The School Report 1959

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and wishes our Parents and Pupils the graces and blessings of this holy season





.b Head of the tchool, 1938-39, Philippa has given an inspiring leadi in man>· field,4. the haM been l'resident of the Modality, I.C.M, Pres

Captain of Blue (Mt. Gertrude'A), Winner of Paraclete Art,; ENsay petition, of Firht Prize in Alliance Francaixe Examinations in F

Poetry, and Finalist in the Junior Chamber of Commerce Ihiblic Spe Contest.



HIS year was memorable in being the first in the Ponti-

ficate of Pope John XXIII, already dear to all heai·ts as the Pope

of the People. It is in keeping with his spii·it that we have

extended our activities into further fields of the apostolate -

gladly assisting with financial aid the new Friendship House

in Colombo, which is the work of our own Past Pupil, Maidie

O'Brien, now JIrs. P. Purves, and entering with gi·eatei· zest

on pi·ojects in aid of the expanding Jesuit Mission in India.

Inci·easing interest in our neighbours of the Noi·th was

ai·oused early this year with a visit to the Industrial Trades Fair.

This visit, and the further stimulus of their Pacific

History Course, gave the inipetus to the Sub-Intei·mediates to organise an excellent Oriental Exhibition for the general delight and fui·thei· education of the school. Thanks are due to

all who helped so generously and lent exhibits, and we thank especially the two Columban Fathers who turned our minds to the thought of the spiritual riches which ai·e oui·s to bestow

on millions bound to the poverty of pagan living. At the end

of the yeai·, when the fires of zeal might have cooled, we wei·e 1)1·ivileged to heai· His Lordship, Bishop Cerruti, of Ratburi, Thailand.

Contrary to the usual custom, the Annual Spoi·ts Day was held early in Second Term this year. The day was voted a great success, as was the second Swimming Carnival in which the childi·en have begun to set up records in the vai·ious events. Already plans are being made for a more ambitious programme in this field of sport. Of the many spoi·ting fixtui·es thi·oughout the yeai· it may be fairly said that the number of victories in both First and Second Division Basketball, Sof.ball and Tennis

prove the ganies to be of high standard. In Third Term we have been able to provide seven Badminton Courts, which siii)ply pleasant activity for the wai·mei· days. And again we must acknowledge oui· debt of gratitude to Mis. Schaefei· and Mi·. L. Guiney.

As always, too, the first term saw new enthusiasm for the

Y.C.S. and the Sodality of Our Lady. The first was evidenced by the promulgation of new schemes for the making of Mission Money, and the pi·oduction of the school paper enlarged and in print. The second was shown by the increase iii the number of

probationers, and a gi·owing intei·est in the Sodality way of life. We are grateful for the splendid co-operation of all inemhers for the general Sodality Day held at Loreto in First Term.

This was attended by 200 boys and girls from other schools. 1959 has also seen the inauguration of Y.C.S. days for activity members, and our children were glad to act as hostesses for 120 fellow members from nearby schools in third terin. 3

Another major spiritual activity is the annual Retreat. Again, this year there was a new departure. While the Leaving and Matriculation classes wei·e pioneering the first series of Geography Excursions at Hai·rietville, the Second Division

opened the term with their Retreat. The first three days of third term were set aside foi· the Senior Reti·eat - undoubtedly a splendid preparation for the important weeks ahead. These efforts, together with the day-to-day training in the important science of Christian living, help us to review calmly and in correct perspective the less important though gratifying successes in the field of learning. Although there was no brilliancy about the 1958 Mati·iculation results, fourteen out of eighteen gii·ls matriculated, and we considei· this a very creditable achievement.

It might be oppoi·tune to emphasise here the desii·ability of proceeding to a Second Yeai· of Matriculation as a stronger preparation for the highly competitive University work ahead. This year the recoi·d number of twenty-two candidates received certificates in the Alliance Francaise Examinations, and first prize in the Poetry Section of Gi·ades I and II went to members of the Matriculation and Leaving Classes. Credit is due to the splendid teaching of Madame Gaillet. First and Second Prizes in the Paraclete Arts Essay Competition were also

obtained by two of our Matriculation students, and the school was well 1·epresented among the art prizes for the poster com-

petition at the May Time Fair. The Work Display in November was much appreciated, and gave evidence of the various types

of home-making crafts being taught in the school. A large numbei· of Mati·iculation and Leaving students presented for the 1959 examinations, and we wish them every success.

1 As the crisis in Catholic Secondai·y Education grows more acute, and the number of applicants far exceeds the space

available, it becomes increasingly evident that there can be no place in our schools for the idle, or for those unwilling to benefit by the training we offer. Consequently the attention of parents is drawn to the need for co-operation with the school in mak-

ing no compi·omise with the fact that youth must be disciplined if it is to develop into the highly principled Christians needed to face the woi·ld of today.

It is not fitting that a report of the yeai·'s activities should close without reference to the unceasing support given by the Parents' Association, the Past Pupils, and our many friends, and without an expression of gratitude for their kindly help which has extended over many fields.

