high score of 43.

The win was extra sweet for Clark because she bruised her tailbone in a practice run the day before the finals. Clark's injury happened as she practiced a McTwist, a 540-degree flipping rotation.

Ironically, it was the final trick she threw in her gold medal-winning run, and she landed perfectly.

In the men's lialfpipe Ross Powers threw a pair of McTwists in his gold medal run. Powers, 23 of Stratton, Vt., stood atop the podium with Americans on both sides.

Danny Kass, 19, won the silver while J.J. Thomas, 20, received the bronze.

The U.S. sweep of the men's half-pipe was the first sweep of a Winter Olympics event in 46 years. The men were all pleased with their performances. Powers' score was far ahead of the pack while Kass and Thomas barely edged out the competition.

The United States was looking for a large medal count after the Sept. 11th tragedy to boost national morale. The United States started the world of snowboarding and in the 2002 Olympics overtook the rest of the world with its style and resilience.

continued from page 16

Apparently just having bodies in the stands isn't always enough, however. According to junior women's soccer player Kristen Luft, "Fans keep you going when they cheer you on, but when it is a quiet crowd, I could care less whether they are there or not."

Fans not only have to show their support for their team by showing up to the games, but they have to be cheerleaders for them too.

So why are there so few fans at Cabrini's sporting events? According to Dzik, "Students today are different ·than students in the past. They have other interests such as the internet, which wasn't around in the past, and most students have part-time jobs that take up much of their spare time." He also mentioned that so many students on campus are in the habit of complaining that there is never anything to do. If boredom sets in, tum to the calendar of events on your wa11or call the Dixon Center to find out what teams have games that might need a few extra people in the probably minimal crowd. Maybe part of the problem is that there is little promotion of games

and sporting events on campus.

Dzik mentioned that since student activities is in charge of all of the activities on campus, shouldn't sports fall under that? Maybe if people were more informed about certain games, the players wouldn't have to look up to empty


if the various departments do not submit events to me, they don't make it to the calendar."

With lack of awareness or maybe just lack of interest on behalf of the campus community, the term "playing to a funeral crowd" has been thrown around by head men's lacrosse coach Steve Colfer, which means that most of the teams are playing for friends and family. "Most people that come out are friends and family, but more people come out on nice days, especially when both soccer teams or maybe the lacrosse teams • have home games on the same day," Luft said.


stands. When asked about the possibility of increasing publicity of sporting events, Mary Beth Horvath, director of student activities said, "That's really not my area; they are a different department. There is a calendar that is put out with events listed on it, but

With everything that is going on in a student's busy life, maybe there is a spare hour or so that can be spared to come out and support the athletic teams that work so hard to bring honor and victory home to Cabrini. Dzik said, "Being involved in a col1ege community also means being a supporter of the community's athletic teams. I would like to see more faculty and staff out there supporting the teams as well to help build community spirit."

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lntramurals Announcement

If anyone has suggestions for the intramural program, contact Kate Corcoran @ extension 3909. Please offer opinions about what you would like to see this year with intramurals and what has worked in the past.

Loquitur s 15 ------------ PORTS------------·~
"Being involved in a college community also means being a supporter of the community's athletic teams.
athletic director and men's basketball coach
photo retrieved from www.sportsline.com Kelly Clark won a gold medal in the halfpipe at the age of 18.

In a rare appearance, fans show up to support the basketball team.

Lackluster fans disappoint teams

Philadelphia is a city that prides itself on having the wildest, craziest and most supportive fans around. The Sixers season last year was incredible and the hoopla over the Eagles almost making it to the Super Bowl was even bigger So what happened thurs

to the fan support at a small college just outside of this great city? Cabrini's sports teams are desperately lacking in the fan department.

According to athletic director and head men's basketball coach John Dzik, "Athletes in general are entertainers or perfonners. If you went out to entertain and no one was fri

there to watch you, how would you feel?" The answer to this question is obvious. Running out on the field or the court just to see empty bleachers and maybe just a few parents with video cameras can be very discouraging. "It can be very embarrassing as well when the visitor's fans outnumber your own at home games," Dzik said. sun

Athletes work hard to accomplish what they can at games, and a victory is almost bittersweet if no one is there to witness it. When asked how fan presence at the games affects the team's performance, Dave Johanson, junior men's lacrosse player, said, "It depends on the game. If it's a big game and the score is close, having fans

there can amp you up because people are yelling at you." Fans can have a big impact on a player's motivation and will to win. "When you are ready to give up, a huge crowd can make all the difference," according to many players.

See FANS on 15. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

• Discover Hinduism Workshop 12-1 p.m. Widener Center

•Mass at Bruckmann Chapel 12:15 p.m.

"If These Walls Could Talk 2." Widener Center 9p.m.


•Cultural Dinner, 6-8 p.m. New "Residence Hall

•"Legally Blonde" Widener Center 9p.m.


•Ethnic Student Alliance Dance 9 p.m.-1 a.m. in the Grace Hall Atrium.

• Quizzo Game Show takes place at the new Residence Hall at 9 p.m.




featuring Pamela Wolfe and John McIntyre 3p.m. in the Mansion. and Poet Rachel Tzvia Back lecture at 2 at the President's Hospitality Suite. Poetry reading at 4 in the Mansion. •Resident Assistant Appreciation Day.

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