The Mandevillian, 1986, Vol1, No1

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MANDEV[LIJA[N Aust. Post. Reg. VBH7636 Vol. 1 No. 1 May 1986














A gentle Autumn morning heralcled this

H.S.C. 1986

two-day exhibition of Patchwork and Embroidery. As one sauntered up the path


Judy Quin came to Loreto, Mandeville Hall in

of rose covered arches to the front door of

1981, as the fourth member of her immediate

"Padua", the Victorian home kindly lent by

family to pass through the "green corridor" Her mother, Mrs Margaret Quin (nee Poynton) graduated in 1952, and Judy's sisters,

Alison and Arthur Adams for the occasion,

the scene was set for the display. It was a delight to anyone with even a hint of

Tracey and Donna, graduated in 1975 and 1976 respectively. Judy has always been a happy and

interest iIi these arts and crafts.

The house had been divided into thematic

rooms and the splendours of these were unfolded as one meandered through. In the Christmas Room which was primarily red

enthusiastic member of our form. She is

always willing to get involved in House and other school activities, and acts as a unifying


and green, the scope of the craft was

influence within the form, as she attempts to include everyone in whatever activities are taking place. When she was announced as Captain of the School for 1986, Judy felt rather daunted. "The previous captain had seemed so big ancl mature, Rild just as my mother didni think that she was old enough to be a grandma, I didn't feel old enough to be in Year 12, let alone School Captain!"

I ./ I Ab.6/.3/r

apparent. There were patchwork wreaths, nativity scenes and embroidered runners; Christmas stockings appliqued with motifs


of bells, balls, doves and angels and to complete the scene a Christmas tree laden with hand worked lecorations. The New

Year was recognised with a delightful Bear

Pictured are: Judy Quin, 1986 School Captain and Emma Carnovale.

Calendar wh(le a cosy "Brambly Hedge" diorama of the rabbit family enjoying

elegant afternoon tea at home added a

However, now that the school year has

lighthearted touch.

The councillor group have also commenced regular visits to the Junior School in an


The patchwork quilts with their variety of

'worry can rob you of happiness, but kind words will cheer you up'." (Prov. 12:25). In

attenipt to unify the school. Judy ancl Emma can be assured of the. support of the whole school community as


style and colour could find a place in anyone's home. The pieces of embroidery of gardens and flowers, used as delightful wall

this respect, she is grateful for the support of

we wish them well in their endeavours and

her classmates and teachers.

hope that they have a fruitful and happy

commenced, and school life, along with all its activities, is in full swing, Judy feels reassured. She says, "I have discovered that




decorations, brought gasps of approval, as did a collage of old Victorian and Edwardian i)ictures. Alphabets worked in drawn thread and cross stich and shadow

work were all beautifully executed. Ceramics

of a beach scene in mural form, "cabbage pottery" and embroidered cardigans added

POSITION TO HOLD An important contribution to the

breadth to the exhibition.

Emma Carnovale started at Mandeville in

understanding and practice of education in

The main bedroom exhibit consisted of a

1974. She is preceded by her older sister, Andrea, who completed her H,S.C. in 1985,

schools where the I.B.V.M. is involved, has

patchwork guilt in soft tones blending with the pale peach of the walls and the piece de

recently been published. Entitled I.H.V.At.

and was also Vice Captain. The youngest

Mission Statement for Schools, this small

resistance was a cradle dressed in

Carnovale, Rebecca, has just entered the

public:ation attempts to define the particular

exquisitely embroidered muslin and a

Senior School and is in Year Seven.

emphases which are al the heart of a Loreto

variety of "special occasion" baby and

Emma was well prepared for her position by Andrea's wealth of Vice-Captaincy

education. It is the work of the Central

toddlers' clothes. Devonshire Tea was served

Education Advisory Board of the I.B.V.M., a


group of I.B.V.M. from all over Australia

continually in the garden by a generous support group of committee members and

She regards her role as a grent challenge.

who are engaged in both Primary and Secondary education. Drawing on the distinctive tradition, built

goes to Geraldine Croagh, President of the

up over four centuries of active involvement iii the education of girls, Ihe Statement

Mothers' Association, Felicity Braun and Mary Gibson who were responsible for the

defines certain key qualities as being

collation of the works. The exhibition was

"lt's a wonderful position to hold in your

last year of school, because although it is a lot of hard work, it enables you to get to know the staff and students much better,

and really, to have a lot of fun!" Emma sees herself as a support to Judy, and tries to back her up in the execution of the councillor group's decisions und schemes. The areas of debating and music are Emma'S major interests within the school. Up until this year, she studied the piano, and is hoping to bec:ome actively involved ill

the Performing Arts Festival within her House. She will also continue to debate this

Sister Deirdre.


winners last year. Judy and Emma feel that one of

Mandeville' s major strengths is that it has so much to offer the individual. "Every student has many opportunities open to her, all of which are encouraged by staff and other students alike. You don't have to be a 'star'

in the field, it's 'having a go' that counts. 7'here is a great sense of community. The

an outstanding success, raising weN over

Qualities such as freedom, verity, justice, silic:erily, felicity are explored and


articulated in twentieth century terms. The challenge confronting each school community in Australia is to embody these

qualities in the "policies, practices and daily life of the School". To this end, all members




of the Advisory Board who met on Sunday,

Any new venture in a school is a sign of life

document. Further initiatives are planned

and a vote for the future. The move to

produce a term newspaper drawing on news from all members of the I.oreto community

is a very wek:ome addition to the bridge of

of the school community must become involved - staff, parents, students, past A start has been made with the 13 members

2nd. March, to study and discuss the with Parent and Past Student Associations over First Term.

All present parents are alerted to an E.cluc:kilion Day on Sunday, 22nd June, which

excellent staff-student relationships help a great deal in developing a true sense of

communication between the school and the

will focus on the Statement and its

wider community.

implementation at Mandeville. This will

school spirit."

The relationships within a school

provide a forum for opinions, expectations,

hopes and proposals. Keep that date free!

between different years, and general participation in school activities." Already the 'Big Sister' project, which

community need to be informed, honest, and consistent. In sO far as this newspaper can serve to improve the quality of relationships within the community, then it will have achieved its purpose, We hope you enjoy the news anci views of the.

involves each Year Twelve girl 'adopting' a

w i (le-rea (:hiIig

Year Seven girl, and thus making her

transition from junior to Senior school

Lot'eto cominunity - students, staff, parents and past students. It has a cast of

easier, is in its second successful year.


