2000 Yearbook

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Magazine Cover Our Magazine cover, designed by Sandra Jane (Art Coordinator) is a

celebration of the introduction of computer-generated imagery into the Years 6 to 12 Art curriculum. Each student was asked to manipulate a self-portrait using new graphics software and these images were transformed by Ashley Savage (IT Technician) to create the image of Loreto Mandeville Hall Historic House with the School Crest on the back cover.

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Contents 111(}t(}


3(.u· 1() Bille & (:01(1 1)11(,toN



Year 10 (;rcen & Red plioto.

\\(·|(()111(· to oili- 11.14.winc

82, 'wal 10 (.1(,ttlic· writin,g

>U·hool (:„ittic·illoi·* A· Le,WIC!-4

81 War 10(,ti·atiu· writing-

>k·hool (.,il,t,tin : Report

8 1. U·.11 14) C Yealiu· writing







3(·:11 11 11]lle & (;()1(1 phot(. 87. Ye,till (nren & Red photo'


824. Nial 11(1·(·.itive \\litilitt-

Chii(hxn EducaAon

St). U·,"· 12 photo.

( 11]11)%


h·:ti· 12 Fivo.

Rch,Lic,ii ni .\c Mon


Witt· 12 1 )11{,to'

Scnior NA hool RcliKionA Education

92. Ycal 12 1(·achi·14&- ARC

Itillior .Hcllc)01 14(·ligic)11+ 1·(111(,ttion

93. Wal 12(,ratlic writintr

junkn- School NEUT

9 1. War 12 (,reatiu· u·i·iting




\'cal 12 (:1(·Ittiu· writing

5/2 -1

billic)1· Achool Ilitic)(111(·tion


\(·:u 12 Creittiw writing


97. jim 12 Colour page


98. 34.,ti lt! C re,/ti\(· \\'liting

3(·al I

99. \11


\'Cur I

-'REY#nOZ=*213!659. 23? *_ 1\/

3(·.11 1 1 |Icti-(,chic·tion

W,11 12 >®dio Art

Yal· 2

1()1 1()2.

1/""i'an"un 01 \lind.

3(·,tr 3


I h 4 1,aziii g



\7( 1< Art & %111(lio Art

har ·1 11111(


U·,tl'+ id() Art

k·,ir 1 14|11(·


11(,11.· C 31)t'lill.

3('.tr 1 (/)1(1

1()7. >q)(,11.(..t])12,inl 14(·port

32·.lr I (,c)1(l


4(·nior »port photo.N

Y·.11· 5 It|11(


.%(·nior Nport photol

\Par.5 Bhu·


.\1111(·tia &·14(ming

Yi·.ti· 5 (;old


14{ >hilitt

3(·al' 5 Gold


I hicke,

\Dar 5 Rcd


14,1.k/·tl).111 k· \(ill<·/1),ill

Year 5 14·(1


Nell>all A. 5,0111).'11

32·.tr 6 14111(·


kwi nltllit·

1( 1·. Art

Badminton & h·Unk

>,Willililililt 117.

Nitil Lile N.n-ing

M·<ir (; (;<d(1


Nki ill,4

Year 6 Rcd


Fc]1(ing &· C 1-0 (immn

War 6 16·(1


1,1/ing K \Vater Polo

Itillic)1 %(·11001 1111'ic

121. (Allin»tic'k·.\clobin

111[lic)1 >,chool Alti,ic

122. 1·(11('tri.111 & C licket

Itittior .h<·hool 1.(.11(1('th

12:1. \1114ic (.4 Ilititin'. Repin-1

limior .Nchool Nport

121. ()1(hi.tr,i.

lunior *·hool Npon

123. (lunal liI.(1111,lc

junior Nchool Apoi i


hicliviclual Differcline. A· C 1,»ic . C lub

127. Hunphonic· A.· C (,ticc·i·t B.unl'

limior School .\1-t


Brup & 1·-Ititc 1·:HHIAL.


Yar, 1() - 12\\Iiting Coinpetition

Page 14,111(1, Mo/an \Vind 1·.114·1111)]c & 1;(1'(11%4ion

%(·niol %(11()01.Ntall

13<). 3(·al. 14)- 12 \\]itilitt (.cilly)(·titi(li)

$·nior>khool Illti-,(hiction

EN. Ye,ti, 1()- 12 \\'liting-(.C,/1,1,(·tition

ic·ai· 7 hnroductic,n

Rm• 10 - 12 116\1.itill,tit (.(}1111)(·tition

k·,ir 7 (.trati\(· writing

13.3. Principul. Report

Ycar 7 Illtit· A· ( ;01{1 pholo.

1.,1. 1 1711< 4), .1: Rcl)(>rt

M·.11 7 (,ircu & Red photo.

135. Piiiic·ip:th Report

Witl- 8 Introdlictioll


liincipal'+ Report

32,11· S (:1·(·ative writing


Princ ip:11'. Report



Win· 8 l'illic & C .(,Id plic >toN

lihicip:+11 Report

Ve.ti· S (.recti & Red photo.

169. 1,1 iii<ipall Report

Nbar 9 Ii,tl-('(111(tic)11

3(·Ill- 9 U liting· C.()114)(·tition

U·:/1- 9 14111(· & Gold photo.

Dmior >k·lic)01 It(·pot·t 111

1':11( 111•' .·\Nsoc iation Repoit & School Council 14(·pol 1 1 12. >,clic,01 C (,inu·il Report

k·ar 9 (,iren & Red plic>tox


*Al Lig 2000

3(·,11 9 (·reatiw wrltillg



War 10 hitic,chRIion

LORETO · Mandeville Hall


Welcome to 2000 School



h 1,1+ hardly surprising th,it the arrival 01' the war 2000 was a memoi-able event: it was after all lint jilst the

end oful centtlr)-, exc it ing enough though 1111,1 w·on|d be, Imt tlic· end of a milic<lillium. .111(1 the start of ;111(,ther.

\\'ho coilld Ibrget th,it extraordinarv alld illiligiling 415:ht. aftct- a stitililing- lit·ti,·(,11.. cliplin· on New Wai-4 Eve. of the word 'Eternitv' emblamned 011 Swhwy 111,1'1)otti- 141-iclge? For 1114· C :11111 (-11, the ve,il' 2000 wa,4 to

be a C .1-cat.jubilee year. with the dec·Mration 1,1 111)(Ilically enacted in the opening 01 the girat Holv Will- 1)001- of Mt. Pelei '4 Basilica in Rome for the duration c )1 this

Apecial year. As with tlic' word 'Eternit€. the word qubilee' iN profoundk nwaningful. The .jul,ilce traclition. itic·11- th()11.Milli(14 ofwar, 01€1. ext<·11(10 1,11' back int{) the hihtor, (,1 anciriii Israel. 1.ike a claric)11 ('n. the Dr Anne Hunt (Principal).

declaration of hi jill)ill·e Year' hel.11(1% a tilm· of recomiliation. forgivi·11('%$ 2111(1 freedom. jil.tia· and jui,ihiticni.

Nlic-hilicleed was the si,irit with which we iii Ativt:tlia hosted the Olvinpic (:11 Inch in >Wdnev in %(·])1(·mi)(·r. llci-,dding- a 1111)111(·litou. cvent th,lt u.1.4 al)(,111 1(> lillioId

before 11% and to enfolcl 11.4,1. a nation. ille ])215\,tgc 01 till' ()1\Inpic 1-orch tlit-{)11,qh the .luvialian counti»ide und

citic·4 11,ld 2,11 .istonishing impact On 11% 114 a 11:ilic)11 iii

ilic)4(· weeks prececling- the gam<·4. 11% if inv"kening 11% froill ()111· sltilill)(·li. .\Ic)]W the wav we Maw· oill' 111:111>'


Atistralian hernes and lic·ic,ines earning- the Torch.

people who have m.icle a di|1(1('11(r to (,111\#c,lid in ilicil


own (liftilictive Wa\%. %(,ine in the facc ofc\traordinarv

ad\( 1it)·. \\'c saw 211!-(41 the hilge explithe .,11(1 11,11ltiling

|)(·:ttltv of the vast Augralian |4111(1>ape. the iticlig(·11()114 people Ii>, its (,liginal (1101()(liall,4. and the imiltictilitival (li\(·rsity 01 it.4 people now. Iii 111 .111, ways, th(· 11,1.1114c of liu· Torch Nimbolifed our 7)ilitil,il journer a. a nation. 11 ic)1111(')'whoxi· goalis reconciliation with (,111· ilictigenons

Miss Catherine Sim (Deputy Head of the Junior School) and Mrs Kathy O'Connell (Deputy Principal - Head of the Junior School).

pcoph·. pi·ace and harmom· with each (,ther in out· ric ],Iv I!,111ti-('11|im,11 Nociet\. .111(1 with this uncient .Ilici

brittitiful Spilit-filled land. hi thc Opening Cercinonv 01 ilic (laines. wc gli·uncd

in a liew way that thi· dream 01 reconciliation with our Aboriginal people is ilicleed 1,<)%4ible and (ic'il-able. '1'|li•; 11-111\· iN tlic· .\11%11-illia we dream of 1111(1 long for. \\11(3

could forget thilt magic 111( )111(·11 t. 11 111( ) lig No nmin· 1 1 1,14-ic 111(,incnix, when Cathy h'(·c·inan, 1,>' now Ativt,ililt'X

Aurethcart . emerged to light the Olvinpic torch? \\71{) (()111(1 forget the jov and jubilation of the nation whi·n 411(· won her Gold inedit| ill the 40()in? In (hithv

Fl'((lii,111% triumph. we tasted the <·44€·ncr of the.jill)ilce dream. It was indeed thejubilce dwain - reconcili,ition.

1 1-redom..jititice, and peace - enacted before our eves and (illivened in {)111 hearts. Min we. each iii our o\#11

way, c.tch in our own part c )| thc· land, take· the (11-(.1111 forward and make it a Ic·.ilitv. for alwars .

4 ©r

Dr Susan Stevens (Deputy Principal - Director of Pastoral Care Y 7 12), Mr Andrew Schmidt (School Coordinator) and Mrs Elizabeth

Burns (Deputy Principal - Director of Studies).

LORETO · Mandeville Hall



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School Councillors 2000 2nd Row L-R Annabel Smith (School Captain), Jane Stewart, Alice Papaluca, Katherine McMahon, Michelle Funder, Tina Vanspall. Front Row L- R Simone Ball. Alisha Hnatjuk (School Vice Captain), Stephanie Maule, Megan Downing, Alana Spadaro,

Daniella Zampierollo.




School Captains 2000 2nd Row L-R Michelle Funder (School Sports Captain), Annabel Smith (Senior Chorister). Emily Smith (School Music Captain), Hosannah Healy (Leader of Orchestra), Georgina Coleman (School Debating Captain). Front Row L-R Megan Downing (School Drama Captain), Laura Riley (Leader of Stage Band), Caroline Chen (Leader of Concert Band), Lucy Fang (School Pianist).

4 LORETO · Mandeville Hall


School Captain's Report Loreto Mandeville Hall is critainly a fine place of

icilic cition 2111(1 learning, but more importantly Loreto is a place of flic·11(!Nhip anci tillity, and thexe are attlililitc gained not just thi-ough good teaching and con,Ni,tent

St 11(!v. 1)111 through 11:ning Spirit and .1 Ac·lisc· 01 good \Vill. 111(lced, wl,ilxt academic c 1.,Sses make up sc) 11111('11 c)| c,lil time at schooL it N the tinic we spelic! ainongst cach

(,ther, helping and uplifting- c·:tch other. that ix No sigililicant. 1 would like to thank Loreto, lit-xtly, 101

provicling me with a wonderful acaclemic foundation, but also for providing me with 30 many caring,

supportive friends and trachers. For what good ix knowleclge when you have no one to share it with? The Councillors' theine Irn· 2000, "Look Bevond ...

1.cad the Wav," echoes this idea of unitv and pride. We thrived on our activities this real, attempting to invokr

the whole School community as nitich as possible and to remind everyone of the greater issues that confront the Austi-alian and international commullitv. Feast Dav is

pel haps a good example of this as we chose to celebrate 0111- SchooL aild al,40 to remind 0111-Melves of the

importance of reconciliation.

Annabel Smith (School Captain).

Many other activities such as FamHy Day and 1 he I lead of the Schoolgit-16 Regatta have been great

sticcesses and we have also elljoyed personal visits from this ve:u 's Alistralian of the Yean Sir Gustav Nossal AO.

I would like· to thank all I.c,Irto stitclents for their

and the Governor ofVic loria. I lix Exci·llc·ncv, Sir 1,1111(·s

(:obbo AC, both i iisi,irational community leaders.

911)],c)rt liliN year. 1 1, particular, I woilid like to thank the Wal 12 gills who were an inspiration to me througholit

Sililili.illy our School social jilstice (,i'g.tlii/ations

the ve.11: It haM been wonderful to watch 11% grow alld

experienced great support this year higlilighting the

le:11·11, alicl a privilege for me to work sc) c loselv with \'ice

compassion and social awareness of all 1.oreto st licic·lits.

Caplain Alixha I Inat jilk. 1 wish everyone the' beit for the

The level of commitment gii'Ix diplined during the

future .111(1 hope that the kindness and ilitegliti that I

Performing Arts Fextival was admirable and this event M

have found here will lind you too.

a w<)11(let-ful opportunitv 12)1' 11% to exhibit our talents,

Annabel Smith (School Captilin)

1)lit also our concerns and idcals.



Alisha Hnatjuk (School Vice Captain) and Annabel Smith (School Captain) with Sir Gustav Nossal

(Deputy Chair of the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation) at a reception following his address to a School assembly on the issue of Reconciliation.

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 5

40 4744 -- PAF


m. Li lIi Li/

(Clockwise from top left) 1 Jess ca Hies

2. Veronica Callaghan, Ngoc Le and Casey Gunn 3. Greta Lacava puts the finishing touch to Alexandra Smith's hair. 4. Chandini Kao.

5. Vivien Gannon, Emily Hodges and Monique Leoncelli. 6. Ward "Diseases".7. Mulhall Captain Amy Killen and Vice Captain Patricia Nigro with the House Trophy 8. (centre top) Mornane dancers.


t y


71.9 14% 1 + 1/ild..... (Clockwise from top left) 1. Frances Acance and Lucy Fang ceiebrate Mulhall's win. 2. (back) Jessica lerardo, Simone Ball,


Jessica Buckley (front) Emily Portelli, Anna Smith, Demetra Pollalis, Cassandra Fry and Jacinta Demetriou. 3. Meghan Sweeney. 4. Monica Lillas. 5. Going to rehearsals. 6. Ward performers. 7. (back) Georgia Foley Kate Lonergan, Bridget Hall, Katherine Mann (front) Siobhan O'Dwyer, Michelle Podbury and Alexandra Stafford. 8. Michelle Funder, Rebecca Prescott, Alisha Treacy and Casey Gunn. 9. Mardi Taylor and Claire Southall. 10. Alexandra Suffren, Millicent Chalmers, Angela Crowe, Claire Gibbs, Elisse Jones and Sarah Trenchard.

- :93%





Drama and Theatre Studies


(Clockwise from top left) 1. Claire Southall (Y 12) in "Lysistrata" 2. Kelly Lennon (712) and "friend" at VCE Monologue Examination (background) Annie Merrylees (Y 12). 3. Amelia Hartley and Jacqueline Halpin (Yll) ir "Tartuffe". 4. Mulhall - winners of Junior House Drama with an adaptation of Roald Dahl's '1 The Witches". 5. Lucy MeTiernan (Y 1 1 ) and Mrs Patricia Schroor rehearsing for "Anne Hathaway". 6. Meagan McDonnell (Y11). Will Robinson (Xavier College) and the Forest Singers in 'As You Like It". 7. Winning Junior House Drarra Captains: Bridget Allanadale and Elizabeth Corrigan (Y8). 8. 'Lys.strata" Natalie Hunter. Alisha Hnatjuk, Claire McLennan. Annabel Smilh. Casey Gunn and Andrea Kaliviotis (Y12). 9."As vou Like It" finale.



tt f £

{Clockwise from top left) 1 (Front)

IE Elisabeth Hunter, Stephanie Davis, Emma Gandolofo and (back) Natalie Grant, Priya Lai, Caroline Whelan and Jiaping (Jenni) Fu. 2. Natalie Grant and Catherine Ryan with Mr Matthew Habben ( Loreto Music Staff). 3. Year 7 Choir conducted by Ms Mary O'Driscoll with the Senior Recorder Ensemble. 4. Patricia Nigro, Georgina Molloy and Rosannah Healy. 5. Junior School cast of 'Oliver" with Loreto

Symphony Orchestra performing at Rhapsody in Blue and Gold at Hobert Blackwood Hall. 6. Junior School

musicians at Mass in the Chapel: Victoria Hammond and Rebecca Howie (Y4) and Alexandra Jolly (Y5). 7. Mrs Leonie Conolan conducting the Mandeville String Orchestra at Hobert Blackwood Hall.

8.(centre) Jane Matheson, Veronica McGee and Isabelle Kitchen





, 4,4



,. f ?1

(Clockwise from top left) Opposite page: 1 Marissa Ito and Christine Ho (Y8). 2.

Lisa Donohoe, Kelly McBride, Georgia Fillmore and Claire Gibbs (Y9). 3. Kristy Hodges (Y9) receives instructions from Julian a Camp Leader. 4. Rafting with Mrs Cathy Hunt: Alice McNamara, Sally Anne Tiernan, Julien Gibson. Julienne Lacava.(Y9). 5. Simone Tyson (78). 6. Sian Whyte and Samantha Lau (Y8). 7. Year 8 girls ready for a hike on their Outdoor Education Camp. 9. Renuka Rajadurai (Y9). 10 (Centre) Stephanie Pirrie, Julia Pashula, Ella Henschke. Chloe Ralph (back) and Amy Noonan (Y7). This page: 1.Sally Ary'le

Tiernan and Julien Gibson (Y9) with Camp Leader tackle the rapids. 2. Jacqueline Moore and Jenna Flack (Y7) on the water. 3. Molly Gardner (77). 4. Grace Callaghan (Y7) 5, Kate Joubert (Y8). 6. Catherine Pendrey (Y7). 7. Caitlin Mios, Bridget Nathan, Courtney Grace, Madeleine Gardam, Vi Nguyen (Y7). 8. Gabrielle Lamont (Y8).







Outdoor Education



Camps a

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Religion in Action

0 Vk 1%45 en,

AE| THE ¥4



(Clockwise from top left) 1. Helping the needy by pack ng goods collected for the Simply Sharing Mass. 2. Liturgical movement at Family Day Mass. 3. Big Sister- Little Sister Programme: Madeleine Scanlon (Y 12) and her "little sister" Madeline Sharrock (Y7). 4. Year 9 girls show their support for the Jubilee call to cancel the debt of poorer nations. 5. Samantha Dermatis,Tina Vanspall, Andrea Kaliviotis, Sarah Ho and Elizabeth O'Day discuss justice for indigenous people with Mr Jack Rush QC. 6. Students for reconciliation. 7. School Vice Captain Alisha Hnatjuk

' and Camilla Counsel (74) share a liturgical reading. 9.Preparing

*b J1 Cancel the Debt banner. 10.Fr Ed Dooley SJ celebrates Opening of the School Year Mass.


Religious Education 14)1-


1 NI'arlit l'N.

till· , CIll

Following the 14·ast 1)11\ litill·g-v, lilcilil)(1-% of the Loreto communiti. ti,gether with two 1114'1!11)(·1'% 01 the (,1 1111)1!ce


indigenoti. conmmnity, \11-0 Marlorie Thorpe lind M.

precininci.]v a tillie of' joy, the year of ic·iniNon or ilili\t,th:11 ])111(1()11.

"Thou shall sanctift the fiftieth rear," we

while 11 pl,iclilch \#,a, i,1.t,illed ,-c·cc,gtii,ii,g pMor rcux! in

c)\f'liel'%hip of the land on ivhich the %(11<)01 114)\V st.111(1%.

Le,itic» 25: 10. "and shall prodaim remission to all the

\11 %111(1(Int. were then invited to conitil)'lic to the %(·a of

inhabitants Of thy land: f,r it is the year of,ilibilee." The proinise o[ .Jubila· u» takc·11 up bv.]c,li4 in the 5,·nag-ogue Iit Na/:11-(·th al the verv beginning 01 liN millistn:

1 1,111€ls. which waN Ic)1·lucit in the git!(1(·11% an),zild the front lawn. 11% a vgn that we were willing to lake our hanch for Reconciliation.

Olir praver toc) 11(·11)0 to ( (,!111·(· 11. alid 1 (·inind 11% 111,11

"The spirit of the Lord is upon me.

we al-c in colmmillion with u loving God. For the 1,1.1 1( \1

11wrefore he has aiminted me.

Uhars we have had Chapel .·\™·inblic·+ citch week for

He has sent me to bring good news to the poon

every yeat- leveL A4 far as I,c,%ible ilic·<c· reflect the·

To proclaim liberN to captires,

liturgical year. proininent Ic»,t (ta)'.4 or lili· no'(1% ofour

Neu, sight to the blind

*chool colmminitv 2111(1 the world in Hhic h ive live.

And.freedom.for prisoners.

%111(lents refpond verv positiveh to thoe inoiticills in

12) announce a Year (11 1(11'(,lir from the Lord"

their week and it is 11(·.Ii'tening to .(·(· how prawrful


>c)lilig people can be at Iliche tilne.4. Tittic'.4 given il, c |11\N

itisthe praver 01 1111 0111. iliat thisib whitt we do for

for reflection and Il](·Clit :ltiC)11 111-i' 4'11111 1 thi,IMIicalli

()111- students here 11[ 1.01-et c ) .\|,111(1(·ville I |al|. \\'c want to

welcolned. a>, they Ket· in thelll pr<'Ci{)11>,()1)1)()1111[lities k)

empower tlwin, 10 Iii)(i,tic liu·m from tlic· things which

be quiet and reflective·.

en.dave them. to bring them liu· (;00(1 News (,1.1(·stis Christ and to give them llc )1 )(1.

This year'>; retreats have al,0 1,(·c·ti verv stic< ('sdill, with War 7 focusing on dealing with Ilic·ir Iccliligh: Yeal

It ix orn' desire 10 1,1-c )icic· thewe voung women with

8 - relationships with one anotlier: 3,·ar 9 - 1,(·i·v>11.11

opportunitics U) scrve in the wider unnintinitv >u) th,it

development .111(1 coinmunitv Nervict', WarIC) - Cllt-1-ent

thev too inav be 1)<':tl('14 Of the Good News and the means bv which otlic·rh Init, be fire.

I .1111 reminded ofa conversation one ofour teachers had wit]1 2111 ex-%111(lent who 1111(! recentlv rettll-lied from

isslies ofconcern to tlic·in. All ottlic·%(' (1,1)'0 Litlic·11)(gan,

or ended. with .1 liturgy pi-(11):ii-(cl alict pi'themed bv the 41 11(lents.

In Aitguxt. a group of\Mu' 10 %111(tents were ill\-ited to

\'letnam and Cambodia where .he had been working as

%])end a morning listeli ing to vidtors fi-om C :111·i tah Al )(1,1 k

a volmiteer. She told |ilin that she had found that one 01

on their expel ietic-(14 in 1·»a 1 imor. They al.c ,

tile best Wit)'s to overcome deprt·Non Wit+ to be of

palticipated in activities 1111(1 (lixcil,ic)11% with Ntliclents

service to other people. .I hiN W.th il Ic'111.11-kable

from other schools which were de.Migned to height(·11

observation 11-()111 011(· No voung and tic ({)111(1 teach 11%

tliei]- awarchiless of the twedh (,1 (,111' brothel-4 :111(1 si.tel-4

all .1 powerful le™)li al)()111 9 1\ia· 11) oliu·1'0.

there. and to empower thrill to speak out on this isstic·.

.\% part 01 the.]all)ilce alebration.. we \*(·re verv formnate to be abli· 10 0(·11(1 tht-(·(·3(·ai l l %111(1(·1114 to tile

1 am al\Va>·4 illi])1-exhi·(1 b) the 4(·11('1-c).itv (,1 ()111 vilclenth with their tinw. their t:[|(·111% .11 1(1 theit- i llc )11(·)

lubiler lilgrimage in Rome, I'lwy joinc·(1 vilclent# 11-om

when it collit·+ to helping oth(». \\'c· 11{nv 1111\(· over 60

all ovet 111(' wor|(1 iii 11 \(·1-) 4)(·cial ('\])(1-il·nce of prayer.

4111(1(·nt.4 invokrd iii the F.pworth .111(1 ( 1,11)1-ini fl)((·lili

pilglitnage 1111(1 ('(|c·|,lution. ivllic|, ilicllicled 11,14% with the I lolv Father.

A Acleclion of (,lit-li·,il 9 %111(lent.,11%0 1)111'ticipated in a 'Rattling of the C Imins of 1)c·1,1'. This wax a local

ministry project: c )111· littinlic·1 5 involved in the East Timorese Tittoring Progr,1 111 inct·c,th(·(1 thiN vear, a iici we 2,140 have .1 Iledgling St. Vitic(·lit dc 14111 Nocietv nin bv middle %(11001 Xmdents.

community project to increase propic· '4:nvareness 01 the

We are fortunate here at Loreto to have decticated,

crippling cl|( c ts o| Third \\'c,I ld l)('1,1, which |]114 been 11

entlitisiastic st,til in the Religion>; |<c|llc',ltion Fac·ziltv and

inajor locils 01 11/('.ill|)ilce War. \1)(,lig-inal 14('((,tic'iliation iv» ('11(,4(·19 In the Year 12 Social.Ill>;tice (:')11111ince 'th the loni. lor olli ie»,1 1):n

((lebrations. hi ])1-('1):11'lition for thiN, 11|l 4111(lent•; in the

I am verv grateful 1(,1- the support thev offer 111( 1111(| the Mtll(!('111% ill their (-,11('.

Mill-ie Brown (Religic),1% 1:chic'ation (.c)(,1-(linator >4·nior *hool)

|11!lior :111(1 %(·nior Achoo| 11(·re given the opportitilin· to heal· Mis. lic·m Pike. .1 Noong:11- woman from i\'('st(·1·11

\uxtrali.1. She y )(,ke to lis .11)(ilit her lile and the lic·ccl both ilicligenous and non- indigenous .·111Ht]-Illi.1114 have to bc reconcil,·d with (·ach other.

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 13

Religious Education Religions Educatioii 111 this \(.11' of the (41-cat.jubilce. \ve have cho.4£11 as

(1111'.}linior School theme, "Ilve the.]111)ilt·c Diram." This 111(111(· (11'11\vs together inxights 11-0111 two ilili){)1·t.1111 Ac)111-ccs ofour growth ill f.lith here lit I.(31(·to. One i.4 tile


C .litlic-16% ilic·shage ofjubilee, fol- the war 2000 and the second, one ofthe enriclling illesslge ofoltl- 1001,(irc« Al:irv \\'ard.

rhiN thelne was (11(>Mell %0 11]111 K·c would be contiliti,11]v· reininded that the vear 2000 i. Il bok vear. a

lubilee war. 1111(1 :11:40 to rellicinbel- and rellect on a

wriling ofMill-v H Ill·d'A. who whilst ill praw . on reurat 4.iici 1 livc·ned to lii.4 deep (11'ealil for inc".


14 thi* Year of .]11],ilee a partictilarh opportilic time

to concent rate on God s deep dream for cach one of 11%? Ihen. how· call we do tili,?

1 hi-ong-hout our Religious Ecitication Program in the

|tiniol- School. we continti,111) se,11-ch for (;0(1% me.Jitge 10 11% as we ponder this question. During Lent. the 4111(1(·Dth con.Nideled what they could let go' in their lives

2,11(1 ,\Imt thev conld 'take lip' so that thc·\ ((,1 lid journey to the full glon' ofthe risen Christ,ttl·:lister. b the Units (11'Studv unfold in (-1.144. the life 01.le;us

Und the Mton' (,1 (lod'x loving attendana· 101 Ii, pcopic i h explored, and then, the 'deep (11 c .tin 1 1 1.1 t C .cx 1 licr; for each (Int· 01 11% becomes a little clearer..\0 our Ye.li- 3 and

4 gi 1-1+ pirpin-e for Fii·Nt ReconciIiation and Firht Coinintinion and the rest of tilt' ('11»0 re\ihit the

li<-1111(» thes<· Sacrainental gilt>; of torgivene« healinglind noill ishment bring to 11.4. the (11 (·allf N 1111-ther cl.wifii·d.

\4 We listen to Betty Pike, a Noung-ar woman, share Ilic· stories (,1 her people and Marjorie Thorpe. member (,1 the C .c,ilticil for Aboriginal Reccitic iliation. ;tclcil-e<% tls

Reconciliation: Emilie Fellay (Y4), Mrs Betty Pike, Amanda

al c )1 11- 17(·ast 1-hiv littli-gy, 'C;C)(1'4 (1(·C·]) (11-cam' Ntil'N within

Valmorbida (Y4).


12)54(·ther throligh piciver, clitict titile. of rellcction 1111(1 litill-gical celel)1·ntion we inake 1-(·al C .c ,(G deep clic·ain for 11, ancl decide how wc might beht put this clicam into action and tl-111, . 1.irc the jill,iler Dir,1111' it] the war 2000 and onwards.

Mis Pike Comes To Visit Oil \\('€111(·0(kn 9 :\114119 21 1.,ch· callecl \11-0 Bett, Pike. calne ic ) c )11 1- school, Loreto Mandeville Hall. Slic told 11%

that Alle is a Noongar woman from \\'c•;tern Atistralia

Dolotli)- Peter (Religic)li. Education Coordinatorjuniol- School)

2111(1 1(,Icl 114 Nc )111(· c )1 th(1 history Of her prople. Manv, manv wal-\ ago. another Aboliginal tribe. the

Wurindjeri people lived on, and cared for, the land where 0111- <choo] i. todav.

MiN Pike diared with 11% Noine xtories of her people. She toId 114 1(, 'lihicti' 1,11(1 '1·enwinber' 111%1 ax the aborigiti,11% clid. \Ve 11:1(11(,th offun liNtening to her .torr about the black ancl ishite cock.ktoo·;. After the flon die

gave il>, 11 ver, %1,ecial 1)1( shilig with water and gliln leaw.. She (1-('ated a 1)1('fiing called "An Aii,tralian lileing." and told it to 114.


Mciv vou Illi\-11,0 41:ind 11% 1.111 as a tree.

Be a 9 n ,iig .r; t lic· rock l_'liti-1 1 Ax gentle al](1 Mill », the 1112)1-ning 1111%1

1 10]d the warinth o[ the camptile ill yolit hi·Ittl Liturgical movement: Emily Foenander, Caitlin Moran, Eliza Whyte (Yl) with celebrant Fr Gerry Scott.

14 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

\11(1 mav the H],irit .11\vavs w.ilk with Volt.

ivica C :lic<cic'inan, Salliantlm Podbury, 32.11' 4

M Junior School Staff 2000

3rd Row L-R Maureen Carroll, Gabrielle Warren, Sonia Francazio, Join Ryan, Jayne Webster, Michelle Lindeman, Margaret Bowden. 2nd Row L-R Kathy Flynn, Catherine Maimone, Virginia Hand, Kate Whelan. Andrea Vance. Alison Durham. Elizabeth Blackie. Front Row L-R Dorothy Peters, Michelle Courtenay, Barbara Heyhoe, Catherine Sim (Deputy Head of the Junior School). Kathy O'Connell

(Deputy Principal- Head of the Junior School), Fadia Zogheib, Tiffany Pullin. Penny Trebilcock. Absent Vicki MeNamara, Vera Rozkin, Stuart Shearman.

Farewell to Kathy O'Coliliell U the (iici of 2000, we bid larewell to &11·3 Kathr

3- ... 24 167= :· ·1 -4474£ *

OColmell. It was a good cia, for I.(,reto when Kath, xtarted :it Loreto Mandeville I Iall in lt)112. taking 14) 21

newlv cirated le,idenhip ])(,hition :r; junior School (:ill 1-ic'lll,1111 C k H)1-(lililit<)1. in whkl] 1'()1(, she \\'AM

respoiNI)|c· for the curricultim It-nin Prep to War 6. Five )(:li-% late". Alle wa>, 111)1)(billted », licad 01 11* Junior School. Al the end 01 2000. on her retirement. we unr enot-moti# thanks for all that Alic· has dom· 101- 1,(,tric) Mandeville 11,111.itic| for the 1-(·111.11·kable (1(·clication and

cure with \vhich 41(· 11,1 wricd the hclic)01. \\'c gi\(·

tli.inkN not <)111,· for whal 4|w Ii:14(1()11(· 1)11[ for liu· ])('14()11

Alle 11:10 1)(cil to liN: g-racion<. 1(nal, compa.Nonate. kind, and patic·lit. a good lis[('11(11· ancl a wi<(· colinsellor to 1)0111 parclith and te,ic'lu». 1 |(·1' illilailing ('()1111,iitinent Wir, 11|i,In to the wellare 01 thi· %111(1(1111, aml to

provicling the be.Nt l){).4,41)|c (Yllic·ation 1-or 111(' Ntliclillt>, al Loreto Mande\'ille [[,111. The .Junior >kliool A 1111(1(,lil)ted],· 1111 the Atic)liger for her gent·rous and wiM·

leadership. Alle leave a ven firm foundation on which to develop it till-their. \\2· wish l\,ttln (·,('1-1 1)1(144ng, happilic» and vic·((» ill thi>; 11(·\1 chapter ofher life.

Mrs Kathy O'Connell.

LORETO · Mandeville Hal


ft t,


First Communion 3rd Row L-R Mrs Dot Peters, Natasha Barison, Veronique Campion, Annabelle Wong Tai, Megan Allanadale, Nikita Demetriou, Alice Callaghan, Julia Mansour, Megan Swinstead, Esther MeMahon, Lucy Adamson, Frankie Cox, Alexandra Higgins, Amelia Harrison, Alexandra England, Miss Catnerine Maimone.

2nd Row L-R Mrs Kathy O'Connell, Julia Canavan, Alexandra Gribbin, Harriet Fell, Siana Madden, Caitlin Spence, Monsignor Gerald Cudmore. Cara Pepe, Eliza Tiernan. Bridget Kelly, Mary Shuttleworth, Teresa Cabal Pasini. Dr Anne Hunt.

Front Row L-R Alexandra Fitzgerald. Samantha Bell-Goodman, Annelise Brown, Danica Patawaran, Eugenie Prior, Eve Lillas. Natasha Simonds, Stephanie John, Julia Sweeney

My First Conmmnion

Retreat Day

On Ang-ltv 20 the 32,11- 2, cla»% with liu· War I gillh.

On Reti c·.11 Din we zi'(·re prepat ing for ()111 Fit w l ic,h

inacic ilic·ir Fit-.1 1 101, Communion. It w,14 :1 ven yx·cial

(:ommunion. \\1· trm<!c· 11-cad. we livened to th(· hion 01-

11'n· '111(1 lili 01 0111· fainili aild 11'i(,11(1% \vere there to +Arc

the 1.»t %111)1)(·r .111(1 \*'c \1'111(-hed a viclco. A lack li,uncd

it with 11.. \1()1ilwor Chidinoic ('t·|('brated the \1»N.

111. |ike callic to \ihit 11* lind t'liked '11)olit .\1)<)liginal

Before tlic· clav we Imil to prepIU'C. 01 7 .\11gt141 tile

lite. Monsignoi- (,(·rald Citchii{,1-c (,unc anct talki·<1111),)111

| ilst C :(,lill]1111ii(,1111% Imil .1 Fillilih· 141(14,4ing Nighi in the

the 1·:11(luri41 Und \\11:11 it wa* like bring a 1'.11·Rh Print.

(:hapel. It wah a ibm· to plc'1)111(' (,111 lilin(10 1,11(1 hearth. ()11 9 .\11„·,1,1 we 11,1(1 a Enchiti·ist 14('11(·at Dav. We

\Ve .11(· pi//.1 1(,1- 11111(·h .ind then it #aclh c .litic to the c.lici 01 the (111\·. I had 111(' liest (lav ever.

milde bread ,ind watched .1 ;id(·(} call(·(l "Gi-,niclm:A

.J/tli:/ (:I/!1'/\;11/. 3'(.'tl' :,'

Bread." We :tho decorated (,11,(11(·s to UM· 01) <)111 lhAI l.ommunion 1)11\. |11 the alternoon wi· went to the

Chape| and ligt·lic·(1 10 All-4 Pike talk 'il)(mt reconciliation and Al,orighml Mtoric.. UP· fillishal the dav \vith a princr.

I thought th.it thi prepill,ilion time wit. \(11, c.\citing ,ind girat fun, it helpecl inake our Filht ( {)11111111!1ion Dll Megan Swill .1,1.1(1. 32'.11 3

Reconciliation activity: Rafaela Scully, Joanne Stergiou and Bianca McBroom (Y4)

4,41- . 40, -


Our Recoiiciliation On 27 .]tilv. ilic· 3<·ar 4 girl: 111.1(le their Fi 1.41 Reconciliation. \\c· had a Ic,rch· liturg-v iii the Lor<·10

Mande\'ille 111111 ('Impel. Six ],1-icvs c .ime to ce|¢11,1-Itte this wolicic'1-1111 Slic I :iment with 110. This wils a ven *pic·ial event in the Ikes 01,111 the gills and we kit hap])0 1111(1 lit pe,-· atte'- we received C :c ,(1'x Ic„-gi,Tei,CNN. Altar cloth made by First Communion children.

16 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Ether 11011:thon. Amancla \ .11!ilc),1,icla. 12.11- 1

a 1(232'47113*c- ,% 2/;,44#ati P t: d 3f:L'' .. .'.1--3 ' 3101 '

r. 4%14






52»„.4 '- --' «jf-1,. - X < 3 19t·4050?

6 41. .

Junior School 4

Prep Prep 3rd Row L-R Elizabeth Hannon.

Isabella Casey, Caitlin Foster, Zoe Sfetkidis, Isabella MeNamara. Camilla Caldwell. Alessia Pierobon, Frances Shuttleworth, 4al

Georgina Lupson, Claudia Howcroft, Yukika Soga.

2nd Row L-R Edwina Swain, Carolyn Shembrey, Kristen Fowler, Harriet Haig, Emily Avery. Holly Cormack, Julia Leonard, Catherine John.


Front Row L-R Anna Hughes, Alice Date, Amelia Freezer, Brittany De Lutis Teacher Miss Kate Whelan

\Ve like von· writing. 11 k Itin. H·(· 114(· our '11.1\('-.1-go'

books to help ils spi·11 wor(IN we clonk know. lic· write Alic}lit thing>; 11'(' dc). Emik Aven. C limill.1 (:.tidwell

111 0111- c|.thst-nom we h.lic' Int. of acti,itic'%. ()111-

1,1,(1111-ite :1(tivitiej ;11(· reading the '1)ig I)(,okC .111(1 \Vol·d

Billg<). |l,ince; Shlitt](\(,1-th. Harriet I laig

\Ve had a reading parn..11 the partv we werc given

c „ 11- 'take-borne books' bagand a book to take holne for the fil-st tillie. 0111- 1)111·ent% came and looked through

1 1

c)iii- work book..

Itt'ittam' de Littif, C .1.,11(lia I Ic)\Tcroft

Claudia Howcroft playing "Sharks" in the Infant playground.

\Ve like· doing work iii (,ill -God Book<, \Ve know

Iliat this work is ven 4)('cial, so we work ver, 11(,Ith, Anna I lught·. ki-Nten Fowler

\Ve enjov Maths. \Ve workin c )111- 1,|lic uniths booL \Ve haw a -14-cp flic)])' ililit we ine mone, to buv things fikull.

lihen wc went to the itc )tanic- C ..11-clen< we h )(,ki·cl

Vic e Date, ls,il)( ]111 MeN.,111.11'11

ful- milii-1)(·a•AN thi-ollgli lilict'ofcope. and 1(·,11111 illicl-(Ming thint©,lbolit the]11. Ah·via Picrobon. Caillin Fo•;ter

\\'c like making hiciul.+ 10:(·ther. \Vc 1)1.1, with evenone iIi Prep I,c·(,1ll,(· we al·(· 2111 fric·nclh. Ilill,l 1.('(nicircl. I.alklht (114<·1

It ,#.1 gl·cal when wi· 11,1(1 111<· 'Mini-()1\111],ics'. We Wel-C a|| ill cliffei'('111 COUNN-V t('11111,4.

Edwina >Rvain. Gcorgina hip.on

\Vc brought our favouritc Teddv Bc·ar to c·hool ancl ur had a picnic under the big Irc·c. Yukika >Aga. (,inliti >;hembiry

Nwimming I .c»ons :ti c· fun: Evenone tric, verv 11:,1-(1, U th<· end o| tlic' le™)11 we get h.ce time. Zoe .41(·tkicli.4. (,1111(i'inc ]()1111 1-11(· At Knin'+ 11{}IN c.line to \Rit. \\'c read a .ton'

111)()lit mannet-% alld 111 21(Ic pig ni,lhkx. \\'c 11,1(1 11 picnic Brittany De Lutis and Leonie von Sanden represent 'Germany" in the "Mini Olympics.

18 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

hinch together. \Inclia Fraver. Eli/al)(·111 1 lannon


- 742



Zoe Sfetkidis and Leonie von Sanden. "Pussy cat" Anna Hughes.

A special visitor to the Prep classroom,


Frances Shuttleworth enjoys showing her mother her workbook.


l *


Stephanie Maule (School Councillor) and Preps share luni

Preps at -j









Isabella Casey and her mother share her

Georgina Lupson, Caitlin Foster

Alessia Pierobon and Emily Avery in


and Elizabeth Hannon at the "St.

the infant playground.

Patrickb Day Teddy Bear picnic."


Year 1 Year 1 3rd Row L-R Caitlin Moran, Pira Marshall, Alexandra McKenzie, Annabel Tostevin,

Eliza Whyte, Marcella Palma, Camilla Fox, Alexa Madden. Katherine Frawley 2nd Row L- R Dora Cosentino,

Sophie Clarke. Eliza Christie, Amber Bell, Annabel Jones. Remy Adams, Emily Foenander, Samantha Hess. Front Row L-R Amanda North,

Rachel Cheng. Nicole O'Donnell, Alexandra Mattel, Jasmin Chia, Charlotte Higgins. Absent Elyse Kearney. Teacher Ms Michelle Lindeman


'Fun' Friday in Year l


11>' look /0,·wm·d /0 1·)7-dar parh wrrk. 11>' 1/ever know what

will happen ncxt mi Fun Fridari "The ladv came from the R,\C :\' and tatight 11% al,olit £ 1-0,>ing the road and let lis look at the· video to show its

how to get out 01 1 car properh." Katherine Frimin

"On Bastille Dav we looked up the internet alict we

ate bagliette with 1)litter or hone, or plain. al-icl 1111(1 Noine (1(,liton>. Yoil can put thetil ill Nallid :111(1 soit]). >hunalith,1 1 Ics<. (:h,11-lotte Higgil™

Working with Year 3 buddies at the World of Maths incursion: Eliza Christie (Yl), Eliza Tiernan (Y3), Rachel Cheng (Yl) and Megan Swinstead (Y3).

Maths \ATeek

Teddy Bears' Piciiic "We mack· lip a dance with olil- t€·clclies with the

l ed(Iv Bear Pic iliC %01g. 1\'C ])1-act ised a few tinle% 1111(1 we lined up and did it for the Preps und \Ii» Mailnone. \Ve were doing work abotit tovA.

During .Wrah., 114/? we had // wo)/de,11,1 experir//ce when The 11>,rld 4 ·\/,i/hs visited.

It was verv good. '11-her,6 A-mir?'was niv litvouritc. You

read the iligluctic)11% and opened lip each door and in the end vou lind where Katie E.

Amanda North

Annal)(·] C)]le,%

I i eall, en loved Nic,iike€. There were nails and you put the monkev on the top of the row of imils and counted how inanv flashes it took to get the monke, to the bottom. 11 took me ht·ven Illishe..

11(,1,1 (:(,0(,iizino lon wae lemning but it Ha.4 tilll.

1<li/,i \\ h,r te

Dance-a-thon "We plined some Clh and did a dance-a-them. Mr favourite song wax Barbie Girl." Marcella Palma

MM Lindeman talight 11% a game with a porcupille ball and we hael two team.4 alicl 171\' team won. C )111 team

was the fir,Nt to get all 01 the other te,1111 out. It wax a Using the Maths Discovery Centre on Fun Friday: Alexa Madden, Emily Foenander, Sophie Clarke, Remy Adams.

20 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

le,11]v good galne and I enjoved it.' Alexandra 11('Iviizie

Gratitude Joili-nals l

\\'c trV to Cliltivate :111 :ttlitilde 01 gratittic!(· thi-ough the 11>(· 01 our Gratitt'(1(.I{)Ill·11.1|>.

"Mv Milin iM Ac) special to im· 1,('c'.Itise slic· cares for me and inv' 1.zinilv .1,1(1 she 9% a greal cook und I love inv Minn 40 No lunch." \mber BcH

"\1\ Dacl is so special to ]]ic· 1 )(·c ,illic he ('.1114 me Pulnpkin and he i.% Inirm." loanna Pidcock

!!li #flibf

"Mv I lome. Home i. where the heart is...mv familv.

111\ photos. inv bedic,(,in. Annabel Trn®vin

Investigating sea creatures: Alexandra Mattel, Pira Marshall, . Chia.


St Kevin's College Visit 1\'c look the bovs 10 111114ic' to |carn KI)111(· 4()ilgs. Pila Mar,dmil

"At lilli.hic we le.il-lic·(1 'Al,lgalili.i ,111(1 wl· heard thein Millging it on the !)11% wilen thev ](·fir 1·Ili'M· Kt·.1

Granclfrien(is' Day Enjoying the fun at Late Stay Rachel Cheng, Annabel Tostevin, Alexa Madden and Elyse Kearney.

"\1\ N.lima .111(1 Po])1).1 came to M·c nw and I took

theni on a tont- 01 the *-]1001 .lint the \Illitipul·po>c room to ht·(· C .1 .1111 li' Davix." C :.imilla Fox



LJ 4

0 46


Nicole O'Donnell and Emily Foenander enjoy an activity with visiting


friends from St Kevin's.

Caitlin Moran welcomes her Grandmother and Great Grandmother

on Grandfriends' Day.

LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Year 2 Year 2 3rd Row L- R Eliza Grant, Emilie Hickey,

Stephanje Byrnes, Rebekah Cormack, Charlotte Fellay, Ayaka Soga, Natal e Wilkinson, Chloe Lucchesi,


Venessa Robinson, Meg Appleby. 2nd Row L-R Eliza Quinert,

Stephanie Mattel, Camilla Flook, Lisette Campbell, Gabriella Nugent, Gabriella Sgro, Sally Hartmanis, Nicola Stevenson

Front Row L-R Brigid A'Hearn. Aritia Church, Bridget O'Brien. Kleo Tzelil, Tess McPherson. Atlanta Mutimer, Rebekah Lewis. Teacher Mrs Maureen Carroll

Making a Difference \Ve \Vent to .41 .1{irpll'% 11(Ne] b, 1)11*. I met firr pec)],]c. Their immeN were \'ic,let. Pat. Francis. Eileen


and how could 1 ever forget, Grannv DaviNG It \1,10


Granlir s I c)()th 1,91 thdav. One of the lovek I;1(lie; 4'li(1 1/)


inc "You 21]r .1 lovch gil'l". C.,unillit Flook

The Doll,11111 Expert

Caitlin Moran (Yl) and Tess McPherson (Y2) celebrate the 100th

1 h('1)(blphin Expert aine,Kinlive lt':1111((lil lot al)(,lit

Birthday of Granny Davis at St Joseph's Hostel in Hawthorn.

dolphin. alid oliu·i- fc·,1 ciratill(·h. I wc,lild like 10 11(lopt a (1<)11)1'in Gubrit'll.l %,4-1-0

Reading Groups EM·n morning we (10 rea<ling acti\itin. .\It(·1\:ll·(h ive hau·Ahare I imi·' and evenone love. that I)/1./ 01 :/11.

I hau· 1)(·cn with tlic· l i>,ho Group and now I itin with the we filli41) our work cal-1, we do extra.


Prayer leaders: Sally Hartmanis, Ayaka Soga. Nicola Stevenson (,112illotte Fell,n

Charlotte Fellay.

Poetry \Ve have le.,1-111 %<)4)( )00{) 111.tin 1)(,cin. in Vi·a]- 2 like '-7/ir/obberivor/n'I '\1\ C {)11111 IC ancl lot. 4 31 41 1 .ike.])(·are.

J L_2 + f

1 even kept learning poein. wlic·n I went 10 11-th],111(1 this vear. Mrs Carroil savs %]le might gi\(· mt· the Al()1' Degrce. Th,it 111(·an.N '\Ii,vi·i- of Pocti-€ alul lin not (·vin at l iii\(»in we


Spellilig \Ve low· '1)ictionan Race' in k·:tr 2

\\'lk·/1 w·(· 111,li' it then·' . 1/)1% 1,) (1(,! \Vc hoId oltv (tictionario \un lip high Find the word :111(1 1('llch for tile +AC

'Beware the Jabberwocky!" Gabriella Sgro, Rebekah Lewis,

Stephanie Byrner, Camilla Flook and Venessa Robinson.

22 Lt)RETO · Mandeville Hall

Blidg-ct ()141-icn. Emilie I lickn

Private Mail Private Mail is 11)(·cial. lit'st you learn how to write it letter :mci vou make it 7,<·cial :ix a kiTI,Make for vour parmer. Yoll get to know each c )ther I )(·tter. Evervone li,is :1 Macl 1.tic· if Mrs C.,111'oil s;ns, "Wr c.ilit do Private Mail

thix "·c·ck gii-]s... \Feill·N>,11 Robil]4011

The Future 1-he 'Edge of 10111(,1-1-ow' is al,out the tilture. If we

inaki· ourselves happv with toclay then we will .il\vavs be

At the Mini Olympics: Nuria von Sanden (Y3), Eliza Grant, Bridget O'Brien and Venessa Robinson (Y2).

happv when toclav beonnes toinon·ow! Mi'% C.arroil read a st< 11-v caHed 'The Precic )11% Presen< to remind 11% that

('\ (·1 i millute of the ])1-event (111, i.4 precious - und we can

make a difference iii the world ifwe c hoost· 10 1),1 happv.


Xic'01.1 Nteveliv)11

Natalie Wilkinson at the Mini Olympics.

Prayer Times \Ve lovc praver tilnes and thi· c 1,14% 1-(Ixter. Best of all

L. 14

we loved i,Ast·niblv prayer for Book Week when we talked ilholit living on the "edge of tomorrow". \\'c found out that the most popuhw book ever writic·n was the Bible. \111 1.1 ( :h i l l c h. Kleo T/eli 1

Stephanie Mattei and Camilla Flook listen to Mr Michael Nugent Gabriella's father) talk about his favourite books

4, Natalie Grierson

Shakespeare Club I love the %1),Ike.peare (:1111) and 1 1 cal·11 '11)out 1,\ the N the food of loven


53 4.24

I an] ch-Ii\\'ili<' the three 1 resiclent. M illi. Emilie and h


Mrs Sandy Sgro (Gabriella's mother) reads for the class during

.\vaka Sc,4-21

Book Week. Mrs Louise Mutimer (Atlanta's mother) shares her favourite childhood story.

Maths \Ve al-C· (IC )ing MI)(·cd le.41.4 rven' day and tilm·% 1 Ill)1(·%. I'llen we go 'Around the World.' 1(41 the tilne and do

three digit till!111)(·1-0 and "carning . Wc ill,1)1(,ic· 4)111 Nkin.


1.ihetic C :,1111])1)<·11. Meg \1,1,1(·In

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 23

Year 3 Year 3 3rd Row L-R Nikita Demetriou,

Lucy Adamson, Amelia Harrison, Julia Mansour, Julia Sweeney, Alice Callaghan,

Megan Allanadale, Alexandra Higgins. Annabelle Wong Tai, Alexandra England. 2nd Row L-R Natasha Barison, 7

Julia Canavan, Mary Shuttleworth,

Eliza Tiernan, Caitlin Spence, Siana Madden, Alexandra Gribbin, Teresa Cabal Pasini,

Stephanie John. Veronique Campion. Front Row L-R Eve L Ilas

Samantha Bell-Goodman. Eugenie Prior. Annelise Brown, Danica Patawaran,

Natasha Simonds, Alexandra Fitzgerald,

Megan Swinstead. Teacher Miss Catherine Maimone

Mini Olympics On \1(,11(111\' Anglixt 21 the |unic)! Sc-hool had a Mini 011140(% and ever,bodv \\» put into J group which

repre.ented a countrv. Some people were clioN<·11 [C) be flag 1)(,it-(1'M Illul tc)1'chix·:11('14. There wel-(· Seventern acti\itio %pread over the whool mul ('21(·11 tillie Ali>,x \\LIN<·r w{ )111(11 )low thi· hooter we would chang'(' eventh. Alv favourite event 'va. the lic}I,Nled. \Ve had to voll

al-ound 01)41,1(·les whili· diting 011 11 1,11'gi· .kilteboard. At the end of t he Olunpic % we had il c lohing c ( 1 chinom. \Ve let (lovo go 1% a vinbol Of plUCC 1111(1 4)1[l joul'licv back

to c „11 lic,ine;. 1.hen we h nvered Ihe Olvinpic- Ilag, which we h,1(1 1 ,[ihed at tile beginning (11 the (1,1, . 1111(1 it w:,0 the end. It was .1 1.Intlistic clitv.


Alexandra Fitzgerald "creating steam" at Ceres Centre.

CERES Ceiltre ()11 1 hit]*sda, 25 Al.1 37.11- 2, went to the C :1<RES

((·litre to |ciii-11 111)()111 (11(·ig\. \Ak· 11-ave|(·(1 1)\ 1)11% al,(1 Ali.. Maillicilic· and \11+ McN:1111,ll.t (.1111(· too. \\'lic'li we

;11!Red we ilic lunch then we Ilict our Ic)111· guide whow

imine w» Allii. \\'c hal-lit abolit the gl'(·c·lilic,ll.(· effect water. light. vitind :incl ill,it all these things ai-c·1·.\1·:14(,ir Year 3 1111(1 11 2-li'lit tilne 111 tbc C .1':RES Centre. M,

favotilite part was 11(·c·ting Pooki the pig, the |)(·es and 1,1.1 but not le:ixt thi· gilille,1 pig.. Julia Canavan

Ceres Centre excursion: Samantha Bell-Goodman, Stephanie John.

Lucy Adamson producing "electricity on a bicycle" at Ceres

Eugenie Prior.


LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Fairies Fahies air so delicate and light Fairies mc)stlv come out at night Fairies King fah v chants Fairies knit long underpants Fairies en ov toast and honey

Fairies don't care at all about money. Si,111,1 Madden

Fun Friday This vear. every Fric!.15, St.,111(·v ilic· teddv bear came to visit our ch». We Inul great filli when St,111|n' calne to Elic)01. We (lid a full activity with Stanley like making

Pickled People, creating (c·llc,1,1111]ic· pictures or quilling

Sharing a Maths Week activity: Katherine Frawley, Danica Patawaran, Julia Canavan, Samantha Hess.

on cards. Alter we linifhed our aCtivit)' We Ill| got 11

To Pray

c ha n ce to c t ic Icl 1 c· Stan l ey wh ic h was great .

I Pia,

Nal,141,1 Simonds

Everv dav

\\'ben I go to bed When 1 1.1,· mv weary lic·acl Teres.1 Cabal Pasini

Jesus J c'%11% is a saviour

E ucharist 1-eminds us of the Last Supper S aviour, praise the Lord


U nite with Him when vou hear His word

S .1,-iourjeslls Christ Danica Patawaran

Footy Clinic: Julia Canavan, Caitlin Spence, Annabelle Wong Tai, Eve Lillas, Stephanie John, Megan Allanadale.

Damper On the last clay of Term One we imide dainper. D u ri ng t h e le] 171 we le.,1-n t abo ut earlv· Ailg i'al i a. We 1·cad

Aboriginal ories, coloured maps and completed cro»swords. We le.11'nt about the first white people to Si ttle in Alixtralia and their journer' here. 1 211%0 wa, able to draw a poster about Alistralia with nn' hiends, which

Working on First Communion activities: Danica Patawaran and Alexandra Gribbin (Y3).

was great fun.

Alexandra Eng-lancl

Animals Anirnals ari· wondrou,; thing-,

They can fly, sting, especially iii spling. They can be happv or sad or even verv. verv mad. Cheetahs are fust and simils slow but even thev know

where to go. Aniinals are wondrous creatures

For they have many different fecitures. Marv Shuttleworth

Year 3 Sleepover: Nuria von Sanden and Caitlin Spence.

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 25

Year 4 Blue Year 4 Blue 3rd Row L-R Emilie Fellay, Naomi Scully Joanne Gruba, Madeleine Maher, Charlotte De Oliveira, Jessica Cheeseman, Luisa Sirianni. 2nd Row L-R Katherine Tzelil,

Caroline Salter, Cara Pepe, Gabrielle Coles, Bianca McBroom, Samantha Podbury, Elizabeth Doyle. Annabelle Healey. Front Row L- R Frankie Cox, Isabelle Hayes,

1 1-2 &

\ - 1 rik f


Alix Hauser, Brighid Ginnane-Smith, r 1

Camilla Counsel, Chloe Dwyer, Leah Frangou. Teacher Miss Catherine Sim

I . 1 41 .0 ./ I.





News Report - The Best Play

We have been working hard to serve ilic· eliil(,lilnent rig|lt withill our schooL We Still-ted this

Ever C .1,(14% what? \Ve went to 1 .c)1'(·to M.itickh,ille 111,11 and

Min.,11 commit tee when we not iced t h cir were no 1-lil)1)ish

recycling bins! \\'Ar Ic)(,king for wavs to take the paper Ac)lilcirhele to be recircled. So we spoke to our class te.ic·her Miss Sim al)(mt how we could do something about it. We became the verv sinall cm-il unment

saw the Yeal- 1 pkn', \\'here the Wild Things Air! It was brilliant Thc< actors were wally expressive and the costume; were (,itt of this workE I wils 1,]own .twav. The

11]011.Ster de.Mign, were fantastic. When I walked iii I was actil,illv ical-ed! The war the monsters danced was

committee. Please if vou see Nomecme drop some 1-libbish Ally, "Please pick it up so YOU doiA 111,1-in our school envit onment." \Ve want to make Loreto

hilariolts. Those tricks were >40 funny; 1 was 1.iughing- so much. Doli t mis.4 this pla)'. It is 11-111)' outrage<)its. Isabelle Haves. Alix Hauser

Mandeville HaH the best place to go to sclic)(,12 Madeleine Maher, Isabelle 11.ives

d i-

(Iscibelle and Madeleine are foloiding memben of a .small cy}tr!}Y)}l}tent commillee.)

