Internship final report Lorenzo Cordella 840757 Master of Science in Design&Engineering BVB INNOVATE GMBH - NOMADIC POWER GMBH Dr. Irene Fischer Prof.ssa Sillvia Deborah Ferraris 1th September 2015 / 16th October 2015
1. Introduction
2. Description of the company 2.1 Type of organization 2.2 Sector and activities
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3. Description of the activities 3.1 The project 3.2 Development process - Nomadic Power Trailer 3.3 Development process - Nomadic Power Trailer engineering and “New Project” development 3.4 Professional roles
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4. Main competences gained 4.1 Theoretical range 4.2 Practical range
5. Main established results 5.1 NomadicPower Trailer 5.2 “Other new project “
6. Personal reflections
1. Introduction I’m Lorenzo Cordella, an Italian 26 years old designer; I obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Product Design at the Politecnico di Milano in September 2011, and during June 2013 I completed the Master Diploma in Transportation and Automobile Design of the POLI.Design division, in the same university. I have many interests and I chose to be a designer because I like to imagine how to make better items, or to think to new ones. During these years at the Polytechnic School, I have discovered and learned how to use tools for this purpose. I have also had many new experiences, that have done nothing but enrich my background of practical and theoretical knowledge, and give me renewed motivation to improve. I have also revolutionized my perspective on many aspects of the industrial design and manufacturing world, and this has also changed in part some of those desires that I was reserving for my future. I completed an internship in Milan in February 2014, in an exhibition design studio, the MilestoneProduction; in this company I had the opportunity to refine my techniques in using graphics softwares such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, and I have begun to understand the mechanisms of the working world. I have been carrying out a four-months internship in Stuttgart, Germany, untill June 2014. In that period I contributed to a project that concerns the concept of an innovative range extender for electric
vehicles, NomadicPower, conceived by a company called BVB Innovate. This experience has been made possible by the contest MakeYourCupake, which I attended, organized by the incubator POLI.Hub: thanks to this fantastic opportunity, I had been allowed to live abroad in an international city like Stuttgart, and to experience the working and social life in a new and unknown place; I had the chance to speak a lot of English, and if necessary, to gather some German terms. The contacts I have been developing during the experience in Stuttgart, gave me the opportunity to be considered for working to a project of two months in Wildpoldsried, Germany, in a company called SonnenBatterie. I had to redesign the aesthetical part of an intelligent energy storage battery for photovoltaic systems; I put the project through during October 2014. Even in this case, the experience of working in a completely new professional and logistical scenario was certainly valuable. I’m currently concluding my studies for a Master of Science in Design&Engineering, always at the Politecnico di Milano. I consider that this is necessary to me for closing my academic education in the best way; in fact, it is allowing me to combine my creative abilities with a strong technical knowledge, that I think it’s a really important quality for a nowadays designer. While I was attending the Master of Science courses, during last year, I received an offer for a project collaboration from BVB Innovate GMBH, the Stuttgart 3
company where I have been working in 2014. In fact, after my internship there, they have created a new “company division” whom name and tasks are the ones of the project I had collaborated to: Nomadic Power. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I had the chance to live this new experience abroad as a curricular internship, so I’ve been working for BVB INNOVATE for two months.
2. Description of the company 2.1 Type of organization Dr. Manfred Baumgärtner CEO Manfred Baumgärtner is the CEO of BVB INNOVATE. He was Regional Director of the German subsidiary of Norway’s TELENOR telecommunications company. Before that he was CEO of the German life sciences company GHS AG. He was a member of the McKinsey Executive Panel. He has degrees in engineering
and biology. He gained his doctorate with summa cum laude at Constance University and at what is now the Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Dr. Irene Fischer Project Administration Manager Irene Fischer is the Project Administration Manager. Before that she was Product Manager at Intavis AG, Cologne, a subsidiary of HB Technologies AG in Tübingen. After holding various positions, e.g. at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in LeipzigHalle and at the Department of Agrobiotechnology (IFA Tulln) at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna, she completed her doctorate in the natural sciences at Tübingen University. She has an MSc in environmental technology and originally studied biochemistry at Bucharest University.
