May 02, 2002 issue 25 Loquitur

Page 8

New study shows binge drinking a widespread problem on campuses

Binge drinking is defined as five or more drinks in a row for men, and four or more drinks in a row for women. A drink is defined as a 12-ounce can or bottle of beer, a four-ounce glass of wine or a shot of liquor either taken straight or in a mixed drink.

Director of Public Safety Charles Schaffner said, "What do you call a sitting? Five drinks in a couple of hours, that's a different story."

Now lets tell a different story.

According to a college alcohol study b) the Harvard School of Public Health, over two million of the eight million college students in the United States drove under the influence in 1999 and on an average day in the U.S. four college students die in an accident mvoh·ing dcohul. Two uul , ,f five college students 1s a binge drinker.

Eight million college students is a lot of kids, so where does Cabrini stand in regard to other colleges and universities?

"Cabrini falls in with the average college campus as far as drinking rates arc concerned. We are no better and no worse," David Cai:penter, director of residence life, said.

"I do not feel as though Cabrini's rates for binge drinkers are as high as the national average. We are a positive community

member here and we are proud to represent that image," Carpenter said Resident Director Trish Arnold feels that drinking is a widespread problem on campus. She has noticed that the problems that exist on campus that are drinking related usually can be attributed to the same group of students.

"There definitely is a certain group of students on campus that drinks together. We spend 90 percent ofourtime on 10 percent of the students," Carpenter said.

"When students travel together in packs of 50-60 students drinking all over campus, something needs to be done to protect the welfare of the students:•

Arnold wants to make sure that the students here realize that they do not have it so bad. She recalled a time when she nnticed a couple of Eastern srudents on Cabrin:"s campus. One Ol the Eastern students told her that he received a $300 fine for smoking on campus.

··People seem to think that \\e don't want the students to drink here. Our drinking regulations fall in line with Pennsylvania state law. This is not a free alcohol zone; there must be safe drinking here on campus," Carpenter said.

3 students awarded for research papers

The Eastern Psychological Association accepted five Cabrini students' research papers, and three were presented for regional research awards. The five students represented the school well at the Psi Chi awards.

Kristin Zilienslci, Terry Murry, Lauren Donati, Lauren Kitchen and Maria Ludlow went to Boston to present their research papers. The three that won received $300 checks and all the participants are now looking at great graduate

school opportunities. Zilienski was accepted into the doctoral program at Temple University for psychology, Donati is currently being accepted to law school and Kitchen, Ludlow and Murry plan to work for a year before attending graduate school. • Cabrini received the most awards of all the schools that entered the competition. "We had students do very well," Dr. M.L. Sicoli said. She was very proud of the group and how they presented their work to the association.

Kitchen, a double major in psychology and special education,

will enter her research paper into the national journal, Psi Chi.

Each of the students presented very different research. Kitchen's research was on how children with handicapped siblings view themselves versus the way children without handicapped siblings view themselves. Sicoli was pleased with the results of the research. Kitchen found that both groups have similar self concepts. Murry researched the effects of anxiety and how it helps or hinders academic acpievement.

Loquitur would like to congratulate the following students accepted Into Psi Chi:

• Kristin Zilienski

• Terry Murry

• Lauren Donati

• Lauren Kitchen

• Maria Ludlow

See BINGE, page 5 photo by Katie Reing Empty beer bottles and cans surround the aftermath of a drunken rampage in House Six.

Commuters· have a voice with new SGA President

Another school year has come and gone. The summer is upon us, and after that a whole new school year full of new experiences and . promises. With a new year in our future comes a new face to the Student Government Association. The newly elected SdA president is Bernadette Hazel.

Hazel wishes to keep the traditions of past SGA presidents alive, but also put her .own original mark on the job. Hazel is a commuter and hopes to make commuter students feel as though they are as much an intricate part of the school and its decisions as resident students. "As a commuter, I want to make the commuter students feel more involved. I want all students to feel that they're voices are heard and can make a difference," Hazel said. Hazel's main job as president of SGA is to oversee the executive board of SGA and organizing Midnight Madness. She must make sure that all her other counterparts are doing their job to their full potential. Hazel is also the student's liaison to the staff of Cabrini College if ever there is a complaint. Hazel is the voice of our community, if contacted she,

Preparing for May; loans and •obligations

The excitement of completing four years of college and finally being able to walk across the stage in front of friends and family, to be handed a diploma for those years of hard work, will be a defining moment in the lives of many graduating seniors. However, many seniors don't always focus on the financial obligations that await them once graduation day has ended.

will help ease the financial strain."

Among one of the hardest financial obligations to fulfiJI after college is the repayment of student loans acquired while in school. Graduating seniors who borrowed money through a student loan have a six-month grace period after graduation before repayment must begin. "If a student doesn't have a job yet or they choose to attend graduate school, they can write a letter asking for deferment of the payments," Harris said.

New SGA President Bernadette Hazel wants to hear from the students she represents. will take the complaint to a higher being heard, they cannot make a • forum. "I really want students to difference. know that they can do something about their complaints by letting me know about it and something can be done. Just complaining does not do anything, feel free to contact me anytime," Hazel said. Hazel and other SGA members can most likely be found in their office, which is located in the Widener Center next to the mailroom. Hazel wants students to know that without their voices

"Many graduates may get jobs where they have to relocate, which means they need to get an ap_artmentand pay rent for that apartment along with the utilities," Dr. Mary Harris, assistant professor of finance, said. Harris explained that there are more financial responsibilities than just the expected rent, car and loan payments.

Feel free to call the SGA office at: extension8415 or e-mail Hazel at: hazelnut_doughboy

Record high number of applicants

In the past few years, Cabrini • has been experiencing a record high number of applicants. Each year since the fall of 2000, the college has enrolled a larger freshman class that they have any previous year. With so many incoming freshmen, the question is left to be asked, "What is Cabrini's appeal?"

According to graduating senior Jamie Matozzo, the answer to that question is simple. "I think Cabrini's location and small size appeal to a lot of people, as does the reputation of a lot of the teachers and faculty at Cabrini, I think

that is •a real big part of its intrigue."

The size and location of the school make it an ideal choice for students looking for an intimate educational experience. The ability to receive one on one attention from professors provides even the best students with a sense of security in their academic success.

Freshman resident Anita Joerger feels that the attention you are given from professors is a great addition to Cabrini's appeal.

"I would say that I do like the availability of my professors, it makes it easier for me to meet with them, and all of my professors have been very helpful." Said Joerger. For someone who is look-

ing for a smaller educational environment, Cabrini's average class size of 18 and it's 14:one student faculty ratio offers the type of environment suited for such a prospective student.

Jamie Getka, Admissions Office Service Representative, feels that all of these reasons are contributing to Cabrini's overall appeal. "Cabrini is appealing to most students because of the small class sizes, student to teacher ratios, small student body, and peaceful campus setting." Said Getka.

Whatever the reason for the appeal, Cabrini continues to enroll more freshmen each year than any year before.

''Students have to consider their mode of transportation, and also their wardrobes if they get a job that requires business attire, and that costs a lot of money," she said. "If students stay at home with their parents and com.mute,it

Several students are already preparing for the anticipated finances after college by lining up jobs and apartments before graduation approaches. Senior Sarah Orefice, an education major, plans to get an apartment once she graduates. "I am working as a waitress during the summer but that is only until I get a real job," she said.

Senior Kim Campbell, an English/communications major, currently has a part-time job doing promotions for the morning show on 92.5 WXTU. She said, "I plan to look for a real job in broadcasting, but nowhere specific right now."

2 NEWS ____________________ Th_urs_d~ay~,M~ay~2~,_200_2
photo by Katie Reing photo by Erin Smith Many college graduates find themselves in debt upon entering the "real world."

After 8 months of construction, copper and_clay replace roof at Grace Hall

Approximately eight months later, the Grace Hall roof has been restored to its original condition. It could have been sooner, however, a shipment problem delayed the completion. The roof was replaced with clay tiles and copper drainpipes in the place of a shingle and rubber roof. "These tiles need to be fit perfectly, like a puzzle," Howard Holden, chief facilities officer, said. "We received a wrong shipment, sent them back and waited for our original request and that took a couple of months. These shipments are sent by boat so that just slowed the process down even more." According to director of planning design and

construction Michael Caranfa, the tiles for the roof were imported from England, not for the look, but "because they were less expensive than ones made locally."

Caranfa claims that the roof will last at least "three times longer," and will save the reroofing cost "every 25 years."

clay tiles

roof was about twenty years old and it was failing miserably," Holden said.

"Grace Hall is such a beautiful building, and the roof really looks great now that we put the new one on," Holden said.

end the up-keep costs less, and it i_smade of a better quality.