-mwinitijl'llillilli/A T342,1 -12*45 ./. Ill'".lilligi; .An/.7-34 ./i -'7%14/t.<Il 7//1/U/*4k /# Twall'li 2/'ll'l7rl/G

Year 4 gardening with Mr Stuart Jarvis (School Gardener).

Year 4 Blue and Year 6 Ellie

Environment Groups rhis Yeal· 4 BIlli· and 6 Bllic· have been foc lising c )11 how to look after our native land. \12' Itic· one of tile

environment grou])4. je»ica, (huni]121, llc,ilique. Tess :111(1 I have bcen doing- some gardening- with Smalt. the

g.11(1(·nci'. Ac) we can look It|ter (,ill Achool. \Ve have been phulting·. weeding-, ilitilching· and digging. It mav take a Lfreat deal of time, 1)lit wt· Imve to look after c )10 g:u·den

, br lf'

and envilonment. Ourg-roup 1111% been organixing- 21 ])121) to convitier voil thal we 111<)111(1 look after our

emironment. 1 hope vou inake vour al·ca of the environment twat and beautiful. Ple:er look after vour



Caroline Salter The En\it'(,imwnt C c ,]iimince

26 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Year 4 Play: the "Forest"-(Back) Frankie Cox. Isabelle Hayes, Gabrielle Coles (Centre) Emilie Fellay, Camilla Counsel (Front) Alexandra Nelson

417 3.1 411 4 7..8

An Olympic Dream Todav 1 found out that I was going to be swimming in

the Olunpics ligailist Silsic O'Neil. 1 was even allowed to choose which event I would like to swim in!!! I chose the

nic·cllev. 1 11,1(1 ah¥.lys wanted to be in the Olympics. It .ill st.irted when I hadjust fillished a inedler race. 117\ coach told ine I luid n ,lined very, verv hard and

asked me if I would like to be in the Olvmpics. 1 was very excited and I started to get reacly. 1 invited all my 1 :liliily. Soon we will all be thing over to *dilev. Animbelle Healev

Green Hat thinking: Charlotte De Oliveria, Alix Hauser, Leah Frangou, Bianca McBroom.

Renew our Spirit

- kir,auctmb

Enjoving God

(ic)11]imillicating With our heal·ts ()1)serving With oill- minds

Na:unan (bible ston') .tsked for help


Cong-ratillations We al-c· forgiven 1 R·el I)]c·>Scd todav

Loving Father up iii I leave·n 1 1)1-av to God At night

I'nmorrow I will be happ,

Cross Age activity: Luisa Sirianni (Y4) and Jade Llewellyn (Y6).

1 21111 11()\V ( 1()9·1- t() C &()(1

Mini Olympics - A German

C),1 27.lilly we were blessed Now I aln blesscd bv God

View Emilie 1..(11]in

On 21 .\tigtist 2000 1.01(·to M.iticti·i·ille 1 1.111 Ink! 1,

Mini ()1:inpics. There were 17 evenix. C ict'imitiv H:,IM the 1)('st out ofall of the t('11]ns. You Sh<)111(1 have Acen thein





in the weight lifting anct gymnastic'M. ther were reaHy


Ilexible! The hors€·4 were bucking and most (,Ithe tram< fell (iff, but thi· Germans staved on. \\'ith a]1 their hard work thev Hholild Imve won GOLD, GOID, (:()1.1)!



Scotland won altholigh it w.17 1)1('tty close. (:crmanv cong-ratillated >k·othind and went to get their (-t·itilic cite


for being in tile· 04'inpic A. Chloe Dwver

Construction: Madeleine Maher. Isabelle Hayes, Frankie Cox, Katherine Tzelil.

An Olympic Dream Who w<)illd have thought from trail riding in the bush that I would coinc this far iii tlic· Sw'clnev 2000

Olympic games! Not unly is equestrian a challenge 1)lit it is so much fun to ride horses. After un· accident in 1992

no one tholight 1.d ever look at a horse again, 1 mean



breaking one arm and one ril)cage can be pretiv sc·an·! When 1 heard I was xelected for the Oh·mpics I felt so pr€)11(1. Gabl-ielle Coles

Maths time: Cara Pepe and Joanne Gruba.

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 27

Year 4 Gold Year 4 Gold 3rd Row L- R Fiona Pearse. Deanna Spano,

Arnanda Valmorbida, Rebecca Howie,

Harriet Fell, Emily Higgins, Annie O'Bryan. 2nd Row L-R Mandy-Jane Maroun, Victoria Hammond, Eleanor Tiernan.

Grace Campbell, Rafaela Scully, Elisa Reynolds, Lauren Fowler, Madeleine Tostevin.

Front Row L-R Joanne Stergiou.


Esther MeMalion, Ashleigh Kubiak, Bethany England. Absent Kirsty Kearney, Jacqueline Taranto. Teacher Mrs Gabrielle Warren


Chipper Once ill){)11 il til]1(· there with il dog :111(1 hih 11:1111(' Wll#

Chipper. Chipper lived in the wi|(1. ne loved to live in the wild and he thought that he was the king 01 the wikt 1/ 24€AA

because he conk I talk an (1 1 1 0 01 1(· (·Ise could.

It all started w'hen Chipper ran a\%'In' 11-oin 11{)111(· into the wi|cl. l'he lit'Mt :lilimal he Inet \Vit.4 (hi .it- the al|n

?4T 417

(Ing, bitt (hcar \\114 a Nign I,ilig-illitr dog. (:hippel thought he w» doing a welcoine (lance but Owar \vax

doing sign 1.111-11.tor and hic kil, C :hipper knew sign |,11!1111,1Uze :111(1 they becalne the best o| friends. C)11(· (111,0 t.,


Maths Discovery Centre: (Front) Emily Higgins, Bethany

O,;car and Chipper went on an adventille alic[ liic't a

England, Jacqueline Taranto, Kirsty Kearney (Back) Bridget Kelly,

nwi'maid who took them to a lit 1- c )1| place wheir the,

Annie O'Bryan and Joanne Stergiou.

lived happilv ever alter. Fiona 1,41.iric

The Haunted House There once was a girl called Bridget, who Ii\(·d iii a cottage. Two (|c)(,1-1 down on the corner of Manton Rd and llc)11-acc, Sl. tlteir was a hoilic·. Not iwit anv lic)lise, it was s.iici to be haunted.

People said thing-% like. -No-one's been in there for 1(H) FC·,ir#." or. '»%()111('()11(· went in there und was never

he<'11 agal!1 -


One (lav Bridget wa.4 licling her sconter. when Alle

heard a noist· coming from the haunted house. She

stopped .111(1 said to hers<It, -'1'licir's no vich thing- as glic,sh or vinnpires or mml,ics or stuff like th,it." 711(·11 her 1)(·ht hicnd Ellie (.1111(· it]) to her and haid. "\\'hat ilic von IC,oking ati" "1'111 going ill," Allid Bridget ttilitill)hanth. "E)„h-c kidding?" It was too late. Bridget Plf: R Il

w.1.4 1111(·21(|v walking tip to the 11·ont (ic)(,1. "%)111·(· on vour own Bridget, VII be waiting here for vou." 11111


Bridget (c„11(111't heal. Mlic· hacl :i|1-eadv gone in. 11-11-1111(|10. i. :imone 111(·1·c?" hlic' %,lid apprch(·11.hi,ch.. %11(1(1(lili Jic· feh s<)111('thing touch her %11()111(ler. It w,14 .k

1111 oveN/(· 1.11'.intula Sh(· %( 1'('llill(·d :111(1 started running ali(1 1-lititiing- tilitil Alic· calne to a (1(·ad end. She .%(-licillic'(l agiliti. If 1%

"Bridget. Bridget, Bliclgrt vou had a bacl (11'eam. |t'% 2 0'clock iii lili . niorning." -\\'|1111. whele's the tar,ilitilla, Ellie. und thc· Imunted 11(,ii.wi"

Drama production "Where the Wild Things Are" Scumble the monster.

28 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

1,('1-|114),4 it \Uth a (11'CIOn after al|... Lauren Fowler

Harry Potter! 11.11'rv Poncl is .1 (c)(11,11(·w book 0,11 at tlic· moment.

(You've probal)|v· hcal-(1 01 it.) 16 about a bov 11.tined 11.11!r Poner who thinkh 11(·4 1, 11(,linal bov 1,+11 oon

lincls c ilit 11(G a wi/aict:!! I larn' goes to wi/al-(1 Nclic)(,1.

finds lic·w 1 1-ic·nds. 1(·.11114 10 1,1,2, Cluidditch :111(1 hit ; lifethiratenilig Itch'(:liturex. There :tre Meven 1,0ok* to coHect; each with their own wondelilli adu·lititic'N,1|,cilit

the Inost populal· 1 lill iT· Potter. \'ictoria I hunmond

Reconciliation workshop: Deanna Spano with her father.

Pooh Bear Once in a little bor's room, lived a bear calli·(1 \\'innic the Pooh. Wilinic the Pooh had two best Ii'ic·tul,

called Piglet and l'igrrr. 1 Ic hact Kang-,1. Roo. Rabbit and Owl as his c )ther friencls as well. \Vinnie tlic· Pooh waN a

talking bear and (,lic· clin' the lic „ Ch 1-i%1(,1 )11(i- Robin had 11 pic·nic· c,litsicle hith Pc)(,11. 1 hev had great 11111,

Sticiclenk it Mt.lital to raill. (,lilixtopher Robin rail itnide

Sacrament of Reconciliation workshop: Annie O'Bryan with her mother.

for shelter leaving Pooh behind. Pooh licar waddled

tincler a 11'(·c·, he was very ]{)11(·Iv. 1 le Jaw .1 little knob on the trce. he phned with it and Moon. it %11(1(Ic·nivopened!

One Mysterious Niglit!

Pooh Bear looked 11141(le. Stick[(·11|v he |ell 1 ight in il, It

One (1111·k und Jan night a Vihitor c,inic· to our door.

encled Up to be ilic](H) Acre \\'00(G' like· in a xton he

I le said hiN 11.1111(· W.15 1401(·44()1· >)1(1111'. \Ve A.lid he

hact read brfore. It Was brillitifill. Al)(,lit hall an holli·

c cm|(1 sh·cp in 111(· garage sc ) he welit to 11(·cl. Thal %,unc

1,tic·i-, he got verv hmch, so lic fcH asleep iii a cottage he

ilig-ht we heard firakv noist·s like I )ill)],le. 1,1 11,1 )1(·! liang!

had fotind. The next day he was woken bv the sc traming of his li,lint. I h· got out of bed and Xearched for the

Nqueak! And burp! So I went (|c)\¥11 stairs to Ner what :111

calling people. 1 le opened the door of the woodi to go borne and he found his friend< Thev h.id a picnic. Now

the commotion was al)(mt. 1 found his bcci mrned into a

potion tai)1(· and Ilitil....1 2-igantic ]71()11,e:!! So we kicked hilli ouC \\Imt a 111„teric)11% night''

thev live in the woods and everv clav thn' \11it

11.11-1 ic·t Fill

C .hi-ixtoplier Robin and have a picnic. Grace Camul)eli



It* i

At the Zoo: (Back) Annie O'Bryan, Grace Campbell, Emily niggilib, Miliallud vallitululua, nalaela ocully, Jacqueline laranto.

(Front) Joanne Stergiou, Esther MeMahon, Bethany England, Harriet Fell, Lauren Fowler, Bridget Kelly and Deanna Spano.

Working in the Maths Discovery Centre: Emily Higgins and Harriet Fell.

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 29

Year 5 Blue Year 5 Blue 3rd Row L-R Lauren O'Donnell, Alicia Simonds, Ellese Chambers,

Eliza Broome. Eloise Treacy.


2nd Row L- R Holly Roach, Coral Alden,

Rebecca Moore, Kaylah Malishev, Annabel Suffren, Melissa Dynon. Clare Jones. Front Row L-R Lia Brett, Anna Bartone,

Bianca Koffman, Georgia Mornane, Sophie Russell, Zoe Harper, Samantha Daou. Absent Rachel Rodrigues. Teacher Mr John Ryan

M, f 4 fl


e I ./i., 73 -

Diet Yoll have to haVC.1 |),11.111((·d clic·t to keep 11(.1111„. The live food groups al-(' lit-ead. \1(·at. 1),tin 1,1(,cllic'14. 1·-1-ilit and\'egrtablch. Ihere are three imprnt,1111 concepth for healtin (1*111/0-/

Varic·t, - different [00(14 1,1-(,vide (lillric'lit ilittrierit.. Rating a widc ullien olloods will hill) ('11%111(· unt loHow a lic,thh, clic·t.

14,11.111('cd cating - the light :11]lount. (}| clilict-(lit food m vit .11 10]- a balanced diet.

Moderation -eating too much or too little 01 .Iliv unc

tvpc offood or nutrient Can be harmful. 14.ic-iici Rodrig-,ic·N

Physical Unt (1011'1 have to keep lic·:ilth, itivt In clict. 3,)11 cali

t -ti:

excrcise: t.ike a trip to vour local gun once a weeL 01even a jog at vour local park. You (·an even do Noine fit111,4 lit lic,im·. Start with live sit-up.4 and work up to ten mul 40 on. It N ven important to excrciw. it make.,011 lit. 11(·altin and strong.

It (1{)(·Mi t inatter u'lut tvpc 01 (·xercibc unt do 1)111 it 1% gl-(·at to (10 Nonic· Nort c )1 (·\(·rciw even clin..\|ter vi )11 Lp) wthe t.pin. (\P·(Awn intiN(·10 R) 1)(· ··u)]r |)llt tile

pain will go 11\v,n ill a couple (,1 (lins. 1)111 keep (7(·rcising. 11\(,111' mit\(les arc· 1-(11111, %01'c It'(,((,inmend

unt V·l· a pll\Ni()111('111)iNt.

Cars for Sale" Earn and Learn: Clare Jones and Anastasia McNamara.

Annic Day \M/,li l),n i, 1,]-01),11)1\ the nic,ht ilill)(illant clin 01 the

11-T :Hui do v,Inc hort 01 (·xerci,(· cien chn. It grA

ic,it lit healtin. 91'ong and looking great.

war. It m.it-k. the Iti,iliu·th.11-v of the liN major battle lought 1), .hivialia lincl \'ew Zeal,111(1 (|11!ing the Firrt

\1(·Ii·«1 [hnon

\Vorld \\.u·. The word ANX.\C 011111(14 lor .\1111·aliI, and

New /.cal,ind .\rinv c orp.. \\'ar broke (nit in It)11 and then in It)15 .lilstralia and New 7.(,11,111(1 %(·t cill to

(killil,(,Ii lic·tihivila.

()iii cilclict· landed on Gallipoli on 2.5 April :111(1 were there li)1 ('ight months. Allstralia htill tchilic.inbers

how liu·\ fought for „ill- countn. Poppic. now grow in (;2211ipoli where once there wa.4 war. \Ve Innr a Illi litlte'h 41(111('(· on All/:1(- 1)11:' IC)1- the

Let's Party!" Eliza Broome. Kaylah Malishev, Bianca KoMman, Melissa Dynon and Lia Brett at the Year 5 Ball.

30 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

penple who died in the war for 11%, C c"'il <11(1(,n

Gold Discovery 1 Ivo

a AIN,<·IN of living on the gold/1,4,15

Housing: At first diggers lived in Calico tents, with £

s,ipling 1-idgepole. ancl nicitti-e™·s ttiffed with leaves on the hard cal th llc)(,r, \Vith claillih. oniv eight fect Acill,11-e, the hotising cltic·stion wasiA Minple. Outside tlwir was a cooking iii'c. a bucket of water and mavbe a few logs to


Mit on all(l there was a pc)!c (miside the hou,e with a Ilag or a boot 01- Nonictl-ling Mo thev (·an identiti- their own


place iii-om others people's lic )11.4('N, Graclit.illw'. biii'k huts and Ntolle 1)ltildingh urre ])11ilt

in place of rents. The g-c)](1-1,11,i and traclel'. M't lip Yaer 5 Blue at St Peter's School Sovereign Hill.

*tores. hote'.4 1113(1 boarding 11(,114(·% macie of timber and

lined with calico. Some cliggers paid up to 53 a week for


a Mingle room barely six fect ,(]ll,il'C.

(;old is a solid piece of nietal and A found all ovel

Clothing: Diggers and working men geliel .illv wore

Aust ralia. Gold 1-11%11(·s v,11 teel when gold was follild. The

boots: tic),ters macie froin a ).lise twill (loth. (,Itc·!1

g-c>Icl craze started in the 18.30< and prople were helping

referred to .th 111(,leskin .ind coloured or checked

the government to find gold but the Government did

woollen hhi!'10. 1 lats were gencrall, wide-brimmed and a

not pav them much. Digiyers liNC·d equipment blich a.

piece of knoned cloth wa, often worn around the neck

c 1-adles, pans. wheell,an-ows, shovels and ally other

to soak up sweat . In the cit) well-off men weir top 11.lts,

(clitipinent thev could lind. To get to the gold fields voti had to get a ship to Melbourne then vou had to walk to

1111(1 Milit, with waistioats. \4'0111(11 of fashion \vore lut;

with wil.4 anached. billowing (11'(rse. and coats.

8,111,11-at. and it ,·ou lived in .AListralia, unl htill had to go

Kilrlith \1.ilihhn

a |ong War to get to the gold tic'1(1%. Hol], 14<,itch

The Chinese oil the Goldfields


In 1853 there were 3000 Chincxc· people on tile Bendigo fields. \Vithin five vears there were 33.600 iii

\'ic toria. Thev trit,-c']led ill gi-(,li])%. (·ach led I)\ 11 headin,111, and thev staved together to work their clait». C .hinese must have looked verv different from the

other lililler>. Bi the thne illev ari·ired, goId ivas running

out. People complained that tl1(1 Chilicie sent most 01 their gold hoinc to (:hina. that their cal-111)\ were sinel|v and tilitidv. that theit- religion Ac·rined bi/:111-e, that tlin

snioked opittin and thev had no women With them. In fact the Chim·se weir exceptionally cle:ili, clitict and law abicling. Thev helped each other in dit lic'tilt tillic<. Ther xectned ditttlent, 30 people mistiuxted t hem. Before long. racial h.,tred Iti ic 1 vic >lence broke ( mt ,


Earn and Learn: 'Bank Manager" Alicia Simonds greets another happy customer.

Lauren O1)Ounc]1

Drama Ill 36.11- 200(). all Year 3 Kiticlc·iitx have h.icl main·

experiences in Drama. We have performed a wonderful plav called lost in the Cit€. 14,(·rvolic participated iii tile pla\. C)iii- t<·acher. Miss Vetrk:t. clirected ilh :ind gave liM all great 1,111't•% to plav. Iii Draina we have lots of lilli -0- fl

whether we air doing plays 01 1,1.ning game.4.

Recentlv, all War 5 saw a big production called. 'Buzz

Thililip, C it I .Jitilip'. 11 1142€1 thi ce characters in it. All of them were heal-ing impaired actors. I think all Wai- 5 and even the Wachers enjoved it. Year 3 hope to Year 5 Ball: Coral Alden, Rachel Rodrigues, Eloise Treacy, Holly Roach, Melissa Dynon, Alicia Simonds and Sophie Russell.

perforin anothel- plar next u·,11:

Geol-gia Nic)inane

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 31

Year 5 Gold Year 5 Gold 3rd Row L-R Melissa Jreissati, Zoe Wood,



h ¢4 Fl © wr, Th t

Michelle King. Felicity McDonald. Charlotte Hoy, Alexandra Blackburn. 2nd Row L-R Prudence Maynes,

Tess Gangitario, Danielle Kielty, Nicole Casey, Hannah Pownall, Lucinda Lacava, Vanessa Blanco. Front Row L-R Cassandra Oaten,

Stephanie Keary, Sarah Doyle, Emily Russell. Simone McCann, Stephanie Clarke, Alice Halpin, Anastasia McNarnara. Teacher Miss Andrea Vance

Music MiINic ix a gic·,it talent that al| 01-Yi·:11 :5 (;(,Id hah. In nind band there 211·c· lot\()1(lifici·clitil,%1111tnent.vich »

11(,1111)¢)11(. (1111-inct trumpet, Maxopllc,tic. French horn. ch-ilinr 1,11(1 piano. h is gic,it filll. Ill clic,il. (,c,liv,Intina 1%(,lainoll. the Director (}1 (.lic,!·al .Stliclic·4 at .Hollthern

Methocliv Universitv, 1)1,11,13. Te\,1% caine und taught u.

al)out choil hiliging. \Ve Mang .it the \1(lholillic· \\'oniciA Fextiv.il. The Recorder Iin.·inble pkn all dillerent Nize recorders |1-om the normal Bile descant to

the bigger Ni/r tl·nor. tile Kinall %{)1)1-ano to the medium xin·(1 ti c 1,|C \Ve have .1 1 1 (' 1 1(led t he \Vau·I'lev altd 11.1 1 lai-lit

Ki>teddic )(1% whi l-c Nonic girls clid solos. C )111- teacher Miss

[h >clds would like w; to Win. but il not. it is all viglt .ind dic wolit veil 1,((,111,4, \\'c tried (,111 1,cv.

Ms Laurette Austin (Year 5 Gold Teacher in Second Sernester)

Health Our Hcalth stilclich ilichided information on diet.

\lice 11,ilpin. Einih Russell. Alichene King

plnxical health. the human bodv and psvchological

health. We panicipated in .1 progi-nin called "The Life F.ducation Van". Th i. program t,Ilight Ils :11)(,lit (11'ligh. %(·11 oteein and weight control .1% \1'('11 14 11]11!lv other Astic·.. Rea·titiv till· "Gvm 11,10" viited 011 1- %(-11()01 :ind

thev ran a p}-(,gram |br Year 5 mid 8 01 the junior xc hool

ilic)|ving 1)110'Mical education. We participated in main

21(tivitieN imoking tal,per and lower lic,chT Nti.(111gth. ,\4 1

part of thiN linit we invokrd unnpllter tc'(|Ilic)|ogv \Vith

crcati,iti Ic) produce .1 11(·alth 11('r#hIc'tter which looked litilt.twic' Ilii. pl-oject was verv illic·lt·.Nting and tillight 114 lic·\, ((,iii],liter Nkills hnohing "Mic'roroft 1'111)lisher". 1'(licit, jicl)(,1111|(1. Zoe \\'00(1





Emily Rissell, Stephanie Clarke and Cassandra Oaten leading class prayer.

32 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Earn and Learn activity: Tess Gangitano and Hannah Pownall.



Learning from the Past, Advancing the Future

French Oiii- French lesscins are taught bv Maclame Rc,/kin,

No one can fully appreciate how hickv we air toda>' until we expel ience the lotai c )])]){ )Hite of our evervday

comfortable liu·x. \Ve cannot changr the paxt but that doe.%11't mean wc· %11(>uld forget it or ignore it. We have much to learn and gaill 1 1'(,iii it Mo we do not repeat the 4:inic· 1.ital Inistakes. Most of our comforts can be traced

back to the past. Scientists alld techilicians have simply upgraded and advanced tile·Me ideas. I his will continue

and lately, we have participated in the Alliance Francaise

competition. We leallit a Pocm titled je Stlis (1 11111), which we recited for the judges of the competition. We

all enjoy our French lessolls, and for the new %111(lents who have never learnt French before there is 11 4])(·Cial French cluch-up lesson dm·ing lunclitinw. It ix great to be given the opportunity to l( .11-11 a seconcl 1.ingll.tge, Au irvoir! Elilik· 1411 bsell

becatiw as time· pasxes 2000 will become the past..ind 2300. the Ititure. It is otic· big, long. continuous, life cycle.

I personallv lind the past inteirsting and decided to experience it at Novereign Hill. It w:,+ fliscinating! Tlic

fashions, equipment 2111(1 :ic c (,lilliic ,(littion were very exciting. The xi ic,I,keepers at Novereign 1-lili (,lificnislv

share 111)· opinion. l'hey 11 casure the past as I (10 and 1-(·spect it. Thev helped make evervthing scem real even though it wils (,ne big play. My part was that (11 an 18,30's Achoolgirl. Together we created a living plc)(|lic·lion iii


which tourists could take pilit, Wc brought ilic· past to life and now I can 11'lithfulli· sav that I :Un toclav

12,1-tunate .ts I gain from {lic· past rather than Ntarting froin xclatch. Felicitj 11(-1)011.11(1



Hard at work: Charlottf3 Hoy and Simone McCann.

Art! Art at 1 c,icio Thubdeville 111111 N a lot of |1,11.

1.01% oici-cativin' w ill be clc,ni·,

hnagiliation ix the k(·/, Lots 01,11-t for vou 1111(1 Illl·.

A Art at Loreto with

Mi-< Durham ix based on imagination

not skilbi and mati ·rials. All the schoolgirls look forward 4

throughout the wi .·ck to their exciting one ancl a halfWe have basic materials, which the

1 .C )1'eto gil-1% 11>Me to make artistic. and c reative art pieces.

Iii our art lesson. we make chn· into %(·itlptures. make material into a toy and paper and paint into a work of art. Mrs 1)111-ham is a great teacher .ind she teaches its

,great xkills, We 11%(· acrylic pailits, watercoloill . clin . felt 3L *

Panning for gold at Sovereign Hill: Rosemary Tracey, Nicole Casey and Sarah Doyle.

and 111.lin· other ililiterials.

Art at 1»reto Mandeville Hall ix lots offun for evervone!

Tes.% Gangitano, Melissa ]1-(·i Axati

LORETO 1 Mandeville Hall 33

Year 5 Red Year 5 Red 3rd Row L-R Rosemary Tracey, Kate Wilson, Amelia Wainwright-Connell, Ana Maria Cabal Pasini. Emily Hicks. 2nd Row L-R Daniella Stutt, India Prior,

Alexandra Jolly, Sarah Adamson. Rebecca Ireland. Laura Brady, Elly Mantas. Front Row L-R Sarah Clemens, Diarne

Petras. Stephanie Rizzardi, Emily Prelovsky, Alice Scotts-Dickson, Olivia McCornbe, Sarah

Scully. Michelle Oaten. Teacher Miss Sonia Francazio


Physical Education During the first week of Te' 111 3. the War .5 C .il-14 went

P.E. k fun

on camp to Sovereign I IiI]. 8.111.11-at. For nvo davs „-c

P. E. N great

ch i·>®d up in 01(11:ixhioned clothes 1111(1.ittended 4( 11001

\Ve (10 hand v,111(1% oil the beam

like the childirn of tlw 185(A. I had Air. He wax nice but

We do dancing. .occer. tic·tball and hockev

verv strict . Surprising-h. the Nclic,01 work we clicl wit. not

MM Webster g-(·th out her boot< when it ih wet.

ton (lifficilit. 1-here \vere vi man, 1111(·4 to Ic)]tow at

She often <,1,4. "1.et'$ <ro, t,-0. 0-0, 0-et the gaine on the

sc'lic )01,11111(1 trouble· keeping lip with them.

1 In'(1 I

On the first night we faw a .Hound :111(1 1 .ight Slicm

There goeN the glin. 4{) v,lit to ]1111!

called *Blood on the Nouthern (10«. \Ve .111 (·tijoved it

.\1(\211-1(11-,1 jolh

a lot On the second night we went bowling ill :111 old

Lit,hioned bowling :illn. It w,10 fo (lark thatit u» hard to 4(·c the bowling ball.4 lind the pit™. Atici- 0011001 cach elin wc were given Hollie free time in the township. We were ,ible to buv gilts fol- c )ill- familie; and lollie; fot- c )iii·felvn.

Evervone had a great time <)11 camp. It wax a wonderful ('Il)£'1-ie]-1('('.

Art Classes In Art we do lot.4 of activitio with clittkic·nt nic·clia. ltv

favouritc \0» making a chi sculptiate. Mort· recelith we macle little figm-ines for tbe Oh.mpic Gaine.. I think that is reallv hill.

Luir,1 111·ach

,Aim Maria C kibal |tisini

Fundraising For illativ u·.11 % we have 1)Cell X])(>11%(n-ing a child from the Philippinch. I liA 11:unc is ()mar. Our c 1.1%4 alotic has raised %99.60 in 200(). \Ve raixed the mone, In

participating iii :1('tivitic· tich a, counting the lollic· in the jar. fashic )11 pal-ade.4. the $111,11-tic U,inic. naming tile

w Fc wt ige

te(Icl, bral' and rattleN. It W.1.4 1111 a lot offun. Emih 1 licks. s.11'.th .Ac!,illiv 111

Cross stitch samplers from Camp Sarah Scully, Emily Prelovsky l

and Elly Mantas.

Philosophy for Children Phil<,Hophi An'olve. hiteral thinking Quistions listed. question% answered Everrone ix i cading. evervolic· is pc,lictchi-ing Evervone is gaining knowledge· fast Kate \Vilhon

34 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Working on the computer: Emily Prelovsky and Amelia WainwrightConnell.

Acrostic Poem about LMH Loving

A Champion Lisa 11(-Ilitosh is a Parah-inpiall who vitters fic,iii


C :ri'el)ral Pals, but she nmnaged to break and hold


\Vorld Recorcls in Athletic-M (1()()in, 2()(hii. 400m) and


.Atisti-alian Records. also in Athletics (80()in, 1300111 and

Thinightiii h i c ;

Long jump). 1 am privilegrd enough 10 know Lisa


because mv inum knows her mum. Matilda. 1.isa rail with


( i .1111,(,111-ne. I was their to sce her 1-1111. She was Ac) verv


proud to be taking part ill the rehn' and I was proud of

the Ohmpic Torch when it travelled through


her too. I.i.q is looking forward to representing her


countrv in the 2000 Parah·mpic Gainch. Liha gave int· a Paral mpic Baclge and I wear it on 111, A(·11()011)]21/er.


Vivid imaginations

Rebecca hrland


Lkiliguage Litin

Exchange xttidents

Hc·alt hz Athletics

Literatuir Lovelv .school

Narah Sculh. India Prior /////i


Torch Relay: Rebecca Ireland and her sister Emma (Y7) with Paralympian Lisa Mcintosh during the Torch Relay in Cranbourne.


Buzz, Thump, City, Jump I thought that the nu=, Thump. Gil.r. lu mi) petformance wax realli o reat. h

Even though tile

perfornun were cleal. the, were e.,sv to understaticl ;10 Prayer time: Michelle Oaten and Olivia McCombe.

the>· used Ints of diffi·rent facial expressions and body inoveniclit>, to Coll-liminicate Cil· 111(74>,lige Roemarv Traccy

The Year 5 Ball For wecks and weeks now the Year 3 git N have been practising for the Year 5 BaH. Thanks to Aliss Webster, we Imve learnt dances such .ix: 'Strip the 11'i/low'. 'The it>,Ve.% 0/ lic,iidi' mui 771,· 11 Ziltz : We were :11 1 verv exciteel and keen

to start the dalic'ing after plitting on ()111- c<)%11111]es and

make-up. It was a great opporttillitr- to (lance with main different partners and have a good giggle. 14, tile time our supper was readv we were all puffed out. We wric

given the chance to dance with ()111' patents for the last dance of the evelling, 'The \Valt/

Evervoili· looked great on the night and we all had a fluitastic linic·.

Promoting reconciliation: Stephanie Rizzardi, Alice Scotts-Dickson,

Olizi,1 lic<k,inbe, Alexandra Cracknell

Olivia McCombe, Diarne Petras and Alexandra Jolly.

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 35

Year 6 Blue Year 6 Blue 3rd Row L-R Megan O'Hehir, Sophie Carnegie, Charlotte Chalmers, Tahlia Madden, Tess Mornane. Jade Llewellyn, Emma Chia. 2nd Row L-R Stephanie Clark, Anna Brash.

r ¢1

Elise Nicholson, Phoebe Ryan. Grace Mighell, Madeline Jones. Emily Richards. Front Row L-R Monique Draycott, Meaghan O'Sullivan, Signoree Scully, Lauren Benson, Vanessa Wong Tai, Danielle Carew, Hannah Cohen,

Lauren D'Aprano. Absent Katrina Cavanough. Teacher Ms Tiffany Pullin

Computer Lab

Serpent Strikes I lic· xerpent has sti-uck! Thi sly creamre has tricked

\\'Iwn I think 01 stil,ic·( 1% 111:11 arc reallv 1,11).

locak known as .\(lam and Eve. into eating the

Illi· ()13(· th,lt (()111(·4 1(1 1111!1(1 Atill' (()114)tlt(·1-1,11).

forbidden fi·uit Ii·oni the (hirdc·n 01 1·:clen. Achin anct Eve

\Vcir doing Power Point proientatic):11 on a c hosen

arc on the edge of theil' 4(11% 11'ailing for God to hand


over their punishinent. W,®i-clin' the sneakv serpent tempted Eve into (·ating

\Vhen wch-c |illished even'one takes a look.

the forbidden fruit offthe forbidden nre In telling her

\Ve Imve lai) time once a week,

it will open her cu·% to Mil,iii·ating good from bact. Eve,

You can :11%0 go al hinchtinu· and have a peck.

thinking this could make her more like (;od. aw thi·

Dm ing this time we tvpe al least (111(· article.

fi itit and asked her hilfballd, .\(lam. to join her. It N

16 for c )111- 11('i,-s]).ti)(,1 s. everv particle.

;111( ged Alic· convinced him it w<)111(1 open his eves. Action said. "It was 1111 lin wili M [,11111. 1 91'(,lildiA have

l'King the \Un-Id Wide Wch A Arc';it.

(·aten tlic· 11'llit il she h,1(111't tempie·(i mi· 1111(1 now I am

Exploring neW sitc,4, 1 )1141 Clin't Wait.

ic) be ])1„,ished. >le A evil, pure (yil. Win did 1 hau· to

For compitici-% wc 11(·al to 11%(. C)111' 1,1.lin.

nurrv 11( t " \Ve als{, talked to Eve. 1 ain going through

But don't go over the t{)]) 1)LIC'ause thev can drive unt

:i mid lili· crisis. That evil snake knew thiN .111(1 sc) lic

inX:111( 1

decided to pick on me. Now. I alll btlt'%%(·(1 to th<· max

Ennna (:hi,t

witholit c lothch c )11. 1 Irel No. sc) 112,ked. Bcforc I clicln't

have a problem with bc·ing naked, Imt now I (10 1 )c('ause even thing is a,gainst ine. the wol'ld hates me7 11w stiake rellisch » ouninent.

Since this 4inful act, (;od has 1 Knmined quiet. 1 Ic ix


verv concerned about having to dcal out tlic' I,l 1 liihll! 11('1 1 t . We arc· left to wonder. Col l Icl th is bc 1 11(· end of . \dam

Tahlia Madden and Signoree Scully with 1998 School Captain

und he in the (411·den ofl<den?

Phoebe Knowles after Phoebe gave a talk to the girls about her

Lainrn D'Aprano

experience as a torchbearer,

The Radio Maii ! Yot e r(lav. t o o ur * h oo] t h e radi o 1111111 a l ne,

What we clid wa. more fun than Ilin game.

In grolips we 1,1.11]11(·cl whal we were going to 1 (·( (,I d. 1 knew that I wa.4 not going to he bored. 1

()11 the station we presented 11(th and news. I

Then callen rang tip and expressed their vie,10. Next lip calm' Heather with the weather. Then we Nhared the go.Kip together.

When we'(1 presented 0111' Ntation for the clay, Danielle Carew, Katrina Cavanough, and Jade Llewellyn relaxing in the shade.

36 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

We began creating- ads. jii41 like a plar. Kati-init Cavanough

Our Aboriginal Prayer

Cross Age

Every Mondav morning in the millti-purpose room,

War 6 Blue and Year 4 Blue have been meeting with

we gather together as a school to celebrate praver. The class who pcl-furms the pra>ci-, usucilhT base the litur,44 on a certain theine. 011 Feast Day, we based our praver

e.,ch other iii Cross Age time and discussing the eii,-11-onnient in oill- school.

on reconciliation between .11,1,1 iginal. and the different

• Wasting water bv leaving the tap dripping

cuhures ofour nation.

• Over flowing bins causing- rubbish to blow awar

rhe prayer table was decorated with swmbols of the aboriginal culture. \Ve displaved a picture of land. as aboriginal people where the first to walk on this land. ,\ burning candle was placed on thi· prayer table to represent tire, as well as a cup of firsh life-giving water that refreshes people. A single hand to show our support

• PoHuting our raid bv not throwing into rubbish bins

Some of the topics dismissed were:

• Desti-oving garden beds by trampling on them and picking flowers fi-om plants

The groups had to come Up With a wav ther Coil|(I

advertise their issue. Some groups macle pt)Nlers to plit around the Achool, some displayed performances or

for reconciliation was also displaved.

gave a talk at assembly, while sonic girls went to the

\12 read the aboriginal C )ill Ir.,ther, which is a beautiful prayer by the indigenous people. We all joined in singing the song, "Land of the Southern Cross." This

trouble of planting new flowers and fertilising garden

song enabled us to reflect on Australia coming toirether

cleaner and healthier now.

\\Te hope that our xchool environment looks a lot

in peace and barnic,17#'.

Elise Nicholson. Grace Mighell. Megan O Hehir,

ro finish our assenibly praver, we read the Australian

Laill en Benson

jubilee Dedication. .I his praver tells of our pledge to

bri}ig peace and jilitice to our fellow Anstrali:111%, reg.lirlless of i:ice, age, wealth or gender. We look 12,1-ward to Feast Day and ,)111- continuing work towards reconciliation in Australia.

Katrina Cavanough, Emilv Richards, Danielle Carew, Talilia Madden, Hannah Cohen L. 2{2*

Emily Richards. Madeline Jones, Anna Brash and Vanessa Wong Tai showing the affirmation books made by the class as a gift to them.

Our Educational Camp to Canberra! Our camp to Canberra was so enlightening, Commencing with <)111- flight which was verv exciting, The War Memorial was first on our liAt.

In C :,itibernt this is a place which sh-ld not be lilissed!:

Monique Draycott, Grace Mighell, Charlotte Chalmers and Elise Nicholson display their models based on 1The Silver Sword".

At the Electoral Education Centre we saw a fihn display, And then we went to Pallialnent Holife on the verv same dar·.

In the House of Representatives there was a political

jeanette Rowe


jeanette Rowe caine during book week.

And there were clocks evernvhere No the politician

The books she has written are reallv ircat.

wotildn't be late!!

She finds her inspiration from all around.

At Questacon there was an ainazing vertical slide.

And it's not just for stories that she is renowned.

When we slid down it we shone with pride. That was where we sliowed our courage· and our power,

For she also has a knack for illusti-ations.

But next there was the Telstra lowell!

They help make her books become stich great sensations.

From there we admired the excellent view.

Ancl there were other visitors looking out too. Her life hasn't alwavs been full of success.

We then flew to Melbourne in a Qantax plane.

But Ims never stopped her from doing her best.

We wozild all reallv like to visit Canberra again:!

Madelitie jolic·,



Monique 1)1.21)'coit.

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 37

Year 6 Gold Year 6 Gold 24

3rd Row L-R Jillian Hunter, Nicola Fuller,

Stephanie Fogarty, Daisy Maroun, Eleanor Downie, Victoria Flood, Suzanne Walker.

2nd Row L-R Stephanie Mermigas, Van Nguyen, Pia White. Jessica Healey, Anthea Fell. Arabella Hickey, Annabelle Dwyer. Front Row L-R Jessica M near.

Chloe Gardner. Genevieve Naughton. Laura Petrucci, Jessica Stergiou, Anna O'Callaghan, Stacey Frangou,

Sarah Dungey. Andrea Ingberg. Teacher Miss Elizabeth Blackle T

L i

Tragedy for the Dumpty Family 1.a;t week I litinptv Dumpt,- Ii<11 off the >Kclner Opera llc )ilse. while reacting the newspaper after a peric)Finance for the children of Auxtralia. It A alleged

that the New Idea photographel-0 stieciked up behind hill, 1,11,1 took .1 picture ( fc,1- an ,„-ticle). The 1111%11 \#.1, 40

big that it gave I lumptv the biggeht fright c )1- hih life and Humpty fell oil the Opera House. 1¥e 11 it'% not a l lc ) 1 lii,il

thing to read the paper on top of the Opel,1 11{)11%(·." Maid Nicola Fill (1,0.\N of the ()pera llc}lise). 1 think 11111-lipty just wanted attention". said Alithea Fitlier (ch ic·{ of New 1( lea) . "1 It· obvic )11,1, A not gc t t ing ('llc nigh

ptil)licitv, so hc decide to go and bhune it on New Id<·a". \\'a& it a publicitv stimt? Nobodv know<. 1)lit (1(,Cloth hin

1 Illinptv is in a lot of pain? So, could he have tkillell c )11 the Opera 1 louse? Nobodv knows. \11 1),Im],t, ancl famili refuwe to comment on .Ili,thing. 1)lit \Ii· Driinpti Cleark stated to New Idell th.11 he was not pilliing 21

pill,licity stunt and he will now be suing New Idea. Xcu Idca rellises to colmnent al)Out this.

Mini Olympics Day On 11()11(1.1, the 21 .litgil.%t we had .1 Milli O|unpich din to celc.1,1-ate Book \Veek and the up-coming .Sulney 2000 Oh-mpic Galne;. \Ve werc all placed in a conlitrv and aski·(1 10 (11-t» lip iii the colours of <)111' C<)11}lt lies. 1-here werc· 17 coiliti-ics ahogither and some of tile countries represented were France. 1%1-nel. Italv. Grecce. Scotland. Belgium. 11-('litild. and C .ertil,m,: There was .1

torch be,lirr. flag 1,<·.11-<11- and baliner 1,(11,1-er fi-(,ill cach c ountrv. c,N wcH as two \2,11' 8 Presic!('111% 1111(1 11 Prhne

Aliniver (teacher). Finth we had an opening a·reinom' where people inadi· 4])(.·Cclic·. our Catildron wah lit 1,11(1 the Olunpic 1·lag \#21% 1 .libed. After thi wr went with c )ill

groups to different lic-tivities where we earned points to .Ic[(1 to c )111- (()111111-Ch tallv. Holne of liu· event. were

ic,wing. high jump (which could have 1,(·en Called low

iump!), weight lifting, skiing. gvmlmstics, volle\,1,1111, c ,(·ling. r<)(·cer. 1-11!itiing. hill·(11(·N. long jilinp. %,iimining and .1 few Inore activitin. Betwi·en each event one 01 the

p 1 -Nden t + gave the .c c 11-c to \ 11'0 \\'al-ir n wh o wil.+ c t oi n g the tillh'ing. while the othei- 1,1-Ndent took the group to the next activit\. When all tile' lictivitic'% were completed

Reported b,· le.Nca I lealn

we had the closing c <1-ellic)11\ alicl the places were inniuincerl. frnt|:111,1 r:inle |41

11-4.lancl i·:Inic. Vtici :111,1

Mut/el-land came 31-4. The tlag

was lowered and to end

c )111 \|ini Okinpic·; the Sport :111(1 ( reative Arts C .11)111111%

Nicola Fliller


,- Sy

Fundraising for Omar - the organizers: Stephanie Mermigas, Laura Petrucci, Stacey Frangou and Lillian Hornano.

38 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Year 6 Sport - Tyre Relay: Daisy Maroun.

Year 6 Procluction At I.c )1-etc) Mandeville liall it 11,14 1,ccome a tradition

for lili· Will- 6 to perform a ulajor production in u

proper theati-e. This vear Ms Vereka |111, chosen a classic plav called 'The Red Slic ic s'. 11 A ill,out a verv poor little gil l called K:il-eli who Ims lic) famih and 110 411(,C.. Slic· R phning in the coill tr .11(1 c )11(· (111\ when an old sc)]ciici-

92 '

offers her a pair 01 Nhilly, red Mhors, I lowever, whc·11

14.,irn puts on the red 10(·s. lillic·bio her still)'ist· shi· linclh that the Alloch make her (lance. and (1:111(·c. and (1.111(c·! After a while Karcil (1((ide, to have a little l'c·Nt.

I lowever. when %11(· goe; to tal«· off the red Alloes %]ic·

discovers that they won't releast·. In the end Kitic·11 gets

Maths Week: Genevieve Naughton, Chloe Gardner, Eleanor Downie

her sh™·% ancl fect chopped off ln the executioner and

and Suzanne Walker.

t he ( )I d v )| cl ier van i hh es from t he 1 ( m 11. ne, il' t o be <cen

again. Year 6 Gold Ints Inid a lot of fun in drama lessons

sligge•ting different ideas al)(,lit various scrnex. This

Courage (:()111 .lge ix not about being fe:11-le» \01- about not heing- Acaled

pkn- hils a verv interesting Storvline and I have found it

Courage is Nomething we all hau·

very eli lovable to work with. We do have a verv tight

Coill-age A Nomething tliat'% there

Scherilile, but the 111.tin thing is {11,it we've |111(1 |1111. Rowd,c Naughuni

[frouhr bring coill·ag-cous 3,)11 can be scared all vou like

Con]-age N abolit whal vou do \Vhen 1(,11 do something bok! and ti-tie.


Pia Whitc·


not BAght

1>off,- · 't.er

Burning. 111,1/ing. Boiling

1 Dubll

Nticky, Sweaty, 7'ircd, lilli tit >Atininer ! |.:l/111+ 1,(,tl-1[(('i

War l'he will- iN coming.

The wal- brings illihappiliess, Leaving ux to clic!

Media Unit - radio awareness: Jillian Hunter, Victoria Flood, Jessica

%:11'ah Dungev

Stergiou, Daisy Maroun, Jessica Minear and Pia White.

Little Red Riding Hood


just last week R.R. 1 lood was walking along- the path (litictlv Ilowino-,

into the wood,. 5,11(· c lainied to have seen the big bacl

Gentlv trickling (town the 91'ealll.

woll hillihc·If. ThiN is whitt R.R. 1 Mod said: "The Big Bacl

Ch,ing. al,ina- 0-,mt·

\Voll came up to mc mici .ivkc·cl if I woil](l mind if he


\.111 \

g l I Ve 1 1

walked on the palh with me ])(·(·:itise m-(11111(| thi· trees it was .1 bit muddy. lint 01 course 1 got .1 11-ight. <creamed and ran for it. \\hen I reached (,1,111(11112<% hoine. the

wolfwas .111-cady there. \\'ben I opened the door the woll

was sitting (111 111\ (:ratichn,6 bed licking his linget·. 1 fercalned (agaill) und hit hill] on the head \vith a |1-\ pan. und he fell to the floon A Inillitte later (,1,11,(11,1,1 callic' c )tit of the cupboard in which Nlic· wa* hiding." From hif lic),pital bed the woll Jaid. "She 1 litixt have thought 1 1111(! caten her Grandina. bul of cont·sc I

hadiA. 1 jiti helped ilii sel! tc ) hc)me cookies.- So there ,(,11 go, the woll ,#,1%11't that bacl after .111' Gym Bus: Arabella Hickey.

\'ictoria Flood

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 39

Year 6 Red Year 6 Red 3rd Row L-R Alice Brophy Charlotte Campbell, Georgette Scanlon, Elizabeth Logan, Lucy Donovan, Natallie Moussa.


2nd Row L- R Jacqueline Savage,

Stephanie Maynes, Alexandra Cottee, Bridget Noonan, Georgia Charleson, Amy Ilyine, Sara Flynn, Front Row L-R Nicole Travis, Hannah Smith,

Jacquie Chia, Prudence Moylan, Ruby Carrodus, Olivia Pellicano,

Clare Peachey, Diana Fillmore, Rebecca Rodwell.

Absent Stephanie MacFarlane. Teacher Mrs Michelle Courtertay




Media Articles - Letters To The Editor

Well Done Australia 1 11]11 Jiliting in to .1(1(11'(·.4.4 the i.4.Nlti· of Ailiti'Illia

becoming 11 Republic. 1 .1111 (treplv relieved that c )11! nation had the st·lise to sin'llc) to the Repill,lic. '1 he (.c„LiI,in('iii are jitst 11'ying to make things

Make Planes Safer

diftic-wit. We Ii:·t· happi with c )111- cc )111,trv. whv change Some aillinch have heen cutting costs in lecent

inonths and this inav affect the servicing of phines. In France the (:()llc·orde plane (li·aster highlightx that inollevis no object whellit concerns the Kervicing

hoinething that is perfectly good the wav· it iO 1 Imve lived here for sevent\' ,(1111-s. born :111(1 1 ,lised ill

Melbourne and I think things ought to stav tlie wav thei air. Thank-vou Atixtralia Ibr u·Init vou have done.

C)' planes and providing Hafe travel for pa™·11<gers.

GIC)1'grtte %(1111]<)11

Safet)' fil'st, th,It 's my opillion. Bridget Noonan

Wlien Will You Learn?


\\'ben will.\11%11·,tlia sec that we need tc, inove oil and

becoint· a Repill,lic? 1 have and alwavs will believe stronglv that Eng-land is holding- 11% back. We need to St,111(1411()11(· and become ()111- own C€)111111·v.

.jllht because we made the decision not to changr the Conwitiltion jilst wt, (1(,(An't inean we should let the i.4.Nuc (tic..\lixtialia ina) have Maid 110 1((I'lit|; but in tile futtli'c they inust Mill,port the Republic. England (loes 11(,thing for 114. Please , listralia, when will voil act and see? Georettle ScanIC)11


' '14




f. t

Radio Man - Media Studies: Jacqueline Savage, Kristen Kalloniatis,

Relaxing in the shade: (Back) Sara Flynn and Stephanie

Natallie Moussa, Elizabeth Logan and Prudence Moylan.

MacFarlane. (Front) Diana Fillmore and Alexandra Cottee.

40 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Reconciliation 1(,clay, \11* Pike came to si,cak k ) ll.N 111)(mt her clliture and the histon' 01 her Ihinily. Nhe A an


Al)original Zvoinan whose ancestor>; lised to live as a till)e in \Vestern .\11%11·alia. litil ortlinatch' a sickni·,s, which

was brought outo the hind by a white sailor, killed many nulnbers oftlic· tribe.


I found thi.4 Atorv re.111\ Sad. 21% liu·Se people were her

hi,tory. The Aboriginal cotild not fight oft the disease, All(1 21% 21 result, most (lied.

She told .un,ther sad xtorv of her grandmother who was one of the stolen Aboriginal babies. She was taken

from her own family to live with a white familv at the age of live. Mrs Pike explained thal not onlv did her 2-1 .111(Imother lose her culture 00 clid the future


All-% Pike ic·acl th-0 1),li'ables about a duck and a

platvpus. The xtories explained thal al] people wrre the Maths Week: Ruby Carrodus and Nicole Travis.

Same. m) lii,ittel- what they cio, how they look or what colour their .kin.

Order! Order!

MIN Pike ble.™·(1 11\ with Vic·cial hi)|v water, traditional to Al){)liginalx. h was great.

P.11'li,lilic·lit was iii session on 17 March at Loreto

Xtrphanic Mavnes

Mandeville liall. Mr Robert Dovle. the %11,1(low Alitilhter

1-or I le,ilth and the Rel)1 r•;entative for Malvern was visitillu tlW Year 6 c lasses to share his knowledge .ind

experiences as a Member 01 Parliament. Mr 1)ovic· assisted the stud,·111% in their further underxtanding ot c,Ovel-ninclit iii ])1(panitioll 1(n t}le gi'(Hip'S visit t<)

War Reflections

Canbena. Hitler

Mt- Doyle explained the voles of various Members of Parliciinc·lit and shaird some of his manv experielic ex.

Fearless fool

including meeting the Queen. After his talk, we Intel the

Building rage, c.crie

oppormnity to ask Mr Dovie questions.

Miner thought,A (,1'many

I liM visit was fun and inful 111,11ive and luis given Year


6 a bener undel'411111(ling of the Parliamenhur' pl'OCC,4.4. Olivia Pellic·ano


Onc Ihinily Snurd, ,ili·,11(1, (1(·t<'tinilgi·(1

1 Ic )])(·lessh (ic·.hperate, 11(·1-ic,lis, apprehensive I'lif(}11(·13,

Alexandra Cottee

War Armies march bv tower atic! spire Ofcities bla/ing in the lire; When I grow I hope to lind

A wav to put thix well behind 1% 1 4.1/c with At.11'ing eve.M, rlic annics rude like cloud in the xkic·M. Then once agrain, thev' all retizi·n,

And once again mv angrr cloes burn. Volcano presentation: Lucy Donovan.

Georgia Chaileson

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 41



Junior School Choir 2000 5th Row L- R Alexandra Cracknell, Amy Ilyine, Georgia Charleson, Victoria Flood, Pia White. Jillian Hunter, Suzanne Walker 4th Row L- R Siana Madden. Kristen Kalloniatis. Elly Mantas, Emily Hicks. Van Nguyen , Signoree Scully, Jessica Stergiou, India Prior,

Caitlin Spence

3rd Row L-R Eve Lillas, Kirsty Kearney, Julia Canavan, Sophie Russell. Emily Russell, Samantha Podbury, Caroline Salter, Victoria Hammond, Stephanie John, Natasha Simonds 2nd Row L- R Esther MeMahon, Annelise Brown, Danica Patawaran, Samantha Bell Goodman, Eugenie Prior. Megan Swinstead.

Bethany England

Front Row L-R Amelia Harrison, Julia Mansour, Alexandra England. Veronique Campion, Lucy Donovan, Jessica Minear, Lucy Adamson Alexandra Higgins, Megan Allanadale. Joanne Stergjou Teachers Mr Stuart Shearman, Mrs Anne Elliott

t 7


09*37-1 Junior School Wind Band 2000 3rd Row L- R Signoree Scully.

Tahlia Madden, Elizabeth Logan,

Lucy Donovan, Ellese Chambers, Grace Mighell

2nd Row L-R Stephanie Clark, Melissa Dynon, Jillian Hunter, Pia White, Victoria Flood. Annabelle Suffren, Coral Alden

Front Row L-R Nicole Travis, Alice Halpin,

Emily Russell, Van Nguyen (Vice Captain), Tess Mornane (Captain), Sophie Russell,

Tess Gangitano, Monique Draycolt, Cassandra Oaten

Absent Jacqueline Savage, Chloe Gardner, Georgette Scanlon Teacher Miss Wendy Anderson Wind Band performing

42 LORE[U · Mandeville Hall

0 A f.€- 1

Junior School Orchestra 2000 2nd Row L-R Victoria Hammond, Signoree Scully Alexandra Jolly, Stephanie Maynes, Melissa Jreissati, Anthea Fell, Megan OF1

Front Row L-R Kirsty Kearney, Zoe Wood, Nicola Fuller (Captain), India Prior, Vanessa Wong Tai (Vice Captain). Harriet Fell, Eleanor Downie, Rebecca Howle Teacher Mr Stuart Shearman


Junior School Recorder Ensemble 2000 2nd Row L-R Samantha Podbury, Rebecca Ireland, Michelle King, Alexandra Blackburn, India Prior Front Row L-R Stephanie Rizzardi. Rebecca Rodwell, Kristen Kalloniatis, Eleanor Downie (Captain), Jessica Stergiou (Vice Cal0


Victoria Hammond, Stephanie Keary, Ashleigh Kub,ak Teacher M ss Deana Dodds (Absent)

Classroom music:

Annabel Jones and Jasmin Chia (Yl)

Classroom music: Julia Canavan and LJcy Adamson (Y3)

LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Junior School House Captains 2000 (Back L-R) Georgette Scanlon (Captain Mornane), Bridget Noonan (Captain Ward), Tahlia Madden (Captain Barry), Stephanie Maynes (Captain Mulhall). (Front) Stephanie Mermigas (Vice Captain Mornane), Grace Mighell (Vice Captain Ward), Emily Richards (Vice Captain Barry), 1€

Alexandra Cottee (Vice Captain Mulhall).

Junior School Creative Arts

Captains 2000 (L-R) Chloe Gardner (Captain Barry), Olivia Pell,cano (Captain Ward), Clare Peachey (Captain Mulhall), Stacey Frangou (Captain Mor-nane).



1 r.

Junior School

Music Captains 2000 (Back L-R) Vanessa Wong-Tai (Vice Captain Orchestra), Lucy Donovan (Vice Captain Choir), Jessica Stergiou (Vice Captain


Recorder Ensemble), Van Nguyen (Vice Captain Wind Band) (Front L-R) Nicola Fuller (Captain Orchestra), Jessica Minear (Captain Choir), Eleanor Downie (Captain Recorder Ensemble), Tess Mornane (Captain Wind Band).

44 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Junior School Swimming Squad 2000 3rd Row L-R Georgia Mornane, Alicia Simonds, Hannah Pownell, Jade Llewellyn, Tahlia Madden, Jessica Healey, Lauren O'Donnell, Pia White, Sarah Adamson

2nd Row L-R Lauren D'Aprano, Alice Halpin, Laura Brady, Annabel Suffren, Polly Roach, Grace Mighell, Kaylah Malishev, Melissa Dynon, Gabr elle Coles, Madeleine Tostevin

Front Row L-R Emilie Fellay, Natasha Simonds, Amanda Valmorbida, Caroline Salter, Charlotte Chalmers (Captain), Bridget Noonan (Captain), Annabelle Healey, Eliza Tiernan. Fiona Pearse Absent Georgette Scanlon, Julia Sweeney

Teacher Miss Jayne Webster, Mrs Cathy Hunt (Absent)

Goal Kick Soccer 2000 3rd Row L- R Joanne Gruba, Siana Madden,

Bridget Kelly, Annabelle Healey, Gabrielle Coles, Rafaela Scully,

Brighid Ginnane-Smith, Caitlin Spence, Mandy-Jane Maroun, Madeleine Tostevin, Mary Shuttleworth

2nd Row L-R Camilla Counsel, Naomi Scully. Natasha Simonds, Stephanie John,

Katherine Tzelil, Charlotte Fellay, Madeleine Maher, Teresa Cabal Pasini, Eve Lillas, Amanda Valmorbida, Jessica Cheeseman

Front Row L-R Natasha Barison,

Isabelle Hayes, Joanne Stergiou, Chloe Dwyer. Fiona Pearse, Emilie Fellay, Luisa Silanni,

Alix Hauser, Frankie Cox, Leah Frangou Teacher Miss Jayne Webster


Junior School Diving 2000

Junior School Tennis 2000

L.R Stephanie Rizzardi, Elizabeth Doyle, Tess Gangitano.