Whatever 1960 may

have in stoi· the way of scientific progress, the 1·evela-

tion of the Fatima "Secret," or of change in individual circumstances ... may the New Year find you strengthened in Faith,

and blessed by God with the Peace which He has pi·omised on earth to men of goodwill.



HEAD OF THE SCHOOL. 1959 Philippa McCIelland. Prefects Wendy Anne Gunson

Katrina Jens

Geraldine Ryan

Caroline KelIy Deidrie O'Brien

Gabi·ielle Farley

Gayle Acton

Anna Sinn

Robin Robinson

Pi·udence Maggia

Sodality of Our Director: Rev. J. D>mom S.J. President: P. McClelland

Secretary: C


Council: K. Jens, K. McInerney, C. Melville

Aspirants Sodality of Our Lady President :

Mai·y Lewis Williams

Secretary: Mary Wright

Sodality of Holy Angels President: XI. MeMenamin Secretary: A. Radcliffe

Treasurer: M. Lyons

Sodality of St. Joseph President:

Patricia Dowling

Seeretary : G. Archbold

Y.C.S. President : P. MeClelland Secretary: Y. von Hai·tel Trectiurer: C.


Groups and Leaders Current Affairs: G. Acton .1 1·ts


(11·a ft:.· A. Sinn

Literature: M.


Photographv. Y. von


Film.4 coul .litcsic: D. O'Brien

.IIfxsiou: : B. MeKechnie

Liturqu : C Kelly

1-))·ama: 11.


Xor·?al Service: G. Brennan





1939 SENIOR SCHOOL Prize and Distinction Li,t Christian Doctrine .Watriculation: 1, E. Lee; 2, A. Sanders; 3, G. Ryan and P. MeClelland.

Leaving: 1, W. Wilson; 2, S. Barrett; 3. Y. von Hai·tel. haermediate: 1, D. Wilson; 2, P. L. Williams; 3, R. Arnold. Sith-bitermediate: 1, M. McMenamin; 2, M, I.. Mei·ricki 3, R Pitt.

Second Year A: 1, S. Flanagan; 2, D. Gardini; 3, R. Tiernan. Second Year H: 1, P. Galbally; 2, C. MeNamara; 3, J. Guest. Fi'r,t Year: 1, B. Connolley; 2, P. Fetherstonhaugh; 3, J Oldfield.

Aggregate .Watrieulation , 1, G. Ryan; 2, E. Lee; 3, P. McClelland. Leaving: 1, S. Barrett; 2, Y. von Hai·tel; 3, S. Resch; 4, W. Wilson; 5, J. MeNaniai·a.

Class Places Intermediate: 1, D. Wilson ; 2, M. Wright ; 3, D. Wellsted. Sub-Intermediate: 1, M. L. Mei·rick; 2, M. Lyons; 3, K. Little, 4, S. Glover ; 5, A. Radcliffe. Second Year A: 1,

P.O'Day; 2, J. Robertson; 3, R. Ahern.

Second Year B: 1, P. Galbally; 2, C. Simpson; 3, C. MeNamai·a. Firwt Year: 1, P. Fetherstonhaugh; 2, C. Jones; 3, B. Connolley, 4, G. Archbold; 5, K. Smith.

English licitricillaticrn : 1. P.

McClelland; 2, G. Ryan; 3, E. Lee.

Leaving .· 1, W. Wilson; 2, S. Bai·rett; 3, S. Resch. Inter}nediate: 1, P. Hoppe ; 2, D. Wilson ; 3, H. Lynch. Sub-Intermediate: 1, K. Little; 2, M. L. Mei·rick; 3, M. Lyons. Second Year A: 1, A. Noone; 2, J. Adams; 3, J. Robertson. ,Second Year B: 1, P. Galbally; 2, A. Filcock; 3, M. McClelland.

Fi?·.St Year: 1, B. Connolley; 2, J, Oldfield; 3, M. G. Coleman. French Matriculation: 1, P. McClelland; 2, E. Lee; 3, G. Ryan.

Leaving: 1, S. Ban·ett; 2, W. Wilson ; 3, A. Lynch. Intermediate: 1, M. Wright; 2, D. Wilson; 3, P. Hoppe. Sub-Internterliate: 1, S. Glover; 2. M. Mei·ricki 3, K. Little.

Secoml Year A: 1, P. O'Day; 2, T. Wynhoven; 3, R. Ahern. Second Year B: 1, P. Galbally ; 2, J. Guest ; 3, A. Filcock. First Year: 1, M. Mann; 2. C. Jones; 3, B. Connolley.

Latin 1.

Leaving : 1, S. Barrett; 2, M. Tunder. Intermediate.· 1, D. Wilson; 2, M. Wright; 3, D. Wellsted. Sub-Intermediate: 1, M. Lyons; 2. M. Mei·rick; 3, K. Little. Second Year A: R. Ahern ; 2, S. Flanagan ; 3, P. O'Day. Fi¥*t 1-ear: 1, C. Toner; 2, K. Smith,; 3, P. Fetherstonhaugh. 6

Moclern History .Untrientation : L G. Ryan; 2, A. Saundei·s; 3, E. Lee.