The budget for the roof came out of a capital fund that is used for repairs on campus. The Business Office saves the capital fund yearly and they decide how much is needed to be put into the fund each year.

The next step in repairing Grace Hall is to go through and renovate all of the interior tiles. "If you walk through, you can see all of the stained tiles from the water leaks that need to be replaced," Holden said.

drainpipes, in a process that took over eight months to complete. last between 50 and 100 years. The shipping misunderstanding did not cost the school any money.

It also requires no maintenance, other than Mother Nature's assistance in cleaning, and it will last for over 75· years in comparison

The clay tiles will

The company took sole responsibility for their mistake.

The reason the • roof was replaced was to restore the building back to the original condition and because thi_sroof is a longJived roofing -system. "The old

to 25 years. "This kind of roof is known not to rust or need any type of replacement for about 75 years," Holden said. The actual replacement of the roof cost more than a shingle roof but in the

"After speaking with people on campus, everyone says how great Grace Hall looks and that they are really proud of the restoration of the roof," Holden said.

Cabrin·i,s fa·culty salaries_ near bottom of the barrel

Salaries for newly hired assistant professors are near the bottom of the barrel nationally. The average salary of assistant professors here is $31,000, putting Cabrini at a 4 on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the best. These figures are from the annual salary survey of faculty nationwide.

Cabrini hires these new assistant professors with the expectation that they have completed the Ph.D. degree and have some teaching experience with the pay

of $31,000. In contrast. the average starting saJary of college graduates with only a B.A. and no experience in 2001 was $30,338 for psychology graduates and $40,577 for economics/finance graduates, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers.

According to The American Association of University Professors, the average faculty pay nationwide rose by 3.8 percent in 2001-2. This increase is the largest in 11 years.

Trying to keep up with the national average, the administraNational Average Salaries of Full-Time Baccalauratle

(llb) Members Compared to Cabrini, 2001-2002

tion and faculty of Cabrini, a category II b or Baccalaureate institution, are working together to improve weak areas. According to the AAUP report, professors average $61, 100, associate professors average $51,000, assistant professors average $39, 000 and instructors average $31, 100 per yeru' at Cabrini.








NationalAverageSalary a Cabrini'sSalary


ProfessorAssociateAssistantInstructor ProfessorProfessor

Information obtained from The American Association of University Professors.

While experts predict a drop in average faculty saJary because of recent economic thresholds, "at the moment there is absolutely no indication that Cabrini will drop below with 3.8 percent increase," Dr. Margaret McGuinness said. "We are still negotiating and we are trying to improve our rank among the II b schools. One of the goals for the senate and administration over the next several years is to bring the faculty salary aver-. ages higher in the rankings."

According to the report, the average salary for all full-time faculty members in 2001-2 escalated to $62, 895. That average includes all institutions with the exception of medical schools. The faculty salary averages at Cabrini fall below the average of other level II b institutions in Pennsylvania.

Averaging the faculty salaries of

Haverford College, GwenyddMercy College and :-;eumann College, three local II b institutions, professors earn $69,400, associate professors earn $55,700, assistant professors make $45, 600 and lecturers average $38,300 per year. Cabrini is nearest the average in the associate professors category, falling below by $4,700. Professors at Cabrini, however, make $8, 400 less on average than professors at the three local colleges, and instructors about $7,000 less.

"Considering all things reasonable, in the different ranks of salary we are in a different position," Chairman of the psychology department Dr. Anthony Tomasco said. "The assistant professor and professor ranks are not near the average now, but President Iadarola and the administration are working to raise the ranking."

Within the II b category, the AAUP places schools into four percentiles based on average salaries of professors, associate professors, assistant professors and lecturers. According to the AAUP, the percentile rankings are as follows: 1+ includes institutions in the 95th percentile, 1 is

composed of tutions, 2 is where 60th percentile institutions are placed; 3 is the 40th percentile schools and 4 contains the 20th percentile schools.

"The goal is to be in the 1+, 1 or 2 percentiles," Tomasco said. "They are above average and iliat is what we are working towards."

Although Cabrini's faculty salary averages are below the 2001-2 average, comparing the numbers of a relatively new school with those of established schools. As with any mean of figures, there is a margin of error and overlooked factors that affect the final averages.

'The goal of the plan for the future is to put us in a high rank among the II b schools," McGuinness said. "But it's tricky. Sometimes comparisons aren't fair to make."

Regardless of what the numbers say now, the administration of Cabrini are working towards a more comparable faculty salary average in the years to come. OfficiaJs_havenot put a time limit on the process, but they expect to take positive steps towards the goal each year.

Loquitur NEWS 3
photo by Ryan Norris Grace Hall's old shingle and rubber roof was replaced with and copper
i I I j I i -1 j i I 7 I

RAs at UMass form labor union; not recognized

Resident Assistants and ,Community Development Assistants at the University of • Massachusetts at Amherst voted 138-8& on March 5 to form the first undergraduate labor union in the country. As of April 9 those in favor of the union are protesting the ·university's refusal to negotiate with them.

"The university is breaking the law, and they're using public money to l;lire union-busting lawyers," Kendra McDade, a union member, said. "They're not acting with integrity."

Approximately 360 RAs approached the local United Auto Workers Local 2322 in January 2001 because they said that university officials would not address complaints of low pay and an open-ended contract.

"This is a group of workers who want to make a change in

their job and they went about a legal process to do that," UAW

local president James Shaw said_. "We're going to go to the bargaining table and make those important changes."

At the University of Massachusetts, RAs have said that they are underpaid for the required 20 hours of work per week that they work. After their regular $50 paycheck from the university is divided by those 20 hours, they are being paid and hourly wage of $2.50 an hour. The minimum wage in Mass. is $6.75.

"What they want and should get are better wages and compensation for being on call 24 hours a day," Tim Scott, the organizer for the United Auto Workers, said. "It's like sweat shop labor, but not as harsh."

The university's current RAs also feel that their contracts are very unclear and want to have a more defined system of discipline that is just and fair. "The way we

are reprimanded is very unclear. There is not set process, ·" AnnMarie Watt, a union member, said. "We don't have the judicial processes that the residents have, if an RA breaks a rule, he or she is automatically fired."

The university does have an RA Grievance Committee but many feel that the group is not set up fairly because it is run by the management and the university. The RAs feel that they still have no voice.

On March 27, the administration stated that they would not negotiate with the RAs. The university released a statement saying that they did not agree with the Massachusetts Labor Relations Commission's decision to recognize the RAs bargaining unit under the support of United Auto Workers.

In response to the university's decision over two-dozen RA union activists took over several campus offices on April 8. The

protest began atound 11: 15 a.m. when 26 protesters entered the chancellor's office and demanded to speak with Interim Chancellor Marcellette William,. After being told that Williams was not in the office, the protesters sat down and began chanting.

Union members are maintaining that the university's refusal to bargain is illegal under Mass. labor laws. They feel that the administration is refusing to comply by the law. The RAs refuse to stand by and allow them to break the law.

Union members did not leave when asked by Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Javier Cevallos, who was accompanied with two plain clothed officers. Protesters said that Cevallos had promised to fight them in court and that several years would go by before it was resolved. "That was a mistake on my part," Cevallos said. ''These things take time."

At 11:35 a.m. the acti\ists were

told they had five minutes to clear the office or they would be arrested. The protesters then marched through the provost's office and continued to march to other parts of their campus while they shouted slogans and chanted. After marching through the office of Michael Gilbert, director of housing services, and returning to Cevallo's office, Cevallo listened to a union member read him the state statues. After Cevallo listened to him, acting chief of police Barbara O'Connor and two uniformed officers arrived.

Now that the word is out about the groundbreaking RA union at UMass, one of the leaders in the unionization movement. Chris Fierro said he has been in contact with students at six other colleges about starting RA unions there.''We have been in touch with. other RAs at other schools who are having some of the same problems we are having." he said.

4 NEWS Thursday, May 2, 2002

Students on campus keep_ Binge drinking summer options open on the rise at

With summer coming like a freight train, college students all over are planning vacations, interviewing for jobs and searching for internships related to their major.

Although most internships do not pay, look excellent on resumes and can "aid in finding a job after graduation.

However, for many college students, money is a main concern. Therefore finding a job that pays can, not only be a priority, but also a necessity. The question remains, what's really important?

For many fre6hmen; many of whom remain undeclared, a paying job i1?the way to go. Bridgid Jones, a freshman at Millersville University, decided that, for now, money is of the utmost importance.

"I have my summer job lined up, and I can't wait to start. I'll be

saving for my tuition next year, and enjoying myself over the summer. I'm a freshman, and I haven't declared my major yet, but when I do of course, I'll plan on finding an internship," Jones said.