2nd Row L-R Rebecca Rodwell, Caroline Salter,

Amy Ilyine, Sophie Carnegie, Emily Richards, Samantha Podbury

Alexandra Cottee. Stephanie Macfarlane, Nicola Fuller,

Alix Hauser,

Elise Nicholson, Sarah Scully, Monique Draycott

Teacher Miss Jayne Webster

Front Row L-R Alice Halpin, Bianca Koffman

Teacher Mss Jayne Webster

LORETO · Mandeville Hall

4 9*45

Junior School Cross Country Team 2000 7th Row L-R Alexandra Blackburn, Sophie Carnegie-Tess Mornane, Tahlia Madden, Ellese Chambers, Emma Chia, Megan O'Hehir 6th Row L- R Grace Mighell, Diana Fillmore,

Stephanie Maynes. Vanessa Wong Tai,


Alicia Simonds, Lauren Benson, Clare Peachey, Eliia Broorne, Ana Maria Cabal Pasjnj. 5th Row L- R Rebecca Moore, Melissa Dynon,

Alice Scotts-Dickson. Annabel Suffren.

Kaylah Malishev, Bianca MeBroom, Clare Jones, Prudence Maynes. «M

4th Row L-R Sena Madden,

Meaghan O'Sullivan, Sophie Russell,

Georgia Mornane, Samantha Podbury. Gabrielle Coles, Olivia McCombe,

Caitlin Spence. 3rd Row L-R Alice Halpin, Nicole Travis, Haniiah Cohen, Caroline Salter,

Rebecca Rodwell, Emily Russell, Sarah Scully

2nd Row L-R Naomi Scully, Cassandra Oaten, Amanda Valmorbida.

Katherine Tzelil, Elizabeth Doyle, Madeleine Tostevin. Monique Draycott, Camilla Counsel.

Front Row L-R Natasha Simonds,

Alexandra Fitzgerald, Megan Swinstead, Fiona Pearse, Emilie Fellay Alix Hauser, Michelle Oaten. Sarah Clemens,

Alexandra Higgins, Esther MeMahon. Teacher Miss Jayne Webster

Sporting Snapshots 2000

46 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

.... : €7

frt. 1 41:,

Junior School Athletics Team 2000 6th Row L-R: 5th Row L-R

Hannah Pownall, Jessica Healey, Tess Mornane, Lucy Donovan, Charlotte Chalmers, Bridget Noonan, Emma Chia.

:Stephanie Mermigas. Clare Peachey, Olivia Pellicano. Amy Ilyine, Grace Mighell, Sarah Adamson, Alicia Simonds.

4th Row L-R:

Elizabeth Doyle, Rebecca Rodwell, Rachel Rodrigues, Georgia Mornane, Lillian Romano, Melissa Dynon, Annabel Suffren,

Laura Brady, Sarah Dungey. 3rd Row L-R:

Danica Patawaran, Ant-lelise Brown, Caroline Salter. Katherine Tzelil, Caitlin Spence, Emilie Fellay, Anastasia MeNarnara,

Stephanie Clarke, Siana Madden.

2nd Row L-R: Tahlia Madden (Captain of Athletics), Stephanie Maynes (Captain of Athletics), Front Row L-R:

Alexandra Fitzgerald, Alix Hauser, Alexandra England, Frankie Cox, Natasha Simonds. Isabelle Hayes, Bethany England,

Michelle Oaten, Julia Mansour, Monique Draycott. Absent:

Prudence Maynes, Phoebe Ryan, Danielle Carew.

Sporting Snapshots 2000

f z

' 4r J

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 47

Our 111terdisciplinary Group In the hitc·rdisciplinarv linit we learn clilic·rent w.1\'4 of thinking. We air ('lic<)111'aged to 114(· 1111(·tic r. originalitv. Ilexibilit>, risk taking and itil,lgination. U'e do debates. and we trV to diM liss thiligs Ift'()171 clific·t-(·tit viewpoints. \11+ 15(m'(1(·11, the teacher of the |litchiclisciplinary Unit. gives its litiz challenges to think and wl-ite Ill)(,lit. For instance, recentlv we had a debate

on whether 11 sul)(1-market sh,1111(1 be built replacing a


furest. We were given roles of different people in <>iii communit\. and thinking the wav the prison we were given would, we wrote clown whether we wanted a

wupermarket in the community or not and gave leasons. l'hen we read our y,eeches on our different decisions,

and had a vote. Three people clecided 1101 to have a stipermarket. Four people said that they clid want to have a All])clill,liket. Most ofuls wanted the 11])(rmat-ket. \\'e .il sc, h.icl a talk al,out feeding anilil,11\ at the mo. \Ve

Cliscu™·d how we contd %101) pcople throwing food illt() the animal·C enc|()4111'ch .111(1 creating y#'cific 1('((ling Ii/,(·% :/1 11/(· /()(,

Classics Club: Eliza Quinert, Brighid A'Hearn, Camilla Flook and Bridget O'Brien (Y2)

1)wring lt·l-m ()ne we talked Iii)0111 the filture and

how colii],literx have Mo liltich to do with it. \Ve wolidered whither the world would be 214 good \dtholit

compmers. 1 think that The 1 1 tli clisc iplilian (h-oup iN a

The Classics Club, Years 1,2,3 Classic N Club is fun ' Mv f,ic )111·itc book A Rudvard

fun and williable thing bc·cause thinking ix an important

Kil,ling-'s /u.,·/ w, S/orie.,·. \'\'c· hacl h )1% of lilli illustrating olit

part ofour lives. :ind it is packed with fun ' IIi this Grotip.

nainch made with pictill-es. \\'c zilho lead 11771,1 iu thr·

thinking is taught iii a 11)ccial war that I realh like. 1(leas

11-i//ow.j aud N'eve// /,itt/e :\//st)'alia//.s. I enjov ( 1Nsic.% C Nub.

can start Ninall. and then change the w{)11(1!

Camillia Flook. War 2

14('thamr Eng-hind. War 4 I elljoved St,ve// /,it//e Austra/imn when the little boy tried to Cle.ill the father.s shoes: 1.hat'% what I (lijov about (7.issics (7111). Nic'{ 11(· c)'I){)111,ell. Wal- 1

ClaNNic< C lill) is a fun chib where vou read books each

term. Some 01 the book we have trad are./li.0/ .w, Stonk,, The 11 ),id i,i the 11'/lic,wi. ,ind .bev,w /.i///r.11/0/)'u/iri/1.0. Siana Madclen. 32·al' 3

In C :|Insic. C lub we have· read ///%/ W .4/ci,7'rl The 117/ir/ i/1 the Iti/hnv, and we air reading .5/'ve// /.i///e .·1/4.0/17//inu.%. Mv 0

faw )11 1-itc character in -/he Itiud in the 117//Ow.,is Mole.


lillia C..111.1\'an, Wal- 3


I love the C lassics Chil, ber:inse it is No much fun. Ah

favourite ston' that we iracl is "pist .%0 Ntorie.% "by Rudvard Kipling. We alv, read "11 hid iu the 117/lou, " and "The Seven l.i///e A/istra//aus".

1.isette Campbeli. War 2


1 ellic ),ed reading 77/e //1.,/ 07,,'tone, when it told vow how



thing-X were imule. (,111\Mics (.11111 1% lilli! 4

An 11,11)( l .lones. Year 1 1 love (1»ics (:]111) expeciallv when we get Ic) illtivt,tte

Interdisciplinary Group: Bethany England, Gabrielle Coles, Lauren Fowler, Alix Hauser, Rebecca Howie and Isabelle Hayes (Y4)

48 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

pic·tures from the book we juxt read. F.lint Quinert. War 2


Junior School Art I




r '31*7





©r f i



t_tli Fi




1 4


(Clockwise from top left) This page: 1.Year 6 at Embassy Drive Canberra. 2. Emilie Hickey (Y2) "Irish athlete".


3. The Flying Bookworm with Eliza Grant (Y2). 4. At the Electoral Office Canberra: Annabelle Dwyer. Arabella Hickey, Ruby Carrodus and Jade Llewellyn (Y6). 5. Bridget O Brien, Stephanie Byrnes and Chloe Lucchesi (Y2)Opposite page: 1. Sovereign Hill School: Prudence Maynes. Olivia McCombe, Rosemary Tracey. Lucinda

Lacava, Alexandra Blackburn (Y5). 2. Danica Patawaran and Alexandra

Gribbin (Y3). 3. Mini Olympics Organising Committee Members Mrs Virginia Hand and Miss Jayne Webster

acknowledge the cheers of the crowd. 4. Eugenie Prior (Y3) "Competitor for Italy". 5. Jessica Stergiou, Sarah Scully and Zoe Harper (Y5). 6. "Clean Up LMH Day




ERS 4,-1 f


3%2 2«f

L. L



f te



. 4


(Clockwise from top left) Opposite page: 1 Mini Olympics: Signoree Scully, Tess Mornane, Isabella MeNamara, Jessica Cheeseman and Lillian Romano. 2. Sergeant - at - arms: Diana Fillmore (Y6). 3.Stephanie John and Teresa Cabal Pasini at the Y2 Basketball Clinic. 4. Mrs Maureen Carroll

and Year 2 raise their hands for Reconciliation on Feast Day. 5. Cross Age: Suzanne Walker (Y6), Elisa Reynolds (Y4) and Chloe Gardner (Y6). This page: 1. Year 1 at swimmimg. 2. Information technology: Alexandra Blackburn, Cassandra Oaten, Melissa Jreissati (Y5). 3. Miss Catherine Sim with David from

the Victorian Opera. 4. Stephanie Keary (Y5) hopes to strike gold. 5. Yukika Soga (Prep)




-I. 4,; F,34



cal. WI

j 0







1 Dora

. f lf\k

1 *j

(Clockwise from top left) Opposite page; 1. Alexa Madden (Y 1) welcomes her brother Tom when St

Kevin's boys visited Loreto. 2. Alix Hauser (Y4) and her mother Kim at the Swimming Sports. 3. Edwina Swain

(Prep) skating through life! 4. Firefighters visit Prep. 5. Stephanie Clarke and Felicity McDonald (Y5) with Oliver

This page: 1. Alice Halpin and Danielle Kielty (Y5). 2. Amber Bell, Rachel Cheng and Dora Cosentinc (Yl). 3. Grace Mighell, Alexandra Cottee and Bridget Noonan (Y6) ready to release a dove. 4. Fairy rest time for Caitlin Moran (Yl). 5. "In the round" Annabel Jones (Yl ), Suzanne Walker (Y6) and Camilla Counsel (Y4).








0 it




fI t




(Clockwise from top left) Opposite page: 1. Olympic Torch Escort Runners: Megan Downing (Y 12), Sarah Dynon (Yll) and Laura Gleich (Y10). 2. Alice Papaluca (Y12) with Junior School friends on Feast Day. 3. Katherine Ellen (Y7). 4.Cecily O'Shea

Winner of a VCE Premier's Award with Lady Gobbo and Dr Anne Hunt at Government

House for the award presentations. 5. Mrs Fadia Zogheib and Zara D'Cotta (Yl 1 ) meet


son-e local children in New Caledonia.

This page: 1. Mr Matt Thorn demonstrates kickboxing to Jenna Flack and Jacqueline Bouchier (¥7). 2. Year 7 at Werribee Park

Zoo. 3. Getting down to the nitty gritty of Touch Footy during PE Week. 4. Alison Spence (Y 10) at the Alliance Games.


5. Winners Monash Legal Challenge: Kate Dalheimer, Anna Bartl and Emily Whelan (Yll) with their Legal Studies Teacher Ms Anne Muller.




a -


g t'



41 i


1 .t



(Clockwise from top left) Opposite page: 1 Sarah Green (Y8) in Kostka play. 2. Having fun at HOSG

Regatta. 3. Brigid Coleridge (Y7) and Alexandra Stafford (Yl 1) on Feast Day. 4. Big Sister/Little Sister

Programme: Michelle Funder (Y12) and Phoebe Pownall (Y7). 5. Jacqueline Moore (Y7) receives some tips from Sandy Blythe, Captain of the Australian Paralympian Basketball Team. This page: 1.Patricia Nigro (Y 12) rowing for Loreto. 2. Cross Country skiers: Kate Tilley,

Catherine Sullivan and Stephanie Lord (Y 10). 3. Year 10 going to PAF rehearsals, 4 Caroline Jones (Yl) and

Thanh Tran (Y12) get together during the Big Sister/Little Sister Programme. 5. Year 7 on a Science and Geography excursion




(Clockwise from top left) This page: 1. Stephanie De Oliveira and Made Ine

1.,LUL',IZI jet@4 32324,jk- - U:.1jil€4-, . Sharrock at Year 7 Record Night. 2. D·

Anne Hunt, Alana Spadaro, Emily Smith

· - and Vanessa Von der Muhll welcome Sir

L CE =firti#.

Gustav Nossal. Australian of the Year. to a

9**5 1--,41*Baryziae=; MLL.AR.*E-Ar __=Q School assembly .ane Libody andimage Tracey 4 Pahor (Y310) discuss with Ms -

7.E=r- 2 ....Ill.-

·CI.„i.4*.u&31--. Sophia Liddy from the Eatirg Disorders

. __! 1- vIlllIWI. .1\' Foundat on of Victoria, 4, Catherine

1 Sullivan (Y-10) an O ympic Torch Escort

T Runner shows her mother the Torch. 5.

7 1-Ze _1

i Ready to row: Laura Riley, Alice Papaluca, -1 Melanie Ringersma and Stephanie Maule.

Opposite page: 1. Year 8 'Medieval

archers". 2. Sarah Maule and Sunday u.» =RZ Barca Irving (77) learn the intricacies of ----

.: pitching a tent for Outdoor Education. -t


3. Australian Aerobics Champions: Cheryl Holt, Kate Fetterplace and Jessica Ries. 4. Julia Foley, past pl.pil, chats with her former teachers Mrs Joan Ryan, Mrs Margaret Smith, Mrs Margot Thompson


and Dr Anne Hunt. Julia is one of many,

who have been educated and nurtured by Margaret, who retires this year with the best wishes of all at Loreto.5. PE Week

hoops:Natalie Bossorg (Yll)

5YDNEY 2000














, 1 9 3)1) t7










(Clockwise from top left) 1. Alison Spence and Julia Dickson (Y 10) sample their

culinary efforts. 2. Jacqueline Koutoumas, Alexanara Stafford and Lucy McNamara (Y 1 1) in Rome for the Jubilee 2000 Youth Pilgrimage. 3. Hainah Carrodus (Y7) and Rebecca Green (78) in Kostka play 'Lion, Witch and Wardrobe", 4. Dr Anne Hunt accepts a gift from the Vice Principal of Fukuoka Kaisei School during a visit from our Japanese sister schcol. 5. Stephanie Haikal (Y7) prepares a salad. 6. Year 12 Common Room.

f / 2-

e *L





(Clockwise from top left) 1. Beth LaBrooy, Emily Smith and Georgina Coleman show their true colours.

2. Making the banner for the Jubilee Mass. 3. Year 12 relax.. 4. Year 7 Cross Country runners. 5. "Sister" ImE#.7: ft 4

Felicity Ferdinands defends herself on Medieval Day. 6. Preparing for the great outdoors! Phoebe Pownall and Annette Yeo (Y7).







Senior "--51

School w

S taff 1 4. AV.III 4


(Clockwise from top left) 1. ISC staff members, Judy

Broad and Paul Byrne. 2. Jan Paull and Zena Roslan check a School brochure. 3. "I hope they arrive before dark" Lisa Ritchie waits patiently at a camp checkpoint. 4. "Freida" Natalie Caruso and "Anna" Leesa Hale at the Abba for Amnesty Concert. 5.Lynne Beck, Felicity Ferdinands, Ron Ferdinands and Michael Baddeley enjoy the view at "Rhapsody in Blue and Gold" Music Festival. 6. "Maybe gardening would be easier

than teaching!" Brian Ellett wields the rake at the Athletics Sports. 7. "Blues Sisters" Mardi Featherston and Susan

Stevens. 8. Groovin' Grant Fisher knocking 'ern dead. 9. Ron Ferdinands sings the Trudi song. 10. Court jester. Robyn Kay.






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Senior 594,t

*44 4


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1451 = r

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. 14>1

Writing and Me - A Poetic

writing should never be neglected. Being able to expri»


paper i. 0(>Illething I will 21]wavs chel-Mli.

fire], inv though ts. fecli ng•; and icle.1.4 however 1 wall t on Caroline Jolic.. Year 7

Remelill,t'ling. 16 not e.1.4, . The c'.,1-1, ,(·al 4 |)! re/(·cl

bv and I \va. too voung to reincinber a lot of it. .\part

fi-om those special, scillic·what s.ic]·cd ,11(ilic)1-ics thal are impossil,]c· 10 forget. Along with 11(,liclavs, 1,11-111(1,1,\,tiul

First Prize Year 7-8 Writing (30 111 petitiC)11

even walching |'|11)*Achool, writing inv name for liu· Iii'st time wax om· of these ]11('171(n'ich.


Never had I Ic'It stic h a feeling c il %(*112.4.itislhction and

Bltic· w;14 unce Inv favourite colour, To me it wah a

pridc :10 111(· tillic· I could fili.11|\ write mv own li,ime,

reminder 01 the M'.t. thi· sk, 1111(1 how our live. dic )111(1 be

thi'ough to the ven laht 'el with ililine»%0 11„111-1,11.

lived. In ])('Itc c .111(1 harinon\. »; the Ne.1 1'.IN uhal ic)ined

\\ ben I st.11·ted fc liool I i,·,10 i liti-(1(111('c·d to 1.(·tter-1 ,.11 ic r .

the natiolh 01 our wor|(1 tog(·ther B one.

I |illi·lic·(1 1(·111-1,ing how to write .incl %11\ the :1|])11.11)(·t

Now. 11.4 1 Nit in the (lili·k with the cokl bittl(1 1'01-ming·

\vithout lillich troul)]c. even diough thi· c)111\ letterMI h»

Shapes around 111\ bodv al,(1 the gin wave. (,1.,thhing.

interoted in \ve!-c the eight that imulc 11]) 111\ 11,1111(·.

1,]11( has lic,\# sc'],1,1-,ated mc from the lite I was living. Left

F.u·littl,illy there callic a tink· whel·(· 1 ('()11|d chaHeng(· l in' creativit, 11\ clc)ing Ac )111(t hing 111,11 wi,0 11(·w

111(· 411-1111(led williout a mother to keep the .kil·$ 1111(1 rear a clistal |)111(·.

alic! (·1]jout|)1(·. Jiliting xtolics. 1 W.10 gi\(·Ii the

1 Jit :ilid hclt\(· 111, Itic)therN; jacket over nn shivering

opporinnit\ 10 write them lit Ach<)(,1. but I U.M·(| 10 write

body and Ainell 11(·1- l)( littilic'. It wits called i |appv' and I

111( in 111 11(bilic too. The *ton·line 11]1(1 111('ir st\/Ics variaL

rellic'lill)(·1- when Alic· 11'()11|(1 wrap nw up al,(1 1( 11 im· whal

ll c)111 litilt,in t<) adventure to even mvsten'. As hoon 11% 1'(1

I meant 10 Iici: 11, ,\#cu·r, 1 ]Inv I (10111 fre| Imppv. 1 1,111

completed mv 'ht„1-ies' ],Imve I Nt.ilic·([ .1 11(·w om·. Porti-v.

inad thal God |ct her get c:111((·11 "\\01 1,? Whv her? Whv

Lving (m inv bed (,11(' citill and (li•111,11 1-Ilim .1|1(·111()(m I

ine:" I c n inic, 111, mother\; jacket. Slowl, menun-ic•; of

began to |Nic·li (|c)Nch' to the rhulnnic +incr patter'

nn mothi·i- Ila.li before me. limes when I wozild inake

Notind ofthe vitin. 1 liked the wai it v)1111(led litic| 111(·um·

11]v 111(,ther (·n with hughter alic[ then 1 won|(1 latigh

it nude cver, word thut calne into lin head rhunc with

und choke .111(1 ive \votild 1(>11 around tog(·ther on the

:llic)ther. >;00111 Inicl a porm wlim·11 clown in fron! 01 111(·:

Nall(1(>lltich· (>lilhot!%(·.

lytic 1 1')11(·11 pittil 1).itt(·11

1-hen...1, 11.,41 1 \0)111(11'lither blot (,lit. h N a ilic·inon

1 (111 hrIll' tik Iltili.

Illat hill·IM 1111 over. A Ilic·!norv t]1.11 1 fecl im bodv clow ill

lilli I do No want to go onixide,

on me and mv hings liglm·11, [t M a nwinor, I will keep

C )11 dear. what a %11.ilill·.

most vivid|v for the 1-('Mt (,1 im life.

No I sit inside with nothing to do,

1']w (c>Ilili \#,14 (,1)cli. Fxcly one of Millif.% Ilic·11(IN

Mav as \1'4·11 1-c·acl a book or two

were there :111 in black. I wore my lic·w 21(]lia 1,|tic outfit

Bilt a.% th( chmack'l-,4 anne to life

iwid Mciod „tit like· a v,re thilinb. 1 clicill't care 111(,ilg-11

1 rend il Aton 0111 1,111ner lind \vile

becatisc· Mum loved |)111(· and Maid. "Black is .1 borc," 1

It'N illht '14 g{,A)(1 11% being (}llifide

often \,<)11(lered wh,lt colour borcdoin reall\ R. h \YAN

When enchanting M{)lie. are fil|ilig im litind

thne to plaa· the 11(nver. on 111\ 111(,ther'% c h(·01. I |(·t out

40 11()\v it'% not Milch It duum-· to hcal- the

a c i i. 1 h·r (·w. wri c clov·(1 and 4lic· looked peaceful. vet

Piner Patter (,1 the rain.

1(>Nt. I wondered where Nlic wiri: it .he w,2,4 (litieth next IC)

Ac) it wilvit exactiv %11.lk(141)(.11-(· 1,111 it \v.,4 111\ lit-%t

ine and if I wot iIci w:ike l ip lind i I would all be .1 (11-(·,1111.

porm, a Ill·w accomplishment. and th,16 al| 111,11

1 bit m, wl-Nt v) Inu-(1 I left teeth inarks biii I u:,+ vill

11]Ittl(·1(·(| ti) 111(·.

there and I had to get {)111.

I %1,11-ted In\· lii·Nt book (111)(Ii·i» in It)(Hi. In it I wrote pocins c.wring;/ unictv ofhtll)j('(-th lind ('\(·11%. 1 H.wd to

1 ran 1.tNt as the wind to the beach whel-c I \,1,4 %111-1'(,tinded bi nn lile. the <ca.

\vvitc {11(111 iIi cards for |)il-111(1,1,4, Chii>dinas. thunk von

1 Millicicit'l-(·(1 114 1 was 1-(·Ic·lised h.om that invful feeling

notch. 1),t])tixinx and the list got·% 011. ()11((· 111\ ( 111-istmas

of llc,thingness. I lin on the Malict Aild iIic)light of lillic·4

poem '0111- 1 inly Stat-' wax published in im primarv

when lili things wercill 511(1. I placed nn· hand int,) liu·

sclic,(,1 x lic·\Nciter. M, lilitin Nonic·time. 1(,Icl im· that I

jacket pocket. and olit of one caine a piece of crcalll

w,14 given inv love of portn because of im' great

paper with lin 1 1,unc (ni it in gold lind. carefull\. I l'ead

grandmother (1111 111111113 11,1/ma) who 11%('(1 10 ('lljor

it .tioud. It .4.tid. "\Ir (Ical- Hoph. >ou linalli 1()11]icl thiN

reacling- .linl ic'.tching· it. She t.11!ght .111 <111111,ing little

letter. I hope when I go vou rvill al\#-,1,0 know liMit

pot·in to mv mother called 'A Cow and >;even Little Go.11%' which 11.14 appealed to me No inuch 1 c )lien find

wherner I am I will alwav c .tre for vou ah I did whc·11 1

w», with vou. I Kin goodbve hoping- th:tt voll \Vill

mviclf reciting it off bv he,11·t. 1 wit. never given till·

undel-st,111(1 thal it wah im time to leave vou, 11 1 11.icl a

chance to Inect her but l'ili Atill glad Ju· 1111(1 4(,lii(thing

choice I wotild htin· bv u )111- vicle.

in (·()111 Ill<)11.

I love voll No much, Mmnim· xxoo"

Now I ((11-tain]:. clo not write poetrv :th imich .14 1 ll,ed

1 Ntt'c'tched out ancl bv Inv side I felt a Nens(· c )111(·ing',

A), Init thal ch)on't 111(·an 1 (1(mt \till hm· writing.

and my hand Alowly w.,1111((1, and I knew wherevel- 1 go

Computers .117(1 1,1)ing mav well be the trend this

1'11 have inv' clcal· Inc)ther.

centur>·, and I never object to tlving (me. 1)lit liu· art of

Rebecc.1 F.ch';11-cls, Yeal /

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 67

Year 7 Blue 3rd Row L- R Stephanie Sheldon,

Lucy Wilkinson, Alexandra Terrill, Madeleine Carney, Melisande McGee, Elizabeth Franklyn. Laura Brown, Sarah Pound.

7 -7 -2, 1-1 i

2nd Row L-R V Nguyen, Dimitra Constantopoulos, Stephanie De Oliveira, Michelle Smitheram, Jemma McBride, Victoria Cavanagh. Stephanie Schultz, Natalie Senior, Jennifer Wong Front Row L-R Jacqueline Micallef, Emma Ireland, Phoebe Pownall, Annette Yeo,

Caitlin Mios, Amy Noonan. Kathryn Sharpe, Jie Chen. Stephanie Pirrie, Stephanie Haikal. Teachers Mr Ron Ferdinands,

Mrs Lynne Beck, Mrs Fadia Zogheib.


-1 4,


Year 7 Gold 3rd Row L- R Brigid Coleridge, Kate Sala,

Catharine Georgiou, Chloe Ralph,

Georgina Sinclair, Bridget Blackburn, Jacqueline Moore, Jessica Stagg. 2nd Row L-R Ksenya Masendycz, Julia Pashula. Molly Gardner, Jennifer Ames, Stephanie Trikilis, Madeline Sharrock, Bridget Nathan. Georgia Virtue. Peta Dermatis. Front Row L-R Chloe Parker, Christina King, Chelsey Wissell, Nicola Rawling, Britt Densmore, Alexandra Smith, Jessica Swann, Victoria Meehan.

Alexandra Catalano, Joanna Ryan Teachers Mrs Patsy Hanson, Mrs Robyn Kay

LORETO - Mandeville Hall

Year 7 Green 3rd Row L-R Hannah Carrodus, Julia Hall, Chloe Skalitsis, Jennifer Nguyen,

Vanessa Groom, Nicole Jee, Julia Hughan, Sunday Barca Irving, Sarah Maule. 2nd Row L-R Lydia Killerby, Catherine Pendrey, Caroline Luiz, Alexandra Cuttler, Caitlin Brennan, Katherine Ellett, Nicole Anderson,

Samantha Holdsworth, Grace Callaghan. Front Row L-R Jacqueline Bouchier. Courtney Grace, Stephanie Chiarolli, Anneliese Weinhandl, Natalie Cheeseman,

Danielle Seoud, Jenna Rack,

Peta Guglielmino, Gabriella Farries, Kylie WallaceTeachers Ms Daryl Jenner, Mr Damian Whelan.

Year 7 Red


3rd Row L- R Monique Leoncelli,

Julia Mugavin, Madeleine Gardam, Madeline Tilley, Alexandra Bingham, Alexandra Podolakin, Natalie-Veroniq Chani, Caroline Jones. £

2nd Row L-R Katrina Couttie, Romy Baker, Mollie Buxton, Stephanie Orpik,

Stefanie Richards, Emily Hodges, Rebecca Edwards. Samantha Jreissati, Nicola Flook. Front Row L-R Monica Lillas,

Ann Louise Farquhar, Ella Henschke, Meghan Keary, Danielle Cooke, Vivien Gannon, Laura Mermigas, Stephanie Hannon, Monika Bognar, Jacqueline Christiansz. Absent Victoria Gregory. Teachers Ms Lisa Ritchie, Mrs Jill Wheatland.

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 69








1.# .P






4 f4

'F 4

Ly -- 94»

. *107 v

Runner Up Year 7-8 Writing

Competition The Door Opened... The door opened Illid I s.,w a hilge 1110,1111.lill. split in

two, then another spilt in four. Each portion contained a world. The fit xt woild was Coloured red. It was lilli of

vo I c· .11 1 { )e s, fi re s , 1 : n·.1 11 ( m'A . P Co p l e m a d e p 111 e l y f i ·o m fi re

inhabited it. Quite often they would pull out flaming swoi-(1% and fig-hi till one was killed. The victor let out ati

ani111,11 cry of triumph, then evervthing continued as it had before. They called. "Ck,nic! 1.iw'e with us!" I turned :111€1 lilli.

The Xecond wits macie· of blue. Derp pools were evern# here, wi th I )11 w |)1-idges criss-cross i ng thein. There

lived water prople. ()ccasionally (ine would Nlip, Ancl

a pate·h of clear ground she inade, and pulled each figin-e to the edge. She then said a word. and the figilies stepped into the ling. There was a blinding explosion, and, when my vision had cleared, standing in the ring was...nc,thing. Thal was when it all became clear. The red world waL

mv allger and hate. The blue woild contained inv griel and Morrow. Green w.1,4 nn· jealcillsy, while white was my coldness. The black world was my crueltv and grey wa) my loneliness, The woman was my good side. She helped ine vanclitish iny evil side and I knew, even though I knew I was dre:uning, tliat Alie woitlcl always be bv my

Side to help ine. She would guide im' f c)(,t>teps all iny d.tvs .111(1 .th¥21)'s be nnT friend. She vanished, and I heard a famili.ii· beeping noise. My alal'm. 1 turned it off. vawned and got up. ready to face the cla)' with my spilitfriend bv mv Micle.

willixh into a pooL Those who saw them woilld lectil over

Megan I lunter. Year 8

and cry, deepening the pool. It was quiet and peaceful, but too sacl. The inhabitants called, -Come. share our Mon'ow!" Again I lett that Aoild.

World three was g-reen. I immediatch thought this Ineant life imil joy. Green. brantiful prople lived here. 1

was .11)out to enter when 1 saw one pet-xon kill another. rhen I understood. The grcen ineant jealoilsy and hate.

I noticed manv c lothis shops, cosinetic and jewellery shops evervwhere, like barnacles on a ship'% hull. F,ven·one way darting' in :111(1 (,lit, illitking themselves look better. "Come!" ther cried. "vou will fit iii here!" I

left I„„lic'(11)'. White was the colour of the Courth. 1 watched iii

trepiclation, not knowing what to expect It was a land c )1

Our City IhisT' Airectx Mned with shops, Lush parks for a l)]aa· to Mt<,p. Bright lights, Ic·imifer Keyte

Complete Mell)()111-lic·'s lillit ,-illous nights. Ballet to Ic)<)11).ill, 41()1'1% to tights,

Fwil-ything complemc·nts our city'% sights.

ice and Know. Animated Anowinen ran aroillic!. 1)(,Wing

to .1 while quern on a carved Cl-VStill throne. There W.,4

Come to the Yarra,

lic) ('c )1(,lil·, 110 freeclom, or iral lile. Everything was

Careful! 1)on't drown!

Subject to the white (]11((11. She wax beautiful, but her

'Cause ofall the (lead things floating .11-(,11]1(1

1-ace wils hard, with a crue| expression. She looked at me,

Polluted Micle walks.

smiled, and M,lid, "Coinc, mv child! Live with les :111(1 be

1)it-ty stiretx.

happy!" I (clgrd awav, as she lost her smile, then 1 ran.

Beware of the weirdos vou inav meet.

Workl five contained pure black. Swirls of I)!ack vapour were its people. Derds of pure evil were

Diantre xims<·ts. blric skies,

happening everywhere I looked. People· were killed,

(:01(len brown loolball pies.

robbed, mutilated, abilsed and clefiled evervwhere I

Green 2111(1 velloW ( itv 11-2111™,

watched. Dead and dring people linered tlic· place. The

Red and white colit cans.

clies ofthe ch'ing nmde tile Iiir quiver. 9 lelp its! Come! they cried, bill I could stand the sight no longrr, and

A unictv of colours speckle our street. From the colour 01 shops to xhoes on our Ibc·t.


At first the grey of workl Nix appeal·ed empty. As I looked closer. howeven it rewaled grey wraiths floating ailnlessh' arount not Xering anvone else. It w'21% delithly Milent. Sometimes one would Iloat through another and 11(,t care.

Sticlclenk· the whole world went black. When there

way liu-lit again. 1 was stall(ling above a great field. Below '.


me Mtood creatures froin everv world. i.\11 at (,nce, they cried out and 1-ti,hed each other. A long, bloodv battled

Sk)'scrapers xtand t.,11, Over every church, 1,1,ilding and mall. MCIC; has lisen to lanie

After all the fainous football galnes. Westgate, Southgate, C 71111:11(m'11.

And don't forget our well known Crown. So coine,md boogic on down, Iii our rei v own Melbourne town.

ensued. 7'he fic·ld was Amothered with bodicA. It was a case of 'even'one for themselves. Dreadful screams

Meg Macfarlan, Lucy Freer, Mardi Ta,lor. Ral],1,111,1

filled everv corner of the world. 1 turned awav. In a flash

Baker, Emily Tiernan, Lucie Chalmers and Stephanie

of white light, a woman appearcd. She drew a drcle on

1 lagan, Yeal- 8

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 71

Year 8 Blue 3rd Row L-R Emilia Savage, Tyla Bound, Karen Merwart, Natalie Carew,

Emma Champion, Julia Pleadin, Emily Wallace, Samantha Barrett.

2nd Row L-R Lili Liu, Sophia Mornane, Elizabeth O'Dowd, Bridget Moran,

Georgina Martin, Megan Hunter, Nicole Gunn. Front Row L- R Romy Low, Sara MacLeod,

Emma Mulkearns, Carol Ta, Courtenay Tyrrell, Georgina Balmer, Lidia Vitelli, Amy McLennan, Clare Walsh.

Absent Briana Fitzgerald, Carly Lagana, Anna Ralph.

4 lt,4 0

Teachers Mrs Emma Nishikubo,

Ms Mardi Featherston, Mrs Felicity Ferdinands.


ri €

/?1 0

Year 8 Gold 3rd Row L- R Lucy Freer, Siobhan Blewitt,

Lucie Chalmers, Jessica Noonan,

Emily Heinnen, Ashlen Francisco, Katherine Joubert. 2nd Row L- R Stephanie Molina,

. Monica Gallivan, Emily Varrenti, Mardi Taylor.


·2 Stephanie Hagan, Elizabeth Corrigan, * Emilia Sala, Caitlin D'Aprano. i

Front Row L-R Premila Shenoy,

Michelle Moussi. Meg Macfarlan 1 Jessica Horewood, Sian Whyte, Emily Tiernan, Raffaella Baker, Madeleine Dunn,

Rebecca Green, Simone Tyson. Absent Gabrielle Connolly, Ebony Eades. Teachers Ms Wendy Rickarby, Mr Peter Crewe (Absent)

LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Year 8 Green 3rd Row L-R Emma Simpson, Claudine Wright, Maya Antczak, Emily Bishop, Sophie Pownall, Kesiah Madden, Julia Curtain,


Isobelle Jones.

J' L

2nd Row L-R Ilmi Ratnayake, Samantha Lau, Alissa Colafella. Kate Gangitano, Tenielle Hedley, Caroline Johnson, Anthea Kypreos, Gabrielle Lamont. Front Row L-R Crist n Burns,

Michelle Barrow, Rachel Carew,

Bridget Allanadale, Amy Hayes, Laura Stewart, Natalie McNamee, Kelly O'Bryan, Meghan Sweeney, Ty Ho. Absent Emily Galbraith Teachers Mr Mark Langan, Mrs Dianne Swann.


4 A


Year 8 Red 3rd Row L-R Amanda Cavanough, l

Kara Tischler. Jessica Carter, Anthea Scully, Sarah Green, Julia Szondy, Sophie Serong, Alison Smitheram, Amy O'Connor. 2nd Row L-R Marisa Ito, Tahnae Holmes,

Zoe Taylor, Emma Kingsbury, Caitlin McCormack, Celia Doyle, Emily Freezer, Natalie Butler. Christine Hou.

Front Row L-R Caitlin Davey, Claire White, Krystine Hortiniak, Rachel Semmens, Catherine Gilbert, Sarah Mann, Amelia Curtain, Mairin Sheahan, Lisa Aranha.

Teachers Mrs Anne Bennett,

Ms Angela O'Shea.

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 73




. 5**h





23£44» 14


i1 1 '




-Year 9 2, P -


Atf i

€, 4&1

First Prize Year 9 Writing Competition

All hel] 1,1-oke loose.

"You're not 111,11-rving that - that pig!" Dad growled. "TA'hat pig?" Selena shrieked.

Blue Mum stairs misel-ablv down at tile TV sciren. The

calINe of her depl'ession is the C hindell-illewette |ilinilv, the charmilig, attl-active. rich. alic! Illilicist fair>'tale like familv' t]Mit air bratiling 1'1'0111 the TV sciren after donating $200j)00 to Red Cross. 11w 'perfect' family.

'Him!" Dad shouted, pointing his linger at lihic, who was now blowing his nose on his (·nat. -He never talks!

I le grunts! Pigs grunt! Do vou want to in,11-1-v a pig?" "1-Ic'.4 the strong and Ailent tvpe, beleint sniffed, te,11-X pc )111-ing down her lace. "1|cs too thick to string- two words together," 1 told her Ill.Ulty-()12111<th·.

I look 5,1 0111· linnilv - Dad. with his beer gut sticking

'Shilt 14). brat! Who asked for voill' (11)inion .Illi'\\':Ii'f

utit of his Uatereel grev .14|lirt: Mum. slic),11(lers

Mt(,oping. (11-(12,17,ing of that lic)Iici,tv in Bali th.,1 slic

wc„iici probablv never take: ancl linallv, me, wondering if (,lit lamilv lift would be a little more c heerful il Sci(·11,1

Ainong the Iii·adc· of ilistilts. 11111(' slictclen|v stood lip, tillitic·red, "1 gotia go," 2111(1 1-(nurd off on his bike. Now·,

Iny pool· 111(,thel- sighs and whispers hopefulk·, '11 (,lily we were like the C hunden-Bleurttes..."

and lillie would just go Invin·. %('|clm N inv 18 vear old sister - t.111, thin, tanned,

blond hahrd and bltic eved. C)h. and I forgot to mention thick dumb, liuv, bimbo-like and mean. Look,

I'lli 11(,1 jc',llc),11 01' 1111;'1|ling. In fuct. 1 wcilllcl be happv if Prince (:harming asked her out. I meall, vou \V()111(1 think iliat with her bodv. Prince C .11.11·ming would havc m.11-1-ied her lili-each·! And he woukl have, too, if slu·

di(hit keep running after the chuggies! Honest|v, she has the worst taste iii men, She likes the

1)acl groans, "H'ell c.mon, we might as wcH get this over and done witli." "Change 11 1-Nt," Mum Savs.

We al-(· about to gc ) to liltics place to nwet his folks. Mitin i; 11'ving to comince ily to (lic·xs (1111 1,('st. What for,

1 (lon 't know. Bllw'; familv probal,lv (11'crses in garl,age bags. Finallv. we cliess our best and drive clown to Ihorak, where Blue apparenth live< with his folks. Must

be Ke,#,Int. to Aoine i ich people. \Ve puH into an elegant. Illige limnsion, and a %171,11-th· (11-t·ssed man stridex over to ll%.

'bacl 1,(n's', 1,c'.11-cled, leather-clad bikies who air al,out a hundred rears older than her - okav, so mavbe I'm

exaggerating thele - a hundred times weirder too - all(! trust me, 1'111 not exaggerating there! Bltie. Blue, Blue - well. what can 1 >a>? He'% 11% weird

as ther' come. First of all. he insists on wearing a papet

bag on his head with holes cut out for eves! lie wears

purple contact lenses - no kidding - and even Selena

"Is this who Blite works for?" I ask Mum.

"HeHo," smiles the man. "Ini George CamdenBlewette."

My Mum gasps. 1 clon't blame her. 1 can't believe Blue works for the Camden-Blewettes!

"You 11111,1 be Selena," the man continues. "My Aon's tiancde! Lovely to meet yoll." Dilini Dharmage

does]Vt know the real colour of his eves! He :11+0 wears

ic·ather gloves, and a long, stinkv brown cocit. [le hai-elly

talks, grunts in answer to quextions and the longest

436: 4

Mentence he ever said was when I stepped oil his toes and the words he shouted out .11-c too rude to write


Ch)\\11! J

And now, Seleim i.s going to nutin' him! It 211] happened at last night'+ clinner. Em see, Milin insists on


having Sclen.Os bovfi ic·11(1% over for dinner. I don't know

why, since 99.9% of them (lon N know how to use a fork. Bltic of-((,111>(, wa,Min) clifierent- he ate with his Ininds!

C.(c·. if \111111 tlic)light that having lillie over for dinner wc)111(1 bring out liN inore (ivilised imtilic, she wils verv w'i·(,]ig!

['ben c )111 c 11 111(· Blite (that wits a joke - (mt 01 the b/ue - get it?), Flena. beaming-, Milid. (Ma, I've got Mollic.thing to tell vou.

1 rolled mv c·veN. "Xe/ preg/mut, me r,)/t r


'Marv!' M tim cried. sounding slioc·ked - |,lit I coukl tell she was thinking the s.une thing. Blue \vas Ntruggling to cat It Nausage. Tning to cal

with a paper bag on vour head cank be that casv. "No l'in //0/7 Scle,1,1 snarled at inc - Mum let out a

1 1 "8 1 1 .3, i

Kigh of relief - and then, smiling, said, "Bltick imil I h.,ve decided 10 - to tic· the knot!"

Blue squashed a potato between his 11.111(13. "32)11're getting- 117,illied?" I asked inciedulously.


51* it

Art by Meg Waldron

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 75

Year 9 Blue 3rd Row L-R Hannah O'Shaughnessy, Krjsty Hodges, Kelly Moore, Sophie Ball, Lilian Richards, Bridget Scanlon, Clare Arbon, Sarah Keech.

2nd Row L-R Madeleine Campbell, Emily Packer, Conor Mclaughlin,

Meg Waldron, Samantha Mustey, Sofia Cabal Pasini, Katie Nicholson,

Stephanie Senior. Front Row L-R Linda Wallace, Hui(Penny)

Wang, Jessica Marchesani, Claudia Moloney, Kirstyn Campbell, Susan Accary, Jessica lerardo, Laura Hertaeg, Elsa Musolino, Mary Tran.

19 1

Teachers Mrs Natalie Caruso, Miss Leesa Hale, Miss Anna Robertson





Year 9 Gold 3rd Row L-R Jane Tehan, Felicity McLeay Elisse Jones, Sarnantha Seoud.

Katharine Logan, Sarah Mugavin, Jessica Young, Emma Norman,

2nd Row L-R Beth Nathan, Paige Tyrrell, Amanda Fuller, Sophie Groom, Stella Gray, Julien Gibson, Clare Ferguson. Front Row L-R Marian Yang, Yi Wen Qian, Natalie Geros, Stephanie Davis, Hannah Keely, Lisa Donohoe, Renuka Rajadurai, Hannah Coleman, Jane Furze, Jane Matheson.

Absent Alana Agnew. Teachers Ms Kathy Paterson, Mr Roger Gill

LORETO · Mandeville Hall


Year 9 Green 3rd Row L-R Lucy Black, Brighid Fahy, Sally-Anne Tiernan. Kate Argentino, Kelly McBride, Frances Anderson, Dominique Spanos, Rebecca Finney.

2nd Row L-R Sophie Cuttler, Christianne Borovec, Alice MeNamara,

Gabrielle Berends, Claire Gibbs, Lauren Smith, Amanda Reardon, Natalie Fernando. Front Row L. R Chelsea Martignago,

Danielle Bouchier, Tram Nguyen, Leia Bonacci, Ailsa Landers, Georgina Flood, Aimee Mohren, Tiffany Chiang. Absent Jennifer Ashcroft, Beth Nathan, Andrea Pahor. Teachers Ms Anne Muller,

Mrs Pamela Davies (Absent).


Year 9 Red

r* *

3rd Row L-R Julienne Lacava, Sarah Trenchard, Jessica Price-Purnell, 1

Sarah Stonehouse, Megan Prescott, Christina Carey Lucy Dole, Michelle Antonious. 2nd Row L-R Fiona Tracey, Georgia Fillmore, Laura Wagg Vivien Gu, Jessica Foley, Vanessa Leoncelli, Amanda Schultz,

Lucy Kenny, Sarah Ryan. Front Row L-R Alexandra Sweeney, Caroline Bainbridge, Margaret Walsh, Eliza Ralph, Renata Anderson, Amy Hulett, Katherine Rawling, Jessica Gamble, Prasanti Kotagiri, Dilini Dharmage. Teachers Mrs Cathy Hunt, Mrs Patricia Schroor (Absent).

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 77

Rinnier Up Year 9 Writing Competition The Line


1.,ing asleep on the couch iN nw mother. Exhauxted.

she ha. Aticculnbed to her littigilt· after plitting evervone to bed. 1 stud, her fact'. To 11-1, %111 1)1-i.he. Kll<· h.tw hundic·ch of lim· lines criss-ci-ofing her face. Gich repirsenting somi· trial during her life. I lowever. there is one deeper groove iliitiking her face. This iN a lim· c )1 experience. not one able to be 1 ellic ), icl bv lim mil-1,(ll](,liM Cl'Cain. 11}cre have been a few 111.ljor trial. in '

inv inotheA life ancl, alter graduating thi·ough thein,


Alic 10':14 uwal-decl the line. 1·:11(-11 trial 22(1(led to the litic. \


11, mother weal-0 it as 21 1)21([gr proucil, clihl,laving llc] talent + and achicuinelits.

1 hc Iii-st major trial in mv motheA life occunrd

when slic Was onk voling. 1.iving on 11 fill in. inv 111(,ther was verv iNc)lated. \\'hell flit· contracted a cold. 110 cmc


was 1 ):,1-t ic·t ilarl, wonied. I l< 1,# i·wr. when 111\ mum 1 )(14-,1 1 1

coughing non-stop for lip to ten mililitc:. prople



became illixic)114 for her a(·tv. When the doctor CC)111(til't Coinc out 2111(1 check her 114 a restilt 01

whooping coligh ()1111)leak. un motlier \va. :10 good ;10 Cli,141-c·(-1. A poor little chiglit-rc,il-old. Fruggling- 10 breathe who kept lighting for her life and i.c'itied to give 11}). At 1,1,1 1111 111(,ther began to recover. |)lit the 11(·aldeath expel'ience changed her. Nile grew 11]01-e eager to love and elljov thing.4 11% the\ callie. whilch 1,(.ing. at the sainc time, mc)1-c xerious. The line was begun.

Art by Katie Nicholson

I'he next addilion to the line. occurred ,1 few i rIll'\ later. \Vhen mv mother wah t(111 ic'.11% {)Icl. her inothcl

became· vcrv .ick. Al, grandmother w:,4 worn out with looking after a litisband and Kix chilch (il. After th,it. being thc· onlv girl ill a sexist 11(>lt.Nehold. im mother was relegated a modified fet 01 her nu)thel + chores. ThiN

inchided cooking the meak keeping evel Itliing 0),zihic)(1111 c,4 z#(11) deL uadUng Ilic< chhe% and

drving them. Th(·5<· were the 1),ixic chort·+ und (lictiA inclucie thing-% %11(·h as ore-anNing the famih. 1111(.1 getting the food for the incal; picked. killed or purchafed. c )11


top of this. im mother was expected to go to .c lic),)1. A 45 However, 4('11001 was too lilitc h 11 )1 her No il li mother h,icl

to miss it. Not wanting to f,ill behind. 41(· got the work froin a 11-iend and learnt it that wah After her 111(,ther recovered a litde. back to vlu)01 went mi muln who

hadiA |21]lell behind verv far. This experience taught her organisational skills. while teaching her about hard laboill- and adding to the leng-th ofher M tic·.

Mv mother Ntill looks after people and helpr tlic·in. Nh futher'% 111(,ther ih verv ill aticl c.,ine to v.irr·ith 11% for

a while. My mother looked alter her and vill found thne for all of liA. Her childhood experiences gave her a line on her forehead. but this wrinkle inake her look iral

and approachal)]c.

0 ./. ./.a

Slic· ix awake now and finiln at me. 1 Ntll(lv her face

Noinc· mole. Now 1 notice Nomething new: all of th,)ve fille lines .11-e %11]ile lines. 1.ilighter lille>. happv lille.. She ila.% olie line to ])1-ove her Ill)ilitv to vil-vive and help other.. The line 01 her life.

jane Ic·han

78 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Art by Alice MeNamara

6 Year 10 4

-, elza.#


Year 10 Blue 3rd Row L-R Felicity Whelan. Amanda Cumbrae-Stewart. Sally Brookes,

Laura Gleich, Lauren Prescott, Jacqueline Low, Sara Toby, Elizabeth Ames, Jasmine Gillespie, Emma Stewart.

2nd Row L-R Louise Rocchi, Dominik White,

Bernie Cibis, Frances Power, Zoe Leyland, Phoebe Lipscombe, Laura Gallard, Allie Jenkins.

Front Row L-R Jessica Buckley, Felicity Conlan, Charlotte Mcfarland. Yvette Haikal. Anna Smith. Katie Rose Smith,

Camilla Hopkins, Maree Agiazis, Edwina Olver, Georgina Jordan. Teachers Ms Angela Gemma, Mrs Ruth Taft Mr David Oldham.

ff 3 -01 \

Year 10 Gold 3rd Row L-R Erin Breheny, Chloe Wilson, Grace Beacon, Dione O'Brien, Lucy Virtue, t

Bianca Sabatino, Louise Dempsey, Katherine Connolly, Mia Cusack, Adriana Syrylo. 40


2nd Row L-R Rosalee Oldham,

Alice Trumble, Louisa Page, Eliza Nisbet, Christina Meurer, Siobhan McLaughlin, Joanna Downing. Elizabeth Donald. Front Row L-R Natalie Burnell,

Catherine Pseftoudis, Caitlin Sheahan, Catherine Sullivan. Tintin James, Ellie Paterson,

Sophie Paillard, Leah Lim, Katherine Stowell. 1 Absent Diana Bowman.

f 1

>1 \Al

LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Teachers Mr Malcolm Farnsworth, . Ms Marie Brown.

Year 10 Green 3rd Row L- R Anne Bowker, Natacha Moussi,

Jacqueline Funder, Veronica MeGee, Alison Regan, Genevieve O'Connor, Felicity Durham, Jessica Curtain. 2nd Row L-R Ellen Nymyer, Lucy Pollerd, Maria Tsarenko, Laura Blewitt,

Natalie Campbell, Tanya Chaves. Rachel Bachowski.

Front Row L-R Alexandra Suffren, Priya Lai,

Holly Dwyer, Kathryn Finemore, Anna Hutchins, Samara Madden, Julia Dickson,

Angela Brewster, Stephanie Draycott, Rosemary Hopkins. T

Absent Cecilia Condon.

Teachers Mrs Amanda Apthorpe,

Mrs Margot Thompson.


Year 10 Red 3rd Row L-R Claire O'Dowd, Angela Crowe, Anna Balmer, Annabel Doyle, Kate Tilley, Phoebe Crawford. Alison Spence, Kathryn Lachal. 2nd Row L-R Ye Liu Elisabeth Hunter,

Emjly Portelli, Millicent Chalmers, Kathryn Turnbull, Lucy Deng, Elli Hughan, Julia Godinho.

Front Row L-R Stephanie MeNamee, Lucy Ludescher, Felicity McGill, Sarah Mizzi, Elizabeth Nolan, Jacqueline Reid, Jane Li, Jenny Dao, Jacinta Demetriou, Stephanie Lord. :2

Absent Tracey Pahor. Teachers Mrs Shirley Chapman, Ms Jill Barnett.

1,(.)RETO · Mandeville Hall 81


Jw wa.+ iight. too. Even I had tholight her 'Mt·ange' to begin with illitil I wil. (1('Herted bv tiwin lind left with

':SIu·'.% hitch a wrilcic)," Madcline whispet-(·cl to me.

unh her to coinfort inc.

1,(,inting tc, Linik. ilic·git-| iii Irk,nt ()1 11.4. A>, th<·1)(·|] rang

\ ting(· 01 gic·, 11:1(1 appi·ared act-(iN+ the sk, alicl the

and we al] Mullil)]cd out of 111(· classic)(,111 into the

light ent<·ling thi-oligh the |)liticiN moved |ilither 11(1'os.


the cat-pet tow:11(14 111(. It won!(111't bc long until nn

1 know," 1 replied. -\\'hat diop .(·114 111(Ac· (1(,1110,

nic,ther 11,114 and [ \vould bc 1-<·lic·rc·([ of thii inind

111(·M· (lav© And Hlmt :11)0111 the reading thing - vtting

illilill,ing .('1\itticlc·. I llc)tia·(1 411(· Im([ Nic)')pc·(1 mlking

In'„illic[ at |linch .1. il per|((th happv being .1 1(,11(19" 1

and was Vill'ing ilt me ,11,1111,ing-|v. ")2)11," Allc· Kilid waving

picittl'('cl the win Emih ..11 in the corner of the Iii)1-,11\

her 11111(.tch linger in front ofnn lace. -Yon al-(· (,lu· 01

engroged in a book nhile u'(· all chatied al)()lit bovs and

them. an·:A voll. the (nk·% who Maid Kathrvn wa.4 nothing

the weekend.

ew·11 after lu· had Itc hic,c·d :ill that shi· did. 'mil haid she

\011 trailling?" asked \1:1(teline.

waf limil,1,(7·.nise .he (lidn't want to bc like vou. 1,) hit,(·

"No' 111:ne to go und \Rit th,it infuriating old lach

the h,ime (11-(muh Ith yoit. \})11 Naid .411(1 \\11% 01"gr. 1)111

lig:tin. I can't 1)clic·\'e MilinN Atill paving-out on nu· about

411(' waf just (lillerent. it '01 like im·." At litst I thought it

that parti thing."

w» the 111.tchic» of her inind zihich spoke to inc ill Mitch

"Wah. clut'% too 1)11(1 7,111%(· 1 Ircard Andrew \vax

a cold manner. 1„ 11 11% 1 1(wked up into her drawn.

0-tic, to bc oil oill- 11-Ilin 1()11ight." 1 groallict thinking

wi-inkh lace 1 4.1\V t he 1)111-it)- (,1 the pavion .1 lid p.lin Alic

abolit tile 1.,Nt time he \,as (ni the train.

had once fch.

1\Irs Cl·,zin'% cl,ilighter an.wer(·cl the cloor in a floral

"No. no. Mt·3 (.1.tin. it% 111('. K.ithnt) 11-0111 St Mar,6.

clic» one inight expect to Nce on a ],tch .it ](·.lht ic·li ic·.11'>,

Reincinber. I conic und \Ait \011 0(,liwtillies." Shc dowl,

older th:111 her.

11(·110. (1(·ar. back agaill ." dw .aid ill the mo.t

took her ha Iic i .twav | )11 t the ex pl es<ion remai ned, 1 w»nt wl'on,li ('llc}ligh zon *c·c·. tiot Ntrolig ('lic)ligh to

1):111-onising voice illi:lgili,11)1(. "AllinA jilit watching a

in,ike 111(·in %(c' tlut even th{,ligh Nlic \vax clilli·rent %|1(·

Mnle -1\7 A litt|(·. that c,Icl g-1-an (,111\ inoveN from th<· 1\

('{)111(1 (10 things, Inna/ilig thing-0. ()111, 411(· con|(1 hlic),3

to go to bed atic| ilic bathro,)111. Tvc |(11 9,111(· tbod iii

theill." 1 4(,oct 111) 4itic·(· un inother Ii'(,111(1 v)(in bc

thcoven for herdinner. Gotto itin. bu'."I\V» h'ft .1](,Ilt'

c}lit.+Ic. Bill %11(· gild)1)(·d Illi 112111(1 with her litisteadv

to ('low the door anct jc)+11 11(n into the ding, 11.111 lit

one und «ired ilit<> 111 no „1111 11111,K|1(·ling cert,tility,

room \111(11-4. 411(· hilt. "| Ii. \11·X C.I·.1ili." 1 \('11(YI. 1 \, 11.< t

1111(1 a hinile (·re»cd her |aa· liN %11(· whiy)( 1·cd. "And 41*

looking 1.(,11#,11·([ to 71('11(ling- thi· 1111(·1-noon 1-47)(·ating

(lid." .%11(· bitilil])(·(1 1)21(kin her (·hail· and contiliticd 10

mu,ell over and c)\(11. :lgain.

Amilt· to hel-bc·If for somc tillic· before $11(· 1'('%11111(·d her

"1(un. 1 hau·11'1 9 (·11 \00 for u·21-4." Mlic· u·|]cd l).u k

with .1 Arang(· light %11(1(1('11|\ 111)1)(·111-ing in her (ic·%. "No, Mr. (hain. it. inc. |4,11lill. 14('111(·inber 11-(min >h Mcii v'A."

C)11 ves. I trill(·1111)(1.- 011(· tilittic'ti·(1.]cic,kingdown :10

1111,11 ptl//led Nulk·.

11'11;,1 did \11(· do?" 1 11\ked. 1('cling :111 1111|,111,ilial 4('li,(· 01 ( 111-ic>Nit, liNing withill ine. 1 low did 011(· 4]low th<inK Pitit I \vas too ble. Alic· hild ah·(·11(A drifted „11

into thu nanderin* of her own inind,

the (·\('itelm·nt Nithin her (lied. "Did I te|| von. de:n·. 1

Mv <ch, )01 clin ('c)111 I lienced ah (,tch clav clors. 1

ti.M·(! to Inne 21 hiend called 14:ithi \11?" -()111, .ll)out a

entered tlic· c.1,13$1-c)(Im .ind hal clown next to \1.1(|(·line.

mi||ion timeN. 1 111(,light. 1)11111tu·w I could not prevent

|hc· topic 01 ('{)11\(th;ttion, 11{) .4111-1,1-iNc· their. w.n

\diat \ul> ouning.

\11(h ew. 1 le ,\211 v ) (-lite. K.11111·\11. \(>11 411()11|(1 have been

92<. 1 think vow mav Inn·c· 111('litioiii·d her.

