1997 Yearbook

Page 1

LORETO + Mandeville Hall 1997











(.ow·i: The 11)97 11,1*11/ilic· Cou'l cic·pich l.c)1(·to .I,ltick'\'ille 1 1,11| litillonn from the It)'10% up to th(' pre;clit.

Front |1-om top 1(·It clockivisc: 1. Eclim..Itilic· and \\'ihim Murphy (carh 11)3(k), 2, School pocket 111(,lic)grlilli 11.)c)7. 3.1:itic· 11.,inilton (19(11). 1. E],line ()11.[1-,1, 11:li-garct llc.tly, NIc,Ileen l),il>, il.trv 1((:,111|10,.]1111(· 11(·ah·. Te.4% Fit/54(·rnld (1(13(; Trimix at Knorong-). 3. >;,micitillm ,%1(,9,11't->hecle, jenica Ler, Ittche| 11:Ill. Caroline C)'Brien. Rochelle Ilo\ic, Rachel Connie Ocat· 11 - it.)1)7). 8. (Centic) Ah·cia Altiste)·, 7.:,1.1 1)'Cona und 14,,therilic lic-C .',11-tnev ( 1997 4111(klit<).

B:ick Ii·om top leli c·lockwise: L Tenni. te.tin (11)2,0,0 2..jaupic·lim· 11.11],iii and EHic Paic·rvin ('Ic·11,iN ]997). 3 4,·hool Imt (19(1(k). 1. Form 1 (It):17) liack 140„: 10:ili Doile, 11<·li·n lical\, loan Milk, lit'11(lencc lic)ilelili, CoIleen Ihomp.on. Front Row: Marie 1'.11(·r, Margarct I.inch.iii, Andrev >k)loinon. Bernadene C)'Bl-van. Patricia Collitiv

C.\1)97 11: Man Fc m lei·) with 1,1 <·3<7 1 1 (lay st tic lent. ([,cit: back) Danic llc Bouchier :111(11,.111 1 1, Wagg (from) 1-21(111 1 1(,1 Ihillin and 11111111,111 Smith. (Right: 1),ick) Ititittkit 12.ijadtirai ancl .]cic,t C,ainble (f'ront) Al'.i},c·11,1 11.ickev ;ind ( Rln-gette %(,1111<)11.

The cover was de,A-ned, pholognphed .111(1 4·Xecuted bv Ali·h I,\11 11(· Beck,

k 4 1



Contents . Prituipal'uwl-mt· K.\(1111illihtlatiw tram

8 1 3(·./1 9 (·wati\(· \Iliting

1 Roning phok,

82 12.,,1- 9 creatiw writing

14„jing Icitin phot<.

War 10 hinc'chiction

18 %(lic)(,1 (:.11)1.,iIA Itc·polt & phot„

81 3,·.11 10 (1.1-1)1'()1{)

7 CoUMCil|Oh itud ('.lphilh

8.5 Yeat ](} (1.1- 1>hui<,

1 R<·lighni 1,13„to.

81 9

9 Religion photo.

87 3,·,11 1() c·ic·I,tivi· writin,4

m Religion artick·

88 War 11 /111<,chiclion

11 R<·ligion ititic'le,


Year 11 (icatiw "litint#

12 Perforining .\1·A l·iwi\.11


Vt·.11 11 cl.1/. pilotol

13 1,(1101·ming.\1141·l·.li\,11

111 Year 11 (.1.'H photo,

11 1/inior Mchool 11]11(,(111( tion


13 Trilmic in Vil-gini.1 114)10]in & Stall plum>

113 32.,1· 12 Int]„chiction

m Book \\reek

94 k .11· 12 ilica,id/1,11 1111(it{)0

3(·al 10 crealive writing

Wal· 1 I cwatiw wriling

17 Nacrainents

9.-> Yai 12 indhiclual photo*

IS Prep


19 14vp

97 Wai· 12 colour phot. page

20 3Dar 1

98 k·al· 12 c]·ratiw „riting

2 1 k.11 1



32·211 12 indiddlial pljoto,4

War 12 cleative writinu

Yi·ai' 2


Stlic-lio All

23 Year 2


\C:E At-1



32·in- 12 creatiw witilit




103 32·,ir 12 ocaliw witini \ c :1{ Ari

26 \Par,1 11111


27 Y-' 1 141"c


U I .Ai t

kw I (AM

1 {HI

32·ar 12 c reatiu· hriting

29 Ya) 1 Gold


)(·al' 12(i caliw wliting

30 32·.ti- 3 11111(·

>)(nic}r >;port' Intic)(111(·tion

War 5 Blue


32 War 5 Gold


\/hlciic' Report

33 32.411


>,poil' C .tpliti,6 14(·poit K .\C·jollic'

J, (;<)1(1

,\t}11(·Ii{·0 1)11,)1(>4

3 1 32·ar .5 Red

112 Nk<ing

1.5 W.it 5 Red


.NuilinninK & DRing

Vi·.Ii 6 1111(·


(t·o:' Cotinti \ & Nt·t|)lili

h·ai· 6 111"c·

11.5 h·uni. & Cricket


3x Yeal 1, (;old

1 11 '

39 Ye.lt· 6 C •(,1(1

liT \\,iter Polo &· 11,1.ketbal]

110( h·I' & (Awl)214Ii{ 0

10 (1'll 1-, R<ul


Volle,ball & Fencing

11 k·,0 1, Rcd


1'(111<011·ian & Noltl),11|

12 ]1 inio] School \11[4ic

120 140/,ing repoit k (IN./\

13 ]1111101· SC 11(1(11 Mithic cont.

I 2I

1 1 1111]ior %( 11(301 (.0,])taill.

122 6(",i'Hauxd Nhic

1 k 1,aUng

13 itillic)1· >,(11< )01 Spolt,

123 Ji.iilor Schi )01 Mlihic c ont.

16 Itillior >IC hool 'Spoit cont.


Fenun· Achool 'lu.i< C<un-

-17 Dmic,i· Sclic ,(,1 Sport cont.


>1(llior St hool \Itihic cont.

18 1 tinint· School colour page caption.


St'llior %(11(H)| \111+ic cont.

It) -(; 4

127 11()11%(·(..11)/.1911/

C (,]C)/11 ])11()1(>I

4,5 hi·nior %(Iii„)| Ititt<>chic·tion

I 2H

,%(·iii<n· School E...1 ('t)]111)(·tition

1 21)

.henic)1 >1( 112)011·0$.n (2<)1111)(·lition

6/ U·.11 7 (irative writing

1 3(j

hcnic>i >)( 11(')11·»in' Competition

68 Wa] 7 ('1.1.» pliolo.


.%(·tlirn· S(·11{in| 1'4,11· C ')111])(·titinn

69 Wa} 7 t la.» photo,


(./)11\·cnt & .\11(·ill,tii *tal'I

70 32·,11 7 (1<,ttlve writing


.\nnhun 01'ifl

71 32·,11· 8 111*t·<,chic·tion


1"·ilicipith Mc·polt

\Pal H , Lt-] )11{ )1 ' I


Principal'. Repor t ((>111.

73 k·Itt- 8 (1.re, pliolo


Piiric'ipal'+ 14·pott H>tit.

71 War S c icatra· 11·titing


Plincil),il' 14(·pott cont.

75 Yi·:it H (t·catiw writing


Plituipal' 14·pottiont.

76 Y·iii 9 Ilitic)(ht('tion

1 34

111/1/Ail >,c lic",1 Repon


.4( 111)01 Coill!(·il It(·])(>1 1

78 Vi·.u t) C 1,14. 1)1'/)1(.

1 11

P,urnt.' .\440< iation Rc·],„11

79 Yeal· 9 t lit photo•;

1 12 \'i:it to Fitknoka ki'i,t·i (,ir]C Iligh >U ]10{)lin lap,in



( D (}


32:11· 7 Intincitiction

hear 9 c reative writing

32·,li t) C reatin· u·i iting

2 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

14(litoli.11 82,\Illograph.


Welcome to our 1997

Magazine F.nergy i.% eternal clelight. wrote the great poet, William Blake. If nothing else, this magazine gives exhilarating witness to the energv and the delight that is so very i nuch .1 part of the school life whic h we en joy at Loreto Mandeville Hall. Everv page exudes encrim., elithusilism, clicic,i\'c)111%.joy, and delight. So should it be, 101- our inaga/inc gives PC)werful testinionv to our coin'iction that education is not jilst about how to make a living but how to make· a life, a life that is rich in experience, joy and meaning and in the freedom of the children of God. So welcome to our 1997 School


Maga/ine! Come and share 0,11 joy!

Dr Anne Hunt (Principal)


• T 14.4

*-*kip **

Mrs Alison Miller (Deputy Principal - Director of Pastoral Care): Mr Robert Dernelley (Deputy Principal - Director of Studies); Mr Andrew Schmidt (School Coordinator)

L-R: Miss Cathy Sim (Deputy Head of Junjor School) and Mrs Kathy O'Connell (Head of the Junior School)

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 3







Rowing (Top left) Nicola Roberts (Right) Early morning training.

(Centre left) Bow: Olivia Burns, Hannah Whiting, Alison Pettigrew, Sarah Cichy w th Coach Emma Taylor. (Right)

H.O.S.G winning crew: (L-R) Katsy Lee, Emmaline Jones, Anna-Marie Black, Jodie Fry and Rachel Mclnerney.

(Bottom left) Training on the Yarra (Right) Crowd at Head of SchoolgirIs' Regatta. Rowing Report see Page 120 h.




8-grATWISAS 11 1


Rowing Senior Rowing Back Row:

Charlotte Mulder, Emily Tribe,

Miriam Slattery (Captain), Catherine Stribley, Lucinda Gannon, Ms Josie Millard (Coach).

Third Row: Monique George, Ellen Woodruff, Lucy Maule, Pia Sabbadini, Caroline O'Brien, Claire Papaluca, Clare O'Neil. Second Row: Colette Herman, Emily Petricola, Jodie Fry, Emmaline Jones, Nancy Sposato, Georgiana Quinn.

24 .1

Front Row: Georgina Coleman, Erin Read, Sara Woodruff, Jessica Moretti, Lucie Douez (Vice Captain). V

Year 9 Rowing Back Row: Beth La Brooy, Rebecca Prescott Alice Papaluca, X

Phoebe Nolan, Aisling Fay, Ms Josie Millard (Coach). Fifth Row:

Sarnartha Dermatis, Louisa K ng, Kristie-Lee Rennex,

Bonnie Savage, Natalie-Jane Edwa'ds, Anneliese Gannon. Fourth Row:

Nicola Roberts, Stephanie Foley, Rebecca Nolan,

Madeleine Scanlori, Anna Flynn, Gianna Sabbadini, Sarah Portelli, Emily Trenchard, Emma Finney.

Third Row: Jane Serong, Jennifer Hopkins, Alisha Treacy, Zoe Croker, Rachel Griffiths, Stephanie Maule, Bonnie Connellan,

Emily Gaidzkar, Jessica Ries. Second Row: Daniella Zampierollo, Cassandra Fry, Criseyda Robinson , Natalie Carter, Simone Ball, Kate Edmonds, Patricia Nigro. Front Row: Isabelle Kitchen, Alana Spadaro, Beth Jones, Leah Betts, Belinda Bowman, Vanessa Von der Muhll.



Year 10 Rowing Back Row:

Ms Josie Millard (Coach), Rebecca Wendland,

Louise Lonergan, Alison Pettigrew, Genevieve Audley, Elizabeth Harvey, Lisa Wendland. Fourth Row: Olivia Burns, Prudence Tehan, Hannah Price,

Philippa Zahara, Elanor Mclnerney, Kate Lonergan. Third Row: Eliza Curtain, Jane Balmer, Joanne Halpin, Natal e Flegg, Kristin Doyle, Amber Madden.

s ovov O

Second Row: Julia Macdonald, Zoe Kitchen, Megan Walters, Victoria Toovey, Louisa Bostock, Caroline Conlan.


Front Row: Helen Beatty, Olivia Garvey, Charlotte Hickey, Jennifer Turnbull, Hannah Whiting, Lauren Trumble.

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 5

School Captain 's Report Tochn·'s Dream ... Tomot·row's Realitv. The It)1)7

theme 1121% Acelned .40 appropriate on many occaxions throug-hout the past 12 months.

h has been an honour mul privilege to hoid the position of School Capt.lin ancl 1 realixed 1 ).ick iii Fel,i-ti,ti-v. when we lillited as a school communitv to

41.11-(· tile Fainih 1)in' experience. tlmt We Werc drAtitic·(1 1()]- a OTC:11 Veal'!

Hosting the 11(111(1 of tile Sc'llc)(,lgil 1% 14'gatta may have seeined like the impossible diram iii 11)1)(; when Mrs Marita Ball gathered up her train of workers - but that dream became a 111 agilitic ent realiti back iii March. 1-he weekend wa. an outslanding· Alic·clss both on .ind off the water and a credit to tho.(· involved.

£At Loreto. our appreciation 01 ti-,1(lition i.%

1(,ligitanding- alld this wai- h.1 been lic) exception we 0

elijoyed tim-clavs, Ye,it- 7 and S Record Nights. and 14»t

Amy Hede (School Captain)

Day relebrations. \Ve are proud to dixplay our -11001 on Open Dav and we celebrated .1.0 14.11-n· 'broke the

I hine been honoured to have Emilv (:regon· a.4 \ ice

drough< at the Performing Arts Fehtival, Thi•; veal- we

Captain . Froin the c )11 t.het we decided to tackle the task as

joilled h lill€11 ed,; c )1-\Tictolian Sc 110014 to ce] c'I) 1-itt (· in the

an equal te,un, and with Emilv's invalit,il)le Contribution

St Patric k's Dav ('ent chililial Paracle. The s i ic Cess 01 tlic·%(·

we hit\'c been able to achieve that. Thank vou Emilv for

evellts 11111.Nt be auributed tc, tl)(. Allp})()1't :111(1 ('llthtlhill,hill

\(>lli-l)right 1)('1-4{)1:21]it, 2111(liarial talct». but 111()ht 01'all

of %111(lent.% acrox 2111 vear levels,

\()111- %11])1)(,it .111(1 hicild,hip.

On behalf of ilic <tiiclent bod; 1 would like to

Acknowledgment inurt be paid. 11(li#t'\ el-, to the

acknowledge our teachers for their dedication and

cliti 1-c 32,11- 12 group. Emilv and I Imve been fo grateful

leadership. It i. their ilitii<l>ihip uncl Mipport that we

for the suppoit we have received. AN a group we have

appreciate in the linal vear of sc lic,(,1, Dr I hmt, Mi-;

been a magic·:11 combination since our Year 7 (111,0 and I

Miller and Mr Elic·tt cleNci-ve a y,c1( i.,1 thank you. It h.,4

know our 11-ic·11(billip will ( 11(litic . It A not 21% Captai11% or

been 111, ple.1.%111-e to work under their guidance and I

C :ouncil 101-4 t lmt w:· wil] be remembered 1,11 1 :D; the '( :12»

appirciate theil- %11])pc)it .111(1 expel-tiMe.

(11 11)97'..\A the ic.ii· conchicles. and I rellect (,11 the

The Councilloi·* perforined ,1(Imirabh in lt)1)7. Ihi·v

cducation, expericnce. 1111(1 opportunitio that have

elithuqiasticalk tackled their res])(,tisibilitic·% along-Nicle

bern 1.<,irto M.indeville 11.ill. I feel conlident that we

theii- 12<11' 12 stticlieN- undwe all enjoyed thc· experience.

air iwl] equipped to inow on .111(1 elicit'.I\(,111 to make

It was with a mixtitir of sadness and jor' that we handed

tbose drellin•; c )11 1- 1 (.ilitich.

over to the Sturlent Councillors elected for It)98.

\Inv' 1 1(·de (School (hiptain)

1 %?




Emily Gregory (School Vice Captain), Georgiana Quinn and Amy Hede (School Captain) present Sir Gustav Nossal with a gift to mark his visit to Lore:o Mandeville Hall.

6 LORETO · Mandeville Hall


School Councillors

Back Row L-R: Larissa Natividad, Miriam Slattery, Madeline Hoy, Priscilla Ruffolo, Emily Gregory (School Vice Captain), Brigid Anderson. Front Row: Marguerite Osborne, Louisa Coleman, Angela Hill, Sara Lynch, Anita McCarthy Amy Hede (School Captain).




School Captains and Music Leaders Back Row:

Brigid Anderson (Concert Band Leader); Madeleine Healy (Orchestra Leader); Tiffany Lott

(Senior Chorister). Front ROW:

Georgiana Quinn (School Debating Captain): Charlotte Mulder (School Sports Captain); Jacinta Holmes

<School Music Captain)

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 7

- c #Mweum*aff**k n.

Clockwise from top left

1. Sarah O'Halloran, Lucy Pollerd, Emily Portelli and Samara Madden, Year 7, packaging coloured pencils collected for Loreto school in Vietnam. 2. Ashanthi Theiverdran at Year 12 reconciliation.

3. Meaghan O'Sul ivan and Varessa Wong-Tai. Year 3, present gifts at the Simply Sharing Mass.

4. Liturgical movement at Simply Sharing Mass Rebecca Moore, Year 2, and Michelle Smitheram, Year 4.

5. Leaders of the Staff Development Day: Sr Deirdre Rofe IBVM, Mrs Moya Hickey (Loreto Coorparoo) and Sr Joan Nowotny IBVM .


t V





Religion Loreto Mandeville Hall

(Top) 1. Mary Fonti, Amber Madden and Victoria Toovey, Year 10, presenting an Easter L·turgy 2. Year 12 students at Reconciliation r

Service in the Chapel (Centre) Preps- Varonique Campion. Eugenie Priori Tahlia Walton-Miller, Siana Madden and Annabelle

Wong-Tai share bread at the Junior School "Last Supper" Paraliturgy (Bottom) Junior School prayer leaders 4

in the glade at a Lenten Liturgy.

Religious Education Junior School

Senior School

As pat t of the preparation for First Eucharist. Sr

This war hax been a busv one in Religious F.(111(·ation

Peter,julian of the 141 C·Ased Sacrainent Sixters was invited

at Loreto Mandeville Hall, but space permits oniv some

to speak with the gil-ls .11)out her life's work. making the

'snapshots' of 11)97.

Altar breads for our parishes.

We liave been ven fortunate to have the Nervice, 01

%r Peter, a delightful octogrnarian, Alic)wed our gil-Is

Mrs P.it C)'1 1.illoran and Miss Robvn Horner, both of

xevent] Alicles taken at the factorv and explained the

whom have macle a Migilific'lilit ili,pact on the quality of

proce» 01 man uf,ict ili c 2111(1 (list i n)lition to t hern. Wh ile

0111 liturgical life lit 1.MIL 0111' li,(,1 iling chapel

Mhe pic·xented 11+ Miteresting 1,1(tual account. the

assemblich Ill·e very [)1,1)'C'1'1-111, musical occasionS and :11·c

greatest learning outcome for all of 11% pirsent was her

,11\vavs 1'(levant to 111(· stliclents lind the world in which

wonderfully cheerful spirit .111(1 Milise of hilinoul. and

thev live.

1,1,ove .ill. her very 4)('cial relationship with (:c)(1. In 11\#csome Simplicitv' she toId the gills th,11 "all God wants of its is to love I lim". It struck me then that this

was truly the essence of our Religious Education Proui ,iin here at school. 11 we develop iii our girls a love 0| God. tlic 1-0,1 014)111.li!11% Will {,111 11110 plaCC. I low do we love C,od? 1 low cio we engender this love in (1111- stilclents? We cio this bv le.icling our stitclents to discover the 1-ic|il,£14% of God's love, madc· Ile;li in the

bit-th of.jesus C hrixt, \Ve xtudv tile Scriptures so that we might rellect on the pers€)11 .111(1 illission of Chri.t and the eailv Christian community, enriched and

strengthened by Gods Spirit. Through this understanding we can more fullv appreciate the fullness of God's love and truth.

Weinvok-c our gills iii the planning and piesentation of class and Achool liturgy that is lich in pravel, scripture, sunbol. ritual and reflective silences, so that we might all experience and celebrate God's presence iii

Once ag,lin 211] year level.N have been given the

opportunitv to participate in a Clay or two of retreat 01 rellection. Year 7 & 8 Retreat Davs are held at school and

the sttl€1(ilts are ablv Supported bv leaders fi-om Wars 10 & 11. This year Alvslia McKeogh lacilitated the \2.11 1 2 Retreat. One special moment for main· gills Wah the celebration ofa very moving Reconciliation. I am mi re it

helped Act the tone for the year for these students alicl reinforced tile notion that to Sav 'Sorrv' i, 11<)1 a sign of weakness but of strength and healing. Year 9 Retreat

Days were held at Campion College and included activities designed to help the gil 1% unclerstancl themselves as developing young women, as well as giving thein insight into how it feels to walk in another person's shoes. The Year 10 Retreat iii Seinester One included the Sacrament of Reconciliation celebrated bv Father Gonzalez Munoz froin St. Francix' Church. Father

Mutioz allowed our stliclents to organise the 11.00a.111. Mass at St Francis' and we received a lovelv response

the jovs and clifficulties of our lives, We Studv the Church. its traditions, its wisdom.

i,ispiration, challenges and guidance and our place

from the 'regillars' who found it uplitting- and leheshing to have so many young people present.

therein. as the "Bodv of Christ". We show our love for

Due to circumstances be>fond out- conti-01 the Year 11

C.:od as we realise that we are I liM heart, eves and hands

Christian l.iring C.illi], was not held this year but was

in the world. and we are called to notice, attend to and

respond to God'% enlivening· call to love, truth and

replaced by three senlinar davs with bovs from St. Kevill'% College. While perhaps not as fulfilling 11% three


days awav, I clo thank the students for the positive way

So we encourage our girlA to beconle aware of God'A

they approached the Meltii]1111'. Some of the highlightA

life and love iii .111 people an (1 1 01 <spolid to the liceds of

were a performance by a group of-St. Ke\.in'% stlicic·lit,4 of

hiencls. Itimilv. and the wider community. Through our

['heati-e of the Oppressed, the mask-making activity, the

1-Cl.,tic)114lhips .111(1 lifes expetictices, God contilitic·.4 to reveal I Iii»;clfund to cal| 11% to continue Hix liliNxion on

liturgy on the filial day at LMI I ancl the guest speakers from A.A. who iinpressed with their honesty and

earth... "to love one another just as I have loved yoll",


and In (1()ing· so we al·c 11(111(7-ing to Sr Peter'S Inaxir) for lift·... "all (;od wants ofux N to love I lim".

Thank, to the work o[-Robvn 1 lorner, Pat ()'Iialloran and .\irne (,211,1]un wr have been able to conduct more

All s Dot Peters (Religious Eclitc·.itic )11 Coordinator

Commullion Services :111(1 Taize Prayer services this war

junior School)

and I am hopeful that their vill be mot-c· oppormnities Ic )1' such praver and 1 ('llection llc·it vear. 1 Itin abio verv 2-ratefu| to all thusl· lovely Students who volunteer .so

- 4,§

willinglv to assi,t in preparing 0111· liturgies and Illso wish to publicly acknowledge the Year 11 vitclents who give

up their time on Sundavs to distribute I loly Commullion to the sick at Epworth Hospital. It is a very positive sign that our gills air learning the value of Aervice as a way of living out the (:c)Spel (,1.Ic.+11%. Ms Marie Brown (Religious F.clili·ation Coordinator Year 3 Retreat Day: Mrs Dot Peters and Daisy Maroun

10 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Senior School)

Classroom Prayer In Year 5 Blue we have classroom prayer. Evervone

. joy

gets a turn for two weeks; each week With a cliffeient partner. When it is vourturn voit can bring Apecial itemA

1 14e i

fron, hoine to decorate the Praver Table. For it„tance

we brought a tablecloth. calidles, St,itic, alld lilli.sic to


plav iii the background. After we have said a prayer we have special intentions where other people can pray for someone who N sick or going uway. Sometimes, fbiexample, on wacky-hair (lay in Book Week our classroom

Year 5 Prayer Leaders: Emilia Sala, Nicole Gunn, Eliza Sweeney, Sarah Green, Amy McLennan and Briana Fitzgerald

was red and the girls who were on prayer put a big effort into decorating the prayer table reel.

Prayer Leaders

Simone 7\ Son, Sat-a Mact.rod. Year 5

Being a Prayer Leader ix a great opporninity to get closer to (ind and get to know people iii other classes.

A Prayer Le.,cler obviously leads people' in prayer .it any feast dav or special event to do with praver such as St Patricks D.iv. Eailier this year, ten of the Praver 1.c.,cli·:s iii the

junior Sclic)(,1 1(presenterl 1.(,1,·to Al,111(1('\·ille I Ial] in a paracle to celebrate St Patricks Dav. We also joined other School>; iii the Colilinunitv by ce|('Inating a Maxs. Ilic· Praver Leadri'M incet once a week in tiw Ii·aver

Rooin. We Ntart our nu·('ting off with a praver and then Burning the Lenten promises

we practise plays based oil lt';1(lings froin the Gospel. \\'c then get to perform these plavx at a™unblv.


1)211-ing- 0111' tillic ;15 Praver I.(·11(1(» ive learn a lot

In Religion we ,11(· Icaliling al)out Baptixill and when I \Vils Baptised I was at church and the priest put the

about praver and we share our knowledge with thi· rest ofthe ch».

cro.x on nn' lic·ad with the oil and water.

Mancly M.u-c )1111. War 1

Rebecca Grcen, Emilia %111,1, War .5

Prayer Praver ix a time when people gather to prav for soincolic c )1' 4(,Itic thing- 01- to 1-cad bible storics alicl Milig34),igs. My lin·ourite time of prawi- ix in the ('1.131-00111 Cach molliing. It is good doing Mpecial ilitc·litions .ix well.

I like praying for people and I think it me.ins a lot it AY,ti 4,

are feeling Mick or not lecling good and vou know pcople arc praving for yon. Being ill\-o|vcd with pluu·1 1%

111,0 good because vou learn how to 1,1-in' in lots of clific'1'Int ways. Pra>ing bv v{)11]sclfiN .1140 21 nice win to be /+M t() Ch)(1.

Blessing on Year 6 Camp: Renuka Rajadurai and Caroline (,71119111,1 C hirev, Year 6


Some thoughts about God from Prep... ...God clic,se Mary to be a Mpecial nic,ther. (Siana

Friday Prayers I like Friclav pravers because we h.ive two praver leaders alicl the)' tell 11, about the gospel for Sttlick.1>', and that is .11,(,lit the word of God and that is precious.

M aclcic·„)

...God made animabi. (Ti·resa Grti Riglii)

1.zicincla 1.,acuvu, Wai- 2 34% 1

...(:od alwars hears me. (julia Canavan) ...We think al,out him everv d.iv. (Salli,ilith,1 Bell(koodinan)

.„God is evervwhere. (Stephanie.john) ...(;od Actit Hi> xon. (illexaticli a (hibbin)

...God loved Marv very much. (Tahlia Walton-Miller) ...God is alwavs with tiA. (Catherine Evex) ...God cares fur tis. (Nikita Demetriou) ...God made us who we are. (Marv Shuttleworth)

First Eucharist Retreat Day Liturgy Focus

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 11

0 trM/4 47







Opposite page rom top left 1. Catherine Yokoichi and Emma Stutt.

2. Katrina Hood, Erin Kennedy and Anna Francis.

3. (Back) Andree Pianta, Georgina Molloy, Kristina Boemo, Jennifer Palisse, Caroline Smith (Front) Isabelle Kitchen, Chandini Kac, Kate Lonergan, Samantha Bridgiand. 4. Anna Gallard ard Geraldine Ong. 5. Brigid Anderson and Priscilla Ruffolo. 6. Madeline Hoy, Katherine Sherry. Danielle Sanders, Bridgette Hol'and, Miriam Slattery (Front ) Lucy Johnson and Aneke Barlow.

This page from top left 1. Lucy MeNamara, Rachel Quinert and Lara Signorino lead the dancing. 2. (Back L-R) Alexandra Angelatos, Colette Herman, Caroline Perretl, Airree O'Sullivan-·Hunter (-ront) Samantha Hilbert and Lalitha Selvendra.

3. Barry Captains w th the House Troohy: (Right) Naomi Grant (Captain) and Katherine Sherry (Vice Capta n). 4. "Devilish sisters" Karen, Kamy and Katsy Lee.

5. (Back) Charlotte Mcfarland, Em ly Trenchard, Grace Deacon (Centre) Cheryl Holt, Lillian Savage, Holly Dwyer (Front) Rachel Bachowski.



€43#Cy;/712bila' f/9/-





Staff 3•d Row L-R: Mrs Karine Hodder, Miss Sonia Francazio, Miss Victoria McCormack, Miss Michelle Lindeman. Mrs Maureen Carroll, Mrs

Sally O'Byrne, Mrs Alison Durham, Miss Elizabeth Blackie. 2nd Row L-R:

Miss Michelle Seymour, Mrs Dot Peters, Mrs Sue McAllister, Miss Jayne Webster, Miss Kate Whelen, Miss Andrea Vance,

Mrs Gaoby Warren, Mrs Vanessa C)'Sullivan.

Front Row L-R: Mrs Virginia Hand, Miss Deana Dodds, Mrs Penny Trebilcock, Mrs Kathy O'Conrell (Head of Junior School), Miss Catherine Sirn (Deputy Head), Miss Catherine Maimone, Mrs Barbara Peyhoe. Mrs Vera Rozkin. Absent:

Mrs Robyn Kay, Mrs Simona Tudor, Miss Kelly Mcxon

Tribute to Virginia Moloney "She was a gelierolls woman, whose righteou.4 (1(·ccl;

enipowered her to be .1 \'7111,11)le

have not been forgotten: her ric·hes will remain with hei

Rainbows facilitator iii the }linior

descenclants." (Si] 14: 1 0) "

Sclio€)14 gricf and separation

l'his extract from the Book (,1 Sirach. which Was p.11'1


of the Iii'st reading at Vilginia Molotiey's Thanksgiving·

Vii-ginia had high expectatioiii

11,134. captures the es.hc·ncr of the hiend and colleague

of hersell. 11('i- 1:unih and her

wi· all knew, loved and admired. Her commitmelit was

stzident ancl it wa. well known that

intense in all that she embraced and her genernsity was

her credo was, "\\'imtever von do,

evident iii the manv 11()111-1 Alic· spelil in her work as an

ed,1(·ator. rl'he light burning in her classroom late into Ilic· night was a common occurrence and another sign of

make sure it is your best". Her love ...

and zest for life showed forth in

her dedication to her studelits,

her 4('11(11-ositv and dedication to her work. Thix same

and in the xatist.Ic lion she gained Mrs Virginia Moloney

grnernsity extended to Ntaff iii numerous wavs: her

from the dav to clav hit})})ellings in

home wax often open k ) staff for lai-ewellf and NOCial

her clcisfroom and the junior

gatheringN whele \'il-gillia was 21]ways the graciolls



experienced great enloyment throligh hi·1 involve<ilielit

\'ii·gini.)'s first link with Inreto Mandeville Hall was

:ilic· saw each child .14 all i 1 1(tiviclual ancl

forged in lt)78 when her (1.,tighter, Nicole, commenced

in their clevelopment. No child or M.d-f nwmber will forget Vii-gini:ON endless supply of Kool Mints which

114 a st „dent in Year 1. Virginia joined the.juni<)1- School

were offered as enc ouragement for work well done or as

Staff in It)83 as a clasxroom tracher and Contitmed in

an enerux' 1)00Mt for colleagues.

this role in the Year 3 and 6 areas until December It.)1)6

VirginhA tic·he; ut·ir manifeit in her faith in God

wlic·,1 41(· took long service leave to cair for her eldelly nuither. During her fourn·en vears as a dedicated and

and her spiritual stiength iii times of adversitv. These

loval member Of st.3-f I'irginia assillned a varietv of extra

John in 1987 when she assumed the role ofboth pai-ents

rexponxibilities, among tl1l.iii Deputv Head ofthejunior

guiding her chil,lien, Stephen, Paul and Nicole,

Achool for a number of mouths, Scielice Coordinator,

through theil- tertian' years and beyond. In the final months of illness this faith and stringth dione forth in tile acceplance of her illness 2111(1 were (·(·hoed by her

Rainbow< facilitator ax well as being a member of a 111111il,er o| school-baxed c (1111]ilitices.

were exhibited on the stidden death 01 her h .tiband,

As >;cience Coordinator Vil-ginia developed

children iii the loving care they lavished on Virginia,

curric Illil IiI initiatiws, 01-ganised visiting %)Clikers 1111(1 perforinerx and waxiliwillilic·litaliti the organivation 01

enabling her to 1 (·inain in the coinfort and peace of her

111:un· successful Allimal Science Week Prou-rammes.

I ler life experiences and understanding qualitic·.4

faillik llc )inc.

\Ve thank von Vitu-inia for aH that voit were to No

171711>· people. Min you i-est in peace.

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 15

r k

. Wacky Hair

Day Captions on page 48

- Book Week

(0?14% .




First Communion Back Row: Mrs Karine Hodder, Katrina Cavanough, Holly Bradshaw, Bridget Noonan, Rataella Baker, Daisy Maroun, Bridget Nathan, Georgia Herbert, Charlotte Campbell, Grace Mighell, Mrs Dot Peters Third Row: Mrs Kathy O'Connell, Meaghan O'Sullivan, Stephanie Clark, Stephanie Maynes, Victoria Flood,

Arabella Hickey, Clare Peachey, Cassandra Carmody-Stephens, Jacqueline Savage, Charlotte Chalmers, Eleanor Dunin, Elise Nicholson, Dr Anne Hunt

Second Row: Sunday Barca-Irving, Victoria Cavanagh, Jessica Stagg, Tahlia Madden, Father Kelvin Sharky,

First Encharist, Retreat Day On 1 tic'Adits 12 August the gii-1. 111.,king- their First Pitic hariNt h.1(11]wil- Rett'(·.11 1).iv at %( 1 1001. Mrs I Ic,clclet

4.ticl th.lt it wa•; a cia, whel-e we c {micl ])1·ep:u·c c )1 11'4(·lve% 12)1 <)111 Firxt 1':11(hari.Mt. 11'e calne to Achool in castial cli-c.4,4. 1-he |ii-st activiti' Was iii the 4,1111-(,(,in. which we

1]unight wa. exciting 1,( c·,111%(1 hard'v aili c )1 11% 1121(1 1)( (·11 in there. \Ve (licl 1,1-c',1(1111.tking with ill ; I'lic'IN .111(1 some

01 11% got to mix. kiu·ad an<11),we the dough 1-(·Itch for

Father Brian Leonard, Georgia Charleson, Lucy Wilkinson, Stephanie DeOliveira, Georgette Scanlon Front Row: Lauren D'Aprano, Hannah Smith, Danielle Carew,

Daniele Wilton, Alice Landy, Stephanie Pirrie, Vanessa Wong-Tai, Danielle Leonard, Sarah Dungey, Jessica Minear

After th.it we w;11(·11(·cl a s])(·cial video callecl "(;1'1111(1111,6 141(11(1". It ivax abollt a little Italian 11(n who

unike; bre,id with hiN granclina (Nona) for hiN Fit-st 4:11(hari>t. Then we watched a little bit of the Fi,%1 1:11('luriw video froin 1,1,4 u'ar.


Next. wc went to the Praver room. where Mrs

When I walked int<) the Chapel for inv Firit Reconciliation 1 [ch a bit 1111( (,lill{)1'tai,le, 1,111 when I Kinv

Mum, Dad .111(1 (,1':111(1111.1 1 1(·lt Ac) special. 1'11.11 was be<·ause Miltil had to stin at work unti] 11.7,()pm the night before to be able to comi. h \%'21% Inittlill to Ace the Priest and I ic|t 11 bit worried 1,lit after 1 4.lid '11(110

Father" I feh as if I was sitting on God's knee. 11 Iclt so

good to in' "sorrv" and it wal|v nwant a lot to me to get

1 |culder had prepared a paralitillgi. \\'c Maid pravers. Mang 1,11(1 ate the bread thal we had baked.

After plin' we went to the .\It room with Mrs 1)11}11:im alict (1(,(c,lated (,lit- (,111(11(·s to ('.11-n' at our Fil-Xt

F.ticharist. We lisc·cl gokl ancl silvel- Ntickers iii,(111:1(1 to zi'lite our 11:mic· and tic Ii])11(,lix arolind th(·In. \\'c :11>(,

h.ic! to make a circle· 01 ('111 (11)<),11-(1 to go :u-ound (,111candle, so we Lic)111(111'/ 1)111-11 ()111 c·Ives.

After Art we had .1 sallsage i/.71(·. This was the I,c·,1

God A forgivelic». Georgia llc·rbert, Year 4

part of ilic· clay. We plaved at lillichtime al,(1 111(·11 after 1111]ch we had loth 01 (,ther activitics iii the 32·al· Three

plays. The Retreat [),ly was lots c )1 Ittli. Written by evervouc ill Wal



ItiKe 211]U Well . Te€11 0 Wal tile UredU [lley [ItiVE Utltell Ull

Year 4 entrance procession to First Reconciliation

Retreat Day

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 17

Pre Prep


3rd Row L-R:

Alexandra Fitzgerald,

Alice Callaghan, Danica Patawaran,

Tahlia Walton-Miller, Teresa Certi Righi,


Julia Sweeney, Eugenie Prior,

Samantha Bell-Goodman, Tess Thompson. 2nd Row L-R: Julia Canavan,

Mary Shuttleworth, Siana Madden, Eliza Tiernan, Alexandra Gribbin,

Caitlin Spence, Stephanie John, Annelise Brown


Front Row L-R:

Annabelle Wong-Tai,

Natasha Barison, Catherine Eves, Alexandra England, Elizabeth Barrett, Nikita Demetriou, Alexandra Higgins,


Venessa Robinson. Veronique Campion. Teacher: Miss Kate Whelan.



\Ve are learning abolit the clitic·rent %(11111(13. Each

Ilw conipliter lai) A great lilli. \Ve ])111\ gaines with

Nound hax 11 1.('tterl.ill(! chal·acter. ()111' favourites 211-c

Millie and Baile¥.lhe ganin help il.4 with colitiling- And

Golden (:irl and (.lewi- Cat. Each week we mect a new

re.1(ling. \\-c learnt the 'lic>ine ke«, the, al-c· .1(11:lkj.

character. Tochn we |1/(1t QuarretHorne (ducen. She

1 tlgOnic Prior. Velic·00,1 14( )1)in•;on

·11„.1 4 quarrels .111(1 w<)117 be :cen witlic )111 1111(,ther

1.c'it(·1-]and c h.1 i':ic-ter l 'ppv l 1111)1 ( ]la: \Ve would love to


#isit I.ettel-1.11](1 onc cia\.

MU·phaniclolm and (..litliti Spenci·

\\'c go to |'\1|' c)11 |'ll(·%(1,\% ;113(1 1'11111·Ndu». 0111

Inum< conic to help aticliw think ilin 1-call, (iljoi it: \12

R.bl,sr R,4

clance. bounce bal|r. nuirch. .kip. bal.ince. hop. \Ve look U

lonvard 10 IN\IP lili ilic litne.

VOroniqui· C :111111)ion and hi.,im Madden A nnic


C twir Cat


06.9 Kin,

W..6.01 Wat.r Witch


- ...- 695 4 5*han„ J,kn

C//,8 /2/phant

Ci-oss Age \Ve have (:ro lue with Year 5 (:01(1. lic· 4(11]ictilili'+

go to the Computer Room. We inade cal'(1%. .ang Nong-4 and made book.. \\'c vAited a farm togeliu·r. \Ic\,111(11 a Eng-lan d. Eli/,1 Tiernan I.j/'/I/1







Samantha Bell-Goodman tries her hand at shearing

Fire Fighters \Ve got to go on liu· 11-lic'k. The IiI<·-light(·1-N Nlicm(·cl

0, a|l thi c'clilipinent liu·v 11%(· to fight |irn Illic| to help pcople who arr in 11,(· fire+. U'hen voill- ( Intlic·4 catch fire unt .11(,lild 'Stop. Drop und RoH'. Mary Shuttleworth meets the ostriches

18 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

\Mnabl'llc \Ving-Li und Nikita Mcinctrion

Drama *t'

111 1)1-:ima we play games and Aing songs. We inakc· 1 11)


votic<. We performed a concert. It w.1+ called "111(· 1,ittle Red 1 1( 11 :111( 1 we uri c' t he 11( tors.

Ah'x,111(11,1 Fit/gerald. >hunantha 11('11-Goodinan T tf

Reacting Party We were excited al)„lit the reading parti. We had 111(· part, in the (laal-noin mid w'(· iii,ited {)111· Milinx und 1),lils to come alcnig. Mie Wlic·lan gave 11% a certilicate 1,(·C·,1114(' it Wah the litht tilm· we took 'take 11(,ine books'

Preps ready to perform "The Little Red Hen"

11{)lne to read. \Ve 1111(1.1 hill tillin·.

F.Ii/.il)('th 14.11-1-('it .111(1|lilia C:,11.1\:111 Al't \\'c go to the Art room for art. expecialk if we Ilic

doing pailiting. \Ve have bern learning' to New. Wc made a Knowman. c)(topus. :111(11)111tc1illv. The things wi· inake


in art h rip to £ 1(·(·c ), ,ite ()111- ('1.1%5 1'(}cnn. ['croa Ccrti Righi und Nataslu 14,0-i>,on

B e gi n 11 i i i g School When it was litne t<) Still t at .Clu )01 we wi·ir excited

but .Still a little Min. 11-e made new fricticls quickiv and got to know C )111 1,·:1*'11('16 11:line. \Ve had fun. When it was

time to go home. we were wry tired. Iti|ilia \1'201,)11-Miller ancl Dallica Patawaran

Preps have a party

Science Week

Book Week \\'11(·ii we went to the Science Lab we saw a bal,u

Nliarkin a jar. Iii,·ir w.is a skeleton called 'Challic: 1 le has 206 bones, just like tis. We wore Special scielicc· coats

We cli-c»c·(1 up. \Ve had l ill 111,· 11.til st)'les. Wc had an activity day and we looked :it our litvouritc books.

and glasses that W{,lild proted ili.

.Jillia .%1((·ner, Man' Shittlewortb

\1( x,111(11 ,1 Gribbi l i :111(1 Alia· Callag-han


Alexandra's Baby Sister Ah·xandi-:6 1,111111117 111'c),Ight her I):11)#' girl Sarah (;Iii)1)illilito liu· c lassroom. She g;nr 11(.1- a bath and we

were 1,1)1(· to watch litul some helped! After the bath the bal„ ivils (11 (·™·cl al](1 we 1,1 lished t he 11,11) l hair. C :,itlici inc Eve. .111(1 \2 tic·>Aa 14(11,injoi


Preps at the Royal Botanic Gardens

Botanic Gardens When wi· ivent to the Itc>t.inic· (;,11·(Icils we saw where

It fox live.4. F.\(1-volic· got to hug the 'littgging trce'. We 1(·cl thc· chic·kN. \Ve Naw the li'llit bats which Wc·i·c· Ill!

hang-ing in the tires %1(·('1)ing. \Ve leal-nt a lot of interesting thing< about the garclens. Preps eating lunch at the Royal Botanic Gardens

Alex.ilich'.1 I iiggins and Almelix,· Brown

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 19

Year 1 Year: 1 3rd Row L-R: Joanne Gruba,

Charlotte De Oliveira, Amanda Valmorbida,

Madeleine Tostevia, Mandy-Jane Maroun, Alexandra Greig, Fiona Pearse. 2nd Row L-R:

Lauren Fowler, Kirsty Kearney,

Grace Campbell, Kaitlyn Wilton, Brighid Ginnane-Smith, Elizabeth Doyle, Victoria Hammond. Rebecca Howie, Front Row L-R:

Isabelle Hayes, Alix Hauser,

Camilla Counsel, Emilie Fellay,


Bethany England, Paris Taranto, Megan Allanadale, Ashleigh Kubiak. Teacher: Miss Michelle Lindeman.

,>7 .'. imt .11*i. ,6 . $ i'l'· - '· (Gabrielle Coles and Hannah Fitzpatrick ti \2449X39 1 - , ·.434 Ak·,9 b..1 ,/'f.- 4,·-- g commenced 29/04/97)

Maths \42· love Maths! \\'e weigh 1-00(1 11' lising- the scales. We

incastlic· contail,t'is In filling cups With water. Even morning we do counting Illicl we (10 actions. For lives we

do clapping ancl for ten, we do our hands like a train. For twox we do heads and tlic·11 we t{)11('11 our %11{)111(lers. We count bv thires too. We clo clock. ancl swins.

C :abriclic Coles, Emilie Fellav

Science Week

Year 1 girls gather around "The Fairy" to listen to a fairytale

For Science Week our class went to the Science Lab

and we learnt about magnets and my teacher brolight

out a little creatitie. It is called 'Squid€ and when you hold the bottle and squeeze him he sinks to the bottom

but when you let go he rises to the top. In the Lab all of 11% went into a ;pecial room where we saw lots of cheinical x. 1 *aw a birclk skeleton and a sea animal. C)iii

Fairy Excursion We went to the Flower Fairies Exhibition. We saw

Cicely Marv BarkeA prints. \Ve had to find things iii the paintings. A fair,- toIcl us a fain·tale al,out a Goblin. We had a fairy tea partv. We ate fairv foods. Mv mum macie a fail w, cake!

class got to Nee stick inseCt.4. 1 marle a race track and a car

to move around it with a magnet .111(1 a paper clip.

Ashleigh Kiibiak. Kit-sty Kearney, Fic)11,1 Pearse

Isabelle Haves

Science Week MiNG I .indc·man macle a (]ili/ c c )1,11)4'tition :111(1 :111

week my' 11-iend>; and 1 watched Mcic·lic-c' ilic)vies Itt hinchlime in the li|,1-111'v. On \'\'c·cltic·sdav wi· 411\#' War 8

do MAclice play.4. ()lit- Class Inade a U'ater Contltaill.

Eli,.al,c·th Doyle


Camilla Counsel, Amanda Valmorbida and Victoria Hammond

explore the wonders of Science

Library At Librarv 11 + Nanci le.1(14 tls stories and die lets lis

pick our books to bring home. \Ve dc, hard woi k. .loanne Gruba. Hannall Fitzpatrick

20 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Meg Allanadale and Fiona Pearse say "Hello" to a skeleton in the Senior School Science Laboratory


8 In

Being .1 praver leader A importmit. You necd to ( an· r


for your fril·11(1% a lot. 11 is verv xpecial and vou need a loring heart. You need to make ](,ilcl Al)crc hes in front ol

the tail iiii<·roplione. At the meetings voll talk about whal thiligs arc 1,1,1,111(·(1 for ass( 1111)lv. Yoll ne(·(1 (c)111<lge to bc a proper plavel leader. 15(,1114, a pia\cr leader ineans that you air one of (1<)(1'3 loving prople. Bi·th,inv K.ng·land, 1 #tin·en Fowler .

J1 k

Making Gingerbread Men: Paris Taranto, Brighid Ginane-Smith, Grace Campbell, Ashleigh Kubiak, Emilie Fellay, Mandy Maroun and Kirsty Kearney

Madeline Club In Year One Miss Lbuleman inade a 'Madeline Chib'.

\W react all of the Madeline books and did work about

Madeline. To join the club we learnt words froin \121(1(·line ancl then we got a Madeline credit card. and

h.11(11)(,0 k. At i nc·(·tings we solnetimes watch a vicleo. We Imve M.,(1(·line lic·wx. At the end of the inecting Miss I .ilic!(·111,111 giu·M ( ( 1'tilicato, 1111(1 we Millg Al,z(1(·litic Sc)111M. Eli/,11)c·th 1 )ovle, (:1 1.111(,tte De Olivcira

Victoria Hammond and Joanne Gruba enjoy Cross Age activity with Rachelle Pitard, Year 5

Book Week For Book U'eek wc paracled 011 the netball courtx to Allow our hair St\·10, 1111(1 evervl)ock calne with funin

hairstyles. \\'c dic! 2,11 activity clay ancl we went to cook A-]) and make a face with a Cl-,I/' hail'sivle and we


phnrd games with Miss \\'cbster. The Flving Bookworm

At French Wi· 1,111\' lots of ganicx alic! Ming Nong·%. \A'c

clid plavs ful· ils. 111 ighid (:innane-Smith, Megan Allaintdale

have 1 im I \Ve like Mitclatne Tudor. C )tic· ofu )111' f.li c )ill'ite

Ainancla Vahnorbida. Pari, "Ilitanto *1


Tennis time for Year 1 I



The Hobbit visits Year 1



24 b 4,4'r' d...·' I f.

At the C k impitic·t' Room we ystatted doing a computri prograin called "Ilaih touch tYping Col |,limal> Schools'. Sc,iiic·timex we watch CI) ROMS. \Ve plin galnex like 'Alillic's Maths I lotise'. Rebea·,1 11(m·ie. Kilitl>'ll Wihon

1 0 *


L € k *bjd /


Prayer Leader Dance: Bethany England and Mandy Maroun

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 21

Year 2 Year: 2 3rd Row L-R:

Bianca Koffman,

Prudence Maynes, Magdalena Soszynski, Elly Mantas, Melissa Jreissati, Lucinda Lacava,

Briny McArthur, Daniella Stutt, Simone Spendlove, Miriam Black. 2nd Row L-R: Rebecca Moore, India Prior,

ZOe Wood, Amelia Wainwright-Connell, Alexandra Blackburn, Rebecca Ireland,

Miriam Certi Righi, Rosemary Tracey. Front Row L-R:


Katherine Tzelil,

Elizabeth Gannon, Stephanie Clarke,

Sarah Doyle, Holly Roach, Stephanie Rizzardi, Jessica Lane, Anastasia MeNamara, Diarne Petras. Teacher: Mrs Maureen Carroll.

(Sarah Fitzpatrick - commenced 29/04/97) 9

Qtzeen of the TATeek


Even Wedm·Hlin we have (luct·n of the WeeL \Ve

4(>11(·times All-% C..111-011.1.+A+ l!+ to lind th( lic,trn· kt·

have a 1-c)>,ter c )1 gil l>, 1111(1 we take turt™. 1 he girl who A

belore du· ling. hel- 11(·11, 1 .1111 getting good at tvping

(,211<·en bring-4 her keepx,lke; and we Ning "(.ctting to

alic! I got Im di])1(,ma for 18 wor{IN per mill,11(·.

1<now You" alld "1*,1,·0111-ile Thing·%". Thi· Queen make a

41(])11.inic 141//,11·(li

V)(·(·ch and the c 1,1.4 a.40 qUOIi(>114. Then 11(· Filiti· 7)(·cial 111('44:lgch 1(31 the (211('('11 Illul read theill to her. I he, are 14,in ilic·.4,1,4(·4. \In (,irroll mako th<·in ilito A

keeps.ike book lot· the (.bwen to keep [curever.

Shakesp eare 1 low it whi·11 wr hin

"11] the „c )11(11 a stage" and "c· think abotit ilut.

Did Goil make .1 .ing-c and r ·

|'lit /14()11 itr

\Iix,inch,1 111:,I·kburn

Cal m 1 |ove wak hing ()111 (+1,1.+u)(,In Ii.*h 1)(·c :111.(· 1 11(·\ 211·(· C )11]1.

Stephanic Chute

Fishy Business \\-c Imu· a INi tank in ()111 c'111nown .111(1 -· have v liclic·(1 liNIi. It w.1, %.icl when the Fain Fi;h dicd.

"Dictionary Queen" Sarah Fitzpatrick

Pl-11(lence Ma,·nes

011 Stage Maths for Me!

We h.ive Shaknpcari·.in dancers in 321,11 2. ,·\Ma«Na \1(N,1111,11:t

I like doing 'Mt· and the Teacher' .111(11)111% and lilli· awar w i t h t b 1 -e c d i g i t i l l i l i 11 )( · r . M, 1111111 ( · 101 (, !: \ I t i c kv number N five and I lo,c· Ic·:11-ning- aborit Archiincdo


becatiw I ain C hreL

1 loved it when we were proving the Archinu·(In

Stephanie (1"-ke

fi l,tight line principli· and we 111(·,1%111-( (1 all the win· up to Ille Praver Rooll, using- stling. Two girk went the long \Un' 1111(1 tWo git-IN \vent ill u %11.tight litle to prove the Nhortest (tiv,111(·c·. Tlic·n thev got lill talig-led tip and \Ir, C :,11·1·oil %:tid we coll Icl keep the Mi-ing Ii. a keepsake, 111(li,1 Pric)1

22 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Fairy Cafa 1 hine hned reading fain Aorio in the Fail i UID bv calldlelig]11.

Miriain C c'rti Righi

For Others

Matlis Magic

In Year Two we i .liNed the Illigest amount of mont·v for Catholic families in Melbourne

In Year 2 we studied NUMEROLOGY and wc all

worked out our lucki. 11111I11)er.. It was greal lim and we Prudence Manic.

nuicle up a I.l'C.KY Nt.'\1111(.R>; RAIN I will alwavs 1-cmember 111,11 11% the best thing i·vcr!


Elizabeth (;antion

Home Keys 1 love going to the computer room for t\])ing. \Ve phn- a special game and when \In Carroll liligh the bell we have to quickli put our fingers on the home ki·vs. Lucilida I.acava

Fairy Good \Ve have the Fairv Teahouse Year 2 Committee campaigning for Family Week (L-R) Jessica Lane, Alexandra Blackburn, Simone Spendlove, Zoe Wood

\Ve have the Fail-v Zone \\'Ar wrinen MAT StorieN

\11(1 can xin .1 fuirv poem!

A Teacher's Poem

Elii..il,c·th (:annon

111 could write a pocin

Expeciall)· fbi- vou

Shakespeare Club

141 really like to t(·11 vou

1 hat voll're special

The club sits iii a circle· and the Plesiclent stands up

Iht-ong-11 2111(1 through.

ancl she: sometimes recites Shakespeare.

