Greetings 1957

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REPORT 1957 opened quietly enough with no hint of the wonders of its close. It would seem that we have lived thi·ough the end

of an earth-bound era and entei·ed the new one of space. Looking back over the year, we try to assess its aims and achievements - the i·each and the grasp.

First term is now accepted as the most suitable time for the Senior and Middle School Retreats, which were given this yeai· by the Reverend Father Noi·bert, C.P. Father Dynon, S.J., devoted much tinie and interest to the Sodalities, and he and Father Wilkins, S.J., must he gi·atified by the steady growth anct development of the Sodality of Out· Lady within the School.

The Y.C.S. Gi·oups deserve special commendation this year. There has been a great spirit of enthusiasm and many gi·oups have done excellent and unobti·usive woi·k. A weekly visit to the Blind Institute has been faithfully carried out, and, as well

as the immediate chai·ity of this, we see it as a preparation for

the active participation of our Catholic women of the futui·e in the Social Service of theii· city.

No lai·ge function was held for the Missions this yeai·, but the Film Evenings, and the weekly sales provided the necessary income to make our annual contributions. The clothes made for

the Poor wei·e colourful, varied, and useful, and many grateful letters have been received from the recipients. Sport, as usual, was successful throughout the year. The Tennis Teams niaintained oui· high standard of play, and the A and B Basketball Teams wei·e the most bi·illiant we have had

for several yeai·s. A pleasing featui·e of both Tennis and Basketball seasons was the number of promising playei·s in the Junior Teams. For the second year we entered for several events in the Inter-School Swimming Championships and oui· swimmers acquitted themselves well. The Senior and Middle School Spoi·ts Day was a disappointment in that rain prevented the second half of the prograinnie. Only a small group of liai·ents witnessed the atti·active House events on the following Wednesday. A vei·y sincei·e expi·ession of gratitude goes to Mi·s. Schaeffer and Mr. Guiney for theii· interest and tuition during the year.


Back Row (from left): B. Hill, S. Loftus-Hills, M. Duck, N. Daley, D. Bowen, E. Wimpole, G. Adams, E. Clowes, E. Fitzgerald.

Middle Row: P. MeGuinness, L. Currie, D. King, G. Ermacora, P. Wai·ry, J. Cashmore, V. Feely.

Front Row: M. Reid, M. Lynch, C. Acton, E. Curtis, P. Goodchild, M. Doyle. 3

In Music and Art of Speech we secui·ed many honours and successes, and a gratifying number of candidates were awai·ded certificates in the Alliance Francaise contests. In 1956, despite

the impact of the Olympic Games, seven girls matriculated and twenty-four qualified for their Leaving Cei·tificate. The year draws to its close with examinations once more issuing theii· challenge. It is worth remembering that while due emphasis is given to these examinations which are necessary in the coin-

petitive world of today, and while we ave proud of our childi·en when they do well, the main emphasis must be attached to the training of the character and the will. And since the world depends so much on the woman in the home, Arts and Crafts that may be practised thei·e niust receive their nieasure of attention. The Home Science Coui·se, which was followed by many girls this year, offers a comprehensive training in the Domestic Arts, and is now an appreciated featui·e of the curriculum.

We thank Father Ebsworth, out· Parish Pi·iest, for his

continued interest and his suppoi·t of all school activities. Oui· "special choir" were hapy and honoured to assist Fathei· with the singing during Holy Week and Quarant Ore.

Our debt of gi·atitude to the Parents' Association, the Past Pupils, and all our friends inci·eases annually, and we thank you, in particular, for the Luncheon Service and the Chauffeur Roster, and, in general, for the wonderful spirit of co-operation ancl generosity that has characterised the functions of 1957 the Childi·en's Party, the Film Premiere, the Dinner Dance.

May you all have a very hai)py Chi·istnias blessed and protected by the Divine Child who came from beyond the bounds of Time

and Space to bring Peace on earth.

Head of School. 1957 I,iana Bowen

Prefectb Ann Curtis

Gabrielle Adams

1Cdwyna Fitzgerald

1Iai·garet Reid

Suzanne Loftus-Hills

Noi·nia Daley

Mary Doyle

Lisbeth Clowes

Patricia Wai·ry

Cynthia Dethi·idge

Sandi·a Robinson

Elizabeth Winipole


McClelland 4


1 DIANA BOWEN Head of School, 1957. Y.C.S. Leader.

Sodality Councilloi·.