Northern Territory anc! Tasmania}, We are looking for a good response from Loreto, Mandeville parents. More details When they

This year hidy and Emma, together with the councillor group, would particularly like to promote schemes "that involve closer bonds

Much of the credit for this successful event

essential features of a Loreto education.


year, with her team who were regional


From 22-25 August, the first national seminar on I.B.V.M. education will be held

at St. Mary's College and Newman for participants from aH I,B.V.M. schools in Australia (Le. from all States except

come to hand.

(Left to right): Felicity Braun, Geraldine Croagh, Alison Adams, admiring one of the patchwork quilts.


TERM 2, 1986








- BY SR.

- SUE GRIFFIN Pillms w{!re blessed in the froni hall and then

hymns were sung as We all walked iii procession to the ChapM for mass.

Pahn Sunday Ihis year Saw the |'ast Pupils and Molhers Ass™:inlions ioined iii a Day (,1

Relleclion at lim amvenl. Approximately

DEIRDRE ROFE I.B.V.M. At Ille beginning of 198(i, St'. Brigid moved to

the 1 lil'irmary al Mary's Mount having Spen| 34 vears ilt '1'{}mik. In an extraordinary lenching (:areer. Sr. Brigid t,itight I·,Imlish, Mallis, Latin, (ic?(,graphy ancl Religious liducation 10 6(!1t!!·illions of Mandeville girls.


twenty people shared |11(: day Ingether iii

26 Mon - Staff in-service (lays

clistractions of overy(lar Iii'e.

1<m:milly The Mandevillian inlerviewed her ill

27 Tues

A group of 1.oreto sislers were with tls for the. Mass c.(!lebrilled by Father Dan Torpy and we

The las[ 37 years have seen %(}inc signific:iml

were conscions of Ihe privilege 01' being parl of the wider Loreto Communily. Alter an informal Ilitic:h whic:11 gave m lim

l.lill}lmsis Ims shifted from i 11(lividual

prayer and dis(.ussion, free from the



- Students return



C)ppor|imily |C) mix mid mingle, Sr (,2'11('vii've -

7 p.m. Yr 8 Parent-Teacher Meeting

5 Thurs -

1.30 P.In. Mothers'

Committee Meeting - 7 p,m. Yr 7 Parent-'I'em:her Meeling. 6


- Fe.ast of the Sacred Heart.

Mass for Senior School

Dilvey, 1.13.V.M. mul Sr '1'lierose Daly, I.B.V.M.

gilve guiclance t{) our sl,it'itual 1'(:11(:(:lions. ()ill' thanks ore (11'|'ored lo them for confi'ilitiling to the success of the afternoon.

iii this, the Year of Pence, the propriety of o Day of Reflection of Pahn Slmility is ovicionl.

We 11'11|y responded 10 Pope lohn 141111'S plea ror "spiritual offort of soliciarily in prayer".


- Past Pupil's Christian


7 Yr 9 Parent-Teacher Meeting

17 7'ups - 8 p.m. Advisory



Evening (Yr 11) 22 Su n - Loreto Education Seminar


forne in 14: School

The sc:hool has grown larger and the number

of layst:11'1' has inc:reased (11'lilli:iii(:ally. With this has come a broadening of (.111'1'i{:11|um and Schc)(11-hased :1(.livilies. St'. Brigid noted willi

country parents. With regard to Pam Pupils, a

group very clear to her heart. she would like to see a Reading Circle/Study Group established to extend their (3(111(:ation in faith

the ! 1 Mandeville past students who are now

beyond sc:lic)(,1. She felt hearlened by the.

mpmbers of Ilm 1.11.V.M.

Mandeville (.(ill|(1 contribute to soc:iely. she

appointment of Sr. Elizabeth Dc,Im:Il as the I.B.V.M. linison person for past pupils, partic,illarly those who have most recently lift

was very unwhatic "It (:an provide leaders in


the Chill·(:11. 11 can provide an example of the

Sr. Brigid's departure from Toorak was acc:onwlished with her usual cheerfulness and

ideal (]Allinlic woman, active and concerned about social mui moral issnes"


Sister Brigid pictured at Mandeville just before her move to Mary's Mount.

wrong reason! She is, however, very proud 01

When asked whitt she considered a school like

Board Meeting -7.30 p.In. Turana Social

Day. AH parents are invited. - 5.30 p.m. Barbecue and Mass for recent Past Pupils, 24 Tiles - 7 Yi· 10 Parent-'1'cacher

the direclion of Fr. L |Jynon, it be(:ame a real

sludents who stand (,lit in Sr. Brigid's memories. Sume may have stood out fur the

9 a.m Yr 5 Father-Daughter Mass

16 Mon -

playing an important role. In earlier years '1'lie Sociality played a key role iii shaping Ille spirilt],11 lives of senior shidents und under

sll](lent's restills from Form I to Miltric:111:iIion. 11 wouki be invidious Ici mention individual

Festival in the Melbourne


sharing, with praver weekends and t.ilinps

re.(.(,I'(IS. She had tim unerous task of rliling up the mark book ami rAN.(irding every

Concert HaH Sun

devolional practic:es I{) c.(inununal faith-

admillistrative AMIT k) assist Willl student

- Queen's Birthday Holiday

12 Thurs - 8 p.m. Performing Arts


(:h,iliges in callic)lic (!(|11(.,ilion. In |he field of religious (3(|11(:illion, She 11(,It!(1 Ilial Ihe

approval the provision of inc: reased

Community Weekend itt Blairgo wrio 9

Ballarn| 10 {:411):tire some ()1' Im!· 111(!II(,rit.s.

1 [er hopes for the sc:hool in the luturn were inku'esting. She wotild like 10 See the boarding mili])(inent re-ilitioduced 10 ]Ilect the litteds of

sturdy optimism. '1'he photo was taken Rist before she left We salute her great eontribillion to Ihe mitic:ational and spiritual lif'e of I .cm,to, Mandeville 1 lall.





