Jan. 30, 2003 issue 14 Loquitur

Page 10

Bush dec~ares:'We're Winning'

Seas of Congressional pundits, some of who had camped out since 5:30 p.m., gave way as the President walked swiftly and confidently towards his podium, parting the masses as he strode. Four minutes after his arrival was announced - and after seemingly endless handshakes and hugs gone past - President Bush set to the business at hand.

Bush stated early on that he would be addressing the AIDS crisis in Africa, the fledgling economy and the situation in Iraq.

"After recession, terrorist attacks, corporate scandals, and stock market declines, our economy is recovering - yet it is not growing fast enough, or strongly enough," Bush said.

When Bush once again presented his tax relief package, Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi seemed to chuckle at the figures Bush presented. The Democrats have their own tax relief and budget plans they hope to push later this session.

For college students watching, Bush made mention of wanting to let younger "workers" invest in their retirement accounts. The plan would let young people "control what they own."

Bush also criticized what he referred to as, "excessive litigation" and "frivolous lawsuits" that are chocking the American system of medicine. Bush received a standing ovation for his plans to "bring affordable health care for all Americans."

During the one-hour long address, Bush spoke of the need to promote the environment and become independent of the energy America depends on. Bush stopped short of addressing oil concerns in the Middle East, but

President Bush addresses the Congress as well as the nation on Tuesday night, readying the country for a potential war in Iraq, and pitching a tax-reform bill.among other topics.

said that Americans must become "less dependent of foreign energies."

"The first car driven by a child born today could be powered by hydrogen, and pollution-free," Bush said.

Bush also asked his peers to "end the practice of partial-birth abortion." He also spoke out against human cloning, saying, "I ask you to set a high standard for

humanity and pass a law against all human cloning."

On the topic of AIDS in Africa, Bush spent much time talking about humane efforts on the continent to curtail the spread of the disease.

"This nation is leading the world in confronting international terrorism;' Bush said. He went on to say that over 3,000 terrorists (many with links to al-Qaeda)

were arrested and dealt with. Bush said that the terrorists are on the run, and that the U.S. is keeping them on the run.

Bush also reassured a worried nation that the War on Terror continues, as every day he receives potential threats against the U.S. Bush said that "we're winning" the war. In a scene that seemed to be more out of a John Wayne movie than a State .of the Union address, Bush said of the terrorists, "Many others have met a different fate. Put it to you this way, they are no longer a problem for the United States and our friends and allies."

Bush acknowledged the reluctance of other nations to join the coalition, saying, "We are asking them to join us, and many are doing so. Yet the course of this nation does not depend on the decisions of others." Bush received a standing ovation for his comments.

Then, with a look in his eyes that can only be described as pure fire and ambition, Bush seemed to reaffirm his stance as Commander in Chief, saying, "I will defend the freedom and security of the American people."

Bush went on to address the threat of North Korea and their weapon's programs. "North Korea needs to turn away from its nuclear ambitions," Bush said. On Saddam Hussein, Bush said he violated a Gulf War agreement with his weapons plans. Bush also said that Hussein has shown, "Utter contempt for the United Nations and the opinion of the world."

Bush also tried to paint a picture of the Sept. 11 hijackers using chemical or biological weapons to attack the U.S. "The world has waited 12 years for Iraq to disarm," Bush said. "America will not accept a serious and mounting

threat to our country, our friends, and our allies."

Finally, Bush confidently stated that, "We will prevail," and that, "trusting Saddam Hussein is not an option."

According to Dr. Jolyon Girard, history professor, America is involved in a waiting game with Iraq. Girard feels that there will not be a "smoking gun" that will be discovered in Iraq. Rather, the U.N. should ask where the weapons were "disposed" of.

Girard said, "I don't believe that you should put a young person's life in harm's way unless you can define the clear and present threat to the U.S." Girard said there is a clear threat and danger, but not necessarily a present threat.

Many students are concerned about the possibility of the draft being reinstated, however Girard said that it should not happen, "unless there's a massive catastrophe or assault."

As for the impending war in the Middle East, Girard seems to think that the U.S. is trying to drive a wedge into Iran, surrounding it by pro-American governments.

Girard is able to keep a sense of humor throughout what can no doubt become trying times. On France's reluctance to join the U.S. coalition, Girard said, "How could any country that loves Jerry Lewis not like the U.S.?"

When pressed for a prediction on the current situation, Girard said that Saddam Hussein is a bigger threat than Osama bin Laden. Girard does not think that the U.S. will attack Iraq unilaterally, or without the support of their allies.

However, Girard is quick to point out that predicting the future can be difficult, after all, "I picked the Eagles to win the Super Bowl."

www.theloquitur.com THURSDAY Jan. 30, 2003 Vol.XLIX Number 14 INSIDE: • Lead test results, page 2 • Student'sband dropsbomb page 7

New grant leads volunteers to Special Olympics

Inspired by a grant, Cabrini College will become increasingly more involved with the Special Olympics Pennsylvania Eastern Winter Sectional over the next few years.

Dr. Charles McCormick, English professor, worked with President Antoinette Iadarola on a grant to increase service learning with English 101 classes. McCormick looked at the South Eastern Pennsylvania Special Olympics to get first~year students more involved with the education of the heart. He came up with the idea to have the students work at the Fall Festival at Villanova University.

This past week seven Cabrini students went with McCormick to the games at Jack Frost Mountain to begin what would be the first time Cabrini students would be involved with what McCormick and many others hope to be a permanent event for students.

After working with Special Olympics at Villanova McCormick was asked if the school would be willing to help at the Winter Eastern Sectional games. In an effort to link Cabrini College to the Special Olympics permanently, Cabrini students would ideally become increasing involved with this winter event.

The idea of the involvement of college students would help to develop leadership skills and responsibilities. Students would be part of the committee responsible for keeping records, gatekeeping/timing and athlete registration. "I like the interaction with the committees enthusiasm and creativity;' Lori Blake, associate competition director, said. "The experience of volunteering with Special Olympics gives the college student good management experience."

The volunteering experience also benefits the student by giving them an outlet to give back to the community and to develop friendships with the athletes as well as the other committee members who have worked with Special Olympics. "Volunteers are the life-blood of Special Olympics. It's good for volunteers to do this because it makes you feel good inside. Tomorrow you'U realize how good you feel that you did something good, but it also introduces you to two different worlds," Alice Rau, event director, said.

In addition to volunteer experience, opportunities exist for college students to build upon job experience as well. English/communications major Judeanne Annenti was in charge of special events at this years Winter sectional. "I think it's beneficial for other students to get involved because when your volunteering you end up with a flash-pan experience, which you wouldn't normally get with an internship or other job experience," Armenti, said.

Over the nex1 few years McCormick and Blake plan to work together to develop committees of Cabrini students that will be trained on how to run many aspects of the Winter Sectional to bring a new sense of life to both the Special Olympics and the campus.

Elevated levels of lead ·are 'no cause for concern'

Slightly elevated lead levels in the water last semester made it not uncommon to see signs posted in the Mansion that reminded everyone of a popular song by the Dave Matthew's Band. "Don't drink the water," was something that everyone working in the Mansion became used to hearing and the signs in the restrooms became commonplace. The tests being done on the water now are yielding positive results and according to Howard Holden, director of facilities, there is no cause for alarm or worry.

In a letter sent out to the campus community by Stephen Lightcap, vice president of finance and administration, on Jan. 14, it was announced that a few of the sinks in the bathrooms in the Mansion were found to have elevated levels of lead. These rooms included the President's lavatory, two cold-water outlets within the main kitchen used for hand washing only, and the janitor's sink. These results came from the testing of the water on Jan. 3 and Jan. 7, done by Keating Environmental Management, Inc.

According to Holden, "The water has been tested several times this year in order to obtain accurate readings, and we are getting back good results." Under the recommendation of KEM, aerator screens were removed from faucets all across campus because of the sediment that can become trapped in them. "Trapped sediment in the screens can lead tests to suggest there is more lead in the water than there really is.

With the removal of the screens, the facilities department adjusted the water pressure so that the water would not splash when the faucets were turned on. In some places however, the pressure may have to be adjusted even more. If anyone is experiencing problems with a splashing faucet, Holden encourages users to submit their problem via the online service request form on Cabrini's

homepage and type in the specific location where they are experiencing a splashing faucet.

Holden said that situations like this are not uncommon with old buildings like the mansion. Old fixtures can cause problems like this and can and will be dealt with accordingly. The college does offer bottled water to all offices within the Mansion.

There is a water fountain in Widener Center that is out of order, but that has nothing to do with the lead levels. Apparently it is just a maintenance situation in which someone poured paint down the drain. The bluish tint will continue to lurk on the surface until an appropriate cleaning solvent can be obtained to remove it.