Andreas Gareis Development Manager Andreas Gareis manages our Development Department. He was a Project Engineer at the engineering services provider BRUNEL. He studied electrical engineering at Reutlingen University.
Yuliya Rogachevska Manager for Project Management Yuliya Rogachevska studied economic sciences at Hohenheim University. She is the Manager for Project and Network Management and is also responsible for Marketing, the Press and Public Relations.
Dr. Felix Teufel Head System Integration
Felix Teufel is head system integration at Nomadic Power. He was business manager innovation at KIC InnoEnergy, the European company for innovation 5
and business creation in sustainable energy. Previously he was working for the utility EnBW AG in the research and development department, focusing on storage and smart grid topics. Felix studied mechanical engineering at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and University of California, Santa Barbara. He received a PhD in energy economics at KIT.
Ann-Sophie Löhrer HR and Network Manager Ann-Sophie Löhrer completed her Bachelor degree in Business Administration und Economics at Passau University. In the BVB INNOVATE team she is responsible for recruiting. She is currently completing her M. Sc. in Management at Hohenheim University. 6
Florian Türk Junior Design Engineer
Florian Türk is junior design engineer in the R&D department. He focuses on vehicle-system-engineering. Previously he studied engineering at the “Dualen-
Hochschule Stuttgart” (DHBW). His major was R&D and design. He studied in cooperation with the tool manufacturer KOMET Group Besigheim. At KOMET he developed and designed metalcuttingtools.
Valeria Meier Market Research Assistant Valeria Meier studied humangeography at the Goethe-University in Frankfurt. Since then, she gained experience in the topic of Sustainable Mobility Concepts at the Fraunhofer IAO in Stuttgart. In the BVB INNOVATE-Team she is responsible for scientific evaluation of the Nomadic Power concept. Furthermore, she assists Yuliya Rogachevska in PR related issues. Alexander Dumitru Working Student Alexander Dumitru studies Business Administration and Economics (B.Sc.) at the University Hohenheim. He supports the BVB INNOVATE-Team as a projektassistant and with administrative issues. Additionally he is a member of Enactus Hohenheim, a student initiative, organizing social, economical and ecological projects.
2.2 Sector and activities BVB Innovate GMBH was born as a start up in 2008; it is situated in Stuttgart, Curiestraße 5. Its purpose has always been to participate and work for innovation initiatives. The company, intially strictly linked to the Stuttgart Universität, is used to help clients who want to develop their own ideas for innovation businesses, in order to go forward with their project and maybe find new investors. Thanks to the foresight of the CEO of BVB Innovate, Dr. Manfred Baumgärtner, the company has applied this approach even on ideas and possible projects that were coming from the inside.
3. Description of the activities
3.1 The project
in 2012; thanks to this great step, BVB Innovate won the European Satellite Navigation Competition in the same year.
eBuggy was a trailer for EV cars that has the function of range extender, since it works thanks to last generation batteries contained inside it. The company made the case untill they obained a real working trailer connected to an EV car, also thanks to the collaboration with CleverTrailer
The trailer was still a prototype and what the company wanted and need to do was to develop the project further: from the technical and electronic point of view, from the structural and producibility point of view, and from the aesthetic point of view. The eBuggy system was in fact
mounted on an excellent CleverTrailer system, that guaranteed its operation and compliance with the rules, but not its originality and recognizability . In 2014 I just happened to attend a contest with the POLI.Hub incubator, whom prize was an internship; I was assigned to BVB INNOVATE, that in that moment exactly needed a transportation designer. This is how our paths crossed and why I have had the honour to participate to the eBuggy project. Thanks also to the company mentor, Michael Mairer, we develop a final innovative shape design: it gave to eBuggy a new personality, and a new name to the company division that was working for this project, NomadicPower.