Captain of Red (St. Teresa's).


Sociality of Our Lady Director :

Reverend J. Dynon, S. J.

President : S.


Secretary: M. Reid. Treagurer: A.


Council :

I). Bowen, N. Daley, E. Wimpole, E. Fitzgerald. 11€mbers .

M. Doyle, C. Dethridge, V. Feely, M. Lynch, P. Karry, B. Hill, D. King, C. Acton, G. Erniacoi·a, P. MeGuinness, P. Me<flelland, T. Furphy.

Aspirants Sodality of Our LaclyPresident: A. Ryan. Secretarv : C.


Treasurer: E. Finlay.

Sodality of Holy Angels President: M. Hanley. Vice-President: S.

Secretary : S.



Trea.qurer: Y. von Hartel.

Sociality of St. Joseph President: A. Radcliffe.

Vice-Previde,it : P.


.Secretary: S. Glover. Treasurer: R. Pitt.

Y.C.S. President: S. Loftus-Hills.

Secretary : N. Daley. Treasivret·: C.


Leaders and Groups Missions: M. Reid, P. Wai·ry. Social Services: A. Curtis, N. Daley. Drri,mci : G.

Adams, P. McClelland.

Library: M. Doyle. Music : C. Dethridge. Personality: S. Robinson. Handyman: D. Bowen.

Toorakanrooin : E. Fitzgerald, M. Lynch. 6

1957 Senior and Middle School Prize and Distinction List Christian Doctrine Matriculation: 1, M.

Lynch; 2, G. Ermacora; 3, A. Curtis.

Leaving: 1, J. Goulding; 2, M. Doyle; 3, P. McClelland and R. Calder.

Intermediate: 1, E. Lee; 2, G. McHarg; 3, L. Ferguson. Sub-Intermediate: 1, L.

Pitt; 2, H. Murphy; 3, T. Jens.

Second Year: 1, I. O'Rrien; 2, B. I)uck; 3, E. Curtis and M. Costigan.

First Year: 1, M. Lyons; 2, S. Glover; 3, A. Radeliffe. Preparatory: 1, J. Adams; 2, S. Kelly; 3, A. McCoy

Aggregate .Watriculation: 1, C. Acton; 2, E. Fitzgerald; 3, M. Lynch; 4, M. Reid; 5, M. Duck and E. Wimpole.

Leaving: 1, M. Doyle; 2, K. Bates; 3, L. Brennan; 4, M. Holt; 5, J. Palmer.

Intermediate: 1, E. Lee; 2, M. Devine; 3, M. A. Edgerton; 4, R. Robinson; 5, A. Ryan.

Sub-Intermediate: 1, S. Barrett 2, Y. von Martel; 3, K. Gil-

christ; 4, M. Duck; 5, H, Murphy and M. Lightfoot.

,Second }'eat·: 1, I). Wilson; 2, M. Wright; 3, D. Wellsted; 4, I. O'Brien; 5, P. Hoppe and B. Stevenson.

F i r.4 t Year: 1, K. Little; 2, M. Lyons; 3, S, Glover; 4, K. Seal·ff; 5, A. Radcliffe.

Preparatory: 1, P. O'Day ; 2, A. Noone ; 3, S. Flanagan ; 4, C. Zsizsman, 5, R. Ahei·n.

English .Writriculation: 1, M. Lynch ; 2, E. Fitzgerald ; 3, M. Duck. Learing: 1, P. McClelland; 2, J. Palmer; 3, L. Frederico. Intermediate: 1, E. Finlay; 2, E. Lee; 3, G. McHarg.

.Sub-Intermediate: 1, Y. von Hai·tel; 2, S. Barrett; 3, H. Murphy and K. Gilchrist.

Second Year: 1, J. O'Rorke; 2, M, Wright; 3, D. Wilson.

First Year: 1, K. Little ; 2, P, Simpson ; 3, K. Scarff.

Preparatory C Composition) : 1, J. Adams ; 2, D. Gardini ; 3, S. Burke.

Preparittorv l Spelling): 1, E. Hirsch; 2, D. Gar(linh 3, J. Bowden.

Preparatory C Grammar) : 1, R, Ahern; 2, S. Burke; 3, S. Flanagan. 7



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.Watrieulation: 1, S. Loftus-Hills; 2, G. Ermacora; 3, M. Lynch. Learing.· 1, P. McClelland; 2. M. Doyle; 3, L. Brennan.

