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and wiAhes our Parents and Pupils the graces and blessings of this holy season
HEAD OF THE SCHOOL (Caroline Kelly) AND PREFECTS. Front Row (from left): Robin Robinson, Caroline Kelly, Rosemarie Farley, Wendy Wilson. Second Row: Sue Guest, Helen Murphy, Mary Byrne, Anna Sinn, Yvonne von Hartel.
Back Row: Jane Sullivan, Gay Farley, Sue Barrett.
We know that it is not possible to measure spiritual success, but it is apparent from the inel·easing numbers of Sodalists,
theii· obvious efforts to live the Sodality Way of Life, and their eai·nest talks to vounirei· classes that the Spirit of Our Lady's Sodality is having a beneficial effect on the School in gene]·al. We ai·e grateful to Revel·end Father J. Dynon, S.J., for hi continued kindly interest and direction. 1..(lx.
This veai· the Y.C.S. was re-01·ganised on new lines, anct the activities of many groups show that this scheme is a
practicable one. The Current Affairs Group was uniformly successful in Debates with sevei·al other schools, and has
inaugurated within the Senior School a Speechei·aft Festival to be held each year. This provides splendid training for the futui·e. Social Services and Mission Groups have macie very praiseworthy efforts to bring home the necessity of charitable· woi·ks. We would wish all our Loreto children to leave schooi
aware of their responsibilities to help pi·ovide the spiritual and material needs of the destitute and afflicted.
Again each child was encouraged to make her own £2/2/-
for the Missions, and many more responded genei·ously to this challenge. The Junioi· School Mission Fete was spectacularly
successful, and the younger childi·en, too, have responded whole heartedly to the ever-increasing appeals from Mission fields. RETREATS
Second Term opened with the Second Division Reti·eat giVell by Father J. Smith, S.J., who also directed the Senior Retreat in Third Term. At this tinie minds and heal·ts must be set on thi,
imminent and very important eniergence into vai·ied spheres of post-school activities. For this reason, all those leaving school were invited to stay for the weekend. They expressed much gi·atitude foi· the oppol·tunity given and wei·e gi·eatly helped by the wise guidance of the Retreat giver. STUDIES
An inci·easing spirit of study has been evident in the School this yeai·. This must develop still further.
The vai·ious activities on "Open Day" showed Parents the comprehensive courses of study being undertaken in all sections of the school, and we wei·e pleased with the spii·it of helpfulness and co-operation shown by the childi·en.
The Alliance Fi·ancaise results wei·e most satisfactory, as wei·e those in the Theoi·y and Practice of Music. First Prize
in the Ai·t Section of the Paraclete Arts Competition was won by Geraldine Bum·owes, who also achieved success with th„ original designs and beautiful colon]·s of her Christmas Cards.
At the beginning of Second Tei·in the Matriculation and Leaving Classes went to Tasmania. The difficulties involved iii arranging such an Excursion ave well repaid by the amount of interest aroused and the practical knowledge gained. This yeai· twenty-six candidates are presenting for the Matriculation Examination, forty-four for the Leaving Certificate, and forty-one for Intermediate. We wish them success. SPORT
With the growing pressures of the present school System
we have thought it wise to ari·ange major sporting activities in the early part of the year. St. Patrick's Day was again set aside foi· the Swimming Carnival. Over a pei·iod of three years there has been a marked increase in the number of enti·ants,
and an improvement in the general quality of the swimming. Since a change was made in the 01·ganisation of the Spoi·ts Teams there was keen competition to be fii·st on the handsome new swimming shield (presented by Mi·s. J. O'Itorke). This honour fell to Wai·d House in 196().
A new note was struck in the Senior School Spoi·ts this yeai·, with the introduction of hui·dling, The high standai·d and keen interest displayed on both Senior and Junior Sports Days augurs well for the future of this aspect of School Life. In other fields, Tennis, Softball and Basketball, the teams
in both 1st and 2nd Division played well throughout the year; some of the younger teams being unbeaten at the end of the season. We ai·e indebted to Mrs. Schaefer for her enthusiastic
and selfless interest in all branches of our Sporting Activities. LORETO PARENTS' ASSOCIATION
As 1960 approaches its end we turn in grateful thought to
all members of the Parents' Association who have given cheerful and untiring service in the many functions of the year. Our special thanks ave due to Mi·s. W. Bowden (President of the Association), Mi·s. J. O'Brien, Mrs. J. O'Roi·ke, Mi·s. It. Hodgkinson, Mi·s. J. Galbally and all those whose loyalty receives a weekly test in the organization of the Luncheon Service. We also thank sincerely the Pai·ents who co-operated with us during 1960 and other years, in the training of their children. The School cannot succeed without the suppoi·t of the Home, noi· c.an the Parents succeed in their difficult task without assist-
ance. They will find in the School, in its traditions and disciplines, in its studies and rules, their most powerful ally, provided they ai·e prepared to put into practice all points of
school policy which relate to the training of their children. We wish to thank Father W. Ebsworth, our Parish Priest, foi· his kindness and help during the year. Father H. King·,
S.J., for saying Mass foi· us each morning, and our devoted band of secular teachers, whose willing co-operation with the nuns made the work of the school year possible. May God bless you all with a Happy and Holy Chi·istmas. LORETO CONVENT, TOORAK. 4
HEAD OF THE SCHOOL. 196() Caroline Kelly
Prefects Robin Robinson
Wendy Wilson
Anna Sinn
Jane Sullivan
Susan Barrett Susan Guest
Helen Murphy Mary Byrne
Yvonne von Hartel
Rosemarie Fai·ley
Gabrielle Farley
Roslyn Arnold
Sodality of Our Lady Director: Reverend J. Dynon, S.J. President: Anna Sinn Seeretfurv : Treavirer :
Mary Funder Helen Murphy
Council: Anna Sinn, Mary Funder, Helen Murphy, Mary Byrne, Caroline Kelly, Susan Barrett, Robin Robinson, Wendy Wilson
Aspirants Sodality of Our Lady. President: Margaret Lyons Philippa Simpson
Trea.qurer: Alexis Radeliffe
Sodality of Holy Angels Aspirants.