Mid-Year Exams begin (Yr

Preparing for a busy year ahead and enioying


it! Annual Guileral Meetings (:an somelimes be tedious affairs, bill tim Loreto Fathers,



- 9 a,iii. Yr 7 Father-Daughter




1%4 ass

A+Kfic'intion 11*Ainve in (:ombinint? luird work

Mid-Year Exams begin for

and having fun. This yum' we lit,1(1 our

Yrs 9 und to

meeting dilling a dinner al I.orek) ConvenE There was (:erlainly no tedium al this yoilis

-Yr 11 Alternative Work

Experience Week 11




14 Mon 16 Wed -

7.30 p.m. Oak Parlour


8 GHines Night for

Recital Fri


Parents in Mandeville Hall

- 7.3{) p.]11. 'I'tirami for Yr 11 22 Tues -

7 Yr 11 Parent-'1'cacher

24 Thurs -

1.30 p. m. Mothers'

Meeting Association Committee

Meeting - Yr 8 Geography excursion {allernoon)

- 7 p.m. Yr 11 Parent-'I'encher 25









ten(:11 bal]01 in Ilic jimint· Sc:lic)(11!" 1 took up meeting with Karon, 1)111 was told thai slie had just 1)(ten Summoned 10 Monte (Carlo to tenc:h

Students' Association

for five weeks in the Princess Grace 11,1|lel

8 p.m. Yr 10 Parent Information Night and

Aa](Icilly. We eventually met ill ] illillary, ill which time Knren expressed hui' entlitisinsm

ror Ballel and working with 5-7 year (}Ids (14·op to Yr 2). She assured me the lessons wi,lilil not illst be clissical ballel, |)111 a motor co-01'(linalion, deporlmenl and pos|lire prognim. All those facls convinced me to "bring Ballet back!" I have had the joy of sitting in on Karen's classes. The terminology and ac:livity of tim

12.30 p.m. Mothers'

Ballet world is second nature to the "prima

Assoc:intion Fashion Parade

ballerinas" of Prep 10 Year 2 al'ler four weeks.

and Luncheon at thi) Hilton

You should conic and 'sit in' some time, il

Yr 10 Work Expe rione (, Week


imswer wmil something like Ihis, "One of the.

Meeting of Past

- "Jesus Christ Superstar" - "jesus Christ Superstar" -

a senior sc:hool girl she asked me why we had re-introduced Hallot in the Junior School. My

Ihe suggestion and 811(.Inpluci to arrange a



As I walked to the Millti-1411·pose Room with





Year 2 Milms came in 10 See me lale last year

joint St. Kevin's-Loreto


Principal Junior

and told me We neecled Karen Stephens to




8 Gala Music: Concert for junior and Senior

31 Thurs - 'lesus Christ Supershir" -

Yi· 9 Ski-History Camp

happens on Thurs(lay morning 10 1-1.30, in the Multi Purpose Room, You may evell hein: a Prop respond, when told to keep her knees together, "May I have a little space

6 Wed


7 Thurs 8 Fri 10 Sun - 9 8.m. Prep, 1 and 2 Father-

Daughter Mass - Fencing Competition: The jack Schaefer Shield - at 1 1) re 1 0 12 Tues -

8 p.m. Loroto Advisory Board Meeting

14 Thurs - 7.30 1).m. Turana for Yr 11 15



Feast of the Assumption

(REAL ESTATE) PTY. LTD. Specializing in sales in


- I,B.V.M. Education

to Seminar at St. Mary's 25 Mon - Newman.

dimbing and acting oil stage or screen? Would our muddy clothes ever be clean nga in? The camp was a time of rest, and a sense of l'reedom from Heademic: c:hallenges


pervaded. However. we faced new challenges hoth during the camp and iii our acknowledgement of the demanding year


that lay ahead of us. Through our games (really sc)(:ial


experiments] and times of reflection and


understanding of the challenges thal this

discussion, we came to some sort of

year will pose - not simply the academic work, but the challenge to maintain

In our last few vears al school wl. are toid

supportive friendships and balance family,

lime and time again of tim "11.S.C. Camp"

academic and social activities in our lives.

- what a rewarding and untinlaining


experience it is for lim girls who parlicipate! Armed with this knowledge we set off for

The {:amp also gave us :in opportunity to realise the extent to which staff are willing to support and (311(:ourage lis thrc„ighoul thi,


two days iii tim hush idyll, "1'11(? Basin",


with hopes in our hearUs and questions [stic:h as, "Shall we cope without our beloved hooks for two days") in our minds.

disappointments, the H.S.C. girls thoroughly


- Second Term finishes 22

The girls on the H.S.C. camp engage in a "social experiment."

between mine please Miss Karen?"

- Yr 11 Christian Living Camp with Xavier




-2 p.m. Annual General

29 Tues -



- Mid-Year Break

Some of our hopes wore unfulfilled und 1147 HIGH ST., ARMADALE 20 7904

With the exception of some individual enjoyed the camp. We saw it similltancously

Some now ques|ions presented themselves lo

as a time |for rellection, a couple of days of summer spent with friends, and an

us: Was 1(:aching tim true vocation of stall

opportunity to make fools of ourselves in a

members. or were Ihey better suited to Irc.c

relaxed atmosphere.










ME... I know slic wits al)("11 to flownce into Ille

ADVISORY BOARD 1)(:spile many allempls k dihilivs|i|V this body, it reinnin,s (}11(3 01' ilic 1(Nist well-known grotips operating in Iii(, S(:11()01. As ils nimit, sliggests, i[ is advisory. and has 11() 111,111;lgerial or governing powers. l[ was establislitul 12 yani·s ago 10

provide u body of experlise und opinion which couki be of seni{:0 1/) lili! S(:hool.