Aside from the lead issue, many students have complained that the water in Founder's Hall and some residential buildings

occasionally has a brown tinge to it. Holden explained that the college draws its water from the Philadelphia Suburban Water Company, and anyth.ing that happens in the municipal system, such as pipes bursting due to the cold weather or even the testing of fire hydrants, could potentially affect the campus community.

In situations such as this, sediment could be released into the water supply and cause the water to be less than crystal clear. Should members of the community see clouded water due to upsets in the municipal water supply, they may wish to refrain from consuming it.

"The college is taking the appropriate steps and is meeting with the appropriate people to resolve this issue as responsibly as possible," Holden said. "There really is nothing to be alarmed about."

2 news
theLoquitur.com Thursday,Jan. 30,2003
KATIEREING/PHOTOEDITOR Faculty and staff were warned about drinking the water in the Mansion. Recent tests were conducted regarding the levels of lead in it. Harold Holden says there is "nothing to be alarmed about."

Activism group takes stands on world issues, war

Informed Cabrini students who are worried about the future of their world started an activism group wanting to take a stand for what they believe in, and they want to go one step further by educating the students about certain events taking place around the world that they might not know about. The group's first meeting was on Jan. 21, in the Wolfington Center.

All of the members of the group do not believe the same things about certain situations in the world. An issue like war is one of the many situations in the world that not everyone agrees about. Senior Karen Bonin and freshman Chris Friel are not anti-war. "I do

believe in a form of just war," Chris Friel said. "I am not antiwar, but let's say that I am propeace."

Renee Di Pietro, a senior English and communications major, said. "Joining an activism group does not mean you get together with people who are exact replicas of yourself, it is getting together with people who are passionate about humanity and are ready to debate about what is going on, why and if it is right. Our group represents opposite opinions on the same focus."

The rest of the group, which includes Mike Paolucci, Haven McMickle, and Marian Gibfried oppose what is behind most wars, especially the possibility of one in Iraq. Those three attended an antiwar rally on Saturday Jan. 18, in

Washington D.C. Paolucci said, "It was amazing to see how many people do not support a war against Iraq. The police estimated that the crowq was only 30,000 but several news organizations say the number is much higher."

The only opposition that the protesters faced was, as MckMickle and Gibfried said, "One or two people shouting out of the windows of high story apartments shouting things like 'hippies' but that was the only opposition."

Bonin, an education major, believes that educating people about issues around the world is the most important thing for the group to do, which the group agrees with.

Gibfried said, "Too may people at Cabrini say that they are unin-

formed about issues in the world to be able to do something about diem." She added, "I have joined an activism group to represent my own beliefs and to get the facts out on Cabrini's campus. Ignorant compliance and a non-informed society are things which I dislike and this is a good peacefuJ way to battle them."

Bonin said, "Education is the reason that I came to Cabrini and I really want to be involved with this aspect of it."

January 28 marked the day of the involvement fair and the first Cabrini campus activity that the group was involved with.

McMickle said, "Tt is not about trying to change people's opinions on the world, but informing and educating people so that they can make an educated decision about J

something that is important."

The group has been meeting in Wolfington Center on Tuesday nights and will continue to do so as they take on new questions about where they want to go. Decisions will have to be made like what will the group's focus will be and if it will be affiliated with a group like Amnesty International will be addressed in future meetings.

McMickle said, "People should be in activism group if they care, once you care the next step is to get all of the information that you possibly can and act on it. Why sit around and complain if you are not going to act?"

Cabrini College theLoquitur.com 3
f'HOTO COVRTcSY OF MARY LAVER Haven McMickle, Marian Gilfried. Mike Paolucci,Amy Gassen. Morgan Manago and Mike Barnes, students from Cabrini, protest in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 18,against the impending war with Iraq.
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Annual report says Iadarola makes $150/k

According to the Chronicle for Higher Education, President Antoinette Iadarola makes over $150,000 a year for her contributions to the college. So what exactly does her job entail?

The president is considered the principal executive officer and is in charge of all the decisions made for the college. Above her in the chain of command is the Board of Trustees, who determine the president's salary based on what they see in the marketplace and what is "fair and equitable."

According to the Bylaws of Cabrini College, each year Iadarola must report to the Board on the status of the college, as well as her achievements and what she plans to do in the future. They also give the president full power to employ and release faculty, administrative officers, and other members of the school's staff, and determine their salaries. More importantly, she manages the affairs of the campus on a day-to-day basis and makes sure she is updated on every issue concerning the college.

President Iadarola has a campaign each year to raise money for different projects. This year she's focusing on raising money for a Center for Science, Education and Technology,along with a new campus center, and new residence halls.

"There's a staff of people who assist her, all under what we call the office of Institutional Advancement. They have an

Racial quotas cause President Bush to scorn admissions standards

annual campaign every year. Every alum, parent, employee, and friend gets a letter soliciting a 'gift,"' director of hum.an resources, Mary Theresa Schwartzer said.

The fundraising campaign attracts different companies and businesses by telling them that they want to better prepare graduates to work in their profession. They need these new facilities to reach that goal, and to create these facilities corporations are asked to invest money into their building or project of choice.

Iadarola in the past has gone so far as to California for fundraising purposes. But, because many alums are in the tri-county area, most of her campaigning is done in the Philadelphia and New Jersey areas.

Compared to other colleges and universities, President ladarola's salary is comparable to that received by presidents of comparable-sized colleges. The Board of Trustees bases their decision by looking at other colleges of this size and in this region.

There are 27 university presidents in "the half-million club," which includes the presidents of the University of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins University, Drexel University, and the University of Southern California.

The Chronicle of Higher Education also states that Cabrini brought in roughly $38 million to the institution in revenues within the past year. Most of that was due to student tuitions.

Recently, some larger universities, like the University of Michigan, have been under fire by President George W. Bush for maintaining quota based, raceconscious policies in their admissions process. Cabrini is unlike those larger universities in that it does not award extra points to minorities to gain a diverse freshman class.

"At their core, the Michigan policies amount to a quota system which unfairly rewards or penalizes perspective students, based solely on their race," Bush said. He then went on to say that these policies awarded students a significant number of extra points based solely on their race, establishing numerical targets for incoming minority students.

Cabrini's affirmative action policy comes from the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. They have a deep commitment to promoting respect for the dignity of the person as an individual and to reaching out to those persons who are marginalized in the community.

This policy clearly states that Cabrini College is committed to the principle idea of equal employment and an educational opportunity for all qualified persons. This is regardless of race, religion, color, gender, national origin, age (40 or above), handicap disability, veteran status, or marital/parental status.

Cabrini does not discriminate against capable individuals when recruiting and admitting new students. Nor does this discrimination occur in the recruitment and employment of faculty, staff or the operation of any of its programs and activities. This is as stated by applicable federal and state laws and regulations.

"We're different. Because we are a small, liberal arts school, we lack that sense of competition that some of the larger university schools might carry when taking admissions into consideration. We mostly look to see if a student can be academically successful," Gary

Johnson, dean for enrollment services, said.

In the programs under review by the Supreme Court, the University of Michigan has established an admissions process based on race. At the undergraduate level, African American students and some Hispanic students and Native American students receive 20 points out of a maximum of 150. Not because of any academic achievement or life experience, but solely because they are African American, Hispanic or Native American.

A perfect SAT score is worth only 12 points in the Michigan system. Students who accumulate I00 points are generally admitted, so those 20 points awarded just because of race are often the decisive factor.

Then, at the law school of U of M, some minority students are admitted to meet percentage targets while other applicants with higher grades and better scores are passed over. This means that students are being selected or rejected based primarily on the color of their skin.

These are the main factors that play into the president's disapproval of Michigan's admissions policies. "The motivation for such an admissions policy may be very good, but its result is discrimina-

tion and that discrimination is wrong," Bush said. He strongly voices his opinion that these acts are unconstitutional.

The University of Michigan's president, Mary Sue Coleman, argued against Bush's statements: "In our undergraduate admissions system, fully 110 points out of 150 are given for academic factors including grades, test scores and curriculum," Coleman said. "We only count 12 points for test scores, but that is because we value high school grades to a much greater extent. Here they can earn up to 80 points. We consider many other factors as well. A student who is socio-economically disadvantaged also can earn 20 points. However, students cannot earn 20 points for both factors. Geographic diversity also is important. A student from Michigan's upper peninsula, for example, earns 16 points. We also consider leadership, service and life experiences, among other elements."

Several key groups already have come forward in support of the U of M. A few weeks ago, 34 higher education associations wrote a letter urging Bush to side with the University. Earlier then that, several leaders of a dozen Hispanic organizations did the same.