Pi·udence O'Day Secretary : Susan Flanagan Prevident:
Treasurer: Marie
Prexident : G.
Secretary: P. Fetherstonhaugh
Treaxul·er: B. Connolly
Sodality of St. Joseph President: J. Smith
Keeretaru : 8.
Treasurer: A. Daily
Y.C.S. President: Mary King Secret€it'lj : Geraldine Burrowes Trea.surer :
Helen Mui·phy
Groups and Leaders ,Social Serriees: A. Sinn
Arts (i'nci Crafti: G. Burrowes Photographv : S. Guest
Drama : A. Tiernan
Literature: S.
Missions: H. Murphy
Films and Music: C.
Current Affairs: R. Ai·nold
W. Wilson
Forin U (Mcitriculation) 1. S. Barrett 2. R. Robinson
3, W. Wilson
Form V C Leaving) 1. H. Lynch
2. M. Wright 3. 1 ). Wilson
4. J. Williams
5. L. Ryan
Forn} IV (Intermediate)
1. M.
2. 11.
L. Mei·i·ick
3. K.
4. S.
5. E.
AWARDS . I'porni III
2. P. O'Day
4 t./ il
3. M. I)ickson 4. It Tiernan
Form II
1. B. Connelly 2. P. Fetherstonhaugh 3. A. Gallagher 4. C. Toiiei·
5. I). MeSwiney
Forin I 1. M. O'Bi·ien
2. M. Peters 3. P. Schaefer 4. J. Sniith 5. M. O'Hara
JUNIOR CLASS Gnme VI 1. V. Ellis 2. V. Gerber 3. S. Funder 4. C. Johnston 5. Y. Nicholls
Grade V
1. J. England
2. J. Flanagan 3. A. Jones 4. R. Hill
5. E. O'Keeffe
G rade IV 1. H. Sheahan
2. N. Scharp 3. A. Smith / E. O'Brien. 5. S. Walker
1. Jo Connaughton
2. M. Dynon 3. D. Jones 4. D. Dale
5. C. Sweeney
Grade II
1. M. Breheny
ri 06
2. C. Lethbridge 3.
4. L. Gerber 5. P. Testart
G,wde I
2. T. Lewis / A. O'Shaughnessy 4. T. Smith / J. Dynon
1960 SENIOR SCHOOL Prize and Di>tinction Li>t Christian Doctrine .Untriculation: 1, W. Wilson; 2, S. Barrett; 3, Y. von Hai·tel.
Learinn.· 1, R. Arnold; 2, L. Ryan; 3, I. Oehlmann. Intermediate.· 1, M. Lyons; 2, A. Galbally; 3, E. Connellan. Sub-Intennediate (Blue): 1, M. T. Sweeney ; 2, F. Hayden ; 3, C. Keai·ney. Sub-In.tennediate (Gold ) : 1, P. O'Day; 2, J. Adams; 3, M Lynch.
Second Year: 1, C. Arnold; 2, B. Connelly; 3, D. MeSwiney. Fin t Year (Blue) : 1, P. Anstee; 2, J. Douglas; 3, A. Lees. Pint Year (Gold): 1, S. Ley; 2, B. Cahill; 3, C. Koch.
English .Watriculation: 1, W. Wilson; 2, R. Robinson; 3, J. Marsh. Leacin.g: 1, I). Wilson ; 2, M. Wright ; 3, J. Williams. In.termediate: 1, K. Johnson; 2, M. L. Men·ick; 3, M. Lyons. Sub-Intermediate: 1, D. Gardini; 2, E. Hamilton ; 3, J. Adams. Second Year: 1, M. Coleman; 2, B. Connelly; 3, G. Ai·chbold. First Year: 1, M. Peters; 2, J. Smith ; 3, A. Aird / M. O'Hai·a.
French Matricula.tion.· 1, W. Wilson; 2, P. Hoppe; 3, C. Kelly. Leaving: 1, M. Wright; 2, D. Wilson; 3, J. Williams. In termediate: 1, M. Lyons; 2, P. Simpson; 3, K. Little. Sub-Intermediate.· 1, E. Hamilton; 2, P. O'Day; 3, M. Dickson. Second Year: 1, P. Fetherstonhaugh; 2, B. Connelly; 3, A. Gallaghei·.
