Mandevillian, 2006, Vol21, No2

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Women in Leadership Senior staff at Loreto Mandeville Hall attended the annual Women

in Leadership Dinner in May. The event is organised by the Victorian f

Catholic Deputy Principals Association. Guestspeaker fortheevening, Carmel Guerra, member of the Victorian Honour Roll of Women

2005, spoke of her role in education and challenging institutional


arrangements which exclude young people from participation in education. The evening provided a valuable opportunity foreducators to network and to be challenged. (Mrs) Mar, Pet ric. Deputr Prin.-ipal, Director of Pastoral Care

Back Row 1.-R: Marv Petrie and Michelle· McCartl.r

14·ont L-R: Elizabeth Blackie, Louise Peyton, Marg Bowden and Lucy Lyfort!

Loreto Mandeville Hall Tue 13 March

Open Mornings 2007:


Tour of Historic House 9.00 sharp School Tours and Open Mtornings are a great way to discover all that Loreto Mandeville Hall

Junior and Senior School Tours 9.00-10.30am Mon 30 April


has to offer. School tours and Information

Mornings provide an opportunity for future

parents and students to meet our Principal,

Junior and Senior School Tours Tue 5 June


Dr Susan Stevens, the Deputy Principals, teaching staff and current students of Loreto Mandeville Hall.

You can also view the

Junior and Senior School Tours Fri 27 July


School facilities: hear about the wide range of curriculum choices as well as our excellent

academic results and our pastoral care

Junior and Senior School Tours Wed 22 August

9.00am- 1 0.00am


Junior and Senior School Tours

To help prospective parents make an informed




daughter's education at Loreto Mandeville

Wed 17 August


Tour of Historic House 9.00 sharp

Hall, we warmly invite you to attend one of

the following Open Mornings in the Junior and

Junior and Senior School Tours 9.00-10.30am

Senior School during 2006.


Editorial Committee

Loreto Mandeville Hall

10 Mandeville Crescent, Toorak, 3142 Phone 9823 8100 Fax 9823 8120

LMH Website

Editor, Amanda Apthorpe Assistant Editor, Judy Broad Junior School, Catherine Sim Photography, Lynne Beck. Josephine Fagan and Sandra Jane

Printed by Kreate Graphics

1 .t)RETO Mandeville Hali lborak 2006


oreto Mandeville Hall stands in a long and significant tradition

L of education for girls. In 2009, Mary Ward Schools all over the world will join together in celebration of 400 years of education for girls. The recognition of this significant anniversary for Mary Ward Schools world-wide provides yet another avenue to strengthen our connectedness, our common mission, our shared heritage.

In June this year I was fortunate enough to visit Augsberg, Germany, a city that was of great significance to Mary Ward in her lifetime. It is a place that continues to be very important for all of our Schools today, for it is in the Moria Ward School and Convent at Augsberg that

the famous series of paintings known as The Painted Life is housed, together with important archives including Mary Ward's pilgrim's

hat and her traveller's shoes. The Painted Life is a collection of fi fty paintings depicting the life and times of Mary Ward. The paintings provide valuable insights into the defining moments in Mary Ward's

faith journey, as well as capturing in symbol and design the social and political context that influenced and shaped so much of Mary Ward's story.

In all of our Australian Loreto Schools, there are reproductions of some of the paintings from The Painted Life collection. As we continue

to look forward in building upon our rich heritage, it is vital that we also continue to educate Loreto students in these elements of our

tradition. Our Crest, our School Hymn and Holiday Hymn, our art work, our religious symbols, signs and liturgies, our welcoming and protective statues of St Michael the Arch-Angel at the entrance to our Schools, and our newly commissioned statue of Mary Ward, are all

outward symbols of the tradition that has been formed and nurtured by the Sisters of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The deeper 6

values that define what it iS to be Loreto are called to mind in various

ways when we identify with these symbols and traditions. Our national Loreto focus for 2006 has been Freedom. At Loreto

Mandeville Hall our students have embraced this focus, using it as a basis for linking our many Social Justice activities with this fundamental

value, and also in raising awareness about the deeper meaning of freedom, leading to the important practical response of fundraising for others in need. In both these respects we continue to support and promote the important work of the Loreto Sisters abroad in countries such as India, Africa, Vietnam and Timor Leste and Peru. (Dr)Suj,in Ste·rens

LORETO FEDERATION "BUILDING BRIDGES" Friday 4 - Sunday 6 May 2007 in Sydney co-hosts:

Loreto Normanhurst and Loreto Kirribilli

(see page 43 for details)


Brain Strain at MJJc vI Whitelion is a non-for-profit organisation that works within Melbourne's juvenile justice facilities helping young people build a better life for themselves. Each year thousands of young people are disconnected from

our community due to abuse and neglect, drug addiction and poverty. These young people have often had horrific life experiences with few positive role models and are caught in a cycle that is difficult to break.

During the June school holidays, a number of the staff from both junior School and Senior School participated

in a "Brain Strain" trivia competition at Melbourne juvenile justice Centre, Parkville, organised by Whitelion. The aims of the activity were as follows:

• to raise the profile of Whitelion, with the possibility of on-going partnership with staff • to familiarise staff with the young men of MJjC in order to gain a better understanding of the issues they face

• to involve staff of Whitelion and Loreto and the young men in a fun activity • to enable an opportunity for participants to develop a rapport as members of a team

• to provide an opportunity for staff to put school values into action through Social Justice outreach The competition took place in the MjjC facility and involved various protocols and security arrangements before access was allowed. The teams consisted of two to three Loreto staff, a Whitelion staff member and

three young men. The activities drew on participants' trivia knowledge, problem solving ability, physical skills and, for some, eating expertise! Following the competition, participants and organisers shared a nutritious meal kindly donated by KFC.

All participants benefited from the experience, and the organisers hope the "Brain Strain" will become an annual event and open doors to new possibilities for connections.

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Young Leaders Day Conference On 27 February, we had the opportunity to go to Vodafone Arena for Melbourne's Young Leaders Day Conference. Over 5,000 students attended the conference to |isten to a number of inspirational leaders talk to us about their leadership. The speakers included: Peter Bland, arctic explorer, Hazel Edwards, author, Drew Gimm, elite rower/awesome four-some Olympic gold medallist and Ron Barassi. football legend. We learnt a lot about great leadership skills and we had a great time. 81 :pba nie Gassin, Harriel l laig U Ta Ta 11,1 lisbet,, Year o


LORETO Mandeville Hall Toorak 2006





n the Sunday before Anzac Day (23 April) Lot-eto Mandeville Hall Toorak was represented at the Wreach Laying Ceremony to honour all those nurses who served our country during the War; about forty wreaths were laid ard a short Reflection Service took place.

This is the third year that two of our Year 12 students (this year Student Council ors Clare Condon (lert in picture) and Fenina Acance) have been involved in this Very

moving ceremony which is held at 431 St Kilda Road where a poignant b.onze and marble memolal has been

erected in front of the building now known as Fawkner Towers. This was the originai site of the Nurses Memorial Centre.

The Nurses Memorial Centre honoured the memory and epitomised the dedication, t'le gallantry and the self sacrifice of all nurses who served Australia. It was the tragedy of the Centaur and the Banka Island Massacre wh ch kindled the first thoughts of a memorial to nurses who died on active service. The Banka Island Massacre, which took ilace on 14 February 1942, was the occasion when twenty-two Australian nurses waded out to sea and were shot to death, leaving one survivor, Sister Vivian Bulwinkle, whose hercism, contribution and leadership during WWI I has been compared to that of Sir Weary Dunlop. Following the building of Fawkner Towers, the Nurses Association has been given Clubrooms within the building where an Afternoon Tea is held following the Wreath Laying ceremony, and where Clare and Fenina were able to chat with nurses who had served during the War.

They both cold me how proud they were to represent Loreto Mandeville Hall on this occasion and that it had been a very moving occasion for them.

I look forward to accompanying our two student representatives next year for the 2007 Service. (MOJan Paull, Pli to Di- Stei,ens

(Jan's motber was Matron oftbe Broom, Air Forre Ho.spital during tbe War, and celebrated ber 90* biribdtiv last year)

A Gift for Life


n 3 May, approximately sixty-five teachers and students

donate blood next year. The day was a great success and we hope

signed up to donate blood for the Red Cross Blood Bank.

this program will continue t,0 be such a popular and beneficial form

For many this was the first time giving blood, so there were

ot community service in future years.

quite a lot of nervous faces around the school. Ten Year I Is helped

promote and organise the appointments for the day and made sure

Alire 1 lalpin, Year 11

everyone arrived at their allocated times and ensured that they had

enough lollies, biscuits and, most importantly, drinks to keep them sustained after they had made their donation.

This is a very worthwhile project, which has been running at Loreto for a number of years. It gives the students an opportunity to donate blood, which will certainly be lifesaving, with very little effort. I was amazed when I heard that only about 3% of the Australian population

gives blood, but around 80% will need a blood-related product at some time in their life.

On the day, many girls who intended to donate blood were unable to do so for a number of reasons: for example in my case, a low

iron count disqualified me. This was very disappointing and I am now working hard at building up my iron levels so that I am able to

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elebrate your wedding in our b*tutiful 1 1

[ct# 4'* Chapel of Cbr1sf the Ki* Contact: Mrs Pat O'Halloran or Mrs Dot Peters

Weddi-ng Coordinators Loreta Mandeville Hall 10 Mandeville Crescent Tooyak VIC 3142 Tel: 9823 8100 2 j

Fax: 9823 8120

anail: pat.o'

Dot Peters and Pat O i iallorar

this way!" One bride-to-be, having come to view the Chapel

Loreto Mandeville Hall

disarray: she simply looked around and mirmured, "1'd forgotten

Wedding Coordinators

one day when the chairs were missing, seemed not to notice the

how beautiful it is." Havingtaughtseveral of the brides, we delight in reminiscing as we see the face of the little girl or teenager emerge from the face of the young woman when we meet again

7 he joy on our faces is an indicator of what it means to us

to be part of such a happy and sacred occasion. From the

after some years. What a blessing and privilege for us! After so many years of being

moment of the Lnitial erquirry, during all that is involved as

steeped in the Loreto ethos we now, in our retirement, bring

the day approaches, to the couple leaving the Chapel of Christ

this to bear as we do our utmost to ensure that this momentous

the King as husband and wife, we share a very special journey.

occasion is all that the couple and their families dream of.

