Nst Applications @Colb 15.16-1

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GENERAL EXPLANATION Do you tweet and use Facebook or LinkedIn every day? Do you understand what SEO means and what Reach or Interaction refers to? Do you know what ADs are for? For Community Manager we are seeking for a highly motivated individual with fanatical passion for blogging, tweeting, posting and community participation leadership. What for? To manage our online marketing, outreach strategies & building our brand visibility.

•  Respond to crises in a timely and professional manner. •  Manage Analytic Tools to measure our online success. •  Participate in creating the online community plan including a budget. •  Listen to customers and gather their feedback. Thank them for their input. •  Manage, maintain, and ensure the success of our Website and Social Media. •  Stay up to date on new social media tools and how other organizations using them.


SKILLS -Multitasking. -Excelent spelling and writing. -Designing skills.


-Basic video editing skills. -Basic photography skills. -Creativity. -Customer oriented.

# of Posts per Week (in every channel). # of Fans, Followers, Suscribers (of every channel). % of Interaction (of every channel). % of Reach (of every channel). # of Leads (for every program).


MAIN FUNCTIONS 1.  Content creation – writing blog posts, articles, newsletters, communications materials, and material for social media channels. 2.  Social media marketing – creating, managing and growing our presence through blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Website, and other strategically relevant online properties. 3.  Customer relations – the Community Manager is responsible for customer support (answering questions by social media). 4.  Communications/marketing strategy – the Community Manager is responsible for creating (with the MCVP BXP) strategic marketing/communications plans to provide direction for our public-facing communications. 5.  Analytics – Using Google Analytics and other measurement tools to provide reports on metrics, and continually find ways to improve on those metrics through testing and new initiatives.


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  Which Social Media Channels would you use for AIESEC in Colombia's online presence and why? 2.  How would you guarantee social return on investment (ROI)? -Not measured on fans or interaction but contribution to AIESEC's programmes. 3.  How could you leverage YouTube in order to promote our brand and increase engagement?


GENERAL EXPLANATION There are hundreds of ways for us to show why we take part of this organization. If you believe that AIESEC should stop being the best kept secret, we invite you to apply and become the one who shows the world what we do.

KPIs # Of meetings with NST team. # Of videos published. # Of photos published. # Of histories made. # Education sessions at local level.

RESPONSIBILITIES •  Participate in creating the online showcasing plan •  Colaborate with the community managers in promoting the materials •  Facilitate education for local entities •  Knowledge Management of showcasing strategies

SKILLS -Multitasking. -Spelling and writing. -Designing skills. -Team Leader, VP or LCP Experience

-Basic video editing skills. -Basic photography skills. -Creativity. -Design and Editing Tools Management


MAIN FUNCTIONS 1.  Create promotional materials to showcase our GCDP, GIP and TMP/TLP programmes. 2.  Create a promotional strategy with the local entities and ensure their participation in the implementation process. ______________________________________________________________________

SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  How would you ensure showcasing materials from the local entities? 2.  Create 2 strategies for online showcasing. Define Channels, Target, Goal, Timeline and Materials Needed.


GENERAL EXPLANATION Do you tweet and use Facebook or Twitter? Do you understand what SEO means and what Reach or Interaction refers to? Do you know what ADs are for? We are looking for a highly motivated individual with passion for community participation leadership. You will make sure every member of AIESEC in Colombia is aware of what are the latest news of the organization. Also, to make sure Lider Global is a complete success in internal matters.

RESPONSIBILITIES •  Participate in creating the online community plan. •  Manage, maintain, and ensure the success of our Social Media. •  Respond to crises in a timely and professional manner. •  Manage Analytic Tools to measure our online success. •  Respond to the Social Media interactions. •  Stay up to date on new social media tools and how other organizations are using them.

SKILLS Multitasking. Excelent spelling and writing. Basic Designing skills. Creativity. Customer oriented.

KPIs # Of meetings with NST team # Of publications % Of engagement # of members going on exchange # of returnees


MAIN FUNCTIONS 1.  Education to the network to strengthen Profesional Global and Lider Global implementation (OGCDP+TM). 2.  Improvement conversion rate for OGCDP, OGIP and TM. 3.  Support national challenges requirements. 4.  Generate Co-construction spaces for the BXP Network. 5.  Ensure implementation of National Strategies at local level.


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  How would you make sure the network is aware of all the national information? Please specify channels, target and timelines 2.  What online strategy would you implement to increase the number of Lider Global experiences? 3.  What other strategy (besides online channels) would you implement to increase the number of Lider Global experiences? Ex. National events, Regional events, meetings, etc.

__________________________________________________________________ 2 spots available

GENERAL EXPLANATION Learn something that only 0.01% of the world gets to experience at the age of 20something. A National experience, a wide horizon of perspectives to learn from, and you will work with most passionate in the network. Gain real marketing and communications experience. How many people can say they've coach local responsibles to achieve their goals and contributed to a mission bigger than themselves?

KPIs # Of meetings with NST team # Of meetings with LCVPs # of entities successfully implementing national strategies # of education sessions provided to network

1 spot available

1 spot available

RESPONSIBILITIES •  VPM and Summits support •  Document all the GCPs from the network •  Knowledge management of projects or strategies at local level •  Track the implementation process of national strategies •  Bi-Weekly meetings with NST team •  Weekly meetings with the LCVPs of the tier •  Generate educational content and tools

SKILLS Operations or Marketing previous experience Average of 8 hours per week for the NST work Attendance to every meeting Multitasking People oriented

Team Leader, LCVP or LCP experience.

__________________________________________________________________ 2 spots available

1 spot available

1 spot available

MAIN FUNCTIONS 1.  Education to the network to strengthen Profesional Global and Lider Global implementation (OGCDP+TM). 2.  Improvement conversion rate for OGCDP, OGIP and TM 3.  Support national challenges requirements 4.  Generate Co-construction spaces for the BXP Network 5.  Ensure implementation of National Strategies at local level


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  Which is the main gap today in this tier for OGCDP, OGIP and TM? 2.  How do you ensure a fast learning curve in the entities (MKT&COMM knowledge, team management, operations proccess, etc)? Please include: timeline, content, target and objectives.


1 spot available for each zone

GENERAL EXPLANATION The National Public Relations Team manages the external relations and positioning activities of AIESEC in Colombia. As a team with the MCVP PR, they structure the events agenda and applications for prizes, manage the alliances for Global Entrepreneurs and provide LEADs to boost GIP program. According to their two focuses for GIP, they support Global Entrepreneurs program contacting umbrella organizations and entrepreneurship events, and iGIP by generating LEADs for BD and CoSales Strategy.

KPIs # Event assistance as delegate # Event assistance with AIESEC Stand # Prize applications # Alliances with umbrella organizations # LEADs given to BD and IGIP


Assistance of virtual weekly meetings Assistance to NST Summit Assistance to Learning Cycle for NSTs Monthly report to MCVP Manage PR per Zone

REQUIREMENTS - Have at least 10 hour to NPRT work. - Knowledge in External Relations Policies of AIESEC in Colombia. - Knowledge in AIESEC Way. - Knowledge in ELD Model. -  PODIO and GDoc management. §  §  §  §

For ZoC the person has to live in Medellín. For ZoN the person has to live in Barranquilla. For ZoS the person has to live in Cali. For ZoE the person has to live in Bogotá.


1 spot available for each zone

MAIN FUNCTIONS 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.

Assistance to events representing AIESEC in Colombia to get new contacts of stakeholders Reporting after events assistance Develop LEADs for BD or IGIP at local level Track LEADs until contract signature or closing of accounts Lead the OC team for prize applications Ensure the effective application and follow up for prizes Manage and ensure participation of AIESEC in Colombia in regional events with Stands


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  Define the top 5 events in your Zone where AIESEC has to attend. Mention: Date, Place, ELD Program that attack, cost, event objectives, and AIESEC assistance objectives. (Have in mind 3 events as delegate and 2 with stand presence) 2.  Define 2 main/top prizes that AIESEC in Colombia should apply. Mention: Dates, Requirements, Benefits and Process to apply. 3.  Make a 2 minutes video with: - Personal presentations - Why do you like PR? - What are the 2 principal things that National PR Team should do in 2015-2016


GENERAL EXPLANATION The IT support manager is responsible for upgrading and maintaining all the platforms utilized by AIESEC in Colombia to run operations. Also is responsible for solving user issues related to these platforms.

KPIs # Issues on EXPA solved # Issues on Start solved # Processes documented # Upgrades/updates developed and documented

MoS Over 90% issues solved within 48 hours

RESPONSIBILITIES •  Fill out the tracking tools with the activities and services. •  Attend to the NST Meetings. •  Attend to the NST Summits and conferences. •  Create a KM report at the end of the term with the most relevant activities and process done. •  Support the transition process at the end of the term.