Sh(· wah un tic·ighl)(,ilit ,(,il her. C )11 what we three'

I turned 211()lind to face the 11·olit 04 1·01] cal] Mt.tited

u<ed to get up to." 1 1-<,11,(1 im' eve. to the T\'. \\11.,t \#.,+

and aw Kinih. ritting there in a corner olthe rootii. Slic·

it. coining to ('lilli-ch five whole lilitilite, huc, thow

raiwd her lic·ad with an expectant, almost (leterinined


look on her face and in <)11(· Ile(·ling- moment I gm- the

"Igthi-vn \\*,1.4 the Atic>ligrit ()111 01 liN Atrang<· 011('.C ax

ic,ling girl \11-4 Craill 1111(| cils< tibcd to Inc No vividlv.

tlin it\(·cl to caH 1,4 behind c )111 1,21(·1« 1-11.16 pri-hap·;

>in:. 411(11 a weirch). Madeline whihlici-cd to mc,

whV sht· got in No Inuch tl-(,ill)|(·." \\'1('i·1 01 Formm· was

pointing to Emil, the girl in front (,Ihis, 41% th(· bell rang

on TV and though flic looked in it.(lii·ection 41(· wa. lai-

2111(1 we v ill-111)|crl otit 01 t he clit\Mi c )(,in int{) the corrictor.

away. '|<211|11-i'li never 1112,1-1-ied despite her lair

1 Naw Mr. Craini knowing viliile iltic[. titilling to im

compli·Xion: %11(· faid 411(· 11(·\(·1- 1,(,illd liticlet· ain

friend. +Ilid.

ch-('tili,st,ilic(·s, 1111(1 1 1)(·lin·cd 11(·11.1(·an uncl I it·cl to

7)(·11(1 (lit\% making- +L<·tch<·0 01 {)111 4(,c)11-t{)-1)(· 111]nilv 11()1110. *)111' 11:unhonu· 1]111):nul. und liNting the BIOUCM c)[(,lit chi](11('11. 14111 kithnn g·(·med to haw no time |(,1 111(· 1)0\+N. Slic \vill|(1 un. ".\Illu. uln \u)111(11 \\»tc liinc

with a form of y)((ic>; which ende.n·ours to hinder Im

independence with illificle:t <)1|1:tppilic44 in mitii-iage

11'11(11 All-% Crain %.lid this lic]- voia· dropped and the wrinkle. 1,(11\Ic·en her (·w. 1 )(1(.111 1 14. clt.c,1,(,1. -1 Nuppo.c

82 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

"Not weird. itist (liffurent." Camilla lic)1)kins, Wal- Ic)

. I.&119%/

Amy C)litficle. on the main road. cars drive past iii frillitic

the back oftlic' 1,lic,tograph. Slic writex: 'Thes€' 411,1(1(·% 01 grev 1,1-c jitst that, glry. I tic·ecl black :ind white. I need order i lifide me. I want Nomething a. black as nn hair

hill-rv. liu·, go like .1 1)11]let It-om a gull p.141 .\Imi

and white 110 111\ 4<in. Gi'n N not a rcal coloin·.'

house. Insicic thc· dark brick vencer I,chind the

Ann· picks up her ti irct I )(,cl, and 1 1 'slic·% 1 )ack home. detennined 10 41,11-1 agitill. Al,111)(· toclin dic will wake lip

overgrown Ju-libs. 41(· lit·4 warm in her bed. Ann a\#'al«·+

It-oin her (11·(·ain. Although phvsicallv content. her inind A racked In %11(· NIarch at the red light protruding 11-()111

with purpose. Minbc slic will make a Ii·irticl...min·be... .\0.\inv crecl)5 1),Ic'k ilifide her room. 411(· 1,1,1, c. the

her al.ti m clock. It ic·ads 1.30 am. Ann i. slit'1)1'iM·cl lic

pholograph (,11 topolthe pile. All the otlic·i ])11(,to.hau·

dept lor 111:lt long. Alle c 10.4(,% her cu·% agaill .tild

the Nalm· thing- written on the Inick. 'T]whc· 4]i,tch·h (Il

desperatch tries to return to her dwannvoild. She

grey al-i· jilst linit, grey..... .\111\ 1,ills :thleep in her fal,w

knows. like with most thiligh. slic· 11,15 failed below slic·

Nel™c 01 %( c 11 1-it r, 1 )('c'.111%(· clc i p 1)('lic'ath her 414 c,tiifc,t-t

has even 11(14-lin. Amy swings her Mick thin |(·gs cil·ound

Alle know< thal unnorrow slic will have to wake up and

olit ofthe bed. Iler nightgown A not enough to protect

1,1,n her part. I ler life onlv faa·N ith own horril)|c repetition inside the 1)114 shelict- 1)(·ficle the building

114·1- from the cold. Am, 9.iticls in her room - cloN·. 11(·1

(·vcs - and 1,1-cathes. Night ix when Alic· Ibels tral: nig-Ill N

even iligilt. Ann· clues not low the night. 411(· c )111, think4

when .\Inv colne, aMve.

41< €1(H 4.

As .\11), slicles on her shoes und long- bbck coat. slic

Kate Stowell. Wai- 1()

iN remilicled of how much she hates tile (1.1. The world

iN,1 different place al four in the inot-ning. At night .Ainv (Ines not have to act: she cloes not have to ])111\. .\0 011(·

creepx out the back door, Am> slips inside the eve 01 h c.1 inind. hiside hei- head. no one can hurt her- no c Ine can

st eal from her. Du ri ng t lic· c 1.1\ , , \Iny fuels 1,1 11 i n c lead . N o one around her N coping. thecre |ailing :11 11\ing to (Ical with the part thev Imve to pkn. Amv likes to walk 41|ong the 1-c )11(1. -1 1(· p.,ANi lig ('ars h.t,(· 1),14%(·(1 11(m. The 1),illic ofnight lixill'Ird th('In uwav.

Amy notes the familiaritics that %11(· 11,1.4 come to know as a comfort. She walk the 1-(,lite 411(· wall even

night. Aim· reaches into her pocket alicl 1-('\'(·aIN a fack·(1 1,11(,togillph. 111(·re die 9% litlitihillg \vith her |1-ic'11(!h basking in her 11.tivet v. Now i.% not like vears ago, th(· ic·(-kle»ne» of 1,(·ing- voung. Even vic·(·ilight N u

1-(·Inindcr that iglk)),ttic'( ix bliNA. The torn photograph %110\,0 lic]- 114)thilit, 01 tlic pelxon %11(· i.% 11<)\1. \111\ bi not laughing- m )\# . Amv .tops and .tlictin hel- 1-ellection in a random metal 111.lili)0\. The lizi·tai maki·4 her fun·

appear jilted and (mt (,11(,(ils. Amv frame. thi. picture inxide the gallerv of her inind. 'Art hnitating life.' Ann

titles tlie image. She rounds [lie colncr Ic ),1 .11(1.% the emptv shopping complex. 11% Klw clots everv night on her quest for something of substance. Everv night lic goe.

there, hoping mavbe x|le clin bilv %(mlething of Hwaning. Alin stands still 11% water Al,11'1% to lall froin the llc;n,(·114.

She Ntalic!% ill the storm. S(,1 11(1\.11(·re in %111)111-bia. it'N

raining again. A. the rain poin-s down on her, ..\Im hltidic. her hm,(14. 1% unall 214 tlin 111-e, :\Inv wonder.

A New Soi-lg Her fingers moved over the hoft wood, gentlv caressing- its %111001|1 41111:lce. The ilisti-ninclit %((im·(1 ;1+ U it werc ,1|i\'c· waiting, hoping. needing to be phn·ccl. .\Imov without her knowing. her finge,-4 fotind thrirwin to the Fling·%. Thev 1(·11 long und coo] and .41]ic)()111.

(hn·(·11111\ 41(· 1,]tick(·cl the firw notc·. It wilt 4,1,·(·1% through her 1,(,ch .111(1 into her )111. Slic formed

:llic,ther lic)te: 1151)lit'(· and perfect ah the last, 1-hc milsic Ilowed from her like a Ic)11!itaill. It roxc

and h·11 ill a |icililiting hill-nunn. KIN' wovc :111 ilitt-icate

hill'inonv th,it h.tcl the poiver to ab>,orl) ('ic'11 the ((,1(lot in,in iii its dept|,M. Pa.™u»1))'1)1111%(.(1 to |isten. and bil(14

gave up their inging No that tlu· Nong could be hi·,11·(11)\ all. It \#'.ts .1\ il the u'lic)|c· \VoiIci %1(11,1,(·cl to li>,tc·n. But wi|l

the girl plaved on. (>1)livic)l14 01 it all. The int,Nic tlit\·elled upward towards the xkv. Even the moon .ind the stars Il] )])cared to c (,ise tlwil' dancing for the exclilisite tunt·. And then. she toc) stopped, for slie knew tic, more.

111(' 41.1(low of .1 111.ill p.,shed over her, raising her y )ilits. Wt hc p.lid her lic) attelition. C ..11-efull\ 41]t· +tood 11]) and removed her battered (11(1 hat frolli the ide walk.

She prcred into it. Emptv again. Slie 1-ch a familiar opprc h,ive weight 1 ( t urn to her. Then, 1-Chc )11 itch, slic· 4,11 down and began a new hong. 14(·Illic ( 211)iN. Yeal· 10

wh)' thev catife %11(·11 harni. 1 |cr hands are (lirt, 1111(1

0(arred. She live•% her hands to wipe the te,11'A It-om llc'I cu·5. I 11(1(·i-ncath her 1(,ng 1,1,ic k hair, ,\,in hides lic·i fuce froin the night. Ainv' ui>,lic·% Alic uric beautifill. Alic

lills her head up to the black Mkv as %11(· fcc·k the Ic·thi·1-4 loc,Men ancl her p'·c,spects cl,il·ken. The night sk,· docs not lic,]p 11(11 111 41(· call 4(·c lire the grev c]011(1% and the neon liglu 11'0111 11 11('1111)v high liw. Am, 111110 mic) a 11(·:111), 1)11% dic·Itc·r :ind tak(·r the

])11(,tograph und a pencil from her amt ])(,( ]«1.1111(1(11(·(1 in the Nhelter. Aim scril)1)10% the words from her head on

LORETO · Flandeville Hall 83



()11 the peak of a (-1(,t](Ic·(1 hill. two ancic·lit .111(1

7 .ove - lifteen' the plump c )Icl gl-,11111\ caHed over the

twistal tic·(·% Ntooct, their rooti (1(·11(hing the inoixt

7)(·aker to the Kinall crowd who gathered in the park to

carth. A ring of tall 41{)11(·s \1111'(,liticted the tret·%,

watch tile 21111111:t| 11('ig!11)()111€ tenni 11],ttch. "God. 1 love

crowning the hilltop. 11\ i|thev, too, 1111(1 gl{)\\'li froin ihe

winning.' the voung. at|11(tic !11:ili Glic(·red.,10 llc hened

ground. From mne to tilne Ktrang(· lights were 4(·(·11 in

a ])4)\5('lilli Nhot to hiN ()1)1),)4ition. who phned for the

the %1<v al,ove the hill und it u» 111111(,111(·cl thal on cold

love of the gulne rather th,ill |(,1- the gic·litiling winner'K

wintn nighth. when the Cre.Na'Ht moon \vah visible.

tropin. Cher a \[callib l),11|)(plic a group 01 inen bo»Aed

glic,>,11\ figure..11'2111«d among the Nic,tic·*.

al)0111 that tiinc ther 111.ide |ove with thai ]·calk hot

16 rather %11';ing-(' and mysteric)tls how ilit· rock·% got

chic k. Me,ititillic· a c.111.Hter of gossil,ing lactic·+ making· a

.11(,lilicl the 11#ited tives. Nol,oct,· knows where the,

+Illad gllthered around their (\(ited hiend who ilic,light

culne froin or who plit thein there. The hil| 15 liglit

41(· had found the 011(/ und \VaN llc Hill|h in loic'.

1)('hide lin holig· and lic· got a great view of th(' trce. I

If volt think thal il \#,th 41('el· coincidencr that M)

can 1-(111(·mi)er on \1:11-ch the 4th. :11)(int Nix \(·111·% ag(}.

111:lin prople happened to be mlking·anct thinkingal,out

waking up and looking olit Ilic· wiliclow lind fill(ling

love. at F)111('thing- 11, filliple 11>M a ti'litii>; 111:Itch, then

eight gigllillic i·(,Ck, Atit·i·(,itii<ling the trec. 16 a great

think ;lgaill. '1.ove' 1% a word which (,in 1,(· 11.Ned to

Hnwi·i-ihi thir vnall lown but L pers<)11:,1]v. 1,(·lieu·there

(1(·.cribe 41)111(·thing :1% hupoitant and ilitricate a. a

A < )11(· 111.111 who 11.10 v )inc anwerk. 1111(1 thath Barrv.

romantic feeling tow.11-(ls another or %(,ilic·thing :,4

11:111-v k 21 filitilge man. not old. 1)111 iii,t u)ling. ;ind

ilihignilicant as the fecling' lowal-(IN a particill,11

lu· iN .t|wav, bv hilli,(·If. No-(,11(· knows when hi, birthclav

1.tilipducte. Love i,4 (nic o|lilcs linstclic·X thut inanv litic|

A. 11 (' c 1(,c v Vt t alk nmch , lic't 1 1,ill,· h L cli ,(14] A talk at al l . I

ilill){ )+Nible to 11 11(1( 1 Alitiut complete'v, while others

reincinber when I \vah voung I tiv·(1 to ]An in the

conver their unctcl'Ntlinding of it in litc'1-111111('. Ii|Ii,% Inul

pl,ligrolip behicle the trived trec 1,11(1 (9( 1 b (lay Bin-n

11111Nic. WIn i.4 thl. word love' sc) 11(·cllic·litl, a Itti·Ic·cl and

would Nit on the bench 1 111(ler liu· tl.(•(1 b# ho|(ling a

tholight al)(>liti \\71, I knows. mini)e love 1-calk (10(·.4

11:11](11111 ()1 Vinall St{)11(1.4. W.11(·hing 11% plav.

make the world go round.

Eventuall, the plavgic,liticl w,1% cle%tic „rcl tholilli.

1 )c ..N)itc the fact that love N })(,1-traved 11+ a 1 )(,sitiw

17((·,ilise people in the lown tlicilight ofit :1% a reminder

£'14'incilt ill 4{)Cictv. there air W inam different angle; to

of what happened. No one talks about it or e\(·11 goch

low beci,111(· it can leacl 11.4 in varic )11.4 (lilections, soinc

lic,11- the top of the hill ,illiTlii,)1-c.

being negative. It can lel,(1 to 11-itil(1.ship. 1-(>inance. <cx. <1

11 was Miticl thlit on the Ith of \|.irch it got (1.iii carlv.


111,11'liage, dextruction. 01»,(»ion. j<'.11()11%)' and even war.

ilillch callicr than tivia]. I T#,1011't ut the ])111>ground that

Francis Belunnont 2111(1 john FIL·teller wl-otc low'h

clav but all eight children who K'(·re there were never

pleasure (1111\ 1,1.4(% for a 111(}inent. love'% 4(}11(nv ].tht,4

0('t.11 Itgul!1.

otic·4 whole life long.' Thi% A eviclent in \Villiain

32'.\1('rclav it waN the {th. exact|v Nix veal-% alter 'The

Shakcy)(1.11-c.% 1,1 'tv. 14(,inco .111(1 jilliet. when 21 v 1(,1%,

|tic'iclent., and while 1 1*,1% waiting for nn* lith. Barry

everl,iNtilig low bilicts two Vi ilin<} teenagers. I lowever.

walked Nti-,tight 11,19 me. For the lit-st time he y,oke to

11/i. h)\(· al/([ the love of molin 2111(1 power call.·h

inc. 1 Ic Maid. "Do vori kno\v whill lockn LO" I lis voice u·,1.

conflict in the citv 01 \'el-ona which tivi|14 in the deliths

creak, and der]). jiN livilling to it gave inc li,c·1%

01 hoth Roineo and.litlict. Love till-!IN to.jeal<)11.4, in the

(hnvn 111, %1)inc.

fihn The C h.tic·ible, when Abigaili love for .]c )1111 11\ Procter g'row.% %0 1,11'ge that when Alic· 1(,iii.M·& Alic cit, 1 7

'7 Nod,l\." 1 1.14\#(·1-cd.

"No. h )(,1. it'% 111, 1)il-thdin'," .111(1 he walked oil with a

secks rewnge. devising a plan to kill them both.

clic'(.M g-lili on his face.

Ilmt night 1 wa. cooking past.1 1-01- dinner when I

.\1111{)ligh love min 1,19 a lifetime. it (hangch |'01'111

heard the m·\#% thilt two chi|(Iren who wric new iii town

1111111('!()11 tiinch 1)('(11114(' 1)(·ople %11'll-c c\periena·% alid

had disapparal n'hile exploring the hill and t\Vihted

emotion.4. Thi; help.4 them 10 %12)\0' and changr a.4

tic·o. Dropping the 1)21%111. und pot, 01 1,(,iling watel. 1

pcople, while 41111],ing- thril- re].ttion#jip. which alv)

ran to the window· and to ® surprise behicle the ch cic· c)|

(11:1114(Mt(' Ntlit theit (Ic>,11(·> ancl lj(·((14 al v,lib)114 4/Illp,

rock, arolilicl tlic· treex werc two new Mtoilch which

01 thei 1- life.

werciA there before. I now know exactlv whal happened

In attemptinq to <olve th(· inusten (,1 love. 1 agic·e

ic) 111(· chilch-(111 of six veal-s ago. 11.4 wcH as ilw children

with Sallillil.1(11111.Mon: "Love is the wisdom of the fool

who were loht toctin. The, were I ici'i'r Ic )Nt. and tlici ic·

and the folli 01 the wiw."

never going to be lound.

Anna Smith, Year H) F.m 111:1 St(·wart. War 10

84 LORETO · Mandeville Hall





Year 11 Blue


3rd Row L-R Julie Bentley, Natalie Albantow, Madeleine Dowling, Natalie Grant.

4 Stefart Figerald rJalaer Cordon, Jessica Cuttler

2nd Row L-R Kate Fetterplace,

Sarah Dynon, Helen Beatty. Anne-Louise Benstead, Catherine Black,

Natalie Bossong. Vanessa Bean, Lucy Fang.


Front Row L-R Nicole Dwyer, Deniece Fon, Candice Carter. Zara D'Cotta, Kathleen Dawson, Anna Bartl, Kristina Boemo,

Katerina Asimakopoulos. Frances Acance, Renee Garuccio.

Absent Georgia Foley. Teachers Ms Joan Morgan, Mrs Barbara Watt, Mr Michael Mulcahy.



Year 11 Gold 2 F

3rd Row L-R Jessica Heinnen.

Amelia Hartley. Rosannah Healy, Julia Matheson, Kate Maguire, Jane Mactarlan, Kate Lonergan, Anna Mansour, Elizabeth Hurley, Meagan McDonnell. 2nd Row L- R Ksanya Makohon,

Lauren Matthey, Kasia Horfiniak, Maria Jaskierniak, Bridget Hall, Rebecca Jones, Jacqueline Halpin, Alexis Kelleher

Front Row L-R Chandin Kao, Nicole Mamouzis. Katherine Johannes,

Nicole Lee, Mary Li, Celeste Kininmonth, Jacqueline Koutoumas, Amelia Johannes, Katherine Mann, Isabelle Kitchen.

Absent Cheryl Holt. Teachers Mrs Kim Hauser. Mr Mark Bahr.

LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Year 11 Green 3rd Row L-R Gemma Pantaleo,

Lauren Mihelcic, Chloe Podolakin, 4

Demetra Pollalis, Sophie Price, Jennifer Palisse, Eleanor Nash, Alecia Mustey, Hope Milchman. Georgina Molloy.

2nd Row L.R Claire Ogilvy, Joanna Patocs, Siobhan O'Dwyer, Lucy MeNamara, Louise Pearse. Lucy McTiernan, Stacy Polas, Caitlin Noble.

Front Row L-R Angella Nhan, Caroline O'Connell, Ngoc Pharn,

Uyen Nguyen, Truong-An Pham, Daniela Panto, Genevieve Meehan,

1 %/c 'le

Andree Pianta, Michelle Podbury, Train Nguyen.

¥ . t. 1

Absent Rachel Quinert.

Teachers Mr Nick Frigo. Ms Andrea Inglis (Absent).

EN e

3rd Row L-R Emily Trenchard, Johanna Shembrey, Sarah Wilsdon. Edwina Scanlon, Edwina White,

Melanie Ringersma, Rebecca Sharrock, S

Alexandra Wood, Krystal Sherry, Alexandra Stafford. 2nd Row L- R Caroline Smithl

Caroline Whelan, Claire Richardson,

Emily Whelan. Sarah Stewart, Rebecca Whitty Katherine Senior. Alexandra Robins.

Front Row L-R Diana Tung, Catherine Ryan, Aparna Ravinutala, Jessica Toates. Amanda Schembri, Celina Vines, J

Meaghan Whyte, Rita Samuel, Jessica Ries, Lara Signorino. Teachers Ms Aniela Marciniak. Mr Richard Walker.

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 87


casi|v diNit-acted liext weekend :ind will be 10.1 again. 1

can't help it. lit,+Ari'x, sti-in clogh. tiltiket tall. tile 1 11<)114.111(1.4 (,1 41(,(·4 with knces .ilid thitic·ring jacket

|'1·21|11·illi \1:Iiket is Il. good 21% heaven ;14 1,11 :IN I (-,111 tell.

ench. 'Ih.16 all I can %(c· |(}l ini|(·r. Illtin lug, to ini |(·ft.

\Ium whi.10 me tip and wi· are off ic ) find 111(· c .tr. 1 gll(·00

Ainan heige tic)1]Nel-,4 and boin shoch in hc)111. acid

41(· N happ\ 10 ·c ine. 14111 not hall a. h.11)1)\ a. 1 21111 to

wit;hed (IC·nill] and grubbv nomers behind. No ])(lilli in ttlancing upwai-(14. too •,hort.

.cy. 11(.1.. 14(,h.11111.thlical\. k.11· 1 1

'NI.I.I.1111111-cce," 1 veN. No response. but it was worth ii trv. M, tim +Iii-ic·kclis;c,1,(14 into the booming dirconist· (,flic,littiful liectillines. atict 'Two for,l (ic)11,11,111(1 'Nice

pears here, five for a bag'. I wander m·,)1111(1 a bit. Limp

Oin Turkey

1(·truce trod into the gicitind, 1111(1 Kclit,ihhed grapt·.. \1

11 dochli t oa·til tow)11 thut I aill hil|Ill('illming illitil I

lit\'c)11]ite. Rot ten lis In' c)(lours, veastv hot aromits offresh

4 1 down on the pli\Txiciatil table and witnes. 21 giant

bread. 1111(1 that intricate deli .%111(41 of ( lwest· and 4,11.11ili

twki, walking i Illo the room - a giant 1111-kn' carrving .1

1,11 jight for recognition in the market :Iii.


I :t:irt to snivel, wondering· if I wHI ever .ee Milin

hul reproach Int· bu tln\: 1 ilm Weing thing>. ilgaill.

atiwin. 10(!,n- slic· wear.4 11 1)<'i,*c' 1:,incolit. 01(11)111(' %111< 14%

\<)11 1-(7) < )11(·h me cal 1111\. 1)lit the 11[I kc·, mik ('10%(.4 thc·

and a grev tititle treck. |tilt there are other nitlin, iii

(1001- ;ind g<)111)1(,4 in greeting to 11> both. Yoll dolA

beige r.tilic-()111%.

respond. Yon look vag-twh 111(11-bid ,1, I vitile itt the

Alic(11)(' 11112-rv. I lim :11] hililliating child. 1 »Id u)/1 not to uander ofE" sh(· 1/()111([ Mil'.


Ilw till-kn ililll(·% ith fratherf .ind peck. al romi· Iii(·4 on it. (Ic.k. 1 sit, morbidh tai«·ti with the U.ittle on it.4

1.(.Pl, .

1 0(·c another beige 1-21111( oat ivalk p»t and I ])111-Nlic it.

h stopx at the frilit vall :ilic·acl. 1 Ing, A foreig·n mother peclf (1{)wil at inc. "Are v<)111(}Al, Mic·(·theart?"

Right coat, \Fi-ong mother.

neck and its Al,1112(·, Scalv tors. 1 In list<·ning to the

que#linth it i. :thking im·. 1)111 all the wol-(10 1,11(1 1(·tic]-0 I'lin 1(,gether Illicl inch », thcv til,Ve| tcm'.irclx 111\ cur.

11('.ide.. 1 .tin a little loo untranced iIi obwning the 111!ke« cone-likc l,cak to al)%01-|) much rk(·.

I look itt·ound for voll. Sce vou through the door, SeC·

.it honic. 1 knou itl \111111 1,5 the hollinn click ofher

1(>ll thi-oughtlic filtilli·l ofthe (loor. 41,111(ling 1)(kliind the

430(·s along thi· h,Ill\V,iv. 11- I climb into their bed at

cle,k. standing- 1,(hind the chic·king receptionist,

night. I know Mum k the one who i.% buried 1 Ilicler her

vwl(ling on the 1){)1111€litn.

pillow. Shi· A the olle who Minc]1% of ()111(, and Oil of t ']an. I can tell MunA hanclh from .linonc· che'%. 1 her are exactiv like mine. blit c)]cler. I hink back.

-Re.annah. ifwc get .epal·litcd, stin wher(· unt are. 1 will o 'Ine ;111(1 lind v<)11."

Right. Good thinking.

I lic receptioniv lavs :111 egg: 1 :re vou ],Iligh, unisee inc 1.iligh.

the ttiliev turn, to Jwke ih litigri .NYn|\ Itt 11% both. but ic·a|Ach then. that il (1(,c,%11't have a finger.

Watch :14 we all 1.1 ligh: The wceptioniAt 1.litg]14 .10 \(,1 1 \vatcll.

Ittrning once inore to ('<)11(·c-t Notic lil(·4. wed

h hc·('1114 1 haw U.ilicic·red into {lic· food hall. 1 plonk

%('atte!-% from the tilikeCH big. red :111(1 (11]·tv fratherh.

in)&4'11 down. right \vlwn· I Ilin. ill the 11]iddle Of the

Di|-n 9<·ed on th<· Merile [loor. 1)il-li 4('ed %()\vii on tile

S,ltlirclin 11( 1(k, 1 have lic·\(·1 heen sc) inall; people in un

11001: (lirt, wcd Nown on harrun ground.

life hulen with 40 111,lin· |tlinpv xtring 1)11,x M[ll||c·(1 ivith

Chilv I know Ilut the Iloor A Nterih·.

|)1111(11(·4 c )1 11-11 it and whi tc package< c )1 hill 11 :111([ ch (·che.

Yon w,Itch a. 1 0111·ick,

1 1%'<)11(1(1' il 2111#·c)11(' lia>, linv grapex. Alter a 11(·ar dath c.capt· with a passing- bagllc·m·, 1 4|ide Im sell a little w:n along the floor and Mit under the 1,11(·tv of u lat ]11,iter

I tlilill)|c loo>el> to the 11001, and all vou can do N #ilitch. Yoll i\·atch 11% the floor N covered with (lilt: 11·litch

» 111(' tioor i.* covered \vith „11,1gr. 1-he para>dic. .,11(1

chelh, lic) holds leallets 111 x }lit market opening hon,j. I

gunk .ite %,iN·arcd on the fillix|led, white %111-|,ice, 1111(1 all

Mit mi,iti-nfullv and look at slic)€·s. Mv mother is loht. I will

\()11 (·.111 do N watch and worn Ill)()111 inc!

never find her. I 47.ill be aloile forevel-, doomed to walk

But I can't >4(·c voll aliv more - whi·re did vou go?

through life without packed hmches or new c lotlies. The

There N no inore <crabbling for Ae,·(1 011111(· floor. onk

tholight ofhaving to borrow the neig|11){)111, lilother for

calm and rea.%%111-ing- fratliers. .,0 1 am taken tic )11] the

the rest of 111, li|(· ix tiltimatch' trililiing, and It fat

Iloor alid |il inlv urighted upon the tai,ic·.

regretful tear 4 iclig down mv check .ind c c )]m·% to ]-cht on

A (lillI pinch in 111)' 111-111, 1111(1 1 :lin %till. Amid exp|.111:ition; of I,lilli m.*ccillical trapping.N and

Im. clitiveling chill,

411(1(1('11]v, a hollowv click fron) 11 familiar ]),lir of X11()(·h.

I hi· right 01' lil 111(,ther 1,1'ilit© relic·lancl (1(·light and

hhe |ilth mc lip inic) her arins .ind 1 |)trathe her iii. She

tril)11|atic)11.4. there 1% Il v)11 of nutlictic .111(1 11'1(·ii.til)]c

('itpllc)ria. Iherc arc lic) Inore loctid .cath: there '1!-c no inorc

brooding receptionivs.

])111]11% kisse; on im forellead ill](1 ill 111\ handh. She 1(·11\

Yoll Nwi|th .1)pear ill place 01 the 1111.kev.

int· 1 inn wonderful to Wav still :nul hopo I 11(·\C·nvander

1 Nwilth appcal- in place c)1 unl.

off agilin. 1 11<)(1 (21111t·Ntlv, 1)11t {)(1(!>; 411·c I will be ®,1 11%

88 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Catherilic· Itan. War 11




32 7


6, 4- 7 p


1 ion'lle .\InoIt

Shnone Ban


V 1 L


Leah lic r I.

2·I 1 |t<·|ill(l,1 lic)\Vt,1,111



i Anna


\' 1<,1,ic,t (1Liuhan

1 r 1 1 Chli'till C <)11,11(1

\'I11(·0,1 (.()11(Ii·11()

\.11 ,+11£' C „11'1('1


10·.lim· Chen


,-23'. '06 i.,111'il· (:,)1111(·11,"1



Year 12 - 2000

rf lili(/ 1).nicl

]11Ii,i l)(·Illit

%.Liti:trith,1 1)l'l·matiN

6 buqueNnc nhunond

Megan |),n,ning






„1 (huhcAnc Dunn

.4 Na]·ah 'h'on

late F.dinon<10

EU ,Ikz,13


Nahdie-1 ,ii)(, Ed,0 ,ii (1.

.\Nnng En

01 Salk Fincinore

Emin:, Fitini·\

.\und Flmn

piphmih h,10

.\Ium 1·'{,\

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 89


Year 12



91 2

]Ial>ing (]t·11111) 1·/t

\liclic·llc· 1·iiilch·i

Eunh C './1(liLn

\Lul ('./Ii,/'ni

Gene,inc G.11]non

Rai hel Grillith

C ./le, C •111111

N io )Ic 11 addow

\1'ni.:1 H:'cificld

\lit·.1//,1.i lilli</1,-

\|i'|1.1 | hi,ttitik

,%,trah 110

1, rizxit' i 1 [opkir,0

(:.14.4,111(11·.1 14·1


j f \,ll.t|il· ||tllit(·t

Al 1 1 7k \







|t'[1 |141('h

Anclic·.t K.tli,ioti,

.\Ii" Kill'·ii

C ;ret,1 1.ac ina


· Rak \4(ic 11


DUki kont

Beth Li ItioH,



7 r•41,4,


I'lich' L/on.


i'2|i:(· 1|4 1.1,111

En,ih \h I.<·.n

(lairi· \14 1 <·1111.ill

7.. J

.3 b

1..//11(111)< \h'\i''t/,Hi

.\11'lic \1(,in'(.0

90 LORETO · Mandeville Hall



11'ttlici.1 \ign)

Phoebe \-01,111

Rebeca \01:in


Year 12



C 1,11·(· Nonil,lit

(((·ik C )'Mhea

1.Ii/,1 1,<·111 c ) 1 ).n


Ance Pap,ihic

Relic·ci,1 1'<·Ii·ii·,1

KI i.lic·-Lec Runtic·x

l.:itit·.1 Rili·'

Mitclelcine %( 11111<)11

1.mi· brrot/4


1 I'nong-Vi I 'llam

Marah PortcHi

14<·Ix'(·ca 1'1·c,scott

Nic „IN Roberts

FAher Rouc

Bounk X,nage



f 4.



geredith Slum

\1' Ii,/.t 411( nov

.\1111,11>{ 1 .%11itll




1.iii·c Southall



\Loni Hpad.


ID.a SPAng

J,im· 41(·\\,11 1


l'hith Ii,in

\(,1.1 \4(,1,111

/'1111(·,4,1 /'(in (ler Milhll

5-1 F'

1 *12/


rrhu \an.pan

.inchchi \,1

A -

Kve \Vi|li,tinc


LORETO · Mandeville Hall 91

Year 12 Pastoral Care Teachers 'X


/f .


(L-R) Mrs Joan Ryan, Mrs Kaye Young, Mr Brian Ellett, Mrs Allison Hart. (L-R) Mr Alon Kaiser, Ms Kay Powlesland. Dr John Collins, Mrs Margaret Smith. (Absent) Ms Tr sh Lele.


SRC 2()00 5

l'he Sttlclent Rch],1-c.c·nlative C :(,timil h.ts been .1 vital


p,tit 01 I.oretc) 11.,lictiille 11:i|G ti.iclition for a number c )f ,(,11-s. The %14(: N a vilcic·lit c )1ganislition mack· 1 ap of (·ight gil ls f 1-C )111 ('11( h war level :111(1 |iw 12·111 12 Mtildent Ck imicillors. The SMC acts a. a link between ilie M liclent

bodv 2111(1 the St,)11 1111(1 provide. a great opporttlilitv for the gill.% to voice their opinion\,111(1 4'(}lic('1'11% regariling k

rchc,(,1 lifc.

In previc),14 ve,11-4 the ARC 74 m.lill locit (·cmed to

1,('colne 111,11111(nana· reporth. ThiN u·,11, the five ( :( )1111( illoi-0 t ried to 11(·lp redefine the role 01 the Al<C. to ])1-(nidc (lirection to 111(. voing·cr bill(1('1"$, :111(1 to

improve itx (·11('(-ti\C·ne=. Th(· NRC im·C·th twice a term :ind a repic..clitatiw It'()111 (·ach u·.11 k'ic] gist·4 11 irport froin their pa». 1)1- 1 |tilit Illid 1)1- 41('\(11* .11%0 ilic·Cl


rach \(·211' lew·]N eight %14(: 111(·inl)(·1 + (·ilch vilicat(·r to

clis('It.% Avic, V)(·(dic to that level. Hollie of our bigger lillilll 1111111 dcdsemi

project. thN w.11 have been the (lilicir:it flill(11',tiht'i'K I'lili In each war level. ilic']11(ling litticil,lising |(n- Annual Yolith Allicide 1),1, And other organiratic)11$ 11% well.

111(}lig-h there N Mill a lot ofwork to bc (1(nic to improve the %14( :. we have .11]eadv come .1 10]lg- win. SRC Councillors: Stephanie Maule, Daniella Zampierollo and Megan Downing.

92 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

hic·gan 1)(,i,-liing. St(7 )11.illic M.1111(· and Daniella Z.111]pic'-0110 (ik·ar 12 >iRC C rc,ittic'illois)

lillia Dehm wn.5 mvm·ded 2ud prize iu the ,·\ 14.,/ralicm Mc't/iral

I spent a cia\ with Cal'wrn in hoN])ital 11|ter Alle w,13

. hwrimic,/1 essar u,)7/ing mmpe/iticm in November 1 999 17

(liNch,trged from the isc,lation ward. \Ve coukhA lind

/hA pirre.

Illithing to talk .11)oilt. She Nill slilk,·: 1 +111 trlihe 1111(1 lic'l \'c)11% as the TV 1)1111·ed 1111(1(lin· slic),vs. 1 \1 ,Iliti·(1 to

Honour Thy Doctor i\'(· 1-all tc ),i':lick the water. The cold %(·11 w.th a reIici

from the hot Mand. but it *v) held hidden ter:'orh.

Although logic told me 111.11 110 shark would be neill- a million miles of Mich an overcrowded beach. le.11 ihilk

1-litic)11:11. "What va scared of? Ic·llvlish?" inv sister asked

4(·(,Illtitlk·. .]ell,lish! Mv eve began licl-,-c)11,1, datting al,out ti-ving to catch sight 01 the vic·ic )11% creatitic<h. 1

thought I Spotted Nonwthing and jumped back, "Come

help. 1,111 1 clictlit have the coill.tge to »1 1301· hick dic \\*.14. 1 hilt day in hoy )ital she wah withol It her g)irit

\Vitlic,lit her Npark. Alic hact stoppect liti.ic·king life. in··®11(1 vinved it onk froill a (listance.

When other ti'(·;itment>; failed the doctors pointed unvili·(1% a bone 111,11·1·ow' tra»plant a. liu· 1-t·(1(·(·ining

Saviour. Part of ine Hanted thent to find 11 donor, part didn 't. 1 had i (·ad the st:itistia. the survival 1-ate was liftv )£31-cent.

ApprehensiVely, they tried Chinese Medicine,

(,17." '(:c,inc into the water." 1-11\ hihter und friend Canvul

without ille (1( )(-106 knowled,ge. Siu· wa. put on to the

chanted over and over. .\11(1 1 wanted to follow. I i callv

vi-(,ligest het-1)A, 11;11111·al plant product which give

did. 1 walm·(1 to laugh with thein and total|v i!11111(·!Ae ili\,clt in the «t-wliter. 111[t 12.,1 i.411't rational 40 1 ht,ned

in knce depth water, shaking. -(:omi· on. Do il for me. \U· tilight never conic to the beach together aguill. (111·wvn called. "\'ext thne voll %(·c nic I nlight be (|(·11(1.lh,11 Miting I),1(11\. for I kne,v it to be litic·. Fxcn thne 1 %21\v her I was terrified it would be the 11141. .\(-tualk it \1'11,4 unother uar before Alic died. 11,11 inost of all I \Yah

distillived that .111,(,tic· cotild 114(· stic·h a gllilt trip, 14111 it wah 1 1-11(1. So I followed.

I reiminher th<· tit'Mt dav I realixed thlit C:,1-wvn w·as

Mick. I walt/ed into the kitchen. mv hair vill wet from i in

111(11·ning shower. "Carwrn'x Kick," my mothel- Milid. Wah, %0.1 learing- al)(,tit C hii ,$, ti being Kick was nothing new. I

%111 ligged i t off :ind opened the cupboard. 1 raching for the nmrgarine and honcy. Minn itc)0(1 coinpletelv Ntill. "(:oille c )11. Nlie'% not in llc,spital c )1- ,111\thing?" 41 1 e wax.

For the next lew (lin $ we \vel (1 terrilic·(1. 1)lit not %111'(·

15'hat we wrir terrified of. %0011 we were able to give it .1

imine, 21])1:1\tic- 411),wmia. I ler 1)(,tic· 111,11'row had stopped 1,1(,clticing· blood a'lh. lint the (ic)(·torr toIcl evenonc

not to \Vol-rv, thev had un thu )|tation>. 1 |cr parent) believed than and 11'tarted blitic!]V, hui nothing (·otild %1()

Sill)stance .111(1 &11(ligth to the bodv. 1 |cil)% which bilill

lip the 1,100(1. |tilt Cannn and her faillih never believed this woilld 11(·Ip. Their visits to the Northcate c linic were accompanied bv an air of Tri·cv, 2/N U the, were doing· v)111(·thing· forbidden. \\-InG Recan>.c the (Ic)(tor, 11,ig-lit not like· it. Anct the (Ic)(tor iN Ii|w,1,% righi. The first o ililinandinent: llc)11(>Ill' th, (1()(·tor. the wa )11(1:

U'orxhip 11<)-011(· |)lit vour doctor. (hu·wrn stopped taking liu· 11(·11)5. [t inav not have worked. Imt she 41(,111(1 have been allowed to 11 i.

()11 the 11)111, C wy,1 h,id 11 11(,lic marrow 8-,111\plant. I ling everv (Ln. blit could R](10111 talk to her. Noinc (tav>;

it was the agg-1-(1.4.Nic· 111(·er. in her mouth :111(1 clown her

throat that 41(,1)ped her hilking. Other clin·% chic,ilic cli.11-1-hoe.1 Cril)])1(·cl her. some clavs it wils 11.illst'.1. pain in her bones. biii more often il was all of thes< con(lition, 1111€1111,111\ 171()1('.

It wah two mont|IN after the U'lilisplant. that I next 1111(1 th c c )])])()1·11111 i tv to ser C 22,1'wrn. >k·('ing i s belic'J ing-' R the proverl). 2111(1 Night lillowcd inc to icalifc inore

ch·ark than inontliN oftelephone calk vativic>, and bits (,1 inforination that Curwvn wah verv fick.

I hugged her and held her hancl. It wa+ ch·v, like

paper. and constantlv shaking. llc·t hair was golic·.1 ler

p thein froIn worrving. Initial treatment ill,oked hic)<)(1 tran>|l[Mic,liN, |,lit I]ic·

effecth lasted (111]v thil-t, (lins. |he root of the ])1-oblem 11111Nt be addro,Xed: in Inedical opillion. the bone nurrow. So thev took the ]112,1-row 0111, thev stuck it

under n'loscopes .111(1 ,111.11-·d it. But what did tlmt cio? Us, thank vou, ductor, we know that her bont

man-ow iAn't quite right. Look at bet . it'% obvic)11%. Till inc \VIn'. what C,illb((1 it. 1('11 inc what von al'e going to do 111)(,lit it. 1 \2-<)11(1(1- il'(:,li-wvn Ntlili't'C'(1 inore froin the .tll:l(·1111,1

hnportant to her. and now· Alic (licliA cal·c. After Christinas slic· took a turn Ic}i the \\(,1%('. rch'iiig on a rchy,il-litor for I,irath, her lift· in the h,111(1% of It mitltitmic· of tii.ic him·x. After several clavs. her mother

urged her to hop <)1110 a white cloud Illid float Im-in. Float far 11\1'av. It\vav froill the pain. lf| went to that lic·ach again I wollid wacle beyond knee level immersing mi·sell in the %11]t water. (:211-wrn luci tang-lit lile %01]lithing al,out courage and 111(ing ic'lit'N. lillia Dchill. 12.11- 12

or froni t|1(' cll·ligN and medical procedilirs Nq)])(,st·(1 to cul-c it. Various ])1 1)('c (1111 c s were Ii i ed. 1 )111 thev all f.liled. 1 [or,;c Meruin th.it dic,zild kick %tari the bone 111,111·ow left

her listh» und ini>,crable. An operation inxerted a tubc into her Ititelic·4 to make 11-,111411<ic)11% c .,Mic'i'. Insicil(1. it

got her tictlific·]ird to /11( iholation ward. Doc tor>, 11(·re

il„,1(ling her bod\,ilic! with thein 111:11-(hed baclelia.\Ve 1-ang everv day; wc werciA .11)1(· to visit.

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 93

mild. A iii-,Ht {)11(111(1('1- w.,4 Nent to the vock). anct onk

-\Utch Hunt

hantred npoll a Necond comiction! 1 1{)11'('\C'l . (il{-C'.jaines \Vitcho h.ne colne .1 1(,liu wav. No 1(nuter .ur the\

I 11((t'(·(led to tilt' throne in 1601 thi· 111[inber 01

the bringer, of %11||cling to m,itikind. the 1),ine of all

wit(11(·raft 'purification 1-ittl:11.4 incl-(·.INcd..1,1111(·0 W,1.X :1

women. or the ('lli(1(1 0(·rvillith (11 the devil. C)|1 11().

(le,out 1)('liever in witch(1-1111. (·wn goill<' to the it-()Ill)1('

lil{)(tern witches have Mtv|c, thev 11:tic (I,tri :ilic[ 111(,Nt

01 ill,pointing a \Vitch Finder Gencral. Al:ittlic\V

importaluh. 111<'\ inlike a ton 01 (,141 out ol it. 111(·04(·d In

11(,1)kith. to hunt ont all the isitche in the kingdom.

the (livine Apitit. thoe gal>, bring forth 111(·il- 111('Axage of

peacc. Ii.li-inon) und equalitv to the \vorld. 9)1(·ad liu·ir c '| 1-sc)-delicatc wings (,1 gc)(!Iv wisciom :incl sing 1 )1':tiN('4 10 the heawns 11|)(,ic·. l hew (111\+ we (·,111 11('.11 their ticlimp 01 goodwill in the weckh'((,111111]1.%01'1111,ga/ili(%. till)|oids

litul Ilic,iliing TV 414)\\N. Their olitlib 11+11,111\ ilidlide 4(,inc Mort 01 11!istic·al .4,1111)01 dangling froin theit- tic·c k. :111(1 ther alwa 7)(,1-1 long. llc)\,ing haill hig (,liting•; and peric·(t laco. No u·art>; orcrooked noses allimi·(1. In lact, i 1 4(·cm. 11 1.11 evervwhere we t t l l n , 1 1 1(· 1-(· i. V )171(· (·\ i (1(·11( C·

of thu· 111\94'1 ic)11% 1111(1 enchamed. A 1111-11 in a %11(,ppingcentre will 1-(·011]tin the (liNc·(„(·1, (,1 .it 1(·;t hall a (10/(111

shops thlit le,ttli!-c ilic·('11>r. c)ib, and 0111(1- (1(lig|11|111

{)1)iects on their 41('lwh. \\'itc·hes :tic· t.tking over the

At „itic· 1)(vilit in thne. witcho turned into 01(1 women \,illi phnplv 11(,Mes :111(1 .1 ('11.11'.1('tel-i#tic cackle [or a laugh. -1 lin cic)1111(·d black lic)<)(1%, Ila])1)\ (,11)(·s :111(1 il-1-('1411]al- .hoes. 1-ocie through the night (,11 1)1(,cillistic·ks

with 1,111( k cat Nitting· on liu·h· %11(,tilders. Thc·v lived iii cavIc:,ili cin·ch.inclin (1111\ ccittagn. 1'11(·\ ke],1 a lic,(11.ending- vippl, 01 11-c):s' 1(·g·<. cu· 01 11(·wt. ch-,W(nA 1)100(1 :111(11)at \#iii». :ilicl thev :11\,tis had :1 big I,lack (,Milch-on 111:tr 1)111)|)1(,(1(1(.licioll. green goop (\In· Ilow and again. \11,0 coll|(1 forget tliat low·ly \\*icked \Vitch 01 the \\(·Nt in 7'he It'km·d 0/ 0-.. with her sc·u red xlion and viipal 1,lack ancl whiti· c,c·k.0 ()1- the (1,1(c'!i ill %11(,\1 \\'IIi IC alter lit· decided tliat (,Id and wrinkh win delinitch .t

M.(· vt·plo becoming- illive·4 in the land.

\vor'(L und \ve (10111 mind it one bit.

Iliht{)1-v h.,0 ((·itaill|\ h.id it. 1.ill· %11.11-c of witch

Inania. 500 people were |)111-Ill ill a thi-('C·-mollt|l pel-ind in Geneut, 151.5. where the ino.t int,1111(,ith witch-litilits

took place. There A no c 10 111)t 1 1,111 people were <cal·cd of thrill. The wiclig])1-ead witch 1 1('liz) iliat englilled Eiti-c,pc· iii tlic· 1(Gth and 17t]1 centuricS meant that plit< tic .t|h 11111)0(1\ c c )11|d be .ic (·liNe·(1 ;111(1 c c )11(ic'inned (,1 witchcraft: men. c hildirn and women alike. Paranoia

litit :Ilter ,(.11'% and \(·2,14 01 oppi'(·Non. unfair repirhentation, and bad look.. witchi·+ 1111-liccl into \(Itillg. prettv (lilinhck. who 11%('Cl thi·it y)(·Cial power•; for the wellbeing- 01 mankinct. Sure. tlin would c)< c ,thic )11.111, hand 0111 1[ilitilentional (1('Ati'll{'lion to the world. blit it

wah alw.1) 4 done with the b,gt illti·resth at heart. and evervthing alw:n·% turned olit happilv in t l / (1 C'11(1. 1 1111 1 (11 courhe refell-ing to the >hunanathas lind >kil),-inas of the world. Mitin· a week would we tii-(·]cish Ic )11(iw Mrs

reigned stal)1-(·me, and the pcople accepted it. But who could bhune them? Plagued with (Ii.wasc and I.imines, thev found .111 ea,v target in witch(·%. There wet-(1 Ila slic)114mired. bli )11(lc· cc)ill 14(11101-s with universit,· clegires, (11'(»ed ill Creain coloured Allit>; to till t]1(·in that. '}hu (me

#,Wiug (/ 1 10'.1' ami hurt mul it h dinul

natural thm Noti wald M

umr a lign- If)irm-(10 { Illt(,1- propliC m· to 'wrl: R.14 1(la 11{·41

/humg-h r„ul· u'li,iriou. aud do /10/ J/,/1/ ir,/0-/,-irt/ch r//1 ri//.2- /hi.

time 4 imme/n, hritchhip.' .linboch a )111(1 be a witch. 11 vour Imir \\,1% too long. voll could |)(· a witch. 11 vou 1111(1 a |imp. \()11 (()111(1 1)(' 11 witch. If votir thinking wa, too 41( m' or vour sprech too | 119, i l i'()11 c;u·ried vol 11- Iniici ()11 Jour 1('11 41){)111(ler ili,tclul of voill light. ific),1 \1(·1(· too 11glv or ton bc·autiful oric)ltitic'ighl)(,111'N diclilt like vou. vou (-{)111(11)(' 10 Witch.

1-hiN tile:111[ that Avilivittion war now laced with the

Steve», the good witch wife, on our TV Acrce», hoping to we her wiinkle thilt Clite little nose,)1 hen. 4,1 S.11)1-illa

on her jolit-licv through ado|(4((lit witchilic'.4,. -1-11(,C

41< m + prol nou·(1 good, whole•unne Ihmilv , .11 11(x lic )1)(,ch wa>; ever 1-calh Inul w thut an ever-])1-eN(·nt .%(·ilhe of a

(1(·cp ilic)1'al .ili#-21,4 won out in the end. Modern clar witch(1% have. however, opted lor a 111(11-(· g)it-ill[,11 1111(1 lesh V)((taculat form 01 (liy)]aving their ])(nven. Thed-c tlic (,nex thal ('c,lild 1,(· living lic·xt (1{}(,1- 1{) \()11. Init tlin arc cle+Iined Ic,1- a bcner life 1,(c.itt(· the, 11.1\(· 1,)1111(1

the %(1(.1-et to tatilocking the bidden godde.™·s within theinklveN. Thevh (· ille oneS that ,(111 (-an find dancing11.iked tinder the moon ill thi· cal-1, holli-.4 (,1 1%1

Novellil)(·r. or (ni kin l),n. or .11 the \\'inter hohtia·.

I waN recenth ]),ti·taking in mv week],· 'visit ilic·

rather 1)(fuddling prob|('In 01. lic)" to iclentil, a 1(·11|

bookhlic,], litual, when. alter doing thi· 11•lial 1(,lill,1. 01

witch froin 21 11, )1-mal pet·fon. Do we kindlv ahk t hem 1111(1

the room. a cri-taill pink book with Il furrv cover in the

con\ c)lit u con|c»ion with vililes :111(! %11:twbern

><cu .\LAC v'(11()11 (,1111(Ill lin' (·\(. It \,11. m·:Ill\ 11(·411(·cl

ititillinx? No. 11·c cliink 111(·in into a river und if thcv

al™)144>,t (,111(·i l)()(>le, \1'itl pretti (·c„(·14 %<) 1 (Ic·('idcd t<)

Aurvi\(' wi· kill th<·in. 11 111(·\ (11c)\011 then th<·\ t'c·

h.tic· look. A iralk. quick look.

ililic)('(lit. 1)111 (!c,l(1 annvav. Or we call ..11) ilic·in over

lir-({n'i,! c'(1 hook.\. 1 11(9'er Imve 14'('il fil,If' 10

:111(1 over Agaill in t he linpc of |inding a ] )1,1( (· \# |1(·re tht·)

17'vT//hem. 1 look at 111(· ilit]-c)(111('tion :ind it tel|.4 1]wthat

don't feel pain. All cd ther delightfulk ili4ightful 'te>ts

amboch c :01 1,(· a witch and that thi lovch y)(·111,(,c,k

urre %,ilictional In the (,c)\Crirment, a. Ac·|1 21% the

will give me 1111 tim[ 1 lic·(·(1 1,)1 11(·alth .ind h.,1,1,int».

Clitll'ch (which wax alwavh lig'llt), to be iclcal nu·thock iii

\\'cll then. in thal (axc I clon.t need to worn about

the identification of witchn. Of coll],c, t|w ])(·INon

l 'nivt·Nn. 1 (':111 gi, ( 11 ]) al l im v ilclic'N,111(1 become a f ull-

c)((11]„ing thc· thicitic .,t the time inutriab|\ clic-tated the

time. 4(111-1,1-c)(laimc·d witch. rI'lic· .itithor clict. and look ut

Ilitinber of executionh m witche.. 1)liling· the reign of

all the ilic >lic·V 41UA m,iking. lic·.icin, all I need Col· the

1:li/abah I. 1,111% c (,11((ining \\'itilic·rall Ju·i'c Ic·]ativelv

1-51 of mv life ave Nome smellv 11(·1-1)N. a couple of candles

94 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

and funny looking 1->its c,1 glass. und the spell book will

1 1111(lequati· Inner Ohmpic Spilit. 1 1,(,ilght the badge

take care of all mv tic)111)]ex. i\11 01 11 Aliclden mv clivim- is

She was 11*ving- to force upon me.

hitting me over the he.icl so hard that I think I lic·(cl to

Mv elliest to further my feclings ,)1 01\'inpic

fit clown. I go to ti-) and find a chair. but for .oine

enthusia.4111 begills with the Official Sulne)' 2000

strange and inexplicable reahon I find inv leg-x nulving

Olvilipic (41]ne. riti,%ite.\1 1.\' I tlic)light. 11(1(6 %111·elv

toward the counter and inv hand pulling out inv wallet

i, 1-('sc )111-a· spilling over with inspirational words, ancl

fi-om un pocket. 11>,w. /hal #ite thiug reall¥ clor, Ieork.

enough information illat I will be a boffin on the in{)01

.\A %0011 liM I get hoinc. 1 Jan the contents .111(1 inv

c )lisettle· c )1 sport. I make· a mentai note to check the

evex hnilli·Cliately focux on the Acction titled 'The niagic

common room paper pile for that dand> Series the

of Food'. Food, I think, gnor/ p/are /0 ,/m·/. 1 he

1 |(·1·aid %1111 haet. that 'Special Collect{)1 Edition -

Con'esponding pages have all v )11% c )f })]c'ltv pictill-ex of

Olunpic >+01-th ill Detail.'

fi,h und broccoli .111(1 0,1111(1 pill-plc thingM, lind inv eves

1 was right. From the front page ofthe site·, 1 can lind

Ic·ast on the liN' c 11 empowering wchilic]11(·s on the page.

ollt how inam' (1111% 10 gc), Arr(111(·\''S (·Lart temperattlic,

Hmmut. lelk ve now: ' \(,

lati·st lic„·4. 2111(1 - cic,h. thih looks promising: 1 click on

(11 .1,0 \(,1|th .111(1 111)1111(|.111< c.

C)(,h. th,// w/i//ch //ire. 1,1// mcil/,i' the,·A wme/him< be//,9: 'Ift,i·

the link. and a new will<low poph up. 1'111 :,bout 10

focusing on psvchic work and developing magic·Ii] skillf

discover the wonclt'(,tls thing•; of Ati<tralia thilt make it

//0/¥ /no/r.

whal a gam! \\'ril ,ince lin going m be a wikh 11

better ,/0 /hi, om'. Aper all, this i., m¥ m/i,-r jit/ure w/re /(i/king al,oul lic'j Izine, so I <10 „'I Imve Ihe jitil) IN Ic,c,ki )1,14 \Nmbok rel aud / m gui-/14· 6, have to /,/rm-h m¥ hail but rou t·mi / 1 /i.h that

clilitient lind that little bit Inole Al)(·cial than the reft of 111(' wor](1.

Slowlv. 41*4· - noh! The lixt!

1 1(41.till Hn'%('11' 11-(,111 ,(|]ing- al)ti.c lit the unnputer

inue),g-undurn /1 74)14. 771, /,rink wu-d w. Ohar thru. pir /he li.w

of herbc,/ i)/5,)7'(/ir'/1/.0.· Nt limeg·, iii.li joram, 01 (·galic), hor:,Ac'. catnip lind linden linic int Amil-%. 'Poill- a nlp

011)(,iling water over 11 tc·:INpoon 01 i)()\i-(1(·ird 11(,1-1)% 1111(1 allow it to Reep for.·1-5 ininutch. The tea A then Nt]·aint·(1. Placing vour hand ovclit. (·104( R)lit eves alld Kn .t v|ent

improvised (hant :isking· 111:11 111(· tea bring thi· de.ired (71('1,14-v into vour Mfc. \\'11(·11 thi· 1(·a 11,14 (()4)|al U little,

di ink it.' Oker doker theu, here gor.5. li, me mul mr p,rrhic prnven. C.hern.

Icon. 01.\11%trali,6 rich (111tllial heritage" it 1(11(1.%. \'(·gemitc - Akul)!-a I lat - 1)]i/a-11(>11(· - Sil- Ih)11 111'il(111]1111

- Phar I.ap - Klttlg,11+00 - 1,11(1 :111 :,00(,1-ted 1-ang.(· 01 .1)ig Ihing·.beginning with the Big Beer (lin. Ihi· IiI-Mt tht-ce .11-(·lit even Alistraliali (mT'wd. 111.11·

I.ap - born in Xew 71·211,111(1 lind died in C..ilifornia - R .1 witilicl cliy,lav in a 11111%(111}1. Don 111,1(linan, whib;t the (|0%0,1 10 It living legend AuNtrali,1 11,1,%, R h,11·dlv. 311\(·

perhap& in 141·imin, known Ilrolind the world. Oh. und c :111'oline Chen. \(·al- 12

never inind l.'liti-ii. thi· C)|g,is. or Nomething- '1)ig-' c,lthat

nattti c - what we're 1-(·.111\ ])1-4)lid of here A ,)111' ovel.Min·(1 Beer Chin und the wo!-Icl'* largest ])]»tic c·,11'th\\·()1111.

The Badge, The Torch and the Platypus: Getting In Touch with my Inner Olympic Spirit Come· Ne])t(·1111)(r lift(·enth. unlike the reft of tile countrv, 1 dolibt thal I %11,111 bc enthralled with the

(4)(·],ing (2(·1(·inonv of 111(· 2000 ()lvinpia. It K inore

likelv that I shall be hiding in .1 (11)|)<)111-(1,111([ Ining to Clailli heing- a New Ze,ilancler.

Aftcr week, ofattempting to lind in) Inner ()|)inpic Xpirit. 1 have |.IiI<·d clismallv.

It began with the Kupei-maile·t. Minding im own 1)lisiness. 1 was litipacking- the troHey whc·11 41](· 21((c )51,(1 ine,

"2). \\lut evenh mi· vou going to at Nulnev 200(E" "lilill. none. actitallv. I ni not reallv into the

()1>'1111)ics. "NOT 141<ALLY INT<) -1-1 11: C )1 .YMPIC '.SH Biti its

Alixtralia'% Greatest Year! When we can all coine

togetherjoined bv our INNER 01.YMPIC XPIRIT!" 1 glanced aromid. The l'irt of the eig]11-itelils-(,1 -less

queue were looking- cit me strang-ch·.