Yoil ve cited No inilch

Sillione ®endlove

1()11've Nhared No lillich

You've worked 0 8.11-(1 32.11- 2

\Iicl I rhall .11\1';n'% ti'(,ixtire

Sr Peter

ovful Illenloric X (,1 vou. Mi·% C :11] roll

Sr Peter came to visit 11.4 and she touched nn heart.

She had tivo walking stick, ancl %1-le said that our

Strain Your Brain

stifferings are onlv little splinten of the cross. >411·all 1)(nle

I have macle a caterpillar from string. a car from :in old Alloe and I turned a matchbox into a fal-in. \1\

1.1, {)111 ite of 2111 was making an echicina 1 1 (,111 a sci-ill)|)ing brilxh. Daniella Sttitt


El Hobbit The 1 lobbit has been written iii al}nost everv

kinguage and 1 bought 'El I Ic,1,1,it' in Spanish! Miriam C kti Righi

We do a speed test each dav ancl iii mv opinion we air 1-callv good at :idding- and sill,ti'acting with three digit 1//111)1)(·1 N.

Holl,· Roach

The Hobbit \Ve know the Mt 01-v of the 1 1 ( 11->l,i t and we have act I t.ilh

heard the voice (,1 IRR 1-olkien. 1 am looking forward to our excursion to Hobbit Theatre. R<)Sellial-v Traa·\ Allt "

Spelling I like to spell well and we pill, .111wrican Spelling. 1 came secon d in i he chitillpi€)11%11 i ps. A lin 1)e next time I ll Wlil!

First Semester Prayer Leaders: Rebecca Moore and Alexandra ZOO Wood


LORETO · Mandeville Hall 23

Year 3 Year: 3 3rd Row L-R: Charlotte Chalmers,

Bridget Noonan, Georgette Scanlon, Tahlia Madden, Daniele Wilton,

Charlotte Campbell, Danielle Leonard, Stephanie Clark.


2nd Row L-R:

Grace Mighell,

Meaghan O'Sullivan, Jacqueline Savage, Holly Bradshaw, Cassandra Carmody-

Stephens, Daisy Maroun, Stephanie Maynes, Katrina Cavanough, Hannah Smith.


Front Row L-R:

Sarah Dungey,

Clare Peachey, Danielle Carew, Eleanor Dunin, Victoria Flood, Arabella Hickey, Georgia Charleson, Vanessa Wong-Tai, Lauren D'Aprano, Jessica Minear. 1,

Absent: Alice Landy, Elise Nicholson. Teacher: Mrs Karine Hodder.


Huff ' n Puff 1 Iliff 'll Puff is iliti. We do it everv clav {br ten

mitilltri, except Mc)11(lay. The tvpt·% of activitic·s we do

air skipping, line dancing, acrobics, small .mci 1.1,-gr I),111 2.lint·%. The teacherx join in .ilicl it % 1,11111)' w.itilling

tlic·in (1() aerobie; and line dancing. The I louse (hq)tailii help 10 01-ganisc· 111111 il Plill and come .11'c )1111(l :111(1

encolirage its. if we're not tl'ving oill 1)est. Sometime.

they give out little prizes il we're really good al something. Always at the end. we are I hitting and Pili iii ig.

9000 :: i

Danielle Le<111.11-cl, jessica Minear. Daisy Mai-oun

;saoke\* RD Eleanor Dunin

Prayer Time In Year 3 \\'c have praver tillie cach ril<,1-1]ing· iii (,111- (1,1+St-()()111. Soincone Mtands olit the front Illid lights the candle. 7'he

candle is the light of.jeNtls. We mtv {)111 (mil (-121%4 praver und then Ive Kin' the Our Father or the Ilail .Man·. \,Ve r

111%0 talk abotit .1(·Alls alic[ 1,1 .tr for people· we know who Huff N' Puff (L-R) Cassandra Carmody-Stephens, Vanessa WongTai, Danielle Leonard and Jessica Minear

a]-c sick An- A.,(1. 11 tlierc i>, son,({hing going on in the

3< hool we 11]No prin·. For example whili the 321.11- -1 gil-l macie their Reconciliation, we praved for them cach clav.


Prayer time in our chessroom is very s ],ecial. Stephanic· Clark, Daniele \\'ilt€,11.

hi Term Two we had a very special d.n·. Four fuotball

Meaghan ()Slillivall

people came to our school. Two were fi-om Vickick and the other two were Nathan Burke who plin x for St Nilda

and Gavin Brown who plays for Collingwood. Melbourne Girls (:iummar and Genazz.mo also came

Maths Task Centre

along to pla>' football. We all dressed up in our favourite

Eve, v tinie we go ancl visit the Maths Task Centre. we

team colc)111·,4. weal·ing jumpers alld beanies, We pl,iyed

have fun. \Ve have lots of illings to work with like

out on the oval 1-01- ,11)(,lit im hour and Ic·arnt lots ofnew

building blocks, maths tasks, lego, maths tasks games.

skills. Gavin Brown Maid that we were better than Nome 01

11(1(lition Nums and lots inore. We have to tn' and do two

Ilic· bovs' sclic,c,ls he 11.1(1 visited. That macle its feel walh

tasks each time mid :it the end we get c „11· Ic';ic her to

good. At the end we till got a foot)' activitv book and the

check our task and 311.tic' what we have learned. U'hen

Ibotballers' autographs. Ni·ar 3 really liked it mid wc

wc have (1011(· two t.,sks we trV Nome problem %01\-ing

think every Yelll 3 class lit Loreto Allow|(1 have this Apecial

lasks or some c (,ilst 1-lic·tic,n. The Maths litsk Centre i.4


th<1 1)(·Nt.

lialmah Smith, Eleanor Dunin

24 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Alice Lanclv, ric-toria Flood


Project Work in Year 3

Before and After Care

Our first project thi.s wal- was about Energy. We had

Before Care is when vou coine to Nch<,01 cailv atic!

three· weeks to complete the project. We expelimented

your Mum and Dad want you to be looked after. At

with E]ectricit)' ancl tlic·(1 different appliances. We alic)

Belore Care vou can play games ancl have a snack. At

had to think of a incim of food that we woilld eat iii a

Alter Care you get to play gaines on the computer .111(1

blackout and we h.,(1 to inake an experiment tising NoiNC

Imve a Milo and .1 snack. We also go to the Iii„ .11-v alicl cio

1, )1 111 (,1 ('11(11 gv. We learnt a lot . Their were six questionx

oiti· hot,ic,vork.

altogether ancl the project was marked out 01 twenty. Iii

At the I loliday Program we cio lots of fun thiligh too.

class we als() did lots of clic·rgv experimentM lising

We Went to the zoo, had a party, plaved partv galnes. ate

balloons, light and water. Energx was the !*·st topie eve]'.

party 12)od and did line dancing. C.IMMandra C :armodv-Strphens,

Bridget Noonan. Georgene Aanloii, (,i·aa· Mighell

Fund Raising This yeal, War 3 clid fund raising. We 1-aise money to 4,01>un· a boy called ()mar who lives in the Philippines.

Even'body was given a group to work in. The group 111(·liilic·rs had to decide what they were going to do to

raise money. We clid lots of fun things like raffles, selling goods, colouring coinpetitions und hicky clips. We 1-,lised

$58.05. It was really fun fund raising and we hope 01}1111 is happy. Kati-ina ('.1, ,itiough, Danielle (,arew

Family Week Fainilv Week N celebrated each vear lit Loreto. We

raise money for the Catholic FamilY Welfure Bureau. 'I his wai· we h.,cl a skip.ind (1.11ic'c'-21-thon. We had to get

people to )01™01' us. Yeal' 2 catne around to our classroom to remind us to keep collecting 111(me)·. They

were u-real. At the end of Familv Week aH thc· parc·nts calne to watch 11% and Nhare a incal. \\21 1.Lixed the most

amount of money - $6,30(k WC)W, can voll believe it!!! Family Week was a lot of fun. Georgia C 71,11'les<)11 ,.jacquelilic Savage

Computers When we used to go to the lab, it was i call\· boring because the Coillpilters wotild :11,%.irs il-eeze .111(1 they clicli€t have CD-ROM. UNTIL...Mrs Hodder bought the new Powermacs. The new computers have helped us to learn new things and it ha% become more interesting. They have a great t,ping program, CI)-ROMs, Word

Processing progranis, like ClarisWorks 4 and fun games to play. We can also look up reallv interesting information on the CL)-ROM called Eticat·ta. You can

Maths fun (L-R) Hannah Smith, Victoria Flood and Talia Madden

even hcal-,111(1 watch people speak on it. Every titne we go to the lab it i. 11111.

Swplmnie Al.Ii'nes, 111 111)('11,1 Hickey. Sat-,117 Dillign

Acrostic Poem E I li.< 11 ic jib N it(-lear

E xperiment R adiator G elicrator

Y allourn

(11,11·loitc Chalmers. Charlotte Campbell. 1 .ilili,i Aticlciii

Al- t Our At't Tracher' S name is Mi-% 1)illham. On l.-).Julv

we inacle masks. We designed them with different shape; ancl Miles (,i 1,.,< .u-(mi. Al] th,· gi 11% madc cliffet·ent kincix of masks like l,zills, sherp. 1.imbs, goats 1111(1 al| clilittrnt kilicls of make-believe .illimals. We have Illsc) macie clav (litic,salll-s thi.s ve.11 . Thev were reallv cooL C .1-ace made .1 i

T-Rex, while 1 lolly inade one with a long neck .incl Lauren macie an Apatosaurns. Eli.se macle a monster. Iii Alt 211| 32,11' 3 girl>, air verv arative, cy),*c'iall> With Cla>'. Victoria Flood and Georgia Charleson try out the new Powermacs

Elise Nicholson. Holly Bradshaw, I ..111·en D'Aprano

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 25

Year 4 Blue Year: 4 Blue 3rd Row L-R:

Victoria Cavanagh,

Chloe Skalitsis, Lucy Wilkinson, A

Vanessa Groom. Philippa Christian,


Jessica Stagg. Sarah Pound. 2nd Row L-R: Julia Pashula.

Stephanie De Oliveira. Natasha Darrigan, Stephanie Lukan, Georgia Herbert, Samantha Holdsworth, Meghan Andrew, Alexandra Cuttler, Alexandra Catalano.

Front Row L.R: Stephanie Schultz, Victoria Meehan, Angela Basil,

Georgina Tiernan, Victoria Frew, A

Lisa Valmorbida, Jennifer Wong, Ella Henschke, Jane Eves. Teacher:

Book Week

Mrs Vanessa O'Sullivan

Science \Veek

\Ve lowd Book \Veck. (4)('c·iall, the d.n whi·11

Monclin An,411,1 11 1,(·g:in >kience \U·ck. It \*,1+ a

cu.none c.1.eliti.(l cooL 1,11)11]()11. Illi),1/iNK. wild. cl.,t/\

iralh In|v week as \ve Inul wimming 11% well. Diving the

and colcill,1111 li,tit-%1\|ch. \Ve,ill ,\(·Ill ink) 4-1-()11]). and wi·

weck (21(·h ellixh ivent tip 10 Ilic >,c'llic)1- School >U·ic·ncr

did |Ot,4 01 (li|ic·ic'lit lic-ti\itic·N \\ith ([i|lic-·lit ic·.iclic·1-4.

1 .ab. Our (·lity. nent up on thi· iii·Nt (lav of the weeL \Ve

>;oint· gloup (lid cooking. ptippet hhows :111(1 %ton

Iraint .1 101 1,1)(1111 lilicic).4('ope; and we (11'ew whilt we 4.tiv

writing. It H·» a luM M·c·k. .le.hica Stagg. Ati·)]nuiic 1.tikan

magnified on the liclc. ()111 1.1,{)111'itc ]).11-t of the week wax the Git hoin the C %114(). \Vc got the chinia· to do h()me experiment.X with clectricit\ and nmg-11(·th. hlne Eve.. Angela 11»;il

Ir L ff NC.. 444

Julia Pashula. Stephanie De Oliveira and Natasha Darrigan

Fun for Every one liu An Ju· 11.1,(· 1)(·('11 1]iliking 1,1,1Xter liNh 1,11(1 111 -1 11(·\t 1(·04,)11 \%(· ijill 11(' 1).tilitiin 111(111. \\'c 11,c ]()14 <)1

111.lic'lial. in ,)111 14·0.(,in like ])111\1(7, 1),tilib. (1.non•i. 1)11\1(·1%. pencilx Int<l loth more. \Ve think Art N lilli 101

Marah 1,()1111(1. (:corgia 1 1(·11)crt

Perimeter l'hi term wchaw 1)(·('11 1(·.illiing,11,(,lit perimeter. Iii pair. \ve traa·(1 'tiound (bill- paittic'11 1)0(1\ and u. worked out ,)111- ic·,Wth. width .111(1 1,(.limeter. Sal,!16

perimeter wa. 6 nu·tre.% 1111(1 20 centitiliktres. I ler width \0110 (her .11-1114 Nt letched {)111) Im 24)('Iti and her Ic·ligth

wil. I in 5()cm. It w:10 gl-cat flin Ic,ll'iling iti)(milt ])('limch·1. \'ictoria Cavanagh. Alt'\.111•-11-21 (:.u.11.ilic)

Future scientists? (L-R) Alexandra Cuttler, Jane Eves and Georgia Herbert

26 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Scienceworks We went to Scienceworks thiN vent- to learn inure·

al)()lit Spact. Our illiC)illite activltv W» the jumping machine because um looked like vou were walking on

the inoon. We al.No listened to a speaker who showed its what g,acc· food looked like and we watcbccl .1 Iral rocket hunch on the big video Aciren. It was a fun and ilitel'c sting clily. Vic·toria Fiew, Lucy Wilkinson

Cross Age partners: Lucy Wilkinson and Claudia Moloney, Year 6

French In French thix year we have been learning al)out the scasons, 1111-tiimre. 10(,ins in the house and WC .11.No did a

mini project al,out (,111 homes. We 1.,1,elled all the furniture in French and (11-ew seven 1(,c) Ins in the lic) lise.

For example, la chambir (tlic 1)C'(11'C )<)in), 1.1 Millie A 111,11iger (the dining room) and le salon (the living

room). We hire ill>u) Ic·.11 lit Mongs .111(1 poeins abola farms and the time. Eatelv we have been stitch·ing food.

We plav games and our favourite is tile guessing game. We all elljov French. It's realk fun and we learn new words everv lesson.

Georgina Tiet 11,111.julic, Pashilla

Cross Age activity: Sarah Pound and Danielle Bouchier, Year 6


Rhythm and Beat In Music Miss Doclds teaches 11% abc,lit lic,tes, thvtim™

and beati. She %€)111,4.]ex teaChe>, 0% 1-11>thinic gaino

and Noligs. Over the wars we have learnt to plin the recorder quite well and we know 101% of nurK. In clifTerent (lits,es we get the chance to learn different ,


ilistrumentf .111(1 we c IliA wait lintil Wal- 5 when we can |cal'11 a br»Milivt-ilinent.

.]ennifer Wong. J'1111(·13,1 Groom

Heading towards the Senior School· Angela Basil, Stephanie Lukan, Jessica Stagg, Natasha Darrigan and Julia Pashula

Scoring Points Miss \\'cbster Wach(·4 sport \Ve plav gaines like Hockev, '111),111, Foot|,all. (:vin and lots inoir. You get

41*42 m. 9,74

pointS Conour Icaln il rou Wcanouri'/H *)1tj illjitorm. We 11·v verv havel not to forget it. hometitnex we have

le™,liN inside and Nometime; outsicle; it cle pencls on what we are plaving- and the weatlic·r. At the end of term the tram with tht· inom points grts the cup. Alexanch .1 Cuttler, Victoria Meehan

Year 4 Camp: Stephanie Schultz (front) and Samantha Holdsworth

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 27

Year 4 Gold

-- Year 4 Gold

3rd Row L-R: Michelle Smitheram, Laura Brown, Alexandra Podolakin,

Bridget Blackburn, Madeline Tilley, Sarah Maule, Victoria Gregory.

A 17 9

2nd Row L-R:

Christina King,

Nicole Anderson, Peta Dermatis, Kate Sala,

Jennifer Ames, Sunday Barca Irving, Stephanie Pirrie, Bridget Nathan. t

Front Row L-R:

Joanna Ryan,

Samantha Jreissati, Sarah Cleary, 47 1

Emma Ireland, Grace Callaghan, Ksenya Masendycz, Megan O'Hehir, Stephanie Haikal, Meghan Keary. Absent: Britt Densmore. Teacher:

Story TATI'iting

Mrs Gabby Warren.


>Uorv Writing iN lot ; offun in 32:11- 1 Gold. Evel-,1,(,ch

clijov, (1(,ing 01(,rv wliting- 2111(1 the gil-k in 4 GoId i# i·ite i-call, good Ntoric.. \11.% Wal-1-en write. commelith which encont .lge us with c )111 work. All the girls think tip

1.Ilitastic storit·%. \11-s Warren tistiall, gives ils topic,4 01 3(}metinic; 41(· ill.t 1.1,4 "free choice". We have two gon

writing less,)11% per \#c·(·k. At the lint le.M )11 we write the

rough (11 .11-ts :ind then later iii the weck We complete the good copit·% iii <,111 tc,1-,1,(,c,k>,. >,ton writing is gi-(,tt: S.trah M.,111(· ancl \I.,clelint· Tilley

Reading! Reading i, great lun. \\Te lunc it ewn \U·(111<·sclav,

"In the Frame": Grace Callaghan

11!undav and Fridin. \Ve all read 41(·nth 1111(1 3<)111(·tillic·x Allx \\111'tril reads oilt .11(,ud to thc \#·hole Cl.,AN. I lou·

ic·:ling! BAn Dennouh

Computer Lab Ever, -1 il(·4(111\ at 2.(Dpm %·ar 1 (:old go to the Computer Lib. At the 111(,inc·li t we air working on Ttap.. which N a progrinn that 11(Ip, 11% with touch 1,],ing, At the end 01 the 1( 00()11 we c.]100&(· .1 2.,ilile to ])]in. \\-c were


givell tlic·.c· computer; al the ht.11-1 01 the w.11. \Ve reall,

111 12,11 1 Gold we have dolic· inam projects. We hit\(·

like the coinpuici· 1.tb.

doill· a 1 himan Bodv und .1 Space project. Projecth :tre

Peta Dennatif and Michelle Smitherinn

fun liecallfc· the help 11% 18 learn things abc,iii life. Project, mal« ini· ili,(Atiglitc interoting facts about all


v)1-10 (d thinlp. \'ictoria Greg-orv

Doing N])ort i. lot. offun. Fun and gaim·.0 fur even'one.

Plining 11( tball for some Sc,ts<m.4 1% one of liu· \(·n best 1-(1,14(>11%. Iiandtand+. c mmheels und Somel-41111]th too.

Are the ven best thing·x to do.

Steppilig, hopping. prancing, We alwan hne to Clo line dancing· Mi% \\'el»®i ix our teacher Und We'le %111-(· Jic'(1 love to Incet Unt

Throughout thi. term and inain inole

Sport N nern. ever a bore. Book Week activity: Kate Sala

28 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

joilnnit Rum and Bridget X21111,111


Cross Age Every second Fridav Year 4 and Year 6 Gold do Cross Age activities 1(,gether. Some of the things we do are

story writing, hanner making, plays and more to come! We have clillrient p.litners each time. We inect t.ilitastic propie and have lots of fun. It is .11.o good to work iii


cooperation with the older girls in Year 6. We really ellj(ny it! Steplianic Pit i ie and Kate Sala

Weari ng a woolly wig Megan O'Hehir

Physical Education In Phvsical Eclication we have been working on line dancing .111(1 bar work. We have a lot 01 fun with Miss Webster and we en jov her good irleas. For the last trw

clavs we have beell ])1-,litixing our (,litwheels and lilli things on the bars. We all enjoy our sport Ic·IN« Ills. Vicic,Ii.,(,1(1401,

Lunchtime in Book Week (L-R) Vanessa Groom, Jennifer Ames,

Bridget Blackburn, Laura Brown and Britt Densmore

Drama In Drama we plav lots of fun games, 14111 we only have fortv minutes (What a shame!)

Mtisic! ! !

Everyone enjovx writing- plavs, (Thougl Monwtimes they take a few days!)

Mitsic with Miss 1)(,clds is great

We write al)0111 Rock Stat·+ and horM·1,

That 's the ic.,SOn why in) 011(· is late.

>;orcercix, witches and other strailge Ic)1((·s.

Singi'44 a sc,ifg ,111(1 (lin<*ing a dong.

The .illic )11111 01 lilli we h.irc is slic·11,

711,11'% the way milsic goes Illong.

That we all love our Draina xo inuch!

Plaving ic·cordel· ix fun when in tunc.

lennifer Aines and Sarah Clearv

Pity thi· music lesson goes so Hoon. Bridget 141 ,ic·klitil n


Maths Task Centre F.verv Monday after hinch Ye:,1 1 Gold go to the Maths Task Centre. One week we do t.tks which are different InalhA activities we find in a box, und the next

week we Spend tilne on constrtiction whing various pic·ces of equipment to make all Moits of ainaling %11'lictures. his a valltable time to 113,1111)ecallse we have

fun working out cli,illenging pi-oblems. I'lic 'lit,k Centic i.4 C :REAT!!

Mittlis, 111.11'% right you guessed it, Mis \Alitirn 's 1,1,'(,111'itc %111)ject: Mallis i.4 f tin, Maths is great, Maths is for evervone. We can count bv tens, 111111(lreds and even

ones; there are tons! Each and every clay we have a olic-

hour le;Mon. 'the gilincM we play air great fun. Il wc can't get the 111™wer we d better practise on >u)}ne luore Slilli>;. Since Year 4 ( :01(1 have inct Mi s Warren, Maths has ])(·(111

much more fun micl c halleng-ing in an exciting wav! Stephanie I l.likal ,,1 1(1 Slillic,11111;,11(·issitti

Lani .1 Brown, KKetiva Masench'c z

Computer Lab! 4*

Every Ttiesclay Year 4 (:old go to the Computer Lab.


Sometilnes we look up Encarta 96, we learn to touch

tvpc· lising the Ttaps program and we plin· computer games. C)111- 1,1,7)111 ite g,line is 1.emmings. We were given new compitter.4 during the vear. Ther're reallv great .inct

we,ie looking forward to learning more and becomingexpelienced with compittel-M. Stitulav Barca Ining and (Ihiistina King

Madeline Tilley and Alexandra Podolakin

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 29

Year 5 Blue Year: 5 Blue 3rd Row L-R: Jessica Carter,

Lucie Chalmers, Natalie Carew, Emily Bishop, Julia Szondy, Alison Smitheram.

4 11,

2nd Row L-R: Emilia Savage, Briana Fitzgerald. Eliza Sweeney, Elizabeth Corrigan. Rachelle Pitard, Bridget Allanadale, Jessica Horewood, Ebony Eades. Front Row L-R: Clare Walsh.

Madeleine Hunter. Emily Tiernan, Samantha Barrett, Bridget Moran, Rachel Carew, Anna Ralph, Simone Tyson,

4 4: + t

Sara MacLeod,

Teacher: Miss Liz Blackie.

(Megan Hunter - commenced 15/07/97)

The Flying Bookworm


On August 14, a theati-c· group called Flving 14(wkworm came to 0,11- 4(11(,01 to perform thire little plavs about the book. that they like the inost. Two people came and their nalne. were Vivian .111(1 Steven. I'lic·v were I (.111, 1 1111 In·: The Iii-st Mic )1 i wiT.ls al)0111 a inall

who thought that he could do anithing and everithing· 11(·11(·1 than anvolic el<c. The Accond Mon' was called

I'lic Man 11-om In,nbark .111(1 it Ad.4 About .1 man timt

At school this vear wehr having lot; c )1 1,111 Learning how to Al)cak French. from Macl,une. We know how to count from un to clix, And whell we Nav ves wl· Nin, 6.( )tli. Oui"

We've IC·,11 lit words for pormA. and Ililimal; too. There'% sc) much iii French, for us to (10.

Weir k·al'lling i.,st, 1,11(1 Noon will he

Able to xpeak French. when wc visit Paris. >,amantlm li,zi·irit

came Ii·om Ii-c,tiliark to a villagi· 1)('c ;illic of .1 terrible (11(,ight and he was ,('1-, bored illitil he 4.iW :1 14,11'1,(·6

shop. The B.11-ber wanted to plin' a trick <)11 111(· man,

Ihi,; 1%,1% to put boiling water on the blunt (·11(1 of the knili· 40 that when he shaved the mal, it \Vc )111(1 Xecm clint

hiN thi-(,at had bern Cilt. 'Ihe third story was Gilled

"Willie the \\inip" and it ivax aboitt .1 inonker called \Villic and hc wax tralh wimps. 1 le tlic'(1 a lot of thing, 40 thilt he wi)111(liA be a wimp ain mot-(9 |)lit ilistead a 11<)]Inal monkn. \'ivian ,111(1 >®ve \Vould %(,lilitimei call

Recess at Red Hill National School: Kesiah Madden, Bridget Moranl Julia Szondy, Anna Ralph, Briana Fitzgerald, Sophie Sharp and Natalie MeNamee

people up on the Ntage to perforin with {11(·In. 1 \VAN

called up once to bc a ch,Il ,ic ter f 1 1)111 the "Man Ii·om 11-onbark".1 w,1, a realli (1(,1)(1' character that king·hed

when ilic· Barbi·i- 1 )|awd the trick on the Man from 11(,111).11-k. I had a lot 01 lili] and I cain wait till ilic·> viAit ¢)111- Ac hool next rear!

lillia Smndy

Camp at Sovereign Hill For the War 5 camp we went to Sovereign I |ill; it \\'lls tlic· be.t camp ever. \\'c· 11.icl to dress up in 1850'3 old clothi·% and go to school, 1 Iwre arc two sc hook I went

to the National Nchool. 1 had Sir 1,4 a teacher. A conple of times he w;ed hiN cane. It macie us all jump, \,Ve had to write on .1 31,11(· board. \Ve did Gcogi.11)In'with Nit·and we .1140 clicl cros»stitch. At morning tea we h.icl Ii'wit and for |unch we went to the New York Haken·. ()11(· of thc·

highlights ofcamp was when .....CouldiA liticl her clothes

ancl she came 1 Iliming ilito mv cal,in yelling, "1 (·1111't filicl my clothes.".....was in stockings and a sing-let.

Another girl in mv cabin Was there and she got her camera alld took a photo.



Year 5 Blue The Flying Bookworm "The Man from Ironbark" : Sara MacLeod

30 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

A few highlights took place in xcliool. C.)ne was when Lucie coughed and Sir said, "1)0 voll know what 1 do When someone coughs?' Lucie said. "No sir." Then Sir saicl, 'You know the c)lit-house which is itist around the corner, well I want vou to go Out their, Behind the door is a whole ihmilv of spidc·rx. What vou have to do is put one of the iclet-x in a ula>;s of water ancl drink it, ,ilicl tliat Should stop your Cough," But Lucie said. "Excuse inc Sin but I think inv cough ha, gone Ebonv Eades


Brass Program Performance

Clown Parade

For Semester One Year 5 Blue and .3 Red had a 1,1 21,4

Ever since I wax a little girl (come to think of it l'iii

program ancl there were five instruments to choose

still a little girl), 1 have loved dressing lip and plav-

fic)111. 1'11(·ir waN the 11-ilinpet, the chninet, the French


horn, the ti-omboni· and the baritone horn. Only onc

l'in not Nlll-],1-Red that tin' 1.vioutile cit» in .Chool iM

per<on chow the baritone horii' 1 (hose the trm,ipet

draina. For 45 minutes rach week Yeal- .3 Blue enic,vs thiN

and in\' teach(·1- was Miss ,\11(ki >on. After one ,(·111(<,iter

class. Sc,int· clavs we Nimplv' plin ganic·. like >;picler >;pace

of brass le,sons there was a 1,1 11,% concert for Yeal' 5 Red

Jimip, etc. But illy f ,„c )11!ite ti 111(1% are when We Mplit ilitc)

ancl Blite. All the girls' parents were invited. After tlic·

snuiller groups and act out plavs. We did a parade which

brass prograin I decided to continlic with the tiltinpet.

I called The Clown Parade. In this ])1.n in\' bot |tictict. h», und I pretended to be watching- 11 pluade. \\'(· raced

It wa,3 reallv full phiying in the concert. C 1 11-(, Walsh

back and forth to the ice (-1-cain xtall. 1).,AMing the chnvn.

and all ofa Mit(1(1(·11 1 |)11!nped il,to hiln. All the people came and macie a bil; INAN. It was good 11111.

Evervone in the class has a turn at acting. I think it intist be ven' difficuh to be in a pla>' or movie. 1 laving· to learn all those lines would be prenv h.1,-cl. Madek·ine 1111111(i

Samantha Barrett and Emily Tiernan

Colours GREEN reminds me of the .iniazing adventures in the fc)rest;

Burning ix the anger of RED; BLUE is chun and remiticls me of the sky and the c 1-rstal clear waten

And then there i.% the cosy, warm andjovful VEI.I.OW: ORANGE is the colour of falling leaves ill Zilitillilli;

Year 5 Ball (L-R) Anna Ralph, Rachelle Pitard, Emily Tiernan. Eliza Sweeney and Rachel Carew

And PINK ix jorful, warm and makes me feel Mafe;

Pl'RPLE M pasxion and a holy colotti-: BLACK is scary and cold and coines out at night;

Physical Education

41 lITE ix calin and %.ilk· and reinindN 17-te of heaven;

GREY greets me 011 a coId stormy night:

Plii'sical F.clm·ation is sometimes held in the multi-

purpose 1-nom ancl is t.tight b)' Miss \\,cbster. She has

11 R()14'N is inv I c·cldv bi·ar's fur an (1 1 (Inincls me oft ires:

t,tlight the girls man)' things, like how to do lk,iA,ii'(1 1(,11>;

Achierements and awards are the colour of precious

ancl how to use ilic· ropes. The girlM als< ) en.joy using the bal,ilic ing be,ims and rings.

XII .VER reminds me 01-11 bahnv lifternooll as the still %('1%

and glistens on the Atill AC·,1.

The ropis hang from the ceiling ;mci 111-c verv thick. Fach rope is a vellowy-brown colour and Ims foill knots

Rachel Carew

iii it. Thev :11-c attached to a col-(1 and call be extended

across tile nul|ti-plirpose room or puslied back against The Year 3 girbi have bren cloing some very intel ('Ming thiligs in |'li) sical F.clucation this term. stic·h ;14 (11,11(·ing. Thev h.lve been le.111,ing a litic· clima·, the Stockuird. the 1 lic·1-,iticl-Toe 1'(,lk,1. lit,(l lic)\V' to walt/. It

11;,A l)(·en verv (11 jc)),ible and who knowN, we inav hau· a

future dance-sport champion among 11%! Phy.dal Eclucation R olic of the gil-IN' 1,1\'c)liritc Atibjects. h provides them with littiess. cclitcation 1111(1

fun. The girls .1 111'ays enjoy Physical Eclitc·ation and 40 do 1

Book Week Wacky Hair Day: Megan Hunter

Megan I hinter

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 31

Year 5 Gold Year: 5 Gold 3rd Row L-R:

Celia Doyle, Nicole Gunn,

Julia Pleadin, Sarah Green, Julia Curtain, Caroline Johnson. 2nd Row L-R: Cristin Burns,

Anthea Kypreos, Kesiah Madden, Georgina Balmer, Emma Mulkearns, Sophia Mornane. Natalie MeNamee, Front Row L-R:

Meghan Sweeney,

Michelle Moussi, Aimae Dale,

Rachel Semmens, Sophie Sharp, Caitlin Davey, Jessica Carelli, Carly Lagana. Absent: Sofia Martinez.


Teacher: Mrs Sue McAllister.

My Camp at Sovereign Hill

Book TATeek

On 3 Jitlic· we trnvelled to >Uncirign I lili. We +1<,1,1,(·cl

011 Al{)11(lin it wah the V.11 1 01 a wonderful weck of

For |unch al the Great Southern U'001 Shed .111(1 AIM'

pri/es. 21(ti\'itio alicl plain fun. On Ttle+(1,1, the Ihing

41(·cp being Nhorn. Once we got to Novereign I lili we

Bookwot ill ( 4,1111).iliT canw to (lit] %(11001. \Ve (lit·.AL·(1 up

nnpacked. had (linner, then went to the Solind ,ind

2,11(1 acted out plavs. It was lilli. ()11 \\Tednesclav it wi,0

1.ight Show. \Ve le,11 lit about mining. Blood on the

"whackv Imir (lav" and 1'-6 11( tivitv (1.n. 1 Jic·lit to Mis;

Holithern Crof. and the Eurek.1 >Uockacie.

Blackie. 113. Franca/io, MIN C)%111]ivilli and \11%

1 lighlight< The highlight toclin Wil. the Sound £111(1

1)11]ha:n. For the 1-eN of tlic· week we Gaw authors.

Light Allow. I t (,illv < 11 joved it bi c·,111*c· c )1 the effect.. The

illustrator. ;mci {)111- buddics, 41) c kiri ,111 it w,14 a good

wor.t thing abolit ic)(lin· wax the u-ave]Iing.


On the xecond (lav, We went to %(11001. 1 u» with

Nat,ilic MeN.,inee

Al:Aun. She wits wallv nice. 1 11 .1% in (:rade Two. the

smallest grack. \Ve did writing With date pencil .111(1 a

hlate boaril. ancl I h.icl to write with lin right hancl. -I hat night we le.11·111 c )111 10 x tal)1(·4 .111(1 went bowling 1 lighlight< Ic)(121# 4 higlilight \1,14 %(hool. 1 1-(':1]\ en joved sclic,01 and I realk wanted to go back. The wrn.Nt

1|ling- Was lic,T·ling. 1 clid not like bowling becau,(· 1 111ought it war rea|11·.41(m. Next dav at .c·llc )01 we wore our oklen clin clothch

:,traiti. took photo., did overvitch. wrote with ink pen and the Vicar calne. I le wah Ntrict but funin, We al,4() Im(1

to p.n· oin- Achoo] Ice.. 1(,elin ;111(·1 j€'1-100] we went 211(,lind thi· hhops, then went g,)1(1 mining with.]P. A tri th:11 we went hotne.

I lighlights: The highlight tc)(lin w.1. finding gold, curpt unfortilli,11(11 tile, were ,)111\ 9)€·Cs, Nothing w,10 boring tod:n. I think ti)(linT wa•% the 1)(41 (11,I of .111, Caitlin l)ave,

Wacky Hair Day: Aimee Dald

Flying Bookworm 1 enjou·(1 witt( lling the Fhing Bookworm ven much. It wa: ven I „im, .md I enjoved the books th.it \'ivian and Steven acted out. 1 tholight it wax grat how ther

chose people to phn- the clmracter<. The sc,lind effects were dil lerent :ind funnv. The clille,-ent ((,stit],ic·; were

the bev. thc· (c )1(,iii-i ill tlitil.4, heacti).itids, h.,ticil,.W, .ind mitch more.

Rachel Semmens and Sophie Sharp and woolly friends

32 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

DAh, Ph·:icihi


The Flying Bookworm

In Library we learn about the special clays and eventi

The Flying- Bookworm was really good and filimv.

of ilie year, for example AN/AC Day or C 711 istm,ts, by

rhe two 11(·tors were Vivian and Steven. We diet two ])1:ivs,

reading books abont thein With Mis }land. We .11,0 do

one c .illed the Man from hc)]il):rrk .111(1 Ilic other otic·

:litivitv' Shects to sce whal we have learnt.

w.7.4 Willy the Wimp. The Man lic)111 11onbark was .11)out this man w |10 decided to go to Sy<11 1 c·v 1)(1(·a 1 10(· 11·(,1 11),u-k

Book Week is the Iii.,jor libran' evem of the year. We

get to (11·(·ss lip in a theme, This ix gleal fun. During- the

had had .1 drought for a whil( and he wore his Sliticlay

preparation for Book Week we get to vote for the best

best rest and his hat and pants and Nwag with his bear Squidgic. 7'hen he spotted a barber Mhop and he decided to get a shave. The barber decided to play a

picmre st<li·vbook. ()11 (11-('SS-lip (111>' even,one 11'om Prep to Year 6 (11'(,Ased "p. Sophic Sharp

trick on him by clipping his knife in boiling water and o n ce i t ' % trone ac 1 MAN t h e t h i-oat i t feels as i f vou ' ve h ad

your thro.11 slit. The ollier olic was called Willy the Wimp. 16 about a boy who is a KisKy ancl soine bullies lease him all the time and so he takes a weightlifting class. Later this poptilar girl iii the school gets traxed too and Willy scares them off.111(1 they full in love. Emina Millkearns

Practising for a liturgical dance

Sovereign Hill C)11 '|11('%(lav at 1 |.C)(hun we went to Hovereign I Iii|. I

>at next to Mill and 1)oill >nit next to Katia. It Was quite boring on the bus but when we got to the Greal %2)11{hern Wool Shed We MAW' Anilll.ZIN ill the allimal

lilli'sery alid saw Alic·(p being shorn and went mining for

c)])11]M. Then on the bils again. I had a sleep micl Mo did Mill. After .1 whHe we were at Sovereign Hill, We tiot Allown to our cal,ins, wrote· in our cliaries and had a look al the town. Then it was time for (linner, After dinner we

went to the Sound and LiM-ht Show. This man with a Acary voice was the man who spoke. After that we had a snack and went to bed. The next (lav we had breakfast and went to school. I went to St Peter's with mv ftiends.

1 had a good teacher. On the last day we went shopping -----

and then hollie.


,Sarah Green

Visit to CSIRO (L-R) Nicole Gunn, Sarah Green and Celia Doyle

Science Week In Scic·na· Week we did lots of exciting thing-X. For instance, on Fridav we went to the esl Ro ancl did Ints Of

clit'lkient experimentv. Also on Friday we went to the Sci('llc'(· lab iii the Scilior School and macle different

thing·M with c.11,11.lge. Technology lesson: Sofia Martinez and Julia Curtain

.]CAMiC'.1 C 'll'elli

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 33

Year 5 Red Year: 5 Red 3rd Row L-R:

Kristina Hood, Sophie Serong,

Katia Santilli, Jessica Noonan,

Gabrielle Connolly, Lucy Freer. 2nd Row L-R: Emilia Sala, Karen Merwart,

Dominic Trescowthick, Kate Gangitano,

Mardi Taylor, Amanda Cavanough, Claudine Wright. Georgina Martin. Front Row L.R: Caitlin D'Aprano, Claire White, Amy McLennan, Zoe Taylor, Amy Hayes, Emily Freezer, Raffaella Baker, Rebecca Green.

jf k.

Teacher: Miss Sonia Francazio. Absent: Laura Stewart


Science Week

Tournament of Minds

Xcience Week stat ted on 11 .\Ligust .11](1 went until 15

111 Tournalnent of Minds \ve had to choow a

Allglist. rl-lic·Ac are Nonic· of the activities we did (lilling

probk·m in our group. and together we 11,1(1 1( ) solve it.

Science Week:

IP, clo ihis we h,icl to work logether. shilir ic!(·ai practisc·,

( )11 Ttic·sclav we visited the Senior School >kience 11,11

work hard and inost ilill)(,1-1.ilith , UNC OU 1 111 .Iilis.

to complete all experilnent caHed colout{-111 (heinistn'.

The Akills we had to WAL· were: 1)1 Ilinstorming,

111(· 3(·al- Five stilclents were asked to maki· iliclicatot N

cooperation. independence. patience. planning,

0,11 c )1 c ,11,1,age juice to work out whether Mill,stance%;

driliting, ciliting,.„ic!...quick thinking.

were .111 acid. A |),14(' or neutral.

()11 \42·(liic·Adav we watched thi· Year 8 selene·c· 1,1.1,·s. Ilic'5 1,111ght 11% Ill,out Science.

\12· 111,0 had to perform oill ])111\· %11(nving how wl· Nolved oill· c hosen problem. 1 ('11 jc)>red ])211 ticipating in Ic,111'11,11iic·lit of Milick

On Fridav we went to th(· 1 .il )i·arv for tll(. CHIRC) «it.

(:ablic'11(· Connenv

\Ve I)Ill'ticipated in lots offun experiment,; and evervolic· learnt ]01% 211),)111 Science. Lucv Freer, 141'istina I lood

Cross Age activity: Elly Mantas, Year 2, Amy Hayes, Raffae illa Baker and Emily Freezer, Year 5, Bianca Koffman, Rosemary Trac ey and

Lucinda Lacava, Year 2, Lucy Freer, Year 5, and Miriam Bli ack, Year 2

Cross Age In the Senior School Science Laboratory: Jessica Noonan and Emilia Sala

In Yeal- 5 we have (:ross Age with Year 2 sti,cli·nts. We

have Cross Age everv second week. Every time we have Cross Age we cio clifferent activitics. I.ast week our

Maths Task Centre We (}o to thi· Maths Task Cenur everv Mondav

aftcl'llc,on. We all have a ]).11 tner and we do an activity

activity was Private mail. (Private Mail is abolit writing a letter to Noincone to let them know vou a lot better than

thry clid before) . We c·11 jor C ro<s Age l,c·c·.itisc· vou get to know the vounger chilchrn in the Nc·hoc,1.

(,lit of Maths Tasks or Consti·uction. One week you do Conxtruction and the other week Tasks. With

Cross Age

Ai 1 1 21/ i tig

Construction we build blocks. Lego and other objects.



With Tasks voti choose one and vou have to complete it.


Exc·iti ng

You air given in>iti-zictions and the 01)jects you liced.

Slip C' 1



Railaella Baker, Kate Gangitano

34 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

jessica Noon.in. Laura Stewart

3*10/ 44<FLO .Il

Book Week

Year 5 Brass Program

Ditring the week before book week, we decorated

During Term 1 we were introduced to the 'Wai· 5

our Classrooin in purple stle,linci·,4, ballooils ancl paper

Brass Program, Miss Dodds let 11% Choose olit

chains. We did this bee:Mise the theine for book week wax


insti'uments. Not all got their first preference, but that clicl not matter. The instillinents we could choose from

On the first day of Book Week the Flying Bookworm Show came to Loreto Mandeville I I.ill. They did three

were: the ti'Minbone, clarinet, oboe, French horn,

ti'umpet and the mini luba. Two teachers call€'d Mr

plays for ils. These were plays based on picture

Marks and Miss Anderson taught ils. We learnt where to

xtorybooks. They were reallv f illitiv.

place our Fingers, the positions of cliftbrent notes and

C),1 the second day of Book Week we got to dress up in our fin·(,iii-itc colour. We were als<) asked to create a

wacky hairst,le for the day. We could clecorate our hair in any wav as long as it was a wacky hail-do. Karen Mci wai-1. 7,00 T.i·]or

norinal notes a well as songs. We went iii different

groups according- to our instrittlients. We went to the brass lessons either on Wednesdav 01- Friday during normal music lessons, We took out- ilisti timents lic,inc lc)

practise on. Dming the last week of Term 2 we held a conceit Each group pknrd two Nong.4. Out- parents or relatives or both callie to watch and listen to what we had

learned iii the semester. It wa.x a great opport lillit, to 1(,11·n Monic·thing new.


Mardi Tavlor

Book Week: Laura Stewart, Sophie Sharp, Carly Lagana, Aimde Dale, Jessica Carelli, Katia Santilli

Year 5 Camp Camp was reallv' filli! We went to Sovereign I lill for two nights and three (lars. It was full becalisc we got to

go to schoo| iii the |8504, but that'>; not 1,11. We were 11|)]c· to go shopping in the town and we :11;0 got to ser the Solind ancl Light show. We had clitilier in a lovely restaurant called The New York 11.ikerv and we were

11||c)\7·ed to stin' up late. We also went bowling one night. \\Fc· all went on a mine tout- and at school we were t.ilight how u ) do copperplate writing. To go to xclic)01 we had

Ic) (11(xs lipili (,Id fushioned, 187)4 (lothes and we wrote

Year 5 Brass Concert (L-R) Caitlin D'Aprano, Mardi Taylor, Gabrielle Connolly and Dominie Trescowthick

on xlate boards with ecial pencils. There is so much inore I coilld ti ll w)11 but there isiA enough time. The wachers t h.it calne with ils ()11 cal tip weir Miss Fi:uica/iO, Misx Blackic. Mrs McAllister and Mrs Hand. Evervone

really en joved themselves, ('Specially when it canw to


buving lollics.

Caitlin I)'Aprillic), Georgina Martin

We use Compliters every Turs<lin·. We have new computers with CD ROMs and new programs Allch as Leminings, Sim City alid many inore. .·\1 the monwnt we

are doing a trping program which teaches volt how to trpe. We alwavs look forward to tllis because it is fun .incl en ovable for people of all ages. While uxing- coinputci x

rve learn how to look after the·in and the equipment that goes with them. Each girl has he]- own computer to work

on and is able to save work on her own disks, C :c,niptiter les,on.s are fun and are.just as good ah iniv subjects. We

alwars enjoy computers and are very lucky to have them On camp, Sovereign Hill (L-R) Amanda Cavanough, Claudine

Wright, Emily Freezer, Emilia Sala and Amy Hayes

at our school.

Claildilic Wright

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 35

Year 6 Blue Year: 6 Blue 3rd Row L-R:

Lucy Dole, Claudia Certi Righi,

Jessica Young, Christina Carey, Kelly Moore, Sarah Trenchard, Renata Anderson.

Laura Hertaeg. 2nd Row L-R: Carmen Woods.

Julien Gibson, Brighid Fahy, Claudia Moloney, Alexandra Wallish, Amanda Fuller, Hannah Coleman, Andrea Pahor.

Front Row L-R: Elsa Musolino, Sarah Ryan, Lucy Kenny, Caroline Bainbridge, Rebecca Finney, Margaret Walsh, Jessica lerardo, Amy Hulett, Danielle Bouchier, Teacher: Miss Catherine Sim.

"Media - Tall Stories" TAB,rld V\Tonder! A voung girl c alled Christina Cal-n' has had more

than seven vt·ars of her life plining NI)01-11)lit never did ilic· expect what wah in stole for her thir ve.11: Nlic· wits doing Noinc g„111,1xtics in her Nchool ilittlti-pill·pc),c rnom where 011(· w.14 interrupted bv two member< 11 <)171 111(· hitc·i-ti,itional Olunpic (oinniince. Tht·r 11(1(1(·nk \(·11(·cl out -That'% the one we want for the 2000 ()1\ inpic

Prayer leaders on camp (L-R), Jessica Young and Andrea Pahor.

(,ameN. S]liG going to win gold lor .\11%11'21]ia!" (.1, lihtilla just stared in anm/('Inent. Since then (:hi·lAtina 1111% 1)('('11

Our Chance

training with (>thers preparing for the €)1)·mpic tram,

It wa. (111]ing a Yeal' 6 xport (111.4,4 11(,1 No long ago that

|)lit C hristina iN htlic to be the 1,2,(,Ill-itc. Christina ('.arn

tile new world Champion gunlinst, 11,11-garet \\,11%11. was discovered bv the Svdner. C )1\.inpics Commince. She wah

cloinit her latest tricks - iii],le back tlip Ic )10 time. in wicce<:ion foHowed bv an acrobics clis])1.1 Cpi-,ic fixed in huff al](1 1)lili-). foHowed bv il tl-iple \(}ilic·rs.11111 and sword %\0,111(1#·ing (lixplav, w'hen the entire Nulner C)lrinpic'. Committee an-ived. "You'l the, 4.tid. "are exacth' what \ve need. 12)11 air going to perform in the 04-1111)[c alic[ vou are going to win all the ,<ilillict>,tic·; niedal< ic,i .litsti,ilia. ..\]none who Wanh to be a

proft»ional gvinnast 41{)111(1 line up for Illictitions for the ()],till)ic's". The moment c )1 %1)(11-ling tilith Ii.id come Experimenting in Science: Jessica Young and Kelly Moore

101- even gill M the room. 1| am· c )1 them wanted to inake

it big iii Sport. now wax theit· chance. F.I-(1'()13(lined up

Singing Star! ! !

to hau· a go. even Mis* \\'ch>ter. "Now girk we it,Nt want vou to do ,{)111 1,(*t and (11)11't worrv it T'<)11 (1( I .c )1]1(thing

\\*hat .1 +tar she k! 1-un E. 1·1 Dole veste]-(1,1 w;,4

wrong- 17(·canic we'll give unt three ti-ies." The heat.

c ht)%(·11 to tc )111- :11 (,11 lul the world with the Three lc·,ic )1 +.

moint·(1 bi. Finalk it was down to six people l,lit {)111v

Lucv is one of a kind. At the age of 18 month, Lucv

four coulcl bc clected. rlh,11 were Lucv 1)01(·. I liumah

Ktal-ted to fing C )pera. She has won over 130 sin,ring and

Coleman. l·Ilq Musolitio .111(1 Jitlien Gibson. -1 Iw, are to

imic awards. This could not have happened without

accompain' Margaret to the >Wdne)' Olunpie;. Margaret \Va|%1-1

the help of her wonderful Allific Teacher. Mish 1)(1(1(1%. who at the time· clid not know this gil-11 talent. 1.un A

the bet Kinger in the world iii her age grolip. %]ic h,14 1)(·en in fulll lilli.Nicills just like her mother who 01.11-red iii the movie Sound 01'Music. 1 |(·r millil has been .1 1.11-gr influence on I .ili \'s life. ()11 Wedneidav the Three

Irtic,ix' clitictor. C )ak Tree \Vood, asked Lucv if slic·

would go with th(in and tour aroillicl the world. Lucv :urepted it and will bc going awin in March 1997.1.tic r will meet up with the Three -Irtic)1-0 in France. Good Luck Lucv.



Science Week: Danielle Bouchier and Elsa Musolino

36 LORETO · Mandeville Hall


School Girl Turned Sports

Picked to Play


A week ago while the 1,(,irto Mandeville 1 1.ill junior

Schoolgil 1 1 lannah Coleman received a Alic)ck

rest el-(lar when Alic· was (|ic»;en to i rpirsent Aits tralia at

the (,h'mpic games in the War 200(). 1 1,itmah, who attencls Lorcto Mandeville Hall, a girls' school in

Melbourne, is rellecting on how she was picked. While Mwimming at after school xport the 12 year ok[ girl was sitiprised when a tall man asked her to get out of the water. He ititic,cluced himself as Tom Brown 11(jin the

A i ts ti ,Ilian Institute of Sport. Tom then procceded to tell I humah that he was looking toi people to swim in the Olvmpic Gaines. When he told Ilannah that she had been chosen she was ecstatic. Hannah said that her yeat-s of hard training since she airived at I.oreto h.icl been

Sclic,01 Recorder Ensemble was having its weekly praCtial the ('()11(ill('tor of the ,\It·11)ourne %\Mphoin ()1'chestra slipped in unnoticed and listened to it play. At [lic end he asked the tracher, Aliss Dc,(1(ls, if he could

talk to the captain. The captain was Elxa Milsolino. the

greatest recorder player in the wolld. She has been plaving sitice Xhe wils six and is 1.11)illous. The conductor asked her to play a solo at the Melbourne C kmcci 1 1 tall for the Queen on her 74th birthdav in the year 11)97. One of our repoiters catight lip with Miss Musolitio. "Well, 1 was quite surprised when they asked me to plin for the Queen. I just couldn't say no. I hope >·011 will all be there to sce Ine plav." What .1 inoinent of glory for our voiliw Ails.Nie st,11-. We wish vou well Elsa.

worth it. She said that Huff '11 Puffhad helped her a lot.

Eli,1 Mlisolino

1111!inah will begin training Straight awav at the

Anstralian Institute of Sport. i.\.4 1 humah s.ticl, "I can't \V.1 11'

11,11111:Ill (1)1<·]liall

Surprise for Alex 3'eNterclav Michael Ch,nlingx, the leader of the

Melbourne Svmphon> ()1(hextra asked .,\10: \\11]Ii>11, to 7

1,111)' with him in front of Lacly Di,111,1. Mic·hacl found \Ic·x when he wils loill'ing the Achool of Lorcio

Mancleville Hall on Ttic·sclav. Alex had been plaving the vic,lin for four to five }'cal-% 1111(1 at Mili']i 11 F'()illitr air %11(' was the bc·st ofthe best. Mich.tel hoped that Alex woilld

accept. so he approached her yexterchn' afternoon as soon as Alex returned home from school. Michael trave

her the gre.it news. Of course Alex accepted, but at first had her dc>ubts. As Alex did not know Michael well she

cliscussed it with her familv first. Michael's research on

Alex Mhowed him that she wa>; the Capt,zin of the

'94 .,7 1.

(Drchostra at 1.oreto und Alic had won fix V,ecial ;IT#·ards. He .ilso Icuund out that Alex had her own .111,11!11 c .ilic'(1 72)lithful Vic)litis'. Alex will Iniss om on seven weeks 01 school hele 1,itt will littend school in 1.c,ticlon. Alixandra Wallish

Picked for 2000 32'Sterclav was a big day for voung lising stat· S,„·all Brighid Fahy

Ryan who was pic·ked for the Alistralian Netinill '11(·am.