REQUIREMENTS - 10 - 15 Hours available per week - php, javascript, html (preferred) - database management (preferred) - Web server management (preferred) - Start and EXPA management (preferred).

LCVP IM or LC IM Manager Experience


MAIN FUNCTIONS 1.  Solve user issues on Start and EXPA within 48 hours 2.  Create user booklets and tutorials related to the platform usage 3.  Update and upgrade the back-end of Start and other platforms used by Aiesec in Colombia 4.  Document the current IT infrastructure.


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  How do you think we can improve our support system to solve the problems that our members have to deal with every time they use EXPA and Start? 2.  What are the main problems that you see in the the current IT infrastructure of AIESEC Colombia? How do you think we should fix them by the end of the year? 3.  How do you think we could be more preventive at solving user issues instead of our firefighting approach?


2 spots available


GENERAL EXPLANATION AIESEC in Colombia is looking to upgrade and improve its own information management systems. The IM Project Manager will be responsible of leading one of the projects related to virtual education, platforms upgrade and systems review to improve our national infrastructure.

•  Fill out the tracking tools with the activities and services. •  Attend to the NST Meetings. •  Attend to the NST Summits and conferences. •  Create a KM report at the end of the term with the most relevant activities and process done. •  Support the transition process at the end of the term.

KPIs # Platforms reviewed # Usage booklets created # User Visits on the Platform # Views # Updates/Upgrades platform # entities using the platform


10-15 hours per week available for the project -  Html and web development (preferred) -  Back-end management. -  Podio management

MoS 100% Project execution 90+% Entities using the platforms

LCVP IM or IM Manager Experience


2 spots available

MAIN FUNCTIONS 1.  2.  3.  4.

According the project, search for different platforms to improve our processes. Set up and configure the platform Create manuals and booklets for the platform users. Support the implementation of the platform in the local entities


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  Which one of the projects are you interested in? Why? (Projects are: virtual education +resource hub, platforms upgrade and systems review) 2.  What are the main information management bottlenecks of Aiesec in Colombia that are stopping us from achieving our exchange and membership goals? How do you think we can break them through Information Systems? 3.  Evaluate the current state of the following platforms and suggest one improvement for each one: a) Podio b) Start c) Websites (national and local) d) Virtual Education platforms (if you know any)


GENERAL EXPLANATION The TMC will be in charge of developing NTMT members and implementing TM national projects, in synergy with MCVP TM. The TMC will work with the MCVP TM on NTMT education in order to build a strong synergy and TM culture. In terms of TM national projects will be in charge of a successful tracking.

KPIs # Of meetings with NST team # of 020 meetings with NTMT # of working innovation spaces # of education sessions provided to NTMT # of working tools # news for TM network

MoS # of entities implementing national projects. # of NTMT members executing their plan. % TM satisfaction survey.

RESPONSIBILITIES •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

VPM and Summits support Document all the GCPs developed by the NTMT Knowledge management of projects Track NTMT members execution Definition of short term tasks and responsibilities for project team Weekly meetings with NST team Reporting and meetings with MCVP TM Generate educational content and tools Support LCVPs

REQUIREMENTS - TM previous experience. - Average of 12 hours per week for the NST work. - Attendance to every meeting.

-TLP or LCVP Focus: -Operations synergy -TM general experience


MAIN FUNCTIONS 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.

Education of the network and prepare it to strengthen the NTMT LEAD for NTMT definition NTMT projects tracking Support improvement of TM growth model implementation Support network (NTMT and LCVPs)


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  Evaluate current state of NTMT. Which will be your 3 focuses of improvement? Please describe: WHY needs to be our focus during 2015.2, HOW we can improve it and WHAT is the expected result 2.  Make a gantt with your activities for the next Q 3.  How we can ensure that every project successfully happens?


GENERAL EXPLANATION The VDM will be in charge of developing and implementing LDM and LEAD national projects, in synergy with operations development manager. The VDM will work with the MCVP TM and NST Chair on LDM Project in order to build a clear strategy of implementation of this in operations. In terms of LEAD Project will be in charge of a successful LEAD implementation in AIESEC in Colombia, tracking this process and developing national framework for NSTs and EBs.

KPIs # Of meetings with NST team # entities implementing properly new pilots # of education sessions provided to network # of LDM/LEAD implementation tools # of LDM/LEAD implementation content

MoS # of entities successfully piloting LDM strategies # of entities successfully piloting LEAD strategies % LEAD satisfaction survey national average

RESPONSIBILITIES •  VPM and Summits support •  Document all the GCPs developed by the NST corner. •  Knowledge management of projects •  Track the process of implementing •  Definition of short term tasks and responsibilities for project team •  Weekly meetings with NST team •  Reporting and meetings with NST Chair •  Generate educational content and tools •  Track the satisfaction surveys of the national trainings focused in LEAD Project.

REQUIREMENTS -TM previous experience -Average of 8 hours per week for the NST work -Attendance to every meeting


MAIN FUNCTIONS 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9.

Education of the network and prepare it to strengthen the LDM implementation. LDM in operations strategy definition LDM assessment implementation Improvement and implementation of LEAD program. Support external partners strategy LEAD implementation tracking Implementation of LEAD for NSTs and Ebs Align the national LEAD strategy with the Global Strategy Implementation support LEAD for MMs, EPs and Trainees


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  Evaluate current state of national LEAD program implementation. Which will be your 3 focuses of improvement? Please describe: WHY needs to be our focus during 2015.2, HOW we can improve it and WHAT is the expected result 2.  Create an external partnership strategy focus on LEAD development in LCs. Include activities and roles that LCVP TM needs to have. 3.  How we can ensure that LDM is include in every experience flow. Pick and X area to make an example




The PM will be in charge of developing and implementing Team Minimums and Induction national projects, in synergy with Operations development manager and CSI TM The PM will work with the MCVP TM and NST Chair on Team Minimums Project in order to improve the implementation and get it to next level. In terms of Induction Project will be in charge of a successful Practical Induction implementation in AIESEC in Colombia, tracking this process and supporting local implementation

•  VPM and Summits support •  Document all the GCPs developed by the NST corner. •  Knowledge management of projects •  Track the process of implementing •  Definition of short term tasks and responsibilities for project team •  Weekly meetings with NST team •  Reporting and meetings with NST Chair •  Generate educational content and tools

KPIs # Of meetings with NST team # entities implementing properly new pilots # of entities piloting induction # of education sessions provided to network # of Induction implementation tools # of Induction/Team minimums content outputs # news for TM network

MoS # of entities successfully implementing induction framework % of national average productivity 1:1 in new members # of entities successfully implementing Team Minimums % Team minimums survey national average


MAIN FUNCTIONS 1.  Education of the network and prepare it to strengthen the Team minimums and Induction framework implementation 2.  Practical induction strategy definition and implementation plan 3.  Practical Induction assessment and tracking 4.  GCPs identification and implementation 5.  Support local implementation 6.  Productivity evaluation framework rebuilding 7.  Productivity evaluation at local level support 8.  Productivity evaluation at national level


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  Evaluate current state of national LEAD program implementation. Which will be your 3 focuses of improvement? Please describe: WHY needs to be our focus during 2015.2, HOW we can improve it and WHAT is the expected result 2.  Create an external partnership strategy focus on LEAD development in LCs. Include activities and roles that LCVP TM needs to have. 3.  How we can ensure that LDM is include in every experience flow. Pick and X area to make an example



GENERAL EXPLANATION The LGM will be in charge of developing and implementing "Go&Back" and Returnees national projects, in synergy with MKT & oGCDP NST The LGM will work with the MCVP TM and NST Chair on "Go&Back" Project in order to ensure that members take product packaging GCDP. In terms of Returnees Project will be in charge of a successful EP induction implementation at local level in AIESEC in Colombia, tracking this process and developing national framework



# Of meetings with NST team # of entities implementing Go&Back # of entities implementing Returnees program # of LG implementation tools # of LG content outputs

# of entities successfully implementing LG new strategies for membership % of national average members going on exchange

•  VPM and Summits support •  Document all the GCPs developed by the NST corner. •  Knowledge management of projects •  Track the process of implementing •  Definition of short term tasks and responsibilities for project team •  Weekly meetings with NST team •  Reporting and meetings with NST Chair •  Generate educational content and tools

REQUIREMENTS TM or OP previous experience Average of 8 hours per week for the NST work Attendance to every meeting


MAIN FUNCTIONS 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.

Education of the network and prepare it to strengthen the Lider Global implementation. Go&Back strategy definition Returnees framework implementation Improvement conversion rate oGCDP-TM Support national challenges requirements Selling strategy definition Synergy LEAD implementation


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  Evaluate current state of national rate of members going on exchange. Which will be your 3 focuses of improvement? Please describe: WHY needs to be our focus during 2015.2, HOW we can improve it and WHAT is the expected result 2.  Build how you imagine will be Go&Back strategy implementing at local level. Include activities and powerfull messages for promotion 3.  How we can ensure that every returnee integrate to our LCs?