Fit·st Yeal·: 1, M. Peters ; 2, P. Schaefer; 3, A. Sweeney.
Latin .Watriculation: 1, M. Meldi·um; 2, M. Fundei·. Leaving : Noi mize awarded. Intermediate: 1, M. Lyons; 2, K. Little. Sub-Intermediate. 1, S. Flanagan ; 2, E. Hamilton ; 3, R. Ahern. Second Year: 1, B. Nolan; 2, B. Connelly; 3, A. Gallagher. Fit·st Yeril·: 1, P. Schaefer; 2, S. MeEnci·oe / B. Cahill; 4, J. Smith / E. Boileau.
Modern History licitriculation : 1, S. Resch; 2, W. Wilson; 3, S. Hoppe. Leaving : 1, H. Lynch; 2, R. A]·nold; 3, J. Williams.
Interinediate. 1, A. Galbally; 2, P. Dwyer / M. L. Mei·i·ick; 4, K. Johnson / M. Lyons.
Sub-Intennediate: 1, R. Tiernan; 2, J. Adams; 3, P. O'Day. Secon.d Year: 1, B. Connelly; 2, A. Gallagher; 3, P. Fetherstonhaugh. First Year: 1, J. McCauley; 2, M. O'Brien; 3, B. Cahill. I0
British Hi>,tor) .Watricidation: 1, M. Lee; 2. A. Egan; 3, M. Funder. Leat·ing: 1, R. Arnold; 2, H. Lynch; 3, A. Tiernan.
Geography Matrielitation : 1, S.
Resch; 2, W. Wilson; 3, V. Glover.
Williams; 2, B. Pinnuck; 3, R. Fai·ley / H. Lynch. Intermediate: 1, M. Lyons; 2, A. Galbally; 3, S. Glover. Learing : 1,1.
Sul,-Intermediate: 1, M. Keenan; 2, D. Gay; 3, C. Zsizsmann. Second Year: 1, S. Hore; 2, A. Gallagher / B, Connelly; 4, P Fetherstonhaugh.
F'irst Year: 1, M. O'Brien; 2, V. Robson / B. Cahill; 4, C. Russo.
General Science Intermediate: 1, K. Little; 2, M. L. Mei·rick; 3, K. Johnson. Sub-Intermediate: 1, J. Adams; 2, E. Hamilton ; 3, R. Ahern. Secowl Year: 1, A.
Gallagher; 2, P. Fetherstonhaugh ; 3, I.).
First Year: 1, M. O'Brien; 2, J. McCauley; 3, L. Edgerton. Aritlinietic Intermediate: 1, M. Lyons; 2, M. L. Mei·ricki @, E. Connellan.
Sub-Intermediate: 1, K. Pi·kie; 2, J, Adams ; 3, D. Gardini. Second Year: 1. C. Toner; 2, B. Connelly: 3, P. Fetherstonhaugh First Year: 1, J. Timewell; 2, B. Cahill / L. Lynch ; 3, M. O'Hai·a.
Mathematics XIct,triculation (C'(tiC,(LUM) : 1, R. Robinson; 2, S. Barrett; 3, Y von Hai·tel.
Matriettlittion (Pure) . 1, S. Barrett; 2, Y. von Hai·tel.
JIatriculation (General): 1, M. Meldrum; 2, H. Murphy; 3, L Law.
Leaving I: 1, M. Wright; 2, I. Oehlmann; 3, D. Wilson.
Learing II: 1, M. Wright; 2, E. Donovan / D. Wilson; 3, I Oehlmann.
Intermediate. 1, M. L. Mei·i·ick; 2, M. Lyons; 3, S. Glover. Sul,-Intermediate: 1, E. Stewart ; 2, R. Ahern; 3, S. Synman.
Geometry Second Year: 1, P. Fetherstonhaugh ; 2, 11. Connelly; 3, D. MeSwiney.
Fir.4 Yea?·: 1, M. O'Hai·a; 2, M. O'Brien; 3, J. Douglas.
Algebra Second Year: 1, 13.
Connelly; 2, P. Fetherstonhaugh; 3, D.
First Yeuy.· 1, M. Peters; 2, P. Schaefer / P. Anstee; 3, A. Aird. 11
At the...
UNIVERSITY 1960 Graduates, 1960.
Bachelor of Science: Eleanor King.
564 Year: Felicity Wakefield-Kent.
Rachel or
of .4 7·tx
Studies: Janet Wimpole. Bachelor of Art>t: Christine Whitehead, Carmen Callil.
Year.· Ann D'Arcy.
.lrd Year:
Christine Acton.
1.:t Year: Mary Doyle.
Architecture. ELEANOR KING, B.Sc.
.·5th Year: Joanna McClelland. end Year:
F inal
Year (.lius. B{te.): Wedge, Fi·ancesca Cash.
Helen Dwyer.
