1 minute read

Drug problem needs to be addressed

What Cabrini has on its campus is a failure to communicate its problems thus leaving things like drugs: hush, hush. Because of the “honor code” between students, issues like drug use are not being handled as well as what they could.

Whether the students feel they will be called a narc or just don’t care about other students’illegal activities, it is clear not much is being said about Cabrini’s drug problem. Of course there are other reasons at hand besides a student’s lack of concern about resolving the issue of drugs.


Before the students begin coming forth about specific incidents on-campus, they need to know that RAs or public safety will be able to handle the problem. Since anonymity is always a factor in disclosing information to the necessary people, the authorities on-campus have to implement a system to protect the person’s identity.

If students are not helping in terms of identifying illegal activity than public safety and the RAs have to start asking questions. Sometimes it is more difficult for a student to stand up to a friend or stranger.

If this is the case then the administration at Cabrini should begin breaking down on drug use and any other illegal behavior. Cabrini can take steps to work with the Radnor police or instruct public safety and the RAs to investigate any suspicious actions.

There is a drug concern at Cabrini that needs to be addressed. Both the administration and the students have to involve themselves in resolving it or just continue to allow this problem to get out of control.

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