For a 1,14)111cnt. I lic 11111('1- Oh'llil)ic .Spilit hallk to Illi

all time low. I was %]ightly dist,11-1,cc| :it the pictill·e 01 the 11\'('1'age .·litvt.ili,ill. foreigli vihitors would he aritilw lic,in thi· Ii•;t (,i c )111' C .trate#t |c·(,114. Ihe€d come to this

fi te for an idc·,1 01 what t iw 2000 01)'inpic City iM like. and Icave tliinking „4.'re .i bittic·h (,f'\'eg-(·Inite eating. Ak,11)1-11

2,11(1 1)1 i/1,-1,(ilic· \Vt'Ill i l s, who 1 )1'2 )ll€11,- 1),ti|(1 1 .11-ge htilic'ttli'(·% of 1)1111.111,14 .111(1 %11((p.

| decided to put the '|con' incident behind ine, clocd tht· winclow. and h,(11«·d at the <ciren again. This tilne. 1 chONC 31:thic)14'. %1111|cd aniinals, I thought, can't bc too harin|-1/1.

It 1,(·gun with ' I lic· 1.(·gend ofthe Mascot.C A wd mui wild.,/m·m .,wept three joil//54-.tu.,//7/lic/// cl/lit///l/., /)-om thri, Imme...2000 s/m-s lit /he r/,vi, t,ight shr... /her looked (11 each other (liici grinned. I checL No. this isnk in the ('Illicit ellk hection. It'M

under the heading of Important ()1)·inpic Information for Sulnn 200(C 1 1-cad on. The

%pm' w/id i// the (Mum of a m'lt, millt'}11111{in proph

Irmn all mmrnd the u,orId itiotild gather here - a Nwrial l,leife in Swhin'. Alillennium /'ark.

1 begin to fer] hlighth' ill.

So, in p,1 1-1 ('1111),11-1-assment and lear of Ittl ther

77/1 Smaher„ (.17,.,s thru ,/shed the three ailium/% if /her

retril,lition from the over entlmsi,1;tic checkout chick.

wmdd he the ofirial mci.w·08 jor thi% great rve/i/. 7'her each

alict from a hilclclen growing feeling that I had

arcepted Ilti# honour with (1 M)11'm n noil and a Ddl hcarL

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 95

Ihistime. I have to re.Strain 111\Nelill-()111 \'<)11iiting on

tht' c{)1111)lit('1'.

qualities. rl he hmel ()1\ ilipic Spirit idwginning-to think Aquite pathetic that for sonic people the gri·ati·At thrill

I never thong-ht three Millic·(1 animah ((1111(1 11< so

of theil- lifc K-», ruiming i 11 1,111)|ic in 111:lt delightful

litter|v repub,iw. 1-11( Mite hilthcr illic,lins ilic· 111,11 the

P, jama get lip. holding a torch tliat hact c c ),t them $300.

three 111.,scots. Millic. Sul. ancl C)|lie. hope to I)ilil(I a

I'li(·11 1 feel :Nmmed - i6 01)vious that im liu-k of huwr

inove peaceful world bv educating people through

c)]unpic .41)irit R |lic·Iling-th<·Ne aliti-( )101111)ic +I'litillic'lit\.

Nport. The |1111(·r (Munpic >;pil-it clicllit hike 111;it well. It

For the next few (linf. 1 ilinnerfi· lijjvell iii the

con!(liA 1111(1(141.111(1 how on carth ilic·\ 11(}ped to

O l u n p i c y ) ( ·ci ak i n t h ( · week e n d n 1,114 21 / i m ·0. 1 wa t c h l i u·

11('hic·ve Notne kind of workl peace throtigh :1 %])(,1'ting

Ic)i-cbs progrilitilili· with grellt ('tilluisill\111. lind when

event \1110%(· organking commince A riddled with

inv l 11-oi lici b ( )1, mpic -1 -ic·kc·t uo-( ( 1( ·l ivered. I .11 iv'er t he

corruption. event* an· cli>,ruptal troin ])1'{)1)1(·liii with

(10(31 with milch exill)(;-,Ilic c .ilicl (xcitclnent 10 111.ike

drug chi·at.. 1111(1 (c)!111)('lili\(·lic·%% 1-lilli No high that inter

111(' Inner c)|unpic Spirit i,1,)11(1.1 consicic·!- g\ing- 111) for

coilliti-v rehuic,liN air 1.11- 11-(,in |licit(11\.

a giant v(·Non 4,1 im lavoill-ite Hm.hcot, S\(1 (Bad y)(n-th

.J/14t when 1 1/1/1 al)out to low all Inner Ohinpic >;prit.

and environment,/1 1,/11(tak get up >1(1'4 1)|atv/)114 viont -

111\ rve spic. a link that inlorms mc of tlic whereabouts

ill.Nt what the c)|unpic %])irit is .111 2,1)(mt), alld think

ofthe torch. The Torch! I think. excitecllu. rl'liN pic·c·i· of

:il)(Int wins I can comince im 1),trent•; to pin lor tic k,·th

$300 inctal hith man,lged 10 1)('11(>1'11 1 21111,1/ing leat<,

to the Opening (+C 1-(1111(111\· (11-i·... 1'( 11( Al·.al.

fcattive on the nighth news. go where no torch 11,10 gone 1)('|c)1-(' It even 1111% ih own nix-lith tele\Nion hhou. Of

|1 con|(hil Ltht. The clath 01 the Inner C)|unpic %],irit \\.1% quick .ind paitile.

coillve, thii N \vhere 111 lind inv Inner Ohinpic Aphit!

rhe Innci·C)|vinpic· Al,ilitb ton·h wrnt out. | he 'rich

\\'hi·re tlic· torch ir' (:hicking the map, it inlorm. me

c ilittli,il ic·(,i,h, the legend 01'the lii,ts(·c,IN. the torch who

that it %11.,11 1,c· u<,ing tip Toorak |4(,Iici this ven

C{)11111),Ill(led 11101(' 1<'Al)('Ct than the people running the

afternoon. l Ii\-illing to openh (ti·;plin mv 11('\1'12)1111(1

((,illitn. :111(1 tlmt vipermarki·[ badge-which. 11 tilt· wav.

Inner C)|vinpic' %])iritilist vet. a cover conic·A to milict-

for inv $2.50.11,1(1 Hunchow nundged to IniNX Ihximinia

time for a $111-])1-Ne I i,it on im 1)1-4 )t her. Mv sixti·i- and I turn into Toot-ak Road, and the Inner

(Mvinpic hpirit get•; an inftan 1 1,(1(,%1 . For here. lining- 111(1 st](·ct. ill soinc plact·% six pc<,ple derp, Ill-(1 1]1111(11-((15 of tlag waving- ()|vmpic 14]111111%il,Nts. 16 going to take :i bit of a drive to get our perfect torch viewing point. \Ve

ill .\11%11'11]illl Greatcht War - lind linallv. the fact th,11 the

1,<41 1,11[hic .11 ell tel tainment we Cc)111(1 ])1'c nide, u)it (-c )111(1 u'Illch on a .%111111-(lav ti,4,1-iling \ic!('c) Hit,, all added lip. The Itilic·i- c)]vmpic >+irit wa.4 replaccel l)\ le, 111.4ion. and the %Ii,11-lic·I'ul feeling that in Scpt<·inber 1 hall be doing im bot to In» in,Nill off» f Nch Zealander. C lare Noon.111, Year 12

contilitic· chi,ing. The people are (,lit ill force, with pic-llich .111(1 %1(·th')ing 1).Igh and coliche.4 :111(1 1).Irl)(Ylle.i alld holiwinade torclic,% and their uiant %11111(·(1 111,ircots

and - I fec| the Inner C)]zinpic ®ilit bugin to feel quite CliNg-11%ted - 01- N it almixed? 1 Iere air 1111111('Se people, lilling the Ntret·th to 04·(· cillic·one. in an outfit that looks

liki· reject ])\jannuM, Alli-1(>1111(led bv 0111('1-0 in similar anive. carning- an oveN/ed cigal-(·tte lighter. The, will st.111(1 herc, and h-om inv hm·111('t re,bearch 1 1(,ilise that

thevl| be here lor tin-ec more hours. in the (11-i//ling raill. for a few briel Neconds (,1 c·(·ing The 'Ic )1-ch -

probal)]von|v the top ofthe torch. 1111(1 111,libc :i gliltil,Ke c )I i 1% 11<)1(let- tin'ough i t + clitot 11-age. 14, t he tilne we re:lch r

\Varrigal |·toad. and illht ]),Il %(,111('(,11(·'4 11(,im' whose 1.ence proudh di})1.1,0 4, 1),limer - ..\Ve wchomc the ()1vmpic Torch ic, Iliti'cic,cl!" - we\-c had jilst ,11)(,lit (11(,ligh ()]\Inpic· Torch experience. We .11'1'ive at brothen jit\, in thne lor 111(· Torch's

lic)ill long weeketicl y,ecial. In an effort to boo,t the cli t i i i n ish i ng 11,11(· 1' 01 \ 11 },i c >,i ri t . 1 a'i l c h i t on . 1(,Inorrow. thf' 101-ch


du// have u ,-ed dur.

llilli? A piece of metal till)ing- lic·c·(10 .1 (1.1, to ic·|1-(·fh it,(·Iii It had u

ver¥ .vwricd /i//u, /(Wrn·, 177;i,/titg- the A /(.(, - /he.Wr

ofthe 195(, ·i,·ic,i,<Ilr (;(11}14,0." Oh, |in %111(' the torch |ch a warm ilitic·i- glow as it atic·11(led the \1(:(; 1-(·til,ion.

11,1lfuav thi'(,ligh the hour. 1 (·an't hclp thinking 111,11 perhaps the 1-orch h,10 gained a few too 111,111\ 1111111,111

96 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Art by Claire Southall (Y12)


*4 174 , 4


Year 1

IWIUUI.VVIDe 111„111 .Up le„4 1 Ulalle IVILLL'111 ]dI L

Natalie Hunter and Annie Merrylees. 2. Year 12 last day. 3. "Lysistrata us'lers: Daniella Zampierollo and Michelle

Ponder. 4. Loreto friends from Prep to Year 12.

5. Rebecca Prescott, Tina Vanspall, Jacqueline Diamond, Glt¥ 0/2 ·i 0 Stephanie Foley Mary Gallivan. 6. Jane Stewart drives into the future. 7. Melina Shenoy, Jane Serong and Andrea Kai iviotis.



Forbidden Fruit

waine. Approaching the lence, I leatied forward. took

hok 1 01 some of Pepper s man c while c hitchi ng the wins "1.(70 ride to the clearing."

iii inv sweatv 11,111(1% with all inv .Sti c'ligth. .\0 Pi pper li fled

SteviON excited face lit up. 11(11- c·vcs glistened at the

off the ground 1 1(,ilised th.it I harl never been inore

thought of the thrilling adventure 21% she glanced Iit inc

thrilled. vet tri Iified. in 111)7 whole life! A. 1 recovered

from 1111(1(·l- t he 1)l i lli of her 1-idi ng hat . F.ice 11 t ished. her

mvxclf C )11 firm ground. Stevic jumped up and (lown ill

nes ],lm 1 1 11]v darted from the (·rest of the hill and then

her 5,1(Idle.

back to me. Iicit nn'self sink into inv saddle. 11, reach

'\Ve did it! " Alic· fqtic·aled :111(1 1)(nved victoric >tidw

the clearing we wot Ild have to ride t hi c >ligh Three (rows

1(,ward.4 (,1 It- ,1(lversan'. who was now Militicling- Iliwitt'led

Paddock. \Ve 11.ic! ant'inpled thi,4 previouslv 1)111 1(·i'i.Hed

and holit,11-V.

our plan (,11 (Lixcovc'ling a verv large jet-black 1)1111

I'lic' clearing wa. cvcruhing thilt il proiniscd to be:

accomp:uning the tric). Today I knew whilt wits ((Itiling.

thcli· wah a |111-ge pond in the middle where the water

11> I :l|wavx did. 41(·vic woilld convince Ine to join her.

waf ilig ht:11-ting to fire/· Mici. Water lilies, pink Jnd

And I wotild probablv let her. At ](·ast I would ])lit 11]) a

whitt·, llc).ited on the still ,ic·t· with dew .icic,t'iii lig- thc·ir

wemingh 1('111('tant imilt.

peta]%. lhe perilneter 01 the pond wax lined with 1-(·((1%

"You know w'liat happened last tilne, Htevie, and i[ 11'(·

and 11],il·sh(%. in which waterbil·(1% luci !11,1(le their

get (.ilight wc will be |)111111(·(111-0111 (c)]iling out on the

lic)Int·$. Th< 4.14% was 101]g and do/(·11.4 01 vabbits

trails ag,till |)' c)111-*ch·(·s."

munched cont('litedlv. Thi· calh of kivi·(·14. 1,ill-I,il·(1.

"But we won't get caught. wi· never h,tic. 11(14icles, it

ancl kniket·1.4 filled the chilled :lir with sc,liA 11.4 they

\\'ill all be worth it. The cle:iting would be No magic·Iii to

1)111\!111|v ch.14(·d one another bencath the 1)1·unch<·0 of

11 (lidn't take nillch for Htnic to convince ine to

01 111(· 1 )11.%11 c) acutch. %1(·vic and I .Ntood in Hilence 111 the

the ti-ccs. I had not before thix moment hearcl liu· voice

colne with her. She had .1 W.1)(,1,4('tling pcop|c in on her

edge 01111(· wre litic'. awed. st,11'ing- incrediblv at 11,11111-e's

wild 3('11('inCS ber:11 i Ke no one ( 2 )1 lid refi.%1 her fun-loving


:Nlitticle to life. A 111+te (,1 'ic )1'hidden fruit Met·\(·(1 (,lily to

lennifer Hopkin.. 32':1 12

411'cligthen her resolve. %1(·vic had a way of firquentlv

grtting herhell' into deep water, 1,111 always managed to get out of it. 1 therefore found her :1(1\7(iltlit·(·4

For Year 12 at Loreto


1 [cv, wher<· are vou going No fast?" 41(·vic itsked. non said unt wanted Ic) :c) t{) the ('lcurilig (licl].1 vous \Veli, 111 race voli there.

I knew 1 )) Ilic· way ]'(l )1)(i''s cars {lic·kered :ind her leg-s pranced that Nlic con|(! 12·(·1 the excitelnent. the thrill (,1 the lia·. \Ve inoved 10 :1 64 canter and » I arellt||V

The a>((·ilsion into 32·111 12 is like fulling Ic·avvi l'he Ii·aveN have kii<nui the irce for M) 1(,lig.

For (lan and (121\'s, vi·:11 % and yeli]-0 ihear (1,111(·altogether in the \vind. liu·v know· ilic,) alit c'ling to the tren fore\cr And .No ther sav goocll)ve

hinked back over nn, shoulder I haw dll.Nt th'ing 11]) from

Falling to tl/(1 gn)1111(1

1 )i·11(·ath 1'(7)1)(·14 hind h·g<. Through the ('11)llc! 1 +Im·

\Vailing for the 11(·winvgn·v

%|evic'x hemn.Med [ha· and conkliA help grinning. 1

\\'|lich will touch their liu·,4 w·hi·n t|,(·) |(·ave.

gliesS I con|(1 11(· Allt])t'i.ing too. As I predicted, we did 1-1111 intc ) 11-0111)|c :lt l iu·(·c ( :ows

Paddock. The cows gic·cted i 1% with incliffurence. 1,(·ppet spied the 1)1111 firft tilid promptlv I)llc'ked. tenified. 1

\ic thank God for 0111'.%(lic,01 lives. \\hic']i have |)(('11 No lic,11· mid clear to li, And :ire v)on to |)(' taken |1'oin 114.

11('211-|v Ic).ht lin scat 1)111 111,111,ged to gl'Ill) 11()1(1 {)1 her rein.4 in tilne. .\11 W (m'(1 111(· 1)11|1 1)(·g'2111 ('11;11-ging and

\Ve thank 'mit for ilic· 11-ic·11(lxhil)% and tlic' 11,11)1)inc

21| tlic)ligh his legs were Alic)1'1 and stocky, he was |21%1. Verv

%('hoo] haN brought.

1,1,1. Ilis 11(ixtril,4 11,illy! with ung-(·r and white foinn

\Ve ad< th,11 ive in,n go on living \vith (,lit linnilic,4,

appeared lit the corners of hisitioilth. 1,cA get out of here!" yellccl Stevie, Illging C ,()111,111('Ill' 211()1111(1.

1'1'i(11(1% and Mandevilli,1114.

In {)111 hearts and Illinds. 0111 ((1111,1gc· Illul {)111 ('()11%('1('11(-/..

'6\\'licir to? I shotiti·(1, trving to keep the dcsperati·

1),illic thai 11'21% building lip iii nn throlit froill 41)illingolit

M,inv lind it hard to say, but we have loved thi pal toi

into mv w )ice. Wc were two hundred metres 11{)111 0111(·tv

our life.

aint w<)1[1(111 1 h,i\(' tillic· U) (}peli the gate M) get {)lit Of

\\'c Inn (· loved Loreto,

the p.1€1(1(,c k. The billi woilld vion be lip{)11 114. 1Ve

Even through the ]11,111, h,it-(141 lips.

(1{)11't haw much time," 1 6-asped, this time not making-

We have had special 11 i(111(ls, '41 )ccial te.1('11(·l X.

am' effort lit,ill to keep the terror froin mv voice.

.And we have E,recl c )111- 1 )(11.Xonalitic·X with (·ach (,ther.

7:(,ine on," 41(·vic· colimunded 21% Alic g.11]oped tc)\Vilt-(1>, the gate. Nearing the g-,itc she le:ined 1 01'ward. rising- 41(,idilv

(;od. the %(·llc )01 ve.11-0 11.1,(· flown ils by, \Ve trust in You ,

in the saddle. For a ](\1 111(>int·lits she and Comitticlic

\Ve have faith ill Yoil,

werc I,it'borni· before ]Iincling- gracefullv oil the other

\\'e are comforted ill the knowledge thal we have 1121(1 a

Micle. Altlic,ligh Stevie is a grcal 1 icl€·1 . 1 ('c illictil't believe she inack' it and I wondered lic 1-\(,u.Nh if I could do the

98 LOREI'O · Mandeville Hall

1,1111:1*tiC- tinli·.

14()111ii(· Ck)1111('1]111. Yeal- 12


0 Amy Killen (Y12)

I Arm Rinnnrinn t'/11 j

Tina Vanspall (Y 12)






.1 1



Edwina Scanlon (Yll)

Vanessa Von der Muhll (Y12)




r 42/45

Annie Merrylees (Y12) 4




Annie Merrylees (Y 12)


Amy Killen (Y-12)

Grace Beacon (Y10





Bornie Savage Tina Vanspall



A j


Andrea Ka iviotis

Year 12 Studio Art Leah Betts

'vy VH

EAR J >9-


10.-1 · -,· Aisling Fay

Kate Edmonds


Leah Betts (Y 12)


f Julia Dehm (Y12)


&349& +SJOIA./ /: t'Ar'. n4.IC'.Ibly'. Claire Southall (Y12)

Alice Papaluca (Y12)

V C EArt


#% rk

Alice Papaluca (712)

Edwina Scanlon (Yll)

Caroline Wallace (Y12)

Drama and Theatre Studies




The Drama Dep.11 tment h.1.4 11.1(1 1111 ext 1-emelv



itic c cuesful ancl Ims>· vear. 111 Mav, the Wat· 12 \'CE

Iheatic' %111(lies (11» performed Alivophanck 1.)'sistrat.1 in Mandevilic· 1 Iall and a munber of Year 11 girLS \verc cast in the Xavier (R)11(74(' production of

['artillic· by Moli(·re. 140111 prochictions went extremek well and received great reviews. The k·ar 11 1 lic·atre

Studies c 1.,si .ilxo perfornwd Shakexpearc·'s .\3 3(,u Like It in October at (:|lapel Off Chapel Theatre. Pi·.thran, in which a liltinber of Loreto Atticlents ft'Oill \2211% 9 to 11. mid bovs to)111 Xmier. were also cast.

Manv Year 7 and 8 girls took part in the jililior Iliterhouse Di.una festival. All houses xtaged fantastic

productions and Congratulations go to the winner. Mulliall, who pei t(,1 med The Witches bv Roald Dahl. All

Tournament Of Minds 2000 L-R Lydia Killerby, Diana Bowman, Brigid Coleridge, Rosannah Healy (Facilitator), Emma Simpson, Yvette Haikal, Ilmi Hatnayake, Kate Stowell

stitilents from Years 7 to 12 continued the tradition of

participation iii the PAF. Held at the Melbourne

Winners State Title and Honours

Concert Hall, tile student-led productions demonstrated high standards and proved why the night i emains one of

in National Championships

the biggest events on the School calendar.

Special thanks go to Ms joan Morgan (Head of

35 V

Draina). Mis. Robvn Kin· 2,11(1 Als. Janine Gedcle.. who

])lit hours of tiveless (11(11't into each production. Megan Downing (S< 11001 Drama Captain)

Tournament Of Minds 2000 L-R Hannah Coleman, Samantha Lau, Emily Varrenti, Jane Tehan, Caroline Jones, Kathryn Sharpe, Jane Matheson >.:.

Facilitator Mrs Marilyn Tsinidis

*L 1 g

0 191

iIi qi


Tournament Of Minds 2000 1 -¤ nihni nharrnana Wannah, Parrn-1, o Cion \A/hutc,

- ./ L/Ill'll L-'IL-Alll'LqjU, I'L4'Illt..LII WL..4!IL.UUU, Ult-Ul ..Il'.,

Megan Downing (Drama Captain) and Kelly Lennon in costume for

Kate Gangitano, Jennifer Nguyen, Tracey Pahor, Lisa Aranha

their roles in "Lysistrata'

Facilitator Mr Nicholas Frigo

102 LORETO · Mandeville Hall



4 - *Ai: t®d- Debating Melbourne High clidn't know what hit it when Loreto re-entered its region after the Lailliston region was dissolved. While our Auccess this vear was not as

taligible as in 1999, due to Melbourne High's fierce

Competition, we definitely faced a greater challenge and succeeded in other ways.

rhe debut 4(111%011 for Yeal' 8 WaS especially conmienclable in light of the fuel that thev were


coinpeting ag.tin>t 111()1(· experienced Yeal 9 Atticlents in

A Grade Debating 2000 L.R Georgina Coleman, Jane Stewart, Emily Smith, Annabel Smith Bonnie Connellan, Katherine McMahon, Belinda Bowman Absent Cassandra Fry

D (;racle. Special cc,ligi'lititlatic,liNgo to D GradeTeam L colnprising- Stella Gray, Hannah Coll'lmin, jane Matheson,.jane Ii·han and Carnlitic Bainbriclge (Year

9). who not only {inished on 1(,p of Melbourne I ligIA hicider bilt proceeded to the State Quarter linal+. I lere

Teacher Mr Malcolrn Farnsworth

the,· 11211'lowlv lost on a split decision when two of the adjudicators .iwill-ded the debaw to the opposition. and t|1(· ()tli(t' t() 1.()1't't().

Yeal' 10 git'14 colitilitled to gain conliclence,

particillarly iii advised topic debates. with C Gl·.tele lk·am

I of Kate Tilley. 1.(illise Dempsey, Cecilia Condon .111(1 Alexalldra Suffren fillishing Ynd on the laclder. jilst missing out on a place in the finals. The Senior debaters continue to be strong competition as thev moved up


into A ancl B gracles: one B Grade (12.,1- 11 ) train won a

debate· by an absolute landslide of 10 points (debate* are rarely won by more than 3!), whilst both Year 12 teams succeeded in ensliting all their secret topic del):ites, no


B Grade Debating 2000 2nd Row L-R Katherine Senior, Claire Richardson, Natalie Grant

Hosannah Healy, Georgina Molloy, Daniela Panto Front Row L-R Sally Vines, Joanna Patocs, Catherine Ryan Absent Renee Garuccio

matter how dral) a topic, were anitising and definitelv eiiterraining.

Interhouse Debating was exceptional. thanks to the

eight Interhouse Captains and Vice-Captains being the most organised in history. Mulhall. with stiong and

Teacher Mrs Margaret Smith

promising Year 7 and 8 leams, won the junior Division, while Ward continued its Senior Shield winning streak.

The Debating season wouldn't be as enjoyable and organised if it were not for Miss Hale: thank vou verv

mitch for vour tinie and effort. All debaters appreciated having vou at debates, always reliable and reach· to show

jitterv Loreto gil-13 the wav to their deliating rooms. Thanks is also extended to the individual train teachers:

Mrs Thompson, Ms Paterson. Aline Watt. Mi Farnsworth. Mi x Bennett and Mrs Smith. Thank vou also

to the superb Interliouse leaders: Katherine McM.ilion. Emilv Smith, Vanessa Condello, Cass<ilicll'11 Frv, Vanessa

C Grade Debating 2000 L-R Alexandra Suffren, Cecilia Condon, Elizabeth Ames,

Kate Tilley, Louise Dempsey, Felicity Whelan, Yvette Haikal,

Von der Mi,1111, Ancile.1 V.17. .111(1.1.ilic Stewart 1.ast, but definitely not least. thank you to 211| of the dedicated debaters and good hick iii the years to come.

Camilla Hopkins

Who knows - perhaps Mulne of 0111- til)-and-coming

Absent Amanda Cumbrae-Stewart

debaline- Mar>; will go on to be future World Debating

Teachers Mrs Margot Thompson (Absent),


Georgilia Colenlan (1)( 1),iting- Captain)

Ms Kathy Paterson (Absent)

D Debating Grade 2000 3rd Row L-R Jessica Price-Purnell, Jane Tehan,

**41* te

Sarah Stonehouse, Anthea Scully 2nd Row L- R Georgina Martin, Lucy Kenny, Katie Joubert,

Stella Gray, Dominque Spanos, Fiona Tracey, Emma Gandolfo Front Row L-R Tenielle Hedley, Leia Bonacci, Hannah Coleman, Prasanti Kotagiri, Stephanie Davis, Alexandra Sweeney, Lisa Aranha, Jane Matheson



Absent Caroline Bainbridge Teachers Miss Leesa Hale, Mrs Anne Bennett,

Mrs Barbara Watt (Absent)

LORETO · IMandeville Hall 103



3**2 , 2>4

Julia Kortt (Y 12)

Anna Fox ( \/12)

£ F b

Bonnie Savage (Y12)

VCE Art & Studio Art V

Anna Fox (Y12)


t. 1

t t


Krictin-! ac Flannov /Vl 9

Edwina Scanlon (Y-11)

Arny Noonan (Y7)

Renuka Rajadurai (Y9)

Samara Madden (Ylo)

Alison Smitheram (Y8)



Caroline Luiz (Y7)

Tanya Chaves (Y 10)

1 -aura Wagg (Yg)

$5YD.NE .. Anneliese Weinhandl (Y7)

Katie Nicholson (79)


1 Year 7



10 Art


Olympic wall hanging made Dy Ms Rodek's Year 8 Art Class

Alice Trumble (710)

24/lu .//

Jacinta Demitriou (Y 10)

Jennifer Ashcroft (Y9)

Cecilia Condon (Y10)

House Sport Captains And Vice Captains 2000 2nd Row L-R Alana Spadaro (Ward Vice Captain),

Claire McLennan (Mulhall Vice Captain), Laura Riley (Barry Vice Captain). Madeleine Scanlon (Mornane Vice Captain).

House Debating Captains And Vice Captains

Front Row L-R Eliza Suffren (Ward Captain), Megan Downing (Mulhall Captain), Sarah Dyson (Barry Captain),


Michelle Funder (Mornane Captain).

2nd Row L- R Katherine McManon (Mulhall Captain), Vanessa

Condello (Mornane Captain), Emily Smith (Ward Captain), Cassandra Fry (Barry Captain). Front Row L-R Vanessa Von der Muhll (Mulhall Vice Captain), Aindrea Vaz (Mornane Vice Captain), Georgina Coleman (Ward Vice Captain), Jane Stewart (Barry Vice Captain).



House Captains

House Music Captains And Vice Captains 2000

2nd Row L-R Caitlin Noble (Mulhall Captain). Rosannah Healy (Mornane Captain), Georgina Molloy (Barry Captain). Nicole Lee (Ward Captain). Front Row L-R Joanna Patocs (Mornane Vice Captain), Charidini Kao (Barry Vice Captain), Natalie Grant (Ward Vice Captain), Johanna Shembrey (Mulhall Vice Captain).

House Junior Drama Captains And Vice House Paf Captains And Vice Captains 2000

Captains 2000

2nd Row L-R Amy Killen (Mulhall Captain),

2nd Row L-R Siobhan Blewitt (Barry Vice Captain),

Aniiabel Smith (Ward Captain), Jiaping (Jenni) Fu (Barry Captain).

Celia Doyle (Ward Vice Captain), Elizabeth Corrigan (Mulhall Vice

Alisha Hnatiuk (Mornane Captain)

Captain), Sara MacLeod (Mornane Vice Captain).

Front Row L-R Patricia Nigro (Mulhall Vice Captain), Beth La Brooy (Ward Vice Cap-ain), Andrea Kaliviotis (Barry Vice

Front Row L-R Samantha Barrett (Barry Captain),

Captain), Emily McLeay (Moriane Vice Captain).

Captain), Rebecca Green (Mornane Captain)..

106 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Courtenay Tyrrell (Ward Captain), Bridget Allanadale (Mulhall

Sport 2000 Sport at I.MIl plavs a huge part in the Selloon

identin' alld repillation aniong- cniwi xhools and the wider conununity. 1.Mil is regal·decl Its {)11(· of the top competitive girls' schools iii Melbourne and this 'Ill

reputation is .1 1-(flection of the great number of 1,211'ticipants, excellent colilinitment 1113(1 overwhelining determination in all girls who invoIrc theniselves in M])()1 t.

I'lic aim 01 sport. at LMH is to offer as niany options

as possible for stitclents to get involvect. There are manv

opportunities ranging from, Interhouse carnivals which are held in the finest spoiting venizes in Melbourne, Interhouse Round Robins, Ititerschool competitions (including a diverse range of sports) and pli«cal edtication classes where gil-14 ale encc >111'aged to extend their involvement in sport outside of these classex. Illix velli· has Keell both an inara>e in p.11 tic ipation

numbers and success in LMI 1 31)(,i't. There have been many innovations to increase the k·vel (3' training in cill 4)011% and as 21 1'(Mult the slic((·Ax rate ofal] c)111- le.in™ has

improved dranmticallv. Special inentionx go to the

Athletics Te.im who won the (;PSVSA, the Open Ba>ketball Team who won the SCSA, two crews winning at the Ilead of the Schoolgil·Is' Rowing Regatta, the

Cross Country Team who placed N in the Z.SA competition, to name a few. All of these results would not be possible without the help and entllusiasm of tile

Michelle Funder (School Sports Captain and Vice Captain Athletics) and Megan Downing (Athletics Captain) with the Winners' Shield at the GPSVSA Carnival.

SchoolgirlA 2000. The entire rowing team. parents and non-rowilie Achool gills came to where we landed oill

boat, clmnting the new LMI-1 hvar crv'. There were approximately 200 people stilrounding the five girls in

inv crew, cheering- and c'1111)1)ing. The best thing Ill,c) ilt this was that we had come second. It is experiences like thist Imt make sport such a special and excellent thing- to get invokrd in. 1 Would like to t'lic()111-age evervolic· to

take the opporninitil·A that ale offered to them to tEel invohrd in sport, and I wish ciery°ne the best of luck for 2001.

Michelle Funder (School Spot-ts Captain)

PE staff. whoin I would like to thank greatly.

Next year, Victorian schoolgirls' sport will experience a dramatic change with the introduction of a state-wide 01'2'anisation called Giris' Sport Victoria, GSV. which will involve mam· schools ancl offer gieater competition and

Athletics Athletics 2000 at Loreto has been the Ationgest, most competitive squad the schoo] has ever xeen. '11-ciining

awarelless ofgills' sport ill Vict(,lia. The Collibillittion of

beg.111 with a three dav camp at Melbourne l.Niiversitv iii

the new coinpetition, and the beginning of construction 01'(,til- new spoits complex,will clic'()111-age improvement

.1,11111:11-w and continued until the end of Mav.

in all .ireas ot s],ort at LMI I.

Carnival at Olympic Park. For the first time ever, Loreto

One of the greatest things that l,MI I sport has ix spirit. Sport .11 LMI I i>; solnething that ix unique in

won the Carilival with outst:117(ling results on both an

()111 [irst major carnival was the (:PSVS.\ ,\thleticx

itictividual und le,lin ](·veL

uniting (,his and creating strong- bon(1% between them.

Our next inajor carnival Wa, the SCS,·\ Division 1

One inxtance, that 1 wHI never Ibrget from iny yeal-, at

Athletics Carnival .liter winning Division 2 in 11)1)9. Our

LMI I. is after the linal ofmv (irwk ,·ace .11 Head ofthe

ti·am ambition was to place well enough to stav in



Division I iii 2001. All girls in the te,Un competed extremely well, placing us fourth overall and achieving our aim for next year. The season's most consistent perforiners were selected to continue u-aining- and enter

the Alliance Games 2000. This was a f:intastic clay trn- all involved ancl many of our athletes reached finals iii tile eve 11 tA .

We also had an outstanding win at the Athletics Victoria State Relav Championships. Our l' 15 team won gold in the 4 x 40()m relav. Cong! citillations to lenillia McBride (Year 7), Lucy Ketrin· (Yeal- 9), Swah

Stonehouse (Year t)) and Alison Spence (ik·.11· 10). We would like to thank (,111' coaches \Ir Manfird

Lewandowski, Mr Norm Osborne, Mr Tom Hancock,

Miss Wendv Rickarby and Ms Angela ()'Shea. The victorious Loreto team celebrates its success at the GPSVSA Carnival.

Mrgan Downing ((:aptain) and Michelle Funder C /'ic /.IC :.4/,1.lill )

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 107

66 5


Senior Sport


(This page) 1.Head of the Schoolgirls'Negatta crew in action. 2. Swimming relay at the Aquatic Centre. 3. Sarah Dynon at Olympic Park. (Opposite page) 1. Gold Medallists Athletics Victoria State Relay Championships Under 15 Years 4X400m Lucy

Kenny (79), Sarah Stonehouse (Y9). Jernma McBride (Y7), Alison Spence (YIO). 2. Loreto dver takes the plunge. 3. Year 11 surfing excursion. 4. Mu hall cheersquad. 5. Samara Madden (Y10) rollerblading.

















.//a,Ada/"him"- Lha A

Athletics 2000 6th Row L-R Emma Champion, Laura Gleich, Sarah Stonehouse, Michelle Funder, Sophie Ball, Jemma McBride, Emily Trenchard. 5th Row L-R Chloe Ralph, Lauren Mihelcic, Jacqueline Funder, Alison Spence, Alexandra Wood. Kesiah Madden, Jessica Carter

4th Row L-R Amy Hayes, Samara Madden, Christina Meurer, Brigid Coleridge, A

Georgina Sinclair, Bridget Blackburn,


Karen Merwart

3rd Row L-R Anna Bryant, Elizabeth O'Dowd,


Sarati Dynon. Joanna Downjng, Kelly McBride, Mardi Taylor, Elizabeth Corrigan, Megan Downing, Nicole Jee

2nd Row L-R Sarah Keech, Meg Mactarlan, Alice MeNamara, Laura Riley. Claire McLennan, Krystal Sherry, Katherine Ellett Front Row L-R Kate Fetterplace, Jessica lerardo, Emily Tiernan, Madeleine Gardam, Alexandra Bingham. Georgina Balmer, Ngoc Le, Kate Sala, Lucy Kenny Absent Lana Cridland, Rachel Bachowski,

Christina Collard, Katrina Couttie, Caroline Jones,

Monique Leoncelli, Natacha Moussi, Ellie Paterson, Alexandra Robins, Adriana Syrylo, Maria Tsarenko, Emily Whelan, Dominik White, Sarah Wilsdon

Coaches Miss Wendy Rickarby, Mr Tom Hancock (Absent), Mr Manfred Lewandowski (Absent), Mr Norm Osborne (Absent), Ms Angela O'Shea (Absent)

Rowi 177

and to row hard. l·mch (1(·w lit|lilled thiN aim and nvo

cr<·wh u·in (,ve! the hne 111'4. ( :(11141';ull]Illic)114 N) NCI-il,1.4

liu· 11)1)9/20(H) 1-c nung v·,i>,on Int proved to be

War 9 (·i-(91 who won theii- dilihion.

10!ing 1)lit irwarding lin 211!. -I hi. %(i-* the MIl l Boat

\Ve \,4,111(1 like to thank the Ro\ving Connuitice. the

(lub welcoined 1/1% Marcli Ic·,dher>;ton. 1,1(·44(·cl the lic·u

patenth, &114· gil·10 and 1,11 the ('c)11('lic; who worked

boItt Pau] 110« and to»ted the deparitur 01 unt' 11111('11

tive|(.h to make our 1.MI I Boat (:1111) the (1(mlill.int

lou·(11)il·ector of 14(m'ing \1% Ic,xii· Millard.

chil) 011 Ilic· riverl),ilik. \\'(· wish tlic· gills the |)(·st ofluck

Ihe rowing wason commenced ill 1(·1'111 3 It)1)11. F.ach ve,11' leve] 1111(1('Irt·I'lit *pecifiC· illt<·1144' 11'ailling

camps 101- heli·ction. All gil-IN excelled in their rowing killv and thrit- abilitv to tillitc· i,+ a chil).

c )111- .lim for 1 1(·21(1 01 the >k hoolgil 1% was to row well

Senior Rowing 2000 5th Row L-R Sophie Price, Alice Papaluca, Michelle Funder, Edwina Scanlon,

Melanie Ringersma, Anna Flynn 4th Row L-R Zoe Croker

Samantha Dermatis, Aisling Fay, Kate Lonergan, Beth La Brooy, Krystal Sherry 3rd Row L- R Caroline Smith, Kate Edmonds,

Sara Clark, Madeleine Scanlon, Alecia Mustey, Catherine Dunn, Bonnie Connellan

2nd Row L-R Leah Betts Jane Serong, Georgina Coleman, Stephanie Maule, Simone Ball, Cassandra Fry, Louise Pearse Front Row L- R Patricia Nigro,

Isabelle Kitchen, Alana Spadaro, Claire McLennan, Vanessa Von der Mutill,

Mairin Sheahan, Sophie Serong, Laura Riley Absent Jessica Ries, Kristie-Lee Rennex.

Elizabeth Hurley, Jane Macfarlan Coaches Ms Josie Millard and Ms Mardi Featherston

110 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

for the 2(HH)/22)()1 9,lvil] 1111(1(·1- th(' 1(,1(ler+ip o[ 11% 14'atlic»ton.

Michelle Flitick·r (Capt.tin) and Alima Spactilic)


*tr 1 r...


fer 4



Year 10 Rowing Squad 2000 6th Row L-,R Jacqueline Funder, Anna Balmer, Lauren Prescott, Sally Brookes, Genevieve O'Connor, Louise Dempsey 5th Row L-R C hristina Meurer, Jessica Curtain, Elizabeth Ames, Amanda Cumbrae-Stewart, Eliza Nisbet, Millicent Chalmers 4th Row L-R

melicity Whelan, Laura Blewitt, Anne Bowker, Joanna Downing, Anna Hutchins, Kathryn Finemore

3rd Row L-R C 2nd Row L-

laire O'Dowd, Kathryn Lachal, Rosalee Oldham, Charlotte McFarland, Louisa Page, Jacqueline Reid

R Phoebe L pscombe, Laura Gallard, Lucy Ludescher, Maree Agiazis, Alexandra Suffren

Front Row L-R Jessica Buckley, Stephanie MeNamee, Romy Low, Caitlin Sheahan, Yvette Haikal, Stephanie Draycott, Stephanie Lord Absent Jacqueline Low, Jacinta Demetriou, Kathryn Tarnbull, Jasmine Gillespie, Annabel Doyle, Elli Hughan, Catherine Sullivan, Felicity Durham, Kate Tilley Coaches Ms Josie Millard, Ms Mardi Featherston

4 4


:4 0 »f

. 1;;01* i,#'


Year 9 Rowing Squad 2000 6th Row L-R Bridget Scanlon, Kristy Hodges, Kelly McBride, Megan Prescott, Sophie Ball, Christina Carey, Kelly Moore 5th Row L-R J ennifer Ashcroft, Elisse Jones, Hannah O'Shaughnessy Lilian Richards, Sarah Trenchard, Conor Mclaughlin. Clare Arbon

4th Row L-R Samantha Mustey, Kate Argentino, Jessica Price-Purnell, Dominique Spanos, Laura Wagg, Georgia Fillmore, Amanda Schultz

3rd Row L-R Jessica Foley, Frances Anderson, Jane Tehan, Alice McNamara, Sophie Groom, Julienne Lacava, Emma Gandolfo 2nd Row L-R Cla, re Gibbs, Fiona Tracey, Jessica Marchesani, Gabrielle Berends, Kirstyn Campbell, Stephanie Davis, Alexandra Sweeney

Front Row L-R Jessica Gamble, Andrea Pahor, Ailsa Landers, Leia Bonacci, Beth Nathan, Katherine Rawling, Eliza Ralph, Hannah Keely, Jane Furze

Absent Renuka Rajadurai Coaches Ms Josie Millard, Ms Mardi Featherston

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 111


Hockey action.

Junior Hockey Team - Runners Up ZSA Final (Back L- R) Caroline Luiz, Nicola Rawling, Caroline Jones,


Elizabeth Franklyn, Rebecca Edwards, Natalie Chani. (Front) Alexandra Catalano, Chloe Ralph, Mary Buxton. Alexandra

Illis ,(·ar Iii)(ke> hax continual to gicm. 1,(·c'(,ining

Bingham. Hannah Carrodus.

one of the major spons at 1.MI L The KclionG three ti·.11110 -.}11„ior. 11]1(,1111(·diate .ind %(·ilior - 11]1 had Illirk %11('('(»1'111 \C»()11%.

Special mention ilitivl)( macic ofthi limic)1 11(1(-kn 1(·aln who, under the direction 01 Mi» \Vend, Ric k,ti-In.

mitch· it to the Grand FinaL |)Ill wa. 11111(,itltillitch

(1(·Illited in the 121%1 five millittes 01 play. The Iii t(·11]ircli,ite Train w,14 c c ).ic hed 1 n Mi + Fclic·itv

Friclinanch and the henior Tcain by Mr \'ick .Hinith. with

the .t%«tance of la,i ve.,i·+ 1 locke, C :.11,1 .lin. C)li,ill Burns. 11(,th te.,111* ilnproved ch,unaticalk clitting the colit.(· 01111(· 0(.Iv)11..111(1 11.11'1'owh ini.((1 0111 ,)11 ])111(<% ill tlit· finalh.

Hockl.\ 11'aining- washclcl .lt 11,1\\thonillocke, lic·Icl

even \\'c·(!lic·din. 'Ihis \vit, 1,(·11(·[icial iii ilnproving plau·IV «ilb; und led to the xcla-lion ofan Open Ti·,tin. \vhicli ('(,Ill])(·ted in the 1411(INUUM Chip Tolll'!Unnellt.

l'111(,1'tillillic·lv, wc wer(· tlimble to proceed into the next rotind. having· 1>cen ([c·Icated 1,1 1(,11411 (,1)1)(,·ition. \\'c· woulil like to thank all the coaches al,(1 ilinpires. w-ho gave v) much tinu· ancleli<),-1 to tlli. u·:11·'N lic)(-ker %(':14()11.

Emil, hillith (Captitin) alicl Kve \Villi.tlilh (Via·-Captain)

- k

Physical Education Week: Staff versus Students Hockey Match.


1.91 96., 4-



fi i t*Ft• 1 0, 1... 9, .A> ..4














0,0 -0




.... .





Absent El' Hughan Coaches Miss Olivia Burns (Absent), Mrs Cathy Hunt (Absent), Mr Nick Smith (Absent)

112 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Basketball 1

it lam training xessions Miss Wendv Rickarbv and $

Mr Ed Best were not the most popular coacheK on the court. However, 1(,c)king lit what we as individuals. as well a< a team. have achieved. it wits weH worth getti ng 1 t]) at



that early hour. I.MII Basketball has wall, come Illive thiN mear with

exticinely satisi,ring results. The j Imior and Senior ['cam. 112,1-rowlv inissed out on .1 spot in the /SA linal, I lowever. 0111 1 litermecliates dic[ 11% proitd bv not unh

i *4

falk·lv Mi c 111·ing- 1 17 e i liselves a place but .11%0 coming c )1 [t as


Premiers, assisted bv their anch M 1- Ed liest.

\11(>ther highlight 01 c )111- .cluM{)11 occurred when a mixed tram madc· tip of 32'211-% 9, 1 I and 12 girls

reprisclited 1.MII in the SCS.\ in the vilior rection at MN,\C. Getting- through to the grand final we nuniaged

Basketball 2000 2nd Row L- R Anne Bowker, Angela Crowe, Edwina White,

Michelle Funder, Emily Portelli

to win bv 3 points in the last few Acconds 01'the gaint·, an

Front Row L-R Amanda Schembri, Phoebe Crawford,

experience none of 11% will cu·r forgi·C

Greta Lacava, Claire McLennan, Samara Madden, Alana Spadaro

\\*(· are now excited 111)(,lit entering a tentn in the

2000 M(·1)011,ild 's Champion \'ictorian School (:111, where each .,MN„c i.,tion in \'ic·toria i, represented ill a

Absent Ellie Paterson, Frances Power

Coaches Miss Wendy Rickarby, Mr Ray Buckley. Mr Ed Best (Absent)

1*,st of Ihi· 1*,4 cc,iiq,<.iiric,ii.

1.txtly, we woulcl like to thank :,11 the gill% who have

inade (1111- job M ) c iljoval)le over the pint wal: Special thanks to Miss \\'ench' Ric·karbv, Mr Ecl 11(·41 and \11 Mark

1.1111.all for their colhtant Aill)port und o )ritilitinclit to cach alid everione of 11.+

Gret,1 1.21(',11,1 (Captaill) and Claire \1('1.('1111,111 (Vice-(14 )mill)

Volleyball It lun bern a %411%.ttic )11.,1 ,(·ar for \cdle,Inill .11 1.(,irto

with itic·reased littliil)(·1·% p,liticipating in both the Sc·Iii<)1· and Atitilor 1-cams. It was gl-cat to *ce 50 111:111, enthtiNia>;tic lic·u· faa·3 at the ric·c·kh· 11.tining· se>,sions.

I h c· competition proved to be challenging Vet ('11 jovable, r

111](1 rexuhed ill In,lin· C·IC,M· mat<·11('M between the schools.

rhe >U·niot·. Ilitermediate 1111(1 .lililic )1- 72,11iiN .111

competed in th,· 7%.\ hoine and awa\' 111,it('11(·M, with much flica» along- the wav, .ilic! fil]:11|v· in the %( h.\ mne Round Robin. \Vith each game, thi· skills ;11 icl

teamwork improved (11:11}lliticallv as the gill. gained nunr confidence on court.

Our thank, go to the coaclic·%. Mr Alon Kitiser. \Irs Felicit,· Fti·cliti:111(1% and Mrs Cathv 1111:11. for their

Volleyball 2000

expel-tife and ongoing rupport thi'()11ghout thi· war..\11

2nd Row L- R Andree Pianta, Maria Tsarenko. Sarah Wilsdon,

the hours thev have put into u'ailling all(l planning has

Laura Gleich, Andrea Kaliviotis

clisill-ed a ver, Allic'c'fiful alic[ cic'lightful .hi,1.Non. Thanks

Front Row L- R Jessica Cuttler, Aparna Ravinutala,

11|No go to al| the gil-1% who Glowed all incledible Ilinotint

Rachel Bachowski, Jiaping (Jenni) Fu, Amelia Johannes, Lauren Matthey

Absent Jacqueline Koutoumas, Michelle Podbury Stefanie Fitzgerald, Katherine Johannes. Katherine Mann Coach Mr Alon Kaiser

of sportsmanship alid cleclication. Volle>bal] ha a promiNing future at 1.01-(·to and I hope the learns continue to grow. C;(,c)(thick'

liaping *'lilli) Fu (Captain)

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 113


%ellic )1- te:11]1% thib st'.14(,11. I'crn' >R-alll(,1-1 and Natalie

Flegg were also of inillicir<c valiti' in ilicling the growth and Alica.» of the Senior teains.

I-he I..\111 NctbaH 44(]11.1(1 accomplished litillicic )tls other Alic c c'ANch in Neveral compelitions. Each te:1111 reprewnting- the varic)110 agr g-rollph plc)\('(1 competitive at the Victoriall %(11(1(,Igil-K Nell,all (:1,1111)etition c·,11-Iv in 1-ti-iii 1 with the Jc·.11- 9 .111(1 10 learn. coached b, Mrs

jetmic· 111,11. reaching the linitls. Like·wise. the Open 11':im coached In \11 + 1.(·sle, (;ille•Pic. entered into the SCS.\ Division 1 C ,*i,ilii],ic )11hhips, Illid narrowlv ini.sed the (h-and FinaL fillihhing.,rd. -A-



Senior Netball 2000

\Ve \0-i,h the I.\11 1 \( tball %([ll,1(1 2111 the 1)(·Nt for the Illttll'(. ah it coillitilic'. to groW .ind Ntic'ligthen.

4,1111.,litha Dermatis (Capt.lin) and Madeleine

3rd Row L-R Anna Ba,mer, Michelle Funder, Edwina White,

hatilon (\'ice-Captaill)

Katie Maguire. Edwina Scanlon. Sally Brookes, Anna Hutchins 2nd Row L-R Alexandra Suffren, Amanda Cumbrae-Stewart,

Alecia Mustey, Samantha Dermatis, Jacqueline Funder, Madeleine Scanlon. Emma Stewart. Melanie Dalheimer

Sc,ftbal 1

Front Row L-R Kate Fetterplace, Megan Downing, Joanna Downing, Jacqueline Halpin, Sarah Dynon. Alana Spadaro,

I'lic jtlt)9 40|11).111 4(·114(,11 for L.\Ill u» an enjovable

Jacqueline Reid, Eliza Suffren

onc. clespiti· thi· lack (,1 Ntic (·(·si All jitilior. Intermediate

Absent Ellie Paterson. Jessica Ries, Amelia Hartley.

and >;i·nior tran™ ])Ill'ticipated with entlilisi,1%11 1 :111(1 gave

Alexandra Stafford

Coaches Mrs Lesley Gillespie, Miss Natalie Flegg (Absent), Mr Terry Scan on (Absent), Miss Sarah White (Absent)

encouragement to their fellow trion m,lic.. There wa.4 il 11()tiC-(·Ill)|(· ,111 11)ttl)(1 illll)1(,I'(·111('111 Itk)111 (·\'(·1\' t(·111]1

mcinber. which w,14 ciiclent in thi'>;enic )1· gil-14. with the

vic(-chs in their final game. brating- Shelli,1-(1 £ 1 )11\ ilic inglv. Al,(·cial thank. N to be extended to \Irs Felicitv Fel-clinandi 11% 1.is.1 Ritchie and Aliss \\'ench

Mic'la-In lor their l.ti1lit4tic· coaching· 01 all te,trih.

\\'hiht %(bitball N not a (1(uninant Mport 111 1.i\II|. ii iA encouraging 1(, 0<·c •u) mativ girls intercited m the game


and ju· wi%11 the g·irb even %11((-c·4% in the flitilic.

Himone Ball (Captaill) und Litill,I RHev (\ic/-( '1])tain)

2()00 Ims proved to be :i inost >•11('c'('>,Alll] 0(·:1.%')11 for

the 1.MI I \,11)1111 1(·11]114 in rach of the ;,tlic)11% agr gi'<)111)5. Ihe I..\111 \(11)1111 4(lil,Ict inahnitilic·(1 our ti-,iclitic)11,11 91-(Ilgth in the /.%.\ colill)('tition and

continued to be olie oil the 111(,4 1)()1)111,11· 01)01·1% ill the c hcd.

l'he.Jililior te.1111.4 had il vic((N\1111 9.14(,il with the A te,un re.z<I,ing 2,1(1. 14 te,nu lth anct C te,Hn .,1.c| on their iliclividlial 121(1(ters. .\I,ilir thank, 10 11. Ang(·1.1 (,c·imna

and Nal·ah White for their Iissistance to the gills. Si ini],11|, the Intli'Intcliatcs h.icl an cqualk 111('nitive scason, with 111(· A tivin winning a plc'inicijhip. C learn

filliNhed runners up. and the 14 li·,1111 11,111(*·11 mifhed out on litials. litii•ihing ird on the 1:1(1(le . The involvement 01 lil'+ lennic' 14,111 liticl M. Angela ()'Shea proved of gre.11 1)<111(·lit to the gil lA (levelopment ill netball. and ther are to be tlianked for their continued


eflorts and tilic,ill-ilgement c )1 the gil]N.


Great AticceNS wax achieved bv the Mellior licil),111

... >,

tra]11% 21+ both the B and C tean™ %<·cured vic torv in the Grand Final over Star of the Sea. Whibit the A te.1111

tinirhed :11(1. thev alv) proved to be highlv competitive. The lit·w appoilitnic·lit of 11 1-% 1 .c·xle; C .illespie ah the

nmnatret- 01 13111 Netliall k a strong Step Ic)!-ward in tile

Senior Softball 2000 2nd Row L- R Lara Signorino. Andree Pianta, Kate Maguire,

Edwina White, Hope Milchman, Madeleine Dowling, Julie Bentley, Simone Ball

Front Row L-R Melina Shenoy, Miranda Hindle, Sarah Wilsdon,

Sc'hool'% (1(9(-lopinent of the Kport, 2,4 her Nupport .111(1

Lauren Matthey, Nicole Dwyer, Sarah Dynon, Laura Riley

1(·adership proved chxi·litial in the achievements of tht·

Coach Mrs Felicity Ferdinands

114 LORETO · Mandevilie Hall

tri. rennis Overall. it was quite a pleasing- season for the Loreto landeville I kill 2000 linnis Te.tin. The Junic,1- -Ic·imi

i·am. coached bv Mr Roger Gill performed wrIL The itermediate Tram, coached by \11-sjoan Rvan, Alic,wed

efillitc Nigils of potilitial. jurt missing out on the ZS.\ rek]¥ competition finals, with two wins, two losse. and €11-aw.

The ZS.\ Round Robin at Melbourne Park allowed

w gil 17 to face new competitori The lilti·i-illi·Cliate ram 1-ose to thi· occasion. placing 211(1. the juniors 4th.

)11 the contrary. Mi- Ric hard \\'al ker 10<t a few hairs over ic· Senior Tennis Tram, who placed rith (,lit of Mix „ hools. at the filine Round Robin. I lie Senior 1(·am

Senior Tennis 2000 2nd Row L-R Madeleine Dowling, Edwina Scanlon,

Edwina White, Kate Maguire, Anna Balmer, Mia Cusack Front Row L.R Phoebe Crawford, Jessica Curtain,

Miranda Hindle, Anna Fox, Amanda Cumbrae-Stewart,

placed l.lit-1, ilic)(Ic'i'atelv at the TCAV Round Itc )1)in, also hekl at Melbourne Pill-k. l'ilic,1 11111.itch·, the (;1)%\ 9,\ Round Robill Wits clec'lared It wash c )111.

\Ve would encouragr more gil-1.4 to compete in

Jacqueline Halpin

1,·imi. tic·xt war, 1'11,inks to (,Ill- fant,Ixtic- coache. Mi

Absent Alexandra Stafford, Amelia Hartley, Georgia Foley

C .ill. \11-% Rvan and Mr Walker for their suppon

Coach Mr Richard Walker

tlin)ligholit the >,(·11%011.

Anna Fox (Captain) und .\Iii-anda I[indle (Vi<(-(:,,1,1,,111)

1,4 444.

•444 ,



Badminton Although the Badminton season clors not (,flicial], 9,111 lilitil Term .1,11,ichilinton (:]111) ilt lillic'lititne 'itaited

befure this, thanks to the he lp 01 Mi + Cath, 1111111 and Mrs Natalie (:aluso. Everv Tursitin· lutichtime git-14 from

all vear lewis come to the g'vm .ind have fun practising and plaving 11.,chilintoll. The practice 1111* canhed .1

dramatic i,11])1(„'(·inent iii the gill< scrving and hittingskills.

\¥c would like to emourage all girb; and leachers to

participate in Tuesdav hmchtimi· Bactininton Chil) thiN year. and in future ve.11-s, 11% it iN .111 t'lljoVal)le game to

Badminton 1999


2nd Row L-R Sarah Ho, Jiaping (Jenni) Fu, Anna Balmer,

We look forward to a Atic'('essful 8,1(1111inton Acason

Maria Tsarenko, Jacqueline Reid, Truong-An Pham

and thi· promising future the Loreto Baciniinton Team

Front Row L-R Patricia Nigro, Ngoc Le

ha.i N) offer.

Absent Maree Agiazis, Uyen Nguyen, Belinda Bowman,

.jiaping (Jenni) Fit (C ciptaill) and Sarah llc } (1'ic-(,4,1,,in)

Tuong-Vi Pham, Neela Velan, Rebecca Pereira, Clare Noonan, Alison Regan, Lauren Trumble Coach Mrs Natalie Caruso (Absent)

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 115

4 6 <Tr >


Open Swimming 2000 5th Row L-R Amanda Cumbrae-Stewart, Lucie Chalmers, Kesiah Madden, Hannah O'Shaughnessy, Anna Mansour, Jessica Noonan, Alison Spence

4th Row L-R Samara Madden, Kate Argentino, Millicent Chalmers, Jessica Curtain, Stephanie Hagan, Lauren Mihelcic. Madeleine Carney 3rd Row L-

R Megan Downing, Lucy Wilkinson, Stephanie Sheldon, Jessica Toates. Claire Gibbs, Sarah Mizzi

2nd Row L-R Alexandra Suffren. Hannah Keely, Kate Fetterplace, Cheryl Holt, Rosemary Hopkins, Claire White Front Row L-R Eliza Suffren, Meghan Keary, Stephanie Lord, Anne Bowker, Amy Hayes, Amelia Curtain, Caitlin Mios

Absent Emily Hodges, Amy Noonan, Stella Gray, Siobhan Blew·itt, Charlotte Mcfarland, Anna Smith. Dominik White Coaches Ms Megan Holt, Ms Lisa Miller (Absent), Ms Rachel Thomson (Absent)

4- 101' Division . p],1(·ing 11>, (,th overall and 1,11()11'ing 11% tO


compete in Division 1 iii 2001.

I liN u·al-i >,will]Illing gy-m Imied with a training'

Girls who switin consistenth wel| 111 i: :ca.(,1 1 were

('Illilp iii .]annarv at NI<,11)(,Ill·ne (,1'11]jilnar to 1(·ad 114 1111(1

111(·11 felected to compete ill 111(· Callic Ilic' All Schools

(}111' 111(IN! 411('((·04111 %(,14{)11 1(·t. ()11('c' 0(-11()01 Ht,Itted.