__________________________________________________________________ Â

GENERAL EXPLANATION The SUS will be in charge of developing and implementing KM strategy and Start Ups national project including support nomads project, in synergy with OD directors The SUS will work with the MCVP TM, OD directora and NST Chair on Start Ups Project in order to build a clear strategy of TM processes implementation and KM strategy for the network.

KPIs # Of meetings with NST team # entities implementing properly induction process # of entities successfully piloting nomads # of education sessions provided to network # of KM tools # of KM/Start up support content outputs

RESPONSIBILITIES -VPM and Summits support -Document all the GCPs developed by the NST corner. -Knowledge management of projects -Track the process of implementing -Definition of short term tasks and responsibilities for project team -Weekly meetings with NST team -Reporting and meetings with NST Chair -Reporting and meetings with OD directors -Generate educational content and tools

MoS # of entities successfully implementing KM framework # of Start up entities successfully implementing TM processes % satisfaction survey Start Ups support


MAIN FUNCTIONS 1.  2.  3.  4.

Education of the network and prepare it to strengthen Start ups entities KM formats and strategy definition TM processes implementation Nomads strategy support

REQUIREMENTS -TM or OP previous experience -Average of 8 hours per week for the NST work -Attendance to every meeting

EXPERIENCE TLP or LCVP -Operations synergy -Coaching


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  Evaluate current state of national Start ups support. Which will be your 3 focuses of improvement? Please describe: WHY needs to be our focus during 2015.2, HOW we can improve it and WHAT is the expected result 2.  Create a communication and education framework for each state in start ups according to the OD model 3.  How we can ensure that KM of processes stay in the LC? (Revolutionary ideas)

__________________________________________________________________ Â



The ODM will be in charge of developing and implementing Recruitment and Members flow national projects, in synergy with OD directors The ODM will work with the MCVP TM and NST Chair on Recruitment revolution in order to boost our results and innovate in our volunteer process. In terms of Members flow project will be in charge of a successful tracking process implementation in AIESEC in Colombia, and supporting Local Education improvement.

-VPM and Summits support -Document all the GCPs developed by the NST corner. -Knowledge management of projects -Track the process of implementing -Definition of short term tasks and responsibilities for project team -Weekly meetings with NST team -Reporting and meetings with NST Chair -Generate educational content and tools

KPIs # Of meetings with NST team # entities implementing properly new pilots for recruitment process % retention rate of oldies % retention rate of newbies # of education sessions provided to network # of tracking implementation tools

MoS # of entities successfully implementing recruitment guidance % of national average retention rate % satisfaction survey national average of education at local level


MAIN FUNCTIONS 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.

Education of the network and prepare it to strengthen the Recruitment process Members flow framework rebuilding Tracking implementation at local level Improvement of local education definition in entities Support external partners strategy for recruitments and education



-TM or OP previous experience -Average of 8 hours per week for the NST work -Attendance to every meeting

TLP or LCVP -Operations synergy -Coaching


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  Evaluate current state of national recruitment implementation. Which will be your 3 focuses of improvement? Please describe: WHY needs to be our focus during 2015.2, HOW we can improve it and WHAT is the expected result 2.  Create an strategy that will ensure that retention rate in oldies increase 3.  What do you think are the main reasons people does not stay in AIESEC. Propose 3 solutions for each touchpoint


GENERAL EXPLANATION The National Training team will be in charge of developing training and facilitation skills among our membership, also keeping track of the virtual education cycle and being a reference in terms of effective communication and meeting facilitation.

KPIs ·Number of virtual courses created / delivered ·Number of trainings delivered ·Number of sessions from the Virtual Education Cycle delivered ·% of sessions with an NTT-Member Support ·Average # of Attendees to NTT-Delivered sessions ·% of Satisfaction survey

RESPONSIBILITIES •  Reporting •  Direct Communication with the OD Director responsible for the project.

REQUIREMENTS - TM previous experience. - Average of 12 hours per week for the NST work. - Attendance to every meeting.

MoS Responsible for the NEC calendar implementation.


MAIN FUNCTIONS 1.  Facilitating in specific national and regional Conferences (to be defined). 2.  Create training spaces for Facilitators in soft skills development. 3.  Create training spaces for National Support Team members in effective. communication and virtual team management. 4.  Propose and track the Virtual Education cycle. 5.  Lead the NTTeam.


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  What is the better form to make a session about AIESEC way to newbies? 2.  Imagine that NTT have a space in NPM for train to new EBs in facilitation skills, what do you need in materials and content for make this session? 3.  If AIESEC in Colombia will build a "Learning center" where the membership will can search differents things for develop everything about leadership, what content do you think should be in this platform?


1 spot available

GENERAL EXPLANATION The National Training team will be in charge of developing training and facilitation skills among our membership, also keeping track of the virtual education cycle and being a reference in terms of effective communication and meeting facilitation.

KPIs ·Number of virtual courses created / delivered ·Number of trainings delivered ·Number of sessions from the Virtual Education Cycle delivered ·% of sessions with an NTT-Member Support ·Average # of Attendees to NTT-Delivered sessions ·% of Satisfaction survey -OTS Delivery

1 spot available 1 spot available 1 spot available

RESPONSIBILITIES Support in creation of content for the NEC.

REQUIREMENTS Facilitation skills in other spaces, Training skills, Time management, team management & meeting management. *In Application should be talk about the experience and main facilitation references like events. NST Days (24-25) Be NATCO delegate.

MoS Develop 70% content of Learning center. NEC calendar delivery & creation. (Phisycal Virtual)


1 spot available

1 spot available 1 spot available 1 spot available

MAIN FUNCTIONS 1.  Facilitating in specific national and regional Conferences (to be defined) 2.  Create training spaces for Facilitators in soft skills development 3.  Create training spaces for National Support Team members in effective communication and virtual team management 4.  Propose and track the Virtual Education cycle


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  What is the better form to make a session about AIESEC way to newbies? 2.  Imagine that NTT have a space in NPM for train to new EBs in facilitation skills, what do you need in materials and content for make this session? 3.  If AIESEC in Colombia will build a "Learning center" where the membership will can search differents things for develop everything about leadership, what content do you think should be in this platform?

__________________________________________________________________ Â



The Manager of communications for AIESEC in Colombia is in charge to support the endomarketing strategy and make the ripple of AIESEC in colombia culture among the network.

AIESEC knowledge :

RESPONSIBILITIES -Attend weekly team meetings -Resource creation -Work in synergy with marketing -Make virtual webinars -Attend several conferences -Keep constant communication

KPIs #newsletters #of views #activities developed

AIESEC Way Brand Management Communication and information management Politics PODIO, Mail Chaimp, Campaign Monitor General knowledge : Good Spelling Good english level Microsoft Office: (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) Market Research skills Designing Skills: Photoshop, Ilustrator Team working DETAIL ORIENTED


MAIN FUNCTIONS 1.  2.  3.  4.

Manage AIESEC in Colombia newsletters Manage periodicity Calendar Support the creation of standardization and protocol systems Make data report


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  Write 3 examples of companies that have good internal communication and connect Organizational Culture through it. 2.  Write a SWOT of AIESEC in Colombia Internal Communications 3.  Using your own market research, please give an overview of what strategies you think should be used for managing AIESEC in Colombia internal communications . In this analysis, please include a timeline for 6 months starting from last week of June, concrete goals, and outcomes according to our current reality .

__________________________________________________________________ Â

GENERAL EXPLANATION [The Expansion chair] is in charge of supporting the expansion strategy in order to open new entities in AIESEC in Colombia. The expansion chair will be in charge of a "Nomads" sales team, which is going to be the team for delivering operational services visiting new entities in order to consolidate them.