,Sarah Ims brell pkning netball for five vears now 1111(1 11,1.N 1)Cell in %,ltlit-(121) 111<)1-lling lic·tball, imer-llc)lise ned),111

Welcome Mr President

and manv other netball competitions. Nell)all Nt.11-.]enin' Hobson showed the gil 1% sonic tips on the gulne one chiv

Today at Lorcto Mandeville I lall the whole of 6 Bhic

al Loreto Mandeville Hall. She was very impressed with

wax asked to represe lit thejunior School to welcome the

Sarah's performanie and suggested her name to the

American President, Bill Clinton, to Australia. Six Blue

coaches of the Allstralian train. Ulien ther saw Salah in

are going to do the dance. CA,SII, which is a part of the

action the)' thought she wax fantastic. No she was asked to

play 1.()1.1.IES, Iii this dance there air coins who clance

pl,Ii in the Australian Nell)all Team which ix very happy

with MINT. Thix dance N being practised for long lic,iii·%

to have a voung recrilit. Sarah tokl its that it was her

cach clav with their sport tracher. Miss Webster. The

dream to c „ic· clay play for Australia. Sarah will be

Prhne Mini.*r,.John I loward. chose the I)(·At (1,111('c·r.

wailling hard for the next three )'c·.trs und will receive

Amv I litlett, 10 11.1\(· (|imwr with the Presiclent and

coaching lic,in soinc of the 1,<·st coach(·4 in the \\'{)1'Icl.

himself at the well-known Yord'; 14(·staut-ant


riii Ao thrilled to have been picked .,11(1 although 1 will

Q.11((ilsland. Later they will go to a concert where Ann

have to train hard I'm looking forward to it so ilitic'll!"

will perform her littit,thtic g\'innastics routine.

haid the c'('Static voung gil-1.

11nv I Illicit

Sarah Rvan

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 37

Year 6 Gold Year: 6 Gold 3rd Row L-R:

Meg Waldron,

Megan O'Connell, Laura Wagg, Megan Prescott, Julienne Lacava, Avesia Calman, Georgia Fillmore. 14 k

2nd Row L-R: Anne-Marie Edgley, Madeleine Campbell, Monika Soszynski, Fiona Tracey, Grace Rowe, Carla Francis, Georgina Flood. Emma Gandolfo. Front Row L-R:

tiffany Chiang,

Alexandra Sweeney, Eliza Ralph, Sophie Cuttler, Ernrnie Lewis, Stephanie Davis, Beth Nathan, Aimee Mohren,

Georgina Cavanagh. Absent: Lilian Richards, Katie Nicholson. Teacher: Miss Catherine Maimone.

Ai t '97

Morning Motivation

1)111-ing· li·nn 1.2. Illid 3 iii .lit. 0111 32.U' 6 (lith. 11,l,

Even morning the >,1)(n-ts (,iq)t,iii™ .ct lip billi ki

bern making- %0111(· verv creative pic(·ch. Inmi painting

puff and c,(·n lic,lise i.+ c )11 something- cli||tic'lit. There

lic)il.(·s with water colour pailits. to making- 1,1.1.tet

air four .ic'tivitich. .lit-(Il)ic'A. skil)])ing. Minall g;111,(·h .ind

ligures. \Ve abo did Milk paintings. ti-litider pictilic·%,

baH Kitties. Acrobic s is gl'(,It fun. The im Isic is 1(·allv

pliper castles, sketching· pic'till-cs, 111(111.Nter ])111)1)(·1% :111(1

loud and it h» 0% 1111„Ping up und down lo the 1,cat for

wc 111'c III)out t{) clt'Kign our own glic)ino. \Ve will bc

ten minute.. When we do .kipping Alifs .Him (·c Itiw4 to

Inaking thrill oilt (,1 1,1-own (1.1,. Att Int.4 been g-trat No

tach uN how to do 1)(,111)|c Dutch mid Initin other

lar. 1 hank•; All-\ 1)111-1,11!n!

thiligs. Eminic I .c·,1*3, Aimee Mohrcn

Small (knneS van' t]·0111 C hal 1111(1 \1()119· to FI'llit >,21|lid.

Hall games can |,C all)'thing. football. soccel. ,{)11(gl,lili,


Newcombc :ind 111:tilv otherf. When the 1)(·11 gon w'i· iill

:\1-1 211 \11111(1(·ille is Elltiat "' 32·111' 6 ha. had ail

go iii.4ide and look forward to unnorrow.

,unating ve.11'. tackling mam (lifferent tasks and %111)ject.

1/liC]11/C 1 Ill€ Ill'.1

in iti-t. Fashion. li %h. llcillsing. clesign. and chn· worL ( ) 11 1 \1-t teacher, AIr, 1)111'li:im, 1-12£% taug-hi its how to work F

with watercolours. paints. Milk, past,·1% and manv mot'c tools. Art is 1111 (i,joval)1(· Sill,ject and I know all girls Imve

IIic opportilititv to do Art and 1*· wn creative. Meg \\-2,1(11·on

644 8

L Fun on Feast Day: Monica Soszynski and Meg Waldron Year 6 at Echuca Wharl

Huff and Ptiff

Song of Art

I hiill.tlicl j)1111. pull ,Ilic! 111111

Ihilitings and drinvings and Iciting m-c not 1)(,1-ing.

|c> get re.tch for the clin.

Bllil(ling-% and %11'11(ttic'x, lilodeb :il!(1 0(-11|pittic'>.

I hill'I :11!(1 1)1111. 1)lit'1'ill!(1 Imll

I hese arc· a few 01 our favouritc' things.

1 wonder il Ill lart the clav.

11'hen wi· h.tic· art. we reall\' feel vi,2,1-1 2111(1 wr feel %0

I huffand puff. 1)1111 .unt hill|


1·'{)1- 1(1 1('lilt(·(·11 11]ilitit(·0.

\Ve get olit the 1),lint and draw 11 Ilitic!cupc %0 wr (1010

I huninul pun. pidiand 111111

1(·('1 h<) 1,11(1.

In c\(11 .ingle \i,11.

Tilliwn Chiang. Sophie· (:tittlc·i

38 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

1.ilian Ricli,11(1%

\\'hen johil Blackman calne to vi.Mit. all the Year 6 gii-ls were enthlisiastic. 1-11(7 1:Ilighed until thev cried .incl h.icl a ball. Mr Blackinan wa, verv 1111(,1 til.itive al)(,lit the nic·dia. I le works on TV and raclio. llc calm· 011 14

Alivist \1(·al-ing black jeans and a nice c »ual top. lic cloex thc voice-over for Dickv Knce. anct ilitic)(lit((·4 all of

the prin·x on llc·v, 1 Ii·v, 16 >;litill-clav. \\'11('li I lisked Mr illackman Nonle (litcwtions 1 1( 11 great licc ,111%(' 11 Ilititc)114 Mar had looked .lt :111(1 t.ilked to me.

Emmie Lewis .#

French Nous avon•; le 1.1'2111(-aN le mill-di et le jewdi Notie Prolideizi- 01 \1,1(1.unc Ro/kin

A 1.1 lecon de francais on recitc cles pocisies ( t on chante des chanhons k/

Le fi-,111(,IN ('est cool

Down the gold mine Bendigo: Madeleine Campbell and

We have French everv Ti,exclin ancl -1 h iii sclav.

Katie Nicholson

Our teacher is Madanw Ro,kin.


In French we recite poems and sing Nongs. We have a good time in French.

Camp is gi-eat and o nitic·11 fun ,

Pal- Emina (:andolic, ct Steplmnic· 1):„·is

Smiling- and clapping fi-om evervonc. Iliere were exciting things to (10 incit,cling walking, running, even paddli· Ateamers too. Most (,1.ill I |oved Year 6 camp ancl hope to be back there +C)011. ic,,,11 1'ccc,11

Book Week Book \Verk ix one of thi· inc,st exciting wc·cks in Ac-hool. On the \\'c'(Inesdav 01 liook Week we (11 (·sAc·(! up ill (,lit fil\'c)tilitccoloul-and,got t.(1(, >unnethillgweird to c )111 hair. C )11 thc' 4.11]le dar \#·c were put in gli )14,4 and did activitic·% with (lil|·ic·lit teach<·1·5. Ac,inc of th(·in were

cooking soup. making- bookmarks, making collages,

doing origami ,ind li).illi c,ther fun activities. Yeal. 6 had

At the Science Museum Bendigo: Grace Rowe

to make cakes over the weckend and bring them on 1 licM(lav. The c <tkc·s lill had scmwilling to dc) with It book.

Omar Activities

I'he Flving- Bookworin came too. Thev (lid lots (,1 great

plays fbi- 114. On Ilitil sdaw Mel editli (:c)41,1ill came to see

Omar k a 14 vear old 11(B ft c,in the Philippine% that

wi. She N a wonderful lillthor and Mhe was ven

Loreto Mandeville I Iall jitiiint- School sponsor. Everv

interesting to talk to. Book Week was reallv gl-cat and

class raises money for Omar bv ,Ill'aliging activities 12,1the class to do. Our Clas, had a range of cliff'crent

ven· excitility.

Alexandrit Sweene)

activitie which were enjcned l)\ all. %0111(· of the lictivitiex werc: |(,Ilic>; ill a jall pigillil (lav, doughnlit cating competition :111(1 nunvothers. \49· have fo imic h |lili' Wc :11%0 1.ii>.c ilic)ile, for a good clill.Ne which N gri·at '

St/'I)1111]lic 1),1/is ¥Fff

f Book Week: Beth Nathan

After School Sport After >khool Sport in Yeal- 6 A grat. \Ve go to Inany (Ii fli·t'Int whools .unt inect minn' clilh·rent gil']4. \\'c plav

11 varict,· of sports 1,11(1 games. like swimming, sciltl,all, cricket. netintll. 1):,sketbal]. cllic! Ac)(((ir. After School


®ort i x heal t hy, wcal t hy 1111(1 wn' wisc . Meg \\211(11'()11

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 39

Year 6 Red Year: 6 Red 3rd Row L-R:

Susan Accary,

Sarah Stonehouse, Jennifer Ashcroft,

Bridget Scanlon, Sophie Groom, Yana Bittar,

Jessica Foley. Amanda Reardon. 2nd Row L-R: Katie Campbell. Jessica Gamble, Christianne Borovec,

Bridget Cash, Vanessa Moreira,

Alexandra Kay, Emily Dougherty Jane Tehan. Front Row L-R:

Katherine Rawling,

Tamika Brown, Henned Zifa, Amanda Schultz,

Henuka Rajadurai, Lara Paturzo. Abby Chadderton, Leia Bonacci. Natalie Geros. Teacher:


Miss Michelle Seymour.


1 his w,it- t| 1(· whole 01 12.11 6 did .1 prochic tic )11 called

Ill drama wc improviNC·

1.ollics"! Mrk lav, the Draina teacher. organifed thix

Iii (h:,111,1 'Ar 111(lateriA<

111 ch.tma wc' ch.11.1([cli·

wonderful pe'lormance for 32·al. 6.

Ihih ic·,ir i.4 the trial var for the perforinancc. There

In (11'llina wc let our talenh ali('

litillika 111-cni'n. .\Ic\,ind],1 14.11 und Nophic· Grooin

:11-c eleven major vole; in thiN 1,1,1;, the, air: 1 .il \ Ric hin·(1% as C :hc)( c )lim· 13,1 i

141-idget >k-Ittilon '14 1.icorice

latie Nic 1101%0" its.1(111,l)(·a I I Ann 11111(·ti 114 14·.111111

Ale\:111(11-.1 hi\('(·lin 21* 1 1-ilille

A|exandra Kin aN Fudge i-

141-idget ( 2,%11 as Nougat


(·03 ica le 1-11 1 (10 a N ( ; lim %111-ah Stc)11( lic,libc us 1\lilli

Susan Accary on camp.

Fic )11:t Trace, as Min < 0 1)il'ti \\Torker

Tournament of Minds

kitic Calnpl)('11 », Alill-h|linallow 111(' plin i. ba,+Cd on hillic. who liw in an oldI,ishic)11(·(11011, sliop. The stor, 1(·lk how the |(,Ilic·N face a (liNix and hou thev overcoine it. Bilt (,llc·(· the 101|in

Mc·t through that tic)111)|c·Noinc tillic thcv then Imic n lilll!(1(1- €)11 111(·il hitticts.

1()111]tainclit 01 .\Ii[1(1% |)('gan illiN terin uith Inain

clm|Ic·liging l,ic)111(·11„ 101- tls to %01\4·. On a buclgct of.50 doll.,10 we imist bin' 1111 our props iii order to look 1)101(·Nonal whne on vilge. \Ve wel-c given 11 N])(>111.in(·(1110 and a h)112-14·lin

Ilic· 1.01]in production u» pellorined at the

111(,1,|cin whic·11 gavi· 11% a great clial|(·tige .1111(>in©t the

Stonnington 1 hill in Mal,·crn on 17 >k·pic·1111)c·r It)t)7 at

%(·wn gil-l: in tlic' te,lin. The :tim 01 1(,1111:ttlic·nt of


Mil](1% N to build icam y,iril 1111(1 (c)-c)])('i';ttive +kill.4. So [ar we Ill-e :ill <'lljoving Tolit-11:uncm of Minds ;111(1 1111

It waN a huge Nuccess! WcH clonc· to thi· gillrittul to all

the teacher•; who were ilic >lved. cgi,c·c'iall) \In Kin '

te,1111% hope to reach the State ( :haill])i()114114)0 held 1,11(·1 il) tl)(· /(di

jitillifer.\411(.1.oft and Katic Campbell Natalic (.(·10% ...1

Book Ufeek Reading boolo, an be hin, 11 voti knon tlic· wav it'+ done. On the 1-hili'%(1.1, 01 c )itt- Book \Veck.

\Ve heard Xlt·ic·clith (:c )Staili xpe.ik. But on the Titi·Mlin two clavs before,

\Ve watched the Ihing Bookwor]11 1)(il<)1 13. Uk·dne;clav was our w.ic ki' hair d.t\. 3

U'(' did olit- hair ill ,)111- owli N])(cial way. Alte!- Ilinch on ilic· i.,ine (121 .

\\'c watched Yeal· Mix do their ])1:ns. \Ve think Book \Verk ix one of .1 kind,

Wacky Hair Day (back) Jane Tehan, Katie Campbell, (front) Lara Paturzo, Amanda Reardon

40 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

And we t-(· Muri· no better vou will lind!

1<c·mika Rajactil,Ili. Bridget >,I :Inlon

419 The Colours Brown i + the parched dry soil and the choking. blincling (111%1.

Brown is the twisling, rippled Murray River. Brown is the weather-1)(·aten face of the country man.

c .rey are the dry, cracked c 11('lilypt 11% leaves. (;rey are the 111|Me, Illiffy cloticlx iii the sky.


(;rev ix the old mall'% hair.

Black i.4 the vill(,c ,iting night al the 0/ Mam. Black are the angry storin cloilds carrving lain. Black air t h e long·-necked swans fwi m i n i ng K'-1 41( -( '1 1,1 ly c )11 the M l 11-1-av.

1111(1'Ic hili

Jennifer Ashcroft and Natalie Geros on camp.

But The Car Did Not Stop

Brown is...

The lights said "red"

Brown is the rocky, dry earth bencath 11.4 as we walk.

But the car did '01 stop

Brown air the crushed, clead leaves crunching- under

The truck camr to a halt

c)tir fc.(1.

But tlic car did not Stop

Brown is the old cracking bark on the thick trce ti·unkx.

The 1,11% crashed

Brown ix the clead, shriveled grliMS in the paddocks.

But the cal· did not Mop

Brown is the colour of tlic· muclcly Mi,1-1-ay Ilowing with

The chi](11 en crossed the road

thc· clit'rt·111.

But the cal- did not stop

Brown is the dirtv colour ofour clothes after a bushwalk.

Ilic· poNce were on his tail

Brown is the hard (lirt paths we walk along.

But the (·ar did not stop

Brown is the colour of the noisy birds that wake us in the

The drawbridge went up

in<)1-ning. Bridert (1™11

But the car did not stop The tire tell clown

But the car did not stop

The Sign Maid "stop" And the car did stop. Katherine Rawling

-. E £;N:N ::-.- , 17 I.'42.4 17&- 41 *lE.3, ppg*j¢*{0<2 , *.19 i

/ Year 6 Athletics Clinic at Olympic Park: Henned Zifa


Libi arv Mealtime on Carnp

Libran le>;+01™ are itin Ikit' all

Flying Bookworm! The Fking· Bookworm cainc to our sc'lic)01 und

Flijovable, exciting, we hau· a 1),111. Mis Ihind ix REi\1,1,)' cool. She reads 11% books, bec·litisc thev 1-ille.

performed three acts which weir associated with

Pictitt-(·, 11('tion, I'lililiv, Mad

,\11%11-lilian Mtoric·% .111(1 l)(,c·in>;. The act>; Were: Mulga Bill'N

Slic· loves them lili 'c,illic· she'% racl.

/lier,·le, Wi//ir 71hr Wimp and /7/e Ain)/ Frum //0/1/,mk. Thev

We mect new authors like Meredith Costain.

i li,·ohrd the audience· aN partoi the performances, with

We ic·ad ilwit books again and alf.lili.

props .111(1 clul)m i-aMMing cost Ilines whic h soinc hesitated

We Ilse computers, we N 1 11'f the ne 1,

to wcal, although they looked great. The Australian

But we place book, as our iii-M bet!

Atories and pocin>; were intic)(luced to 11% in a lutilly,

Librarv's cool 30 (1()]A miNA (,lit,

talitisil.11.111(1 ixtrelnely ('litertailling W.ty.

1)011't stand in the hallwav and linger ill)( )itt.

Am 1111(1,1 Reardoll, Nat,ilie Gerox

lessica Foley, Sarah Stonchoust·, Bridget Cash

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 41





Junior School Orchestra Back Row: Amanda Cavanough, Andrea Pahor, Leia Bonacci, Renuka Rajadural, Sophie Groom Fifth Row: Jul a Szondy, Julien Gibson, Madeline Tilley, Bridget Cash, Alexandra Wallish

Fourth Row: Em ly Freezer, Jennifer Arres. Nicole Gunn, Amanda Fuller, Brighid Fahy, Chloe Skalitsis, Anthea Kypreos Third Row:

Danielle Bouchier. Georgina Tiernan, Anna Ralph, Emily Tiernan, Rachel Carew. Tiffany Chiang, Emma Ireland

Second Row:

Joanna Ryan. Holly Bradshaw. Katrina Cavanough, Cassandra Carmody-Stephens. Arabella Hickey. Megan O'Hehir,

Vanessa Wong-Tai

Front Row: Jane Eves, Danielle Carew, Meaghan O'Sullivan, Jessica Minear Standing - Alexandra Cuttler, Bridget Blackburn



g 1

Junior School Choir

Back Row: Alexandra Wallish, Natalie Geros, Jennifer Ashcroft, Sopale Groom, Yana Bittar, Jane Tehan, Claudine Wright Seventh Row: Caroline Johnson, Emilia Sala, Anne-Marie Edgley. Henned Zifa, Victoria Gregory, Nicole Gunn, Bridget Allanadale

Sixth Row: Laura Brown, Victoria Cavanagh, Chloe Skalitsis, Vanessa Groom, Lucy Wilkinson. Jessica Stagg, Alexandra Podolakin Fifth Row:

Tamika Brown, Amy Hulett, Zo@ Taylor, Jennifer Ames, Anthea Kypreos, Christin Burns, Sunday Barca Irving

Fourth Row: Daniele Wilton, Stephanie De Oliveira, Natasha Darrigan, Samantha Holdsworth, Sarah Pound, Kate Sala, Georgia Herbert,

Julia Pashula

Third Row: Eleanor Dunin, Stephanie Schultz. Christina King, Stephanie Pirrie, Victoria Frew. Daisy Maroun, Rebecca Green, Alice Landy Second Row: Front Row:

Lisa Valmorbida, Grace Callaghan, Ksenya Masendycz, Emma Ireland, Angela Basil. Jacqueline Savage

Stephanie Haikal, Holly Bradshaw, Jane Eves. Meghan Keary, Jessica Minear, Georgia Charleson, Victoria Meehan

Teacher: Miss Deana Dodds

42 LORETO · Mandeville Hall


Junior School Wind Band Back Row: Megan O'Connell. Laura Wagg, Christina Carey, Kelly Moore, Sophie Groom

Fourth Row: Meg Waldron, Lilian Richards, Avesia Calr'nan, Sarah Trenchard,

Carla Francis, Fiona Tracey Third Row:

Laura Hertaeg,

Renuka Rajadurai, Georgina Flood, Renata Anderson, Jessica Gamble, Beth Nathan, Leia Bonaccj

Second Row: El za Sweeney, Bridget Allanadale, Julia Szondy,

Georgja Fillmore, Alison Smitheram,


Sofia Martinez, Tamika Brown Front Row:

Claire White, Zoe Taylor,

Sophie Serong, Amanda Cavanough, Georgia Herbert, Hannah Coleman, Megan Hunter, Natasha Darrigan, Claudine Wright (standing) Teacher - Mrs Jennifer Meachem


Junior Recorder Ensemble . 970 4

Back Row: Laura Hertaeg, Renata Anderson, Yana Bittar, Sophie Groom, Claudia Moloney, Lucie Chalmers Third Row: Vanessa Groom,

, e.,1

-lannah Coleman, Claudine Wright,


Julia Szondy, Bridget Blackburn Second Row: Nicole Gunn, Julia Pleadin,


Karen Merwart, Bridget Allanadale,

Sophie Sharp Front Row: Sara MacLeod.

Rachel Semmens. Cristin Burns. Joanna Ryan, Ella Henschke, Miss Deana Dodds ,


Ill 1


Winners of the Primary School


Recorder Consort Division of

the Waverley Eisteddfod Elsa Musolino. Hannah Coleman, Julia Szondy L


2 + fil'.m

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 43

Junior School Music Captains Back Row:

Yana Bittar, Sophie Groom

Front Row:

Elsa Musolino, Henned Zifa,

Hannah Coleman, Alexandra Wallish,

Leia Bonacci, Tiffany Chiang

·U U


#,11 Jun or School Sports Captains 6 Back Row: Lucy Kenny

(Mulhall Vice Captain), Megan Prescott

(Mornane Vice Caotain), Monika Soszynski (Barry Vice Captain), Katie Campbell

L-* (Ward Vice Captain> ir

Front Row: Eliza Ralph (Mulhall Captain), Julienne Lacava OVornane Captain),

Kelly Moore (Barry Captain>, Susan Accary (Ward Captain)


#\ .


Creative Arts Captains Claud a Moloney, Christina Carey, Lilian Richards, Amanda Schultz





44 LORETO · Mandeville Hall



I 3 14,-. 44 &* :* 1

- :..· + i, il*NI k b

444/. '4 1 06


7 5 0 '. 1 r .










14 -







Junior School Athletics Team - Winners of the Armadale District Championships for a record 5th consecutive year. Back Row -

Bridget Blackburn, Tiffany Chiang, Laura Hertaeg, Jessica Carter, Rachelle Pitard, Sarah Green, Madeline Tilley,

Jessica Gamble, Monika Soszynski, Meg Waldron, Avesia Calman, Sarah Stonehouse, Jennifer Ashcroft, Bridget Scanlon, Julienne Lacava, Jessica Young, Kelly Moore, Megan Prescott. Middle Row Michelle Moussi, Georgina Tiernan, Victoria Cavanagh, Stephanie Lukan, Kesiah Madden, Kate Gangitano, Lucy Kenny (Captain), Alexandra Wallish (Captain), Rebecca Green, Sarah Cleary, Holly Bradshaw, Grace Mighell, Stephanie Maynes, Kate Sala,

Anna Ralph, Meghan Andrew.

Front Row - Alexandra Catalano, Tahlia Madden, Bridget Nathan, Bridget Moran, Natalie MeNamee, Raffaella Baker, Emily Tiernan, Georgina Balmer, Eliza Ralph, Samantha Barrett, Emilia Sala, Beth Nathan, Abby Chadderton.


Year 6 Athletics Clinic at Olympic Park: Jennifer Ashcroft, Eliza Pee Wee Tennis Clinic: Alix Hauser, Year 1

Ralph, Jessica Gamble, Laura Hertaeg

LORETO · Mandeville Hall





% "




A 3-A

Junior School Swimming Team Back Row: Jessica Foley Julienne Lacava (Vice Captain), Laura Wagg. Sophie Groom (Captain), Christina Carey, Kelly Moore.

Jessica Noonan

Fourth Row: Julia Pleadin, Monika Soszynski, Lucie Chalmers, Sarah Green, Madeline Tilley, Lucy Kenny, Carrnen Woods Third Row:

Michelle Smitheram, Beth Nathan, Samantha Barrett, Mardi Taylor, Emily Tiernan, Jessica Stagg, Natalje MoNamee,

Miss Jayne Webster

Second Row: Georgina Tiernan, Daniele Wilton, Stephanie Lukan, Cristin Burns, Alexandra Sweeney, Tahlia Madden. Charlotte Chalmers Front Row: Absent:

Bridget Noonan, Rebecca Green

Laura Hertaeg



Junior School Diving Squad Back Row: Emilia Sala, Emily Dougherty, Georgia Fillmore, Madeline Tilley, Alison Smitheram. Miss Jayne Webster Front Row: Grace Callaghan, Michelle Smitheram, Beth Nathan, Emmie Lewis. Sophie Sharp. Sarah Dungey Absent: Sarah Cleary

46 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Junior School Cross Country Team Back Row:

Emily Tiernan, Kelly Moore, Sarah Stonehouse,

Miss Jayne Webster Second Row: Natal e MeNamee, Georg na Balmer, Beth Nathan, Kesiah Madden, Eliza Sweeney, Daniele Wilton Front Row: Meaghan O'Sullivan, Stephanie Maynes, Tahlia Madden, Georgina Tiernan, Clare Walsh, Grace Mighell Absent:

Bridget Nathan


Junior School Netball Teams LP

Back Row: Laura Wagg, Kelly Moore, Christina Carey, Bridget Scanlon, Lilian Richards, Miss Jayne Webster Second Row: Emly Dougherty, Jessica Fo ey, Avesia Calman, Bridget Cash, Katie Nicholson Front Row: Danielle Bouchier, Renuka Rajadurai, Lucy Kenny, Amanda Schultz, Eliza Ralph Absent:

Susan Accary

Junior School Hockey Team Back Row:

Georgina Flood, Julien Gibson, Sophie Groom,

Jane Tehan, Alexandra Wallish, Miss Jayne Webster Front Row: Meghan Sweeney, Jessica lerardo, Lara Paturzo, Beth Nathan, Tamika Brown, Bridget Nathan

I.ORETO · Mandeville Hall

Captions for colour pages Page 16 Book Week 1. Artists at work· Rebecca Moore, Year 2. and Charlotte De Oliveira, Year 1

2. Monika Soszynski, Year 6

3. Briana Fitzgerald and Lucy Freer, Year 5

4. Alexandra Kay. Year 6 and (back view) Georgina Tiernan, Year 4 5. Book Week Dragon

6. Teresa Certi Righi and Alice Callaghan, Prep

Page 53 Clockwise from top right 1. "Gold Coin" Lucy Kenny in Year 6 production 2, Year 2 "Fairies" Diarne Petra Jessica Lane 3. Year 5 Ball: Lucie Chalmers

4. Year 5 Ball: Georgina Balmer, Kesiah Madden 5. Riding a pig! Nikita Demetriou, Prep, at Myuna farr-n 6. Mrs Kathy O'Connell, Miss Catherine Sim. Mrs Robyn Kay. Miss Catherine Maimone, Miss Michelle Seymour

7. Alexandra Podolakin, Year 4

7. Interschool Ski Championships: Avesia Calman, Year 6

8. Laura Stewart, Year 5

8. "Little Red Hen" performance: Lucinda Lacava, Year 2, Jacqueline Savage, Year 3, Melissa Jreissati, Year 2, Alice Landy, Year 3

Page 49 Clockwise from top right 1. Jane Tehan, Natalie Geros, Lara Paturzo and Amanda Reardon, Year 6

2. Year 4 Camp: Jane Eves, Jessica Stagg. Georgia Herbert, Kasenya Masendycz, Jennifer Wong, Samantha Jreissati, Victoria Cavanagh

3. Mrs Gabby Warren and Miss Victoria McCormack 4. Year 3 "Farmers" in "Little Red Hen" performance 5. Year 6 "Jellybear'Is" in 'Lollies" performance 6. Book Week: Daisy Maroun, Year 3 7. Year 5 Ball: Sara MacLeod

8. Clean Up Our School Day: Caroline Bainbridge, Sarah Ryan and

Page 54 Clockwise from top right 1. School Feast Day: Alexandra Catalano, Year 4. and Vanessa Condello, Year 9

2. Year 4 Camp: Sunday Barca Irving. Samantha Jreissati and Stephanie Pirrie 3. All dressed up at the Year 5 Ball

4. Interschool Ski Championships: Tamika Brown, Year 6 5. Hobbit Club: Prudence Maynes and Elizabeth Gannon, Year 2 6, Christina King, Kate Sala, Ella Henschke, Victoria Frew, Alexandra Cuttler, Year 4

7. Mrs Vanessa 0:Sullivan and Choir on her wedding day

Renata Anderson. Year 6

Page 55 Junior School Art: Clockwise from top right Page 50 Clockwise from top right 1. Anastasia MoNamara, Year 2

2. (L-R) Katherine Rawling, Katie Campbell, Amanda Schultz, Lara Paturzo, Abby Chadderton, Year 6 3. Renuka Rajadurai, Year 6 4. Angela Basjl, Year 4

5. PMP Danica Patawaran, Stephanie John, Eugenie Prior, Prep

1. Mandy-Jane Maroun, Year 1 2. Year 4 Collage houses by Sunday Barca Irving and Emma Ireland

3. Anna Ralph and Samantha Barrett, Year 5 using clay 4. Year 3 Macaron masks

5. Year 3 painting 'My Dad"

6. Mardi Taylor, Year 5. using paper machO

6. Megan Allanadale. Year 1

7. Alix Hauser, Kirsty Kearney. Fiona Pearse and Rebecca Howie,

7. Netballers: Fiona Tracey, Sarah Trenchard, Year 6

Year 1 Collage

8. Jessica Minear, Georgia Charleson, Arabella Hickey, Year 3

8. Margaret Walsh. Year 6, with her ceramic gnome

9. Book Week display: "Noah's Ark"

9. Year 5 Felting 10. Year 6 Watercolour

Page 51 Clockwise from top right

1. Year 5 at Sovereign Hill: Caroline Johnson, Claudine Wright, Karen Mewart, Anthea Kypreos, Jessica Carelli, Aimde Dale. Nicole Gunn

2. Danielle Leonard, Year 3

3. Elizabeth Doyle and Isabelle Hayes, Year 1, with Philippa Zahara, Year 10, on Feast Day:


4. Grace Rowe and Meg Waldron. Year 6 5. Firefighters visit the Preps 6. Year 6 play "Sharon Keep Your Hair On": Lilian Richards and Sarah Stonehouse

7. Year 5 Science experiments: Claudine Wright, Caitlin D'Aprano, Katia Santilli

Page 52 Clockwise from top right

1. Science experiment: Grace Campbell, Year 1 2. Year 6 Camp: Megan Prescott

3. Making Eucharist Bread· Elise Nicholson, Danielle Carew, Year 3 4. Miss Jayne Webster

5. PMP Alexandra Higgins, Prep 6. Year 5 Ball: Rebecca Green, Sophia Mornane 7. "Licorice" Year 6 productjon

8. Year 5 camp: Emilia Sala, Dominic Trescowthick, Sarah Green, Jessica Noonan, Katia Santilli

48 LORETO · Mandeville Hall


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f #




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i 44. t



















Junior School Art Captions on page 48

4 J-



(From top left clockwise) 1. Deniece Fon and Andree Pianta

Year 8, try ou: a Japanese drum 2. Year 8 Medieval Day: Caroline Whelan 3. PAR Ellie McMahon,

' . A Genevieve Audley, Kate Eichorn,

-Yl* 4 Bridget Hill

4. Feast Day Frolics 5. Stephanie John, Stephanie Maule, Greta Lacava, Eugenie Prior, Alana Spadaro, Louisa King, Bonnie Connellan, Anna Flynn and (front) Rebecca Nolan






top left clockwise) 1. Relaxing in the garden: (Back, L-R) Charlotte Algie, Katherine

MeMahon, Mary Gallivan, Rachel Griffiths, Vanessa Von der Muhll.

(Front) Mandi Taylor and Georgina Balmer 2. "The blind leading the blind?" Mr Michael Mulcahy and Ms Marie Brown 3. Year 8 Medieval Day: Lauren Matthey 4. Year 7 making muffins: Mrs Alison Miller, Alice Trumble, Natacha Moussi, (background) Kate Tilley 5. Year 8 Medieval characters: Edwina White, Natalie Bossong, Kristina Boemo, Rebecca Sharrock, Amelia Hartley.



V '




i 6>. e- .


Top L-R: 1.Year 8 visit to Books Illustrated: Zarina Mir, Caroline Smith, Kate e. *HU

Fetterplace, Stefanie Fitzgerald, Ms Daryl Jenner, Christine Skalitsis, Amanda

Schembri. (Front) Demetra

Pollalis, Kate Lonergan and the illustrator, Ms Ann James.

2. Camp Runibug: Jessica Ries, Rebecca Sharrock. Centre: 1. Bushwalkers with Mr Peter Crewe.

2. "Medieval priest" Mr Nicholas Frigo. Bottom: 1. PAR (Back) Hannah

Wbiting, Prue Hartley, Natalie Flegg, Oliv;a Garvey, Joanne Halpin. (Front) Alison Pettigrew, Jane Balmer, Prudence Tehan.

2. Year 7 making muffins: Claire O'Dowd


i 7





(From top left clockwise) 1. Mr David Payne, Chef -·InResidence, shares his expertise 'with Dominik White. Kate Tilley and Louise Rocchi, Year 7 2. Caitlin Noble at the Year 8

Camp about to jump! 3. PAR Jacqueline Funder, Natacha Moussi, Sarah Mizzi, Liu Ye, Sarah Ho. 4. Sun Srrart Year 12 students:

Louisa Coleman, Ernily Giegory and Anita McCarthy 5. Lining up to donate blood to the Hed Cross Blood Bank


Starting Outl VCE Top CATs from

Lucy Collard, Year 9

Ella Rosvoll. Year 9


rs 1996 VCE Top Cats: lovannah Fielding


layley Richards.

Samantha Dermatis, Year 7

pt Alecia Mustey, Year 8

/ CD

P. j


ecord night: Saskia Taylor, Stacy Polas, Sarah Stewart.

Samantha Bridgland, Year 8 Natalie Albantow Year 8



Loreto singers at the wedding of Mary Novembre: Stephanie Doyle, Christina Browning, Clare Gibson, Joan Allanadale, Tiffany Lot, Elizabeth McCartney. Annabel Smith.

Tuong-Vi Pham, Year 9



1 /11 f


't W ./


I- -1

Alexis Kelleher, Year 8

Julia Matheson, Year 8

Year 8 with Artist in Residence: Jacqueline Halpin, Louise Pearse, Alecia Mustey, Ms Lisa Carroll (Artist), Anna Barth Georgia Foley.

* Pi

Katherine Senior, Year 8 CA|Aqtp Kininmnnth Ypmr A

Stephanie Foley, Year 9

Year 7 Boxes: Elizabeth Nolan, Tanya Chaves and Ellie Paterson

-f 1


Erin Buntine, Year 10

Alexandra Suffren and Anna Balmer, Year 7, with their Puppet Theatre.



1. P 1

Lauren Buckley, Year 10

Katherine Mann, Year 8

Alecia Mustey Year 8 Jessica Cuttler, Year 7 Edwina Scanlon. Year 8

Jacinta Demetriou, Year 7 Lucy Ludescher, Year 7 tA.

Jacinta Demetriou, Year 7

Criseyda Robinson, Year 9

.i k +



Ceramic Heads by Year 9: Julia Kortt, Kate Edmonds. Kelly Lennon, Natalie Carter.

Truong-An Pham,Year 8



it> f ·


(Clockwise from top left)

5 K

1. Hannah Silvasich, Year 7 Home Ecor,omics.

fill 2. Year 12 Final Day Fling

3. Year 8 -airies! Anna Bartl, Jacqueline Halpin, Uyen Nguyen

Ul 4. Karen Lee at the PAF 5. Bushwalkers: Kristen Doyle and (centre) Anthea Kavanagh






(Clockwise from top left) 1. Bridget Scanlon, Year 6, "Licoric

2. Winning House Drama Captains , Michelle Rodrigues and Rache Ball (Barry House) 3. The Gold Coins.

3, Year 10, backstage with Katie Nicholson, Year 6. 5. Year 6 Loll,es "Nougat"- Bridg et Cash, 'Fudge"- Alexandra Kay.

6. Dancing the Jellybean Boogie la: Anna-Marie Black, Anthea Kavanagh, C.are O'Neil, Florelle Amore. 8. Year 9 Makeup lineup! Michelle Funder, Rebecca Nolan Anna Flynn

9. "Dr" Tiffany Loft and "Pat:ent" Jessica Moretti 10. (Centre) "Nurse" Caroline O'Brier' and "Dr" Lucinda Gannon

11. (Centre top) Laura Zmegac and "Patient" Katherine McCartney. 4


7 4 44

*3 1 4





* 1










7."E fi


17 March 1997

travelling with lilc)vltlitoesf Forgetting evervthing, 1 stal·teel thinking

The red car ch·ck·(1 the neighboul·hood slowlv. Iliele

were no vacant parks in sight, except tor one liure blocks awav. But they were Milir old Ben woulcliA walk th,it lar. Were thev puning it offon ])111])(,se? St!(1(lelily out of now'lwir they notice·(1 an empty spot. Thev knew

it was lime. They turned into the parking space slowlv. .·

Come on, its for the best, he spoke slowly. She turned off the cal''S eligine and got out the lead

from the glove box took one look atjohn, then okl Ben, and Opened the door.

"Don't cry, Cath. please clon't cry," he sighed. The old collic's coat was no inure than a rough gre>· lock o{ hair. Ilis big eves looked into hers as if to sav "It's Ok.'V."

"Give me the lead, love,".john gentlv added.

She p.i,Med it over to her hitsband, "Do be carcitil," she spoke slowly.

jolm looked into his beloved wife's eves. He had to be strong, slic· was counting on him. He opened the cal· cloor, called 01(1 11(11 ancl then put the lead around his tic·ck ancl whixpered, "1 love v<)11. (,Icl boy. The Klum couple found tlicir way into the vet's waiting room. There were a lot of people. Cath did not think they cc)111(1 st.ind the wait.

"1 Milpi,(,Ac· it's to be kind. We clon't want him to stlifer with the Cold weather coming on."

After what had xec·ined th'c) dec .1(les. the ample still waite·cl in the vet'>, room. The vet could see the trars in

the (,Id couple'% cres und knew it woul(111't be fair U the dog died on them now. So he left the room with a smile, latighing, "I've just got to pop out and take a call.

rhe old couple were astonished. I low could he be so happy at this time of life.

When the ret came bark he showed them a (11-ng that would tenew tlic· dog's youth. The tears of sadness turned into tears of happiness. Thev all felt ten years younger. They thanked him at least a niillion times, paid

at the c-(,illitel- and then they headed to the little reil car. When a lowd bark sounded in the front part of the car, they both looked al rach other, then the (log, and 411'.light awav knew' it was time to Ming. Annabel Dovic. War 7

Malaria Panic Mv bare feet caressed the wet bat broom floor. A cold

chill ran from the tip ofum· toes, lip my spine and ended with .1 sharp tingling feeling at my neck. Around me

were a laige number of my fellow campers, staring at my bare back and the thing thal scarred it with a big 1-ed nuu k. The hitinid atmosphere was no help to the urge to scratch my back. but from listening to the remarks that I heard in the background, 1 tried hard to resist the 1('111])tlti()11.

1-hen solneone shouted out of the blue. "You might have M,11.iria!"

That comment did nothing to ease inv concern and

witholit thinking I yelled out, "Malaria! How the heck clid I get M.11:11-i.1

I waN shilting into a mood of panic. Another voice caine unexpected|v (,lit of the blue and <aid in a

knowing wav, "U'eli. haven't you heard it has been

possibilities.\\hat are the srmpton™of M,Il,iti,i and what cotild it cio to me? Of com-se I tlic,light the worst. 1

cow](ln't see this incrediblv large thing on mv back, but the Malmia decl.11'er was a camper who moNt believed was very intelligent. Uitlic,lit being Coll,Cioux of anuhing, 1 W» led ()lit across the wet floor aticl the wooclen floorboards that

creaked softly when my feet touched the gentle surface. Then we went out the door that connected the sitting

area to the sleeping area. There stood inv Saviolit, a teacher. With those knowledgeable words that would

either declare my death or long life. A smile crept lip on iny face, not a laugh kind of smile, but a smile seeking reassitiance. The teacher investigated the thing that was

throbbing at mv back. In verv few words she said it was fine and there was nothing she could do. 1 was glad that it had been cleclaircl fine, bilt it was really, trilly hill-ting. After all thal panic, pain and fliss was that all Slic· could Sin- or cio?

Yvene Ilaikal. Year 7

A Mind Achievement I gillped down un· last Mip of (,1;inge jilice a, the large hall filled with people und conversation. Toclay I :va, on clutv grotip and immecliatelv I wax 1)(,liibarcled with demanding 1-equess.

I started In- offering drinks to all the tables. This was

olilv a small duty but it was such a problem that I got the sense of inv legs feeling heaa inv face burning up and all I wanted to do was cry, which reallv is a sign of laz i ness. I tistan tly 1 was give n i i tele conunen ts an d a h ai-(1

time bv people who had eyes much bigger than their Atoniachs. After being fairly patient iii working for the Aclic,01 public, I was fed up, lazy and very exhausted so I decided to retire to the much more· peacc·ful kitchen. But the kitchen was equally stuffj: €1(,111)]c· the work and I a,111(1 Still hear the echo of the mam· demand. I

Ic m ged to escape· Ii'om. In the kitchen I elected to be the scraper. I was the person who was in charge of scraping

tile wasted food into the slops bucket. At first the th(,light wasti't so bacl bilt half wav through the job, it wastit so enjoyable. Slowly I began to feel ill as the sight and tile punid smell of the food scraps was intense. As breakfast was coming to an encl the bowls and

plates were building up in c histers. I was becoming more relaxed and I was adjusting and wot-king at an easy pace. I thought how the job I was doing was an achievement in itself. 1 learnt not to think the worst of things, not to overreact and how there is a bright Kide to alinost everuhing

1 also thought how I gained patience in serving my grade-mates and I al<o thought how 1,1/v I must be at

holne when 111)' imun puts up with this %11!11 AH the tillic, Eventil.illv (lutv group was dismissed and I was free to leave the kitchen. Within un'self I felt I hael achicred

something which perhaps Was]A 40 ten-ible in the first place. It might mean, .just might ilican, that I could OCCasionallv offer 111) help around the hoinc. I.


Eclwina Given war i

LORETO Mandeville Hall 67 j

Year 7 Blue 3rd Row L-R Charlotte Mcfarland, Sarah Mizzi, Millicent Chalmers.

Georgina Doyle, Elizabeth Ames, Erin Breheny, Phoebe Lipscombe, Jacqueline Funder 2nd Row L-R Ms L sa R tchie.

Jacqueline Reid, Yvette Haikal, Diana Bowman, Leah Lim, Joanna Downing, Eliza Nisbet. Sarah Fennell, Anna Hutchins.

Felicity McGill, Elizabeth Donald, Ms Leesa Hale

Front Row L-R Crystal Casas Amanda Cumbrae-Stewart, Jessica Buckley,

Edw na Olver, Mrs Felicity Ferdi'lands, Anne Bowker, Sara Toby, Maree Agiazis, Katherine Stowell



Year 7 Gold 3rd Row L- R Catherine Sullivan,

Bernadetta Soszynski, Grace Deacon, Bianca Sabatino, Lucy Virtue, Jacqueline Low, Sophie Paillard, 2nd Row L-R Mr Mark Langan, Holly Dwyer, Courtney Ryan, Felicity Durham, Anna Balmer, Elisabeth Hunter, Christina Meurer,

Mia Cusack, Zoe Leyland, Mrs Patsy Hanson Front Row L-R Stephan e Draycott, Alexandra Suffren, Katie Rose Smith,

Rosalee Oldham, Melissa King Jessica Curtain, Jasmine Gillespie, Catherine Pseftoudis, Rosemary Hopkins Absent Katherine Barwood,

Philippa Johnston

LORETO · IMandeville Hall

Year 7 Green 3rd Row L-R Melanie Dalheimer,

Alexandra Dickeson, Claire Macfarlan,

Clare Dunin, Lauren Prescott, Chloe Wilson, Sally Brookes, Felicity Stewart 2nd Row L-R Tanya Chaves, Elli Hughan, Kathryn Turnbull, Kathryn Lachal, Emily Portelli, Alison Spence, Ellie Paterson, Clementina Watson, Kathryn Finemore, Mrs Jill Wheatland

Front Row L-R Tracey Pahor,


Jacinta Demetriou, Camilla Hopkins.

Lillian Savage, Lucy Pollerd, Sarah O'Halloran, Elizabeth Nolan, Lucy Ludescher Samara Madden Absent Mrs Ruth Taft


Year 7 Red


3rd Row L-R Siobhan McLaughlin, Felicity Whelan, Laura Blewitt,

2/I·· $

Hannah Silvasich, Veronica McGee. Kate Tilley, Angela Brewster,


2nd Row L-R Ms Daryl Jenner,

Laura Gallard, Ye Liu, Eliza Foley, Lou sa Page, 1

Dominik White, Julia Dickson,

Andrea Rockcliffe, Claire O'Dowd, Louise Rocchi. Ms Jane Cowan

Front Row L-R Felicity Conlan, Georgina Jordan, Julia Pereira Godinho,

Natacha Moussi, Alice Trumble, Anna Kaluzny, Genevieve O'Connor, Natalie Sharp, Anna Smith

Absent Katherine Connolly, Annabel Doyle

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 69


Damper Disaster

1.i#' i.% like a box 4 (horolate.i....rou //ever know what NON )·r going to gel.'

Finalk. the· clelicious laste of raining hot (1.linper. cruinbling into inv molith. The third attempt was the

- Tom Hanks in 'Forreft C .11 inp' - 1 1.)t) 1

1 call see now tliat when I w.,4 in primary schm,1. 1 wa. enjoving the most delicions chocolates in the collection,

beg: like ther sav, it'% ahv:ivs third time luckv. Evervone

elsi· had ahradv gulped tlicirs down No thih m (,inent wits une to renwmber. That hot. butterv taste th.it I love was

carailic·1 - centred und nut-lillcd. These chocolates I Hee

linalk swallowed into a st< Imach No hungly. The soft

as the easy ones to cat and the best one; to en jov, and

bread basic-cillv melted in mv nunith. 1 went to ('lit it

that i + whlit pri 111.11 i Achoo 1 wah like. Dritting home after

again: the knile slid right through the middle. 1 could

an ell., dav at Achool. no homework uncl the telch\'Rion

1-rel the soft texture bounce back up after the knife had

waiting at mv fect. Thell. %11(1(1(·lily, it all changed. 1 11111

gone thiough. This was our reward for enclitiance.

still eating the choculates. 1,111 1 am left with the (mes

jacqui Reid was the one who had anempted to make

that nobodv likes. This A now what it is like coming

the dough. but not long after I had to take over or

home after an exhausting dav of xeven classe. with

otherwise there wolt](111't h.ive 1)('(·11 :111)' (1111-111)('i worth

honic·wor k screaining- atine Iroin inv bag. School N now

cating! We hael lit the flame to thc· tilethz'latc·(1 sph·its

a ch(,collite-covel-ed sweet that look nice but on the

which caught on just like 21 111,ignet did to 11 1 ('11-igerator.

inside is .ill Stale. This is the change that N taking place

We had then put the lid on and 0tarted to time it... 1

inside inc right now.

mililite... 1 and a hall minutes... 2 mililites... 2 .ind .1 hall

i\, 1 colitinue inv wav through the stale le tover

mbilates...3 illitilites... 3 aild a 11,111 illillitte.4... Ye.M! Fillalh

Chocolates. I find Hanctuarv in a caramel one that has

6 minutes. \Ve lifted up the lid to take a prep

been overlooked In the others. Secondat-v school irn t

insicle...Hey, why hachi't it cooked? The flame had gone

all bail. Along with the bilrdew; of the stale ones comes

out. So we lit it agaill and statted to time it.

the cream-centred specialtic·s of high schooL This

11\ this time, mv tee-shirt and sliorts felt like they

inchides more freedom anct being wrated like vour age

weir practically dripping with sweat. The tren looked

group r,itlier than vour shoe si/e, I have now decided

like statues. With approximatch. 10 hot poh giving off

that I appieciate this one chocolate mole than the

fteam. the Atill giving (111 37 Clegiees heat ami mole pots

xmmptious 0110; al the start becall>r it has Colne ;1% a

boiling with water for c·tic cilri,tils tea. I clon't know how


111(,5,· trees staved so hih and fresh.

()1 c ourse I will never forget mv eark schoolclaws. the

I niinute... 1 and a half ininittes... 2 illilititc·... 2 and

days where you could]14 care less whitt other people

a hall lililitit(·s... 3 1111119!te•;... 3 and a hall mitillies... Now

thought and when the classioom was huge with

thi had better be cooked or else! 1 Ic·v! The pan wasn't

coloured pictures hanging off the roof. beaming offrays

even warm„. it should've been too hot to touch! The

ofjov and excitement. Although tllis waN great. towards

flaine had gone out .\(;.\IN! So \u· lit it alid «rted to

the (111(1 01 Year 6. I had grown tired of the colour and

time it again„. 1 minute.. (t.ike a littlt· look) 1 and a hall

become sick of h.n·ing eventhing dolit· for me. 21% I

minittes (take another look) 2 minmes... (take a really

began to strive for indepen clence as a pei son. 1 +aw high

Ninall peep) 2 and a hall millutes (touch the hicle of the

school as the free world. and indeed it ih, with

pan to check if it'% hot...it is) 3 millitic·.... (lift lip the lid

opportunities to invoke mrfc·11 in what I please in•;te:icl

f.,ving. we just had to check) 3 and .1 half millitte....(tro

of bring forced to do things. 1 think now that I can

lor a small walk to get 0,11- mind< off it). It'x been 6

concentrate on iny stildie.. I do believe that lin Ii'il·11(1%

minutes...quick run b.ic k. we have to check il it is ok.n.

see school as more valid now too. as people 110 longrr

Phew! It i&' NOW turn it o,er. After the next 6 iliinutes

care il you nii™·cl last night's cpi%ode of 90210 or

our damper cooked beantillilly!

Melic»,c. The topic ofconver>;ation is more now .what do

Now time for the best bit of:111...cating iiI I swallowed

vou want to do on the weekend? I think that N bo

it. As it slid down Inv hillign throat the tension cased

because we are al] starting to realise that the mealling of

out of me. Slowlv I became a new and refirshed jo

life i.4 not Home and Away' but it is having fun and


involving (,ill-selves in evervthing that we I)(,Nsibh (·an.

[(mima Downing, Year 7

I have 111,1 realised that there is a second level in mv chocolate box fillt·(1 with plea.Mant tasting- veet, and the ones that I won](1 rather forget about That i what Aclic )01 A al] about. Katherine Stowell. 32.11' 7

Sketch by Bernadetta Soszynski

70 LORETO · Mandeville Hall 1---


v .*4 -f'*. . *",re:*449:fi f 4 ' ...#*..& I '*i -I ./*.

