The Loreto Year of Felicity Welcome to the New School Year The word Felicity, essentially means intense happiness.
This intense happiness comes from embracing your passions and finding the courage and confidence to empower others, following in the tradition of Mary Ward. It is with great excitement and optimism that we announce our theme for Felicity 2021; “Together we guide our open hearts to joy.” This theme embodies the path and direction we will follow as a school this year, while supporting each other and demonstrating the many characteristics of Felicity throughout all aspects of school life. Inspired by our Felicity prayer, we have used the word “Together” to symbolise the wonderful inclusion and support present within our Loreto sisterhood. Similarly, the word ‘guide’ is used as a representation of a guardian leading you towards a happier, more openminded version of yourself. At Loreto Toorak, not only are we lucky enough to be immersed in an environment with a supportive student body, staff and community where we can reach out and act as each other’s guides - we are also encouraged to recognise the spiritual Guardianship we experience in our relationship with God. We know that the goodness of God is evident in all aspects of creation; God saw what had been created and saw that it was good. To see goodness in the natural world and look after it, is true Felicity. The phrase “open hearts” serves as an ode to the idea
that we shall remain welcoming not only to one another but to new knowledge, friendships and opportunities. Lastly, the word “joy” reflects the deeper level in which we aim to live and embody the characteristics of Felicity. We aim to achieve this level of happiness not only for the wellbeing of ourselves, but to recognise and relish in the gifts and skills of others. Remember in the spirit of Mary Ward that kindness can go a very long way; whether that appears through being inclusive to all people despite prejudice, or simply gracing your friends with the presence of your true self. We wish every member of our community a joyful Year of Felicity ahead.