Dec. 05, 2002 issue 13 Loquitur

Page 5

H 2 NO: ·get the lead out

In a recent letter to the Cabrini community, Stephen Lightcap. the vice president for finance and administration, declared the water in the Mansion to be undrinkable.

App tied Environmental Management of Malvern, Pa. was caJled in to test the Mansion's water on Oct. 21,and they found it to contain higher• than-normal-levels of lead on the first floor.

The facilities department has since authorized an optional second test that took place on Nov. 13. The results of this second test, received Nov. 22, showed elevated levels of lead in the water found in the bathrooms on the second floor as well.

The water fountain was disconnected shortly after the results came in, and those working in the Mansion have been asked not to drink the water or use it for cooking purposes.

Washing hands and eating utensils with the lead leaden water does not, however, pose an immediate threat.

An environmental consulta,. tion organization. with expedence in this field, has been calltd in to find the source of the problem.

Until then, a meeting is scheduled to be held in the Mansion to answer any questions the communitymay have concerning the safety of the water.

Carpenter resigns-

David Carpenter has resigned from the position of Director of Residence Life. His last day will be Jan. 2, 2003. The word spread quickly throughout campus late Monday night after Carpenter announced it to his staff members at a Resident Life holiday party. Mary Theresa Schwartzer, director of human resources, confirmed that Carpenter had resigned on Monday.

Carpenter is going to King's College in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., where he will continue as director of residence life. King's is a 15minute commute from where Carpenter will call home. He and his wife are building their "dream house" on a plot of land they have bought. Currently, Carpenter is two hours away from his wife, who teaches in the Wilkes-Barre area.

Carpenter said that he is leaving on good terms. "It was like Mother Cabrini intervened. Everything just kind of came together at the right time," Carpenter said. "I was not in a full-blown search looking for anything else because I'm very happy here at Cabrini."

During an interview in his office, Carpenter seemed prophetic at times, sullen at others. "I love working here," Carpenter said. "I love the students, I love the community, I like everything about my job."

"It's just one of those things that presented itself that I couldn't not show some interest in," Carpenter said about the offer from King's. "If I weigh everything together, personally and professionally - what's best for

Cabrini and what's best for me - I think that it all just makes sense. It's a natural thing."

Carpenter has been involved in student affairs for over 15 years, coming to Cabrini from Western Connecticut State. Carpenter was hired by former Vice-President of Student Affairs, Dr. Laura Valente, two years ago. However, Carpenter said he is not part of a "Valente-era." "I'd like to be viewed as an individual, not an era."

Prior to his current profession, Carpenter taught creative writing and expository writing in high school. Carpenter even worked for two years in Japan, teaching English as a second language.

Carpenter said that he feels he has left Cabrini a better place than what it was when he began. "I think that when I first came, Cabrini was in need of some stability. I think that the Residence Life program particularly needed to assess itself and do some redefining," Carpenter said. "I think we revitalized the program."

"A lot of what I was successful in doing, and I think one of my greatest strengths, has been making interdepartmental connections," Carpenter said.

On his regrets, Carpenter said, "I think that you always have regrets on things. Not a day goes by that I don't think, 'Gee maybe I could have or should have done that differently."' On last semester's R.A. controversy, Carpenter said, "We were able to rebuild and revitalize [the program]."

When asked if he would miss Cabrini, Carpenter said, "Terribly so." He added, "I think I've forged a lot of real positive relationships here." On the students, Carpenter said he would miss them "very


Carpenter remains close with many administrators in adjunct offices. "I think that most of them were at first like, 'Oh my goodness'," Carpenter said. "I think that they realized that it works well for everybody."

Student reaction was mixed, as rumors of Carpenter's resignation slowly trickled out. "I was shocked that he resigned," Bernadette Hazel, senior SGA president said. "I personally liked him, but I know that many students didn't like him very much."

When asked if he resigned because he thought he would be fired, Carpenter said "No. I would have stayed longer had the right position not come up."

Carpenter laughed at having to pick just one thing he would take from Cabrini, saying, "I would say it's the students whose lives I impacted, I hope, in a positive way."

In the interim, Dr. Richard Neville and Angie Hodgemann will be handling some of Carpenter's workload and responsibilities. THURSDAY Dec. 5, 2002 Vol.XLIX Number 13 INSIDE: • Policycleanswalls in_halls, page 2 • Christmasconcertreview, page 7
KATIEREING/PHOTOEDITOR Dave Carpenter, director of Residence Life,announced his resignation on Monday,Dec. 2. His resignation takes effect on Jan. 2

Ad-ing up the open space

Now that the walls are free of ad clutter and the student body bas been made aware of the rules for posting signs, a bigger issue is catching the attention of Student Activities. There is a limited

Pubic Safety: trained for campus action

In response to hearing that college campuses across the councampus. Ass1srANrA&EEDITOR Cabrini's Public Safety is not try.

nwnber of places for students to hang posters and flyers around GINAPERACCHlA

Although no major ctianges have been made to 1he policy, it

trained to use weapons, sopho- One student suggested training now clearly states where a student can and cannot bang a flyer or There are presently 23 Public more Christine Losardo said, "I on how to handle sexual harassad and when it can be bung. "There are no changes," Jason Safety officers, 12 full-time and like the fact that our Public Safety Bozzone, director of Student Activities, said. "rt is just that no one 11 part-time, who are trained in does not carry weapons. It can be actually knew what the policy was."

CPR and first aid to keep Cabrini intimidating for some students,

Bozzone felt that it was the responsibility of the office of safe. They are also trained to deal and it's not needed on this campus. Student Activities to be proactive and put something together so with specific issues, such as iden- CPR and first aid training are the student$ ate made awareof the policy. He took it upon himself tity theft, that are brought up each given every year to each officer.

ment cases. "I've been hearing a lot abqut girls being sexually harassed on campus this year. I think it would be a great idea if public safety were made aware of this issue and were trained to do to write up a policy that is detailed and specific for everyone to year. The first aid training goes on for something about it," junior Dave understand. Experience in security and the two days, and CPR training usual- Madrak said.

However, in orderfor thepolicyto work.StudentActivitiesis educational background of a ly takes about four hours. In addi- Each public safety officer goingto takeresponsibilityfor the postersor flyersthatare not potential Public Safety officer are tion to CPR and first aid, officers makes a complete tour of the camdisplayedlegally.The office is going to educatethe studentsby looked at first. According to are also certified to use an auto- pus every night. In addition, each takingdownthead,takingit to StudentActivities,callingthepeo- Charlie Schaffner, the director of mated external defibrillator, officer makes another tour of ple or club that posted the ad and ask them to get it and get it Public Safety, Cabrini's Public which is to help a person who may either the academic buildings or stamped.or place it in another area. Safety officers do not carry be having a heart attack. These the residence halls. These tours

Conversely,when writing up the policy, Student Activities dis- weapons, but he regards training devices are located in the Public involve logging a hand-held comcovered that there really are not many places for students to hang with a weapon as a plus. Safety Office and in the Dixon puter at designated sites around up ads around campus. "If there is no place to put things. the stu- The main difference between Center. dents need to address that; Bozzone said. "There are channels of Cabrini's Public Safety and the Joint training is given with the communicationthatyou needto addressthoseto. And hopefully public safety of schools like Penn Residence Life staff twice a year. it'llbuilda betterCabriniwherepeoplecan shareinformationand and Drexel is that these larger uni- According to Schaffner, this have1hosekiosksandinformationboards." versities have sworn police offi- includes report writing and cusStudentscan addressconcernsor solutionsto problemsto the cers who carry weapons. These tomer service.

