2 minute read
From our Principal Dr Susan Stevens
As Mary Ward people in the Loreto tradition, we see and seek God in all things.
In looking back and reflecting on the year of 2020, and in recognising and acknowledging the many and serious challenges that were before so many of us, it is the quality of kindness, generous, abundant, sincere, unexpected kindness, that has characterised the whole community of Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak. The challenges of the year have brought into ever sharper focus the imperative for us to think of others, to be women and men for others, to do whatever has been within our capacity to make the world a better place for someone else, for others. The many kindnesses offered and received this year have in turn produced an explosion of gratitude – for the people around us, we have been thankful.
I thank our parents, students and broader community. I thank you for the many responses we received upon the publication of our new Strategic Plan 2025. Over the last year the Directors of our Board, under the Chairmanship of Gerard Dalbosco, have worked with the Leadership Team of the School, and in consultation with broader stakeholder groups, to determine the stated direction for our fine school over the next five years. I encourage you to read this document, and to join in the excitement we feel in presenting it to you. The pillars of our strategy; Student Formation, Leading Excellence in Learning and Teaching, Inspiring and Motivated Staff, Facilities, Resources and Infrastructure, Financial Strength and Community Engagement offer a structure for our operation and further development in maintaining our position of one of the leading Schools in Australia. We treasure above all our Catholicity and Charism, and celebrate the Loreto virtues and values in all we do, reflective in this forward planning. In reading and perusing this inspiring issue of the Mandevillian you will absorb the flavour of the year, and like us will marvel at all that has been accomplished and achieved, despite the setbacks. I congratulate our students and staff for this, and thank them for the all they have given and contributed to so many throughout the year. 2021 heralds the Loreto Year of Felicity. We look forward to sharing it with you, with joy.