First concert a success but not without minor damages that will be paid for by CAP board
On Saturday, April 16, the biggest and most anticipated event that the Campus Activities and Programming board (CAP) prepares for all year long, Spring Fling, took place with many new activities throughout the day
To make this year the “best fling ever,” the CAPboard hired the Bouncing Souls, a hardcore punk band, to play a 10 p.m. concert in the Dixon Center.
CAPprepared for this concert by putting together a detailed, operational manual and hired an outside security service. Bicycle racks served as barricades.
Amy Hecht, the assistant director of student activities and advisor of the CAPboard, said that during the concert, the barricades were broken through and rubbed up against the floor of the gym and through the tarp that
covered the floor. “It’s very minor. There were three very minor scratches. The CAPboard made so much money off the concert; we can even pay for it. It’s really not a big deal at all,” she said.
Hecht said that some bands require stainless steel barricades that would not move; however, the Bouncing Souls did not request this. “Now in hindsight, we should have gotten that kind of barricade, but it was more expensive. We decided to go with the bike racks but they were pushing on it,” she said.
When Hecht realized there was a potential problem in the middle of the concert, it was decided to push the barricades against the stage and move the security to the sides of the stage. She said, “When I ran it by the tour manager and security, they said they were fine because there were only two more songs left at that point. There was some kind
of miscommunication or they didn’t understand what I said, because they jumped on stage and the barricade split up onto the stage.” She said that if they had never done this, there would have been no damage, and it
would have been perfect.
Kathy McCrea, the administrative coordinator of the Dixon Center, said that those involved with the Dixon center are not really worried about the damages to the gym floor. “We are
not happy about it, but it is something that can be fixed,” she said. She also said that the Dixon Center would certainly
FLING, page 3
Tough laws don’t scare drunk drivers
ANGELINA WAGNER STAFF WRITER AMW722@CABRINI EDUIt’s a brisk Saturday night and there’s a sense of excitement that seems to hang in the air for Cabrini students milling about in house five (Casey House). Life bustles wildly inside as many of its residents are getting ready to “go out tonight.” There are doors slamming, people are yelling down the hallway to “hurry up and pick out an outfit,” cell phones are ringing and the infamous express line to the shower is moving right along, leaving trails of soggy footprints behind from drenched shower sandals.
Eighteen miles from Radnor, Pa., Philadelphia Police Officer Raymond Plymouth, is on Delaware Avenue near Summer Street responding to a hit and run call. Adrunk driver crashes into Plymouth’s police car. Plymouth’s body post-impact now consists of a broken pelvis, four
broken ribs, a ruptured spleen, bruised kidneys and liver and knocked-out teeth. The driver that hit Plymouth had no injuries. “I was perplexed. I’ve locked up so many DUIs that I didn’t think I was ever going to get hit by a drunk driver. It’s given me a new outlook on life,” Plymouth said.
According to Poynter, drunk driving laws were toughened over a year ago but according to statistics during the first 11 months, from Feb. 1, 2004 to the end of that year, half of those charged with drunk driving had a blood-alcohol content of 0.16 percent or higher, twice the legal limit of 0.08 percent. “I feel that the laws need to be made tougher. It doesn’t just affect the operator but also the family Anybody can drink, as long as you drink responsibly,” Plymouth said.
Efforts everyday are made by advocates to put a stop to the staggering statistics of drunk drivers. Charlie Schaffner, the director of public safety, said
“There have been a couple of incidents on Cabrini’s campus, but they’ve involved the police coming to campus for other reasons and them bumping into, stopping and arresting people for drunk driving.”
Every 30 minutes, almost 50 people are killed by impaired drivers, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). This means approximately 2,400 people a day die as a result of a drunk driver An impaired driver is defined as “someone whose performance of driving tasks are reduced due to the effects of alcohol or other drugs,” according to NHTSA.
Kristin Poroski, a junior elementary and special education major, recalls how drunk driving has affected her life. “My brother left the bar one night, thinking that
DRIVING, page 3
Spring Fling in review
In the previous issue of the Loquitur, the editorial content consisted of accolades for Cabrini and the Campus Activities Programming (CAP) Board especially, for their pride and dedication in an entertaining 2005 Spring Fling. In many ways, the school lived up to its standards and delivered a great day to a vast number of students and visitors alike.
There was one occasion, however, where the Spring Fling festivities could have been handled in a more appropriate manner. To all those responsible for planning the event: there is a not an underlying agenda present in which the Loquitur thrives on complaining and ranting just about the occasions that went wrong. Simply put, potentially dangerous actions transpiring at the Bouncing Souls concert are fueling this assessment.
The primary issue is the Bouncing Souls concert as well as the way money was spent by those in charge of organizing the event. Avolatile mixture of a wellknown band, a large number of visiting spectators attending the event and bicycle racks substituting for barricades were thrown into a cauldron called the Dixon Center for the 10:30 p.m. Bouncing Soul performance.
For all those unaware of what occurred at the concert, numerous students who attended said that a riotlike incident arose in the Dixon Center due to the large influx of Bouncing Souls’ fans.
The only hindrances stopping the stampede of fans and destructive behavior were a rental security team and a few average-sized bicycle racks. Similar student opinions relayed that the behavior at the concert became harmful, and the event reached a point where it was appropriate to be frightened.
Although it was reported by members of production that preparation for the concert was thorough, the fact that one minor glitch in the event could potentially lead to destruction must be taken into consideration.
Thankfully, there were no reported injuries at the concert. The same cannot be said for the damage inflicted on the Dixon Center. Atally of repairs to the facility will surely add up on the list of expenses.
A solution to an incident such as the Saturday night concert could be for the school to terminate any large venues in the future. This action, however, would be unreasonable and damaging to the student body morale. Areasonable response would be to distribute a larger amount of money to the concert production and security
Certainly money is a never-ending problem for organizations at this school, but the money could be taken possibly from the less popular events of Spring Fling. Rather than distribute money to activities such as skee-ball, the moon bounce and other kiddiegames, would it be feasible to eliminate those games and use the remaining money for whichever artists appear at the school in the future?
Putting all these details aside, booking a popular band like the Bouncing Souls was definitely a step in the right direction for the development of Spring Fling and student support. It was an awesome feat by the CAPboard to bring a band of national recognition to our small campus. There is no doubt that well-known bands and famous showcases are greatly enjoyed by Cabrini students. One could simply view Saturday night of Spring Fling as a learning experience.
In addition, students should trust that Cabrini’s CAPboard is not deterred by this incident and continues to search for popular bands to appear at the school in future events.
crime file
Sudden death of alumnus shocks community
Michael Beauchemin was a math major graduate from Cabrini College and a professor’s assistant in calculus for Carol Serotta, an associate professor of math. He worked as a teacher’s assistant at Haverford Boys School and tutored students in the local area, making as much as $200 an hour. Beauchemin excelled on his math Praxis exams.
He played the drums, and besides math, Beauchemin had a true love for music. He drove around town in a brand new car and went home to a new apartment at night. Beauchemin worked hard, but never put pressure on himself.
He was an “extraordinary friend, an overachiever. He was brilliant. He had everything
going for him,” Jeff Weisinger, a student and friend of Beauchemin, said.
Beauchemin did have everything going for him, and then his unexpected death left his friends and family in shock.
Weisinger heard of Beauchemin’s death while on vacation this past summer. Beauchemin’s mother was in contact with Weisinger and spoke of her son’s brilliance and talents. Weisinger was then asked to go by Beauchemin’s apartment and pick out anything he would like to have as a keepsake of his friend’s life. Beauchemin’s mom recommended videos or “anything that would give me comfort in later years,” Weisinger said.
Instead, Weisinger selected a TI-89 calculator, a compass and Beauchemin’s ruler. He also took an air filter from the apartment.
“He had three air filters. It looked like he lived in an indus-
2004-2005 LoquiturStaff
Editorial Staff
trial park,” Weisinger said. He still turns on the filter once in a while, and he said that it still smells like his friend’s apartment. “It freaked me out,” he said. Weisinger uses Beauchemin’s calculator to study at home.
The death of his good friend has left Weisinger and others to realize that this was Beauchemin’s intent, to have his death “come out of the blue,” Weisinger said. “He was smart. He kept it to himself. Nothing’s going to make sense now.”
Weisinger recalls his friend showing up “over 95 percent of the time” when he needed him.
“Mike got me through all of my math courses. It’s not something I like to admit, but 70 percent of the time I had a textbook out, Mike was there,” Weisinger said. “I relied on him and that was just the kind of guy he was.”
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The Loquitur is Cabrini’s College weekly, student-run, campus newspaper. It is widely respected as the voice of students, staff, faculty, alumni and many others outside the Cabrini community. The Loquitur has earned its position by advocating for self expression through freedom of speech, and by serving as an outlet for readers to affect change on campus and off.
Founded in 1959, the Loquitur has thrived and greatly expanded its readership. The paper now has 1,674 online readers and 1,500 print readers on a weekly basis.
Our mission is to provide readers with an opportunity to voice their opinions freely, in an environment where their voices are effectively heard and respected.
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Loquituris a laboratory newspaperwritten, edited and produced by the students of COM 353, 352, 250 and 251. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and fees. Additional copies are $1 each. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editors. Letters to the editorare to be less than 500 words. These are usually in response to a current issue on campus orcommunity area. Guest columns are longerpieces between 600 and 800 words and also are usually in response to a current issue on Cabrini College campus orcommunity. Letters to the editorand guest columns are printed as space permits. Submissions may be edited forlength, clarity and content. Name, phone numberand address should be included forverification purposes. Personal attacks and anonymous submissions will not be printed. Letters to the editorand guest columns can be submitted to orto the newsroom mailboxes in Founders Hall 264.
CAP board pays for damage
FLING, page 1 allow for concerts such as the one held Saturday to happen again. She said, “Would I consider this minor? Absolutely.”
“The way they ran the show, it was like you going to the Tweeter Center and you are going to see a big, mainstream band. The Bouncing Souls have never been that type of band. They have always been an undergroundtype band,” Marty Shea, a freshman English and communication major, said. “At Bouncing Souls’concerts, kids jump on stage, they stage-dive and all that stuff, and they expected this to be the regular Cabrini crowd,” Shea said.
CAPboard had the capacity to sell 1,800 tickets. They set up a website,, to sell tickets to not only Cabrini students, but also the general public. “We were never going to sell that many tickets if we didn’t open it up to the community. The crowd really was more outside people,” Hecht said.