KEEP US ON OUR TOES: If you notice mistakes while readingLoquitur,let us know. Loquitut@cabrini.edu theLoquitur.com Thursday,Jan. 30,2003
:n~o.'i::..'!:'le Percent or "1B- to 24-year-olcls in clegree-grant-ing institutions by race. ethnicity. gender: WhHe,. non-Hispanic 1980 27°/a 2000 3&°/4 Black,. non-Hispanic 1980 ~9°/4 2000 Hispanic 1980 2000 Male 1980 2000 Female 1980 25-o/o 2000 CoulITTSYOF KRTCAMPUS.COM

Roe v. Wade anniversary sparks marches and activism; two Cabrini students attend

January 22 marked the 30th anniversary of the Supreme Court's decision to legalize abortion in the United States.

On Jan. 22, 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court announced its decision in "Roe v. Wade;' a challenge to a Texas statute that made it a crime to perform an abortion unless a woman's life was at stake. The case had been filed by "Jane Roe," an unmarried woman who wanted to safely and legally end her pregnancy. Siding with Roe, the court struck down the Texas law. In its ruling, the court recognized for the first time that the constitutional right to privacy "is broad enough to encompass a woman's decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy"

Villanovans for Life (VFL) provided free bus transportation to Washington, and allowed anyone to take part in Villanova's participation in the rally. Cabrini College had also been setting up a way of transportation to take a trip down, but only two people wanted to go.

Jess Morgan, Cabrini's Campus

Minister, sent out a campus-wide email, a voice mail, and also had sign-ups in the Wolfington Center. The two Cabrini students that wanted to take part in this event, went down to Washington D.C. with Villanova, who had two buses filled.

According to Cabrini freshman Jay Dias, who was one of the two that went with Villanova, "It was incredible. It was the best feeling in the world, and it was peaceful."

When asked what he thought about "Roe vs. Wade," Dias said, "I think that it should be revised. I believe in certain situations it should be permitted; for example, if a woman is raped they should be able to have an abortion." Dias says he went because he is "a strong believer in the fight to overturn "Roe vs. Wade.""

According to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, "What is perhaps most striking on this anniversary is how many young people have taken up the cause for life, and how impassioned is their support. The prolife movement is brimming with the vibrancy of youth."

Brownies23 East

Friday, Feb. 7, 2003



Any questions?

Feel free to contact:

Kit Hillin: (610) 337-2228

Katie Kempton: (610) 225-3155

Cabrini College theLoquitur.com 5
.. KRTCAMPUS.COM Protesters march in Washington, D.C., on the anniversary of Roe v.Wade.

arts & Entertainment

'1he Quiet Beat(e' (eaves fans 'Brainwashed'


George Harrison liked to give the impression that he was happier working in his garden than making music, but that was deceptive. As evidenced by his work with the Traveling Wilbury's and other fleeting appearances suggest, he was content to make music as long as it was -0n his terms.

Although his last studio album, "Cloud Nine," was released in 1987, he contin-

WinterMovieRecap: Pickin'theflicks

a guitarist who retired to the garden.

A few songs are familiar: '·Run So Far;' recorded by Eric Clapton in 1989, and the clever, upbeat "Any Road," performed for a VHI special in 1997 (incidentally not broadcast unti] after Harrison's death). His new material has a memorable ring. The underlying theme, after all, is one that has pervaded nearly all of Harrison's work since the seminal release of "All Things Must Pass" in 1970: the trappings of success are meaningless compared with the quest for spirituality. In the strucPHoToCOUIITTSYOF GooGI.E turally fasci-

ued to write and record feverishly. Shortly before his death a year ago, he spoke of releasing some "Brainwashed," the final work of the "qt1iet Beade" symbolizes_George Harrison looking back at a career, his music and his devotion to·his spirituality.

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind was a movie based on the autobiography of game show producer and host Chuck Barris. It recalls his break into television, his love life, and his secret life as a CIA agent. It is an impressive directorial debut from George Clooney who also stars as a CIA agent. The acting is great, and directors' choice of camera shots is creative and inventive.

long. Even though it is a really good movie, it is not a movie people would want to watch again. However, the idea of avenges and friendship is worth seeing at least once.


The Hours is a movie about three different characters in three different eras that are affected by the Virginia Woolf novel, Mrs. Dalloway. Nicole Kidman, hardly recognizable in a prosthetic nose, shines as the depressed and conflicted Virginia Woolf.


Ring and the new characters make the movie the priceless gem that it is. Gollum/Smeagol, the schizophrenic, pitiful, emaciated creature that lusts after the ring is particularly good. Bring on the third one.


of that work, but unfortunately he did

nating title track, he delves through a not live to see the project through.

The task to salvage this music fell to bis son Dhani and former Wilbury colleague Jeff Lynne. The two have brought together a dozen of these recordings in "Brainwashed" (Dark Horse/Capitol Records). The music is vintage Harrison; laidback but by no means underpowered, with melodies tugged between major and minor keys, and lyrics that are filled with humorous wordplay and cutting directness. His trademark slide guitar shines through everywhere and is particularly fluid in the instrumental "Marwa Blues" and at the start of"Stuck Inside a Cloud." Harrison is certainly not

catalog of worldly cynicism, pauses for an aside about the nature of the soul and offers a Hindu chant as an extended coda. Nonetheless, Harrison's piety is not proper: who else would contrast, as he does in "Brainwashed," a backing chorus singing "God God God," with a lead vocal line that includes an expletive?

The special edition of the "Quiet Beatle's" last release comes with a DVD which focuses on Harrison, his son and Lynne. Lynne sums up au of the footage in saying his last words about George: "I think he'd want to be remembered as a great musician and a gardner."

Gangs of New York is an epic. The movie was almost three hours

The Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers, picks up where The Fellowship of the Ring left off with hobbits Frodo and Sam continuing on their quest to destroy the ring of power, but this time they are being led to their destination by the lustful and deceitful Gollum, who once possessed the Ring. Meanwhile, hobbits Merry and Pippin have escaped capture by Saruman 's evil forces and have left traces behind for Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli to follow, but the three companions are caught up in a battle to destroy one of the last races of men, the people of Rohan.

The Two Towers is a masterpiece of a movie. The storyline is more dangerous and more perilous than The Fellowship of the

Maid in Manhattan stars Jennifer Lopez as a maid, Marisa, at a first rate four star hotel in Manhattan. She is mistaken for a guest of the hotel, not a worker, and falls for a man "typically out of her league." It is a cheesy romantic comedy with the ever so popular Jennifer Lopez being overused. Give her some time off!


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theLoquitur.com Thursday, Jan. 30, 2003
PHOTO COURTESY OF YAHOO! MOVIES Sam Rockwell plays the part of Chuck Barris, the mastermind behind television game shows. Barris was believed to be in the CIA PHOTO COUl<TESYOF YAHOO! MCWJES Aragorn and Legolas are two of the main characters in The Lord of the Rings trilogy

Back into the swing of spring

Over two hundred different students participated in the Welcome Week festivities presented by the Campus Activities and Programming board during the week of January 13, as students returned from winter break. A jam-packed four-days of hard-work and dedication cancelled out the stress that students had forgotten about during their entire month away from Cabrini.

The events kicked off on Wednesday night, Jan. 15, as CAP board presented act one of their coffeehouse series in the New Residence Hall with live band Six Strings and Vinyl. "The first coffee house was fun and I think they will be a success in the future also. Six Strings and Vinyl was a pretty good band and I enjoyed hanging out listening to them," said sophomore Maria Moglioni.

Thirsty Thursday was second choice for over one hundred students on Jan. 16, when comedic hypnotist, Dale K., presented a mind-blowing extravaganza. This Chicago based hypnotist transformed a platform of students into Barney the dinosaur fans, adult-film-movie-watchers, Lassie-lovers and Outback boys.


"It was really weird," said Jen Stoltzfus, a sophomore who was hypnotized that evening. Dale K. certainly brought smiles to the faces of a lot of stressed students not ready to get back into the swing of spring 2003. "He was really funny and highly entertaining," said Student Government president, senior Bernadette Hazel.

The enthusiasm continued into Friday night, Jan. 17, when CAP board presented Casino Heist, an interactive bi-tech show who left two Cabrini students with a free trip for two to the Bahamas. After a series of obstacles and mind-teasers Justin Yon, a freshman, worked bard to win a trip. Audience member, Colleen Hoy, also won a trip by merely supporting the event.

The Welcome Week events ended with a New Year's Eve, Eagles themed dance on Saturday, Jan. 18.

"Welcome Week is a great beginning to a semester of awesome opportunities for the student body to get involved and to have fun for free. There js still a Jot they haven't seen yet," said CAP board president, senior John Verdi. Stay tuned for more free events; you never know what you may win.

"We're unapologetically pop," drummer and producer Art Amici said about Love Bomb's self-categorized "rock/pop" sound. "What we have is a really good formula. We're an entertaining band, but there's also substance," Andrew Fullerton, the band's guitarist and resident songwriter, said.

FulJerton defines pop music as being "catchy." He describes Love Bomb as a rock band that can play pop tunes. The balance of 80s metal, British rock and American pop/rock brings a "rounded" sound to the table, he said.