As friendsand colleagues ontheteachingstaff at Loreto Mandeville Hall (now retired, but with forty three years of service between

Photo Top: Dot Peters and Pat O'l-lalloran share a special imjrnent

us), we had often discussed how wonderful it would be to see the

with Angela (La Manna) and Stefan Kos mil two of their delightful

beautiful Chapel used as a venue for weddings. Our feelings were

little attendants

re nforced by similar opinions expressed from time to time by past pupils, families and staff members. Having put our thoughts

Below: Dot Peters (left) and Pat 07 Wloran -

to Dr Susan Stevens in 2003, we were delighted to discover that

LMH Wedding Coordinators

she shared our enthusiasm. Thus began the lengthy process of investigating the legalitles and practicalities of implementing such

a service to our School Community. Now, two and a half years after the first wedding in the Chapel, with eleven weddings so far, the Loreto connection has been further cemented for nine

past pupils and two staff members, as well as their families and friends. With the weddings of the children of staff members in the coming months, that connection will broaden. Apart from the special joy we experience on the 'big day' itself, there is so much to be relished during the months and weeks leading up to that day. We watch as prosDective brides look around the Chapel and fondly recall special occasions from their school days. With adult perspective they now marvel at how large ti seemed in their younger years. Surprise at the changed orientation is often expressed: " ... but the altar used to face


RETO Mandeville Hall Tborak 2006

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C TEAM LEADERS 2006-2007

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School Captain 2007: Olivia Dalton

School Vice Captain 2007: Zoe Wood Flaaeleine vvilice

Zoe Wood




Individual Differences The Individual Differences Department represents the diverse interests and strengths of students at Loreto Mandeville Hall. A range of exciting activities and opportunities have been offered this year and it is wonderful to see the girls embracing these opportunities with such fervour.

The highlight of the Individual Differences calendar is definitely Tournamentof Minds. This yean three LMH teams, two senior and one junior, entered the competition. The girls formed cross-year level teams and presented solutions to both a long-term and spontaneous challenge at the Regional Final held at Swinburne University of Technology. The teams chose their long-term problem from one

of three, Language and Literature, Social Sciences or Maths and Engineering, and had six weeks to develop a creative solution. By contrast, the spontaneous chalenge allowed only a few minutes of preparation tirne.


All the teams performed well, but it was the girls in the Senior School team who tackled the Social Sciences problem, 'Trick or Treaty' who were awarded Honours at the fiercely contested Regional finals. Georgie Toohey, Katya Smirnova, Sophie Merrick, Lilybet Holt, Anneliese Henjak, Frances Lee and Diana Jal<obson

(pictured right) were rightly proud of their efforts. In the Junior School, Caitlin Hloward, Molly Cooke, Annabel Healy, Artemis


Sfendourakis, Jessica Gribbin, Madeleine Tehan and Meaghan Howard entered the Language Literature Challenge, 'Floored by Tragedy', while Freya Timmer-Arends, Carly Gregg, Alice Bisits, Harriet Horsfall. Brigid A'Hearn, Shannon Davidson and Annabel Jones of the Senior School entered the Maths Engineering Challenge, 'Birds of Baradice'.

Earlierin the year, a large number of girls in Years 7,8 and 9 took the opportunity of entering the Epilepsy Foundation of Victoria Trivia Challenge. In all, twenty-eight girls took part in the quiz and raised $280 for the Epilepsy Foundation in the process. Twelve girls will take part in the online final later in the year: Isabel Davies. Stephanie Gibbs, Annabel Jones, Joanna Pidcock, Stephanie Chow, Nicola

Stevenson, Ama-da Chong-Halliday, Harriet Horsfal Jacqueline O'Connell, Lexie Griffin, Carly Gilbert and Ale>andra Cowen.





Students have also been encouraged to enter local and national poetry and writing competitions over the course of the year Year 12 student Isabelle Lane was one of six finalists in the Monash University Law School Human Writes Essay Competition. Isabelle wrote on the topic We have more to fear from the State than from terrorists and was awarded a commendation for her essay. Similarly, Year 7

student Stephanie Robinson was honoured by having her entry to the 2006 Daffodil Day Arts Awards selected for exhibition at the 15W Gallery in the Under 18 Writing Category of the competition. The Australian Catholics Young Journalist Award 2006 generated articles from students across the Senior School, while the annual Scarlet Stiletto Award for crime/

mystery writing has generated keen interest. Students in Years 10, 1 I and 12 were alsogiven the opportunity to enterthe Corporate Social Responsibility Competition. The results of these competitions will be finalised later in the year The Australian Stock Exchange Sharemarket Game proved very popular with fortytwo Senior School students taking part in the competition. After only the first day of trading, Daniella Stutt (11) was ranked first in the country, but by the end of the competition it was Shannon Davidson (7) who hit the Loreto Mandeville Hall leader

board, coming 29th in the state out of a total of 4916 competitors.

Congratulations Year 9 students Jacqueline O'Connell, Lexie Griffin, Carly Gilbert and Alexandra Cowen took part in the Epilepsy Foundation of Victoria Trivia Challenge

Final late last term and came first in the competition for their year group.


l.,ORETO Mandeville Hall Toorak 2006

Loreto Mandevil e Hall, Junior School, in a cluster with a number of Independent schools, has been successful

in gaining funding under

the Federal ASISTM project (Australian Schools Innovation in Science,

t€MS' i

Technology and Mathematics).

At Loreto, the particular focus is to explore student learning in Science in the Year 5 and 6 areas. Units of curriculum will be developed, and some lessons will be videotaped to stimulate teacher discussion about effective teaching and learning.

We were very fortunate indeed to have a Year 5 blue classroom videotaped

recently. The filming was conducted by Professor David Clarke. Professor Clarke is the Director of the Learner's Perspective Study (LPS), which has examined well-taught Year 8 Mathematics classes in fourteen countries using video footage to study key lesson events. Tapes generated during our project

will be used for the professional development of teachers within the cluster, and later perhaps as part of presentations in the wider community. The two hour taping session took place in a regular Science class. The class teacher, Mr Gary Thomas was interviewed to ascertain the preparation of the

Pictured L-R: Professor David Clarke (front right) and

Dr Julie Landvogt question Gary about the Science lesson.

students and the techniques used to achieve a classroom culture which is rich

in thinking and questioning. The edited tape, together with other materials generated during the project, may be used by our own staff, acting as a springboard for further action research on teaching practice and children's thinking and learning. (Mrs) Marg Bowden Curriculum Coordinator, ./11,1ior St·bool

LORET©-Mande?ille Hall Toorak

World 19)ide Yet Baunch


Launch of the new Loreto Mandeville Hall -Website On Monday 2 October, Loreto Mandeville Hall launched its new website. visit and see for yourself our exciting new look and the many new features.




Vive les crdpes!



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1.€)11-ETO Mandeville Hall iborak 2006

hursday 17 August Indonesian







Year 9



celebrated this special occasion ... in style! We gathered on the Glade


for a 'krupuk' eating Krupuks

competition. are



crackers. We threaded

them through string and tried to eat them with our hands behind our

backs. Everyone was a bit

apprehensive due to lack of education about these unfamiliar



snacks and their unusual

appearance. In the end, everyone and


had a wonderful

time. This was a great

way to celebrate the Independence of this great country. Cal·lv Gilbert, Cher'vil Tan

and Itirqueline 0(1011}1211

n Term 3, Year 9 students of French researched the

geography, the climate and the production of a region of France of their choice, then linked it to its traditional cuisine.

The most enjoyable part for all was cooking and then sharing

delicious dishes from places such as Provence, Bretagne and Normandy.

VIncent Berraud, Teacber ofFrencb


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ou don't realise how different life is within the

centre of Australia until you actually go there. When we left Melbourne it was cold, wet,

the grass was green and the sky was dark; buildings were everwhere. In Central Australia the air was

hot, everything was dry and the sky was a startling blue. From that moment it felt like there was no

need to rush, as if time had paused for me so I could


appreciate the moments. When I left Melbourne I didn't realise that the

Aboriginal people would have such an impact on me and I felt SpOilt that I had so much at home while they had so little. We learned that when their land was taken away from them, they lost a part of their soul and their ancestors' spirits and that the Aboriginal people beilieve in their own spirit, their ancestors' spirits and the Dreamtime stories which have been passed down through generations. Men's and women's roles in Aboriginal society are very different and there are many sacred places that are exclusive to their sex. Even some symbols are classified as male or female.

During my journey to Central Australia I saw many things that affected me emotionally and I was surprised by the beauty of the landscape that was so different to what I am used to. This opportunity

has broadened my view of life and given me a better understanding of Aboriginal beliefs and way of life, which I believe has made me a better person. Stephanie Grirm,LF



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The 2006 Music Festival, held on Thursday 15 June at Robert Blackwood Hall, was a great night with a variety of performances. Over

1 twenty of our School Music Ensembles performed, involving musicians from Years 3 - I 2. Thank you to all the Ensemble Directors who worked so hard with the girls to produce wonderful performances, most fitting of the festival's title - 'la beautd de la musique'.






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On the evening of Wednesday 2 August the Loreto Symphony Orchestra joined with the Senior Orchestra from Yarra Valley Grammar School and the Will<ie Orchestra, from Wesley College (Glen Waverley) to participate in the 2nd Annual Yarra Valley Orchestra Festival. It was a great chance for us to perform in front of orchestral rnusicians from other schools, with each orchestra presenting its own program of works. The night began with a Combined Schools Brass Fanfare and Chorale and the final piece was from a Combined Schools String Orchestra performing Capnot Suite by Peter Warlock. X,·-mi, I.'Ji/£91. .1.,1


Nick Tsiavos. teacher of Double Bass Congratulations to Nick Tsiavos, a member of the Loreto Music Department, who has enjoyed mu:ch s.ccess in recent times, both as a solo artist and with his bar·d Jouissance. Late last year the band released Akathistos Fragments' on ABC Classics, to splendid reviews. This year Nick has released three more CDs, including one for solo Double Bass - AH that is solid me/ts into air. They have enjoyed strong airplay on ABC Classic FM and Radio National. In July Jouissance undertook a short tour of Estonia, playing

concerts for the Glasperlenspiel Festival, Viljandi Vanamuusika Festival and Festival Seitsme Linna Muusika. The tour, which had

funding from Arts Victoria, was very successful and it has led to further invitations to perform in Europe. Jouissance hopes to return to Europe ir late 2007 or· early 2008.