Learing: 1, W, Wilson; 2, S. Resch; 3, D. Lee.

Intermediate: 1, 1). Wellsted; 2, H. Lynch; 3, R. Ai·nold. Sul,-Intermediate: 1, M. Mei·rick; 2, K. Johnson; 3, M. Lyo]


and A. Galhally.

Second Year A: 1, D. Gardini; 2, J. Adams; 3, S. Flanagan. Secomi Year B: 1, P.

Galbally: 2, A. Woodwai·d; 3, J. Guest

First Year: 1, K. Smith; 2, G. Archbold; 3, M. T. Quigg. British Historv

.Untrieulation: 1, E. Lee; 2, G. Ryan; 3, C. Kelly, Leat·ing: 1, B. MeGuinness; 2, M. Lee; 3, C. MeNainara.

Geography Leacing: 1, W. Wilson; 2, S. Resch; 3, J. MeNamara. Intermediate : 1, L.

Ryan; 2, R. Farley; 3, B. Pinnuck and S.


Sub-Intermediate: 1, M.

Lyons; 2, A. Radeliffe; 3, A. Galbally.

Second Year I: 1, It. Ahern; 2, P. O'Day; 3, J. Adams.

Second Year II: 1, C. MeNaniara; 2, P. Galbally; 3, C. Simpson.

First Yero·: 1, G. Archbold, A. Gallagher; 2, M. MeNamara; 3, J. Oldfield.

Cheniistry liatriculation.· 1, M, A. Edgerton; 2, R. Robinson; 3, C. Kuhlinann.

Leaving: 1, Y. von Hai·tel; 2, S. Barrett ; 3, K. Gilchrist. Ph,-sics

.ll(ltriculation: 1, P. McInerney; 2, M. A. Edgertoni 3, K. McInerney and R. Robinson.

Leaving: 1, Y. von Hai·tel ; 2, S. Barrett ; 3, Sue Hoppe. General Science

Intermediate: 1, J. Ley; 2, M. Wright; 3, D. Wilson.

S»%-Interillediate: 1, M. MeMenamin; 2, M. Men·ick; 3, R. Pitt, Second Few· A: 1, It. Ahern; 2, D. Gai·dini; 3, P. O'Day.

Second Year B: 1, P. Galbally ; 2, J. Guest ; 3, B. Donahoe.

First Year: 1, G. Archbold; 2, A. Gallagher; 3, P. Fetherstonhaugh, S. Hore.

Arithmetic Interinedicite: 1, M. Wright; 2, I. O'Brien; 3, D. Wilson.

Sub-Intermediate: 1, M. Lyons; 2, K. Little; 3, E. Connellan.

Second Year A: 1,3. Robertson; 2, J. Ahern; 3, C. Zsizsmann, P. O'Day.

Second Year B: 1, B. Donahoe; 2, C. Simpson; 3, A. Ireland.

Vi,·st Year: 1, D. McSwiney; 2, P. Fetherstonhaugh; 3, B. Connolley. 7


1 5.40 f



An infornial picture nf thix ,(·ar'+ 1' r ,·tert*.

-ilatheniatics .Watriculation: 1, K. McInerney; 2, P. McInerney; 3, M. Edgerton. Lect·hu; I: 1, S. Barrett; 2, C. Gilchrist; 3, Y. von Hai·tel. Learing II: 1, S. Ban·ett; 2, Y. von Hai·tel; 3, M. Lightfoot. Intermediate: 1, M.

Wright ; 2, I). Wilson ; 3, I). Wellsted.

Sub-Intermerliate: 1, M. L. Merrick; 2, M. Lyons; 3, S. Perr>·. Geoinetr, Second Year .,1.1, J. Adams; 2, C. Zsizsmann; 3, D. Gai·dini. Second Year B: 1, 3. Guest; 2, B. Donahoe, E. Daily.

First lear.· 1, P. Fetherstonhaugh; 2, G. Archbold; 3, Kerry Smith, S. Hoi·e, D. McSwiney.

Algebra Second Year ..1: 1, S. Flanagan; 2, C. Zsizsmann; 3, P. O'Day.

Second l'ear H: 1, E. Daily; 2, D. Clancy; 3, C. Sinipson. Firwt

Yeat·. 1, P. Dowling; 2, D. MeSwiney; 3, K. Smith.

Art Lent·ing: 1, G. Bui·i·owes; 2, S. Resch; 3, Y. von Hai·tel. Intermediate: 1, C. Russo ; 2, M. Hill; 3, A. Tiernan. Sub-bitermediate: A. Galbally; 2, H. Mort; 3, K. Johnson.

Second Year A: 1, P. O'Ijay ; 2, R. Ahern; 3, J. Adams. Second Year B: 1, C. MeNaniara; 2, P. Galbally; 3, M. Mort.

Vii·xt Year: 1, S. Hore; 2, A. Gallagher; 3, C. Zaetta. Crafts Learing: 1, M. Gui·ry; 2, C. Mulquiney; 3, M. Lee.

Intermediate: 1, C. Russo; 2, D. O'Brien; 3, A. Slattery.