StudentGovernmentAssociationor to StudentActivities. officers have arrest powers, A controversial issue comes up

Accordingto BernHazel,theSGAhasrecognizedtheproblem whereas Cabrini's Public Safety each year on campus that public withthelimitedplacesto displayinformationandis workingon a will rely on the Radnor Police safety feel they need to learn more proposalto get moreinformationbulletinsor kioskson <:ampus. Department, if necessary. about. After learning about the Bozzonesaid thatthe studentsneedto meetStudentActivities "We rely on Radnor [Police] if issue, they are trained to handle halfway;StudentActivitiesaddressed a concernthatstudentsbad, we have a real problem that we the situation if it ever were to nowit is up to the students to be proactiveandaddressunderlying don't think we can handle, and if it occur. issuesthathavebeenexposed. gets to that point then we'll call Schaffner said in the past

If anyonehasany concerns,he or she may contactStudent for outside assistance. But, we try Public Safety were trained to banActivitiesat x8407. to handle everything on campus dle cultural diversity and identity


"We also enforce the Cabrini code of conduct and try to enforce the parking regulations in a fair and equitable manner. Certainly we all know that the campus is somewhat tight for parking on certain days, so of course we relax our enforcement on those days," Schaffner said.

According to Schaffner, the no. 1 one priority for Public Safety is to keep the campus safe and secure and to protect the people who live and work here.

2 Thursday, Dec. 5, 2002 news
PublicSafetyoffice,RandallSall)psonchecks the chem lab and checks for blockage in the fire extinguishers.
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Arresting campus to feed the starving


Campus ministry has raised over $1,000 and will be sending some of it, along with two cows, to areas of need in Africa and Afghanistan. The department recently completed its Hunger and Homelessness campaign, which included fasting, food donations, a banquet and a unique program that saw students and faculty being arrested outside of the food court.

The campaign began on Cabrini Day and went on through Thanksgiving,, as it does every year. One of the major events saw student and faculty working in a

telethon format with a twist. somewhere around $400. Local Campus ministry created a mock prison and sent people to jail to call their friends and professors in order to raise money for bail.

Dr. James Hedtke, chair of the history and political science department, usually does his best to raise money, but due to classes and advising, he couJd not be arrested. Hedtke did, however, make his presence felt, standing outside of the prison and stopping students and persuading them to make their own donatation.

Even president Antoinette Iadorola was even arrested for hunger with students and faculty members, but managed to raise

news stations picked up the story, with clips of ladorola shaking hands and raising money. She made calls to faculty and her cabrinet, then ended up making a donation out of her own pocket for her bail. Iadorola is glad to see things grow and is proud of the work campus ministry has done.

"There's a sense of giving back and that's what we do well here," Iadorola said.

Sophomore Karen Bonin did most of her work with the Hunger Banquet, held in the Mansion. While the banquet is one of the key events every year, this year major changes were made to the

Five holiday cards for $5 in ~j Campus Ministry

**Handcrafted with banana bark** -,. 0

Proceeds go to Food for the Poor in the Caribbean

Food for the Poor started its llauana Bark program to help the destitute of the Caribbean by creating- hundreds of jobs. Bark shed naturally by banana trees is pthered and handcrafted to create this beautiful Banana Bark card.

A local news station tapes president Iadarolaas she heads into jail. script to give it more of a Cabrini feel, including lines about the Dorrences, the family students are told about when on tours or orientation. Mary Laver, coordinator of community outreach, played the role of Mrs. Dorrence, coming in at the end and claiming her husband was still not on time for their banquet.

Bonin worked hard on changing the script and acted a s a coordinator for the banquet, but notes "the group members did a lot of work, so it's not like it's just one person." The committee for the Hunger Banquet worked on poster and dealing with RSVPs for the banquet, attempting to put a number on paper for Wood Dining Service, Cabrini food service and the extra hand who helped serve rice, chicken, broth, bread and cake at the event.

The event itself saw people assuming roles of real life people, losing their jobs or being promot-

ed. The portions of the food equaled the participants' class, with the lowest class eating nothing by dry rice and distributing a few pieces of toast to over twenty people.

The evel1tended with a speaker who showed slides of the work being done with Heifer International, an organization that works to feed the homeless around the world. The organization worked in conjunction to send two cows to areas of Africa and Afghanistan., which can be used to feed families for years.

The campaign came to a close around Thanksgiving, when campus ministry was able to work with ACME and volunteers to deliver 70 turkeys, 140 pies and assorted canned goods to hungry families in the Philadelphia area. Though the campaign is over, campus ministry will now be working on Christmas project, including toy donation.

Cabrini College
Dr: Richard Neville makes a phone call from inside the ban. He was calling people to come bail him out of jail.All bail money raised was used towards.the Hunger and Homelessness Campaign.
them on the web at: Sing Atrium THIS Saturday, Dec. 7 www. fcRSttt~~.totr1t:.:r:1-.·• ~'J:L' 10 p.m. .tl:"~-; :f..J :1>2'~c.J\T!:iLo,Uw<

Students show off talent for title


The next round was the pajama competition. Four SPORTS EDITOR men and four women who advanced from the first round modeled their sleepwear to be one of two men

Mr. and Miss Cabrini were crowned in the cafete- and two women to move onto the final round. Miss ria in the third annual Mr. and Miss Cabrini Pageant.

Junior Laura Cover and senior John Verdi took the honors after three rounds of competition that consisted of a talent round, pajama round and a question and answer round.

Four of the five judges are employed by Cabrini. They included President Antoinette Iadarola, Dr. Carol Serotta, department chair mathematics, Dr. Hal Halbert, English/communication professor, and Joe Johnson, 2001 Cabrini graduate and resident director of Xavier Hall. A raffle was held to appoint a mystery judge. The winner of the raffle was senior Jamie Jaskiewicz. She was the big winner of the night; she also won a DVD player and a DVD.

All l 2 of the contestants competed in the talent round. The contestants were Alex Conyngham, Anthony D' Aleo, Jason Rotella, Mike Sofia, Craig Vagell, John Verdi, Laura Cover, Jessie Gentile, Jamie Getka, Liz Graham, Bernadette Hazel and Rose Leahy.

Cabrini winner, Cover brought her nephew on stage with her for the pajama round. "My nephew was my teddy bear," Cover said.

The final round was the question and answer portion of the competition. The four finalists were sophomore Mike Sofia, senior John Verdi, junior Laura Cover and senior Bernadette Hazel. Verdi aruged that he should be Mr. Cabrini because he always wanted to win and it was his last year to have that chance. Cover explained in her final reply how much C!lbrini has meant to her over the years and she wanted to give something back.

The most successful Mr. and Miss Cabrini Pageant ended with Cover and Verdi as the winners. "This was my last year to participate. I have been in it for the last three years, but never won. I was ecstatic to perform and actually win," Verdi said.

Over 150 students were in attendance at the event. "I laughed so hard my face hurt the next day," Halbert said.

Thursday, Dec. 5, 2002
ALLPHOTOS BY KATIEREING/PHOTOEDITOR Clockwise from top left:AIIfour finalists,Laura Cover.John Verdi.Bern Hazel and Mike Sofiawait in anticipation to hear who will win the title of Mr.and Miss Cabrini;Craig Vagelldances on stage in a dress for his talent competition; John Verdi,Mr.Cabrini and Laura Cover, Miss Cabrini take a victory walk down the catwalk; Hal Halbert, Carol Serotta, JoeJohnson and Antoinette Iadarola served as four of the five j4dges for the pageant.

Students activities meeting

Students complain about having nothing to do on campus on the weekends, but when Student Activities asks for suggestions, no one speaks up.

On Monday, Dec. 2, an invitational meeting was held in the New Residence Hall for students to give ideas on activities that would make them want to leave their suitcases in their dorm.

After hearing students say that Cabrini is a "suitcase college," Jason Bozzone, director of Student Activities, wanted to help students become more involved on campus and says that seeing only three people showed up for the meeting shows that not much effort is being made on the students' part.

Student Activities is not what it once was. A new staff means new suggestions and _new activities, and they are here to make sure students enjoy college life and get out of their dorms every once in awhile.