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Cello Qaartet

Members of the Clarinet Ensemble T


Members of the Vocal Ensemble


)n 8 August, the annual Chamber Music Concert was held in the Chapel of


Ihrist the King. The large gathering of family, friends and Loreto Sisters was reated to a mostsuperb evening with performances from Loreto's many smaller hamber ensembles, from both Junior and Senior Schools. The Chamber Music toncert is a fantastic opportunity for our musicians to experience and perform wide and different selecton of works, in the more intimate performance space

,f our chapel. Thank you to Miss O'Driscoll and to all the students' ensemble

lirectors for preparing the girls for the evening. taim,g l-liell, 3,2,1001 rwiltst a,la /C'slfic,? Allm,ir, bentor L/wrister Senior Recorder Ensemble

Junior Recorder Ensemble

In August. this year Loreto weclomed sixty-two musicians, aged 15 -23, from the Stuttgart Youth Orchestra. The Stuttgart Youth Symphony Orchestra 71

is one of the central ensembles of the Stuttgart Music School, the largest 'Music School in the state of Baden WOrttemberg.

In Melbourne, as






of a







a number of / I


Melbourne Iig«/.Ix-schools, including a morning concert

at Loreto. A highlight of their visit was a combined concert with the Loreto Symphony Orchestra and the Melbourne String Ensemble at the Iwaki Auditorium on Friday 18 August. It was a wonderful experience for our il

musicans to peform with this orchestra, and we also were very appreciative of the Loreto families and staff members who billeted the musicians during their stay.

Our Town "Do any human beings ever realise life while they live it? - every, every minute?

(Thornton Wilder's Our Town, Act Three) In the middle of a busy second term, the two Theatre Studies classes merged for the first time, in order to produce the annual Year 12 Play, Thornton Wilder's, Our Town. The play, which tells the story of everyday life in the small town of Grovers Corners, New Hampshire, America, is a testament to why human beings should savour the value and importance of every single moment of every day. It encourages the audience to reflect on the message of Wilder's play and to savour each moment of their own lives.

Following many weeks of intense rehearsal in and out of class, the girls amazed their rapt audiences with three nights of stunning performances. Each Year 12 girl undertook an acting role as well as an area of stagecraft to contribute to the production. Their vision of creating the atmosphere of a 1900 American town and interpreting this iconic and deeply spiritual play with integrity and meaning was truly realised and deeply appreciated by the audiences. Overall, it was a wonderful experience for both cast and audience. We would like to thank our teacher and Director Mrs Kay and our Drama Technician/Production Manager Ms Schliebs. Antbea Fell and Cbloe Gardner, Year 12


LORETO Mandeville Hall -1-borali 2006

Xavier/Loreto Winter Play This year's Winter Play was one of Shakespeare's most performed works, Macbeth. A cast of twenty Xavier boys and Loreto girls rehearsed very hard for two months to prepare the play for the five nights of performance.

The play was capably directed by Mr Chris Fosdick, Head of Drama at Xavier. The young actors did a magnificent job, performing their respective roles very skilfully. It was a well directed piece in which the ensemble worked together cohesively, transporting audiences into a world of witchcraft and chilling ambition. Special mention must be made of Olivia McCombe, for her superb portrayal of

Lady Macbeth, Alex Saccardo (Xavier Drama Captain) who gave an energetic and powerful performance as Macbeth and, of course, the three sinister witches, (who wore white contact lenses), played by Genevieve Brady, Charlotte Ireland and Stephanie Sabatino (Loreto Drama Captain) (pictured left). It was also marvellous to see past Xavier students return to support

the production. james Gallichio composed an evocative soundscape for the piece and James Lawrie assisted with set construction and painting.

Many thanks to the Drama staff at Xavier for their wonderful efforts and hard work with the students. It is lovely to celebrate another happy and creatively successful collaboration between our schools. It is now Loreto's turn to reciprocate. Ms Tamara Kuldin is currently directing the Xavier boys and our girls in the annual Spring Play. Moliere's Tartuffe was performed at Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak on Tuesday 10 - Friday 13 October. (Mrs) Robyn Ktry , Head 0(Drama

Transition Workshop for Year 12 The transition from school is one of life's big adventures. Like any journey, it can be € xciting, challenging and frightening all at the same time. There are considerable differences bet,/een school and university . First-year students will encounter a whole new set of expectations and learn a new set of

skills. This is not as simple as it sounds. To help our

Year 12 students prepare for this change they spent strong connection with Loreto Mandeville Hall Past

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Pupils promotes the spiritof community by providing

1 11 lil..:. EV7

an afternoon in August: addressing these issues. Our

opportunities for interaction and support. Five past .

pupils kindly offered their time to come back to Loreco to share their experiences about making the transition from school to life beyond Loreto. Their

tales were funny, honest, encouraging and realistic. We thank Ali Terrill, Alexandra Bingham, Stephanie

Shultzand Chloe Parker ('05) and Isabelle Jones ('04) 1 for their participation in our Transition Workshop. a

We are confident the Year 12 students not only

appreciated hearing about these experiences first hand but will draw on this information to help them adjust to the changes and challenges they will undoubtedly face next year and beyond! (Mrs) Paui,tz, Steedman Care€rs Centre


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History Weel<

culminated with the Year

8 Medieval Day wnere students were able to 'travel back in time' and don Medieval armour, complete brass rubbings of

knights and ladies, enjoy story telling in the style of the rich Medieval oral tradition and finally exhibit their skills in Medieval dance. History continues to be a strong area of study at Loreto Mandeville Hall so it is wonderful to have the chance to

celebrate this discipline.




A el

Congratulations A number of Loreto students recently

History', Charlotte Ilreland, Alicia Deak

competed in the Regional Judging for the

and Rebecca Moore in the category

National History Challenge, this year's

of Year 11/12 students as well as the

theme being: 'Turning Points' in Australian

special category of 'In War and Peace',


Claire Wong in the category of Year9/ 10

It is with great pleasure that I am

students and finally Harriet Horsfall,

able to advise that four of these entries

Nicola Stevenson, Stephanie Byrnes and

have been advanced to the level of State

Catherine Lucas in tlhe category of Year

Judging to be held in October. They are: Olivia McCombe in the category of Year 11/12 students as well as the special

category of 'Turning Points in Australian

7/8 students.

Mr Nick Frigo, Head of History

LORETO Mandeville 1-1.111 Tooral< 2006

On Wednesday 16 August, the Year 10 girls were lucky enough to spend the day with the Gyuto monks from Tibet. Six in all, they varied in age from mid-twenties to seventysix. The humorous MC who directed the T

activities of the day had us in silence as he told us that every one of the smiling monks had a tortured history and moving stories.

to share, each of them having escaped Tibet during times of war.

After displaying their unique style of chanting to us for a few


minutes, we were allowed to ask the monks specific questions about their shaved heads, religious vows, and day-to-day practices as a monk. We discovered that children as young as six years old are sent to monasteries as 'monklets,' to spend their lives dedicated to the teachings of art and music which are valued so highly among their order of monks. Despite their lack of English, the monks helped us to create tokens


of peace and an illustration of their symbol for 'World Harmony.' By the end of the day, two of the monks had created an elaborate

mandala out of sand, which was swept into a jar as part of their departing ceremony. We were sad to see them go, though they

left with us their friendly vibe of peace, harmony and appreciation for our abundance of possessions, valuable education, and the


endless possibilities we are blessed with. £:Jurve Ma,-tyn


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.Act 2 r



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n important person in the history of our School, Sr Ruth also made significant contribution in the field of Science and, in particular, in Science Education for girls. Sr Ruth was the inaugural Chair of the Catholic Schools' Science Teachers Association. She had a great influence in educating many young women in Chemistry, Mathematics and the Sciences.

Sr Ruth Winship's Address -

2€4:9: .

The blessing and naming of the Science Centre r irst of all I thank Dr Stevens for inviting me to share this -celebration with you all this morning. I am sure that all among

1 you who have seen these rooms are as proud of them as I am, and I am deeply grateful to Dr Stevens for the honour given me of having them named after me. I have been involved in many different ways, on and off staff with Loreto Mandeville Hall for over seventy


years so I always feel as though a large part of me is buried here and now I know that my memory is truly imprinted here. You are all so accustomed to Science being an integral part of the daily curriculum that it is difficult for you to have any idea of a school without Science. Well, when I was here in the mid 30's-an ordinary

1986- Refurbishments -great teachers like Dr Anne Huntand Brian

school girl like yourselves such was the case - the School's emphasis

Ellett spring to mind.

was on the Arts. Science was an unknown consideration until 1935

when an Honours Student from Brisbane requested that she be

given an opportunity to study Science. In response to this request a tutor was employed and from this small seed the beginnings of

2006 - Another twenty years went by and by then another more ambitious and cleverly designed re arrangement took place and we in 2006, are the proud owners of the most beautifully equipped Science labs in any school, giving ample opportunities to the most

Science teaching emerged.

enthusiastic student.

1940 - Great changes. Junior School on the Green Veranda. Purchase of Del Pratt's house. Transfer of junior School to Pratt's house left space for the Science Room. Science taught here for twenty-six years. Crowded, meagre equipment but many talented

girls seized the opportunities offered and achieved success and good careers.

Because I am talking here about our new Science Rooms and the tremendous opportunities offered our students I do not mean to neglect the Arts. A friend once said to me "Your Loreto students must be trained to be High Tech and High Touch" and by that she meantthatthe Sciences and the Arts mustgo hand in hand to educate the whole person. If we allow technology to smotherthe values that

1966 - Mary Ward Building - new Science rooms. Science now

nourish the human spirit we have sold our souls to soullessness.

firmly established and these new rooms became the Science labs for

We become efficient robots rather than reflective human beings.

the next twenty years.

High tech can never replace the beauty of your Music and your Art. It must never deprive us of our compassion and our human touch. The words of Mother Gonzaga Barry are relevant here. "All around you

. 14

... wherever you go, must be more beautiful for you having been there". We need our Music and the beauty of our Art and our compassion to balance the high tech in our lives. A world without Artis a world without

vision and, as Einstein said, 'Science

without religion is lame, and religion without science is blind.'

