April 04, 2002 issue 21 Loquitur

Page 10

SEM 300 takes students Light hits out of the classroom

into the community.

Focussing around the theme "the common good," SEM 300 is a unique educational experience that exemplifies the basis of the core curriculum and is a reflection of the Cabrini College mission to educate both the minds' and the hearts of its students.

SEM 300 found its place at Cabrini in 1990 with 13 different courses being offered. These courses were taught by professors of all the academic departments as they are today. Topics for the courses range from altruism to evil, from literature to media, from justice to war and from education to poverty.

This course encourages students to consider their roles in society as well as their responsibilities to their community. Recognition of these responsibilities cannot be taught within the confines of the classroom. Students in the course must make a weekly commitment throughout the semester to community involvement related to the theme of their chosen course.

• The Bush administration recently unveiled plans to operate a "contingency government" out of an undisclosed location in the event of a catastrophic attack on the nation's capitol.

The details of the plan, first reported by The Washington Post, call for between 75 and 100 "senior administration officials'' to be placed securely underground for lengthy periods of time. These officials could be away from their friends and families for upwards of 90 days at a time.

One thing that the plan does seem to do is to finn up the line of successors to the president's job. Following Vice-President Dick Cheney would be House Speaker Dennis Hastert, then Sen. Robert Byrd, who is the Senate President Pro Tempore.

The seminar 300 course, usually taken during junior year, serves to enhance the learning experience beyond the classroom and

The community involvement aspect of the SEM 300 course is not considered to be "required volunteerism: The classroom/community learning experience is the same as an internship, student teaching or a lab in a science course.

See SEM 300 page 3

• The plan, however, is not without controversy, as many leaders on Capitol Hill are disgruntled with the Jack of information they have received. Senate Minority Leader Trent Lott said that "key people. the people in line of succession were briefed or offered a briefing in whole or in part:• and that "certain key staff people were made aware of it."

See SHADOW GOVT. page 3

Search Retreatto be held for spiritual growth in Appel Farms, N.J.

Next month, from April 12 to 14, Cabrini College will host its 10th biannual Search Retreat. This spring will mark the five-year anniversary of the Search's first introduction to Cabrini College by former Campus Minister John DiMucci. Campus Ministers Jess Morgan and Fr. Steve Albero are the directors of this program and with the help of the two head search leaders, Rose Leahy and John Verdi and 8 search leaders, they will send off 32 students to Appel Farms in Elmer. NJ.

Since the program's beginning, over 200 Cabrini students have participated in nine Search Retreats, which has allowed for the continuation of this unique and valuable experience for all Cabrini students to enjoy. The Search Retreat is one of the most popular and • successful college retreat programs. " I had never done a retreat like this before I came to Cabrini. I had done other retreats similar to the one Cabrini runs but nothing this exciting," Jess Morgan, campus minister, said.

Former Cabrini Campus Minister John DiMucci first introduced Cabrini to the Search Retreat program in the spring semester of 1997. DiMucci imported the program from the University of Scranton and Villanova University.

A common misconception of the Search Retreat is that it is weekend filled with tons of prayer and meditation where only "dorks" and those highly religious go to pray all weekend. This, however, is not true. " This year, we are trying to break all the myths people have set in their minds concerning the retreat," Rose Leahy, head search leader, said. "We are trying to get more athletes and those of other social groups involved," Leahy said. The weekend is a iime to get to know yourself and others a little better. Factoring in what you put into the weekend determines what you will get out of the weekend.

" We want the campus community to know that Search is for everyone. It is a melting pot of students and is not designed for one particular type of person," Morgan said. Search is a peer-run group, which means that students give

the retreat to other ~tudents. Everything that goes on during the- weekend is designed to address the challenges that students face and enable them to integrate what they learn about themselves into their own life, values and spirituality.

The Search Retreat aims to help students become in touch with themselves, others and ultimately God. While Search is based on Christian themes, it is open to those of all religious backgrounds.

" This weekend is a time to get to know yourself more than anything. You have to keep your mind open when considering going on Search. This weekend is what you make of it and nothing more,'' Morgan said.

If Search is something that interests you, the Campus Ministry office is extending the application deadline. The price of the retreat is $35 and a deposit of S 15 is due with the application. The retreat is limited to 32 students. For additional information, you can contact Fr. Steve Albero or Jess Morgan in the Wolfington Center on the first floor of the Widener Center.

photo by Katie Reing Senior Aaron Gaskins tutors student at Julioa de Burgos Middle School in North Philadelphia during SEM 300.

Second Saturday Club formed to discuss ideas

Dr. R\)mano, professor of philosophy, has started a club on campus called the Second Saturday Club. "The Second Saturday Club gives the students a chance to share their ideas and opinions on things," Romano said.

Ttie club meets the second Saturday of each month on the fourth floor in the New Residence Hall. Their first meeting was the second Saturday of February. At this meeting they all viewed the film ''The Midnight Cowboy" and 'laterdiscussed what they each thought about it. At the second meeting, in March, they saw the school play on campus and exchanged ideas and opinions.

Dr. Johnnie Guerra, vice president of academic affairs. is.getting a television and VCR for the fourth floor in the New Residence Hall for the club to be able to view things at their leisure. She is doing this so the club can hang out together and watch things easier with no worries.

"The Second Saturday Club is an informal gathering for people to discuss things like philosophy, literature and film,'' Romano said. The idea for the club came aoout in Dr. Romano's American Philosophy class. When Dr. Romano was getting his doctrine at Bryn Mawr he was a part of the Metaphysical Club on campus. which was also partly responsible for inspiring the club.

In this club they did the same thing only it was formal and the Second Saturday Club is very informal. ''There are roughly 30 students in the club and anyone is welcome. The only criteria is to have the love of ideas and to be good at exploring different topics,"

Kit Dewey, junior, thinks the Second Saturday Ch1b is a great idea for people to get together and discuss different topics.

"Sometimes it is · better to discuss dif. ferent topics with different people and this club gives us that chance. We usually meetaround 7 p.m.," Dewey said. "I also think it is a really cool way for a facul~ ty member to take out time to spend witbus on their weekend. I really admire Dr; Romano,"Dewey said.

"Ute open discussions we have had already are qn evaluation, papersthat people had to do for classesand books that people have read or an:readingnow." Romano said. Dr.Romanoi,s.~ trying to ~e this like a semi--socialby providing food and drinks for the members to enjoy whileattendingthe meetings. The next meeting is probablygoing to be on the thirteenth<>rtwentieth of April around 7 p.m.,all arewelcome.

Cabrini Professors write __ books to educate students

Thomas Carlyle once wrote, "The true University of these days is a collection of books." At Cabrini College there are teachers writing books for their students, in a hope to further the student's education.

Dr. Jolyon Girard, professor of history and political science said, "Hard work and a lot of thought goes into writing a book like this. It's like writing the longest midterm paper ever." Girard was approached by Randall Miller to write a book on American Foreign Policy. Greenwood Press published the book entitled, "America and the World," which focuses on the foreign policy of the United States from George Washington to Ronald Regan. Girard said, "It was based on a dozen articles, which I wrote, that were published in journals and my doctoral dissertation. Years of teaching also helped me to gear the book towards students and their interests in America's foreign policy."

Anthony Contipodero, history club president said, "Reading his book is not like reading other text books. It's easier to understand than other texts and is helpful for students trying to grasp difficult concepts."

Harvey Lape, instructor of philosophy and Dr. Sharon Schwarze, professor and chair of philosophy, grew tired of teaching a course with books that did not have what they were looking for. The art of thinking was a course that the two

Prentice Hall, titled, "Thinking adding extra sections based on the _Socratically: Critical Thinking comments they received. Lape and about Everyday Issues" for the Schwarze have started work on course, which is now called another philosophy text that will Critical thinking. "We began writ- delve into the subject of ethics. ing the book around 1980, we fin- The chair of the history and ished in the early 90s and had it political science departments, Dr. first published in 1998," Schwarze James Hedtke, will soon have his said. book, "Lame Duck Presidents-Lape said, "We divided up the Myth or Reality" published by writing process. I would write one The Edwin Mellen press. "When I chapter, and she would write first tried approaching publishers, another. Then we would critique I was actually approaching the each other's chapters and make wrong ones. I would approach the the necessary cJianges." textbook publishers, instead of "We wanted to develop a text university publishers." For teachthat students would like to read, ers looking to publish books, it is one of the ways we did this, is that easier to approach university we have a Sherlock Holmes story press, instead of company owned without the ending printed in the publishers. Hedtke said, "The book. The student then has to book comes from a lot of years of think of what conclusion Holmes work. It started with my dissertawas able to derive," Schwarze tion and has been edited by many said. people." His book is original, in Lape said, "One of the hardest that a person will be hard pressed parts about getting a book pub- to find any book specifically about lished is when you have to sell lame duck presidents. your book to a publisher. You Dr. Cynthia Halpern, chair of the actually have to give them a chap- romance language department, ter of the book, and they decide if has published one book called, it is worth their time." "The Political Theater of Early

"After receiving approval with 17th Century Spain, with special reviews and comments we edited reference to Juan Ruiz de it several times," Schwarze said. Alarcon." Peter Lang published The final product turned out dif- the book as part of the lberica ferently than the spiral bound edi- series. tion located in Schwarze's office, These teachers and many others which the two had finished in at Cabrini have published books 1986. or are in the process of writing and

After the book was published, having their works published in Lape and Schwarze received com- order to give students another eduments and constructive criticism cational tool. from colleagues and book review-

2 l
photo by Kit Dewey Dr. JosephRomano,professorof philosophy,orchestratesdiscussion among opinionated students. Romano said.
NEWS _________________ Th_u_roo_a~~-A~p_ru_4~,_200_2
photo by April Caldwell The Holy Spirit Library owns a
nice selection
of books written by professors at Cabrini College.
by Paul Williams felt needed a new book. They ers. Then, in 2000, a second ediassistant sports editor developed a text, published by tion of the book was printed,

However, rather than preparing students for their chosen careers, SEM 300 promotes working toward a better society.