Most lower-classmen had similar opinions. For some college students like Scott Orlyck, sophomore at Temple University, financial responsibilities come first.

-Because he pays for coilege, and living expenses by himself, a summer job that pays takes precedence over an internship that may help him gain a job after graduation.

However, for most upper-classmen that have declared a specific major, obtaining an internship, paid or not, is a must. Mobola Moronto, a junior at the Community College of Philadelphia, found a summer internship that would occupy at least 40 hours of his time each week. With all of that time occu-

pied, he was sure he would not be able to work full time. He needs the internship, but wonders how he will pay for all of his day-today expenses without a paying job.

"I told my parents how important it was that I take the internship, and they offered to help me over the summer. I feel relieved that I can now take the time to learn more, and I really believe that this will be important when I graduate and am looking for a job." Brian D'Ottavio, a graduate of the University of Penn, is convinced that without his two years of intern experience he would have had a lot more difficulty finding a job. "I have friends who still have not found jobs, months after graduation. It really matters."

For all college students, the summer is considered the most valuable, precious time of the year. So the question remains, how will you spend yours?

Attention Students:


To assist students with the last minute crunch, the Holy Spirit Library is extending its hours until 1 a.m., Sundays - Thursdays, April 21 to May 9.

The extended hours will be:

campuses around U.S.

BINGE, from page 1

Binge drinking does not only affect the drinker, it also affects the people around them. Many times the friends of the drinkers find themselves looking after the drinker.

People who frequently binge drink are 21 times more likely to miss class, fall behind in school work. damage property, be hurt or injured, engage in unplanned sexual activity, not use protection when having sex, get in _trouble with campus police and drive a car after drinking.

Cabrini's punishment system is different than most colleges. Instead of just paying a fine for their wrong doing students who are written up must either write a paper or do some sort of community service. The school wants the students to be affected by their drinking. Instead of just paying a fine the papers or community service is intended for the student to reflect on what they have done and whether or not they will do it again.

"We try to impact drinking by confronting inappropriate behavior. The biggest support is form other students though," Carpenter 1?aid.

Alcohol problems at universities and colleges are nothing new and now some schools are doing something about it. Penn State University is one of those schools.

• Sun: 1 p.m. - 1 a.m. *

• Mon-Thur: 8 a.m. - 1 a.m.*

• Fri: 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.

• Sat: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

1 *Circulation and reference will only be available until 10:30 p.m.

Penn State University has a program on its main campus to prevent alcohol abuse; the program is called the Alcohol Intervention Program. Maureen Casey, sophomore at Penn State's, said. "The new program (AIP) can be seen all over campus."

Elizabeth Mitchell, sophomore, agreed with Casey. Mitchell said, "There are two magnets on my refrigerator and stickers on bathroom stalls. The program is known by just about everyone, students are very aware."

The AIP, accord_ing to Penn State's website, is an educational program that facilitates decision making bout alcohol uses. There are tra,ined facilitators, who conduct meeting, which focus on accurate alcohol information, personal attitudes and drinking behaviors.

Casey talked about the school's drinking problem. She said, "Students are given two chances and if they are caught a third time, they are done. The first time they are caught, they immediately have to attend an AA meeting and talk to their adviser. The second time they are caught, they have more meetings to attend. The third time they are gone."

Elizabeth Mitchell said, ''The public safety is extremely lax. State College is basical)y-e-drilllting town so the public safety is more lenient. You won't get arrested, written up or fined if you are drinking. If you get sick, the public safety will drive you home." •

Although Radnor isn't necessarily a drinking town, Mr. Carpenter feels as though Cabrini has a very liberal outlook on drinking policies on campus. "Cabrini's policies are average," Carpenter said. Neighboring colleges such as LaSalle University and West Chester University both use uniformed police officers to serve as public safety.

"Drinking has i;noved back from Saturday night to Friday night to Thursday night," Mark S. Goldman, director of the Alcohol and Substance Abuse Research Institute at the University of South Florida, said.

As drinking rates rise, so does the amount of money students spend on alcohol. On average, students spend about $5.5 billion on alcohol every year. On average the same could be said about the damage alcoholic rages cause to the drinking environment.

Loquitur NEWS------------------ 5

Friends don't ·1etfriends walk through walls. Grow

Drunk and disorderly

Heyl I have an idea! Let's all get disgustingly drunk and destroy our house. For the rest of the campus community that bas no clue what I am talking about, let me take the liberty te fill you in on what happens on Cabrini's campus, after hours.

I am not going to mention the location or the inconsiderate people involved in destroying a particular house on campus, but I will talk about the horrendous d~age that was done to the hoqse and the innocent residents paying the consequences for a handful 'so calledcollege adults' that can't handle their alcohol.

Granted college is a time, not only for academics, but to have fun with your friends and live life to the fullest. However, I don't recall destroying property as falling under the guidelines to 'having fun,' Jet alone destroying your own home. I can't speak for everyone, but I know I wasn't raised to 'shit where I live,' and I am almost positive most of us '_¥erebrought up under that criteria.

Anyway, I walked into the Commentaries and letters to the editor may be submitted by the entire Cabrini campus community to Theloquitur or The Loquitur 610 King of Prussia • Road Radnor, Pa. 19087

•Requirements:Names will not be withheld from letters and a phone number must be provided.

house on Sunday morning surprisingly greeted by a Public Safety officer flashing pictures of what bad looked like a war-zone. It literally looked like cannon balls were thrown threw the walls, and one hole was life-sized. It looked as if an actual person ran threw the wall.

Let me paint this picture for you a little more clearly. I walked into the front of the house, which normally had a wall that divided the front-door entrance from the lounge area, on the left-hand side. However, when I was greeted by the Public Safety officer at the front door, I was standing in the front door area and he was speaking to me from the lounge area threw the huge whole that as dri lied in the wall.

Wait! The fun and entertainment doesn't stop there. It has also been brought to my attention that the 'so called college adults' that attend this school need to start wearing Depends (adult-diapers) because they can't seem to make to bathroom on time, in order to relieve themselves. So rather than using the bathroom which is no more than 10-feet away from the lounge, a particular student decided to let it all out right in the lounge. And, let's not forget to mention the lovely student that vomited all over the basement of

the house.

Go ahead! Laugh! Those of you involved along with the other students blessed with not having to live in this particular house probably think this is hysterical. But, stop· for a minute. Imagine having to be an innocent bystander living in that hou~e. It is not funny anymore, is it? don't know how else to sugarcoat this, other than to come flat out and say it. The house is an absolute shit hole thanks to the handful of 'so called college students' that claim to be able to handle their alcohol. I empathize for the innocent residents living in that sorry excuse for a house, even though all visitation and alcohol privileges have been stricken from the house.

I actually have faith that the administration will be fair to those residents not involved in destroying the house. I can't believe I am saying this, but in this _case,I actually feel sorry for particular campus officials that have been put in this unpleasant predicament.

As for the so called college students and college graduates, I hope you grow up and learn to respect others, if you expect to be respected. I hope you get everything you deserve.

The Loquitur

The editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of' the student editorial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration. PERSPECTIVES Thursday, May 2, 2002
up or get out.
Editors Edltor in chief: Richard "1agda Managing editor: Shan•on Urbannavage Ne~s editors: \'ince DeFruscio Sports editors: A&E editor: Perspectives e(Htor: features editor: Photography editor: Web editor: Executive recruiter: Adviser: and Leanne Pantone Alexis Striz1icre and Cheryl WagstafI Ryan Mulloy Catharine Hemson Shannon King Katie Reing Paul Williams Catherine Dil,-orth Dr.Jeny Zurek Staff Photographers Mike Baggiano Bernadene Hazel Loren Bunon Jzinie Knobler Trevor Daniels Kit Dewey Mike Dotzman Rose Marie Gonzalez Tom Grosse Nat Hamilton Tara Taylor Charles La Courie Sieve Neild Ryan Nonis Alicia Perry E.;n Smith Jen Smith Katie Reing Loquitur is establbhed as a forum for Siu• dent expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of is.sues. Staff Writers Kenneth Baumbach Lisa Broomall Colleen Connor :vlaria Chambers Jennifer Dalvanno Justine Difilippo Renee OiPietro Kelly Finlan Amy Gassen Jill Hindman Eugene Iacovelli Micheal A Kazanjian Tanya McCausland Mehssa Modest, Gina Roswell Karen Schweizer Jen Smith RenCcTornacanin Tracy Timson Cheryl Trancbitella Lucy Truglio Geri LynnUtter Loquitur is a labora1ory newspaper wriuen. edited and produced by students registered in COM 346, 350. 351, 353 and 354. Members or lhe campus community are invited to work on or submit Slories for print. Only students registered in the above classes, however. are eligible to receive academic credit. Subscription price is $25 per yeat and is included in the benefits secured in twtion and fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor Letters should be sigocd and the authorship known to the editors. Names are withheld only in unusual circumstances approved by the editor in chief. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. Individual copies of the Loquitur can be purcb.ascd for one dollar.