The curmn[ 111(vil|)01·ship is Sister Noni Mi[(:|1(:11 (Sister Superior). Sisler Deirdre Rofe (11'incipal of the Senior Sc:11(,04 Sisler Maria 11(}]lgic )1'110 (1'1'incip,11 01 the junior School), four appointud 111(.Inbers - Dr. Diana Davis 11'rnm the 1((Ill('alion Facult\· al Monash 1 Jiliversily). Wm'rnn 12:lgan

kil(:hen Ic) (:,)111'1·nnl ]11(! ilgail] 111)1)111 that parl\'. 1

know Ix!(:alts¢, of lim pric:kles I had al Ilic! back 01 my neck and ilic duk:h I feli in my slomach tls I lislent?(110 1 1(!1' Slcilly)ing down the hal|. HI 111164' Ilial I %11<)Illd 11(' afraid of my 8 stone. 15-yeal'.)1(1 (|ilimliler. Conk| |Ilis be Iii(, same

Inving ;111(1 ['nsponsive cherished (hild who used lo live with us last war? I had a sense of

inil]Slic:e: 8 Scnse 01 hil\'ing Ix,{:11 1*311'ay(xi. What Alinnge melmnorplic)sis had Inken place'? Or worse will, whill hild 1 done to make her so

ang,7,7 1 low 11,1(1 1 failed? 11111 was 1 17!,illy afraid {)1' her or wils I almid lin·

11(!r: al'l·ilid of whal mig|11 -bet:ome of 11{tr"? Or was I afraid of 114[ing go and losing u)11111)1. Of

[12}imer (:11,lirman of 1110 11(),11(I). 1 1()ward McCork{?11 (a current i,iti·{111} und Cabriolle Mt:Kinnon (41 11% 1,1 411(lent). '1'11{: four elt:(:led

(}ne Illing I was (:el·Inin: 9 11111%1 not le| 11(11· Sce

members arn lim Keogh. lim Mc:Carillv. Mic.Imel Tilley und Poler Wakh. ]0111] Arthur repres{:lits

appear MIl'ong and in (:(}11|1'(}I." 1 111(4 her ang !1' head on willi nn· allger: "Now

Ihe Fathers' Associalion and Elizabullt Ostor. lize

lisk,11 hure my young likly ..."I was fecling

Mc )111(:1's' Asscit:i,ition.

incm! powerful mic| 1 )(:gililling lo win the 1)41|11(:.

I'm afraid imd 12(:1 weak [hal w{)111(1 mean (:01·mill (1(?12!,11 12)1· Int! and vi(lory [or her. I must

In ils carly (lays, Ihe 11(nird was responsible for

But 111(,11 Slic chang(!(1 her lack by taking the

inilialing venlitres such as 141:nilv· 1),ty und the

hur| und misilsed posilion: "Yoll (1011'1 trusl me!"

Mither-1.)augtlier Masses. Wilh the advent of Ille

A cruel blow, indeed, 10 0 molher who had

12,11.hers' Assoc:intion, 11{)\57:\·(31·, ilinizy {)1 Ihese tasks were handed over. Ill 1'(!sl)(11).Se lo pressure on St:hools for ilic:I'(!i,Sing il(:(:()llii|,ll,ility. 111(t I'{}le

plunched 111]Al mid 1{}ve as lili! ('1)1'11(ti'Slolie 01

of the Board has evorled ink) one WI]cre il advises on imitters 01' 151 11111(:c. (X|ll(:alion, f )1·waill

Ihmily rn|alions|lips. And she hud scored - 1 dic|117 11·list her! 1111[ was 111,11 11·110? Did I

misti'llst her or mislrusl lier abilily 10 (:ope in |his parly Silimlion - mish'lls| her as I would n

plimning mic! annmonicalion. The Mandevillian is

Shung Swimmer ill it |11!,1(:hel'(lits 9(!41. 1 1241

n (lirect oil!(:ome of Ilic work 01 ilie

(1)111'used and |lown{Ittl'ink.

Communic:ation stil>{:ommillec. Whils[ the advic:C 01' ilic 13(),11'(1 is 11(}1 11'(wiled as

binding, the School Ims always lislined lo liu, 1'(N:()111111(!11(Inlions. and lim (lit'((:1 (it]|come has

boen a stibstanlial 1111]111)(!r ol' illiliatives 1111(lertaken in the St:11{)01. 711(! 17)1(: of Ihe

Advisoty Boam is (:hii,Wing illicl i'(!11(!(:IS |hc general 11'(111(1 wililiti |he Calholic: Clilli'(:11 of inc:['easing lility involvemonl. All members of Ihe Lol'(!10 (knmnimily are

1,11{ (Milimwd to lilli before tilt) 14),11'(1 their idens Eor impinvoment of 111{! St:hool. This {:4111 1)(t done by wriling 10 111(' Chairman, P.(). Box 219.

My daughter Hunst!(l her i!(1\·,1111,1,4{: ill(l (1{Nilt Ille 1]lorial blow 41.4 she relired in lent·s. "Anvhow

Rowers in Action. Cox-Danielle Chiodo,, crew - vic-ki Phillips, Leanna Portelli, Kate Incani,

Sally Rhoden








vou hole me micl I liale vow!" At thot moment I


111(}11§111 |hal she may have hitd a point and was immodiately overwhelmed In, guill and despair.

My daughler hal INN:t}Ine a pi'()1}11?111 {:hild. I lor yolinger Siblings had IM:(!11 quittlly Sll]))01·live Mid 1111(|(!]·Slimiling of Int! (|111·ing |hest, 11'(,til}led times and I 1{41 111(,SS(*1 in having sc)]11(, go{}(1 und Sensil}Itt (:|li|(|tun. Lill|(! did 1 1'(Nilise Ilic.1 1 thai

cm:11 lins his clay ...

-SUE McKERNAN '1'he (.()1111)iller Age has certainly arrived at

Rowing at 1.01·(110 hits lill,illy conie of age.

I.(,reto lunic)1· S{:11(,(11. It was nol so long ago

Al'ler inativ false starts and a few minor

Ihilt Iho (:011(:{.111 was barely imaginable. Now· every girl in Ye,11' 4 und 01)ove is lilmiliar with the list! 01' an Apple compuler

vidories in recent years, it now takes its place

an{I has ''hands on- experience al least

Hentleigh, Vic:toi·in, 3204.



Was 111(!re ligill al Ille 4.11(1 c )1' Ilic It limi!1?