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4 1,


*0 2 10' .4

Year 8 Blue 3rd Row L.R Amelia Hartley, Kate Lonergan, Julia Matheson, Natalie Grant, Edwina White,

Madeleine Dowling, Rebecca Sharrock, Georgina Molloy, 2nd Row L-R Mrs Lyn Gazal, Bridget Hall, Hayley Collard, Rachel Quinert, Katherine Senior, Sara Clark, Lucy McNarnara, Georgia Foley. Claire Ogilvy, Christine Skalitsis, Mrs Simona Tudor Front Row L-R Amelia Johannes,

Kristina Boemo, Louise Pearse,

Mrs Lynne Beck, Caroline O'Connell, Sarah Dynon, Zara D'Cotta, Absent Alice Dessewffy, Rebecca Whitty

Year 8 Gold ft

3rd Row L-R Andree Pianta. Stacy Polas, Johanna Shembrey, Kate Dalheimer. Emily Trenchard, Kasia Horfiniak. Julie Bentley, 2nd Row L-R Mrs Anne Bennett,


Saskia Taylor. Zarina Mir, Rita Samuel,


Lara Signorino, Celina Vines, Vasudha Sarna, ··f

Caitlin Noble, Kathleen Dawson,


Miss Carolyn Fox


Front Row L-R Katherine Johannes,

Deniece Fon, Jacqueline Halpin,


Caroline Whelan, Truong An Pham, Lauren Matthey, Isabelle Kitchen, Uyen Nguyen Absent Emily Whelan

LORETO · IMandeville Hall

Year 8 Green 3rd Row L- R Demetra Pollalis, Bree Martin,

Jennifer Palisse, Rosannah Healy, Margaret Cowan, Edwina Scanlon, Melanie Ringersma, Lucika Mora 2nd Row L- R Lauren Mihelcic,

Alecia Mustey, Lucy McTiernan, Claire Richardson, Elizabeth Hurley, Samantha Bridgland, Daniela Panto, Jessica Cuttler. Mrs Dianne Swann

Front Row L-R Natalie Gileno, Nicole Dwyer, Chandini Kao, Anna Mansour, Louisa Sullivan, Nicole Mamouzis, Helen Beatty. Maria Jaskierniak, Jessica Ries t


Absent Ms Andrea Inglis




Year 8 Red 3rd Row L-R Chloe Podolakin,

Jaime Gordon, Jessica Heinnen, Sophie Price, Natalie Albantow, Celeste Kininmonth, Alexandra Wood

2nd Row L-R Ms Cathy Norman, Katherine Mann, Alexandra Robins, Caroline Smith, Alexis Kelleher,

Candice Carter, Natalie Bossong, Jane MacFarlan, Catherine Black,

Eleanor Nash, Jacqueline Koutoumas, Mrs Shirley Chapman Front Row L-R Amanda Schembri,

Anna Bartl, Cheryl Holt, Catherine Ryan, Geraldine Ong, Genevieve Meehan, Stefanie Fitzgerald, Kate Fetterplace, Nicole Lee

LORETO · Mandeville Hall


I can hear trilins (l.ittering and (.11-4 rening. all in It

Pilh arc \Cr, 114(·Itil. 3(>11 ('an lh<· thein to %tick thingh

hill I \, as if to get home. to t he will-111 th, I call he:11- mv peel'%. chattering :1% if tlin (,1111]01 |ce] th(· cold that

10 1]u· wall. to keep volir hair in place, lo un'turc will

penctrate, 111) bom·4. I call 11(·111 hircls twecting 1111(1

litt|(' brother, to 114)1(1 11,11)pics on, to help With volir

%('let'ching in nattlia] harinoin' .14 thev swoop und %0111·. ining to keep warm I A-mu·,

wning. and son can knock them down (1)(m'ling 1,1 111). I hev (,111 he %11111]1, big, 41(111.1,)lig, Nhinv. (till| and verv

p.,inful. Thcv al-(· casilv |c)+1 1111(1 lint (,l4ily ic,illic' alicl when uni vick thcm into \0111 +110(·. voll hit\-(· c\('(11(·ill

All :11-(,litul mi· 1 Nmell a (litinp. c·,tith) Mi,(·11 - not a trace of the polliltion 11-om the 1)11%, Initin road :vllich .111 1)lit 1)<)1-(1(» the v]1()01. \Ve Ilinv bc upwind froin it.

ilip bhon. i bev are %112,lp and pointy .ind come in all

On thih breen clai. the oval fills lin' hart with a

clill(·1·ent coloill·, Thev are the code for ,(,lit' ATM c ard

|c,lick cinptitic». Not a dng|c child A running through

and that 1111,11\ |(·c·ling Jihen vour foot or hand |Ill!%

it. 21-:100. On|\ thi-ec bit-(1\ 1)4)ther 10 1.111(1 on it to ](·01.

ahlecp. 111 .\Ilic,i-ia the) ill·(· 11>cd .is a Migil 01 hic·liciship

Ihe |(·ine. 011 the gic)1111(1111('1(·|\ Illittct- p.1111(·ticallv, .11

1,11(1 :11-(1 111(· signal for 'going <tradv'. Thev air c·ven lised 1)\ biologi.t. to pin }„tttlt'll) %1)((illl('11% cic)\,11. 111(· be.t

if the, had not thi· will to lift oil ill the wind :ind Noar ill

thingal,out ],ins is iliat unl can tihc· them to freak people 011[ In 1111(·ading- them through the top kner ohkin on vour fingrr! The, are even realh good to pop and heal painful bli,Aters 2111(1 arc ll,AL'(1 to 1)lit cllisex on people 114ing Voc)(loo. Even gang-Nter< have piii ht! i],c·cl rilith that

the Nk, 11< 1 woukl wi41. Though many inters have pa»xed, the 1 listinic 1 1(nise' Still Nt.unls agail)%1 the c (,|(1 witick If otil, its wall. conld talk. thev woukl t(·Il

sollim·!111 tall·.4 of 1111,11, wan coming and going, ancl leaving tlit· cold stones behind. Thi sic·tic· makes mv hean ache fur the fil!11 tilthrl tilishilli· to warm it.

not (,1,1, look tough . blit ht,li·ih. Pit th are (·001!

Katherine .4(·1'iol, k.·ar H

Nicole \1.,111(,illis and C .1.lirc Richardson. li·ill- 8.

Winter \Vinter 1.41(}11(·lv. It .11,11(IN Illotic itilic)111-4 tlic· 4(.lv)11,. whet·c nobodv lic·% in ilic hot sim. throws 1(·11\(·4 int{) the

air or picks wilcillower. It N a Nolitarv ligill-('. cold :ind iii the bitter cold and with :i chilling wind 111,11 blingN with it ])11(·tlinonia. coId .111(11111. \\'inter iN Nc|Ii>,h. h 04•i·1110 to he cold :ind 1,)11)idding·. u·! winter (10(·0


Imic j lic·un. \Vithollt Wiliter, there wow|([ bc llc)

7 All


comforting open firc and no hot (|1(1((11,11(· in bed. \VillicA lic,51 2,11(1 ia· hide. 11% ilitic·r \VIll'Inth. wht·re

glowing filci. warmill lind comfort lie villiggi·(1 up ill blanketi wrapped lighth·. Wt wiliter. though Klil)1)(14((th totigh alic! crucl. 4ic·11141(,liel). It !11104(·0 ])(()1)lc·, colour :11icl life. Willt('1· i. clead. Animak Ilibernitte. hiding Irom winti·1 1 cold 1,1-cath. Chilitirn *ta, iliclcic,1-5. 11111-%ing cold, 1111(1 1-ltimv HOM'.4. 1 Irater gleN 1-iht· ill'amaticall, ill wilitel, with colcl

1111(111-oft prnailing

Thi· school garclen. clui-ing wintel- R devilate. empty. Art by Rebecca Whtty

1 he roses air pruned. ktic,1,1,1, and y,iked. while the sky abow i.% grev. It seeins wiliter ir threatelling. 11<)\'c7-ing,

abolit to pounce upon itk pro of (11()<)]g·irk without l,111111 ('11,14. 14111 M ing open. c 1, Imls pour down l e:11-0 01

A Garden iii Winter \\'inter. Nic·klic· .ind drath. Sic·ktic'Ns :init cli·lith, The

wor(10 repcat tlic·,11.<'Ive. like a inantra iii mv mind. M,· llc,Al· 1111™. (:Illhing me to ili|11(· :ind Ntillilli· and a rough m.ike; mv everv 1)1-cath +C 1-.lt(In :li](1 1111(-(Illil(,1-t:Ible.

wint<·A 111(>1111]ill!1. il'inter N -1. it 11(·C'(1% I C'\(·11,r. Revenge upon the 1,111(1. hil}11,1114. 1111111,1|4 1111(l li|C

itself. \\'iliti·t- ix angn with even·thing. St,)1·111% and

lightning.,\trike ofpo\vcr: winter Allill (,1 ,('114(1111((·. It iwed.+ R ) 111411 olit Ill ])(·c ))IC. llc >()(ling >,11'C('14 Ill!(1 ( anNino 1111\(,c. \Vinter A v'llidl, solitan .111,110!ick - riliter N

Hic ki](·00. 1)(·.id. 1)1(,i11. 1'(Itting ](·au·. 4(:iner the limil

und the st,nic· brick Mip+ behind nic. The tic·cs arc 4< 1(·tons. fltil)1)(·(1 of their green lincrv, 4,1,(1 for a few evergircin. De,lili. The *k, N a mill-kv g-re, c c>Ic „it, with

d ivers 01 wh ite iii ,(1 al 111(,%1 1)lack. wi ped itc 1*oss t hi· .kv bv the 1),lintl)111011 held in the han(1 (,1 God.

74 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

(,c(,1-gilill Mono>, Ye,11 8

Classroom Blues

Unibrellas M,· mum collects ilin|)1-chll.is. Not aged. dainaged two

Pav attention Rita.

doll,it' ones from the Reject Shop 1)lit precious $50.00

\'a•;u(11121. that meanx you!

oun h·om Mver und other prextigiou st(,re,. She N verv

AndrOc stop that talking:

1)1,1 tic 111.11- al){)lit the une. she bil)'s.

We have thing. to cio.

Mum hax a reel ancl a blue 1,11 tan. a Alltillower. a

I can hear 11 111111'lijill.

1,(,in·ttia. a Rc·Iic,i 1-. a raillic,Irst. a Birds of Paradise and

PLEASE al] concentrate.

a liNh patterned umbrella and that is illst Nome ofthem.

U'(,111<1 vou stop, jacqui Halpin.

Mitin h.r; told me time ;ind time again that her

Whispeting to Kate?

poilisettia latiil)1-ella 1% for (lht-ist 111.14 and her fish

Wn, would voll mind reading?

mill,Ir|la is fol- sliti, incir. She tells me that she likes ones

>,tan·. listen to me!

Pav attt·ntion 1.M-a.

with oddly shap(·(1 (·(1,4,4. Ilic· collection 1,(·gan in 11)95 when we went to

Stop cli Mi-acting F.milv T.

America. We slic ,],1,(·cl till we dropped in Portland,

>hikia. Iin worried.

Orc·gon 1,(·c'.111%(· it wax so cheap und that was where

Yon'reimiking Sl'Cl la din!

Mitin (·11('()unten·(1 patterned utubrellaN. >hullv. the fil-Nt

Could you spitic· a moment from

c )11(· ofher c <)11('c-tion 11:13 Kince ]).ix<ed on. Ever Mina· th.it

Godiping with (bitlin?

1 lip. Milin h.10 h.11-(11,0 1)(·eli able to walk past an lili]1)1'(,11.I

bisv! I.itti'(·11'. 1,11411'

without giving it a seconcl glance. At the moment she ]111%

Yow're Imiling inv po< Ii- cars!

llc·i ('i'c· on .1 1(·c)1)211(1 print zilizl)1(11,1 ili 111-11(lin:16 at

Cal and C .ellie. (11*1191!


Youhr driving mc to tears!

Mum has .1 1):14>ion for 1·.lin bcc·ans(· 411(· hax a chance to go out and flaunt |1('1' lilill,1'cl],th. l 511.111v while slic· A

11]ic, al-(· to \vatch nic? Mtop chatting with Denicce.

olit. somernw will come and talk to her about her

Katherine 'llict.Ic)1121111111.

1 1 1111)1 (·1111&. people who 111 (· Ntranger€ She never h·th 1 1%

\Vill vou 91.1': \AE give mc hc,ine ] )(':ic (·!

1-01-get that. Slic 4,1,4 that the problem is thilt most ofthe

I til getting hic k 01 waiting.

Illin (c}ines in V,ling when ii i>, u'indv. Alle N too scared

liyen, please %11{)(,sh lip!

10 1 1.M' her lit 1 11)1( 11,1, 111(·11 bc c'inise thn· might blow

7.1'tina. ph·asc (1(111't chatter.

ni>,uk· (na!

Oi lm likel, to crupt:

\; hile im· inum N No Ii,Atictions .11)(,tit lillil)]-ellas, I am

Emih· W. I'm Ville

juu the oppoxite. 1 don't i·calh arc what the 11!til)1'c]!a

Ihe (()11\'(·1%,ttion'% cool.

looks like becatise, il 1 !11 111 1(lii it I c .111'1 M·ch whal it looks

14111 we could do without it

like an I! 1 have (nic „lill,1-(11,1. a cat onc from llong

.\S vou air now ill Mchool.

Nong that liNed to |ive in the bottoinc)1 inv' Mchoo| bag. 1

14.11|ilcon. Atop \(,lit' 11.utcl-ing,

011\ tihi·(1 it ()11('c· or twice.

No talking now. mind you„.

Mr vounger brother. S.int. cic)(,411't give a continental al)(,Itt timbrellas. I think that he would rather get

C ) 1 1 N C ) ! Yo l ' 'VE sri . \R 1 12.1 ) l T P . \C i. \ I N !

l'Al r[.Ei\(Ill\'G IN A Z.()()!!!

drenched th.ill 1[%(· (,tic' c,INillilitllitil)1·cl].iN It ]·ai]14 011

(:aitlin Noble. War 8

him .1% he walks home fic )111 sc hool. 1)lit Ilt Ic'ANt there ix a hot shower aticl cli ;' c loth(·M to look forward to!

M; 1)21(1 is like me. 1 Ic keeps :, c'(,ill,le of hilge goll

111111)!cll.1% ill his cal' thal he ll.ws al the footy in wilitil·. Muln'% illill,ic'11:,4 (*1 ill),it'i ,iss him, c.gwciallv her Nunllower ()11(1.

Milin ollh 1)11)'s umbil'1111% when %11(· iM oven,eas or for

her birtlid.,i. Mother'+ 1)ay .ilic! Chriwi,1.14. She 1)ll), th(·in herMelf bcouse that wav Slu· alwaa grts the one


Raindrop ... Sticke1

froin the gi·ound

lit,lt %11(· rtillt+.

Mum keeps <)11(· c )1' two in liu· cal- and altel-]lates them every formight. She is alwavs careful not to leave tlicm in the sim - they might thcle: At the moment the Renoir one is in the car. 1,(·ing- saved for a rainv clav.

11 „in is No pa»Mic )„ate about her mill)Irllas. She tells ine that they cheer her up in {lic· clark and gloomy

In the sc(,1'ching- 9111. Pulled into a cloild lor limi· 10 1-est. For .008 1 wHI

be 1171'own back to the 641·ound.

Ihen clinging for inv (1(·:11'life offthe l'c)(,1 01 11 ht)11%('. 1 mi,Nt hold on

for ax long

depths ofwinter.

As 1 look tip at th.lt clark sk)· that threatens to leak verv Knon. I think of how Mum will go out to flaillit hil

114 1 can for when I (11·op it all still-ts agaili!!!

lillil,ic'llas. I oilly wolider which (111(... Celina VilleS, Yeal- 8

jessica Rics und Alec ia M zivt·,·, War K

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 75

Year 9




#i ¢4


It's All Iii The Heart

Meeting Matthew

When inv unch·, Miclmel, calne to live with inv' famih

It was C Vit-ixtinas when I lit-Al inct mv baby nephew,

1 was one or two veal-% c )1(1. For the lic·xt three )'ears (,1 my

Matthew. It was the best and inc )41 memorable (litistmas

life I llc'\el- reallv noticed anvthing different about him.

I have ever experienced. Despite· hiN 11,·\#tic» ancl

for to inc. he wah jilit anothel- 21(1111 1 to look lip to. I was

fragilit)', or })(1-11,1],4 becallw of it. \Ilittlic,v taught 111<

vill to cliscover that thu-le Mike was intellectuallv

al,out the inost important thingr in life. 11<. Ji(mi·(1 me

cli>,11)1((1 and t|lat mv experience with him would have

the vallie 01 hunlan hfe.

an extranch ])()Nitive (·11(·(t on in\ lile lotever.

I reincinber the titne mull. 1 raccd into tht· 11(14)iml

Fic,in the age of X to 12 1 actinit, with great %11,1tne,

ancl down thi· long, grev corriclor<. As I calne to a 1,11-ge

th,11 1 wax olten ic'luctant to tell un· fi·ic·nds of Utic|(A

window 111\ eve, moved 111111'ic'(11:, e xpecting to .ce im

condition. I imagined that they would think of me 114 1,(ino- 41 1-:111,)-c· or different. Thish was befow I had fornwd 'I


beautiful I).11) 11(phew mggled up iii 11 |hilli blitt' buum rug. I lowever all I ic,111(1 .c·(· behind the barrici- c )1

a <11 ()11,4 1-(·lations|lip with him Illicl c )11 1-(·llc·ction, 1 can

61,11% wrir rows (,1 m iniatill-(1 1,(1(10. gl,144 1,(,xes. wit h mhes

i(1(·iltily a «·nilicant part of In> 111;l1111·ing- proced

and wires th.it coiled thelliM(l\'c·N around the tinv infunt

through 111) .tic('1)tana· of his condition and the ('limination of .11 1,· 1)1'(11)le!11% 1 c )11( (· had :11)out whitt people thought of irn· in ]I'lation to Uncle. Now in undcr«unling Ulk-It· Alic-Imerx (lixabilitv. 1 vil·w him a. a gift rather t|lan an inconvenience.

|'herefore when he repratedly talkM cltiting mv favourite tch·vision programmi· or const,11111> mid lit the top 01 hi>.

voice 7*·ak< itlm Ilitte gil)1)(·1-ixh iii an attempt to get c )111 anclition. I view it aN the word>, 111!(1 l)(haviour 01,1 folli

vi·,ir oId: more (tite and Itinin· than annoving. l'ncic iM like the little· brother th,it I lihvin'% wanted and 11(·ver

had. I le is thi· sweete,t litul most genel-ous pel v „ 1 1 know: not ilist to his lit,iiilv but to 111,votie. There is]A :illi'thing· he I#'{)111(111't dc) for nic .111(1 1 1(·:111\' ic·cl that I

1 1-apped in•icle. Some parenth howrcd over t|wit- babies. like bech over precion>, 1)100,114. \\*ith wean ('To. the) watched anxionsiv over their fragile olly,ling. Ilmnkfull, I Naw my Mixter. .larkin come and perch hel-rell besicle olic of the gill# clib:. From behind the witiclow barrier I could sce 111(· looked c·xhailic·ct. but

was Amiling proudly. 1 pressed nn* ling(11-4 hard :lg,tilist tlic· 1.u·ge winclow, long·ing· to be on the other :icle next to her, 1(,liging to find \|.ttilic·w. 1 1-(·117(·mher giving

jackie a pleading Inc,k. With the +,ime pleacling look iii her ew, 41(· arked one ofthe 111119·f il I could coinc in

2111(1 sce Al.ittlic·w, .just for a minute. 1 1-clii(·1111)(·r the nervous look on th<· 11111 Me'% face, ah 1 81'21% 0111\ ten % (·ars

Itin the litc-kiest mca· in the world. litic·le Mic harl N like

old at the time and lic)t lifil,11], permitted in ilic wal'(1 for

1111 (·\(·1 -1,1,1-iling candie thal will liting warinth to am'c)11(·

'special carc· 1,411)ics'. Aft(·1- tlic )1-cilighl)' scilil)| )ing im

who taki·v the time to let i,4 1-:1(liant 1,(·autv fill thi·it

hancls with cliNitilectant. I walked over to Jackic· and

hean. 1 h· iN lin il,Npiration and I am No ])1-011(1 to say th.it

glanced down at the tinv. ght•;•; c lib where nn. nephew

he is un·lilli·le.

lav. ()11 the bonom of hi.4 bed was a piece of paper. 1

Uncle has shown me that it'x what is in voill- heart

Imve graduated fic )111 1111(·lixive Care", it read. As I flooct

thilt lii.itic'i-4. I'lit-(,tigh this reali>ation 1 11(,\V sc·C how

Ic,oking in on Manlic·w I could sce that lilicli·rne,lth the

[Incle Michael h.ts hclped me illici('1-Nt:ind c )ther pcoph·.

imprisoning corch which quked livound the tinv bodv

1 now have a 1.tlit.r;tic grolip of fii( 11(1% fbi I have found

there was in fuct a 1,(·,ilitiful child. I ivittchal hi 11'llgile

people, like mc. who (lon't i .11(' 111)(,ilt ]11.itclialistic

ril) cage I iN(· Illid tremble 1,11(1 Ilis liliniatil]-c inouth g:rv

qualities. We like c·ach other for who we .11(· Its

1-01- air, \\'Imt a %11'tiggle it u·,10 for him to t,ike each

Antivicltuls. not what ur look like or how rich or poonve


ate, blit bentlise 11(billing inatters 10 114 (XCept {)111

C..11-('fillk, I reached in alic! plaa·(1 the verv til)01 inv

])('1-vnmlitics. and. :14 11 result, 1 am a much happier

fingrr in the pallii (,f Mattlw,6 11,111(1 1,11(1 hi. inil)11%(·111(·

1)(ixon. In the long-1 lili, if I cal, te,tch 4(,liwone what

lingers sceined to coil around liu· tip of my imil. Froin

Uncle has taught ilic', then I will have achieved

that niument on. 1 clichi't want to let go.

Mouu·thing great.

It was C,Illitinas Din·. Soon I would be off to (,pen

Material ]('\#,11(6 aren't ninch of :in i,Nue for nic·,

presents .11 Icl 1 )(' men-v, whil.41 Matty staw·d in his glas<

cillisc· thatik4 to Lhicle. 1 now know rven'thing <,1 ,',iltic·

ii,c·iii,ator, trembling as he took rach breath. It wax 40

colnes from the heart!

hard to let hi!11 go. Mitch 11 ch.ilic'lige to accrpt the riim \'an>pall, 36·,it- 9

Mission Ilinpossible

Wllirc)-IC %11(·h a fl:lgile and ilmocent Ciratill-c intiNt l·11 Cltlre.

On the wav out of the hc)%pital, 1 thought :11)0111 the

Ilu· %01(lict- continual hiN blind joul·ne) through the

lexxon an infant had just tlitight 111(·: 11(,w important and

w·inding cave. Bra\'th he pitrhed thi-ough the (lamp.

\,ihiable |litinan life is. ilow ca>,ily this R forgotten bv %0

c 1,111%11·ophobic tilimel. Ntl,lining· ti),1,11(1% light and final

mati). 1 think I grew aware when I visited Matthew. 1

11-(·(·(1(,in. I.ifc depended on a %11((i·«ful mission. Not knowing where he was heading he bill-st forth into day.

alwars 111111 (,111 2,4 We Inight licipc and thilt love can be

realiNed that life ixii't .11,#·,2'M CUSV, th.it thing-3 do not felt in a tiliv finger.

The babi had been born. >killv Finemore, 321.11 c.)

Animbel Smith. 34·,li· 9

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 77

Year 9 Blue 3rd Row L-R Natal e-Jane Edwards,

Bonnie Savage. Erin Griffin, Clare Noonan. Phoebe Nolan, Beth La Brooy, Mary Gallivan, -

Laura Riley 2nd Row L-R Ms Josie Millard, Anna Fox,


Bonnie Connellan, Rebecca Nolan,

Rachel Griffiths, Stephanie Foley, Stephanie Maule, Zoe Croker, Claire Southall, Ms Natalie Magrath Front Row L-R Vanessa Von der Muhll,

Miranda Hindle, Tessa Spring, Sarah Dyson, Mrs Lesley Gillespie, Fiorelle Amore, Georgina Coleman, Elizabeth O'Day, Elise McLagan Absent Jess ca O'Keeffe


Year 9 Gold 3rd Row L-R Ella Rosvoll, Rebecca Prescott, Philippa DeMarco, Caroline Wallace, Marissa Hadfield

2nd Row L-R Jane Serong, Alana Spadaro,


2 l ji ...../1 1/4

Saraii Ho, Sally Finemore, Caroline Chen, Amy Killen, Christina Collard, Charlotte Algie, Ms Anne Callahan

Front Row L-R Ngoc Le Daniella Zarnpierollo, Eliza Suffren, r

Casey Gunn, Esther Rowe, Neela Velan, Erika Lana Patricia Nigro, Tuong-V Pham Absent Louisa King, Annabel Smith,

- I .12*8-Zial/%6· + .1

78 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Alisha Hnatjuk, Mrs Pamela Davies

Year 9 Green y

3rd Row L-R Simone Ball, Anna Flynn, Samantha Dermatis, Alice Papaluca, Anne-Maree O'Brien, Greta Lacava, Honor Murdoch, Nicole Haddow 2nd Row L-R Ms Sandra Jane,

Nicola Roberts. Leah Betts, Jennifer Hopkins, Emily Gaidzkar, Julia Kortt, Criseyda Robinson, Beth Jones, Emily McLeay, Katherine MeMahon, Ms Kathy Patterson Front Row L-R Andra Vaz,

Mary-Louise Leone, Julia Dehm,

Annie Merrylees, Anneliese Gannon, Cassandra Fry, Natalie Hunter, Megan Downing, Emma Finney





Year 9 Red 3rd Row L-R Kristie-Lee Rennex, Aisling Fay, Vanessa Condello, Michelle Funder,

Jane Stewart, Tina Vanspall 2nd Row L-R Fiona Dohrmann, Natalie Carter, Kate Edmonds, Sarah Portelli, Gianna Sabbadini, Adelaide Hamilton Green,


Kye Williams, Veronica Callaghan, Ms Melinda Scash

Front Row L-R Sofia Vaccari, Lucy David, Madeleine Scanlon, Kelly Lennon, Alisha Treacy, Belinda Bowman, Rebecca Pereira, Anna Bryant Absent Sarah Akikusa, Catherine Vines,

Emily Smith, Ms Wendy Rickarby

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 79

Flying Fire

been promi.h<·d for the last four inoilthx still xectned a

lair, tale - 214 the plane Moated through the black night.

Thi was mv bid for iii€lcix·ndence: nn one Chance of

This uas the same black iiight thal ha€l covered

C<)11\'im-ing- inv familv 11]111 1 wax 110 1(,liger the baby, 110

11(11)ourne airport. 1 learned, no nutte!· lic) fan·on go.

1<)11ger little Septima. 1 wa, going overse». to the green

there are Nonic thiligN VOU C.t]<t (·4(,ipe - one is Aliti.11)(·1

hilk ofEngland. I was ventilling 0111 into the wor](l with

1111(1 the other is the heatitiful black night. Ao deep and

c blilv mv twin *ter to hold mv hand. 1 would leave mv

parenh on the other firle 01 Gate 16, und I \vould travel 1() tlic other >,icle ni tlic· Wor|cl to vi>,it inv (,Idell,rother

und Nister who had been working iii F.ligland.

40 Noothing. h was about then that 1 1.i])st·(1 into in)' two

hoiti of ]cep ic)1- the flight. AN we flew over the S.,11(li .11-11|)i,in clnert in the 1.11(· afternoon . 1 w.,9 entranced bv the view. Below l!4 w.,+ a

Thc airport was bright and noi,;v compared to the

sea of dark c )1-ling€· sand - Alii]11]ill·ring like hot c·,iramel.

(lark. :ili·nt night („lt:ide. People %11 1 1111(·c[ 011 encll<441)',

A. the red .lin (1('4('(11(led below the horimn. the glow

tugging Militi ,tic· and aiding viliall and thrd children. Noboch' seemed to lic,tice the two voting girls sitting in

the departure h,unge. Annabel looked tired, 1,111 I wa.

wicle-im·,ike foaking up the airport 11111107)here. 112' had left .1 tc·.11->' and ;ilixions mother :11 the gate: I knew she

wa.4 happv for 11%. 1)111 lic,(1-thele.% 1 c c )111(111 7 help thinking tliat a part 01-her had slipped awin. I think xiii wiNhed thal. 11% I ste])1*·cl on to plane nitinbel- 736. I w.14 clinging on to her for dcar life, instrad of Im Il-liv, red

pack. This was later q)ported by the plume callh we received (laih iii England.

\Ii lit-t problein arose on the phiw....Ilow was I uning to keep im'sell .tiitiscd for 26 hours on a plane with little elitti tailitlic·lit? 1 ;1111 the gil-1 u'lic) grt* bored after tht· fil-%1 1() lilimites (11.11'clic-11: 1 am the girl who

can t fil through orchi·%11-21 practice witlic )111 fqllinning and taking inti·i inittent brc·ak.. How would I man.lgr 26 hours on a plant·? Allim aistil·ed nic' 141 91(·cp. However I

wit,4 fur loo concerned with what would happen if the plane 12·11 out of the .kv or the engine failed. to even

unempt to sleep. 1 con](1!Vt nen sharc Iny thoughti with .\1111.ilwl. as she wa.N ah·i·adi· Necp and not elite to wake lor .111(,ther nine hour.. 1 was alone. As I f 1-0/e, p.11-211)·sed with fcal . I reminded unsell that I w.14 growing it™ide becoming more and more indepen c tent. 1 was taking off: :t st·ed wah irt'} minating- within me and I kiu·w that after

w.14 tatil)elievable - light flashed IiCi-(» the desert -

urtching for miles. For Acconds I held my btrath .117(1 hc).Iked Up the brilliant colour of the skv... then it Was gone_ black. To .c·e that Nk)- ag,tin I \,c,ll](1 t·li(lilli· mam t i me; over the ghast l i nefs 01 Man ila .li !-pot-t : i llv to iee 111.it colour. th(1 colour that !10 combination of paint coll](1 poNsibl> capture. 1 waw wide awake - England wax no longer a vague

111111-mill-in the back ofmy mind - it was screaming at me. inv excitelnent war bubbling- urging inc to jilinpit]).111(1 down - wanting %011111(·11 t{) (,1-11])1. 11(,ithrow Airport - hardlv the· Ni/e of tiny Tu 11.1 1 1 1 2,1 i n c ! Th e m ax, ive fi ve t e l- m i t 1.11 % c c )11 1 1-on t ed m e .

Dewratel) clutching my red pack alicl € c )lihtanth checking to make sure Allimbel i .1+ invake ancl

fillictioning. I walked hastil\· to baggage cl,lim. which I

R,uncl whh itilixillillin diffic illty! The huge convevor beh chunwd 0111 sititcase. as wearv ever watched and owner•;

hoped that tlicirs would be the next. Annabel ancl I h.icl

macie· plans - slie wi,11 kl gral, tlie switcase while I held the tt-01]ev steadv - of c'(}111-Xe \ve failed to :1(·Ilieve nen thi4

wimple task. Aimal,el (11·(,pped the Attitcasc, which landed on my tor. and sent the trolk·, Ihing. I lowever. 1 ain ])]ca,ed to %21\ that oill' 4((und ancili])1 wah far moic %11(((·Afilll. Alter 111,11]ilging to collect all our ilic,gare we

nn' :til-1,1,1-ne experience all .orts of wonderful growth

headed for the .1,-177'als Gate. 11) nightm:u-e returned -

woulcl h.ive taken place.

what if Nick wasift waiting for lis? I c (mld .sce the

Overall. I think my ilicirl)(liclelic·(· reall,· slicme \dien

headlines: }bung Girl., .\bri,/dourd i/l l.'m-rign C.'cm„/rr....'

1 \1.14 1,<)(1)' scarched for drugh ill \I,tilil.1, our tranxier

But hi· wa there! Bang- - inv volcano erupted. I ran to

rtop. I would have tlic,zight a voung, sweet-]c,c,king

him and I Illing mv arms around hih lic'( A.

\1[.traliall gil-1 would not 1,1 411.],cited of %11111*gling

Even though my red pack was C litting off the

C :.11111.11 )is - however the uti.ti'(ls at Manila ait-port weir

Circillation in nn' arm. being there with him :11](1

vire thitt I wits part c )1 some son of di-lig- es€ 111).,cle.

knowing th:,1 1 wotild soon see the moon I had been

1 1.111(iN 4lid down my body - 1 held 111) breath. 1 Ic)111(in't

plc)!ilifed fc )tilellow Noftened 111, hard and gli.t.th flight

help but notia· the signs around me, '/)roth /0 /)rug

experic·na·. I was free.

Traftifla'n. undry· Philippine l.,mt'. XY,er ihe nodded to ine,

Now back in .\ii.ti-alia Iti icl again under the cracking

indicating that 1 c<)111(1 go. I excaped froin the Nwcaty

whip {11 School, alicl firmlv under the wak·hful eves of im

paws of the female gual·€1 and %211 (1(,Ivil. strapped my

mother. I wmeinber the fantastic time I had in 121]gland.

bags to my body and 41(,oed away am pri-v )11 who tried

1-he I)ill)% alid night(lubs I werit to with inv older}n'other

to come within live metres of me. 1 was prouil (,1 mr

ancl M.ter. tlic· F](1(·i h 1-nad figns logo ofthe old man ancl

growing independence: if Mum were here she would be

woman with hunched backs and walking Mick.. the

i 11 1111 hiverical state. but not Ine, 1 was cool ccillected

lilillinoux grcen field.4 and baclaval'(14 illoon. 1 0140

:ind independent. 1 had avoided the firing squad and

remember the things that the trip taught me. Most

w:14 beginning to feel thilt the weed was now till liing into

importanth- 1 learned that I can bc independent - thal I

:i rather nice little %111'ill).

can do thing, 011111' cmli, CVCD il thiligh art· forcign and

London I Icathrow reemed so lar awin - the green

unfamiliar, and the challenges .crill (!,tilliting. 1 al,0

lilliv 1.,11(!scape and the back-to-fi-ont moon th:it I had

le,11-11(·cl how imich Hir' brother and si,ter inean to inc

80 LORETO · IMandeville Hall

.39. -..

1111(1 | to thern. 1 may bc little .St'])11111.1, but inv· trip to Eng|.111(1 has t.litght inc that even littlc' Scy,tinia (,111 Ih

Me,Just Me! The little gill Mat clown on the wet 11-1,44. hugging her

free. Ah X111·111) A ilicle(·(1 11(,illishing. 1411111,· >Anith. Wat· 9

knees. She sig hed wi 1 11 xach icif. She watched :10 111(· c )ther

little gil'10 ])111,(71 '111(,thers and |Ilthers.. Thes, were hulghing and having fun. Il.onh- dic· con](1 laugh ni- 11,1,(·


fun .1% thev were doing. 11 £)111>·. 411(· Ich a light pal on her

I never thought :111\'thing uoilld (-hlillge lin lifc and

iii:ike int· 111.Ittil-c %0 1.14, illitil the (lity im 1.imily folind (>lit inv (111(1 11:%1 11 life threatcning i|]tic». \1'11('11 Inv nillin told ine that lin· clad w» 11,1\·ing tot. (100(· 011 his hc .icl 1 )('c ,,1 Ist· he wa. h:n·ing- h(111(121(-lu·. 1

clichA think twia· al)(Hilt it. Then (>11(· (lav when I got holm· after %(11001 1 1.8. AS N>,li,11, to s,1,0 11(·11(, to lin

1),11('llt,i After the illitial gl-(cting nn Intlin \VAM Ni|(·Ht.

111(·n stinrned inc by 1(·|ling Ine that Inv dad had an ;,11('111 ifm :tilcl 11:id to have 1,1 clin %1 11-g-(·n' 11< clilicklv 4,4 poible. afit waslile tin-catening. Straight awav I broke into (i,(11(» tears and dichi't know whal to A.i: Then im militi inforincd 111(· thut Dad would bc adinitted into the

1,(,Mpital that evening.

I'lic· doctoi·s started the operation :11 8 0'clock the 11(·Xt 111{)1 liing. We were advised to come to thi· hospital

at abont LOO pin. which we clid. The 0]wration was 411])])(,sed to have bern over 4 tlic·n 1,1,1 we sat in a %tark 11{)fl)ital 1-nom for fout- holli-s. not knowing what wil. happening or win the operation wa,4 tai,ing so long. Finalli a caring nurse caine and told zix the doctors had found a Second :111(·ilrism and *0 1):1(1 wotild be in

hurgen· fol- abolit litic)ther lic)111. Mv cl.icl was in surgen 1()1 nine 11(,111 $ altogether.

dic)111(lers and h,(,ked up ilitc) the eve; ofher ic·ac·her. "\\'11) (1()11't voll go ancl »k those girls if You (·c)111(1 plav with thein? It would be ho imich fun", the ti·lic'bet raid genth.

The gill wc)(,cl tip. She wa+ Ninall l,lit dic klic·w that it wafii't going u ) 1*· casv, asking .(Imentic U ) 1(·t hi·r p )in ill. to have filll. h was un'C·l- clis} for her. 1)i(11]t ;lll\(,Ill' 1111(1('1-stand or xec· that Alic· wax clificirnt from all liu· others .nul (|id not |it in?

She walked %10\VIV towarch the (,tber little gill+. Slu· vopped when siu· 4.1\V c )11(' c )| the girls stick her tongue {)lit.

..Go aw:n. E )11 cal€t pill)· 1111111,111)· and claclch with tis. You look ton unnv to be a mil 111111v. 32)11 (101 17 100k

norinal," and with that Alic· turned away. 'I-Cal S Ailing- h('1- dark-brown eves. and trickled down her palt· face. Mhe heard th,·ir 1,11[gliter again. al](1 4}le knew she clid 1101 belong at :1|1. She was Mact and :Ilign' too. She wa•; clific·irrn and knew win ...she was Asian.

Yeals plissed by and that little gi 1-1 grew lip expericil<ing Mituilar 111()111( 111x C)| excll/Nion. .\4 41!(· grew up, she was moir aware 01 how she looked ;mci what background she Calne from. Fill,111\' fhe knew it was time

to Ntand up for herself. She had hail enoligh. She g-rew c)lit of}le]- 411,11(1.4 and becainc· confident in who 51,i· was

I h c hours passed like an eternity until linall> a 11 111'w c:unc· to get us to collect him from post-op. We walked whal Ac·(·med like miles through endless bleak corridors

illitil we got to whet-c Dad was. 1 have never Ic'It %40 happv to xec inv dad. I quited to (rv and Minile al the· Manic·

time. I even felt like 1,ilighing- becalls<· I wa< so happv m) d.ld had %111\'ived the operation.

It ,#,1% 11 long 1,11(1 11:11·(1 1-Ccoven'. \1\ dad sta)·cd in

h{ )Npitai |cul- al)011 t a week and a Im||. Then he came hottic· ancl he luci to St,15' in bed or on the conch for a

It i i ther week. 1 |t· wils derpiliA .111 the time and had no |t wils a %11 ,inge fcc·ling when I reali.wd that I hael to change roles with mv clacl. 1 wlts the one who had to look i,[ti·i- him. inxtead 01 him looking after ine.

1-he whole experic]1(·c dra%tical|v· changed our lainih. 1 |(·arned that families milst stick togelher no matte}

w·hal 111,1,1,c'11% and as 1111 ilicliviclillil voti ha\'C to Mt.lnd bv pcople. vou have to hel]) olit :111(1 do whatever vou can. 1 Inul to be brave for in, intlin and inv brother alid c 1 1('(·1-l i li for in, dad. even whe 1 1 1 11'.IN worried for h im . I t

and where she had come from. She made fric·11(ls who did not care ibilic· were Axi,ill or llc)t.

1 was that little ghi The girl who fc»It slic' clicliA

belong :11 1(1 stificred the (,stracism (,1 (,thers who wanted her to feel thal wav. I have Icai·nt the most important lezon: to be un'fc·]f and to be proud ofwho I ain 1,11(1 111, background.

If people don't like me, that'K tc,ligh! Iin not going to change for thrm. Even tholigh it \vax a milic )1- past experience 1 1111(1 when 1 \Va. i c )11] lger. it ha. 1'44:ilted in lillitillit, 1111(1 ({ )11|ict('11(('.

I'm prot 1(1 10 17(' an ..\Mian. When I Wa.N Minall. I Was afraid thilt I \1·11% cliff(·1'ent, but I realifed that evervolic· 14

diffelent and lili ique ph)'Mic .illy .11 1(1 1,ic'litall). 1)( It'% it reallv matic·r if thev air black, white. green or (·\·c·n

Puqe? That paxt experience and all the othcl-4 have |bra·(1 Ine to recog'ni,M· illjll;tice ;111(| lind acceptance within lilisell: to lind the per>011 1 11111 i»i(le. not who 1 11]11

perceR-cd to bc outside. Yeh. 1 am Asian, 1)111 the 1 c .11 nw is Ngoc Le.

u» a verv trattin,ilic tilne for lin' whoh· famil)'. Thi>, experience hax made mc grow iii main' clifferent w:n·A: c\('11 now I feel I clin still growing froin it.

Akling Fav. %·ar 9

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 81

Hectic Schedule

Falling D OWIl Anna Ktared blankh.

Ilt·i clav had becti frantic. handling tcli·liak lic·lding

"Trv lo talk pet"' said the (c)1111(-illor soothingly, "I

queries, prescril,ing mectic ine. Fxcryom· was ill: her

know c)iii-( 11])4('t timt vour mum'% in hoy)it.11.111 it vour

appoilitmcm .checlille \0,14 full. Sh<· Nighed wearil)' as,

futher haN told 11% she often fal]>, and Imrts her.«L"

*canning- her diary, Mhe 1'(,ilised lh,it on|v one paticlic

15(·traved :incl conitisc·cl, Anna turned her head uwav,

remained. She glanced oiltsicle ah .111 obliging mother

wondering how liu·y con](1 believe' it wa.4 an

:Dreticled the ('111,1 ) %1(·ps for the ic,lil-teenth time thai


(1:ty. Alill,11)(,1 >hnith. 32·.11- 9

The Destruction of Men Slic· lin al )1 14(·cl, c xhill Isted bv thc·,inack. It Ic·It her

[ccling- cinpt\, vic)1111(·d and cold. 1|(·1' 1),lii.Ned and battered 1,(,cl>· c{ )111(1 take no more vic,lation. Men had scen her beaut\/ but will took whal they wanted then callow>dv .0,1111(1(,licd her 1,1'lli>cd ic'Inains.

Mother Nature \1'(,tild take· gencratic,1,3 to recover. MI,(1(·1('inc Sc:minn, Y(·11 1' 9

lane >Acwart. War 9

Chance The enorprencur reaches hiN hotel in his Kilic·r car. lie (iwils lic·arly evi'trthing 111(,lit ,(1 lic'Ic. ThiN wor](1, however, is one of chance, lic )1-11111(14 come and go with

the roll 01 a dice. When th<· entreprencill' 1,111% onlv one thing (·an Hau· hiln

'jiln, (111111(,1-tilne" 1'11<·v pack away the NIc)!topolv 1)():ird. Ancltra \'11/. 32·at 9

.losh Lia ' jofh, get Inc il c 11])])21 will v€)11 love.

Sky High

>>he licard voia·,.

'Turn that tellY off, 10.41. Put the kettle on.'

Towering above me. thcv seemed to go forever. They

1 iwre was a hlished Mil€·tice.

were like skh·scrapers .slic,(,ting izp high. rl'he tops could

Icish in,!"

not be Seen. 1 1-£,1(·lied up, and lily troublex calne

St<·ady footsteps approached her bed. She opened her

tumbling down :11-01111(1 me. Textbooks, papers and


folder#. I had never had Ao much homework in im life.

A shocking- realisation overwhehned her.

Nicole I laddow, Year 9

The litti ve Unu.hed her scarred check the mother wept. J ,//ic' ,%/c'lf ,u L lh 9

Mistaken Identity Pool Tragedy!

1.11(h OxIord-Ninith Nits at her drex>,ing· tai)le .taring at 11(·14(·lf when the butler entel-4 th(· 1-c)(,m....

Mc )|h' llc )11 1 (·d in the icv 1 )(,(,1. Her 111-1 „s 111 1(1 legs were limp. itic,\ing· on!v uith the gentle nic,tic,n 01 the water. 11(·1 1%111(7-logged lindy W,14 pale 1111(1 lil(·1('FA. .](liti) Al,Nped and |capt forward to Nave her. Alic· relic|led in

"leeves, take (11.1 1 11 \· %11{)(·s. take off Inv t ial-,1 .11 Icl inv Iingi \\'ipe off nn maketip, take off mv dress, and if I ever |ind voll weating them again, v<)11'11 get 111(· sack." 14:1111('1·inc NIC Al,ilion. Wal· 9

altel· her precic)11% doll...... Together, tbey floated, lifeless, on the icy pool. \im Kinen. k·:11· 9


Brutal Attack! The hean' 111('ta] 11111)1('Inclit, rest·inbling a mallct.

A Tender Moment

caine dowl, 1)lit Atendilv downwards. Its %13111-p teeth

liN luce \\:1% close to hers. 40 (10,(· that .Mlic (()111(1 fecl

gloillicl at the 1,1(>(,cl> llc·,11 that lay 11(]plo.*, 1,('ing

his warm bi-cath cm her skin. She ran her fingers

mangled. Its ti·(th came heavily down, cligging ligly

t|11-(,ligh his \(111 1,1-c)\#'11 hair ancl caress(·cl hiN ear gentlv.

lic,lex in thc· 1,tilpcul Ilt·sli.

1 IN·ir (·ves met. Eml),11 raised, llc turned awar. Then, he

t i Ill idlv 1,tiwed h i•; paw, 1 ('sting it on her lap.

.Illne %(11·ong, k.,11. 9 82 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

A quick |lip from the chel and the lic·xt tender strak lav waiting. Gian 11.1 S,ll )1)21(lini. War 9




Year 10

Year 10 Blue 3rd Row L-R Katrina Connellan,

Roisin Gloich, Alison Pettigrew, Kirsty Mclaughlin, Prue Hartley, Elanor Mclnerney, Christina Broussard, Genevieve Audley 2nd Row L-R Mrs Maya Abeyratne, Laura Zmegac, Jane Balmer, Kate Flack, Bronwyn Gatehouse, Olivia Burns, Kamy Lee, Joan Allanadale, Fiona Hegarty, Mr Malcom Farnsworth

Front Row L-R Steph ane Resciniti, Kate Corrigan, Jessica Day, Joanne Halpin, t

Charlotte Hickey, Mrs Arnanda Apthorpe, Kate Eichhorn, Lauren Trumble,

Claire McKeown. May Wang, Katharine Marks Absent Megan Walters, Ellie McMahon



Year 10 Gold 3rd Row L-R Philippa Zahara, Sarah Cichy, tk

Catherine Yokouchi, Tessa Hall,

Geraldine Nankervis, Sophie Laurence, {

Angela O'Connell, Anna Gallard .

2nd Row L-R

Madai-ne Marie-Louise Khamara,

Meaghan McLagan, Bridget Hopkins, Caroline Conlan, Amber Madden, Kiara Chiodi,

Eliza Curtain, Bridget Cleary, Jessica Fetterplace, Sineaid Hammer, Antonia Olthof, Ms Marie Brown K

Front Row L-R Mary Fonti, Emily Nolan, Li Na Liu, Hannah Whiting, Lisa Lombardi . Julia McDonald, Karen Lee, Stephanie Ng, Krista Dale

Absent Rebecca Wendland

LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Year 10 Green '*A


3rd Row L-R Emily Sheahan, Arley Grey, Katherine Gardiner, Clare Gibson, Sarah White,

Laura Haslehurst, Susannah Bailey 2nd Row L-R Ms Joan Morgan, Dianna Best, Zoe Kitchen, Erin Buntine,

/ Ofir, 14:,ir, t) 2, LU) 0 4 4 .d Al, 1 / 1 , t

Elizabeth Harvey, Suzanne Castles, Hannah Sharrock, Prudence Tehan,

Lisa Charlton, Meg Wielgosz. Beth Stewart, Mr Eddie Kane

Front Row L-R Lauren Buckley. Sharnika Blacker, Ellen Fox, Sarah Rowlands Kathleen McDonald, Beata Lukasiak,


Jessica Curley, Jennifer Turnbull, Amy Wark, Lauren Demetriou, Jasmine Ong

¢4*p 0,22Bre*/4 -#/...".......m&//..J .64%

Year 10 Red 3rd Row L-R Jacqui Vidal, Louise Lonergan, Rebeka Jageurs, Emma Poynton. Claire Baxter, Bridget Hill, Natalie Flegg, Kristen Doyle 2nd Row L-R Miss Allison Rome, 9

Phoebe Nugent. Louisa Bostock. Sarah Price, Hannah Price, Eloise Porter, Lisa Wendland,

Georgia McCormack, Elizabeth Fox,

Victoria Toovey. Sarah Perillo. Mr Guy Anderson Front Row L.R Melissa Hil, Katie Taylor, Jenni Bolton, Camille Deane, Stephanie Doyle, Jannie Lui, Simone Bailey, Olivia Garvey, Amy Tinetti, Sara Woodruff

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 85

The Arch of Victory? lk' Stood alone, proud :111(1 tall,

Iii his creaseless tililic )1-111 of polished Stone. And he was anned with the painful Ilic'llic)1'ics Of t he voung 11( „ A wht ) clicli, t collic· 11( 111 Ic. 1 Ii, solid folt!1(latic )114 weir i lill)(·(1(1(·(1 wi t h nitilic·% AN Lur](44 » his (>ull.

Iii· wore the badge of,li i iii).Ntanding Annv, Aticl all the integi'ity 01 the town. On %1111(lav afternooll hc was Ilooded Whh \iNitor,M

\\'lic, \1'<,INhipped hi>, arched. stone wa]14. 111(1 Ilici ])('11(-CLUI|\ Am·(' their respect To theii- lost brot|1('1 0. 1(,Nt futhers. 14)41 v )1114.

Hoc)13 hix giant 1,(,ch

Art by Eloise Porter, Year 10

\A'as hn'aded with cars :111(1 signs

I'lilit nished plist him oil their w.lv to work, And ouhon<· hix ititi·gritv and pride. Sundav afternoon A becaine lonch

As his 'creascli·sh 1 11!ilk )1-111 crumbled 11\\In.

Iii.% holiclic,inuntion.41)(gan to en)(ic·.

llc kii<·lt, and gra·tal his ching cla>. Now ill that Nt:111(10 01 the unknown +01(lici·

1% 11 pile ot'visible sillid.

And his once respecteel Armr baclge 1 las crumbled like a wotinded man. Laurn 11,151( huiv. Year 10

Flowers Flowers are *mige: how can unvthing function without a brain and without a will? Scirlitist. 1,111 NA that 11(,weri have a 41( )w 11( 1 ,'Ims %\'Stein. but 1 lind the whole

concept bi/:11-1-e. Iii humans .ind animal.. ('\(·ighing k linked to or bv the 1)1-nill. The brain A the „wdiator or

ilitcll)]'(·ter for :11| the ttillic)11% of iticlependentlY

|Illic tic)liing-(I'l|%. I low' (loes 11 11,)\vcr grow, bloolit and die witholit a braili 'llid witlic)lit a will? I low (lors a 110\Ver exi\tf

|hiver>; air %((·ining|v delicate plants. People· think

t|1.11 1)(·cause they .11·e 1)(·antiful that tlic> arc weak and t


11(·((1 protecting. 17(),1(·1 4, however, are ax well equipped

aN a Ac)]dicluoing· 10 19·,11. 14<),fls forexallil)|(. 11,1,( thornx 10 (1('ter ;illinuls froin cating· Ilitin :111(1 1)(·oph· 11·0111

picking them. Roses :irc Al],11-1, Consiclc·ring ilic·y (1(nA h,lic· ;l 1)111ill.

11 flowers arc ju>,1 11 1,1111('h ol independent. 1(Mpiring

cells. it is not possil)|(· for them to h.ne a will. Ve, they


%('(·in to have a volition of their own. Hcmen grow wherever thev wit]11 1111(1 whenevel- Ilwy feel liu· urge.

I low often have voll scen a brave poppy standing lilli and prond ill a ficid 01 weed, ,%111'\+i\ ing Alpill.41 :111 111(· c)(1(1,0

People' 111,1); plant ,(·c'(14, bilt Wh); ix it thal Noilic· Scals never sprola and Hollic |)tillis never blooin? 1, il becallse tlic>' ch{)()>c lun tor 1.-lowers are t'lligmutic. Art by Erin Buntine, Year 10

86 LORETO • Mandeville Hall

Chii ic Bax ter. Ji·:71 10

A Special Place

A Special Shrine

Walking through Clenclon Road gate, into the grounds of Loreto Mancleville H:ill, there is an

The Shrine of Remembrance is special to me because it symbolises an important part in Australian history: the

inmwdiate sense ofcomfort. It appears as ifthe entrance is celiti-e stage and the surrouncling. aged bilildings, al-e tlic· spectators. The fecliiig is not dainting, but rather

Vietnam. My grandfather and several of inv uncleS serred iii the Second World War. I pei-sonally vallie all

comforting, like being amongst old friends.

Old buildings enfold the top quadrangle. The now

war era. My father served in the Australian Army in

the men and women that fought aild died for oiii freecloin and humanity, I believe the Shrine ix the only

converted stables are to the rear. Mandeville Hall. which

sacied place in Melbourne where these brave men and

consists ot the chapel and the (,1(1 house Nitting in Kplendid grandeur, overlooking the oval. are all on the right. 1)irectly ahead are the staff room, library and

women can be truly honoured as impot-tant citizens 01

offices ancl on the Ic·ft is the Marv Ward building. This

may sound very gl .111(liose, but the grounds are actually

our countil

I have been through the Shrine many times and it never fails to create feelings of saciliess ancl .iliger th:11 40

very warin and inviting. Evervthing is built close

many people had to die. I have seen people, children espec'i.illy, play about everywhere they go, even iii

logether and the colour scheme Consists of greys and


light browns.

Remembrance they are silent and attentive. it is as

bi i t





ShAne of

Although I.oreto may not be well known iii society,

tholigh Noilictiling froin withilithe hilici- Mallitttln ofthc

thix cloc·.4 not mean it is not itiiportant. It Ilims at

%111-ine instils in them the iclea that this is hallowed

oducating youtle woint·11 und preparex them for University and the workfurce, like· most (,ther schools iii Mell)(nu-lie. Loreto (lors not stand out to be superior coinpared to other schools, but has a triendly 111111{)7)11(·re. Th<· 1.orcto philo,ophy <)1 'fainily' Sc·(·111% to


way that I do. While the Shrinc w» 1)(ing· built.

perm(,tic· the Whole Ach<)01.

to the Shrine. Thi>; Shows th,11 sc,ciets' higl]V 1'(gal·ded

The philosophy 011.c),('to ix perhapx more hnpoitant

1 believe most of societv valties the Shrine the saine

donation.were lieeded to fund the project. Main Ach(>01 children were encouraired to save a pc'11 11\' 1111(1 (Ic)lillie it the brave soldictx who wi*Ved our unintn (1111'ing the

than the sti·ucture itself. Inside the Aclic)01 vou lind

First Workl War. 0 11 11 Novc·inber 1934. the 1)like of

friendships between Atil(lents thal will carry on for mam'


uars to unne. There i.% Ii]No «-014- Coinpanio»hip

Remembranae befure an atictience of over 300,000

1)(·tween the stticlents .tild the trachen. h is (me huge Ihinily enclo,ed within the wall; of Loreto Mandeville

people. The great crowd Inished for three mimites at

1 lan.

remembered the Armistice of 16 years c.11'lier. During

My I,i\'(,111·ite place at 1,(,irto is the ok' house. 1 have only been there a couple of timci but I lind it

the filtics. the eternal flame that still 1),11 11+ brightly

(' 1 1 c h.t lit i ng. 7 'he i n t ricat e detail in soinc of t he 1-ooms is

the Second Woild War. The average person tends to



Shi·ine of

11.00 a.in.. many with tears in their (ves, as thev

10(lav w,1, installed to Irmember all those who died iii

am:i/ing. The ch,Ilicic'lien rellect manv colours all

forget that Ance the end ofthe Sec'011(1 \Vorld War there

111 011 n cl the room. The pic tures on some of the walls are

have been inanv smaller wars, sitch as Kerea und

ccric. Thexc lile-fi/r porti-aiti with watchful evex, appear

Vietnam, Monumentx at the Shrine of Reinc·inbratice

to observe everything that is happening. These asi,ects make the old house in Mandeville 1 lall an impressive,

values the Shrinc of Remembrance and itx sigtiilic .itic c

clistiligilislied builcling.

to societv. 1 know this ber:111*e rach ANZA(: Dav he

Loreto Mandeville Hall will be a place that will tknever be irmrnibered by .111 who have been a part of

comracles unvarcls the Shrine.