"I have a pretty good [grasp] of what the buying public wants," Amici said. "The music is calculated, but it's real."

The band is a year-old based out of Upper Darby, Pa., where sophomore and vocalist Matt Robinson, bassist Nate Malara, Andrew Fullerton and Art Amici reside. They are currently working on their first record, a collection they describe as "in the middle."

"It gets sterile after a while and you need to play it for an audie n c e , "

Fullerton said. Their first public appearance was January 2003 at Jocelyn's in Media, Pa. This came after to months of rehearsals, three days a week; 15 songs were the result. Each one is produced and "worked individually" so that it has the ability to stand out without the support of the rest of the record, Amici said.

The band is not a party to playing shows for the sake of an audience. "Philadelphia does not support their live acts the way they should," Amici said. This is the primary reason for their rare public appearance.

They cited stereotypes as another. Live acts are often labeled club bands, Fullerton said. "We don't want to be another $1.50 Miller Lite kind of band."

"We're like a well-oiled machine," Amici said. They established roles; no one fights over anything besides the superiority of the Rolling Stones or the Beatles. The band's bonding workout and rehearsal schedule has helped develop a camaraderie Amici compares to Fox's Making the Band.

Amici acts as the band's industry liaison, calling in favors and contacts in a fashion he likens to the mafia. He can also be seen as the lead in the production Tony and Tina's Wedding, playing at the Venice Plaza on 18th and Snyder in Philadelphia.

Amici, Fullerton and Robinson were members of the band Premium prior to their involvement with Love Bomb. Amici described their song "More Than This," which can be heard on The Bum, as "the aftermath" of the Premium's break up. After the disbursement of some members Amici described as "inappropriate," Malara, a musician Fullerton and Robinson knew from high school, was brought in to "fill in the sound."

"Nate was the walk-on Don Rickles character," Fullerton said.

"For all of us, this is what we do," Fullerton said. "If we don't do this we're not going to do anything. There's nothing else we want to do."

For more information about Love Bomb, visit their website at www.cornerband.com, and be included in the band mailing list. Email the band at LoveBomb_updates@yaboo.com

Cabrini College
R. RACHEL TZVIA BA l11tet11atio•alPoet/Soholar-ln--i&atdence at CallrltdCollegeFeb.,-_l 200f Pr.JaekwUIeotuluotacolloquy OMwrerroriSIIIattdtheMiddle st.. OMfhvrsdaV,Feb. t at f;15 p.ttt. h•thefixottCetttcrPfflidtl'lti flospltaltySvltc theL0_911itur.com 7
KELLYFINlAN/STAffWRITER Andrew Fullerton. Art Amici, Nate Malara and Matt Robinson make up the band '"Love Bomb," a local group with its roots in 80s metal, British rock and American pop/rock. Matt Robinson (far right), vocalist, is a sophomore at Cabrini.

Get in the mix

Have you ever dreamed of making your own music video? Well, if you attended the Involvement Fair on Tuesday, Jan. 28, you had your chance.

There wasquite a large turnout at the fair, which was a new idea from stud~nt development. It offered a way to see the various clubs that Cabrini has to offer, to get familiar with community outreach, campus ministry, the new rugby team and even things the alumni association is doing, and to have fun at the same time.

Mary Laver, coordinator of community outreach & partnerships, said, "It's a very upbeat thing to be doing."

There were numerous activities to choose from. There was a poster sale, a stuff-a-plush, which is similar to Build-a-Bear, a caricature artist and even an opportunity to make your own music video.

Junior Jeff Sy participated in the making his own music video and had a good time. "At first it seems intimidating because you're up there by yourself, but it is a lot of fun because you just dance and show off your moves." Everyone who does this gets to keep a copy of his or her video performance. Freshman Drew Mcanany said that the fair was a good way to get people involved.

The most popular event was the stuff-a-plush, but that ended quickly when materials ran out.

There was also a poster sale that benefited the senior class. Posters were on display from Beyond the Wall, a store located on South St. in Philadelphia, and sales were better than expected. Patricia Zeigler, who has been working for the poster company for l O years, ran the poster program. Posters ranged from movie posters and rock stars to Monet paintings and scenic beaches. Zeigler said, "Every woman is buying Vin Diesel posters, and beach scenes are really popular."

The caricature artist, W.C. Pope, drew pictures sharply resembling the students. Freshman Jessica Bieniek said, "The caricatures were really fun. It was neat how he could draw us just by looking at us."

Junior, Marian Gibfried, was informing people about an activism group on campus. The purpose of the group is to inform people about the happenings in society. Currently, the group is focusing on the war and the current problems ensuing in Iraq. Students and faculty were pleased with the attendance at the fair, and look forward to planning for next year.

The involvement fair went off without a hitch and all who attended seemed to enjoy themselves.

Top Right - Students sign up for clubs at tuesday's involvement fair in Grace Hall Atrium. The purpose of the fair was to enlighten the campus community as to the number of activities that are available.

Top Left - Students, faculty and staff stuff their own bears, giraffes, elephants and zebras at the Build-A-Bear-likestation. Even though supplies were limited, the response was positive from attendees.

Bottom Left. A caricature artist sets up shop in the corner of the Atrium as students line up for their chance to get their portraits.

Welco Cavalie E,Voy

Let's all go to the movies. Cap Board is prese with new movies that have yet to be released for video series began Jan 20th with the showing of "Ali." The take place in the Widener Center Lecture Hall on the which are all at 8 p.m. on Saturday or 9 p.m. on Sunda Because copyright laws do not permit large to watch a movie, the Cap Board got in touch with mem pany called Swank, which would allow Cabrini to sho tacting Swank, the Cap Board was able to obtain rece Mile," "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" and "Sweet Ho viewing pleasure. Keep in mind these movies were not Board for nothing. Each movie costs between $250 an movies are being offered free of charge to any Cabrini s There is a two guest limit for any one student, and gue Freshman Robin Cook, Jason Bozzone and s series game plan. They gave much thought into when movies.

Spring Movie


in Goldm and they

Dependin Sunday, ter. "

Sweet Home Alabama are now. A Feb. 8,9 9 p.m. pus and a movies sud St

My Big Fat Greek end activit There is h< Wedding can assure Feb. 15 9 p.m. Bozzone s: H brand new

Remember the Titans They are ti dents reali Feb. 16 8 p.m. know that assuring tl: little or no Monster's Inc. Fl

March 23 8 p.m. tothemov be able to Ti

Harry Potter and the wait to go show new Chamber of Secrets I did not k April 12,13 8 p.m. side offo1 what seem

8 Mile to not *6 ested in th May 3,4 8 p.m.

8 Thursday, Jan. 30, 2002

. to the Cinema show!

ital. The movie e events will duled dates, s of people from acomJVies. In con'lms such as "8 abama" for our ply handed over to Cap 00 to show. However, the t with proper identification. e also permitted without charge.

Cap Board members sat down and worked out a movie st time would be for students to come out and see such emester movies such as "Mr. Deeds," "Austin Powers r" and "Men in Black," were shown on Friday nights a turnout of approximately 35 students per movie. whether shows work better on Saturday rather then t the tone for when movies will be shown next semes-

emester the movies were not advertised as well as they tion grabbing posters have been placed all around camof my friends have been talking about the upcoming 8 Mile," freshman Jen Taggart said.

nts voiced their opinions about the need for more weeko they decided to make the movies a weekend event. ihat more people will stay on campus and take part. "I that the students are talking and we are listening,"

.nt on to say that, the student development office is a new philosophy focusing more on the students. to create publicity and they are trying to help the stuat it is ok to read bulletin boards. Students should y get involved they will get something out of it. He is array of quality events will be brought to campus for at all.

pcorn, soda or other goodies are often times given out rs. If the movie night gets bigger and better, they will ore money for other items. chneiders, sophomore lacrosse player, said, "I cannot ee the first movie showing. It is such a great idea to es for free. You will be sure to see me at every show. about it last semester, but I recently saw a poster outs Hall. I'm really looking forward to it." people are often times left out of activities because of a communication barrier. Bozzone warned students f his messages because they might actually be interoming activities offered.

Happy Groudhog Day!

Groundhog Day is Feb. 2. If the groundhog sees his shadow it means six more weeks of winter. If he doesn't see his shadow, spring is coming soon. What are you hoping for?

Snow much fun

Sliding out of hibernation

It may be 20 degrees, but the excitement of the moment makes you not feel the temperature. Standing at the top of the slope, you catch your breath as you start to glide down the mountain. With the wind in your ears and nothing but glistening snow at your feet, It's all downhill from here.

Just because it's wintertime, doesn't mean you have to lose the adrenaline that often times comes with swnmer activities. Feeling the rush as you cut your way down the mo1D1tainor twirl on the ice can be just as great a feeling as hanging upside down on a roller coaster or flying across the water on a jet ski. The surrounding areas of Cabrini offer a variety of snow-filled fun from Philadelphia to the Poconos.