“I consider it more CAPboard getting in over their head. I think what they were expecting was a happy, fun, punk band, you know, a Simple Plan-type to come, do a show and a lot of the Cabrini audience to hang out and enjoy the music. The Bouncing Souls are a type of band that attract kids who regularly go to underground punk shows, who live and die with the music,”
Ratzinger to be 256th pope
Cardinals elect a conser vative German pope on Tuesday
TOM HUNDLEY STEVE KLOEHN CHICAGO TRIBUNE; (KRT)Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, a doctrinal conservative who emerged as a pivotal figure in the days following Pope John Paul’s death, was elected pope Tuesday.
The German prelate, who turned 78 Saturday, will be the Roman Catholics’264th successor to St. Peter. He will be known as Pope Benedict XVI.
Although the announcement was greeted with delirious cheers by the multitudes gathered in St. Peter’s Square, the choice is certain to be a controversial one.
“Dear brothers and sisters, after the great pope John Paul II, the cardinals have elected me _ a simple, humble worker in the vineyard of the Lord,” he told the faithful from the balcony of St. Peter ’s Basilica.
“The fact that the Lord can work and act even with insufficient means consoles me, and above all I entrust myself to your prayers,” said Ratzinger, who appeared smiling and serene.
As head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Ratzinger served as Pope John Paul’s theological enforcer. Many who know him personally describe him as shy and reserved, but his strict enforcement of John Paul’s conservative views and his harsh silencing of several prominent theologians established his reputation as a somewhat divisive figure.
As successor to the immensely popular John Paul, whose 26year papacy combined bold political strokes, an epic global pilgrimage and a death that provoked mourning worldwide, he faces a daunting task.
Shea said.
Hecht said that if the students aren’t interested in a carnival during the day, “then why should we spend the money on it?” The idea for the carnival during the day, the concert in the evening, and the breakfast until 3 a.m. was to minimize the drinking on campus during Spring Fling. “It’s hard to justify spending $8,000 to $10,000 more on a concert and letting everybody drink all day and be even more drunk for the concert,” Hecht said.
As for there being a concert next year, Hecht said that CAP board would definitely put one on again. She said, “For the first year doing a major concert, it was great.”
Tougher laws, more drunk drivers
But the election of Ratzinger came surprisingly quickly.
When smoke began to curl from the Sistine Chapel’s chimney a few minutes before 6 p.m. Rome time, confusion reigned. Some in the crowd thought it was white; others were sure it was black. Italian television declared it white and so did the Vatican switchboard, but Vatican Radio said black.
The bells of St. Peter’s Basilica were supposed to clarify the matter. But at precisely 6 p.m., the bells began tolling the hour, adding to the confusion.
Finally, when the bells started to toll at a few minutes after the hour, it was clear that a new pope had been elected.
An air horn sounded. Flags waved and songs in different languages were lifted toward the balcony where the new pope would appear
From all over Rome, people flocked to the square. Via della Conciliazione, the broad avenue that leads to St. Peter ’s, became a fast flowing river of humanity, some strolling, some sprinting toward the square to see the announcement.
Monsignor Thomas Fucinaro, originally from Lincoln, Neb., but a longtime Vatican staff member, was waiting with fellow priests along one of the wooden barricades.
“The fact that this was such a brief conclave is a clear sign of the unity of the cardinals,” he said. “We are all ecstatic.”
After two inconclusive ballots Tuesday morning, and one Monday evening, Ratzinger was elected in the conclave’s Tuesday afternoon session on what would have been either the fourth or fifth ballot.
Atotal of 77 votes, the sup-
DRIVING, page 1
he was okay to drive home. While he was about a block away, he wrapped his truck around a tree Luckily, he was fine and walked away from the accident. He doesn’t remember hitting the tree, but his sixmonth-old truck ended up with $20,000 worth of damage. He said that this accident proved that if you have a couple drinks and think you’re okay to drive, maybe you aren’t,” Poroski said. Impaired driving is the number one cause of death among the ages of 1520. “It’s better to be safe than sorry, so if you want to go out for a few drinks, call a friend or cab to bring you home. It’s better than wrecking your vehicle or, worse, killing an innocent person,” Poroski said.
Alcohol awareness posters have lined the hallways of Cabrini College, attempting to educate students that there is a lot of things that they can lose while they drink, but drunk driving accidents still happen.
“It was August 2002 and it
port of two-thirds of the 115 cardinal electors, were needed.
In the minutes after it became clear that there was a new pope, the faithful in St. Peter ’s Square, and millions watching on television around the world, still did not know the identity of the new pope. All eyes turned to the balcony of St. Peter’s and the curtained door that would open to reveal the cardinals’choice.
Cardinal Jorge Arturo Medina Estevez, the senior cardinal deacon, appeared first, and at 6:42 pm he told the world “habemus papam,” “We have a pope.”
He introduced Ratzinger as Benedict XVI.
The initial reaction of the crowd was mixed. Some seemed confused, but others began
was midnight. I was home in Maryland a week before I was supposed to come to Cabrini and a 17-year-old crossed the double lines and hit my car at 75 mph. I had a broken foot, wrist and collarbone and shattered glass in my chest. I was a week late coming to college and I wasn’t able to be in the swim club here,” Lauren Walker, a junior special education/elementary major said. “All that the drunk driver got was probation because he was under 18 and his license wasn’t suspended.” Walker went on to explain how the accident has affected her life. Walker still has aches in her collarbone, so she uses a wool strap on her seat belt; she says the accident has affected her running as well.
There are simple tactics that can be used to stop a drunk driver from getting behind the wheel of a car. One simple step is to attempt to get the keys away from the driver Another step that can be used is approaching them in a calm way and convince them to take a cab or have someone drive them home. All these tactics are examples that has provided for their customers.
chanting, “Benedict! Benedict!”
Ratzinger, the first German pope since the 11th century, has not yet explained his choice of name, but the last Pope Benedict, who reigned from 1914 until 1922, worked to bring peace during World War I.
The election marks the conclusion of the most widely watched change in leadership in the history of the 1.1 billionmember Roman Catholic Church, a dramatic three-week period that began with the April 2 death of John Paul II.
To the surprise of even church leaders, millions of pilgrims streamed into Rome to pay their respects to the late pope, some waiting in line 10 or even 20 hours to spend a few minutes
Christopher Reinwald, a freshman criminal justice and sociology major and president of Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD), said, “SADD and its chapters believe that there is no excuse or reason to drink and get behind the wheel of a car. We do not see any reason why any person would subject himself or herself to that kind of danger. After just one drink, alcohol changes your ability to think, so even after one beer, whether you are drunk or not, you put yourself and everyone around you in danger. To me, that is just too big of a risk.”
If a visitor of a Cabrini student is of legal drinking age, has drank one too many to drive but it’s past visitation hours, would they be forced to leave? “We encourage them to find a ride home with another individual. If this isn’t the case, then there will be a talk with the area coordinator to come to an understanding that they will stay with a student,” says Schaffner. All of the victims concluded that drinking just doesn’t affect the driver, it affects others as well.
praying before his body
A quarter of a million mourners pressed into St. Peter’s Square for John Paul II’s funeral, while an estimated 2 to 3 million more found other spots in and around Rome to watch on television, an experience they shared with hundreds of millions more around the world.
The funeral, on a chilled and windy day, underscored the towering presence John Paul II had in the church, in life and in death. Aritual designed for pomp and dignity gave way to cheers and chants as the crowd showed its enthusiasm for the pope, some even calling for his immediate sainthood.
Despite health risks students desire bronzed bodies
KELLY MCKEE STAFFWRITER KMN732@CABRINI EDUWith the bronzed look currently en vogue and skimpy clothing shunning the wooly wraps of winter, the pressure is on for teens to be tan. It is well known that the teenage years are when we are most impressionable and concerned to conform. Realizing this, the World Health Organization supported by the American Academy of Dermatology Association (ADDA) is taking on the tanning industry for their services to minors. Studies show that over 2 million teenagers in the United States currently use indoor tanning devices. These organizations find this number extremely worrying when placed beside the rising number of cases of skin cancer in this nation.
The United States Department of Health and Human Services lists ultraviolet radiation from the sun or artificial light sources such as tanning beds and sun lamps as a known carcinogen. Tanning beds emit ultraviolet B and ultraviolet Aradiation, both of which are associated with the development of skin cancer and premature aging. Over the last 10 years, skin cancer has become the most common form of cancer, with more than one million new cases a year. Melanoma is the deadliest form of the disease and according to the ADDA, it is estimated that there will be about 105,750 new cases of melanoma in 2005, which represents a 10 percent increase in new cases from 2004.
The industry has always faced debate over the undeniable links between ultraviolet radia-
tion and skin cancer. However, a new turn in the debate over the industries health concerns has erupted on the topic of teen tanning. The AADAis opposed to minors being permitted to use indoor tanning devices. So far, 22 states have placed a ban on minors using the devices but the ADDA are pushing for tougher and more widespread restriction. Currently in Pennsylvania, House Bill 548 has been proposed to ban under 18’s from tanning, amongst other measures such as the essential placement of warning signs throughout salons on the possible dangers of the ultraviolet radiation that is emitted. The consensus among the tanning industry is that self-regulation is enough and reforms such as Bill 548 are unnecessary.
Charis Munoz, senior special and elementary major and threeyear-employee of Hollywood Tans, believes that her company provides adequate information in their release form. According to Munoz, the salons’busy season runs from the end of February through the summer months and they are currently packed with tan seekers. “The release form warns of possible dangers and requires each new customer must fill in details on their age and any medical condition they have,” Munoz said. On the topic of minors tanning, Munoz said, “Really we only will require parental permission if the customer is under 14 or 15.” “Tanning indoors is safer than outside tanning. Our best bed emits only two percent ultraviolet B radiation which is what does the damage to your skin by burning it,” Munoz said.
Hollywood Tans is a leader in the industry with over 200
salons nationwide. Their website lists various benefits of indoor tanning such as weight loss, cures for skin ailments and ‘the feel good’ syndrome that comes from the production of endorphins through ultraviolet exposure. This theory of endorphin release has been developed by many dermatologists and new studies are finding that tanning can become addictive. The industry has become a $5 billion goldmine amidst these health warnings and debates. So is it these addictive endorphins or are there deeper reasons behind the need to be bronze?