( :h ,1 1 11]) ic ), 10 114 ) s and 1 lic· Victorian AH %(-lic ){)1% Relinrf. All

11·ailling continued at (:,1111!ield Grainnur until the end

gil-li 4walli extremel, well, with Nevel-al girls 1 )1(,541-eNng

01 |'('1·111 L After heveral Minal| invitational nwets, (,Ill'

colipetit:on Heason St,lited with the (;1'%\'%.\ %\vilililing

into the finals. Special congratillatio» go to .|TRica C hil-taill .111(1 1<li/,1 .41111-1-( 11 who represented Lorcto at the

(hu'llivai :lt \1.4.\C. \Ylicir we ],1,1(cd lith a,<,tilht .4(,inc· 01

\ic:(,lian Al| Schoolh Ch,1111],ic),ihip; after 1,111(·ing in

the 1()1141-rot ainuning- Mhook in \!clbounic.

the top two in their ('\'(111% at the (:litholic·.\11 %(13()014.

liu· biggevt//c·(·t 01 111(· .w»,on \$'21% *11(· 9 14\ Di\ixion

Ovel-al|. it W.,4 .1 f.)171:Nic season uith main gith

1 Nuilixining (:,tillival. ThiN vear \5·c entered the (:1,1 nival

x\\ i 1 11 in i ng 1,4 1-4011.11 1 )(·41 1 )('1- 1 (unnance.4. 1 1.111, t h,11 1 ks go

with one maill aim. to place high enough to remain in IliviNion 1 for a second vear in 21 1-ow. \Ve placed ·hh ill

tc) c )111 c c ),ic-lu™ M. 1.iq Milli·r and \K \Ii·gan I Init.

the.Junic,i- Division. Sth in I litermecliate and -lth in ilic

F.li/,1 9 111 ren (C hiptain) and Megan Downing (Vice(hil)taill)


Bronze Medal Relay Winners Catholic All Schools Championsh-ps: Alexandra Suffren, Dominik White, Jessica Curtain. Jessica Toates

116 LORETO · Mandeville Hall


- 2, 2 4,t 24-/al. 1%

79 -r. A. 4

6 %6








Surf Life Saving 2000 3rd Row L-

R Millicent Chalmers. Lauren Mihelcic, Jessica Noonan, Anna Mansour, Kesiah Madden, Lucie Chalmers, Jessica Curtain

2nd Row L-R Courtenay Tyrrell, Mardi Taylor, Stephanie Hagan, Samara Madden, Alice McNamara, Eliza Sutfren, Beth Nathan Front Row L-

R Meg Macfarlan, Cheryl Holt, Claire White, Amy Hayes, Kate Fetterplace, Amelia Curtain, Raffaella Baker,

Alexandra Suffren

Absent Samantha Barrett, Anna Smith, Ellie Paterson, Dominik White Coaches Mss Rachel Hoy and Mrs Cathy Hunt (Absent)

Surf Life Saving On 29 Febrnarv, on a ven- hot 36 (ligire dav, ·10 1 .(,1 cto girls headed to Brighton Reach for %111*f Lifc

a 7 )(·cial mention to Ke 4.0 1 M.,(Idc·! 1 11'llc) placed 211(1 in the Brach Flags, and jessica (:lit-taill 211(1 in the 11·on \Voinan. C )111' ti·am. fillislic·(1 -lth, 811 2111(1 lith out 01 12-1

lai». With our A te,un (]lialihing tor the linah.

Saving trainillg- 1111(1 4clection,. \Ve Swain. 1'2111. 1),uldled.

['he Finals wel e Ill,0 hekl at Mordialloc lic·ach and

plined beach fl:lgh. 1111(1 bv the und. cienone u»,

we com] )( ted i n al| even 1 % itgai li . D.,'€·1 i'nne t ri ed h ill'(1

exhatiftect. -three I.JIll trams Were c ho,4(11 to CoiMpete

1111(1 the ic'%11]14 %11(nved when \ve ame (ith in the >;tate.

in the Metropolitan Round of the hitci'sclic)01 >hu·f Life

Everv girl went holne W'ith a big Xmile alter a reall\' fun

Saving- C Immpionships lit Mordialloc Beach.


i he Metropolitan Round happened to be another hot (lai. Some of the events we competed iii were: the beach flags. beach Mprint. 1'1111-swini-run. iron womati,

1,MH is hoping to organifc· some ti ,tining sessions with Brighton Life Saving Club later in the war. linv I lave# and Kesiah Al.iclclen

board relav and wade lelav. Even· girl did verv well with

. p.e'll

Year 11 Physical Education: Natalie Bossong, Caroline O'Connell, Amanda Schembri, Chloe Podolakin, Anne-Louise Benstead.

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 117



1 r

LMH Snow Squad 2000 Back Row L-R Miss Jayne Webster, Kate Tilley, Jessica Carter, Emilia Savage, Bonnie Connellan, Gemma Pantaleo, Remie Cibis, Catherine Sullivan, Natalie Carter (Captain), Candice Carter, Stephanie De Oliveira, Andrea Pahor, Leia Bonacci, Felicity Conlan, Stephanie Lord Front Row L-R Mr Ashley Savage, Sally Hartmanis, Natasha Simonds, Harriet Fell, Alicia Simonds, Danielle Cooke, Anthea Fell (Junior School Captain),Lauren Benson (Junior School Captain), Jacqueline Micallef, Charlotte De Oliveira. Mrs Cathy Hunt.

Skiing \\'111,1 a 1,1111»liC viou 9,1.4011 1,·c had thi>, ic·,11' l'he

[ht-oughoilt the kiing AL·ason. thi whole Ski -11·am clid (11 , land 1 1.lining- everv litc·%(lin alter xclic)01. l'he Acnior %( ]1001,1140 t r-ailic·(1 with thc ( 10» ( .(,tiliti'\ Iluin

Mic,W Was .11 its brit ...will for Mt. ili Iller. Australia ' \Ve

twia· a wee k. As ])11-1 of the training· sc hecittle. the Snow

had .1 %<'11%.itioll.11 he»,on. 11(hining in,un lailt,1*tic

%(lit.icl alv ) hacl two weekench lit \11. |ilillit when iw

res„lt<..]i·Nca (hu-ter calne I'lth in the Division 2 (;it·li

trained for Alpine (·\'cluN Itiul ,)111- xecond diN(·iplinc.

Sticm+1){),11(ling. I ni,111:,gi·(1 to linish 1(;th cnit of 1(37 girls

E.ach group was :INSig!1(·(1 2111 illfil-11(tor who he|ped 11%

in Divi.ion l .\1])inc. Stephanie Dc Oli,(·iral efforh with

ancl tanght 11% lic·w wkill.% 1111(1 111( tic-4 for either Alpinc.

Ilic· Bullet Raa· Squad were wwIll-decl with a 4211(| placc

Stic)\\1)(,21'cling, Moguls rn- C Lic)%45 (lountn racing.

in the Diviion 3 Girls' Alpinc in a field 01- 208

On our lit'st weekend al Alt. litiller. time trial. werc

competiton. Charlotte De ()]i,·c·irn linislic·(1 iii 2:iici

conducted on SU Line racecon™·, foHowed 11; a parn

place and Nat,1%11.1 Simonds finished in 4 71 h place in the

in the evening :,1 111(· Abc,m l'('st.,til-ant lor telim

32·ar 4 atid l ticict· Divion froin a lield of 168

111('inber& and thcit part·1115. The junic)]- Achool Skiing

competitors. Alicia Ninionds was (,111 1,141(st Division 4

Captitins wel-c .115() annoll,Ked - 1 ..illl-(·11 Belison :111(1

(;ill>' .\]pint· coinpetitor linishing in Sht place allic)114

Antlic·.1 FI'll. On most competition din·h ilic weatlic·1· wits

250 other 1-11(I M.

Clear one illitillte. then (·Joil(h und ovct-cast the next.

l'hix vear we had H) competitors in the \Ic )<4111%

Thi wax not too bad til,le volt wel·(· 1111|(,1-tilli,lic

(Ic'litx. Main girb, tried thix event for tilt· fir,Mt tinic thi,

cllciligh to 1)(· c {)114)Cting (1111 ing tlic· 11](,1 r c )\ c i-('ID,1

vcal- and all fillished with good score. C .11,11-lotte De Oliveit .1 was t he best placed. coining 18th in her event .

()11 behall-(,1 the I.Jill >hiow %(]11.1(1. I would like to

%1111) 1 1.11-imanis. tic)111 32.11- 2. wa>, the onlv.111!liol- .4('130(11

thank all the parcuts who helped bv being 1-ace officil,14

Cross Countn competitor. She raced for Ilic· first time

or ti·am lii.111:,gers. Thanks .ilso to Mis \\'c·bster and \Ir.

over tht· 1 kilometi-(· coni-st· at Corn Hill Road. The

S.Ijage who made the LMI I Snow Squad possible!

('(,ill·xc· had to be relocated their due to the thi'(·at 01

\ BIC.; cong-ratillatic)11% to Al.1. the 1.\111 Slic)\V Sclillicl

inore Snow! Catherine Stillivan, Stephanic 1.(,1-(1 and

Tram who participated in the varic)11% racing events. Yon

Kate Tillev conipeted in the Dividon 2 Git-]h' C i-osh

1111 did 1-c .Ill, well illid 11()1)€'flillv had a great time doing

(1),11111\' and nunaged to tini>;h 1,% a te,1111. cro>,hing the


line together and 1)|caxed at having Con*leted the 3 kilometre courhe.

118 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

\'atalic C :111'ter ((.lpt,lin)

Fencing (Junior and Senior School) L-R Alexandra Cottee, Dilini Dharmage, Julia Hughan, Renuka Rajadurai, Yi Wen Qian,

Rachel Rodrigues Coach Mr Pieter Leeuwenburgh


tlic· war. not onlv on an individual ba•;ix. 1)itt 2,1,40 as a

Cross Country

team. 1 he war finislied 1,1-illianth· with L.Mil winning·

The world ix dark :ind the air is terriblv cc)](1.

the final competition at the ZS.\.

Melbourne ix still fast .isleep. That is, except for the

Sincere gratitude is extended to Mi- Ed Best, Mi

LMH Cross Countrv te:un. This is jitst .111(,thel- 1-(,litine

Ashle,· Savage and 11+ .Jillia (:tillin . ()lit' c c ),lche4. who

Monchz· or \\<cllies(121; 111(31·iling· for the gil']A, 21% thev

willinglv gave up their time to ('11]tivate the talent within

C11(1(,1\'(1111' to complete .1 seven kilometre run or

tlic tealli al 11(,th ti,Lining lilid colll1)(-·titic,lis.

witlistand an intense circilit. all ()1 whichis verv famili.11

(:ongrattllittions to evervone and good luck for the

tc) thi· girls.


Ihis hard ii,iining definitch paid off as some

C .lit-iwina Collard (Capt.lili)

excil](lit lestiliN weir achin'c·cl throughout the collt'Mc· 0[

4 01¢f




42910 A1i

Open Cross Country 2000 4th Row L-R Bridget Scanlon, Kristy Hodges, Kate Lonergan, Michelle Funder, Sophie Price, Hannah O'Shaughnessy, Alecia Mustey 3rd Row L-R Sara Clark, Kate Argentino, Laura Gleich, Alison Spence, Kesiah Madden, Louise Pearse, Lauren Mihelcic 2nd Row L-R Anna Bartl, Christina Meurer, Samara Madden, Caroline Smith, Anna Bryant, Alice MeNamara, Emily Wallace, Kate Fetterplace

Front Row L-R Danielle Carew, Tahlia Madden, Claire White, Gabrielle Lamont, Emily Tiernan, Eliza Ralph, Katherine Rawling, Stephanie Maynes, Grace Mighell

Absent Melanie Ringersma, Claire Ogilvy, Georgia Foley, Dominik White, Jessica Foley, Natalie Albantow, Christina Collard Coaches Mr Ed Best, Ms Julia Cullity (Absent), Mr Ashley Savage (Absent).

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 119

Water Polo

Diving The year 2000 has not only marked the turning of a

.Although we did not have the 111(,st %11Cces<ful seasoil

new century but also a new success for I.MH Diving. The

on the scoreboard, the 1.MII Water Polo Team enjoyed

te.un for 2000 was not only lat-ger than previons trains

a fun tilled period where evervi,oclv's skills and

but :11,40 ,1 very talented and committed group of girls.

coordination hnproved out of sight. Our two trittinph,

1 his team consisted of manv of the Senior girls, but alic)

wel e in our Iii st game against PLC and later agailiNt St

11 11-trat lillinber of the junior girls, which ix a great

Catherine'x, when we defeated both schools by large

iliclication of the |liture lor LMI I I)iving. F.arlv on

m:,1 £,ins and tlills; booxted (,lit- confidence in our ability.

Scilm·din' mornings (even the cold ones) at I larold I lolt

Even though we were not as All(.'C'('M.%1111 Ilgaillst the other

Pool, manv girls proved their Akill. and (1(·1(·1-iliination iii

schools, our 1(,AN<·M Were (111]v by small 177,11'gins and

training led by myself and Mrs Mc,nic.1 l'hom. The

evervone tried their harclest. All the gil-1.4 Alic)11]cl be

hnprovement of' lili gills over the Meaton Was ill('redible

cominended for their efforts in tilliling lip [br the carly

alid manv promising diverN were (liscovered. Loicto is

Monclay nun·ning- ti'Mning se,;Kion>, and for their

llc,w recognised 11% a sigilificant Achool in the sport 01

<)111,1.ilicling 1).11 tic il).ition lilic! A1)()1'1%111,111%hip .It all

Diving, and al each of the Competitic)11, the

games. S],Trial thanks to Ms Ang-cla C)'Shea and 0111

perfc)1'mances were oueNt,111(ling. Coming- equal :11·cl iii

funtastic coach, Rachel 11,111.

the GPS\NA 1111(1 7th iii the NCSA were great 11/|lin'/1//Clit>;

1 1-()111




Elint Suffren (Capt,zin) and Simone Ball


(VicEL Win'An)

performances were achieved by all the girls alld. 11% a result, I hopc to sce the LMI 1 Diving Team keep

progirssing, and I would like to congratulate all the xenior and junior giris on their pei'ti,1111,ilices. 'iIi,ink you to all c )111- supporters and coacho. Nicole Dwyer (Captain)

Open Diving 2000 L-R Grace Callaghan, Emilia Sala, Nicole Dwyer, Krystal Sherry, Alice Trumble, Amy O'Connor, Julia Pashula, Jane Matheson Absent Joanna Downing Coach Mrs Monica Thorn (Absent)

Water Polo 2000

4 ;1 4k *7 ,:Al j 'A - Pi '1

2nd Row L-R Jessica Noonan,

Sally Brookes, Madeleine Carney,

Alison Regan, Lauren Mihelcic, Simone Ball Front Row L- R Stephanie Lord,

Melanie Dalheimer, Jessica Curtain,

Jacqueline Funder, Ar-nanda Cumbrae-Stewart, Frances Power, Eliza Suffren


Absent Julia Mugavin, Emily Hodges m#*,B

Coaches Miss Rachel Ball (Absent), Ms Angela O'Shea (Absent)

120 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

60102 t)

Aerobics Aerobics in 2000 has been very busy and exciting 7 • 1,9 1=1 L


with a record participation of over 10() gii-ls competing from Years 7 - 12 at a variety of cliff e rent levels. This year, the Club farewelled Mrs Monica Thorn and welcomed aboardnew head coach Ms Kerrvn Cormick.

Aerobics is a tough and demanding sport that


involves a wide range of ability in strength, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance. I cong-ratulate every girl who has ti-ained harel lit betc,re and atter school trainingsessions and holiday ttaining. In partic,11211, Special congrattilations to the Dream Train of.Jessica Ries,

ChervI Holt and Kate Fetterplace, who placecl first in the Aero Sport All Stars cc )11ipetitic, 11, and went 0 11 to win the Australian Acrobics C Viampionship It is bcc ,tils€· oftlic chib'% cleclication to Acl'()1,ics that

Senior Aerobics 2000 2nd Row LR Joanna Downing, Alisha Hnatjuk, Stephanie Foley, Jacqueline Diamond, Zoe Croker, Alice Trumble, Fiorelle Amore

Front Row L-R Elizabeth O'Day, Kate Fetterplace, Cheryl Holt Absent Jessica Ries, Kate Tilley, Anna Hutchins, Siobhan McLaughlin, Elizabeth Nolan

Coaches (Absent} Ms Kerryn Cormick, Mrs Monica Thorn, Ms Hannah Sharrock, Ms Jessica Fetterplace, Ms Claire Nicholas

1.<,reto competes at Mitch a high level And, ofcourse, this would not be possible without the hard work of all tile coaches: Ms Ken-vn Cormick, Mrs Monica Thorn, Ms

I Iannah Sh,it·vock, MA lessick Fetterplace and Ms Claii·c Nichc,las.

Acrobics is a most rewarcling tram sport and I encourage everyone to get involved in 2001.

Elizabeth O'Day (Captain)

Gymnastics 2000 3rd Row L-R Rachel Semmens,

Michelle Smitheram, Kate Fetterplace, Stella Gray, Krystal Sherry, Alice Trumble, Nicole Dwyer, Stephanie Trikilis, Rachel Carew, Julia Pashula

2nd Row L-R Anna Brash, Jane Matheson, Horny Low, Edwina Olver, Peta Dermatis, Stephanie Pirrie, Lydia Killerby,

Carly Lagana, Ella Henschke, Jade Llewellyn

4? ,

Front Row L-R Nicole Travis,

Genevieve Naughton, Lauren Benson, Amy Ilyine, Anna O'Callaghan,


Stephanie Mermigas, Emily Richards, Grace Mighell, Danielle Carew, Chloe Gardner Coach Mrs Monica Tomm (Absent)


Richardx, als<, in Year 6 but in the advanced division,

linished 12th. which is an amazing effort.

CongratitlcitioliM to all the Mvinnasts this year, and to

The Year 7 junior Intennediate train con.Nisting of

our gyin coach, Mrs Monica Thorn, on ilwil· sitc'ccxs. It'+

Michelle Smitheram, Peta Dermatis, Ally Catal:inc),

11-trat to know niany girl; are involved in the sport,

1 velia Killerby, Stephanie Pir,ic and Ella I lenschke

tl',lining lit night after school. Many girls passed their

placed 31-(1 out of (*) other trams which i.4 .ilsc) a fantastic

levels this yean which is a great effort becallse working

effort. Well clone t o all t he gi i Ix who particip.1 teel.

on all four routines for weeks, then presenting thrnl

pettectly in front of' thejudges, is alwavs dillicult. One of the big-gest gym competitions of the vear is

Another competition held within the school, is the

Ilitc11'lic)lise Gvmnastics Competition. Anyone willing to participate can represent her House and compete in

the IGS Competition where most of the gymnasts from

j lillic)1-,

the club compete again>it iminv other Achools - 38 girl,4

Congratulations to Mulhall who won Intel'hou.Ne

represented the school and achieved very good results.

Gyinnastics this year.

The Year 6 junior team, consistina of Danielle ( larew, Amy 11>ine, Chloe Gardner, Annabelle Divver and Genevieve Naughton won their division competing against 68 other teams. Genevieve finished individual


Sen i 01



Well done to evervoile once again, and best of luck for the future.

Anna Bryant ((:aptain) and Patricia NiKI o (ViceC) t,ll 11 )

2nd and Danielle finished individual 3rd. Emilv

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 121

Ci icket 1 hih war the 1311 1 Cricket train 1,(·aked to .1 vt])(·11) high. The learn \uts entered int,) a regill,11- Frictin·

" 1,41 'l i .1-1 1

evening competition with the l.17 Vic torian \Vomelfs Cricket ,\Asociation. Ilw wilmers were dewnnined bv

the highed averag-(' 11'0111 20 ou·14. \Ve won our fil·41 galne with (mlv 5 1-111™ Short of a

crumn.,111(1.j:ilic 1111-/e Xcured a hal trick. A four game 1(,Ning Ntreak followed, (1(·.9,itc outstan(ling batting by Lauren Mattlicv and Georgili,1 14)1(1,111..Liciltlelim· Reicl'%

bowling, and top fielding I)\ Jacqueline Koutonmax .ind (lunctini Kao.

11!1 Cricket 21--2nd Row L- R Julia Dickson, Rachel Bachowski, Julien Gibson,

1 he (11-ought wah broken with a win Iner Kingston 1 Ic.,111 (2), then .1 ic >s# against 111-ighton 1·I,ist followed bv

a win over top of the 1.1(1(ler, Kingxton I leath (1). This

Lauren Matthey. Jessica Cuttler. Daniela Panto

game featured exceHent bowling Ii-om.julia Dickson and

Front Row L-R Jane Furze, Isabelle Kitchen, Jacqueline Reid, Beth Nathan, Georgina Jordan, Chandini Kao

tremendous batting from Beth Nathan. Another win

Absent Jacqueline Koutoumas, Louisa Sullivan

bowler }tilien Gibson at her best and exceptional

Coaches Mr Michael Baddeley, Mr Ed Best,

ficklers and pace bowlers jesfic·a Cuttler and Danicla

Mr Mark Bahr (Absent)

over We.slev (Glen U'averlev) Jaw our V)Ccialist Npill

i 'llitc).

At the end 01 our hea.%011. we liniNhed i·qual third on the ]21(1(ter, which W<)111(1 liever have been pos>il)|e without the ill(Xhallwil)|c effort froin the girls and (li·(lication fi-om the three '11's, Mr lialit . Ah- 14,1(1(li·ley alic! \11- Iti·Nt. Wen (1(,llc< gil·ls .111(1 thank+ to c )111- c c ).ic'11('K.

Rache] 1411(lic)\vski (Captilin) :111(1.Jitc'cluclitic· Rcid

Equestrian Club rhis \·cal- wax the xeventh war of the rellitivel, new

Equestrian C .1,11, lit i.(,1-(·to, and we Imve scell the Chil,s membership grow and i!1( l e.1.Ne 11-0111 Ill)(}111 10 Illellil)(11-4

to one extremely full milli-blib. ThiN p.ilticillal- club caters for thohe with or without the owilenhip of a horse. For those without horses, the \'14(: (Victorian

Equesti'ian C :ctitir) allows thein to make lise of their hui Nes. illtholigh we havenh ]),1 1 tic ipated iii am inter,Nchool competitionh (litling- the ('(1111-Fc· 01 the vear. Nome hig-lilights have i lic Illded .1 (:ross C k )111 111'\ less(,1 1 ill

tlic· paddocks. 21 pair. riding- competition (which ic·ted


c }111- c c)( )1'(lin:,tion both ()11 ()111- hol Ac :111(1 with c )111- c )t hel


1 ider) and lill}11('1 ous how jiliti])ing |c·AN<)114. The

Equestrian Clul) not olilv provide, the gills \Vith c'(111('ation on riding lic)i,ci. bilt al.4(, c'(111(11tc.% 114 (,lillie,

baxic ililliliti·nance of the hor,w and the requircinents 2111(1 needs (,1 this heantiful .11 limal,

Appreciation goes c )111 to \1% Lis.1 Ritc ],ic' 11 Iici MAs

.\11(11-(111 Ingli+ 1(,1 their input to the (.1111) and for their ent|nisilt.m at ('lic h 1 .al|v (lav.

ilchx.inch-n .St.Illin·(1 (C .tplaill) 1111(1 Genevieve <)'Comlor (Vice-Captain)

122 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Equestrian 2000 2nd Row L-R Ailie Jenkins, Dominique Spanos, Holly Dwyer, Genevieve O'Connor, Zoe Taylor, Stefanie Richards, Katrina Couttie Front Row L-R Kylie Wallace, Jacqueline Savage, Georg a Charleson Absent Jane Macfarlan

Coaches Ms Andrea Inglis, Ms Lisa Ritchie (Absent)


Music 200() Shakespeare was certainly correct when he Mitic|: "//

„11(.v<' be th<' lood 01 love, 1,lar mi, give me excr.%,% 4 1/7 Mtisici,ins at Lorcto Mandevilic· 1 lail have ic:tched gic'.11 height.4 thi.4 var.

Our illitilial im,Mic callip al 1),IF'|csfori iii Mav, for ·nior vlic)01 ill.41111111(litillists was tric).st beneficial, with

hours c )1 1,1-actic c Ic)*wring- the development 01-skillx and itilisicial™hip. Returning li) \(·11(,oL intenxe tch<·211'.4.11,4 continned iii preparation for the schools Music· 14.(·stival lit led, /?hap.wWy m /1/ue aud (;Wd. The listival itsell-was a great %11((cs>,9 (lemonstrating tlic tall·lit and decliration

01 (,vcr :50 Ilitisici:111% from both thejunior and Senior Schools. The idea of 1 haps{,dy, .ill 'exagge,·ated/r

Emily Smith (School Music Captain)

e//thusic/.ilic· /(//et-a//c·e (,1 #elitig' r//id expre,sum ' was (7)it.oini>ed iii 111.111)' of the night'.4 perfornunces.

phn·ing- insphing many. In Accond term the >;chool

This vear the anclience enjoved a wide variety of

welcomed three (horal guest ple.Nenters; MA Stisan

lillisical works 11'om manv different c·lisembles. Manv 01

P,nes, \1% Joan Wright and Ms Helen Todd. who

the Nchoors senior Imisic inscinbles performed

conducted several choral workshops. In third tenn the

challenging works to a very high st.111(lard, .1 ilibute to

%(-hool ball€ls. as well a.4 the 32.11 10 compo.Mition class,

both staff and stticlents. A highlight for many, iii

were fortunate to be able to work with umsician and

particlil.11- thcjililior School xtlicti111 ts. 'vax the combined

((,iii])(,ser Ralph Hultgren over a number of (lin'A. His

item - 21 chorcographed performance of exce]-pts fi'om

11,11„bovant approach to music and teaching- inxpil·cd

Lione] 11.11-6 liilisical. C)liver. ()11( hillich-ed :111(1 Neventv

great improvement from the bands.

junior >*hoo] stmlents took to thu Atage at Robert

Loreto girh have alc , attended manv ilivi litiwiltal

Illackwood I lall, {heir liu·k· shiging· :ic·coinpanied bv the

111.141('l- classes this yeal'. A group c )f Senior 17(101

Loreto Svinphom' Orchotra und the St·nior Ch<)it.

trumpet player< atic·nded a workshop at \11.( : 1-1111 by A h

In September, manv of the >R·Iiic)1· Sc]1001 111114icians

Garv Grant anct Mr l),in Iliggin, (Ilic· leact ti·Ilinpel ancl

took part in 11 lat-ge.]11|,ilc'(' \Ia. Ilt the Rod I.liver Arena

woodwinit phiver,; for the Marvin I |:ltillisch ()1'ch(·Ntl.i,

[(,1' Yeal 1 1 and 12 stlicic·lits 11'(,In Mellic,tiitic· C..itlic,lic

who were 1 ),ic king- 14,11·bra Sti·c·isand on her Allstralian

Achooll ManT +ChOON. pred<Uninantlv Xavier and

Ic)iii').It u»li |21111,1>tic opportililitv for the girls to |carn

Loreto, combined to nuike ll]) an orchest]-11 of over 1(H)

froin int('111,ttionallv acclailned 1111,Mici,lils. Alic) thi, vear,

which acconipanied the Miliging at the Ma>,5.

solne ('|,ithic·t 1111(1 Allxopholli· stlic!(·lits were able to

Another higlilight this )'car \vits the opportunity to

ittlend It master class headed by All' I lem i Bok at the

plar for a 1.11-ge and apprechuive audience ilt the Mont

VCA. hitch ('1(·111% ilic' v,1111,0)1(' and impormnt partH (11

Albeit Uniting- Cliltich 1,0 palt of the 1';11-iNIA .Hpling

the imphic lit 1.oreto.

concet t. The grow])% performing were thcm· who will bc

1 :vould like to thank illiA rear'+ ilitaxic leaderi

embarking on the European music toili- in.]anual-v 2001.

Annabel Sinith, C .u-oline Chen, 1.:mi-,1 Riley, Rosannah

Oul- allilital Sonat,1/Concet'to (C)ill'('rt featured

holne of the %('11(,(,14 more Nellior 1111,Miciallh pel l<)l ining

Healy alid l.licv Fang for theit' (),itstanding- 1(·aclership and Commitment to music at Mandeville.

demancling solo works. Many of these were

I wotild like to ex tencl my greatest appreciation to the

accompanied by the Loreto Mandeville I I.111 S, 1171)11011\

School'% 11]lisic staff whose continlled efforts. support

C)1-Chesti .1 and Sti'ing Orchestra. The concert was a

and dedication arc invalitable. I would like to thank

ttililite to tile dedication of the Kenic)1· 11111xicians .111(1

expecial|v our Music Secretary, Mrs jennifer Dickcon.

their teachers, whose el'forts are alwavs appreciawd.

and our Director 01 Music, MA Mary ()'Dl iscoll, for the

A new addition to the mu>;ic calendar. the C :hap<·1

huge amount ofwork thev have done this ve,11 .

(,OUCCrt WA>; 1111 ()])])Ortlillit)' 1(11- Stildent>; to ])(·11(,1-111

Finallv I would like to thank :,11 those who have made

chanibel- imisic |catuling particularly 11111>dc for 1,1-11%,

my years as a Mandeville lillisiciall sc) en jovable. I have

and org,111.

watched inli.Mic at 1.<)1(·to u-ic)\#+ 11'(,in jil.Mt an 'c·xtra-

Milsic c'lisc·Inl)]c·x Inn'(· phnrd at lillic']nime concel'IN,

£ 111-1'iC'111,11- activity' into al] illl])1'(·Asive, alinost :lill.Izing

C),ik Parlour recitals alld at the School s t\Vo op€·11 che.

1(,1-ce. The fliter greligth of inusic lit Lorcto will be

g:lining- illl)1)1'tant perfunnance experience.

c\('111])|ilicd in next ,tillial'v M P.111'(I)(·an 1111!KiC tour to

\Ve have been Itick) this ve.11· to bent|it froill the

Rome and Filighind. Thi rsill be the Nchoon Iii·t

experic·na· and skill of gtic·st milsicians and :11-tists-in-

ilitit'imtional Innxic tolit' and is indeed a tremeti<1011%

i cricience. 11wse i tic'luded professional lillihic'ilins. M.4

achievement. I wihli the School'% 17111%icians and lililsic

Christilic .Jolil™ton 1111(1 X11.jel'frey Crillin, who worked

stall'the best of luck for Ille future, and thank them all

with the Kning .111(1 woodwind Nections respectivek. A

Ic n- what thev have given me. ,\M %1111kcy)(·:11'c woukl

wind quilitct I ic )111 iii( National Academy M Music

ilgic·c·, Itilixic Int.4 given 11% inuch to low.

visital the %(hoo] to give a ]1111(htilne ('c,lic(it. their

Emilv.Smith (Schoo] Milsic (11])taill)

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 123

Orchestras 2000

11(1/.291 t and Vivaldi.

\Ve look fonvard. with great excitement, to 0111- toiii

It „·21% a busv yet exciting year for tlic· 1.(,irto

il 1 .1.11111<in .ind all tlic· perfornmnce opportuniticg tlicit

Orche•;11-21%. .\1(,lig With alitilt.11 performanceS hilch 114 the Music Festival injulv. we have 1-c he:11-Med and perfonned

we will expelience. Being leacler thi4 ve,11· hah been incht eniovable. 1 have been able to work with musicians from

in 1111111\ different worksliops and concerts. 101- a wide

all vear lewk. and this ha.41)een :nost rew.11-cling. Th.ink

range of allcliences. 1).11 tic'lilal-|v in 1,1 eparation for c )ill

volt to our I lead of Sti·ingf. \11'4 1.eonic C :c)llc,lan. for the

overs<» tour lit the end 01 the u·,11.

wark She lill.4 done for oill- (,1-cheitra,; tillh ve,11'.

111(' I.(,Irto Simpholli· Orchextra performed .111

14(>.Hannall I lealv (trader of the Lorcto Sunpliom

exciting le],el-toirc at illis waA Mithic Fewival. /?hcip,%0(/1

(hchevia )

in /Nue und Go/t/. The themes o[ love .ilic! conflict were

('.p<'Ciall) evident ill (,ill' performances of '1'he MontagueN alld the C :21])111(·t.< bv Prokofiev. and 'Romeo and Jilliet' bv Tchaikouxky. 11 1('Mc· two famous ilitc'11)1('tations 01 tlic· sallic |ove Vorv wel-(· ven exciting to play and. I th i nk, 11 wondel-I l 11 example for i ls :11| as 1(,2 1-Iling- 1111 Ific iallf. of con t rast ing- expi c'Nic )114 in m lihic. btring >®dent>, have participated in Kewral mastet

(11,+MeN and work.hoph thi.4 vear. 1-11('M %(·NO]10 giVe an opporttillit, to perform to an liticlience .111(1 11|so to experienced 11]TRic'ia». who then V)elid time giving

ach'ici· on ilitti],1-('tittion. technique :111(1 general performance. Iii .11)111, the Hil-ing- C )tc hestra attended 11 In»®1· ch» bv Mr I |all·v· \\'in,!11(7. 11 \7(1111(·fc born allixt. teachcl· and conductor. who ligened to M'ver,l| 01

0111- senic,1- cellist< perfonn. A workshop for our 2-1-(mina

Loreto Symphony Orchestra 2000 8th Row L-R Johanna Shembrey, Kate Maguire, Veronica McGee, Madeline Tilley, Sophie Serong 7th Row L- R Elisabeth Hunter, Tanya Chaves, Samara Madden,

Emily Smith. Renuka Rajadurai. Lidia Vitelli, Emilia Sala

double bass xection \vax held in jul, with the American

6th Row L-R Claudine Wright, Caitlin Sheahan, Julien Gibson,

artiht Mr Gcorut Vance. and in h·1)1'llan our jitiliot

Jennifer Ames. Jiaping (Jenni) Fu, Jane Serong

vic,lilli,iN „cic gi\(·11 1('.44(,11,4 bv \15 (|il'igitic· }c)111,41011. .1

5th Row L- R Louise Rocchi, Emily Freezer, Rebecca Pereira

lit-Nt vic)|ini01 11'()111 tlic· Mell)(}11!lic %,1111)11(>in ()1(lichira, 111(·






opportlillitic,4 to perforin thix vcal- ill glialler ('110('1111)10

Paige Tyrrell, Hachel Carew, Anthea Kypreos 4th Row L- R Jennifer Palisse, Caitlin Noble, Jie Chen,

Melisande MeGee, Patricia Nigro, Andrea Vaz, Hannah Coleman, Laura Hertaeg, Annabel Smith

ah quill'tch and :11%0 IM *(miqmnig to Hunc· of 011!

3rd Row L-

4(·Iliol- All'ing and wit,(1 1)111\(·1'4. 1 1)('1-1<)1-111:111(( 211 the

Amelia Joi-iannes, Rosannah Healy, Georgina Molloy

OIcl l'!-c:,Nun litli|(ling during the exhibition. .1 7)7'rnun

2nd Row b R Amanda Fuller, Stephanie Trikilis, Diana Tung,

R Brigid Coleridge, Nicole Lee, Samantha Lau,

Dj Mole. w;iN verv well irc·cived and we wel-c· privileged to

Jane Matheson. Catherine Ryan

perform al Quer,A I lail. 1 ).11-Ii .tiji(·lit | 1 0114(·. 1(n- the

Front Row L-R Lucy Fang, Alexandra Cuttler, Katherine Joubert. Christine Hou, Bridget Blackburn, Chandini Kao, Stella Gray,

Order 01.\»tralia .\AM)(iation.

Jane Li

At the %011.11,1 Concerto Concert, the 1.(,1(10

Mmphonv C)!chexti·.1 accompanied .1 number of (,111

Absent Nicola Flook, Tracey Pahor, Ellen Nymyer, Hui (Penny) Wang, Lucy MeNamara, Katherine Johannes

bot perthriner. in v,inc chal]Inging \York. In 1.i!(1111.

Teacher Mrs Leonie Conolan

*44 4 t





String Orchestra 2000

St„ Cecilia's Orchestra 2000

2nd Row L-R Nicole Lee, Brigid Coleridge, Amanda Fuller,

2nd Row L-

Jennifer Palisse. Georgina Molloy, Hosannah Healey. Annabel Smith Front Row L-R Stella Gray, Stephanie Trikilis, Diana Tung,

R Rebecca Edwards, Tram Nguyen. Danielle Bouchier, Kate Sala, Zoe Taylor, Chloe Skalitsis, Brighid Fahy

Melisande McGee, Samantha Lau. Amelia Johannes.

Front Row L-

Chandini Kao, Lucy Fang

Madeleine Gardam, Bridget Blackburn, Vi Nguyen, Clare Walsh

Absent Hu

Absent Alana Agnew. Jennifer Ames, Hannah Carrodus

(Penny) Wang

Teacher Mrs Leonie Conolan

124 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

R Lydia Killerby, Alexandra Cuttler.

Teacher Mr Joel Migdal (Absent)

: 144 4 0-\11 choral gi-oups combined :it the lirst-evel- Chapel

Choral Ensembles 2000

C .(,1-Icert, held in our own Achool chapel, to perform This ve.11' 1111 Stlicients

1-om Wars 7-12 had the

Macred woits x i ic'h as F,11 1!'0s " C .ilitic]11( de.Jean Marine.-

opportunit, to be part of il,ecialised c lic)1'al cilstitil,les.

For inanv gillx Loretol Choral group>; hm-(· provided

l'he Year 7 (:hoir, a lic·w ilitisical group introduced this

('11 jovment. I l i( 11(lship :111(1 AltI)1)(n-t, and 1 wixh all gil-ls

u·ar. offered vounger 3111(lent,% an oppoittilliti to |(·arn

411('(t.%.4 in the flittlic'. Of ({)111·>c our Allic'(%,4 :111(1

bnportant vocal and perful-mance skills. >,imilarlv, tile

developitic·lit u·(,tild not have 1,(·(·11 1,{)%41)le without the

Scnior Choir and Vocal En,winble gives I.oreto gill>;

constalit help (,1 11% Man· C)'1)1-ix(·011, whose 1,21%4ion for

from Wars 8 10 12 a chance to work together and %11.11'e

filiging Ims helped lis lind iliN})iration ;ind jov.

1]wil' love of music:11 1)<11 Ic )1 171.11ic'c. \Vhilst invoking

Annabel >;mith (Senior (:1 1(,liNter)

colihimi·nt hard work and after sci 1001 relwal-%,ils. we .11,0

experience a wonderful fUeling- 01 creativitv alid jov. and

mimy gil-ls ('Mt,11)lish lasting ilitel-year level 11 ichliclshipi. .\11 ('11%(lii|,les lunr given solne outstanding per| (,1-171,il 1 c ('s 1111(1 1111\'c %111(lied 21 1 ,inge 01' 11111,4 Cal Ati les.

1-lic Vocal Ensemble was ilivited to perform at the Stolmington Familv Events Day, entertaining a large gi-oup of pcople on a Munm afternoon. I lowever, it was at the airmial Music Fextival where .ill ellsembles revealed their 11·11(' talent and versatilitv. 21> ther

performed pop, classical. tr.tclitional all€l musical theat re works. Thi A year the Ki l ls were also hickv enough

to have 11121>,ter cla,Xex with prominent Miliging clit'cctors,


Ms 1 lelen Todd and Ms.jocili \\'1-ight. who took „4 on a itilisical adventure :111(1 helped 11>M to develop (,111· Ic)(·ils an(l (tir(·(thni. Later in the ve,11· the Scnior Choir 11]No recti\((1 a

lesson from Constantine [Ac,laition, thc· Asscic-i.tte

Senior Choir 2000 6th Row L-R Jessica Young, Annabel Smith (Senior Chorister), Natalie Grant. Grace Deacon, Bianca Sabatino, Elisabeth Hunter

Profe™)1' 01 Chol·,11 %111(lin Itt the Southern \Irthodist

Uni,(·t-Mit; in 1).I]121., Tex.,7. SUCh Ments helped 11% to

5th Row L-R Julia Szondy, Emma Kingsbury, Julia Godinho, Katherine Senior, Katherine Joubert, Georgina Molloy

guiti a greater ilixight illic) 1111!Aical perfornmna· and

4th Row L-R Jane Li, Stephanie Senior, Julien Gibson,

r!711.111( ((1 (11 1 1' c c)!ilidence 2111(1 1)(1 1 c )1'111,111(·c· wkills.

Joanna Patocs, Cecilia Condon, Allie Jenkins, Camilla Hopkins

(learly such skills were recogni,ed when the Senior

3rd Row L- R Megan Hunter, Tanya Chaves, Mary Li, Paige Tyrrell,


rec i·ived



Mention at


1),indenong- 11.istc·(1(119)(1 and the \'ocal Ensemble won the award for |)('st perlk )1'mance o[ an .\tivi'.ilian work lit tile ammal Waverk·v F.ixteddfud. ThiN was a wonderful

Lucy Deng, Caitlin Sheahan, Sarah Mizzi

2nd Row L-R Anthea Kypreos, Briana Fitzgerald, Lucy David, Katie Rose Smith, Diana Bowman, Catherine Ryan, Jenny Dao Front Row L-R Caitlin Noble, Leah Lim, Frances Acance,

Hannah Coleman, Laura Hertaeg, Lisa Aranha, Chandini Kao,

achic'\'€ ilic li t as we were placed i 11 111 1 01)(111 section a long

Jane Matheson

with Mc)inc other more niattit-e, expel-ienced clisembles.

Teachers Ms Mary O'Driscoll, Mrs Anne Elliott

=424 131£ r F*





4 E



Vocal Ensemble 2000

Year 7 Choir 2000

2nd Row L.R Lucy Fang, Caitlin Noble, Caitlin Sheahan,

2nd Row L- R Natalie Senior, Nicole Jee, Laura Brown.

Katherine Senior, Annabel Smith, Georgina Molloy, Julien Gjbson,

Madeleine Gardam, Bridget Blackburn, Brigid Coleridge,

Joanna Patocs

Jessica Stagg

Front Row L-R Jessica Young, Diana Bowman, Paige Tyrrell,

Front Row L-R Meghan Keary, Lydia Killerby, Caroline Luiz,

Lucy David, Leah Lim, Frances Acance, Stephanie Senior

Jennifer Wong, Bridget Nathan, Rebecca Edwards,

Teacher Ms Mary O'Driscoll

Jacqueline Micallef, Jane Matheson Teacher Ms Mary O'Driscoll

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 125

Stage Band 20()() l'he I.(,tric) Mandeville 11,111 Stage 14,111(1 had a

plc)(hic'tive lilid eninvable vt·ar. growing lic)111 in sticligth

44 /- 27.73.2. .€.- i.. p, li 4.„.. l., ti

and litilill)(·rs from prcvious veal N.

Menibers of the .10111 1).111(1 ])clic>lined at Mont i\11)(·1-1 lillitilg C hilich 11% pan o| a concen In ])ici )111-ation for Ilic· 1.MI I .\Itiic Toili to lili Ic )1)(' in hunuu·v next :can 1 hc gunq, ga Iiic'(1 , .711„il,li'

perfunning experience. which will no (14)111)1 improve the qualin· of theil- 1111]llel'()115 ])(11'1()1'mance, C)\C'l'se,th. \Ve were i 117])ir.hhi·cl with the contribution of

Allstrallan Composel- all€1 imisichm-iii-residence, Mr Ralph 1-Iriltgren, whose entlitisia;m and vast experience was evident as we 1-Chi·at'sed val-ioll. stz'1(·4 of music htlch

11% 111/7.. rock and reggae with him. The advice 2111€1 ilig i lic tim™ thilt \11' 11 liltgren gave 11\ were beneficial and will ('llhance (,ill ])('lic)!111.111((' in the future. \Ve :1150 peric)1111(71 within the <chool lit thC w'Iil'£011 0]*·11 (lan and thi· occlisional music :Issembly g.1,(· 11% tile

Mozart Wind Ensemble 2000 2nd Row L-

R Caitlin Noble. Patricia Nigro Sophie Serong,

Jiaping (Jenni) Fu, Natalie Grant, Stella Gray, Emma Gandolto, Elisabeth Hunter

Front Row L-R Catherine Ryan, Johanna Shembrey, Caroline Whelan, Hannah Coleman, Jane Matheson, Sarah Portel

Rebecca Pereira. Lidia Vitelli, Lucy Fang Teacher Mrs Jennifer Meachem

oppol-tuniti t{) (1(111()1141]-atc the gi'(111-ing 411'(·tigth 01 the 4111'111('1- 111!Nic· (·11$(·1111)1(·N.

On behalf 01 even 111('lill)er of the Ntage 11.111(!. 1

wottld like to th;ink \11-5.Jennifer Meachem, who h.,4 411(M·11 No much (1(·dication and whoke enthlihi,nin make,4

being 11 111(·mber of tlic· band Ao much |1[li. 1 \jiN]1 t|W Inind everv stic c (·Ns for 2001. 1.nitia Rile; (I.cader

// // 43 / .




f .b:41 % 2 6 2

. t -4€ . h

'El Y


Stage Band 2000

Percussion 2000

3rd Row L-R Emily Smith, Caroline Whelan, Katherine MeMahon. Natalie Grant. Cecily O'Shea

2nd Row L-R Georgina Jordan, Rachel Bachowski, Julia Pleadin,

2nd Row L-R Samara Madden, Priya Lai, Nicole Lee, Jiaping (Jenni) Fu, Renuka Rajadural, Laura Riley (Leader) Front Row L-R Emilia Sala, Caitlin Sheahan, Diana Bowman, Alice Trumble, Sara MacLeod. Laura Hertaeg, Renata Anderson. Catherine Ryan (standing) Absent Lucy MeNamara, Clare Noonan Teacher Mrs Jennifer Meachem

126 LORETO · IMandeville Hall

Claud ne Wright. Julia Dickson, Paige Tyrrell Front Row L-R Rachel Semmens, Tess Mornane

Absent Lucy McNamara, Nicole Anderson Teacher Ms Rebecca Matthews

Symphonic Atid Concert Bands 2000 Im. been a ch,ilic·liging 1,11(1 1-tii-Ilicling veill- for both hz'iii])11(,ilic Band and Concen 14,111(1. plaving at Open Dap; ancl participating in workshops. For 111(,%(· in th(1 %, 1711)11(Illic 8,111(1. which Ims. for the pa,t will->4, bren known as (:oncert 14.111(1, having a new nanic· took It little gening taxed to. I lowever. cle.pitc the conflifi011. both bancix were al,li· to quicklv wttli· down and get on with what liu·v cio 1)(·Mt - making Ont.Ntanding music as thev have alwav, clone. For the greater palt of the vear. the, Ic )cliAccl their (·11(,i ts 011 the atilitial M lisic- Fc·Atival. which

1 Ir

all Ilgic,t'(1 H,th .1 211)(·11) night 01 ililific. \Ve welcomed .\11 Ralph 1111| tgren, a cc)11(lit(-tor and

Symphonic Band 2000

composer of xeveral of liu· works we have performed. 10

6th Row L-R Emily Smith, Cecily O'Shea, Natalie Grant, Joianna Shembrey, Alice Trumble, Louise Rocchi

conduct workshop+ with 1.c,i-etcA bands. The hard work :111(1 11(1(litic )intl rehears,11% proved to be time wcH Al)(·111,

5th Row L-R Laura Riley. Caroline Chen (Leader). Sophie Serong, Samara Madden, Veronica McGee,

as we all witne™·(1 the marked improve·ment of the

Elisabeth Hunter, Tanya Chaves

bands' 111 l,Nicalitv and st.,11(1.il-(ls. 111 C)(tober. C c)lic·crt 11:ilict (iN€·i·cd ilito the .\14()1).1

4th Row L.R Lidia Vitelli, Emilia Sala, Stella Gray, Rachel Bachowski, Julia Dickson, Ye Liu, Neela Velan

State B.111(14 14·vival where it deliveircl an (,1 Itv.ilicling

3rd Row L- R Caitlin Sheahan, Helen Beatty. Caroline Whe'an,

Katherine MeMahon, Laurer Matthey, Jiaping (Jenni) Fu,

perfornnince to lin appreciative audience. The high st.ilic!.11'(1 of imisic making. anclliu· fitic'(·As

Rebecca Pereira

2nd Row L-R limi Ratnayake, Stephanie Davis, Georgina Flood,

of the bands for 2000 would not have bern possible

Isabelle Kitchen. Priya Lai, Emma Gandolto, Renata Anderson

without the giliclance and sly,port of two wonderful

Front Row L-R Caitlin Noble, Jane Matheson, Sara MacLeoo,

Conductorx: \Il'.4 Jennifer 11(11('hein for %\ iliphollic

Hannah Coleman, Jie Chen. Patricia Nigro, Laura Hertaeg, Georgina Jordan, Catherine Ryan

Band, and Ms \\(·11(Iv Anderson for Concert Band. It has

bren a wonderful experience to be leader 01 %,mplionic

Absent Sarah Portelli, Julia Pleadin, Lucy McNamara

Band for this year. and I know it is one that 1 will always

Teacher Mrs Jennifer Meachem

reli ic'in bev.

Caroline Chen (1.rader of the Loreto Simplionic Bc,1 icl)


Concert Band 2000 4th Row L-R Emma Gandolfo, Natalie Chani, Vanessa Grooin,

Jennifer Ames. Emilia Savage. Lucy Wilkinson, Jessica Stagg, Megan Hunter, Jane Tehan 3rd Row L- R Renata Anderson. Leia Bonacci, Natalie Senior,

Julia Godinho, Emma Kingsbury, Georgina Martin. Emma Simpson Renuka Rajadurai, Georgina Flood 2nd Row L-R Stephanie Clark, Hannah Coleman, Emma Mulkearns, Katherine Ellett, Stephanie Davis, Kathryn Sharpe, Mary Buxton, Jillian Hunter Front Row L-R Clare Walsh, Jane Mattieson, Joanna Ryan,

Recorder Ensemble 2000

Stephanie Chiarolli, Jacqueline Bouchier, Meghan Keary,

2nd Row L-R Meghan Keary, Christina King, Elsa Musolino,

Monika Bognar, Monique Draycott

Jul a Szondy, Hannah Coleman, Laura Hertaeg. Joanna Ryan

Absent Emma Ireland, Kesiah Madden, Sarah Mann,

Front Row L-R Monica Lillas, Gabriella Farries, Jane Matheson,

Nicole Anderson

Kylie Wallace

Teacher Ms Wendy Anderson

Teacher Miss Deana Dodds (Absent)

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 127





Brass Ensemble 2000 3rd Row L- R Alice Trumble. Caitlin Sheahan, Laura Riley.

Emily Smith. Samara Madden, Louise Rocch , Emilia Sala 2nd Row L-R Leia Bonacci, Jennifer Ames, Rebecca Pereira,

Vanessa Groom, Renuka Rajadurai, Renata Anderson Front Row L-R Jacqueline Bouchier, Joanna Ryan. Sara Macleod, Georgina Flood. Mollie Buxton, Jie Chen. Laura Hertaeg, Clare Walsh Teacher Ms Wendy Anderson

Mrs Lisa Janssen (Adjudicator) presents the House Music Competition Trophy to Nicole Lee - Winning Captain (Ward House)






Flute Ensemble 2000 2nd Row L-R Ye Liu. Julia Godinho, Jane Tehan,

Veronica McGee, Sophie Serong, Rachel Bachowski. Tanya Chaves, Georgina Martin Front Row L- R Hannah Coleman, Emma Mulkearns,

Claire White, Emma Simpson, Katherine Ellett, Emily Freezer, Isabelle Kitchen

Teacher Mrs Barbara Johnston

128 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

Natalie Grant (Yll) performed in the band at the Opening Ceremony, Sydney 2000 Olympic Games.


Writing Competition Years 10 -12 First Prize Year 12


desperate. urgent. %17(' wanted to leave, run back to the hollw. Bilt .he ('c)111(1111. 1-he inlid felt ;1% ilit w.1. 1,11!ling

Still \Vaters Each time die heard the Ncreatil< 411(· 11(,lild chal.

jilst in (»c. Pilit whelic·u·r Nlic lifted the Iici the crving

vopped, and there win nothing their. Nothing bul ,ill ordinarv loilet, clean, white and Ailent. Each time she

knew it was impo»ible, Imt Alle ('{)111(hA help running,

checking. [liev had begun to think Nlie wass cram. 1-111, ning from [lie dinner table. from her room, one minute calm ancl

happv. the next agitated liticl spl-inting- clown the hall. She told tll<1"1 *he Ii·lt sick. She told them she neecled to

thi'ow up. 14(,inetinics sbc· clicl. out 011(111- and confuhion. At sclic )01 %1]e 1)|.tved foill' %(iti,ti-c, cli)(i,qi· 1),11| and

her down. holding· her. she 1,1 1%11(·d thicillg-h the water.

t hick and hi·avy. The Nc n ind.% 1/11 ah it ther' caint· 1 rom the centre, whi·re the trees p.liti·(1 and the 01!11 rellected. She forgot their warning, 111 )(,lit tlic· cltl,th. There wit+ a sticlden drop. 114 the bottom fell awav. Iler clothing ])111]cd her down. it seell,(,cl (11-,tji-11 to the mud. She tried to remember how to Mwim. to tread

water. Her 2,1 111% ached, her 1(·g-,4 bill'lied. 111(· 11(>iN(· in Iwi head screamed. tlitictiled. blinded her, The water tasted

s\#eet in her mouth. 214 her bodv began to 1.111 from the

warm knrr of water to the cool depths below. And still the ·leallis Colitilitled.

A. the evening slid over the ]).1(1(1(Ic·ks the wati·i tlillied from 1)1-own to black. (;lassy, oplique, quic't. Cavolilic· Wallace

tiggv. Slk· wb 'pit' champion. no one was faxter. but latch· Alic· h.id 41,Ii·n·(1 10 10.C. Iii ilic· middle 01 a i'lin she

would hon· Noincom· uning· 11(·r. Mottlv, then louder.

Fii-At Prize Year 11

inAN·nt. %11(· would look mound. chw·acted. 1)111 liu·re H» no one there. She would 10>,c..Ahe told 1|1(·11, AN· H»

bored with spit. She 41(}1)1*'(1 phning.


She ( (,11]dIA sleep at 1 lig-lit. The fcal· and the voice.

\Ve .11'c king on olit- backs watching the cloucts. Thev

wouldi] 1 let her. Slic got Nick. 'itin (1(nvn' the doct<)14

101-11] weird and Ii<)11(1(1-lill *11.lpl'.4 11% the)' chilt paw -

Maid. Hhen s] le screamed at the voices to stop they told

here, a lic )11: their, a clown; e\('11 21 X.liling ship over there

her slic was clt·litious. 7 hal NhAI be better roon, that

on the hot-in,n. Lving here in tile %1111 1111< Inadi· 114 both

thiligh j#<)111(1 be back to nonnal.

sle<·py, but drowsi i i cs+ 1 ,it ely affects (11 1-ic)% it)·.

The doctor. advi.wd rest and rel,tration. %0 tliei took

"Ellie. whi is the ki blite?" ask+ the chile!. She is five

her awav. To the country, a propertv with Alter]) and

re.11-0 old. She ix my baby sixter. and her imme is Nicola.

enilts. Yon call run .tic )1111(1, thev told her. the freh air

1 ain it.ed to answering her never-ending list 01

will be good for ic)it. There wax a 1,1134<' cl,kin Hear the

que,tions, but for Noinc reason the answer to thi,4 one A

fencelhu·. surrounded bv guin tiees. It u» cool away

ellisive. Of course. 1 know exactlv wh, the ski· A billi. 1

from the htilign· still. The shaclows Of the light in iiie

know :111 .lbout the rcft:iction of light in Earths

|caves played on the Millike.

annoplwi-c. I learnt al! al)(,1 It it ill Physin 1.1%1 war. Bilt.

At night they ate roa.t hunb .iticl wak·114·(1 1 \T while

111(,ligh Nick> i.% hmilit. 1 (lon't |)( liew %11(' lit'e(14 to know

liu· (t,ti-kiu·%% c)11txicli· crept in. 'Ihey toId 11(·1- %11(· w.14

all that. [t might detract from her M.liM. 01 \„,licler. 50.

1(,oking much better. Shi· 101(1 them dic was having fun.

what do I t(·11 her:

Slic· liked tlic lact that the toilet was (,litsicle, she ('C)111(111't hear the screamS.

We were asked a quntion something- like mv

clil(·inma in Religion c 1.13) 1.1.t veat , ton, \\ liat (10 )(111 tell

1)111'ing the day the Aliti Wax fic·1'('(·, (c)!lpitiling the

11 chile! il thev ask. 1.4 the Bible 11-11(·?', considering iIi:,t

wlic,le ky and the paddockN l,clow. She would lie bnide

we had hpclit aH ve:11 |inding out that (litite It bit of it

the clain, watching tlic· cli-ops 01 itinlighi creep like ants

wahil t? You callt May no. 1)lit you (-Ittlt Na)· yes either. so

itc 1-oss her arms. The ,#.uct- w.1% still, little insect+ did

what cio voll rav?

across it, the brown mud like worms I)(·tween her toes.

Now thlit I am iii Year 12. alld approaching- the end

IheV cliclift (livill'b her. they were happy to have hel- out

of m, sci ]<,01 life, I am hard pressed to work out what it

of the house.

was all for. I have spent alinost six vears falling out of bed

SometimcA there were frogs, little (>nes. l.'11(ler the

111 6.30 e\('1 i- 111(,1-liing and pulling on Im bltle illiiform.

11111(1, iii the mud. They macie air hubbles. popping mud

For ,11111(,Nt Aix vear,4 1 hau· Mal lor inore tli,tn five hourf a

c\(·rvwhcle. She won|cl try to catch thcln. 1)lit the) were

cla)' having inforination thi'c),in lit ine. with c)!11\ %111,111

xmaller than her little lingernail. She |ilici to xit verv still

breaks 1,(·tween, in bllic-c .ill)('ted n )(mis witb bill(· ivalls.

R) catch one. [tilt >,he alum. Ict it go.

h wah tlic· Nc·c'(,Iici last clay when %'w heard it. Shi· wils

1 liave 1,(·eli %111-1-<)1111(1(·cl 11 1)111(·-c 1,1(1 gitt every dav lor inoic th,111 11 third of 111\ entire life, 1]10.41 01 111(·in

wiliging on the 01(1 nrc. Solt froin the Nlin. It 4,0-ted

iglic)!-ing int· .Ind (,lih' a No verv precic)11% few act,1,11|v

quietly, thell girw illiti>ihtclice. Alic· \#,litted to ignore it.

caring tliat I exi.« IM it am wonder t}lat I c 11(Ic).4c· 1)111(·

Nhe tried but she failed. The clics were whimpeling.

clothes w'ithout even thinking when Vm (,lit shopping?