Only minutes away, Penn's Landing Blue Cross River Rink is perfect for people who enJoy 1ce-skat10gunder the night sky. Located in Old City, Philadelphia, the rink overlooks the Delaware River and the twinkling city skyline. The cost is nine dollars for ice skate rentals and admission.

Junior Erin Nelson said, "I liked the atmosphere of the open rink, and in trying not to fall and freeze I stayed next to • the wall the entire time." •

For those of you wh~ enjoy the more thrilling snow events, you can find them at Jack Frost and Big Boulde~in the Poconos. The Poconos ~esort 1sonly_about ~-nhour and a half away. It offers it's college-aged visitors a season of packaged deals where you can partake m snow blading, skimg and snowboarding for the price of $150. For an additional $20, you can snow tube.

"Skiing was a ~ood experien~ in order to .get away and take a break with friends," sophomore Maggie Cassidysaid. If you w~t a httle romance with that special .someone, knowing that Valentine's Day is just around the corner, a sleigh nde will coax you into a cozy scenario. Lying in the heart of East Stroudsburg, the Pocono Country Carriages, Inc. sleigh rides cost $90 a couple for an hour that will create memories for a lifetime.

To savor the last days of winter, take advantage of these seasonal pastimes.

For moreinformationyou can check out the following websites:

Sleigh rides- www.poconocountrycarriagesinc.com

Penn's Landing River Rinknoosh.custservlets.net

Poconos Resortswww.big2resorts.com


Student activism follows Cabrini ideals

Since America was attacked on 9/11 war has been a fixture in the minds of Americans. A brief and effective stint in Afghanistan weakened terrorist organizations and began the transformation of Afghanistan from a terrorism hub t? a focal point of the westernization of the Middle East. At that time, President Bush addressed the world with his plan to eliminate terrorism and any country or state that harbored terrorists. It was then that Bush introduced the axis of evil: Iran, North Korea and Iraq.

With the new year came a new focus: ousting Saddam Hussein, Iraq's tyrannical leader, and confiscating his alleged weapons of mass destruction. With Britain by its side, the Bush administration went to the United Nations for support. The result was a mixed bag of opinions and weapons inspectors digging in Iraq.

Hussein, infamous for his propaganda and activism. As the war plan moves from theory elusive ways, seemed to be cooperative at to practice students are coming together to first. In true Saddam fashion, however, he share opinions and feelings ranging from went back to the political games of nuclear home front security to war with Iraq. What's hide and seek that have kept him in power and unique about the current activism at Cabrini is America on the hunt. that it doesn't discriminate. At colleges around Now, America is a month or two from war. the nation, there are anti-war protests and proOur troops blanket strategic points in the war protests separate from each other. Often Middle East, and our leader is lobbying for they butt heads and fail to communicate ideas support by assuring the world that it is at grave and knowledge. danger with Hussein at the helm. At Cabrini, activism is bipartisan. Students

Despite the urgency of the Bush adminis- are eager to share opinions but aren't blinded tration to act preemptively, unilaterally or not, polls show a growing concern among the public over Bush's handling of the economy and a general wariness about the prospect of war with Iraq.

by them. There is a willingness to learn, to see different angles. With the currently unstable nature of foreign affairs it is important for young leaders, like the student activists at Cabrini, to open their minds to be as well informed as possible. This is your education of the heart at work. Richard Magda Sharvon Urbannavage Vince DeFruscio Leanne Pantone

What is the deal with the water on campus?

"My gums never "For it being this "The lead can come "Its sucks, there are bled until I brushed messed up, there in our water. Its days we don't have my teeth here. You better be lead in it." scary." hot water. The CAC are scared to take a still doesn't have shower because screens on the your skin will bum faucets so the water off." sprays." Mahogany

Simeone Sarah Mares freshman sophomore freshman senior perspectives editor sports editor sports editor photo editor web/copy editor adviser web adviser Ryan Mulloy Shannon King

Catharine Hernson Alexis Strizziere Cheryl Wagstaff Katie Reing Paul Williams

Mary Adam, Beth Beswick, Amy Owl, Kim Gayton. DavidCloud, Kristina Coope,;Michelle Crowley,Kil Dewey,Jim Diamond,JamieKnobler,Jama Lewandowski,Stephanie\1oritz. KendallNeil, TiffanyPlatt

Loqultur Is a laboratory newspaper "-Tltten, edited and produ(ed by the students of COM 351, 352, 2S0 and 251. SubS<'rlpUon price Is $25 per year and Is Included In the bcndits secured by tuition and fees. Addltlonal copies arc $ I e:ach. Loqullur '1."elcomesleners to the editor. Leners to the editor are to be Jess than S00 words. These are usu.lilly In response to a current Issue on campus or community .1re.a. Guest columns are longer pieces between 600 and soo words and also are usuaJly In rc-spon.se to a current Issue on 1he Cabrini College campus or community. Letters to the editor and guest columns are printed as spa« permlls submissions may be edited for length, clarity and content. Name, phone number and address should be Included for vcrlfl• cation purposes. Pc-rsonal attacks and anonymous submissions wtll not be printed. Letters to the editor and guest columns can be subraltted to loqultur@cabrln1.Nlu or lo the newsroom mallboxes In Founders hall 264.

,:. editorial
"I'm fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in."
George McGovern
Before winter break, Cabrini students seemed apathetic towards awareness and ou Speak ... editor in chief managing editor news editor news editor a&e editor features editor
Turner Rich DeMatteo Rebecca
Dr. Jerome Zurek Dr. Harold Halbert
Staff Writers
Mary Adam, Heather DiLalla, Melissa DiPietrantonio, Jana Fagotti, Andrew Findlay, Kelly Finlan, Jaclyn Freese, Lauren Gatto, Rosemarie Gonzalez, Jamie Knobler, Cristin Marcy, Antonio Masone, Lauren Mineo, Stephanie Moritz, Kendall Neil, Ryan Norris, Jermaine O'Neil, Gina Peracchia, Amanda Snow, Anne Marie White
Staff Photographers

Talking can settle conflicts

I would like to address an article that was written in the Dec. 5 issue of Loquitur written by Ryan Norris addressing the scheduling ]of the perfonnance of "Boy Gets Girl" and the Mr. And Mrs. Cabrini Pageant. Norris addressed several issues that he felt needed to be addressed. However, it seems he did not research the issues adequately beforehand. As the assistant director of "Boy Gets Girl" I feel it necessary to respond to some of these issues with corrected information so that I may reflect a true and positive image of the theater, the sophomore class, and the meaning of the word community.

In the article, Norris addressed the conflict of having both events planned on the same night in the same building. He goes on to say "l feel that no one was flexible in this situation and there was a lack of negotiation."

I agree with that statement completely; Ryan never once tried to contact me, the assistant director or Neal Newman the director of the play about this conflict. ~orris in turn gave neither ofus any suggestions as to how to fix this conflict. The end result was the pageant was moved to the cafeteria.

I do understand this caused a conflict with advertising and I'm sorry for the inconvience but this was a compromise made to help make both events successful and both events were successful and this is where l feel the word community needs to be addressed. In a community different members (be it the theater department and sophomore class board) need to be able to compromise when

mistakes happen. This was a mistake that occurred. The sophomore class had reserved the atrium for that night first. The theater department then reserved the theater for the same night and under prior arrangements had the understanding that when the theater is reserved the atrium may still be used but without amplification because amplification bleeds into the theater.

When Mr.Newman reserved this day he said, " If there are any conflicts please let me know and appropriate arrangements will be made." Unfortunately, the conflict was not noticed until shortly before opening night and a compromise for both events to occur was the only option given, had other ideas been suggested they would have been taken into account.

With both events successful, this solution proved to work with success. r am therefore also confused as to why any complaints were made; compromise may not be the optimum choice and may not be perfect but compromise is necessary in a community to make everyone happy. The play "Boy Gets Girl" was a great success and we are happy to be part of the Cabrini community, a community that can work together to find working solutions.

On behalf of Neal Newman and myself l would also like to thank Jason Bozzone for being so patient and working to solve the scheduling conflict that has been obtrusive to so many organizations' events. He has done an excellent job.

Have an opinion?

Send a letter to the editor {name and phone number must be included)

Play now, sleep later

If I had a dollar for every time someone said something to me that impacted my life in one way or another I would be a rather rich girl. But, then again how rich would I be because J never seem to remember what I told myself I wanted to remember whenever someone spoke his or her words of wisdom to me. Well, needless to say, I decided that I was going to start remembering, even write down what it was that people were saying that was malcing me think about my life.

Well with the story of my forgetfulness out of the way the whole point of this perspective is for me to tell you all about the run in I had with a mysterious blonde at the bar last week. Obviously she said something that just really made me stand back and think "'wow.''