“It makes me feel healthy when I tan,” a senior education major from Cabrini College said. The senior began tanning when she was merely 16 years old and now maintains her skin tone with up to three visits a week to the salon. Three years ago, a mole on her side began to grow darker in color. On visiting her doctor, she was told that the mole was a sign of developing skin cancer and it may have been malignant. The mole was found to be benign after removal but the advice from the doctor was “no more tanning and to wear a high factor sun block.” However the student still persists in paying a visit to her local salon. “But now I’m more careful, my skin gets checked every six months. What would it take for me to stop? I guess for someone close to me to get skin cancer,” she said.
Although college student Andrew Mindnich, a junior English/ communication major, does not use the devices himself he appreciates the attraction a tan can have. “Atan can never hurt on a girl,” he said, but on choosing a tanned girl over a
As summer appraoches and the weather heats up,students hit the tanning salons despite risks of cancer.
paler skinned one Mindnich said, “It all depends on the girl.”
As Pennsylvania awaits the verdict on House bill 548, teens still flock to the tanning booths. Restrictions may soon be enforced to require parental consent or to ban minors completely but how these will be implemented or even if they will is still in the air. But it cannot be doubted that indoor tanning has established itself as a
lucrative industry and will remain as long as a bronzed body is considered attractive. As for Hollywood Tans worker Munoz, she continues to welcome new customers everyday and occasionally steps into the booth herself. But in the future would she let her children tan artificially? Munoz said, “no I probably wouldn’t, not until they were at least 18 anyway.”
Students honored for outreach service
Last Thursday, students were honored for their participation in community and outreach service throughout the year at the 3rd annual Community Engagement and Outreach (CEO) Banquet. The ceremony recognized students and organizations for their leadership in various service projects.
Some of the organizations that were honored included, Up ‘Til Dawn, CAPBoard, Habitat for Humanity, WYBF and other various organizations.
New organizations were honored, such as the WOLF Pack, which is a freshmen-run group that participated in social activities with outreach to children from Norristown and Iraq.
The honorees were recognized for organizing voter registration drives, selling blue wristbands for tsunami relief efforts and linking the campus community through an immigrant advocacy group. Individual awards
were given to students who displayed leadership throughout the year. Individuals who were recognized included the Pierce scholars, leaders of the New York City Cabrini Immersion trip, the leaders of Project Appalachia and volunteers at Big Brothers/Big Sisters.
The awards banquet was sponsored by the Wolfington Center, under the supervision of Dr. Mary Laver and student leader Matt Grzeskowiak. The event coordination was provided by Dr. Angela Corbo’s organizational communication course. The main theme was “Cabrini
and Hearts and Hands in Solidarity with The World.” Laver started off the event by talking about how students’ service projects reflected Catholic Social Teachings, including human dignity, solidarity and social justice. There was also a time of reflection on Pope John Paul II’s journey towards peace and justice.
Alumna Renee DiPietro spoke at the event. DiPietro graduated from Cabrini in 2003 and was highly involved with service. She is now involved with “City Year,” which devotes time to volunteering in inner-
city schools. She spoke passionately about the importance of volunteering, social justice and community service.
Laver expressed how she is extremely pleased with how proactive the students have been this year in community service.
“I’m really glad to see that Cabrini students ‘get it,’ and that everybody has a talent,” Laver said. She also is impressed at how many groups have started their own community service projects such as the radio station, roller hockey club and some of the RAs who linked service and advocacy with the Cabrini community. Another new group, “Roots and Shoots,” was recognized for promoting environmental education on-and offcampus.
Junior Maureen Cooper, who participated in Big Brothers/Big Sisters, feels honored to volunteer.
“Helping people, especially children, is a great feeling, and it is self-rewarding,” Cooper said.
Laver believes that it is refreshing to see the younger
generation portrayed in a more positive light. She agrees that there is so much negative media on the younger generation, but events such as the CEO banquet show how there are young people trying to make a difference. “There were 12 individual honorees and five student organizations honored in 2003, the first year of the CEO event; 34 student individuals and 25 groups were honored this year. I can’t help but be impressed with that growth,” Laver said.
The ceremony concluded with a touching presentation by freshman Adam Poresky. Poresky presented a slide show showing his experience in Indonesia, his home country, after the tsunami hit and left damage. He spent his spring break in Indonesia helping the people who were hit; he spent most of his time with children at a local orphanage. His concluding presentation left everyone realizing the importance of human dignity and reaching out to help others.
Armstrong to retire after Tour de France
GUEST WRITER on their assignments,” explained Halpern. This method of learning was discovered in a magazine and then put to action by the internet and technology resource department.
Textbooks are a thing of the past for SPA102 A. The language department bought 22 iPods with a Globalization Grant, and distributed them to students for use in the course.
As it stands, 14 students are given the unique opportunity to learn by using this microportable lab. The class, taught by Dr. Halpern, is part of an experiment, which, if successful, may be spread to other classes.
“I may want to start the iPods as a project for the honors introductory 101,” said Halpern. This way of learning is beneficial because if used correctly, the students are not able to cheat off of one another and are forced to work more closely with the language. “The iPods are forcing students to spend more time
The students in this class do not get to keep the iPods. In fact, on the first day of class, after the iPods were distributed to the students and they thought it was Christmas time, they immediately had to sign a contract stating that if any iPod was lost or damaged, they would have to pay a $300 fee.
Some students, such as Domenique Pinho, had trouble at first getting used to learning with an iPod rather than a textbook.
“The iPods in the beginning gave me a lot of trouble. The speakers on the iPod lessons talk very fast and I wasn’t used to that. I believe now that the iPods are to
my benefit because it is helping me adjust to the way the Spanishspeaking people talk,” she said. However, she feels that if she didn’t start off learning with the iPods she would be doing just as well in another class because the iPods were an extra learning method.
Additionally, Pinho does find this to be a new and interesting learning method, and at times she finds herself enjoying it, but she wouldn’t recommend this to replace normal teachings in the classroom.
The language department will see if this iPod experiment was worth it after the assessment at the end of the year. If the class with the iPods do better on their finals than the other non-iPod classes, this program will continue and may even spread to other classes and departments.
Proposed law to raise tuition for college slackers
KELLIE BELMONTE STAFF WRITER KRB722@CABRINI EDUCollege slowpokes, beware. In Florida, a plan has been approved by two Senate committees to increase the tuition for state university and community college students who take more classes than their undergraduate degree would require. However, this idea is falling fast because of certain Florida senators who are concerned over the punishment for slacker students.
This could mean that a student who has had to withdraw from classes, or just had a hard time deciding what they wanted to study, and took many classes in several different areas may have to pay not only their normal tuition but additional costs if they spend more than four years at a particular college. Florida State analysts believe that the tuition surcharge could potentially save state taxpayers millions of dollars with the state
subsidizes students from Florida.
Sean Wilson, a sophomore said, “Well, obviously if you stay another year, the tuition for that year should be paid, but I don’t think that actually raising that tuition is necessary As it is already, we have to pay just for
“We are all here to get an education, but some are just slower at doing it. That’s not a crime, and there should be no punishment for it.”
-Alberto Davila, sophomoredropping and withdrawing from classes.”
Another student at Cabrini, Alberto Davila, has been a student for three years. However, based on completed credits, he is only considered a sophomore. So, it is most likely that Davila will be at Cabrini for more than four years. “Just because I may have to stay another year doesn’t mean my tuition should be raised.
If I’m already going to be paying
the normal tuition, what’s the point in raising it? The school will still be getting their money’s worth. It’s like a punishment. We are all here to get an education, but some are just slower at doing it. That’s not a crime, and there should be no punishment for it,” said Davila.
Dan Amoroso agrees. Amoroso has also been in school for three years, but only has enough credits to be considered a sophomore. Amoroso said, “The only people who benefit from this law are the schools themselves because a lot of times there are uncontrollable circumstances to why a student has to withdraw from courses or even take time off between semesters. Considering students’financial difficulties and others with learning disabilities, I believe it’s a horrible idea for both the colleges and their students. It’s just another way for a college or university to make more money.”
Lance Armstrong is retiring after this year’s Tour de France, ending a cycling career in which he inspired millions by overcoming testicular cancer to win his sport’s signature event six straight times. Armstrong says he remains “fully committed” to winning his seventh straight Tour de France this year and is driven “by that dream to go out on top. That a big deal to me.” Speculation regarding Armstrong’s future had grown in recent months, fueled by the rider’s comments that he wanted to spend more time with his three children and step up his efforts in raising awareness and funds for fighting cancer. “It will be the last one, win or lose,” the 33year-old Texan said at a news conference on Monday, according to
Spears to become mommy
Britney Spears has put an end to the tabloid rumors that she is expecting a baby, by confirming them. Spears, who married husband Kevin Federline in September, announced that she is indeed pregnant. In a press release Spears said, “The time has finally come to share our wonderful news that we are expecting our first child together.” Spears and Federline recently signed a deal with UPN to star in their own six-episode reality show airing in May. The show will document the couple’s courtship, engagement and wedding, according to Rolling Stone Magazine.
Marburg virus spreads through Africa
A cousin of Ebola, the Marburg virus has erupted periodically in Africa in sudden, gruesome epidemics, only to disappear just as mysteriously This time it has struck with a vengeance, killing nine out of 10 people infected - a total of 230 people so far, including 14 nurses and two doctors who cared for the sick. Marburg spreads through blood, vomit, semen and other bodily fluids. Even a cough can prove fatal for someone hit by a few drops of spittle. Corpses, teeming with the virus, are especially dangerous. A contaminated surface can be deadly - the virus can find its way into someone’s eyes, nose or mouth, or enter the bloodstream through a cut. They are trying to contain the worst outbreak of one of the world’s most frightening viruses, known as Marburg. But with the death toll rising every day, no one is predicting success soon, according to the New York Times.
Adobe buys Macromedia for$3.4 billion
The document-design software company Adobe Systems Inc. said that they have agreed to acquire the multimedia software firm Macromedia Inc. for about $3.4 billion in stock. Adobe, which is based in San Jose, Calif., and is best known for its Acrobat document sharing software, said the deal is expected to close this fall. “Customers are calling for integrated software solutions that enable them to create, manage and deliver a wide range of compelling content and applications - from documents and images to audio and video,” Bruce Chizen, a chief executive of Adobe, said in a statement. “By combining our powerful development, authoring and collaboration software - along with the complementary functionality of PDF and Flash - Adobe has the opportunity to bring this vision to life with an industry-defining technology platform,” according to the New York Times.