11(mour the people killed in these conflicts. Mv father

prowdly wears his medals atic[ 111:itches with his

its coinintillity. Some people might lemeniber die

Dianna lic·t, Yeai· 10

grounds, others might remember the teachers, but I know thal I will .ilwavs recollect mv filends at Loirto.

l'he mcilic,iicx of st.inding .11(mgside my friends at the annual concert, and the lutichtimes in Winter when we

air stuck outside in the cold, sitting on the frozen concrete; the main· classes when we pretend to be citentive, imt are actualk wliting letters to each other, will forever remain iii mv mind. 1.oreto is a place I will l

never forget.

jessica (,kii-ley, Year 10

Art by Anna Gallard, Year 10

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 87

r 41'k










All Day Stickers ... Everyday

zon (an collic in; be careful though. The (loor A 01(1:

\4'hy N it, that norinal everyclit)/ people go to vic·11

it xciticaks. She'% ash·ep. Anv tic )ise voll mal«· will

11(11[1)1(· to waste money? Whi iN it that whcli c lic )(,Aing

penctime her 4,11111)(t- alicl cli,1-111)t her |t,lgilc· (11(·ams.

bet\veen t\Vo pain of rUnning MI((M identia| in C\(·1-)

St:111(1 a while. Let voill' eve; aclbi ll to the (lim 1,1.Ic Anc.

wav, except for the Ic )111 1(·tic·r word 'Nike' on the siclc· c )1

ash,ulow broken onlv bv thecoinforting·dijinincrol the

onc pair. that the inajolitv' 01:\11%trillianx choofc the one

moon perking thi-(,ligh the winclow. C)lt(·11. when the

costing $12)().C)() 111(,il·? 11'(· (()1141:1111!v :1.Ak c)ill-0(·Ive. whv,

git'lix awake, slic· Mares at the inoon. her Hoothing night-

yet Nomellow we 11 1 Icl olit·Melic·>, (-(,lilli 1112111) 1)111-('lli,Ming

light, in scal-ch of tlic· flc,liting- lilin clust which

the popular, vet Inore expen,iive, bland 13,1111(·.11-tic|( . It

sc )111(·ti inc.N il,ilic (18 in its glow. 1 Ic·r mother once told her

1% It soltict' of both .illill.wment and (()11|lision.

that 111(· clust \Vits left In· tiny mvthical creatures that

reenage bovs, for example, am:vingh· buy clothing

watched over her while Alic slept. It was a reminder that

on the basis of the highlv visible 1,1-and 11:unc. Surfing

they would keep her stifc. And flic belinccl the ston'.

brands .tre extremelv pi)])11.11- with both voung .Ind 21(hilt

Can you hear the solt meloclic; of the night? The

males. The tinicit 2cm, 1 iinedetter word 'Billabong',

creaks ol the horise Kettling. the Noft 1)111-1- 01 her flitlic·14

1(,cated most vihil)]V on the pocket, (·Ill! convince most

Mic)ling iii the nextic)(,in, thcodd tant]11111 110111 thcdog

I,ovs to 1 )11)'. To inake it Worie, thev know that .1 1.11-get

lic\1 (1(,01: '1'hcy al| 11,ing|( togrther and (1(·ate a .4(,lincl

More, c,iily two blocks around the corner, 1% selling tlic

111(n-c Mi|('111 1|12111 Mi|elk'c ilMCHI Ihon i>,ten Cllt-(·11]k )'ou can lic·:,1 her plump, regular breathing, liu· A¢)1111(1 01|ifc

in limbo. 14(1 stile not lo move too quic kly. An (,(1(1 note in this 1-(glilliltillic \Vou|(linterfere \vith its beautv. Look at her in her bed, cocoonal bv the giant

doona. 1 |cr %11],l|Iness (locs not look (,lit of place here. Slic A hagile. yet hollic how h.lic. A 121(1(·(1 1,1-(mil l,car i.4 proppc·(1 111) ligailist tlic wall. lix clat·k l'iil,linking evcs ob.wn·(· the room with a tire·(1 ah·rtness. On the wall

han» a vilies of framed picillic. of scenes from a .IR Ic ,]krin tic,'c·l. 11 you look carefullv at ilic· one second

11()111 the right voit c.111 +ce a Kinall elf perched on the rock next to the tree. The giil. who cannot vet react. has wondericl al,out the ell. What i, its name, where i,4 its

liunily. what docs it rat? Marbe she will find out one clav. Now· come a little closer. 0}hen'C the gii-1. You Call We her dic·:uns jilst bv looking at her 111(c. >;11(· clirains of Ils'ing, c )1 tra 1,11 tic·N wilh the M.,cl 1 latter. c)1-1 )ecoming a mermaid and living 1111(ler the hea. She rarely h.ts nightnure. and die R not having one tonight. You an tcH bv the xer(·rn· contour>; of her eves and lips. \\'hatl th,al \011 Nav? Yon rancinber her goldell haill

the 4,1,liter (,111(.c.klev acic,ss her nose; \'c,iii·(· 4(·c·n 11(·isc,itic·where before? Un have, think hard, scarch deep ilito yoill- mind. Ihe gill yoll ,(T before you is vou.

Aame ter-Xhil-1, of the Maint· colour .111(1 iclcillical ful)lic.

['here air two differences however: cme is $20.(H)

cheaper and iliwteacl of the 'coor Billabong 97,111)01. it Mins 'Inget' inside the colhu· tag. While bovs xpend thcil- Inonc·v on slic)(·M. (Ic,thes. watches, i·tc., git·1% do IiI«·wiw on makc·-111) and cosmetics, h is shocking to lic·know](·dge the i :11·ic·tv :111{1

:1111(,11111 c)| 1)ill'c illl)hish women have in their nmkt·-lip (11-2,\#i·ix. C :05111(·tics air becoming inure expensive .111(1 the munber of products ill hllop A quite aina/ing. ()11(·

(-Ill.sic example is 'Calvin Klein ()lie', 21 (1(signel perfume, priced at around $99.00 for a bonle. ltv coinparison. 'Gender Oile', a straight cop: (11(:14 ()11(", 1111(1 with 1111 icleliti('11] 11-2gl-litiCC, iM ilitllit'(led its 21 poor

imitation (11 the original .ilihough it ix unly $23.0(). M.inv women. who trelll to have more 111011(*v than (-{)111111()11

0(·li.Ne, wouk! rather Viend the extra $7 1.(H) on the nanic prhiti·(lcnitlic l)(,tili.. It iN 11 11(· that thi· best .ind mo>,t (41(·('tive silliscircilix

ako 011(· 01 Ihe cheape;t.,·\1111(,tigh thiN 15+ stil)(·t'tuarket home brancliN the most (,11(·ctive. it is delinit<·ly not the Iii(>At 1)()])11|,11. \\71\ 1)ltv a brand nalne (even olic 111:11 workN) Nlic·11 for vint %11111+ vow c ali have a de•4411(11 (1-cain? Arc we l'call\ a thinking 3(,cictv, or .tic· su· totalk

chiped by advertising? Not on|v (Ic) wc· bur printed toilet paper. bilt we cu·11 4)end 111(,ir molin on it. to Nimph

Before wil grew oki before ,<)ll %topped belit'\ing in

Ilitsh it (lown the draili. Itift(·11€1 01 1)(7(>liting 11.ttltill|h

fail ic·%. 1)(·for(· the nightmares became 1111 too firquent.

hcalthy' by cating our fi-llit 2,11(1 vegics, the billion-(14 }liar

1 ;lin not htll-)1'isi·(1 that yoll (li(liA 1('ill(11111*·i- her. The pictures. the bear. tlic· squeakv door laded with vour

indiistrv in iritailliti tablets would stiggest we :irc closet' to 21 Attipid societ) than a thinking one.

indifference as vow tric·w older. it (lidiA Accill imponant

Both males anct females <uccllinl) to thc· 11,1-c· c )1

for v{)11 to remember stich things. But obsci ,'e her now,

itclvertising. We often spend our h.u'cl-earned moncy on

as %11(· Al('(·ps. Yoll 1111[st Ic'ltic'llil)(·r that: the unwavering

ricticul()115 thing-6. 1':wrv llc)11%(·cl pti'Non ill .\11<tralia geth

faith, tile illill],111-ed lillic>ic'ncr, lili· imagination which

wate]- froni their pipes, pul-(' clic,ligh to drinL I lowever,

had vet to bc xtilled. Look at thix pic·tin·c of vout·>cll

Evian, Mount Franklin and even Atift i Illia 's Ac|11111'% Ah·

before time· Inul its c hance to coil its wrinkled. boin

water have stic('(·4.1 111 111.11-ketf 11(·ic. The 1)('01 wav to

fing(·1'% arolind voill- childish Npirit. Thne h,14 11((11

cl<·Nctil)(· 4,111- \\·41(·rn socic·tic·% iN, 11% thi· market(·i-h would

unkind. but wit can (Icli it. Look at her sleeping lace,

xec·in to think olili...we 11(· all 'stick(·ix'.

1-(·111(·Inl)(·r her dreams. If unt plifil 1),th' the bitic·rm·NA

Our buving (,1 all expt'llSive 11,1111(' 1)1:111(1 even whi·11

you will be al)1(· to .%(·c i'(1111-4(·It in thi. child. 11(111(,Ill

chooxing honwthing »; 411]iple. and lotalk' hidden. a. a

whill ih belore vow. lint can keep the Ix·,tilly 01 yoiii-

pair of undics, sliggest. wc ti-Ul> al-C· 'AliC ket + for the

wisclom, but there i.4 :11%40 1,(·autv here.

tiking' and :11 the 11 ic·rn' c )f adverti•;crs.

Rachel 14.111. Wal· 1 1

jic·,Whill] C)1.(,111illin, k·in I I

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 89

Year 11 Blue 3rd Row L-R Eloise Armstrong,

-- 4 \ 4 t.

Jennifer Bishop Rachel Collard, Joanne Amoti

Margherita Boemo, Aimee Curtain, Tamara Brooks, Jennifer Donald 2nd Row L-R Ms Jill Barnett,

- Amanda Cosgriff, Nicole Corcoran. Rachel Ball, Rachel Couttie, Anna-Marie Black

Anne Conroy, Sarah Balmer,

like .

Samantha Basford, Adele Brazenor, Maria Asimakopoulos, Michelle Chan, Ms Kaye Young


Front Row L-R Virginia Ball, Tania Caldow, Anna Clarke, Sarah D'Silva,

Mr Michael Mulcahy. Marie Dermatis,

2 Catherine Chamberlain, Georgina Carroll, Daniela Calabro

21.f Absent L zette Bell, Natasha Dougherty



Year 11 Gold 3rd Row L- R Claire Lachal, Lucinda Gannonl

Katrina Hood, Stephanie Keenan, Sarah Gandolfo, Kelly Gallivan, Sophie Dowling, Catherine Killen 2nd Row L-R Ms Glenda Romeril, Jodie Fry, Jane Foley, Gemma Fleurisson, Katherine Duggan, Georgina Labb, Thea Geddes, Therese Hanrahan,

Marta Kiernikowski, Kate Jackson,

Anna Francis, Erin Kennedy, Mr Nicholas Frigo Front Row L-R Megan Haratsis, Victoria Heatley, Regina Kaluzny, Rachel Hoy, Anthea Kavanagh, Emmaline Jones,

*435 t · · t>

Rochelle Howie, Julie Grouzis, Phoebe Knowles, Tamara Goncharow, Nicole Gialelis

LORETO · Mandeville Hall

-% 0*


41 49


Year 11 Green 3rd Row L-R Monica Nisbet, Clare O'Neil, Lana Mai, Alice Penna, Marney MeMillan, Katsy Lee, Aimee Lipscombe 2nd Row L-R Ms Catherine McMahon, Catherine Meehan, Rende Patterson,

Caroline O'Brier', Kate McFarland,

Daniela Norman, Katherine McCartney,


Lucy Maule, Brooke Pearson. Josephine Oldham, Mr Roger Gill Front Row L-R Sunaina Miranda,

Jessica Moretti. Meg Ockleshaw, Tiffany Lot /


Ebonie Martello, Carlene Ngorna, Rachel Mclnerney, Meaghan O'Laughlin, Kelly Peterson, Sarah Martini Absent Jenica Lee, Emily Petricola, Angela McFarland, Jennifer O'Connell

Year 11 Red 3rd Row L-R Marisa Vaughan, Georgina Ryan, Samantha Stewart-Steele, Vivienne Ringersma, Emily Tribe, Kate Turnbull, Clea Walsh, Jane Rogan 2nd Row L- R Miss Carmel Laffan,

Catherine Wilkinson, Lauren Reed, Louise Vautin, Kirsten White,

Chelsea Rowlings, Roxanna Ryan, Wendy Spinelly, Alice Smith, Fiona Tetley, Marie-Danielle Turner, Kate Ralph, Mr Mark Bahr

Front Row L-R Kasey Warner, I



Chiara Shenoy, Olivia Sweeney, Nancy Sposato, Stella Spitaliorakis,

Jessica Shirley, Erin Reade, Meagan Williams, Renee Reardon, Surini Wijayasinghe, Michelle Rodrigues

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 91

Although thi•; clon distract liu· chile! froin 1,1,tiing the


gatma 11)11111 hau· a grcal (1(·11] ()1 (lillic tilt\ Inaint,lining

communication? Comnmnication. A word Ao commonli· liscd t|wic

(lavi I think \\ch·c all having A little bit of troubic 1('Ill(11111)(.ling Jdmt it mcan•i. 14('111(·1111)C'i- when (Mill·

\\011(1 wax referred 10 1,4 the global jillage'? Weli Mop im· if 1'111 wrong, 1,lit it .4(·em. 10 111(· 111;it the notic )11 01 a

\illage wi)111(1 litcliicle knowing cu·rv 1,('1.Non as \(,11 walked down the suret. and having whole village alchrationx hn bililiclavs inul pul)|ic holichi\%. Not. a. it 11.1.4 (c)inc to nic·.111, the ilit(.ilict. 1.eth jilxt look :11 the %itillition here for .1 0(·concl. Snowv, st!(·ct alive with red

hcarty 11()5('x 1111(1 C :111'i\tinaN C „11()14 .111(1 (,<9",1-11<)gh all

round, or millie,lis 01 prople all over tlic· world with Ilic'il 1.-·A Ntlick to :t (()111])[lt(·1, the warin wood fires replaced

with the harill grey glow of a computer Aciren and the lolid litlicoll. Filiging 1( 1)111(·cd Kith the illip(·10(>nal up (}| comptlic, kn'X. Ihn reallv not Weing the Mili,i|:11·itv. Anothel i (,1,1111111iication Ic)01' that Il·.11]v un·.4 ilic·*

inc N the inobilc phone. Rea·nth. I w·ent out to (linnci with a lew 11'1(11(10. and Kitting 11(xt to 11% wil.4 a %11111]t

looking couple. At lit'st ther vic·i·(' c'lutting inuiv

a converMation ;Ilter w little practice, and end up whilling :11)0111 the horril)1(· inju.tice that h.1.4 1)(11.11'en them. Main parenth, 1(·illind<·(1 1) a sti inK of whilly

llc,isc™ that %('(·1 114 to be all the chilcl can piece u )gether, remember \#In· they bought tlic machine it] the litit 1,1,1('(.,ind end lip plltg-King· 111(· (c)111)liter luck in. anct walking,11()1111(1 lor a few 11(),li x ilitilt(·ring -19\4(. created 11]1()11>41('11

I think the litne ha.4 come for the few 01 11% left Kho

%/ill helieve /11.11 'viling' 11,1% Notm·thing- to (10 with the

occan. to begin wric)11.4, (Icy).liting for thi hilman race. \\'11(·11 11 11,{,bile phone k inoic illil){)11.,tit than ha\ing a 11()1111.11 (()11\(·rgtion, and Milial| chilch·eli .11·(· (ic,(4(,pingtheir ti)11(|1-1,],ing· skills |,ister than thrirvell),11 vkill, we know that it i.4 titne to worrv. Thi.4 current gener;ttion haN (1(·tericilitted No lat in y) littic timi·: inain· :vill Noon

011]v bc al)|c to inanage a n )111(·14:ttion with their net

gillilic·licl or 1,(„hienct. ,·\11(1 M). 1 Atil ]Clt to ponder. If thne people ever actil.illv get thi· chana· 10 1)11\Nic.illv conceiw chilchen, what arc their kids going to 1 >c· like? I 'm not St,re I want lo know the ai™wei. C lur ()'Neil. 32·ar 11

(c)11]1(,It.11)1)', then one oltheir ]11(,hile pholie> 1)('gun to

ling. A few mililitn later. liu· (>ther phone wa·% a|No ring-ing. so we had 1,(,th iticti,icill.,IN talking on their

Tell Me, Hitler

111()1)ilo at the +Ilinc· tillic. Our Iii,t reaction u» 011(· 01

You turned (,cilli,un' into a |111]; illilit.11-i>,Cd %(>(ictv .01(1

amn.wment. which quicklv turtic·(1 10 .Hilit/('lit(·nt \111(·1 1

Launched \Vol'Id \Var 11.

wc realised that thil werciA wilicling lip their cal|.4.

'fuu 111,1(!c· an t i-St'lilitism 111(· ( c'11 11-c of your policies,

Finallv we reached acceptance: that A what social

You Imilt the Nazi partv and guided it into ina>,s

collitililliiation had Come to. Al<)1)ile pliones. which ()11{1







1 I/t.


You had al i ittilils' aitil 01 (rt.11)lishing an (·lite.9 'perfect'

comnilinication proci·As, ale .jint ,(tal-ding it ftlither.


Mobile phones now Keein :1% if thev are Completch

Yout- impact w.th \holly (1(1%1 1-lic·tiw.

el-11(licating 1.1((· to face communication, or ,it le.tv

It \1 210 iont 1 IN'iht views :111(1 (1('Vl m tive xell

1.tking all the 1)1(11:Nure (nit 01 it. Mobile phones make it

1-hat c ,111%(·(1 the 51,itighter 01 million< 01.Jew..

11(,1 on|\' 1,(,NNil)|c, Init actual|v billing for pcople to

I want to know whv? I want to know whal wits going

1111('lltipt voll, not onk' in the coinlort 01 vour own

1111 c)lig'11

llc)inc. 1)lit whenever :ind whetrvel· the, ])1{·ase.

E)111- mind? \\'hat were voll realk hoping to :1(Ilit·ve?

11 *c·(111% that tic,t onl\' Im. ilic· 11(111|t \(,1-ld become

01)0(·45(·d with ( ()11)11)1111ication 1),11'111)|will.Ilia. ili%111.11 iti

flow long <lid unt think vour ;unc offora·[zilnt»,

Your cap/bilit, of t.,1-14(·ling· pcop](·1 [(·,1 r. und

A now 211%0 1,(ing iliwilled in children 11(,in a verv cal'|v

ilisecili-itich wonkl L..tht?

age. Children now plav willi ((,111])literised solind

W)11 Ningled out 21 171((· al!(1 1)11]jifhed them tor tlwit

S)'Mt<'1113 .111(1 (1('(·11-c)11ic (1(,114, conqnurd whh th(·


prefurenco 01 thcil 1,1-('clea»01·4 1(,1 1,1,1\ing llc>p.4(-otch

You liscd 1,(nver to aid votti insane hatic·(1.

aild 11.li)1)-1:lillilies. C)ncr lipon a litne. i]11(·incliu·

32)11 turned u race H| hillii,111 heilig; illic) %11,1(low\.

mi,int relationh \#ith (,thet- pcoph·, where it 11.1+ llc)\\'

11-appeclin .1 world witholit ilic)\'('111(·ilt,

[,Acil {)11 11 111(>1(· ('(nit(·111])()ran Incallilig (d NMA

\\'her(· a bri·ath I.ce]% like :111 ('ti·rnity.

interaclion 1)('11\((11 111(' plaver lind ZIN' I'ld(ilinc. 1|1('

\Vhr (lid uni %(71(1 than to the clin])4 How did wit let

pre-1<(Illi.4it('0 1(,1 .Isse\Ning the mental |14'11|111 1111(1 wcll-

111<1111 (liC +

|,( ing- (,1 an 11-ve.11-(,1(1 l,c) previoush hu-lilclecl t'(·gll|.11*lv

¥oill- 11,11),N't wah wholli (1( il 11('Ii\'C.

Clilty (.11)054.3 1111(1 kili·(·s, and il partiallar .11]lits('Ill(·111

People x:n that nothing vou Intill or ilixtitritc·(1.%"t\ived.

with the i'(·111.11(· anatomv, litit now, this h.14 11(·en t,iken

Illit th'll 0 11{)1 11 lic·.

ou·i 4 .111 exteniu· Al ,(mledge of Ilt It·.19 30 1,4 11)111,11

3})11 (licd .111(11( 11 1)('llind a 1,1(·(· flmt will 11('\(·1 1)(·,11)li to

conq)"ter ganu·% und everv coinputer >a'Stein ever

#mb· al the pa41:

in\('lited. ThiN 1,·(1111(1 2111 be 1)(,Jitiu· 1111(1 (·Ic)littionaly

Ihc imagch. the v,littlch·. the devastation will 1,14,

(even h(]pful for parents) i[ it (lidn't affect .111)'oili· ('14(,


1)111 01 colir>,c it (toc>.

Iher won't forget becans(· 111<.0, don't want to forget

Parcins (,c'c,lhion,alk inakc· rather li·(1)le atteinpt.4 at

Iliev (10111 want am·one 10 1(,lget what \(Ill ( ,1,14(·(1,

[ailing liliwrablv, Alitlic>cls differ - the one g('11(·rallv

I hn al·(· 11,11)11(·d in 21 ])Itw ilic·j ziiI| never 1)1(·Ilk (,lit (,1. >hill bearing 111(· %(,11·% c)1 wound.4 vou inllicted.

1,(licvcd to bc the moht (·iii·ctiu· ih terined the

ti>,t tcH inc win·?

hining a conversation with 111(·ir ofikpring, procralls

1" 1 BTFIX .ika lilli The liloc,ch l hing Fi c,iii The hocket.

92 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

1(·Axica Moretti. Year ]1


43- &

4 '










Year 12

1 ./' /· 7 1,, 1

lk*.,ntl Carolyn Agardy

Brigid Anderson

Alexandra Angelatos

Kathryn Arbon

Tegan Baker



to Emily Ball

Anneke Barlow

1. AM# Sophie Bell

Fiona Bremner


Priscilla Brown ..:71


Kena Buxton

8 '4075

Sally Carrodus

0. ' N./ 16'

Charlotte Carter

Katherine Castles

Louisa Coleman

Jolie Cross

Carla Deacon

Camille Diafas


Melissa Corbett

Gendry Cordon

1 14 Lucie Douez

Anne Egan

Edwina Galbally

Monique George

Naomi Grant

Emily Gregory

Ania Gruba

Domenica Gullace

Aislinn Hammer

Shona Hannaford ..6.

Gabrielle Harkins

Emily Harris

94 LORETO · Mandeville Hall



Madeleine Healy

Amy Hede

Colette Herman

Year 12

Samantha Hilbert

Angela Hill

Amanda Ho

Edw na Holbeach

Bridgette Holland



iL 1

Jacinta Holmes

C -1 .../ th

Madeline Hoy

Edwina Hurley

Gabrielle Hurst

Claire Jenkins

Sarah Joubert

Jane Kenny

Madeleine Keogh

Cherie Lagana

Kim Lien

Fiona Livi

Catherine Longano

Sara Lynch

Anita McCarthy

Kathleen (Kate) McCIoskey

Jane Merrylees

Sasha Milinkovic

Monique Moussi


LE i-. 2.

Charlotte Mulder

Cecilia Myers

Larissa Natividad

Fiona Nazzari

Elissa Nolan

Bonnie O'Brien

Julianne O'Doherty

Monique O'Donoghue

Aimee O'Sullivan-Hunter

Marguerite Osborne

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 95

Year 12

a Claire Papaluca

Kristina Papamarkou

Carla Passaro

Caroline Perrett

Priscilla Ruffolo

Pia Sabbadini

Sian Prosser


Marika Psomotragos

Georgiana Quinn


Astrid Saldukas

Aushra Salkukas

Danielle Sanders

Melanie Sargeant

Sarah Saunders

Claire Scally

Vanessa Seconnino

Lalitha Selvendra

Katherine Sherry

Miriam Slattery

Emma Stutt



Marta Soszynski

Victoria Spillane

Catherine Stribley


DO. kigi Ast'anthi Theivendran

Rutr i Tinetti

Melissa Tribe

Anika Walker

Edwina Wilson

Ellen Woodruff

Agnieszka Wrzesinski

96 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Philiopa Whiting




Year 12 1. Amy Hede and Emily Gregory lead the fun on the final day of school. 2. Anika Walker and Emily Harris. 3. Premier, Mr Jeff Kennett, makes his point to amused students,

4. Amy Hede and Melissa Tribe "feed the masses". 5. "Sister Act" (alias Councillors)



to Ilic %tairs to |)('gin the fun again. He Nian(1% liticl

Moriii lig

watcho the other. do it \vith c»e. 11(' walit. to join in

/'orm ///.tired /,¥ tht' Mmbl/mwit've//i//e u/ liox //i//. /6'NZ

the flin, 1)111 cannot [Or 1('111- of being trainpled ill the

br A ,·/hur ,$//#7'/mi.


111(' 11 ( )11(1 acclic. fi re Alowlv.

ihi·ir N .in :1((ident lit the botic)111 01 the slicle

14·(1%,111(1 01-ang-cs gliding over tlit· holi/on -

ill\-c)|r'iiig three or four children. 11110 1)(LAill to

Like a phornix: brillianth illitminating the carth,

1('1(1111('ssh wail for their mother+. I lope 1),lilds in the

11{)111(·lit,11-i|v, the |,111(1%(·apc is swallowed bv tlic' Alin -

c hild '% c·ves and .1 Ninili· creep ; 1(·1 c )44 his lace, as he

h th(· cal-th returns once more to its fierv originN.

c lailil)('10 01(·i the top hunling to 111(· ('(lgn where the (·1111)1\ path ®·.tits. What Nlitisfaction :,11(1 joy he feel.4 ax

For thu \uncher \\'lic) braves thiN hardi. 1111!,illical)|c

the „ind 111.lies thi'(,ligh hiN hail. und the excitc·ttic·lit c ilith(·% him to let (nit .1 shrick lollowed closch· bv a citc·Llc

111()111('Ill -

It i.9 1-(1)il-th. And he faces it alollc·;

01-xhcer ],]cartirc. i.\% ft)1' the,tcciclent vicliin\. thev have

1 le R :1 Valiant %01(lier Chitching al hiN wooden .4111(·1(1,

tic),v 111]ly recovered :111(1 have returned to thllinping

Salliting the ;1\Vcsome, 1111(111-al ill\'ader.

:11(,111!(l tlic· \111-cl.

I he blood spills. red. cleansing the mountain.,

Voilligrr children. ;incl comfort the sookv or hurt. 1.N

The 1)('ilch for nu)ther>, and littlic'I'N. who zillisc· their

I'llinting the tree.4 :111(1 pill-iliTing the rivers.

crowded thi.% 111(,1-ning. Pi .1111% Ille all (11)11.1('Ic· blocking

Blit the watcher i.4 spared, .1.4 those before him were

the huv to the swing set. C .liil€11·(·li air c )1)livic )11.4 to these

parc'(1 +

obstacles and simph' nin through them. either knocking

\11(1 those after him will bespared.

belts and varic)11% handle>.

the ])1-,1111% to the ground or becoming entangled in their

Morning- ragn. 1111(1 hir Noill i.% invaded 1)) the merciless

There iN lihual]\· a lilic at the %\1'ing .(L and it, 11>italk


the |,trger. inc,re rotigh and ttlitil,]c childven who (·anh

I le i,; 1(11-ced to confront it, to embrace it, to |ive it.

get (tioligh (,1 ilic thlilling· thing vt!%,ltion. Ihey wait

M life itiftixes hini \vith raw encru-v

thi.%11(,1-iling lor two verv voungchildien, who :ur bring

\11(1 frces him 11'0111 hilliself.

1)tish(·(1 very ic·litativeh· bv their parent<. 1 wid) 111(1\.(1

hui-r) lip ". 1 hear one c )1 the wiliting remark, "Thcvhr I'lic herald. Aing high in liu·it- trees. 1,]ack agailixt the

not even l)(·ing [)11Mhed propellv". Palience :11 thi>, c,uly age k varch encountered.

Xltil -

1 hey 1 )(c·kon clay onwards, thcv 1.iligh lit the 11((ing

(,liil(ircii (10 1101 like to plav alom'. Ihosc who do not


u·i>,11 to inal«· friench with the ollier>, chau their ilic)ther

1)1iv 41;1't>,, clon(A tubling· above 111(·in, 1)1114|ting al the

or fatherarolind the vard bv the hand it·oin one piece 01

ferocions wind.

equipment to the next. I can sce a Illitlll)(·1 01 parent+

Col-onation N over. reigil hax beglin,

(·inluoiled in ])|aving \,ilic)11. t,une. that few people

,\111,;isk in tlic· Mtii-king·'A glorv.

acmit]Iv know. In ilic· 1)(·gitiliing the achilt ix game ;111(1

Impin to 1,1.i) if it nwall< the ('c,littii tilirlit (,1 the chi](1. Neai- clic· grot ind. aione :ig-ain. the wak her rettli-1 1. to

[lut hil.Ntration and il'ritation visiblv gic,WH as complex

[lic· 411('lter 01,1 ((>11(·rete 1)01.

Sets ( 11 1-ule; alld {)1)C'Ctives al-c explitined, demonstrated Kate NIc (104cy, Year 12

ancl tl/en completch changed al tile convenience of the 13<).4,4..

I (:111 fec a f.ttlwl's 411(,ll](1('14 .Slowh (11(>(,ping with exhaustion from vixiting the inam' worlds of his

claughti·6 kingdom. Thi is where the comproinibing begii 1%. for le.n'ing sootict- rather than later. The girl pitts

Scenes From Long Ago

Iip 1,1-ief 1-isistance. She cock< her head to ont· sicle, snliles. then takes her father'x hancl and tlic·; begin to

Entering the gate 1 11(·Ill the c hants c )1 1 11, c hilclhood,

walk lic,ti, the ],laygl-(1111 1(1. c] 1,11 ting- al,olit what kind of

"Apple· on a stick, make inc sick, make; mv heart go two

ic i· c 1 (,im Iw i• going to Inn het- cni tlic· Win' lic,ine. 1 grow

forty Nix...". 1-he unce hilge Flying Fox now stands before

thrd al>« und 11(·ad for the gate. Turning, 1 look into

inc on|v four meties iii |(·ligth. 1 recall |1{)1113 0| Hhi//ing

111(· big trec in the centre of the val-(1. 1 Ace a voung girl

back und forth. in) iti-in ,(>(ket, :tiliing, and the threat

waving elliptik' into the distance. as 41(· R perchcd on

illwavs pres(lit of falling .11 :111\' moment into the pit of

the highest |,1-anch j)(,sxi])le. 1 catch her eve. 1 smile Und wavi· itt the c hild I c )11(4(· was.

1hcre wric· 11]warM Inixed feelings and :1('tic )11% iii the 1)1111'141-nund. 1,11!gliter. tral'4. eXCitiliic'lit and exh,illvic)11.

I walk :11·(11111(1 loward the 1.ii'gc· roh·-poly Alicle. A hinall child «UUG Mt the top. The bigger kictx scranible bv hiln. thing down /11(· slich in lit. ofent·rgy .111(1 hvsteria, <)11]v toleach tbc bottoin \Vith a thil(1, jilinplip.111(11·tin wi|(1]v

98 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

\Ilita MiC cittln. Year 12

t F

Year 12 Teachers: Mrs Joan Ryan, Mr Brian Ellett, Mrs Margaret Smith, Mr Peter Crewe, Mrs Sue Stockdale, Mrs Margot Thompson, Mr Alon Kaiser. (Absent) Mrs Linda Tinney and Mrs Barbara Watt.

The Bunyip - just a Myth? "lhr rizier N ton fleep, chili mid the Hunrip lives in the water under the +m'.l

and beHowing as the Buin·ip searches for food. Moct people Clailli that the)' have ne,er Scen a Bumip and perhaps inany honesth di1·lieve theit existence. 12 1 it i A this still)born 1 c 111%111 to even eHtel-tain

'Groffrey I I.tink·n' Henry Kingsle;

the possibilitv that keep so many of us in the dark. Who has xpent a nig-lit in the bush and heard strange noises

No one doubted the exitence of the Bilin'ip befure

during the iiight? Have you ever passed a billabong or

white people nine to Atistralia. The Aborigines

waterhole and seen an unexplainable lipple iii the

accepted as fact that there was a xtrange, unknown and

water? Who has watched as inud rises from the bottom

flightening creature hiding in the muddy, murkv water

of the pool? Most would force the thought of a Bilinip

holes: a huge amphibic,tls creature, horrible iii

fi'am their minds and explain theve events iii termx of

appeal·ance and with a partialitv for human Ilt·sh, It was

bii-(1% or kaligatoos, or perImps their father's poor

Maid that the Hunvip emerged fi-om its mutky cl,elling

fishing skills. And ret, who is to %11' that tlic·sc noises ancl

each night to scarch for food ancl its booming voice could be heard throughout the bush. Any .\1)(,rigine who wi·lit Inissing- from 11 tribe WaN Naid to have been

caten In the Bunvip: there could be no other explal lati (,1 7.

People today claim that the Bilinip cannot possibly exixt. ThA igtic,i:i,it view A given creclence bv the fact tliat tin one ever sees them. The Bigfuot and the Inch

Ness Monster have been dited, (even photographed:) 011 lilliticious occasionS. U'hv then is there no Such

evidence when it comes to the Bill„'ip? The ansiver N Nimple and lies in the nature of the allimal itself. The Bumip is a shy, retiring creature, living iii the darkest waterholei. sipping tea, s:irlipling scones and generalk indulging iii an alitisocial lifest,le (ahight, 1 lied about

the 1.iNt two. Bunvips can't cook) . People air not likek to

i ippler are not caused bv Bizinips? Perhaps there A a

Bitinip moving past your canipsite in search of fuoi or 111,1, be one hit-ks in the ncarbv waterhole, running aquaaerobics for anvone who's interested. The truth Of the

matter is we don't w.ilit Billwips to exk and So, even when the evidence is placed before us, we continue to denv it.

Our chil(11-en and {)111- children's children should be

encouraged to embrace the Billi\'ip wholchea]-tedly. There aie unlimited marketing po,Kibilities for Bumiprelated meichandise. Public holiclars and festivities

could easik be manipulated to incorporate the legend ofthe Hum ip. Easter Bun> ip, Father Bumip or even the Tooth Bunvip could take over fi-om the more tr:iclitionit] fail-v tale ic€)114.

spot a lililirip whilst driving in the country, 11(,1- are they

Ask any young Child it he or slu· knows ofthe Bimvip

likek to lind one whilst camping· in the bush. The onlv

They will always answer 'yes'. How then can it vill be that

war to find a Bunvip is to pick a mounless night and go

the existence of the Bun¥* reinains in doubt? Even if

alolle (that meall.4 vou're not allowed to bring a hiend).

there is no longer anv physical manifestation of the

Search hard in the billabongs and other murkv

Bumip. it ClocK exist. It exists in our 117111(10.

waterways and be sure to strain the Cars for the booming

Cecilia Al>'e, s, 12·.,1 12

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 99

4.,t -1 : &1


441 e




Studio Art (Clockwise from top left) 1.Fiona Bremner, 2. Kena Buxton, 3. Danielle Sanders, 4.

Katherine Castles, 5. Lauren Lacava, 6. Emily Ball, 7. (centre) Emily Ball.




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rinninrinririnnn Firin

nrlnninr,rlinninnu n nnlnnnI-1 flrlrlnrlnn


1 VCE Art and Studio Art (Clockwise from top left) 1. Lauren Lacava. 2. Fiona Bremner.

3. Emily Ball. 4. Madeline Hoy.

5, Georgiana Quinn. 6. Philippa Whiting. 7. Danielle Sanders. 8. Sarah Saunders.





A woman chipping in gi)ld, from 11(11- c·,114 to lic·i ankles walks l).101. [ler carefulk' 111,111ic lited 11.lir bounce.

\Valk along Brighton 11(·ach in the miclclic· of March.

off her hholll(lers and acts 11% a 11,al'Mh i litme to her

\dic·11 the winch n)11 off the waves svvenuticallv :111(1 the

1(·atherv face. She walle; with determination. her .11111%

01(1 trawlel- crawls to the f 1(·eclom of Ilw I le.lch. 3,)it will

11111 01 c'xc-]tisive shopping- 1).14%

llc )tier the pack of xeagulls perched on a rock anct

Ali clderlv man with a squeak,· trolle; limp. along the

1,(Imire their Mti]Ilic.i as the icv water |11})4 1 11)011 111(ii

sicic·walk. offering his 1 )t-c )(litic of I ruit and veg. to

1(·(1. Take off vour xhoo; mid allow the Mand to gilicle

AnVolle Willing to Ual·pt.

voin· fect. Shai·p .hi·110 will dig into vour <kin a. dinn·

1 ), (14, w i t h t l i c h - o l i N : 11 t c · r >ha 111-d i n' 111 (, i l i l t i g

green %(,mred wincls around v{)111- ankle;. tl 114·xprctedh

lootball. 1,14(, have little· cilillghterS iii low while Allim

the (c)(,Ilic·44 of the water %(·11(1% a "tiNh of tingle<,

clon tilt· %lic)1)],ing- 01 :ttic·lic!% to her hair.

followed bv a 41()1't ga,p. Goo.wbully» ColiMilinc votil clitire body alic| vour teeth begin to c hatter.

Ennilics Xii together having l)]unch. Milins -d (lads hold the weekend newpapet· out in front oftheit· face,;

\Vailder awav 11(,Ill the wate, 1 edge and You uill

to act 214 a shic](1 from tlic encrg-v ofthe chilitren, 1.,11-ge

discowl- a colcilll lill win-Id of miniature lic 1,14(·s. 14,·ight

market 111]11)1'(|las protect the 1)lili·{)11 from the warm

1,]lies, rellows Illicl c )1'.iligeN are tlic· 1),ickclrop for endle.+s

inorning Vin, and C-]C·,lic a piC'ttll('Agile ·tting (,11 Culch

Mitfilm·i· din'% of cricket and Mandcastics. The striking

corner of the htlect, \Vith \\Ilit(·1'% in crixp while |ilic,il

colotir of Itc·ach Box 12 will catch vour eve. You will bc

dodging benvern tile tai)le..

I)11//led b> the aina/ing Swill. 01 ((,lour aild heat that K

Older w{)111(·11 with l)lit])1( tints and llc)\vel')' perfiline

created bv the warm tones. Evervone is (11 Im·11 to this

+11-011 along the siclewalk holding their wicker ba.Jwts,

lic·ach Box, 1,111 4,1(in< to pass |n the (11'.il,lic'<s of Beach

:tcl-lil)' exionining their illitil,tclilatch ])1-(1),ned

Box 23. You will ignore the %11,1|,1,) 1001 2111(1 1,111('lic·d-up

shopping lists. Their powdered faces. 1 1-ocks, brooches,

door and wander past the Box that colit:tin•; lin {(,11(1(·41

alicl lineven lil),tick complete their gentle facch.

('Iiildhood incinoric>. \'llinbel- 23 R 11,4ed to being

(;roups of teenage·rs. lilitiging c )11tside Alc 1)(,1 111](1,

111111(,ticed and vou \vill create no exception to this nile. Yoll „'ill notice the Young couple with the dog, The energ-v and vi|)1 .incv of the p.lit- will astound you. 1-he wet furry al-onm of the dog'>; dlkv coat will waft past von

Apon tight t-Nhirt.. 1.il)(·l lealis, expet,Nive viliglasses and

and momentalilv clog the flesh xe.1 .ii]: 1-he couple will grect vou with tunex of ..allother beautiful morning!!!"

:111 (1 wit wi l l won de r wh et her You inn-e m et t hem before.

rheil· happinc»; Will cling to vou lis voli approach the Nh,ibl,iness of the C.ti park. Still al,v ,ibed 11, the natill-al beautv of the beach, uni will be taken al,ack bv the

11-ankness of a,;phalt, ancl Nquirin a. a .c·ini-trailer blows Allst>' sinoke into )(>iii c)'e. leaving- a ti-,iiI of thick Muffocating Smog.

12 )11 wi l l gl ide yolit h.111(14 along t he riclge•; of a picket

Ic'i,( c. fiddle with a sprig 01 lau·nder, and Cu·litually £ 1-()340 over the road 21% vou 1-,1.dise the other Nicle i. more

villl„'. '|he quques.4 (,f Kili,ilic· Stic'(t #,ill be overpowered In the Ailic·11 01 clainp ]11(,4% that has for ye,11 % acannulated 1111(1( 1 the 1('1-liN ofimmber 43. AS von approach t he M.liii St iret yon wil] 11([117 i ir i 14 quainttiess. 1 he .11'c),li,i of fi//ling· eggs .111(11):1(·on Met tile Ac·(·ne for .·11 Fl'c'%(·c) clining-. and >kitill'clcti· Ilic)!-ning papers arc· 4 11(·ad endlizh' .1(·1-01\ 1.11)1(·3. Petite ciogj will +cut i·y

111(>lig th(· footpath as their owner. prowdli (liy)1:n their wiurs: 1,·imis c,titfit ancl shiny sneakers, with a Fi-ench 1)1+(.11(INtic k iii oile arin - il|\vavs a fign 01'inatill'C 1,1%10..\0

vow Ntic)11 1)11%1 the doot-% of 1111111('1-<)11% h.tilcilissers the

drolk· of h.tirdner. will ling ill }(,lit car. 4<)111('11(,w imiltled bv the anticipating voiceN iliMide.

['he ])lisilics, 01 the st tret will make voil tired ancl yoll

will look for a place to sit and ic·st. A voling wellgroomed man Npots vot! and gestures for voil to 'taki· a

ic·at'. Declining hiN offer of ne,#9)21])('1-0 and magil/ilicg. vou will be content to watch the diversit\· of people uundenng]L

102 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

tic·lich' shoes. In xeparate ch'cle, girK liclcile :vith their hair. as bovs stand with their hanch in their pocket. - all illiNtire.

Yout- attelition will be (11'awn to the booming- milsic Colllillg from the Cl-tli*ille vlver convertible Polght'.

With the roofdown. the 111,111 inside t.ips the Nicle of the cal- to the beal 01 the muric. 1 h· scans the street .14 il

looking lot- soincom·. checking that people .lic wak'bing. 01 coll]-Me they are - all for clifferent 1 easons. Men and their sons stop in their nacks to examine· Ilw ama/ing niachine. Young girls click their lingers to the beat ofthe music, while mothers sh.ike theit- hcacts itt the

thought of .1 (':11' (11'Inving No inlich litilic.Ci'%>al'v littention. lic·,11]irhilt·, they jitin]) into their PAI\\1 or

Mcirect<10 or thri 1 1 ..tic[( ruiser. P 1)1:11(·1-X ( litisc the street iii fancy coloill'cd cars, with Mickers on the 1-car wiliclow und alternative tiltiic' pilill])ing 11-()1,1 the ster eo. Yoll Allbconsciouslv notice Ilic·se people and for a Nplit .ccolid >()11 allow yolliscll to become a pillt of their liveN. M )11 li-v to liticterst:md whv thev are doing the thingN the> al c (1(,ing.,ind wlic) the> inight be. 14 All,(}11(' watching voll 14"ilv Grcgorv, Wn! 12

Musical Memories

1 1.1,ing Irlied on lillisic 11% .111 I'llic)tic)11111 olitlet for a

1:itge part olin) life, thinrar moic than an) other I hau·

Nineteen 1()-ve:11--01(1>. 4,4,1-ting 1)111· pinafores and

depelicled 011 it. Ahhough I still fuel a pliii,4 c )1 regret

white %11(·,ikers. progi-ch>,Cd giggling 21< 1(}Ns the ()\111.

cach tinic I open the piano lid ol illi/ip 111> vic)lili ca,ic

1-rudging lip the stairi to trach the verandah. we gazed

for .111 hour of 1)]i»Jul val,illi.%;ion. the efcape ix a

iii awe at the (11,1-k and forchoding convent door. As we

\#(,lionic (,lic.

clitered the climlv lit restilmle. 11 1111411 fell over our

There i>; a certain joi in plaving intific which iN tic·ai

grotip. and we liptoc·cl cnitic)11%1)· through the ((,1-1-idorN

impohAi|)1(· to explain to homi·one who h.14 11('I'C'/ phnrd.

1)(·liind the tracher. Porti-nits of *cu·re looking women

c )1· h,14 give·11 up. having 4( 1-,tped 111 1 (,ligh (,racti· I piano.

st,11'ed 111(·lilic iligh h ,)111 thi· walls. 1 he corridor wits

IhiN N not to Mily that lillisic doe; not (ic'inand huge

pervadcd with .1 1111>,t\. chunp Mincli and a cold, 11(,n·>

:11]lounts oftittlt, concentration 1111(1 111(,lich or that it k

41(·na· broken unlv hv the occasional chime of the

:11\vavs a delight. There 111 e 11()11 1'0 of mind marni)ing

clock I wax thankful for the compall), lic·ing- w<·11 versed

cxclci>,ex. ch,illiliging but ilic,lic)1()11(,liN. :it tilnes

on the witiollf glic)+ 111111(,ttled to haunt ille Convent.

1)11;ficallrpainful and tit'ing. But it Was onlvalter pa»,ing

and ill :lu· following yeals. 1 came to (11'cad the lonely

bevolul a Cert,tin le\(1 thal. for Ine, Ilitific Killl)11\%(·cl

]),14<,Wc' t{) in, le™)13. Alter 1).IN>,ing a 1,11'ge. (,illitic)11%

1)(·ing- merch intel-(·<ting to become €11 jovable. 1-here iN

st,ilic:,se we trickled into a well-lit room with {)1 .tligc

Il litii(]lle Mati>Jaction to bc 1(,1111(1 in plining through a

C:"pet '111(1 all alk Hylt tele\INion %(·t.

Bach partita. for example. Its .,1111{)01 111.1111('Ililitical

It was iii this room. 1 1,('lieve. although it min' well

1.110!(' 1)111-,1(loxialli 1-('11(lers it a logical hauti. There N

Imve been .111(,ther. that I inct >h' 1.11,1 11)'111('. Slic' (11'c'sic·cl

a certain bliN. in %1111-endering to the passion 01 a

1 1 11(litic)11,11]v in a 1,111(· habit. %11·and ofgrev hair poking

81-1111!liA violin Nonata or a (:hopili Manirka wronglit with

clihobeclienth· 11·(,In under her veil. She had kind e>·cs,

PoliNh 1 littionaliXIn. There iN (·,1])11(,lia Iliter a stlccessful

imlmed with a sharp intelligi·noe, sonwtiines flushing

orchestral perfornunce or exam.

ivith pride and Hic.Nonally with ang-Li·, Lining the rooin

Pl,1, inc inuic, like anv othel- art form is .1 mectillin

"t·re 1 8 tinv· 'i(}lilb aa·ompanied bv 1 H tillict· bows.

for sc·11-ix})1-eNNion. But equall, 11],lifting is the

I he•;e ranged iii htic' from brif:ht orange to It deep

experience of|istening to music. |ts beaut, lie; pe!·Impr

brown und were nuinbered in thick white pen. 1 wits

in its ability to capture limeless ciliotions. Neglecting

enti tistc·(l with no. 1(). a (11111 brown in,strinnent with an

practical music over the past two ve,11-4. 1 have relic(1

obnoxic)110 tolle and an E string which produced a loud

increasingly on my compact disc- collection for relellic

twang and ren little else. Neverthele•;s, I became

;ilicl mv nillsic choice ah#·avs Con (rpolicl% to mv mood.

attached to ni) striclent. discoloured ficlille, dubbing it

Dispondency neal-Iv always leads me to Slic,sti,knvic·IA

'Strad' in honour of Ante,1-tio Stradivaritts. With

String (biartet no. 8, which >;hostak.vich wrote in

hinclsight I do not think I complimented the great vic,lin

memorv of the victims of wai- following hiN visit to


Ilie wi-ene. ticar satic-tified ambience was soon

disturbed by the noise 01 18 beginner violinish

Dresclen after its boinbing. Music has equal capacitv to clate or to soothe, as in the brilliance of Mo/,71·6 violin

concertox or Chopinl xparkling ellidex for piano.

producing- la,11(·mable noix(·% on flic·tory-macle violins. In

in these wavs. whilv I min ])111-Alle other career paths.

11(1(lition, the wailing of the 1 1)th ],11],il Icit willic,lit a

music contilitics to be an integral part 01 im life. It will

vic,lili. forined a clibcol€lant (1('Meant over c,ltv proud

remain a collsitining hobbv. 1111 (·scape :111(1 ali ('111(,tic)11,11

cacophoin'. 111 the weeks that followed. our group c )1

outlet which rellects im' changing moods. a con,tant

budding vic,linigs slowl>' clitninished. 1 reinained, partly

h iend 10 Unhole Ancl illy,irc ilic.

cm'ing ic, the intliglic of thi>, lich- c'lic[(Nn'(,111. but :11%0 to

Madeleine I Icaly. Year 12

lin inherent childhood obstinacv. 1 Ncratched a\vin' every

night oblivic)114 to the remark•; of mv familv, producing 11(,11 horrific I'(,11(litions (,1 1,1,14(,1\ rhunch .nul halch

which were lic'ither 111.ljor not Illinor. Init .1 cliwc,itc·(l (()1111)ilIltic)11 (,I I)(>th.

Eventually m>' ilit,·1(·Al in music grew bevond illy progic· devotion to 111(m'llic:. %1'imitiing. 1).11]ct .unt the other 41,11]clard childhood intercht, to which 1 1,11(1

appl ic·(1 mvfc'11 02 1111('\\hat hall-lic.2,1 ted!\. I worried 211)0111 mi vioIii! 1111(1 pilltio exan™ 11+ much 11% Inv end 01 yeal miths (·xam 01· mv 4(<m(·stel''s writing foli{). MIMN


Ill -Il

((,11411111(·d holit·% of lin tilil(·, 11'0111 the actual 1('%%0114,111(1

c)]( hestral re|1(·arsals to the holli, c)| practice. Itici'itablv, however. catne a time 01 (hoice\.

,·\11,111(loning piano At the start of \(:E w·:10 inu· of the 1110%1 (1(77)]r' 1'(·grened dechic)11% 1 hau· Inade. Minilarlv, cc )11.4< ic )11%1,7 2,11( „ing lin violin technique to (1(teric)1-nte

through Ye:u- 12 brought me an odd kind of grief.

Madame Marie-Louise Khamara, who retires this year, prepares VCE records for submission

LOREI'O · Mandeville Hall 103

WARNING: Excess amoimts of Instant

Wonderwoman TN can be harmful or even fatr


/ 9..

ilockwise from top left) Pia Sabbadini. 2. Danielle Sanders. 3. Madeline Hoy.

Carla Passaro. 5. Marta Soszynski. 6, Philippa Whiting, .Anika Walker.

4:5* 4



j 1


Y4 1



3 A




ill 1 VCE Art (0/ise from top left)


1 Sos:yriski. 2. Kena Buxton. 3. Katherine Castles 4- ie Bell 5. Carla Passaro. 6. Sian Prosser.


7 re) Sophie Bell.





379 7




519 *tl



Senior Sport




Hoy (Y 11) Joanne Downing (Y 7) Adelaide Hamilton Green (Top)1.Year Level Winners: (L-R) Sarah Dynon (Y 8) Rachel (Y 9) Jessica Fetterplace (Y 10) Jane Kenny (Y 12). Mulhall winning Captains: Jane Kenny and Victoria Spillane. (Centre) 1.Ms Josie Millard. 2.Melanie Dalheimer.



0/ 3. Mulhall baton change.




Senior Athletics Team Back Row:

Mr Nick Frigo (Coach).

Ruth Tinetti, Catherine Stribley, Emma Poynton, Bridget Hill, Rachel Collard, Miss Carolyn Fox (Coach). Fourth Row:

Fiona Nazzari, Melissa Corbett,

Sophie Dowling, Anika Walker, Margherita Boemo, Caroline O'Brien. Third Row: Adele Brazenor, Arley Grey, Melissa Tribe, Roisin Gleich, Susannah Bailey, Daniela Norman. Second Row:

Catherine Longano,

Anita McCarthy, Charlotte Mulder. Samantha Basford, Eloise Porter, Rachel Hoy, Simone Bailey. Front Row: Beata Lukasiak, Jessica Moretti,

Madeline Hoy (Vice Captain), Jane Kenny (Captain), Renee Reardon, Olivia Sweeney. Absent: Michelle Funder.








Loreto Mandeville Hall Ski Team (Whole School) Back Row -Ms Josie Millard, Clare Dunin, Helen Beatty, Caroline Conlan, Sophie Laurence, Jane Merrylees (Captain), Anne Egan, Lucinda Gannon, Anneliese Gannon, Catherine Sullivan, Miss Jayne Webster.