RESPONSIBILITIES -Attend weekly team meetings -Report weekly to OD director -Resource creation -LC visits to facilitate sales and training -Work in synergy with finances and marketing -Make virtual webinars for education and tracking -Attend several conferences -Ensure aliances with new entities -Keep constant communication with stakeholders

KPIs #strategic aliances #meetings attended #activities developed

#of entities in Observatory Group stage


REQUIREMENTS LCP TM-FM-NST AIESEC knowledge : AIESEC Way AIESEC 2015 National Compendium Expansion Model AIESEC subsystems and OD model PODIO General knowledge : Good english level Microsoft Office: (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) Market Research skills Basic Designing Skills Sales Skills Team management skills Project management Solutions Oriented

__________________________________________________________________ MAIN FUNCTIONS Wave # 1 : -Support expansion model Re-Structure: Stay aware of: Current expansion model , Market Research Format to be an Observatory group and Expansion Politics of National Compendium, check the files here: http://bit.ly/Expansiondocs -Support LC Goodfather strategy -Support Market Research for new entities -Support Communication plan for new entities -Support Expansion Framework development Wave # 2: - Coordinate the sales plan to open new entities - Manage & Track the "Nomads Sales Team" for opening new entities - Make follow up of the "Expansion Framework" execution

______________________________________________________________________ SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  Why do you think Expansion is important for AIESEC in Colombia 2. Within the Expansion strategy for AIESEC in Colombia is planned to have Start UPs in Tunja, Villavicencio, Rihohacha, Barrancabermeja and Chocó. Which entities will you prioritize to open Start Ups and why ? 3. Using your own market research, please give an overview of what strategies you think should be used for openning new start ups. In this analysis, please include a timeline for 6 months starting from last week of June, concrete goals, and outcomes according to our current reality.


GENERAL EXPLANATION This NST will be co-responsible of one of the National Partnerships: ITOS. This National Manager will be in charge of the promotion at national and local level, positioning, management of national recruitment for ITOS.

MAIN FUNCTIONS •  •  •  •  •

Attend one meeting per week with the BD Manager in order to track and innovate in the strategies of the week. Manage the relationship with ITOS. Attend to all the ITOS Events with AIESEC. Co-Create the ITOS positioning plan for ITOS with AIESEC. Receive training about how to manage ITOS relationships.

RESPONSIBILITIES Direct communication with BD Manager Send reports every week on the evolution of the platform Management of ITOS recruitment with AIESEC


Time Management Project Management Conflict Management


KPIs # of profiles checked # of promotion activities # of spots taken

MoS -High amount of profiles sent to ITOS recruitment -A large amount of interactions with the LCs and promotion


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  Create a recruitment plan that`s no longer than three months defining activities, promotion strategies and timeline of execution. 2.  Define three strategies that contribute directly to this alliance growth. Please take into account that ITOS is buying the most important subproducts of the national portfolio. 3.  Create a R&R plan for the entities participating in the search of the right profiles for ITOS.

__________________________________________________________________ Â

GENERAL EXPLANATION The National Manager TalentoJoven.co platform will be in charge of the promotion, positioning, management of the new national talent platform. Positioning and showcasing it with the membership in its first months, managing the CV and profile construction process are some of its activities. Its focus would be the positioning of the platform within the network as a benefit of being part of AIESEC in Colombia and as a recruiting solution for exclusive talent for companies..

MAIN FUNCTIONS 1. Platform promotion: Coordinate the promotion plan with BD. Launch the platform at Youth Speak in NatCo. Continuously promote the platform and its achievements. Promote available spots aiming to reach as much applicants as possible. 3. Manage the platform: Continuously check the system and the uploaded profiles Educate the users on how to seek for opportunities

2. Profile creation process: Lead the promotion for a massive profile creation process. Check the profiles for them to match with the platform requirements. Standardize the content of the profiles to facilitate searching for partners. Â

TLP or VP Experience (Preferred)


KPIs # of profiles created # of profiles checked # of promotion activities # of spots taken

MoS -High amount of profiles created -A large amount of interactions with the platform and promotion

RESPONSIBILITIES - Direct communication with BD Manager - Send reports every week on the evolution of the platform - Management of TalentoJoven.co platform


IT knowledge Time Management

______________________________________________________________________ SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  Check the platform (www.talentojoven.co) and define a promotion plan for its first 3 months specifying activities and measurables. 2.  Mention three strategies to make nationally known talentojoven.co externally and internally. 3.  Make a promotional plan of talento joven with clear activities, responsable and timeline using de gantt chart


8 spots available

GENERAL EXPLANATION The NCST is in charge of create and executing the national co-sales strategy with the BD managers.



1. Number of sells 2. Number of educational cycles done


RESPONSIBILITIES •  Coordinate, track and execute operations focus in Co-sales strategies and regional sells.

REQUIREMENTS 1. Have experience on sells 2. Have at least six month AIESEC experience 3. Public speaking skills 4. Lidership profile

MAIN FUNCTIONS 1.  Create strategies to promote the portafolio in different industries and areas, accourding to the segment of the market 2.  Execute independing sells taking into account the montly goals stablish by BD. 3.  Report weekly the performance of that each BD Manager that the NST belongs 4.  Manage and track Co-sales accouring to the region in charge Experience in sells in AIESEC or outside the organization (Preferred)


8 spots available

SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  Record a video selling an object (duration: 3 minutes): •  Presentation and object selection (30 seconds): Please tell us your name, current charge in AIESEC. During the video, enter to the next website http://bit.ly/1QmkqQz and click on "Give me a list of random objects", and show to the camera the first object that appears on the screen. Selling the object (2:40 minutes): Sell the first object of the list in the most creative way. 2.  Describe 3 success sales of your previous experiences and tell us the key of success that you implemented. 3.  Which are the main obstacles that your customers present when you are selling AIESEC Products? how would you handle it? 4.  Describe the educational, motivational and tracking plan to boost the co-sales strategy in your zone.

__________________________________________________________________ Â



The CSI Chair is expected to lead the CSI team. The Chair will be responsible to coordinate the whole Customer Experience Management Strategy for AIESEC in Colombia, to clarify and solve 100% of all open cases , be clear in the communication between customers and AIESEC entities. Also to be available 24/7 for anything regarding customer’s safety. The CSI is required to drive the implementation of the national Customer Experience Management Strategy at local level too.

1. Lead the CSI Team 2. Direct Communication with ICB 3. Communication with other MCs 4. Lead Fire-preventing campaign 5. Lead Fire-fighting Strategy 6. Promoters & Detractors Strategy 7. Ensure the 16 Minimums & Team Minimums Implementation

SKILLS Excellent English Emotional Intelligence Solutions-Orientation Fast Responding Decision Making Team Management Will of Service


KPIs # Cases Open/Cases Closed # Promoters # Response Rate CEM Culture Implementation % NPS Implementation at local level Minimums Score



SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1. What drives you to lead the CSI Team? How will this contribute to your Career Plan? 2. Create a Culture Shaping plan to implement a Customer-centric Culture in @Colombia 3. Describe how will you lead the CSI Team in order to keep them empowered, fulfilling goals while you keep developing them.

__________________________________________________________________ Â 1 spot available 1 spot available

GENERAL EXPLANATION The CSI is expected to provide solutions to every single case opened in AIESEC in Colombia. Their main task is to clarify and solve any EP/TN Taker/Member Inquiry as soon as possible. The CSI Team should educate the LCs on how to solve these cases in the first and second level before taking them to the third one, which is the MC and the CSI and prevent the cases to upscale to the ICB at all costs.

KPIs # Cases Open/Cases Closed # Promoters # Response Rate CEM Culture Implementation % NPS Implementation at local level Minimums Score

1 spot available

1 spot available

1 spot available

RESPONSIBILITIES CSI is a specialized unit working together with MCVP Operations in order to provide solutions to our different stakeholders before, during and after their GCDP/GIP/TXP Experience while Building up new alternatives to improve our Customer Experience Management. There are 5 Positions Available (IGCDP, OGCDP, IGIP, OGIP & TM)

SKILLS Excellent English Emotional Intelligence Solutions-Orientation Fast Responding Decision Making Team Management Will of Service

__________________________________________________________________ Â 1 spot available

1 spot available

1 spot available

1 spot available

1 spot available

MAIN FUNCTIONS 1. Lead the LCs to High Quality Standards 2. Communication with other MCs 3. Implement Fire-preventing campaign 4. Implement Fire-fighting Strategy 5. Run Promoters & Detractors Strategy 6. Ensure the 16 Minimums & Team Minimums Implementation

________________________________________________________________________ Â

SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE *Answer your Questions according to the functional area you are applying for (IGCDP/OGCDP/IGIP/ OGIP/TM) 1. What drives you to apply to the CSI Team? How this contributes to your Career plan? 2. State the 3 main reasons why your program is having Detractors and provide solutions for the three of them 3. Create an Educational plan for Local entities to improve our Customers Experience Management

__________________________________________________________________ Â

3 spots available



This NST will be responsible of the National Projects for OGCDP, like the cooperations with some entities, logistics and education in this projects in order to deliver in the most effective way.

1. Create a timeline with the MCVP for these Projects 2. The NST will be responsible for the logistics of these projects: Tools for EPs Applications and Matching 3. National education for VPs for this projects. 4. The NST will be the delivery ceeder by the end of the year 5. Downscaling Communicating partnership to the local level

KPIs #of realizations per partnership #of LCs growing with the partnerships #of Matching per partnership #of realizations in IXP per partnership #of applicant per the National Projects

The NST is responsible for the delivery of a big part of the OGCDP National Project strategy to improve the network’s capacity. It is expected high involvement with the job and a great sense of responsibility, urgency and a 'no excuses' profile. The candidate must be very pro-active with the network and able to work virtually.