Sub-Intermediate: 1, D. Alessio; 2, C. Leonard; 3, H. Mort. Prizes for above donated by Miss Howai·d. Year A. 1, C. Kearney; 2, J. Maggs; 3, G. Clayton.

Sec (,uct

Seco?ul Year B. 1, C. Simpson; 2, B. Donahoe; 3, E. Daily. F i,·x t }'ear.· 1, C. Geike; 2, S. Hore; 3, M. Mann.

Hanclwriting Intermediate: 1, R, Arnold; 2, M. Hill; 3, I. O'Brien. Sub-Intermediate: 1, H. Mort; 2, S. Glover; 3, L. Lynch. Secowl Year A: 1, A. Noone; 2, P. O'Day; 3, M. T. Sweeney. Second Year B: 1, 1. Walsh; 2, C. MeNainai·a; 3, A. Ii·eland.

First Year.· 1, M. T. Quigg; 2, J. Oldfield; 3, S. Hore.

Domestic Science Leaving: 1, S. Resch; 2, J. MeNamara; 3, M. Gui·i·y. Intermediate. 1, M. L. Williams; 2, M. Costigan; 3, C. Russo. Sub-Intermediate: 1, A.

Galbally; 2, H. Moi·t; 3, S. Daily.

Second Yeat· A: 1, M. Boileau ; 2, C. Zsizsmann ; 3, E. Hamilton. Second Year B: 1, A. Ireland; 2, J, Walsh; 3, B. Donahoe.

First Year: 1, B. Connolley; 2. C. Toner; 3, P. Fetherstonhaugh. Needlework

Second Year A. 1, T. Wynhoven; 2, S. Synman; 3, C. Kearney. Second Year R. 1, M. A. Nornian; 2, C. Sinipson; 3, C. MeNama]·a.



D. Lee, C. Gilchi·ist, L. ityan, P. Dwyer, T. Wynhoven, D. MeSwiney, G. Archbold.

Spoken English Matriculation: 1, C. Kelly; 2, L. Ferguson; 3, D. O'Brien.

Leaving: 1, A. Egan; 2, Y. von Hai·tel; 3, N. Palfy. Intermediate: 1,12. Farley; 2, J. Andrews; 3, J. Ley. Sub-Intermediate : 1, P.

Simpson ; 2, A. Galbally ; 3, A. Radcliffe.

Second Year A..1, R. Tiei·nan; 2, S. Synman; 3, S. Kelly.

Filcock; 2, M. McClellant 3, E. Edgerton. First Year: 1, M. McDonald; 2, C. Curtis; 3, J. Moloney. Second Year B : 1, A.

Special prizes donated by Mrs. Hoban:

1, Yvonne Tomlinson; Fayne Bur]·ell, Progress Prize. Teiinis

Trophies donated by Mi·. L. Guiney

First Division, A. Sinn ; Second Division, Uppei·, J. Maggs; Lower, S. Hore.

PREFECTS' PRIZES P. McClelland, K. Jens, C. Kelly, D, O'Brien, G. Ryan, R. Robinson, G. Acton, W. Gunson, G. Farley, A. Sinn, P. Maggia.

CONDUCT PRIZES C Awarded on percentages of Gold Cards received during the year)

Matriculation girls are excluded.

Leaving: S. Barrett, M. Byrne, G. Bum·owes, S. Guest, S. Hoppe, M. Lee. P. Maggia, S. Maggia, H. Murphy, C. Mulquiney, L. Pitt, A. Sinn, J. Sullivan, W. Wilson. Intermediate: R. Arnold, L. Ryan, R. Farley.

Sub-I,itermediate: S. Daily, E. Daly, G. Hogan-Taylor, J

Kelly, K. Little, M. Lyons, M. L. Merrick, P. McC]elland, M. M. MeMenamin, H. Naughton, P. Simpson, Y. Tomlinson, A. i. adeliffe.

Second Yea,·: D.

Gardini, M. Lynch, A. Noone, C. Zsizs-

mann, J. Guest, C. Simpson, B. Donohue. First Year: G. Archbold, C. Anderson, A. Gallagher, M.

MeMenamin, D. MeSwiney, B. Nolan, B, Connolley, P. Dowling. PRIX cl'HONNEUR LOYALTY PRIZES

Awarded by the Past Pupils' Association.

1st Division, P. McClelland; 2nd Division, M. Lyons; 3rd Division, M. O'Brien. 10

Music Results. 1959 6'th Grade: D. Lee ( Honours), M. Byrne (Credit), K. Gilchrist (Credit), J. Fakhry, H. Hon W. Wilson. 511, Grfule : C.

Zsizsmann ( Honours), A. Galbally (Credit),

G. Farley (Credit), L, 1{yan (Credit), A. Sinn (Credit), H. Leehte (Ci·edit), P. Dwyer (Ci·edit), M. Hill, I.. Pitt, A. RadelifTe, H. Lynch; Singing: G. Burrowes (Ci·edit) ;

Gile}nist (Honours), M. Hill (Honours), W. Wilson (Credit), M. Lee (Credit), D. Lee (Credith J. Fakhry. 4th Grade: P.

