(Photo by Hans Beimler)
Pride after the pandemic LA’s LGBTQ community back in business, PAGE 10
GALAPAGOS SAILINGS TAKE FLIGHT AGAIN We’re so excited to be sailing the extraordinary Galapagos Islands again this summer that we’re making an extraordinary offer—the flights are on us. Our luxurious all-suites mega yacht Celebrity Flora®, the newest in our Galapagos fleet, returns first, followed by the award-winning Celebrity Xpedition® and the intimate Celebrity Xploration®. All-inclusive vacation packages from 10 to 16 nights provide everything you’ll want or need for a truly unforgettable experience—from drinks and dining to Wi-Fi, tips, and shore excursions led by certified naturalists. Book by June 30, and we’ll even include your flights, valued up to $750 each.*
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NOTICE: Prior to booking, please consult all applicable U.S. Centers for Disease Control travel advisories, warnings, or recommendations relating to cruise travel at cdc.gov/travel/ notices. If a certain threshold level of COVID-19 is detected on board the ship during your voyage, the voyage will end immediately, the ship will return to the port of embarkation, and your subsequent travel, including your return home, may be restricted or delayed. *Offer applies to new individual bookings made May 1 to June 30, 2021, for select Galapagos cruise packages of 10, 11, and 16 nights aboard Celebrity Flora, Celebrity Xpedition, and Celebrity Xploration, departing July 4, 2021, to December 31, 2023. Offer includes round-trip air transportation, valued up to $750 per person including air taxes and fees, departing from U.S. or Canadian gateways, booked via Flights by Celebrity. Air must be booked via Flights by Celebrity prior to the final cruise payment due date. Guests with independent air arrangements may choose a $500 per person cruise fare savings instead of air via Flights by Celebrity. Offer applies to the first two guests in a stateroom; is subject to availability and change, capacity controlled, nontransferable, and not combinable with any other offer; and may be withdrawn at any time without notice. Cancellation of air tickets: Air tickets may be purchased on a nonrefundable or refundable basis and are each subject to the cancellation terms of the applicable airlines and Flights by Celebrity. Offer is available to residents of the United States and Canada. Refer to Cruise Ticket Contract for additional terms and conditions. Celebrity reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions, and to change or update fares, fees, and surcharges, at any time without prior notice. Health and safety protocols, guest conduct rules, and regional travel restrictions vary by ship and destination, and are subject to change without notice. Due to evolving health protocols, imagery and messaging may not accurately reflect onboard and destination experiences, offerings, features, or itineraries. These may not be available during your voyage, may vary by ship and destination, and may be subject to change without notice. ©2021 Celebrity Cruises Inc. Ships’ registry: Ecuador.