3 spots available

MAIN FUNCTIONS 1.  Partnership delivery 2.  Goals and expectations setting with the country partners 3.  Create a channel communications and Tools for the National projects 4.  Goals and expectations execution 5.  Constant communication and updates with the country partners

SKILLS 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.

Sales principles understanding oGCDP flow understanding oGCDP Programs and subprograms XPP knowledge Network reality knowledge IXP Strategy synergy with TM responsible Logistics Tools like Excel, Podio knowledge



SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  Why are you applying for National Projects Team of AIESEC in Colombia? What is going to be your main contribution to the network and what is going to be your main contribution to the team? 2.  How can you ensure at least 500 EPs suscribe for product packaging initiative? what is your focus? 3.  How will you ensure a proper codelivery for those 500 EPs ?


2 spots available

GENERAL EXPLANATION This NST will be co-responsible of the National education and coaching for our local entities and establishing new Strategies adding more development to our national platform in order to reach more youth students in Colombia.

RESPONSIBILITIES 1.  To develop the Lider Global programme through a clusterized management. 2.  To coach all the LCVPs of your Tier at least twice a month and to manage, engage and track the LC Tracker NS Team in its JD. 3.  To closely track LCs/expansion performance and help them to adapt national strategies to its local reality. 4.  To create, together with the MCVP, NSTeam and your LC Trackers team the strategies needed for all Tiers and implement them. 5.  To work together with all the others NSTs and team members in directing the network as a whole, in order to help implement culture-shaping strategies, joining network campaigns and other jobs. 6.  To write a formal report of every coachee and the status the Tiers once a month. To engage the network in growth analysis, productivity analysis and BI analysis once a month. 7.  To engage team in the MCVP and NSTeam operational planning, internal communication tools and communication with OD Directors, MCVP OD and MCVP OP. 8.  To be able to represent the MC through operational visits. 9.  There are 2 Team Member Positions available.


MAIN FUNCTIONS 1.  Cascading the educational cycle to the local level 2.  Tracking the implementation of the national strategies 3.  Implementation of the educational cycle 4.  Troubleshooting with the LCVPs 5.  Pushing for the national goals achievement 6.  Facilitating the national projects implementation on the local level VP OGCDP, NST OGX Experience

SKILLS 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.

2 spots available

Sales principles understanding GCDPo flow understanding GCDPo Programs and subprograms XPP knowledge Network reality knowledge

KPIs 1.  Number of realizations per partnership 2.  Number of LCs growing with the partnerships 3.  Efficiency ratio 4.  Assertive ratio in planning


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  Why are you applying for oGCDP NST 2015.2 of AIESEC in Colombia? What is going to be your main contribution to the network and what is going to be your main contribution to the team? (1 page max.) 2.  What would be your key priority to aim a higher implementation of operational strategies while coaching a LCVP? How would you make sure he has learned the strategy’s “why and how”? 3.  Make a general analysis of the Tiers performance during the year 2014 and 2015-1. What are the key necessities of these Tiers for 2014 and 2015-1? How would you deliver them as NST?


2 spots available



This NST will be co-responsible of the National Co-operations for our biggest partners and establishing new partners adding more value to our product in order to deliver our supply in the most effective way.

1.  To open and maintain channels of communication with key countries, establishing cooperations and managing these cooperations in order to achieve Colombia's Matching goal. To help the MCVP in managing cooperations and codelivery strategies and tools. 2.  To implement and widespread national codelivery tools with country partners. 3.  Guarantee knowledge management and effective information flow for the LCs about Supply and Demand and Visa Issues. 4.  To implement strategies for the creation of the international relations and codelivery at the local level, working along with LC Trackers. To improve and develop the culture of specific TNs selling at the local level with key country partners. 5.  To strategically help the MCVP in thinking about possible international investments in CEEDs and to deliver them. 6.  To assure the realization of what is promised in terms of EPs going abroad through cooperations

KPIs 1.  Number of realizations per partnership 2.  Number of LCs growing with the partnerships 3.  Efficiency ratio 4.  Assertive ratio in planning

SKILLS 1.  2.  3.  4.

Be organized Supply and Demand understanding OGCDP flow understanding Visa Process and Issues

__________________________________________________________________ TLP IR, VP OGX or NST OGX experience

2 spots available

MAIN FUNCTIONS 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.

Establishing communication channel between the country partners Goals and expectations setting with the country partners Developing partnership delivery framework with partners Partnership delivery Partnership break down to the local level Goals and expectations execution Communicating partnership break down to the local level Constant communication and updates with the country partners


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  Why are you applying for OGCDP NST 2015.2 of AIESEC in Colombia? What is going to be your main contribution to the network and what is going to be your main contribution to the team? (1 page max.) 2.  Create a model strategy to either engage the network in matching tools and matching campaigns. (1 page max.) 3.  From 1 to 4, how would you rate Colombia’s national cooperations based on % growth results? What strategies can be delivered to increase codelivery between country partners?


GENERAL EXPLANATION The Entity Development Chair is responsible to ensure National Projects implementation at Local level through education in Project Management and fundraising strategies for the LCs while tracks and ensures the implementation of the National Strategies and Tasks according to Tiers state and national alignments, in order to raise more of the right projects on the right time for the right supply.

MAIN FUNCTIONS •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

To Launch National Project Application Package To downscale National Project Implementation Handbook To create a Online information center for National Project Implementation To review National Project applications among with MCVP F & MCVP iGCDP to select the LCs that will implement it To Coordinate National Project Summit for ED's Managers To ensure and track In Progress, Matching & Realization National Project goals at Local Level Tracking number of Calls and Fundraising Meetings at National level (PODIO) Track Fundraising strategies & Fundraising sub-products implementation Identify local practices of fundraising and analysis how it has been managed in order to offer inputs and tracking a fundraising process together with the LC responsible Deliver trainings for the network about: Fundraising, Market Segmentation, how to elaborate a sponsorship proposal and track all the fundraising initiatives through virtual chats Research local opportunities which can be capitalized locally and present those opportunities for VPs in order to guide their actions for Raising funds. To guide, train and encourage LCs to deliver National Project Deliver webinars and consultancy spaces for LCs in order to prepare them.


KPIs Monthly IP-MA-RE Goals accomplishment Guarantee the team minimums for the other EDs members Operations Tiers evolvement and entities Growth Efficiency rate # of trainings and coaching delivered # of national strategies successfully implemented in LCs

MoS # of LCs Applying for National Project # LCs Implementing National Project # of IP Opportunities # of National Project Matches # Webinars & Coaching spaces # O2Os Delivered # Attendees to Webinars & Chats #Visits Delivered Money Collected through Fundraising & National Sales


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  Create a SWOT of each region of AIESEC in Colombia in IGCDP, and create a strategy to improve the actual bottlenecks to achieve growth. 2.  What are the main challenges for the development of a regional collaboration Project in AIESEC in Colombia and why? 3.  What do you think are the three important steps to grow sustainable in IGCDP?


1 spot available

1 spot available

1 spot available

1 spot available

GENERAL EXPLANATION The Entity Development Director will be the final responsible to ensure its Region grow regarding our final MoS, while the entities improve its financial situation and Customers’ Satisfaction state.

MAIN FUNCTIONS •  •  •  •  •  •

Direct responsible for delivering trainings and follow up Entities development Virtual Chats and Individual Coaches for iGCDP Teams Agenda manager of OES, VPM or IGCDP Summits Operational Visits and intervention visits co-responsible with MCVP Development Tools to support in daily area activities: sales, follow up, reporting and Delivery. Team Management and Functional Coach


Fill out the tracking tools with the activities and services. Attend to the NST Meetings. Attend to the NST Summits and conferences. Create a KM report at the end of the term with the most relevant activities and process done. Support the transition process at the end of the term.


1 spot available

KPIs Speed up LCVPs-elected learning curve Entities and Regional Growth Entities Goals fulfillment Successful implementation of new and current strategies NPS Score LCs financial sustainability

1 spot available

1 spot available

1 spot available

MoS # Of meetings with LCs Coachees # Of Chats/Webinars/Trainings delivered # entities implementing properly National Strategies # of entities successfully visited # of education sessions provided to Expansion entities


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  Who are you? Why did you decided to stand for iGCDP Entity Development Director? 2.  Make a SWOT analysis of the current reality of the Region you are applying for, Don’t forget to take into Talent Capacity, Preselling, Selling, Matching & Delivery. 3.  Make a deep analysis of each one of the entities that are present in your Zone, take into account Goals fulfillment, NPS Score, Relative and Absolut Growth, Country Partners, National Contribution and productivity rate in order to identify its main needs and focus to grow like never before.