1 [appily, I stopped INII:k, assessed the Killmlion mic| made somi! dit,11645 1() my 111{,tights and


behaviour. 1 1)(:gan 10 9,0 1|1,11 1111,· (|citighler lon 1„11% tl| 1'4 lid. MIle I'ram(| 11 )sing 111(' I) 11 )1'(lval of her peer grotip: {)1 1)(ting 1,11)011(41 "41 (ing". of losing


11(!1' hion{IS, of I)(!ing il "I(,I)(HIV". Siu: U''its secking, all)cit a liltle too vigorously mul


incliscrnelly, her klentily mic| some anic )11(}my.


frustraling her and escalming hor plul)It!Ins.


Els (111{3 01' the nia joi· sports al Mandeville. Spurred by student interest. the sport has llcmrished under the guidance 01 Mr lohn

I wit :e a week.

11 1,wkins. Mr' 1 lawkins was the stroke for the

Today, Compitter |((ill(:illion is n limetabled

Alistralian team when il competed at Amsterdam and Ytigoslavia. With his

Stibiect in Ilie Iii tiint· S:hoc,1 for Years 4,5 alic| 6. '1'11(! {!lill)11;]Sis al Ihis stage is {}11 familiarization with lim keyboard, l{,go

linguage anc| lim experience of ptic:ki,ged

assistance tile rowing Squad has been able to improve its skills. Initially. liu. rowers [with the help of Mr


Ilicticlan Scally) borrowed hoals from r.iriotls

'|hose (:{)111111(!111% 11'om s{}me 01 (Jlli· Year 4

(:1111)S and sc.'11(H)IS to unable thum to compole

gills give im indic:alion of how Ihe girls

in regallas. 1 lowever, il be{:ame obvious |hal

view |Im ill|[·c)(|11(:lion ()f' {:cillilitilerS lo their

if the rowers wern to rea{:11 their 11111 polenlial the purchase of a shoN was necessinry.


I gul mixed up.-

The Rowing GIll|) called a meeting anc| a commitlee was formed lo hasten the proposed ac:quisition. As a result of lim hard work of

- (:laire 11(,okes

the committee, and a generous donation by

lumitin no 111;illor whal she did. I laid down

"Al our first (:{}Iliputer It:Sson we lit,irlit how

the Falliers' Assoc:intion. Mandeville has

firm guidelines for 11(!1· 1)(:|1<A'inin· emil plumised

to pul a disk in 10 Ilic cliskclrive and how lo

become the proud owner of an exquisite while boal. sporting Illue and gok! stripes.

My Iktit]·, which I explusst!(1 as 411]ger, with I look a risk. In a quit,1 Inlk, [ told hol· 1 11){)111 my Ic,11·s, asstii'((1 lier (11' my love. whic:11 would

Ihal 1 wonkl be open 1{) 1(!golitilion on Ille*!

4%21 2


"lt 1(!It milgical lo press lim bullo IlA. Now 1 ilm leal·ning how· to do programs. Sometimes

tti!·11 on the kerbon]·cl and the

guidelines bl· special social {)(:cosions. 11()IIi Si{Ies

sci·con ... sc)]ni:times 111{, {:omputer is cheeky

gave gil,tilic|. I went It} her I lead-mistiuss U·lic) had exprnSS(!d {'1}11{:{1·11 81){)ill my (1,1116411(!t'S

and says Ihings like 'W;iiI a nunnent' or '1

IX:hariout· al st:hool. 1 \'as (:onsoIt)(1 1)\' her

cion'I know how 10 (10 111,11'.

launching was held on |he lawn during the linch{N)11 period. 1·'41|her Ilrion 1,0011,ird

- Kate Ludes{:her

blessed Ihe bont and immed it thi "Mary

1111(1(!1'Sianding and support. And 1 1)1·,11'(td.

Yein· 5 girls vittu' (:(,inintlet' alll{:Alic)11 iii A

'] 'lit! pric:kles al Ilie Inic:k (11 my 11{!ck mil }Sided, the (:lili{:h in my stoma{:11 1(ins{:litx| ils grip, my (|,ilighter mil |)011(:1· lilli|(,1'S|c)(x| und quile happily 1'(,ic)ilic,(1 liu? human race. All (|i{| in)[ |)(!(:(,me

similar way as this is nist} their ill|r{)(ilic:lory y(Mir.

"Compilters Arc woliclerful learning |hings. The colli])111(!1· will 11(.Ip (11(ler 1){tople in their 1}lIMill<!SS(ts.''

swiN!|ness mic| light: we Still hild (1111' t:(milic:IS 1)111 1064!ther we had sel the (:lim,110 12}1· (1(Niling with tht'in ,11)1)1'()1}1'inlely. Slic is 22 now and I

- Inhanna Chester

c )11111 11(:1' amongst my best and (1(Nit·esl Iriends!

S{mini' S{:lic)01 10 11%0 the (:(11111}liters ill the

N couldn't wait unti| Eve ivent up to the (knnpuler Room. We. ilist prn(:lised pressing lim keys, WC)W! 11 was great fun! I was in



C)" Wednesday, 17 March 1988 a dry


7'111'ce (:rews and two Scullers represented

the st:hool at the 111(lependent Girls' Schools Regatta on Lake Wendouree on March 26111. The sec:(imi (:I·ew lindy I less, Suzie Condon. 14,Ily McPherson, Yolancle Duver, Louise Fitz (cox]1 won their division final in racing shle. As a I illing end to the l!)85-1988 rowing season. K:itc. 111(:imi and Vicki Phillips were awardod School (:olours for


love willi Ilit: conwuter and I know I'm going 10 Imve a great year willi it." - Tilly HI,Ii'cluii Sophisticalion is appal·e lit when une visits the Year 6 room where thern is the constant

hum (11' a compuler ill lise. The girls See thi,ir (:{}Ilipuler +111(ly aS 11 \1'(,1'|Invhile

learning experionce and n stepping MInim In

u tut:h ticilogic :iii future ... Towards their

Pictured are Barry and Louise O'Halloran.