Physical Education. 1 41 Year : Deirdre O'Bilen. Arts. .;nl Y€(11' :
Suzanne Loftus-Hills.
1 st Year:
Elizabeth Lee, Ann
Saunders, Geraldine Ryan,
Philippa McClelland.
Physiotherapy. ard Year: Margaret Kuhlmann. end Year: Lolita Freclerico. 1.:t Year:
4tb year:
Moira Doyle, Serita
di·d Year: Joy McDonald, Gabi·ielle Adams, Mai·y Lynch, Edwyna Fitzgerald. 272(1 Yenr : Leslie Currie. Ixt Y€(tr:
Pati·icia McGuiness.
l.wt Year.· Mary Anita Edgei·ton.
Social Studies. end Year:
Kathleen Adair.
14 Year.· Ann Saunders.
and Diploma Social Studies I2 I3
pue ·¥·g
Chemistry Matriculation.: 1, S. Barrett; 2, R. Robinson; 3, S. Hoppe.
Learip,g: 1, I. Oehlniann ; 2, M. Wright ; 3, D. Wilson.
Physics .Watriculation: 1. S. Barrett ; 2, Y. von Martel ; 3, It. Robinson. Leaving: 1, D. Wilson; 2, M. Wright; 3, I. Oehlmann. Art .lIatrieulation: 1, G. Buri·owes; 2, S. Guest; 3, S. Resch. Lectui,w : 1, 3 . Coleman; 2, C. Russo; 3, R. Farley / S. Forsyth. Inter}nediate: 1, P. Simpson; 2, A. Galbally; 3, H. Mort. Sub-Intermediate: 1, P. O'Day ; 2, S. Synnian ; 3, S. Kelly.
Second Vero·: 1, K. Johnson; 2, M. Coleman; 3, M. Mann. Fi?·st Year: 1, C. Russo; 2, S. Moi·t; 3, M. Peters.
Crafts (Pi·izes awarded by Miss Howard) Leaving: 1, C. Russo; 2, A. SIattery; 3, E. Cui·tis.
Intermediate· 1, D. Alessio; 2, H. Mort; 3, M. Higgins. Sub-Intermediate: 1, C. Simpson; 2, A. Woodward; 3, M. Boileau.
Second }'ca.r: 1, S Hore ; 2, M. Mann ; 3, D. McSwiney. First Yerir: 1, E. Boileau; 2, C. Russo; 3, B, Cahill / J. Timewell.
Handwriting Sub-Intermediate. 1, C. Zsizsmann ; 2, M. T. Sweeney; 3, P. O'Day.
Second Year: 1, M. Daly; 2, S. Hore; 3, B. Nolan.
First Year: 1, C. Lechte; 2, B. Cahill; 3, C. Wimpole.
Domestic Science Leaving: 1, C. Russo; 2, K. Gorman ; 3, E. Curtis. Interm,ediate: 1, M, Higgins; 2, H. Mort; 3, D. Alessio. Sub-Inte?'mediate: 1, A Woodward; 2, M. T. Sweeney ; 3, R. Bunning. Seco,id Year: 1, C.
Cui·tis; 2, M. Daly; 3, J. Moloney.
Fir.vt Year: 1, J. Adams; 2, M. Jones; 3, S. Mort
Spoken English .Watriculation: C. Kelly ; 2, S. Hoppe ; 3, J. Millicer. Le<tring : 1, A. Tiei·nan; 2, J. Ley; 3, J. O'Roi·ke.
baermediate: 1, A. Radeliffe; 2, P. Simpson; 3, K. Little. Sill)-Inte·medictte: 1, P. Galbally ; 2, S. Burke ; 3, R. Ahern.
Second Year: 1, M. McDonald ; 2, C. Toner; 3, M. Coleman. First Year: 1, K. Koch; 2, M. Peters; 3, C. Walker.
Music Prizes J. Fakhrv, L. Ryan, H. Lynch, P. Dwyer, S. Acton, R. Tiernan, M. T. Quigg, J. Oldfield, A. Gallagher. I4
Dancing Prizes / (Awarded by Mrs. Linton)
P. Simpson, F. Burrell (for Improvement), A. Galbally, Leahy.
Tennis C Trophies donated by Mi·. Guiney) Open:
Patricia Galbally.
Under 15: Jane Bowden. Under 13 :
Cynthia Arnold.
Prefects' Prizes It. Robinson, S. Barrett, W. Wilson, G. Farley, R. Farley,
Guest, M. Byrne, J. Sullivan, Y. von Hai·tel, A. Sinn, ] Arnold.
CONDUCT PRIZES Awarded on percentages of Gold Cai·ds received during the year.
Le o.ring: 3.
Coleman, K. Gorman, I. Oehlmann, L. Ryan
D . Wilson, M. Wright.
Interniediate: M. Higgins, P. Simpson, J. Kelly. Sub-Intermediate : lt. Ahern, M. I)ickson, B. Donahoe, E Hamilton, K. Pi·kie, C. Zsizsmann.
Second Year: B. Connelly. P'int
Yea,r: G.
Byrne, J. Buxton, J. Douglas, M. Kift, G
McCauley, V. Robson, J. Smith, A. Sweeney.