Fetherstonhaugh (Honours), H. Lechte

(Hons. Cello), S. Acton (Credit), F. Hayden (Credit), E. Don-

nan (Credit), C. Vii·gona (Credit), D. O'Brien, It. Pitt, C. Wimpole, M. Costigan ( Violin ) i

Theory: E. Donnan (Honours), L.

Ryan (Credit), It. Farley (Credit), H. Lynch.

.ard Grade: D. McSwiney (Honours), R. Tiei·nan (Hon-

oui·s), P. Galbally (Honours), K. Little (Credit), C. Zaetta (Credit ), M, O'Brien, E. Connellan, M. McClelland, C.

Gerke, C. A. Spain, L. Lynch; Theory: S. Pei·ry C Honours), (Honoui·s), S. Acton (Credit), D. O'Brien E. Connellan

( Ci·edit), I. O'Brien (Credit), M. Vii·gona (Credit), H O'Dohei·ty (Ci·edit), H. Leehte (Ci·edit), M. Costigan (Credit), P. Dwyer, A. Galbally, G. Burrowes ( Mus. Pei·.). 2nd Grade: T.

Wynhoven (Honours), M. Peters (Honours),

M. MeMenamin (Credit), M. Sheahan (Credit), S. McEncroe, J. Starr, G. Archbold, N. Lynch, E. Calder, H. Fetherstonhaugh, L. Edgerton, M. T. Sweeney, M. T. Quigg; Violin : F. Hayden (Honours), M. O'Brien (Ci·edit), J. Adanis (Ci·edit) ; Theonj : C. Zsizsniann (Honours), R. Tiernan (Honours), A. Cal·olan (Honours), D. Gardini (Honours), P. Galbally (Honours), G. Clayton (Honoui·s), J. Adams (Honours), F. Hayden

(Honoui·s), A. Donnan (Honours), G. Vii·Rona (Honours), C. Keai·ney ( Ci·edit), A. Noone ( Ci·edit), T. Wynhoven, F. Sinn, M. T. Sweeney, M. MeC]elland. Ist Gracie: E.

Boileau (Credit), J. Buxton (Credit), M.

McCaffrey (Credit), G. Byrne (Credit), J. Chapman (Credit), C. Johnson (Credit), F. MeEneroe, D. Coleman, C. Nicholls;

Theory : G.

Archbold (Honours), B. Anderson (Honours), C.

Zaetta (Honours), D. MeSwiney (Honours,), M. T. Quigg ( Honoui·s), P. Fethei·stonhaugh ( Honoui·s), M. Daly ( Honours), P. O'Shaughnessy (Honours), A. Gallagher (Honours),

M. McMenamin (Honours), M. Coleman (Honours), C. Gerke (Honours), C. A. Spain (Honoui·s), J. Oldfield (Honours), C. Vii·gona (Credit), C. Wimpole (Credit), J. Moloney (Credit),

J. Starr (Credit).

Prelimina·ry: S. Funder, H. Sheahan, J. Oldfield, C. Fakhry, [. Kift, M. McClelland, M. T. Wai·ry, J. O'Collins, J. Starr, . Hill, Y. Nicholls, J. England, D. Doyle. 11




. j


Wendi- Anne Gunwn.


Elizabeth Connellan and Susan Daily. REGILARITY .\NI) t'INCTI 1 1.1'tri


bara I»innick :rnd Gabrielle Farle,

IN THE ·ll NIOR +CHO€)1 Thankh to Mary O'Brien

daily, humble duties ....



I., f:*3 8



Judith Le>·, Mary Wright and Imelda ()'Brien

faithfully HYMN



3,-The School Crossing must be watched each morning and afternoon. Mary Byrne, Mite Maggia, Virginia Glover, Jill Larkins, Prue Maggia, Denihe Lee.


Helen Lechte, Helen Murphy and








Illi -/.......


Requiescat in Pace Awe, and a sense of the mystei·y of Death, gripped our hearts on the afternoon of Wednesday,

231·d September, the eve of Oui· Lady of Mercy, when little Jurate Junokas collapsed on the front lawn. Within a few minutes, Father Ebsworth, the doctor, and her gi·ieving mother were on the spot, and there, whei·e some minutes before the clear child had been

happy with hei· classmates, she was anointed, and hei· innocent, beautiful soul must have sped straight to God. We all join in offering our deepest sympathy to hai· son·owing parents.


SCHOLARSH 11,5 Matriculation Ex:,mination, 1958: M. Doyle. Junior Government: M. I.. Mei·rick, A. I.ey.

Parailete Arts Essav Competition I




Philippa McClelland. Wendy Ann Gunson

Second Prize:

Alay Time Fair. Poster Competition SENIOR SECTION Second Prize

Rosemary Farley

Third Prize:

Barbara Stevenson

Special Prize: Angela Slattery MIDDLE SECTION Third Prize:

Catherine MeNamara

JUNIOR SECTION Second Prize: V rances McEnci·oe

Alliance Francaise GRADE I ( I,oetry ) 1St Prize: P. McClelland

Honoug·able Mention: C. Kelly, W. A. Gunson. Dictee-Honourable Mention: P. McClelland

1st Prize: N. Palfry. Honourable Mention: 3.