Daytime activities heat up Spring Fling
EDUSpring Fling hosted a variety of activities on the lawn behind the Mansion during the day Saturday. The mechanical bull was a new addition this year and was a big hit with students. Students looked on with amusement as their friends tried desperately to hang on as long as possible, only to be thrown onto the air bag below. Other activities, such as the moon bounce and the rock-climbing wall, gave students an opportunity to show off their physical abilities and have a good laugh too. For those who preferred to keep their feet firmly on the ground, there were carnival games and a make-yourown sign table, which allowed students to customize their own street signs.
Several local bands also played on the patio behind the Mansion while students enjoyed the activities. The band Son of Glam covered a variety of classic ‘80s tunes and provided welcome background music. Many Cabrini student bands were given the chance to perform as well. The popular radio station Wired 96.5
also added to the variety of music for the day and also gave away free stuff. Students who worked up an appetite were thankful for the free barbeque, popcorn and the soft pretzels sold by student organizations. Students enjoyed all of the attractions and the beautiful weather on this Spring Fling weekend.
Lots of two-stepping going on at Dixon
PAUL NASELLA STAFF WRITER PJN722@CABRINI EDUUnder the bright lights of the Dixon Center came the punk rock fury that is the Bouncing Souls. Taking the stage at 10 p.m., the band rang out and the house came down.
Once inside, a large crowd of 100 to 200 people were gathered at the front of the stage in the smoky darkness that was the Dixon Center. As chants of “Ole!” and clapping filled the air, the Bouncing Souls took center stage to a large roar of the crowd.
Playing for just under an hour, the Souls played songs that spanned their entire catalog, as well as a few crowd favorites such as “The Ballad of Johnny ‘X’” and “True Believers.”
Throughout their entire set, the positive energy that the band created could be felt throughout the gym.
Many were in attendance for the show including an eclectic bunch of hardcore kids, metalheads, gutter punks, and those just generally interested in what was going on. There were also
quite a few mohawks and studclad rockers to be seen on that cool Saturday night as well.
As the Bouncing Souls’brand of catchy punk rock poured out of the amps, the mosh pit became a spinning torrent of limbs and mohawks, while towards the back, many kids could be found two-stepping the night away.
Hailing from New Jersey, the Bouncing Souls thanked the crowd in between songs and were even comedic at times as they poked fun at one of the patrons about their mom just before playing the song, “I like your mom,” which generated a good laugh amongst the crowd.
All in all, it was a good show full of catchy guitar riffs, solid drums, driving bass lines and vocals that sent one positive message after another out to the crowd. In fact, there were many times during the Souls performance where the crowd even joined in singing along with the group.
Nonetheless, for those in attendance that night, it was an excellent way to bring Spring Fling 2005 to a finish.
Students ‘renew their passports’
Do you ever ask yourself these burning questions -
"How do I use footnotes?"
"Where does a semi-colon go?"
"Am I paraphrasing or plagiarizing?"
If you have questions like these, you may be suffering from CEA, college-essayanxiety, a curable condition. Discover the Writing Center. Mansion 3rd
![]( or x8506
An event held to promote awareness about immigration was held in Jazzman’s Café on Thurs., April 14th from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
“Renew Your Passport” was the activity at the event that took place. Anyone that happened to be in Jazzman’s Café during this period had the chance to take a quiz about immigration. “Passports” were handed out to everyone. These created passports all had the name of one of six different countries on them, with facts about that particular country on the back. Items found on the
passports included items such as life expectancy of the countries’ citizens and its languages.
Around eighty students took part in the activity, which included prizes such as gift certificates to the King of Prussia Mall, Blockbuster Video and a DVD of the movie “Napoleon Dynamite.”
prizes are good. I hope I win.”
“I think it really raised knowledge and created a buzz about immigration.”
--Dawn FrancisMany enjoyed the activity, including freshman Valerie Winders. “Cabrini Day sounds like it will be interesting [for next year],” said Winders. “The game was fun and interesting and the
Dawn Francis, a professor of communications, also thought the event was a success. “I think it really raised knowledge and created a buzz about immigration,” said Francis. “We wanted to raise awareness and start a buzz.” Including this event, the issue of immigration is one that can be found in many ways throughout campus. The mural in Grace Hall is one of the best examples Cabrini has to offer.
Mystic Stars
Weekly horoscopes for April 25 to May 1
LASHA SENIUK (KRT) ARIES (March 21-April 20)
Sensuality and social flirtation are almost unavoidable over the next few days. After Monday, friends and lovers may provide unique insights into their hopes, dreams or long-term goals. Intimate relationships will soon deepen: remain open to romantic overtures and expect new friends to compete for your loyalty. Later this week, a business official may request help with an important project. Don't hesitate to join in: sudden job openings will soon provide advancement.
This week, long-term relationships enter a brief but intense period of emotional negotiation. Key issues may involve social planning, family events or group celebrations. Let loved ones know your limits or expectations: your opinions, ideals and needs will be seriously considered. Thursday through Saturday highlight home budgets and long-term financial planning. Someone close may expect a review of new expenses. Go slow: large purchases may soon be necessary.
Before mid-week, friends or relatives may ask for a detailed explanation of recent group events. Competing social loyalties and long-term romantic commitments are highlighted. Loved ones may now feel mildly threatened by new friends, last minute cancellations or team activities. Offer reassurance and expect steady progress. Wednesday through Saturday, minor ailments of the jaw, throat or upper chest may be bothersome. Pamper the body: physical vitality may be low
New romantic promises are now deeply felt and genuine. Over the next 14 days, expect loved ones to offer unique insights into their long-term hopes or family goals. Recent social delays or misunderstandings need to fade. All is well: use this time to foster intimacy, resolve unproductive feelings or build trust. Later this week, a postponed work assignment may reappear or demand completion. Take your time: key officials are now evaluating the skills and actions of employees.
LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22)
Over the next four days, older relatives or friends will provide seasoned romantic insights and valuable social guidance. Remain attentive to small comments, hints or suggestions. At present, ongoing relationship problems can be easily identified and resolved. After Thursday, yesterday's business or financial mistakes may reappear. Close colleagues will deny involvement: stay focused and expect time sensitive documents to require major revisions or special permissions.
(AUG. 23-SEPT. 22)
After Monday, rare social triangles are unexpected and bothersome. Long-term friends may this week compete for attention or express unrealistic ideas. Over the next two weeks, a battle of wills may be difficult to avoid. Patience will prove vital: suggest creative activities or new forms of entertainment and all will be well. Thursday through Saturday, business relationships require diplomacy. New colleagues will eventually challenge authority: refuse act as mediator or advisor.
(SEPT. 23-OCT. 23)
Home routines will this week demand careful planning. Before mid-week, friends or relatives may ask for special consideration concerning temporary work projects, career research or delicate business ventures. Provide support and watch for the return of established patterns: at present, serious family decisions and bold discussions are best avoided. Friday through Sunday also highlight unexpected social proposals. Accept all invitations: social boredom now needs to fade.
(OCT. 24-NOV. 22)
Romantic and social charisma is now strong. Over the next eight days, potential friends and new lovers will be attracted to your emotional style. Take all such attention as a compliment but avoid serious promises: before midMay, lasting commitments will not be easily established. After Thursday, loved ones will require added sensitivity or privacy. Family members may now need extra time to evaluate unproductive relationships. Be consistent and ask probing questions.
(NOV. 23-DEC. 21)
Dreams, insights or sudden flashes of wisdom will be vivid and compelling over the next 14 days. Areas affected are the social habits of trusted friends, private romantic triangles or past family histories. Quietly observe: public discussions will not work in your favor. Thursday through Saturday, yesterday's business or financial mistakes are not easily resolved. Avoid unnecessary spending, if possible: outdated bills or forgotten payments will soon become a top priority
Early this week, a close relative may regret their recent comments or actions. Long-term romance versus the emotional expectations of a trusted friend may be an underlying theme. Family pressures are now high: allow friends or lovers extra time for private reflection and respond honestly to all questions. After Friday, business officials, teachers or mentors may provide misinformation. Remain attentive to revised dates and carefully study all written instructions.
(JAN. 21-FEB. 19)
After Tuesday, financial restrictions will no longer delay important projects. Some Aquarians will soon encounter a series of unique payments or money bonuses. If so, expect time restrictions or procedural rules to be firmly enforced. Later this week, loved ones may ask for detailed social advice. Be supportive. Over the next two weeks, a friend, lover or close relative may attempt to abandon their emotional obligations. Remain patient: attitudes and social needs will soon evolve.
(FEB. 20-MARCH 20)
Business relationships may this week be unusually flirtatious or overly familiar Set consistent boundaries and expect others to respect your wishes. Although flattering, this is not the right time to confuse workplace roles with social or romantic enjoyment. Wednesday through Friday, a friend or relative may announce new lifestyle plans. Home renovations, extended travel or large purchases are accented. Wait for added information: new goals may be difficult to establish.
Summer Fashion
KATIE HODGINS STAFF WRITER KAH722@CABRINI EDUThe spring season is well upon us and when it comes to the season's fashion scene, one word can truly describe the trends, and that word is color. Although some may feel more comfortable in neutral colors, such as nude, shoppers will have to choose from much bolder colors this spring and later in the summer season.
Some of these popular bright colors will include shades such as coral, turquoise, yellows and purples. However, there is one color that will be seen much more than the others. That color is green.
Green is sure to be a color many will think about trying on this season in one form or another. The shades that will be seen will range from mint green to neon green, and will be the color of choice for form-fitting shirts, jackets, earrings and shoes including sneakers and stilettos.
Other accessories such as jewelry will be seen in the spring and summer seasons.
One fashion trend of the ‘80s will make a surprising
return in the form of bangle bracelets. Models have already been spotted wearing these clunky, flashy bracelets, which have also been discussed in a style segment on the ABC show “The View.” Along with these bracelets, bright rings are also very much in style.
Besides the color green and clunky jewelry, there are a number of other trends that will be seen out on the town and in the work place. These trends include three-quarterlength shirts and blouses. Cropped jackets will also be an option to wear over the shirts and blouses, and may be worn anywhere. Capri pants are going to be seen less and replaced with longer pants that are rolled up to create a more sporty look. Handbags are also going to be a focal point of the fashion season. Bigger, bolder handbags will most likely be seen more, specifically in metallic colors.
Any female who is a skirt fan will also be glad to know that the skirt is much more in style this year, specifically longer, fuller skirts. These skirts will be available in the brightest and best of colors to keep you breezing through the seasons.