Thank you for listening to me! I ask God's blessing on you all and pray that we will bring to birth all the beautiful potential I see before me. Sr Rutb Winship ibi·m

Dr Susan Stevens, Sr Rutli Winship ·and Sr Christine Burke, Provincial of Loreto Sisters in Australia

Sr Ruth Winship ibvm Science Centre

Itt 6


Above: David Oldham. Head of Science and

Sr Ruth, and the blessing ofone ofthe five new . science laboratories;

Left & Below : The new laboratories provide hands on experience and wonderful displays




1, ry


- IA: P /&/1

Maths Week in the lunior School

Maths Week was a bumper week in junior School. Some of the

activities included: measuring ourselves and then calculating how far the class would stretch head to toe. Then we ate a Mintie and

created a long Mintie Wrapper snake (pictured right). Our Maths class went around the school to see how far our snake would reach.

Our snake travelled from Mrs Heyhoe's office, up the stairs and we almost had a cup of tea with the teachers in the staffroom. The Year 6s enjoyed looking at the number '4' and took up the

challenge of writing equations using four 4s, calculating all the answers from 0 to 50, The challenge continued. Each year level also had a range of games and tasks that were played as part of the Maths warm up session.

As we know Maths is part of everyday life. So is food and most importantly, lollies, so this week we had an opportunity to guess how many lollies were in the jar. We also discussed a variety of strategies.

The week was full of fun, food and laughter.

(Mrs) Crole,bul·st'j, Te,irber of-Yr 6 Math



) R FT[I) A

ak 2006

English Week Literary Breakfast 2006

On Wednesday 23 August the 4th annual Loreto Literary Breakfast was held in the Patricia Schaefer Centre. The guest speaker was Alison Croggon, poet, theatre critic/ blogger, librettist and fantasy writer (pictured right).

In her quiet, understated way, Alison related tales of her early literary influences and the novels she shared with her father during her childhood in South Africa and then

England before the move to Australia. She explained the immediacy of "blogging"- the on-line chat facility that

allows the public to access her views and comment on them instantly. The audience then moved on to a

sumptuous (and now legendary) breakfast of mini croissants, scones, Danish

pastries and fresh fruit before heading off to start the day. Sincere thanks must go to Ms Jan Paull, Mrs Margot Thompson and Sodexho for the caterng.

The 2007 Literary Breakfast will be held on Wednesday 22 August. Put the date


in your diary now! C Al, ·, , Sallr Ai·Kenzic

Literary Rreakfa.,/ Coniw nor

This year there was a raft of activities around the theme of the English language. The film "Spellbound" was screened at lunchtime, The Literary Breakfast was held, authors including Meme McDonald and Sonia Orchard spoke to girls about their writing. and the first Loreto Spelling Bee was held.

Perhaps the Dest attended function was the Spelling Bee run by Loreto's very own Spelling Master, Mr Matthew Wood resplendent in flowing academic gown. Entry was open to any girl in Year 7-9 and there was no shortage of entrants.

Words such as "accommodation" and "tyranny" stumped a few but the one word which divided the crowd was one of the words most often misspelt: "definitely".

*394 Jr

, 1.11 ji


BOOK WEEK 2006 BOOK NOW! Book Week is an exciting event in the School Calendar. This year the theme for book week was 'Book Now!' Mrs Hand, Mrs Lowe,

Ms Madden and JLRC leaders spentmany hours changing the junior Learning Resource Centre into a restaurant. Once again it was an action packed week! We launched the week with a Book Now dress

up and multi-age activity day. Another highlight was a production focusing on the short listed books by Echelon Theatre Group. We were fortunate to have Elise Hurstan author/ illustrator visit Loreto

Junior School (pictured top right). Elisetalked to the students about her books and illustrations and also her inspirations behind them. She explained aboutusingtechniques such as perspective, shadowing y4

and texture. Her art port-folio was insightful and inspirational, displaying many of her drawn and painted works.

Nearing the end of her talk, Elise invited each group to assist her in creating a character. These pictures will be framed as a reminder of her visit. Book Week was thoroughly enjoyed by students and staff alike.

(Mrs) Virginia f land learber I.ibrarian


LORETO Mandeville Hall Toorak 2006

Loreto Girls Visit Canberra


n Thursday 17 August, VCE students from our Politics, Economics and Legal Studies classes visited Canberra for the day. After a very early morning start and our safe arrival in sunny Canberra, we attended a lecture at The Department of Foreign

Affairs and Trade delivered by senior media spokesman Mr Matt Anderson. Many members of the group were subsequently

inspired by Mr Anderson's passion and dedication to his job, to aim to pursue diplomatic careers of their own, no doubt also due to the impressive drive by tour of Canberra's foreign embassies that had taken place prior to our meeting at DFAT. Upon arrival at Parliament

House we attended a meeting with Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, the Hon Kevin Andrews, who kindly invited us into his office and dealt with a range of questions about his complex policy area. After a tour and lunch, Question Time in the House of Representatives commenced. Our group kept a keen eye on proceedings, each of us moved by the tributes paid this day by both sides of the House to Australia's Vietnam veterans on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan. At afternoon tea we discussed Australian film and sporting ambitions with Minister for The Arts and Sport, Senator Rod Kemp, before a meeting with our local member and Treasurer, the Hon Peter Costello, Mr Costello happily took part in a traditional 'school photo' with our group,

before patiently addressing our many questions on the economy, environment, foreign aid and on "what really happened" in relation to the recent very public discussion of his leadership ambitions! Sworn to secrecy we thanked him for his generous time and headed off to

a relaxing dinner in Manuka, before hopping on the flight home. Our day trip to the nation's capital was a most va uab e ns'ght nto the


«9\37 7



FOOT OF THE RIVER 2007 Plans are already "afoot" for next year's rowing fund-raiser, the famous Foot of the River Regatta on the Yarra River. The regatta has proved a draw-card for parents and friends who have been bitten by the rowing bug and want to try this exasperating sport for themselves.

This yean we were fortunate to have a Loreto staff team (Roger Gill, Michael Bucklow, Tamara Kuldin and Tess Oddy coxed by

Sarah Simpson), as well as one from Lauriston. The spectators certainly enjoyed seeing another side to their teachers. Next years FOTR season begins with the keenly awaited Cocktail Party on Friday. It culminates in the regatta itself, held on the banks of the Yarra in mid-winter, which will occur on Sunday 2007. Enquiries: Philip Simpson (Mrs) Sally McKenzie

Debating ISenior DAV Debating As the DAV season draws to a close, all that remains is the finals series. This year, the School is keenly watching the fortunes of our B Grade Team One who are through to the OctoberFinals. The team (Zoe Wood, Daniella Stutt and Olivia McCombe, assisted by Sophie Russell, Olivia Dalton and Melissa Jreissati) defeated Westbourne Grammar convincingly and, at time A

of printing were due to debate a team from Ballarat and Clarendon College. With the help of their coach, Elizabeth Ames (Loreto Debating Captain 2002), these girls have been wonderful ambassadors for their school.

Four junior teams from Years 7 and 8 have begun their DAV journey by participating in the training and competition program held over four nights at Trinity Grammar in Kew. Coached by several Year 11 girls. these novice teams spoke extremely well in their first round, with three teams winning their debates. We wish these girls the best of luck in rounds 2 and 3.

The Loreto Debating Dinner will be held at school on Monday 9 October. AW,·S) Sa#v .1 li A'encic. 72,I,·ber-in-cb,ux. ofDeb,iting

Yr 3 Sleepover --1, On Friday 3 March it was the Year 3 sleepover. First we had a snack, then circus people came and we got to do tricks with them. First we did stretches


.k TA'A ' -rg

in a large circle and then we got into two groups. My group did hoolahooping.

The second group made a pyramid. It was fun. After that we played outside.

/4 -- Later we went inside to the Drama room and played 'Pass the Parcel'. We all won a prize. Next we unpacked our things and made our beds. It was great fun. Then we had dinner in the staff room - we had pizza. It was yummy. We watched


Herbie Fully Loaded while lying in our sleeping bags. It was a good



L Ni·


When the movie finished we all went to bed.

The next morning we woke up and packed up.


Then we had breakfast. I had Weet-Bix. Yum!

It was time for our parents to pick us up. I had great fun.


39'-1 • 8/44·Li#a


Dressing up at the War Memorial

To the Capital

Friends on Camp


Sergeant at Arms

Day I: all Year 6 hopped on a plane and flew to Canberra. We were sure to have a great time. As soon as we arrived we went to Old Parliament IHouse. We had a tour and some

THe Guillotine at Questacon

of us even got dressed up as a queen or prince! Next we went to Embassy Drive. My favourite embassy was the Chinese Embassy. It was like a Chinese temple with a dragon on the roof! After Embassy Drive we went to Telstra Tower. It was an amazing view of Canberra from the very top, and you felt like you were going to fall! That night we went to Questacon National Science and Technology Center. Everyone went on the vertical slide. t was very nerve racking!

Day 2: we went for a tour of Parliament House. We didnt see the Houses in action but we did get to meet the Hon Peter Costello, Treasurer of Australia. Then we went to A -09 1 .24

the National Sound and Film Archives. We watched movies and music clips from a very I ong time ago. One of the most interesting films was the Ned Kelly

made in 1907 which

was found in a rubbish tip and is slowly rotting away and in need of restoration. We also

went to the Australian Institute of Sport. We got to see the swimming pool and some gymnastics. We also went into the interactive sport room where we tried many sports and had a great time. That night we went to Mini Golf. We all had a really fun time. Day 3: the day to leave came around so quickly. We went to the Australian War Memorial. It was very beautiful and I would love to go again. We also went in the Discovery Room in the War Museum. I got dressed up as a nurse, a sailor and a man in the armed forces. We

Australian Institute of Sport

then went for a walk down ANZAC Drive to see the m€morials to the people in wars.

My favorite was the Navy's memor al because it symbolized so Well the water and what they had to go through. Before we knew it we were on the plane again back home ready for another adventure!