"My No. I reason why I'm here is to help support and challenge the student body and help each student learn,

develop and grow in their own unique way. I took three days out of my busy schedule to put something together and have people talk in a round-table, and what you get is three people," Bozzone said.

There have been many activities planned for students this semester, and people have been attending them. During the 15 weekends in this fall semester, there have been 24 events put together by students and the Student Activities staff. Three of the most popular events were Midnight Madness with more than 400 in attendance, the Fall Gala in Grace Hall, which was attended by over 220 students, and the Fall Fling, Carnival, and BBQ with over 200 participants.

Student Activities wants the legacy of students not showing their school spirit and ignoring events to quickly diminish. According to Bozzone, he knows what makes the students tick, and a lot of it deals with the history and tradition that has been on campus for so long.

"We're trying to institute new philosophies at Cabrini, where it's more student-friendly and student-focused," Bozzone said.

This campus is a "gem in the woods," as Bozzone put it,

and he does not think people understand the potential that Cabrini has to explode.

Bozzone still wants to meet again with students and discuss what they want to have happen on Cabrini's campus.

"We're looking to figure out how to help you guys, and if you're going to 'talk the talk' then you got to 'walk the walk.' There's only so much you can do with whoever wants to help," Bozzone said.

Cabrini College 5
CAtdtt• ACA~ • JAMAtA • 8NIAMU ¥ rlOllt)A PIOIIOII OlaMPUS, 1111WII,IOflEIII __ CILLJl..DIYJOIIIJIIII. .. I • 4849 . ...x..._
I! To get involvedor voice an opinion or activityidea, contact Jason Bozzone in Student Activities x8407

arts & Entertainment South Street on the reel

South Street is more than the home of Lorenzo's Pizza; it is the home of citizens who once rallied toget_herto preserve a commumty in jeopardy_ as explained in "Crosstown," an independent film presented ip the mansion on Monday, Nov. 16 at 7:30 p.m.

Miriam Caiajtta, Ph.D., is a folklorist, educator and independent filmmaker based in Philadelphia. She taught at the University of Pennsylvania and recently shifte'd into filmmaking.

After ten years of collaborative efforts between WYBE TV 35, DUTV Cable 56 and a number of editors and co-sponsors, Camitta's first film was finally released.

"Crosstown" was nominated for Best Documentary Film at 200 l Philadelphia Festival of World Cinema.

• English and communications professor, Brian Gregory who was inspired by an article Camitta wrote entitled "The Folklorist and the City," was responsible for bringing Camitta to Cabrini.

Told through the voices of the participants, this film is a historymaking story of how a community joined together to save their main street and surrounding neighborhoods from the Crosstown Expressway, which threatened the community on South Street in Philadelphia in the 60s and 70s. The expressway would have separated poorer and AfricanAmerican neighborhoods from the new, upscale center city.

"It was one big community," a South Street resident said. The documentary depicted a time when everyone was classless, there was no white or black, there was no priority of old-timers over newcomers; there was just a community with a passion for their neighborhood and a need to keep

it together.

At the time of the threat to build the Crosstown Expressway, thousands of residents were forced out of thejr homes, businesses were closed, but hope was never lost. From society hill to "old Philly," citizens protested and on July 3, 1960, six ·society hill residents asked that their houses be saved. They challenged their authority and won.

Late in 1969, a plan was developed to preserve the physical environment of South Street and improve its economfoal base. However, the highway became a threat once again.

This time citizens of South Street took a different approach. The nature of the battle was to create the proof, through marches and parties in the street, that a community, this tight-knit, could not be split apart.

Finally, the citizens were given the justice they deserved and the community was not given what it didn't want. The Crosstown Expressway was overturned for the last and final time.

The 70s and 80s drew tourists to South Street and the 90s brought visual and performing arts.

Carnitta admits that the city has become a more desirable place to live. Though she no longer is a south Philadelphia resident, Camitta said, "it still looks how it did in 1972," when she moved there. "It wasn't safe then, even after the revival, and it's not safe now."

Still, passion was evident in the eyes of Camitta as she presented her independent film, "Crosstown," a documentary that depicted an environment that will eternally be responsible for inspiring her to tell a story of struggle, unity and success on a street that she can call home.

Movie fanatics dress to impress

Witches and wu:atds,as well as millions of Americans of aD ages out for the opening weekend of ''Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets," bringing in more than $87~7million at the box office.

"We hada couple of (adult] people come in dressed in the hat and the cape and everything," a box office official .from the United Artist in King of Prussia said. "But none of the kids dressed up."

"I think it's really funny when people dress up, but I don't think I would go that far:'

Roberta Cunnin,gham,a substitute teacher from .Newtown. Pa.• said. She bought the DVD for her son after she saw the first movie in the theater twice and read the four-book series four times. She line more

than an hour before the midnight showing of the .newest "Harry Potter" movie on its opening night at the AMC theater in Bensalem, Pa. She said, ''There•s more in depth character development and storyline in the books. Besides," she -00ntin• ued, "you don't really get the animosity between Malfoy and Harry Potter in the first movie. But I always like the books better."

million in it's first weekend. second only to Spiderman's .-SI14.8 million opening. "The Sorcerer's" also shattered the previous record for video rental, bringing in S.19.1 million in the first weekof its release.

"I saw the first one in the theater thre_e• times," Mike Bernstein., a junior at

T h i s

~l.£1t\6GE y e a r ' s Young"Harry Potier"&nsdress up release is down Withs1pwre scarandHogwarts

Muhlenberg CoJtege. said on his way out from last year's robet. opening of after seeing "The Chamber "Harry Potter-and the Sorcerer's of Secrets." "This movie was,'' which brought in $93.5 better than the last one. I would

definitely go see it again." Bernstein read all four books in the series in a month. "I just couldn't put them down,.. he said.

"There is nothing in any of J.K. Rowling's books that is unimportant, and there's specific information for each book;' Karen Bonin, a sophomore education major at Cabrini, said. "The movies include almost everytping." Bonin has done extensive work involving the Harry Potter series. "They 're children's books, but they can be taken to an adult level:' she said.

Bernstein, Cunningham and Bonin agree that people can telate on different levels. Children can relate on the "superficial" level, the magic and special effects, Cunningham said. Adults have a more in-depth understanding, she continued. "They can relate to the hierarchy and are impressed by the mysticism."

6 Thursday, Dec. 5, 2002
GooGLE ll-1AGE Obse»ive Star Wao fans dress as Yodaand Darth Vader. In recent yea~. with the release of the new trilogy,fans have Cllmpedout for weeks at a time, dressed up as their favorite character,for the first tickets.

Choir celebrates with Christmasconcert

The choir will host the annual Christmas concert in the chapel on Sunday, Dec. 8.

Dr. Adeline Bethany, the director, said, "It is typical of the holiday season and it gets people in the [holiday}mood."

Many times people see it advertised in the newspaper and come from Philadelphia to enjoy the traditional songs of the Christmas season. Bethany said.

The choir consists of 25 members, mainly Cabrini students. It is also open to the community and this year there are four members of the community involved.

There are a few solos and, traditionally, a senior student sings "Oh Holy Night."

Bethany is excited because the choir has brand new robes this year,

The choir usually has more

'The Mind' comes to the Mansion

people in it, but it is common for students to have Monday night classes, which makes it difficult to attend practice.

Choir can be taken for 1.5 credits. If taken twice, it will fulfill the three-credit aesthetics requirement. For those students already finished with their aesthetics obligation, it can be taken simply for fun.

Helen Morris is the senior this year who will be singing "Oh Holy Night." This is her third year in the choir. She is very eager to sing her solo.

"This semester we're doing some more challenging pieces, even some songs by Mozart,'' Morris said.

In addition to Mozart, the choir will be performing "Dona Nobis Pacem," "Oh Bambino" and some more traditional songs such as "Let it Snow," "Winter Wonderland" and "Joy to the World."