The Red Hat Society; fun before and after 50
Many people never think that a newspaper article could change their lifestyle or anything about it. After glancing through an edition of the Philadelphia Inquirer, Florence O’Connor, 80, and her best friend, Ann Ronan, also 80, got an idea that could make the Christmas of 2004 so much more memorable.
In 1930, O’Connor and Ronan met their nine other best girlfriends, otherwise known as the “Golden Girls,” in the first grade. They went all through school together, leading up to their graduation from West Catholic High School in West Philadelphia in 1942. These women have remained friends for the past 74 years, their bond growing stronger every year.
After flipping through the pages, they had both come across an article all about an organization called “The Red Hat Society.” This was going to become their gift for the rest of their “Golden Girls” for the holidays.
As the story goes, the holi-
day festivities took place at Ronan’s home, so the two schemers began plotting the surprise, keeping it under wraps for weeks. They purchased 11 white beach hats, spray painted them red and tied purple ribbons around them to make each women an unofficial member of the Red Hat Society. As the other nine women arrived on the day of the party, O’Connor and Ronan greeted each of them wearing purple dresses and their freshly created red hats.
“We were all 80, so we decided it would be a nice treat, something different,” O’Connor said.
Despite the fact that the “Golden Girls” are not an official chapter of the Red Hat Society, there are many women who take the organization extremely serious.
Founded by Sue Ellen Cooper several years ago in Fullerton, Calif, the society was begun for “fun before and after 50 years old.”
The society was inspired by a woman, Jenny Joseph, who had written a poem about middle-aged women two years prior to the development of the society, entitled “Warning.”
“The Red Hat Society began as a result of a few women deciding to greet middle age with verve, humor and
elan. We believe silliness is the comedy relief of life, and since we are all in it together, we might as well join red-gloved hands and go for the gusto together. Underneath the frivolity, we share a bond of affection, forged by common life experiences and a genuine enthusiasm for wherever life takes us next,” Cooper describes on the society’s website about the pur pose of why they do what they do.
For many years, the society in California was the only one, until the first “sibling” group was created in Florida by a friend of one of the original “red hatters.” Now there are hundreds of sibling groups across the country, including over 250 chapters in the Delaware Valley. As they come together across this large nation, women are looking to have fun, sometimes compared to the Ya-Ya sisterhood, both before and after they turn the big 50. Women are proud to wear the clashing colors of red and purple while they are drinking their tea, in public, to show how much they celebrate life.
Earth Day: origin and meaning
JILLIAN MILAM FEATURES EDITOR JGM726@CABRINI EDUEarth day is to be celebrated on April 22. Although it might not be the most popular holiday, the purpose and idea behind the special day holds much significance for all.
Beginning in 1962, Senator Gaylord Nelson started recognizing the problems that were evolving with our environment. He realized that environmental issues were not at all par t of politics; however, he believed they should be and took action.
“Finally, in November 1962, an idea occurred to me that was, I thought, a virtual cinch to put the environment into the political ‘limelight’once and for all,” Nelson wrote in an article published in the Oct. of 1993 issue in the “American Heritage” magazine. He wished to bring the mat-
ter to the surface, so as to publicize his proposal.
“The idea was to persuade President Kennedy to give visibility to this issue by going on a
wrote. Due to various reasons, the tour was not successful in regards to raising environmental issues to political standards. “However, it was the germ of the idea that ultiy flowered into Earth Day.”
According to Envirolink, an online environmental community, the first Earth Day in 1970 rallied over 20 million Americans from around the country and on college campuses to get involved in environmental “teach-ins.” For the 20th anniversary in 1990 more than 200 million people in 141 countries participated worldwide.
Assigned books worth reading Assigned books worth reading
Bookstore receipts are proof that students are spending a lot of time reading for their classes. Of all the books a student reads, which ones were page turners that take the cake as being a book worth reading?
One book that makes this list is “The DaVinci Code,” by Dan Brown. Dr. Margaret McGuinness, a religion professor assigns her religion 105 class to read this book. “The book teaches, but it’s also fun to read ” Jess Watson, a sophomore religion major, said.
Other books that McGuinness feels are worthwhile are “Dead Man Walking,” by Tim Robbins, and “Growing Up Empty: The Hunger Epidemic in America,” by Loretta Schwartz-Nobel. “I try to choose books that are relevant to the class and reflect the latest in scholarship,” McGuinness said. McGuinness takes student opinions into consideration, and if she gets negative feedback regarding a book, she most likely won’t assign that book again.
Rob Debasto, a freshman
math major, enjoyed reading “A Child Called It,” by Dave Pelzer, for his seminar 100 “coming of age” class, taught by Jenny Yoos, an English and communication professor. The book is a true story about a boy who is abused by his mother and grows up to help other children who are abused. “The book actually makes you think about that stuff because things like that happen in real life,” Debasto said.
Yoos chose to assign the book because it gave students the chance to see into the “insightful mind” of someone who had suffered from abuse.
“This is the
Halbert, an English and communication professor, also make the list of must-read books. One book is “The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas: An American Slave,” which is a story of American perseverance and triumph. Students actually complained to Halbert that the book was too short.
Another book Halber t assigns is “Fear and Loathing in Los Vegas,” by Hunter S. Thompson. This book tends to get students’attention because of its style and the way in which narcotics are presented. “It’s about as close to a trip as one can take without actually taking drugs,” Halbert said.
Lastly, “In Cold Blood,” by Truman Capote, is also one of Halber t’s successful books.
lives so that he is not defeated and I think it is something that the students really can identify with, even when it is something small they may be facing,” Yoos said.
Books assigned by Hal
The book is arguably the greatest piece of crime fiction ever written. The book takes you into the lives of both the killers and victims without taking sides. This hits home the idea that terrible crimes can happen anywhere and to anyone.
Of all the books that students invest in, these are just some of the books that take the cake as great reads.
national conservation tour. I flew to Washington to discuss the proposal with Attorney General Robert Kennedy, who liked the idea. So did the President,” Nelson
So how can you get involved and partake on Earth Day? A couple ideas include planting trees or getting a group of people to pick up trash. But remember, Earth Day can be celebrated every day by simple things, like not smoking, not using aerosol cans and remembering to recycle.
Summer jobs; the good, the bad
With the semester nearing its end, many students may be thinking about sand and surf, road trips and other fun times with friends and family (and possibly finals). You just might be one who is eager for those summer activities and perhaps finding that summer job is towards the back of your mind.
“Don’t wait. Summer jobs often get f illed fast, so get going on your job search!” says Alison Doyle, writer for “Your Guide to Job Searching” on To best be prepared when starting the job hunt, Doyle says to have a resume and references ready. When applying online or in person, some sort of resume and references are usually required. In addition, she suggests asking for help from college Career Services or those whom you may have networked with, for they may have contacts with someone to get you that needed summer job. Doyle suggests, in addition to checking with Career Services and those in your network, to keep an
eye on the classified section of your local newspaper. Although jobs can be found through the classifieds, one of the best ways to find retail, shore and local jobs is by applying in person, says Doyle. There are also various career websites, such as and, which allow searches for part-time jobs. Although these may be helpful, another website,, allows searches for particular kinds of strictly summer employment.
Be sure to include visiting job sites, filling out applications and interviewing in your summer job search deadline. Remember, the sooner you get out there, the sooner you’ll lose the worry and have the money for those fun summer activities.
Erin Schell, a junior English/communication major, thought she was going to be a veterinary assistant one summer during high school. She liked working with animals and thought it would be a great learning experience. What she didn’t expect was what she spent her summer doing. “I
ended up having to clean up animal waste, taking the animals outside and worrying about getting bit when giving medication,” she said.
Andrew Madonia, a sophomore English and philosophy major, said he had a great summer job working at an inter net company. “Then again,” he said, “any teenage kid would say it’s a good job if they are making more than $8 an hour.”
While some students may have summer job horror stories, others f ind decent jobs that last them those valuable three months. Regardless, money can be considered a vital factor when indulging in fun activities and vacations. Furthermore, below are some websites you can take a look at for tips on how to land a good part-time job and keep those wallet-empty summer-time-blues away.
Summer job search websites:
Pulling inspiration from friend
The other day I was sitting in my room loathing and thinking about all my problems I have to take care of, including all the schoolwork I have to catch up on, finding a job for the summer, paying for repairs on my car after an accident, helping my mom and losing the weight I put on this year. Of course thinking about all of this would only work against me in accomplishing anything, so I decided to put it in the
back of my head and get busy. An hour later, I had gotten a good amount of work done when the phone rang. On the other end was my cousin's ex-wife, Lisa, whom I have managed to stay close to throughout all that has happened. She was asking me how everything was and I started telling her how stressed I was lately. Of course, she reassured me that I would be fine. Everything would be fine. After hanging up the phone, a half an hour later, I realized just how ridiculous I have been, especially talking to her.
I was complaining to her about things that were either of my own doing, or things that just happen to people. People get in
accidents, they get cancer, they gain weight and they procrastinate. All of these were things that she had gone through as well. In fact, these things she could relate to were the very least of her troubles. My freshman year, I had to give a speech about my hero in my public speaking class. There is more than one reason the person I spoke about was her.
When Lisa was sixteen years old, she was very overweight. She then decided to get her life in order and be healthy and get organized. She managed to lose over 100 pounds. Her whole life changed. She was happy, had a great job and met the love of her life, my cousin. They were the picture-perfect couple. They
were successful, good-looking, popular and happy. In fact, my cousin was that one particular success story of the family. The ironic part is that we all now realize it was because of Lisa.
Lisa is one of those people who makes everything beautiful and makes everyone feel special. She and my cousin were ready to start a family when something happened that would change her life forever. One day at work, a metal piece of an examining table fell and hit her in the knee, damaging nerves. Since then, she has barely been able to move and is in intense chronic pain. Wires have been placed in her body so she is able to control the pain with a battery operated
remote. Her dreams of children vanished in just a split second. Not being able to move, she was obviously not able to stay the fit and trim woman who ran marathons. She gained the weight back, and of course, my cousin had to leave her. This was six years ago, and she is still suffering. She is in every kind of pain imaginable. Some dreams she has and will never be met.
Thinking about what Lisa has gone through made me think just how lucky I have been. Her story reminds me how things could be much worse, but it also proves how life can be so unfair. It is unfair when the most loving, caring people are the ones left in the dust.
Letting go of loved ones
My cell phone rang with my dad on the other line. “Hey, where are you? And who are you with?” That was the first thing that my father said to me. My first reaction was that I was in some kind of trouble. The tone of his voice was very stern, yet also shaky at the same time. I knew something was wrong, but my guilty conscience convinced me it had something to do with the night before, my 21st birthday. Boy, I was way off! April 10 was a day that I knew would come, but I had no idea when. I will never forget this day. It is the day that Pop-pop died.
