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Perspectives Perspectives Abortion: pro choice vs. pro life




As Americans, we are constantly fighting for the power of choice. When a choice is finally granted, no person has any right to take that choice away.

Having an abortion is simply a choice, nothing more. Making abortion legally available lets a woman decide if this is the right choice for her, without having any repercussions.

Now just because a woman chooses an abortion does not mean that she is shallow, uncaring or selfcentered. Many choose to be pro-choice and make the decision of having an abortion for a variety of reasons and do not deserve to be looked down upon by thousands of pro-lifers.

Most who are pro-life automatically assume that by being pro-choice you are a baby killer and hate children, not exactly!

Of course, I do agree that there are other choices if a woman becomes pregnant, but under various circumstances of the pregnancy or even the woman’s health, abortion may be the only or right choice.

Everyone who stands in the streets and chants and are obsessed with being pro-life always lose the main picture. It is not your body, and you do not have any right to make the decisions of a pregnant woman. When you are in that situation, you can decide.

Those who choose to have an abortion may have a compelling reason for their decision. For some, those nine months of pregnancy can bring back harsh memories. For example, women who are raped must deal with nine months of agony and live with the scars of the pregnancy always remembering the night of the rape. a baby could ruin a woman’s future.

I see no problem with a pregnant woman deciding to have an abortion. Abortion is legal and safe. Abortion is a choice, hence the saying pro-choice. Being pro-choice gives a friendly reminder that when everything else fails or a woman truly believes


You know what? Why should there be any choice about pregnancy when there is new life growing inside of a woman’s stomach? My choice is pro-life and that’s the way it will always be even if I were to live with the decision they made that most definitely comes with consequences? Yes, I understand there are instances where alcohol or drugs can be involved that may alter choices being made, but then it should be even more of a reason to have to live with the consequences.

We can even bring the she conceived a child and made a perfect decision, in my opinion, to keep the now gorgeous child.

Just think about this, ladies. The incident between you and a man takes place and you find out that you have an embryo inside of your body growing dayby-day. It just blows my mind to know that there is new life developing a heart, cells making the tiny fingers that will hold onto your hand, the little toes that you will want to tickle and the beautiful eyes that will show a part of you in them. How can it ever cross anyone’s mind to destroy something that is a part of you?

And, this doesn’t just come down on the ladies’ sholders either. It takes “two to tango” and I think that if a woman were to go through the nine months of carrying a child, then the man should be there on the woman’s side to make up for the part of the baby that is yours.

For others it may simply be for a medical reasoning. Because of the pregnancy or delivery, the woman may be in a serious risk of disability or even death. Risking health or life is not worth it! It is your body.

As for the rest of those who choose abortion, maybe they just never want to have children and feel that they can never carry the responsibility of a child.

It is also possible that being pregnant and having not going through the pregnancy is best, they have that choice. become pregnant tomorrow.

Making abortion illegal would be a step back from the freedom that we have as Americans. What would be the next right the government would take away from us? If we start taking away the rights we have fight for, why don’t we just forget democracy all together.

Let’s just put this into perspective. Say a guy and girl make the decision to become intimate with one another. It’s a mature decision, but may not be a responsible one if they are not careful enough to use protection or make the stupid decision to use the “pull-out” method. But, if the female were to conceive a baby, shouldn’t the couple be mature enough to concept of birth control into light, yes, you can get pregnant when on birth control because nothing can 100 percent diminish the chances of becoming pregnant, especially if the woman is on some type of medication that can actually cancel out “the pill.”

I actually know a girl who was on birth control who was taking medication at the same time and it did cancel out her daily pill. It just so happened that

This comes down to one, solitary thing. If you do not want the risk of getting pregnant and making the life-altering decision, then simply resort to abstinence!

It may not be a “true” baby in the first few months, but think, that is the miracle of life, you are a part of it and when the baby is born, you will be holding the miracle in your arms.

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