Amy Pereira,Year 6


HERITAGE CENTRE St Michael at Loreto Mandeville Hall

The presence

of a statue of St Michael

at every


School in Australia

dates back to 1696, when an outburst of Protestant fanaticism in

England threatened to destroy the Bar Convent at York. Warned of the Mother


Bedingfield, foundressofthe Bar

Convent, removed Blessed

the Sacrament the



and knelt before ·'

a picture of St

z Upon the arrival of the Sisters at Mondeville Hall, a picture of St

Michael and prayed

Michael was hung above the front door of the mansion. This framed

"Great Lord, save

picture of St Michael is still hanging above the front door today. In

Thyself, for I cannot

1951, our statue of St Michael near the front gate was presented to

save Thee."

the School by Mr W Amad. It was blessed soon after by the Rev J Nerney Sj on the feast of St Michael.

As she prayed the angry shouts ceased, and steps were heard hurriedly retreating from the Convent.


When the Sisters _,21#. -/T///A-w/-- ' €-,X -

inquired into what were told that a



a flaming sword


: 1* .....99..

was seen in the

sky protecting the Convent.

In gratitude for this


the picture of St Michael, which

before Mother

Bedingfield prayed, was




Convent every year on the anniversary of this event.

F .1

LORETO Mandeville Hall Toorak 2006


Earlier on in the year,







who had left Loreto 'a

Toorakmore then 60

years ago attended their Annual Reunion Lunch at 1


Ha//, they generously donated just



$500 towards the restoration of the



support is greatly appreciated, but as Since its blessing, the statue had been over-painted a number of times, thus hidingsome of the intricate details. The various layers of




the funds required

paint were flaking, and sections of the statue have suffered greatly.

to undertake such

The spear had also gone missing and was replaced by a tubular

extensive restoration

section of a roof antenna To prevent any further deterioration,


restoration work was urgently required.


amount. If you wish


make a

contribution towards

Expert advice has been sought from Jude Schahingen a qualified

the restoration of the statue of St Michael, please contact Stephanie

conservator who undertook the urgent restoration work in her

West in the Development Office, telephone (03) 9823 8148.

studio at Castlemaine. The flaking paint layers were mechanically removed to reveal fractures and assembly joints. The surface revealed showed numerous losses, fractures and previous repairs usinga brown flexible adhesive. All fractured areas were consolidated

and repaired where necessary. The exposed iron rods used to join

Next time your visiting Loreto Mandeville Hall, please feel free to come and see St Michael near the front gate, I'm certain he'll be overwhelmed by the attention!

the wings to the body were degreased and treated to prevent any further rust. The dragons head, and St Michael's fingers and thumbs

were recreated as they had either been lost or extensively damaged,

Steve Stefan

beyond repair. The statue was allowed to dry thoroughly before

Heritage Collection U Records Manager

an undercoat sealer was applied and two coast of the final paint applied. A new spear has also been cast by Craig McDonald.






Sport at Loreto in Terms 2 and 3

top 10; the Intermediates finished equal 2"d with Siana Madden and Maria Mowbray in the top ten runners; and the Seniors won their

Divjsion with Siobhan Lane and Amelia O'Shaughnessy finishing in

ongratulations to all girls who represented Loreto in various

the top ten runners. The Senior team were very proud of their cup

sportssuccessful during Terms 2 and 3. Term 2 was particularly withanumberof teams finishing it intheirzones,

and a solid team effort from all runners!

playing in finals and winning pennants and cups. Term 3 has continued this trend with some exciting performances and results.

Netball continued to grow, with nine junior teams, six Intermediate

Term 3 began with a skills clinic for all members of the Athletics squad, held at Duncan McKinnon on a dry but very windy day. Despite the weather, it was a successful day where the coaches began working on skill development and fitness for the season ahead. This

teams and three Senior teams competing in the GSV competition.

must have been effective, judging by the recent success of Loreto in

The Senior A and B teams finished 2nd in their Zones, with the B team

winning the GSV Division 2 Track and Field Championship Carnival

missing out on playing Finals on percentage. The A team played their

at Olympic Park. It was the first time we have brought home the

semi finals at Waverley Netball Centre, finishing 3rd overall after a

Championship Cup, so congratulations to all athletes and coaches for

win and two losses. Congratulations to the team and Mrs Lyford for

their contributions to the teams success. There were a number of

progressing so far through the season. The Senior C, Intermediate A

records broken on the day, and congratulations go to Clare Daly and

and B teams all finished 5th within their zones, and the Intermediate

Eliza Quinert for their records; as well as to all the girls who achieved

C, D, E and F teams all placed sixth overall. junior Netball teams

personal best results and place ribbons. There will be a number of

had a great deal of success this yean with the Junior B, C, D, E and

girls competing in the Athletics Victoria Knockout Competition at

F teams finishing Ist or 2nd within their zones and going on to play

Knox in the coming weeks and I wish these athletes well.

in the semi finals. The E and F teams again had wins and progressed

to the Grand Finals where the F team emerged victorious from a very close and exciting match against Star of the Sea, to bring home the championship pennant. Congratulations to the team and their

coach Sarah Dynon on their victory. The junior A team placed 2nd in their zone but missed out by percentage, and the Junior G, H and I

teams finished 4"', Ist (no Finals) and 6th respectively. Loreto also had three teams competing in the Netball Victoria Schoolgirls Netball Championships in July, held at the State Netball and Hockey Centre.

The Aerobics girls have been performing well, with more competitions soon to come. At the Sport Aerobics competition in June, the 'Vanity' and 'Pocket Rockets' teams were gold medallists, as was Eliza Quinert in her individual routine. Achievingsilver medals

for their pairs routines were Julia Walker and Stephanie john, Tess McPherson and Eliza Quinert, as well as Brigette Gorman for her

individual performance. Bronze medallists went to the 'Jitterbugs' and 'Body Rockers' teams. Congratulations on these great results.

The Senior and Intermediate teams lost only one match for the day;

Results of the Term 3 season are not yet available, but the girls have

and all players across the three teams played well and represented

been enjoying the sports of Soccer, Badminton and Volleyball. Soccer

the School in a pleasing manner.

has reflected the wider trend of popularity among girls, so we have had two senior teams, and three teams in both the Intermediate

We experienced slightly smaller numbers for Hockey this year, but

the girls who did play, did a great job representing the School, with the Senior team finishing 2nd in their zone after only a single loss to

Lauriston; the Intermediates finishing 6th overall; and the Juniorteam finishing Ist in their zone. Although the Juniors lost their semi final to a very experienced PLC team, it was a great experience for a team of many new-corners to the sport.

Water Polo continued to grow and strengthen with many players new to the sport working on developing their skills and stamina in

the pool. The A team finished 3rd overall and the B team P. Many of these girls will have the opportunity to play again in the Junior Cfr 7-10) competition during Term 4.

Term 2 also saw the continuation of the Swimming and Diving

and junior divisions of the GSV competition. Badminton has also become more popular this yean with full teams competing each week in each division. Volleyball has had two teams in each of the junior and Intermediate grades, and one Senior team, all of whom have demonstrated improving skills and many exciting rallies!

In Term 4 numbers continue to be healthy for Cricket, Basketball and Water Polo. Clinics were held for the Yr 7and 8 girls who have registered for Cricket and Basketball where skills and game understanding were developed and team selections took place. I wish

all girls well in their summer sports and I am pleased to see so many girls choosing to participate in the sports on offer. (A/1-9 Susanne Line, Dirmor of Sport

Carnivals at MSAC, with the results from the GSV Preliminary Carnival including the Diving team finishing 4th overall, with the

Juniors tying for first place with MLC, the Intermediates finishing equal P and the Seniors equal 4tll. The Swimming team placed an

exciting 2nd behind MLC: which meant that they went on to compete for the first time in the Division I Championship Carnival where

they placed 5th overall; the Juniors placed 5% the Intermediates 4'h and the Seniors were 7"1. The Divers competed in Division 2, placing 6,h overall; the Juniors finished 4'h, the Intermediates were 7th and

the Seniors placed 5th. Well done to all swimmers and divers who competed over an extended season this year and performed attheir best.

The GSV Cross Country Preliminary Carnival was held at Yarra Bend,

and with a pleasing 3rd placing of the team overall, put Loreto in the Division 2 Championship Carnival, This was another successful and enjoyable day for Loreto girls at Bundoora Park, where many girls ran personal best times which contributed to the team's overall exciting 2nd placing. The Juniors placed 5'h, with Caitlin Blackall finishing in the

1he J unior Netti·.111 F Team won t}ic GSV Competition





From top to bottom: the Loreto Ski Team enjoyed challenging : (1 11d itic,n:,

getting 'into the spirit of I-Iouse Athletics;

Olympian (Georgie Clarke presented the Ch,inipionship Cup to our victorious GSV Division 2 Cross Country team. 0 15%·


Aerobics Club


ver sixty students have enrolled in Recreation Aerobics in 2006 and the girls have had fun developing their own team routine to the very well known song 'Mickey' and a second

routine to a 'Beach Boys' medley. Both these exciting performances

will be demonstrated at the end of year Display and Presentation Night.

AEROSKools State Championships

Over forty students were selected into the Sport Aerobics Competition Squad (SACS) this year and what an amazing job they have done. With as many as 5 competitions under their belt, most


Eliza Quinert, Tess McPherson, Bridgette Gorman and Chiara Ardi

of the teams have qualified for the Australian Championships! The

Level 2 Intermediate Groups - Pocket Rocket Team

State AEROSkools and Sport Aerobics Championships were held

Edwina Toohey, Nicola Anglin, Tess Chapel and Sarah Papageorgiou

in August with some exceptional results being achieved. The medal

Level 2 Senior Group -Jitterbugs Team

tally for both the competitions were: eight gold, two silver and two

bronze medals. The top three to five teams from each section were

Nicola Anglin, Tess Chapell and Sarah Papageorgiou Level 2 Senior

selected to be part of the State Aerobics Squad to compete at the

Trio - Vanity Team

Olympic Village in Homebush, Sydney during the September School Holidays.

Isabella lafrate, Sophie Tostevin and Carla Ardi Level I Junior Trio - Babalishous Team

The girls in the Loreto Aerobics Club have improved tremendously

over the past seven months, training two nights a week with some


teams training a third session in the mornings. The team of Eliza

Erica Sinni, Francesca Broome and Eden Abat Level I Junior Trio

Quinert, Tess McPherson, Bridgette Gorman and Chiara Ardi are

- Shootin Stars Team Carolyn Shembrey, Stephanie Skerret,

also training in the Victorian High Performance Aerobics Squad with

Madeleine Gorman, Sarah White, Samantha Woodleyand Katherine

some of the best coaches in the State.