Intermediate: 1, A. 18·an ; 2, E. Lee ; 3, W. Gunson. Sub-bitermediate: 1, S. Barrett 2, K. Gilchrist 3, M. Duck.

Second Year: 1, M. Hill; 2, H. L>nch; 3, D. Wellsted. First Year: 1, M. Lyons and K. Little; 2, M. Jaquinot; 3, S. Hempel.

Pre/mratorq: 1, A. Noone; 2, P. O'Day; 3, C. Zsizsman. Latin .Watriculation : 1, M. Reid. Learing: 1, 1'. McCielland.

Intermediate: 1, E. Lee; 2, W .Guiison. Sul,-Intermediate: 1, S.

Barre:t; 2, S. Hoppe; 3, M. Light foot.

Second Fear: 1, M. Wright; 2, I). Wilson; 3, D. Wellsted. Pint Year: 1, M. Lyons; 2, S. Hempel; 3, S. Glover.

Moilern History Matrieulation: 1, 11. Lynch; 2, G. Ermacora.

Learing: 1, L. Clowes; 2, J. Goulding; 3, J. Petty. Intermediate: 1. E. Lee; 2, K. Jens; 3, W. Gunson. Sub-Iutermediate: 1, K Gilchrist; 2, M. Duck; 3, S. Barrett and B. MeGuiness.

Second }'ear: 1, M. Wright 2, D. Wellsted; 3, D. Wilson. Vit·st Year. 1, A. Raddiffe; 2, A. Galbally; 3, J. Kelly. Preparatorv: 1, S. Flanagan; 2, P. O'Day; 3, A. Noone.

British History .Watriculrition: 1. M. Lynch; 2, M. Duck; 3, E. Fitzgerald. Leari„q: 1, M. Doyle; 2, I.. Ili·ennan; 3, P. McClelland.

Geography .Watriculation: 1, G. Erniacora; 2, G. Adams ; 3, P. Goodchild. Leaving: 1, M. Doyle; 2, J. Palmer; 3, B. Graham.

Intermediate: 1, E. Lee; 2, M. A. Doyle; 3, K. Jens.

Sul,-Intermediate: 1, S. Resch; 2, A. Sinn; 3, M. Gui·ry and G. Fai·ley.

Second Year: 1, D. Wellsted; 2, 8. Duck; 3, M. Wi·ight.

First }'ear.· 1, S. Glover; 2. R. Pitt; 3, K. Johnson. Preparcitoril: 1, P.

O'Day; 2, J. Adams; 3, S. Flanagan.

Chemistry .Watriculation: 1, C. Acton; 2, S. Robinson. Leaviwq: 1, K. Bates ; 2, M. I)itchburn. 9


.Watriculation. 1, C. Acton; 2, S. Robinson ; 3, C. Dethridge. Leaving: 1, L. Clowes; 2, K. Rates; 3, L. Currie. General Science Intermediate. 1, M. A, Edgerton: 2, C. Kuhlmann; 3, R. Robinson.

Sub-Intermediate: 1, Y. von Hai·tel; 2, S. Barrett; 3, M. Light- 1 foot.

Second Year: 1, J. Ley; 2, D. Wellsted; 3, I. O'Brien. 0 First Year: 1, K.

Little; 2, K. Scarff; 3, M. Lyons. i Arithmetic

Intermediate.· 1, L. Ferguson; 2, H. Grimes; 3, C. Melville. Sub-htermerliate: 1, S. Bai·rett; 2, Y. von Hartel; 3, K. Gilchi·ist.

Second Year: 1, D. Wilson; 2, I. O'Brien; 3, J. O'Rorke.

Mint Year: 1, F. Burrell; 2, G. Hogan-Taylor; 3, M. Jaquinot. Preparfitoril: 1, C. Zsizsnian; 2, D. Clancy ; 3, P. O'Day.

Mathematics .Watriculation : 1, C. Acton.

Leaving: 1, K. Bates; 2, T. Furphy; 3, M. Ditchburn and B. Graham.

htermediate: 1, M. A. Edgertoni 2, P. McInerney; 3, K. McInei·ney.

Sub-biterinediate: 1, S. Ban·ett; 2, Y. von Hartel; 3, M. Lightfoot.

