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New grant leads volunteers to Special Olympics
Inspired by a grant, Cabrini College will become increasingly more involved with the Special Olympics Pennsylvania Eastern Winter Sectional over the next few years.
Dr. Charles McCormick, English professor, worked with President Antoinette Iadarola on a grant to increase service learning with English 101 classes. McCormick looked at the South Eastern Pennsylvania Special Olympics to get first~year students more involved with the education of the heart. He came up with the idea to have the students work at the Fall Festival at Villanova University.
This past week seven Cabrini students went with McCormick to the games at Jack Frost Mountain to begin what would be the first time Cabrini students would be involved with what McCormick and many others hope to be a permanent event for students.
After working with Special Olympics at Villanova McCormick was asked if the school would be willing to help at the Winter Eastern Sectional games. In an effort to link Cabrini College to the Special Olympics permanently, Cabrini students would ideally become increasing involved with this winter event.
The idea of the involvement of college students would help to develop leadership skills and responsibilities. Students would be part of the committee responsible for keeping records, gatekeeping/timing and athlete registration. "I like the interaction with the committees enthusiasm and creativity;' Lori Blake, associate competition director, said. "The experience of volunteering with Special Olympics gives the college student good management experience."
The volunteering experience also benefits the student by giving them an outlet to give back to the community and to develop friendships with the athletes as well as the other committee members who have worked with Special Olympics. "Volunteers are the life-blood of Special Olympics. It's good for volunteers to do this because it makes you feel good inside. Tomorrow you'U realize how good you feel that you did something good, but it also introduces you to two different worlds," Alice Rau, event director, said.
In addition to volunteer experience, opportunities exist for college students to build upon job experience as well. English/communications major Judeanne Annenti was in charge of special events at this years Winter sectional. "I think it's beneficial for other students to get involved because when your volunteering you end up with a flash-pan experience, which you wouldn't normally get with an internship or other job experience," Armenti, said.
Over the nex1 few years McCormick and Blake plan to work together to develop committees of Cabrini students that will be trained on how to run many aspects of the Winter Sectional to bring a new sense of life to both the Special Olympics and the campus.