1 minute read
Special interest housing encourages community
Alexis Strizziere sports editor
In the midst of an on-going battle between students, RAs and Residence Life concerning the recent termination of five Cabrini RAs and the accusations of misconduct and disorder among students, there is positive news coming from the office of Residence Life. A trend that seems to be spreading across college campuses nation-wide has made its way to Cabrini and it is known better as special interest housing.
For years t,he office of Residence Life has promoted and encouraged SIH here on Cabrini's campus. It was not until recently that students finally took the initiative to further pursue these unique learning environments in which they will live with others who share the same interests as them.
With the idea in mind of diversifying and building community, Slll allows students to become involved in programs that are of their interest. These communities are established to encourage social, intellectual and supportive environments where Cabrini students can develop the philosophies and qualities of a liberally educated person.
At the present time, SIH is only offered in the New Residence Hall, but this does not mean that other housing facilities on campus cannot host SIH as well. " It really is up to the students to prepare proposals and organize themselves and create different SIH areas," Shayla Hasic-Stamps said. " The school will support any positive, learning and living experience on campus that provides a different learning and living option," HasicStamps, assistant director of Residence Life, said. - students work with the teachers to improve the education for the participating students. teaching job because we go on Wednesdays and on Wednesdays they don't have any small group or academic time. We really only see them during playtime, so I think next year they're going improve that for us," Capriotti said.
A group of students interested in developing new SIH would have to develop a proposal, submit the proposal to David Carpenter, director of Residence Life, and find a faculty advisor and student coordinator.
The college offers six different types of SIH as of right now. Students may choose from the Health and Wellness Community, the Interna-tional/Multicultural Community, Intensified Study, Spanish Culture, Community Service and the Honors Suite. There is no selection process to live in SIH nor does it discriminate or reject any student who wishes to be a part of these learning communities, which serve to build unity and community among Cabrini students on an educational level.
Whether or not the changes are considered to be positive,the wheels of motion have begun, and the administration feels strongly , about their new curriculum. While parents are left scrambling for daycare, college students hope for a more structured teaching environment.