As my friend and I were about to leave the local bar after a few cocktails and laughs with our friends, one of the attractive

blondes sitting across from us all night came up to us and proceeded to ask my friend and I how old we were and if we had had fun that night. After a few minutes of casual conversation with the blonde, she then proceeded to tell us how even though she is married with a son she likes to go out with the girls every so often. She then explained that one of her friends didn't come because she said that she wanted to sleep. Well, that's where the magic of the mysterious blonde's words took me by storm.

The blonde told us that she told her friend "you can sleep when you're dead, because when you're dead you can't do anything else but sleep and you can never come back and do all the things you didn't do when you were alive." Now at first I almost dismissed what the mysterious blonde had said but after a few minutes it sunk in what she had told her friend.

Before complimenting my friend and I on our ability to stay up until 2 a.m. in the morning, the blonde reminded us of what she told her friend about sleeping and made us promise that we would wait until we were dead to sleep. Possibly morbid at first but after a

car ride home what the mysterious blonde said had made perfect sense.

The next day all I could do was think about what the mysterious blonde had said to me the previous night. I found myself thinking back to al the times I declined an invite to go out because I was tired or because I wanted to sleep and thought of all the fun I was probably missing. I feel as if it was then that what she said to my friend and I that night was probably one of the smartest things I have ever heard in my life. She reminded me that there is a world of excitement out there to be conquered and my whole life to be lived and that I shouldn't miss a second of it ever.

So I leave all of you with this, the next time you find yourself declining an invitation or opting not to go somewhere because you are tired or want to sleep, remember, you can sleep when your time here on earth is up because when you're dead you'll never get another chance at whatever it is that life is holding in store for you.

Eagles fans keep the faith

Philadelphia had lost its spirit and so had its fans.



Many of us are hanging our heads down low after the disappointment that the Eagles brought to Veterans Stadium on Sunday, Jan. 19. We all had hoped that this was the year that the Eagles were going to make it to the Super Bowl. A win against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers would have been a sweet victory to commemorate the last football game to be played at the Vet. Unfortunately, we had to say goodby~ with anger and frustration. The city of

While the Eagles were on their way to the top I was never so proud to be an Eagles fan. Everywhere you lo9ked there was a flag, a banner, a sign and even blow up football players on the front lawns of houses. The skyline of the City of Philadelphia was lit up with white and green lights. Stores were selling out of Eagles jerseys faster than one could imagine. Chants for the Eagles could be heard in offices and restaurants. Strangers were hugging strangers. Everyone felt the excitement and it brought all ofus together.

Now the neighborhoods have gone back to being quiet and the fans saddened by the loss.

Stop crying about it. So they lost this year. With a couple of new trades they can come back strong next year and try to win. Just think a new stadium could bring a new attitude, which could bring us a victory to the Super Bowl. There is no need to be upset about it now since there is nothing that you can do about it. So stop with the "coach should have done this" or "I can't believe this player did that" crap. Suck up this loss and prepare yourself for next season.

To all of my fair-weather friends if you can't hang on get off the bandwagon now and to all of my fellow Eagles fans keep the faith. EAGLES!

Cabrini College ____ _
Email: Subject: Letter to the Editor loquiturtw,cabrini.cdu [D (=====\ Fax: ATTN: Letter to the Editor Mail: ATTN: Letter to the Editor 610 King of Prussia Road Radnor, Pa. 19087 (6 lO) 902-8208 theL~itur.com 11

Private schools against public schools


Let's face it girls, who doesn't miss being able to roll out of bed and roll into an uncomfortable wool skirt and white oxford shirt each and every day. Catholic school definitely has its perks, but no one can really appreciate it until they have experienced it. For many of you, you might think Catholic school is a bunch of nuns that throw religious nonsense down your throat, when in fact it's really not. Sure most teachers start off the class in prayer, but that's five less minutes you would have to hear your teacher lecture at the end of the class.

Due to a smaller community, Catholic schools are a large family where you know each other and support one another. Catholic schools show a lbt of school spirit in all their sporting activities and other after school functions. You belong to something you are proud of and develop a life that will lead you in the right direction in the future.

Because of Catholic school you would never have to attend those CCD classes that take up your whole Sunday. Even though many look at mass to be boring, Catholic school students look forward to holy days because that means classes will be cut in half due to the mass being celebrated in the middle of the day, and if it was a snow day as well then you would hardly go to any classes.

With a small school comes fewer students with more opportunities. Most Catholic school students are able to play varsity sports for four years in high school rather than choosing only one sport to excel in. There would be no way you would be able to manage your time or commit to that many sports with the opportunity to play all of them in a public school. Not only in sports, but in many extracurricular activities, students are given the opportunity to participate more and become more involved in their school activities.

A recent study shows that 92 percent of students who attend Catholic schools further a higher education at a four-year college or university. Many might agree that Catholic schools provide heavy discipline with countless rules that students must abide by. Several students might add they would rather attend a school with less rules and regulations, but actually much more gets accomplished in a classroom with more discipline. This will surely benefit a student in the future.

The argument that teenagers use to say that public schools are "better" is that they get to express their individuality through their clothing. They stress individuality but I think I have found more solid examples in which a public school student can announce their uniqueness.

So, okay, the students get to wear whatever they choose to class but that doesn't mean there isn't an enforced dress code. Some public school bashers would say their children would be limited to wearing certain colors because of implied gang insignia. But listen to this, my school colors were red and black, which are also the colors of a prominent gang on both coasts of the U.S., but that didn't stop the majority of the students from showing their school pride during Pride Week.

Another argument would be you wouldn't get as individualized attention in the classroom or a quality education from the conditions that public schools have to administer by. But if I succeeded along with my six hundred fellow graduates, who is to say that our education wasn't equal to a private school one? You make what you want of the education that you receive.

One thing I think a lot of people wouldn't argue with is that you're getting an education for free. In private school, there is a larger pressure for a student to excel because it would a be waste of money and effort for the person who pays their tuition and the student who does not perform to par.

When you are in public school, your eyes are opened. You are surrounded by people who look different, speak differently, and think and believe different things from you. I think that is the essential mixing bowl of America. You are 1 globalized, not brainwashed to listen to one particular thing.

In short, I think the commonplace arguments about public school not being the best choice for your child aren't always given a fair hearing. I may sound ambiguous because I have passed through both systems, but I feel as if my sheltered private school days were just minute compared to the real life I experienced in public school. Individuality is expressed by the actions that you display and the things you live through shape it. I think that public school is better -... equipped to handle that job.

Waking up to reality and leaving the comfort zone


It's amazing how most of us spend our entire youth trying to grow up, but once we get there we want to tum around and go back. When you're a child you really have nothing to worry about other than skinned knees and trying to milk a couple of more hours of playtime out of your parents. In high school you try so hard to be a grown up, but still want the plea-

sures of freedom and the lack of responsibilities.

College is where most of us really start looking to the future, but even then, not until senior year. Every year you have the security of knowing that you will be right back in Founders Hall next year. Not until you're a senior does it kick in that the halls you '11 be walking next year are totally uncertain. In many ways I wish I could have just one more year of certainty.

One of the hardest things to deal with as we get older is to accept very adult situations. One of these situations came a couple

of weeks ago as two of our classmates, Kate Dilworth and Devon Spratling, were called to war.

Dilworth is a sergeant in the Marines and Spratling, is in the National Guard. This news was extremely hard to swallow. Dilworth always talked about being a Marine, but in the back of my mind I never thought she would be activated to actually go to war. In a lot of ways I feel like we're too young to be worrying about our friends being thrown into combat. Maybe I just haven't seen us, until now, as the prime generation to be called upon. This generation being "old enough."

I remember that as I graduated high school, even as a female, I received plenty of calls from Army recruiters who played on the emotions of students who really didn't have the money to pay for college. They promised tuition reimbursement and great perks.

Several people in my graduating class did sign up. In 1999 there really was no fear of war and most of the people who signed up reluctantly used just that as a way to make themselves feel better about their enlistment, "It's not like we 'II be going to war or anything." Four years later, these same people are facing their worst fears.

I find it interesting that as much as we all wanted to grow up, we totally ignored the things that would affect us the most. We've all turned the channel when the news started to talk war and we flipped the newspaper pages when we saw the words Saddam, Iraq and Afghanistan. I don't think I'll be doing that anymore. I don't think too many ofus will be. To Sgt. Dilworth and Spratling, and anyone else I may not have known about, good luck over there and come home safe.

12 theLoquitur.com Thursday, Jan. 30, 2003

Dancing to the_music

The dance team has kicked off their second season here at Cabrini. Making their first appearance at Midnight Madness last semester, the dance team looks forward to performing at the men's basketball home games this year.