Marsh, A. Egan, N. Lightfoot

GRADE III (I)ictee)

Ho,ic,urable Mejition: M.

Wi·ight, D. Wilson.

GRADE IV (Poetry)

Honou,·able .Wention: K. Little, J. Kelly, M. MeMenamin,

L, Lynch, M. Lyons, M. L. Mei·rick, P. Simpson, M. Jaquinot, P. McClelland.

Dictee: K. Little, P. Simpson, M. L. Mei·i·ick, M. Lyons. 15


Philippa presenting Reverend H. King, S.J., uith cheque donated by thee Achont towardN a Burse for training a I'riext for the Missions.


/HEN Our Divine Lord set the seal of immortality on this phi·ase, He was not speaking merely to a small group around Jacob's Well. Rather was He sounding a Call to His Royal A i·my of each futui·e generation. ... And so it has fallen out. From the spectaculai· missionai·y endeavoui·s of Paul and Xavier, to the unnoticed hero of the most recently founded

Mission, we glean the gloi·ious truth that "the teaching of all Nations" is going ahead in accordance with God's command, and we are stirred to fresh fei·voui· in the small field of our

own activities, glad of our opportunities to share in this gi·eat work.

Several methods of making money for the Missions were

successfully employed by the School as a body. Eai·ly in second term the Senior School had a Film Night; this was followed later by a Mannequin Parade ... the proceeds of which went 16

towards a Hui·se for the training of a Priest for the Indian

Mission. Thanks to the amazing generosity of Mrs. A. Griffiths, who organised the evening and found the frocks, and to the many who graciously supported it, the evening proved success-

ful beyond our most elastic hopes. The third major effort for the Missions was the fete run by the Junior School and Kindergarten. Prodigies of generosity and energetic enthusiasm again produced an astonishing return.

But this is not all ! In an effort to bi·ing home to each

one the fact that support of the Missions is a personal, life-

long obligation, we have this year encouraged each Senior Girl to set herself a goal of £2/2/-, to be 1·aised by individual effort, at home or at school. To this challenge there has been a re-

warling: response. That is why one head bends diligently to the task of sewing on a Cash's Mark, oi· of whitening a pair

of forlorn-looking sandshoes; this explains the unwearying offers to wash the car, or i·un those messages; this explains,

too, the ti·uly heroic offering of "The p rize money I won at the Show," and "the money I zi·aN saving for a saddle," and the lai·ge parcel of hal f-pennies saved throughout the year !

These are only some of the many ingenious methods which have been employed to give material help to the Missions and oui· deep gratitude is due to those parents who have cooperated with Dog Shows, Film Evenings, Tennis Parties, etc. Each one has helped his child to reach the standard set by St. Paul: "let this mind be in you which is also in Christ

Jesus." So niuch for the matei·ial aid. What of the spiritual?

No report of the yeai·'s Mission Activities can fail to neglect this most powei·ful weapon in the Mission Arnioury, and we feel cei·tain that, as we listened through the year to the words of Fathei·s Lachal and King, S.J., to the heroic Columban Missioners, and the appealing plea of the Missionai·y Bishop of Thailand - all emphasising and 1·eitei·ating the need for pi·ayer - we made fresh resolves never to fail in giving this support to spread the shining bounds of oui· Faith. And for our efforts we have the certainty of reward promised by eternal ti·uth ....

Give and it shall be given to you, full measure

pressed down and flowing over... What greater work can we do in 1960?






Jlember + 01 the Rind,·rgarten are ,·1111,11%i,1 Mtic Mi»Nion U'„rk,·rh.

J UNIC)It SCHOOL Prize and Distim·tion Li>t 1959 Gracie VI

Christian I)octrine: 1, B. Cahill; 2, M. O'Brien; 3, S. MeEnci·oe Smith.

Project: 3.

Aggregate: 1, M. O'Brien; 2, J. Smith; 3, B. Cahill.

End of Year Examinatiomn 1, B. Cahill; 2, M. O'Brien; 3, M Peters.

Reacting: 1, Penelope Schaefer; 2, C. Lechte; 3, G. McCauley

11'riting: 1, E. Boileau; 2, J. Naughton; 3, B. Cahill. Spelling: 1, A. Sweeney, J. Douglas; 3, M. O'Brien. Composition: 1, M. O'Hai·a; 2, M, Jaquinot ; 3, C. Nicholls. Grammar: 1, M. L. Morrison; 2. L. Edgerton; 3, J. Smith.

Social Studies: 1, M. Sheahan; 2, G. O'Collins; 3, F. Bryce. Project: G. MeCauley.

.trithmetic: 1, P. Anstee; 2, B. Cahill; 3, M. O'Brien. French . 1, L. Lynch ; 2, J. Smith ; 3, M. Peters. Art: 1, C. Russo; M. O'Brien; 3, G. McCauley.