' ;vitedto the rt Show mi College

Where:Cab Radno

why: 4radu

10King of PrussiaRoad F.oundersHall, 2nd Floor

Our apologies for the short notice. Hope to see you there.

The latest edition of the "Woodcrest" was brought to life in the mansion on Monday, Nov. 26. Members of the magazine practicum sponsored a reading of selected works from the magazine, which will be out for distribution on Dec. 5. The theme of the magazine this year is ''The Mind." It is comprised of a collection of writing from Dr. Seth Frechie's Com 320 Creative Writing course and a collection of photographs from student photographers. Freebie opened the reading by saying that

he thought that this issue was "really the best issue ever produced."

Senior Renee DiPietro kicked off the reading with a poem entitled "She's Funny." She continued and read a story titled "She Closed Her Eyes," a story about a girl who is attending her brother's funeral and a reflection on his death. DiPietro concluded with a story called "Adoption In China," a reflection of the importance of baby boys in Chinese society and what becomes of the baby girls who are left.

Kat Pirrone read her piece next, a very unique look on one similar

situation. Pirrone had "three separate but related readings." The story focuses on Pirrone and how she feels in life, particularly focusing in on one particular incident. Through the reading you get to hear her point of view and then hear the story from both her mother's and her father's points of view.

Stacey Hanby told her story through the eyes of an 80-year-old man who is in the hospital being visited by his family. Through the story, the man fades jn and out of telling stories from when he fought in the war and answering questions regarding his health from his family.

Kimberly Gormley continued the reading with "Left-handing Revolution: Review of Evasion," a review done of a story she had read complete with comparisons from the story to present-day life.

Angelina Wagner followed with her poem "Artistic Insomnia," a round-about poem about the life of an artist.

Maria Chambers followed with a musical interlude. Chambers played her guitar and sang her poem about being a woman. Katie Reing concluded the reading with her story "Second-Hand Relations," a story about not having enough time to do everything that needs to be done.

There will be another reading on Thursday, Dec. 5th at the Wayne Train Station. This will include more readings and photos that are showcased in the magazine .,,--..... ---

- -/come t~ the %o~crest Reading!)

( A celebration of Woodcrest Literary Magazine

Thursday, Dec. 5 at 7 p.m.

The Wayne Train Station \

Cabrini College
KATIEREING/PHOTOEDITOR Kim Gormly reads from her piece, "Evasion:• Kim is one of the many readers featured in this issue of the "Woodcrest." The magazine will be distributed Dec. 5.

A freshly cut Christmas tree, candles burning atop the oven, the bakery, eggnog and the rush as a brisk breeze brings aromas of the first snowfall. Almost every holiday memory is triggered by the perennial scents of the season.

Every year the familiar scents of the winter months bring joy and excitement through memories and promise. But why can we smell these molecular treasures? And why are memories linked to the wafts of odorants through the nasal passage?

Since smell is a chemical sense, receptor cells of the nervous system are used to detect odorants by the chemical nature of their molecules. Once the molecules enter the nose, the receptor sites, which are regions on the receptor cells, pick up the molecules and send an electrical signal to the limbic system in the brain, which controls memory and behavior. From there, the delight of a pleasant smell brings upon a smile or an undesirable smell causes one to cringe and memories are formed in association with experience.

This year, senior Gina Roswell, English and philosophy major, said that the scent of chimney smoke sparked her first thoughts of the holidays.

"I love the smell of chimney smoke," she said. "I smelled it the other day and got all excited."

Junior social work major Kathleen Sweeney uses her olfaction when she first smells Christmas trees to trigger memories of family trips to Tamaqua, Pa., where she and her family go each year to find their Christmas tree.

"Every year I can smell the Christmas trees being sold on neighborhood comers and I think of how my family can't just be normal and buy one of those," Sweeney said. "The man who sells the trees to us knows us all by name and takes pride in having the Philadelphians come all the way to Tamaqua to get our tree."

The smell of the holidays reminds Leslie Glavine, junior and graphic design major, of childhood memories with her cousins. "On Christmas Eve, we all go to my grandparents house for the seven fish thing and we have spaghetti for dinner," she said.

"When we were little my cousins and I would walk in and the windows in the kitchen would be all steamy from the pot of boiling spaghetti. We would all write our names and draw pictures in the steam on the windows. Now every time my mom or grandmom cooks spaghetti, that smell reminds me of Christmas Eve."

Asked if she will be decorating the steamed windows with her name and pictures this year, Glavine laughingly said, "probably."

Although the scents of the holidays are easily identifiable, our sense of smell does not stop there. In the season of giving, it is acceptable to want a little too. And what better to want than some love? With the help of the sense of smell, people can be undeniably attracted to each other. Pheromones, known also as subliminal sex attractants, can spark sexual attraction between males and females and, chances are, they would never know it. From the smell of a man's sweat to the natural scent of a woman's hair, excreted pheromones may be the reason you bump into that special someone under the mistletoe.

Did you kno'W'!

-If your nose is in peak performance, you can tell the difference between 4,000 and 10,000 scents.

-As you grow older, your sense of smell gets worse. Children are likely to have much more subtle senses of smell than parents or grandparents

8 .. Thursday, Dec. 5, 2002

What'syour favor· e f he

First year, computer science: "The snow because I love skiing and it's my job."

Finding the gifts that make ''scents''

With the holiday's quickly approaching, last minute shopping does not have to be an option. Candlemaking is your solution and it is the perfect way to show loved ones how much you care. Homemade candles can be custom-made for each individual depending on their interests.

"My mom still loves when I make her stuff and I am 20 years old. If I make my mom, grandmom and sister a candle for Christmas, I would be saving so much money. Homemade gifts are not only cheaper, they come from the heart," Gina Piro, a sophomore said.

Along with making the candle, you can make a centerpiece for it. For example you could make a box that is decorated, so that the candles are given the sophistication they deserve. There are different candle types that you can make. Anywhere from floating candles, to gel candles with any shape or color that you desire are easy to create at home.

For more informationon making your own candles, visit

theLoquitur .com 9
Ethan PeifferJunior, exercise physi "A fresh cut Christmas tree because it makes the house smell nice."
candles make great gifts as well as helping to preserve the scenu of the holidays throughout the year.
Melissa Landrin- - Sophomore, Education: "The pine from the Christmas tree because it reminds me of Christmas at my house." Dave ArnoldSophomore, undeclared: "The smell of chocolate chip cookie +.J, because that's what I leave out for Santa."

Holiday season brings needed reminders

Each week Loquitur does its best to seek campus news to provide to the student body as fairly and accurately as possible. Olten, Loquitur simply takes the common gripes of the student body, finds the story and reports so the administration can hear the voice. In addition, the Loquitur staff works hard to always have an eye and the ear on the news so we can break stories, giving props to high achiever-sand righting the wrongs.

In the heat of battle in the newsroom, sto• ries and headlines are written that can make Cabrini sound unlivable. Although Cabrini does need improvement in many areas, we are lucky to be given the opportunity to live in a safe suburb of one of America's proudest cities while earning an education from interesting and intelligent professors.

It is easy for us to take what we have for granted. Over the holidays, millions of people across the globe will be hungry and cold, essentially living without the necessities. As

most of us plan on being successful, we have become used to the mindset that if things are not perfect, they are not right. There is nothing wrong with such a mindset as fong as we consciously keep in mind that our complaints and requests are only to make our surroundings better, not to accuse them of being bad. Ultimately, it is constructive criticism.

So while we point out the imperfections of the college, keep in mind how fortunate we really are. Warrri classrooms, decent facilities, endless resources and the minds and leaders that allow us to realize the difference between good and bad, right and wrong.

Sometimes it can be hard to see through the rain to the light of day, but students, faculty and community alike have been able to do their best. Cabrini has driven further, going from just an estate of buildings and fields to a stronger community. Over this

What do you think of David Carpenter's resignation from Residence Life?

last year as a growing community, students have been able to come together and can continue attempting to strive for that perfection that so many people desire.