Geometry Second Year: 1, D. Wellsted; 2, J. O'Rorke; 3, I. O'Brien.

Fi,·.St Year: 1, S. Hempel ; 2. K. Little; 3, K. Scarff.

Algebra Second Year: 1, I). Wilson; 2, D. Wellsted; 3, M. Wright. Fii,·St

Year: 1, S. Acton; 2, E. Kuhlmann; 3, K. Little. Art

Matriculation . 1, E. Fitzgerald and S. Loftus-Hills; 2, B. Hill.

Leaving: 1, J. Goulding; 2, J. Palmer; 3, J. Gilbertson and E. Bailey.

Intermediate: 1, It. Robinson; 2, A. Ryan and G. MeHarg; 3, S. Jaquinot.

Sub-Intermediate: 1, Y. von Hai·tel and K. Gilchrist; 2, S. Guest ; 3, S. Resch.

Second Year: 1. C. Manning; 2, J. Coleman and M. Hill; 3, C. Russo and E. Ireland.

Pint Year: 1, S. Perry; 2, A. Galbally; 3, K. Scaiff.

Prepal·atoi·v : 1, P. O'Day; 2, M. MeClelland; 3, S. Kelly. 10


Crafts Wright; 2, J. Goulding; 3, L. Broderick.

Learing: 1, 3.

Ryan; 2, S. Jaquinot; 3, G. Acton.

littermedicite: 1, A.

Resch ; 2, S. Maggia ; 3, J. Feely.

Stil)-Intermediate: 1, S.

Slattery; 2, K. Goi·man; 3, J. Coleman.

Second Year: 1, A.

Yern·: 1, E. Kuhlmann; 2. F. Burrell; 3, K. Johnson.

Hanclwriting haerme,liate: 1, P. Maggia. Sub-Intermediate: 1, A. Sinn; 2, T. Jens; 3, M. Gui·i·y. Xecond Fear: 1, C. Russo and M, Occleshaw; 2, S. Forsyth; 3, E. Curtis.

Fint Year. 1, S. G]over; 2, M. Jaquinot; 3, L. Lynch. Preparntoru: 1, E. Hirsch; 2, L. Crosbie; 3, J. Maggs.

Domestic Science Feely; 2, G. Adams ; 3, M. Lynch.

Watriculcition: 1, V.

I.earijig: 1, 3

Petty; 2, P. Curtis; 3, J. GUber·tson.

I jitennediate: 1,3.

Doyle; 2, D. O'Ihien; 3, M. A. Doyle.

termediate: 1, M. Gui·ry; 2, S. Resch ; 3, S, Knowles.

Needlework Sub-Intermediate: 1, M. A. Lynch; 2, H, Murphy; 3, J. Fakhry. Second Year: 1, A. Slattery and It. Pearson; 2, I. O'Brien; 3, K. Gorman.

First Year: 1, L.

Lynch; 2, M. Lyons ; 3, K. Little.

Preparatoru: 1, U. Binning; 2, It. Ahern; 3, M. Morrison,

Musical Appreciation Learing: 1, M. Doyle; 2, L. Broderick; 3 , J. Palmer. htermediate. 1, E. Lee; 2, G. McHarg; 3, P. Maggia. St¢/3-Intermediate: 1, J, Anderson; 2, J. Altschwager; 3, J. Sullivan.

Music ( Prizes awarded to those who have given most satisfaction to their teachei·s during the year. )

Diana King, E. Hirsch, M. Doyle (Violin), G. Clayton, E. Lee, K. Little and A. Radeliffe. Jitilior School: C.

Curtis, F. Hayden, P. Fetherstonhaugh,

C. Vii·gona, M. O'Brien, L. Lynch and S. Ley.

Art of Speech 3Iatriculation: N. Daley.

Leaving: L. Bi·ennan. Intermediate: K.


Sub-Intennediate: S.


Second Year: 1, H. Lynch ; 2, C. Manning ; 3, S. Forsyth.

Fir.:t Year: 1, P. McCIelland; 2, K. Johnson; 3, E. Daly.

Preparatory: 1, R. Ahern ; 2, G. Clayton ; 3, C. Callil. 11

Senior Physical Culture ( Pi·izes donated by Miss E. Rvenan) Milt,·ic·,dfiti<,;i: E. Fitzgel·aid. Leftebuj: 3.


f,ttermeclicite: H.


N„b-Intermerliate: 1, V. Glove]·; 2, 11. McKeeknie.