GENERAL EXPLANATION The iGCDP IR Manager is responsible to manage and track the National Cooperations with our partners and establishing new ones while Co-delivery strategies are set and implemented between both sides adding more value to our products in order to deliver our impact in the most effective way.

MAIN FUNCTIONS •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

To track and ensure Matching goals accomplishment at National Level To manage and Track iGCDP IR Sub team inside the National Support Team Management of Cy2Cy relations between Colombia and main/new potential Partners To co-create and execute National iGCDP Educational Cycle for MA Process Deliver Operational Visits focused on MA to support iGCDP’s Growth among entities Deliver Strategic Consultancy & Coaching Virtually for all entities regarding MA process To facilitate VPM, OES, NST Summits and IGCDP Summits Create Tools for matching tracking and process optimization Update and refresh The Answer is CO site as an strategic tool for Matching improvement Organize Matchingmanias to support matching initiatives To ensure all PODIO applicants are contacted Downscaling National Partnerships to local level, ensuring LC2LC constant communication Monitoring Co-delivery of experiences at Local level Reporting about progress in partnerships’ results Support CEEDers recruitment and track them as main match initiative with our biggest country partners




% of executed Realizations with country partners Matching rate and Matching time of Colombian GCDP Opportunities IP-MA Conversion rate # New partners % of Growth with main partners NPS Feedback from status Matched

# of Matches per Month and peak

Team Leaders ( Chair & Manager) or VP Experience English (Required)


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  What you think that are the main entities that Colombia should have International Cooperation and why? 2.  Make a SWOT for 3 of these entities? 3.  Create a table with these 3 entities, with the National products and goal for each entity.


2 spots available

GENERAL EXPLANATION The iGCDP IR Teamster is co-responsible to manage and track the National Cooperations with our partners and establishing new ones while Co-delivery strategies are set and implemented between both sides adding more value to our products in order to deliver our impact in the most effective way.

MAIN FUNCTIONS •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

To track and ensure Matching goals accomplishment with the partners that were assigned to you at National Level Management of the Country to Country relations of the partners and new potential ones that will be given to you Downscaling National Partnerships that you have assigned to local level, ensuring LC2LC constant communication Support Matchingmanias coordination and execution Ensure TN Search tool is constantly updated Interviews EP’s from the countries you will be responsible for , send the outputs for the oGCDP Monitoring Co-delivery of experiences from the partners you are responsible for Reporting about progress in you partnerships’ results Guarantee knowledge management and effective information flow for the LCs about Supply and Demand and Visa Issues Deliver webinars for the EPs from the countries and partners you are responsible for To co-create and execute National iGCDP Educational Cycle for MA Process Deliver Operational Visits focused on MA to support iGCDP’s Growth among entities


2 spots available



% of executed Realizations & Matches with country partners you are responsible for Matching rate and Matching time of Colombian GCDP Opportunities IP-MA Conversion rate # New partners NPS Feedback from status Matched

# of Matches per Month and peak

TLP Experience (Preferred) English (Required)


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  What do you think are the three important steps to lower a strategy to local entities and create a organizational culture of IR? 2.  Do you think is possible achieve more than 70 MA in 1 month, if yes, how you execute the strategy?, if not, why ? 3.  Sketch a delivery flow to ensure a better communication on the co-delivery with ou partners


GENERAL EXPLANATION The iGCDP S&S Manager is responsible to educate, manage and track the implementation of the Delivery products, Host and Buddies Program, and finally the creation of more added value to our Delivery process in order to guarantee our impact.

MAIN FUNCTIONS •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Refresh and Develop the new Host program and its strategies among 3 targets (Alumni, Externals and Members) Refreshment and Development of Buddies program and its strategies at National level Data base management and tracking for Host & Buddies programs applicants (PODIO) Feedback collection and analysis of Host & Buddies experiences Refresh, standardize IPS and ensure its implementation in all entities Redefine an strategic implementation for EP Lead & Micro XP in synergy with IXP Project Manager from TM To track and ensure NPS goal accomplishment on status Completed To co-create and execute National iGCDP Educational Cycle for Delivery Process Deliver Operational Visits focused on Delivery to support iGCDP’s sustainable Growth among entities Deliver webinars and consultancy spaces for LCs in order to prepare them for Winter Delivery To facilitate VPM, OES, NST Summits and IGCDP Summits Work in synergy with International Relations Team to set Co-delivery strategies, minimums implementation and added value for our Matching & Delivery processes




# of LCs implementing Host Program # of LCs implementing Buddies Program # Applicants for Buddies Program # Applicants for Host Program # LCs implementing National Delivery Products NPS Feedback from status Completed # Webinars & Coaching spaces

Global Families Program Development Buddies Program Development

VP Experience (Preferred) English (Required)


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  What are the main evaluations in terms of delivery in iGCDP? Please take into consideration the new Standards and Satsifaction, EXPA and the changes that are being currently implemented by the MC. 2.  Choose and explain 3 key focus for your term as S&S Manager. Please be specific on why is that a priority, how is it going to happen and what are the expected outcomes of the actions you set. 3.  How will you guarantee the implementation of Global Families and how will you promote the Brand externally?


GENERAL EXPLANATION The Entity Development (ED) Chair is the final responsible for the team that will Educate, Track & Coach VPs from entities Tiers 2, 3 and 4, and also the responsibles for Education, Tracking & Coaching TLPs from all tiers.

MAIN FUNCTIONS •  •  •  •  •

Guide and lead the team that will be responsible for educating the network, that including organizing education cycles, and organizing a learning center for the IGIP network; Responsible for Innovation & Implementation of processes in the IGIP area; Work directly with MCVP for applying national startegies; Guarantee that the whole ED team is working alligned; Guarantee that the ED Team is working alligned with the International Relations team and the S&S Manager.

RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Guarantee that all entitties are receiving adequate support, including monthly coaching; 2. Organize weekly meetings with the ED team, track and coach them; 3. Participation of National Conferences, organizing sessions and being faci, when necessary.




# delivery of learning center # improvement of the IGIP network process education

# of entities receiving coach # of new strategies implemented # usage of Expa from entities

Knowledge in: Team Management, Time Management, Presentation Skills, Coaching

LCVP and/or NST Experience (Preferred)


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  List 3 behaviors that the IGIP Network must have. Explain why they are important and list which strategies will help the MC to implement these behaviors in local level. 2.  List the general needs of the LCVPs and TLPs IGIP in the 2nd semester and how you'll support them. 3.  Make a calendar of Education and Support to the oGIP Network from July until December. You must consider functional and general timeline, and the deliverables of your NST subteam.


GENERAL EXPLANATION The Entity Development (ED) Team Member is the responsible for Educating, Tracking & Coaching VPs from entities Tiers 2 and 3.

MAIN FUNCTIONS 1.  Have monthly meetings with VPs from entities Tiers 2 and 3, to track and coach them; 2.  Guarantee participation of entities from Tiers 2 and 3 in all national strategies; 3.  Educate and provide essential information for the VPs.

LCVP Experience (Preferred)

RESPONSIBILITIES 1.  Report all information collected for ED Chair weekly; 2.  Guarantee that every VP from its responsible tier is receiving adequate support to perform.

Knowledge in: Coaching, Time Management




# entities improvement of results # of entities going from Tier 3 to 2, and from Tier 2 to 1.

# of coaches realized # of entities participating of national strategies.

________________________________________________________________________ < SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  How will you guarantee that all VPs are participating and implementing national strategies in their committees? 2.  Point 3 strategies that you will implement to make sure that LCs from Tiers 3 will grow to be entities Tiers 2. 3.  What do you think that are the 3 biggest difficulties for Entities Tier 2 to grow to Tier 1? How will you manage to overcome that and have more high performance committees?


GENERAL EXPLANATION The Entity Development (ED) Team Member is the responsible for Educating, Tracking & Coaching VPs from entities Tiers 3 and 4.

MAIN FUNCTIONS 1.  Have monthly meetings with VPs from entities Tiers 3 and 4, to track and coach them; 2.  Guarantee participation of entities from Tiers 3 and 4 in all national strategies; 3.  Educate and provide essential information for the VPs.

LCVP Experience (Preferred)

RESPONSIBILITIES 1.  Report all information collected for ED Chair weekly; 2.  Guarantee that every VP from its responsible tier is receiving adequate support to perform.

Knowledge in: Coaching, Time Management




# entities improvement of results # of entities going from Tier 4 to 3, and from Tier 3 to 2.

# of coaches realized # of entities participating of national strategies.

________________________________________________________________________ < SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  How will you guarantee that all VPs are participating and implementing national strategies in their committees? 2.  Point 3 strategies that you will implement to make sure that LCs from Tiers 3 will grow to be entities Tiers 2. 3.  How will manage the motivation of VPs from Tier 4, when usually they have not done more than 5 internships in the last years in their entities and usually they are in entities that are not IGIP focus. How will you guarantee their performance beside all that?