Letters to the editor: Students want more communication with Residence Life

Special interest ho~sing coup

After reading this past week's Loquitor, I realized that I have been jaded. I realize that people are probably sick of hearing about Residence Life and all of the controversy surrounding the situation. However, I am responding to the article in the Loquitur that was titled, "Special interest ~ousing encourages community." I am, supposedly, living in Intensified Study.

Last spring, during room selection, I picked a room in Intensified Study, where I expected to be living with a group of people that would have similar expectations as myseJf. How wrong I was!Not only I am living with people that did not even pick Intensified Study, but the rules that J requested by living in Intensified Study are not even enforced.

Then, when I try to ask people to respect the rules, I get a harassing note under my door.

Immediately, I knock on my RAs door to begin to correct this situation. My RA, basically,pretends to care. She tells me how we're going to have a hall meeting to discuss this problem, as well other problems. Now let me tell you, I got this note in January and I've yet to see this meeting.

The day after I get the note, I head to Residence Life because I prefer to show them the note myself. I talk to my RD, who photocopies the note, and then proceeds to do nothing. So what does article in the Loquitur have to do with my situation? I find it very ironic that Shayla HasicStamps says ''The school will support any positive, learning and living experienceon campus that provides a different learning and living option;' but bas never supportedthe currentIntensified Study environment.

Because of the lack of authority, I have had to endure numerous comments, situations, and harassments by some of the other residents that live around me. Who's to blame? Quite frankly, I

am not sure. On one hand, the RA is to blame because she shoqld enforce the rules that are set by Intensified Study. On another hand, Residence Life Directors arc to blame because they should have responded to the harassment that I received. Let's add a third hand and blame the residents on my floor who prefer to ridicule and harass me rather then be the adults that they claim to be. How ironic it is to endorse the very thing that you won't support!

Candice Marple

Denied a voice

Don't get me wrong, I love Cabrini College and I love all that it stands for. That is why I feel a need to make the Cabrini community aware of Residence Life's failure to communicate. Up until March 25th, I never had a bad thing to say about Cabrini. My arrival to Cabrini as a first year student could not have been

better. I was greeted at the door by all of the RAs in Woodcrest, one of them being my own, Catherine Pirrone, or as we all know her as Kat. I was fortunate enough to have an RA wbo did all she could to help make me and the other girls in Woodcrest feel at home. There were endless nights that we shared stories about· our past which helped break down the barriers that separated us. The girls came to know Kat as our confidante, authority, doctor, teacher, and older sister.

When told that Kat had not been rehired as an RA for the upcoming year, the residents of Kat's hallway, on our own free wm, wrote letters to Mr. Carpenter stating the reasons why we believed Kat deserved to be an RA for the years 20022003.

Never did we dreamthatthose letters would be listed as a rea,;on for Kat's removal. Kat's termination was something that we, as a floor, felt was unfair and that somehow, somewhere Residence Life had made a mistake.

Simply put, we wanted answers. J:Iowever,when questions were asked, we were met with intimidation and ignorance. Kat's termination completely blindsided us. I frequently have heard the word "community" spoken throughout the beliefs that Cabrini holds so dear. In the essence of community that Cabrini prides itself for, they have failed to communicate with the residents of Cabrini College. Through this, Cabrini has broken down and clieapened what they stand for. In this situation we have been Qenied a voice. The only glimmer of light that I have seen so far was in passing, when I met President Iadarola. She has been the only person who has offered her ears and has told me she would look into it. Even though I am still waiting, I truat dilt iltte wiiiu ie _.. riaN: thing. I want Cabrini to be like the Community I have imagined it to be. I guess I will just have to wait and see.

Students psychological well being, university's responsibility?

Renee DiPietro staff writer

Massachusetts Institute of Technology - a school where many of the country's best of the best students go. Let's just hope that not many more of its students end up like Elizabeth Shin.

Elizabeth was a smart girlsalutatorian at her high-school graduation and an accomplished clarinetist-yet she committed suicide. Elizabeth had been threatening suicide for a while but her family was never notified because M.I.T. was protecting her confi-

dentiality. Instead, the school allowed her to deteriorate and never disclosed to her parents that a school psychiatrist had considered hospitalizing her and that she had attempted suicide numerous times. Elizabeth's family saw her the day before she burned herself to death in her dorm room.

Now, two years after her death, the Shins are filing a $27 million wrongful death suit against M.I.T. in a Massachusetts superior court.

M.I.T. is suggesting that Elizabeth's parents knew more than they let on and chose to ignore evidence of her troubles.

The big legal question is, who was responsible for Elizabeth Shin? There is no •legal answer

yet; but what might not be dis~ cussed in the court are the people who wore the pain of their friend day in and day out. Their friend cut herself frequently, threatened to stab herself with a knife, overdosed on 1ylenol and had the lowest of lows. But they stayed with her. They took turns staying up late with her late at nights after she was released from mental health service. They begged the school, the dean, to help their hopeless friend. But their request went unanswered for the most part.

While binge drinking is epidemic, suicide is the second leading cause of death among college students. "About one-third of col-

leges recent!y surveyed reported at least one suicide in the previous year." There have ·been 12 suicides sincel990 at M.I.T.

Is there a solution':' I do not know. I know there are a lot of mandatory programs at other schools, such as the University of Illinois that makes suicidal students undergo four weeks of mandatory assessment sessions.

"Of the 1,500 students who have gone through Illinois's program over the last 17 years, none have committed suicide." So that sounds like .o·ne solution. But before any programs there has to be awareness. If you know someone who is suicidal you cannot hesitate in getting him or her help.

Elizabeth's parents told the New York Times that when they visited their daughter the day before she died that "her eyes did look tired and puffy." Her parents knew that she had a lot going on, "what with her studies, her clarinet performances, her fencing meets. That was M.I.t., they thought, and that was Elizabeth, always pushing herself."

Always "pushing themselves" has been the evolving national image of college students, but it is resulting in the most troubled student body that has required more mental health care than every before. Eye-opener? Me too. Me too.

_Loq_,__ui_tur________________ PERSPECTIVES 7

Communicatingafl comforting fact or

Finally, the sun has come out. The cool, grayish color of winter has been replaced with the rich, vibrant shades of spring. Students are slipping into shorts and revealing legs pale from months of hibernation. They are filing out of their residences and sprawling out in the open spaces outdoors, spreading out blankets, sunning themselves and simply enjoying the weather.

But where to sit?

Try the lawn ofWoodcrest or the little used back lawn of the mansion. Try Founder's Hall's lawn or in front of the apartments. Students can be seen in any of these places and one more.

When spring sneaks in, students sneak out to the peace pole. It is a peaceful circular garden with a wooden pole slicing out of the ground where people can sit alone or classes can come to get out into the sun. •

Peace poles are nearly timeless. But, our peace pole, is just a kid and its birthday is closely approaching. This May, Cabrini's peace pole will be ten years old. They grow up so fast these days. It was born on a spring day in May 1992 in honor Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC, the former president of our school.

The peace pole links Cabrini to the entire world. There are more than 200,000 peace poles, on every continent and in 180 countries. They are easy to order online.

It was decided that the pole would be a great way to honor the departing president. The small monument to peace was "planted" in the center of a circular garden with benches surrounding it. The Loquitur reported in 1992 that the chorus would sing, international flags would be flown and 1,000 origami doves would decorate the occasion.

Why 1,000 origami doves?

According to Japanese myth, a person that wishes for something and then makes 1,000 paper cranes will have their wish granted. Cabrini wished for peace.

The words "_MayPeace Prevail on Earth" are on the pole in eight different languages: English, Italian, Vietnamese, Arabic, Hebrew, Spanish, Swahili and Philipino. According to Currie, the languages were chosen by the countries of Cabrini missions.

Most people believe that after you die, there is some fonn of afterlife. Whether you believe in heaven or hell or reincarnation, is a religious preference. However, no matter what you believe, there is a question of whether or not you have the ability to communicate with your loved ones after you die.

Guardian angels have always been a precious belief for people of all ages. After losing a loved one, it is comforting to think that your grandmother or grandfa=••-' =- ther is out there watching over and protecting you. These thoughts may be comforting, but do guardian angels or even ghosts really exist? There are psychics all over the media claiming to know your future and now there are people who claim to be mediums, connecting the living with those who have "crossed over."