Even when you know it is coming, you can never be prepared for death. After suffering for 15 months from terminal brain cancer, my grandfather was finally at peace. He passed away in a hospital bed in the living room of his home; this is where he spent the last year of his life. On March 26th, he turned the “young” age of 75. He was extremely healthy until the age of 73. Pop-pop was the happiest man I have ever known, but now he is no longer with us.
My grandfather was a strong, healthy man before last January. He had to undergo a routine biopsy to detect cancer on a brain tumor. No matter how routine, brain surgery is very risky.
During the surgery he had a stroke, which paralyzed his left side and impaired his speech and motor skills. Brain surgery is like gambling with God, only he
knows your hand.
Ironically, the night before my grandpa passed away, I was gambling with something else, money. Even though money is tangible, you cannot hold on to it long enough. Money can’t buy love. There is no comparison to family. My family is so richly blessed to have each other at a time so hard to bear. The love that we share with each other is the glue that keeps us together and the energy that keeps us going.
My grandfather left behind five children, seven grandchildren and a beloved wife. During the time that my grandfather suffered from cancer on his death bed, we were all by his side. He lived the last days of his life through us. He would listen to stories about how us, the grandkids, were doing, what we saw and where we have
Seizing the college years
I cannot believe that this school year is coming to a close. It seems as though yesterday I was moving into my dorm in New Residence Hall. Reality has been setting in on my mind lately. I just can’t believe that I am half-way through my college life. So much has happened to me in these past two years, and I have encountered so many learning experiences. People have always told me that the college
years go by the fastest. It’s not that I didn’t believe the theory. I had never experienced college, so how could I know that they are the fastest years?
It seems it was just yesterday I graduated from high school, and in the fall of 2003 I entered my freshman year at Cabrini. My friends and I are grasping the fact that we will be upperclassmen when August approaches in four months. In these two years alone, I have had so many fond memories and obstacles. I know in the next two years that I will be creating many more fond memories. I am also sure I will be faced with more obstacles as well. I keep
thinking on how fast these two years have gone. I can only imagine how fast the next two years will go for me. There is still so much I want to accomplish while in college, and I know that there is not enough time to accomplish all of my goals.
I have realized that the college years are the best years and the most fun. They can also be the most challenging, especially since people are figuring out who they are in life. However, I would not take back any of my experiences that I have had in college. When I look back 10 years from now, I will look back without any regrets.
been. The saddest part was that he could not respond to us in words because he started to lose his sense of communication. I knew he had a million things he wanted to tell us. I just wish I could have heard them all.
Now that he is in heaven, he will be able to be with us wherever we are. I know there is never a good time for death, but I really think in his case, the sooner the better. We want to remember him how he was before he was sick.
I remember him as the man who started taking up new things at an old age. He became younger everyday. As a 70-yearol,d he started taking yoga classes. His smile is so genuine that I could never forget it. During the summer I have many memories of him catching waves at the Jersey shore. He used to stay in the water the longest and never
wanted to go home. He enjoyed every second of his life and has inspired me to do the same. Every opportunity that I am given to experience life in a new way, I take it.
This hard situation for my family could not have been any timelier. This year the public has been watching the case of Terri Schiavo. Her family has been caught up in an extreme case dealing with euthanasia. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and only God can decide when a person’s battle with life is completed. The fight that my grandfather had been overcoming finally came to an end. His bravery will never be forgotten. “God’s picking the All-Star team, first the pope, now Pop-pop,” said a family friend at the wake.
‘Shoobies’ not welcomed Addicted to love
As the weather warms up here at Cabrini College, I’ve been hearing the typical little snippets of “I can’t wait until I can go to my summer house down at the shore.”
I grew up at this so-called “shore” and I have never referred to it as being the “shore.” Maybe I’ll stretch so far as saying the “beach,” but I usually just stick with calling it “home.”
I am from South Jersey, not Seaside Heights and not Cherry Hill. They are not South Jersey. When I say South Jersey, I mean that if I lived 10 feet lower, I would be residing in the ocean.
I am from Cape May Court House, and I would like to share a few secrets for all of you people planning on visiting my hometown, or near-by areas of Stone Harbor, Wildwood, Avalon, Cape May, the Villas, North Cape May or Dennisville this upcoming summer.
First off, we don’t really like tourists. Yes, they provide jobs to our area and they are the reason for the majority of our incomes come the summer months. Yet, any local will usually agree that come summer, tourists are the bane of our existence.
The main question is, “How do I know if I’m a tourist?” Well there is a sure-fire test that any tourist will fail unless they truly are from South Jersey. This test consists of only one question, “What is a shoobie?”
I understand that many will not know what a “shoobie” is, so I will give you some tips of how to spot a “shoobie.”
“Shoobies” are the people that cross into the road even when they know there is oncoming traffic. Yes, it is true that pedestrians always have the right away, but this does not give you license to dart out in front of my car lugging your five-dollar-drugstore chair and your gallon-size jug of drinking water that will double as feet cleaner once you remem-
ber exactly where it is you parked.
“Shoobies” are the people that will fight to the death for a parking spot even if one is only a few spots down. “Shoobies” are the people that expect you not to look at them funny when they say sub and not hoagie.
“Shoobies” are the people that ask where the beach is even when the ocean is in their plain view. “Shoobies” are the people who say you must eat some Mack’s pizza and wash it down with a Lime Ricky in order to fully appreciate the “shore” experience.
If you haven’t figured it out yet, “shoobies” is the local way of saying tourist. I’m guessing this is the first time for many of you to come to this conclusion.
I just thought I’d clue you in so when you come to vacation in South Jersey, you’ll understand what those crazy locals are yelling in your direction.
Why would anyone spend their vacation in a town like Wildwood? I’m using Wildwood as an example because that is where the majority of college-age kids spend their summers when they venture down to the “shore.” Why not rent a house in Key West? It’s probably cheaper and you won’t have to deal with the trash and the crime.
There is absolutely nothing advantageous or worthwhile for college-age kids to do in South Jersey. I grew up down there, and I will vouch that you can only play miniature golf, lay on the beach, swim in the ocean or walk the boardwalk so many times before you get completely sickened with how boring South Jersey is.
I’m guessing that many kids just want to party because they think they can get away with it down there or because they’re not crashing at their own hometown. Well go ahead and waste three months of your life indisposed. It doesn’t matter to me if you want to spend your summer getting nothing positive accomplished.
Don’t call me, for I’m not coming home at all this summer, and no you cannot use my “shore” house to crash at for a night because just for the record, “shoobies” are the bane of my existence.
DIANA ASHJIAN A&E EDITOR DA725@CABRINI EDUMy mom held my shoulders in her hands as she tried to tell me that Jeff overdosed and he was dead. I guess she thought that the placement of her hands could keep me from falling apart on that rainy Friday night, April 19, 2004. But, like the glass that lay at my feet I was broken into what seemed like a thousand tiny pieces.
Thinking back I can still feel the metal of his tongue ring in my mouth when he kissed me just as vividly as I can hear the glass that shattered around me when I heard the news that he was gone. Just as surely as I had lost my grip on the tray that I used to carry drinks to my tables, I also lost my grip on the emotion called love and everything that comes with it.
The mish-mesh of feelings and memories that at times have consumed me from that night on have pointed me on a personal journey and even driven me on a crash course that’s challenged me to question the fairytales I’ve built my philosophy of life upon.
You see, the last time he walked me home my heart thudded with disappointment as each
of my footsteps drug slower than the last. Somehow I knew that the closer I got to home the further I’d be from him. The more he tried to explain the less I understood. I’d never really experimented with drugs and heroin seemed to me like some dirty word that shouldn’t even be spoken out loud. To me, drug problems were the stuff of afterschool specials, and the consistently rising percentage of people living with drug problems in the city of Philadelphia didn’t actually include a real person, especially someone who I loved.
What he wanted most for me to understand was that although he had become a user of such a monster of a drug, his heart still wrenched for someone to understand his conscience-shaken, shock-stricken state. He couldn’t bear for me to be that person anymore than I could watch him drown in such a hell. I knew I lost him that night, but could never have known I would have lost him forever.
In spending days fleeing from the inconsolable grip of grieving the loss of a childhood friend, a confidant and a deep love and trying to use school, work and even dance as an escape, I’ve learned that what I’ve found up until now is what my existence always comes down to, in the grand scheme, of my emotions: myself. Not someone else’s pain
or someone else’s problem, just my own image as it is not what it was or what it could be.
I think it’s true that growing up isn’t always an easy thing, but the decisions that we make and the relationships we hold are infinitely apart of us. Jeff is an infinite part of me and some of that part will be some of the basis upon which I’ll make a lot of decisions. Instead of accusing him of hurting me with his shocking choices or leaving me with too many pieces to put back together, I’ve decided to continue loving that undying part of him.
And as much as each stage of grief in losing someone close to you is more personal than most things a person could even start to understand, that air of pain is still a universal enlightenment that varies from so morbid to somehow so beautiful.
As far as remembering the Jeff that I knew, and not the drug addict that other people saw in the last of his days, I’ll always think of him as the boy with the most inquisitive James Dean stare with imploring eyes revealing more than his mouth would ever dare. What I’m asking you is to remember to consider this story the next time you want to ‘get high with a little help from your friends.’
‘April showers bring May flowers’
If April showers bring May flowers, then what do May flowers bring? Well, for one thing, they bring the end of classes. By that time, I will be half-way through my college career, and with that comes some reflection.
I have changed socially, physically, emotionally and mentally. The most recent change comes with the typical pastime of college students: one’s major. Being one of the most headstrong people when it came to a career, I have caved recently to become a part of the statistic of students who change majors. However, to stretch the truth, I could argue that I did not change majors; it’s more like just adding a new one. Yes, I am crazy.
For the first time in my life, I cannot even see where I’ll be in two years, and I thought I had all of that figured out. I see finally what people are talking about when they don’t want to see into the future. The problem is that I do, but I just do not know where to look.
Students look typically into the immediate future, like what to wear to class that day or what time they will head over to Spring Fling activities. This isn’t meant to be demeaning or sarcastic, especially since I do the same. The problem with this is, aren’t we supposed to be focusing on what we want to do for the rest of our lives? Maybe we should just seize this time that we have and worry about the small things for now.