The goal of SEM 300 is to assist students in using their intelligence and compassion to help make a better world. Acquiring practical knowledge and skills, understanding and accepting differences, and developing a sense of civic responsibility are the benefits of partaking in a community involvement project.

An average of eight SEM 300 courses are offered each semester. Descriptions of each course theme can be found in the college course catalog and are also mailed to students when they enroll in the course. Although some SEM 300 course already have a designated community involvement project in which the class participates as a whole, some courses allow for the individual student to choose a desired site for their service project.

A list of community involvement projects is sent to students enrolled in these courses so that they may review and choose which projects are of interest to them. However, due to limits on the number of students needed at each site, the selection is based on a first-come, first-serve policy.

Students may also request to be placed at a site for which they are already involved. Information about the program and the duties involved must being submitted to Shirley Dixon, coordinator· of the office of diversity initiatives/student liaison for service learning.

When to attend graduate school depends on field

No one really knows what their future holds for them, especially college graduates. Graduate school is a possibility depending on what direction you would like to take. Another choice would be to go right into the work place. Money is also a big issue for some people who cannot afford to further their education. There is a way to get an education while holding a job, living for free and have a free meal plan.

Going into graduate school is a great idea as many would say, but it depends on what field of work one is interested in. For Dr. Hal Halbert, English professor, it was "one of the best experiences" he has ever had. "Graduate School is a great intellectual experience that you never had and will never have again," Halbert said. He also advises if you are financially able to go straight through do it. In the end you are still relatively young and can use and share the information that was obtained.

"For education majors they need to be out in the field. A masters in education looks good but all they really do is read about classrooms when in reality they really need to be in them teaching," Halbert said. It pretty much goes for business and communications majors as well. All these fields almost require hands on experience to even be looked at for a job after


"Being a professional student can end in a bad result for you and your loved ones," Halbert said. You have to have the mental stamina to be able to go through all of this education and succeed in the end."

John Ferrise, a senior English and secondary education major, has a little less time for planning but he has a good plan for his future. "I will most likely go right into teaching at a Catholic or private school until I get my certification," Ferrise said. •

Students of different majors on campus have all different outlooks on furthering their education.

Stacey Gregoretti, a junior elementary education and special education major, has an early plan post graduation. "If there is no teaching position available I would like to go to graduate school for special education. I would also like to receive a certificate as an occupational therapist," Gregoretti said.

Gina Cheli, a junior elementary education major also has an idea for her future. "After I am finished with my undergrad degree I would like to take time off before I start my teaching career. I might want to start my masters and maybe get a certification in my field," Cheli said.

Kristie Conway Beucler M.S, assistant director cooperative education and career services says, "That more students would think of going into graduate school due to economy levels and the risk of not getting a job." The top area graduate schools in the area are Immaculata for counseling and psychology. Widener for law school, and many students come back to Cabrini for a masters •in education and science organizational leadership. There are six frequented schools for good graduate programs. They are St. Joseph's University, Temple University, Penn State University in Great Valley and Harvard University. The Career Services on campus provides information for students to further their education. They also keep track of the college graduates by a survey. That is how they know what schools they have attended. "We help students figure if graduate school id for them. We assist them on their career path," Beucler said. If graduate school is a possibly in your future keep in mind, "Graduate school helps people get better jobs in the end," Halbert said.

·SHADOW GOVT. continued from page 1

Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle believes that there is too much public debate on issues that are meant to be kept secretive. Daschle was one of many Democratic leaders who felt snubbed by the administration. He has since cleared the matter up with President Bush. Contingency plans such as this one have been in place since the

Cold War. Congress also has a contingency plan in store. There is debate now on whether or not to include Congress, as well as the judicial branch in this current plan.

Secretary of the Senate Jeri Thompson and Senate Sergeant at Arms Alfonso E. Lenhardt were briefed of the contingency plans on Sept. 22 while at the undisclosed locations.

Loquitur SEM
300 continuedfrom page 1
photo by Dr. Jerry Zurek Kat Pironne, junior, works with students at Julia de Burgos Middle School. Her SEM 300 class, taught by Dr. Jerry Zurek works in collaboration with a class taught by Dr. Seth Frechie.
NEWS------------------ 3
"Beinga professional studentcan end in a bad resultfor you and your lovedones."
Hal Halbert, English Professor
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photo by Jennifer Brunner

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Sebrina the Teenage Witch

A 15-year-old girl was briefly suspended from schooi for casting an evil spell on one of her peers. Jamie Schoonover publically admitted to practicing witchcraft with bet mother; but both Schoonover and her mother claim they would never use tbeir knowledge of witchcraft to casJ spells on people.

Colleen Harper, a transsexual who was once Schoonover's biological father that now calls herself ·her mother said, "Casting spells isn't something that just any novice is going to knowhow to do."

AA All the Way

An 18-year-old boy successfully managed to make a clean get-away, after robbing a local convenience store for two-cases of beer. The only problem is, he forgot his car.

Chad Ramsden proceeded to contact the police by saying that the car the 'robber' left behind had been stolen. Authorities convinced Ramsden to return to the store and clear up the matter. When Ramsden showed up at the store, witnesses identified him as the criminal and took him into custody. But, Ramsden persisted on telling the police that he

really did not take anything.

PoliceAcademyfor ParoleVlolalors

A convicted criminal wanted for violating his parolewas picked up by authorities after applying for a job as a police officer.

Garry Harrison passed both the written and physical examination necessary to be a police officer; however when a routine background check was done. it was discovered that Garrison has been wanted since 1995 for a parole violation.

Bimbos Are Dumb

A psychologist from the University of Michigan has.found physical evidence that bimbos are really dumb.

Barbara Frederickson stared that woman that wear revealing or tight clothes spend so much time worrying what they look like that their brains don't have the ability to do much else.

Frederickson said, "Any clothing or circumstances that make a woman feel self-conscious about how she looks to others, even is she thinks she looks great, might reduce the mental energy she brings to demanding tasks, like solving advanced math problems.

News from around the world

Queen Mother dies at age of 101

England is still mourning the death of the queen who presided over England during some of her most turbulent times, including WWII. Queen Elizabeth, England's "Queen Mum" passed away in her sleep during the afternoon of March 30 at the age of 101. According to the NY Times, the queen mother left behind a legacy as being "the strength behind the throne" during the reign of her husband King George VI.

Al Qaeda leader captured

One of Al Qaeda's principal leaders, who was behind the attack on 9/11 and other failed terrorist attacks to the United States. has been captured. Abu Zubaydah, one of Osama bin Laden's chief leaders. is under American control and will be tried in a military court of law. According to nytimes.com, Zubaydah "was trying to rebuild the Qaeda terrorist network so that it can mount new attacks against the United States." Although the Al Qaeda have a huge network of terrorist leaders, the captivity of Zubaydah is considered to be a significant blow to them.

Synagoguesburn in France

In response to the violence in the Middle East, France has seen a growing number of attacks on her Jewish community. The five million Muslims that reside in France have made officials second guess whether or not France is turning into an anti-Semitic nation. Over the Passover-Easter holiday, France saw a large number of churches and synagogues burned down by Muslims in reaction to the violence between Israel and Palestine. With the growing hostility in the Middle East, France officials are worried about the remaining Jewish synagogues and schools and are providing more police officers on duty to protect these places from the Muslim terrorists.

Middle East violence gets worse

As part of the campaign against the Palestinians, Israeli forces have raided the West Bank. In the past week, attacks between Israel and Palestine have gotten worse and Arab protests are growing. As the strikes continue to be exchanged between the Israeli and Palestine nations,-the death toll of the army members involved is growing rapidly. Diplomats throughout the world, including Gen. Anthony Zinni have not been found in the area.

t 4 NEWS
FREE TAX HELP Students in the Accounting income 4 tax class will be available to prepare individual federal and state tax returns FREE OF CHARGE! Contact: Ann Servey, coordinator of Accounting program and income tax professor at (610) 902-8322 or ann.servey@cabrini.edu '-"-- - -Thursday, April 4, 2002

Students wait in New Residence Hall to get desired rooms·

The main lounge of the New Residence Hall was turned into a campsite last weekend, as nervous • residents waited for the housing selection _process to begin. This year the housing selection was "first come, first serve," as opposed to the points system used last year or the lottery system used the previous year. Some students really liked the new way of doing things; others felt it was unfair and poorly organized.

Students were so anxious to get into the living space that they wanted that some camped out all night. The first day of housing selection was Friday for people wanting to live in the apartments. Some students heard that others were sleeping in the lounge all night to get the apartment they wanted so, they came in at eight am.

The first people to get there were Marco Iacono and Heather Buonacuore. Iacono explained his eagerness to wake up early on a Friday morning. "We wanted to

get first pick. I didn't want to wait around to get shafted. We got shafted last year," he said.

To keep busy the students residing temporarily in the lounge, watched movies, played cards and invented games. One group of men started a game of catch mixed with hot potato using an orange. Being in the lounge for eight hours led to some interesting new past-times for the students. Some students did not want to play or keep busy in any way; they chose to sleep the wait away instead. Blankets and pillows were strewn about the lounge by the time the housing selection process was to begin. There were rules in the waiting game. One member of each group had to be in the lounge at all times to remain on the waiting list.

Students went out in shifts to get food or go the restroom or just to get outside in general. Some people chose to go to Wawa o McDonald's to escape the lounge and get some much-needed food.

At the end of the day the main lounge was littered with Wawa coffee cups, balled-up bags from

McDonald• s, papers of all sorts, and candy wrappers. The administration was happy with the students' perseverance,

housing was for students who are currently freshman and intend to live in sophomore housing next year. Houses available to these students filled up quickly, as only houses One, Two and Three were open for them. They also had the option of living in the NRH, many students walked around the building looking for the perfect room during the waiting period.

The freshman selection was finished ahead of schedule when all the available rooms were filled within an hour. Most students were able to live in the building they wanted to and were generally happy with the process.

housing selection according to the students who stayed up all night in the lounge just to stay as high on the waiting list as they could. Students started to camp out in the lounge at 9 p.m. Saturday.