Mic!(lle School Physical Ctilture Second Year.· 1, C. Manning; 2, M. Costigan; 3, S. Forsyth.

P' i ,·g t Year,· 1, M. Vii·gona; 2, H. Mort; 3, P. McClelland. Preparaton/: 1, G.

Vii·gona; 2, M. T. Sweeney; 3, L. Crosi)ie,

Dancing ( Pi·izes awarded by Miss E. Bi·enan)

Senior: 1, V. Glover; 2, J. Altschwager; 3, M. A, Lynch. . Burns, M. Gui·ry, S. Hoppe, S. Guest, M. Clancy, M. Palfy,

, Larkins, M. Bryce and C. Roche. Middle School: 1, C. Russo; 2, P. Dwyer; 3, H. Mort.

Mr. Guiney's Tennis Cups Fit·st I)irixion: D.


Second 1)ici.Won: A. Sinn.

Third Diriximt: 3. Niaggs.

Micldle School House Spirit Cup t.Michael'x :

Captain, P. Boileau ; Vice-Captain, S. Gorey.

Prefects' Prizes

A. Cui·tis, E. Fitzgerald, S. Loftus-Hills, M. Doyle, P. Wai·i·y, G. Adams, M. Reid, N. Daley, L. Clowes, C. Dethridge,

S. Robinson, E. Wimpole and P. McC]elland.


(Donated by Past Pupils' Association) ,Senior School:

Diana Bowen. Middle School: F. Jens. Junim· School: P. Dowling. 12

Music Results. 1937

14'0.11· candidates presented themselves for Matriculation. 1·'ifiy-one candidates presented themselves for the Practical

A..9.E.L. Twenty-one gained Honours, six being 9() and ovei·, and one 89 plus. Twent> -tive gained Credit, and thirty-seven 80 and over - all passed. 611, Grade : 11. Doyle (Honours), L. Ferguson (Honours),

C. Kuhlmann ( Ci·edit), L. MeKernan ( Credit), P. Curtis (Credit), W. Gunson (Credit) Gth Grade: E.

Bailey (Credit), E. Lee (Credit), L. Fred-

ei·ico (Ci·edit), M. B>·rne (Credit), E. O'Neill (Credit), G. Acton, P. Ogge, L. Frederico (Musical Perception - Credit), P. C-iii'lis C Musical Perception). 4th Gracie : A. Duggan (Honours), M. Hill (Honours), N.

])ajey (Credit), S. Pei·i·y (Ci·edit), P. Dwyer (Ci·edith G .\IcHai·g (Credit), E. Hirsch (Ci·edit ).

-2,·d Grade: K. Scal·ff (Honours), J. Adams (Honours), C.

7.sizsmann ( Honours), A. Galbally (Honours), A. Radcliffe (Honours), G. Clayton (Honours), R. Pitt (Ci·edit), E. Lee

( Honours - Theory), C. Kulilmann (Honours - Theory ), M. Lyons (Credit), P. McClelland (Ci·edit), H. O'Dohei·ty (Ci·edit),

M. Wright (Credit), A. Duggan (Credit - Theory), C. Vii·-

trona (Credith K. Gilchrist ( Ci·edit - Theory ), L. Pitt ( Theory ), L. MeKernan (Theory ), M. Byrne (Theory ), G. Acton (Theory ). 2·nd Grade: F.

Hayden (Honours), K. Little (Honours), C.

Wimpole (Honours), P. Fetherstonhaugh (Honoui·s), C. Anderson (Honours), M. Wi·ight (Theory - Honours), P. Galbally (Credit), I. O'Hi·ien (Ci·edit - Theory), S. Burke (Ci·edit),

D. Gai·:lini, J. Maloney, D. Wilson (Credit - Theory) 1.4 Grarle: M, O'Ihien CHonours), K. Scarif (Honours Theory), R. Pitt (Honours - Theory), J. Kelly (Honours -

Theory), A. Radeliffe ( Honours - Theory), K. Little (Honours -- Theory), P. MeClelland ( Honours - Theory), C. Anderson ( - Theory), L. Lynch (Ci·edit), A. Galhally (Ci·edit - Theory ), B. Anderson.

PrelimiwirY: A.

Scarlf. P. O'Shaughnessy, C. Curtis, H.

Fethet'stonhaugh, L. Egerton, N. M. Lynch, S. Ley.