(Donated by the Past Pupils' Association)
1st Division, Caroline Kelly; 2nd Division, Susan Flanagan.
Geraldine Ryan Elizabeth Lee
Pliilippa McClelland
J. Anderson
S. Hoppe C. Kelly
J. Marsh J. Millicer
W. Wilson G/·ride IV J. Adams It. Ahern
N. Lynch E. Hamilton J. Meldi·uni
P. O'I)ay C. Zsizsmann
C. Kelly S. Hoppe Guide H
P. McClelland
Watson Prize Dictee
L. Lynch J. Kelly A. Radcliffe
Indefatigable Editor c Toorakanrooin
Prize and Distinction List, 1960 LOYALTY PRIZE (3rd Division) ( Donated by the Past Pupils' Association) MARY JANE ALSTON
Grade VI Christian Doctrine: 1, V. Ellis; 2, H. Vale; 3, H. Maginn. Aggregitte: 1, N. Ellis; 2, V. Gei·bev; 3, C. Johnston.
End of Year Examinations: 1, V. Ellis; 2, V. Gerber ; 3, S Funder.
Reading: 1, S. Buxton; 2, M. J. Alston; 3, E. O'Brien. Writing: 1,1. Caller; 2, V. Ellis; 3. H. Vale. Spelling : 1, V.
Ellis; 2, V. Gerber; 3, M. McC.affrey.
Composition: 1, V. Ellis; 2, A. Callaghan; 3, J. Simpson. Grammar: 1, V. Ellis; 2: V. Gerber; 3, A. Callaghan. Art of Speech : 1, E. O'Brien; 2, V. Ellis; 3, C. Johnston. ( Pi·ize donated by Miss C. O'Keefe)
Soeial Studies: 1, S. Funder; 2, E. Skene ; 3, C. Johnson. Project: R. Fetherstonhaugh. Arithmetic: 1,V. Ellis; 2, Y. Nicholls; 3, C. Johnston.
French : 1, XI. J. Andre; 2, S. Funder; 3, V. Ellis.
Art: 1, E. Calder; 2, A. Caller; 3, J. Sinipson.
Handu·ork·.· 1, F. MeEncroe; 2, M. McClelland; 3, V. Gerber.
.Uu.wic: S. Funder, F. MeEncroe.
General Improvement. A. Pennefather, C. Johnson. Dancing: M. E. McCardel, S. Burton.
( Prizes donated by Mrs. It. Linton) Grade V England; 2, A. Jones; 3, J. Flanagan. Aggregate: 1,3. Flanagan; 2, J. England; 3, It. Hill.
Duz: 1.
Religious Knowledge: 1, 3. England; 2, J. O'Collins; 3, M. Cox.
Religious Knowledge Project Book: S.
Engli.:h: 1, H. Mooney; 2, S. Arendsen; 3, A. Jones. Reading: 1, S. Ahern; 2, J. Flangan; 3, A. Jones.
Spoken English.· 1, M. Moran; 2, J. England; 3, M. Cox. Spellinci: 1, C. Fakhry; 2, R. Hill; 3, M. Moran.
Couumsition: 1, S. Mighell; 2, A. Jones; 3, R. Hill. Writing: 1, S. Callanan; 2, J. Fink; 3, J. O'Collins.
Social Studies: 1, J. England; 2, M. Starr; 3, M. Cox. S. S. Project Book: M. Stan·. Arithmetic: 1, R. Hill; 2, J. Flanagan; 3, A. Jones. A rt: 1, C. Morrison; 2, C. Fakhry; 3, J. England. Handwork: 1,3. Fink; 2, S. Ahern; 3, M. Moran. Speech Training: 1, A. Jones; 2, P. Watt; 3, D. Doyle.
.liusie: 1, M. Cox; 2, J. Hayden; 3, R. Hill. Dancin,q: 1, M. Starr; 2, L. Clancy ; 3, C. Craig. General Imi,Torelment: A. Jones. I7
Grade IV (Gold) Chrigtian I)oct·,·inc: 1, A. Reid ; 2, H. Sheahan ; 3, S. Walker.
Ag f; re gate: 1, H. Sheahan; 2, R. Ryan; 3, S. Walker. Encl of Year E:(iminatimiM: 1, R. Sheahan; 2, A. Smith; 3, It.
Ryan. Reading: 1, S. Stewart; 2, A. Callanan; 3, A. England,
Il')·itilig: 1, W. Gerber; 2, A. Wright / A. Callanan; 3, R. Ryan. Spellfig
1, A
England; 2, M. A. Mai·zoi·ini; 3, F. Pitt / A.
Composition.· 1,12. Ryan; 2, A. England; 3, A. Callanan.
Gra minct)·: 1. H. Sheahan; 2, J. Ryland; 3, M. MeEnci·oe. Arithmetic·: 1, L Clayton; 2, M. MeEnci·oe; 3, It. Ryan. /'oetru : 1, 3. Skene; 2, A. Smith; 3, S. Walker. Social Studies: 1, H. Sheahan; 2, A. Smith; 3, F. Pit
Projectg: 1, R Ryan ; 2, I. McCardel; 3, M. A. Marzoi·ini. Natii·re St urly.· 1, M. A. Marzorini; 2, A. Smith / H. Sheahan : 3, I. McCaidel.