Coach Andrea Manieri said, "As compared to last year, this year's team is much smaller in size. However, the hard work and dedication that we have endured has paid off making us proud to call ourselves Cabrini College's dance team." Manieri is a graduate of Cabrini and participated in the dance team her senior year. This is her first year coaching the dance team at Cabrini, and she is pleased to work with such a talented group of girls. The only set back to the dance team is their size. The girls dance team consists of l3 girls,

Men's basketball team goes 3-1 over winter break

While the general population of Cabrini students was spending Christmas break with their friends and families, the men's basketball team was at school, practicing daily, anxiously awaiting their next game.

Over the one-month span that most would call "break," the men's basketball team played four games, three of the games home and the last away. "There is no break," head coach John Dzik said.

1n the Cavs' first game of winter break on Jan. 3, they defeated Kean University by a score of 6762 in a tournament hosted by Cabrini.

The team then went on to lose the championship game of the tournament on Jan. 4, to PittBradford, 69-71.

The Cavs' final home game of

the break came as a 67-62 victory over the College of Misercordia on Jan. 8.

Followed by the win of the

most of which having prior experience to dancing. The girls practice twice a week for two to three hours. All of their hard work pays off at half time when they perform their routine for the Cabrini fans. Freshman Cabrini dance team member, Amanda Farrington said, "The "I enjoy spending my last semester at Cabrini with a team that has such enthusiasm for dance."

Megan Hartman

Senior team is much smaller this year than years before so we got to know each other better. Its a good feeling when the crowd appreciates all of our hard work during the games."

The dance team made their first appearance this year on Jan. 20, at the men's basketball game against Eastern University. Although the dance teams season ends in the middle of February they are looking forward to performing a new routine for Coach Boone's arrival on Feb. 17.

The dance team has put a lot of time into this year's season. Senior Megan Hartman said, "Being the mentor of the dance team means a great deal because l represent not only my teammates but my friends as well. I enjoy spending my last semester at Cabrini with a team that has such enthusiasm for dance."

The dance team has brought a lot of fans to the games this year. Sophomore Jamie Lewis said, "The team this year looked like they put a lot of hard work, time and effort into the performance. I hope to see them perform more routines throughout the season."

College of Misercordia, the Cavaliers traveled to GwyneddMercy College on Jan. 11, where they defeated the Griffins by a

score of 70-60.

The downfall of playing games over break is the lack of fan support. Dzik said, "Over the break we saw what I call the 'funeral crowd' in the stands, only friends and family."

Sophomore guard Dan Clemens said, "As a team, we play our best when the bleachers are filled and the fans are into the game, we play off of their energy."

Although the Cavs went three and one over the one-month break from classes, Dzik feels the team needs to improve.

"Traditionally our teams have always gotten better over break, I'm not so sure that this team did," Dzik said.

According to Clemens and Dzik, the Cavs need to start playing more as a team and put their talent to use as a whole to be successful for the duration of the season.

Cabrini College theLoquitur.com 13
KATIEREING/PHOTOEDITOR Chrissy Remley,front. and Megan Hartman, back, perform during half time of the men's basketball game against Eastern University.
"As a team, we play our best when the bleachers are filled and the fans are into the game. We play off of their energy."
Dan Clemens sophomoreguard
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Lax is back to take PAC by storm

Although spring won't officially start until March 20, spring sports are already preparing for the upcoming season. The men's and women's lacrosse teams are already hard at work in preparation for what they hope to be a winning season

Men's lacrosse is preparing for yet another exciting season facing tough competit1on such as McDaniel College and Ohio Wesleyan University, both of whom are ranked in the top 20 of division three schools.

"We're going to face off against tough conference competition since we are the returning PAC champions," said assistant coach Ryan Greer. The offense this year will be led by senior Mike Pape, who is a pre-season All-America, junior Mike Piccoli, and sophomores Rory Friel and Justin Gray. The defense will be led by junior Antonio Masone in goal, senior defenseman Tom Grosse, senior David Johanson, and senior Brandon Lawler with help from

junior Mike Cottone, and sophomore Brian Felice.

Pape says that even though he is in his last year, it won't stop him from playing his best. "I expect nothing less than another PAC championship. We all want to go one step further in the NCAA tournament," said Pape.

"Although we are the PAC champions, that doesn't mean we can slack off during practice. We still have our 6 a.m. practices and are working twice as hard," said Lawler.

The men's team was eliminated in the first round of the National College Athletic Association last season by Washington College. The men will start their season on Saturday, March 1st at Mary Washington College.

As far as the women's lacrosse team goes, this season is expected to be one filled with new and returning talent. "This year our team is much younger," said Cabrini's women's lacrosse coach, Jackie Neary. "There are nine freshmen on the team and that's a big change, but we still have a lot of key players."

Looking back on last season, Neary is hopeful that sophomore

Crowd provides edge for Cavs

The men's basketball team played before a crowd of 493 people in their win against the Eastern University Eagles on Jan. 20.

The Cavaliers dominated a majority of the first half. At one point Cabrini led by 10 points after a nine to two run. However, due to a great number of fouls and turnovers by both teams the Cav's lead was cut to one at the break.

At the start of the second half the fouls continued. Eastern fouled senior Brian Wood, who extended Cabrini's lead to 3. Eastern continued to foul early in the second half, which led to six to zero Cabrini run.

Sophomore Brandon Millwood got the crowd back into the game with an inspiring dunk that gave the Cavs an eight-point lead.

Eastern never gave up in fact

with l l minutes left in the game the Eagles tied up the score at 5050. From that point on the lead went back and forth until the last seconds of the game.

The great number of fouls continued throughout the game. With two minutes left in the Eastern 's Gus Nadelhoffer fouled out.

Cabrini's win came as a result of their making a majority of their foul shots and Eastern not making their foul shots.

The Cavs solidified the win with just 7.3 seconds left in the game when junior Saleem Brown made his two free throws to extend their lead to four.

Senior forward Charles Epps said, "The more crowd participation the better. That is our motivation."

The 72-68 Cabrini victory left Cabrini fans ecstatic and sent the many Eastern fans home disappointed.


goalie Jamie Knobler and senior Colleen Conner will continue their hard work into 2003. Another bonus to this season's team is the addition of senior transfer student, Amanda Swoyer, an all-conference competitor last season at Shippensburg University.

Returning this year to lead the

offensive front are sophomores Maureen McQuade and Anne Dougherty. Covering the defense are junior Kelli Romano and sophomore Missy Modesti. However confident with her veteran players, Neary is "curious to see what the freshman can contribute this season."

The team will attend training camp in Florida throughout the first week of March. The season is officially scheduled to begin on March 18 when the Lady Cavs take on Drew University.

Five-game winning streak for Lady Cavaliers pushes them over 500

The women's basketball team lost four straight games over winter break, but has since responded with a five-game winning streak, bringing its record to 8-7.

After a few improvements the Lady Cavaliers are now the only undefeated team in the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference. "They were able to achieve so high because all the girls on the team work hard and are dedicated to the sport," Melissa Landrin, sophomore team manager, said. Losing to St. Mary's, Widener, Swarthmore, and Delaware Valley, the Lady Cavalries never gave up. "Each game was hard fought just losing by points in the finals minutes," Landrin said.

The Lady Cavs did not allow

the four game losing streak to get them down. Freshman Jackie Yoder, said, "The winter break allowed the team to bond and

ication paid off because our record is over 500," freshman guard Jen Wessell said.

Winning against Neumann, Wesley, Cedar Crest, Eastern, and Arcadia the lady Cavs improved their record to 7-0 in the PAC. Yoder said "the team really came together and ended up successful."

brought us closer and because of that we were able to come back and win five straight games."

"In the beginning of the year our team lacked experience but now all of our hard work and <led-

With nine games to go, "our team is looking stronger and stronger each day, if they continue to work together their dedication is to sure pay off for them," Landrin said.

The Lady Cavs continue their season this Saturday against Gwnedd-Mercy College at 2 p.m. The team looks to continue with their winning tradition ending the season with nine of their last 10 games against PAC rivals.

... 14 theLoquitur.com Thursday, Jan. 30, 2003
lacrosse began practicing for the upcoming spring 2003 season in the Dixon Center.
"Each game was hard foughtjust losing by pointsin the finals minutes," Melissa

PAC Basketball Stats

Winter Olympics

ALPl'\'E SKll~G (Men)

Date Event

Jan. 4-5 World Cup

Jan. 6 World Cup

Jan. 11-12 World Cup

Jan. 14 World Cup

Jan. 17-19 World Cup

Jan. 24-26 World Cup

Jan. 28 World Cup


Date Event/Location

Jan. 5-6 World Cup

Jan. 11-12 World Cup

Jan. 17-19 World Cup

Jan. 25-26 World Cup

From Backpack to Briefcase


Date Event

Jan. 3 European Open

Jan. 5 European Open

Jan. 13-19 World Cup No. 5,

Jan. 17

Jan. 20-26 World Cup No. 6

Jan. 24 Challenge Cup No. 3


Date Event/Location

Jan. I0-12 World Junior Short Track

Championships, Budapest, Hungary





Jan. 16

NBA scores

Boston 97

Chicago 94

Detroit 83

Denver 8~

NHL scores


8- Career Services 160 0-raoe Hall

Enhance your Job search with tnfor111a-tlot1regarding professlo"al e-tlque·t-te.Job search -tlsn and a fashion show featurl"g your elassflla-tes

Calendar of Events

Thursday,Jan. 30

Mass, 12:15 p.m., Bruckmann Chapel of Saint Joseph

SOS, 5 p.m., NRH Lounge

Dinner & A Database, 5 p.m., Holy Spirit Library

M's Basketball at Widener University, 7 p.m.