05_27_SW_NPP_10x10_LA-Blade_RTS-Galapagos-Air.indd 1
5/10/21 9:59 AM
Special treats for fully vaccinated Dodgers fans at first Pride Night !"#"$ %&'()$ *+,$ -)$ *./01,$ 2'&03+1$ 4)50$ *.4067$ -30$ 06)$ !./$ #48)1)/$ 9.(8)&/$ +&)$ &)+(,$ to welcome LGBTQ fans back to Dodger Stadium for their very first Pride night since the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he team is also bringing back Friday Night Fireworks for the first time since 2019, set 0.$+$/:);'+1$*'5$D&.*$9B$I.C')$B+4)"$I30$.41,$D311,H2+;;'4+0)($D+4/$+&)$'42'0)($0.$1)+2)$06)$
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stands and watch the show from the baseball field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n 2021, our night will be as fun and exciting as in years past, but we are especially proud to highlight that we have incorporated all 11 colors into the logo and flags that will be flown at Dodger Stadium on June 11th,” Braverman added. O@6)$9.(8)&/$.&8+4'U+0'.4$ '/$C)11$G4.C4$D.&$-)'48$8&.34(-&)+G'48$+4($'4;13/'2)$.D$+11$+4($06'/$'/$K3/0$+4.06)&$)5+*:1)$ .D$;.40'43'48$'4$06+0$0&+('0'.4"P @6./)$)5:+4()($%&'()$;.1.&/$;+4$-)$/))4$'4$06)$9.(8)&/$O!#P$1.8." O@6)$ !LI@MN$ ;.**34'0,$ '/$ C)11$ G4.C4$ D.&$ 8+06)&'48$ 0.8)06)&$ 0.$ /6+&)$ *)*.&+-1)$ )5:)&')4;)/$0.8)06)&7P$/+'($I&+2)&*+4"$O@6)$1+/0$,)+&N$6+/$-))4$0&,'48$.4$+11$.D$3/$+4($F$ +*$:)&/.4+11,$)5;'0)($0.$-)$+-1)$0.$;&)+0)$+4$)2)40$06+0$'/$K3/0$06)$-)8'44'48$.D$3/$-&'48'48$ .3&$;.**34'0,$-+;G$0.8)06)&"$@6)$%&'()$/6'&0/$06'/$,)+&$:&.;1+'*7$OVTEAT$I#WRP$+4($06./)$ 2 words seem really powerful this year.” I13)$ X6')1($ .D$ W+1'D.&4'+$ '/$ 06)$ )2)40$ /:.4/.&$ +4($ 06)$ 0)+*$ '/$ C.&G'48$ C'06$ /)2)&+1$ .&8+4'U+0'.4/7$'4;13('48$1.480'*)$:+&04)&$!"#"$%&'()" Y06)&$ :+&04)&$ 8&.3:/$ '4;13()$ 06)$ Z+&/'0,$ L+,$ !)+83)7$ 06)$ 4+0'.4E/$ .&'8'4+1$ M3))&N$ A);&)+0'.4+1$X:.&0/$1)+83)[$06)$L&)+0)&$!./$#48)1)/$X.D0-+11$#//.;'+0'.47$J'$@.:/$X:.&0/-+&$ '4$V)/0$J.11,C..($+4($06)$!LI@M$/:.&0/$4)C/$C)-/'0)$.30/:.&0/";.* !"#$%&$$'(