The houses on the block for Sunday were for next year's junior and senior classes. Houses Four, Five, Six and Seven were to be filled between 2:00 and 7:00 pm. The process was done by 4:00 pm that day.

and not threatened by the early morning mob of students waiting to get an apartment. "I don't think it's crazy, I think the people had a good time. It was not that early, it shows how much it matters to them." Shayla Hasic-Starnps, assistant director of Residence Life, said.

The apartment selection process went smoothly, the rest of the weekend was not bad but not quite as easy as Friday. Saturday's

There were some complaints about the "first come, first serve" process of this year's selection process. Some students were unaware that people were settling into line at 5:30 am. The students were also not happy that the selection was taking place in the NRH, because it gave an advantage to students who live in the building to write their names on the list earlier. This was one complaint that spanned the weekend.

Sunday was the worst day for

Doct~rs leaving Pa. because of malpractice

The malpractice insurance premiums have skyrocketed in the past two years for physicians in Pennsylvania. Physicians who specialize in orthopedics, obstetrics and gynecology and general surgeons are hit the hardest. Their malpractice has risen from approximately $20,000 per year to close to, if not over, $100,000 per year. The doctors are requesting that if they do not get a decrease in their malpractice, they will have no choice but to leave the state.

Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Donald Kovalsky, who left Pennsylvania, is now practicing in a the central United States because of Pennsylvania'smalpracticeissues.

He commutes weekly as his fami-

ly still lives in this area and works three days each week. He is able to offset his travel costs due to the cost of his malpractice coverage in his new office location.

A typical orthopedic surgeon now pays approximately $111,296 per year. If a surgeon were to move to Delaware, which is 20 minutes away, his malpractice would only be $37,783 per year.

This is why many of the medical doctors in the area are changing the locations of their practices.

In 2001, Pennsylvania's major malpractice insurance had an overall increase ranging from 21% to 60.4% and the Medical Professional Liability Catastrophe Loss Fund (CAT) increased its surcharge by 25.7%. Too many meritless claims steal important financial resources like patient


According to the Physician's Insurer's Association of America, only about 30% of malpractice claims resuJt in payment to the patient. When a claim against a physician goes to verdict, the plaintiff prevails in only about 19% of the claims. Because of this, 89% of the doctors are practicing defensive medicine to protect themselves against meritless claims. Defensive medicine occurs when additional tests and treatments are ordered that are not required for treatment. Eighty percent of doctors who have attempted to recruit new physicians into Pennsylvania have faced serious difficulty in recruiting. Seventy-two percent of doctors have stated that they have deferred the purchase of new

equipment or hiring of new staff due to sharp increases in liability insurance.

The House of Representatives has recently expressed the support of the proposed House amendments to HB 1802 and have added amendments. They are proposing a seven-year deadline for bringing malpractice·actions called a statue of repose, with exceptions for minors and foreign objects found in the body. A stronger process by which judges reduce "jackpot" awards, requiring the judge to consider the impact to access the medical community.

The lawmakers have to come up with a plan that will retain our physicians in Pennsylvania and still respect the patients right to sue.

There were more students then available rooms in the houses, which left some students homeless or living in a sophomore building for a second year. The line that formed that night was all residents of the NRH; the early grouping on the waiting list angered students living in other buildings.

One student said, "If I had known that people were here camping-out I would have been here too. It's not fair that because they live in the building they're all here at nine o'clock the night before. There should be more rules."

Loquitur NEWS 5
"We wanted to get first pick. I didn't want to wait around to get shafted. We got shafted last year."
-Marco Iacono
GOT BLOOD? ·Thendonate it! Monday8 April 2902 CabriniCollege Blood Drive 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Grace Hall Atrium •stop by Health Servicesto sign up


Find out what the hot spring trends are from one of Cabrini's own aspiring fashion designers

The drawings pictured were designed and created by Gerrona Lewis, a Cabrini art student, which displays her fashion visions, along with her artistic talents.

Doctors preach that eight glasses of water are essential to healthy living. Fashion gurus argue they can live without water as long as Coach keeps pumping out handbags and shoes. Can man live on fashion alone? Magazine moguls must think so. There are more magazines in-America deal-

ing with fashion than magazines on health and survival issues. Americans gorge themselves on topics like what to wear after Labor Day and how to update a drab

lightweight cotton twills and denim. She says she is pleased with the looks and didn't try to predict the line that is called forecasting. wardrobe. Fashion is so important that a Ceno said, "I am not a slave to forecastsneak peak into spring fashions is planned a ing. It is too limiting. I know what is year ahead. trendy, but I don't get consumed with foreThis year's spring goodies were revealed casting. My Customers are not afraid to try in February. Onlookers in Milan and New something new."

York have already seen the latest creations Bronze Beauty Designs, Ceno's fashion from fashion icons like Gucci, Prada and label, caters to a diverse clientele. The Calvin Klein. The runways came alive with label, which will be available in her new color as models presented the latest in fash- store opening soon in Jamaica Queens, ion. The winning look: peasant outfits fea- New York, features three separate cateturing skirts with embroidery and elaborate gories, each with a different price range. embellishments. These are not the peasant The White, Pink and Black labels range skirts from the '80s. Hopefully no one will from reasonable prices like $50 to $1000. embarrass themselves by sneaking up to the Ceno said, "My White label, however, is attic and digging out their old, worn tributes higher end fashion for the older woman. It to Stevie NickSj 'Thoi((n·ap just won'~(lo -has,ea0let1211d stieae. My,~pensj,ve line is it. It is true that today\ ~t skiirts- a the Black~l. These clothes ar~ tailored throw back to the days when women could for the customer.'' spend little money 011fashion an4 made due A fashion enthusiast since age five, ,.o. -,i!i! ·-'-,-' >"-- ' with piecing fabric scraps together. • The Ceno is sure her clothing line will please irony idea behind the new peasant skirts is her following. that pieces of the new fabrics cost more Ceno sai~, "I know fashion." thall be average Jane ma.Icesin a week. Her knowledge-tmnes from the sourer,• 'I'bese ~s are. bip, now, happening and tht streets. Ceno says the runway fashioas ex.pensive. t)µt.,according to one fastiion that make it to the streets are the ''Qrganic designer, tnfs year's spring fasbkms prove fotm of fashihn?'' She ,enjoys how every "ffialinariydesignerr'h'?ive Cllt off their area puts its own spm 1 6n the same style. chains and refuse to be slaves to trends. Growing up with a seamstress mother, According Ro Speight, fashion enthusi- Ceno got her hands on hundreds of fabric, ast and writer, peasant skirts are not ,the sgrap6 and 't'atched he_rmom for tips on only retro/modem look excilipg buyers. how •t9 make designer clothes for her Another fashion element that to the Barbies. past, but points to the futute is ¢a Safaai Qe,onna Lewis, fashion designer, grew loQk. The Jane Goodalf2at-work lodk is up with the same passion. She can't actually fashionable. remember when fashion was not a part of Speight said, "There are so many differ- her life. Just barely out of Geranimals, ent elements to the Safari look. The colors Lewis was making tailored outfits for herare exciting, lots of greens, browns and dark self and her friends greens almost the look of a rainforest."

Bridget Ceno, fashion designer, says that the 2002 spring collection has a few surprises. There are elements in this year's line that no fashion correspondents could have predicted. Fashion designers have raised a few eyebrows with their out-of-the-box lines.

The new lines offer lots of color and whites. The runways will show lots of chiffon, lightweight fabrics and pastel colors like pink, greens, blue and yellow with crazy strips. Designers were inspired by •

can translate her artistic passion into something that she enjoys to wear.

Lewis said, "My passion for art is just a need. It brings forth feelings that I knew I had, but I never wanted to confront or talk about. .I mean I can draw a picture and when I look back at it I know what was going on in my life at the time. My art is like a photo album or timeline."

Lewis said, "I started designing fashion when I was about 15-years-old. I always had an interest in drawing, but it was at this age that I started to observe the art of making clothes. I also found it hard to find clothes that fit me, and a lot of my girlfriends had the same problem, so I figured why not design and make clothes for myself."

Unlike many designers today, Lewis, a Cabrini College art student, is not worried about what the runway chatter in Milan and Paris reveals. Her main concern is how she

6 A&E Thursday, April 4, 2002

"Two Gentleman of Verona" was performed at Cabrini over two weekends in March in the Grace Hall Atrium, instead of in the tiny theatre space that has been provided for them to use. "Popcorn," the last play that was performed in the Red Clo~d Theatre, required less people, and all the players did not have to be on stage throughout the entire performance. When Shakespeare's plays were performed in late sixteenth century England, all the actors were on stage at all times, as was the case when a musical version of Shakespeare's "Two Gentleman of Verona" came to Cabrini. With "Two Gentleman of Verona," as a musical, more space than what is available in the "black-box" was needed for the orchestra, the actors and their audience.

"The thing that attracts students is the facilities. There is nothing for the student ambassadors to show," Neal Newman, theatre director, said. "Theatre is not on the tour."

First impressions are important to choosing a college, and the lack of facilities can be a tum-off to incoming students with an interest in theatre. "It's hard to get people to join the play when half the students don't even know that there is a theatre department," first year

Gentlemen of Verona ,

lights were rented from Stageworks, a company that rents and sells set and sound equipment for plays. "The abilities of the actors and actresses at Cabrini, by far, exceed the facilities available to them," Newman said.

During the five performances of "Two Gentleman of Verona," four sets of scaffolding and three spotlights lined the walls of the Atrium. The audience sat on pillows and folding chairs in the available space between the scaffolding. The lack of space cannot accommodate the audience that is interested in these performances. Past plays that have been performed at Cabrini and directed by Newman include "Popcorn," "As You Like It," and "Commedia."

The cast of "Two Gentlemen of Verona" celebrate after their successful performance. student, Ryan Norris said. There is an acting class offered at Cabrini, and students from this class sometimes try out for the plays performed by Cabrini's actors.

Newman and the players involved with ''Two Gentleman of Verona," began practicing for the play at the beginning of the spring 2002 semester. They had to practice in the black-box theatre some nights because it was hard to reserve the Atrium for so many evenings. Along with the lack of

space for performing and rehearsing, there is a lack of space for costumes, which have to be rented or bought for each performance.