"Crossing over with John Edward" is a television show on weekday mornings about one such medium who claims to be able to "connect those in the physical world with those who have crossed over." Edward's show is based around a gallery of people hoping to connect with relatives and friends that hey have lost over the years. Edward stands in the center and tells anxious audience members of things of their past that he couldn't possibly know, according to most audience members.

Junior Lori Lonergan said that her parents went to see the show after a loved one had passed photos by Kit Dewey away, and Edward told them things that he could Angels are one of the ways that some people not have possibly known. She also said that no believe you can communicate with loved one had asked them any questions about why they ones after you die.

orm must-havesa

staff writer

Walking along South Street in Philadelphia presents a person with various shops to choose from. From stores like Gap to Tower Records, there is a little something f6r everyone. There is one store in particular that always seems to be crowded. This store is called Beyond the Wall. It is a poster and prints store that carries basically anything you could want in poster form.

We all know that when you come to college a major necessity for your dorm room wall is the perfect poster for your bare white walls. For myself it was the must have Dave Matthews poster. For others it is the·P,ictureof their favorite band, group, or celebrity. All these and more can be found at this store.

For the sports lover there is a whole section of prints devoted to you. From photos of various college fields to particular players you are sure to find something for every sport.

Saturday nights special was all subway posters $10. For those of you that don't know subway posters are the large prints that would take up a good portion of your

8 Thursday, May 2, 2002 FE
photo by Tara Taylor The peace pole stands tall on the commons and will celebrate its 10th birthday this month. ltjs one of 200,000 peace poles on every continent in 1BO countries. photo by Matt Gallagher Sublime is just one of the bands that you can get a poster of at Beyond the Wall, located on South Street.

er death: ~reepy fiction?

{ere there and what they wanted to hear. Whether or not per- 1 onal infonnation is given out prior to the show is a ques- ' 10nasked most by most skeptics. 1

"I don't really believe it," student Judy Ventresca said. I don't believe that it's feasible to contact the dead. )nee you are deceased you can't come back."

Student Jennifer Ford had a different opinion, "I beieve it. It's nice to think that your life doesn't end .ere."

In the past couple of years there have been many ortrayals of people blessed with this particular gift." "The Sixth Sense" was about a child who was , ble to see dead people and help them in some way ,r another. There was a made for television movie alled, "Living with the dead," on last Sunday night tarring Ted Danson that followed a. similar plot line. 'he movie was based on a true story. Now, the man that the main haracter was supposed to represent, is going to have his own seies on day time television similar to Edward's. Are these people or real, or are they just out to make money?

Some people may shudder to think that anyone is watching ,ver them and can see every move that is made.

Whether or not you believe in mediums and the ability :>contact the dead, it is kind of cool to think that after we Do you believe in your guardian angel? lie we'll be able to let our loved ones know that we were here, in some form, to witness that milestone in their lives, vhatever .------------------------------, tmaybe. To find out more information, visit: Crossing Over with John Edward at

'Beyond the Wa

oom wall. This is what my >ave Matthews poster was nd I spent a lot more than :10 on it. The place is reaonably priced and will ven frame the pictures for ·ou. If you're like I am you ike to frame your own pho:>sand in this case you can imply purchase your print nd your frame at one spot. llere are many frames to hoose from also.

For the person who does 1otwant to travel to South :treet to purchase their ,osters from Beyond the 1/all, there is also a webite for this company at

Iere you can purchase posters and prints that are available in the store in Philly. The website gives •ou different categories of prints to choose from and has the same great prices. It also tells the K>sterbuyer the top ten selling posters. Whether you're in Philly or online, Beyond the Wall is ure to have almost any poster you are looking for.

Radicone reveals plans for service

Jeanne Radicone. is the supreme extreme of good people. She is of course only hwnan, but if there is a parallel that one could cross as a reward for being more than just merely human, she is at that crossing and might not even know it.

Radicone is a senior double major, elementary education and special education, and is ready to take an unusual journey after receiving her diploma this month. Radicone has always had a natural instinct of service and in two months she will be dedicating 11 months of her life to service. Lumberton, NM , which is three miles from a Jicarilla Apache reservation, will be Radicone's new home while she teaches tlie second grade at a small private school.

"I'll be teaching in a self-contained classroom," Radicone said, which means she will be teaching her students every subject from gym to history, all in the same classroom. The principal of the school told Radicone that 95 percent of the children in the school are of Spanish descent, which enthralled Radicone because she is also a Spanish minor. "Hopefully after l l months, I will be fluent,'' she said.

When askedabolltbow lihe lQ her decision to do service work before starting her career, Radicone smiled and said, ..I love doing service. You benefit so much from doing nice things."

The idea came to her at the start of her ju-

Jeanne Radicone.graduating senior. is continuingCabrini'sservice teamingand education of the heart after graduationin Lumberton,N.M.

nior year, and then just "continued to build," she said.

Radicone was involved in many of Cabrini's community service events, including Project Appalachia and the Border Experience. These service projects were a factor in her decision to continue with service. "After doing Project Appalachia, I kind of felt there was something more I could be doing," Radicone said.

Radicone wasn't scared to tell her family and friends about how she would be disappearing for the next 11 months. "I have a very supportive family and supportive friends. My brother was so excited for me. He said, 'I had a feeling that you would do something like this.' He's proud of me and is going to miss me," Radicone said.

A quick glimpse of Jeanne Radicone

Birthday:Apnl1, 1980

Originallyfrom: Long Island, NY

Currentlyfrom: Reading, PA

Cool Facts: Traveled to 10 countries, went skydiving.

Hobbies: Hiking, Dancing, cooking, roller-blading, traveling Favoritefood: "Awwthat's vicious. I love to eat. Food is a beautiful thing."

Future plans: "I want to be happily married with a teaching job in special education and have children of my own."

Lauren Kitchen, senior psychology and educational studies major, went on Project Appalachia with Radicone last year.

"I really admire Jeanne's decision to do service and teach in New Mexico," Kitchen said. "It is a tough decision to follow your heart and leave home. She is a true and beautiful person and I am J?fOUdto be her friend. People like Jeanne are hard to come by these days."

Kitchen has thought a lot about service work but has not made the commitment like Jeanne.

Radicone said she can already see her loving New Mexico for the landscape and scenery but she says the biggest thing she will love is "the children, definitely, the children."

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photo by Matt Gallagher Dave Matthewsis one of the many faces that adorn the walls of many rooms on campus.

Students, communitygather to celebrate WooctcrestMagazine

It was a very intimate setting. The small, yellow room on the second floor of the Gryphon Cafe filled with people as students anticipated reading their essays that will be app"earingin the Woodcrest Magazine on May 2.

Seats were limited. Some students were piled on top of each other to get a good view. On April 23, Cabrini students, along with friends and family members crowded into the tiny Gryphon Cafe in Wayne to read and listen to excerpts from the Woodcrest Magazine.

The atmosphere was friendly, warm and, some might say, too close for comfort in the Gryphon Cafe last week. "This reading seems to be a little bit 111orecomfortable than it was last semester for the previous reading of the Woodcrest Magazine," senior Jennifer Ten Boom said.

"It was a lot more intimidating the last time I read for the magazine. There were lots of professors that seemed to be watching my every move."

hnmediately after Ten Boom made this comment, Dr. Jerry Zurek, Dr. Hal Halbert

Magazine will be available today at several locations on campus

and Dr. Seth Frechie entered the room. "I guess I spoke too soon," Ten Boom said. Although parking was a problem, the reading in the Gryphon Cafe, which fea-

tured excerpts of the non-fiction essays and some creative photo essays from various students, was a success. "I feel like we are giving back to the community," junior

Rachel Kanter said. "The reading has been a great way to share with the community the talents and hard work of the students."

There was a good tum out of people at the reading, and the students who read appreciated everyone who came. There were about 25 to 35 people who shared in the experience. When asked how she felt prior to her debut, first year student Judeanne Watters-Armenti said, "I've asked everyone to leave their squashed tomatoes and their grungy lettuce at home and it seems that they have all complied." •

Indeed they did comply as WattersArmenti spoke at ease while the room sat in silence listening to her essay about the struggles of life for her family in Ireland.

Dr. Charlie McCormick introduced each speaker and gave a brief background about both the speaker and their accomplishments with writing. This made the entire room feel more comfortable. The speakers were able to breathe a little easier before it was their tum to read.

The magazine will be av~able to students on Thursday, May 2. It will be distributed throughout campus at the price of $5.

TLC 'Left' without Lopes

Fans and members of the music industry mourn the death of TLC member Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes, which occurred in the late hours of Thursday, April 25.

Lopes, originally from the Philadelphia area, would have been 31 at the end of May. The singer was staying in Honduras where she owned a condo and frequently visited a natural medicine compound.