WeHo kicks off One City One Pride, honors Lady Gaga T+;6$ ,)+&$ 06)$ W'0,$ .D$ V)/0$ J.11,C..($ ;)1)-&+0)/$ %&'()$ C'06$ '0/$ Y4)$ W'0,$ Y4)$ %&'()$ albums sold, and 31 million digital tracks sold. Born This Way was Lady Gaga’s first #1 LGBTQ Arts Festival, which runs from Harvey Milk Day (May 22) through the end of June album and it debuted at #1 in 25 countries. It was named one of Rolling Stone’s 500 %&'()$*.406" Greatest Albums of All Time and is Certified 4X @6)$ W'0,$ .D$ V)/0$ J.11,C..(E/$ \+,.&$ !'4(/),$ %1+0'43*$'4$06)$_"X" P. Horvath officially declared May 23 as OI.&4$ W.4;3&&)40$ C'06$ 06)$ 342)'1'48$ .D$ 06)$ ;.1.&D31$ @6'/$V+,$9+,P$'4$6.4.&$.D$06)$+1-3*$.D$06)$/+*)$ street painting is the kickoff of Pride season in 4+*)$-,$!+(,$L+8+$'4$+$/*+11$;)&)*.4,$'4$D&.40$ V)/0$ J.11,C..($ C'06$ 06)$ +443+1$ Y4)$ W'0,$ Y4)$ of The Abbey Sunday, also kicking off the City’s Pride LGBTQ Arts Festival. The 2021 theme for Y4)$W'0,$Y4)$%&'()$!LI@M$#&0/$])/0'2+1" Y4)$ W'0,$ Y4)$ %&'()$ '/$ ].&$ 06)$ A);.&($ `$ !LI@M$ @.$ ;.**)*.&+0)$ +4($ &);.84'U)$ '0/$ ;3103&+1$ /0.&')/$.D$06)$:+/0$06+0$6+2)$.D0)4$-))4$6'(()4$ '*:+;07$06)$W'0,$.D$V)/0$J.11,C..($'/$;)1)-&+0'48$ .&$ 34(.;3*)40)("$ Y4)$ *3/0$ &)+($ -)0C))4$ C'06$ +$ /0&))0$ :+'40'48$ .4$ A.-)&0/.4$ I12($ the lines to find stories hidden behind O-)+&(P$ ()(';+0)($0.$!+(,$L+8+E/$OI.&4$@6'/$V+,7P$C6';6$ *+&&'+8)/7$ ;.()($ 1+483+8)7$ +4($ )&+/)($ .&$ ;)1)-&+0)/$ '0/$ >?H,)+&$ +44'2)&/+&,$ 06'/$ ,)+&"$ ()/0&.,)($ )2'()4;)"$ @6'/$ ,)+&7$ Y4)$ W'0,$ Y4)$ @6)$ +1-3*$ /6+00)&)($ &);.&(/$ +&.34($ 06)$ C.&1($ %&'()$ 1..G/$ +0$ /.*)$ .D$ 06)/)$ :&)2'.3/1,$ 6'(()4$ in sales and streaming and has had significant /0.&')/" ;3103&+1$ '*:+;0$ +/$ +$ S3+/'H+406)*$ D.&$ !LI@M$ F4$ .&()&$ 0.$ :&'.&'0'U)$ 6)+106$ +4($ C)11H-)'487$ :).:1)$+&.34($06)$81.-)" One City One Pride 2021 is taking place virtually/ #$ ;&.C($ 6+($ 8+06)&)($ '4$ D&.40$ .D$ 06)$ #--),$ in a socially distant manner for 2021. 51678!9:;<!=>?@!<A7BBA!>7A!;8!C768A!6C!A:B!$DDB?!68!E6DB7A<68!1FGH3 to witness Mayor Horvath, other city officials, \.&)$'4D.&*+0'.4$+2+'1+-1)$+0$1./+48)1)/-1+()" IJ:6A6!K6L7AB<?!M>8<!1B;NFB7O +4($06)$.C4)&$.D$06)$#--),7$9+2'($W..1),$8&))0$ ;.*. Follow at facebook.com/wehopride or !+(,$L+8+$+/$/6)$1..G)($.2)&$06)$/0&))0$:+'40'48"$ instagram.com/wehoarts to stay up to date. \+,.&$J.&2+06$+1/.$:&)/)40)($+$R),$0.$06)$W'0,$0.$!+(,$L+8+$X34(+,$C'06$+$4.0)$.D$06+4G/=$ Y4)$ W'0,$ Y4)$ %&'()$ '/$ .&8+4'U)($ -,$ 06)$ W'0,$ .D$ V)/0$ J.11,C..(E/$ #&0/$ 9'2'/'.4"$ FD$ ,.3$ O@6+4G$,.3$D.&$)4;.3&+8'48$3/$0.$1.2)$.3&/)12)/$+4($-)$:&.3(^P 6+2)$+(('0'.4+1$S3)/0'.4/$+-.30$Y4)$W'0,$Y4)$%&'()$:1)+/)$)*+'1$\'G)$W6)7$Y4)$W'0,$Y4)$ When it was originally released in 2011, Born This Way shattered records around the Pride coordinator/City of West Hollywood’s Arts Coordinator at mche@weho.org world. To date, the album has more than 5.8 billion global streams, 5.2 million physical )*+!,%-&.&(/0& 12!"!#$%!&'(!&)&*!"!+,-$./0+0-1+$2034,#