Front Row - Philippa Johnston, Charlotte De Oliveira, Avesia Calman, Leia Bonacci, Arabella Hickey, Eleanor Dunin, Stephanie De Oliveira, Felicity Conlan, Sarah Portelli. Absent -

Tamika Brown, Olivia Sweeney, Ms Cathy Norman


On the Moliclav, olli )(>1111 crot ilic·lili)(·1·% ([)i\ Nic )114 1

and :5) competed entlitixiastically on the >kkvlim· con™·.

For manv. dark (41(,11(14 in.lit]\ signifi' the beginning 01

1)('Spite their 11(·1\-es and tough oppoMing colli])(titorf.

Vet ;illother chearv, wet :11 Icl |1'Ce/ing- 1\ilite lili

ille)- In,111.tgcd to complete thi' colir>;e Nlic('c.|111!v. ()11

Melbourne. 1 Inwever. th<· LAill ski team welcomed tliN

the '1'lit4(lav our xiic)\v boardct al](1 inogill, c<)1111)(,litor

weathel- with clithil.Ni,Ivii iii :lliticipation (,1 a vic'ce»Ill|

raced. lind in 111(' (1,ening. te,lin ilic' 1111)('10 114%(·1111)1(·(1 ill

Aki ji·ason :11 111 Buller.

the \It Bill|(·r vil|,tge. Clothed iii 1.\111 wincl iacketr,

Our ki training began in Min. the turn (11,1 heing a little on the lightel- Kicle. Init 11( \('1-thcle<N a 101 0111111. \Ve

il.(·(1 varic )114 excrcisch in an attempt to fabric .lte the inotion of *kiing Mnd to tone the Hea»an· 111114(1(·4.

After thih often-intelihi' ti'ailling we weir ready ful- c )111 first training weekend on armal viow! 1.lickilv, 011 It)

and 20.jitly, thet-c was Mittic'ient filow for 11% to ski on. [here was initi.11 (-(,litilsion .14 to where we were to Imve

our time trials. The tiihiling (liscussion enabled 11. to

itand on the top of Skyline for a good halfan hour and enjoy the view. To the 01<lei- gills' horroi. the trials took place 011 the verv patch)+ and exp»crl Botirke .htreet! The second training werketid did not turn out as

1.MIl .kinich ancl 1.111 1 11(·1(11,1111(14 we marched c )111-

schoo| bal 1 11(·r half wav lip lic,1,1 ke St to participati· iii the Official C :(·irlikilli'. Awititing otli,il-vijal were a lund,

glic'st Mpelikers, 'Plili·k,1 1)tic·k', awexc,me lit·c·,#orks cliN],lin'%, alicl exti (·ine]\ il,11), c·+rive skiel h. .linonght the .kit·rs were the Mt Bullet- Kinch· Ski Sc·]1001, An·ohing

al)out 200 children 4,1'il ling down the 111{)11 1 1 tain holdin'g Ilare. which illilininated the (1:11-k, mi.ty %111-1'()1111(14. 1)(%],itc the clear illmilition illat vicm'11.il]% weir not to be thrown, sollic· b> .tandei + coul(111't colitain their

desire to brighten up the atmospheir. and the innocent. well-belia, cd Loirto skic·IN were bombarded. Despite the poor visibility and frec·/ing conditic,11%. 111(,11>ands of competitors :2„embled to view the clhplavs.

sticcessfulk as the firxt. When faced with the prospect of

I lie following day, Divisions 1,2, and i competed in

rkiing on the renmining %111:ill. 1110(1(]v ]),itch ofvunv we

Alpilic· on Neparate courses: Division•; 1 .mcl 2 oil the

decided to vav iii Mi·lbourne 2111(1 continue with (11 ,-

Little lizilic·t- Spill- colli-Nes, aild Division ., on the Bill-nt

land training. 1 lowever. despite this, we were still excited

1 Illt Splir c c )111 Xe. 1)(.41)ite sever:11 1111111)1(·4. the ti·111110

lilid positive 1,11(,tit the Ilit(·14(·hool >;kiing· Competition

c anic thi-(,ligh witlic)111 uny il,jitrin, the 01]v excepticm

at Mt Buller in late Atttril\t. From Stinday 21 until Wednesdar 27 Ailgilst. the

being thi· ocld red face with white goggles v('lic-illed 111-()11!1(1 their eve. \Ve hope that cach 111('inber had :14

hiterschool Skiing- Cottil,ctition took ],lace. Ic,it-ing a

inuch full ah })4)+Sible illl-(>LIgholli the Ac»oil, lind will

1)leak. snowl<» M·,1,011, the tcall, wax ven culted In the

contilme to compete when oppormnitic. like this ari<(·.

+11(1(1(71 $11, 1,#'1.1114 that .1 1 1-ived with pet Irc-1 ti ining for the

\Ve have high lic,prs illat I.M| I will become :1 <tiong

competition. Members ofthe team vang'cd from Prep to

compelitor at tlic· Int(·i·%(·llc)(,1+ in ilic· luttli(. ancl

War 12. so we had competitors in eveir Alpilic Division,

encourage anv $| U) pill'ti(-ipate next year. cy)('('iIIHV

inchuting one brave Moutils competitor and one Snow

Wai- 1() and .11)0\c. a. the Year 9 43 c.imp N a wonderful

Board entrant wlic) 11(,th g-(11(1()11%1v coinpeted ax onc-

ilitic,chiction to liu· exciting Spoi-tolskiing!

per.4On teitilli

112 LORETO · Mandeville Ha:

lane Merrvices (( lq)taill)


Swimming 1.11(· 1997 swimming beason began with a swimming


camp hekl :11 (:ena/./.mo in the last week of the summer

holiclavs. 71 .lining was |c)('lised oil 91-oke techilique and fitness :ind wa, a chance for the te:im to get to know one another - especially the lic·u· 32,11 Sevell girls. With


Coach Paill Pelina liticl assiMt,Ilit coach Aaron the week

proval to be very benclicial to the learn's overall 1)('11(,1-1//.111(('.

(11'llc'lling- carl>' 111(,1-ning training- 11('gan the fir,1 Er 4 1 4 .. 4 4*

week back at school on Mondav, Wednesdav and Friday

m(,1-nings at (Sain at Melbourne Iligh %(-hool iii

preparation for the intel·school arnivals. With cach se,Non. tire>unne drill after cllill. 1,(,th litlwMN .11,(1 ability 1(·VelA ilici·ca,wd Slll)*tantiallv.

Swimming Squad

I'lic· learn'x fil-st chance to reall,· clisi)|av its talent in

111(· pool, ill a compe titive c ilf'il (111!lll'lit, wax tile

Back Row: Adelaide Hamilton Green, Kate McFarland.

Arley Grey, Ruth Tinetti, Daniela Norman, Clare Dunin, Rachel Ball.

(;C'll,I/.lano Centenary Swim Mect, where, despite not

Third Row: Millicent Chalmers, Lauren Mihelcic, Zara D'Cotta,

having a full team, we were plaa·(1 21 Ic )117171(11(1.,1,1(· third

Olivia Sweeney, Anna Mansour, Bridget Hopkins.


Second Row: Amanda Cumbrae-Stewart, Joanna Downing, Megan Downing, Eliza Suffren, Courtney Ryan, Camilla Hopkins.

The C :PVS,1 and the GSS.\ were the next two major

Front Row: Nicole Dwyer, Claire O'Dowd, Anna Smith,

carnivals alic! this year we were lip against Noinc verv

Sara Lynch (Captain), Jessica Curtain, Cheryl Holt,

t{) 1 Igh € c )]i4 )(tition, placing- Ath in the GPVS,\ and :Dth in

Alexandra Suffren.

the (;SS,1. Nevel'thele'Ns. especially in thejultior Division

Absent: Mr Paul Penna (Coach).

we were Iii,le to show schools Mitch as All,(1 St. Catlic·i inc'A, Melbourne (:irls' C .1 2111111121r and Ge, 1,1//ano that 1311-1 is not far behind and I have no doubt that in

a couple of years Loreto will be taking home sonic of

those first place trophies. Outstanding performances from .lessic .1 Curtain, Courtize) Rvan. I.aut en Mihelcic, Cherri Hoh. Eliza Suffren. .Jessica Fetterplace and Rachel Ball.

The SCS.\ carnival was the te.tin 'i filial Ch :111 c tlge alicl was inc·t with enthusi.ism and anticipation. Agait], 1.iced with tough opposition. the t('Illl/ proved that consistent training and hard work had paid off. with outstancling

k t

ill<!h'idual performance>, f lolll .1(»ic.1 (:111'taill u lid r

Courmev Rvan, both breaking records in the DOm Bren.+troke. Year 7 Relav te.,111 held on in an exciting race to finish first iii their Fiersivic Rel.1,·. On the whole,

ill(lividual per|ormillices were tremendolls with most girls «ling per'Conal bext tinro. OveraH. the juiliorx placed xecond, the intermediate te,Un placed Dth 2111(1 the Ac·niors plaa·(1 8111. All the gills of the 1997 Swimming tram air to be congratillated for their efforts and dedication to the 1(·am this xeaxon. 1 would like to thank our coach Patil

for his lime and cifc)it throughout the Meason, and to thank Als Norman for all the work she put iii, from finahxing te.un lists. to coinincing gills to swiin jil>A inoments before events began.

Diving Team

I hin'e thoroughlv en joyed mv 6 vears in the

Back Row:

Samantha Basford, Naomi Grant (Captain),

Awhnilling team al LMH lit)(1 I wiNh the gillh the be.At Of

Rachel Ball. Ms Monica Wright (Coach).

hick for future Heasons.

Front Row: Nicole Dywer, Lauren Mihelcic, Beata Lukasiak, Natalie Sharp.

Sara Lynch (Captain)


Jessica Fetterplace.

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 113


l Senior Netball Team Back Row:

Miss Carolyn Fox (Coach), Joanne Arrott, Sarah White, Sasha Milinkovic, Melissa Tribe, Miss Sandra Jane (Coach).

Front Row:

Marielle Sullivan, Rachel Collard, Anika Walker (Captain), Sara Lynch (Vice Captain), Prue Hartley, Jennifer Donald.


Jessica Fetterplace, Meaghar O'Loughlin.


Cross Country Team Back Row: Mr Guy Anderson (Coach), Daniela Norman (Captain). Madeline Hoy. Emma Poynton, Chelsea Rowlings (Vice Captain), Lucy Maule, Mrs Lynne Beck (Coach), Mrs Marie-Louise Khamara. Second Row: Anne Bowker, Olivia Sweeney, Lauren Mihelcic, Adelaide Hamilton Green. Charlotte Mulder, Maria Asimakopoulos, Anna Hutchins.

Front Row: Camilla Hopkins, Caroline O'Brien, Jessica Moret:i, Christina Collard, Amanda Cumbrae-Stewart, Alexandra Suffren. Absent:

Alison Spence.

Cross Country

C)'Bricn. C |!,11 1(,tte )|111(ler 4111(1 Madcline l lc)\ for their effor[+ nit tlic·xe occ,iic,n+. Ih.ink, alho to \'ivicum·

l'he ( :1-04* ( :(,111111'v team 11,1% had a ilicce,ihil 4(·,1\011

|<ing('ivn,1 :tile| \141!,Kherita |locilic) for thcil help ivith

with in,ilii (,l,141,111(ling- 1,(,1-1-ormances iii both the APH

nmrshalling, and to thost· git]% who genel-(>l!41\ filic'(1 ill

(Satul-(lav morning- 1-litis) and Kerl«lav competition.,

when required Col valic)11% 0)1111)(·litic)114.

Apt/ia] congratulationx to Ali.on >*ence who

()iii ino.1 recent event. howed In Loreto Mandnille

pcrformed extreluch well ill variow; compelitiC):10.

11,11]. pnned ven %11(((·1111 \vith the reilior te.lin ])12,(ing

coining Acconci at 11(·11(1\ Park and wi·]1111 in the Ntlitc

thil·cl c ),(i-ill. Al)(·cial ili.tille; to Mr Andel.Non, Mi·. lic·c·k

CroSS (knintrv reprexeming \'ictoria. A great 1-('Mult:

and \Lutone Khamara for thch· unistanding

Rain. hail or shitic·. clt·(licatcd 111(·1111),1-3 hau· 1)cen

(11'221]lisation und effort which they haw pilt into the

Conxistent in their contribution to the learn, including

teain ancl ic, \14 Norman and \11'% Ferdinalich lor their

participation ill 11(,11(111\ nix·ht training .11 the Lin or

.,Mift.111( c .11](1 c )1 14.tili,Ition (,1 0(·veral C :1()4% C .(,liliti·v

Ihill clav night 1 1-ailling lit Como Ittrk. ®ecial liic'lltic )114

competition.. Ih .ink•; again to all tcham 111(11 )il )(11·h.

to 1.11('v Al,till(·..]('MNic.t \1(,1(1tti, ( )li\i,t >i\;'(1Ctlt·,. (,il{,lilic

114 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

(:lic·13<·a Rowling and 1).mic·la Noi-man ((.,Ii,t ,tins)

Senior Tennis Team Back Row: Claire Jenkins, Catherine Chamberlain. Emma Poynton. Emily Harris (Vice Captain). Anthea Kavanagh. Front Row: Renee Paterson, Margherita Boerno, Melanie Sargeant (Captain), Katrina Hood, Mrs Joan Ryan (Coach). Absent: Meg Ockleshaw, Tamara Brooks, Sarah Balmer, Sophie Laurence, Laura Zmegac, Sophie Dowling.

€25 3.


Cricket Team Back Row:

Catherine Chamberlain, Samantha Stewart-Steele, Ruth Tinetti, Catherine Killen, Aimee Curtain, Mr Mark Bahr (Coach).

Second Row: Front Row:

Marguerite Osborne, Adele Brazenor, Ebonie Martello, Daniela Norman, Edwina Holbeach, Lauren Matthey.

Lalitha Selvendra (Vice Captain), Catherine Longano (Captain).

Absent: Vasudha Sarna.


14, fUr the Inc,Nt exciting ching IiI)(}lit the loreto Cricket tain A thilt the gil-14 E-(,11.iftenth· %111)1)<)1-1 ;111(1

C hicket ix just one of the 111,zi-velloits sports that

encourage and motivate each other. whilst ills{) having

Lore to prnvides its ft licic·tit 5. In recent vears tile tradition

all enol-mons amount of fun. Training takes place once

1,1- 1 .c)) cto cricket Ims 1-c·surfaced, again taking its place

a week and ewryone. cricketer 01- not. M welcome to ioin

ainong the wide range of extra-curricular sporting acliviii('4. In ()111' Ne,lion fi-om October to the end of liu·

5( hool u·ar. a \.tii.il)]c· te,un of 12 gil·N plav .it least once it week ligailist schools inclucling- Wedev, Illititinglower.

C )111 1.adv of Mern· ancl Carer. C :ricket provicles a chance lor girls (who (1011'1 11;14· to be Mitper-fit) to compete in a Icain. hi Kocicti· 10(1,1, teamwork skills ari· es,Nential. A

clc·lining characteristic 01 1 c i,-cto Cricket is that .ill 12 girb Imic· to vork togc·ther in a rel"xed environment in order to achieve goak. Iii thc· 96/97 sc,irc),1 thi:

ti·,tinwork piticl {)If with three wiliN frolil five g·,lilic·% and a nugnificent '(1'11:hing' win over the 1,1·evic)11%|;

tis. Together with our coach. Mr Mark B.Ilir. th(· tenin

practises varicitiN Nkills invoked in the profersic,11,11 game. AN we Come to the end ofour %(hooling at I.(n-(·to. we

111-ge the junior levels. in panic'tilar Wars 7.8 and 9 to come and joiii in the fun. \\(' \1'{)111(1 like to thank evervone who Ims been involved iii Loreto cricket

dill ing our perind of captailic·\. It i.4 11 sclisalic )1 1,1| 4,01't ;111(1 we (·11('c )111'age evervone to join . Who kno,0-3. 111,1,·bc \Vith continued Mupport wc inav lilict .\11:trali.6 |(·Inah·

c,(litiialent 01 \1.u·k \\'augh? (litherille Longlillo and Lalitlia %(·11'(71(11-11

((:aptains 01 C .i-ickc·t)

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 115

Wearing the new Gym Club competition leotard: Philippa Johnston,

Senior Gymnastics Team

Joanna Downing, Nicole Dwyer, Edwina Olver

L-R: Jessica Moretti, Anna Francis, Naomi Grant (Vice Captain) Jane Kenny (Captain), Kelly Peterson, Lucy Johnson, Ms Monica Wright (Coach).



r L-




Senior Hockey Team Back Row: Charlotte Mulder, Samantha Stewart-Steele, Emma Doynton, Rebeka Jageurs. Margherita Boemo. Second Row: Adele Brazenor, Megan Walters, Daniela Norman, Olivia Burns, Colette Herman. Front Row:

Mrs Felicity Ferdinands (Coach), Rachel Hoy, Madeline Hoy (Captain). Monique George (Vice Captain), Edwina Holbeach.

Hockey [ he H)97 110( kn %(·11%()11 proved 10 bc ver, 411(-a»ful

annual Round Nobin h (11 C 1 at SacrO ( :octil c;ill<'('11(·(1 9 Ill(' to the K'(t wcather. 1111|})1-tutratch'. c)1[1- Ne»;on HaN Cltt %11(}It.

1,)1- 1.(,irto. \Vith Mi'% 1(7(lill,111(1% as ,)111' new coach, we

\\'c would like t{) 1.ikc Il,is c)])1)(>I'litilin to thank liu·

wel-(· determined to ])cat last \'(In'% 1(('(,1'(1. mid ;1('tual]\

gh].4 11·114) put in the little ancl (110!-1, and who \verc

win :1 ganic. \\1111 ((,11\Mic ing wi» over .41,11- of the %(·.t

repaid with '111 (lijouble and great 9,14011. \Ve

1111(1 >Aw|ford, al,(1 11 \(1,- clc,M· milici, 11,4,xin.ht kilic,1.0

cong!,Illilate Adele 111·an·not· 011 her Ach·ction int{, till·

Cocint the talent inul ic·din\vork Kliotic through. A

57.11(· I locke, 71<,im. \\'c \1<)111(l ;11%0 like to thank Mi'%

11'cm(·11(1(,i!4 effon In our {.1(,1,1kreper. (:01(tte 11(,1.111.111.

Ferdill,111(10 lor her great (c):1(Iling "1"1 "44)<)1't

ancl goalh scored In Rachel I hn, M,1(1('line 11(n. Ade|c

throlighout the %(·.1401].

Br,1/enor, Al,11 ,ilw l i ta lic )('11 ,(,9 9,1 111,1 l i l l i,1 Stewart-Strch·

:111(1 Monique (;corge ('11;in-('(1 0111-,4(·.14(,Ii \\'21% Nuca·XMful. ilith gainch ag-,tilift 1.,tillifton and Fill),Ink, as will :tr t}1(.

116 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

We wish al| colitimling plaver, :111(1 11(·U' scill,Id nwml)(11·0 the 11(·41 ofluck [(n- 11(·xi war.

Al:,cli·line 1 10; and Monique (,47)1·gr (C,il)taillf)

Basketball Smack b.ing in the nlicldle of clic· final 1-1111 1(1„ ,itcls the RAF. the Loirto haskell).ill Wain headed to .\11)('11 Park <taclium to host the anmia] SCS.\ 1).thketball

tournalnent. Despite sub /,1-0 temperatures. all three te:lins (lisplaved Ntrong te.tiii,cn-k and optimixili which


not oillv ht']pcd 11% achieve <)111- results. 1)lit 211%0 11111(le the

clay elljovable Ic,1- both plavers ;111(1 coaches. The jimior Team achieved the best result. 171.iking the fill.71%. coming fourth in theirsectic}ti with wonderful


team (111 orts exhibited bv Edwina White, C lilot· Pock,1.ikin. Amanda Schembrk (luu'lotte 11< F,11+1.111(1 and Courinn Ruin.

The Intermediate Train ])111(·cd fifth. Ilicil- |cilit,thtic pas>;ing skills and tight defence weir extrcinch· encoill.,ging sign.M of illl],ic)\'(711(111 due to their hard trailling %('liedult·.

Unfortliti,uch. the Sellic )1 1'(·1111] failed to will a Maine. placing hixth. despite a gallant effort aguiti.1 %:,crO Corm. where we were 11.11-1·owlv beaten bv two poiliti.

Senior Basketball Team

For the lit·st time this )7'Ill-, we have bern hic·ki·

Back Row: Carla Deacon (Captain), Lucinda Gannon, Emily Tribe, Joanne Amor, Angela Mcfarland,

enough to have c)lit- .Jililior .111(1 |lil(imediate Tealils partici])citing in .1 regulal- ilitt·1 -sclic )01 com])ctition. Thii

Mr Mark Langan (Coach).

has been a inost welcome 11(1(lition to the scasoll. which

Front Row: Colette Herman, Kate MeFarland.

Melissa Tribe (Vice Captain'), Anna Francis, Tamara Goncharow

will hopefullv extend to the Scilic )1' Team next w:11 .

Water Polo

Ms Rickai-bv. Al s Ritchie, Mt· Bucklev and \14 Fox for

Thank vou to \Irs Staplc·v, Ms Norman. Mi· 1.111lgan. tlicir

At the beginning of Term 2 the \Vater Polo season comnwnced. cmc c again proving to be a learning

c c )achilig

.111 /1



congratilations to all plavers for a wondel-1111 0(·axon against (llialitv opposition.

expel ience for new 2111(1 expelienced plavel·*. 1-he

C.11]a Deacon (Captaill) and Meli»a Tribe

wason was greeted w'ith ClithliNia>,111. patience .lild

(Vice C :apt.lin)

conunittnent. establishing a sense of the lilli allead. |'he calk' 111<)1'lling trailling AC'<SionS at the State ' 1

Swimming Centre took a little getting tised to. however,

with the slipport of our coach. Amelia Mills. we weir al)]c· to develop skill .iticl team work, \Ve had a lantastic win over PLC. 13 2-021% to one. in

c)iii first match. The following four gaines. nowever, did


not re;ult in vic'torv. but we felt all plaver< improved. In our final match our strength was i-i·gained. Atter a

19()-militite blls 1-ide to 7-intern, we jumped into the pool and poweled through the game with a 10 goal to one vic·toi-s. Thrillcd :ind hnpressed with our winning performance. we were Hoon informed that the opposition we h.,cl ilist (1(le.tted W.ls lic-til.illV the 32.11· 7 \\'.tier Polo traili"

Despite that dellating experience. 1,11 in the \Vater Polo team (·11 jowd tlic· season .ind we would like to wish the girls hick iii next u·ar'x competition. We would al,0

like to thank all the staff who have helped 11% In Aupervising- our nuu·lies - Als Roine, \Ii' Lang-liti, \Ix

Water Polo Team

Norman and Mr Schmidt. Most importantl) we would

Back Row:

like to thank each gii-1 who pal tic ipated in Water Palc) Ii,

Third Row: Sara Lynch, Victoria Spillane, Anita McCarthy,

Madeleine Scanlon, Rebeka Jageurs, Melissa Tribe.

cach of vou WAN {il Alt.lt Vallie to the te.1111. C)lit- MI)(('i,11

Kate Mcfarland.

thank. to Alnelill for her patience and %11]1]){)1 1

Second Row:

thic)lighout the $(1111(>It.

Monique C)'1)<)11(,glme (Cal)tain) and Anika Walket

(Vice Capt.lin)

Rachel Ball, Sally Carrodus. Eliza Suffren,

Anthea Kavanagh.

Front Row: Monique O'Donoghue (Captain), Anika Walker (Vice Captain). Absent: Ms Amelia Mills (Coach),

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 117

Fencing Team L-R: Mr Pieter Leeuwenburgh (Coach), Nicole Anderson, Elizabeth O'Day, Georgina Molloy. Catherine Ryan,

Helen Beatty, Stephanie Resciniti (Captain). ·f•

· % 44, 1

L :3.

Senior Volleyball Team Back Row:

Daniela Norman, Fiona Nazzaril

Katrina Hood, Astrid Saldukas (Vice Captain). Mr Alon Kaiser (Coach), Front Row:

Jodie Fry. Katsy Lee,

4- 1< M

Aushra Saldukas, Marguerite Osborne (Captain), Edwina Holbeach.


. e



wit, t|1(· fil-Nt oppcultinite |(,1- inc),1 (,1 t!»c gir|>, tc) 1)1,1·, ,111(1 p|:n ther clicl: 1-he mighn ,(·ne, 1„ .]c ),mil,i 1)(„\ 11 ing-

1111'ougholit tin tiinc at Lorcto. 1 ]111\·c to Har that

and f.trah Perillo clid lit,t go linnotia·cl. And how (cill|cl

Vollcil).111 4(·»on 11,13 been the inc»,t ('Xciti!,g .111(1

we forget the gic·at Netting from Lauren Trumble, 14,11(·

cli jovable time in mv life. This war 11(·Icl mor<' 111.111 the

1 illev, jacqueline l·'1111(1('t- alicl Anna 11.11171(·1.

livia| excitement Ii·11(ling lip to the wason :14 it \1'(11 11(1 be 111\ last w.1 1- 1,1.1\ ing lic' began ()111- 91.14()11 with al] exceptic)nal effort .it .1

1 w"111(1 (si)(·ciall) like· to take this c )])1)(,1-till lin' to

thank our ui-(1111 coach \11 11,liScr. who not (nth gave lip hiN tillic· to Collic· 1() tl'.lining and 111.itcho. blit .11,0 Lptic·

Rotind Rol)in whet-c we faced somi· ll.lilliting :111(1

ll.% 111(, c'litlillm,Nin 11!1(1 (ciliticlitlic tc) 1)111\ c)111' 1,(·Nt. 1

equally c.4).11 )1(· te,„11%. c )111 tram worked ('speciallv well,

would alfo like to thank Ms Norman for al| the work Jic·

getting our wrve•• i 11 ;111(1 11ing the goIdell 1-111(1 01

liax plit in to ((,liti·il)lite to .1 1'.1111».tic \()11(·11),ill %,-in in

,-c )llc·\ 1),ill c )1 "clig-, set .11 1(1 spike". >;pec i.11 c c )ilitii'11(lation+

191) 7.

go 10 0111- %(·Iiior Tram With its ace servers, 1):11]iela

1.aft. Imt (1(·linitelv not least. I would like lo thank the

Norman and Kati-ina 1 lood and the y )(c ial hell) 01

team which made phning 00 much fun. 1111(1 111, Vice

Edwina liollicach. .\01 1-id S.11(lilkas and the il,1.1111()110

Captain . Astrid %111(11'k,i:. for thi· c „-g,11 1 i<ation and

1,11,2 (Kium, |Curn and Kativ Lee),

ent]111.Nia>in %11(' contlibuted. \\(' both wiN|1 the I.(11-cto

()ill' second competition ill\C)Ived Il .julliC )1- 1111(1 Illt(1-lilicliate Round Robiii 7,1-c·ad ovei- 4 werks. -1-hb

118 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

te.1111 .1|1 tile 1*·Mt in the future.

\1.11'glit'1-ite C)%11{)1-]le ((.1])taili)

Senior Softball Team 1996 Back Row: Nicole Corcoran, Anika Walker,

Katrina Hood, Fiona Nazzari, Victoria Spillane, Mrs Felicity Ferdinands (Coach). Second Row: Monique George, Astrid Saldukas, Margherita Boemo,

U j

Pia Sabbadini, Adele Brazenor. Front Row: Marielle Sullivan, Rachel Ball,

Rachel Hoy, Daniela Norman, Marguerite Osborne.


Equestrian Club Back Row:

Melanie Ringersma,

Lucinda Gannon, Annabel Doyle, Anneliese Gannon, Jane Rogan,


M ss Andrea Inglis (Coach). Second Row: Jane Macfarlan,

Cecilia Myers, Georgiana Quinn


(Vice Captain), Charlotte Mulder(Captain), Phoebe Knowles.

Front Row: Kathryn Finemore, Claire Jenkins, Elissa Nolan, Marielle Sullivan, Edwina Holbeach, Julia Dickson, Holly Dwyer. Absent: Jacqueline Low, Clementina Watson, Genevieve O'Connor.

Equestrian Club

Iii March this vear, 11 tellill comprising Antic'liese Gannon. (;corgiana Quinn. Cecilia Mvers and C.harlotte

rhe Nc·lion] Equestrian Club. which Ims lic·en iii

\1111(ler compited in the State Scllc)01 Equenl-lilli

existence for three yeal-%, had an opportilliit, to expand

(:1111]lipic)1™hips. .11111(,tigh unplaced, tile te,lin rode

at the beginning of thificar. 1)tic to a chang·c 01 venic.

well, competing against more t]11111 60 Nchools. totalling

to the Victorian F.questrian Cenur in l'ppet

over 300 compt·lito''S.

Braconsfield. the E.(ltic'strian Club k now open to girls who do not haw their own hol-xcx. 11% wel] 11% gir|% with their own 11(,11,-4.

lim:lk* to \14 Ing-IR and Mr Dernelin for their int<11-(141 and %11])1)()1-1 thi'(bilglic)lit the ve,111 h hit>, been Itilltastic to st·(· the increused lillinber 01

Hince changing the vc·litic· for olli- rallic·%, the 1.\111

girh experiencing :,11(1 (iljoving the Al,ort thiN vear. ,incl

F c 111( st 1 ian ( ;li ll) 1 Ilis expanded 11'om in c·1 1 gil-]s to twelin

we hope 1111(1 ('tic'(111,54(· evervoic to have a go, ancl

Airk atic'11(ling the rallic'%. which tal« place Iwia· a term

colitillue to N|low enthr13hism fol th(· F.(]tic'vt'illil ( hil) iii

on .%1111(111\'s. Flu 11 tenn there i. 11 (lifferent foaiN 101

the fliture.

instl liction. For example, rlk.1-mi wils (11-exhaire and hhol,

(11,11-lotte \Ill|(1('1- 1111(1 Gcorgi:111,1 (.blinn (('apt"ins)

jitinping: 1(·1111 2 \1,1% %11(,Ii.jilinping,incl gameN. The first 1.ilk' Of (·ach terin N a trailling clav. where wc %lure 1(%%0114 with \Volci ((,11(·ge. and later in /hc terin. there iN :t ((,1/1] #·tiii(,1/.

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 119


coac h. \Ir Rob Zah,11-11, whow vollilit,11-v lowiltv and commitment healtened ()111- €·1101-14.

1· iml)ling 1()(S girh to maki· it through to the .emi-

And (>[ c<,tit'Mi· there N Al>; Mi]Grd. It N her in>,piting

fina|% al the annual l|cacl of the klic)(11*:ill:' Regatia w»

voice th.lt :u· c le,11-h hear ill the 1,14 2(H) 11(·tic : 01,1 race.

a Ic.it 11(·wr 1)( lore pc l lormed at LMI 1. 1 lowever liliclet

H he|her she is .1(*t lial|v yelling (,1- whet her hi·1 words :11 (·

the guidance ofilic· detctinined Director 01 Rowing, MN

just illiptinted in our blai» i. 21 1)11//]cr \(t to be

Jc,Nic Mi 11,11 cl, the I ..\111 14(nving C h 11) proved i IN 1)1 c 1,#·c·%+

1(v,lic·(1. Init (,lic thing wc· kin)\* i>, Iliat \ve \0)11't gi\(· tq)'

with ('\·(1 0 crew :111(1 0(·1111(·r act·{)44 the club proct'(·ding to th<' %(('011(1 (1111 01 5(·1'ion>, racing.

Doing a great job with the itinic)1·%. 111,„mg·ing· to keep thc Ic·n Year 9 (1-(·ws 1111(1(·1 control \Uls Mr. 140%

.\4 1,4 4(·11001. Lorcto Joininatcd both on und off

Fcallwi'Ntoll. (commonlv known 11% "Frather"). or

the water. Om- th.inkh go to lili tlic· 1).11<·111+ 1111(1

ahernatively, "johic'.b little 11(11)(·1·" (.ilthough 11(· i.4 not

commince•; imolved in (,IH:,inising the wec·kend and

.1(111:ill)' thal little!!)

nmnaging· to fred breakfast. hinch alid iii-between

\Ve .11%0 „·t/(1 (nit our gratit/1(le lot- the emil/·4% time

vi.icks to over Ic).000 1,(·c)],Ic·. Special th.inkN tro to \11-N

alict ('11(,11 the 1,( v ( c>,iching v.all (,11 the Mver put in to

Marit., 1411]1. who 11('11(led thiN('11(,it. Tht· I Ic)>,(; u·c·kend

cl,Slit(' the almt/ing hil(-a» 01 1.MIL 1hcir (1('clicition

wah (Iclillite], the higlilight 01 the .cavm. \,ith 111(· E·,11

wit>; il,Npirational.

9, Division 5 linal embodving tlic· 1.\111 ('llc,1-t with Ic)111-

Finally, it lili (-ame down to liu· ghk The rowing

Lovett) crews 1-('])1('44'lued. 111 21 ( 10%(· 1-ace. lil·16 C 1·(·1#

talent cliN((„c·ird in the \'c)111!ger ,(·111 |cu·IN (11%111(4

Cong·ht off the oth(·1· 1.1|11 ('ic·wh to take c >tit ilit· i·.tic·.

v,me wn exciting perlormancex in the coming vears.

Other wins thi'ozighout thc chil) were icic,icled In

\\'c hope the followingve;il-+ can Ililitc with the .,line mix

Hophic·4 32·ar 9, Di,ision 4 crew, 1111(1 |'-c'.tthers %(·nior

01 (1((lication lit!(1 ('[ijo)till·lit that \1,1% exhibiled b)' 2111

Follith ·1. Divi•;ion :1. 1 lowever (,111- hucc·(·Ns did not stop

1(>Wel-h thi' Ve'll'.

there, with many otlic, Cl-ews ')litting lip a ill.11'\C·11<)11

Miriam Slatten .,11(1 Lucie I)(,11(·/ (Captaill Il]1(1 \'ice

fight to 11.111-cm'Iv colne Necolid 01- third iii their finaL

TAI)(7 ially the War 9 Firsts and Sec·()11(11. c)ther highlightf throughout the %(.71%011 included the fantastic cffon of the Year Ic) Fit·ts to change [tom a

clitact to .1 [()111 sh<)!-th- 1)('liure the 1 1( )44( ;. 1111(1 making the Actili-linal, iliclicated their conunitinent.

C.,lptain of linatx) Rowing Team photos see Page 5

Pain The ic ):li' w.,0 t'lic)1-ltic),1.4 a. we p.1491(1 illicler the Necon<11:twt bridge. I could sce thi· Toorak Conege boal

It al] Mtarted for Menic )1-% and Wat' Nine back in illit-(1

1, lt'llgth .tlwad .111(1 the St C litheritic·'. 1,(,ilt Ill )(,lit

terin of M)96. We were joined by Year Ten rowers in

:,11(,ther two lengths in front of thilt. MY ciew wric

ic)iti'th term. and clijowd the more relaxing ay,ects 01

91'eating .111(1 })11hing 2,0 harcl 214 the, could. I tlic·(1 to

rowing before the racing- scason began. Our two War 9

Mt.lv (.11!n :ind shorit in>iring thing-% into iny coxi

Hclillet-, need to be cominended for ilicil- colli-ageon•;

microphont·. We had i-(·liclic·(1 tlit· final bridge and

effort to make the semi-linals on their own. The >k·nic )1

under it, sitting on the rocks. was a line of Mandi·ville

Fo 111 1 11 % 1 11,111 :,ged to take awav a vic torr at the All .1-lic )014

gil-14 4€ 1-e,lining 1(,11(il\. bilt I dicin't hear them. h was the

Regatta on the ratia Iliter t\#'{) Ill'at>; :111(1 1111 (lgO )11<t

lav 1(H) 111(·tro; 1111(1 Ar \vere Mtill third. I counted (lown

befoir 111(·ir linal. Meanwhile the Firsts b.ittlc·cl through

the stroke·. toIcl thelli uhcle we were ancl thev g.1,(· it

It 11111<Sive headwind to row thi-oligh ()111· 1)iggeht li\'111%

r,·el \thing the, hact. but :ls Natalie gic[ alter the race

and win the racc lit the >;tati· Ch.iltil)i{)13*1iipr. 111(·1- a demanding and competitive training camp

"Evei-, thing waNA encitigh". \\'e cililic· third. The St Cath'N gil-1% shol their ar,11% into the air and were all

for citions at Falk (:i-ci·k in micl-1.ttill,11'v. the chil) wa.

hugging (·ach other. It p,)4ition we 11,1(1 (licamt to he in

reunited at 111(· Melbourne Boat (.lub in the week prior

alter the 1-11(-C.

to the 1('(()111!11('11(( 111('lit of .chool. This w:10 1111(·11 tile

1 zINed to 6.1, 10 Illi crew 'make it hili-t', ici·l the pain

lacing wason began. Training lip to five times .1 wrek

or '114) pain. 110 gaill'. Imt now we were hiliting and

with regattas everv weeketul wa.N (Ic·linitch demanding.

Ic·(ling the pain.

c'NI)('(i.11|v· for the chil)'% thirti \'(:1·vilitent.. \Vith the

I had coxed the ic·in 1)(·forc·. 1,111 for %(,im· 1(·,1.Non I

11('\#h acquired boat.4, St,alli>,1.111% .11(,1-tune and \1111|hall.

h.tchit 1,(·en amwlwic 11(·al .ts (·lii{,tionall, ill\(}Ived .ts I

the new Fil'Mt boat - the Perri (.titten. a (·lith with inure

Inul 1)(7·0111(· illix %(·ar. 1 le,11·111 v) ilitich 11(,in thir

11111]11)ch than an\+ C >ther ,('11001, 1111(1 an 01 )\ iC)114

expericnce: 110 111.111(·1 how imu·h 11.tining yoll ch), voll

entlitifiaN,11. the I.MIl Rowing C]til) not onlv performed

can't win everuhing. 1 1(·arm a lot al)0111 11('ing ill a

1)lilliant|v (,11 regattlt (lins, bilt looked good too! If it

group Npoi t. joll get to know your crew, :111(1 joill-( c):lch.

were not for the lillic)1'11111111( ilic'iclcilt 'vith the (1')11/ag,1

v) well that voti know who iN; goillt.4 10 (1.ick wliat ic,ki·

Barrv onl) tivo weeks before the I |c)>R;. the ,(·ason

illict \011(·11, who'A going to tell ever)(,11(· to &11111-111) and

con](l almost have been (1(1%( ril)(·cl ah perfect \Vith two

concentrate or 11'17(A going to <ing- and in to get 11% ill :l

lic·w (7 gos Illic 1 21 10( ils on %11( (·ess, all gil'14 ( 2 )11 il)i 1 1(·(1 the

positive· frame of milicl.

right inixturc (,1 ('litlitifi,1%111 1111(1 (1('ti'linhiatic)11 4,11

The ainount of effort thilt (\(1,(,11(· 1)111 iii war

1.(·g,lita (lin·.4 10 1,1-oduce out>.t.111(ling 1(·%tilt%.

ctiormouJ, and now. looking back on it. 1 1 (.iliht· how

\\Ah all the 11(·\$ c·(llii])inctit .111(1 %11])])(n-t on the bankx, it i, c)1),ic),IN the Rowing (:hil) hits a driving force

and c )111, fiw indivictuals got thl· s.lti<|.ic-tic )11 01 wilming.

nittch we achieved. 40 manv gith didn't get :1% 1.11 :1+ 11%

behind it. \Ve call lintlv ®ribute thi. 10 ,111 the

1 ( 11 joved t hih %])ort No nitic h: 1 will definitc h lt v and do

fillich-,li>,ing ( 11()11% bv 1),11-enth led In' chil) 1,1-(·Aident, \1[ 4 1.(·i· 14itun. I Ic,\#ru·i· we calinot forget our litilliant head

it agitin next %(·1/0()11.

120 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Bc']hict.i lic>i·inan. Wai· 9

L 2


C Grade Debating Back Row

A Grade Debating

Lisa Chariton, Mary Fonti, Katie Taylor.

Middle Row - Stephanie Doyle, Claire Baxter, Megan Walters. Front Row - Emma Poynton, Kate Elchhorn, Elizabeth Fox

Back Row

Priscilla Ruffolo, Marguerite Osborne,

Edwina Holbeach, Louisa Coleman, Jacinta Holmes,

Front Row - Georgiana Quinn, Sara Lynch, Charlotte Muld,l. Absent - Kate McCIoskey

Absent Melissa Hii

Debating 1997 h,,41)(·en a fun and fillfilling ir.11' ic)1' (1('1).itel'% at Loreto. M the 1)(·1),iting Axs(,ciation ()C Victoria

Inti·™ hool (:c,inpetition we had a 1.11·gi· continge]1(, of 1.M| I gills ((,lilpeting with Noinc verv ple,ising results. Panic it|.11-h- ()111411,11(ling lestilts were achieved bv 1-c.tin 1

in D Grade. fillixlling second overall ill <)111- 1-Cgi{)11. 44) cong] IHillation; air extended to Georgina C k)leinall. .\imabel >hnith. Emilv >hnith and Katherine 11< Malion.

c )lit>tancling pelformances weir :ilse) witnessed when Gcorgina Coleman and Bonnic Connellan. both Year 9. filled in for a k·aillti·.1111.111(1 led their reMpective teains to victorv. whilst also bring- awarded the "best speaker" 01 their (1(·1).itch.

Farlier in thi· ve.ir, we had the iliterholiM' del),tting with \Vard being the teain to 1,cat iii the %(iliorN. ullile

B Grade Debating

Mailli.ill W.,4 vic'('c·%41111 Itt the.Juniot· In·el.

Back Row - Catherine Meehan. Claire Lachal, Rachel Ball,

War 7 311111[gill-,11 training commenced in Tenn :; and

it appe:11% th,11 the hi,Kh 9,111(lardx 01 (1(·|),iting at Lilli 211-c Net to contilitit· with solne ic.1 , 1,1.c )iniNing NI)(71kc.i-% fi-om ji·.ti- 7 .Ittl'licling.

Margher ta Boemo, Lucy Maule, Anne Conroy. Middle Row - Sunajna Miranda, Sarah Martini, Nancy Spo W m 0 Meg Ockleshaw, Lucinda Gannon, Kelly Gallivan, Anna-Marie Black.

Front Row - Phoebe Knowles, Olivia Sweeney.

Ah inci·int thanks go out Ic) all thc· Nit,(1(·Ilt:.

Absent - Clare O'Neil, Vivienne Ringersma

c•;pecially the tram captains. and the· 111('1111)(·1-% 01 %11111

who have worked vo hard thi< vear. especialh Mixs I lair Ic,1 aH of her organiNatic)11 1111(1 %14)1„)11. I wi11 lili (1('1).11(1% Wel| for next Ve.11'N (1(4),iling %(,1*011. | ain Ellit 111.11 111( 411((('%( \\i|l ((,litillill'.

(:corgiana (21:ilm (Captain)

r 11 ' -

D Grade Debating


Back Row - Catherine Ryan, Georgina Molloy, Annat)el Smith, Caroline Whelan, Rosannah Healy, Natalie Albantow, Stefanie Fitzgerald, Julie Bentley, Julia Matheson.

t f

Middle Row - Miss Leesa Hale, Emily Smith, Bonnie Connellan, Katheririe McMahon, Charlotte Algie, Daniela Panto, Andree Pianta, Geraldine Ong, Natalie Grant.

Front Row - Georgina Coleman, Nicole Haddow, Vanessa Von der VIuhll, Genevieve Meehan. Absent - Vanessa Condello.

LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Music Vt<11. main hoiii') 01 hard work and practice. BM )7

hils Iwen anothel- 1)11;V but rewit!·ding vear, Opell Din

bv al| 11()11.Nes. it w»; back to ilitihic :111(1 relic'arbal.4 to

prepiur for liu· lic·xt events.

sit\\ the variollf (.11&(·mbli. make 111(·il- lit-st plil)]ic

In the l,ch,lilliful ().lk Parlour %010 1('cit.11% continned,

per|bnnanccs for the \(·211. aild ])4/irl» and viNitor>; to

pr(ni(ling :ill ('\('(111(·nt oppormnit\ for otil- nm•;icia[14 10

LMI | were lable to Namph· both the wonderlili nulsic wc

perlonn, gailling valitable expericitic·, (specialk 1-0 1

Imve to offer :tild the large \:,1-ictv 01(,irtil)|(·0..linicht

Ilicil.\MEB exams. The ilict-el,%('(1 1111111|,cioihinclitillic·

\'(:1'.(]Al'%,111(l lic·lin· exti.,-ctillicil|.1- acti\itic·N. the I.Mil

concert. abu) proved to be a %11((-c'Xs. The ;lilli of

nuNcian, troop(·(1 01110 Dinl(141(>t·(11'c)'.thc linnit,11 three

(\1)()%ing 13111 At,1(1('111> to the ilill.hic ('111-li(111,11

dav Mtisic Camp. ()11((' ,1,4':lill we were formnate to Ntin

a)ntillited With the enxemble perlot-ining- regrll'"10' at

lit '1411111(1'ford Park' in the l)(21(·ellil %1111()1111(ling*of the

:t™·Inl,lic·N. ancl ilw illt,-c)(111(·tic)11 01 t 11(. Iii-41 All,%ic-

countrvvicle. The higlilight 01 the calup u» the tri\ia

As<('Inblv whi i e ..1 ll(lents %11*nving c >111%1,111(ling·

night 01-ganiwd 1 n t Irc Nenior 11/11>,ic 4 11(1('111... Even

commitment wer<· marded with Blties, 1 Iall-bltich :111(1

111(,ligh 111(· 1(·achel·% won, the night provided the

Illsigni,1+ for their hard work ancl dedication.

tic(·c·%%,u·v bi-cak Iroin the long (1.1,4 1(·11(·,11>21]. 111(·.w

l'he illircillitc·rholisc \111>,ic Feviull (lirst intiochic·(·cl

three (!av.+ were invalliable and Knv the itunk·»u·

ill V.)1)5) \vax :111{)111('1· %11(((», alic! a great actclitic}11 1(>

imin-c)\cment 01 all the (·114(·in|)10. It proved its(·11 to bc

&111%ic m KM]|. ,\purt froln the bus, schalll|(· 01

all (\((·11(·lit (c)!15(,lidation peric)(1 for the coining \!liNic Fe;tival. held in th(· prestigic),1. 14(11*·1·1141,l{·kwoocl l lall,

1,111(tionfuithin %(·11001. 111:111\ ,)1111(·grolip.%,wic itnitc·(1

\h,11.141 1 HAL)·Niti. 11(,ili .littlic)1 >,ch{)(,1 .113(1 hi·111(,1

11111111)(·rofeist<·(1(110(6. in which tht·\ achincd c\('(·11(·Ill

>h.hool (114(1111)1(x «44.ed an ex((·11(·lit evening,


to perfoi m al private functic)11\ alld competed in a

cli)1:ning 111(' (11|lilination of in,lin inonth, of h,11(1

ihank unt expeciallv· to \Ir* Ic)(1(1. our Director o[

work tin·ong·holit the sci}ic'.sic·]: Their work ]),iici c )11 micl

Muric, and to all xtaff und Kindents who are to bc

2111 exceptic)11.,1 Nt:il)(1.11(1 of performittice ull. achieved;

cong|,itti|,ited 1(,1,111 the h.ti cl work and xtil)1){)11 th.it Int.

il](Iced. each war the performanceN Niciti 10 1'(.l{'1

111.,cle thi. ve.1- v , stic ce<41,1.

Lficatel ],ill>,ial 11(ighti The ple»ing att('11(11111((·

hicilit.1 11011]ic. (School Alil.Mic Capt,lin)

pro\cd the leNtival R the highlight of the inusial calendar. Mt Ihic 1.('11('111·0211% Im|ted Ils the Pel Ic )1 illing Al-1.4 Fc.tival commenccd. 1)lit bi·ing ('ll thrk a Xtil(li'llt-1)11.cd

String Quartet

pic)(liti-tic )11, thes(· cliti]) Ic'llc'211'sals replaced the pirvionx


wt·ckl, c )ties. After the 4up<·11, perfunnance. prexclitc·(1

Ebonie Martello. Madeleine Healy (Leader).

Jacinta Holmes (Music Captain), Marie-Danielle Turner.

f I



*W £ 4 42*,% 4


4 1,4 't*

fri I¢ I





. 30%* :L. 7*1,

122 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Senior Choir Back Row: Jennifer Bishop, Caroline Wallace, Lauren Prescott, f

Clare Gibson, Katsy Lee.

Fourth Row: Tiffany Loft (Senior Chorister), Stephanie Doyle, Annabel Smith, Lisa Charlton, Joan Allanadale. Third Row:

f ,•

Felicity Stewart, Laura Zmegac,

Elizabeth Ames, Anna-Marie Black,

Clare Dunin, Charlotte Algie. Second Row: Surini Wijayasinghe, Sarah Martini, Camille Deane,

Mrs Wendy Todd, Nicola Roberts, Lucy David. Front Row:

Natalie Sharp, Claire O'Dowd,

Melissa Hit, Lucy Johnson, Leah Lim, Michelle Rodrigues. Absent:

Christina Broussard, Kamy Lee,

Bridget Hill, May Wang, Emily McLeay, Caitlin Noble, Tanya Chaves, Clementina Watson.


Choir and Vocal Ensemble

was a period of inkwhe rehe:11-Mal in preparation for the millual \11:Nic Fotiuil. which ocan·val on 20]unc. The

11)1)7 lia. 1)(·en a panictilark 1)11v vear for ihc

concert brotight tog(thel- all ofI.<)1(·to'% liillsicialiN 11(,in

mc·inhets of bolli Ilic Senior Choil- .1 11(1 the Vocal

1,(,th the >k·nic )1 ,111(l .junic)1' Ac-hools lo perform for e.lch

Enx(·inble. In cuth March, the \'ocal /:11%(inble \1·.13

other. It wa,4 u lant,Nic' and highh wilicd night \vhcic· lili

cal|((1 1 11,(m to King at the wedding c )1 a 1.nicto ]),INt

the performancn weir of it high Ntandal-(1 1111(1 1 won](1

popiL Thb, A l,cic,ining a regul.11 c)(cm !( na· for 113 und

like to ('c)11<rl,littlate the gills (,11 all their hard work. aticl

has :illi)\Yed il. to refilic' our perfornmnce Ntvle, helped

al.40 to thank the staff and evervont· who worked

ith to gain conlidence :111(1 expand ()111- wpertoirc.

backstage for tlic ir ellorts and (1(·clication |(·acting 111) to

hoon after this. the \'ocal 14114(·inble, 1(,Ut·ther with

Uu· nighi

the Stage Band were invited to 1,(11(,1-m at the Rotan

4 hordv alict thG. 1-, he.11-%111% lor in,inv 01 the

'.SchooN in 11,11-inonv' Festival. For bolll ('llhemblex, thit

cHMembles. iIi(luding the Choir. Mtopped t(·mpol-arily

1,·as .1 lillitaftic oppol-ttlilitv becillisc it gave the Vocal

dile 10 It·11(·111·%11'.4 beginning for the Perfornling ,\1'ts

En•;emble experience Ning-ing- with inst]-11111('ll tai

Fetival. This, however. did 11< 11 :l],1,1,' for the Vocal

:wcompaniment and the Stage liand a chance to work

Ensemble. who kept relwarsing- in preparation for the

with a vocal melody. 1-he performance wah a challenge.

\\'avel-In 1*ted(lic,(1, which took place (,11 11) .\tigtiht.

Imt I think aH liu· mimbers of both ensembles agree

Xhortly after thi., both the Vocal F.lixemble .111(1 Scnior

thal it w:& wot-th it.

Choir coinpiti·(1 in the Rouil South htleet (]01111)(·tition iii Ballarat where they were placed fecond in tlic·ir

MIn' Maw the mcinbers 01 1111 the inlixic eliMenible> iii

the Scnior School travel to D.„lesford ful- a weekend. It

recpective Nections. All tlic·>.c· events, together with Oak P.111<)111 1(·citak an€1 11111(·htime ((,llcilth have bern No

important becauxe thev have triven the muNicians valilable ])('1'Ic )1 1,1,Itic'c' experience. 1 would like to thank 1111 the gil-1% in the Choir and the Vocal F.11%('1111)10% for their clectication und diligence throughout the \(·ar, and t

1 want to wid, all the gil-1% the 1,(·Mt for the coining u·ar. Ilffunv Loft. (>h·nior Choriter)



Vocal Ensemble Back Row: Tiffany Loft (Senior Chorister), Stephanie Doyle, Mrs Wendy Todd, Katsy Lee. Joan Allanadale.

Front Row: Lucy Johnson (standing). Charlotte Algie, Anna-Marie Black, Clare Gibson, Annabel Smith. Camille Deane,

Lucy David (standing). Absent: Christina Broussard.

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 123

./F·YA ,




./ '4.

9 (f 44 'J rih.t: 22 ..4/


Mandeville String Orchestra

Flute Ensemble

Back Row: Mrs Leonie Conolan, Jacinta Holmes (Music Captain), Maroherita Boemo, Ebonie Martello, Rosannah healy (standing).

L-iR: Jacinta Holmes (Music Captain), Jenica Lee, Phoebe Krowles, Alexandra Angelatos, Mrs Barbara Johnston.

Second Row:

Jennifer Palisse <standing), Georgina Molloy. Marie-Danielle Turner, Madeleine Healy (Leader).

Front: Nicole Lee and Annabel Smith (standing).


1 f

Loreto Symphony Orchestra Back Row: Mrs

Leonie Conolan. Rosannah Healy, Annabel Smith, Madeleine Healy. Marie-Danielle Turner, Charlotte Algie,

Ebonie Martello.

Fifth Row: Sarah Martini and Jacinta Holrnes (standing), Roxanna Ryan, Katsy Lee, Emily Smith, Karen Lee.