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Lopes was the only casualty of the nine people in the Mitsubishi Montero sports utility vehicle. She swerved to avoid an oncoming car while attempting to pass a truck that had stopped on the road, according to others who were in the accident. , Many within the industry heard about the tragedy on the night of

Internet photo

Lopes died late Thursday, April 25 in a car accident in Honduras.

Lopes' death before it was broadcast through news venues the next morning. Angelica Williams, of Delaware County, was with Natina Reed of the group Blaque when word of the accident spread throughout an industry party at a club in Atlanta.

"I sat with [Reed] in the parking lot anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half," Williams said. "I've spoken to her since, but she is still very upset and shaky about it." Lopes had discovered and mentored the group Blaque, and was also the godmother of Reed's baby boy.

Lopes had recently been signed to Suge Knights' record label, Death Row, under the alias "N.I.N.A.," and only had one final chapter to finish in a book she had been writing about her life. She had also started production on a new album with her bandmates TBoz and Chilli, of TLC. The group will continue work on the album without Lopes and will make no attempts to replace her.

Lopes' body has been flown back to Atlanta where she will be buried in Lithonia, a suburb of Atlanta, on Thursday, May 2.

IO A&E Thursday, May 2, 2002
photo by Kit Dewey Judeanne Watters-Armenti reads her piece to Cabrini and the onlooking community at the Gryphon Cafe. The Woodcrest

Spring Fling bands prepare to take stage Four making it look Eazy

Bands enter and exit the doorways of clubs, bars, schools and stadiums day in and day out. Some bands perform merely for the money; some do not. Eazy Four is a local band that enters and exits •the doors of opportunities with the constant thought of "doing the next right thing." Currently the next right thing for the band includes the kickoff for Spring Fling tomorrow night.

Bob Reilly plays the acoustic guitar and sings, Matt Mc Cann plays the lead electric guitar, Jason Stolnis plays the bass guitar and Adam Chantry bangs on the drums. The band came out with their first record "Come on Fantasy" last year and next year they plan to work on their next record while they are looking into


·DATE: May4

LOCATION: GrapeStreetPub

-TIME: 11 p.m.

DATE: May22 PLACE: TribecaBlues

16 Warren St. New York City

TIME: 9:30 p.m.

DATE: May 31

PLACE: O.U.R. Festival

TIME: 5:45 p.m.

DATE: June 8

PLACE: Fergie's Pub

TIME: 9p.m.

, 'He Said, She Said' to :make noise

Members of the band ~EazyFour" are prepared to bring their act to this year's Spring Fling.

how to do their own recording.

Up-coming big events for the band include Saturday night at the Grape Street Pub in Manayunk, as well as a live recording at Fergie's Pub in June, which will be no cover to attend.

"The band started as a way to· make money," Reilly, founder of the band, said. "We were doing covers at dive bars that were paying pretty well. Now, we've been doing the origin program for two years and it's been phenomenal."

The original program consists of a couple songs from their first CD, but mostly more recent origin works. "We still continue to get better with time," Rei)ly said.

Eazy Four has learned over these. past two years a picture of music that they don't want. ""We really aren't looking for the whole rock star life," Reilly said. "We wouldn't enjoy it. We want to get to the point where we can provide the fruit to live but also not overexpose ourselves."

_ Inspiration for Eazy Four's music is found in all areas of life.

"Our songs come from definitely everything around us," Mc Cann said. "Love, friends, society and the world." The band currently has been strongly impacted by politics.

"We use our music to try and raise an awareness to social consciousness," Mc Cann said. One of Eazy Four's new songs, titled "Greed," focuses on "our capital-

istic society, which is in. the pursuit of the dollar" rather than looking at the world without m0neytunnel vision. "[Society] could bea lot different if we just looked at things differently," Mc Cann said.

"We want to get people thinking about their environment and their role in it," Reilly said.

"Inspiration takes on a lot of different forms," Mc Cann said. Some musicians that have strongly affected the band have been Jeff Buckley and Ani Defranco.

"We just basically want our music to do the same thing that music has done for us," Reilly said. "We want to give the gift oack."

Eazy Four's goal is to create music, travel around and be able to bring their friends along. The band pleases the good music follower as it groves Rock and Roll, Jazz, Blues and Soul all into one. Eazy Four plans to become more diverse through its following by branching out to New York routinely and possibly down South. •

The band's website is kept very fresh and up to date-by Stolnis, the bass guitarist. The band's schedule, a message board, pictures, live MP3s to download and other news like the CD pick of the week can be found on the website.

The band encourages any interested to visit the site at

Spring Fling, which is com• ing up fast on May 4, is a -day that the entire Cabrini campus gets to relax and forget about school for a while. With many different events occurring throughout the dai, such as a BBQ on the commons, jousting and bouncy

Steve Bridges on the sax, keybo.u-ds,flute and vocals, Giulio Kitao playing lead guitar and on vocals, Aaron Hetrick on acoustic and electronic drams and Jake Seipel playing bass guitar and on vocals.

Their song list is made up of a great variety of songs, including everything from "Rappers Delight" by theSugarhill Gang, to "All Mixed Up" from 311. to

Three bands wiHbe providing mus;caJentertainmentat this year's $pring Fling fesitivites. One the t~e bands, "He Said, She Said," will be playing on Saturday,May 4. boxing\ there will not be a single dull moment during the day. This year's feature band, He Said, She Sa~ also promises to keep the campus rcx:king all day long.

He Said, She Said. is a local cover band that plays in various bars. ill the Peqnsylvania, Delaw;tre well as down at the Jersey shore. The members of the band include Melissa Anthony,, on vocals, Bobby Sedlock. playing the keyboards. horns and vocals.

i•SpiderWebs" from No Doubt. just to name a few. With lots of energy and with a great Joveof playing, He, She Said, should put on a show that Cabrini students won't soon forget. For more infonnation about the band check out out on-line at www.hesaidsbe~

Again, this year's Spring Fling is rapidly approaching. Come.()Utand enjoy this annu~ al day of fun here at Cabrini!

Loquitur A&E 11 ...

Lettin3 tefevision or3azine your weddin3

The wedding day. Is there a day more special? Is there a day more anticipated? Is there a day higher rated?

It's a day no woman will ever forget. The dress is picked out. The invitations have been sent. The guests have arrived. All that is left is to walk down that aisle and exchange your "I dos."

For most, it is a moment that will be forever memorable. Photographers and videographers are present. It can be rewound and watched again and again and again. For some, they can catch it on reruns on "TLC."

For the rest of us who remain ringless, we can live through the bride's special day at three o'clock on "A Wedding Story." And many students do.

"The attraction to all the daytime shows is I think, they reflect 'life's moments' and so everyone can identify with them," Julie Rose, executive producer of "A Wedding Story," said. Who has not dreamt of that special day? "Every girl does," senior K!ithleen Deely said. She has it all planned out in her head. A beautiful spring day with friends and family in the church she grew up in. She wants flowers everywhere and a long aisle to marcti down. She has a poofy Cinderella dress planned and a bouquet of tulips, her. favorite flower. Everything is planned except for one minor detail. "I don't have a groom yet," she said, Rose received a letter from a professor at a university who could not .understand why his female students did not come to his three o'clock class. He asked

them why they did not come and they said they were watching A Wedding Story. He tuned in and liked the program.

While many college students are not planning thei wedding day yet, the show still appeals to them. It seems that almost every girl has thought about there wedding day. "Viewers are also attracted to the happy endings," Rose said. "You walk away with a smile."

"We research and interview our participants extensively," Rose said. Potential participants write in and ask to_be on the show. The show is a big commitment though. "Having a camera follow you around for a couple of days before your weddir1g day and through your wedding," Rose said. "Is more than some people want. • Deely would not want to be a participant on the show. "I would want my wedding to be more pri:

vate," she .:,aid. "Besides, I'll be nervous enough."

While Deely waits for Prince Charming, she will keep watching

"A Wedding Story". She still needs some ideas for the perfect cake.

Studentsdisplayworks of art Web Exclusives H·OlySpiritLibrary • 1n

The graphic design. and -the :fine arts departments came together this past weekend wjth an art gallery disJ>layingworks of many Cabrini students. The gallery opened Sunday April 28th from 3 to 5 p.m with a •reception and will be displayed on second floor of the Holy Spirit Library un~ May 18th.•

According to Don Dempsey, chair of the graphic design department. this art show was like any other' art show opening reception., "A lot of families came and the room was very full. I am really pleased with the turnout. I hope it will only get larger in the future." Dempsey said.

The pwpose of this gallery is to display the collective works of

The art display in Cabrini's Ubrary opened qn April 28 with a showing of student produced work. It will l:Jeopen until May 18.

the fine af!Sdepartmen,t and the ·graphic design department's senior classes. The art comes from classes required for graduation and serves almost as a senior thesis. Dempsey said, ''This is a chance for them (students) to

display their art to mends and other students."