Whatever the center of attention tends to be on in that moment, we still have a future
ahead of us; perhaps we should start seizing that soon. By the way, I have become a Spanish major on top of my English and communications major. I also intend to become certified in secondary education for Spanish. So, you may ask, why is she even writing this if she wants to be teaching Spanish? Why not, I’ll answer that question, too. I see every opportunity on- and offcampus to be an opportunity for a future endeavor, a possibility for growth.
The end of this academic year is starting to hit home a little more than usual. Most of the staff writers for the Loquitur this year are in the same boat with me, as sophomores. We’re sitting in classes wondering if we should even be doing this. I know I’m in it for the long haul, once I decide on my future.
Fire alarms in House 2
Equipment functions properly,students held accountable
This is in response to the April 7 article that was written by Christine Blom. In the article, the student voiced concern over the amount of fire alarms that have been activated in Dixon House or House 2. While I agree with the author that there have been a considerable number of fire alarms, I must disagree with the assertion that the alarms are a result of the system not being “up to par.”
After reading Ms. Blom’s article, I reviewed the information concerning each fire alarm that has occurred this semester in House 2. By reviewing the information I have found that to date there have been 11 fire alarms in the house this semester. Of these 11 fire alarms, 10 have resulted from someone tampering with the fire safety equipment. Specifically, these alarms were set by someone activating a pull box or setting off a smoke detector. Based on this information, I can only conclude that the fire safety equipment in House 2 is functioning properly.
In the article Ms. Blom
wants to know what is being done to resolve this issue. Before I address her question I must first ask: What are the students doing to resolve the issue?
I agree that there are too many fire alarms in House 2 as well as other halls throughout the campus. But the fact is that the vast majority of the alarms in the residence halls are set by residents and/or guests of the residents.
What is even more disturbing is that there are people who have knowledge of who is responsible for activating the alarms but refuse to reveal any information. By remaining quiet and not holding your peers accountable, you are telling these people that you agree with their negative behavior.
Now to answer what it is that the College does to address the issue. Our first step is to make sure that the system is functioning as it should. The fire safety equipment is tested every year to ensure that it is “up to par.” If there are any problems detected with the fire safety system during the test, those issues are corrected immediately. After testing the equipment we try to educate the
Drilling in Alaska
campus on the dangers of tampering with the safety equipment. This issue is addressed at orientation, first floor meetings, on bulletin boards, etc.
By educating the students it is our hope that everyone will realize that tampering with the safety equipment can lead to potentially tragic results. Finally, there are the Public Safety Officers and Residence Life staff. Both groups work hard to monitor the behavior of the students and to make sure that the conditions in the residence halls are safe.
With all of the College’s efforts to make the residence halls safe, it is a difficult task without the assistance of the residents. This is your community, and we need for the students to hold each other accountable for negative behavior.
Please remember that this is your community and we need your help to make it safe.
George Stroud Director of Residence LifeAmerican misconception: IRA
Recently, there has been much coverage in the news about the position of Sinn Fein as a political party in Northern Ireland. Sinn Fein basically rallies for a United Ireland, meaning the six counties of Northern Ireland, presently under British rule, being returned to Irish rule. Sinn Fein has always had associations with the terrorist organization, the Irish Republican Army (IRA); and it has been this association that has recently gotten them into trouble. Most recently, the sisters of a murdered Catholic man from Belfast came to Washington to protest at the IRA’s cowardice in not admitting blame for this incident, and Sinn Fein’s deception in their failure to encourage admittance from them. The McCartney sisters, along with many other Northern Ireland citizens, believe that the current IRAare no longer the freedom-fighting brotherhood of their origin but are now merely a terrorist organization, thigh-deep in drugs, gun-running and money laundering
With this media spotlight on my country’s situation, what has really been getting under my skin are the perceptions of uneducated supporters in this area, who support the IRAas a republican party. I’m not saying that it is
wrong for people to support the republican cause because after all, freedom of choice is a constitutional right. However, I feel that outright support for the terrorist army, the IRA, is just as bad as supporting a killer on death row. Lately, I feel that everywhere I go I am slapped in the face with advertisements for this terror group. Even here at Cabrini, a catholic college of goodwill, I have seen t-shirts showing an armed, masked gunman next to the words “IRAundefeated.” When I think of the many lives that have been lost due to this organization, it literally makes my blood boil to see supporters brazenly showcasing their work.
Also at the St Patrick’s Day parade in Philadelphia, I was taken back by the open support for the IRA. I had expected to see campaigners for Sinn Fein and similar political group as I understand the strength of the Southern Irish heritage in this city. I did not, however, expect to see men, women and even young children walk with stickers of IRAsupport decorating their bodies.
What angers me even more is that this paraphernalia and propaganda must be purchased somewhere, with the profits going towards arming this organization. From brief research online I was able to find a lot of IRA websites that sold merchandise. Some items, such as street signs proudly displaying a commando with the words “sniper at work,”
Although I am a Republican, I am not supportive of Bush’s plan to possibly drill for oil in roughly 9 million acres of open land in Alaska. There are many pro’s and con’s that go along with this, but the way I figure it, there are more negative effects, especially on the wildlife that is living there, than positive effects.
One positive effect may be that if oil were to be construed from Alaska’s grounds, then gas prices may possibly fall here in the U.S. Considering the drastic rise in gas prices over the last year and a half, drivers would greatly benefit from this. The U.S. would not have to depend on foreign markets for petroleum. On the downside, endangered wildlife and plant species may be overlooked while trying to make up for a lost cause.
Bush has tried numerous times to drill for oil in Alaska. His first attempt was squandered, but now the tide may be changing. Already, 20 percent of the land that Bush wants to drill in is leased to oil drilling companies. Because there is not as many environmental standards set on this piece of land, the Interior Department would not have to go through Congress to gain approval for drilling.
I feel that Bush should not continue his efforts to gain a U.S. owned oil market on our own land. While it will benefit the mainland, it will possibly kill off whole species of animals and plants that have not yet been discovered. Wildlife thrives in Alaska, and if Bush were to drill for oil on the land that he specified, these animals would obviously not prosper. They would be pushed off their land and need to survive in a new area. To me, if Bush were to get approval to drill for petroleum, Alaska will lose its heritage and wildlife that makes it what it is.
made me queasy. And it got worse; this item had sold in its hundreds to citizens of the U.S. Here, where only a few years ago hundreds had feared for their lives due to the Washington sniper, and here, where terrorist organizations similar to the IRA are being hunted down in Iraq and Afghanistan by their own families, citizens still support an organization that has murdered countless innocent citizens for being the wrong religion.
I am not just being biased towards the republican cause and the IRA. Similarly, if I saw endorsement of the extreme loyalist cause and their terrorist organizations I would be just as angered. But as it is, it is the republican cause that continues to remain the romantic, heroic cause to support. Arms are tattooed with “Ireland forever” and “Ireland will rise,” posters of freedom fighters such as hungerstriker Bobby Sands adorn dormitory walls and “Brits out” is the call of the day at local Irish bars I have visited.
So to anyone reading this that does share in these beliefs, of course support the Irish republican beliefs if that’s what you feel is right, but please don’t support this terrorist organization. Even today, the IRAviolently states their cause. Imagine if I wore a “Support Al Qaeda” t-shirt to a Cabrini event or had posters of Osama Bin Laden or Saddam Hussein on my walls. I don’t think I would be too popular. Do you?
Health insurance article
The article about health insurance at the college contained two unsubstantiated allegations by students, which were not documented, and should not have been published. The headline is also wrong. The story clearly states that Cabrini’s health insurance premium is within the national average for policies of this type whereas the headline implies otherwise.
Pierce Scholars article
The Pierce scholars were announced last summer or fall, not March 21 as the lead sentence states. They have also been in their roles as Pierce
scholars throughout this academic year and are at the end of their programs now. There are currently five scholars, not four. The Pierce Scholar Program requires not just 50 hours of community Service, but rather each Pierce Scholar must set up a program linking an off-campus group that serves children at risk and an on-campus group such as a student organization or academic department or team. Mary Laver’s position is Director of Programs for Applied Catholic Social Teaching, not applied and social teaching.
The Loquitur regrets these errors.
Phillies off to good start
Natonal League Team Record
Chi. Cubs6-6
Los Angeles9-2
N.Y. Mets6-6
The Philadelphia Phillies have been off to a successful start as they are challenging the rest of the teams in the league for the coveted chance to head to the World Series.
Since opening day, they have played legendary teams such as the Atlanta Braves, New York Mets, and are starting their next series against the Colorado Rockies.
After a 7-6 record, the loss to the Mets hurt the spirits of the team, but not enough to get them down for their next few games.
Many fans and players will attribute the loss to the return of Phillies pitcher Vincente Padilla.
According to the Phils official website, Mike Liebrthal said “ He felt like he didn’t have the zip that he used to. He’s used to pounding the zone with his fastball to inside hitters. he started
the game like that, but his location was high, and his velocity dropped.”
Padilla, however is notorious for not making any comments or speaking to the media so there was no comment obtained from him.
However, Lieberthal did go on to say “In the bullpen he was throwing pretty hard. After the first couple of innings he just lost the velocity and couldn’t get it back.”
In a defeat of 16-4, the Phillies were still behind padilla. They will still support him.
As for the scorers of the game, Chase Utley and David Bell each hit a home run to help the team out so they were not defeated in a shut-out.
For Padilla’s replacement, Gavin Floyd, a rookie, was sent in as an attempt to save the day.
When Floyd was asked about what he took away from the game, he responded by saying “It’s a weird game. I came in
trying to get us back into it and things just snowballed again.”
“I felt better with everything. I felt better with my control. I was able to throw strikes and I felt better than the last time. I’ll learn from this,” Floyd said.
Although the Phillies now stand with a record of 7-7, they will take on the rigorous schedule of playing the Mets again, the Rockies and the Marlins with in the next week or so.
Because the Phillies did capture the vistory the expected over the Mets, they are now placed in last place in the East National League Division. They will be forced tostep up in practices this week and padilla will be training extra hard so he can get his head back on his shoulders.
The Phillies will be playing at home on Wednesday, April 20, and Saturday, April 23. The games are also broadcast live on
San Diego5-7
San Fran.6-5
St. Louis 6-4
Diet aid made legal
Products with 10 milligrams or less of Ephedra have recently been ruled legal in the United States. Ephedra is an herbal supplement that is also known as ma huang. Prior to the recent courts decisions, federal law stated that the selling of Ephedra was illegal according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Tena Campbell, U.S. District Judge in Salt Lake City, Utah, made the decision that the FDA’s needed to be altered based on dosage. Campbell’s point was that there was no proof of low does of Ephedra causing any harm to users.