As we enter the holiday season, it is important to keep those who have experienced a tremendous loss in our prayers. Pray that Jonathan Huber's family and Abigail Bullard and her family receive the strength, comfort and love as they enter into the holidays for the first time without those people who have left an incredible impact on their lives.

Others, too, unknown to us are desperate for our prayers. They are somewhere in the world experiencing pain and grief as a result of immeasurable difficulties and need our prayers and thoughts to get through this season with a little joy. Please do not forget them as you pray.

Findlay, Kelly Finlan, Jaclyn Freese, Lauren Gatto, Rosemarie Gonzalez, Jamie Knobler, Cristin Marcy, Antonio Masone, Lauren Mineo, Stephanie Moritz, Kendall Neil, Ryan Norris, Jermaine O'Neil, Gina Peracchia, Christina Piselli, Amanda Snow, Anne Marie White

Staff Photographers

MruyAdam, BethBeswick,Amy Olan, KimOaytai, Da,id Ooud, Kristina Coq,ei; Midlelle Crowley,Kit D?wey, Jim Oiamood,JamieKnoole,; JennaLewandowski,StephanieMoritz, KendallNeil,TiffanyPlatt

"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today."
James Dean
ou Speak. • •
editor in chief managing editor news editor news editor a&e editor features editor perspectives editor sports editor sports editor photo editor Richard Magda Sharvon Urbannavage Vince DeFruscio Leanne Pantone Ryan Mulloy Shannon King Catharine Hernson Alexis Strizziere Cheryl Wagstaff
Liz Cittadino Melissa Natividad Shannon Carroll sophomore sophomore junior
"I really like stu- "I don't think that "I'm a transfer dent developement David Carpenter student and they this year and with was about the stu- were going to put David Carpenter dents and I'm me in Woodcrest, gone it will only glad he resigned." and he helped me get better." get into
House Two."
Luke Stevenson senior web/copy editor adviser• Katie Reing Paul Williams Dr. Jerome Zurek StaffWrill!ls Mary Adam, Heather Dilalla, Melissa DiPietrantonio, Jana Fag,otti,Andrew
have any-
personally but I think Residence Life as a whole is bad."
Loqultur ts a laboratory newspaper written, edited and produced by the students of COM 351, 352, 250 and 251. Subscription price ts $25 per year and ts Included In the benefits secured by tuition and fees. Additional copies are $1 eo11ch.Loqultur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters 10 the editor are to be less than 500 words. These are usually In response to a current Issue on c.1mpus or community a~a. Gucsl columns are longer pieces be-tween 600 and 800 words and also .arc usu.1lly In response to a current Issue on the Cabrini College c..impus or community. Leners to the editor and guest columns are printed as space permits submissions may be edited for length, clarity and content~ Name, phone num~r 3nd address should be lnduded for verification purposes. Personal altacks and anonymous submissions will not be printed. Letters lo the editor and guest columns can be submitted to or to the newsroom mailboxes In f-ounders hall 264.

Reader callsfor SGA resignation

The Loquitur can hardly be called a nonbiased newspaper anymore. The paper has become an outlet for one of its editors, see sports editor Alexis Strizziere personal attack on me in the Nov. 22 issue.

Miss Strizziere will not suffer any recourse•for ha attack on me, even though submission letter to the Loquitur specittcalty say that personal attacks will not be printed. After aU, she is a journalist, freedom of speech; though I think the ACLU might disagree. I was very incensed to see Miss Strizziere article. Firstly. I was solicited by Paul Wdliams for an opinion on student organizations and I gave a personal one. The SGA is useless. Peopleshould be able to give an opinion without fear of attack. Was the statement bogus" as Strizziere said? Well, who knows? In her entire attack piece on me she failed to state what the SGA does. Strizziere said, , was ashamed to admit that the student that made the comment about the 'useless SGA' is a human being let alone a student."

Well f'm sorry to tell you, but I am a human being, even though you have tried to degrade me with your malicious and semiincoherent attacks. You insult me as a human being. Strizziere calls my understanding an "ignorant'' one. And that it would "behoove" me to reconsider my opinion. Well I thought about my opinion long and hard. As president of the SGA, you have no integrity. You say you try to help students like me. WHAT?

You mock me, you deny me the right to an opinion because it does not agree with your own, and you degrade this institution by being a member of it. You personally attack me in a poorly written article. yet you fail to mention. if anything. what the SGA does. Why would I want to come to a 10 p.m. meeting. convenient since l'm a commuter,

forthe SGAif I badto dealwith peoplelike you? Any president thatresortsto attackson fellow studentsdoes not bclcm8 in this school and certainly should not be able to ~laim tblltshe is the class president of our institution. How dare you personally attackme to llllke up for you OlpDimions own·deficiencies!

You and your USELESS SGA have enacted nodung that bu belpe4 studmds like me. I am not alone in my views on tbe SGA. Your article provesthatan intelligent person. such as .1, • could never become SGA president. Your vicious and hurtful attacks have shown what kind of person becomes student class president. Strizzierc is a disgrace to our institution; these kinds of attacks should not be allowed, especially in our school newspaper.

Who allows these attacksto be printed? I was told thatthe onlythingl could do was writea response. Strizzierehas abused her privilege of writing for the paper. A leaderdoes not attack and resort to name-calling; Alexis Strizziere is not a leader or a writer. Alexis,I ask that you resign as student class president. Every person in this institution should be ashamedthatyou representthem. I asswneyou will not resign. 1herefore next semester I am startinga petition to ensure thatyou leavethatoffice. Also, you should apologize for your attackson me. Students!I ask you to join my campaign to oust Strizziere, tell her you do not want her as class president anymore, sign my petition.

I know I could do a better job as SGA president Strizziere believes that she actually does things for us and that I could not do better. l take Strizziere 's challenge. If I were running the SGA I would accomplish something for you. the student body without personally attacking people.

Pot is not the problem

So Ms. Johnson, you think "pot smokers should pay for their illegal actions and have to answer to the local police department". You furthermore stated you think anyone smoking marijuana should be imprisoned and this would make "the lawbreakers think twice before lighting up that next joint". What are you, a f---ing Nazi?

The idiocy you exhibit with your vindictive tone is the same idiocy that has been, is, and always will be the root of every man•made evil in exist.ence, without exception. It's a shame thi~ stupid world hasn't figured it out yet despite its simplicity. This root of all evil of which •I speak is merely the disrespect for freedom. The reason this world is a polluted, intolerant, fanatical, enslaved, vindictive, impoverished and plutocratic hole is the pigs in this world either over step their own or shortchange others' freedom. Unfortunately, you obviously lack an understanding of what freedom is. Freedom is having the

ability to do whatsoever you wish to do unless a particular action directly adversely impacts another individual or individuals. Due to corruption propagated by the same stupidity of which you exhibit, none of us are free in this country. The truth is if someone wants to smoke a joint in their privacy, exactly as if someone feels like having a beer or a cigarette, it's called freedom.

When someone "annoys" you by coming up to you with "bloodshot eyes" they're not hurting you whatsoever, nor anyone else.Yet you feel these people should be imprisoned Anyone with a clue or more knows how •retarded our drug laws are. I could tell you about how we burn billions of dollars year after year in -this country in our moronic "drug war" to no effect. I could tell you how thousands of good innocent people's lives are ruined every year with imprisonment from meaningless drug convictions despite the fact they did nothing wrong. I could

tell you about the stupidity and corruption that continues marijuana prohibition just so chemical and oil companies don't have to diversify their profits to unpatentable hemp. I could tell you a million more reasons why marijuana prohibition is incredibly stupid, damaging to our well-being and freedom, and of course corrupt, but all you need to know is that.

If marijuana smoke invades your personal space and or public areas approach it exactly like you would the invasion of cigarette • smoke. You don't want cigarette smokers to be arrested do you?