GENERAL EXPLANATION The Entity Development (ED) Team Member - TLP Education Sales is the responsible for Educating, Tracking & Coaching TLs of Sales from all tiers, and making sure that all sales strategies are being implemented.

MAIN FUNCTIONS 1.  Have monthly chats with TLs Sales from all entities to educate them; 2.  Guarantee implementation of national strategies with all the TLs; 3.  Have an excellent communication with NCST to implement Sales National Strategies and replicate trainings; 4.  Provide local entities with consultancy and support on issues regarding Sales strategies.

RESPONSIBILITIES 1.  Report all information collected for ED Chair weekly; 2.  Guarantee that every TL of Sales is receiving adequate support to perform.

LCVP Experience (Preferred) Knowledge in: Coaching, IGIP Sales Knowledge




# entities improvement of results # of opps opened directly from TLs

# of coachs realized # of entities participating of national strategies. # delivery of national chats with trainings # development of education material for national learning center

________________________________________________________________________ < SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  List 3 main bottlenecks of Sales in our Local Committees today and set strategies to solve them. 2.  Make a SWOT analysis of Sales Process in IGIP in Colombia today, of our Local Committees. 3.  How will you garantee that the TLs are receiving proper trainings and education to perform and have more relevance in their teams? Give ate least 2 strategies.

__________________________________________________________________ Â

GENERAL EXPLANATION The Entity Development (ED) Team Member - TLP Education Match is the responsible for Educating, Tracking & Coaching TLs of Match from all tiers, and making sure that all match strategies are being implemented.

MAIN FUNCTIONS 1. Have monthly chats with TLs Match from all entities to educate them and set monthly focus; 2. Guarantee implementation of national strategies with all the TLs; 3. Have an excellent communication with International Relations team and S&S Manager to allign Supply & Demand and visa and legalities information; 4. Provide local entities with consultancy and support on issues regarding Match strategies.

RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Report all information collected for ED Chair weekly; 2. Guarantee that every TL of Match is receiving adequate support to perform.

__________________________________________________________________ Â



# entities improvement of results # decrease of match breaks # usage of EXPA # match

# of coachs realized # of entities participating of national strategies. # delivery of national chats with trainings # development of education material for national learning center

Coaching, IGIP Match Knowledge LCVP Experience (Preferred)

________________________________________________________________________ Â

SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1. What is out main bottlenecks in the match process today? Set strategies to reduce matching time and make it more effective. 2. List 3 main bottlenecks of usage of EXPA in our Local Committees today and set strategies to solve them. How will you guarantee that we achieve #allonexpa? 3. How will you garantee that the TLs are receiving proper trainings and education to perform and have more relevance in their teams? Give ate least 2 strategies.

__________________________________________________________________ Â

GENERAL EXPLANATION The International Relations (IR) Chair will be responsible for leding the team who will open channels of communication with key countries, establishing cooperations, managing theses cooperations in order to achieve the Matching goal.

MAIN FUNCTIONS 1. Final Responsible for Update the ColombiaiGIP Search tool weekly; 2. Find suitable EPs for Colombian TNs in Key Country Partners (Brasil, Mexico, Russia, USA, Canada, Venezuela, Italia, Poland, Peru, Czech Republic, Argentina, India); 3. Make a link between OGIP and IGIP (VPs and NSTs); 4. Guarantee knowledge management and effective information flow for the LCs about Supply and Demand; 5. Innovation & improvement in communication with our country partners 6. Organizes Matching Days and guarantee that Colombian LCs are participating, 7. Collect searchtools from our country partners and make sure that our LCs are using it.

LCVP or NST Experience (Preferred)

English (excellent), Team Management, Presentation Skills




# improvement of international relations # usage of national searchtool # improvement of matching time with partners

# matchs # cooperation goals achieved # of updates in national searchtool

RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Attend cooperation meetings and send the tracking for MCVP iGIP; 2. Create reports for each Sub-product; 3. Guarantee that information is alligned with the Entity Development Team and the S&S Manager.


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  How will you guarantee that your team will work effectively and increase our match rate with our key partners? 2.  How will you guarantee that all of our opportunities are being weekly updated in our National Searchtool, keeping in mind that this is our most important way for our country partners to have information abour our opportunities. Set 3 strategies that will make sure that VPs and/or TLs are using and updating it in the proper way.


GENERAL EXPLANATION The International Relations (IR) Team Member - LatAm will be the final responsible of communications with our key partner countries from this region and improve our relations.

MAIN FUNCTIONS 1.  Find suitable EPs for Colombian TNs in Key Country Partners (Brasil, Mexico, Venezuela, Argentina, Peru); 2.  Innovation & improvement in communication with our country partners; 3.  Collect searchtools from our country partners and make sure that our LCs are using it.

RESPONSIBILITIES 1.  Create reports for each Subproduct and Key Country Partner; 2.  Organize and deliver Matching Days with our key country partners 3.  Make sure Colombian LCs are contactting interested EPs from our key country partners.




# improvement of international relations # improvement of matching time with partners

# matchs # cooperation goals achieved

TLP Experience (Preferred)

Good communication Skills Design Skills (preferred)


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  How will you improve our relationship with Brazil, keeping in mind that today they are our biggest partner and great percentage of our results come from Brasilombia cooperation? Set at least 2 innovation points for the partnership. 2.  How can we improve results from our country partners? Which of them do you see as our new future big key partner and why? 3.  Set 3 strategies that you will use with our key country partners to guarantee results and an effective communication.


GENERAL EXPLANATION The International Relations (IR) Team Member - World will be the final responsible of communications with our key partner countries from specific regions and improve our relations.

MAIN FUNCTIONS 1.  Find suitable EPs for Colombian TNs in Key Country Partners ( Russia, USA, Canada, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, India); 2.  Innovation & improvement in communication with our country partners; 3.  Collect searchtools from our country partners and make sure that our LCs are using it.

RESPONSIBILITIES 1.  Create reports for each Subproduct and Key Country Partner; 2.  Organize and deliver Matching Days with our key country partners 3.  Make sure Colombian LCs are contactting interested EPs from our key country partners.




# improvement of international relations # improvement of matching time with partners

# matchs # cooperation goals achieved

TLP Experience (Preferred)

Good communication Skills Design Skills (preferred)


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  What is our main supplier outside of LatAm? How will you guarantee that this partnership continues and grows? 2.  How can we improve results from our country partners? Which of them do you see as our new future big key partner and why? 3.  Set 3 strategies that you will use with our key country partners to guarantee results and an effective communication.

__________________________________________________________________ Â

GENERAL EXPLANATION The S&S Manager will be responsible for implementing delivery process for the local committees. Will work directly with the National Office for information regarding Visas & Legalities.

MAIN FUNCTIONS 1. Start implementing LEAD for trainees in the local committees; 2. Work with IGIP CSI to educate better the network and avoid quality cases; 3. Provide local entities with consultancy and support on issues 4. Entity education in terms of XPP, national quality regulation principles, NPS & Fire-fighting 5. Responsible for the implementation of a customer-centric culture of AIESEC in Colombia by coaching local entities towards quality management and implementation of the global minimum standards

RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Guarantee that all committees are with visa procedures organized, and all legalities are being done correctly; 2. Participating in all NST meetings; 3. Participation of National Conferences, organizing sessions and being faci, when necessary.




# % of promoters # decrease of quality cases regarding visa & legalities

# all entities with trainees' visas correct # implementation of trainee lead # of new strategies implemented

VP or NST Experience (Preferred)

English (excellent), Presentation Skills


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  What is our biggest issue in delivery process? How are you planing to solve this? Describe in details 3 main strategies to solve these bottlenecks. 2.  How will you guarantee that all of our trainees have visa and legalities in order? Set 3 strategies that will make sure we don't have any quality cases regarding that. 3.  How will you guarantee that all strategies of Standards & Satisfaction are being implemented in all local committees?

__________________________________________________________________ Â

GENERAL EXPLANATION The Entity Development oGIP Chair is the leader of the team responsible for all network support and education. This includes: Educate, Track & Coach all VPs from entities Tiers 3 and 4; Educate, Track & Coach TLPs from all tiers; Manage the agenda of trainings and all touchpoints of the entire network.

MAIN FUNCTIONS 1. Guide and lead the team that will be responsible for educating the network, that including organizing education cycles, and keep updated an information center for the oGIP network; 2. Responsible for Innovation & Implementation of processes in the oGIP area; 3. Work directly with MCVP for applying national startegies; 4. Manage the ED Team and guarantee that the whole team is working alligned; 5. Guarantee that the ED Team is working alligned with the International Relations team and with the GE Team.

RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Guarantee that all entitties are receiving adequate support, including monthly coaching; 2. Organize weekly meetings with the ED team, track and coach them; 3. Participation in National Conferences, organizing sessions and being faci, when necessary.




- Monthly IP-MA-RE Goals accomplishment; - Conversion rate of IP-MA-RE - Team minimums delivery for the ED Managers; - Operations Tiers evolvement and entities Growth; - Efficiency rate

VP or NST Experience (Preferred)

#Entities receiving coach; #National strategies implemented; #Number of trainings and coachings delivered; #Attendees to Trainings; Availability to travel when necessary


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  List 3 behaviors that the oGIP Network must have. Explain why they are important and list which strategies will help the MC to implement these behaviors in local level. 2.  List the general needs of the LCVPs and TLPs oGIP in the 2nd semester and how you'll support them. 3.  Make a calendar of Education and Support to the oGIP Network from July until December. You must consider functional and general timeline, and the deliverables of your NST subteam.

__________________________________________________________________ Â

4 spots available

GENERAL EXPLANATION The Entity Development oGIP Managers are the responsibles for all network support and education. This includes: Educate, Track & Coach all VPs from entities Tiers 3 and 4; Educate, Track & Coach TLPs from all tiers; Manage the agenda of trainings and all touchpoints of the entire network. IMP: There are 4 postitions. The allocation of specific functions will be defined when the team is elected.

MAIN FUNCTIONS - Coach of VPs or TLPs; - Direct responsible for delivering trainings and for the follow up of Entities development; - Responsible for Innovation & Implementation of processes in the oGIP area; - Educate and provide essential information for the VPs and TLPs.

RESPONSIBILITIES - Report weekly to the ED oGIP Chair; - Participation in National Conferences, organizing sessions and being faci, when necessary. - Guarantee that all entitties are receiving adequate support, including monthly coaching.


4 spots available



- Monthly IP-MA-RE Goals accomplishment; - Conversion rate of IP-MA-RE - Operations Tiers evolvement and entities Growth; - Efficiency rate

VP or NST Experience (Preferred)

#Entities receiving coach; #National strategies implemented; #Number of trainings and coachings delivered; #Attendees to Trainings; Availability to travel when necessary


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  List 3 behaviors that the oGIP Network must have. Explain why they are important and list which strategies will help the MC to implement these behaviors in local level. 2.  List the general needs of the LCVPs and TLPs oGIP in the 2nd semester and how you'll support them. 3.  How will you guarantee that LCVPs and TLPs are participating and implementing national strategies in their committees?

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GENERAL EXPLANATION The International Relations Chair will be responsible for leding the team who will open channels of communication with key countries, establishing cooperations, managing theses cooperations in order to achieve the Matching goal.

MAIN FUNCTIONS 1. Final Responsible for Update the Colombia oGIP Search tool weekly; 2. Find suitable TNs for Colombian EPs in Key Country Partners (Brasil, India, China, Germany, Panama, Mexico, Peru, Chile, US, Poland, Egypt and Turkey) 3. Make a link between OGIP and IGIP (VPs and NSTs); 4. Guarantee knowledge management and effective information flow for the LCs about Supply and Demand; 5. Innovation & improvement in communication with our country partners 6. Organize Matching Days and guarantee that Colombian LCs are participating, 7. Collect searchtools from our country partners and make sure that our LCs are using it.

RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Attend cooperation meetings and send the tracking for MCVP oGIP; 2. Create reports for each Subproduct and Partnership; 3. Guarantee that information is alligned with the Entity Development Team.




Improvement of international relations Usage of national searchtool Improvement of matching time with partners

#MAs with Cooperated Partners #Cooperation goals achieved #Of updates in national searchtool

VP/NST/TLP Experience (Preferred)

Excellent English required


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  List 3 strategies to manage our cooperations with our partners and increase our results. 2.  Make a calendar of activities from July until December with our cooperated partners. 3.  How will you guarantee that your team will work effectively and increase our match rate with our key partners?

__________________________________________________________________ Â

2 spots available

GENERAL EXPLANATION The International Relations Managers are responsible for open channels of communication with key countries, establishing cooperations, managing theses cooperations in order to achieve the Matching goal. IMP: There are two positions. One is focused on Brazil and the other in India.

MAIN FUNCTIONS 1. Find suitable TNs for Colombian EPs in Brazil or India (according to the final allocation) 2. Make a link between OGIP and IGIP (VPs and NSTs); 3. Guarantee knowledge management and effective information flow for the LCs about Supply and Demand; 4. Innovation & improvement in communication with our country partners 5. Organize Matching Days and guarantee that Colombian LCs are participating, 6. Collect searchtools from our country partners and make sure that our LCs are using it.

RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Attend cooperation meetings and send the tracking for IR Chair; 2. Create reports for each Subproduct and Partnership; 3. Guarantee that information is alligned with the Entity Development Team.


2 spots available



Improvement of international relations Usage of national searchtool Improvement of matching time with partners

#MAs with Cooperated Partners #Cooperation goals achieved #Of updates in national searchtool

VP/TLP Experience (Preferred)

Excellent English required


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  Choose Brazil or India and list 3 strategies to manage the cooperation and increase our results. 2.  Choose Brazil or India and make a calendar of activities from July until December. 3.  How will you guarantee that you'll work aligned with strategies of our country partner?

__________________________________________________________________ Â

GENERAL EXPLANATION Team Leader of the NST Global Entrepreneurs. Manage the oGIP and iGIP Managers and general activities regarding the project. Final responsible for the implementation of the project in the network of AIESEC in Colombia.

MAIN FUNCTIONS - Timeline management; - Internation relations management; - Update and manage project tools; - Tracking of LC activities regarding the project; - Guarantee alignment between GE Team and oGIP and iGIP NST Teams; - Manage and track the GE Challenge.

RESPONSIBILITIES - Guarantee the education and implementation of Global Entrepreneurs in the network; - Participate in National Conferences when necessary;

People and team management skills Resources management skills English required




- Conversion time of general processes; - Response rate of our country partners;

#Opportunities open; #Opportunities MAs and REs; #EPs applications; #EPs MAs and REs; #Trainings delivered to the network

VP/TLP Experience (Preferred)


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  What are your 3 mains strategies to guarantee the implementation of Global Entrepreneurs? 2.  How to manage the synergy between the NST of GE and the NSTs of iGIP and oGIP? 3.  What are your strategies to guarantee the alignment between Colombia and our main country partners?

__________________________________________________________________ Â

GENERAL EXPLANATION The oGIP Manager is responsible for guarantee the implementation of Global Entrepreneurs in the oGIP Network.

MAIN FUNCTIONS - General education and trainings; - Tracking of EPs applications; - Support to LCVPs and TLPs; - Track the GE Challenge inside the oGIP Network.

VP/TLP Experience (Preferred)

RESPONSIBILITIES - Guarantee the education and implementation of Global Entrepreneurs in the network; - Participate in National Conferences when necessary;

Time management English required




- Converstion time Application-MA - Response rate of the LCs to new applicants; - Response rate of abroad LCs.

#EPs applications; #EPs MAs and REs. #Trainings delivered to the oGIP Network.


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  Explain your 3 strategies to guarantee the implementation of Global Entrepreneurs in the oGIP Network. 2.  What are your strategies to guarantee the alignment between Colombia and our main country partners? 3.  Make a calendar of Education and Trainings for the network. Think on the appopriate timeline to generate more results.

__________________________________________________________________ Â

GENERAL EXPLANATION The iGIP Manager is responsible for guarantee the implementation of Global Entrepreneurs in the iGIP Network.

MAIN FUNCTIONS - General education and trainings; - Tracking of EPs applications; - Support to LCVPs and TLPs; - Track the GE Challenge inside the iGIP Network.

VP/TLP Experience (Preferred)

RESPONSIBILITIES - Guarantee the education and implementation of Global Entrepreneurs in the network; - Participate in National Conferences when necessary;

Time management English required




- Converstion time Open-MA; - Response rate of the LCs to new applicants.

#Sales meetings of GE; #New opportunitites; #Opportunities MAs and REs. #Trainings delivered to the iGIP Network.


SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.  Explain your 3 strategies to guarantee the implementation of Global Entrepreneurs in the iGIP Network. 2.  What are your strategies to guarantee the alignment between Colombia and our main country partners? 3.  Make a calendar of Education and Trainings for the network. Think on the appropriate timeline to generate more results.

1.  Debes subir tu App en el siguiente link de Podio bit.ly/NST2015-2 y adjuntar tu Hoja de Vida. 2.  Dead Line 15 Junio del 2015 – 11:59PM •  CV + General Form 15% •  Specific 35% •  Interview 50%

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