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Student activism follows Cabrini ideals

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Since America was attacked on 9/11 war has been a fixture in the minds of Americans. A brief and effective stint in Afghanistan weakened terrorist organizations and began the transformation of Afghanistan from a terrorism hub t? a focal point of the westernization of the Middle East. At that time, President Bush addressed the world with his plan to eliminate terrorism and any country or state that harbored terrorists. It was then that Bush introduced the axis of evil: Iran, North Korea and Iraq.

With the new year came a new focus: ousting Saddam Hussein, Iraq's tyrannical leader, and confiscating his alleged weapons of mass destruction. With Britain by its side, the Bush administration went to the United Nations for support. The result was a mixed bag of opinions and weapons inspectors digging in Iraq.


Hussein, infamous for his propaganda and activism. As the war plan moves from theory elusive ways, seemed to be cooperative at to practice students are coming together to first. In true Saddam fashion, however, he share opinions and feelings ranging from went back to the political games of nuclear home front security to war with Iraq. What's hide and seek that have kept him in power and unique about the current activism at Cabrini is America on the hunt. that it doesn't discriminate. At colleges around Now, America is a month or two from war. the nation, there are anti-war protests and proOur troops blanket strategic points in the war protests separate from each other. Often Middle East, and our leader is lobbying for they butt heads and fail to communicate ideas support by assuring the world that it is at grave and knowledge. danger with Hussein at the helm. At Cabrini, activism is bipartisan. Students by them. There is a willingness to learn, to see different angles. With the currently unstable nature of foreign affairs it is important for young leaders, like the student activists at Cabrini, to open their minds to be as well informed as possible. This is your education of the heart at work. Richard Magda Sharvon Urbannavage Vince DeFruscio Leanne Pantone

Despite the urgency of the Bush adminis- are eager to share opinions but aren't blinded tration to act preemptively, unilaterally or not, polls show a growing concern among the public over Bush's handling of the economy and a general wariness about the prospect of war with Iraq.

What is the deal with the water on campus?

"My gums never "For it being this "The lead can come "Its sucks, there are bled until I brushed messed up, there in our water. Its days we don't have my teeth here. You better be lead in it." scary." hot water. The CAC are scared to take a still doesn't have shower because screens on the your skin will bum faucets so the water off." sprays." Mahogany

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Mary Adam, Beth Beswick, Amy Owl, Kim Gayton. DavidCloud, Kristina Coope,;Michelle Crowley,Kil Dewey,Jim Diamond,JamieKnobler,Jama Lewandowski,Stephanie\1oritz. KendallNeil, TiffanyPlatt

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