''There's talent, but with talent you need a theatre. Without a theatre there is no 'show,"' Norris said. According to Newman, the play could have ran for a few more weekends, however, since they did not have enough space in the theatre, they had to use Grace Hall's Atrium which is used by other groups for other things. This

makes it hard to book the room for a long period of time, and this causes problems for those who would have liked to see this and other performances at Cabrini. Another drawback with the lack of space and having to use the Atrium as a make-shift theatre, was that the crew had to breakdown as well as put up the set and sound equipment each night the play was performed. The set consisted of four sets of scaffolding and three spotlights. The spot-

Neal Newman said, "I enjoy directing plays that cover strong themes that are being addressed in society. "Two Gentlemen of Verona" was the first musical performed by all Cabrini College students

Prior acting experience is not needed to be a part of the plays here at Cabrini, according to Newman. "If you want to be in a play we will be happy to bring you to performance level," he said. Newman would not •reveal the name of the next production at Cabrini, however, more is on the way in the fall, space or no space.

Oscars create Hollywood history

The 74th annual Academy Awards ceremony was held in Hollywood, California for the first time in 42 years. It was a night filled with tension and left many of the nominees on the edge of their seat, waiting to see who won the movie industry's most prestigious awards.

"Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring" lead the nominations with 13. Other heavily nominated films included "A Beautiful Mind," "Moulin Rouge" and "Pearl Harbor."

History was made when Halle Berry became the first black actress to earn an Oscar for her performance in "Monster's Ball." Berry's speech was full of emotion and tears. "Oh, my God," Berry said.

''This moment is so much bigger than me. This moment is for Dorothy Danbridge, Lena Horne, Diahann Carroll. It's for every nameless, faceless woman of color who now has the chance because this door tonight has been opened."

Denzel Washington won best actor for his role in the movie ''Training Day." Washington is the

second African-American in history to win best actor. The only other was Sidney Poitier, who received the best-actor Oscar for 1964's "Lilies of the Field."

Poitier received a career-achievement award the very same night. "Two birds in one night," joked Washington. "Forty years I've been chasing Sidney. They finally give it to me and they give it to him the same night," he said. Best supporting actor and actress went to performers who played altruistic spouses in their movies. Jim Broadbent won for his role as a husband who tended to novelist Iris Murdoch, who died

of Alzheimer's disease, in "Iris."

Jennifer Connelly took home an Oscar for her portrayal as the steadfast wife of the Nobel-Prize winning mathematician John Nash in "A Beautiful Mind."

"A Beautiful Mind" won an Oscar for best screenplay based on material previously produced or published:

Many felt that "Lord of the Rings" should have won. "Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings," did however, walk away with four awards of its own, including: best cinematography, best make-up, best visual effects, and best original score.

After a two-year hiatus from hosting the awards, Whoopie Goldberg returned to host the ceremony. The actress-comedian made a surprise entrance, flying in from the ceiling on a trapeze, dressed in an outfit that resembled the award-winning costumes used in "Moulin Rouge."

Changes were made at this year's Oscars that may forever change the shape of the awards ceremonies and the future winners. . With new winners etched in the record books, countless memories were made that night that will be cherished for many year~_.

A&E 7
photo by Jen Dalvano
' '

It's Showtime

A transformation occurs as the bright glimmering lights focus on you as you step onto the stage. It's opening night, the house is full and the attention of all is on you. Oh the pressure, what if I forget my lines? What if I miss my cue? These thoughts run through the mind of many actors and actresses as the attempt to show their work to an audience.

Nowadays the desire to be an actor/actress is still high, while the salary is still low. For one to dedicate themselves to such a vigorous extracurricular activity or to commit themselves to a poor life as an actor/actress the heart and soul must be full of passion to entertain audience and to be willing to transform or portray themselves as many characters.

First things first, you have the auditions. Tons of people going out for the same part, and you think to yourself what do I have to offer? Then they call your name, you get up on the stage, and you give it all you have. You make them see that NO ONE else could possibly play a part as wonderful, or as perfect as you could. You show them that you are the most confident, most talented and most charismatic person

that they have ever seen before, even though they've already heard your audition song 10 times. Finally, you're finished, they say thank you. Then you wait, you wait till the lists are posted and see where your name falls upon the list.

It's posted. You look. You smile. You made it.

Crunch week is here. The make-up and costumes are worn, and the true transformation has taken place, you are no longer you, you are your character. You go through these rehearsals as though 100 of the most important people in the world are there to see you, you give it your all, put your whole self into it. You feel drained The play starts to overcome your life. As opening day nears your begin to see that it is slowly but surely coming together. The show is actually making sense.

Opening night is finally here! All of a sudden your nerves start to take over. This is it. All of my hard work, all these hours, all the times spent rehearsing, and now it's here. You're 9vertaken by mixed emotions. You are glad that the show is here, but sad because you know eventually the show will have to come to an end.

As the closing music plays and you go out for your bow, the crowd goes wild. You're proud of yourself, or should I say, you're proud of your character.

Haute Stuff

Just up the street, hidden in a row of stores sits a little treasure. Across from the Blockbuster Video at 238 Lancaster Avenue, in Wayne sits a wonderful shop called Plush. As you walk into the women's clothes and apparel store, the owner and her good friend Penelope greet you with a smile. Penelope is a black Labrador, but do not worry, there is nothing to be scared of, Penelope is very friendly. The owner is a lovely woman who is very attentive and helpful as you browse and try on different selections throughout the store.


bv Jill C. Hindman

JCH: What is cami

features editor

Imagine waking up everyday going to a few classes and then hitting the beach with your board. That is the life of Cabrini junior, Pasquale Bocchicchio, who is studying abroad this semester in Qu~nsland, Australia. He shares his experience at Bond University and his life as an Aussie on the Gold Coast.

Jill C. Hindman: What made you choose Australia?

Pasquale Bocchicchio: I went to California and friends told me they were studying in Aussie. I was originally planning on going to Italy.

JCH: Do you find the classes more challenging?

PB: Some of the classes are tough, but I do not find it as stressful as Cabrini.·

JCH: How do you feel about being in another country after the events of Sept. 11?

Do you have somewhere special to go to and do not want to be bothered by the helter-skelter of malls? Plush would be perfect for you. There is rarely more than five people in the store at once, so you can experience a pleasant day of shopping without the hassles of lines and salespeople who will not pay attention to you.

livered from the major designers of New York City. All of the belts, sweaters, pants, suits, dresses, skirts, handbags, blouses, necklaces, bracelets, and everything else that the store offers are of the highest quality.

PB: I feel as nothing is going on at home, but since I am here for the year I have seen changes in the incoming students of this semester. They all seem a little more laid back than the group that I came with.

PB: Very chill and tl thing to do. People a they are at Cabrini. If beer that is fine as Ion can have one with you.

JCH: What is the ,

PB: The weather is

JCH: Have you Sept. 11? Were the tions that abroad stu«l ed to follow? What wi rience like?

PB: I do not really found that from time t< tle bro, but not being he September 5, so everyt

JCH: What part o in? Describe the atmc rounding city and to'1

PB: I am on the ( tralia. It is the state of i mosphere here is that u ly work and the attitu The weather is always , are very happy. All about is what you are what your life is going is great and the beache truly paradise away fro

The store displays many famous brand names of clothes designers, trendy purses and bags, delightful jewelry and fantastic gifts. The size of the store, which is very small, does not reflect on the comfort and quality of the items available to customers.

If you are looking for a gift for a friend or family member, look no further. Plush on Lancaster Avenue will probably have what you are looking for. Some of the articles are a bit pricey for us college students, but you can easily find less expensive items at

Many of the things available are de-

The next time you are driving along Lancaster Avenue, drop in to Plush and see for yourselves the friendly service and incredible merchandise availthis store. Plush provides all of the up and coming trends without the hassle o the mall.

JCH: Do you find yourself speaking like an Aussie?

PB: No, I do not find myself speaking like an Aussie, but others say I have and others think I am crazy when I tell them that I have picked up the accent. so I do not know. You will have to tell me when I return I suppose.

JCH: What process did you have to go through in order to study abroad? Did you go through Beaver College? Was it complicated or pretty much the same as regular enrollment?

PB: Tons of paper work, that is all I can say other "".iseI could write forever. Yes, I went through Beaver and they were very helpful. I found it to be complicated.but great things aren't easy.

JCH: Are you Id coming back or do : were staying?

PB: I am looking f< family, but like I said I home. I have met a lot if I had a choice I thin want to do other thing start to my traveling e; not mind !llaking this older days.

JCH: Is the food d is your favorite new i PB: The food is di1 not mean that it is al American food. I m good day of surfing t will hit the spot. Othe

Thursday, April 4, 2002
• • • Dowti

s life like?

Land.• • A Final Farewell

e is always some1't as stressed as ,u want to have a is the RD or RA

dher like? vays wann.

wn home since certain precauts were instruct:heairport expe1sshome. I have me I miss the lit!. I flew in on the 1gwas normal.

,ustralia are you here in the surd Coast of Aus~ensland. The athich people bareis "no worries."

m and the people u have to worry ,ing that day, not be like. The surf re beautiful. It is home.

ing forward to 1 wish that you

·ard to seeing the ore l do not miss great people and would stay, but I This was only a riences. I would y Florida in my :rent, if so, what I? ent but that does ood. I miss the say that after a a nice meat pie an that they have

a lot of Asian style food.

JCH: What university are you studying at?

PB: Bond University. AK.A Bond Uni.

JCH: What is your major?

PB: Finance.

JCH: Do you find that the programs (educational) are better?

PB: I don't know. I like school at home much more for education.

JCH: What are the dorms like? Do you live on campus or off?

PB: I live on and they are like hotel rooms and that does include house keeping once a week.

JCH: What do you do for fun?

PB: Surf and party, other then that travel to do it as well.

JCH: Have any of you friends visited? If so, what was their impression?

PB: Yes, one friend came down and she wants to study abroad. We shall see!!

JCH: Do you have any advice for anyone who is considering traveling abroad?

PB: DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JCH: Do you plan on going back there?