Papageorgiou Level I Intermediate Group - Starlets Team

The Loreto coaches Alix Smith, Jenna Flack, Stephanie Rizzardi, Ellie

Well done also to Alexandra Gribbin, Stephanie john, Julia Walker,

Bunn, Romy Low and Cassie Oaten (Aerobics Captain) have worked

Michaela De Luca, Amelia Beaton, Rejane Filippini, Alana Sheldon

tirelessly with the girls to improve their skills and teChnique during

and Tess Whitford who did an outstanding job.

the year. We also welcome Eugenie Prior to our coaching team.

Sport Aerobics State Championships


Our P and newest gymnastics discipline 'Cheerleading' was


introduced into the Loreto Aerobics Club, with thirty girls enrolled

Eliza Quinert, Tess McPherson, Bridgette Gorman and Chiara Ardi

from Years 7 to I I and twenty of those students competing at

Level 2 Intermediate Groups - Pocket Rocket Team

the State Cheerleading Championships organised by Gymnastics Victoria in August. Loreto came 2d in their first competition and

did an amazingly well considering the majority of girls did not have

Eliza Quinert - Level 2 Intermediate Individual Cassie Oaten - National B Senior Individual

a dance background. The two-minute routine with poms, was

choreographed by Romy Low and jenna Flack who used their Sport

jenna Flack - National A 18+ Individual

Aerobics, Gymnastics and Dance experience to lead the girls to a Bronze

silver medal.

We look forward to the girls starting their new routine for 2007

and hope that we can aim for Gold to gain a place at the Australian

julia Mierzwa, Matilda Sholly, Annabel Tostevin, Alexandria Smith and Eliza Grant Level 2 Intermediate Groups - Body Rockers Team

Championships. ( Ms) Ken™n Cormick, Head Aerobies Com·b

Stephanie Rizzardi - National A Senior Individual


6 j



1.ORE.TO Mandeville Hall Toorak 2006


./T"91 lil

APS Invitational, Wesley College Nationa Level 4:



Club lill d *A

L Recreation Program is open IMII

to all students in Years I ---T-

to 12, the focus of the program

2nd Team overall (Carly Gregg, Alexa Madden, Eliza Sholly, Hayley Crigan, Rebecca Fleming, Georgie Toohey)

Carly Gregg; 1" all around; 1" bars, beam, floor, 2nd beam; Alexa

being for gymnasts to develop

Madden; 3'-d floor; Eliza Sholly; 3rd floor; Rebecca Fleming; 2nd

strength and fitness through


skill development and fun. All recreational gymnasts have been working hard on learning new skills under the guidance of the Loreto

Chamford Invitational, Chamford Academy of Gymnastics .Anna Francis, 1 Icad of

Gymnastics, with Eliza Harrison Lt the Brentwood Invitational

National Level 4:

5,11 Team overall; Loreto Blue (Carly Gregg, Alexa Madden, Eliza Sholly, Georgie Toohey)

coaches. The competitive squad at Loreto caters for gymnasts in Years

611 Team overall; Loreto Gold (Hayley Crigan, Rebecca Fleming

2 to 12, and gymnasts are moved from the recreation program to the

in combined Gyninastics team)

competitive program on the recommendation of coaches. 2006 has

seen a huge improvement in the standard of gymnastics in all squads, and our gymnasts have achieved some fantastic results.

Carly Gregg: Ist vault, 1" bars National Level 3:

3,d Team overall (Eliza Harrison, Bridget loannidis, Joanna

Pidcock, Lea Troiano); joanna Pidcock: 3rd Beam National Level 2:

2nd Team overall (Caterina Palma, Spencer Adams, Jessica KilroeSmith, Isabella DePasquale, Isabel Vaughan); Caterina Palma: 2Ad Floor; Spencer Adams: 2nd Vault National Level I:


Ist Team overall (Charlotte Wilson, Isabella Hummerston, 27

Isabelle Pidcock, Talia Cartolano, Anna Stewart) Isabella Hummerston: Ist overall, 2nd vault, 2nds bars, Ist beam, 3rd floor: Talia Cartolano: 2nd overall, 3rd beam, Ist floor; Charlotte

Wilson: 3rd overall, 3rd Vault, Ist bari lsabeile Pidcock: 4'h overall, 2" Beam. 2.d vault; Anna Stewart: P overall, 3rd Floor

..; I.:"k(,r F, 71 .1


Junior School Football Day L

Melbourne footballer David Neitz visited the Preps, Year I and Year »4

2 and concucted a football clinic with them and our Prep-Year 2

St Kevin's buddies. This as followed by a bat-beque lunch in Winnie's Wing.

Loreto Gymnastics will be making a trip to the National Women's Artistic Gymnastics Teams Challenge Competition on the Gold Coast

in September. This is an exciting first time event for the Gymnastics Club and we hope to involve more gymnasts in years to come.

(Ms) Anna Francis, Head of Gymnastics and Dit,ing


Highlights: Past Pupils' Association President's Report

Card Day in Mandeville Hall

riday 26 May 2006 was a little chilly but that didn't deter


aving had such a busy 2005 with Federation, the committee (Vice -Presidents Angela La Manna and Anna Meirelles, Treasurer Sue Martens, Secretary Louisa Sullivan, Sr Toni

the keen Bridge and Solo players who arrived at Loreto

Matha IBVM, Kate Russell, Amanda Stefanovski and jane Nathan,

Mandeville Hall for the Card Day! The opportunity to play

were looking forward to a less hectic year and time for some vital

cards in the beautiful rooms of the heritage listed Mandeville Hall was too hard to resist for these keen players. Players arrived at 10.30 to mingle with friends and begin to play. The delicious lunch, provided by the Past Pupils' Association, surpassed everyone's expectations. Among the 20 tables of players, there was wide support forthe Raffleof a Gourmet Hamperor Loreto memorabilia,

"housekeeping". This included revision of our constitution and Introducing a welcome cocktail party for our newest past pupils.

Inviting each Year 12 to nominate their own alumnae representatives.

Renovating our holiday house for the Sister at Blairgowrie After the Deirdre Rofe Scholarship Appeal launch in 2004, a past parent planted the seed for the idea of a Card Day as a fundraiser for

and hold an Open Day there in january 2007 (see "Project Blairgowrie article next page).

the Scholarship. Thanks to Lorraine Walker for the idea and many

. A wonderfully successful Historic House Tour - special thanks

thanks also to a very enthusiastic team of Loreto past pupils and past

to Steve Stefan, Heritage Officer & Archivist who was our tour

parents for help in making the day such a wonderful success. Mardi

guide for the afternoon

Tovey and Kate Russell, of the Past Pupils' Association, worked so

. Catering for the Card Day to assist in raising funds for the

hard, and so cheerfully, to prepare the delicious lunch and we thank

Deirdre Rofe Scholarship

them, and all who attended, most sincerely. Together we raised just over $2,000.00 for the Scholarship! Thank you - every gift counts!

The combined Genazzano, Sacre Coeur, Mandeville Hall

Women's Breakfast on the first Wednesday in September at the MCG with the theme "Inventive Women" - Our speaker was Dr

Please make a note in your 2007 diary, the Card Day 2007 is on Friday I June.

Susan Forrest '77

Providing funds for the annual Mary Ward Scholarship and presenting an outstanding Year 12 girl with The Mary Ward Prize at Final Assembly.

I was honored to be elected president of the Past Pupils' Association

(PPA), but somewhat apprehensive following in the footsteps of Jane Nathan who was so wonderful, and on behalf of all the past

pupils (especially the committee), 1 thank her for her hard work and inspirational leadership. What a privilege itt is to hold this position, what a joy it is to work with an inspiring group of women, what an


honour to be given such trust by our wonderful Loreto Sisters and what a delight it is to get to know more and more about our Loreto legacy! To be involved is what it is all about and it is true that you only reap what you sow... ... Being an active member of the Association is not only a wonderful opportunity to give something back and say

ty¢ \,3/ The Reception Room was a cosy venue for our first Card I)ay

a huge thank you to all the phenomenal women who have helped us

be who we are today, but also a real chance to make a difference and contribute in a small but meaningful way. "Women in time will come to do much", make sure you do your part, inr| vn,Ir Pict- Plin,le' A€cnrhrinn Ic . mnrrot. w.m, In An „,ct rh,t

Mardi Tovey (Sioami '87) President

Lorraine Walker and friends at the Card I)ay

'Ilie entry to the 1 louse at Blairgowrie

LORETO Mandeville Hall Toorak 2006

400 at the GLS Breakfast!

he fabulous new MCG Dining Room was packed when over

400 women "and a few odd men" - to quote MC Elissa Mooney

gathered for the 4th Annual Genazzano Loreto Sacre Couer

Breakfast on the first Wednesday in September. The theme "Inventive Women" was illustrated by exceptionally entertaining and thought provoking addresses by Mariel<e Brugman

(Director Howquadale Retreat & Gourmet Tours of Australia, f

Sacre Couer), Dr Susan Forrest (Director Genome research Facility Walter & Eliza Hall Insitute, Loreto) and Professor Suzanne Crowe( Program Head Pathogenesis & Clinical Research , Burnet Institute,

Genazzano) - pictured below with Elissa Mooney who was a great MC.

Ovcr 400 past pupils & friends enjoyed the 2006 GLS Breakfast at the MCG

Whata wonderful morningof networking, friendship and inspiration!

Many thanks to the organising team and to the generous companies

Project Blairgowrie

who sponsored the 2006 Breakfast. So remember to book your table early - sametime nextyear-Wednesday 5 September, put it in you diary now!

F act or fiction? There are dungeons under the Convent? Fiction.

There is a holiday house in Blairgowrie for the Loreto sisters. Fact. For the nuns it is considered as a place of refuge, a retreat

provided by the Loreto Toorak Past Pupil's Association, Recently, a handful of Past Pupils' Association committee members ventured down to Blairgowrie to report on the condition of the

property. It was decided that as a 75 year old house it needs a face lift. Despite the humility of the nuns, our committee members described the house as cold, austere and extremely tired. This is where you come in. We need your help. We are asking for the Loreto community to come together and give something back to the nuns. It is time to show our appreciation.