3.2 Development process Nomadic Power Trailer The development process of the Nomadic Power trailer has been composed of different phases, and I’ve started to be part of it in February 2014. First, Dr. Baumgärtner and Dr. Gareis expounded me the idea of the project; a range extender trailer already existed, and it was their own prototype. It was initially called eBuggy and it had to be the main tool of a range extending service for EVs. In fact, as in the sequence you can see in the previous page, when EV drivers have to go out of the city and to take on an extra-urban trip, they can contact the NomadicPower station by an app; after this, they can enjoi the added Km
autonomy given by the NomadicPower trailer, until they reach their destination; there they can leave the trailer in another station and enter the city without driving difficulties. The trailer prototype structure and body has been produced from Knott ( Germany ), Clevertrailer ( Switzerland ) and Purvatec ( Germany ), it is perfectly working and it is connected to an electric Renault Clio. The battery modules are composed by big cylindrical cells of 400g, Lithium - Iron - Phosphate typology , in 3s3p or 3s6p disposal; this kind of batteries are allowing the range extender trailer
to travel between 140 - 250 km. They have advantages, like the unexisting thermal loss, the high battery life ( 6000/8000 possible recharging cycles ), the charging speed ( 6 hours in normal circumstances, 1 hour with fast - charging ); but on the other hand they lack in some characteristics. It’s why the Development Manager Dr. Gareis and the CEO wanted the batteries to be improved in their components and structure, so they decided to use modules composed by 3600mAh 18650 Li-ion Panasonic 3.7V Rechargeable Battery Cells. They are the same typology used for laptops batteries or for Tesla EVs batteries. Each of these cells weight 40g, and put in a 11S 9S 69P module they would allow the trailer to travel about 500 Km. These kind of batteries could be provided of a BMS management system that controls 10
performances and safety; the cells, and in consequence the module, are small; that provide a good autonomy and an high battery life ( 6000/8000 cycles possible recharging cycles ); the charging speed is 6 hours in normal circumstances, 1 hour with fast - charging. The only drawback is the weight, as in most kind of batteries. Since the dimension of the whole new battery pack could be limited, so also the overall volume of the entire trailer could be littler; that was the reason why a new design for the Nomad was needed.
We started with a definition of the vehicle packaging, considering the dimension of the chassis produced by Knott and chosen from BVB INNOVATE; as a first part of the design process, we start to put all the initial volumes and elements using
Autodesk Alias as a modeling software. The consequent phase has been to start to do some research in the field of trailers, range extenders, and E.V.s, to understand what could be the possible competitors and what the users’ vehicles; simultaneously we also started a shape sketching process on paper, considering the main volumes that the package was had. The first lines were really traditional for a trailer but, after some considerations, we reached an overall shape that for us was really catchy: in fact, as even our moodboard was saying, the product have to be outstanding/unique, modern, appealing, likeable/simple, healty, cute/attractive, innnovative and clean. We reached a final decision after a vote of all the components of the company; after
this I started an Alias model starting from the initial vehicle package. We made some improvements on the structure while the digital modeling work was in progress but, after just a month, the first version of the new Nomad digital model was out. We also visited Purvatec,in Tüßling, to understand what parts of the trailer body could be produced and how; there we met also Dr. Hans Grünig from Clevertrailer, who gave us some suggestions on how we could design the back lights and some other components,
that are dependent from the road code regulation.
on youtube ( title “Nomadic Power - 500 km / 300 miles of autonomy” ).
In the lasting one month and half we had at our disposal, we worked to redefine the volumes of the trailer, since new chassis characteristics were coming up in itinere; so we started creating a new digital model of the Nomad. Simultaneously we started to work also on things that were consequent of what we have done until that moment: the color division that the trailer body could have; some first nice renders to show the product to the public; the rims. Last but not least, we imagined the charging stations and areas for Nomadic Power: these were designed by me, but they had been digital modeled and rendered by Stefan Heller, the graphic who also created that beautiful animation clip that you can find
Our collaboration ended with a lot of new and exciting food for thought; I completed the final design development of digital model, once I came back to Italy. I had to present the result of this beautiful collaboration period to Poli. HUB organization, together with the other nice guys who participated with me to the really helpful MakeYourCupcake contest.