.·irt: 1, M. MEEncroe, A. Callanan. Xeu,2124: Il Bristow. I)(mcing : 1. McCal·del. Speech Traiwilig: A. Reid.
Cieneral Intprovement.· G. Mansour, S. Loinbard, B. Lea.
Grade IV (Blue) .\.t/(iregctte: 1, 3. Wellsted; 2, E. O'Brien ; 3, N. Schai·p. 0')·d Term . 1, N. Scharp; 2, A. Best; 3, J. Wellsted. Ch)'ixtimt Doctrine: 1, E. O'Brien; 2, J, Wellsted; 3, E. Thomas.
Reacting: 1, P. Ahern ; 2. J. Wellsted; 3, J. Fethei·stonhaugh. H'ritiv,q: 1, H. Tiernan; 2, J. McCann; 3, J. Wellsted. Spetlilig : 1, E. Ryan; 2, M. McClelland; 3, E. O'Brien / K. Kelly.
Compoxition: 1, j. Wellsted; 2, J. Fetherstonhaugh; 3, A. Kevin.
(iraminar: 1, 3
Wellsted; 2, K. Kelly; 3, A. Best.
Socird Studies: 1, 3. Wellsted; 2, E. O'Brien; 3, E. Ryan.
.lrithmetic: 1, E. McQueen Thompson /N. Scharp; 2, J. Hanii]ton; 3, M. McCann.
Verse Speaking: P. Ahern. 1!uxic: 3.
Galbally, J. Fetherstonhaugh.
Art. C. Guest, J. Galbally.
Greatest buproccinent: J. McCann, K. Kelly.
I)(ineing · 3. Wellsted, M. MeCann, J. McCann, J. Hamilton.
Grade III
Chri.qtian Doctrine. 1, M. Dynon; 2, D. Jones: 3, Jo-Ann Con-
naughton. Augregut€: 1, D. Jones; 2, Jo-Ann Connaughton; 3, C. Sweeney.
End of Year Efeaminationx: 1,
Jo-Ann Connaughton; 2, M.
Dynon; 3, D. Jones.
11'riting: 1, D. Gill; 2, M. Dynon; 3, V. Tiernan. Reading . 1, E, Willers; 2, S. Lewis; 3, K. Allen. Spelling : 1, C. Sweeney; 2, M. Dynon; 3, J. Matthews. Composition.· 1, J. Wellsted; 2, J. O'Brien; 3, D. Jones.
Gr€mmar.· 1, S. Lewis; 2, Jo-Ann Connaughton; 3, K. Alessio. Verse Speaking (Class) : 1, M. Aird ; 2, J. Peters; 3, V. Curtis. Speech T·raining (Private).· 1, J. Matthews (prize donated by Miss C. O'Keefe).
Social Sturlier . 1, E. Webb; 2, C. Sweeney; 3, F. Stewart.
Arithmetic: 1, Jo-Ann Connaughton; 2, M. Dynon; 3, D. I)ale. Art: 1, S. Evans; 2, M. Tiernan; 3, A. Codoguotto. Seicing: 1, J. Peters; 2, J. O'Ili·ien: 3. V. Tiernan. .UN.:ie.· D. Jones.
1){INri,14 : S.
Lewis, J. Peters C prizes donated by Mrs. R.
Gene,·al Improvement: R. Bourke, M. Sakaes.
Grade III (Gold) Chri.vtirin Doctrine.· 1, G. McColl-Jones; 2, C. Lethbridge; 3, M Lynch / M. McCoy. Project: S.
Lethbridge; 2, G. MeColl-Jones; 3, J. Dynor. End of Year Examinations: 1. C. Lethbridge; 2, M. Honnessr ;
.Unregate: 1, C.
3, A. Dwyer; 4, G. McColl-Jones; 5, J. Coghlan / S. Arendsen.
Spoken English: 1, M. R. Sinn; 2, M. Lynch; 3, C. Crosbie / M. McCoy.
English: 1, S. Reynolds; 2, T. Forrest; 3, J. Mortensen/ S. Arendsen.
Spelling : 1, C.
Lethbridge; 2, C. Crosbie; 3, S. 41·endsen / C.
Reading.· 1, A. Mckenzie; 2, C. Lethbridge; 3, C. Crosbie.
Compositiou : 1, S. Arendsen; 2, J. Dynon; 3, M. Hennessy. Dictation: 1, C.
Hill / M. Lynch; 2, H. McCardie; 3, C. Mc-
Enci·oe / S. Arendsen.
H'riting: 1., J. Lombard / S. Taylor; 2, F. Whelan; 3, M. Wilden. Arithmetic: 1, J.
Dynon; 2, A. Dwyer; 3, Il. McCardel / J
Table#: 1, B. MeCardel; 2, S. Coghlan / H. McCardle; 3, C. Hill. .4,·t: 1. J. Coghlan ; 2, P. Ryland ; 3, F. Whelan / M. Hennessy Da-neing: V. Whelan.
