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Men's basketball team goes 3-1 over winter break


While the general population of Cabrini students was spending Christmas break with their friends and families, the men's basketball team was at school, practicing daily, anxiously awaiting their next game.


Over the one-month span that most would call "break," the men's basketball team played four games, three of the games home and the last away. "There is no break," head coach John Dzik said.

1n the Cavs' first game of winter break on Jan. 3, they defeated Kean University by a score of 6762 in a tournament hosted by Cabrini.

The team then went on to lose the championship game of the tournament on Jan. 4, to PittBradford, 69-71.

The Cavs' final home game of the break came as a 67-62 victory over the College of Misercordia on Jan. 8.

Followed by the win of the most of which having prior experience to dancing. The girls practice twice a week for two to three hours. All of their hard work pays off at half time when they perform their routine for the Cabrini fans. Freshman Cabrini dance team member, Amanda Farrington said, "The "I enjoy spending my last semester at Cabrini with a team that has such enthusiasm for dance."

Megan Hartman

Senior team is much smaller this year than years before so we got to know each other better. Its a good feeling when the crowd appreciates all of our hard work during the games."

The dance team made their first appearance this year on Jan. 20, at the men's basketball game against Eastern University. Although the dance teams season ends in the middle of February they are looking forward to performing a new routine for Coach Boone's arrival on Feb. 17.

The dance team has put a lot of time into this year's season. Senior Megan Hartman said, "Being the mentor of the dance team means a great deal because l represent not only my teammates but my friends as well. I enjoy spending my last semester at Cabrini with a team that has such enthusiasm for dance."

The dance team has brought a lot of fans to the games this year. Sophomore Jamie Lewis said, "The team this year looked like they put a lot of hard work, time and effort into the performance. I hope to see them perform more routines throughout the season."

College of Misercordia, the Cavaliers traveled to GwyneddMercy College on Jan. 11, where they defeated the Griffins by a score of 70-60.

The downfall of playing games over break is the lack of fan support. Dzik said, "Over the break we saw what I call the 'funeral crowd' in the stands, only friends and family."

Sophomore guard Dan Clemens said, "As a team, we play our best when the bleachers are filled and the fans are into the game, we play off of their energy."

Although the Cavs went three and one over the one-month break from classes, Dzik feels the team needs to improve.

"Traditionally our teams have always gotten better over break, I'm not so sure that this team did," Dzik said.

According to Clemens and Dzik, the Cavs need to start playing more as a team and put their talent to use as a whole to be successful for the duration of the season.

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