Needlework : 1, Chai·on Lea; 2, P. Anstee; 3, N. M. Lynch. Ai·t of Speech : 1, C. Lechte, C. Walker, G. O'Collins, F. Bi·yc:e. (Prizes donated bv Mics C. O'Keefe).

.liu.Nic: 1, Debby Coleman, M. Wai·1·y. Dancing: 1 (eq.), M. O'Brien, M. Peters; 3. S. Mort.

(Prizes donated by Mrs. R. Linton). Parker, E. McCann. Tennix : A. Sweeney, G. McCauley. Recorder : 3.

(Trophies donated by Mi·. L. Guiney).

Grade V Chrit,tictit Doctrine : 1, N. Gei·ber; 2, S. Funder; 3, V. Ellis.

Aggregate: 1, V. Ellis; 2, V. Gerbev; 3, S. Funder. End of Year EX{t„,illatiON: 1, N.

Ellis; 2, V. Gei·bev; 3,



Reading : 1, S. Buxton; 2, V. Ellis; 3, S. Funder. V. Gei·ber.

11'riting: 1, B. Buxton ; 2, C. Johnston ; 3, M. McClelland. Spelling : 1, V. Gerber ; 2, V. Ellis; 3, E. Skene. Coinposition : 1, V. Ellis; 2, M. Gerke; 3, C. Johnston. Grammar: 1. J. Caller; 2, V. Ellis ; 3, Y. Nicholls.

Art of Speech: 1, V. Ellis; 2, M. J. Alston; 3, E. O'Brien. Social Studies: 1, S. Funder; 2, V. Ellis; 3, C. Johnston. Arithmetic: 1, C. Johnston; 2, V. Ellis ; 3, V. Ge]·ber. .lbisie: M. McClelland, S. Funder, C. Johnston. Art: 1, M. Gerke; 2, F. MeEncroe; 3, M. E. MeCardel.

HanclworA·:' 1, M. McClelland ; 2, J. Chapman ; 3, A. M. Sch lesinger. INt'n,cilig :

Antonia Bleechmore, J. Chapman. (Prizes donated by Mrs. R. Linton). 19


Bernad,·114* ('ahill le:id< the Junior Ach „01 Atiorl: Te:int i n pr:u·tic,·.

Grade IV

Chri.stian Doctrine: 1, B. Midgely; 2, J. Flanagan; 3, P. Watt. Project, J. Fink.

Aggregate Prize: 1, B. Midgely; 2, J. Flanagan; 3, R. Hill.

(.'lass Places 37·d Term: 1, B. Midgely; 2, J. Flanagan; 3, M. Cox. Reading : 1, D. Doyle; 2, J. Flanagan, C. Morrison. H'ritin.g: 1, A. Ward; 2, B. Midgely; 3, R. Hill.

Spelling : 1, C. Morrison; 2, B. Midgely; 3, J. Flanagan. Coniposition : 1, A. Jones; 2, T. Callea; 3, B. Midgely. Grammar. 1, A. Knowles; 2, R. Hill; 3, B. Midgely. Poetry: 1, M. Cox; 2, J. Flanagan; 3, C. Morrison. Social Studies: 1, J. England; 2, J. Fink; 3, M. Cox. Project: 1, 3. Fink; 2, S. Ahern.

Arithmetic: 1, C. Fakhry; 2, J. Flanagan; 3, B. Midgely. Art: 1,3. Fink; 2, T. Callea; 3, A. Ward.

Needlework: C most improved) J. Marks; Equal 1, B. Midgely, J. Fink.

Most Improred Pupit:. T.



(-'kristian Doctrine: 1, J. Ryland ; 2, M. Marzoi·ini ; 3, A. Reid. Aggregate: 1, A. Smith; 2, J. Ryland; 3, S. Walker.

Third Term Class Places: 1, A. Smith; 2, J. Ryland; 3, H. Sheahan.

Reading: 1, A. Smith, S. Walker; 2, A. Callanan ; 3, R. M. Ryan, L. Clayton.

WritiNg: 1, A. Smith, A. Wright; 2, S. Walker; 3, A. Callanan. Spelling : 1, A. Smith ; 2, S. Walker; 3, R. Lechte, A. Callanan. Composition.: 1, A. England; 2, A. Callanan; 3, H. Sheahan. Grammar: 1, M. MeEneroe; 2, A. England; 3, S. Walker. Poetrv : 1, 3. Skene ; 2, S. Walker ; 3, L. Clayton. Social Studiex: 1, A. Smith; 2, J. Ryland; 3, A. Wright.

Arithmetic: 1, S. Walker; 2, J. Ryland; 3, L. Clayton. Art: 1, R. Ryan; 2, A. Smith; 3, R. Johnson. Needlework : 1, A. Wright, M. Mai·zorini ; 2, A. Cahill; 3, S. Walkei·.

Dancing : M. McEncroe; 2, W. Gerber; 3, G. Douez. Music: H. Sheahan.

Grade IIIB ('kristian I)octrine: 1, J. Hamilton; 2, E. MeQueen Thompson; 3, M. Wilcox.