Open House Garden Party All members of the Loreto Community are invited to an Open House at 15 The Loop Blairgowrie, from 2.00pm to 6.00pm on Sunday 14 january 2007

If you are interested in making a donation or lending a hand and helping us with Project Blairgowrie please contact Anna Meirelles on 9572 2554 or 0409 21 31 73. Cheques are payable to Loreto Toorak Past Pupils and can be sent to the school. For more details, go to our

website via the Past Pupils link.

First day memory

-he cover of the April 2006 Mandevillian vividly recalled memories of the soft February morning in 1933, when I

started school. Hand in hand, my father and I walked past St

Michael's statue and across lush lawn, we passed beautiful flowers tended by Dinny. My father answered my questions and continued

Anna Meirelles ( Mi-Kinnon '81)

with whatever part of my education engaged his attention that


beautiful morning. He was a Loreto past pupil and knew I would love my years at Mandeville. Ahead a small boy screamed with panic as his mother tried to coax him forward to his new status as a Junior School student. When we drew abreast of the pair, my father stopped to wish the mother

Good Morning, then turned to me and asked, pointing to the Gully, "Do you think there might be a tiger in that jungle?" The little boy gulped back rage and tears, grabbed his mother's hand and pulled her as fast as he could towards the Historic House! My father smiled at me, winked, and then continued his discourse. Now I

wonder whether that vulnerable child was ever able to enjoy our special "treats" in the Gully or hide in its spidery caves to pounce and startle passers by. He stayed at Loreto Mandeville Hall until he made his First Communion then disappeared to face the terrors of St Kevin's or Burke Hall. 1 expect he is now a serene old gentleman as he looks back over his years of achievement and happiness.

Bedroom - Blairgowrie

Tan¥ O'Brvan (Nolan '44)


Jessica Price-Purnell'03 is now studying Arts/Law at New England University and living in College up in Armidale aftertransferring from Swinburne University and spending six months travelling in Europe. She plans to be back in Melbourne for Cup Week and catch up with

News Snippets

people then.

Physiotherapy profession and work in the development of paediatric

Catherine Meehan '98 graduated in April, Melbourne University with BA (Hons) in History& Diploma of Modern Language in French. She is currently working in administration in Melbourne prior to


pursuing further studies in the UK or France. Genevieve Meehan

Laura Riley '00 has recently taken up a position with Flight Centre in South Melbourne - visit her on Mandevilli@ns Online to explore

'01 Is managing the "Essential Man" retail store in Fitzroy which is part of the Table 8 group whilst pursuing Theatre Management as co-ordinator of the Heidelberg Youth Theatre group and their Dad,

the availability of discounts.

also a past Pupil, Phillip Meehan, and wife judy are still establishing

Anne McCoy '63 was honoured in the Queen's Birthday honours list with an AO, Officer of the Order of Australia, for service to the

a vineyard in Heathcote. First vintage will be 2008!

Kate Mcfarland '98 has returned from the UK after two years of travelling and is doing a PR course at Swinburne

Aimee Lipscombe '98 is now working at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation in Marketing and Public Relations in their

Fiona Staun (Bryce) '65 has been living and working as a journalist on the Gold Coast for over 20 years. Her latest book titled "A History of the Gold Coast Show: Before there was high-rise there

New Media & Digital Services Division.

was a Show" was published in August this year. Claire McLennan '00 After working in Vietnam last yean Claire

has set up her own company here in Melbourne. She is a Director of Indigo Talent Management, providing talent for promotions and modelling events.

Madeleine Scanlon '00 is planning to join classmate Michelle Funder to work and travel in Ireland after completing a Commerce degree at Monash University.

In aone in a million chance, three pastpupils, all on the same neurology

ward rounds at Geelong Hospital in 1999! When Amanda Gilligan '81 was there asa locum neurologist, duringone of the ward rounds Mandeville was mentioned and it turned out that Amanda the

consultant, Dr Marno Ryan '89 the registrar, and Dr Marguerite Fulton '92 the resident, were all past students!

Clare O'Neil '98, Fulbright Scholar at Harvard


Congratulations to Clare O'Neil ('98) who has been awarded

a Fulbright Scholarship to continue her studies in the United States. Clare was among 12 Monash University postgraduate students to be te

awarded the Scholarship this yean She has taken up the scholarship

to pursue a Masters in Public Policy at Harvard, investigating fresh solutions to systemic poverty and ways to create innovation in government.


In 2003, Clare was the youngest woman to be elected as a Mayor in Australia when she became Mayor of Greater Dandenong at the age of 23. She has a first class honours degree in Arts (History) from Monash and is completing a Bachelor of Laws.

The photo above was taken one day at the end of a ward round and was only rediscovered when Amanda moved house recently. Amanda Giiligan is now working as a Neurologist with Eastern Health.

Kate McCartney '98 had her short film animation premiered at this year's Melbourne International Film Festival.

Clare's experience has given her an insight into governments that deliver high-quality public policy,

"When governments are nimble, innovative and efficient, they can deliverbetteroutcomes for moreof thepeoplethey represent", Clare said. "Bureaucracy can result in constrained public organisations,

delivering mediocre results by implementing tired ideas."

LORETO Mandeville 1-lail Toorak 2006



Tania (past staff) to Marcus Sutton (past staff) 13/03/04


Libby '94 & Peter Conquest, Molly Alice 17/7/06


Maria '88 & Robert Carlos, Charles john


Sophie'89 to Scott Burchell 22/7/06 in Vietnam

17/1/06, brother for Max Robert 9/5/03 BRITTAIN

Sarah '88 & Paul Moss, Joshua lan 11/1/06, brother


for Jared BUCCHERI

Andreina '95 & Tim Green, Amelia Lucia 27/2/06


Annabelle '89 to Sean O'Brien 20/8/05


Angela '94 to Sam Baillieu 4/3/06

sister for William

McCARTHY Sue '85 to Timothy Webb BUCCHERI

Jennifer '95 & Kent Skyring, Sofia 8/5/06


juliet '91 and jamie Worm, Matilda Chloe 7/4/06


Sarah '89 to Giles Baldwin, 19/11/05


Katie '85 to Craig Rahilly 7/4/06

Kate '94 & Simon Noonan, Sam Christopher 5/9/03 and Poppy Louise 5/7/06




Catherine '84 & Colin Lynch, twins Daniel john and Isobella Rose 11/3/06


joan (Coleman '35, Mary's Mount )13/8/06. Sister of Les Coleman and Roma Langhi '39. Mother ofJane


Heather '88 & Rob Koczkar, Portia Mary 21/2/06


Charlotte '9 I & Andrew Forster, twins Chloe and

Hume '63, john (Yr 2 '57), Mark (Yr I '51) and Sarah Adams '72. Mother-in-law

of Anne Bowden'63.

Grandmother of Alice Hume'95 and Natalie Bowden

Charles 12/3/06, sister and brother for Isabella.

'93 FAHY

Margaret '89 & Raymond Ellwood, Rosy Mae 21/10/05


Charles, father of Catherine '84


Patricia (Collins '46) mother of Michelle Purnell '67


Michael (Yrl '70) brother of Jane '78 and Paul

HENDERSON Laura '94 & Robert Marchese, Alana Francesca on 6/7/06, sister for Massimo HUNT

Jennifer '79 & Donald Esmore, James Francis 6/4/06

JOHNSTON Robyn '82 & Robert Hill, Charles Johnson 22/1/06,


brother for Madeline LYFORD

Lucy (staff) & Jerome, Pippa Eyeton 12/9/06 HOLBEACH

McALLISTER Ann '87 & Ben Mitchell, Arabella Marlo 12/4/06,

Mary-Liz (Coleman '64) 28/4/06, wife of Peter. mother of Edwina '97, sister of Patricia Thompson

sister for Griffin and Riley. MEEHAN

Diana (Gardini '63) 1/4/06 School Captain and Dux of School 1963, sister of Louise Sheehan '72

'68 and Debbie Mercovich '65.Aunt ofjane Mercovich '92 and Sarah Mercovich '90

Marika '92 & Ashley Davison, Hamish Mark 19/7/06, brother for Bridie LYNCH


Midge '83 & Rod Costigan, Archie McGIade Costigan

Kath on 3/8/06, mother of Annie Edmonds '59 and

Sabina Huggins '69. Grandmother of Caroline '92 &


Kate '00 Edmonds, Sara Lynch '97 & Anna Huggins '04

McGUIGAN Brigid '86 & Sam Wright, Hugo William 22/5/06, brother for Toby. McCARDEL MOIR

Kate '90 & Craig Ypinazar, Tom Toby, 8/7/05


Kate (staff) & Shane, Annika Marree 30/7/06

Yvonne (Wearne '38) 27/6/06.President Past Pupils' Association 1961. Sister of Phyllis O'Rorke '37. Motherof Bruce, Mary Porter'66 and IreneJordan'68. Grandmother of Martina Harris '83. Sister-in-law to



Elizabeth '87 & Russell jones, Richard Lawrence

Joan Connaghton '37. Aunt of Ann Brownell '60,

4/8/06, brother for Francesca and Annabel

Joanne Pace '61, John O'Rorke (dec) and Edmund O'Rorke ( dec), Jo Lonergan '69, Mary-Lou Sinn '68

Clare '90 & Rohan Cleave, Lily Kate 27/9/04 sister

(dec), Kate Smith '75 and Peter and Michael

for Alex.

Connaughton TOMLINSON Catherine '86 & John Watson. Ban jo Jack 2/10/05 WORTLEY

Kate '93 & Mark Weltd, Hamish Nicolas 27/4/06.




joan 29/1/06, wife of Noel, mother of Sarah '90

Bill ( Yr I '44) Brother of Andrew, Anna '60, Felicity jackman '63, Stephen, Edward, Christopher, MaryRose '70 and Catherine Chan '71, father of julia Wain '86 and Henry.