Sunday. 121Ii March was n very special day for me. I wils pr{)11(1 1(, be al)10 10 Sharn in |he

dillurent, new kind exciling things. We use

Father/Dalighle]' Mass with my youngest (:hild,

shapes and we are going m learn how to

[*OWEN*] Helping Victorians Build

-111 1)111· (:(}Illi)uter lessons we le.,11·li many

(:01111)111{31· graphics to draw pic:litres und


design our own programs. Using computers also helps us to learn 10 4'pe. 1 think

As we entered |he chil[)01, i coulchi't 11{tip thinkin'g how forltinale Ilit): girls al'e, 1)(:ing


envil"unent 14 1(!1(11(!11% \Vll() Mu (Aniousl>' The gil·Is' parlic:ipation in Ilic Mitss was mosi implussive. Tbc I lomily. 1111]sic:. (Ir,1111,]lised

Lucy Maule (Prep. 1986) represents a fourth generation at Loreto.


- Alexandra (Hissold

This common! 11·om our blind student.

Tiffan y Blackinan, reveals how

'|hil·|cell of |he |\1'(,1,|y-four girls who Stal·led in I'lup Illis year, come |11)111 fmnilies wItt) Imve

(!111111]sinslic:ally onwn lers have 1)(!en


hild, {)1' ill't, 4 ill·lunlly I't!(:(!iving a li)!ul{}

1 enioy comi)111(11·S. 11 is one of my

After Mass il was grnal lo nicol the (,111{11' |'alliers

1((111{:illic)11. Of Spe{:ial ililt'11!HI, is Lucy Al,1111{! whose (:()1!1111(311(:1'1!1(!111 1'(')1'(11!n|,4 tile foul·th

do mine on Mon(In\'s al 11111(:Illillic. One {)1'

Cospel lullitic,rs on the walls and the thoughtprovoking Praye['S (11' the Mlithful all ackied k) lili

and Ilit, tenchers al Ilic: 11,111)0{:21( 1)1·(:,ikfus[.

& Building Materials

cornputers are great lun, intel·esting und

(:(|llc:alic| in mic:h a wonderful Spil'ililill inlmusled mul involved.

Timber, Hardware

genernlion (,1 11(:r Ihinily al 11)1'(,1,).

1(!t:(!ived thi'(iligholit Ilic luniol· S{:hool. I Ii\'{)uriles. Wi! have unc in c )111' (:lassroom. I

Serving Melbourne with a full range of building supplies for over 90 years, now with branches at:

Lucy's nicilher. Amlina Matile (nue 12,1,gliciitl),

the girls reads whal is on Ilit, st:,·4:en. '1'huy show ine where Ihe keys are. 11 is fun. 1

willl (1111' (I,illglilers over n vely slic)1·1 1)01·i{(1 01

intend{x| Mandevill{! for 111('k·(' V{:als 11!156+1!)118).

linve 111>' (:Imi)11Ier time for fift(,en minutes

\.th \ti'Illown,

RUI 3211 1011 Sth (:and*·nwll

1(14 31 231 1

Ilicir lifc!-span.

alic| afIt!1· 111,11 1 Imve Ilint:h.

I{Bl {99 I Ilit, C n)>11[).

1031 72:1 m


1031 465 4133 Sll, C k,kh,gl

1031 579 1188

'1'lit,sc Masses arn opporl tillilies nol lo bu missed!

1.ii{:y's grancliticillitti· Man· 1·:ngland (11(!(. 1<(,mill) 11(!gan 11(11· st:lionling al '1'(}orik in 1932.

Sth \1 41*,urn[·


1031 470 45!15 Al,•1111 E,14%11

It)31 736 2588

-1 think Falher/l),itighlcr Masses al'(! good

Mi ty 1(116|und's nunls, the f )111' 1<(iwilli Sislers,

assistance froill |1{11· c.lassiti,]tes in order to


0]31 7113 7522 11,itings

116!11 79 1287

1xx'.mist! v<)11 (11} 1101 (It) inany Illings willi vour

worn all tchic Iilt:cl iii Marv's Mollill, 11,!11,11'nt,

1'41,1(1 whal is (m lim screen as MIll! Ims

re{:(mily I.(!{:cived 11 (:{ )11'piller voi(:e il 11,1(:hment . This "(:c:ho" Spet!(:11, 11!11;ic: and

The c)(:casi{}11 111'nughl linme In int! Ille fad ilial

we arn only al)It |(} parlic:ipule iii |11(:se (1(:{:asions

1)41(1 al s{:hool mid Ilic:st, Mijss(!s givo you n

shortly nfler thu {:um·(!111 was {)i)(:tic:(1 in 11175.

(hance k) (1() sc)111{tlliing with v{)111· I),ul.

1 Ionarn imt| 14)|Ir |40\1';111 1)(!citme 1111!1111)(!13, {)1'

"The |holne fbi· {)111' Mass was alic)iti Living

Ilic |11%|i|11|(! mul 11(}1;1·il (Mollier Hernal'(11 livt!(1 1{) {:eli !1)rail! |'i|'|V Vt '4 11·4 1 }1 %(tivi[:t

Water und wo hang k)IS or It)vely soligs,"

(Spe(:ial Nole: '|'i|Tany will lic) longer 11(Yed

Syn th 1!Kiser will give Tiffany vurbal (:ues as In whal is pritilt!(l :m thi! S(:1'(:t,11.]


Prayer Weekends 111 111(2 (:()114,ge were slarled ten years ago anci offer past plipils Ille opportunity to share their filith and learn more about prityer or, alterumtively, to riN:over



and recreate after an exhallsling week of


work or sludy in a restful environment. '1'lles(: Conimunal activities have been


enlianced by the renovation of the conage. A


We wish all these girll i every stic.(:uss as they embark on their careers and hope that their (:hosen courses will m

mit their expectalions and bring them much fillfilment. The Mandevillian

is eager to hear of the exploits of recent past pupils, so please keep in conlact!

Dagmm· Andersen

group interaction.

Bred,1 Annesley

Low/Commerce at Mormsh l/niversity

(:jere Armstrong

Conunerce al Melbourne Universily

Friday afternoon, 27 Illne 10 Sunday afternoon 29 june, -1986. Anyone internsted is welcome to ring Sister Elizabeth Donnan oil 818-5266

In my capacity as Aths. Captain for 1986, I am pleased to present a report on the 1986 inter-house competition held at Olympic Park on Thursday, March 13th. The warm weather made a perfect setting, although some of the

Ilere is a list of the. d{ tslinations of Mandeville's 1985 H.S,C. and Alternative Year 11 classes as

they stood al thi, Mar( :h deadline. Please contact the school to notify of any changes to Ihis list

large family room extension it the back of the building has provided a relaxing space for

The next weekend at Blairgowrie runs from



after 5 pm.