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 129

[he colour is ingrained ill inv ,'(·tv A-1, 1111(1 1 hit\(1

[lithe centle ofthe vard. a group llc)111 our ch» lie on their belliC·H ill .1 (il-(le. conc('1111-ating hard at a game

\\'hat am I to cio with all thi•; 114(·le•;+ ktic „Ic·dge llc)\,?

of lii.11111(·A jilht ill front oftlicil· llc,AL·%. 41.111)10 (10(·% not

1 can tell will whi thi· sk, is bltic. I know the Illomic 11111%%

interest inc. but %111(1(»th·% do and I forget that Mattis

of ('111'1)011. the capital citv of >4)1111llia. the re:1%0]h the

«unling with tile lind lun to the %;lldbox. Ah IlictHi

11-cat)' c)1\'cisailles (ic)(,tili·cl Ein-opc· to litic,ther war. I can

14('Ila 1111!1(1% ilic· .1 7,21(le 2111(1 pats the grollin! 1,('4icle her.

tell voil how the Ntory of Noah and the llc,c )(1 \\·21+

1 :tin good al making towers c) 1 :im .tlwinh ilic |11(1((1.

borrowed froln the F.pic of Gilg-;tinoh. or the defining

\Vhen we go Inick to ch,%0. 1 have crunched and

ch,11-11('teristics o| the (laffical period in 11]11,4ic. lilli w·hat

gra||(nved the green |011\ 1)lit 1 can Nti|] ta>te the

11)( iN.ill (11 that ifl can't think ofa Ni,1-11)1(· .111%\\-c'l lor thi·

11)4( 1/1111 \.

4nqC (liic Ailc)11 (,f ;1 c hilci

NIi<% 1.aily t.ike. c )lit 1).I])(.1- plati·4 2111(1 (c )1()111-ed paper

11 .1 child asks. 1+ the Bible· 11'11('?*, c)111' cl,ts, decided,

becan.Ne we are going to make maskf. We work iii

vou tell th(·In that it N true il ther belic·\e in it. No that

1,211-111,16. | Nec \latt sitting· i)) tlic· heater. ficlclling with

stillin ,litel-noon. I Shade inv eves and tcH Illi fister. "It 'S

his lace<. I think ofhilii ft)1- a 111(,ille]11 1)11tjessica Sluith

1)|lic for a lot of rear{)114. butiti still 1,€,ititillil. IN!, t it.

She smiles ilt me, and we go back to watching the clc)lidx.

In,4 grabbed inv hand. [t i. 11(It everv (lav that I am

graced with her appl-oval so lin happv. Hooll elioligh the Illti€'111)(·11 1-ings.

Caitlin Noble

jessica is very happy with the inask I have made and 1 11111 now her verv best friend. On the wav out the (1001·,

Equal Ritimer Up Year 11

11,111 411]iles at me and whispers "bat". I laugh 1,111 je<xica %]looth ine 21 hal-(1 Ntare.

The Line I he 1,('ll 1-ings 11 licl 111111(,Nt ilil Ilicclilitch', a hea (,1

chil(11-(11 1),1%11€· 1111-{)1lgh the door. "Coats, chilch-(11:" Mish 1 .,lilv.Nings after ils, 1)lit we are not ilit<'!-otc·(1 1/1 coati. we deke int,) 111 bat© for a'i.41)0 1111(1 (1(,flutr and niticgli bars. C)1(linarili I woilld 1111:c

done the %,inic. blit tockn inythroat i, ])lilli and in, 11(,Ac

N I'llimv .111(1 1 t,ike the time to 1)lili on inv vi llow parka. I nen try 111(· 1)1111011%.

11\ 111{)111,7 1)(·lievi·+ in keeping warin and with inv thick grev lighb. fci-,Itchv wooHen jitill])('1- 1111(1 1,11 airy parka. I cati onl) 1,11,41111,11]ow inv wily through the locker room cloor. h N lit thiN 111(,inent that I .the Matt.

11(· i.4 new this war. but fc ) is |effiC,1 Smith and %11(· gels

to 1)121)' 111,li'bles with the 1)ovs. even though Nhe i + lieu . Alatt A cliffeient. l Ie ha.4 0(-ruff, hair like an elf and it

hangs clown bv his eai-. Katie .Steven# s,n h tllis is a lic,inc

haircut. He wears th(1 s.unc 1)]tle 11-ackhtlit panth every dit\' so thev are lint) and ballv but he doesii't xecin to 6"e.

"Il<11() Matt." 1 0:n. biii because inv nose k httilli-, it

solinds as il 1 have Maid '11,1,1 1 Iliugh and vo cloes he. li )it have a cokl" he savs, and I lic)(1. 1 IC stililc h and

1(,i' the lint tinn· 1 %(c· hiN teeth whic·h Inne a gap

1)('tween the 11-0111 nvo. I decide I like thif gap. \\'c walk out to the vard logether. 1 Ie pre™·0 a funny green lollv huo un hand. It xim·IN like the pot: c>lherl,4 (,titxicle our kitchen winclow.

'Roscm:11·v." he explains, "for yoill· cold."

\\'c reach the vard in time to Nee Kiltie St (·wn< 1-lill pltv .Mht-ic·king. 1(,llc)wed In a gi-oup 011),)ux \#ho have ('ic·ada slic'll•; in tlic·ir hancts. Slic· i. not reall,· scarecl. I know thih 1,(c 211!sc dic· slic nved mc a c ic'.1(1.1 %|w|1 1.ist week.

130 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

1 Ialfu'In' throng-h hinch MiN: Lailv anives with .iii

Ii]·lulul 01 1,2,11. and skipping ropes. Matt wants to skip uith 1]1(' 1)111.J«,Hica leal,% ou'l- 2111(1 hi.»o. -Phn %(,(('cl with 11%7 1 filic! soarl· coilitlhing 1,111 1 \vant to i)|,tr \vith le;sic'a and the I)(),0.

We .11-(· not allowed to pick (,1 11- own tramh. Mi 1.aih >uv>; pickilig te,un>, iN hi%toric·:111\ the greate;t threat to primary school annospliere. She pick.% 14·illil. and we plav soccer. 1 1,111 over too manv tilnes to remember but ut the end o| lillic h I cim excited and bre.111 11(·A.

\1 the end ofthe (1,11 We :11'C Waiting for (1111' .loth(·16. ['here wa an argililiclit after Ilinch over ·ating

arrang-ement. and tho.c {)11 oppoxing fide.4 ill-e still giving citch c )111(11- filthv starc.

1'111(,1-litillitih the (.ilist· of all thih is Matt. >;imple mathrinati('4 .i|10\0 11$-(·lin -0!le to divide into three

(1111111): of,even (1(·%1« Init no ainount of}'c'lling rvill fit four groupx of five without one left over. Thu Corgati is p.11-tic 111.11'lv ftii-ioih bec .lit.NC now he imist have giris on his tai,le. This N enough to drive 1111\ Gracie 2 over the

rclge. Everyone knows what will happen. It luis happened before An no one speaks. Thu t.ikeh 21 piece of

chalk from his pocket. llc· sci-.itc·hes out a |ine. There ix 11 <crainble to olle Micle .111(1 he fc)|ch h i al-ni.h .111(1 gl ilih ilt ilic lovahv. I look M .\Lit on hi, own, and I think of the

gi-Cen 10!IV, 1 think 01 the gap in liN front teeth. I'c·t-lutpx that isill be enough to make· me .tin' but I cal<t xer it

|)('(-litiNI'llc' iN not vililing. lii,Mlip,% air tighth pres.wd und liA nes ave duH mul focu cm hh dwc·.

.i„ I cross ilic line. Rc)%111111<111 Il('ah

Equal Rininer Up Year 11

Iltirt and pain, telision and awkwardness hing just

beneath the fragile surface. In that cast. I could easily

The door opened ... rhe door opened and there she stood. Hhe, who had

slam the door in Iici face, forget once and again she ever existed ... but till thore liquid eve; pleacled with nic for one last chance. I gave ill. and ilied to welcome her into inv hoine.

... had ... instilled in me such a fual-. hilch a loathing-, stlch a hate. 1 knew fic)111.just looking at her, wet from the hite

\VinteA rain. that slie had come bark ticit to apologise, but to AL·ek nn' help.

Meaghan WIn·te

First Prize Year 10

Ilw look on her face haid it al[,

"Look. I know we've cligreed iii the past ... Disagired? Disagired: Who did slie think slic was, to

The Line

come walwing back Iiere :vlien ilie fell into a spot of

I sat on the solid. wooden. hard backed. classroom

bother? Disagired? As I remember, she was the one

chair ancl stal-ed at the lilli. It was the fii-st one. There

doing all the disagreeing. the tallilting. the sharp

were plentx of other lines. but this was (roino- to be the inost diffictilt to fill. 11 1,11' there. at the top of the page,

comments ... \Fhat wl,4 she saving?

"There is It noblc kind of fc,1-getfulness. that which

mocking me. Then the rest of the thill. bllic, straight,

does not remember injury"...But could I bring un·sell to

1,1111tle.4.4, evenly spaced. horizental ink prinh on the

reach out ... and help her, itter .11] those wars ... afte]- ;ill

page joined in. Ther g-rew in number and the page

those vears of tears shed in solitude out of the win· of hc·i

wemed endless.

prying ... out of the way of her penetrating ews. All this while· she stood on mv door rtep. still with the

same look of ... confidence abolit her. though now her shoulders slitinped and her bealitiful face had aged No

"Go (}11, write on me. 1 dare voll to," tilt· shect of

paper t.litilted. But I Coillcilit. Every thought and idea cliat hail ever made its home inside my head had made a dash for the back door. I was left with nothing. I almost

that it held (ink a clim likeness to her fornier

had visions of tumbleweed$ blowing ailille»lv across the

m,Wnificence. A few tears traced their wav clown her

vast, emptv expanse of the inside of mv skull.

lined checks. triggering a 1-chactic)11 of pitv deep within inc. Still I coukhA bring nn-self to ask her into ... inv

clock. 'Don't look," I told mvself- and so I clid. Halfan

hoine, inv Sanctitarv. inv haven.

My holne was the one place she 11.,(111't (1(xecrated

with her glances and comments, There was a point in tiine when she seemed to nw to be 011111ipotent, able to clo what she liked with me. turn nw in and out of her

favour anvtinw it pleased her. I had passed that when Alic had left the citv, for what seemed for good. Now she was back. dripping wet on mv doorstep. pleacling with

her large liquid eves. In anv other Nitilation I womd tind it pathetic . Now all I c ould think of was whether or not to girc her the saine lack ofconsideration she c,nce *M' 111/.

It hurt to Nce her standing there ... thhiking she colild just ... expect this from nic ... expect inc jipit to forgive inic.1 forget. 1 suddenk hael a Ilashback to when we were c hildren.

Out of the side of mv eve, I Could 4,·c the ('llissic)(,in

hour had gone by. 1 had been lit the mercy of this proci·44€71 Sheet of wood nitish for lialf an hom- and it was gening the better of me. Don't look at the rest of the class.' I told mself- so

I turned arolind and saw pens scribbling- furic,zish· on paper. The imaginations of these girls were woikincr

overtime. Thev were· turning over ideas so fast that they cotild]A possible fit :ill that iliey had to write down into the Set amount of tillie.

I shook my head and rattled 111)- brailt Imt it was

insistent. The imagination department Im€l decided that it woild not reopen until the end of this period, I pleaded, I cried. 11,(gged (aH insicle niv head i )1 course). I filliplv could not hand in a blank sheet (,1 papel-. "It's going to be okay," I told lii,sell unconvincingh "Now write down a topic."

I picked one at 1'1111(lom, 'llw line'. It scniticled sale

1 had been iii jured, falling from a tree I had been forced

enough. Nothing like· the 'Angels' topic last vear. that

to climb to retrieve a thrown (1011, then havincy to forget

turned out to liaw' vaid 'Angli€. Then I had a gonel

the inillry on the agreed pretence that I woukl be iii

idea. Actuallv it was an inspiration - it w,1.0 the first line of

0-ouble if adults got to know.

inv essin·. 9 can make 'the line. be the line on the

Another memon' of when we were teeticigers ... 01

bottom of a swimming pooN" I thought (I think I still

be ing taunted and i i (liculed. simpl)- for sport, to i mpl-('40

had a little chlorine swishing iii·ound inside mv head

Nome bov or another. A niemon· of thinking I woilld

from swimming thix morning-). Nevertheless. 1 persisted

never be good enough. never come up to her high

with that idea and stal-ted swimming.


I sat back contented: 1 had filled the fit st line. 11-0

Still the decision lingered. as to whether or not to

read it. It was terrible. "This i 4117 the time to be fussv." I

help her ... surely she must know other people ,., be able

arglted. but 111, firit line was reall, bad. So I scribbled it

to go to other contacts.

out and was back to stage one - no, stage nvo - I had

That'% it. sh<· waN lefusing to acknowledge the jitll

extent 01-what hael happened ... that was right. \V<111. how on earth collid Nhe expect tile to help her. with all thiN

chosen a topic. Oh. well. I gllt'%% my es>av .jilit w.1411't inealit to be. Dominik White

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 131

Rili-nier Up War 10 Competition

"Jeit-,1.Jerrv?" A balcling inati. the chief of NBC:. wa* le,tiling over .1,11 1,·, looking concerned. liT sat bolt ill)1-ight. ..Oh, Phill, vol 1 311(,illd Inn'e sci li tl,( 111. Three

The Liiie All was quict. Si|(·tice lingercd in the air. whilst anticipation touched those looking- on. A lic·w ch:tracter entchird the ring. 1 le prowled around the crowd. ewing

hiN prev. Th('1-(' ,\11% Allger iii hiN c,th\. and |clocitv in hih breath. lie pounced. The crowd erupted ilito a hcll /)1

witcho thev were.

Phill pattcd his shol 11(ler. "len-), thes''re here for the gothic hhow. Okin·, Kettle clown - here". lie handed him a [ht (:lil),ill c igar. Jerr, 411,1tched it ;twin . 11:ilicls shaking.

1 Ic put it in hi.% 1 1 ,(,ilth lind lit lip. 1 le clirw 11 cleep 1)17·:1111. and looked Phill Vt-:light in the eve. "1)0!A vou i·ver get the feeling wric· gont· too far. that ue\-e

claws. terth and h.,i i . lern looked c )11, c {)lililsed. "\\-1 1,1< N happened 10 111V .\Ilictia?" 11( lillitteral illicil·r hi 1,1·(·ath. as he roted hiN ('bin thoughtfullv on the back 01 hiN hand. 1 h· dionk hib head, 1111(1 ran his h,ind t hi c,ligh

his thic'k, grev hair. Wt, under the Ic'lises of those thick1-ili1111((1 (}lit<Ack.. 1111(1(·r the glint from the overhead

lighth. he sectned quite 21 (lili(·i-(·Ilt man. I le licked hA liph, he Xecllic·cl %11,till(ch· ... „11114. "144· cal-(· Mim'(,illic·If... and cach other." proclaimed

|(11)' >ninger, after hih wl-mon al)out 111('(·stuorn; relatio». "i\11(1 ... wchr chan" .aid the 114)01- m,Iti,lger.

pittting.lern (m the back. -Good show." lk·ah. 1 think v). ton," 4,id [crrv, stricting conficlenth off the Act. lic· continned Mi-iding (lown the corrictors 01

\11(1 1,1('.thect with ti)(ta€% 410\v. h Laci (·ic·ruhing vic)|ence. forbic[(1(11 love. sex. (11-ligs. horrible addictic)11%

-.]cl i ) wah 1-4·11|h quite 1,1(·:14(·d. The corriclor contilmed. rach wall €111(1 wit h pic t i ll-e; of]crrv. 1 h. looked proudh

:lt what he had lic hined. 11 :involic· w.1.% proving- that A n wri c ·,1 waxil ' t ;1 % ' US. \ : . \( ) 14' 11% hom e peopl e 111,1 ( le o l i t . it wa.4 hilli. llc' 1)1-(,light ilic lic,ik* Illul lic)-lic,i)('14 01 v)(iet, 8)14('111(·1- and watched [Iwin 11'v to 9)1\(· 111(·il-

(Ii|1('1(·lic'l'h (|l-om a Nali· di11111((·, inind yon). Wt. viclclenlv hix jouide (1(>\vn tlic· 11(,ct-ending-

con-idor was brought to Illi abnlpt 11,Ilt. I ht'('(' woincli bloc·ked hi path. Thc·) were al! (11-c™·d in 4n'c,tick of

1,1,ic k. anct tlicir faces were painted with himilic,11% white inaki· up/lhrillipnvel·l·.t tedas lill,icg. alid thrill,lack Imir was p.lith hidden liticler theit' lilltic'hing red c.11,(·%. -c)11 look." icin &,tid. "il vouhr licir lor the 'My dangliti·A a Gothic and I clon't like· it' cy,ihc)(le. we |ilincd that /c'%1('1(1.1/'.

"No." said one of tlic· wonic·11. 111 a tonc ohoia· that

st·(·inc·(1 to hang :11)ove hih head. "u·(''re here lor volt,

](·11'}'. "Oh," saict.1,111·v, Alighth disconcericd l)\ ilic ])illiti· of

her wice. "well. therc :11-(· Holm· 4411(71 pict 111 (·0 in the 1(11)1)T il ..." he wilh (lit \13{)1-1 bv *11(' Accond woman. \711() 1-(·,iclic·(1 citit and took hi% h.iitcl. Thev were .14 cold 1,5

delith, and he drew a quick breath as his ipim· 011(,ok uith a chill.

"WAr here to warn Poll, Jeit'v," illid the third woman. with her head tihed to the Kicle.

"Well. 1 (1(nA knou how >c)11 got 1,1,%1 +I c writv. but ..." .]crn' wils intel-Illpted 21· the three WOInell 9,11'tai to

chant. "Men'y,.1(.1-1.v. ([C)111 you Nce? W)[1'\(' croN•;ed the line, away you'll be."

"N07 cried le:-rv. "vou're witchcr! All of you. no!!" lic turned und wrinted down the corridon with hi>i 1)011% coat Ihing alid tie flapping over hi 411(,111(ler.

132 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

il hat line?" #,iid Phill, hand outwiric·hed in

cliu™tion. "There ir no line!" "No Ii i Ie? " 0,Ii (1.1 en'y, Ic ic,ki ng cont zi,·cl. Fc)(liti'% 41(nv h.id the 1)(·01 1-liting< in the Chicago

.li-cil.hilici· lt)1)()..](n'y. rilmA the poilit! lib!" "\0 line,"Mitidlern. 14,(,king tim,11(K the will(10\# and taking another pULL 'l'ht·1(·4 llc) line. |(·11-)'. %111(·. 111(·*e people ...c animals. 1)111 thev're voill. animak. Terrv! Yon will 1(·11(1

thell) to a 1)('tter way: to gl-(·5·11('1- 1)21.41 111'e< 1-11(11(·.4 8 , litich"

"\0 line." uid p·in lot-((·11111\. 111:king *·htinc 01

linalit, with hi hatick 11(· Ic,(,ked plc·21•cd. and took anothel thought|ll| pull (Ahi,«111).111. ht. heNtill (li(lili »·In 111|h ouninad.

\\'(·|colm· to 1()(1*4 41(M'." Mid Jerrv. "11111 before \ve v.ut. INI juxt like to conlide in vou. in, hic!1(14.1 (li(liA deep well hixt night, nn' Inind w,1% plagued \Kith worn 1)( (,tll.w I (10 worn :11)()111 von. Im 11'ilituk I juilit vou :111

to h.c) c'»V 0111 there todav, and :1111('incilitici tbat we Ill-(·,111 11(hilts. after,ill... ith liot likt· uch'c unitnah or

11(· i),itiNA·(1 :1% s{)111('thing <tirri·(t ill the andience behind hilil. 11(· 01)lili :11'01111(1 to *Ce \111.11 it!| 111(' (c)]ninotion u»

ah(,lit. Prople were screaming. vilne were climbing lt],cler their ·ath. (,thers chnving to inake it to the exit. llc· then qw ... I li in. lic· wood like a sk; sci.11)('1, looking

dinul 211.]crn with blankliessilillis expresAlon. 16 100 hite..Jerry," he Niticl ili la 1114)1101(,lic. 1)(1(>1(' Nic,wlv raiNing his hilge I I calibre gun.

Phill lan throlluh the corriclc)1.. tic 11,11,1,ing over hi. unilder. 1 1(· looked low:iici the het. and he wah

<pe(4 hlc";0. 1'()1.ICE LINF., DO ><01 (.14()»F Dium lic)„11.Ill


Principal's School Report For 2()00 11 Ints been a war of .0 manv magic 1114)111(·lit•; for lis a. 1, 11.ition, and for u. 11, a School. \Ve began the war

with that illiforgenable alicl intriguing Night - tile· word 11(·1·nit)' ('1111)|,inmed on As (1!w)·4 11,11·1)4)in· Bridg·c. Laterin the ve,111 \ve had thc liti|(,1-getilll)1(· bullge>,ofthe

C)|vinpic Torch |)(ing (lil-1-ied acrof. the All.ti'Idiliti contilicill. The ()pening (:(1(·monv of the (.Illilli Wil4 11114)ther nmgical linic. a time of 1,11)illition 1111(1 01 ccle|)1-iltion ofour identit 214 1 nation. H'ho con|(1 forget


the fight c )1 Cath, Fri·eman emerging from thi· c rowd to l ight the Okinpic' l orch und, lati l, her ( ;01(1 Meda] 1-lil l? Who colild forget the (liram for .\11%11'alia that \4,10 culivened iii (,ill lic'11 14 at tlic).4(· tilne.: 111(· (11-cilin 01

reconciliation with otir iliclig·(·lic)"4 pcoplc. 1)(·"Ce lind 11.11111(,in with (·ach „ther in (,111' lic|,Iv „„lili-„1111111,1

Mocic·tv. alid with thiN uncient und 1,(·antiful Hpilit-fill((1

Megan Walters who was Dux of Loreto Mandeville Hall 1999 receives her award from Dr Anne Hunt (Principal)

land th,it R ()111»

Feast [)av 2000 win one 01 thosi· m,igical moments 1-01' 11% al Loreto. At the ili;tigation 01 3'12 stitclents (Alicc

\Ic·liNs., I lii. N.italic· Flegg . Stel )1 111 ilic· 1), „le, Meg

i.11).Iltica, >ki inonc B.ill .incl Titi.i \.itig )all), c )111 Feaht [),ly

\\ ielgov. 1111(1 Kalm Lee. c.tch of whom achieved :m

litill-gy loc·lissed on irc c,llc'iii.Ition with our indigc·nous

l'INTF.It c )1 98.00 01- al)ove. placing tlwin in the top 2% m

prople. \\'t' werc especiallv 11(111(,ttird to be inined by

tlit· State. 1999 1)lix c )[ tile >;c·hoc)] ix Megall \Valter>; with

4)(·cial %11(·sts Als M.iljoi-ie Thorpe. Mcinber of the

Iin 1·INTER 01 99.9.5. Alt·gan won otic· 01 1,#che

Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation. Illicl :\Irs Joy

prestigious National Schollil-Jiips tiom the Unisfixity 01

Murphy, member of the Will'lill(lic<1-i people, c )11 whose

Melbourne. Megan 2114{) won 2,11 . li'chi)ihhop'%

land 0111- School Mt .111(14. During our litill gv. we blessed a

Scholin-hip. a major 1-Midential .1(71(1(·illic 1('11(-illit-41,ip Ilt

plaque which .ic-knowledges the Trlit-litidiel-i People of

Newman College.

the Kulin Nation 115 the iii-St people 01 thix countn. our

ji·Nca Dar won Premier'% Awards in Engli;11 (her

respect for their cuh ill e und vahlex. alld our

tr,icher. Xii-4 Margot -1 hompon) and I liston

conunitinent to work for illstice .111(1 1 cconciliation. The

plaque now resicles 111 the Chapel. c)111- 4.icred space. and wiN reinain there pel'nunentiv' as our pledge that we 11% 11 wchool communitv will continue to work for 11 1tice :ind

Revolt it ions CMS All (11-ea Inglis): Cecilv O'Shea (Yl 1/99) in LOTE - French (Als Anim Rol,iii.on); and Rchea·,1 Pereil .1 (Yl 1/99) in Muxic I liston' and Stries (Distince

Ectic·.ition). Meg Wiclgov won a Ilill xclic )1,it-ship n the l'niu·Nty· 01 lic<11)(,11,-ne Facultv of F.clitc·.ition: Alison


\Ve acluum,Irdg·r the \\Ii,-,4 174*41,1 Peopli,

/ //u' A-u/m X'a/ion rn /he #nt proph, 1 /hA ,·m,jit,·r atid the c,Jig·i//c// c 1,0-/t,diaut 0/-thr loud 0/1 zi,hirh th„ 9·hool A built.

1+2' resper' their ru//ure und value.3 flufl ('0111}1111 on ne/vA m wmi' 11,1- pn·tic'r mid I'f'f f),Icilimifm.

Penig-rew a Merit Sclic,1.il-hip at >;winburne: jo·phine Pai-kitivin the Peter Not-ti. %(-11(,laiN]lip (11 111.liot 1-('sicil litial 11('11(lemic fc'lic Iliti'hip at Newman College) and All 1 1.1-\12,1-ic Black (172/98) won the Fi·ank Al.thel

Pri/c (a milic)1- 1-(siciential .1(.1(leinic Hclic)|.1141]ip lin- 1.t ve:tr Vtt(1('1114 itt Newman (:(,11(·ge). ( ()ligilittllationk and well dom· for 11( h will)('1-1, 21( hic'ic·inc·lib.

Nlay rach 01 its work to make thiN pledge a reality. ()111' future as .1 nation :111(1 liu· wel|are of „lit li,ition s

Special events, awards and outstanding results Dilia l)chin W.,4 11\1111(led toi) Ycal- 11 Atil(lent lit 1.Aill

h< :11't ./11(1 %()111 (1('])('11(th <)11 it.

and Al<)111,511 Prin· winner for It)91). Gcorgiti,i Colcinan

Year 12 (1999) results

(312) won ilic· tivo rolitick of the 'Lic)114 kilith 01 the

Cong-ratillatic,11% to our War 12 (·lav 01 ]tic)<). In totai.

Wal (111(·St', cit (:1111) and Regic)111,1 |evek.loililll,1 l'ilic)(A

8% of the 4111(lents itc·hieved :in ENTER (1·:clitival(·lit

and An 1'11,1111 (Yl l ) were s('1(·cled to attend the National

National Tertian 1·.inn Itank) abou· 98.0() (comparcd

Youth >kiena· Forum in (:,ili|)(·1-1-1, ili|,Ilitt,11,2001. to bi·

to 2% State-wide). 27% achieved hi (,irs .11)ove 93.00

joinc·(1 by 280 other Jiticic·iiiA, drawn from 2.000 32.u

(comparcd to 5% State-wide). 50% achieved .1 c·ort· c )1

11/12 applicant.4. 34·:11 11 Legal %[lictic·% vilcli·1 11 + 14:,te

H)% Ntate-wide). 79% Of

Dalhicmer, .\Ina 11,11·tl :111(1 Emil, \\'11(·lan won the

<)11!· stitclents .Ic hic·ved 80.00 or al)ove (compared to 20%

Mon»h L,c·gill (11,11|eng<·. Our tcal„% perlonned

2 .Hc-wicle): and 96% acilieved .c·(,1(9 c )1 50.00 or .11)(n'e

( {)1111 11(·nd.11)1\ 2,1 th< 1(,ili li,Illient 01 Mind ; with Te:1111 5

((C)/11]).11'ed to .50% St,11(-i#'ide).

C.]anc Matill·N(,11, .]anc Tchan. 11.unuh Colcinan. Emih

Outstanding rc'%1111% were achieved bv Megan W:ilters,

Urrellti. Sanuntlm Lau. Caroline jollch und 14:lthn·n

cssic.1 1).i)', josephilic· Parkin\(,11. Elanor Mt hwl-ney,

Ah,11·pc) winning I Nt ])121,·c in the State Fin.11 in the

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 133

Language I .iterature Se('c )11(tan' Divihion. thi·11

i.™ug pert.lining- tc) citi/(·liship .ind the vital role which

proceeding to Ilie National (.11:unpionship. wheir they

voling pcople have to plai in our nation. The ])1(.1,111-c

werc .1,0-:11(1(·(1 11(,11(,lii-%, Eli/.ibeth Aitic) (Yll) was

wah,ill the greater given t|nit the Aide to the (,overnor

invited to ]),it'ticipate in tlic· lk,i·(,(,11(1,11·.1 Yolith Foi llin 2000 in >k·pic·mber. Main Muclent,. .ic·liieved 1)itilic·tion

1or thix |,INt war wah ®lia Folily, one 01 0111- Loreto Mandevill(· 1 1,11| p.iv ])14)ils (312/It.)92)..jitli,1 11(1(11·csxed

in the 2()00 Austililian Schoolh %('ic·nec (:c)1111)(vition:

litiother :l.™.1111)lv in Term 2, rellecling „11 her

War 7 - jennifer .\mes. lilidget Blackburn, Alit(le!,·im·

experiena· at v·]")01 and Nince InniNK whool.

(huncv, St<'])11,111ic Chi,itc,Iii. (,Ill,lit,11,1 En-lich, Nicola

bwnhmi d the Wal Mi' (;11*tin' Noal wax (MI- gliC. lit

Flook, Madelt·ine (:arelam. Emina h (·land. Nicole .]ce,

an :1%%emblv in Term 3, and spoke on the N.lic of

C.,il-(ilitic·.jolicg. 1.velia Killerbv, Monica 1.illa,, Caroline

reconciliation with c )111- iliclig-(·11(ills people in .11 1%1 1-alia.

1.lii/. Catherinc Pendrev, joanna Rvan. Kati· Sala.

P.irt pilpil lind l,itclic·.11 stticlent Kai-ina Chave

Aniwlit·Nt· Weilillandl; 321.11- 8 - Einilv Fic·uel-, hic,ilic .1

(312/1995) 11(1(11'essed .111 11\Nt'ttil )1\ iii Term -1.

G,illivan. (.iroline johnson. Emma Killjabill·v, S.117-1.ilith.1 1.2.. Sara Mack·od, Natalie XIc·\'amee, Kairn Merwiti't.

Curriculum developments

Rachel Seminens, Sophie· Serong. Emil; \-arrenti. C 7,11'e

The chic farea 0 1 attention in the curriculum in 2000

\Valsh: Yi·Ill· 9 - Madelcilic· C .111]il,I,ell (1 Iigh Divitiction), Hannah Coleman. Georgilia Flood. \'ivien (;11. li'21%,inti

haN been the il],plementation of the 11(·w \ C F.. The previollf %,ftem (>1 Satisfactoi-y' being awal-cled for the

Kotagii i. 14,itic· Nic-lic,Ison. Emma Not-man. U-Wen Qi;,11,

completion 01 .1 i·vie# of work requitrments, and

Domillique S])2111(,0, .12,11(· 1'(111111. Jr.11 10 - Elizal)(·th

a»R·*Mincill compriNing iliternall\ 21%*c·,Na[ coinnion

\mes. Remic C .il,ix, .[tilia C .c )(linlic ), .Jacquiline Low, 11·acey Pahor. Emily Porn'lli, Jaccpiclitic· Reid, Alison

awvment ta.Jv (CAT,0 and external examinationh Ims

I)(·en replaced. The 11(·w 9 Mt'in im-cli'(1% 'Sat i%121( tory' C)11

Spence, Dominik White. Of It)8 1,111 1 W.,1 7 - 12

the achincment c )1 a set (,1 c )litc'(,inch for (·Itc h studv, and

4,11(1(111% who participated ill the.\114!rali.111 Al,ithematicA

,144(·filic·lit is |).tht·(1 on .1 0(·ric. of t.t.ks, tiium.·lv >,('hool

Coinpetition. 92 \vere awarded CrediA. 37 Ditinctionx

\%(»cd Cour\(·work (S.\C) and (·\ainination. Thc

atic! 9 Iligh Di:tinctionh. S])(·cial ('c)ligrattllati<ill. to

11111111)(y ol h.\C k 12)1· each Mi licl)+ i aric·% I nit t he chlingc h,th

Carolilic Liti/ who receisc·(1 the >,I)(·cial Achic·,c·ment

111(·ant that all %11/denth 4111(1\'ing /11]ih at \'( 14 1(·1'(·1 3 K· 1

\ward for oill- >k hool. We achieved superb refulth c )11('c

Inn·(· hacl h ) complete taskic{)11 tilitic)1141,· thic)lighout the

again in the Allhuur FrancaiN<· coinpetition: 14(„,11111,ili

re.11. The ((,lihilihils |1'0111 the Ill(lents and the Mall is

Healv (i'll j won 21idequal prim in the oral part 01 the Coinpetition, INt ])]i/C in the written part and ow·rail

that the new svxtem 1111% alleviated the intenie pressill-c placcd on them 1)) thr ])1-(\iouN S)-st€·in.

bi v candiclati· in War 11 w.ite-wicle and Rehect .1 Percira

11„· other change to :1%%€·ssment N the addition (,1 a

CY] 1 ) won 31(1 cquit] pIii( in the 011,1 AL,( tion.,111(-1 our

111()(1(·1-lition procedure for the iliternall)' .1.4.4(AM·(1 S.\Ch

stitclents gained. in total. 91 "Mention 1 1-0. 11{)11(11 .11)1(·"

C.ti Int the external examinatic )113. Thif h.10 increased

Certilicates anct 324 "11<·Iition 1 [c,lic,i'.11)le certificates.

\Ve were delighted to welcome Artists-in-Residence

the ])1 ('..tire on exaillination 1 ,< 1-forinance .111(1, (c)11%(.cltic·lith'. the illil)(,1-1.lnee of ('x.linination uncl


t€) c )111- .4(boo| chil-ing the ve.11·: wcH known chef .111(1


writer .Sherrv (.li·wlow (11(,111(1 1.)(.C)11(>1]lic. 1)('])111-tment),

examination; have bcell ic·-ilitrocliticd lit lower ,(·al

ex])(11-ic 1/02.

1 Ii'lice,

cotti])(,Hu' und (lirector Ralph I |tiltgren (Allihic

|(·vel.4 ill c ) 111 Ac-lic)(,1. with micl-vear c\:1111% being held in

1)c])211-tinent), 1111(1 director Elin (.1.111(Ilit,((· (1)1-,11}1,1 Department, for th(· 1)1-(Icilic-tion of i\+ Yon Like 11),

Will'+ 1 0 2111(1 1 1. ancl end-014·i·ar exams for Ye. i 1-4 9, 10

.lt-tivA-iii-Rniclence bring |lail- 1111(1 pi//,1//, 11% well .1.0 clitrct incltihtry experiena·, to (blit ])1(1541'clin]11(9. To ((·1(·1)rate \\()11(1 Youth 1)21;' C\\-Yl)) 2(HH) 1111(1 <1%

part of the crlebrations lor the GreItt jubilic' 2000, the


Rcporting and liNACY,41]1(·111 contimic to be reviewed. \vith tht· (·111])lu« On ()litt{)Im'h ill both the (AF || aild the \'(:E encoill-agilig continual levicw of how and win·

ive ,»c.4.4 the per|orinance oftht· Atil(Ic·lit.4.

.il 4 1 1(lic >(·c·se c il M (*11),)11111(· c )1'ganised a \\ 31) Pilgrill l,lge

The School i commitment to technologv alld ith

to Rome in August, where stil(lent. met with Pope jolin

lilli)(,ttance 21% a component of learning contimich. The

Plitil [I and other iouth 11{)111 Itround the woi-Icl iii whal

addition of another Kilitc· of ounpliter, in the \1111'v

wa>; a verv nu·morable occaxion. Ah·xandra Stafford.

\Vard 1,11ilcling has ina-(·ased the availability of thix

Jacquelitic' Koutounias and Lticy lic\,unara (Yll) ancl

re)111'Ce for <111(lents iii Wal'.4 7 - 9. The curriculum N

Einilv (41111)raith (YS) attended hom LAII I.

increasinglv delivered (111-line, and stildents, partic'111,11'|v

It wa.4 a verv exciting- time for four 01 our vudents

in the enior #cars. slil,mit work electronicallv. We

who weir Aclected .10 CM-Ort I t Ililic']-s tin. the ()lunpic

contimie to work on the c m-1-ic l Ilum (-c )1171)(,11(' lit of the

rot·ch Relliv. 1(·11(ling up to the Svdney C)|unpic Games.

1.111 1 Web <ite. with the aim 1,(·ing to provide ;14 lillic h

liu· hickv runners from LMI I weir Catherilic· >hilli\'.01

"pt<) (!tt(· infonnation on the (tilliculum as l)(,Asible.

01()), 1.21111-11 Gleich (Fic)). .4,11'ah 1)\'non (ill) and

A \141 1)) Dr julie I.,111(1\(,gl carlv iii the ,(Ill

31(·gan Downing- (\'12). logi·ther with Phoebe Knowles

clupluxixed the need for th<' provi,ion of Npecial.

012/ 11)98). who wits .1 torch 1,(·airr.

enliched ellilicula for Ilic· more .11)1(· mcinber% (11 (}111

it was a pleasili c' and 11 great prhilege to W( |cottic t he

Much·nt 1,(,ch'. At I.\111. (,11,· goal iN to Ntriu· to identilv

Govel'nor 01 \'ic-toria. Ili. EX(('Ilene\ Sir jitilic·% Gol)1)0.

and facilitate h·.11 iling experience. thilt enable (·ach lind

to adch'c» 0111 .Millic)1' School assellil,h ill Terin I on the

everv Student to 11(>lit-ixh.

134 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

26 Artixt-iii-1.texiclence, to work for two and a li.11[ clavs with

The co-currictilar prognumne

the Ilinior %(hoo] \\'ind 11.111(1. ((,1,('(·1-1 liand, Music

1.·mphonic Hand and Stage Bkilicl. Senior Choir, Vocal

It N 11 (1( light to Nce (,tir ImIHic'i.,11% l iw to ever lic,\'

Ensemble. :ind the Year 7 (:hoit· enioved a din· of choral

heightb of accomplishinent lit (hik Parlout- Recitalf

work,;hop. with AllhAM JOH(·4 froIn NICII)()lll-lIC'. lind

througholit the \(·ar, the hollatit (.{)11(c']to (:(>lic(']L

11('len Todd (vociiI ('c )11(·h) and .]c )lin Wright (choral

Chape| Concel-t. and <)111 .111]ll!.11 Mil%ic Festi\al.

dilector) fi-,)111 1-astnittlill. %(·nior Choir .ind the.junior

Sclic,01 Enxembles: Over 30 Loreto MandevHIc I MIl

.%(-hoc,1 Choir .11'ic, eli joved masterclasse; with

nnixicians forined a nmjor contingent iii the (,1-(lic·<tra

Col,Nt.littin.1 1%(,laill{)11, .\>,N(,ciate li-(,li·.Hror 01 (.hin-Ill

for the .Jubilce Mit> for Senicn- Stliclents at the Rod

St,1(lies .tt %(,litheril Methodist Uliiversitv. 1),111.ts, '12\.ls.

1.aver Arena in September. The >k·nior Vocal En>,emble

AMEB Examinatic)!is: Cong'ratilationh to thek 127

was awarcled the A\(A prize for the best perful-nunce


of an .\11*tralian con*osition in the Wavel-le)'

examinations during the rear and pal-liclilitilv to the

Eisted€lfod: Open Section - A (:appella Choirs. The

following tzidents who achic·ved vel) high 1,·Mults in

Mandeville String ()1-chestrn was c lelighted to perform at

examinations for Grade 5 and above: Lucv Fang (Yl 1 ),


success i ll 1 li



Q.zieet„ 11.111, Parliaincit House, for the Order 01

Pennv Wang (P). and Cluttine 1 1011 (YS) - A.\1114.\.

Australia Victorian Brnnch. The Senior Choir was

on Piano, (Pennv with Distiliction; and C Viristine an A

awarded .in I lon<>ll 1-111)le Melition in the [)1111(1(·nong

for Grade 7 C.c·110 alo); Patricia Nigto (Y12) - A.\Ilts.A

Miste€1(11(ud: Scnic)1- >Ulic)01 Choirs section. The Scnior

on Fllite: \Plonica 11((Ace (3'10) - A for Grade 8 Flitte;

Recorder E]1%emble u» invilt-ded ht Pht('c in tile

.Jitile 1111111(·rc)11 (¥9) - .\+ and >Unnantlia I.,ill (33) - A for

Boroondara 1·:iht<'(1(111 )(l: (:11.unber Wind En.cinbles and

Grade 8 Piano: 1 .,in'a C :hinrs (310) - A for Grade 6 Flilic;

211(1 place in the Ballarat EiNic·(1(11(,cl: C )pen Ag-(·

and 1.,ilit,1 11(i-t,leg- Al)) - A+ for (;l-:,cle 5 .1,1 11111] )( t.

Ensemble. The 12.11- 7&8 Recorder Ensemble won 1 9

C)1112,111(ling indivicill.11.tchiewmenk.joall!121 Pittocs

place in the Waverli·v Eist<·(1(110(1: Recorder (irollph 13

(37 1 ) (Voice) w.,4 11\#'111'cled an I Ic)lic )ill.li,le Melition 19 )1

vt,11% and l'nder ancl Ist place iii the 8.11]arat

the \Ilisical Comech section at the Dillidenong

F.iveddic,(1:13 vear, and linder Ensemble. The Junior

Eisteddfod :ind Ist Plaa· in the Folk Song- section at tlic·

t 1/ c

Dittictenong 1·:ited(lic)(1, accompanving herself c )11

Boroundarn Eistecklfod: Primary School Recorder

Guitar for thG section. Lidia Vitelli AM) (Clarinet)

C :roups, 2nd place in the Ballarat F.itrilillcict: 11 years

achieved .licl Phur in the 1 8 vearA :ind Under xection of

and Uncler Ensemble, and 3rd Place in the Ballarat

the C.1.11-inct and S.i\(11)hont· Societ)''A Competition.

Recot-(1(·r En.emble 11150 won ht Place


Eiste€1(lfocl: Recorder Band section. lhe junior School

IC'Shica 32)11!lg (V)) wax awarded a Dihtinction in the Sonv

Choil' 5.ing- at thejunior School l ilst ( c,lilmlinion anct Zlt

Alistralia Original Song C .c,lii])€).Mition for 2000. 32,11' 9

Ilic Dth Voices of \4'omen Fesli,·71 lit Ivanhoe C .i 1-ls'

students Stella Grav, lanc Matheson and I hurnah

Grainnut- School. C)111.junior >,chool Choir. \Vind Band

Coleman (C :ello . 1<evboard. Recorder) won 211(1 Place in

and Recorder Enxembles 1-(pic·>ented the s<-1]001 at the

the Eal h· Music Iii Ktrumental

]SI IA.·\ Music Festival iii August.

Boroondara F.i•®dclic,cl. .llc·xandra Black})111-n (33)

Ensemble al


Workshops and Mastercla,;si·s: \Ve were delighted to

(Rec·(,1.del·) won' st Place in the 12 wai-,4 2111(1 linder

work with visiting artists from the Mell,(,111 llc· 1 till,lionv,

%010% at the \\ avelier Eisteddloct und 211(1 Place/ "311

with (:Illiwine .](,1tiv{)11 (19 lic,liniw 11'(,In the

I"Uwarcl for nic)%1 1)1(,inixing ])1,lver iii the 1 1 years,lild

Alt'11)(,111]w Xvill])11(}11,) giving %11-ing-Tutoriah for junior

Under %010% lit the B.illarat 1·:istc·clcll-ocl. Stephanie

st]-ing Alldents 1111(1 the M.,11(1(·ville Stling ()1(lic'Ntra.

Rinarcli (35) (Recorder) won Und Place lit the Wavet In·

1111(1.Jc'lfrev Crellin C liincipal C )1)(,ist) conducting- a class

Eist(·(|clic)(1.111(1141 place in the 11 )'Cal's and Under >;010%

with the Mo,art Wind Etisemble. Senior Viola stit(lents

at the Ball,11'at Eistecklic)(1. War 5 stliclents St(·phanic

littencled 21 limMI'l('111%4 gi\CH by 11.11-1 11]ut Liticlermium

Ri„ardi :ind Alexanch'.1 Blackburn (Rec·c,i·cler) won 19

(from Germanv) at the National .\c .Icitill)' 01 \luxic. The

place in thi· 11 vean and l'nder Duct fc·ction at the

Mandeville filing £)1(hestra ,111(11(.led a Ailing

Ball,it-at 14.istedclic,cl. C .litistina King- 05) (14(·col·der) was

\\'cii'kshop with Harrv \\'iminer (acclaiined Viennese

awardecl an I ic,llc )ill'able Mention ill the 12 :c·at-s ancl

born Cellist, teacher and conductor). Double Bass

Under Solos at the Waverle> Eisteddfod and 211(1 Place

Students palticipatcd in a 111.,sterclash Uivell by George

in the 13 ve:ils and Under Solo section at the 8.1112,1-al

Vance Cone of the worlds most acclaimed Bag

Eistecidtod. 1-litimah Coleman Al)) (Recorder) won Und

performers and teacher). Senior Trumpet student%

Place in the 1 6 vears and l'nder Solos lit the Wavelin

Itttended 21 141 11%% \1 21%®rchish \vith (40-v C .1-ant (I., 21(1

Eisteddfuct and I v Place in the 15 vt·ars lincl t_Ilictri- Solo

1'1-ilinpet) .111(1 Dan i liggins (fic )11] the Manin Hamlisch

st·ction at the Ballarat Eisteddfocl. I lanimh (:oleman and

Orchehtra in Aistralia with Barbara Surignd). ( 12,1-inet

lanc Mathe<on (M)) won Und Place iii the 1.5 i i·al S ili )(1

and Maxopholic· students 1111(111(led a Woodwind

Under Duct section Itt the 15,111,11.it Eisteddfod. Monica

Mastric-lass .11 the VGA with 11(1111-)- Bok. The National

Lillas (37) (Recorder) wonl<t place iii the 1 '1 vi·ars ancl

\('21(1('inv o{Milsic - \\'ind Quilitct visited the school unct

I.'nder Solo sc·c·tion al tlic Ball,11-Itt F.istcclclic,cl. .]lilia

gave 11 1.111(']tilne Concert to both jitniot· 1111(1 heni<)1

S,ondy (38) (Rc·coi-der) won :trd plaa·/ ill- T" invard

Mudents and to War 7 (+Ins;ex. \Ve welcomed Ralph

for the most promising' plawr ill the 13 z'c .ii-und Lincler

1 I t 111,41·en, froin Qi I c <c n sland L' niversit)' ofTeclmologv. 214

%010 %(c tion itt the lt.illarat Eisted(lic,cl. 32.11- 7 xmdents

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 135

Meg-han Ke:trv and Gabric'lla Farrics (Recorder) were

1.zin C .1'.111(1,1,1-te. lain, a ]11(,fig#ional Mil.ician , colil])(,Ki

aw.11(led a Ilighly (knnmended in the 12, ,(un-si :incl

:111(1 1'11(·atre Mt]NiC A[)(·('ialivt. worked i 11 1)1·,itii,1 Ch),MeN

Under %010 fection at the Ballarat Eigi·(1(11()(l. Iii the

from War 8-11 011 linits of work in Mil,Nical 'Ill<'inre,

Recorder 1)11(1 - 1 '1 vears and l'nder. at the Bal|.trat

11}oc (1,1%%0% Mete encrgetic and exciting und the Kii·h

Kisted(11(,d Monica Li1111.4 1111(1 ChriNti]111 King (37) won

unjoved coml,ining n:ilif'. clittice ;ind acting iii 111(·ir

1 st 1,1,1,·c,.]tilia 8/ondv (38) and C .,11)1-1(11.1 Fan-ic+ (37)

perform.111(·cs. min al.4(, worked with the Yeat· 11

7,1-(l place, and,]Illia >i/ondy (YA) and ll('t-than Ac·Iii') (3"7)

(,()tup)%ition %111(1(·111.% in Inu.%ic. \\'llile with 110. laill

a Ilighlv C (,tilinencled. (ki,gratillatic)11% 10 1114 14,21'1)111'11

conipowd .111(1 .111-:ilig·(1(1 the 111,!MiC for {)111 $(·iii()1- play,

14)liti,Nton, a inclill)(·r 01 the Lotrio Mande\ille 11,111

h )hu Like //. and worked with the band and King€·1·%, a,A

intiNic Mt,111 1('21(hing Flute, who Al!(c ('.H,%full) (()111]11(·lcd

well Its the whole (·a.41, 011 1111 t 11(. 1111!Nical 21.1)(·ct.4 01 the

her T.\Itts.,\. Dil)1(,Ina (01'(,tcher of Nit,Nic' .\11%11,ilia

production. It wa* a privilege und .1 grcut plc':1%11!-c· to


\vork with litin. Thc .4111(lent, not onlv g!-c·:111)' cnjoved

I laving ('Nt.11)|i>,hed a /47*('11(/4 0/ .5//O// 10 Ntll)1)()1'1 the

working with hilll, they gailled ill,111(71.M'|V from this

%pot·14 Nial| and (>111 Kpol-lf prog-1-,1111]11(·. we alv) c'Nt.11)IN|wd a Fric'//(/4 (q .1/141/7, which aillis to %11])poll the

Chu· of ihe job·*s of 20(H) 11,13 1,(·i·n the builcling 01 ,1

AchoolA mil•hic progi-,unmeN, to ;icl a.4,1 %11))<)11 group

new relatic )Ii Nlii]) with Xavier's Senior Nihool 1)1.lina

forthe Muxic Departinent, und to provideoppoitunitio

Deparum·nt. 1·light of our ic·,11 11 1 heairc >,111(lies

lor parent, and |!-ic'11(1% to bc active|v invokrd in the

4111(1(·111< particip,11('cl in 111(· 3'(·:ti' 12 111:1' al X:nier

Ilillsical Iii(· oft|lt· SchooL

1.(trtulk' which \\11\ *taged ill X,1,·icis (,lipt Thcall-t'.


\Ve were delighted with thi' lic'WN, lit 111(· %1,11·1 01 the ical, ofilit· 411(('(501(,lii|il.t \'(·ar 12 1'11(.ltic· >Undie

('lax.4 of 11)99 2111([. in piti·tic'11|111· with the nc·WN that oric· htll(lent oftlmt group is now stud>ing rlh<·,lit-i· 1)·ig'n at

lili% co-production mark. ullitt wi· hope will bc 1111 (>11('(,ing coll,t|)()1-,ttive .11-1-ang-(Inent 1)(ti\'((·11 0111

vhoo]%. The gil·Ix, 1)0vs und %121'foll)<)iIi 4(-1»01% found this ic) 1,< ;1 ('1·cativc and rewarding \(·lillil'e. 32·al- 1 1

favic, .111(1<klit. iverc .il() iltic)lic·(1 in tl)(· 1,1.c)(111(tic)li <)1 h )>m /.ike it .inc! contril,tited ininic'lisel\ to ib 4licic,%4.

the \VA .\(adenn' of Perfoi·ining .Ai·H, while th'o othei·%

111'C doing Theatre Stlt(lies Itt Alill),)111'lle University iii the School oitreative.,\1·tx.

\Ve have hail a , .„'ietr of glickst s])c,iki·i s and

Sport We Act out on the var with 230 Kills participating' in oltv ®01'13 Canip in [211111.11-)'. The joint Rowing.

workshop prigrliters. and have enjoved .1 1-:inire of

Swililining, Diving alid Athletic* Calill)4 ('liableel

pei'|curnunces throughout the year aspilit of the Di,lina

student>; to develop their filne»; and skills und to have

cul'lic11111]11. The H)-cullicular Drania progtalilinc

ilin. \Ve weir delighted to Nce Mitch 11 1,il·ur 2111(·licl,ltice

collti!111(·4 10 11(' Ctiver<c and exciting. War 6 11(·ie

und to have all girls ret11111 froill theil (lu-istinax holidavs

d irected by 14.l e, 1,1 Veri ker in t h ei r del igh t ful product i c )1 1

('litlitisi»tic and readv to train und coillpetc.

of -/lie /67/.Wma. at (.11.11)(1 ()11'(,Impel Thealle Pralli·lin.

Act-obin: It Ims been a most %11('(<·Asful war toi

\Ve were treated to four delig-htfill l)(11-1,)inl,11]cc iii the

.\€1(,1)ics. with 12(}gi11% participating. Cong],ttlt],iii<)liN to

U·ar 7 &· 8 Dramit Festival. Mulhall. directed bv Bridget

the Diram Tcam (lousica Ries, Chery' 1 1011 .ind Kitte

All.,11,1(l.ile micl l'Iii/,11)(·th (rc,1-ligan, won the Fc'Nti\'al,

Fetterphce) whic]1 1,1,1(·ed ]+1 in Secon<hitv Seniot

with ati adaptation of Roa](l L),11111 771, 117/chn. 32·,11 7

\-ictorian Ch,1111],ionhip. and uent on to win the

lind H %11!(tents werc .11%0 ill\'ited 10 1111(lition for and

\Iljtl'illi,111 Acrobic·% C h:11111)i< )11411])4. The wain 11:1% tion

]),ll'iicil).Itc in the X.„ier-Ko.Nika play and couttil,lited to

beell united tocompete in :111 imenmtioint| competition

the gre;it Nlic'(-C ofthe phi. The Liou. 77,r lii/ch und Thr

in Sal, 11,111(iNco ill .1llgilht 2001. The lititi Fl'litti Te:lin

11>/14,7)/41 :vhich \*·,14 %1:iged in Jlille. ()111' Ve,11 12 (1,1%4.

(|tonn' 1.(m. Carlv I,,%,111,1. Rachel (:,11(w and Rachel

clit-ected by MA Rob>'11 Kay, took on the c halic·nging

Minincil,0 placed 12th iii the rictolian Jintior

Chrck (-c)117(·dv, /.¥6·/rci/(/, as part ol ilicir ])('th)1'171,011('c·

Neconclan (.1,2,11il,ic)11#1111).4. Iii the (;('iici'al Acrobic.4

1(·(pinvment. Als Patticia %('111'001' wl{)1(· atic! cliti·cled a

liti,(·00 (.1,1%. ](·1111,l 1·|1,(| achic\(·d 1,1 place, 2111(1 EHa

piece al)(ilit Anne 11,ttliawav, 2111(mring- 111.tliv gil-1% from

I h·it<chke .,1-d phur in tile \'ictori:111 (.11,1111])ionship..

War.4 9 to I I to plav some of the ')cs' Ic'inalc 1.<,Ic·h in

\thic·licx: liu· Al|11('ticx Tcalli hac| a *tlpel·|) scil.4()11 in

Shakey,care. Ihe Perfolining .\1-,+ FeNtival wa, a very

200(L \vith grcal ]):trticipation und out>,tanding re411|t.%.

entermilling- and en jovable evening. All f )111· pic(·04 were

C)111- t.(1'(',lt(·Nt :IC hiC·u·im·nt w.14 to win thi· GPS\,44.\

01 al) exceptional Stan(1101(1 211](1 Tonv (,()11% 11(·:1(1 01

hilic·ld, in a field compl-ising· 1'1,(:, MI.C, Ic)(,1·nk (k)|legr,

Performing Arts :it Xavier College, found the

Thucrn .\(.S .ind Al<·11,(,in-ne (,irlx (.1.1111]11.11'. \Ve :11.No

:1(liticlication of 111(1 Fc·Ntival a verv (11.illcilging t,thk

:ccured hh phia' ill the [)iiiion ! Section of the %(:%.\

iliclecd. Mornane won the Ili.ti'llinchllt.ll MuNic lind

- oul l)(141 1.(411|t ever ili thix intigh colipetition. We ako

1)1·aili., Shic](1%, \ihill· \111111,111 .%(c)(,pc·([ the pool with the

competed in the Alliance (huncs al,(1 1)(111.onned

1)ance. (:lic)1'111 \Ilisic alic! 1)(4ign hhic](14 and the P.\F

('XIi('inch' Ul·11. devitc wit and coid condition, itt


C)]vinpic Park. In the Ii'(inict· Li·,ig·11(· Collij)('tition. our

1)111-ilig lenn .,, thank>, Ic) a glitill Innu ilic

War 8/9 team 1,1 .iced -Ith. c),11 Year 9/1() tram placed

hnergowric Foillidation for Prole»iona] 1)('\(]opincilt,

lili in the \1:ljor hintl. and our War 7 le.lin ])|accd l.xt in

we were verv formnate to Inne as an .\Itiv-in-14(·fidence,

the Milint- Premier 1.eague Final, 1,1-Ogressing to the

136 LORETO T Mandeville Hall

Octobel'.State Fill.115 .1]ongwith ourjunior te.1111. We .11.40 enjoved considerable succe»; at the Atilletic·% Victoria

tean™ compiting, Alichelle Sinither,un. 14·ta Derinatis, AHv (.11,1].mo. 1 -,clia Killerbv. Swplianic· Pinic. Ella

State Rel,16· C.hampionships with our l' 11 yeal 0 -1x 10(,in team (lenima Mc·111 ide Y'7, S.Ii-all Stoneholixe Yt). Lucy

the ic ,]Ic „'ing f,irls who passed their high pymnastic

Kenny 31) :ind Ali:(>11 Al,ence 370) 4(.clilitig Irt place.

levels ti·.1 this vear: Level 4 - 1).illielle (lurew (YA). Emilv

After sewn conscclitive l,t places .11 the Arinadale and

Rich,11(14 (3'6), »211·2111 .\(111]n.4(111 (33), Diarn(· l'etra, (13)

Divi-ict Sports. the.Junic )1- School,\th](·ties Squad gitinal

ancl Cat·]v Lag-ana (YX); I.eve] 5 - Grace \Ii®ell (3'61.

recond place this veal. 10,%ing- In just hall a point,

luna IN™hunt

11£·thlikc achieved 31-(11-catii Ovet-,111. Cong),ittilation>; to




C hirew ( 3-8 ).

Badminton: 0111- 1111(ltilinton (:1111) enjoved

C .(,ilg]-attil,Nic,lix to our Heitcl (:\111]11,stics ( c).tell Monica

lillic'ltillic· fbAsic)11% ill Tri ms 2 .111(1 3 t|lis vear. 1-he ZS.\

Thom who competed iii the World \Ii<f Fitness Challl])ionship.4 ill 1,11.4 \'egas, all€l placed l:lth (mt of30 competiton. the highest ever ranked .\11%11·alian to clate

(.(>1111-,Ctition i>, in Terin 4 thix year , and at the time of writing- thiK report we are still to conciticle the %(·ason. 14.iski·tball: We h.ir enjoyed oiti· most Allccessful basketball season vet in 2000! C)iii Ilitcrniffliate learn

ill thiN ill t('1-11.ltional ((}liipetition. and wilitling $Esl.()00.

won the preinienhip flag ill the ZSA C :c )111])('tition. Our

Hocker·: The hockev se.ihon wa+ 1,11>v 2111(1 %11('€ c'%\ful.