Tell the people in question you shouldn't have to suck down their smoke and you would appreciate it_ if they kept their activities private. But once these activities are private, they are nobody's business and should be kept nobody's business. That's what a respect for freedom is, you get it? •

Student responds to Carpenter resignation

"I've made a pledge to this college and to this community to stay here a long time." These are the words David Carpenter, director of residence life, told my mother and me in April of 2001.

The reason he told us this was because my mother was wondering why there was always so much mix up in the residence life office. She explained to Mr. Carpenter that every time she calls the office no one seems to know what he or she is doing, or who is in charge. The reason for her culling the residence life office so frequently was because her son, me, was being "separated from residence halls" because of too many alcohol violations. Truth be told, I was never "written up" while intoxicated my freshmen year, nor have I ever been for that matter. In other words, l was in the wrong place at the wrong time, on a number of occasions.

After being told by Carpenter that I wasn't allowed to live on Cabrini's campus or allowed to be within 150 feet of any dorm, I

decided to appeal my case. After telling my mother that I was being removed from campus, and that she was not going to get any of her hard earned money back, she caJled the new director of residence life, Mr. Carpenter, and set up a meeting with him.

I will never forget that meeting. My mother was crying her eyes out, and I was pleading my case to Mr. Carpenter. When he wasn't being interrupted every couple of minutes by his diligent staff, Mr. Carpenter explained that I had broken the rules and had to be punished. He went on to tell us of the many changes he was planning for this campus, one of which was a restaurant that would take house seven's place after it was knocked down. This all wouldn't take place overnight, he assured us. It would happen in the course of five to ten years.

After a number of empty promises, Mr. Carpenter told my sobbing mother that he would be around for a long time.

Mr. Carpenter will be }caving

this campus in January of 2003. He started as director of residence life in January of 200 I ; that's two years for those counting, which obviously doesn't include Mr. Carpenter.

I guess the changes that he spoke about aren't going to happen, and his idea of a long time is two years. And as far as his "pledge" to this campus and community, I don't think it entailed a two-year reign as director of residence life, one that wasclouded in controversy.•

At least he was here to kick me off campus, and lie to my mother and my father, who, by the way, works two jobs to put his son through college.

Thanks for a great couple of years, Mr. Carpenter. I'll be sure to let my mother and father know of your departure. I hope that your "pledge" to the students and their parents of the new school you decide to screw up works better.

Cabrini College ____ theLoquitur.co_m__________________ ___ 11

SGA president shoots back

Dear Editor and Staff of the Loquitor,

I would first start out by saying what an honor it has been over the last semester to represent the Student Body. As the S1UdentGovenunent Association president I would like to just simply share with the Student Body SOA's mission and goals for this current semester. I would also like to say that SGA is composed of many strong and amazing leaders. As your President I ; believe that SGA has accomplished a great deal during this current• semester. We have made some changes to better serve the students. SGA is made up of 26 members, which are Executive Board and the Class Boards. SGA's mission is to represent the Student Body's needs and concerns. SGA strives hard to uphold the student's concerns, issues, and also the Core Values of cabrini College. Some of our goals for this year have been to increase School Spirit, to estalr lish better communication between students and administration, and most importantly to foster respect between each other and the administration.

Here are some things that SGA has accomplished so fat this year:

A successful Midnight Madness full of School Spirit, contests, food, raffles, giveaways and prizes. Over 400 students attended this event.

Safety Walk around campus to address the lighting and other safety issues that students have.

SGA is also working with Jason Bozzone at re looking at the Posting Policy.

Library hours have been extended.

Jamie Jaskiewicz, who is the Academic Board Chair, is on a task force with other faculty members to re-write the academic honestly policy.

Jesse Gluckman, who is the Parliamentarian of Executive Board, has done a great deal of

Sign Language to be accepted at Cabrini as a foreign Language.

The Sophomore Class under the leadership of Ryan Norris programmed and organized a successful Mr. and Miss Cabrini Pageant. Where they crowned John Verdi and Laura Cover.

The Junior Class has an event coming up on Saturday, which is SingledOut.

The Senior Class Board under the leadership of Alexis Strizz:ierehas planned a wonder-ful 100 nights celebration for seniors with special guest Coach Boone from Remember the Trtians.

RHA also has worked extremely hard in addressing the voices of the residentstudents.

SGA is now in the process of rewriting and approving a new Constitution, which will enhance the student's voice on campus.

I am also excited about the positive change in the Student Life Office. The office had become a more student orientated. It has been a pleasure to work with Dr. Neville and Jason Bozzone. I think it also important to say that administration is listening to student concerns. That is why it is so very important to contact SGA with concerns or issues. It is SGA's job to voice for the students and I am more then willing to address any concerns that the students have. The first place to start is either with the class board officers or with executive board. Starting next semester you can attend General Assembly Meetings once a month to voice your concerns. You can also contact me directly at or you can slide anything under the SGA office door, which is located next to the Mailroom. I will be happy and excited to hear from you. It has been a great semester and I am hoping for an even greater second semester.

Respectfully Yours, Bernadette Hazel

Pagaent hurt by lack of teamwork

This year's Mr./Miss Cabrini Pageant was a successful event thanks to everyone who helped out. Congratulations to John Verdi and Laura Cover, our new Mr. and Miss Cabrini. I want to thank our judges, contestants, all of the volunteers, the crowd for all of their support, and most of all the Sophomore Class Board members who made this event happen. As I said, this event was a successes, however people need to know how our community was affected.

November 22, 2002 was the Mr./Miss Cabrini Pageant here at Cabrini. I myself, along with the sophomore class board, was in charge of this pageant as Sophomore Class president. This event is the key event that the sophomore class is responsible for. I wanted to make sure this event went well so I registered the event in July when nothing was scheduled. I registered it for a Friday night when nothing else ·was registered. Four months later, I found out there was a problem. It was two weeks before the event when I was told that there was a play going on that night also. I was getting a little nervous for the actors and actresses because I

knew our event might get loud and bleed sound through their performance. I was in for a rude awakening when I found out the Pageant must be held in the cafeteria. Neil Newman fought against this Pageant, and somehow, with the help of Academic Affairs, emptied Grace Hall out.

While Student Affairs and Dr. Iadarola's office initially agreed that we were right, the office of Academic Affairs took up Newman's cause and convinced the President to move our event.

There are three locations to know if an event is scheduled. When you register in Grace Hall, they post online every event that is registered. There are fall Calendars all over campus with events scheduled for the fall semester. There is also a calendar online on the Cabrini College web site. There is no evidence in any of these three locations that there was a play scheduled. They do however have the pageant scheduled in the registrar's office, which is posted online.

One of the major reasons we were given by Bozone as to why we had to change our location was that Newman had already blanketed the campus with flyers. I'll note that none of his flyers were stamped nor officially approved as the posting guidelines state. The pageant also had flyers and posters up but were legally stamped and approved. Having to

change our location took more money out of our budget to get more advertising. We had to destroy all of our current ads, and then work twice as hard to get the new location and time out to everyone on campus.

I have nothing against Mr. Newman, and nothing against anyone in this show. They are fantastic and talented. I was a cast member last year, and I understand all of the work put into a play, and how intensely focused the director, cast and crew can get. I feel that no one was flexible in this situation, and there was a lack of negotiation. I'm not upset that the pageant wouldn't be successful, because it was a great event, but I am on the other hand disappointed that Newman doesn't think of Cabrini as a community. Last year Newman wrote a letter to The Loquitur saying, "Cabrini College is a community in which we work together to perform service." Newman needs to think of the community beyond himself. Student-led activities designed to increase student involvement and school spirit are of lesser importance at Cabrini than those created by faculty. I hope that Mr. Newman and the administration will think about the implications of their handling of this matter and implement changes to work with students rather than against them.