According to Dempsey, the students who participated in this g_alleryspent the whole semester finishing their portfolios and fix, ing their pieceS for this show.

Pieces such as these are fit for a portfolio that can be submitted to future employers.

Senior Andrew Johnson, a graphic design major, has work displayed ih the gaUery. He said his artwork is mainly done on the computer and consists of web• page designs, book covers and a design for an interactive CD program. Johnson is graduating .in ,August and hopes to eventually pursue a career in the graphic design field. Johnson said the gallery is full of a variety of art in many forms and advises students and friends to "Check it out!''

On a final note Dempsey said. "lencourage people to go see the gallery. It is.not too late. There is a guest book for commentary. It'sniceto support young,talented students and gives theman encouragement to continue."

Check out the Loquitur's web site for an exclusive story on the hit band Nickelback.


Follow the links on the website to hear samples from Nickelback and TLC.

,'. 12 A&E Thursday, May 2, 2002
The Learning Channel (TLC) is responsible for many successful television shows that are popular among college students. One of the popular "story" shows is "A Wedding Story. n
photJ:lby KatieReing

Franklin Field hosted many cultures this past weekend

USA vs. the World took over the Penn Relays this year. The Nike created super series pits the best relay teams from around the world against the track stars of the United States. With the buzz around Philadelphia that the world's two fastest humans. Maurice Greene and Marion Jones would be competing, the Relays were able to draw record attendance. Yet he Relays still focus on the collegiate and high school track events.

The University of Tennessee men's shuttle J>urdles team easily claimed their second victory in a row at the Penn Relays. The defending champion team consisted of four seniors, Justin Gatlin, Hassaan Stamps, J abai Greer, and Matt Rush. Stamps was excited after the win because it was his

"final curtain call" - as a senior. "We have the best coaches," Stamps said, "We have a democracy with three presidents." Rush was almost speechless after the event; it was one of the largest crowds he competed in front of. "I like the crowd, but it is the hardest atmosphere to warm-up in," he said. Tennessee teams were also able to take home the 4x100m and 4x200m relay events.

Holmewood Tech Academy, from Manchester, Jamaica was disqualified after a record setting run in the high school girls' 4x800m relay. After receiving their awards an announcement came over the loudspeaker that the team had been removed from their champion status after passing the baton out of the specified area.

The crowd at Franklin Field had a very Jamaican air on Saturday, the day of the featured USA vs. the World events. The American

women have had a fierce rivalry with the Jamaican team in recent years. "It seems to me like [the Jamaican team] the home team at the Penn Relays,'' Olympian Chryste Gaines said, as Jamaican drums beat down from the stands, "It's a good rivalry, but they know we don't play around when it comes to the big boys, the Worlds and Olympics," Gaines said. The Jamaican team was able to edge out the Americans in the 4xl00m relay.

John Drummond, a native Philadephian comented on the apparent J amaicall home field advantage, "I think that's why the bring me, I'm th.e official Jamiacn -pisser-offer," he said.

Other Olympians at the Relays ~ere Tori Edwards, Inger Miller, Kelli White, Tim Montgomery, Coby Miller, Ramon Clay, Bernard Williams and Terrence Miller.

Thisweek in history

This past weekend Franklin Field once again played host for the 2002 Penn Relays

features editor

May Z, 1939

•by Shannon King track meet. He had times of 9 .4 in the I 00yard dash, 22.6 in the 220-yard hurdles, and 20.3 in the 200-yard dash, and he long jumped 26 feet, 8 1/4 inches in his only attempt. His 200-yard time was also accepted as the world record for the 200-meter.

New York Yankee first baseman Lou Gehrig asked to be benched in a game against the Detroit Tigers, ending his streak of 2,130 consecutive games. He thought that he was just battling fatigue. He never returned to playing and died two years later of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which is now better known as Lou Gehrig's disease.

May 3, 1979

Bobby Bonds became the second player in history to join the 300-300 club. The Cleveland Indian hit his 300th career home run and also had 300 stolen bases joining only Willie Mays in accomplishing this feat.

May 4, 1871

The National Association of Baseball Players, becomes the first professional league in baseball history. The first game, the Ft. Wayne Kekiongas vs. Cleveland's Forest City Club, ended in a score of 2-0. Cleveland's Deacon White led the game with a double, the league's fist hit.

May 5, 1935

Ohio State student Jesse Owens broke· four world records and tied a fifth in the Big Ten

May 6, 1998

Kerry Wood, 20-year-old rookie_ for the Chicago White Sox, struck out 20_ina 2-0 win over the Houston Astros to set a National League record and tie the major league mark.

May 7, 1959

Roy Campanella, majorleague baseball's first African American catcher drew a record 93,103 fans to Roy Campanella Night at the Los Angeles Coliseum. The night was held in his honor after he was paralyzed in an automobile accident. The event included an exhibition game between the Dodgers and the Yankees.

May 8, 1954

Parry O'Brien became the first person to exceed the 60-foot mark in the shotput event at a Los Angeles meet. His record throw was 60 feet, 5 1/4 inches ..

Information retrievedfrom

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photo by Chery/Wagstaff

Playoff season has arrived

Ending last season as the NCAA East Regional runner-up for the second year in a row with a record of 42-5, this year's women's softball team will try to do it all over again. This season, the softball team will be going into the PAC Championships as the regular season PAC Champions with a record of 31-6.

May 1 opened the first round of the PAC playoffs. Currently, Cabrini is the number one seeded team in the PAC. They will play the winner of the number four and five

seeded teams on May 4 and 5 in a double elimination playoff game. In total the team will have to win three games to capture the title as the PAC Champions. Because they are the regular season PAC champions, they will be hosting the PAC Championship game here.

" My goal for this weekend is to capture PAC's and defen1 our title as the champions," Karen Pelky, head women's softball coach, said." Ifwe win PA.C'sthen we will go to Regionals again, which would give us an automatic bid to the NCAA tournament."

Pelky commented on how well the team has been playing together up until this point in their season. As there are eight returning players and eight new players, the team has been learning from each other the whole season. " When one teammate gets down, they pick each other up. Everyday there is a new hero on the field," Pelky said. "They share the passion I have for softball. They give me everything I have and I know they can accomplish a lot," Pelley said.

Going into the playoffs, Cabrini's strongest asset is their pitching. Senior pitcher Jacki Armes has been out ·for a month with a stress fracture in her back, but freshman pitcher Ange Templin has. done her job and stepped up to fill the position. Templin has also been sharing the pitching mound with senior All-American pitcher Megan Johnston.

On April 24, the Women's Lacrosse team - lost to Ursinus College in the last game of the regular season by a score ef 10-19. The Cavs ended their season with a record of 12-4.

Jackie Neary, head coach, said, "We had one good half [the fii-sthalf] but we needed two. Ursinus came out on fire the second half and we just didn't have as much fire as they did. Ursinus College is seeded as one of the top six teams in the nation, so playing games against those types of teams is a good preparation for playing against other s·chools -

especially in a playoff situation."

"I feel great about our season. We only lost four games and were undefeated in the PACs," Nicole Schulz, senior captain, said. "We played _ hard in all games and I think we did a great job, overall."

Speaking in a general sense, Neary commented on the team by saying that the girls are "doing a great }ob. We lost our senior goalie of four years, but to our surprise, we are having a great season. We now have a lot of 'go-to-people' instead of just relying on one player."

A playoff game on Wednesday, May 1 against Cedar Crest College creates

Philadelphia sheds some weight

a bit of nervousness for the team. "It's probably going to be a hard game. We have the added pressure that if we win, we will go on to compete for the championship. If we win that, it'll be our fifth PAC win. If we lose, then our feelings will be obvious. But we all have a winning mentality - we don't want to be the team that goes down," Schulz said.

"For Wednesday's game, if we do our best, we have the potential to beat a lot of teams. It's making the 'best' last for 60 minutes that is the hard· part," Neary said. "As a team, we have the potential to go very far."

Philadelphia has moved from the number. one fattest city in the United States to the number three spot

Obesity has become a weighty issue in the life of many Americans. In 1999, an estimated 61 percent of U.S. adults were overweight, as were 13 percent of children and adolescents. Despite the millions being spent on obesity research and billions on quick weight loss products, Americans are heavier than ever.

Obesity is a chronic, metabolic disease that is caused by excessive calorie and food intake, decreased physical activity and genetic influence. Body Mass Index (BMI) is an accepted indicat~r of obesity, which takes into account body height and weight. Although this is a valid indicator, being evaluated by a medical professional can assess a person's body type more specifically and explain methods of treatment.

