2 minute read
Play now, sleep later
If I had a dollar for every time someone said something to me that impacted my life in one way or another I would be a rather rich girl. But, then again how rich would I be because J never seem to remember what I told myself I wanted to remember whenever someone spoke his or her words of wisdom to me. Well, needless to say, I decided that I was going to start remembering, even write down what it was that people were saying that was malcing me think about my life.
Well with the story of my forgetfulness out of the way the whole point of this perspective is for me to tell you all about the run in I had with a mysterious blonde at the bar last week. Obviously she said something that just really made me stand back and think "'wow.''
As my friend and I were about to leave the local bar after a few cocktails and laughs with our friends, one of the attractive blondes sitting across from us all night came up to us and proceeded to ask my friend and I how old we were and if we had had fun that night. After a few minutes of casual conversation with the blonde, she then proceeded to tell us how even though she is married with a son she likes to go out with the girls every so often. She then explained that one of her friends didn't come because she said that she wanted to sleep. Well, that's where the magic of the mysterious blonde's words took me by storm.
The blonde told us that she told her friend "you can sleep when you're dead, because when you're dead you can't do anything else but sleep and you can never come back and do all the things you didn't do when you were alive." Now at first I almost dismissed what the mysterious blonde had said but after a few minutes it sunk in what she had told her friend.
Before complimenting my friend and I on our ability to stay up until 2 a.m. in the morning, the blonde reminded us of what she told her friend about sleeping and made us promise that we would wait until we were dead to sleep. Possibly morbid at first but after a car ride home what the mysterious blonde said had made perfect sense.
The next day all I could do was think about what the mysterious blonde had said to me the previous night. I found myself thinking back to al the times I declined an invite to go out because I was tired or because I wanted to sleep and thought of all the fun I was probably missing. I feel as if it was then that what she said to my friend and I that night was probably one of the smartest things I have ever heard in my life. She reminded me that there is a world of excitement out there to be conquered and my whole life to be lived and that I shouldn't miss a second of it ever.
So I leave all of you with this, the next time you find yourself declining an invitation or opting not to go somewhere because you are tired or want to sleep, remember, you can sleep when your time here on earth is up because when you're dead you'll never get another chance at whatever it is that life is holding in store for you.