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Campus parking becomes a problem Students pursue master’s degrees
In July 2006, Garrison came down with what was thought to be pneumonia. Doctors then found a large tumor in his chest, a tumor large enough to collapse his left lung and shift his heart to the right, according to stjude.org.
Coats is St. Jude’s Patient of the Month, and he is just one of almost 5,000 patients that St. Jude’s Research Hospital treats every year.
College organizations such as Up ‘til Dawn are committed to raising money for St. Jude’s Research Hospital. UTD is a studentled, student-run organization that fundraises for the hospital. Organizations like UTD have helped St. Jude’s become the largest research hospital in the world. Since 1970, the survival rate of St. Jude’s patients has jumped to about 70 percent.
On Friday, Sept. 28 a DVD will play in Jazzmans from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. that introduces patients of St. Jude’s and their families. For only a five-dollar registration fee, people can participate in UTD’s 5K walk on Saturday, Sept. 29. All of the money raised by UTD goes directly to the hospital.
Although master’s degrees appear expensive, it has not deterred students in the pursuit of advanced education in hopes of furthering their career. The num- ber of students in the different departments at Cabrini who seek an advanced degree differ in regards to the student’s career aspirations.
According to the New York Times, universities often start new master’s degree programs because they are seen as potential lucrative sources of revenue.
Since 1970, the growth of obtaining a master’s degree is 150 percent, which is more than twice as fast as growth for bachelors or doctoral programs. The number of students earning these degrees has nearly doubled since 1980.
“There is something to say about going to graduate school,”
Dr. David Dunbar, associate professor of biology, said. “How are you going to set yourself apart from anyone else? It will give you that added edge and higher pay.”
According to The Washing-
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St. Jude’s Research Hospital was founded by entertainer Danny Thomas and is located in Memphis, UP