12 -ro Thursday, Dec. 5, 2002 ---,------------------~:.....:...:..:....=..:..=--:::-=-----
Have an opinion? Send a letter to the editor (valid name and phone number must be included) 610 King of Prussia Rd. Radnor, PA 19087 Fax: 610-902-8208 _\Yit~~?:1'.9.§l~~rj!c~.·-*~m:,,"<Jent • , .,;. .a,,,: - ---i;..'..;;..•..;;..l.~Ji.J>::'::-'-;:;;;"';;.;..._::::·::·..__=-__;;::::::::.:::..:..:..:.:::::::::.;:.;;;:.::.;.::.:~:..:...::.:..:..::..:..:..::.:..:..::...:.:.:.:.::=::=::.:...:..::...:..:. __ • _·-"'==-..=-=·-=-=-=-==:.:·:...:·.::·~..:·j

Men's basketball lacks tean1 work

Starting off this years men's basketball season they will participate in four tournaments. The intent of these tournaments is to get the Cavaliers ready for their league games. The first of the tournaments was the Shenandoah Tournament, which took place on Nov. 22 and 23.

The Cavaliers lost in overtime to Mary Washington College 6974, but came back with a win against Christendom College 8248.

"We would have liked to win the tournament. but realistically when you go on the road in college basketball, your hopes are in a tournament to be one and one. I think a spilt is good," coach John Dzik said.

"Tip-off tournaments like these are hard because you do not get the chance to see your opposing team, and there is not a lot of time to prepare," Dzik said Mary Washington did not know anything about Cabrini as did Cabrini know anything about them. "You kind of wing it by the seat of your pants and hopefully react the best you can," Dzik said. l-lowever, Mary Washington played defense that the Cavaliers were not prepared for.

Cabrini was down by l O at halftime. Sophomore'fyTeasley madea threepointshotwithone second on the clock to tie the game, which forced the teams

into overtime. In overtime, the Cavaliers did not play as well as they should have and were out scored by five points.

On day two, the Cavaliers played against Christendom College. Christendom was completely over matched. All 14 Cavalier players gotplaying time and each scored in the game. It was a step in a positive direction. "We played hard in the second game and that was a plus for us as a team," freshman guard Augie Woodland said.

Even though Cabrini came out of this tournament with a spilt win, coach Dzik was still disappointed. "I felt that the team was not where they should have been in terms of preparation. My fears were realized. We are still to fragment and until we work together we are not going to be very good. I think that the team has not yet recognized that we are dependent upon one another for success."

"This tournament gave us an idea of how the season will go if we do not play with heart. We will be beaten again unless we play like a team," junior guard Saleem Brown said.

The Cavaliers play their next tournament in Florida against Lagrange from Georgia and Wisconsin River Falls. 'They will both be a difficult contest, but if we play like a team we should rise to the occasion," Dzik said.

Freshmen play role , in lady cavs'success

The freshmen of the women's basketball team have their coaches excited with their performance in the Cabrini Tip-Off Tournament.

With the help of l O freshmen, the Lady Cavs overcame the much-taller Lincoln University Lady Lions by a score of 64-56 in their first game on Friday Nov. 22.

Freshmen guard Amy Richetti chalked-up six points and four rebounds in the win. Richetti, who felt the size of the Lady Lions was initially intimidating, said, "That all changed when I stepped onto the court."

"Although Amy is the smallest girl on the court, she has the most heart the coaching staff has seen in a while," head coach Darlene Hildebrand said.

In the first game, the Lady Cavs came out intense, but lacked fundamentally sound play. "It definitely looked like a first game," assistant coach Steve Harrow said.

Throughout the tournament, the Lady Cavs had trouble with turnovers and rebounds. Freshmen forward Lauren Budweg said, "We are not as big as most of the teams we play. We really need to work hard in practice when it comes to boxing players out for rebounds."

At the end of the first half of

play, the Lady Cavs led 30-25 and held the lead for the duration of the game.

Throughout the game, the Lady Lions lacked discipline. Harrow said of the Lady Lions, "Their game was very much a street-ball style of play, with some fundamentals thrown in."

The team came up short in their second game with a loss to the Wilkes University Lady Colonels by a score of 74-72 in overtime.

After a dramatic ending to the second half with an unexpected three-point shot by Richetti, Cabrini lost 74-72 to Wilkes in overtime on Saturday, Nov. 23.

In the first half, the women's basketball team got off to a slow start. They did not have control over the ball and lost many points by allowing numerous turnovers. The Lady Cavs did manage to score more points to end the first half, in the last five minutes.

They entered the second half down by IO points, but the Lady Cavs caught up with a two-tofour-point margin within the initial five minutes. Timing became critical towards the end and the Lady Cavs tried desperately to move ahead of Wilkes, or at least tie the game.

In the last minute where Richetti scored a three-pointer, the Lady Cavs jumped ecstatically at the hope of having another chance to win in overtime.

"It takes a lot of guts for a freshman to go and make a shot like that," Budweg said.

In overtime, the Lady Cavs' extra adrenaline prompted them to try several three-point shots, but ultimately caused their downfall.

However, Cabrini won the runner-up place in the Tip-Off Tournament. Budweg came out to accept the 2002 All-Tournament Team player award for Cabrini.

"I dido 't expect it at all. I think it had a great deal to do with the turn out of the crowd. To have people show up, with all that was going on, was just great. I just hope it continues," Budweg said.

A friend of Budweg's from high school and a current Cabrini freshman, Amanda Farrington, said, "It's amazing how Lauren's gotten even better under coach Hildebrand."

For all of the games in the TipOff Tournament, the crowd came out to show support for the women's basketball team.

Kira Nelsen, a freshman, said, "As long as they played as well as they did this weekend, they should have a really good season."

"We are a young and energetic team, much different than last year's team. It's great to see youth at work," Hildebrand said.

Cabrini College 13
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Senior StephenBiuellwill rememberthe stories thatthemen'ssoccer ttam while doing theirstretches

Name: Stephen Bissen

Year: Senior

Major: History & Political Science

Hometown: Glen Olden, Pa

Highschool: Cardinal O'Hara

Position: Forward

When did you start playing: "around four or five years old"

Goal you had for the season: "We wanted to win the PAC Championship,. Penonal goal you bad for the season: "To win as a team."

Three things you would have on a desert island: "beer, sunscreen, a chick."

Number on your jersey: 3

Home or away games.: ''home"

Home or away uniforms: "away"

Favorite Cabrini memory: "The stories you heat: stretching on Mondays and Fridays,"

After graduation plans: "Hit the lottery, build a mansion and move all my friends in and play soccer all day and party all night."

Favorite food: Chicken Parmigiana

Best warm-up song: "Till I Coll~"-


What do you Uke to do off the field: "I like to drink beer, watch football, relax and get massive at the gym.'•

In bis words: "Never have any regrets. Workhard and have as muchfunas you can while your in colJege."

Name: Lisa Kqira

Sport: Women's Basketball

Year: Senior

Major: Elementary Education

Hometown: Norriston, Pa. High School: .Norriston High School

How long have you played basketbaU: I've been playing basketball since I was 10. How did you get involved in basketball: It started when I used to play with all the boys in the neighborhood. Then I just started playing KENDAU.NEll.lsrAFFPHOTOGRAPHEAin different leagues when I was 10.

Senior Lisa Kqira has aspirations of coaching What's your favorite kind of food: Pizza!! basketball after she leaves Cabrini. What's your favorite holiday: Christmas

Who's your favorite singer: Jay-2 is defiantly my favorite rapper.

What's your favorite TV show: Probably "Friends."

Who's your favorite Cabrini professor: (after a long pause ) Dr. Girard.

What are your future plans: I want to become a teacher and then I really want to end up coaching basketball. It's going to be tough when I have to leave, so it will be a good way to stay involved in the sport.

Do you have any advice for your team: I would say to just stay close and positive throughout our season.

What are your personal goals: Obviously to graduate and play my best year yet. And no matter what happens this year, I want to leave it on the court.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and who or what would you bring with you: I knew you were going to ask that question! Well, I would go to an island, I'm not sure which one, but some place warm. I would bring a basketball, of course, and a man.