Science at Monash University

lif?bet·ca 11(Lih.•y

Food Helailing m Foolst:ray Institute of Tedmology

Vk.torici HaWey

Nul·sing cil Mer·cy i lospital

AnloineUe Hongiorno

Law/Coninmrce at Melbourne University

Tanic, Uranton

Primary Teaching al Toorak Teachers' Gollege

Nic:ola litic:kley

Prinmry 'Am:hing at Toorak Teachers' College

Nonci Undord

Working al lim·os Delicatessen in the City in preparation for o course cit William Angliss College in !987

Address: '"I'he Mandevillian''

long distance runners could have wished for a

hort!10. Mill)(|(,1'ille 111111

Amirm (lirm)vale

Commerce at Melbourne University

cooler day.

|() Al,ilicit!\Tille Cres. l'noi·nk. 3142

Julia Chm·jeston

Secretarial Studies al Box Hill T.A.F.E.

Nicoh, Chiappolone

H.S.C. at Taylors College

1((lit('rin| (,(11]Ittittt't!

A new feature this year was the pentatl-lion event made up of javelin, long jump, shot put,

Comilitinity: Sister Deit·di·. Role

1.ina (:illvan'll<1

1 luirdressing apprenticeship at a salon in Balwyn

400 metres and 100 metres. This allows the

Scrili,1· Schook Anne NhANnd

overall athlete to prove her versatility in

It'lliol· St:litiol: Slic Nic:kerium

Mary DejetariS

Coninier(,10 at Melbourne University

Molhers' Association: 1':lizabeth ()slor

(:aroline Dickson

several events, rather than having to specialize

Hairdressing apprenticeship al a salon in Hawthorn

in one area. To facilitate the timing of the meeting, all field events other than long jump were held at school prior to the day. Given the 32° heat, this decision proved to be a

1·:dilm·: (;.11)1·ielle NI,:kilinon

14141 Pupi|s' Ass,)(:inlit )11: Inne Nathan

IN,ine l)(,ckls

Primury Teaching at Toorak Teachers' College

I}t!.sign Und LIVI„It: Scali. Mi:Calm. Sioves

Louise l)(11*

Dentisti·y al Melbourne University

[Atistralia) Ptv LId. 1.i.ha &10„re

Katherine Donnellan

Unable to be contacted

Louise Doran

Nursing at Mercy Coilege

relief for many competitors as it reduced the.

1 lejen Drake

Social Sciences at La Trobe University

number of events to be faced.


K,ltilryn l)1(ike

/ folmes Business Cojlege

E'/11/11(1 1)il/k

Arts al Monash University


Nicola Dupuche

The age-level championships were strongly contested and congratulations to the following

champions: Year 7 - Julia Borghesi, Year 8 -

Prinlcd al Advot:ate Press, Melbourne.

Genevieve Burtonclay, Year 9 - Anneliese

Megan Dwyer

Gill, Year 10 - Brigid Moorhead, Year 11 -

Angela Nicholls, Year 12 - Eliza Turner. The pentathlon award was shared between Nicci


Legal (:lerical work al Ogge, 2 0'Donnell, Burristers and Solicitors in Sth Ycirrit.

Bachelor of Business (Hote! Management and Catering) al Footscray Institute of Technology

Evelyn Engjund

Arts at Melbourne College of Advanced Education


Sally Evans

Music at Melbourne College of Advanced Education

Palricia Fagen

Commerce at Mt?lbourne University

and Anneliese Gill.

Staff and students in the Junior school opened

Hachej Ferrari

T.O.P. General Studies at Box Hill T.A. F. E.

Mornane, with depth of talent in both track

the school year with a Mass celebrated by Fr. Bob Walsh. In a combined effort, the girls decorated the Multi Purpose Room with a

Danielle Field

Arts at Monash Univeristy

Melisso Flanagan

T.O.P. General Studies at Box Hill T.A.F. E.

Jane Fogarty

Physiotheropy at Lincoln institute

large colorful banner pronouncing the theme

Camille Folley

Hicks and Kylie Smith. The overall Champion Athlete was again a tied result - Eliza Turner

and field (four of the year level Champions came from Mornane house), moved ahead rapidly on the points score early in the day and was never headed. The final results read:

of the Mass and their aspiration for the year

Mornane (Green)..


" there be Peace on earth anci let it

Mulhall (Rerl)


Barry {Gold Ward (Blue)


begin with me". Year 5 girls presented each participant with a badge depicting one of


various Christian Peace symbols.

It was the unenviable task of the new

Superior, Sr. Noni Mitchell, to decide the winner of the House Spirit Cup. Did she decide on volume of noise, colour or what?

Whatever it was, Mulhall was the proud

1 Men Hebel

Biological and Health Sciences at Decikin University


Elizabeth l lecle

1 Mme Economics m Husden

(Nahn Phcks

T.O.P. al Prahran T.A.F.E.

principal in Pat's absence.

BALLET CLASSES The reintroduction of ballet classes for girls in Prep to Year 2 has been met with great excitement. Our budding ballerinas take their classes very seriously under the professional instruction of Ms Karen Stephens. Through Classical Ballet, Karen aims to develop the girls' motor co-ordination, posture, deportment and creative movement. Karen recently spent

Simone Kelsey

Behavioural Sciences at La Trobe University

Kathy Koukouvaos

Home Economics at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

Jo-Anne Kydd

Arts at Melbourne University

CaUNwinc, Lennon

Nursing ul Lincoln Institute

10*Lihine Ley

Arts (it Melbourne University

Julie Lynch

Primary Teaching at Phillip Institute

Stison Mc:Grthy

Economics al Monash University

Fiona Mc.ican

Full-time work at Sportsgirl

Simone M<:l)uncild

T.O.P. General Studies ut Hohnesglen T.A.F.E.