Singing: 1, H. McCardle; 2, J. Mortensen / A. Dwyer; 3, J. Little / C. Hill. General Improvement: P. Rainfoi·d.
Gracie II ( Blue) Chrisfia,i I)orb·ine: 1, V. Gebbie; 2, L. Gei·ber; 3, A. Caller / P. Testai·t.
Aggregate: 1, N. Mighell; 2, L. Ge]·ber; 3, P. Testart. End of Year Eocamillationx: 1, M.
Breheny ; 2, J. Callanan ; 8,
P. Testart; 4, J. Anstee / A. Caller / L. Gei·ber / N. Mighell; 5, V. Gebbie. Arithmetic: 1, M. Breheny; 2, P. Testart; 3, J. Watt.
Reading.· 1, M. Best; 2, A. Peppard; 3, E. Partington. TT'ritivq: 1, M. Itennie; 2, G. Waiken 3, A. Caller. Tables: 1, F. Galbally; 2, M. Breheny; 3. J. Callanan. English: 1, A. Peppard; 2, V. Gebbie; 3, L. Brown.
Spelling· 1, A. Caller; 2. M. Ronnie ; 3, P. Testart. Art.· 1, G. Wall<er; 2, L. Gerber; 3, A. Peppard. Drincing : M. Rennie.
.liovt Improved: M. Dwyer. 19
Grade I (Gold) Christion Doctrine. 1, C. Mahon: 2, D. Ley; 3, R. Lodge. Class Places: 1, K. Kevin; 2, A. O'Shaughnessy/ M. Cooke; 3, M. A. Roloniby / R. Jones / J. Dynon; 4, J. Height / K. Smith / P. Evans.
Spellin,q: M. Fakhry. Number: A. Hennessy. Tte<,cli,ig: J.
irritin.q: M. Walker. Art.· J. McCann.
Dancing: M. Fakhry. Most Imin·oued: A. Byrne, S. Hoppe. (;Dori Conduct: V.
Grigsky, B. Leung.
Grade I (Blue) Ch·rixtian I)or.trine: 1,3. Ryland; 2, T. Smith; 3, T. Lewis.
C'lus.4 Places: 1, T. Lewis; 2, T. Smith; 3, K. Hogan. Number : 3.
Spelling: H. Kiernan.
Reading: M. L. Lechte. Ii'ritiv,q : G. Brown. .,1 rt : J. Glover.
Mo,At Inilil-ored: 11.
MUSIC RESULTS 7th Grade. M. Byrne.
fith Grade: M. Vii·gona (Honoui·s), L. Ryan (Ci·edit), H. Lechte, S. Perry, M. Hill. 5tli Guide: H. Lynch (Honoui·s), P. Dwyer (Honours), H. Shannon (Ci·edit), P. Fetherstonhaugh (Credit), A. Galbally (Credit), J. Adams (Ci·edit), E. Donnan (Credit), A. Radcliffe (Credit), S. Acton (Credit), I. O'Brien (Credit), D. O'Brien,
H. O'Doherty.
Violin: R. Farley ( Credit), M. Costigan (Credit). Singing: J. Sullivan. Theorv : 31.
Hill (Honours), R. Farley (Honours), L. Ryan
(Honours ), A. Galbally (Credit ), S. Acton (Credit), E. Connellan (Credit), S. Perry (Credit), M. Byrne, P, McClelland, H. O'Doherty, L. Ryan, M. Vii·gona. 4th G rcule: C. Higgins (Credit), D, MeSwiney (Credit), R Tiei·nan (Credit), C. Zaetta (Ci·edit), J. Moloney (Credit), 8. Hill (Credit), E. Connellan, D. Gai·dini. 20
.;rd Grade: T. Wynhoven (Honours), M. Sheahan (Credit), L. Edgei·ton (Credit), M. T. Quigg (Credit ), M. T. Sweeney (Credit), C. Keai·ney (Credit), S. McEncroe (Credit ), M. Petei·s (Credit), L. Ryan (Credit), G. Archbold (Ci·edit). Violin : F.
Hayden (Honours), M. O'Brien (Honours), J
Adams (Ci·edit).
Theory: R.
Tiei·nan (Honours), T. Wynhoven (Honours),
C. Zsizsmann (Honours), G. Clayton (Honours), J. Adams (Honours), D. Gardini (Honours), F. Hayden (Honoui·s), C.
Kearney (Credit), P. Galbally (Credit ), M. Carolan, M. T. Sweeney, E. Campbell. 2*1 Grade: C.
Curtis (Honours), J. Oldfield (Honours),
P. Simpson (Credit), D. Coleman (Credit), C. Johnston (Credit), M. McCaffrey (Credit), G. Byrne (Credit), M. Connellan (Credit), S. McEncroe (Credit).
Violin: M. Higgins ( Ci·edit ). Theory: D. MeSwiney (Honours), P. Fetherstonhaugh (Honours), A, Gallagher (Honours), M. T. Quigg (Honours), C. Zaetta (Honours), G. Archbold (Honours), M. Coleman
(Honoui·s), .1. Oldfield (Honoui·s), B. Hill (Honours), C. A. Spain (Credit). C. Vii·gona (Credit), C. Curtis (Credit), J Moloney (Credit), J. Bowden (Credit ). lit Grade: S. ..