Full Name: Kelli Lyn Romano

Birthday: June 28, 1981

Year: Junior

Cabrini Sports: Soccer and Lacrosse

Major: Psychology and Sociology

High School: Sun Valley High School, Aston, Pa

Started Playing: 15 years ago

High School records: Soccer: All-State, goals in a season, 13 All-Delco, All Del- Val all four years, MVP of league. Lacrosse: All-State, Career goals, MVP of the league, 13 All-Delco.

Favorite Sports Memory: This year's 2 soc-

cer tournaments


Favorite thing to do off the field: Going to Junior Kelli Romano plans to either go into the shows and the beach Peace Corps or Graduate school after she Plans after graduation: Go into the Peace graduates next year

Corps or Graduate school

Favorite Song: Going to California by Led Zeppelin

Most inspired you: My high school gym teacher and lacrosse coach, Joanne Diamond.


jtSSICA~-~ SeniorJamesBeckaimsto hawteam chemistry throughoutdie meri's soccer tmm.

Names: James Beck

Year: Senior Majors: Liberal Arts

Hometown: West Wildwood, Nj

Highschool: Wildwood Catholic

Position: Goalie

When did you start playiag: "five years old"

Goal yoa had for tile season: "We wanted to win the PAC Championship"

Penooal goal you had for the season: "To have chemistry throughout the team."

Th~ things you would have on a desert island: "beer, sunscreen, a chick."

Number on your jersey: l

Home or away games: "home"

Home or away uniforms: "away"

Favorite Cabrini memory: Seeing that Katie Mac found true love with Pat Dever."

After araduation plus: "Move to Florida and have fun for five years then start my career in Law Enforccmemnt in Miami."

Favorite food: TacoBeU

Best waroi-up song: "'Lose YoUl"SClFEminem

Whatdo yea likt to do off die field: "I like to drink beer, watch football, and get massive at the gym."

In bis words: "Live life to the fullest; chicks dig redheads."

NORHAnoN COl1l'll.EDavALExrsSn~

., T' --14
Thursday, Dec. 5, 2002

PAC Basketball Stats

Men's Basketball: Preseason Poll: PAC coaches have choosen Neumann College to win the PAC Championship title this season. Cabrini has been voted to place second place in a tie with Alvemia College. The men's basketball team played this past holiday weekend in Daytona Beach, Fla.

men's basketball cont'd: Stats: After their first two weeks of play, the men's team is placed sixth in the PAC with a record of 2-2.

Women's BasketbalJ: Preseason Poll: Pac .coaches have choosen Gwynedd-Mercy to win the PAC Championship title

NFL Scores:

women's basketball cont'd this season. The Lady cavs are favored to win the South Division and received one first place vote leaving them in third place.

Stats: The Lady Cavs have ended their first two weeks of play in third place in the Southern Division with a record of 1-3.

Calendar .of Events

Friday, Dec. 6 Last Day of Classes and Last Day to Declare Pass/Fail


Singled Out, 1Op.m., Grace Ball Atrium


Feast of the Immaculate~eption


NBA scores


Cabrini College
abrl . 5-10, 200 • • *5rtlill~ lo *4-day Ifft *Secveyo *See JoeC *E-mail Jeoy an bo ip
Cfl,rintCollege CommunityChorus
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Chapel of Saint Concert, 15
Week 13 New England 20 Detroit 12 Pittsburgh 25 Jacksonville 23 Baltimore 27 Cincinnati 23 Atlanta 30. Minnesota 24 Dallas 27 Washington 20 Buffalo 38 Miami21 Carolina 13 Cleveland 6 Kansas City 49 Arizona 0 Tennessee 32 NY Giants 29 Philadelphia 38 Arizona 14 Indianapolis 19 Houston 3 San Francisco 31 Seattle 24 N'ew Orleans 23 Tampa Bay20 San Diego 30 Denver 27 Philadelpnia I 0 St. Louis 3 Oakland 26 NY Jets 20 Top 1o College Football Rankings: Week 15 (Nov.25- Dec.2) Rank Team Def. I. Miami 49 Syracuse 7 2. Ohio State 14 Michigan 9 3. Iowa 45 Minnesota 21 4. Georgia 51 Georgia Tech 7 5. USC44 Notre Dame 13 6. Kansas State 38 Missouri 0 7. Washington State 26 Washington 29 8. Texas 50 TexasA&M 20 9. Oklahoma 28 Oklahoma State 38 10. Penn State 61 Michigan State 7
Tuesday,Dec. 3 Tuesday,Dec. 3 Washington I 03 Milwaukee 78 St Louis 4 Boston 0 New Orleans 115 Cnicago 90 NY Rangers 5 Columbus 3 Sacramento 98 Minnesota 86 Washington 4 Pittsburgh I LA Lakers 82 Memphis 79 Carolina 2 Nashville I NY Islanders 2 Vancouver I New Jersey 87 Atlanta 72 Detroit 2 Anaheim I Houston 89 San Antonio 75 Toronto 4 Tampa Bay 3 Golden State 80 Denver 6l Edmonton2 Missesota I Monday, Dec. 2 Calgary 2 Colorado I Boston 102 Orlando 97 San Jose 3 Phoenix 2 Dallas 113 Toronto 102 Monday,Dec. 2 Utah 102 Indiana 91 New Jersey I Philadelphia 0 New York 125 Cleveland 93 Sunday, Dec. I Miami 100 Phoenix 90 NYRangers4 Tampa Bay 3 Sunday, Dec. 1 Detroit 4 Calgary 2 Indiana 92 LA Clippers 87 Atlanta 5 Washington 4 Boston 95 New Orleans 86 Anaheim3 Chicago 2 Seattle% New Jersey 95 Saturday,Nov. 30 Toronto 92 Memphis8~ Philadelphia 2 Montreal I Sacramento I03 Houston 84 Toronto 3 Buffalo I Minnesota 110 LA Lakers I 07 Boston 3 Pittsburgh 2 Saturday, Nov. 30 New Jersey 5 St. Louis 4 New York 92 New Orleans 86 Ottawa4 NY Islanders 2 Philadelphia 95 Wasnington 94 Carolina 4 Columbus 2 Dallas 103 Chicago90 Vancouver 5 Florida 2 Milwaukee 109 Detroit 86 Nashville 5 Dallas 2 Orlando 117 Atlanta 92 Edmonton I Colorado 0 Miami 85 Cleveland 79 Phoenix 3 San Jose 2 San Antonio I 07 Utah 85 Los Angeles 4 Cnicago I New Jersey 93 Portland 86 Friday,Nov. 29 Golden State 100 Phoenix 90 Boston4 Montreal 2 Friday, Nov. 29 Colorado 2 Minnesota 2 Atlanta 100 Miami 94 Pittsburgh 4 Buffalo I Toronto 98 Boston 95 Columbus 4 NY Islanders 2 Indiana 100 Washington 84 Toronto 3 Philadelphia 0 Golden State 92 Denver 82 Los Angeles 2 Anaheim 2 Philadelphia 106 Cleveland 99 Carolina 6 Detroit 4 Detroit 96 Milwaukee 91 Ottawa 6 Washington 2 LA Lakers 112 Memphis 106 Vancouver 5 Tampa Bay 3 Phoenix 94 San Antonio 87 New Jersey 2 Nashville I Utah 95 Minnesota 77 Houston 83 Seattle 72 St. Louis 7 Calgary2 Sacramento I 07 LA Clippers 94 NY Rangers 3 Dallas 3 INFORMATIONCOMPILED BY ALEXIS STRIZZlERE
Chapel of
,,.m., Brockmann



•Men's basketball, page 13

•Athlete profiles, page14

_CavshOstTip-Off Tourney

.. • Cabrini College's Student Newspaper THURSDAY
Dec. 5, 2002
Number 13
Senior forward Collen Dorian looks for an open teamate cutting to the basket. Katie Reing/photo ed

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