Fourth Row: Margherita Boemo (standing). Natalie Grant, Rebecca Pereira. Rachel Ball, Chandini Kao (standing) Third Row: Sunana M randa (s-anding), Megan Walters, Beth La Brooy. Jenica Lee, Phoebe Knowles. Second Row: Georgina Coleman, Helen Beatty, Patricia Nigro, Catherine Ryan, Veronica McGee, Stephanie Resciniti (standing)

Front Row: Vanessa Von der Muhll (standing). Nicole Lee. Jane Serong. Belinda Bowman, Georgina Molloy, Jennifer Palisse, Roctielle Howie (standing).

124 LORETO · Mandeville Hall




Brass Ensemble

Stage Band Back Row:

Emily Smith, Clare Noonan, Katsy Lee,

Back Row: Emily Smith, Clare Noonan, Katsy Lee.

Mrs Jennifer Meachem.

Front Row: Alce Trumble (standing) Karen Lee, Roxanna Ryan,

Second Row: Karen Lee, Roxanna Ryan, Laura Riley,

Rebecca Pereira, Laura Riley, Charlotte Algie,

Kelly Gallivan.

Samara Madden (standing).

Front Row: Rochelle Howie, Jennifer Bishop, Lauren Mihelcic,

Absent: Kamy Lee

Katherine MeMahon. Absent:

Carol ine Whelan, May Wang.

Mell)(,ill llc Hc'hools' 11,111(1 I evival iii .\liglirt.

Concert Band

We have worked through a wide repertoirc, 1·-cilli ve;,14 atro. as it timicl Ye.11- 8 1,(i-('114siciliiw. I

bulucling 'TV Time· Maching',1)ism·, '1 hcilic·.C . 'Rio

1,(·gan plaving in the Lorcto Mandevilli· 11,111 (:(,tic·crt

Con Brio' and other work, 11,· Gershwin, Kol,ct, and

liand. l'hil,ligholit the.c 1(,111- unli-+. which have


willic'.Acd a change ill c'(,11(|11('tors, 111('ltilici-A .111(1

Mrs Nic':,clic·in. the (:c)!i(111('toi- 01 1.\1111 C.(,tic'(·rt

repe] toirc. I have Na·li the band grow· uncl (1('\'clop iii

Band. ha. not ,)111, been a wonderful ((,licill< tor |),11 11:IN

skill :11 icl wchnique with c.tch tchcal\1,1 alld

been verv *tic-(·c>,>Itti iii inaking Concert Band an

perforinance. Now that I have a chance to rellect on lin

('11C)\111)1(· and fun experience for evervone concerned.

h „·olvement in the Concert liand, 1,<· 1'(·aliN·(l that it

\\hile bring iliJ(,Ived in aln inliNic grolip at Lilli

has not c ),11, 1)(·en ('11 jovable 1 )i tt ha. hel ped to develop

requires hoth commitment and effort I have 19)1111(1 it to

im cm i i imiric'al skill•, ,111(1 knowledge, while giving me a

be both en jovable and rewarding. 1 €11((1111'age lili

chance to cooper:11(· with other g-roup Ii'(»1111,(·1-0.

vil(1(·litx who ])1,11 .illiliftitillic·nt or elin hing to become

1 hib wal-, C :c,llc c·rt 11.111(1 worked hai·(1 even

\Vedne;chn· in preparation for Open Dit, at tile beginning 01 the Ve.11-. the Music Fotival in Mav· and the

i11/'01/'cd in ./in of the imixic group, offered at 1.01'('to A|.111(1(·Ville 1 1.ill.

Brigicl.\]icic']·111 (Concen Bancll.(·11(1(·r)

Concert Band Back Row:

Kelly Gallivan, Emily Smith,

Clare Noonan, Katsy Lee, Elizabeth O'Day. Mrs Jennifer Meachern.

Fifth Row: Charlotte Algie. Karen Lee, Roxanna Ryan, Laura Riley, Alice Trumble, Samara Madden. Fourth Row:

Beth La Brooy,

Jennifer Bishop, Rebecca Pereira, Lauren Mihelcic, Clare O'Neil.


Third Row: Zoe Leyland, Neela Velan, Caroline Chen, Phoebe Nugent, r

Sunaina Miranda.

Second Row: Isabelle Kitchen,

Melissa King, Veronica McGee, Olivia Burns, Jenica Lee, Patricia Nigro. Front Row: Johanna Shembrey



(standing), Rochelle Howie, Katherine MeMahon, Brigid Anderson, Vanessa Von der Muhll,


Lauren Matthey (standing). Absent: Sarah Portelli, Julia Pereira-Godinho

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 12E



St Cecilia's Orchestra Back Row: Julia Dickson, Elisabeth Hunter, Johanna Shembrey, Genevieve Meehan. Natalie Grant.

Fifth Row: Mrs Jennifer Meachem, Georgina Jordan, Lauren Matthey. Kathleen Dawson, Lucy Pollerd, Camilla Hopkins, Ms Jane Schleiger.

Fourth Row: Louise Rocchi, Felicity Stewart, Katie Rose Smith, Sopnie Paillard, Amelia Johannes. Third Row:

Alice Trumble (standing), Andrea Vaz, Maria Jaskierniak, Tracey Pahor, Catherine Sullivan, Nicole Lee, Anne Bowker,

Samara Madden (standing).

Second Row: Elizabeth Ames and Clementina Watson (standing), Julia Pereira-Godinho, Diana Bowman, Alexandra Wood, Celina Vines Tanya Chaves, Alison Spence and Julia Dehm (standing). Front Row: Sarah O'Halloran. Dominik White.

Absent: Caroline Whelan, Caitlin Noble, Genevieve O'Connor, Lillian Savage. Clare Dunin.


Advanced Recorder Ensemble

Percussion Ensemble

Back Row: Zoe Leyland, Sophie Groom, Hannah Silvasich, Yana

Back Row:

Bittar. Anna Balmer

Rochelle Howie. Katherine McMahon.

Second Row: Lucie Chalmers, Claudia Moloney, Renata Anderson, Georgia Fillmore, Julia Szondy

Georgina Molloy, Julia Dickson, Elizabeth O'Day.

Front Row: Elsa Musolino (Captain), Philippa Johnston, Hannah Coleman (Vice-Captain). Claudine W'ight. Sara MacLeod, Miss

Deana Dodds

126 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Front Row:

Lucy McNamara, Natalie Grant. Mr Colin Cameron, Vanessa Von der Muhll (standing) Brigid Anderson,

House Captains Barry: Back Row: (L-R) Rachel Ball


(Drama Captain), Katherine Sherry (PAF Vice Captain); Madeline Hoy (Sports Captain); Miriam Slattery (Music Vice Captain). Centre Row:

r I.

Naomi Grant (PAF Captain):

Georgiana Quinn (Debating Captain).

Front Row: Marguerite Osborne (Music Captain and Debating Vice Captain):

Catherine Longano (Sports Vice Captain). Absent: Michelle Rodrigues

(Drama Vice Captain): Kate Lonergan (Junior Drama Captain) and Anna Mansour (Junior Drama Vice Captain).


Mornane: Back Row:

(L-R) Melissa Corbett

(Sports Captain); Phoebe Knowles (Drama Vice Captain); Charlotte Mulder (Debating Vice Captain); Madeleine Healy (Music Captain and PAF Vice Captain). Front Row: Ruth Tinetti (Debating Captain and Sports Vice Captain): Angela Hill (PAF Captain); Louise Vautin (Drama Captain). Absent: Edwina White (Junior Drama Captain)


and Sophie Price (Junior Drama Vice Captain).


Mulhall: Back Row:

(L-R) Brigid Anderson

(PAF Captain and Music Vice Captain); Larissa Natividad (Debating Vice Captain), Front Row: Victora Sp liane (Sports Vice

Captain); Priscilla Ruffolo (Music Captain, Debating Captain and PAF Vice Captain); Jane Kenny (Sports Captain).

Absent: Nancy Sposato (Drama Captain), Sarah Balmer (Drama Vice Captain); Johanna Shembrey (Junior Drama Captain); and

Jessica Ries (Junior Drama Vice Captain).

Ward: Back Row {L-R}: Domenica Gullace -

(Music Vice Captain), Jacinta Holmes (Music Captain and PAF Captain) Centre Row: Meg Ockleshaw (Drama V ce




Captain): Louisa Coleman (Debating Captain); Sara Lynch (Sports Captain and Debating Vice Captain).


Front Row:

Anika Walker (Sports Vice Captain);

Gabrielle Harkins (PAF Vice Captain). Absent:

Sarah Martini (Drama Captain);

Lara Signorino (Junior Drama Captain) and Candice Carter (Junior Drama Vice Captain). 1\

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 127

Essay Competition Collirrattllations to Essay Competition winners: Edwina Holbeach, Year 12; Katherine McCartney. Year 11: Megan Walters, Year 10; Emily McLeay, Year 9;

Georgina Molloy, Year 8: Catherine Pseftoudis, Year 7. Unfortunately space limitation prevents the publication, in full, of all essays.

0.111(11 )ank :i] icl v tick EN, Formnatch·, :111 1 ).ific·lige]-0 were

safe. li'Kclied 1 15 the Nt(·amer (luer„. To unk,c,kers, ilic· .cenc ix but another conliltilittion of 111(·il o\\11 11|limate

illicrioritv in thix wild \vorld. Throligh the drought-

vi icken 1.111(1. a %(·110(· c )| 11{ )1)( 1( *Flic.. 1,(7 i .1(1( . tilt atmo>])11(·ic·. (·incloping the poon ri'!-c·tcheN ivho clcy,c·l,itch· .c·ck to cke :i living from tbc *Oil. lic)ttle. 0[ gin >Au·cp (,ilt{) ilic !)(Itch. liluc continnes. tion' 11)11,,liul to the right lic·% 1, A.ul

Sounds of Tiine 1 .ct me t,ike ,(m on a journey; a journes thi-oligh the

tow,™hip. For liu· few men left in the dil Iici, Tht· Peterborotigh |low| provides 11 +011· comfort. The Grm·i-al >hore al,(1 Poft Office. 411(]te!·cd 1„ a Icit-ge verandah, attract>, the mam·(1(·Mil'ted mothel-4.tlicl wives.

futii-th (litnctifion: link·.\Ve'll meet in 1830.\1141-alia. on

Xe„+ of Non.% and h ilsbands. g.111.ilith lighting in exotic

its %(,lithern coast. we••t c )1 Melbourne.

1.,11(14. provide; hope in the cliearv (111,74. Gos•;ip too ix

Ill imint the pictin-c. The (1('11*C %( 1'liblancl cli.4,%01,(·N

exchanged, scarce as it is. Nothing in the store i.4 he.%11.

into the twived Blackwood foreit acl, .itic·ing from tlic·

1).1111],ticff is %(Ilic·c·/ing in on evervihing, Thc rain

lelt. It vial-m•; with wildlife. The wrells' twitters entwine,

hammci.+ c)11 the con-nuated iron 1-001. The v)1111(1

tang-led in the air. while the 111,lg])iC.N' 1)'rical line< Ily

relit\('% al,(1 111)1)cases, with iIN irregill.11- pattel-1,% and

high. To the right. where 1-ivel- mects Acit. the waves

vt-c·ligth. The ic·(1-11(,st,cl diop keeper milc·s.

\1,111(ler :tilnh»lv to the %11(,1-(: a change llc)111 their il>11,11

And to the |clt. the lilli» 1-()11 011/: :1 11111(1.4('14)( Of

poillicling anger. I ligh in tlic· cliffs, 1-(·117.ihiclerN (,1 ]),Ist

claim i.11-inx. The Alic·cp have gorn·. F.urop<·an tic(\ arc·

aboriginal 1(·ab lic ,11),ilicloned iii the Nand. Brok<·11

dowlv growing in the 1,)1(·ign ('Ii\ili)]ililcill. \1(>01

Along the clill facc. the Aboriginc< inove. .\11·eadv,

conditic)110. Their nocative Allic·11 and hilling 111111'llitils,

two 1 1 il)('filli·1 1 have (lied fi-om the white 111,110 fit (' Nt ick s.

11,thc wind. fight tlic·il-\#'41\'through the |c,liage, <)111, add

111(' >;pitit% 111,4( thein to move on. 1.('|1 (,11|1(·In. aild u..

to their :11,1,(·al. There N tic, ch·ought thi wal.

popular. the C\])1(». c·.11! colitcq the extic'inc

the whitc· men are lit work. sweatv, stic-ki· and h.11)]exs iii

hummer.11)](· NWIi},11)% .ill.ic't the bitck. The li\(·i N

the heat. 1 hn work with axe. 1111(1 sawN. c |c·Ill-ing the

Il{){)(1(·cl. The 1,21114% are l illi. Illul the %(·a A gi cm |ing. I c,iIi·

14|ackwood. 111 Int·(1 wn-k. The %1116 hot . 1., )11(1016 long

chilch-(11 (Ii:(·1111):111 11-om the 1,11<. 11 1'.litleN .11(,lig· the

g<)11(. 11'(1(()111(·. whitt· 111:ill. to this '41111})1111!t (()111)11-v'.

1(,1-Jaken n>,1(1. Pel](·1J of rain attack it. ()11(' (1,1\ Ac)(ni it

1 hc· Ill.ic kwood 11.1•; lin.111\ heen clcal'cd, >;lic·ep.

will 1,111 apart, it; 1'114ted body (1(vined to 1)(·((,inc it

clitink from ilic hilli, lill,11,1(· 10 contn)| their |ilill)%.litt(·1

(]hhts Ili(Ic'.\Va\.

the Acc·ne. There i. 11() gl-,1.N, 11{) food. 1 .cm 11]11(1 brick

With the tichil c hang-c. fishing is good. A lic·w lic )11%(1.

hills, inhabited bv %11]1111 (1(·solate families. 1,1-cak the

nalned 'N,111].11,11'i' 11:1% been 1)11ill where we Nt.111(1: a

wavering horin )11 line. The Nwan,1,4 .11(1 cli-;. The river A

wl-()11(r ic·i„ent and ad)(·.to. |()(ltring. It. winchnill 41,111(14

Ntagnant. A crow s lonch' cry slia·s through thi· cliv,Illt

tall bric,1-c the gi'(,Wing (b])1-(sh. Here. fidiei men im·,iken

(11(,ne ofa livid Ne,1. Th(· 1.ind i>; a, All old nic)11(1(111-omi·

bel{)1-c the flin. 011111,9 from the iiight .11 the Pul). The

photograph: 01.ile. 0(pia, fors.iken.

deep wrinkles. carved vallen in their forcheadi board

A woman. (11-nuned iii long hean· Nkirts and a 1,1-0.1(1

illellic,lit'\ Of that fir>it, 1)](,c)(1\ war. Thc·\ 111](1('19.ilicl

hat. p.iliN<1% c,lithicle the \,(,c)(1(·11 (1(,or. The heat Naturate•;

what it 111(·ans to defend {)11(4 countrv. Thev have the

and blinds her. A ])1-11('tihed ann jerks It bal), tip and over

.car. 1111(11)11(124('0 to \11(nv for it. The)· now fight tile' st·a,

mito the left hip. \Inre children Ntumble c)lit onto the

banling for it. living trea.,11-ci. 'I'hiN time. th(·v <(·cm to

dend. danuu·(1 Noil. Thcv witic! their wav· to the brach,

be winning the war.

where a crowd of curic)110 <0111% gatheri. The Re,6

Ilw fizinmci- of It.)97. and the scre:1111% c)| children

1),litalit, c{)11,1-lists with the silitic-C of the stli-rottlicling

wander lip |1'om the beach. The hame 1,(·ach from which

12,11(1. 114 lt·rocic)11. 11.itilic· anct lic·,11- cli',ticiling- thtllicler

the Aborigino (c,llc·(ted food. lhe 1,14t 1,(uch the

demand anention. >4 women hil(1(11(' 1,11(1 talk.

4chc,mherir uw. Slic· 41(·(ph vill. stil,lic'l-ged, 1,1 1 the rect.

(:hilch-cn Nt:11(· 2111(1 1,1.n. C)lit. twi'litv vard.4 h(}lii shore·. a

111(' (,1111)-4-rolind overflowN with %11,111('11(·% and 1)\11111..

clipper lies, (11{)1111(>11< Illid lollc·ly. ()11 her maidell

Trenagel-5. bored and till(·as; with 111(· lack of 11(lihe.

vovage. from 1.i,crpool to \1('11)ourne. liu· (4)]c)iii:i]

Ic).1111 the grouticlx. Thn luve no gll'll){).il-clh. 11'% l.liclio'

C lipper Nohombrrg·. the 1,11·grv nint faftest %1111) (,1- her

1),11 011 flu· Goll- ((,111·4(·. \\here ihc vic». captivate all.

tilne, w» ttlilic·cl overnight. C :14)Min Fol,ch.,11)4(,11)cd iIi

Dewloper•; are advancing. wcapol™ in hand.

hi% poker gaine I,clow decL had ti,icli·icgtimated the sc,lithern hea. The hhip came too ('losc· ic) slic,ic·. \\ith no

go»ip und good hitinour. Along the t-(,icl. l),ic k towardx

wind. 111(· current beanne her captain. %11(· ran olito a

the beach. a plague 1-(·acir '1 hc· c lipper Hcllc )1111)(·1-g,

128 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

l Lc 1,111),nul Gencial Atorc .till Nill-,i\+c. 1,„„ling out


wrecked off this brach iii.... Few readers make it past litche words. 16 just .ulother shm·reck, cmc of manv. And 111(· buM™ COUUMUC Uulr ic,iifii(v, laden whh exhauic,(1 1(,ilt'ists, sick lic,m the intense €104(· 01- Mea,

c link and %114),0·recks,

m ilict.

Satillii). 1,thering on her wa). 1-,111 (Ilitfide ton-.11'(14 the barn. cager to Acc how 111,111)' c'g<'-,i Mhc ( ()111(1 find. 1 low mati)· eggs dc) joil have?" r()111-.

Ilw fal-111+ Ntill exiht. now llc)111-Nhing. Ever ilic'ic,t;ing

dairies and hercls: this proved good land. Native tri·ex 111'(· 11(m· being grown: thev %111-vive better. It has taken white 111.111 mc,l e 111:111 a ( c litill·v t{) realist· thiN. 1 he Ii·res

arc now mot-(· th.111 wilicl ht·(·ab. recogniscd as corriclors

and |lighwavs of the mig]-aton' bil (ls lic·I-ohs Vic torill. C )11

thiN spot 'Namarari' stit-,·i,·c·. A new lic )1 wate,- 4(1'\·ice is 1,(·ing ingallal bv a voung \\'m-1-ti,ittil)001 bloke iii Noili·(1 overalk The w'indinill, long· 1,101«11, still xtands: tall and rusted. Native plants have· bren replanted: Blackwood, mangled by the wind, and posillill-Catell ('11('llhpts screen over the proteass and bracken. -lhc· (:ipi-esses Mill

"Perfect' ]list (11(,ligh for two 01]ic·lette.. 111-ing· thein iii and wil)(· them with this tea towel." "\\'11.114 that noiw (.1-an?"

1 111 1 101 %111-c· clear. why (1(,IA vou go 1111(1 have a knt?"

4,1111111\ raced to the window. "It'% 1)acl, (;ran, h(·4 here ahradv.

"c )h what a pit\. we could 11]wavs have the (,111(]c'tic'N next time. 11<·re 111 give wil a hand with voul· 1),Igs." "7'hanks Gran, thankf for evervihilig. and Alic· gave her gran a kiss. -(;C)€)(11)\ C· Gran."

Ntand graild, now unvering- above the windinill. The "( ;oodbye dear." Sammi· got into tile car ami looked

wind still Kift< 1111-ough them. Blue wrens and magpies

back at Gran as the cal- drove off. "Sammr!"

%1111111-lv, who was not paving attention to her dad,

once again reign.

In thi% Minall %(plarc 011:glicl. No foliclh' lo\'(cl, clextinv

becill,Ne She WAN No 1)11:v thinking about her pa ancl the

is making her journey. Remainders and reminders of

watch. jilft hat their and gaied olit the willclow without

cach period %111-vive. .pmne>'% 11-oin clii| to clili.

1 (.])13'ilig.

1.iverpon| to .\listralia. Australia to wair. h-om diipwi-ec'k 1(} h

hipwreck, can all be halted mirl wav. 11wy can be

">humn,·! Do I have news for vow!"

"What? I las Milm had the baby?"

reversed. But ilic· joill-ney along time will lit·,Ct- 41(m. 11(,

'Ek·M: unii·e got a baln· brother".

Inatter the condition>.

"WhaA his 11:ime?" Eclwina 11(,11)each. lk·at 12

"Aithur. l'he hospital rang this morning to tell me thal \Illm had had a babv kn :11 6:40 thi•; mmning-". %,aid

Time (Edited version)

1)acl, who wax clillie 1111 [c) 1111(ic·1'%11,11(1 .13 hc· was <I,caking No fast with excitement.

I he excitement Nlow·1\· laded fic )111 Saminv's face ax 11nv (tic! 141 (lic·?". >hun :i>ked.

It '% a long Storv (1(·ai . It wax .1 lic)1111.11 willic i-'% clav in Mav 11)11 and evervthinK was going line. llc· waN iii a

troop and heading to,¥:i!(1% the Weit. IT,iexpect(·(11\ a Gennan solclier fired a shot and hit Pa in thc light arm.

Pa anild no kniger fight in the w·211· and he Wax Melit hoine th(· tic·xt month. l'he wimer's cold breeze and

rain held him back as ifthere wah a pill,11- ft.iticting in his Wav. 1 h· then caught the thi, which developed into plic'llinonia, 1111(1 sadhT, he clied. The 011]v nieinon I have is this letter and this". She walked over to the

nmntell,irce. picked lip a silver box ancl pulkcl out ali

41<· remcinbered her (irandpal watch which had st<)1)1)(·(1 at thc· exact thne her babv brother wax born; but lift,·-six vears ago. I ler father glanced act-(,AN. "U'hal 's the matter:

"Oh nothing. l in just a hit th'(·cl . %11(· Mat Milt·ntiv Colthe whole ride homi·. Once thev arri\'cd. She went

Ati-,light iii,stair>. She put her thing-x down atic[ chig- deep inside her pocket. dragged <)111 the 1 listv watch alict placed it on the window ledge. 7 here it Nhone iii the Milll'.4 rays with a lot of nir'stery behind it. C .itherine P.Lit(,11(lix. Year i

ok 1 1-ust)' watch. "He loved this watch which I bought for him on ()111 |ilst ;ilillivel-sarv, and would we:11- it

cifi ilhil-e he went. Behind it lies a iii)'stery..

Winner 50 word Short Story 'Sc) whatis sc, mvsteric)11% about thiswatch? It looks quite (JOI-npetition Bitoi-( slic· colild continue Saininy quicklv 1)111tc·(l in:

11(n inal k) ine".

"Arthur clic·cl at 6.40 am which was when this watch

%topped. hince you (lid not get to sce vour C .1-andpa I would like von to havt· this watch.'licastitr it. und keep il t<)1- 11):110 /( ;tl-% 1,) (1)1//C.." "lstit,"

"No butx >knumy, it'% U)"/1. Keep it." "Wh, why thank vow Gran." 1171;' clc)!A Voil go c ilit•;icle ancl collect Noinc· eggs froin tht· 1).11-11, ;nul we can make Noinc onwlette>; that'll

take some of those depics<ing th<,lights out of vour

Wish Fairy Entiling the %0,111)re 111111(ling. the child glimpsed a

rav of hope. Chitching the hvih-fair€ clow Xhc liverishly 1,1 ,t'(·cl, Ilien Irt the biren· carry it awa; . 1.ater, leaving the lic,Mi,it,11 1,('|lilicl %he ,11,1-11],th stopped, Anicken. her lic·% Inc)i>.1. >;lu· spic·cl her wish caught in the sticks· thi ,·.ids of a

Hpiclc·A web. .jitlia Dchin. War 9

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 129

Dead Right (Edited version)

rentling of encrgv extendf lic)t just t<) the knurible blit

the Nic 121})11\Mical too? .\111-a I el)(1(·rs ( c)111(111 1 1)(1

Dral h is a bizarre concept. It 'S bi/:11-1-e I,i c,il [ Ne 1 lone

cottil)](teiv whgtlicled. and evelli|thev arc. it R ])1-()1),I|,1,·

01110(Ittl evi·11 1)(·gin tog-t-a) ill(·Ilind:1111(lit:114 01 it - tile

our civic' cllity to bltinout- them. (.bliti· 1)<)4%il)1)' th(·ic k

idell th:11 011(' (1:n we will no longer ('\Al :111(1. inoi-(· to

,111(,111('i (11(·i-g-v force al \vork 111,11 1(.1(·% 11% idu·11 \vc dic

the point. Ilmt the worid will just keep on going without

and jill,11)-st,ilts newly conceived lic'ings. Thi.4 \'il-titallv

11% is too (lifficillt for 11% to grasp. This notion A al,c) lin-

[lawles< theory would explain one quinic™'mial

ton humbling al,(1 for thi•; re.t.on 1 am going to feed my

plinciph· behind 1111(1(11,ism. C)| Colit'Ne. it (Ines nol

co-{) alicl Aliggest tliat perhaps the worhl woiA contilitle

explain 11.11'ina 01 1311(1(11],1 or :111) olle of the tillilit·1 ()11,

\$114·11 Vin gonc from it. If voii're to 1.ike the 1)( scarte.

principh·% behind th(· other five inajor religions, 40

approach to realit), thing-% exist %impl> 1,(·cau.Ne we Ilic'

pet'Int]) 1 .411()111(1 Shclve tlic Nobel Prin· application

clunking abolit them. No therelore when inv blaill Ntop<

forin for the 111()!nent.

1111(tioning Voll''r a|| going 10 1.1(le away into nothing.

>kience N never likely to come (10%44· to the in:»

111%1 (1(,111 take it loo pers,)1111||v. 1 11111%111't 81'(c>„!Ne be No

appeal of religion. It of[(·1-4 people no hope. no

bold » to exclude the pox>,ibilit) thal 1 (1()11't cu·11 11:1c.

incentive in lili· way heaven (alicl p|,1(('.4(>| hilililar (li,ine

a blaili to Mtop [roin 11111('tioning. Pc l'lup< rin everv bil

clitnctihi(}IN do. Accol'(ling to ,%(i('11((·. we air all alt,ne.

114 cooked up 11% ilic rest of yon. Al,li I)(· wch.c all it'st

We are simph a [ltike Mic]11(·tice of ittoins and once we

ilill),ill),il)]c (11.4,114 e with a Cc )11('('tive, and %(>111(,vilat

(lic, it'N all ovel- Red Novel, there's nothing mot-(.

over-wrn-ked, imagination. And 1-callv, we \0()111(1 11(·(·(1 a

Science. with its <lark, (,11('111,11((1 Mil,11)|icil, iN 1,('11!aps

1,11·ge illi.Wination . \1'(,111(lift we? I imagine othel-wi.Ne it

the ino.t (liN,11-ining thcorv oftlicin 1111.

woold be quiti· dull being impulpable (·»sence. 14(·ing

But now I int,%1 stop before 11-(.111\ 1)(·gin to 9,0(,k

Ill 11(1,11] 1('litalh c.44(·tiCC· i#,)111(1. however. make (1(·ath a lot

tilv,st·lf. Truxt 11)(·, ill not \Yorth it. ah\,ti'% 1)1-c)(,cling ou·i

caxic·i- to handle. Dcath would he like waking lip from a

rlcath. Life N too %11(111.

ven' %111-1-(·11| curry-it )(lliC t·Cl (11('.1111.

14:,theline Mc·(.11·mev. Wal· 1 1

So. il we 81-c All csxcrn·(1 c )1 lic) lixed form. wIn iN it that

ive have to Rop Anagining life in the fint place? And what happens after we %101) imagilling? Let'S ((>lisider the pc,Nsibilitv that imagining is so (11-:li Iii liU we are forced to take it iii shil IN. hicleed, thi, theon' could be a

verv nent wav of explaining reinnu-nation. After c),tr mortal dcath.%, we have a couple of ve,11-4 off to lie (1(,1-mant or pkn· bowls or whatever min tickle (,iii tink·v. Once 1(·Ated, we return to imagilling mortalitv. lilli having imagined beloic.. there appeal'% to be an clement

(,1 1111(,liginality. Things pop lip lifethne after lifetime, Iii·ncr shill-cd experiences, cleja vu and the general repelition 01 history. Take, for example. that elamn story

al,ut the young collple who :ur chiring at night in the (c)111]trv When their car breaks down and the gin leaves

Ic) fill(l lu·|p. Then 21 conpli· 01 hours hucr the gn> hasn t 1(tlilli((1 1,tul ilic gill he,11·% 11 1011(1 illitinping lioNc oil

the car roof uncl it ('11(1> up 1,(ing 21 111,1(linan with 11('i bo\11'1(11(14 11(ud - 011, voll've heard thiA one before.

have voll> \1*('ll. there'% a Alit'])tiMe. (:(1·titilih. the quotion we'l-c all a>king· ourselicx ii 1% this Alon inerelv an urban mvth or does the x.unc· ecrie event occur gencration

after grlic·ration. 1)(ing test,tilic·lit to the paill|111 1111(,1-igi 1 1 .t l it:· c )f ( As(,11(·e?' 1 ('111 1 ()111v %1)(·('111.tt e, 1)11 t 11·unklv, i believe the latter to bc the onh logical exp|,111.ilion. 1| von ti-v hard clunigh Voll inight n·(·11 |ind a g<nerilinent ('{)11.4])iran' in it. There arn of (c)111-Ne, other lox obscure \unx 01

explainintr reilic,ill).Ition. 11. wi· are to take a more practical :li)proach to 1114 C.%01(11.iC, irilic,illi,ition st(·1114

11-oin the (tail# 11,111%|cil,11 01(11('1,40. Before vou |,tligh in im· face, know thal it ix lic'c{)Ining ilic'I'(',thinglv apparent that evervthing upon, ancl within, the earth has been reculert fitic*c· its hii-th billion. 1,1 vear. ago. Evervthing is imerconnected, much like a clecent game of Scrabble.

Iii this win, woulchil it oith be right 1111(1 fair that

130 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Art by Erin Buntine, Year 10


The Departure


.\ Sattii·da,· morning in November 11)1)5. The weather

Finallv, 1171 going out. going hoine. 10 been a long

i.% cool for the end ofspi'ing, With cl{)11(1% hovering,il,c)'(%

time Mince i ve written anYthing, and thixix iny la>,ttiine.

thiratening to boinl) the concrete paths with %11:11·p rav.%

I h.irtit scen mv family for neatly eleven }'(Ill-1, 1

01- water. Perhal», it was a sign, perhaps 111(· weather was

haven't seen anvoile execpt this o )11]pliter >iciren, 1111(1 1

appropriate for the Inood. For it was 1111,1 (lay when mr

refuse to make a connection or whatever you call it. to

grandmother (lied.

this 4(-1-een. Neither will I call the %('i·(·en h(,11' illict

lipical|v, 1 was 1,]m·ing liell),111 ,incl h)Ming. 1 had a heaclache. %0 1 plaved c)11|v for the first half. Mum hael ch-iwn me there and Was patienth wailing for the c'11(1. when I woll|(1 .1111(,111,tticall) 1-lin over and ask for money 10 |)11\ an icecream from the shop. But that dav it was differc·lit. >U·(·ing I had a 11(111(1,1( 11(·, we decided to go lic,Inc. Leaving the St.,clillin, 1 Haw 1)11(1 drive lip in olit c)Id ex-nani' coininc)(lore with a l):11(· 1)]uc bodv and while roof. I ran up to the car as hegot (,lit, al,olit to ask "What are vou Noing here?" and jilinp up to hug hini. Plit I

41(4)ped. 1 lix face was thi.ted, eves hill of ang·ili>11. [g-noring me for the first time in mv life. he walked ovet to Mnin. "It's your inother...." Three words were :111 it

took. and as I got in the cal . ilw 3( 1 :ttched pale 1)111(· pailit ming](·d with mv mother'% 1(·ars c)| cli'spair .111(1 Morrow. 7'hal (lin', we (11 c)c· lic,nic· in silence.

pet·Monify it. 14)1' all I care, vou can t,ike it out liticl xmash it.

///ere .ron rau ,·er th,; subject is g/ad /0 go home mui wi.,he.,

to #re hi., #/mi/¥ rignit/. //owl#'14'4 he expre.,se., ,/ rer/cli// ho.,/ility kne,mh Ihe rmnputcr. 1 1'(11 ve:11-4 N a long ti/ne. and coming out ix M<'11'v. 1 O


thitik. Per>uniallv I've never experienced ihis before. Time - it '1 pretty weird. 1 don '1 know the aliswer ve t t(,

Ilmt (111('stion - Is the earth going around the sun a nic,1>111'elnent of lAne or w|mt we nu·»alic tinic bv? Or

arc Ilic·y the Maine Uling? Or have 1 becn in here fol twentv year>4 (rn huk (n' 1(11? ()1- arc· they w)ing· ic, Ic·t inc ()lit /LAT

/ The subjm e.,pre.%.w'., p,m cind (·c,jilic.,imi, /


111{11 ing a adendar in Ow relk]

My grandmot her. to :111 who ki Ic·w her. was a woman

1 1,(' mrawl-cd the titne b> 111}' Ina]X. 1 get three Incals

full of energy. Sh<· talk(·11 11(,li-,top and 1-aced .il'<)1111(1

a clav. Rather, that'x lin· (1('linition 01 a (1,1,·- night |,cgins

helping unvotic in necd...\1 the age ofeighty-six, Sh(· Still

hhon I linidi lin third incal. Then 1 %1(·c p. bilt I (·,111 (,lilv

clrow a cal better than mv lic,ther .111(1 won|(1 (11-ive

sh·(·p for a whort while. I Nimply :im 11(11 thrd I'llc,ligh. I

around (:eclong, picking lil) her (,Icl (1(·ars' and taking

Mill Cottlit it a>; ilight, 11!itil I get iny 11(xt ilical. I hair

them to chin-ch. In fact, it was coming bItc-k fi'om this

found this :voiks, :1]though Ma»ic)11,114· 1 lind that in)

daik j<)111 1]cy that 1 11\* g-t';11 Iciliic )111(·1- had .1 heart attack

incids clon't conw iii even breala

while (11-iving clown a hill overlooking Coric i Bay. The cal

1 1 Ii,{mld like m qwak m the guards aliout Ilmt. The patie},1

cra.4wd into a traffic light and un' gi,111(lilicithcl- was

.wre,in well .w, lin· cinc/, i /1 /1/1' r.\'pericure (/# a p.#rrhia//7.%/, trpic·al

taken to lic,sl)ital. It wax then thut Dad received that

0/ a Mditary {'{11 jinemnit loug-lerm j)jimer.· 1

miwelcome phone call.

ltv that me,1%111(111(·nt it %11()111(1 be sometime in the

An 11(,tit A drive away fi'om Melbourne, Grelong wits

lit·v week of Mar 2017. 1 Mlic )111(1 lic' about thh-tv-two, 1

Im· 111 (, t h er.x hom e. She grew 111 ) Nii'i m m i ng i 11 ( :oric ) Bar

check the cloor which leads to all c xercise yard cllc h clay,

and o,tititing dicep. Mv grandinothcixpent im)*1 ofher lifc there. though %11(· 11]Mo lou·(1 11-,1;'clling and Mpent Acver,11 9·,11, ill ,\111('1'ic-,1,111(1 Europe. 1 11%(·(1 to hate the 11( ,1,1 -long (11 ive through t l ic· c itilski rt s 01 Mel l)(,m'ne and

past \17,·1 1 il)('c. ittlt this time I staved hc )111(·. XI grandmotlic·1· 11,1(1 11(·en hill't badly, and th(,ligh the 1,111-xes had cle:med her ill) a bit, I wax told it w(,tild be

11.11(1 k ) le((,gllix(· llc'11 1 Alinrd, 1,lit my grandmother went... inv grandmolher died.

I (c)111(111't sleep thilt >hum(lin night. It was the firxt

thne that (lcath Inict ever touched ine. 1 Ier departure froin Mfc K,IN No unexpected thilt I was %(:11·al. Nothing

ancl abolit once a week it is opened. There arc never anv shill-p ilist}-innents ()1 1111,'thing 1 con|d 11.4(· to kill Un'Mell. My food R ;11\¥avx M·rved »; Imish. with 11 xpoon. 1 have tried to kill mvs('11. but it nc·ver works.

1111, ud,jr{·6 „il'(11{,·ement of Ibm' h highly accurate. lt h Ihr lilird wpek o[Aprn. 2017.1

1.411[)}){)%(' today this writing M al)out time. 011(· more thing- about thne - how long is it? Allic, a militite i>, 60 Neconds. :111(1 a Accon(l is a thous,111(1 Iliillisecon(lf, |)lit a

1-ew word, c iliA till you how long a milititc· is. It can be a>; long or .t>, shot-t as vou w.,1,1 it. 14:ziller a>; long or >diort

con!(1 change the lact thal the night before, Mitin had

as yon clolit want it - time |lies when yolit-c· hil,ing- full.

bern talking· to her on the photic and slic· Was lilic'.

or crawls when vott ;11 (11 7. E)11 (·an guexs how long this

Nothing could change the lact thal Alic· had gone and I was left alone. Nothing- 111:ittered to nw anvmer(·.

last ten ve:ir>, hax >,C'(·ined to inc.

/The sit/#ra is high/r ijite#/grut mui questit)/ll/W: lic/7twl,e,; the.,ubject mu be highly nwiral. / am imt .5„/1„ised h /his. 1


Now we clon't drive to Grelong anvmore. No more

1 sonic·times can '1 decide - do I trallv want to come

\Verribec or pkning 1 Sp€ in the car. Now we stin 111

otit? Leave here? 111 have to st.11-1 :ill c),c·r agaill after ill

Melbourne und go to sclic,01 ancl be good. We MIc·ep at

thix time, alic! Scicietv ixll 't al\vavs nice to jailbit'(ls.

night. or tn' to. %(,illctime·x I Still can '1. Sonwthnes I

Illere th<' rubject \hoit,s fem- f21- him\Af mid hi% dmilge ill

Can't Ililigh either. while other tinu·.4 1 (,ill't clv. 1 liever

the Fre# 4.00(ir/.r. Alr peniour// rerommi'//dri/im, is to n,h,n.w, the

saw my grandmother cry, bill now >he call Xee mc,

subit,(·1, alter i )1(ellsive relicil)ilitation.]

Gcolgina MoHov, Year 8

Emily Nic Leay, 32.ii- 9

LORETO 1 IMandeville Hall 131

Loreto Mandeville Hall IBVM Community


Sr Sylvester O'Malley IBVM, Sr Angela Serong IBVM, Sr Joan Nowotny IBVM, Sr Ruth Winship IBVM.

Absent: Sr Josephine Jeffery IBVM, Sr Thdrase Daly IBVM, Sr Meg Hannan IBVM. Sr Leonie Robinson IBVM. Sr Rob Robinson IBVM, Sr Helen Maguire IBVM.

Ancillary Staff Sr Josephine Jeffery


(School Archiv st)


1 t

P. ·4 *'*

(L-R) Mrs Rosemary Abbott (Head of Information Services): Mrs Kay Powlesland

Mr Fraser Kane

(Teacher Librarian): Mrs Carol Black (Library Technician): Mrs Kim Hauser

(Audio Visual

(Teacher Librarian): Mrs Margaret Quill (Teacher Librarian)


132 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

57 +1/ (L-R) Miss Jacqueline Buttigieg (Staff Secretary): Mrs Robyn Stapley (Student Secretary), Ms Zena Roslan (Registrar): Mrs Bernadette Howell (Receptionist); Mrs Jan Paull (Principal's Secretary)


Ancillary Staff

Property Staff: Mr Marcus Sutton, Mr Tom Parrott, Mr Andrew Horkins

Mrs Joy Barrett (Administrative Assistant); Miss Liz Barrett (I.T. Technician)

e *A

(L-R) Mrs Margaret Capp (Counsellor); Mrs Brenda Adkins (Home Economics Aide), Mrs Mary McCarthy (Careers Advisor): Mrs Jo Lonergan (Laboratory Technician): Mrs Jennifer Dickson (Music



Business Office: Back Row (L-R): Mrs Sybil Johannes (Accounts Clerk): Mr lan James (Business Manager);


Mrs Geraldine Ilott (Business Offce Secretary) Ms Tania Saliano (Community Relations Officer) Front Row:

Mrs Usha Lai (Assistant Accounts Clerk); Ms Christine Owen (Accountant); Mrs Judy Reid (Director of Development)

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 133

Principal's School Report for 1997 entrance rate. whic h we achic\'e. 1114)(,1-1.int though thev

:ire. ()111 (11,.1111 i. 1|mt <)111- 1).1.%1 plipils will Il.Ne their ((111(·:ition and tlic·it- Lti|t>i. 1,11(·litr :111(1 1(·4(,111('(% b) help to build a better "'4)1·1(1. ThiN iliclecd will be the incaftlic

c )| oill- %11, c l·N+ .1, a 1 .c )1 c to N,·11(,01. As Man \Vill c 1 haid, wc


willit thein to Do good and do it well: be secker, 01 11-1111 1 and (10(·10 (,1 illvia·. \\*c· xc·t out outhelt)1)7 ic)1|c.i'-c'c):141(·1· whh c),41)

5111(1(·111% (21)8 in the littlior >hhool an<1611 in the>;(·nic)]

Ca])min 1·:inih (.IC·,4(,1-y, togrther with tile 32,11 12 Councillor, for lt)t.)7, chosc - 1'0(laO; cli·c,zint Unnorrow'% le,ilitic·\ - as the fc hool theme for the vear.

Year 12 (1996) results \Ve take great pride in the VCE. re:tilt, of Year 12 C 11)1)(£). C .111-istine >hunmartillo ( 1996 Dux of Kilic)(11). Dr Anne Hunt (Principal)

As I write this report. 1 :1111 remilicled of an ancient C .liinese 511\ing: Min You live iii ilitcrnting times. I am told that it WID• int(·11(led le, a (·111-Me, 101- intert·<ting ti inc>;

are time. of change and thix. 1111(1 of „111)1-(clictability 1111(1 \'lillic'1,11)ilitv. We ce]-taililv live in interc•;ling timci iii education, ti ine. 01 rapid change, lind there ir 1111(1(>lible(11\ a (citain inele.litr 01 1111((·11.lint)' 1,4 we iii·gotiate tlic).c. c'Ii.Higo. c )llc' of the inc),1 1 acii(·11]

ch.tlige; N 111.11 .1%.c)(i.ited with the new information and communication tecillic,logieN which arc· 1.ist lit,(ling Ilicil' \in int{) cilit licilm·% .111(1 hilic)(}IN ;111(1 which itte

rapidh INK! (11-;1111Iltiallv· changing the natilic of

ti·aching ancl |c·Itiliing l)1-c)('c·Nvisill chook !11 It.)c)7, we


have scen the litv Ntage in the iliv.11|ation 01 11 1.(,cal Ai c·.1 \( tuork (L\N) ,11 Lorcto Alande\ illt· 11.111. A 1-thre

optic cal)]c now link•; the.]unior and Xenior Nchools mid connects 4,11 thi· major builclings of the sc-lic)(,1. Nc·twork

Christine Sammartino (Dux of School 1996)

0111]ct< have I,ccil in«illed throughout the vchool builclings. The L·\N will c'imble acc-c·ss to the (1) ROM

1(,gethet with (::illa I'lthic)(·. Emilv (i)'Connell, Agniew:ka

Rack, the 11 1,11-11't. and other on-line inlormation

Holon, Penelope 0 1.oughlin, Rlic.hel [)<)11« Atige]:i

fenict·.4 from any of those network outlets iii the school

Dwver, »ai-,lh Pilito. Ely)t·th Al.li-tini. Illic[ Eli/libelli

and ti'om |(,catioilf external to the schooll),lilding% 2111(1

\Ic-( .,1-tner achieved a li·iii.il'y Entrance Ranking- 01

propertv. \,Vith the ilitic,chiction of the LAN, our

98.00 01· above. placing them iii tlle top 2% a the State.

waching and le.111!ing programmes will taki· another

|11 total. 3% of the Wal- 12 stliclelith .1(·hic·ved a TER

quantum leap forward into the future of the globiii

al,ovi· 99.00 (coinpared to 1% State-wide) and 10%

(121:%1-c)(,In. Never has tile world 1 )Cell inore like a global

aboze 98.AH) (conq,ared ic) 2% Ht.itc-wicle). 21%

vill,lge. 1 11(·se arc ilicteed verv interesting. exciting and

achin-ed »)1-0 above 95.(H) (cominred 10 5% >;tate-

C 11,111('liging tinies |br lis.

wicle). ·12% itchic·,·c·cl a core of t)().00 or .thou·

Yet 1111.ough UN the change>, there are Cert,tin valtic.4

(compared to 10% State-wide). 34% c )1 0, 1 1- hilicil'lliN

1111(1 vii-tiles which wc hold clear. '111(1.c .1,-c the vallic·%

achieved 80.00 or al,ove (comparcil to 20% >;title-wicle):

whic-h .tle our inheritance .1% a I .c )ic·to Ac·lic )01. Thev air

and 87% achieved scores of .50.(H) 01- above (c{)1111)Ill-cd

111(· (,11(1111'ing vallics of integritv. :ilic'(11-itv, freedom.

10 50% St.tic·-wicle). 50% of our Ye:,1- 12 Ntliclent<

ic·licit} ancl jittia·. which we Na·k to nic)(!c] and to i»till

achieved a TER of 8.1.()0 or higllct. l'hes<· Ilic·

111 (air Ntliclcutx. 11]1(1 ali 1111,4\Ver\1112 (4)1]llilitilic lit k)

(}Ilt•,t.111(ling 1-('•11lt•;. Ill (. env) 01 1,1 1)' school. 1 hey are a

((hiation in vallic.. 11 R thiN \ifion 11!1(1 ('<)111!liitilitlit

1 1('ine 11(1(,11, te,timonv to the te:imwork 1)(·tween

which distingllislic'% 11% 21% 21 1.(,1'('to school. ihe rest i>

Ntudents and %1,111 which ir v) %11(nig a l)art (>1 {)111 %(lic)()|

nothing to 11%, if it ix not grounded iii thi>, fillic!,illic<111,11

and to the high 9.111(1.11·(1% to ivhic'h \\'c as a *chool

coinmitment. The liltilillitc incl'Nnrc 01 0111 Alica» a. a

community are committed ancl which \ve achieve yea i

1.(n·(·10 :choo] ix not ilic \'CE reuilix or the 111,1,(·1'.it\

lil, U''ll- (>lit.

134 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

2.-FrSpecial events and awards :ind

Curricultilll clereloplill'lit>,

outstanding result>;

Vocational Ecltic·ation & Training (VET) Programme

I la>·ley Rich,u·cls and lovannah Fic·lding (312/94'0

We are deliglucd to mmounce thilt. in 1998, we Mhall

had theit' VCE Artwork Mlected for the r C :14 T()P C ..\'IN

ilitic)(111((' a VET Prog-1'111]1111(' iii Infolination

F.xhibition at the National C ..illen· c,1 Victoria. Kim Lien

['cclmolog>· (IT) for senic n- stticic'nts. ThiN will allow the

(311/t)(9) wa,; .ti#'in-(1(·cl the lt)96 Nic)111,%11 iii/c 21% the top

students to compic·te hoth their \'CE and a Technical

I.MI I %·ar 11 M ticlent. I.i,ette Bell (37 1 ) was ;14,11(1(·cl

111 1 cl Fill-ther 1·.c hic'lition (-1.\FE) C ki tilic.1 1(· c c )1 ic'lit-1 ('1 111;.

(citilicate of \Icrit for Photographv for her print.

111 {1111(·] wol-(14. h.ti·ilig 411(·ce;41.1111\ completed thi· two-

"thititled", in the Ye:,1- 11-12 Categot-s in thi· Ilford Atist.

ve,11 (c)111-Sc. thesc %111(lents will be awarded two

Ptv. 1.1(1. It.)117 Sc·lic )(,ls' 191<>tography Competition.

( c l t i f ic .itc·r: t hei r U .1·. ( :ert i ficat e and .1 TAFE ( :(·rt i licat e

Pile,c·he Knowles (Yl I ) was selected to attend the It.)1)7

in hilbrination 1Dchnology. The coinplition of both

National (hipital Seminar in (:.1111*.1-1-11. clit<'cled .111(1

the.NC ('titific,tti·% Will Ii]NO ('11%111't, 11 109 1)0!ill. for the

organisc·(1 bv the (211(1(.1,1 11-list. Anthea Kin';itiagh (Yl l )

St 11(1(·ins' '1(11-tiarv Ent i .tiic·e Ranks ( 16.Its). l'he aic·a c )1

won the .560() Stonnington (1)illicil Ilicent(·inlill] Award.

IT h,ts lic·<n clicm·n lic,1,1 tile wide unictv of available

N.lin·v spoN,110 (Yl I ) „·.1. 11(„ninated one of 1 co-

VET Programme, 1 )(·cat,se it is an important arc.1 01

1('cipic'lit>, to recchr ali .\\11·--11 .Specch alid 1)1,lina

computer applications which comp|(·111(·1114 111(· 4(-11(,01%

award. 1 Icad 01 Information >;crvia·% Ccutic·, Mt-x.

F·hool l.ib,·ar¥ 3utomation m .Untra/ia. De,non,Ntrating

exc'iting- deve|opments iii ('oinpliter tic-lilic,logy. \\'c 111'c ki·c„ to int 1(,cluce a \'14'1 1 „c,gramme becall<(· we beliew thal it ix 31111)()]tant th,lt our student, be given the



opportlt/liti to inciticle vocational trailling '14 pill't 01

Cok·man (rly) arnulged for Premier jeff Kenneti 10

thei I \1(14:. ThiN will allow them to experience some work

1<04(initir· Al,bott. contril,uted .1 chapter to the booL inahant


1)/.1 .,('VC!-alicc.

come 011 >U·ptembel- 12 10 Ii(1(11(144 \'CE %111(lent 6. We

14.1('cinent in their linal unu'. of wcondan v h{)(iling

prextited 8 Wains in the Tournament of Mi 11(11 1,11(1

and broaden theil· pathwan to tilither cducation .111(1 emplovment. Upon leaving rchool, the tll<!ent>; Will

were delighted to have Team 2 dechurd Regional Filmlists and procced to the State· Finals. l'wi·nts c·ight stziclt·ins of lii<li,tic·ian. together with

Imve the opportunitv to Keek emplorment with considerablv enhanced wkilk or to Undertake further

thi-ec teachers. Sue Stockdale. 14,21'1).u .1 Wan 1111(1 1 .ir.t

4{11(h' at a c (,11(Re of'I.\FE or universitv. The 21(1\ .ilitages

Ritchie·. travelled to Indotic·sia in thc 1.erm 2 break ancl

1111(1 opportunities are col™idel-able.

111])1111(·Ne language st lidelits. joilmic Halpill and Prue mhan (370), together with mvs<·lf, took a lic,iiwMay viit to Fukitcika Kitisi·i (:ii-IA Senior High %(hool in.japan iii

\1'tixtr-ill-residence: This prognumne N now well Cstabli.Siu·(.1 und ovcr the hist few veal-% 21 11111111)('1 of

not.ible people have joined the Loreto communitv and

the 7'crm 3 break. During the course oft h (· vear, we were

wovcn 111('i r own special kind (,1 magic into the l ife of the

(1(·lighted to wck'ome Ms .4.tchikc) Itagaki .1% j,i]):11(1\c

Achool. Artists-ill-leNiclence spend varving peric,(14 01

Assistant and French exchange students. Ande de

time in the school, woi-king with <ttlclenth, st,11 1 and

Ch·rcq. Aureile I .exage. Sophie C „111(1(,11, and Chal-loitc

Gonu·tinug parents. ThN vear we have en joved the

(arilier. C )111- Ft-< 11(h |allgrillitt' %111(1('llts 11( hic'cd Mt('i ling 1-i·Nults in the 1997 AHiance Francaift·, Wilitling 4

pri/es in the xi .uck-wicle compc·tition: I).illicla Patito -

Equal N ])1-in· in War 8: 1·lli/a Allitirn - Equal '4(1 pl in, iii Year 9. Portn· Recital: Stephanic Reicilliti - 211(1 pri/e in kiti 1(). Portn Recital: 11]1(1 .llc'\andra Ang(·lato. -

F.qual 3rd pri/c· in 32,11- 12. C)ral 1'(·St. A Int.il of 1:16

prewnce 01 three 1,1 tist»in-1(·Nicience. 1),li·id Panic |111% been (:ht·14n-re,idenec. 1)11\'id. who has woil nallilt'l'(,11%

gold inedal; al the (Mllinary Olunpics, brought his \(·n rich c\])('liclic'c in the food .ilicllic)>pitalit) ilicltrul·in to hi,4 work with Mitclents in th(· 11(,ine Econoinic·x claxxo

ancl ill tI)(· hinchtinic and after-school activitic< which

Were conducted |(>1111(· benefit 01 4111(Kilits not >,1,1(1\'ing

Nt11(1(·lit. 1-('(th(·d Ven I |011(,111·able Mentic)11% 1111(1 112

the Mill,ject. 1)avidl llc·xi project N to over.we the

received 11(,11()111-,il)1(· certilicater. a great (lictil to oill-

catering arrangi'111('111% for the *diley 2000 OlvinpicK.

Xtilcli·lit>. 01 French .111(1 to their teachers.

