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The ‘80s have become popculture’s most fascinating decade. Its style and essence is taking over main-stream fashion and entertainment; one that has not been tapped in more than a decade. This ‘80s swing has people of all ages dancing to the same drum.

From friendship bracelets to fingerless gloves; its flair has had an unprecedented impact on society. Huge name-plated belts and golden-hooped earrings along with furry Kangol hats are signature trademarks of ‘80s fashion. Not to mention the re-emergence of off the shoulder tops, high-top sneakers, and leather and jean jackets.

This return has begun not only with the style of the ‘80s from kilted mini-skirts to corduroy pants, but also with the art and essence of what ‘80s life entailed; the culture. “The ‘80s wasn’t just about clothes or music, the culture of the decade was strong; unlike any other decade it had a unique vibe,” Michael Akiko of Morehouse University said.

Fashion is not the only aspect of pop culture being warped into this ‘80s swing. From designers to music producers, it seems everyone has something they loved about the ‘80s. Music is jumping in and indulging all that it can of this culture’s revenue. With remakes of ’80s hits and sampling of ‘80s beats, even the clubs have taken this re-mixed trend to the bank. This return has even gone as far as the come back of ‘80s bands and hip hop groups such as the Beastie Boys, who released their latest album earlier this year.

Wall-writing and graffiti are a huge part of ‘80s culture. With big radio boxes and break dancers spinning on tagged cardboard boxes, many will forever remember the culture vividly. “The culture of ‘80s was about being an individual, having your own perception of style and displaying that in the best way you could. Today, being an individual plays a great deal on society as a whole,” freshman Cameron French said. “Even the trends of today promote the individualism that the ’80s portrayed,” French said.

Most of us remember Atari, the first video game. “Wow, the ’80s was great. We had all the best toys and games. I remember when Atari came out and playing Pac-man at the corner store,” Diamond Jones of Cabrini women’s track and field said. “Let’s not forget about those amazing transformers that we found so interesting to play with,” Jones said. TVshows like the Smurfs and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were some favorites.

Toy stores are being filled with ‘80s paraphernalia. From Bratz dolls with roller-skating, visor-wearing divas to Pac-man and pinball joysticks; this incredible decade is resurfacing in almost every way. ‘80s trivia games are also becoming not only very popular but available everywhere you go.

Whether or not you’re a fan of the ‘80s, it doesn’t matter. This decade has made a notable comeback and its no telling when it will fall off. “One thing is for sure though, with a style so unique and a culture so wellrespected, this isn’t going to be the last time you see the ‘80s return,” French said.

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