There are many health risks involved with being obese.

"As obesity rates continue to grow at epidemic proportions in this country, the net effect will be dramatic increases in

related chr0nic health conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease," says Jeffrey Koplan, M.D., director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Diabetes is the most closely linked with being overweight and has become a national concern. Since 1990, type 2 diabetes has been diagnosed in an increasing number of adolescents, a disease, which has formerly been found in mostly overweight adults. Other diseases associated with too much weight include high blood pressure, various heart diseases, stroke, gallbladder disease, sleep apnea, respiratory problems and certain cancers.

In January 2000, Philadelphia made headlines when Men's Fitness magazine named it the "fattest city" in America. Philadelphian 's had high rates of diabetes, heart disease and generally just weighed too much. In order to compile the list of the "biggest" cities in the U.S. the magazine evaluated the 50 largest cities in numerous categories, including parks and open spaces, climate, air quality and commuting time. The magazine stuck to the "City of Brotherly Love" for the 16 percent exercise rate and 30 per-

cent obesity rate, for an overabundance of fast food places and lack of fitness facilities.

Mayor John Street did not take the new description of his city lightly. He quickly hired health professionals and organized a citywide shape up program called "7 6 Tons of Fun," which aimed for residents of the city to collectively lose 76 tons of weight within 76 days. This amounted to 30,400 people losing five pounds each. Because Philadelphians made an honest effort to rid their city of the name, Men's Fitness has upgraded Philadelphia to the third-fattest city, after Houston and Detroit.

Donna DeLeo, associate nurse in the Rooyman's Center does feel that such things as video games and Internet seriously affect young people's weight and ultimately their health. ''People tend to forget about exercising in college because they have too much partying to do," she said. "Its all about how much you eat, you don't have to put that mayo on your sandwich." To calculate your BMI and get more information about healthy weight, exercising and nutrition go to

14 SPORTS--------------------T_hu_r_sd_ay_,_M_ay_,_2,_2_00_2

Adrienne Maiocco

What is your year and major? senior and marketing

How long have you been playing lacrosse? Since 7th grade

How is playing in high school different than playing in college?

My high school team was intense, my high school program was really good. Here is more fun, I think we are closer as a team.

What is it that you like about Cabrini's team?

Our team is very diverse, everyday is interesting.

What got you interested in lacrosse?

I played field hockey and got bored, I needed something to do in the spring.

How many times bas a team you have played on won the PAC? Four.

What's the coolest thing about being an athlete at Cabrini? We get to know all the other athletes, and road trips.

Do you like being the captain of the team?

Yeah, it has its moments. Fund raising is a pain, but for the most part it's fun.

Do you feel as though you bring a lot to the team's personality?

I'm pretty quiet. I'm more of a leader by actions, not by words.

Do you get along with other athletes on campus, as a team and individually? Yeah for the most part.

Paintball USA

On Sunday, April 26th, 21 students along with Shayla Basic-Stamps ventured out at 7 a.m. to play paint ball at Skirmish USA in Jim Thorpe. This is the third year that Cabrini has gone on a paint ball excursion, which has been organized by Cliff Beckett, a senior who has been playing competitive paint ball for the past two years.

Beckett chose Skirmish USA due to the wide range of playing fields, the good org_anization at the facility and the convenient location in the Pocono's. The trip was made possible through funding by Residence Life and Student Activities. General fees were paid for while players purchased their own paint balls.

The facility has 75 playing fields all together. Most fields are wooded areas roped off to create boundaries in which to play, however, some courses contained structures such as small airplanes, castles and trucks to hide around or in.

The game of paint ball for the most part follows the rules of capture the flag, only if you get shot in paint ball you are out for that

game. As soon as the group learned the rules they were given the option to either play a game of surrender or take no prisoners; in true Cabrini fashion the group opted for take no prisoners.

By the end of the day 10 games had been played including one game where all 22 Cabrini participants battled against another group. At the end of the match almost all of the opposing team was in the free zone with half of the Cabrini players stiJI in the field. A wide range of people went on the trip; four of the participants even owned their own guns.

Some people may wonder why in the world anyone would want to get shot at by their friends. Well according to may of the players and freshman Heather St. Amour "it definitely relieves a lot of stress." Also, according to St. Amour unless you are unfortunate enough to get shot in the head, neck, or hand it really doesn't hurt.

Junior Jay Rotello, who has gone in years past, went this year because he "knew that it would be a good time". His favorite part of the trip was just spending the day hanging out and doing something different with his friends.


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photo by CatharineHemson

And they do it again!

For the second year in a row, Cabrini's men's lacrosse team wins the PAC Championship giving them an automatic bid. to the NCAA to_umament

The men's lacrosse team defeated Wesley to earn the title of Pennsylvania Athletic champions on Saturday, April 27, by a score of 6-3. The Cavaliers have also earned the first automatic bid to the National Collegiate Athletic Association tournament.

"We were the no. 1 seed in the [PAC tournament]," Steve Colfer, head coach of the men's lacrosse team, said. "We were the favorite team and the defending champs going into the game. The pressure was on."

According to Colfer, the team responded well to the pressure and defended the title successfully.

"This was by far the biggest game of the season and we knew we were going to win," TJ Fairlie, freshman lacrosse player, said.

"We went out and played with our hearts and won a game," Mike Piccoli, sophomore men's lacrosse player, said.

The members of the lacrosse team went into the championship game with a win in mind. "All season our goal was the PAC champithurs fri 2 3

• WYBF-fm 89.1 The Bum Bash

- onships. We knew it was ours if we played for it," TJ Fairlie, freshman, said.

Although the team played hard as a whole, Antonio Masone was individually recognized for his efforts as a goalie. With 14 saves for the game, Masone earned the Most Valuable Player award. "It was very surprising to me. I wasn't expecting it," Masone said.

The Cavaliers have played Wesley in the finals for tne past three years, so they knew it was going to be a tough game. "The game was pretty tight and we usually blow teams out," Piccoli said.

In order to prepare, the Cavaliers had some opportunities to see the other teams in the PAC tournament, according to Colfer. They scouted them, watched tapes and changed some things. The Cavs also thought about the game in which they played Wesley earlier this season.

"They have a zone defense and we didn't move the ball well the first time [we played them]," Piccoli said. The team learned from their mistakes and knew what they had to do in order to win.

Even though the team knew they were going to win, they worked way to hard all season to 4 5 6

• Women's Softball Playoffs. TBA

• Spring FlingFounders Hall Common Area

•Women's Lacros~e PAC Championship TBA

not go out and give it their all in the championship. "We practiced every day since Jan. 18 to prepare for this game," Brandon Lawler. junior, said. "This is one of the best games that I've played since I've been here."

The whole season, the Cavaliers prepared for the championship game and when it finally came, an overwhelming rush of adrenaline spread through the team like a wild fire. "Even days before the game, we were pU111ped.After we won, it was just nuts," Fairlie said.

The team has to come down from their high and face Stevens Tech on Wednesday, May 1. "We know we have to blow out Stevens Tech to get a better seed in the NCAA tournament. If we beat them, we have a better chance to knock someone off on top and get a better seed," Fairlie said.

The NCAA tournament starts for the Cavs on Wednesday, May 8. "We are a first time entrance into the tournament," Colfer said. "We are going up against some teams that have been there before so we're going to get a lower seed. We are ·going to give our best, play hard and hopefully surprise some people."

tues 7

• Women's Softball Playoffs. TBA

•Spring FlingFounders Hall Common Area


• Last Classes Day • of

• Reading Day • First Day of Finals

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Articles inside

Paintball USA

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Adrienne Maiocco

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Philadelphia sheds some weight

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Playoff season has arrived

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Thisweek in history

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Franklin Field hosted many cultures this past weekend

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Studentsdisplayworks of art Web Exclusives H·OlySpiritLibrary • 1n

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Lettin3 tefevision or3azine your weddin3

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, 'He Said, She Said' to :make noise

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Spring Fling bands prepare to take stage Four making it look Eazy

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TLC 'Left' without Lopes

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Students, communitygather to celebrate WooctcrestMagazine

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Radicone reveals plans for service

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'Beyond the Wa

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er death: ~reepy fiction?

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orm must-havesa

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Communicatingafl comforting fact or

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Letters to the editor: Students want more communication with Residence Life

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Drunk and disorderly

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campuses around U.S.

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Students on campus keep_ Binge drinking summer options open on the rise at

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RAs at UMass form labor union; not recognized

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Cabrin·i,s fa·culty salaries_ near bottom of the barrel

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After 8 months of construction, copper and_clay replace roof at Grace Hall

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Preparing for May; loans and •obligations

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Commuters· have a voice with new SGA President

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