Conduct Prizes

( Awarded to those who received five Gold Cards during year.) P. McClelland, K. Jens, A. Egan, G. Farley, P. Hoppe, F. Jens. I. O'Brien, J. Kelly, E. Kuhlmann, R. Pitt, K. Gorman,

M. A. Noi·man. J. Adams, R. Ahern, A. Cai·olan, G. Clayton, L, Crosbie, D, Gay, A. Ii·eland, A. Jens, J. Maggs, M. McClelland, A. McCoy, A. Noone, P. O'Day, C. Simpson, M. T. Sweeney, S. Synnian, C. Zsizsman. l 3

Art of SI,eech Results. 1957 Third Grade: K.

Jens ( Ci·edit), T. Jens.

Second Grade: Y.

(Credith J. Adams, K. Johnson, E. I)aly, G. Clayton, A.Jens Noone, M. Byrne.

Vit·st Grade: J. Maloney (Credit), 12. A'Hern (Credit), E. Hamilton (Credit), K. Johnson (Credit), C. Toner (Credit), S, Flanagan (Credit), M. Jens (Ci·edit), C. Callil, M. MeDonald, A, Johnston, H. Mort, R. Stevenson, A. Ireland, W. Green. Prelimimur u : b.

Gardini (Credit), M. Mann (Credit), P.

Astley (Credit), D. Gillon (Credit), M. Daly (Credit), S. Godfrey (Credit), M. Conquest, C. Walker, I.. Lynch.

Alliance Franc·aise Results (irade


1-Mention Honorable: M. Reid, S. Loftus-Hills. POETRY


1-Mention Honorable: M. Reid, G. Erniaeora, M. Lynch, V. Feely.

Grade II-Premiere Mention Honorable: P. McClelland, who obtained third place in the State in her section, Mention

Honorable: M. Doyle.



III-Mention Honorable: C. Kelly, E. Lee, A. Lynch.

(i,·ade IV-Premiere Mention Honorable: J. Ley, who also obtained third place in her section. Mention Honorable: M. Hill,vonV.Hai·tel, Glover,T.S.Jens, Barrett, M. Palfy, I. Callil, C. Manning, Y. R. Duck. 14

1 1

0,0*NHAA#/lg THE L<)RET< ) CREST This beautiful and familiar crest is the badge

that Loreto girls have always gloried to wear, since it distinguishes them as daughters of Maria Regina Angeloi·um.

The place of honour in the design is occupied by the holy Cross, the emblem of our salvation, to inspire us all to hearken to our dear Lord's invitation to take

up our cross daily and follow Him through the difficult paths of this world.

But lest the prospect of coming sorrow dismay us, the Sacred Heart is next revealed, crowned with the

Cross and aglow with charity, helping us to realise that love is strong as death, and that fi·orn this abyss of all vii tues we may draw the strength we need. Then our eyes rest lovingly on the pierced heart of our Queen and Mother, and encouraged by her example, we resolve to imitate her and generously embrace all that the Lord ordains for our salvation.

IMary places in our hands the anchor of hope, to keep us firm and steadfast amidst the storms of life, and to oui· lips conne the words "Ci·iici dum spiro fido" -"In the Cross, while I breathe, I trust."



The Junioi· School, looking North, when opened in 1942.

The Junior School, looking South, aftei· additions in 1952. 1G


Pt ·


·hm. ..<.219TT117Trr--.- .

Architect's sketch of Junior School, looking Noi·th, as it will be when pi·esent alterations are complete in May, 1958.

Junior School Head of the Sch.oot: P. Dowling. Prefect.N :

B. Conquest, P. Fetherstonhaugh, J. Motoney, M. T. Quigg, J. Robertson.

Sodality of the Chile 1 Jesus Prexid€'N t : B. Conquest. Seeretarit : P.


Merit Prizes P. Dowling, 13. Conquest, P. Fetherstonhaugh, J. Moloney, M. T. Quigg, J. Robertson, D. Gillon, M. Jens, A. Morrison,

J. Timewell, M. A. MeMenamin, J. Buxton, B. Cahill, J. Junokas, C. Lechte, E. McCann, G. McCauley, M. L. Morrison,

M. O'Brien, V. Robson, A. M. Scarff, A. Tierney, J. Parker, M. J, Alston, V. Ellis, A. Pennefather, E. Skene, E. St. Ellen,

A. Bushwaller, C. Johnson. 17

Grade V Moloney. ('hri.:tict„ Doetrine: 1, P. Fetherstonhaugh; 2, C. Toner; 3, J

Chri:tian I)(Ietrin€ Projeel: M. Mann. weekly 3,marks) : 1, P. Fetherstonhaugh; 2, P. O'Shaughnessy; K. Smith.