Annbelle '89 to Sean O'Brien 27/4/05


Katie '98 to James Fey August '06

WILKINSON Bill in the UK August '06. Father of Mary '75, Anna '81 and Michael ( Yr 2 '63)



It was wonderful to hear memories of School and the Loreto Sisters,

and the activities of today, from women whose time at Loreto Mandeville Hall spanned the 56 years from 194 I to 1994. Age and

First Queensland Reunion

time differences fell away amid the energy and enthusiasm of simply being Loreto women together.

lose to 90 of our past pupils call Queensland home and they are spread throughout that large state, so our Principal, Dr Susan Stephens and I were thrilled when 18 of them, plus

Thanks to Judy Hempel ((Montague '44) for helping to get this event

Mary Clarke (past President) and jane Sizer (President) from the

Loreto Coorparoo Past Pupils' Association and Brigitte Hinneberg's ( johnson '88) three week old baby! were able to join us for the inaugural reunion of Mandeville Hall past students in Queeensland

off the ground, to Jenny Young (O'Bryan '72) for taking the photos and tothose whotravelled from Goombungee, the Gold and Sunshine Coasts to be there. Everyone was keen to have another Queensland reunion. Next time we will try for lunch on a Saturday or Sunday so

on 2 August.

more people may be able to attend.

Stephanie West, Detelopment Oflicer


<1 / %4



Dr Susan Stephens and representatives ofthe Loreto Coorparoo Past Pupils' Association with Toorak past pupils at our first Queensland Reunion

Mary Clarke (Past President Coorparoo PPA) & Dr Susan Stevens with

"60 Plus Reunion"

Members of the Class of'46 who attended this year's "60 Plus" Reunion

guests at the Queensland Reunion in August

Vice-captain Lucy Donovan pictured with guests at the "60 Plus" Reunion Lunch

LORETO Mandeville Hall Tborak 2006






1 A


Class of 1966

The class of 1966 at their 40 Year Reunion Dinner

t was a wonderful day last May when 34 of us gathered at School

Thanks to Catherine O'Reilly who took many photographs and is to

for a glass of champagne and a tour of Senior School before going

be commended for her skill and patience and also special thanks to

on to the Royal South Yarra Tennis Club for a superb lunch. The

Lynne Rosenthal without whose tireless work and SUpport the day

years slipped by as we talked, laughed, reminisced and caught up

would not have happened. As a gesture of thanks to the School, the

with everyone's news. We were especially privileged to have Sister

decision was made to donate any outstanding moneys to the school

Jennifer Collins (Mother josephine) join us and she WaS the same

library. Thank you to everyone who attended the reunion and helped

warm lively person whom we all remembered so well from our

to make it such a happy day.

school days. Frati Knight ( Mi·En.roe '66)

Class of 2001 - 5 Year Reunion

-he Class of 2001 gathered together in July 2006 to celebrate five years since graduating and walking out into the wide world! With a turn out of around 65 girls we were more than

impressed considering a large number of girls from our year level - about 20! - are overseas. We got together at QPO Restaurant in

..4 ?%4


Kew, a wonderful setting for hours of chatting about the past five

years and all that had taken place - as well as wonderful food!

It was a night full of reminiscing about school days, fellow students and teachers as well as stories of overseas adventures, studies,

employment and seeing how everyone had changed, looking just that little bit older! More exciting talk filled the room with already one marriage, a baby and some engagements, as well as reflecting on Edwina White - a very special person in our year level who was

sadly not with us to celebrate the night. It was great to hear and see how the class of 2001 had moved out into the world and we look

forward to our 10 year reunion which wiH no doubt be another success.

Stephanie Fitzgerald '01

At the Class of2001 5 Year Reunion at Q]?O in July


Geelong Reunion Report

Past Pupils' Golf Day 2006


n Sunday 20 August 2006,27 people gathered to share Lunch at the Barwon Heads Golf Club to celebrate the

inaugural Loreto Geelong Area Reunion. Some guests

Peninsula Country Golf Club, Frankston on 15 May, and

The 39th Annual Loreto Past Pupils' Golf Day was held at The

arrived with friends while others had come alone but all were soon

played on the challenging North Course. Thirty-two players

engrossed in chatter as they discovered their Loreto links and shared

competed for the coveted trophy, with joan Cumbrae Stewart

their memories.

(pictured) winningthe day with 35 points. Runnerup was jill Lethlean

on 33 points. Better Nines were won by Anne Barnett and Diana Lowe, and Lou Hall and Mary Wilkinson won Nearest the Pin on the 7h and 16th holes,

Past students from Mary's Mount, Coorparoo and Loreto Mandeville Hall attended, drawn together by their common link of living permanentlyoras holiday-makers in the Geelongareaorthe Western District. Loreto girls and boys from the Class of 1940 to the Class

For Your Diary: Next year, our 40'h Annual Golf Day will be played at Peninsula on Monday, 14'b May 2007. We would warmly welcome

of 1983 shared memories, made new friends, and rediscovered their

common ties to Loreto. Our thanks were expressed to Catherine

all Loreto Past Pupil Golfers to join us. If you would like to add

Moon, Class of 1966, who cheerfully helped to organise the Reunion

your name to our mailing list please contact Stephanie West at the

and provided a great contact point for Loreto past students in the

Development Office, Ph: 9823 8148 or email stephanie.west@loreto

area. The Barwon Heads Golf Club was a beautiful venue, the Lunch

was delicious and we were thrilled that Sr Jennifer Collins and Sr Toni Matha were among the guests. We all felt blessed to spend time

Deidre Black (Al,Swiney '64)

together sharing our Loreto links and friendship,

P·ast Pupils Golf Day winner Joan Cumbrae-Stewart

3 1" (Lachal '72)

Tour and a Top Afternoon Tea

On Sunday 30 April 2006,30 people attended the tour of the Historic House, Mandeville Hall to learn how a 13 acre

Barwon I leads Golf Club was a great venue for the Geelong Area Lorcto Reunion

property in Toorak, purchased in 1967 for £933 became

Loreto Mandeville Hall. The tour was followed by a sumptuous afternoon tea in the elegant surrounds of the House. Attendees sipped tea to the strains of some beautiful orchestral music from

current Mandeville girls. The tour and afternoon tea were enjoyed by all who came, judging by comments such as "This is better than afternoon tea at the Windsor" and "This is the best $30.00 I have spent for a while."

Don't miss next year's guided tour of Mandeville Hall

Described by Heritage Victoria as "one of the most lavishly decorated of Melbourne's nineteenth century mansions", Mandeville Hall is seldom open to the public. Come and see it for yourself! The Past Pupils' Association will conduct another tour next year, so keep this in mind when planning your social calendar. Full details will be in the April 2007 Mandevillian or phone Steph West in the development Office on 03) 98238148

Amanda Stefinocuski i Doquile' 86) U Lynne Rosenthal

Enjoying the Geelong Area Reunion in August


Building E %2==

FMother Gonzaga Barrfsdream ofa Federation of Loreto Past Pupils and friends of Loreto meeting to scrutinize the changing times ani Loreto's response to them was fulfilled in 1955 with the inaugural Federation Conference. Her vision was echoed in 1990 by Sr Deirdr

Rofe "Federation is an opportunity to consider critical issues facing our world from a standpoint which takes the Gospel seriously as wor

'and life for our times. Over Federation weekend old friendships will be renewed, new ones formed and all will benefit from the cros. jertilizationofideasandexperience... ..." .


" '


this vision in mind the 2007 Federation Committee, a collaboration of Normanhurst and Kirribilli ex-students, has sd leme "Building Bridges"i.- most appropriate considering the international climate of fear and gross misunderstanding

Date : Friday 4 - Sunday 6 May 2007 <he V ,eekend will encompass tolerance, respect, justice, morality and greater understanding of our differences in the areas il

tultic ulturalism, religion and the marginalised. Many exciting initiatives have emerged from federal:ions past. The Sydney committe

Ope 1-hat as an outcome of Federation 20OZ our mutual respect, discussion and sharing of ideas will result in greater harmony and

inder standing across Australia and beyond. .F

/e fu :>pe that many of our compatriots from Loreto Schools will gather to "build bridges' in Sydney 2007. Registration forms

and *

Finformation regarding accommodation, transport, conference program and social agenda will be posted on each school's website as soond

1$ the details are refined. Please note the dates and keep your eye on the websites for details as they unfold - Kirribilli - www.loreta.ns/ or Normanhurst





i on loreto@loreto. or call: Wary Magnus on 0408 600 690 °jit<q-ptivtpjear.ff< 6i -4 2,«410,71 0 Jane Garling on 0417 884 714 1 President ex-Kirribilli Vice-President ex-Normanhurst / ja

Reunion Planning 2007 Each year there are 5,10,20,30,40 and 50 Year Reunions and a special Annual reunion for those who left School 60 or more years ago. (Class of 1947, you join in this year!) Classes still need someone to get the ball rolling as you can see on the list below. Remember there will be lots of help provided through the School so it is not a huge task, and Reunion organisers generally have great fun helping to find and contact everyone and plan for their special event! If you are from one of these year groups or any other interest group and you would like to arrange a Reunion, call Steph West at School on 03) 9823 8148. just do it - we'd love to hear from you!

"60 Plus" Reunion & Class of 1947 60 Year reunion

Monday 26 March - Contact Steph West, 03) 9823 8148.

Class of 1957,50 Yr Reunion

date TBA - Contact Edwina Doyle ( Fitzgerald) 03)9822 4328, Ann Bennett (Curtis) 03) 9509 8037 or Gabrielle McCorkeli (Adams) 03) 5571 1767

Class of 1967,40 Yr Reunion

Saturday 17 March - Contact, jane Nathan 0419 542 492

Class of 1977,30 Yr Reunion

Organisers needed - please call Steph West, 03) 9823 8148

Class of 1987,20 Yr Reunion

October date TBA - reunion team being organised. Enquiries 03) 9823 8148

Class of 1997,10 Yr Reunion

Saturday 15 September (late afternoon/evening).Contact Emily Gregory 0414 528 669, or Priscilla Ruffolo 0408 169 557

Class of 2002,5 Yr Reunion

Friday 11 May - contact Samara Madden 0401 764 413 or Milly Chalmers 0401 770 139

Classof 2006"first year out"

Tuesday 13 February - Assembly and morning tea for the Dux of 2006 & VCE 2006 Subject Prizewinners

Wednesday 20 June "First Year Out" Cocktail Party hosted by the Past Pupils' Association & the School



Rowing at

Loreto Mandeville Hall

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