3.3 Development process - Nomadic Power Trailer engineering and “new project” development During the last Academic Year 2014/2015, the company contacted me because they wanted to continue developing the
NomadicPower project: they reached an European Community funding for it, and they wanted me as well in the team. Since I’m a student yet, we decided together to collaborate again, but just from the 1th September to the 16th October 2015; they needed to engineer the Nomad trailer design and, in case, to develop “ another new project ”. Since I also had to attend a curricular internship for my Master of Science course, we ensure that it would correspond with this forthcoming and exciting new working experience. For both the project I COUNTERSIGNED A NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT, so I can reveal just the material that has been already produced or published. The “ other new project ” is fully covered by the non-disclosure agreement, since it is a work-in-progress yet; on the other hand, for what concerns the engineering
process of the Nomadic trailer, I’m going to partially report you its design development process. NOMADIC POWER TRAILER ENGINEERING - After having patented the new design of the Nomad Trailer, the company needed a modeling software to proceed with the engineering process. I could work with Autodesk Inventor and DS Solidworks, in order to convert the Nomad design into a CAD drawing; at the end Catia V6 has been chosen, because of logistical reasons. A professional and really expert Catia digital modeler has been hired, Dr. Dieter Egret; he had the task to frame the overall structure of the trailer, considering the relation between the new design, the new batteries and the Knott chassis. We also had some meetings during which he has explained me how Catia V6 and its platform work. 15
The Design engineering process was launched when we started putting in relation all the relevant volumes of the trailer; in fact we ned to understand how the shapes of the new design could be replicated, accordingly with all the technical constraint that the trailer would have: - we divided the surface body of the digital model into possible shells, considering also how they can be produced; - we tried to imagine how the internal elements, where the batteries are, could be part of the shells and simultaneously sustain the battery pack, together with the chassis main structures; - we assumed the materials and the manufacturing processes that could be 16
used to realize all the shells. Another important issue, consequent from this kind of considerations, was to find a manufacturer or a prototyping workshop who could help and succeed to produce the trailer. Of course, it would depend from the number of needed elements, from the used materials and from the shapes. Initially, since the company has contacts with some German technical universities, the CEO wanted to try to develop the project with them. For instance he contacted Phill Handy, General Manager of the MakerSpace of Mßnchen Technische Universität. Thanks to him we had the chance to visit all the equipments of this building, where there are plenty of prototyping machines available for students and outsiders : 3D milling
machine, 3D printers, varnishing working stations, waterJet machine, laser cut machine for wood, SLS quite big machine, fabric printers, electronic devices working stations, woodworking tools and so on. Although this MakerSpace is really well equipped, the technologies needed for the trailer first unit production, and the dimension of the shells, drived us to different solutions.
Luckily, a really interesting company had worked for the 6th edition of the Master in Transportation and Automobile Design of the Politecnico di Milano, the one that I also attended some years ago. It’s called Skorpion Engineering and it is an italian prototyping and production company that works in many fields of the market, like the automotive, the industrial, the medical and the visual; they
are from Segrate ( Milan ). I contacted and updated them about the project; after this first step, BVB INNOVATE and Skorpion Engineering have always been in contact, since the first feedbacks about the possible prototyping, until the realization of the first exemplary of the Nomad. After defining a first start up structure with Dr. Egert, focusing on manufacturing
and materials considerations, I concluded my internship period in the company. The overall part of digital modeling and realization process has been continued from him, Dr. Florian Turk and Dr.Felix Teufel: the first two experts worked on the body modeling of the trailer, to make it deliverable; the third managed the all project and the inner battery pack design.