Fabric designer :111(1 clecorator Lisa Carroll worked with kin·% 8 anct t) Ailicic·lil< to ])1()(111(-c Ic)'11- 1)411(·1% clci)ic ting

[lic ch·ments (,1. the Earth. Thesc· patic·]r were a verv exciting- ]),lit ofour C)])(·1, 1).li' Art Exhibition in October

1111(1 11(,w have taken thi·ir plaa· alompich· thi· work 01 past Arti.MA-ill-1-(·sidence in thi· %('11001'% g-row'ing .11't collectic)11.1)1- 1.sclia Wevers. English wriici anct ](i-tii, i. who h.th lic'(1111\' bren .1,#'111(led .1 1.itel.il-v Grant In' the

\(·\, 71·,Iland C .c )\ti lilililit to complete 4111(,ther 110(,k.

worked with the VCE viiclent+ in genc·ral English and 7)((i.tii\1 1.ilitatitic' (-1,1%.wi giving lectilics on val'iolix 'l

texts and seminal-4 on aspectx of literature and writing. In these kin(14 01 win'X. our littihtf-ill-rexidence add

Claire Papaluca, Amy Hede and Elissa Nolan sample an unusual form of transport travelling to the Sultan's Palace in Jogjakarta during the School Study Tour of Indonesia.

hnnwasurably to the t .,pest 1-v that is the %(-hoc)]

curriculum, 1),inging pecialist knowleclge 1,11(1 an extrnorclinill) 1-iclitic'%% (,1 experience.

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 135

Draina: \\'ith the ilitic)(ltiction of Drama into the

gave an exquisitch beatitiful piano recital in the Oak

Senior Sclic )01 elective programme, st.,1-ling with Wars 8

Parlour in October for the 1.oreto 11.111(1(·ville Hall

and 9 in 11)96. Drama illows into our VCE progi-,linine,

Silic)01 col-111111mitv, having recently returned from two

with Theatre St ticlics being offered at linits 1 & 2 level

vears stitch· at Al.11711:ittan School of Alitsic.

in 1998. The future of Di-:lina in our elli l'icill.11- and co-

curricular prograilline i. wry promi,Ming.

Draina: The.junic)1- School prnduction. c)1 1.ittle Red Hen (Prep - Year 3) :Ind 1.()1]ics (Wal- 6) were delightful. A group of Year 1() k 11 Atticlents p,irticipated ill the

Tile co-curricular programme

Shakespeair Frgival, performing scench from As You

Mtisic: We continue to make verv considerable

Like It, later pei-12,1-111111 g iii the regional %£·ction al Saci-0

advances iii the Music· programme. The de, clopments

Cocul in .]une. Outstanding performers were Kate

in t he Ac·11 c )01 ( )1 ( he 011». the l )1,th.%. wi licl, peraission . and

McCartnev. Erin Binitine. C lairc 11(-Keoun and Man-

recol-cler ensemble; iii particular air a joy to brhokl.

Fonti. All Yeal- 8 1)raina stliclent; devised plays with a

Andrea Pahor (36). Ebut AlliN()lino (rti), 11:innah

scientilic 171(Ss:,ge. The four phn's were: Volcanoes.

(:oleinan (3'6) Airna Bahner (37) each 1,(}11 all

Reproduction. The >k·liscs. and I Ic,1-1,011,·s ancl all wel c

1 Iono 1 1-able Mention iii the Waverk·v Eisted(110(1 - Music

presented in Science Week to the.]unior School. Ali

Recorder %010 Section. Nicole Lec (Ut). a member of

Millcally, Scienc(1 teacher, judged 1-he Senses w be 0111

the Carinva Strings. went on a F.111(,1)ean tour with the

whoo] clitn' in the Science Draina Competition. where

ensemble, Nicole won bt place iii the Waverlev Alilsic·

the cint wah %11(Les,41 111 in gaining an Encouragement

Eisteddlod Piano Duet (14 rc,ti & under). 3rd place iii

Award. a small l'i oph, ancl a C :11 .t well 21% 1):11 tic ipation

tlic· 11(,1-oondarn Fihted([fod (14 years & 1111(ler). and

Ceitificates. Out,tliticling Contril,litions were inade 1,)

I Ionourable Mentions in the Ringis'nod 1'.i·®dclic,cl

Claire Ogiln. Emih- TE enchard and Ameli,1 H:ittley.

Phino Solo (16 ve,Ii-•; & under) and in the 1.111 Graham

Year 7-10 1)1 .linit witili·]11% presented a range of items

\win-d. Stephanie Resciniti CY'()) has been iti,Tited to

from chiss work to lin .111(lience 01 ]).11-ents. Ntliclelit% and

pel-form (flute) at the Winter 01,·inpics in japan. 1998.

friends in Mandeville Ii.ill iii October. The gi 1-1& hosted

lenica l.ee Al I ). a>; 011(· of the Tean, Of Pianist<. Went

the ewning and worked both backstage and front of

on .1 1·911-(,],ean tour. lenica won 211(1 place in the

holl>;e, making thi,4 u Nuccesslill e\('lling.4 cnwrtaill]Hent.

Boroondara Fi.Hted(lic)(1 Piano Solo ( 1 (i vears & 1111(ler).

le.11 9 .111(1 1() stliclelit,4 presented })121,0 11!i(1111(111(,logue,

2ncl plact· in the Ring-wood Fisic·clclforl VCE. Muic

in Noveinl)(·i- to a wider audience. A group c )1 %:11- 1 1

Stitclent Section, 1111(1 1 1<)11(11[1 .0)le Melitic)114 in Piatio

.tit(lent took on thc· (halli·liKing lob ofdirecting a pla,

Solo (16 vears & uncler) atic! in Waverlev Altific

fol- the (:atholic Schools Drama Festival. Sarah Balmet

Eistedcliod Pi.ino Holo. Marie-1).mic·lle Turner (1-11 )

wah .mi'(1%\11 11 iii gaining :ili licting .111'.al-(1 for her role 21%

pcit'onned in Orchestre Svmphonique de Cholct iii

tht· lil{)ther. in %]wl'A tiMer.

France over the (lilistinas vacation. She won 211€1 place

®01-t: A number of stil(14·nts achieved olit.t,111(ling

in the Dandem )112 Eisted€lfod Violin Solo (16 ve.11-% &

indiviclil.11 1-chliltr ellil ille the velll . .Nt·cll:-ing 1,1.ic'ch iii

uncler). 1 st place in the Ringwood Fi ·teclcli od Conce 1-tc,

State wan™: Adele Bi-:t/emn is-,1. %(lected ful- l.'16

(25 vears & under) and competed in the Hep/ibali

\ictorian Schools' Hockey tram. Rel,c·ka jagcurs

Melinhuin \111.ic' Competition (1-exult, 214 vet unknown).

(10/97) re])1·e+C·nted ViC loria in the t.-17 .\11%11-.liian

Rochelle I lowie (Yll) achieved an outst.inding resttlt in

%(hoolgirls' Water Polo Conipetition with \'ictoria

her (ith Gracle AMEB 1-heon· exam.

wilming 31-cl place and Rebek,1 itichitig- an

Ilw Senioi- C :hoir and the Vocal Ensemble· both won

211(1 place in the Ro>·al Soutb Street (knnprtition. The






competed in thi· tr21 Victorian \\'oinciA I .acrosic

Concen Hand participated in tile Mell)<)111-lic hclic)01

[eam. 1 1111 11(11' up in the national title.. jennv Donald

Bands Festival. 7 he Recorder Ensemble won an

(3"11) ancl Joatille Aim,tt (Yll ) were selected for the

Honourable Mention in the Waverlev Eisteddfod 01

l-17 Eastsicle 1,1 ,1,7€1.ind State· 1 .c·agile Netb.ill -ic.ini.

Music Primarv Ensemble, 1 st place in the Priman

Aliv in Spence (37) was awarcled the Year 7 -.\Ililete 01

Consort. and 211(1 place in the Sec'<)11(1.11-v C.011 Nort.

the Ilect"for her perl#,i-inatic<·sat the Athli·tin Preinict

Past pitpil .ltil-1('lies(· Gill 01 2/89) most graciousl)

1.eagile alld represented Victorili iii thi .ill.tralian Sclic)01% Crof,-(:c )111]try (li.11111)ic )]iships. Madeline Hoy 012) won :11-d place iii I ..1(lies Open Relay at .lilstralian Slli 1 Life Saving C .11,im])ionshipN 1111€1 lit place in the l/18 Victorian 1()4)111 Beach Sprint. and wax chosen to represent Victoria at the National %111-1 1.ilexaviNK

Champiciliships..jessica Fetterplace (3 10) placed :trd iii


the 13-19 age group in the Triathlon-Poweracle Series. Edwina White OB) wa. selected for the lic lb(,ill lic

\Vaverlev Ptimax Development Squad. N:italic· Flegg. S.il-all White and SliX.11111.,11 Bailey 0-10) competed in the l 17 A I leights Nell).ill Chib State League. 700 Kitchen (Ylu) was awardecl the 'Spit-it of Young Endeavour' medal lA the NS\\ Branch of the ()1-der 01

Waverley Eisteddfod Winners: Hannah Coleman. Julia Szondy and Elsa Musolino

136 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Alixtralia .\50(,ciation for her ill,(Il\ement on a tell (lin·

vovage o| the 'Young D.11(1(.,1,()111 .

'>·1 4.2»


489 Athlctics: Our Junior Squad won the Al-11111(lale Divt-ict .\thletic. Sport, for a record 5111 %11(((·Asive littic.

((,it/])( litic)11%


the vean

Itch i (·vitig

praise'\%(,illn' ic·.4111t4.

0111' Scnior >;quad is developing Kill)('11)lv. It won 1.Nt

11 11.1$ 1)(·en .1 1)1(·114111 c· to Mic the F.quextrian (:1111)

1,1,1(·c· in the >R.%.1 (Divihion 2) Carnival. 6111 in thc·

i·ht,Il,lidi itself fit'mh over the three ve:i,4 since it.

(11".SV>;A, i,11(1 7,11 in the (;SS,·\ competition. The Squad

begilming. With u change 01 ventic this vi·,11 to the

al•;0 lachin·cd good ic·wil™ in the Ath!(·tin 1'1-cmic·r

\'ic·torian Ecitic..Mirian Centre in l'pper 14(.:,cc)1„Iici(|, thc

1·ague (knupeAMon und in 11„· Vici<„3,„, Rchn

(:lili) iM llc)\V 01)('11 10 Alliclents who do not hine their own

(lmmpic)11.Milips. A number of\111(tents broke record. at

hot-xes,.r; well .ts to thoNC who do. Twent¥ 911(1(·1114 Ilic

imcisclion] 1(·vel: 14(,isit] Glcich (Yli) \\'alk), .]c).11111,1

now regillitilv ilic)|ved in the rallic'X. which take 1,]ace

Downing (37 Iligh linnp. 11111(1100, \(1(1.tide 11,11„ilton

twice per term on Sm ,(la, s, taking a clil-Irrent Ic )(-1 Ih (·ach

Ch·cen (9) '1'lil)]c.]tillip), 1),ttiic·121 Nonnan (3'11 \\11!10,

terill, 411(·h as (11(·SH,Ige und hhow jilinping.

jacque·line Funcler (\07 Shot Ihit), Alison Spence (37

Cricket $01 thail, ancl waterpolo :11-c :vell ('st,il,liNhed

NOOm), 1111(1 the War 12 IX 10()111 relin w.1111 (. I.ilic Kenny,

ill the S])()1·t.4 prograinin« A]ong with clo# unna-v,

Charlom· Mit|der. Melissa (:c )11)(·tt, M.,clcline I Ic,v).

hocke>j und t<·inliA. ]Uniot li·imis won ht phcc in the

\Ve welcomed 1,1111] 14·litill as >Rvitnining Coach thi

7.%·\ competition and >k·lii<)1· Trimi.% ·Ith ])1:ice in thi·

)7·,11- and under his dircction the Squad achieved 7th

1( AV Rotmcl Rol,in. Volleyball and haiketl,lili :11·(·

place in ( :SS.\. (it h place ill ( ; PS\'S.·\ and 71 h place in the

growin* l'hanks to Rin· Buckley for hii grircron.

SACA (1)ivision 1). We have a number ofvery talented

assistance with tile Interniccliate Basketl).ill te:im. Scnic,1

voung swimmers in the Scillacl, which augurs well for the

Volle,·ball won Ist place in the 7..4.·\ Round Robin.

future of thiN vit,11 Aport ill <)111- programme. ®echil

\Ve had twelity skiers in the intel'school ski team thi

congratiilations to.]Oanna Downing (Y'7). ](·ssica (lit-tain

rear, repres<'illing Yeal-% 1 - 12. Notable t'(·Mult>; were

07), Courtnev R)·an (37), L..itti-en Milickic (\8) and

.tchieved: Annelic Ciannon (Division 4 Alpine) list of

Arlev Grey (3'10) for impressive performances during

200 or mot-e conctitors: Divi.ion 2 rlic.Im (Caroline

the scaM)11. The shift to Melbourne I ligh %(·11001 Pool

Conlan . An lic·liesc· C ..lii 110,1. hophic· 1-11111-('11(e. f.11-all

Ims worked wcH for the Squad. We plan to increaw the

Portelli) 181|1 in a field of approximatel)' 50 t(,11114;

number of Friday afternoon practice carnivals ill orde!

Avisia Calman (1)ivision 4 Alpine) 1.Ith out o[ 1 30

to expancl thc opportill,ity for comiwtition experience.

compelitors; Division 4 1'<·am (.h·eNia Cal inan, 111]nika

()lit' Diving Squad compeled in the GS,SA. GPSVS,1 2111(1

141-own, 1.(·1,1 11(limcci)1>hi] out of 18 t(·111114: El<·anor

>R 14.\ ('<)111])( titions, With noteworthv 1 ('Stlith achieved bv

thinin (1)ivigni 3 Alpine) 3(;th out of HH) coinpetitor>:

Natalic· Sharp (37), Samantlm 14,141< )1(1 (\'10), 1 .,Illirn

Division 5 '1'c·,tin (Fic,111(,1' Dlinill, .11-,i|,('lla I lic key,

Mihe](ic (18) and Naomi (;ram (372).

Stephanic Dc c)liveira. C inn-lotte Dc ()liu·in) 1. ;th out

Nell),ill is now enic,ying a spect ,1('illar deg Ice c )1

01 :16 ic·ams. (1111-e |),Iliin (1)ivision 3 11(,Kills) won 1(;th

interel ainl (,1111111%ia,un. both withil) the AC·11{)01

phice, (ic·spite 10•;ing a ski and completing liu· (()111-44· ()11

competitioilA ;alld ill (4)ll)11llillit)'-1),IN·d competitiol™.

(nu· Nki!

1,()111 ic·,1111% colill)cted iii Open Age colill)('tition on

lic· Imve had a verv stic((·Ashil u·ar iii the Rowing

Monda) (·1(·iling-B ill the Richmond N(·11,2,11 .iss(,ciation,

C .11 11). \Ve entered 22 c irwh.in (1 2 Ac 1111(·t M it, the 11(·ad 01



t(.:tn/% In




the %(lic,(,Igh-K Regatta on the 14:il·won this war. With

competition, achic·,ing viperl) lixulti, 1111(1 wt another

112 i c ),# c·, 4 we h.1(1 1 1 14· 1.11-gest sclic ,(,1 rowing prognonme

knu' tcan)* c<,1111,(viii, in Il)(, (hudfickt Nedn1

in Victoria Ic,i· the se»;on. t.\'cn Mingle 1.Mll crav ain]

,\%4()(·ilition >haul·(lav morning competition. Mam

hc·liller 1-(med throtigh to the semi-liti,il.4 iii liu·il

th.inks to Mrs. 1.exie·v Gilli·spic· fur her liaison work with the te.uns and to tlic· in.,11)· parclits who have assiNted 11% coaches and team managers. Meanwhile. the school

lietball ic'.1111% have phird with outstaticling success iii

the iliterschoo] 11(tball competitions, pit'lk)lining well in the ZS.·\ and %(:SA (1)ivision 2) competitions atid iii the Victorian Sclic,c)]git'IN Chainpionship.. We were delighted to welounc Monia \Yright »,


11(·ad ('(>itc·h for Gymnastics. Aci·obics :111(1 Di,ing iii It)1)7. The St·nior Ac·robic-4 Sclit,icl achieved :hid 1,1.ic·c in \'ictorian Statc Chill 1lpionship Illid 12tli place over,111 in tlic· ,\11,11·.ilian Ch.1111],ic )114hips (Fiona Livi, Claire jenkins, Phoebe Knowle+, ]c·ssica Fetterplace). There arc now thh'tv-two Students in the Acrobic, C lili) and ther

8,1,·c inade .1 superb effort. C)lil- gr'inniest, achieved pleasing 1-(·Milits ;it the ]GS competition in C)(-tobel: Settior TrInn 11(·himing- 211(1 place, with .\1111,I Fllilicis

0'll) winning 211([ plaa· indiviclital overall: .Dinior A 1'(·ain witilling '11(1 1,1,1((';.|taliior 11 |c':tin, Et 1)111((·; Und lilliol (:rl.cion. Srd ])111('(· ill tlwit (liGNion. Under the capal,li ctil'ection of our Fencing (.c,ach, Pic·tel- 1.t·l·,1,0('111)11!,ih. our fencers ({}111])('ted ill <cu'lill

Clare Dunin competing in the Victorian Interschools' Ski Championships

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 137

respeclive events at the 11()SG, Nilict(·(·11 c re\#% then

cooperative communitv oil 111,lt weekend. Tht· 1('gatta

1,1(-cd in th(·finals in their event, Our crew. won thc Wal-

produce·(1 enough profit to pav oil the balance (ming on

9 Fot[1 1)i,Nion 3 cu'lit. liu· 32·art) Foill- 1)i,Non 4 event

the >hallihlaus \Itilhall :ts well il, 1,11,·ing tl)/ ><(,ili

and the Scniol Foill-th 14'cliti |)ivihion 2 C'\('ilt. 111 the 32·Itt

Milchell ancl lic·1· c)Ill·N.

9 1 (>111 Divbion .5 cu·lit all linaliht. were LM] 1 (·rew*.

IlianA voil to the 1,,14 lil])i]%' A-()(ilition, 1(·(11)V

I'lliM \(·:11 \\'(, have \Velcomed olito 111(· Staff 14{)%.

Prefident %11(' C)]liey. Preparatic>114 ,irc now under way

h'.1111('1-Nton 11,4 111(' 14()\$ing All])( ni>,or. to 113'61 Dircaor

lor the sc hool s 7.-)111 11]111iversan· cclebration, in It.)99. A

of Rowing.]c)+ie Millard and lit·,tcl Coach Rol, 7.1111.11.l.

book recorcling the Nclic)(,14 hivon' ih in progic·%*, 1111(1(·1

The Rowing C .lili) hah 1,(·11(·lited gic·,11|\ Iroill |40%%'s

the cap.11)1(· and dedicate(I ((litorship 01 ]).ast pupil. AliNS

ill]>lit ill 1)4)th the >,clihir itild tlit· 3('.tr 9 1)1'()141.1!ilines.

Ruth Ii·nit. with the .t..i.tance 01 a 11111]11)(·1 01 ]11101 1)11])ils

C :ciligi.ttlilatic)11% 10 1:liti|\ '1'ribe who w.14 %circle·clic) row

who will contribute es.4.15% and articles for the book.

in the \*ic'torian juni{,1 (21121(1 .%(·111] ivhich 1,1((·cl al the

\\'01-(1% con|(1 not do jll;tia· to the ch·ht ot gratitt[(Ic

Ii„,int- 19-ans '1.1.man Regatta in Penlith NS\V in june

\ve 11% a *ch<)01 ((111111,ttilitv (m'(· to thc «111. We arc

11)1)7. (:(,116,1-.Ittilittion..ilbo to Jiltitir.jovce who. with Iici-

ble™·ct .it 1.c n-cto Mandeville I I.111 to have a verv

])'iii ]):11 111 (·t E|i/a |thlir. \voll the 1.ightweight \Volm·»' Pair evcm at the \Vorld Rowing (lmmpic,li;hips which wele hcld at .ligtic'l)ch·tte, France iii >ic·])ti'inber thiN

gencroll.. ch·(ticated and talented %1,111. 1.(t 11>4 *

vc:,1-..1 11<tilic· hah c, ).ic'11(·cl at 1.M| I for a !1111111)('1- 01 wai-N

'4(, much to be g},tteful for in oill· sclic)01, 11% the list al)ove

and this yeal- coached the \En- 10 Fourth Four, Debating: Both thc· Intet-chool and Intri-hou.c

competitions were vi·rv bliccessful this year, Throughout the I).\\' inter.cbool Ne,14(111. our eleven t(·Unh acquitted t hemsc h es well anct (*1 1 joved topic N .r; \ 1,1-ic el .1 "Th at the bcner the (it] thi· bcner the pick-up- and "That there N toc) much vic,lenci· in entert:lin Inent". Thc· 1)-Grade

72.,in 1 filii,hed 2nd iii the Melbourne High Sc hool Regic )11 :ind C-Grlicle Tram I |ini.hed 31(l.

litihlilt.ilking: linder th<· IC·,1(1(·t%hip 01 Peter (:i·cur. and with the a.»i>I,Ina· 01' a 11111111)cl of w.111. stliclent,

enjoved a 4-dav hike from F.ill ; C :reek to 11.11-ric t,ille via

\It. Fcathcltop in April and .1 3-(121) camp at \Vily)111 Proinonton' in September. 112· look fon,·ard 1,) 2,11,)111(·r trek to Nt·pal iii Di·ccmhet· 1998-9. With thanks I hank vou to Ilic· stticlent+ for thi· enthu.4.,sm,

genet'(,Nit) liticl warinth with which thcv rey)(,11(1 to the c hallenges of sclic,01 lite. As .1 1.citc·to %(|1(,01. iii the

It.1(lition of Man Wit! (1. c)Ill' ,)1 thi· 1)!ill(iples which wt· Al)()11%(· is 111:lt women cati :tild 1111141 do great things. thill wc » uoinen hau· a. Inuch al)ilit)· and * intich reN])()11%ibilit\' 21% men (10. for the deciNion. that are inadc

iii even p.11 1 01 c )111 workl iii even part oflife. Hence, we believe in an education which clic'(,ill-age< ancl allows

Mitcle] 1 1% to lake initiative. to accept les])(,lifibiliti· and to ix(11-cire leader•;hip in the Achool commullits. It ix a

(1(·light to sce tlic·in re<pond confidentlv and C()1111)( 1('lit]\. l'hunk unt to the Parents' Arc)(ilition .liul. iii

partictilar to Pro,ident. |bul 1101|and and \'ice Plchich·lits Jillic 1.2111!ence and Ditilli.in 1,1,101. It hit becli a inost hivcilic vcar for the Association. with the

,1111,114.1111,ltion of the Mothers .111(1 Flither•' ,.\00(,ciatic)11% to form thi% une Commitic·e. which 11.10 lairl ilic· f<)1111(1:ltion>, for the u·arh 1111(':1(1.

Om· 01 the d:t//ling higlilights 01 111(· war w:,0 1)(·ing 11(,St Mchool for 111(· 11(·11(1 01 thc· %(1,<,0114111%' Regatt.1.

1 he 1('4211/,1 wit. all ullt>,tall(ling hlicli·%% with hoth competitors and spectators (·11 joving 111(·11]Nch·(14 hnmenw·]v. \Ve had over 250 1.\11 I piii-ent,4 working .1.0 \'c )| 1 I litcel A over tiw weekend. under the inspinitional


chool coininuniti, not overlook the vital task 01

te.,ching our c hilch-en .In .ittittick <)1 g-ratitude. There i.4 of achievement. ill the c lirlicillal and co-curricular

prograinmes attext.4 and ah A lived out daily in the qualitv of cair [i n- the All,(len 1% which the st,11 1 (·xercise. With a

wi:(Ic )in and insight that hah ellcilll-cd through tile1 ((litillit14. the great F.rasmus said of teaching-: In tllt'

opinion 01 tbok it is a humble task, but ill liu·t it N the nobl(·4 ofoccupation·t ['he greati··t 411(111(·» 01 thi year for 11% 210 a Achoc )1 communin was the (1(·ath of \11-4 Virginia 11(>Intic·v ill C)clober. Virginia took up her teaching pohition at Loreto Mitticleville I lail in It)83 .111(1 took h·ave c )1 11(·1

(|litie; in December 191)6. Over the )cal·% 011(· proved 11('13(·If to bc' 11 111(,sl c .4):11)1(· and colixit'litic),15 1(·achcl. committed to .tchin·ing the highest of st.,lic'.liciN iii lic·1 (111%4!'(,cnn. Throughout, Alic· was 11111:liling ill her lovaltv and (le<lication t{} 1.01('to .ind it, ultic.. hht· hclv'It jut.4 a fine Inc)(le| 01 No Inain' of the \11111(·% wi· 11'v to lillittit-c

iii (,iti gtick·]iIN. \Ve Ii,ill inis lu·r drail>·. Al.t> hel clcal 111.ink ,(>it to the %(11001 1,(·,I(li·11,4) 1(·ain for thi·it unfailing 12)valt\. (14·(lication. wi.<· con»Kel, and All)1)(Ilt: katln O('.otmell Clicad of the junior >khool), Cathv Nim (1)('1)111, 11('ad 01 the 111!lic)1· School),.\115(>11 Miller (1)c·putv Principal - 1)it'((-tor of Partoral (,11(·). R{)1)(·11

Dernelles· (Dcput) Principal - Ditect{)1 01 Stliclic« Andrew Schmicit (School C :{)()1(linator). and 1 .ili.].Ill,(0 (llizitiess Man.iger),lhank vou too to.Judv |4(·id whoill we have bren delighted to welcome (,lito (,lit· 1,(31 (·to

Mandeville I kill tram as Director of [)evelopment. Another of the highlights of lt)t)7 wit, the itun)(litction of thc' liew %11(,01 11]lit()1-m. Thank vou to the l'niforin

(:ommittee, chaired bv Alivm Miller, 1(,1- ils %1(·Iling

('11 ( )1-ts ili ttlail,igilil, this vell £111-c. the I 1-llits 01 whic h al c to be »·n in the 11(·14' mlitorm. (1(·Migncd I)\ 14·n i (,titten,

11 1 Junc lt)98. we +11.111 bid Aliv)11 Miller hur well .111(1 lit 1-c forward into her relir<·ment, after al !11()Nt twentv

war. 01 (,litht.Ilicting Al·liia· 10 1,(,trio M,111(1(,ille I lilli. Milliv thanks b) the %(-hon] Council. 1'.illl llc,v

(Chairnmn). Bill |11.1/(·nor, li,ill).11.1 Kitchen. 1).1\id

14(,ittv. Eli/,il)(·th lititt. Kevin I lalpin. 141-van Madclen, |cnnv Al(Millan. Ammbelle %(.111|011, F,Hison Tal|(· 11;Vil. and Millgitic't lionner Ilt\11. lor tiwil <1(·dication alld ((bininitinent ic) th<· \9(·11,11-c ()1 (>in %(lic)(,1.

leaclerhhip c )1 Regat t,1 C :c )11<lic,1. Marita liall. It was a

(1)1-) .\Iine Iltint

fliperl) feeling to be pan of .lich a caring und

m lizc il,cal

138 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

junior School Report 1997


'Bc· truc...Be fair...lic· Goct'% loving people' was the

thenic dculoped for the .junior School this >/ear foHowing the renection bv all Loreto schools within Atistralia on the IBVM Mission St:ttement. This theme

challenged staff and chi](11('11 to rellect upon main a>],ect s of their dailv life within and 11( c )lid the Ac hool a)lilliltillit>r.

Thix year saw many changes within the junior School, most 11(,tably, the tralisition from all IBVM 1(·ader to a kn lader. a position which 1 have foill,(1111041 1·('W./1 (lillg- and challenging. Following the resignation of Miss Pat Movlan who li.id dedicated twilitv seven vears

to te,ic-hing at I.oreto A 1,111(1(·ville 1 hill ])111% carrving out the role of Deptity I Ic·ad 01 the [lillic)1 School, Miss Catherine Sim wax appointed to this very important The liturgical life of our school forms 1111 i littgral part of the fabric of the school communitv. This strong thi'ead is witnes.Nici by the inanv celebrations and programs such as praver leadel-ship. praver at aNXemblies, minic baxed on themes. whole school

liltii'gies, sacrainental progranh and the clit'iching Father/1),illghter Masses. In the -1111]iol· SchooL wi

sponsor through PLAN Internatic)11:11 .litstralia. C)mal lic·clian, a young Filipino boy. The girls entliziNiasticalh

plan how they Cali fund raise, 11-111% eillmncintr their own lives through effurt and suppon. The junior School achieved the 0111>ital](ling- t'('Attlt of being the highest

fillich ,lisel- for the Catholic Family Wellare Bureau withill Victoria. C )nce again the girls gained much bv reaching (,lit to other>i. Our Achool comilitillitv hax

Mrs Kathy O'Connell.

We have gone from strength to stlength in 0111 sporting achievelnents. particulark iii the arc·,11 of athletiox, swimming, skiing alid netball. The enthilxiasm

..1(1 sportsmanship displaved ilt :111 time.4 is exemplan'. In October, the Allili·tic, sclinul participated in the

Arinadale District Athletics at Box I lill. 1 )1 (,llc Ily bring ing hoine the williler's 11-ophy for the fifth Year in a row. During 1997 we have celebrated Hook Week. Famih Week, Science Week, Maths Week, Pc·ace Week and

Mission Week just to imme a few. Thexc have provided excellent nwalls to imegrate the curriculum into out school life, in exciting. creative and innovative wavs.

Many girls have actively participated in the main

extension prograins oflered throngliont the war·. Two groups of Year 6 %111(lents have proilliced qual-terh

copies of the junior Mc 11<101 newspaper 'Mandi·ville Mirror'. Tournament (,f Al inds and the Literacv Virt llc ) so

stipported other members of the Loirto tamilv iii such

weekend alxo clit·w' many keen participants. Phi10.Kopliv

place> as Victi,ain, Kenut and Alice Springs plus offered

for children i> a new prograin ilitroduced this vear and

support to Sr Mai-Kai-ct Noone HWM and Very Special

niany challetigingl thought provoking Xessic)11% haw

Kids iii M.th'ern. The brimming baskets of food

bc·en conducted.

(1(·signed bv the girls during Food \Veek were welcomed bv the Sacred Heart Mission.

Mainr wondel 1111 14)gradeN and new ch,111('liges have 1)(4111



t 11 c

Alain' visitors to our rchool cinninent on the 1)(,MitiVC. supportive atmosphere thev experic·nci· 11.4 thev obscrve

area of Ilit)1-mation

Teclilic)logv. With the implementation of the LAN outgills now ast<)1111(1 inally with theil- accession to and their

our g-irls at work. The art disl,lavs thi·(,tigholit the sclic)(,1

rellect the learning. reaching- out :Ind (ic·ielopment that M happening within. It is so rewarding to see our +111(1(11]ts grow in sell-

ir,age of the hiternet. The upg-raded computer


laboratorv ix alwars a hive ol,ictivity.

itit eliectual and social Nkills as they Ati h i· to become the

The highlv xucces>ful Ati-ing, progiani in Yeal' 2 and brass progratn in War 5 contimic to add to our creative ilitisic prograni. C)litstanding restilts were gailied bv our

%(11141% ter] 17.

religic ius


people they hope to lic. Mother Teresa of Calcutta unce Naid '1.ife is an

opportutlitv. benefit f roni it.'

gil-ls :11 the Waverle, F.i,te€1(11-od held in August, in the

1 thank the stafffor their conunitment to the Loreto

of advanced recorder plining. Once agaili our

philc,Nophv of the ccltication of \unnet, plli, the

milsical talents were displayed .11 the Music Festival at

expertise and personal gifts they bring to om- school. We

Robert Blackwood H.ill, Nic,nah t.'iii\'crsity and at the

are privileged also to have parenti who support our

carols servia· at St Pattick'% Cathedral Mell,citil'lic·.

philosophy of e€111(·Ation st) strongly.


The Draina perform:mces bv our Altickhilth. whether it

Ax we niove further along the j(,iii ne, of lil-e 1 kticm

be 'Lollies' in Yeat- 6 or 'Little Red Hen' in Preps-Year 3

that as our girb; quextion, reach out, challenue and

Imve brought much pleastlir to all. I he Year .5 gil·k

orate that thev will bernine women of ititegriti,

,Ic[(11 c·sed the sentimem,4 01 Renic<lilbrance Dav through

hrecloin and vision.

;I])plc)])1-iate (11 ,1117.itihations, while the 32·111- 1 gill.4 brought the chishi(% of literature to life.

Let 11% travel this path togither.

MiN Kathv O'Con 1 1 (111 ( 1 lead C )1 1114' J lilliol' School )

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 139

Report from the Chairman Loreto Mandeville Hall School Council



Loreto Mandeville Hall School Council 1997 L-R: Mr lan James, Dr Anne Hunt, Mrs Barbara Kitchen. Miss Elizabeth Butt, Mr Bryan Madden, Mr Paul Hoy (Chairman). Mr Bill Brazenor, Sr Ellison Taffe IBVM, Mr Kevin Palpin. Sr Margaret Honner IBVM, Mr David Beatty. (Absent: Mrs Jennifer McMillan)

The primar, activitv of the School Council during

1 t)1)7 li,lh bern to i ilit iate itic I review polic> clirect ions for

1-he C :c,imcil will need to cleal with this i."11(1 214 21 111,1]{)1

objective in the velils k) come.

the SchooL In that colitext. the Council. Itt ith 111%1

Ihe Nchool lieech capital illil,1-c)\'ttilint* .111(1

mirting iii Mai-ch 199L adopted a plan tai,led In the

1 c't'111-1)ichment of existing 1)11iliting-4, plant 2,11(1

Princil)Ill Illid her execlitivc te,un. This 1,1.111 ilic]11(led

equipment. In the pa>,t. 1 unds for tlic·xe items have becti

valliable contril)lition. bv the \,ilicills *tall<ling

pnnided bv the l]titute 1111(1 generous benefaction4 of pa.Nt ]):11-cinN and pllpils. Fliture improvement of these

coinmitten ot the ( lititicil. al] 01 whoin were I c>liNzilted

in connection uith the 1(,1 111 11]atic )11 01 the plan. In broact tern™. the plan conct'titrated on polin clit-(cti{)11% t{):

1 %111)]i)(n-t alld provide re.Nource< to tlic Prilicipal in her el!(le.1,(,111% to 111.lintain 2111(1 develop illither the high st,117(-1,11·ds .111(1 11( 21(li·mic ilitegrit, of the sclioot * c·i]%111-(· tinancial stabilit, through the contillil<)11,4

review ofthe |111.111(-ial operation•; ofthe Achool. aimed at 1(·clitchic (\i.Mting (1(·1)t and 1)11ilcling a c.11)ital 1).1.(· toithe rehilbihlunent anc[ rcplacclnent ofbuilding fabric in t'llxlling ve,tr>,;

* i»tail and COnililiffic)11 It *Ch001-wide Local Area

Network to enable ('(,1-11])literiKed Xenicing- of all (1.,Ar rooms and admillixti-ative centie at the %chool: and

* review· all(-1 Alipportillitiativo that will illy)1-ove and

fucilitich will (lepend upon the willing-ne» al](1 capilcity ofthe Achoo] colmminin to participitte in philant]11'opic plogrannues. that will be initiated bv the Council in 1998 :wicl bnond. This will ensure that (,iti c·hoc)|

continnes to tiiaint.Kin its position in the forefront of Catholic education for gil-lh ill Melbourne·.

The Institute colitilitic, to provide advice ancl

Ntipport in gow·rning the <chook -\1 11 meeting held in 5,(hiev in heptember It.,7. it informed cacl] 01 ib Keven

CC'llools (,1 it< blue-print plan to Support 111(·In into the

lutillch. This made it cleal to ,ill ple.wnt thilt initiatives to improve and dewlop tile Achools will ('11%111-c th.it the 1.(ilito charism in education comililic·h \Veil into the huln-('.

1 iw hard work of the (:cilmcil iN (1(,11(' bv its \.11'ic)11%

committee.., The Finance Committee (1)avid licattv

develop 1 (]ationships .ind opcl litions amongst all

(Chair). .\1111(1 11„lit. 81·uin \121(1(len. Ellison T.tile

ilitegi .11 +e< tion of the Achoo] inclticling tlic· Ii™tititte of

[IWM. Kath,- C)(lonnell. Ian.James, Patrick Sweelic·v, Irs

the Blc·Nxed Virgin Man· (Loreto Si:tel-%). vident:. Ntaff

C oleman and (.Illistine Owell) 11,10 a.4.NiAted ill the

111!(l .Nlll)])(,1-ting Achool .i.N.4{)(iation,-

cli·,ch,pmc·iit of pc,lic·ic, tc, ililpic„'e finandal

1 21111 pleased to 1-Cport that the Council is conficlent 01- acllic·ving the objecti,c™ it Net for 11)1)7. Nevertheless,

management. Thb work will benefit the Niliool for manv I('Illw illt<) 111(.' Illttl]('.

concen™ remaill. These relate to the ever-increasing

The Con-inninication .111(1 1)(,relopment Committee

covt: 01 (1(·lij-cl-\ 01- the Schooll 1,1(,11(1 1-.ilige of

(14.11-1),11-11 kitchen (( hail-). ..\]ilic· 1-Ilitit. 1,2in I Inlpill,

progranunci the (·(,4 of ilttlItxti-11('turc relitting to inforination trchnolog\. 1111(1 the reduction in

Margtierite Rvan. ,\11 1],ilic·]le >k Iitilon. 1.]li;on l'affc 114\31. Klith) C )(:c,tinell, Ian jaines, judv Reid, 7,cim

gove!-11 Ine 11 1 Iii litticial %1 4 )1)(,1-1 in re.11 1 (·1 1114. It i ('inaitis .1

141 )01.ili and 1-ania Sal/anc>) has done much to Ic )1 111111.lte

cli,tilenge to balance thes<· negative factors against the

the plans anct initiativeN to promote thi· Achool and

iwed to keep Ach,)011-ref at ilic minimum poisible level.

(ilhance 1-(·latic)11Ahips within the %(11001 conuminite.

140 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Ilic· Property Committec (Bill Brivenor (Chait-),

Anne limit, Peter Stillirn, llc·nry rlill-111)lili, .]olili C)'Loughlin, Kathy C)'Comiell, l.in jaines ancl Tom Pan·ott) Ims ilichistriouslv gonc· abolit preparing for the hnplcinentation 01 1-(·fllt'bishment und propern

Ck)(,1-climitor of the Father-1)aughter Mass programme. '1'he aitils of the Parent< ASS€)(i,ition al·cio:

* support and promote the spiritual, inte|lectual and philosophical aims ofthe school; * loster cooperation 1111(1 columunication 1)('tween the School and the parents: ancl

developmc·lit plans. 111(.· CouncH Review Conunitice (Eli/:11)(·th Butt

(Chair), Patti lic,y, Aime Ilunt. Ellixon lizili· 11WM,

$ pic,inote activities which provide support for the school Illid it.4 %111([Clits.

Margaret llc,imer IBVM, and jeimy MiMillan) has

To achieve these aims, the Parents' Association nec·cls

completed all appraisal of the Council to enture it

and invite; the participation of Yon, the LM 11 p.11'Clits,

achieves its ol,jectives and best practices.

not just working within the committee and on various

The Council acknowledges and expresses its

sill)-committees, blit also in the many c <1011211 1-(,les that

gratitude for the contributions made by 711 the

arise througholit the vear and which all help to ensure

(»mnuttee tneinbers.

the ongoing success ofthe Association.In order that our

Integral to any work of the Council is the stipport o[

clatighters, now and in tlic future, will leap the rewards

the Principal and her Stat L She excelx, as does her Staff,

of a Loreto education, the Parents' Association will

in fornmhuing- and bringing to the Council valll.11)le

continue to strive to enhance the school'.s facilities and

Auggestions :111(1 illitiatives for approval .111(1 .icloptic)17.


l'he School ix extremely well serred bv her ancl them,

The commitlec uslially incets twice per term. At

ancl they (1(·serve c )111' thanks ancl appreciation for their

these nwitings, the Achool pic·xents reports on 4(·hool


activitic·% and itemi 01 iliterest to p.11 ents. Ilic 1'11111 1 1()/7 (11,1ir}11,111 Loreto Mandeville 1 1,111 School Council

committec tlicil report, on valic)11>, social activitic>; and

1,1,1 11 % I ii t ure events 1 11.11 cal I assist i n i m proving t he social and financial wi·11-being of the school.

On behall• 01. the School Community, 1 wish to take

the opportunity to thank the It.)97 commince members: julie Laurence (Vice Pic·Miclent), Dainian Tarlor (Via·

President), Carnl Ktil)iak (Sccrel.ily), john hcland (Treasurer), Shan Podolakiti, Mai-v M(·C ,1(,Akey, Noel '


Grant, Tony Caramigh and Ki·ys Gruba for their unwaveling Support and colittiblitions to 21 111(,St successful first year of the LMII Parents' Association. The Association would like to acknowledge Maggie

ff t

Lvnch (Coordinator of P.11 ent (-7.,SS Reps), Mary-Ellen Blackburn and Shan Podolakin (Convenors of the Swap Shop) and Mary Mc(:1(,Akey (Convenor of Second I Iand Book Sale) wlic, have worked ti;elc.ss]V for the benefit 01

pal-(tils in recelit years with outstanding list,114. 9,41

7'he Parents' Ass(,ciation is a strong body of people wlic) an· (·tithitsi,istic' und (1(clic'.11((1 ic) the kik 01

supporting the Loreto sc 11001 c c )111 Ilittililv in the (·(ltic'ation 1,11(1 Mocial :lw.11-(·liess of our cl.ilighters. A Kate Lonergan, Elizabeth Harvey, Ms Perri Cutten, Rachel Ball and Louise Lonergan at the launch of our new uniform.

Atrong founclation has bern laid for the 1'111111'c' All€-c-(·AS 01

the Association. The challenge· now ix for other parents to come forward and contimic the work th.11 1311%

Parents' Association Report This was the inaugural vear of operation for the

conunenced Clill·ing 1997. Patil I Ic,lhnict 1,1 esiclelit

Parents' Association, lollowing the amalgaination of the Fathers' and Mothers' Associations at the end of 1996.

Dul ing- the year, the Association ensured that those lillictions that had become traditions within the

respective parent bodies continued successfully. Iii each case, it is ple,ising k) repoll that tlic 117:ljor liitid-1 .Iising ancl Mocial events Were c )11,St.111(ling Mlic'('CS,SCM. rhe vear began with F.unil\, 1).n· c)„ the lawns in front c )1 the historic house. The Fathers' Dinner and Mothers'

Lunc·hcon were followed by the ('litritainment night in

Mav, with al] events well patronised and Nocial trillinphs. The traclitional 14';itlic·1-1),itighter Ma,eNes continue to be

well ;upported and we take· the opportunity lo thank Noel Grant for his declication alicl coininitment 21%

Students test the new starting blocks donated by parents.

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 141

Report on trip to Fukuoka Kaisei Girls' High School, Japan, September 24 - October 1, 1997 1-ziknok,1 14.Ii.M·i (.it']r' >,c·nior Iligh »c·hool \1:1*

[-ca C :cretnom with \11-4 \.ig,1/11 ini. I :110 \ i41(·cl the

[blinded bv 111(· FramiM-2111 MiNi()1!111-in of Man·. 114

Kiliclit-garten and the Priman %(11(1(,1. where. among

('cluc ittic)11,11 phil(,v,pin M bahed ,)11 tlic· precept< 01.4ist(·1

other :1(·tivitin. I observed tlic· c hilcit·cii in .1 1,Ii).111(·Ne

Maric de la P,t.sion. who founded the FM \I, The .chool

Fencing cl»,4. C)| the other three (1,1,4. 011(· (lay K':10 N)(·lu

A brantifillk Jitil,tted iii y)acic)11% properti. Allit'ounded

in downtown I·'ttkiloka :111(1 Ill(· oth(·I- two (1.1\'% were 4)(·nt

1)\ a \(11-, am-active lopian ga:(li·11. on the (>ilt.kil-tx 01

on an C·\( 1 11-4ion to ><ligit>,Ilki, a ver) Signilicant cit) in

Atknoka. 171:knok.1 it:elf is a I,wa· 11]ctic,poliN alicl port, with a population Vini|111- to that 01 Brisbanc.

wor](l and of (:111·Ntiallitv. and o| colit-hi· in 1(·1-lt,N of the

Japitne,c hiton', in ter]110 01 trade with the \1(4(111

Ihe Senic„ I ligh School cowi-, Wars 1()-12. the 1.1.41

tragic boinbing 01 the (itv iii W\Vn. 11 w» lic·ic· iii

three vears of AL·< c)11(lan %( hooling. .·\1,0 OU the Nchool

Nagasaki that the twent ,-Ni, C .hlistian 11 1 ,,1-1,1% were

Mile is a Kindergarten. for bovs litul girIN aged three, Ic)111·

crucified in I 5t)7 for refusing to forrake tlic·it faith.

,ltul five Ve,11-4 (,Id. 2111(1 21 primary Achool for hovs :111(1

(Shus,lk. 1<11(104% compelling novel, Silence. teliN

gi i IN i n Year. 1 - 6. Their 1% llc).1 it 1 lior 11 itt h School (Yeal'M

%(>1-1-lething of ilic ston- of ( 111 ixtianitv in japan at lili>

7 - 9). Stitclent go ebrwheir iii those )+citi +. The >k·nic )1

time.) It was als<) here. earlier this centurv, that Fi

I ligh School N for gbls olilv 2111(1 has an enrohnent 01

Maximilian Kolbe OF\1, now St Maxhililian Iv,lbe,

:il)])1(iximatch 5(H) Ntticlents. Si- N.ic,kn Stigilnura I·NUM i,+

committed to the evang(·lixation of AA,1, 1,)illicit·(1 a

the Prilicipal of tlit' .henior Iligh Xclic)01 1111(1 there arc·

Francixciti h·iat·v, which continue>, hi>, work loct,n. 1 h·

another foill· si<ter,N on the st.iff, including St- Kvoko

returned to Poland and later (lit·(1 lit A„<chwit/ (1111·ing

c ),awa 1·31\1 who ic·cl the fir\t lic ),lic htin visit to 1 .c )1-etc )

tile Second World War.

Mandeville liall in H)1)1. The %(·hool mono is -Pul-tlic

((,ligrattl|ation* to lilli· Tchan .nul.]c).11111(· 11,11},in

I]izth with Love" und. 11, well. cach u·ar leve] iii the

Aci/ ]C)) liho wel-c there :11 14.114(·i on a 11{)111(·.41,11' lifit

Menior I ligh >4-In)01 11.i. it>, cm'11 goal to attain: "1)15( (>i'(·r

for the two wi·ck. of tlic term litt·,ik. Pi-lic 2111(1 14),11111

4(H)(1 poinA Al)(,lit \'()111-Nell

were out•;tanding Illill):thhador. of Loreto A|,111(1(·i'ille

in lir>,t vear, .I.(·t $ 1.11«·

positive action" ill se((,Iici year. atict "Make your diram

11;ill Und the x111||,111(1 4111(1(·lits ever(· inostitnprchied br

coine trtic·

thein. [ u:1% ven 1,]cawd and prond to %(·c· ilic·in 11111,

in third ve.11. .\N \Vell :14 the C{)1'tii,11

c'ill-1-ic'illilm. which iliclticics.|,l])2111(c· ilillgillige. EngliNh.

participating iii 0(-hool lifc. 0111(,111·ing th(· (·111{)4 .111(1

Mathematics. Mcic·11((·. .1.,1),111(·4(' 1 |iv{)1-,. Mocic'ill

culture of 111(· 0(·11001. 1111(1 111 lill tilnch (()111.1,4('1)11%'

1 |Rtorv. there A ;111 ('\t]-11-Cllllial],11 1)1-(291,1111111(' \111ich

putting their [apallese 1,ing-wag·(· 4ill. to work.

tak<·+ 1)]aa· Illict Nc lic)(,1 on 7 01(,cl,1, % and 111ll!%(lav,; and

\A hope N that thii nip haN Ntic·tlgilk·ned our

which inchicle; cultural chil,+ vic-h .r; lk(11),111,1 (Ilower

relationship with Kaisci (.it·K Iligh Sc·hool .incl that

arranging-) und Tea (('1-(Inonv. botb ofwhich arc talight

inam· more v i Iclents iii 111(· 1 liture will be al)|c· to have the

1)\ Mts Nagit/tlmi. a hig]11\ 1'(·spern·(1 7,eciali•;t in tlic·;c

opportill,in which Prue :111(1 .loanlic' 11.tic· had to

brantiful.Iaparn·.C· al'b. alld C :,illigraph>, together with

experience.lapanese school life to the full,

C :ommunitz· Sen.ia· and everal %1101 1% clitbs, %11(·h liN

(1)1 ) Annel I unt

Baketbal]. There i. 11 flill :c-hool .14\ellil,Iv cach


1 hitt clav morning and tile weeklv „checlule include. a

11.1,toral car<· period. hitcre,tingh. there are no janitor,0 alicl the %111(li·nIN themselves clean the school and the

4(-11{)01 grolind•; in all .111(,cated l o mill 1 Itc peric)(1 Itt the (·11(1 of e.lch w lic )(,1 clav. What .1 1]1.11 \(·11011% icle.t! Thc

M 11001 A spotle•;sh' c |can . wi th l ic ) l i m·r ever to be %(·en . The stticlents arc aHowed to cat their hmch in the cllissi'noms :111(1 rooms are left 11(·,11 .111(1 ticlv. 771(·il

11]liformS are ilil])(((:11)le. \11111\ %111(1(·nts ride tlicil bicvclch to \chool (·ach dav.

It w» a ven y)((iii] plt'21%111(· und privilege for inc to

9,1, with the com Immitv of approximatch twelu' IMM %341(1% \VI,(, 11\C „11 11,(' %(11(H)1 vt('. 111(· Si'·,1(·1-4 \11('r<

extwinch kind .111(1 hoy)itable and welcomed mc with gic·Iit warnuh and genet-osity. After thi-ec cl,ivs with the Ki NIers. 1 moved t o t he borne of M t . I c„·c,ko Sas,tki . 11 (·ad

01 Eng-lidl at k,tiv'i (which ine.111% 41,11- of tile Sca). who 1(·(1 the Necond 11(1111(·Nt,/\ fivt to ()111- 1( 11001 m 191)6. I

yx·lit lour (lan in the schc)(,1, \iming- clits<(14 in the Menic,1- I ligh. including classes ill the arts oflkebana and

142 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Prue Tehan and Joanne Halpin, Year 10, in class at Fukuoka Kaisei Girls' High School n Japan during a two-week homestay visit in September.

proces>ing, and floin an (clitolial viewpoint, ther Voles


were cal-lied (,lit iii a most efficient and ol,liging The 191)7 1.cit-cto Mandeville 1 1.ill >U-lic,01 Magivine

m.11111€ 1 . 111('c ting the inc,Nt dellianding (1(':ulline.

has ona· again been a team I'llc)1-1. 11w increased

The increased littinbel- of colour pages in(·ant a

number of col<)111- page. cli,11)1(·(1 lis to showcase

lili-ger workload in the Seniot- School for I.vime Beck.

Religion ill actic)11 at Lorrie). and perhaps. what .omc

1.\'Ime not on|\' li]:111.lged to [)10(ltice %11])<1·11 pager. 1)ut

woill€l call Imi- other -1.cligion"-Rowing! More %pace ha.

2,1,0 designed and executed the Maga/ine c ou·i-.

been :111(,Cated 10 Art. which N all arca of high

brilliantlv cliN])laying the Loic'to uniform through the

achic\(unent in our %('11001. and u %111)ject which 1(·11(14

u·ars, and took the overall li'%])(,INbilit, for Mag:wine

iIA('11 to 611111 pl-(,Mentittion.

clesign and photographv. Patsy Hanson. I.isa Mc\laster

hi the .junior hcliool. Kate Whelan 1111(lertook the

aild Marion \(1111% :INsistal with the tedic)15. bite'SAL'litial

lavout ofth(· colour pages, and the quality oil<,ite.N work

proofirading of all the text aticl I a in most appreciative

ill(licato lic>t (wh the ainolltlt 01 time \11(· de\·(,ted to it.

of their work. Special thanks to Alison 1)111-ham for art

1)111 11]An her outst,111(ling- artistic Ikill. K:itc' ;Ilso

work. 1 .titia Salzano for Un·om assistance, Melincla Scash

contlibuted much of the photogniphy ill ((,11jttliction

for support in collc·(·tic )11 of .11 tick·4. St josic Jefferv for

with c )111 '(,Ilicial" .Junic,1- School 1,11(>logr,11)11('1 ,.1,1)·ne

archival aid. and to Pat Mc)\]an, Wendy Todd. 1.c·sley

\\'el»ter..]avnc Aw gencron>|# i»Nted with the lavout

Gillis])ie, Felicit, Fer<linands, Alon Kaiser and other

0,1 out· "working weekend". Cathr Sim. in aclclilion to

9.,11 who .Issisted with 11:11]ics. To %111(lent leaders.

her new· role .13 Deputv 11(,ld of the |unior >Whool.

(·speciallv Amy Heeic· and C h.illotte Mulder. thank voll.

iminlained her 1,111111,11 valliable contribillion, 11% did

l'hank vou too, to Roscinary ./\|,1,(itt and the Iii)1·:11>' staff

.jililiol- %('11001 (:111-licillum Con]-clinator, 1.i, Blackic·,

for their %14)port thi'ong·11(1111 the u·,11·.

while 1)(·aim 1)(,clcls assi%1(·cl with tlic· task of naming-

Finallv thank von to al| the contril)litorN. Wil AN·

group and individual 1,11(,toM. 111,1'1)ar,1 lic)110(· ill the

what inake the Mag,vitic·. \Ve hope it will hecome a

junior >khool 1,11(1 jacque|irn· litittigic·g· in the Xenior

11(·inento of 11)97 for yon all.

>khool, ona· aguin perforined the key task 01 \#'c)icl

Mai·gai·c·t Quill (1<clitoo


LORETO · Mandeville Hall 143




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