Everyone who is trying to lose weight is seeking a fast and easy way. There is no such thing as “magic pills” that will help you shed off pounds without endangering health. Ephedra, a plant that is turned into the chemical ephedrine is a common ingredient in most diet pills.
Last April, ephedrine was banned from the market as an illegal drug. Top selling weight loss pills were yanked off the shelf. Some products that contain a high amount of ephedrine were “Metabolife, Ripped Fuel, Diet Fuel, Stacker 3, Hydroxycut, Metabolift and Xenadrine RFA-1,” according to
After the products were banned from using Ephedra as an ingredient, some substitutes were made. Caffeine has similar effects of Ephedra and also contains risky side effects. For example, Metabolife, a diet pill, contains 75 mg of caffeine. This
Personal Trainer
Ephedra and its dangers
The stimulantephedra, sold as a diet supplement,can pose a serious hazard when used in heavy doses or with factors that increaserisk.
is enough caffeine to make the user experience a rapid heart rate, fatigue and even fainting.
Ephedra’s main purpose is to build muscle and burn fat. Sounds harmless, but it is very dangerous to the heart and circulatory system. Fatal side effects were the main reason for the initial banning of ephedrine. A death that set precedent for the legalities of Ephedra was 23-year-old Baltimore Orioles pitcher Steve Bechler. He died after taking Ephedra as an athletic enhancer. Public attention over the death of Bechler sparked the FDA to take action and ban Ephedra. There are about 150 other cases of death that are directly linked to the use of products that contain Ephedra.
Now that there is a minimum dosage for the legality of Ephedra users are encouraged to stay aware of the side effects. Potential harm is still a possibility with all drugs. Read all labels on dietary supplements very carefully.
Some of the side effects that are very common are high blood pressure, tremores, rapid heart beat, seizures, heart attack, stroke and in most severe cases even death.
Many users or potenital users shoudl consult a doctor before the use of any dietary supplement because it can lead to further health problems.
Much of this information was unstained from an article written by Jennifer War ner, medical news To stay updated on this issue, visit for current information.
Cabrini names men’s basketball coach
CHRISTINE BLOM SPORTS EDITOR CBB722@CABRINI EDUOn April 18, Cabrini College was pleased to announce the hiring of the new men’s head basketball coach, Matthew Macciocca.
Macciocca is an alum of Allentown College where he received his Bachelors degree in 1996.
His track record includes playing throughout his career at Allentown, a three-year stint at his alma mater as assistant coach followed by him serving as an administrative assistant to the men’s team at Wake Forest University. He is coming to “Cavalier Country” from the United States Merchant Marine Academy.
According to Leslie Danehy, director of athletics, was proud to have such an someone with such astute accomplishments to become the latest addition to the athletic department.
“We are very pleased to have [Macciocca] join our staff,” Danehy said in the College’s press release. “He has a ter rific coaching background as well as experience as a Division III coach.”
Macciocca will be the third head coach in the history of the men’s basketball prog ram at Cabrini and he expressed his excitement in the press release.
“My wife and I are thrilled to be returning to our roots and I look forward to continuing the great tradition of Cabrini Collee basketball,” Macciocca said.
At the end of the 2004-2005 season, the Cavs finished with a record of 14-13 and lost in the semi-finals in a close game to Alvernia College. In Cabrini history, the men’s team has won eight out of the last 13 PAC Championships.
If anyone needs to contact Coach Macciocca, he can be reached through the sports information office at 610-902-8259.
These increase ephedra risks
In rare cases, complete break with reality
Certain health problems can be aggravated Undiagnosed heart disease or seizure disorders
High blood pressure
Dzik moves on, so should Cabrini
SHAWNRICE STAFFWRITER SMR723@CABRINI EDUAfter all the written articles and all the alumni letters surrounding John Dzik’s contract non-renewal, Dzik has finally found a new place to call his home. Moving on with his life and career, Dzik was named Piedmont College’s new athletic director.
I, for one, couldn’t be happier for him.
The opportunity will certainly serve as a challenging, yet appropriate, one for Dzik. Piedmont College will be in its third year as acting members in NCAADivision III athletics. The college offers 13 intercollegiate sports and is a member of the Great South Athletic Conference.
Piedmont College’s athletic department will be fortunate to have Dzik’s credentials and experience guiding their entire athletic department. Good luck, John Dzik!
Now that I’ve mentioned Dzik’s current career situation, let’s focus on Cabrini’s future specifically in regards to its strained relationship between alumni and administration.
As of writing this, Dzik should be finishing his first week with Piedmont Col-
lege. For those alumni who fought for Dzik, they should feel a sense of closure to this issue. There is no reason to dwell on the topic anymore, since Dzik has obviously moved on with his life.
Although the Dzik story is a dead issue, the college needs to address their policies on handling human resource problems. The way they presented the Dzik
tration fiasco, I would like to see support for the new direction of the men’s basketball program. There is no point allowing hurt egos and feelings to interfere with the future of the men’s basketball team.
Within this week Cabrini College announced Matthew Macciocca as the new head coach of the men’s basketball team. Macciocca will certainly have a difficult task at hand so it would be the community’s best interest not to add to the drama by refusing to support the new coach.
Lady Cavs optimistic
situation was horrendous and extremely contradictory.
It is one thing not to comment on a personnel matter but to provide two separate accounts regarding whose decision it ultimately was to fire Dzik is laughable.
It has been proven that the community will not sit by and allow certain actions to occur without answers. If the administration continues to act without fully acknowledging the potential negative backlash, they will continue to dig a hole so deep that they won’t be able to get out of it.
Although I doubt I will ever see a group hug with all parties involved with the Dzik-adminis-
The harsh reality is that Dzik will not be back with Cabrini, but that doesn’t mean a Dzik fan can’t celebrate his achievements by supporting the new direction of the men’s basketball program. If you were a true fan and friend of Dzik, you would know that he would like to see the men’s basketball program continue to succeed.
Although I can’t force anyone to set aside their feelings, I can only hope that attitudes towards certain individuals don’t directly hurt the entire community. It’s important to show support next year for the men’s basketball team and the college as a whole.
There are still good people at the college. Dzik knows it, so why don’t you?
SHARON M. KOLANKIEWICZ STAFF WRITER SMK724@CABRINI EDUThe Cabrini softball team kicked of their spring fling weekend with a doubleheader against Immaculata University. They came into the game after losing both games to their doubleheader against King’s College on Wednesday. Player, Megan O’Brien believes that the losses to King’s College served as motivation to try to win this doubleheader.
“The losses definitely motivated us, because we don’t like to lose, and after the tough losses, we wanted to go out and perform together as a team on our own field,” O’Brien said.
The Lady Cavs came out strong in the first innings of the first game, and they remained dominant over Immaculata throughout the game. They dominated with an impressive victory with the score 10-2, Cabrini.
Unfortunately, the second game didnít go well for the Lady Cavs.
In the first three innings, the Lady Cavs were not getting the hits or runs they wanted and gave up runs to Immaculata. Immaculata had defeated Cabrini with a score of 8-2. Despite the second loss, the team still holds their heads up high, and they are proud of each other. Along with O’Brien, the rest of the team was disappointed with the loss. She expressed how the team did not expect to lose; she knows the heart was there, but says things didn’t go Cabrini’s way.
“The hear t was there, and everyone wanted to win, but we couldn’t give hit the ball,” O’Brien said.
Although the players displayed a lot of effort, Immaculata was able to get the hits and runs they needed to win the game. The next home game is another doubleheader against Cedar College on Friday at 1p.m.
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Don't Mls~rll Deadlln s tor these Communl Service Scholarship Programsl
• The Nerney Scholarship: Opento FreshmanOnly. Awardgi"l:nto first yearstu e t-whodiscovered CommunityServiceat Cabrin·
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Piedmont College’s athletic department will be fortunate to have Dzik’s credentials and experience guiding them. Good luck, John Dzik!
-- Shawn RiceCECEILIA FRANCISCO/STAFF WRITER Former head men’s basketball coach,John Dzik,gives his farewell speech at the final home game of the season against Alvernia.
Cabrini Cavaliers
Men’s lacrosse changes season’s direction
Struggling to creep out of a losing ditch, the men’s lacrosse team was faced with yet another loss against Denison this past Sunday afternoon.
As the team maintained a leveled score throughout the majority of the game, the Cavaliers’ relentless efforts fell short of winning the game. The final buzz of the clock announced a close score of 10-7.
During the unfolding of the
game, many uncalled fouls against Denison added to the frustration amongst players and spectators alike. On several occasions, flocks of angry spectators arose from their seats in an attempt to reason the somewhat inattentive referee, “What game are you watching? Wake-up!”
As the team struggled to keep composure, goalie Scott Bordignon, maintained a fierce defense against Denison’s opposing offense. Surely, added shots from the opposing team demonstrated a weaker defense, as the Cavaliers refrained from
adequately “backing-up” their goalie. What’s going on guys?
This year ’s team returns a strong core from a team last year that rose to a top 10 national rankings. Regardless of the presence of skill and technique, Cavaliers have yet to transcend their potentials out on the field.
According to an interview with senior Captain Brian Felice earlier in the season, the team showed little self-control, “I believe that we came in thinking that our talent alone would allow us to win. However, after our third loss, we finally realized that
the only way we are going to win is if we play as a team. The leaders on the team are stepping up, and I expect only good things from here on out.”
Surely, the game against Denison showed much improvement in regards to the team’s enthusiasm and overall stature.
Nevertheless, moral was lost during the final 12 seconds of the game, as Denison buried a final, winning goal against a drained team of Cavaliers.
Friday, April 22
• Women’s Softball vs. Cedar Crest College, 3 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.
•Men’s Tennis, PACtournament, TBA
Saturday, April 23
• Women’s Softball at Eastern University, 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.
•Men’s Lacrosse at Cortland State, 1 p.m.
• Women’s Lacrosse at The College of New Jersey, 1 p.m.
•Men’s Tennis, PACtournament, TBA
Sunday, April 24
• Mass 7 p.m., Bruckmann Chapel of St. Joseph
Monday, April 25
•Senior Thesis Poster presentation, Mansion foyer, 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, April 26
•Women’s Lacrosse at Gettysburg College, 4 p.m.
Wednesday, April 27
•Women’s Softball vs. Hunter College, 3 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.