Aggregate: 1, E. O'Brien; 2, J. Wellsted; 3, P. Ahern. End of Year Examination: 1, D. St. Ellen; 2, E. O'Brien; 3, J. Wellsted.

Reading: 1, A. Junokas; 2, A. Hollywood; 3, M. Pacini. Writing: 1, J. McCann; 2, M. Wilcox; 3, E. O'Brien.

Spelling. 1, J. Fetherstonhaugh ; 2, P. Ahern ; 3, D. St. Ellen. Composition: 1, M. Pacini ; 2, A. Junokas ; 3, M. MeCann. English : 1, W. Scharp; 2, J. Wellsted; 3, E. O'Brien. Poetry: 1, M. Wilcox; 2, J. Hamilton; 3, J. Galbally.

Social Studies. 1, K. Timar; 2, M. Pacini; 3, M. McCann. Arithmetic: 1, H. Tiei·nan; 2, E. O'Bi·ien; 3, D. St. Ellen. 21


Art: 1, J. Galbally; 2, E. MeQueen Thompson; 3, E. Thomas. Handwork : 1, C Guest; 2, M. Wilcox; J. Fetherstonhaugh. Dancing: 1, M. Wilcox, J. Fetherstonhaugh, M. McClelland.

Grade II Christian Doctrine.· 1, M. Henderson; 2, M. Vale; 3, M, Dynon, J. Bourke.

Aggregate: 1, M. Dynon; 2, J. Connaughton; 3, B, Kiernan. Enil of Year Examination: 1, 11.

Vale; 2, D. Jones, J.

Connaughton; 3, E. Webb; 4, C. Sweeney; 5, D. Dale and M. Dynon. Project: 1, R.

Burke; 2, S. McCauley; 3, B. McCardel. Crib: 1, M. Tiernan; 2, J. O'Brien; 3, J. Bourke.

Reading: 1, K. Allen; 2, J. Forrest and S. Lewis; 3, D. Jones and G. Hyde.

Spelling: 1, J, Matthews; 2, C. Sweeney and M. Dynon; 3, M. Tiei·nan and J. Connaughton.

English : 1, T. Starr; 2, K. Alessio; 3, A. Codoguotto. Verse Speaking: 1, J. Peters; 2, K. Allen; 3, V. Curtis and M. Tiernan.

Composition: 1, J. O'Brien and C. Sweeney; 2, M. Vale and T. Starr; F. Stewart.

Writing: 1, D. Gill; 2, P. Jaquiot; 3, E. Joseph and V. Tiernan. 2 Arithmetic: 1, G. O'Keefe and M, Vale; 2, M. Dynon; 3, T. Starr.

Ta b les: 1, S. Lewis; 2, M. Vale and T. Starr; 3, H. McKechnie. Handwork: 1, H. Bourke; 2, A. Devlin 3, M. Sakacs. Social Studies: 1, S. McCauley; 2, J. Dowling.

Dancing: 1, M. Dynon; 2, S. Evans; 3, A. Flanagan. • Singing: 1, L. Mahon; 2, J. Bourke; 3, D. Dale.

Drawing .· 1, A. Codoguotto; 2, K. Alessio; 3, M. Vale.

Grade I (Upper) Christian I)ortrine: 1,3. Callanan ; 2, A. Dwyer ; 3, J. Coghlan.

Places in Class: 1, P. Testart; 2, A. Caller;' 3, L. Gerber, N.

Mighell; 4, J. Anstee, J. Callanan; 5, J. Watt, S. Arendsen. Spelling: J. Dynon. Number: G. Walker and Ann Peppard. Reading : M.


Writing : J. Whelan. Good Conduct: G. McColl-Jones.

Mosit Improved: L.

Bi·own, C. Lethb]·idge, G. England, E. Partington, F. Galbally, P. Ryland, A. McKenzie, M. Dwyei·.

Grade I (Lower) Christian Doctrine. 1, J. Conquest; 2, M. Lynch; 3, P. Buxton. Class PlfteeS : Equal 1, V. Gebbie, C. Hill, M. Lynch; 2, C. Craoline; 3, M. Wilden, P. Buxton. Writing: Jo-Anne Bird, E. Cahill. Spelling : J. Mortensen. Nuinbers: E. O'Rorke, J. McMenamin. Reading : J. Stewart.

Art: P. Connaughton. Handwgrk: C. Kloppenborg. Most Improved: G. Copley. Good Conduct: M. Jones. 22

'rerm Dates for 1960


term: School commences Monday, 8th February,

6 p.m. (Boarders) ; Tuesday, 9th February, 9 a.m. (Day Pupils) ; School finishes Thursday, 12th May, noon.

Second Term: School commenees Monday, 30th May, 6 p.m. (Boarders); Tuesday, 31st May, 9 a.m. (Day Pupils); School finishes Thursday, 25th August, noon.

Third Term: School commences Monday, 12th September, 6 p.m. (Boarders) ; Tuesday. 13th September, 9 a.m. (Day Pupils): School finishes Thursday, 8th December, noon.

N.B.-Classes resume on Tuesday. not on Wednesday as in previous years.




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