PB: Maybe, I want to see so many other places it would not be for a long time.

JCH: If you could do it over again, would you choose the same place or somewhere else?

PB: I would choose here. I think that it was perfect for my mentality at the time I came abroad.

JCH: Anything that you'd like to say to your friends back at Cabrini?

PB: How's it going everyone, I hope all you kids are chillin' and keeping things on lockdown. I will see you in May, yea that is for maybe see you.

The semester is coming to an end and while there are passing conversations of what classes everyone is taking next semester or what they can't get in, seniors are ready to sign up for life education rather than another semester.

The Loquitur is giving seniors the opportunity to have their last say. Right now the vibe is "I can't wait to get out of here," however there is always a soft spot for those things that will be missed, the people that have touched the lives of others and the good times had.

Here .are four seniors that have given their last will and testament, had their last say or just said goodbye:

My time at Cabrini is coming to a brisk end, but the memories and experiences I have had will last a lifetime. Haven, Kit, Maria, Brian Fry, Ryan, Merion, Craig - Thanks for making this year great and giving me great Cabrini memories. Such as exploring the campus for fun, sleepovers, Wawa runs, weekend movies on the big screen, road trips, video editing, radio shows, ultinlate Frisbee (girls won), video games, foot prints, the play, free dinners, naps in the com lounge, and just hanging out. Thank you guys for always being willing to go play ... anytime.

I am really going to miss the college life in general. Waking up at 12 pm and staying up all night and drinking beers. My friends and foes will be remembered to the full extent. I would like to leave the mean green to Little Nicky Marks. To all that have a few more years to graduate, better you than me.

me become who I am. It's funny how when living in the moment I always was excited for what was next. Like, what's going to happen at the next party, or what about next year? Now, I feel like I'm looking back and wishing I were there. There are so many things I have learned, and I'm not just talking about in the classroom. I'm- talking about the people I have met. Never have I ever met people quite like Philly people, they are truly a crazy breed. I also learned how to share a room with

what's going on around campus. Even though I always complained that the food sucked so badly, I'm going to miss that crap. I'm going to miss just • hanging out with my boys in my room, complaining that we've got nothing to do and wondering what we'll do on the weekend. Sleeping in till noon everyday, not having to worry about parents complaining and when I've got to be in by. These are just a couple of other things I'm going to miss. Going to watch the guys lacrosse games, basket-

I don't really remember when I actually started to like Cabrini but when I look back, all I !rave are great memories. Well of course there all a lot of bad ones too. As bad as some of those moments were, I don't regret having them. I think they have helped

With a little more than a month left until they receive their key to the "real world, • the seniors look back to what they will miss most about their days at good ole' Cabrini College.

another person or two or SIX! Easier said than done. I learned how to become more independent. I have learned the true value of friendship and have found some of those friends in the strangest of ways. I have also learned that all of these experiences we find everyday, as minor as they may be, have made me ready to move on.

As scared as I am, I look forward to what is to come after May 19th.

Mike Demarest

It's hard to believe that graduation is a month away and I'll be going into the real world. Graduation seemed so far away, but now it's almost here and I'm trying to suck in as much as I can.

It's not really going to be the bars, or clubs thatl'm going miss the most. It's going be the sinlple things. Simple things like going to the caf for lunch, seeing everyone and talking about

ball games and, of course, the girls field hokey and lacrosse games. After all these years Cabrini wasn't as bad as all of us think it is. I know one thing though, I'm sure has hell am not going to miss Public Safety and all their damn tickets. And I'm not going to miss all the power tripping RAs and RDs. Not Shayla though, she's the best! Most importantly, I'm going to miss all the great friends I've made here. I know I'll talk to them, but it's just not going to be the same. I'm going to miss the great time I had here but I'll always have the memories.

(Seniors - If you would like to say your last words please e-mail the Loquitur at theloquitur@hotmail.com attn: Dilworth.)

Loquitur FEATURES 9 l
Genevieve Lamb

Cont~nue to grow with SEM 300

The essentials of life cannot be learned in a classroom. Book smarts do not mean much in many real-life situations, it is up to experience and education learned outside of the classroom that prepares people for life.

Cabrini, realizing that fact, devised the SEM 300 course. The class, usually taken as an upper-classman, plac~s its students in a wide variety of environments from teaching under-privileged children to volunteering in a soup kitchen.

If you can remember your days as a freshman at Cabrini you will undoubtedly remember Cabrini's Day of Service. Besides orientation, it is probably the first moment of your college life that stands out. As years pass by, however, it is easy to let the lessons you learned on that day start to fade away. With SEM 300, you are not only reminded of that day and the lessons you learned, you are expanding them.

On page 1 Sharvon Urbanavage goes in depth with the SEM 300 experience.

Loquitur Irrelevant?

Typically Loquitur does not respond to our Letters to the Editor, today however, is different. The letter by Neal Newman, appears on page 11, if you haven't read it yet, do so now. If you have, please continue.

Loquitur does apologize for its lack of coverage of the men's basketball PAC championship and also for our tardiness in publishing a review of Cabrini's play "Two Gentleman of Verona.,, While there is no point in coming up with excuses for that, we can only promise to do better next time.

However, we do feel that Mr. Newman's comment about us being "irrelevant,, and nothing more than a "throw away magazine,, are without justification. Loquitur has been and continues to be a prominent source of information for students and faculty alike. IfLoquitur were irrelevant as Mr. Newman said, how does that explain Loquitur's increased readership in both print and on-line?

We are all entitled to our opinions and that includes Mr. Newman. Please take a minute, if you have it, and share your opinions on the matter with us at TbeLoquitur@hotmail.com.

The editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.

I'm all grown up now and about to be a college graduate. Uh oh! Am I the only one panicking?

This better not mean I'm supposed to be an adult now. My parents are adults. Our professors are adults. People who know things are adults. I don't know anything about anything. I can't change a tire. I can't even balance my checkbook. Adults are supposed to be smart, capable people. I'm an idiot. I have a hard time understanding my phone bill. That doesn't say much for intelligence or capability.

I'm still a kid. I'm not ashamed to admit I still love coloring books and cartoons from time to time. I'm totally irresponsible. Just ask my mom.

Of course, a major concern I have about graduating is the job hunt. Could we be graduating at a worse time? I have this terrible fear that I won't find a job. Hopefully, at our 10-year reunion I won't be living in a cardboard box in Center City. Hopefully, at our ten-year reunion I won't still be dependent on my parents.

I'm not the only one afraid. I know a lot of people who fear the

Commentaries and letters to the editor may be submitted by the entire Cabrini campus community to Theloquitur @hotmall.com or The Loquitur

610 King of Prussia Road Radnor, Pa. 19087

•Requirements: Names will not be withheld from letters and a phone number must be provided.

student loan monster who is going to appear pretty soon to drain their bank accounts and keep them up at nights with terrible nightmares of poverty and debt.

JAnd let's not forget about our high school graduation and the friends we'd have "forever." Do you talk to any of those people anymore? I don't. For all you know, in 10 years, your best friend from high school and your best friend from college could be living in the same place - oblivion.

All of these things and a million other little things make graduating seem less and less appealing.

Obviously, graduating was the whole point of this college experience. I didn't come here to keep coming back every fall for decades. Who could possibly afford those student loans? But now that graduation is looming ahead, I feel this deep, gut instinct to just run in the opposite direction.

I'm not ready yet I don't know enough yet. I'm not mature enough yet.

And while I sit here and complain, it's only getting closer and closer and closer. All of the trappings of graduation are surrounding us. Senior pictures. Senior dinner. Career fairs.

Every passing event brings the inevitable closer.

Every passing event brings me

closer to a breakdown. I'm not going to find a job. I don't know what to do. What am I going to be when I grow up?

Over Easter break, my brother, sister and I were discussing college. I said I went to college to get an education. My brother said, "I went to college to get a job. What are you going to do after you graduate?"

Once again, for about the hundredth time, to the millionth person, I have to explain that communications is indeed a real major and (although I'm not too sure, I say) will lead to an actual job. But everything I tell him, I doubt.

It's just around the corner and it's not going away unless I fail a couple of classes, which I think in the end would lead to more problems than actually solve anything so I think I'll just have to pass.

Parents, family, siblings, friends, acquaintances and people I barely know, who for some reason feel they have some kind of invested interest in my life, keep tossing excitement about my graduation around like confetti but I simply don't want to hear it. I smile sweetly. I thank them for their support. And in my head, I scream.

Because, in case you haven't figured it out by now, I don't want to graduate.

The Loquitur

10 PERSPECTIVES Thursday, April 4, 2002
Graduation is near and future is scary
Editors Editor In chief: M••agi•& edltor: ,ews tditon: Sports edllor: A&E edllor: Penpectlvn editor: Feat•res editor: P~otograpby edllor: Web editor: Advistr: MJChaelA. Ka7.anjian ReneeTomcanin Beth Ann Cooahan amAmy Gassen Tracy Timson Gen Lynn Utler Rmee DiPietro Jill C. Hindman Justine DiFilippo Charles ui Coum Dr. Jerry Zurek Staff Photographers Mike Baggiano Bemadett Hazel Loren Burton Ja,mc Knobler Trevor Daniels Charles ui CO\Ute IGt Dewey $:eve Neild Mike Dotzman Ryan Norris Rose 'vlaric Gonzalez Alicia Perry Tom Grosse Enn Smith Nat Hamilton Tara Taylor Jen Smith KJ,ue Reing Loqultur is established as a forum for stu• dent expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discus• sion of Issues. Slaff Wrilen Kenneth Baumbach Lisa Broornall MariaChambers Colleen Connor Vincent Defruscio Catherine Dilworth Mehssa Modcs!J Ryan Mulloy Leanne Pantone Gina Roswell Karen Schweizer Jeo Smith Jennifer Dalvano Alexis Strizzicrc Kelly Finlan Cheryl Tranchitella Catharine Hemson Lucy Trugho Eugene Iacovelli Sharvon Urt>annavage Shannon King Cheryl Wagstaff Ri~hard Magda Paul Williams Tanya McCausland Loquihlr is a labcratory newspopcr written. c<hted and produced by students registeffldin COM 346.350, 351, 353 and 354. Mcmben of the campus community ITC invited to WOff.on or submit stories for prirtL Only students regi.na«I ,n the abo,,e clasxs. an:eligible to re<:eJVe academic credit Subscnption price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured in twl1on and fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be ,igned andthe authonhip known to the editors. Na.mesare withheld only in unusual circumstances approved by the oc:htorin chjcf_ Letters to the editor should be subm,t~d by nooc, on Mondays. lnd1v1dual cop,cs of the Loqwtur can be purchased for ooe dollar.