Friday, Jan. 31

Philadelphia 76ers game, 7 p.m., Sponsored by the Office of Student Activities

Saturday,Feb. 1


Outreach Saturday, sponsored by Community Outreach

AmethystConference,9:30 a.m. to 4 p.rn.,Temple University,sponsoredby CounselingCenter

W'sBasketballvs. GwyneddMercyCollege,2 p.m. M'sBasketballvs. GwyneddMercyCollege,4 p.m.



Mass, 7 p.m Bruckmann Chapel of Saint Joseph


Annual Fine Arts Faculty Art Ex.hibit, Opening Reception. 3 to 5 p.m., Grace and Joseph Gorevin Fine Arts Gallery (Runs to Feb. 28)

W's Basketball at lmmaculata University, 7 p.m.

Poet Dr. Rachel Tzvia-Back, TBA, Sponsored by Academic Affairs


CAPBoardMeeting,4 p.m., NRH Lounge

The Evasons,9 p.m.,GraceHall Atrium


W'sBasketballvs. NeumannCollege,6 p.m.

M'sBasketballvs. NeumannCollege,8 p.m.


Sacramento I 04

Friday, Jan. 24

Indiana 93

Atlanta 115

Dallas IOI

Minnesota 88

Phoenix 110

Boston 77

Chicago 104

Portland 97

Detroit 98

New Jersey 89

San Antonio 91

Saturday, Jan. 25

Philadelphia 97

Atlanta 102

Milwaukee 88

Golden State I 08

Minnesota 97

Seattle 95

San Antonio 108


Torronto IOI

Chicago 100

New York 106

Boston 91

Indiana 108

Portland I 00

Toronto 88

Phoenix 85

Atlanta 110

Seattle 91

San Antonio 93

Utah 89

Washington 94

LA Lakers 110

New Jersey 97

Philadelphia 94

Memphis 98

Seattle 80

Sacramento 104

New York 90

LA Clippers 85

Orlando 107

Denver 58

Washington 97

New Orleans 96

Houston 74

LA Lakers 83

Utah 90


Cleveland IOI


Utah 95

Washington 89

Memphis 83

Detroit 76

Sacramento 97

Houston 9!!

Phoenix 98

Orlando 83

LA Clippers IOI

Dallas 93

Cabrini College theLoquitur.com
Men's Basketball: Cabrini moves into a second place tie with Alvemia (idle Monday) by defeating Marywood 77-63. Cabrini placed third in the PAC ending men's basketball continued: Free Throw %: G FT FTA Pct Messiah Reames 10 39 51 .764 nomen·s basketball continued: Team Highs continued: Most Rcb: 61 vs. Rosemont Most Bile:: 11 vs. Arcadia their Jan. 26 sports week. Women's Basketball: Cabrini is tied with Scoring: G 3FG PTS AVG Team Record: Gwynedd-Mercy for an undefeated record Colleen Dorrian 14 7 218 15.6 11 5 II 6 2 P·•c of 7-0 in the PACwith Cabrini m the - overa • - "' Rebounding: G Off Def Rebs A,g Southern division and Gwynedd-Mercy in Statisical Leaders: Lauren Budweg 15 34 70 I04 6.9 the Northern division. The two teams go Scoring: G JFG PTS AVG head to head this Sat. Feb. I. Blocks: G BLKS AVG Tim Maddox 10 19 138 13.8 Colleen Dorrian 14 39 2.8 Rebounding: G Off Def Rebs Avg Team Reco rd : Three Pt FG %: G 3Pt 3Pa Pct Brian Wood 10 40 37 77 7.7 8•8 overall, 7-0 PAC Taryn Rcpici 15 14 40 .350 Ty Teasley IO 15 49 64 6.4 Ststist ical Leaders: Field Goal %: G FG FGA Pct Blocks: G BLKS AVG 1ndividual Game Highs (League) Jennifer Skursky 15 55 107 .514 Brandon Mjllwood 10 14 1.4 Most Jpa: 16 L Kqira Steals: G STLS AVG Brian Wood 10 13 1.3 MoSt St l: 9 C Dorrian Colleen Dorrian 14 47 3.3 Team Highs: Three Pt FG •fo: G 3Pt 3Pa Pct Taryn Repici 15 42 2.8 Best 3pt%: 83.3 vs. '-eumann Ty Teasley 10 8 20 .400 vs. Assists: G ASST AVG _T_im_M_a_dd_o_x ___ 1_0__ 19 __ 5_o__ .3_8_o_________________ T_aryn __ R_e_pi_c_i ___ 15 __ s_o___ 3_.3_~
The euett-tfal evet1-t for ••udon lt1 all 1Majon Feb. 19, 200~ S:00 p.tt1. to 9:00 p.tt1. 'fhe cot1feret1ce cett-ter at IJoscovi Ply11ttouth Meetittg Mall <lower level 11ear applfattces> SOO O-er11ttat1tow11Pllce, Plytt1outh MeetlttQ,
lttcluded Pre-regls-ter
PA Pho,er
by Feb. 1 + attd pay ottly Purchase
U.S.A. vs. Brazil Jan. 18 U.S.A. vs. Brazil CANOE/KA YAK Date Event Dec. 3-5 Flatwater CURLING Date Event Jan. 25-Feb. I Junior National Championships FIGURE SKATING Date Event Jan. 12-19 State Farm U.S. figure Skating Championships Jan. 20-26 European Championships
Wednesday, Jan. 22 Milwaukee 106 Orlando 94 Philadelphia 92 New York 97 Indiana IOI Miami 92 Ponland 112 Minnesota 96 Memphis 98 LA Clippers 96 New Orleans l03 Golden State 114 Thursday, Jan 23 Golden State I 05 Dallas
Event Jan. 11-19 Snowboard FIS World Championships, Jan. 29-Feb. 2 Freestyle FIS World Championships SPEEDSKATING (long track) Date Event Jan. 11-12 American Short Cup Track Jan. 11-12 World Cup Long Track Jan. 18-19 World Sprint Championships Jan. 18-19 U.S. Junior Long Track Championships Jan. 18-19 '\ational Marathon Championships Jan. 25-26 American Cup Long Track Jan. 25-26 Nonh American Marathon Championships
Wednesday, Jan. 22 Montreal 2 Ottawa 2 Edmonton 4 Anaheim 6 Washington 5 Dallas 4 New Jersey 5 Tbursda), Jan. 23 Ottawa 3 Boston 4 Phoenix 7 Minnesota 2 St. Louis 3 NY Rangers 4 Colorado 5 Friday, Jan. 24 Buffalo 4 NY Islanders 3 Phoenix 5 New Jersey 3 Carolina 3 Tampa Bay 4 Detroit 5 Saturday, Jan. 25 Atlanta 4 Pittsburgh 5 Ottawa 4 Columbus4 Washington I Boston I Colorado 3 Florida 3 Dallas 4 Calgary4 San Jose 4 Sunday, Jan. 26 Washington 7 Vancouver 1 Montrca14 Monday, Jan. 27 Nashville 5 San Jose 3 Dallas5 Tampa Bay 2 Florida I Detroit 3 Los Angeles 5 Carolina 3 Columbus 2 San Jose 4 Atlanta 3 Pittsburgh l Calgary l Los Angele,, I Chicago 3 Nashville 2 Columbus 0 Toronto 0 Philadelphia I Edmonton I Anaheim I Florida I Dallas I Vancouver 2 NY Rangers I Chicago 3 Buffalo 3 NY Islanders I Montreal I Philadelphia 0 Toronto 0 Carolina 2 St. Louis 2 Detroit I Minnesota I NY Rangers 2 Phoenix 0 Chicago 3 Buffalo 1 Los Angeles0 Ottawa3 INFORMATIONCOMPILED BY ALEXIS STRlZZJER£ .....

Vol.XLIX Number 14


•Dance Team back in action, page 13

•Lacrosse prepares for winning seasons, page14

n Cabrini College's Student Newspaper
www.theloquitur.com THURSDAY Jan. 30, 2003
Cavs push past
Sophomore guard, Messiah Reames looking for an open teammate, during Cabrini's 72-68 victory over Eastern University.

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