NEW PROJECT DEVELOPMENT - In parallel, I’ve been developing the “other new project”, using a process similar to the one used during the Nomad trailer design: - research about the kind of object - research about the field where the object operate - moodboard and core characteristics of the object - sketch design studio - in itinere votings, considerations and changements - digital modeling - definition of a final shape
3.4 Professional roles During this period of collaboration with BVB INNOVATE and its division NomadicPower, I’ve been playing my role of designer in general:
- I worked on the “new other project” applying the methods and steps that I’ve learnt during my studies and during my past experiences - when needed, I helped the Public Relations office with some graphic issues - I partecipate to the reconditioning of the new workshop of the company During and after the internship I’ve been always in contact with the company: I’ve followed up the engineering process of the trailer, participating to the shapes definition, to make them as much as possible similar to the new design; I’ve always kept in contact Skorpion Engineering with the company, in order to constantly exchange informations, such as screws dimensions, thicknesses, colors codes and pricing; I also went in person to the S.E. seat situated here in Milan.
4. Main competences gained 4.1 Theoretical range
- I provided consultancy on the design for the engineering process of the Nomadic trailer
It has been really useful to be fully immersed in a company that is developing 19
a project to bring it to production, knowing also how it started. I’ve felt really useful because I tried to give to the company all the knowledge I have about the design process and about the materials; I’ve also provided my rudiments about manufacturing processes. But of course it has been really exciting to apply and see all these things in a real company situation; this has given me new and renewed competences.
discovering the world of Catia has done nothing but enrich my digital modeling background. Last but not least, the visit the München Technische Universität MakerSpace has been explosive from the prototyping knowledge point of view, because it is not frequent to see all those last generation prototype making machines at work.
4.2 Practical range
5.1 NomadicPower Trailer
I’ve learnt how to put in contact two companies, and what to be aware of doing that. I also could have been using a software I already knew for the engineering process of the Nomad trailer, but
A first unit of the Nomad has been produced, thanks also to Knott and Skorpion Engineering. It is useful for a future further development of the trailer and to show it to public, since it will be
5. Main established results
sold to private and companies. By now, BVB INNOVATE is producing and selling a separated new and outstanding battery pack, similar to the ones used in the trailer, provided in different capacity models. On the other hand, the Nomad will be produced and called Mobats.
40 kWh of mobile energy for rapid charging. Equipped with a CCS or CHAdeMO rapid-charging system. Rechargeable at any household electric socket.
MobatME 60 Mobats are safe lithium-ion batteries with a capacity of 20 – 200 kWh. They can provide DC and AC anywhere, e.g. for rapidly charging e-vehicles. They can be attached to the electrical grid at any time without any retrofitting expenses – an electric socket is all that is required.
60 kWh of mobile energy for rapid charging. Equipped with a CCS or CHAdeMO rapid-charging system. Rechargeable at any household electric socket.
Two models will be available:
MobatME 85 P
MobatME as a sales product commercial and private customers
MobatSERV for rapid-charging services such as Valet Recharging Nomadic Power will handle marketing activities. Models will be:
Premium: 85 kWh of mobile energy for rapid charging. Equipped with a CCS or CHAdeMO rapid-charging system. Rechargeable at any household electric socket. In addition, you can use electricity that you have generated yourself for your own domestic network or whilst underway – sockets for Schuko (CEE 7/4) and CEE. Optional: charge your vehicle during the journey to achieve unlimited ranges.
MobatME 40
5.2 “Other new project “ It is still a work in progress so I can’t divulge any information about that.
6. Personal reflections I’ve been just a little one of the lots of actors who are bringing a 2008 start up to produce and follow up with a really innovative idea. I’ve done my job, and the only negative thing of all this experience is that I don’t currently have the possibility to continue helping and working for this wonderful company. It is made of great thinkers and passionate dreamers: they are people who give importance to ideas of both professionals and less experienced persons; they get straight to the point, reaching it from many ways; and they use the same way of thinking, trying to bring a new way of mobility and living in our cities, on our road and in our houses. Concluding, I know that BVB INNOVATE is actually just one of a lot of other small and big companies, who are working on the same ideal frequency; but I also think that here in Italy we would need more companies like these, made out of enthusiastic people, who want to reach a new positive and sustainable era for our Made in Italy and for our society.