Malibu mansion and reality TV

He is single, successful and living in a beachfront Malibu mansion with various beautiful women who are "c"andidates"for his heart. After a couple of weeks he's going to pop the big question to one of the women and they just might live happily-ever-after. I want to know who in the world buys into this junk!

Why is there such a category as reality TV? "The Bachelor" is what I am referring to, which is the newest show to this bunch of crap television.

At the end of episode one, the 25 beauties lined up and Alex, the bachelor, handed out 15 roses to the women who had made it to the

next round. How romantic.

How real. Can I puke now or should I wait for a more moving episode? How could anyone ever find love in a conditioned environment with a time limit? It's not as easy as picking your favorite color. This show is such a step backwards for mankind.

If this is reality, when do .I get my show to find Mr. Right? When do you?

"The Bachelor," "Fear Factor,'' "Survivor" and all of the other corny hand-and-hand reality shows are not real. Yummy undeveloped ducklings have never been my breakfast choice for the day and neither will fishing through a pile of maggots for chicken feet with my teeth. Once again, which step is evolution moving in?

Alright, I know, I sound a little crazy. I take some of it back now.

Letter to the editor

These shows can be fun too. I guess "The Bachelor" is just riot my. favorite. I had a bone to pick with it. I'm done now. Like anything in the media, if you don't like it, don't watch it. If you don't agree with it, more power to you. Not everyone has to buy into trash TV; we all probably have had our own favorite reality show.

I watched the "Real World" and "Road Rules" on MTV when I was in high school. Now "The Osbournes" are the hit and nothing beats catching an episode of "Cribs" where you get a personal tour through a celebrity's house. So these reality shows do have their good sides. Some people are enjoying them, gossiping about them and laughing at them. I just wish they were presented for what they truly are- entertainment. If you want to watch reality TV, turn on CNN.

Stuck in paradise, re~lly stuck

"Alright, now I'm going to push. All I want you to do is slowly accelerate on the gas. Don't floor it!" I said this to my girlfriend, Kelly, as I rolled up my sleeves to push my ton-something Buick. Of course her Dodge Neon is no match for my car, and she poorly misjudged its power.

"Stop, stop, stop!" I yelled as I cleared chunks of sand from my eyes to see my car steadily sinking into the damn sand.

It was about 65 degrees out and I decided to wear shorts and a tee shirt. Kelly called and asked about taking a day trip to Sea Isle. I thought it would be cool since it was a Friday and we both bad off.

We drove down with little trouble and arrived in Sea Isle in less

Loquiturfails to preformthe dutiesof a schoolnewspaper

I am delighted to report that Cabrini's basketball team did spectacularly in the NCAA tournament and won the PAC. I am equally delighted to report that Cabrini's theater production of "Two Gentlemen of Verona" was a smash, packing the atrium to the walls, making it one of the most popular productions in the College's history. But this article isn't about that. It is about the fact that Loquitur was unaware that all of this was going on. That is a fiasco for the campus newspaper.

with photos, on the band U2, an overview of the Ozzie Osborne television show and a press release about (insult to injury?) a Shakespeare play produced miles away in Center City. The quality of these articles is not in question. I enjoy reading all arts news, but when I want that kind of reading, I tum to Rolling Stone and TV Guide. They do it better. And why not?

than an hour and a half.

We decided to walk on the beach, but it was not as warm along the ocean as it was back in Philly. So we retreated to the car and sat and watched the ocean.

About 30 minutes later a strange guy was walking around the car complaining about something, but since I have not been able to master hearing through car windows, who knows what he was babbling about. It freaked Kelly out and she said she wanted to go. I suggested we cruise along the beach. A car had jetted by us earlier and that's where I got that idea.

"Joe, don't drive on the beach. You'll get stuck in the sand." To which I replied "Oh come on. Let's just see what happens. Plus what about that shady guy?"

Of course Kelly said no, and that was good enough for me. I started the engine and noticed a black cat dart out from under the car. I figured that was what the

You can read all

shady guy was talking about I asked Kelly where she wanted to go to eat. She then turned to me and said "Fine. Drive on the beach.''.And I did. I circled around a few times and was getting nervous about my tires sliding through the sand. I was ready to make my way back up the hill to the road. I got stuck.

The entire body of the Buick was resting on the sand. The tires were completely buried. I lost it (Note to those without four-wheel drive: keep your cars off the beach and stay away from Daytona.)

It took almost an hour for a tow service to come and rescue us. I'm just going to say that he wasn't the brightest. Not to mention that the tow truck started falling down the incline as it was trying to pull my car.

Nearly $250 later, I was on my way home. Now, three weeks later, I am still plagued by the sounds of sand whisping through my engine.

online and electronically interact with the writers and a community mes~ge board to voice your opinions of

I mention our successes only so that we cannot be accused of artistic failure or "sour grapes." The team succeeded without Loquitur coverage and so did the musical. You say the fine arts are irrelevant to our society? We are not irrelevant, Loquituryou are.

Why do I care enough to write this, especially since I have no need of your publicity?

Because Cabrini College is a community in which we work together to perform service. I (and most of the college's faculty and staff) could earn far more money and acclaim by professionally performing the skills we teach our students. But we stay because we believe that the Cabrini student is the key to tomorrow's future.

Cabrini graduates not only enter the job market with the outstanding professional skills needed to make a fine living, but with the knowledge and the duty to use those skills to make the world a better place. It's a promise we made to Mother Cabrini when we signed on, and we must demand the best of everyone. That includes the Loquitur.

What did the Loquitur readers, students, administrators, alums, and online visitors, get instead of a pre'fiew article of our unusual Shakespeare musical and a well thought out critical review? A very long article,

Their reporters are on the scene attacking the news before and as it happens. They go to Ozzie's house and bother him. It's their beat. And do you know what? When Loquitur is on the scene covering its beat, nobody does it better. A quick examination of the issues of semesters past reveals an exciting, passionate journalistic service to our community. This is a far cry from our current throwaway magazine.

As for the editorial praising the basketball team after an alumni complaint? Shame on you. You make our newspaper an "OLDSpaper."

Loquitur has power. Many times I hear from students who attended the play because the preview article make it sound interesting. They tell me that the experience opened whole new, unexpected worlds to them. You can reach the disaffected Cabrini student.

I look ahead. Soon the newspaper will choose a new staff. I hope the selection process will return Loquitur to its former position of fine community service. To the new staff: See you at the game. Or the play. Or where the next exciting thing is happening. Be proud to be here.

Come check out the Loquitur online! praise or
- U Also,
can participate in the
weekly poll.
the stories
dismay. www.theloquitur.com
Send letters to: The Loquitur Neal Newman theater director 610 King of Prussia Road Radnor, Pa. 19087 or - - - --.,,,;;.: --- - - -~.- - -, TbeLoquitur@hotmail.com ·--· -""1..:-:...:-..:-::....:::-..:-:...:..-...:.=,....;;_;;;...::..;;;.,.=-..:-=-=--=-=--=-=-:..;;;...:.•.;;..·_-:......:--=...=.-.=.;-=-=-:....=;...=.-..:-::....::..-...:·'--'-:...'_,J ..

HollYwood's Halle Berry stirs up different reactions

Hollywood makes me sick. Every year, for 74 years, tbe "elite" actors and actresses, producers and directors ("stars") of Hollywood get together to pat them~elves on the back. In reality, these groups of insecure, overpaid nimrods need such an occasion to reassure themselves that what they are doing is actually worthwhile.

Now, if you are the theater type, relax. I understand the necessity of the arts. In fact, I support the arts. I do not however, support people making millions upon millions of dollars to get in front of a camera and whore themselves out to the world. Meanwhile, doctors, who actually benefit society, are making far less; but I digress.

Please forgive me if I did not shed a tear for Halle Berry and her award. There is nothing moving about a woman, half-naked and babbling, thinking that she has just shattered the world. To be perfectly frank, I was disgusted by her acceptance speech. Berry, who suddenly cannot seem to keep her top on, thinks that she is in the same league as Dorothy Dandridge, Lena Home and Diahann Carroll. Berry noted during her speech, "this moment is bigger than me." She also said that her winning was for, "every nameless, faceless woman of color that now has a chance because the door tonight has been opened."

Please do not misconstrue what I am about to say as being racially insensitive, because I do not mean it to be. However... WHO EVER WON AN AWARD FOR ME?

Apparently, my olive-skin complexion is not colorful enough to be mentioned in Berry's acceptance speech. Suddenly I am not colorful enough - I suppose I am blank. If Robert DeNiro stood up and proclaimed,"This award is for all the plain-looking'white' people," he would be called a racist.

The bottomline is this: please

do not bash me over my head with your politics, creed, gender or race. Halle Berry will probably say things like, "I do not want to be known as a 'black actress,"' yet, when she "finally" wins an award, the first thing she does is mention how she is "of color." I did not even know that she was the first African-American woman of color (insert any other politically correct terrn) to win in that category.

Instead of getting our priorities straight in a post-9/11 nation, we are allowing petty, topical differences to protrude through the cracks. It is t;ime that our society addresses issues of race instead of flaunting them, and in Halle Berry's case, exploiting them for her own good. Berry has gotten more publicity for this "historic" award than she got for her hit-andrun accident, in which she left the scene of an accident she committed' and injured an innocent person. I am sure her price to star in movies will skyrocket. Her house will get bigger; she will probably buy a bigger car that she can use to run people down in.

As I see it, the only reason Halle Berry won was because of her color. She is taking away from any talent that she may have shown in "Monster's Ball." I think that the Academy is feeling pressure to diversify its inductees. Now, instead of judging actors, actresses, directors, producers, etc. by their skills and merit, we are awarding the_mbased on their race.