Funder (Honours), E. Thomson (Honours),
H. Sheahan (Honoui·s), A. Daily (Honours), R. Hill (Honours), M. T. Wai·ry (Credit), A. Wright (Ci·edit), M. Clelland (Credit), M. Kift (Ci·edit), J. Naughton (Ci·edit), J. Star:· (Credit), C. Fakhry (Credith Y. Nicholls (Credit), P. Knowles. Theon# : L.
Lynch (Honours), J. Smith (Honours), M.
O'Brien ( Honours), M. Peters ( Honoui·s),
E. Boileau
(Honours), M. O'Hara (Honoui·s), A. Daily (Honoui·s), S. McEncroe (Honours), A. Sweeney (Honours), L. Edgerton
(Honours), N. Lynch (Honours), E. MeCann (Honoui·s), A. Tierney (Honours), C. Brown (Honours), F. Brvee (Honoui·s), C. Walkei· (Honours), M. Sheahan (Honours), G. Byrne
(Honours), G. McCauley (Honours), P. Schaefer (Honours), J. Adams ( Ci·edit ), J. Naughton (Credit ), C. Lechte (Ci·edit). Pret:imina·TV : A. Sweeney, J. Fetherstonhaugh, J. Galbally, P. Walsh, M. Cox, A. Knowles, M. O'Hai·a.
-By Courtesy 'The Herald.' GERALDINE BURROWES
Winner, Ist Prize, Open Section, Paraclete Arts Competition
MISSION HONOUR ROLL 1latric,flciti<,R M, Rvrne
.T. Sulliv:in
H. Mizi·phy C. Kellv .T. Marsh R. Resch
S. Barrett J. Anderson
M, Mackie-Smith E. Donnan
R. Arnold
J. Ley
C. Manning R. Stevenson
R. Farley Intermediate
Fonn 11
B. Connelly C. Ai·nold
C. Zaetta
S. Hore B. Hill
I). MeSwiney
M. T. Quigg .M. Connellan
S. I)aily
.I. 1Ioloney
A. Egan
C. Lynch .T. Kelly
A. Starr
M. Funder
P S init)son
M. jiann
G. Farley V. Glover
M. Lyons M. L. Mei·rick
P. Dowling
S. Guest
A. Radeliffe
J. Oldfield
XI. Cum·r
E. Hui·nes
Y. ron Hai·tel
S. Glover
M. Daly G. Archhold
S. Hotme
A. Galbally
K. Smith
M. King
K. Johnson
C. Vii'{rona
I). Lee
E. Connellan
M. Lee
K. Little
Form I
N. Lightfoot
L Rvan
J. Buxton
1. Fakhry
M. XIeldi·um
F. Hennessy
3. 1Iillicer
M. St. Ellen
R. Robinson A. Sinn W. Wilson
A. Hughes
P. Fetherstonhaugh
M. 0'111·ien J. Adams C. Russo
Form III
E. MeCann
B. Donahoe
S. JIGEnci·oe
J. Adams
K. Koch
A. Noone
L. Edgei·ton
4. O'Roi·ke
E. Hamilton
J. O'Rorke
M. Hennessey
A. Sweeney S. Ley
D. Barrett
J. Guest
M. L. Williams
C. Zsizsmann
M. Pete i's M. Sheahan A. Lees
Le (triN ff
M. Green
I). Gardini
K. Gorman
M. MeClelland
C. Walkei·
L. Pitt
R. Ahern
J. McCauley
J. Lai·kins
P. ()'Day
Q. O'Brien A. Slattei·y
E. Daily
M. Jaquinot G. Byrne
A. Cai·Man
P. Anstee
P. Hoppe
C. Simpson
.T. Williams
A. Middleton
M. O'Hai·a
A. Mcjlahon
L. Ryan
F. Sinn
A. M, Coghlan.
M. Roche
G. Murphy
C. Lea
H. Lynch
M. T. Sweeney
P. Schaefei·
A. Tiernan
M. Morrison
J. Smith
J. Coleman
E. Boileau
M. Costigan
M. A. Norman
M. L. Moi·rison
C. Russo
E. Cainpbell
M. Jones
M. Ockleshaw
C. MeNaniai·a
E. Boileau
M. Wright
S. Prkie
B. Johnston
M. Lynch
R. Coi·by
A. Filcock 23
Term Dates for ]96]
Monday, February 6: Boarders return (before 6 p.m.). Tuesday, February 7: Day Scholars return. Friday, May 12: School closes at midday.
Easter: Midday Thursday, March 30, to 9 a.m. Wednesday, April 5.
Monday, May 29: Boarders return (before 6 p.m.). Tuesday, May 30: Day Scholars return. Friday, August 25: School closes at midday.
Monday, September 11: Boarders return (before 6 p.m.). Tuesday, September 12: Day Scholars return. Friday, December 8: School closes at midday.
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