Open Team won the Senior Di\'i.hion at the SC .SA

Of particular 11]ention i,4 our Year 7 train which reached i lic· Grand Final and li Iii slied R ttillic·i A Up to Shelford iii

DiviAion 2 Competition. A ninnber of trains entered communit) Competitions, nith olic tillin winning it>,

the Z>;.\ Colupetition. We ah<) continued with it-aining

Grand Final in Women'% C Grade. We also entered all

c )11 turf at 11.tu·thorn on \\'echic<%(1.1, mornings and

U 17 te.im in the 1)1ctigious \knonaldb, Champion

entered an Open Te,un in the Buchanan Cup

Vic toi-ian %< 11(,c)14' Cup.


Cricket: -Ihis seascni Naw LMH enter. for the first

Netl).111: It was an extremel, busv Ke.14{ In of lic'tball

lime, a team in the Vic·1(31-ian Wi >ilic·in Cricket

with both 0111- 0(hoo] competition, and the Coinmtillitv Xetball on weeknights ancl Silturda, 111011]ings. \Ve hae!

A.™,ciation conil)(tition. The tc·.1111 1)|Ined 12 game.0 on Friday evenings in Term .1. M)99.111(1 '1 <11-m 1 . 2000 1111(1

4 tectiw; reach the ZSA C .1-and Fin.714 - 2 in the

linifhed with 5 win.. 3 1(104<% and 2 draws. We shall enter

1 litermediate DiviNion and 2 in the >k·ilior Divihion. We

thix competition Ilgaill in the 2000-2001 season. Croxs Coillitrv: The Cruss Country Team was bigger than ever in 2000 with up to 60 girls training in the carly hotils before school and competing- 011 hilttlt-dav.4 in the

had ou i- best win al the Dairv Farmel-% Victorian

Al'% Competition. as ive 11 2,3 in our C .PST S.\ and /:SA

Nchoolgills' Competition where c )111- Intermediate 'A team placed I st nmking them eligible for the Granct 1·inal Competition Din·. LMI I 71%0 entered an ()pen Icam iii the %(:SA Division I Competition whi·re wr

Competi tions. Over.711 we placed 4 th i ii i lie Gl 'SVS,\ 11 11(1

narrowly missed the lilia] to plan· :trd ovend| in the

31'(1 in the /.SA hi,-itational. I.All I wa.. llc„,c,ci, the top

Nenior Section. (knumunitv Netball continues to be as

placed Z.S.\ Achool in thi h event. just beating Star of the

1,(,])111,11- as ever with over 130 gills competing al (:1111,

Sea bv 7 points. 1-'he follo\ving girls art· to be C (,111117einte<1






Level with many senior %111(lents coaching tile junior t ('.1111 0.

commitment th 1-(Itighont the Meason: Emilv Tiernan

Rowing: We had 132 girk involved in c )111 C ,11[|) this

AH), Emilv Wallace (\M), Dominik White (37()), Anna

Ne,tvoll. Each It·ailling Xession was a busv time with manv

Brvant (Y12), Stephanie Mavnes AB). Claire \Vhite (38). (:hristilm Coll.il·d (172). Kate· Fetterplace (37 1) und

eviclent improw·111('111% in techilique. speed and team

Michelle Ftinder (312).

to train togrthel- alld Experic·tice .oine friendly

i.(illestric,11: The Club en joved 21 tilitillier (,1 Slilicill,-s Col™isting Of lef.%(1110.

coliesion. The :ninillil Yarra cain]) enabled c·ach fquad



ilitti lilli

competitions. \Ve ])111-tic-111.11-1, thank \1 All(11-ca Ingli<

competitive rac·ing within cach vear k·veL Term 1 11|lowed the Xquad to competi .lgailift lower>; from ]110%1

inajol Nc llc)015 ill regattas on the Yrra River. Barwon

for her commitment to .111€1 All)1)()rt for the 14:(]liestrian

River in Geclong and at C :,11-1-111]1. The 1 lead of the

Chil) over tile \'(·ar\,

%( h c){)154 i ilA Regatta in March 0 11 th c 11.11 ,$-on w.1.4 both an

Fencing: Fencing- contitilit·% at 1,\111. with a number

exciting :ind lict'r'(,ils tilili for rowers, coaclic·N 1111(1

of girk training weeklv. We hild some succe« at the

%111)poll .tall. \\ith excellent 1 21(ing trom all crews,

,itinual.]ack Sch:wfer Competition, with.Julia Hughan

f )111-te(·11 %11(((%%11111,· acquired ft,lit.4 in their finak Tile

(17 ) phwing 1 v in the Ull Division 11 11(1 1)ilini

Aupport 1-rom fitidents, staff, families and hiends was

1)11,11'mage (39) placing (,th in thi· 1/18 Divi.ion, Gummxtics: Our g-Jitinast+ pert'(,lined wrl] at the hic!(pendent (;irls Sclic,(,1.4 (Atillicistic Ck,inpetition in June. We won bt team Orei*:ill. in a field of 60 other tectilis. in the.junior War 6 section (Ikniielle Carew, Amy Ihine. Chloe Gardner. Annabelie Dwyer, Genevieve Naug-liton), with Genevieve Naughton arvarded 211(1

innazing, 210 111(· 1,(,1 (to chants and Cri(14 were easily

Individual Overcill and 1)21]lielle Calrw - 31-(1 11]divich 1,11 Overall. 111 the hitermediate War 7 0<*ction, with 60

heard bv the rowers and spectators alike. Several races were lost bv inargiliN .1.4 Amall :,4 15-30cm. a reflection on

the exci'|lent competitic)11 :111(1 magnificent (1101't< from 0111' rowers. Special recognition imist go to the Year 9 5111% crew. coached by past LMI I student Xerita Benetti. who won their division at the I Ie:id of the Schoolgirls,

and to Infie Millitid for her stiperl) effort iii developingthe rowing plc)grain into the bltge .lica» thlit it }las

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 137


bec c )ine liticter her direction. Thank volt to the Rowing-

Schoo|h Sporth competition at Bendigo.

Parent> Committee lind all o| those who have %111)1)(n-ted

Vollevball: \Ve had a good NeaMon with %(line %11('CCAN

1.\Il I Rowing over the 11)99-2000 se,i,on. \U· look

in the Z>i.\ C c )inpetition \vith our.Junior. placed ith,

1(,1-ward to Illic,ther ve:11- c )1 trong compelition.

1 literf :5th .ind henioi-; .F-(l.

Nkiing: A team 01 23 girls competed lit Mt Buller for

\Vater Polo: \Ve 1121(1 two great wins ill Division I thif

the Annual Ilitenchool C .11.111,pic,liships. thi' %11(nv w.1%

u·.11 1 )itt were illable to match oul Grand Final 1411nners

excellent. with the |)iggest •('.Iwc )11 (·\'er. 1)111 the

1 1) Perforilmlice of 11)1)19. All Out- 111,11(11(·3 Brir.

conditions for coill])(vition werc poor with Log and high

however. verv clow trilme; and the tram enjoved the

wilicb. Neverthi·Ic·Ms. the gi!-1% compi·ted will

St'11%(W 1111]nellheh·.

()11 2111 ilictiviclit.11 levil: Congratillation# to Aliron

detennililition. ('.ong.1-2,1111.ttion. to Ste])11.illic Dc C )lheira (\"7),.]t·Nsica C .,11-ter (38). C .li,ii'lotte Dc Oliveil-,1

Al,ence (ilo) w'ho placed Ist in the Ul:-) 44)(hn and Und

04), Nat:,411.1 Simonds (Yi) and Alic·i.l Simonds ( Ni) tor

in the 1/1.-1 H<)0111 at the Victorian Little ilthletiC,

tlic·ir exallent per[(,1-111:incer.

.\%(,ciatic,!1 Stati· C 11.tinpic)11%11ips .ilid then went <)11 1(,

%(,111),111: We h,icl a good %(·axon in sc)|11),111. 11111(,1-tunatch willi litnited 411(ci·... \Ve look foi-win'(1 to

compete in the Athletics Atistralia LTi](lerage Track :ind Field Natic )11:11 Champic,lihhiph. Placing 1%1 in the l.'16

lin improw·ment in (mill- Ac)IiI)allin the upcoining- 0(.avill.

HOOm, 1 ft in the l.' 16 ·1 x 1(H)111 relin' and Und in the l'16

>Rvhnini ng ,111( 1 Diving: 0111 9'ilni nt·14 parl icipated in

404)111. Aliv,n al;o was whi·(·ted to repic·xent .\1[vialia in

an 1.4111 1112, lic)1111(lation Swim-11-thon with >,t.Knin i

the Pacific· School („1111(0 in 4(111(·v in \11,)

C (,11(·gi·. 1-invng over $70(). 1.\111 placal lith iii the

Cong!,11111.ilic)11% .1140 to lillia (hillitv - Pill Stitclclit .ind

(,1,>AX·\ >hvilitiling ancl Diving Ounpetition. \Ve

(:111-1·ent 1.MI I (:1-(INA Countiv C (,ach - who was il\Val-decl

achinal our hot ever re>dilt ill Thc Division I >EN.\

the jolin \\ ihimrt \1(·dal for the Victorian Life >Uner o[

Swimming-,ind Diving C lu·nival. fillihhing (1111 c „'(11·,ill

the 36,11- It)1)1). iii recogilition of wl,·ici· 10 .4111-f Life

\vith Jitilic,1->, Ith, Iliti·r>; Sth. 4(·ilic),-s Ith and Diver, (,th.

>kning tht-ough vollilit.11.)/ pliti-(,1|ing. it'.11111!lgh

111(·re wel-c %(,Inc (Ilitst:111(ling- ilicliviclual and 1-('1.1,

(4)lii])(tition and proinotion of the %111-1' 1.ile >kning

pell-ormance; (1111'ing the Al·11.NA)11. il, 1)111'tictllat- (:1-11(·c

mwi'Inent. Congrlitukitionx to Hal-1111 1<l·((·h (YU) w'ho

Call.lglun (37). 10»tal Nherry (3'11 ). le»int (linain

wa sch·(·teel for thi· 1.16 State Solthilll (1 1,im[)ic,liships

(31()), 11,1(li·Icine (10-nes (17). Hic)1)11,1,1 1',lewin (\B),

tclon. the -ung'(v t'\(.1. to iu·hin·c thi>, Nt.111(1111-(1.

.]c·*sica Noonan (38) . .\INon Spence (370). 14(1%iah

In paralle| with the eNt,11)11%11]nent of a Frirm/# 01 Ahnir. a /4it'//,A (, .4'pml wir; folined * a %11))()1't grolip For the 1.Mi l Al)(>1-14 1)47).111]lic·til. 114 1-c )1(· A to 110.iNt with olll A)<)1-1, pl'{)<41-,tlinne :111(1 10 11( t It+ .1 Cont,IC't ')Clint 11)1

Al,tciden (38), Ameli.1 (kil-tain (38). Clici,1 11011 (ill). 11111.1 M.iliN(,ill- All). Eli/,1 411|fren (312). %1(l)11.inic

Il,tgan AH), 1)(,ininik White (Yli)). C hervl 11(,It All), A.itc Felt<.11)121(.c· (ill) and Lauren Milic'lcic (3'11). Emilv Richards ancl (:11,111(,tte (:Ii,illict-+ (l)(,th \'6)

repreented 1.\111 at the \'ictorian I'linmn' School Diving (,Inunpionships iii .\pt-il, after litiishing in the

ain patent, 11'i.hing to |)(· 01:INNistana·. \\'c·.trc· (1(·liuhted

to hau· inain parent,4 (1111(11tly helping willl (c„tc hing 1111(1 adminkration 1-01(·4 in a variety 01 x])01-ts. The highlight 01 the coming \(·111-will be the inaugural Sports

top IWo ])|acc. in thi· .\1·nudal<· 1)i,trict Diving

><ight to bc lic·lilit, li·im 2.2001.

Colupetition. The l.\111.\(111:itic (:Illbconti!111('clinto its second sc.thon, as al, .litiliated clill) with Nwimming

1,4,+Ail)ilitic·% 1(,1- 11* with the |unnation 01 Gil'ls' M])ort

1.c)(,king :ihi·:,(1. 2(H)! 01|(·10 new lind exciting

Vict(nlit. \Ve enteral (mi tcalit in the Winter Int('t'Clill)

Friday Ilight 1-('lav competition. which enabled (Illl )111(14·lith to gain additic)11,11 1-acc practice. 1-hank vou to

coinprRing 21 iliclep<·11(1(·nt gi!'14' 4('11(>c)1% 11<)111 the

tlic· 1.111! Aquatic· Chil) (1),ninitice for ilicir vallial,le contriblition ill the interest; 01%\\'ilnliling in {)111 %(·hool.

wil] commence 1{) 1 <CY C )11(110-v 11 11(1(· 1 11 + ( %·.11 5 7 - It!) in

Slit'f Life >Uning: Congratillations 10 1111 0,11- gil-ls who competed in the Ilit(·r-hool >hirl Life >kningCoinpetition al Morclialloc 13(·:1(·h. Ihi. conq)('tilion involve. a tcam 018 gill. competing in .1 1,inge of events inchicting surf races, 1,<·ach 9,1 ints. beach Ilag-4. 1,c ),11-cl paddling illid irc)11 women. Our 'X teall, 1 )(11-Ic)1 „wd exception.ilh well. li.icliing· the % tai ( Final where ther phurd (,th overall. \\'cH (1(,11(· to.jes<ica c :111'tain (ric)),

men-opolit:111 2,1-ca :ind lic,illv 1(i.(,C)() Kills. Competition 2(H)1. with the progrannue ext<'11(ling to prinnit'v Inch in 111(· ilitilit..

Debating 11 hah bect, unother vict·(»1111 vear for the 1.Mil

(1(·1)2114·1-4 with one 01 0111- 1)-Gratic te:uns making it through to tlic· Victorian Final.. 1)-Grade lk·:lin L

compl·ising C „11(,line 14,lilll)lidge. 11:111 11,111 (R)1(·man. 41(·Ila C .171\ ..]ane Matlic·Non .itic! .jane 7'( 11.111 won ith way

Dominik White (Yl()), .·\Ima .\1.11 lic)111- (Yl l ) . .llc'xcill(11-41

through the hiv two nninds of |inals. then ilie ()(to-

blil it-(·11 CY'()), like McNI,1-11.11 .1 01)), Stephanie Ilaulln

Final&. 1)(·101-c 1(,4 IM in .1 split dec ibion in the (211:11'ter-

AH). Jc·%;ica Noonan AH). 14€·:i.th Al.,clilen AM) and

Fili.11%. \1211 done als<) to C :-Gracle Te.un 1 who fillihed

Aim 11:ives (3'8) .

1(·imis: \Ve achined Noinc wry pleasing resuits ill

Accond on the 1.2(1(ler in the Mell,(,iti-ne I ligh Region.

.just missing olit on a place i 11 the lii i.ils. Al 1 1)111 ticipant X

what waN a Kirat tennis season. >;pecial numtion to the

in lili(irchool Debating .ue 10 1)(· Ic )1121-.itillated for

Int(·1-tiic·diate lk·am, liti,liers up in the 7.4.\ Round

their ('lithilsia•;in .11-1(1 dedication till(,lighout the vear.

14(11)in, with the Inters finishing-Ith, the Senior, .5th, ancl

I Ic)114(· Debating· 1,1% Ilgaill 21 vigorous competition with \\ 4,1-d taking out the >;ellior Di,Aion :ilid Ah,111.111 the

.]tillic,rs :,th. Congluttliations to Stephanie \Ilic'llillane C \19) who macie the finals in the Victorian Primary 138 LORETO · Mandeville Hall



Social Justice

With thanks

Fitilch·.li.Ning Ims been a primarv focus for 1-11.il]\ 7)(·cial

\-Illicill>, 11(·tivitio and gl-()14)5, and inost particularlv to

1,1-(,i c·c ts at I.c)1-(·to Man c leville 1 12,11 this , c·ar. with all the

our School Captilin Animbel Smith and Ac-11001 Vice

Htll(lent. from Preparaton' to Year 12 contributing to an

Capt.iill ·llish., 1 Inatiuk. ic),- aH thal tlicy lunr connibuted to School .spirit and school lifc in 2000.

Thanb to tlic· Mudenti, particillarly to the leaderN m

exceptional effort Iii addition to a gencrous number of fill,(1-1':tising and charit, (flbi'ts. thejullic,1- hchoo] tilifed

1 heir c']10%('11 theme for the vear. "1.ook I)(9(,lid - lead

$3.500 19,1 the Catholic Fainily Well.it'e 11„tran. Ovel- all,

the way", was p.11-tic-111.11-1) pertinent in this the lit-st war

the xecondan· %111(!c·]ux have raired over $20.000 for

of the new millennium.

various chariticx. community service org,illisatic,1 14 211)(1

1 hank you to the Pal-ents' A,™,ciation and, in

our over©D 1.(31 ( to %( hools. The ..111,111(1 vildent. who

1)111-ticillar. to 14(·.ident I.i/ I lai])in, for another happv

have coordillitted tbi·Ne 1111111('1'()11% fil]1(11,Ii.Ming ])1(,ject.N

and productive war. The Parent Mentor Profit.tijitne continues to g-row iii stic·ligth. Thank vou in partic iii,ti-

Ill'Menre warm congl·ittll|litiC)114. War 7 11(1(1 11 st.,1--Mlidded record night to raisc· an

to Mn Annabelle Sc .111]011 for lic·1- c c }tililiittn(iii to tlik

hnpre»ive $500 for Lorcto Entally in India. War S xtticlent; combilic·cl with the War 11% to embark on the

progrannue, Special thank. to .101,11 (killil)1-,ic'-Stewart und 14-tic· Ogilvy for theil' sal)(·rb ic·adership.

annual Red Croxs Door Knock in the Toorak arc·.1 .incl

,)1'ganihation and dedication ill coordinating the Sclic )01

raisc·(1 $4.702. War 9 stticic·nts wtil)1)(,1-ted 1.01-cto >Auth Afria once .tgain thix vi·.11% aild raiNed $600 to Mend to

our Kixter Achoel to help with the c·(itic:,tion expi· 110(·% of the glicic·ilb. Nk·ar 9 abu) sold sc,int· 1)21(lgch for 1.(·gan , raising- a {111'tlict $1:45. 32,li- 1(), ic )gether with 3(·111 11.

collecic·d $2.500 for the Salvation Arim· thic),Igh the

Door Knock Appeal. 1-lic· 3 cill- 1 0 ht ucli·niN iiIN(, supported Danockil Dav, ],iiing $751 1-or c,nicer re,;cal-ch, 111 accord with our sc·llc )01 ic)('lls on the iNNile· 01

Reconciliation this war. thi· .liwice raltle. 1.1111 bv Wal 1 L rai>cd $13001'or all ,\1)()1'iginal cointiltinit, in 11,1111, Creck iii the Not'thern Territon·.

\Ve air esl)( c ialk 1)11 )11(1 of our Wal- 12 Flident. who led .1 major P - 12 School Nocial j 1 13tice project l.(,/ 7'/O /mA /(,2,1 1,11,1(11((;

with .1 1)1-(,gramme tliat invohrd 1,(,th (7111(-ating 111(· whole M('hool communitv 1,4 to the

Acrioll,Ilt» .111(Illi'gencv <)1 the nced, .111(1 ('11(()111:lifing Ic'|lcnv Mtlidents. theil lainilieS und xtall t<) contribille

grlic]'(}liNh'. The genen )fity of liu· 1.(,trio Mandeville I lail commiltlit, ine.int that we were Ill )1(· to forwill-(1

Fair in November.

I-hank you to the 14.41 Pupils' .\MN{,c i,Ition, under the Clit-ection of PrehiCIC·nt \Ii·sli·I'llit (i·(Iker. for its ongoing

Mil)port of ilit· Schoolin various w.1,4, Thi· provixion 01 two %('ludarhhip, for student. whose |111]lib'h woukt not othenvix(· be al)1(· to Mend th(·in to oill' %('hool N intu·h


Ihank you to all tlic· wall. The) al-c unfailing in theit dedication und ounmitinent tc) the cducation of our

4111(tenth. | her Ill·(· indeed the 111(,st l,litions ic'N<)111('c· ill

our Sclicic,1. -lhank you to tlic· School 1.(1,1(lc.1,Ilip Team (haherilic· Sim (1)('],litv ||cad of the junic), School), Ail<.in Al<·vel™ (1)(7)lity Princi])211 - |)1 1-ector 01 P.19(,1.il

Care). 1'.Ii/al)(·th lillitis (1)(·put; Prilic·ipal - 1)il-ector (,1 >Aticlic>0, .\11(11('Ii' Achinic|t (%(h(H)| (,c)(,1(|iti,11<)1), lilici

1,111 jium·0 (1)il-(·(·tor of Bu•;il/(·AN (>peration.« who together Ic·ad this gl·cat School With extl-1,01-elinal-v

commitment mul dedication. Words coukl hardly do jithtiCC Ic) the ,43!led. gruct-(,ils .1 11(1 wise leadership 01 our jililior %( 11001 Hhich MI'% 11,ltin C )'Colincll 11.14 given

$2.700 to the prople 01 lic)/.ambicille thi'{)11(_*h (.u·itax.

10 0111- 4(-11(,01 over these 1,1.4t four v(·111·A .111(1 Illso for 11( 1-

\2·ar 12 %111(1·tits abio inacti· mam pica··4 (,f' |)(·Iltitiful lewelhy which. when .01(1, 1-,ii.·d ,%795 for the Xavier

work as (,ttl.]lillint- %(-11001 CurriC'll|l!111 (k)(>1(linator for the five u·ars prior to her appoilitment .13 1 |cad 01 t 1]l

Indian Missions. 111(· War ]2 Spe.tki·11 Forum. a

junior >khool. katln has gentlv alic! smoothlY 111.111.lged the trin#tion b) (mt' lir>;t Im 11(·ild (d the.]tillior Schcm|.

combined schools' event. raised $300 for ()pen Familv. Ihe %14(., alv) lcd 1,; the Wai· 13,11,14 11111 the (ic·r-

11('1 (1(·(lication and coliltilitinent to the School h,13 been

1)(,1)111,1' casital clothes (1,1,4, raifing S-1-15 for I h·re for

c'xemphin'. We 411,111 inix>; her dcal-h·. 1%'c thillik her for

Lifc and $720 for Open Flinilly. Although it waN in tlic

the very firm lk)1111(lation Alle leaves. on which Ic , develop

iniddle of the fir<t tenn holidavi th il'tr -Nix Nt l ictent A from

liti ther ol It- Dmior ,School. \Ve wish Klithv evel-\ ble-ing,

Yeal 4 I cl 11 anc 1 12 caine 10 sc'hool to collect for t he Pied

Piper Appe.11. 7 hese slliclent,. 1.lised Ilic· 1 '12,gllilicent

happine•% and %11('(·ess iti this next c hapter 01 hel- lile. Finall\. many thanks to the Schoo| Council Ilic·1111)(i-x

Kilin 01 %6.350 Ic,i the Rova] Childrent I Ic>.1,ital.

Brvan Mildden (Chail-man), David Beattv. Elizal,elli

Meanwhile, Mitch group. 11% ilililic·st) Ill 1(11·national. Simply Sharing for the Nacred I leart Mi•sion and St Vincent (le Plit,1 are active thic)tighout the vear. and we

Butt, Eli/.abeth Curtain. Kevin Ilalpin, AnnabeHe Scaillon (2000 Deputy Chairman), john >AwIdc),1,

conunend the witclent. and staff invohrd lor the g-reat

Mar{Faret I Ic )1111(·r HWM lor their wholchcarted and

and important work timt is britig done through these

conscientic )113 Commitment to the welfare and good governance ofour Sc lic)(11. &lam' thankx in particular to 1)avid Brattv and Kevin 1 111]pin, who conclude their


Micharl Tchan. I h·nrv Turnbull. Ellic l'affe Ilt\'\1, aticl

#c·al'+ c )1 4crvice c )11 Schoo| Council al the t·nci ot- 2()()0.

fur their sterling sel-vice to the Scbool as members of School C :{)1111(·il.

C Dr) Anne Hunt (Principal)

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 139

jitnior School Report 2000 'live the llibilee Dirain - our ]1111ior Sclic )01 theme

for the ve.tr - Iii™ in.*red main' litill-gich, C<·1(·InationA ami thought provoking- cticii•ic,110 at staff 2111(1 .ttl(1(·lit level throughout 1111(,tlici' ch,illi'ng-ing vear. 11>, mi one. 1,1,1 il'c are

mion·'. a line froin that brai[tilii]

song 7.1.12.bal/7//irl//' bv Peter All<·11, Slin-111-1,1!ihi, the

expression.% of taith. hope and love on which (}lit programmes were pliumed. \Ve have clicte,noured to inftil 1111 1111(li·tNtanding of the word 14·Conciliation

whethel- it be within our (,wil ititeraction.4 with people, 1111(lel'Ntallding the word ill the conte>.1 01' our carly

Mrs Kathy O'Connell

Alistralian hixtory, 01 harnionv and peace throughout rhe powerful lit,11-tp ( clebrated bv all on Feast 1).1,7

the are» of <port. 111-t. (11,1111,i. 11111ic· alld techlic)logr. Main' gil·IN 11,1,·c di,1)111)-ed their gifts in tlk·Ne al<·21% 1111(1

thir vear .111(1 the %111)sequent placcment of the plaque

ained recognition oiti a iici bevond our school

withill the Chapel. Migniliing- thlit (,111 4,1(1-ed phur of

boundaries in events 411(·11 11% risteddic)(1.4, writing

wol-fhip hai heen crected lip<)11 the 4.1( 1(711,111(1 01 tile

competitionA. participation in AL-ii})ted phn'S, i.oile 2211(.1

\\'111-illicljeri community, 1121% impacted imineliselv npon

statc lith|ctic ('c )1111)(vitic )11 5, State level competitions in

all illetill)ers c )1 ()111 c c )1111]itillitv. We are the Ct,91(,clialiN 01

winuilling. teimiN. cli\ing .ind g-nuilithtiC+.

this special place. A replica ofthe wording on the plague 11.1% been placed in the enti·,11'toe fover of the Junior

1hejunior %( 11*)01 illihic (ic)ileen held at the end 01 October disphned the nictin skills and 1.11(·lith (11 v) manv

tlic' W(,11(1.

of our XtticlentN whether it be C hi,ir. \Vind Band,

A group 01 Yeal- 6 1111(1 War 1 httident.H. a.% ])211't of tile Cross Age 1)1(,41-21!illne, has formed all ('mil'(,lit)1(1111 .11 group. Ihis g-roup often bring-N is,iii·+ alid id(·,10 to oill Mondar morning assellil)lies to (le¥(·lop the 1111([elst,iliding that we are the 011<4 who (·4111 make a dURTUNT






1)1 €)11(1(.·1


\Ve c.in proudh state that c )111' Individual Di[Terences Depai-tment has gone 11-{)111 41]ellgth t<) >,tl-(11*th thi h vear. Not onh do we offer support to manv gil 13 within

Orchestra or Recorcler 1·:110emble. Over a thild of {)111 students le.trn .1 11111ical iii>,trument. This is (ner and

above our 32,11- 2 stliclents who all learn It suing il]%11-11]lic,11 and our Wal- 5 stticlents who le.1111 .1 wind or brn.0



1-ichneAN of ()11 1


Fogrannues ix evident whent'\cr we celchrate lillil'gicM, Xii»es :111(l events Nuch a. our C :hristinas ( 111-01. pageant. irithin the spol ling al-ena our girk are 1,11 given the opportunity to 11-) 111:ilir pin-th. incllicling hc,Cce:. cricket. 11('tl )1111. softbal]. football .ind hockev. It is a c redit to the

the literacv and mathematic,11 are.10. but we have .11'40

te,lchel-4 ill\(,1,ed that the level of c'lithlihi.,4111 is

developed a broader gifted education prognumne.

m.uched to the knowledge that a level of physic ,,1 fitness

Within the Prep to Year 3 area. liter.la· has heen

i, aligned to lili round well brimt. It iN so importuit that

stieng-thened bv the implementation 01 a d.im driven progl.zinine..ill teaching are Insed upon the iliclivic!11,11

,111 gil'l,A 1 ccognihe the need to Ntay ])11; siallv active.

information we havi· on each child. \Vithili thc War 1 to

For 110 all tomon'ow N Vill to come. and ifwe want to sec the litce 01 this toinollc)\V wc 0111\ have to look .it the

I·in' 6 211-ca. intercliciplinan- tinits of work Imve been

elici-gr. the excitemt·lit and the ilite]Nt, ofour children.

developed to further challenge the able uclent.

One Call feel extrenlel)' confident thut our Kills will

p.liticill.il-h in the al-e.1 of Inte,rmation Literacv :ind

bring much to <ocietv and to the church. Ther' are the

Critical 17,inking. The Ntudents are t-(·,illv actitic·xxing the

key. rI-lin are the poN},ilitie.

issiles 01 Ilow we le,1111'. Elil-iclunelit opportillitie, gell

\JI write nn' film] repol-t for the.]linior School. I feel

ax the (i .R.C).\V. programme [Git Ir Receiving Others

privileged to have worked and educated within Alic h a

Wi%(lom L The Ch»ic·; C lub. 1(1111-11.11]lent of Milld·. and

Philosophv Ic )1' Children are offered :11 co-( 111-1-ic ill.11pn,gratiineA.

stimulating- ell, il-(Itilitent. 1 he L.c )1 cio phil{)v)[)11,· of ed 1]cation for gil'ls illicle,-pills .111 that we believe o lil- gil-lA C.in Itchine. whether it be the titilisation of their skills

1-111-(,ligh our Saci :,Inental progritilitiw. weekly

and talents to bring about change for a more effective

i,%:emblies, prin*er leadet-whip progranum·. cl,14% religic,tls 10%,011% and prayer development. the Faith life 01 the schoo] coinin tin in N 1)(-7 ng Con.%1.Nit h sti-L·1 441 hcned. It is

sc >ciciv, or the full reali.ation of their hitinanness and

00 rewarding- to Xer our girls growing- in %(·1141\%'areness, seli efte<·111. religious commitment. intellectual and

yorn- dittighter. ThiN is a treasilic 1 will take with me on the next part of mr journev. Thank voii to the verv


Thank vou parents. for ,111(m'ing int· to work with

social skills :14 they strive to become the prople ther

committed st:111 who have ti ,,\clled the Loreto journey

hope to be.

with inc. Each clav lur brought it 0vn ble»ing·x.

rhe curriculum in the Ittilior School N indeed extelidve and Colli])1-Chendve .tild oltv Min is to give citch

gi il even' oppormnitv to develop her particit|.11- gilt% ill 140 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

11-1:mk vou for aHowing lm· to be... and in 1111·11 'Mowing vour dauoilter to be...

Mi·% 14.,th, 01 k )1111(·11 ( 11(·ad of the .I i Inior SchooD

Parents' Association Report 32,11- 2000 has been a %11((c·%%1111 and enjovable veal for the Piti-ents' A.™)ciation. C) iti' aims ilic-111(led

providing a varictv oIl'unctionf to cater for the different 11(·cd.% ;ind expect,ttions within tll(· 4(.11()1)1 ('{)11111111!lit), k)

inake new linnilics Ice] welcoinc ancl li,ippy to be Anolved. lind ,11.No. ilil]){)]tanth. to rai>,c Ilitul.4 lin' ')111


Counnitim·lit to the building of 111(· *1)(,1-ting complex und to help towarch Nlipporting other :11-(11% within the Sclic,(,1.

1 he war beg-:111 with 1·-amih 1),n'' and manv of the '(.11,%% Cocklitil Partics'. These \verc· ivell sill)1)(,11(·cl and 4)(·cial th:rnk, 11111·41 go to (1.10+ repre·4(·111.11iu·X,

pilitictilark Libbv Downing ancl Nallcv NIciliiig», the wai' level coorclinators.

Ihe Mentor Program was once again conducted. We

lic·Icl .1 cocktail party, which with wl'll wq )ported. and inn·oduced inanv new pat·ents to their mentorr. \Ve hope

Organisers of the Parents' Association Race Day, Jennie Ball and Leni Dempsey, enjoy the day at Flemington.

this night fostered new h ic·licishil)+ within the 1 .c )1·cto Coininunitv, 1-liank go to Annabelle %(unlon and Pain Peai-sc for ilic·ir work in thi, area.

1-he comenot- 01 thi1 Father-Dinighter M.,%%(.. Phil

School Council Report 2000

Mechan, .ind hi. te.Un of hclper, 411(,111([ be

It N with l,li.,hlire thilt 1 ])1(v·lit the Annual report 01

cong*ratillated for tlwir work. The Masses are a low·ly

the Scilool Council for 2000. The past war hit.41)(·en lilli

ti'adition. which we air prouct to bc hn·olved iii.

of challeng€·+. which have bi·en inet with 111€

During the ve,11- we lic](1 four verv succe..dul inajoi

1,1 (>feNonalism one would expect c )1 oill' talented %(.·11(,01

events: The Race Dav at Flcinington where, despite the

leade'Nhip group. Thank; arc again due to Dr Anne

rain, a 1,11-ge group of 111(.)111(» had great fun pilliting, wining and (lining·. Thanks to 1(·nnie Ball and Leni

1 Ilint und the 11001 leadel-ship te,1111 - Dr Stlhan .Steve!-IM, Ms Eli/.abc·th Burns, Mr 12111 Actilic'4, Mi- illicil'ew Sc hillich,



I)t·11]]).Mey for their organiblition. An entertaining Trivia

Mrs Kathz (_)'Comiell und Mx Catherine Sim - for their

Night. which was a combined Pairnts' A.viciation .ind

tiveless work in ellsilling our Schoo] remain•; at thi·

Rowing Chil) event, raised iii excesx of $11,()()(}. The

forefront of Catholic Education for Kit-1. in Mell,ourne.

Fathers' Dinner was held at Kn<nong Temlis C :Illl),

It would be 1-(iniff of ine not to a|'40 thank the teacher,

uhc·re .Jim Strnes elitertained the gito,tr with a

and the Nt,111 111 the .School 101' 111('it (ledication and

thou®tful presclitlition 01 his 4,(11-ting life and his

conunittnent in providing the education. and hnbuing

iti,(11,ctiicitt with 'Kids iii C .1-i46 . Special thank. to

in our girls the fallic·\ and clilture we wixll tlicin to Imvt.

Alic luu·1 Corrigan and Bruce ( 111111)1,ze-Ati·wart lor yet Milleniwill')1111. wt unothel- gre.lt Mandeville event. \vas

The %(11001 operato in a conetitive inic! c (,tiv.ilit]\· changing envil-()11111(1111. It is important for the |(Ing-tel-in viabilitv ofthe >U.hool that it remains al the hharp ('11(1 (,1

94 )( 1-111) (,1'ganised |A' Shan Podulakin .111(1 Man l· llc·n

the pro,Nion 01 Catholic EciticlitiON for gi]14. For thix

another successful liti,ction. Finanv the 'Masqueracle

Blacklitirn. At the end of the Vear. c illt' clic,its tilt'tic·(1 to

rea,011 111(· .%(hoo] Cotilicil 114,4 devoted a ,%11|)>aantial

the Fair whic h w.l. held (,11 26 Now·Inber. uith .1 1,11-ge

:1111{)11111 of tillic· to a detailed ici-ic·w of thi· %( hool +

grolip ofmother•% 2111(1 1:ttlit'I'N WOrking lill(Ict- 11](· %11perb

Mil'ategic Plan to review 1,11(1 1-( Act 01*·( tives, plan, and

le:wlership of.10,11 1 C :t Im')1,w-Strwart and Prue Ogiky. Although I haw highlighted a number of people. inain· 0111(» 11,1\(· coniti|)111(·d to Ilic· Atic'((·As of the

Parentx' Association. I wonk| like to thank all liwmbers 01 the (:c)]limiltee.

prioritio. and the .11)propriate action. 1-(·cillired to (11%111(· tlut Lorcto Mandeville 11.ill I'('inail]% a |cading

Catholic girls' sclic)01 ill Melbourne. After coiNderable (1(|il)(·ration during 2000. the

Council :ipproved the lit·41 vilge of the littilding M.I.Nter

\\'c .irc Ic)(,king forward to the >'car 24)4)1, wilh .1

P]:in. '| he 111'NI blage 01 Ih<· phtli inu,Ive the l)1Ii](ling 01

varict>' of (lifferent 11111('tic)11% planned for the *chool

the >;I,<)11% Centre/Art. littilcling project on the (:Irliclon

family to ciljo)' and 11])1)(,1-1. A litlinber of the

Road und Millicent .\\(·1111(· coliu·rol the cally)114. al{,nlt

Coillillitta·, 1 21111 ])1(·»cd 10 0,11. have agreed to contintle

with the (1( 11)(>lition o| tivo 11(,11\(% on ()11()114 14011(1 to

for :111(>ther year. \Ve fecl thi4 will provide Ac)!ile

accommodate 1\1(, 11(11 1(·tilli court.. h)1'111.11 approval

contilillity within tlic· .isht)( iation and. for thi reason. I

w:1% 1 (·( (·ived for Elle.(1 wo!-10 to commence onk after a

am contililting as President for anoliu·r vear. \Ve wot Iici

Mignifiant 21111()11111 ()1 tilne 11,1,3 >ipclit in C<)thtlt,ltiC)11

welanne uln new luces. 9) pleaht· coinc along,Ild V)in in

with tlic· 10(.t| 1-(41(lent% and the Stonning-ton ((>unciL

tlic fun .111(1 help contribute to \(1111- (1.titghterk %(110(,1

Partic'll|ar thanks are clile to St- F.Hic 1.lili· IBUL Mi- 11,11


James :111(1 M i- C lit-is C ..1 11,1,·an (1( : for t hu·i r tirch·%% wot k.+ Eli/abeth I Ialpin c Proich·iii)

ill x»Aling to 1(v)'ve the ihhilt·, An'ohed.

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 141

1 wolild al,0 like to express nn- thanks for the tillie

1 itin appreciative of tile Atippolt and hard work 01

2111(1 vITort contribilted 1)\ 111('inberN of the Achool

the Del)lit, C Ii.iii' of O,1111(·il. Mrs Allii,ll,elle Scitillon.

CouncH ill thes<· 111,111<'lh, in addition to the diligellt

and in ]),litic-illal. her work in liaising with the Pal'ents

anciltion paid to tilt· lIMItal operating isitle.4 111.it ali'ie

.\0<(,ciation and with the Pint Pupi|%' A.M )ciation.

from wai- to yeal: The >U·lic )01 Council c c ilil])1-ihed %1-

Retiring this real. 1.1-om Coillicil, altel- many >c'111'34 01

Margan·t I lonner 115\'M. St- Ellie HUffc 114\31. Ah#

hard work und (1(·Clicati·(1 %(·rvia· on hoth the Council

Eli/al)(th |ilitt. I lon .judge Eli/.11)(·th C :111 tain. Mrs

2111(1 its v,Ilic )11% %111)-((Ililtilittce;, are David Reatty aild

\1111211)elle Scanlon (1)(·ptin (,11.lir of (1>tincil in 2000).

Knin 11,11],in. 1-lic Achool o\,ch both gent](men n del,t

Mr David Beattv, Mr kevin 11,111)in. Mr John %11(·1(lon. Mr

of gratitude.

Mic hael Tchan. ;mci Mr 1-1( lit > I m-111)1111. auisted 1„ 1)1 \nne I |lilit lind \11- lan lanws.

\11'+ 14:itln ( ) ( :(,linell .1140 retire.h 11 (,in her 1,(,Nitic)11 11.4 |lead of the.]unior School Ihi% u·ar. 14:ttin has inacle 11

Ilw Colincil 4 (1('libel-ationh on propern and

.igilificant C{,littil,lition to the %(hoo] OVer It lillilil)<.1· 01

1„ lilcling issile.4 have been made· i im 'ch c.isic·r 11 tile

ve.11'+, In a ic·itcher and .junior %(·lic)(,1 (:111'ric'tilltin

diligent work 01 the Pi-(11,('tty Sumding Commince.

Coordinator and. more recenth, 110 a leacki- ill the

which was comp! i.ed ,)1 11- 11('tin Till 111)1111 (( :hail-)..41

Sc-hool. \Ve will 111100 Kittli\-4 input and insight. :Ind we

Ellic '1-,111; 11;VM, Dr .\11 114· linnt. \11- 1,111 .1.11114'h, M 1%

thank 11(·i for hel- most v.1|11.11)|e contriblition.

Autln C)((,1111('11. Mr Toin Parrott, MI \lic'hacl

IhiN N tin litw \car ir, C hair of the Colincil. It hah

14.1(1(1(·1(·v, Mr Peter Sil||1·en. Mr >,111,11 1 Fowler. \11· Peler

licen a ch,tlic'liging vear. bilt nic)\1 tilic)\Ill)]c· and

\\'illdl, Alt' Peter Nigro, Mr John \1(Nain:,1.1. lind \Ir

fullilling. It give.4 inc gl-cat ],le,lvlic' to bc 111)|c· to

1(,lin \'ine.

c (,lit 1 il„ Itc lo. 2111(1 1,<· 11%4< )('iated with. 111(' 1 .(,rem

A key ingi'('clic·nt in thi· |liticting li](>(1('14 eNtablished

\Iandi·ville 1 1,111 communin.

to det<·imine the lilic)i'(1.11)iliti' of the littilding work. to

141-van \1,1([den (( 11:jinnan)

1)(' 1111(1('1 taken wah the o unri|)Iltion. via 1 1111(1-1 110ing. 11-oin the %('1100| coillinuniti. School 1-(·ch cover 0111\ the

operational co.+ of the Achool. \Vh.ti we haw. in the lorin 01{)111- ])Infic-,11 (,tinp» todin·. i>,(111(· to the |I'ltihof

the hard work and getic·ro,it, 01 thc· 114\'M, past parents alict i).1At l)ty)ili. This capital legacy. in the form 01 thi· cul·rent c.tily)+14, A provided frce to the (lil-1-cut 4('llool ouninuniti. The intention 01 our Ililicli-,iidng N to enable ilifill|)(·rs of liu· existing- Achool communin' 10

contrilmic to the capital o| the >;clion' 101 current .incl future nwmbel·4 of 111(1 4(11001 familv, ill 11 111,11111(·1Mililihirlo the coluril)litio» 11-0111 the ·11001 ((,Inintillit,

in the past, from which we now bencilit. I thank von in illiticipation 12)1- voill- gc lic t-(,11.N stil)1)(,it ill Ihi. 1,1-{)(c». A gi-cat clc·al ofwork 11.1% 1,(·(·11 (1(,licin preparing- for fundraising hy the Developinclit (:(,itilititic·(· which cotii],1-Ned Mr Knin Ihilpin (( hail-), Mr l).1\icl Batir. Ar Marly:Oct I [rnmer 114\'Al, All% Annal)elle· >U'anic)11. Mi

Alichael 'I i·han. Mt'% Itidv 14('icl. Dr Anne I It Int. Mr 1:111 ],imes, Mi- kith) C)(:c,imell, Mi· Alcic , (;inicic,licu. \11·5 \|11111-(·(·11 (hren and \11- Peter Tchan.

With the approvals given for major capital workb,

Loreto Mandeville Hall School Council 2000 lan James (Director of Business Operations). Margaret Honner IBVM. Michael Tehan, Bryan Madden (Chairman),

(Back) L-R:

Henry Turnbull, Ellie Taffe IBVM, David Beatty, Kevin Halpin, John Sheldon.

(Front) Anne Hunt (Principal), Annabelle Scanlon, Elizabeth Butt and Elizabeth Curtain.

apital und operating litnding i.4110 have been vii)ject to much 1111,11\'Mis and littention chiling 111(· wal. The

C hnincil lut. benefited lic)111 the exp(·It achice reccked

Eclitc)rial .\, 1 1,1,in to irtirc· mid 2001. thi i. mv lit.t Mitga/inc.

froin dic Finance Connuittee, the melill)(·1-ship{,1 ifhich

and I wi411 to thank 211 Flihin. £111(1 vall \,ho have

consistcd 01 Ali.John .Slicidon ((.h,zir), Sr F.Ilic liti-fc. Dr

connibuted Ic) it4 111-c)(111('tion over the 1),141 8 ve,91·%. In

Anne Iliziit. 11, lan .huncs. \Ii-+ ICith,+ ()'Comu·11. Mi-

p.,i·tic til.ti· 1 wonld like 10 111 :mk Catheritic· Sim. Eli/,lbelli Illackic·. 1 ',,10, flainon. 1.t((Itic·lint· >1.,111 111 Ill, Rolnn hi :tpln , Barbant 11(·,110(·. enniler Dickson, 1.iN.1 Mc Ma•Ret- and Mation \'enni. 1-he photographic· and iii·tivic Nkilk 01

judy Reid, Ali s Grralclint· 11{)[t, Mr Mic hac l 1411(1(1c lev. M 1Patrick Sweenew, Air 1.c•% Colenian. 111- Griti·inc Bowker.

and All.john ihillil». The Review %111,-Commince h.1% been active ill

1,unw Beck. A.tic \\'lit·lan..jarne \14·1)11(·r :ind >; .Ii,(tra bitic air t·,ident 1111(,1 Whout oiii \121,1.(,1/inc.

I ilianA them

considering and advising the Council on gowrnance

cy)cciall, for theil ((,c )1)(·ration .111(1 good humoili- over the

iNX,le>. Alic'('(·»,ion planning and in .11-1,ililling in-.el'vice

,(·al·K. mid fol thi· 111(·21911-(1 1 h :ne had working with them.

Itc'tivitics. Mcinbership of this committee Coinpri<(·d, Miss Elizal)(·th Billi (Chair). 41-. Ellie· 1-affc 111\31, Mrs. Alill,11)(·lle Scanlon. 1)11 Anne 1111111 atict misell .

142 LORETO · Mandeville Hall

1-inallv, 1 th.ink.\1111(· litint for entitiving· me with thiN lole

and for her milltiling vil)11(11-t. 1 :hall miNN thi· wonde,-1-111 place - 1.(n-cto \1,111(lcfillc 1-1,111. MM'garet Quill


School Staff 2000 Leader•ihip Team:

\1. 1·<inina 140». B. L (,i-ad.Dip.Art:.('1'Otil·ivi,). I)il).1·11.

Prilicipal: 1)1'.\Illic' Ilillit. 15.,4(. 11.rlheol.. 11.Fil,. \1.K,(l·'c!.\clinin.),

\11'rician Rvan. I-rach.Cell.. 15.1:cl.

\11, Pittl·icia .Nchrool. 11.-1. (Iloih.), Dip. 1·d.,,\.-I.(.1.. (Spa·ch), Dip. Di'put, 1']incip.11 - Dirccto] 01 >Undic.: \11·. F.li/al)(·th 1411111., it.>k . Dip, Ed.. B.F.(1...\1.14[.St.. 11.1.('0.14 Deput, Princil),11 - Direct{)1 01 i,i''toral (huc: Dr .%11..111.Mt(·\(·i'. |i.Mil'.. Dil).Ed„ A.\Iti*..\. M.\111.4., \1.1·:cl..(141..\clrnin}.1,11.1).,

\Ii· M.nourt >,inith. li.\.. Dip,141.

\11· DMnne >hunin. B..\.. Dipid. \11. Minh Lit. 14.\.. -1.4.EL.. It.hi.

\11, .\1.ti-,wit -11,c,]upv),1. B. L M.\. (11„114.). Dip.1·:c|. %(ilic,1 Sclic )01 (:c)(,ictinat{ 11: 111-,\11(Irew Schmicit. It..\1 )1).Sc.. 1)ip.Ed.

Mi·* Mai·ihn -Iliniclb ILL Dip.Ed.. (,r,icl.[)ip. Spcc.1·<1. (11.1.).

Di'put, I'lilic·ipal - 11(·.1(1 01 11!nic,1 >,chool: \Ii·. k,ttln ()'Connell. 1.1'.1('.. Dip.Ed..lt.1·:cl

\11 Mic hiti·cl\Valk,·i. B.luL

I)<·pill, 11(·,ld 01 ]11]lin] Sch„(11: Mi.. C.,thi him. Dip. 1.

\11· 11.11·1)ara \Vult. 11..\.(1 loin.). Grad,I)ip.1·,d.. M.Id..%!tik

[)itt·( to! 01 Ittlhim·.4 ()1)('t.ition.: \Il l.in 1.inwh, it.Comm.. Dip 14(|..

\It 1),tilii,m\\he|.111. It.1·11.. A.\111.-\.. (,1,1{|.(cit.141·

\Ii. 1\,ne Yo,1114. It.I·i .. Dip.1·,d. Senioi· School Teaching Staff:

\IM. 1·'11(th[ 7.oulwil). 8.\.. 1*AW.

\Ii. R„.cnur\\],boti. 11.hoc.>4.(1.il,). Dil,1·:cl.. \1.Ihi..(I.T.)

Junior School Teaching Staff:

Wh Wend\ .indervill. 1)il)|(ima (,1 Art (\1114ic |'('11(,1,11:Ince)

\IN. Eli/.il k·tb 111.1t kic, Dip. L 15.1· d.

Al], .\I.tig.11'et Bowden. Dip.1.. 14.Ed.. (,r,ul.Dip (.hpi·c . Ed,) \11 \I,nk B,thi. 11.4, .hi.

41.11.mi·cen (111»11. Dip.[. 8-141.. 11.1·11. 11.1·Id.(11„,1..)

4, Jill Batiwit, '1.1'.'1'.(:., 11..\.. (;rad.Dip.(Info.(:„min+,lk·ch.F.d.1

MI'..\Ii.on 1)11111,1111. Dip.1·(|.. Dip.|11.411(,11

Mi, Lunic licik. 1,1,1,1,<11. Diploili.l ol ,\11. 1. EC.

\11, k,11|11('c·[i I·'lum. Dip. 1.. (,crt. C.\1't/(1( Ng·11), (,( It. ((.ilicd 1,(1,)

\Ii, .\inu· Ittiinctt. 8..\., Dip.1·.cl.. (.i·.1,1.1)ip.1·11.((hilch·en'.

\!i- Nonia iranc,wio. 11.1.. 13.1· Al.

1.iteramre), 11.1.([.it.%111(10.)

Mi, Judv Itroad. 14.\. 1)ip.|·Ict.. (,1,1(1.1)ip. (I.i|)1·,11\,liu| 11110. Acit·nce),

(,1.1(1.1)ip.(Chil{11-(·11'1 1.iteratuir) \Ii:% \Lit·ie Brown. 1).,4.-I'.. B.The<,1.

\11*\-it-:inia I [alid. Dip.!..11.[.ilit-,ii·i,ind:4> Mi- \lichelle I.ilick·[13:UL 1)11>. r., It.1·<1. Ali C..atherim· Al.timonc. 11..\.. B. [c·uch

\IA Vic ki \1(\,un,ira. lt.l·cl.. (,1.,tcl.1)ili.Ch·chiic,1„gv)

All Patti 11,1111·. 1-11)[M.. B.14(1(Art:)

\11'.1)„t I'(·1(·r..1.1'.I'.(.. 1)ip.'1.

Mi· M.lig,,1,1 (111)1), 11.14(h.%(.(Ilon>,). I)ip.Ed.,ill.\.11>k

Mi- 1 ill./11/ 1,1111ill. 11.141.. [)ip.Ed.

\IN ><:Italic Caruw. 8.>k.141.. (;i·,i1-1)ip.Sci.Ed.

\Ir. Wra Ro.kin. ILA.(\10cow). 1)ip.Ed.

Ali·. Shil-le, Chap] 11,11 1. Dip. Fine .\It.

Mi· 10]in Rvan. Dip.-1'.. 8.[·cl.

I)1 ]<,Ini C <,1]in:. >,TL 14*%. Ph.1).. Dip.Ed.

JIN \lic·11('lle Xevnioni·. Dip.I.. 8..\.

\1]·5 Ironic (.unolati. 11.\lit... TX I.(..

Mi .%111,11·t .%11(',11-timn. 1.11 1'.(... B.\111*.

111·: P,0111).1,ic.. 1.4. I.C.

Mi, Pctim 1rchilcock. T.]1 [IC.. (.rad.I)ip.(Spt·c.Ed.),

\Ii Brian I·Ilett. B.Nc.. Dip.Ect.. Grad.[)ip.Ecl.\chnin.

8.1-cl.(Spec.Ed.). Reacting· Recoven C (·i·t.

MA .\Ime Elliott. 15.\111:.. Dip.Ect.

Mi« Andic,1 Vancc. Dil).Spet·ch/1)1-.1111,1, B.A„ B. IC,lch.

\[] \I.ili·cilin I,irnxworth. B.A.. Dip.Ed.

\1. 1·.Ii·Im Verckel. [5.1·.d.. Grad. Dip. 1)il-(·ctint: (NIDA)

\14 \1:ircli Feathetrton. B.App.Hci.. (;111(11)i]).1·.cl.

Mi, (,itbric·llc· \Varren. T.P.T.C.. Dip.-1.

Mi· Felicitv Fc·i·clinanck. It.Fri.

\Ii.. |.2,11(· \\'ch<tc·r. Dip. I.

Mi Ron h·idinancix, B.A.. Dip.Ect., M.\.(..1·..

\IN, kate \Vhclan. Dip.1. 8.1·11.

\Ii Niclic,la Frigo. B.\.(1101-). (,iacl.I)ip.Ed,. (_,111(1.( crt.R-1·.. \I.A, M. \tigela (,c·iinim. 11.*c.Ed.. (,i',1(1.1)ip,1,1.1·.. Mi Roger Gill. 11.9.. Dip.1,(1. Mi., 1.(c·.a ]Iali·,11.'ic.(Hon:.). Dip.Ed.

Mi' Pat·n 11,1,1;on. TX r.(... 1).1).\.. (,1,1(1.1)ip.(RE) 111·. Alli•;on 11,11·t. 14.Edi

Nlix Kini 11.111%(·1. B,1·4(Lib) Nli,(„itli·lhun. 14.keli

M i 44 Andrea 11141 14. B.A. ( 11.111.. ) . Dip. F.d.. M ..\ . Mi,4 %:111(Int |,111('. Dip.Alt. (11,14.Dip.Ed. All ,\lon k:ti(·1. 14.\.. Chad.Dip.1·.cl. 11+ Robur k,n. 13.1·d.

Mt \1."1 1..ililt,111. It.>k.. [)'1).Ed.. (,1,1(1.1)ip.(Mill).>ic, M.-I'ti.11 1.('Ic. 14.,\.. (,1,1(1.1)il).(\(,4.&·1·(1.(,011113.). 1)4).il·>,()1. 114 Anic·la .\I,iicini,ik. B..\.. Dip.lf.cl. Ali·, Ic·iniv Al<·,ic·lic·in. It.Ect.\1114ic

M. pon Mot·gan. 11.,\.(11011.), Dip,Ed Mt· Micli,ic·l \litlcaln. 11.>k .. Dip.Ed„ Grad.1)ip.Rel.Ed. Ah .11111{ jlti||('1.It..1.1.1.It. (,1.1(1.[)il).[.(·gal 1'1·actice. Di]).1'(1.. (had,(Prt.]·t.1,0.

Mi.., \I.in C)'Mi·ivoll. 14.\11*.. Dip. hi..\.\111*..\.. (,1.1(1.1)ip, A.1·.\1. Mi·h. 1 'nt C)'11:111(,1 ,m. C. 1.11 T.C.. (,1.1(1.Dip.(141·3. \1.1·:cl..Nittclic· Mi !),„·id oldlmin. Bil·'tig·(1·1·c).. Dip.1·,d...\.\lit,.\. Nh Angel,i ()''ilic·.i, It.Ed. (111·.) M. k.tt|n P.m·rhon. 15.\.. 1.6.1.(. All. 14:n I'„\,1(·41,111(1. 1>,.1·(1. M: \\'ctick Rick,ti·bi. 15.Ed.

M. 1.Nu Ritchie. 15.A., Dip.Ed., (,i·,icl.1)ip.1'cl..%1ii<I+. (I.( )1-E/rl F.>,c )1.) Mi- Ann.i R,ilici i.,ii. B..\.(110,1.). (,1,1(1.1)ip.1·(1. M. 1.i.,i Rodc·k. lt.[·cl.(\ledia %/tick). 11.1.itt.(Ilon:).

Other School Staff .\!r, Itic·/1(1.1.\(lkiti. 11]. Chri.tillit,ll]11(,lid M 1 Michael Baddek M ,· Ed Bc .I

M. ken·rn Connick

lh'lenuncr DU·kini

\1+ Inliantic· Eveleigh \11 Giant 1 i.her

\h lan nu· C ''(1(1( . MI+Barbarall<·ihot· Mr' 14(in,idct[c 11(,1,(·11 \11 \lic h:ic·I lettie,11 MBLHV#u· Hon

Mi >®art ]£11\ iN \h 0 .Nd)il jol 'inim·' \11 1·'nt.(·i k.nu· .\It + I +11,11.,11

lit·. 1(1 1.()11(]·Lwn Ah'.\1111(·C) Wk·.i

Mi bin Parion

\11- lan Paull All-, Matgan·l Quill \Ir' 121(1\ Reid \11,1-1,)(ne Roinhal \1. 7,·11,1 1:„.1.111

.\114 bu·(Itic·line S.,innitit \!r .\.1/1/·1 .%.//age \11-' Robul %[.tpln MI .St(·ve >hcl.111

M' /1.//Cul Nunon

LORETO · Mandeville Hall 143

1 U..






Live the Jubilee Dream V



i. I -,4 144-/-'44 JI' pr I ·:.-' C-*J , it--Awl*-:dil/All.

=61341./PS,1."./1"9--in /.AA" - 1/'*ji, 497 3 p. #- * -I , # fl VU,61£ 4 4 11,4.9 4,/-'Ill/·

1./.1,7&49/ip W.' 1-2--1 1;



Look Beyond - Lead the Way

Reconciliation at Loreto (opposite page) (Clockwise from top left) 1. Organisers of the Reconciliation theme for Feast Day, Tina Vanspall, Simone Ball and Alice Papaluca welcome Mrs Joy Murphy. 2. Sr Ruth Winship IBVM and Sr Ellie Taffe IBVM attending the installation of the plague acknowledging the Wurundjeri people as the original custodians of the land on which Loreto Mandeville Hall now stands. 3. Amy Killen and Esther Rowe (Y12) raise their hands for Reconciliation. 4. Amelia Freezer, Anna Hughes, Alice Dale and Kristen Fowler (Prep)

with their Reconciliation hands. 5. Ms Marjorie Thorpe, Fr Michael McGirr SJ, Sr Provincial Deirdre Browne IBVM, Mrs Joy Murphy and Dr Anne Hunt with the Reconciliation plague in the School Chapel. 6. Mrs

Betty Pike and Jane Tehan (Y9).


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