Whoopi Goldberg hosted and was good, in fact, surprisingly funny. Denzel Washington won for "Training Day," and deservedly so. However, when Sidney Poitier was given a "lifetime achievement award," the only people used to acknowledge his career were African American actors. Is that to say that Tom Hanks or Russell Crowe were not inspired by Poitier? Is Julia Roberts, last year's recipient of best actress, not as good as Berry because she is 'white'?

Please, someone explain this to me. Feel free to come up to me and let me know, I am not hard to find - I am the 'white' guy on campus.

I watched the 74th annual Academy Awards anticipating the best actor and actress categories. However I woke up 4:30 a.m., realizing that I had missed it. I jumped up, turned on my computer and logged onto AOL to see their homepage with the headline "Berry and Washington make history." In an excited frenzy, I bounced around my room basking in the moment.

Why was I so personally excited? I don't know either Halle Berry or Denzel Washington and truthfully, I didn't see "Monster's Ball" or "Training Day." However, I knew that this was a historical moment for two extremely talented AfricanAmerican performers.

My counterpart's statement about Berry not being able to keep her top on is one of the main facts that disturbs me most about her receiving this award. It disgraces me as a black female that it took Berry revealing her body to be recognized by the Academy. This is an actress that has had outstanding performances in many films for many years and has been overlooked for all of those performances, as with Washington.

If Berry did win, solely on the basis of her color then so be it. It will probably be another 74 years before another black actress or actor receives an award from the Academy. This "token" is what is necessary to inspire young actresses of color and prevent them from being discouraged from pursuing a career in the industry.

I am disappointed in my counterpoint for not even being aware that a woman of color has never won in this category. If this topic was so-called "pressure" on the Academy to diversify its inductees, then maybe the Academy should take a step back and look at the majority of their inductees. This country becomes more and more diversified as each day passes. Why isn't this diversificationreflectedin Hollywood?

As for Robert DeNiro not accepting any awards on behalf of the "plain looking 'white' people," that sounds like a personal problem. Berry's statement wasn't about excluding other races, but was recognizing the many black actresses before her and amongst her who have gone through the same struggle. She could have very well gotten on that stage and thanked herself and not have bothered to acknowledge anyone else, but she didn't.

Maybe I come from this viewpoint because I am a black female who understands what it is like to work hard and be overlooked on the basis of race. I try to view all subject matter involving race from both sides of the argument, but Back an understanding of the other side of this one. I just cannot grasp how anyone could feel as though Berry is exploiting her race to benefit herself. This is a biracial woman whose white mother raised her to be proud of her black heritage.

I also feel that using black actors and actresses to comment on the "lifetime achievement award" received by Sidney Poitier had a greater impact than if it had also included white performers. It not only showed the many established black performers in the industry (mostly whom you have never seen among the annual list of nominees) but shows how this one man opened up the industry for many black performers to obtain non-stereotypical roles. ff it were not for this man, the portrayal of African-Americans in film today may not be what it is.

Berry's award win was an event that affected the entire film industry. I am shocked that the main people whom I have heard making it a race issue have been white people. I have gotten two impressions from such statements. Either society has a long way to progress in the ways of racial acceptance or that the 'white' industry fears that the black performers are going to start taking "their" awards.

If someone _ would like to explain this one to me, you may feel free also. I won't be difficult to find either - I am the black girl hangingwithVmce DeFruscio.

"'r 12 ---------PERSPECTIVES Thursday, April 4, 2002
Vince is fed up with the Hollywood awards to the 'stars' ************
Sharvon isdisappointed by the reactionto this year's Academy Awards

Penn Relays run into Philly at the end of April

The 2002 Penn Relays, the oldest and largest relay carnival in the world, is right around the corner. This year the Penn Relays ·is ce~ebrating its 108th running on Thursday, April 25, Friday, April 26 and Saturday, April 27.

The relays always fall on the last weekend of April with this year being no different. Talented athletes from local schools, the region, state and other countries will be competing in the track and field events, as well as special events that are conducted every year.

The popularity of the Penn Relays has grown with age. Last year over 48,000 people packed

into the stands for the final day of the relays. The city markets and parking lots surrounding Franklin Field were mobbed by the crowds of fans and competitors. All over University of Pennsylvania's campus, relay teams were spotted as they warmed up for their events

Last year, Olympic champion runner Michael Johnson, the five-time Olympic gold medallist, nine-time World Championship gold medalist and 200 and 400 meter world record-holder was given a standing ovation after helping the U.S. team finished at 2 minutes, 58.60 seconds in the 4x 400 meter relay. It was his last race at the relays.

Johnson retired at the end of the season. Chants of "USA"

Boot Camp class at Dixon Center

could be heard in unison throughout the entire arena when Johnson jogged his last victory lap waving to his audience with a grin.

This year athletes of all kind, from grade school to Olympic competitors, will be striving for the same excitement and success of breaking old records and setting new ones.

To purchase tickets for the carnival before the opening contact the University of Pennsylvania's athletics ticket office at (215) 898-6151. Tickets may also be purchased at the gates.

On Thursdays, for those who enjoy a good workout, a new fitness class has been added to the schedule in the Dix-on Center called "Boot Camp." Instructed by Tracy Greenwood,fitness director, this class is held from 4:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the Dixon Center aerobics room.

This 30-rninute strength and agility training session for the upper and lower body consists of a fast-paced workout, using only one's body weight. ''Boot Camp" is intended to parallel a military boot camp, though it is, obviously, not as intense. Those who participate do push ups. sit ups. relay races and

lunges, among other types of exercises. "I love it!" Shayla Hasic-Stamps, Assistant Director of Residence Life, said. Participants .arenot only getting a good workout, they have someone there to push them to do the work. Greenwood, herself, parallels a type of drill sergeant, urging her class to push themselves to the limit to achieve personal success.

"She's great," Hasic-Stamps said. "She's tough but that is the way she motivates the class. You want to keep going just to prove to her that you can do it."

For more information, call Greenwood at ext. 8318, or attend the class to see what it's all about

Loquitur SPORTS
'- - - - -- - - -·------

Day awarded .

On the road to victory Coachof the Year

With nicer weather on the horizon, everyone is looking for a good excuse to be outside instead of cooped up in front of a computer. What better excuse than to go watch the performance of the men's lacrosse team? With a 6-2 record as of Tuesday, the Cavaliers have had their work cut out for them, but they have proven themselves as a strong team who can get the job done.

"We're a young team this year. We have a lot of freshmen starters who have brought a lot to the table," Brandon Lawler, one of the captains of the team, said. Last year the team graduated seven senior starters, but now the team is looking stronger than ever.

After a shutout win of 23-0 over Misericordia March 23, and a victory over Shenandoah on Friday, where the finaJ.score was 22-7, the guys are aspiring to go to the NCAA tournament. "Our ultimate goal is to win the PAC and go to the NCAA tournament. This is the first year that we are allowed to go and we get an automatic bid if we win the PAC," Lawler said.

"We play Wesley on Saturday and we have a pretty good shot at winning. We beat them in the PAC last year to win the conference so we are going in to the game as the

• I defending champ."

Head Coach Steve Colfer said, "I think we have a well-balanced team. Both offense and defense are equally pretty good. We have a good group of guys even though we are a young team." Becoming champions, like most other things, comes with a price, however.

"Even though om season officially started on Jan. 28, it all starts back last summer with lifting and running in the off-season," Colfer said.

The team has a grueling practice schedule with practices from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. and again from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. everyday. They have kept up this rigorous training and have been weightlifting and running since Sept. Each practice consists of a cardiovascular workout, which includes a 2.2 mile run on campus in which each member of the team has to run and touch each of the three exits on campus, stretching, fundamentals and basic lacrosse drills. "The team scrimmages against each other and the whole practice has a kind of flow everyday," Colfer said.

With the majority of students complaining about how early their 8: 15 classes come around in the morning, the coaches probably hear a lot of whining and complaining about 6 a.m. practices right? According to Lawler, that is entirely not the case. "We actual-

ly look forward to practices and enjoy them. It gets to be a bit tedious sometimes, but we have a good time."

With all this practicing and classes to attend, when does anyone have time to study? 'There is a mandatory study hall from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on every Tuesday and Thursday night for all players whether they have a 2.0 or 4.0," Colfer. said.

Dedication is one word that describes the · team perfectly. Every year as friends and fellow classmates head to exotic locations for spring break, the men are stuck at Cabrini for practices, which they don't seem to mind so much. "This is the first year that we didn't have rookie initiation over spring break," Lawler said. This doesn't mean that the freshman are getting off easy this year, Lawler stresses that they just haven't had it yet.

With the PAC championship from last year waiting to be retained, the men's lacrosse team definitely shows that they are not slackers. With more wins than losses under their belts and one being a shutout, the possibilities of this team, although young, making it to the conference championship for a repeat, are pretty high.

Reggie Day, head coach of men's and women's tennis, knows that he is not much in the world of collegiate tennis without his players.

Although he is a respected coach with nearly 33 years of experience scattered throughout the United States, Day said, "I don't play a single point of the matches out there. I owe everything I have, every reward I've received, to my players. They win the games."

Throughout the past year, Day has received three Coach of the Year awards.

Last year, after the men's team earned a second straight Pennsylvania Athletic Conference championship, Day was awarded PAC coach of the year. "Because my men won the PAC, I won too last year. The players earned that one," Day said.

This past fall, Day and the women's team earned the 400th career victory in Day's career with a win against Villa Saint Julie. The 400 wins include wins as a high school coach and head coach of the Haverford College women's team, among other victories. Rewarded for his time and effort put in as a longtime tennis coach, Day was honored by being named

United States Tennis Association

Middle States Philadelphia Area Coach of the Year.

"Someone submitted my name to USTA in Middle States, and I won," Day said.

One of six coaches in the Middle States region to earn Coach of the Year last year, Day was automatically submitted to Middle States, which includes West Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, parts of Maryland and the southern region of New York. Day went on to win Coach of the Year for the entire Middle States region, which means that he is now in the hunt for USTA Coach of the Year. That award would name him the best tennis coach in the United States.