Brigid Mci;Nigan

Year 11 al a lechnical School in Syiney

Fiona Margossis

Probationary Apprentice Chef at Chives Restaurant

Tania MarshaN

Arts ul Momish University

Sally Marlin

A year working before beginning nursing

Maria Meldrum

Public Relations Course at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

Gabrielle Mimovich

1 jules Business College Fashion Design Course in Sydney

Elizabeth Moyjan

Engineering at Royal Mejbourne Institute of Technology

Erinne Mulaihy

Child Care Course


Nic:ole Mulqimen

Full-time work al the A.N.Z. Hank

Judith Murphy

Full-time work at the S.E.C. and part-time Humanities at La Trot)e


Loretto Murphy

Nursing at l,iner}in Institute

Monica Nolan

Sdence at MA,ourne University '

Sophie O'Shaughnessy

Science at Melbourne University

I Jniversity

Louise Paoli

T.O.P. Social Science at Preston T.A.F. E.

Mandeville. Since leaving school Anna has

Katerina Pap<imarkou

Sciena? at Melbourne University

completed her teacher training at Toorak State College and spent ten months travelling

Gabrielle Quin

Low/Arts at Monash University

Elizcibeth Ralph

Horse Munagenient at Marcus Ojdhoni College, Geelong

overseas. In that time she managed to see a

Sally Ralph

Nursing at Mercy Flospital

good deal of Europe and the Middle East and spent two months working ill Italy. She is

Natcisha Hebes(:himi

Advertising Course at Hoyal Melbourne Institute of Technology

readers will know Anna as a Past Pupil of

now studying Italian earnestly . . . in preparation for another trip?

Penejove Hegan

Primary Teaching at Toorak Teachers' College

Melissa Rice

I,(]w/Arts at Melbourne University

Elizabeth Ror:ke

l'i·imciry 'l'(ic.·hing at Toorak Teachers' College

Ccitherine S(into

Arts (it Melbourne University


Germ Shernici

Arts m Monosh Universit I

Bronwyn Shady

Nursing at Mercy College


Gabrielle Sheehan

Arts al Melbourne University

Caroline Shelton

Arst at Melbourne University

On a hot and blustery day in February, the

Anna Sinn

Primary Teaching at Toorak Teachers' College

junior school assembled to mask Moomba.

Fiona Sitzoukis

T.O.P. General Studies at Footscray Institute

Suddenly the quadrangle be(:ame a scene of Fantasy: Elephants, Rabbits, Birds and all

Anna Slattery

Year 11 (]t Genazzano

Kirsteti Smgh

Science at Monash University

Courtney Soutar

Secretarial Studies at Swinburne T.A.F.E.

Tbui Tani

Commerce at Melbourne University

I)anic?1(1 7'(immarc)

Teaching at Toorak 'I'euchers' Conege

sorts of Incredible Things paraded around. Every now and again the trile identity of a child was revealed, as the wind captured a mask and tossed it across the asphalt,

Mothers were seen scampering around retrieving the wayward masks and returtiing them to their owners. In all it was a very exciting day!

a haven for the Mandevillian Loreto

Arts at Mdbourne University

Grace Ballet Academy.

School Staff this year as Year 2 teacher. Many

Blairgowrie, seaside retreat for many fatigued Melbournians, has, since 1973, also provided

Nursing at Mercy College

Rebecca Interdonato

Sarah Moulton

Miss Anna McKinnon has joined the junior


Denise Hoppe

five weeks in Monaco teaching at the Princess

Geraldine O'Sullivan at the Athletics.


Nursing m St. Vincent's Hospital Law/Arts at Monash University

home in mid-june. Mrs Marilyn Orr is vice-


Radjography at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

Kathryn Hunruhan

Science ot Melbourne University

to tour the fior(is of Norway, then to return


Social Scienag at La Trobe University

11(,sum und Green

Andrea Hatcher

relatives in Northumberlancl. Later she intends

(Left to right): Angela Nicholls and Geraldine O'Sullivan competing in the senior hurdles.

Science at Melbourne University

LONG SERVICE The vice-principal of the junior School, Miss Pat Moylan, is at present on long service. leave. At Easter she flew to England to visit


Rule Gendron

Samantha Gray

Enuna Not


Kylie Smith, Athletics Captain (left) and

Full-time work with a physiotherapist and part-time T.O. P. at Swinburne histitutu



Nestling among tea trees and a short distance

The junior school social diary is always a

from the bay, the cottage, which was purchased by the Past Pupils' Association, is used by the nuns and their guests for

hedic one! In first term sonic of the most

recreation. It is maintained by the 1)ast PuI)ils, who formed a Board of Trustees shortly after its acquisition, to be directly responsible for

constraints of the school environment, These

important occasions allow parents and teachers to meet and socialise outside the

Sarah Tidey

Low/Arts al Melbourne University

Kate Turner

Coninierce al Melbourne University

Justine Thompson

Commerce al Melbourne University

Maria Vandoros

T.O.P. Applied Science at Box Hill T.A.F. E.

Mary Velissaris

Travel Agent Course at the Travel Training Centre

Maria Vilkos

H.S.C. at Alberl Park High School

Ilelene Von Schrenk

Biological Sciences at La Trobe University

Anne Marie Ward

Arts at Monash University

Loretta Waters

Arts at Monash University

Kather·inc Whelan

Primary Teaching at Toorak Teachers' College

Catherine Willis

Business Studies at Burwood

Colleen Wills

Physical Sciences at La Trobe University

are the Class Dinners cum Cocktail Parties.

Margaret Wong

Hadiography at Royal Melbourne histitute of Tedinology

Lisa White

Arts at Sydney University,

Louise Stewart

Secretorial Studies at Holmes Business CoNege

Margaret Cosgriff, are still working to ensure

Class mothers organise the nights which are held in the homes 01' parents. All tenchers and parents involved with the class are invited. As in the past, they were well attended this year

the future of the cottage.

and enjoyed by all.

the cottage upkeep. Of the original board, three members, Helen Dore, Pat Buxton and

Nicole Wilms

7'.().P. Art und Design al j loiniesglen 'l'.A,F.E,

Elish,i Wyatt

Secretwicil Slticlic?s cit 11)1111,!sgler, 7'.A.F. E.

Somantha Worner

T.O.P. Media Studies und Drome at Prahran 7'.A.F.E.

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