2019/2020 Rowing Season
Celebrating with Positivity in the Face of Disappointment The 2019/20 Rowing season came to an abrupt halt on 13 March 2020. The COVID-19 virus that swept across the world ended the Head of Schoolgirls Regatta, with the Australian National Championships also cancelled two days later. Although it was a disappointing end to the season for our rowers, it does not take away from a season filled with positivity, achievement and so many great memories. Year 9 Rowing Program
Year 10 Rowing Program
The Loreto Toorak Year 9 Rowing program is the largest single cohort in Australian schoolgirl rowing. For the more than 90 girls that commenced their first rowing season at the beginning of Term 4 2019, this season was one full of new experiences. As the season progressed, new personal bests were set and the cohort developed momentum, building on their success of gold in the first regatta of Term 1, through to a dominant position on the Friday of Head of Schoolgirls with 13 wins from 14 races; the most of any school.
The Year 10 program continued to build on the work the athletes had completed in Year 9, with almost 50 eager, competitive and resilient girls working hard since Term 3 2019. As the season continued, there were many challenges along the way; the first 2K ergo, competition for places, and tough racing on the Barwon and the Yarra, but each time the Year 10 squad was faced with a challenge, they found a way to overcome it. The girls showed their courage and sincerity as they set new school records on the ergo, built their competitiveness throughout the term, including winning the Year 10 medal tally at the Victorian State Championships, and arrived in peak physical condition ready for the Head of Schoolgirls Regatta.
We congratulate to our Year 9 Rowing squad for their effort, accomplishment and development across the season. The future of Loreto Toorak Rowing is in great hands.
Although there were only nine seats available for the Baby VIII, the competition for places meant that it was one of the best U17 crews in the country. The crew won a fiercely contested silver medal at the NSW State Championships which was an exciting prelude to the National Championships. The Year 10 squad should be justifiably proud of their effort, their commitment and their sincerity. We are all so proud of what our girls achieved this season, and their journey in the Learn to Row program, through until today. We hope that they take all the wonderful, positive work they have done and continue to strive for success. They are well prepared for our Seniors Rowing program and should be encouraged not to let anything stop them from achieving their dreams.