"This has all been a very humbling experience; a real honor," Day said. "I have been coaching for a while, and I still believe that a satisfied coach never knows then his contract expires. I'm very happy with my situation. But I'm a realist too. There is no way I will win USTA Coach of the Year."

Still managing modesty, Day is coming off of a winning season with the women's team last fall and is currently coaching the men, who are the favorites to win the PAC Championship for the third year in a row.





tike to see this year with intramurals and what has worked in the past.

~14~--------------------SPORTS~---------------Th_m_sd_ay_,A_p_ru_4_,_20_02 · · .
photo by Catharine Hernson The men's lacrosse team practice for the next game of the season.
offer opinions
what ybu

Former.player is now volleyball coach

The women's volleyball team will start next season with a new coach. Though Trish Arnold is not a new face for the team having her as coach will be different for the Cavalier's team. With high hopes after last year's poor record the team looks to the new coach for a change of attitude and to tum the season around.

Arnold is a recent Cabrini graduate and played on the volleyball team for four years, as captain for two of them. Though she just graduated she does have plenty of experience coaching. She coached high school teams for seven years; five seasons at her other alma mater O'Hara Catholic High School and five seasons at the Baldwin School.

Leaving high school will be strange for Arnold, "I'm sad to leave O'Hara because it's my alma mater and I'm going to miss a lot of players." To try and keep the O'Hara feeling Arnold is recruiting one player to come to Cabrini from the team she coached.

Get to know Anthony D'Aleo

there is still so much to learn." Arnold said.

The top goal Arnold has for next season is to recruit good players for the future. "Recruiting is essential to any winning program and that's been my top goal since I started," Arnold said. She has already recruited four players from around the country, two from Pa., one from N.J., and one from Conn.

The team knows what Arnold ,has been doing to improve the chances for next season. "Before Trish even applied for the job she was recruiting players from all over to help our struggling team. She had pure dedication to the tam that she had no involvement with anymore. I know that myself and the rest of the team plan to be very dedicated

to winning next year and I know that Trish will too." Strizzierre said.

"I think Trish can turn the team around, I really think her motivation and dedication will really help us out," Holland said

Q: How long have you been playing golf?

A: I have only been playing competitively for four years, this is my .._. going to be my fifth year. My friend Mike got me to play golf for junior year of high school.

Q: How many times can you bounce your ball on your club head?

A: Honestly, a few hundred times, but you get bored of it after a while. I did it to get through during a Jive NBClO broadcast.

Arnold is used to knowing her

team and next season will be no different, she played with three

the PAC tournament next year.

"I feel that Trish will not only help us to be a better team with conditioning and training, but also she will make us better people, not just athletes," Holland said.

Arnold's philosophy as a player was to give I 00% all the time, practice, conditioning and games. She expects the same attitude from her players. The team and the new coach want to have a winning season and make it to of the players during her time on the Cavalier's team. Arnold is not intimidated by this fact. "Both years I was captain so they seem me in the same r~spect, as a leader. Also I was an assistant coach last year so that was a nice stepping stone."

The team is looking forward to Arnold taking over as coach, "Trish is a natural leader, very hard work ethic, dedicated. Also very caring as a person," Teresa Holland, a sophomore player, said.

"It doesn't bother me," Alexis Strizzierre, junior captain, said. "Trish is a great volleyball player and I think she has potential to be a great coach. If I can learn something from her and improve my game then it doesn't bother me because Trish and I have been playing together for years."

Arnold hopes to help the team improve on their game, "mos~ people think that once you get out of high school you stop learning the game, but that is completely untrue. College is when you take your sport to the next level of the game, because

"I loved to play volleyball with Trish, she was a great athlete and I think she's going to be a great coach to play for. The women's volleyball program here at Cabrini is in desperate need of a turn around and I think Trish is the one to do it. As captain I most look forward to a winning season under Trish. And I'm not graduating until the team beats Eastern," Strizzierre said.

The team looks forward to havi~g an ex-player as a coach, especially Arnold. They looked up to her as a player and captain during her days on the team, and now can use her knowledge of the game to have a winning season.

Q: How well do you usually score?

A: My handicap is a 10. I usually shoot between 78-84. My lowest round was 77, five strokes over par.

Q: What do you like about the game?

A: I love my short game. I feel I have a great touch around the greens, just like fellow lefty Phil Mickelson.

Q: How do you like Cabrini's team?

A: I like our chances this year. I have seen Wesley's, the defending PAC champs, scores and they are good, but we can compete with them this year. Plus, we are only loosing one person to graduation.

Q: Golf really isn't the most popular sport at Cabrini, what can you say or do to excite the campus about the team?

A: It would be nice if we had a closer course, like St. David's Country Club, right next to campus instead of the 15 minute drive to Springford Country Club. And, I think a PAC title or two could help as well

Q: Last question, could you beat Tiger Woods?

A: Not even in my dreams, he still beats me at the Master's or the U.S. Open. It's not fair!

_Loq_ui_m________________ SPORTS------------------ 15 ~
photo by CatharineHernson Trish Arnold was hired as Cabrini's new vofleybafl coach. Arnold was formerly a player on t he team. photo by CatharineHernson Anthony D'Aleo. interview by Catharine Hernson

Women's lacrosse has big expectationsfor the season

Tl)is year, the lacrosse team is hoping to keep their momentum of recent years and take home another championship. In order to prepare for the season, Head Coach Jackie Neary had the team practicing at six in the morning twice a week."It was hard," sophomore team member Annmarie Smith said. "It was well worth it though. It got us conditioned so we weren't worried about that when we got to Florida."

"It was all a part of the spring training for the team," Neary said. "We started in January and it's all a matter of the availability of the team."

Recently, the Lady Cavaliers took a trip to a camp run by the Ursinus alumni in Florida. Neary, who was coached at Temple by Ursinus' coach, took the team to help prepare them for the season.

Smith describes the trip as simply "awesome" and feels the trip as a success for the team. "The weather wasn't always up to par, but we had a great time on and off the field," Smith said. "We played with different coaches, which gave us a variety of news skills that we have put into our skill as a team." Coach Neary feels the trip was a major plus for the team, allowing them to be coached by a professional and having new strategies to implement into their work this year. thurs fri 4 5

• Health fair, 11 • First- Year a.m.- 2p.m., Student Pre-regDixon Center istration for Summer/Fall

• CAP Presents: 2002. Make Your Own CD, Noon-4 p.m, WCGA

Stephanie Masucci, a senior member of the lacrosse team, thinks that the team learned a lot in Florida. Most importantly, they learned that winning games doesn't depend on individuals by themselves. "We're a really wellrounded team this year," Masucci said, "but we know that winning is a team thing and it depends on all of us."

While the team as a whole is an important focus this season, Masucci has noticed the new goalie standing out. The goalie, Jamie Knobler, is a freshman. "We've had the same goalie for the last few years, then Jamie came in this year and she's basically doing awesome."

Neary has noticed that the team coming together this year has helped Knobler as a freshman member of the team. "The players ahead of her have been trying to set an example," Neary said, "and they really give her confidence with each game.'·

The team this year seems prepared and very focused on their goal to win the championship again. "It's the most diverse team of personalities I have been on," Smith said. We work together to accomplish a win, and we've been having a great time doing it.''

This year, there are expectations to live up to the successes of previous years. Recently though, the team has been picked by the PAC sponsored magazine as the number one team to go to the

PAC. "We have won the past couple of years," Smith said. "Every team always starts out the season sure that they will win." Neary agrees and points out that Lacrosse Magazine has picked Cabrini a favorite in their conference.

While they've set the bar as high as possible, the women's lacrosse team seems very confident in adding another championship to their list of accomplishments. And Tuesday was no exception.

On Tuesday, the Lady Cavaliers defeated Eastern with a

score of 20-5. "It was our biggest win this season," Masucci said. The Lady Cavaliers, who lost to Eastern last year, were looking to avenge their loss asid did just that. "Since they beat us last year, it was pretty big to beat them the way we did," Masucci said.

The loss to Eastern last year was Cabrini's only conference loss, which makes Tuesday's win even bigger. The team is now 5-1 in their standing, making Neary feel that this team has the confidence they need for another winning season.

The ladies 2 took on Eastern and dominated the whole game from start to finish. This year, the team is expected to be the top in the PAC.

sun 111011 tucs vved

6 7 8 9 10

• Men's Lacrosse • Artists from The • Blood Drive, 11 • Campus- Wide • CAP presents: atAlvemia Vocal Arts will a.m.-4 p.m., Grace Program spon- Laser Tag,8 p.m., perform selec- Hall Atrium sored by Dixon Center College, I p.m. lions from II Woodcrest Hall:

• Women's Barbiere di "Manhunt," 9:00 Lacrosse at Sivigla, 3 p.m., p.m. Alvemia College, Mansion. I p.m.

• Men's Tennis vs.

• Women's Softball Lebanon Valley at Marywood College, 1 p.m. College, lp.m.

photos by CatharineHemson

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Articles inside

Get to know Anthony D'Aleo

page 15

Former.player is now volleyball coach

page 15

Day awarded . On the road to victory Coachof the Year

page 14

Boot Camp class at Dixon Center

page 13

Penn Relays run into Philly at the end of April

page 13

HollYwood's Halle Berry stirs up different reactions

page 12

Stuck in paradise, re~lly stuck

page 11

Letter to the editor

page 11

Malibu mansion and reality TV

page 11

Cont~nue to grow with SEM 300

page 10

Land.• • A Final Farewell

page 9


pages 8-9

Haute Stuff

page 8

It's Showtime

page 8

Oscars create Hollywood history

page 7

Gentlemen of Verona ,

page 7


pages 6-7

Doct~rs leaving Pa. because of malpractice

page 5

Students wait in New Residence Hall to get desired rooms·

page 5

News from around the world

page 4

B1rl1dII 1111'1111 11111

page 4

When to attend graduate school depends on field

page 3

Cabrini Professors write __ books to educate students

pages 2-3

Second Saturday Club formed to discuss ideas

page 2
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