Anfiregate C

A»unination.y: 1, J. Robertson; 2, P. Fetherstonhaugh; 3, C. Reading: Toner; 2,2,P.J,Fetherstonhaugh ; 3, A. Miklos. 11'riting.· 1,1, P.C. Dowling; Oldfield; 3, C. Vii·gona. Toner.

Spelling: 1, M. T. Quigg, P. Fetherstonhaugh, J. Robertson.

Comj)oxitioin 1, 3.

Grammar: 1, 3.

Robertson, P. Fetherstonhaugh; 2, P. Astley.

Robertson 2, C. Toner ; 3,Curtis. J. Moloney. Poetry: 1, C. Vii·gona; 2, P.; Dowling; 3, C.

Sor·ial Studie.4. 1,Fetherstonhaugh; K. Smith; 2, J. Robertson; 3, B. Conquest. 2, C. Curtis; 3, K. Johnson.

Arithmetic: 1, P.

Art: 1, S. Hore; 2, J. Moloney; 3, M. Mann.

.Veedleu·ork: 1, J.M.Oldfield; Physical Culture: Jens. 2, S. Hore; 3, K. Smith.

Speeelt Trainbul:

Class, C. Toner; Private, D. Gillon. Grade IV

3, G. McCauley C/o·iqtia.,1 I)orb·ine.· 1, A. M. Scarff; 2, B. Cahill, P. Schaefer; Eramination.·: 1, J. Smith; 2, B. Cahill; 3, P. Schaefer. 3, P. Anstee. .4,q,q)·evate .1/ark.8 of the }'ear: 1, M. O'Brien; 2, P. Schaefer; Reciding : 1, C.

Lechte; 2, J. Smith; 3, B. Cahill. Writing: 1, B. Cahill; 2, P. Anstee; 3, J. Adams.

Spelling : 1,3.

Smith ; 2, S. MeEnci·oe, V. Robson.

Compoxition. 1, A. M. Scarff; 2, M. O'Brien; 3, G. McCauley. Poeti·u : 1, G.1, A. M. Scarff; 2, P. Anstee; 3, C. Miklos. Grronmro·. MeCauley; 2, S. Met.nci·oe; 3, M. O'Brien. Arithmetic: 1, 3. 1, J. Junokas; 2, M. O'Brien; 3, P. Schaefer. .Social Sticdie.q: Smith, R. Cahill; 2, M. O'Brien; 3, A. M. Scarff.

.irt: 1, M. Jaquinot; 2, C. Russo; 3, A. M, Scarff.

Crafts: 1, A. Sweeney; 2,Walker; M. O'Brien; 3, G. McCauley. 2, M. Peters.

Physical Cul.ture: 1, C.

Grade III

C|M-i>!tictit Doct·zine: 1, A. McCaffi·ey.

Bleechmove, V. Gerber, M. M.

Aggregate marks): 1, S. Funlen 2, V. Gerber, V. Ellis; 3, (weekly C. Johnston, F. MeEncroe.


Examination.s: 1, V. Ellis; 2, S. Funder, V. Gerber;

3, H. Vale.

Reading . 1, S. Buxton, V. Ellis, C. Johnston, A. Pennefather, E. Skene.


- e-I./-


11-riting.· 1, C. Johnston, V. Gerber.

4/,ellin,q: 1, V. Get·ber, V. Ellis, H. Vale. Composition: 1, V. Ellis; 2, V. Gei·ber, H. Vale. Gl·am litar: 1, C. Johnston, V, Gerber; 2, Y. Nicholls. Poe try : 1, A.

Pennefather, S. Funder; 2, V. Ellis; 3, J. Simp-


(;eography: 1, N. Ellis, S. Funder; 2, H. Vale.

.·1 rith metic.· 1, E. Doyle, V. Gerber, C. Johnston, Y. Nicholls. Art: 3.


Pbuxical C,{lfure: S.

Funder, E. Skene.

Grade II Ch ris tian I)octrine: 1, M. Cox; 2, G. Dwyer; 3, M. Stan·.

Sacred H i.:tory: 1, T. Hai·ford; 2, J. O'Bi·ien; 3, J. Peters.

Project: 1, R. Gai·dini; 2, M. Foley; 3, J. Anstee.

..19#7·evate .liarks of the Year: 1, M. Cox; 2, B. Midgley; 3, J. Willis; 4, A. Wai·d; 5, J. 1·'lanagan.

Hi,qhe,Mt 11,17·A·>,· for Examination..· 1, B. Midgley; 2, C. Fakhi>-; 3, D. Codognotto; 4, J. Flanagan; 5, A. Wai·d. Eloeutio : 1, 3.

Fink; 2, J. Willis; 3, It Midgley.

English: 1, C. Fakhry; 2, S. Callanan; 3, R. Knowles.

Spelling : 1, C. Fakhry; 2, M. Cox, A. Wai·d; 3, C, Morrison. Readimi: 1, C. Fakhry; 2, M. Cox; 3. S. Avendsen.

Composition: 1, B. Midgley; 2, D. Codognotto; 3, R. Hill. Ai·ith metic: 1, M. Cox; 2, A. Wai·d; 8, S. Bird. Tables: 1, 3

Willis; 2, M. Cox; 3, C. Fakhry.

IUriting: 1, B. Midgley; 2, J. Stan·; 3, C. Pai·ker, M. L. Tiernan.

/))·cueing: 1, D. Codognotto, XI. Conquest; 3, P. Meehan. Crafts: 1, Sally Ahern; 2, H. Mooney; 3, R. Hoppe.

.Kinging.· 1, G. Dwyer; 2, S. Ili·yee; 3, M. Cox, J. O'Collins. Grade IA ('hridict }t I)octri,te: 3.


A':croubmtions: 1, S. Walker; 2, L. Clayton; 3, A. Callanan; 4, J. Ryland, 5, A. Smith; 6, A. Smith; 7, It, Lechte; 8, A. Reid; 9, W. Gei·ber; 10,14, Pitt; 11, S, Stewai·t; 12, A, Best; 13, I). St. Ellen.

(Boys) : 1, D. Galbally ; 2, A. McCauley. Doyle, P. Coleman, M. O'Shaughnessy

1)1(·tation: 11.

S pelling : S. A. B reheny, J. Skene. Art and Humlit·ork: 1. Rect{i},g : 14.


Poet"v.- M. McEnci·oe.

McCardel, It. Hushwalle]·. 11'ritin,q: J. McCann. Nirmbei·: P. L

I )wyer.

Grade ] B Cliristian Doctrine: A.


Examiwitimis: 1, A. Cahill and S. A. Walker; 2, M. Pacini; 3,

L. Coleman and F. Stii·ling; 4, C. Kelly; 5, M. Wilcox; 6,

A. Hollywood; 7, P. Stewart and H. Tiei·nan; 8, A. Mott; 9, A. Mighell ; 10, M. Ryan. 19

Mission Expenditure. 1957 Loi·eto Missions C India and Africa )


.. .. ..

£500 0 0

Pallotine Fathers .. Meiville Island Mission .. .. .. .. .. .. St. Columban's .. Propagation of the Faith .. ..

10 0 0

Jesuit Mission (India )

.fesuit Mission (Hong Kong)

St. Augustine's Orphana$re (Geelong)

Mai·ist Medical Sisters .. .. .. .. .. ..

Local Charities .. .. ..

10{) 0 0

10 10 0 15 0 0 20

0 0

170 0 0

20 0 0 2 10 0 50 0 0

£898 0 0

Term Dates for 1958 Firsit Term:

School commences Tuesday, 1 lth February, 6Pupils). p.m. (Boarders); Wednesday, 12th15th February, 9 C Day School finishes Thursday, May, noon. Secotut Te,·m :

School commences Tuesday, 3rd June, 6 p.m.

(Boarders) ; Wednesday, 4th June, 9 a.m. (Day Pupils). School finishes Thui·sday, 28th August, noon. Third Term:

School commences Tuesday, 16th9 September, 6Pupils p.m. ).( Boarders ) ; Wednesday, 17th September, C I)ay School finishes Thui·sday, 11th December, noon. C. C. MEEHAN & CO. PTY. LTD.. WYNYARD ST.. SOUTH MELBOURNE


1 -34//( - 0( -11





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