/0"$,(#/"*<'<#$&#(2'"1,</'(.)(301'18%*+4'*3'"*&"1#'1.%0(+*$3'P4' !"#$%&"'(')*#+%(,'(-(#./'01#12$345'+"1'6(+*3$'78%(,*+4'9,,*(301' <#$)*.*3&' ,$-V*30$21' 6AB!C' /+%.13+/' (001//' +$' =%3./' +"(+' -*,,' :679;'#1013+,4'(33$%301.'+"1'#10*<*13+/'$='+"1'>?>@'6AB!C'D$%+"' lessen the burden of financing their studies compared to higherCollege Scholarship Awards. This year, 13 LGBTQ-identified students income students,” stated Edith Moreno, an LEA board member and -1#1'(-(#.1.'/0"$,(#/"*</'#(3&*3&'=#$2'E@5???'+$'EF5???G 0"(*#'$='+"*/'41(#X/'/0"$,(#/"*<'0$22*++11G H3'+$+(,5'EII5???'-(/'(-(#.1.'+"#$%&"'+"1'/0"$,(#/"*<'=%3.'(3.' This year’s awards were made possible by the fundraising efforts *3' <(#+31#/"*<' -*+"' J$%+"1#3' K(,*=$#3*(' A(/' K$2<(34' (3.' L10M' (3.'.$3(+*$3/'P4'/%<<$#+1#/'(3.'0$22%3*+4',1(.1#/'*3'+"1'6(+*3W' N1.*0*31'$='OJKG' 6AB!C'0$22%3*+4G !"1')*#+%(,'01#12$34'-(/'(++13.1.'P4'/0"$,(#/"*<'#10*<*13+/'(3.' S()*1#'93&%,$5'(',$3&+*21'/%<<$#+1#'$='679'/(*.5'QH'(2'<#$%.'+$' +"1*#'=(2*,4'212P1#/'(,$3&'-*+"'/0"$,(#/"*<'0$22*++11'212P1#/5' /%<<$#+' 679' (3.' *+/' /0"$,(#/"*<' =%3.' +$' <#$)*.1' $<<$#+%3*+*1/' staff, and board members of the Latino Equality Alliance. During +$' 6(+*3W' 6AB!C' 4$%+"' +$' (0"*1)1' +"1*#' (0(.12*0' .#1(2/5' (3.' H' the presentation, California State Senator Maria Elena Durazo of 0"(,,13&1'$+"1#/'-"$'"()1'P113'#1-(#.1.'-*+"'/%001//'+$'.$3(+1' the 24th District gave special remarks to the scholars in attendance. what they can to support the growth of this fund.” QH'(<<,(%.'+"1'6(+*3$'78%(,*+4'9,,*(301'=$#'/%<<$#+*3&'(3.'%<,*=+*3&' Angulo along with LEA supporter Alberto Mendoza helped 6AB!CR' 4$%+"G' !"#$%&"' +"1/1' /0"$,(#/"*</5' $%#' 4$%+"' -*,,' +"#*)1G' #(*/1'E@F5???'=$#'+"*/'41(#X/'(-(#./G'QJ%<<$#+*3&'$%#'6AB!C'4$%+"' !"14'-*,,',1(.'$%#'N$)1213+'=$#'S%/+*01G'!"14'(#1'$%#'=%+%#1'+1(0"1#/5' !56789-':;5<76=-$<<758>?-@!'$A-0304-!&(BC-/9;6D*/'1//13+*(,5'(',$+'$='%/'0$%,.3X+'P1'-"13'-1'-1#1'*3'/0"$$,'$#'=1,+' scientists, firefighters, and Senators!,” stated Senator Durazo. +9<<?E?-#>D9<5FGD7H-$I5FJG--@#>F??8GD96->9;F6?G=-9K-!'$A */$,(+1.'(3.'(,$31G'HX2'&,(.'+"*3&/'"()1'&$++13'P1++1#'$)1#(,,5'(3.' This year’s scholarship awards recipients are Jazmin Hernandez I am proud to be in a position where we can provide this financial Perez (UC Berkeley), Brandon Ramirez (Santa Monica College), Evelyn support to these amazing scholarship winners,” said Mendoza. Avalos (UCLA), Kevin Palomo (CalPoly Pomona), Mel Avina-Beltran (UC Davis), Fatima Mendoza ISO 12647-7 Digital Control Strip 2009 L10M'N1.*0*31'$='OJK'"(/'P113'('/+#$3&'/%<<$#+1#'$='+"1'/0"$,(#/"*<'<#$&#(2'=$#'+"1'<(/+'+"#11' Choto (UC Chavez (UCLA), Velazquez (UC Berkeley), 100 100 Katherin 70 30 100 60 40 100 40 100 3 60 Irvine),Alejandra 100 70 30 100 60 100 10 25 50 75 90 100 70 Asher 30 Madariaga 100 40 40 70 40 70 40 40 40 70 40 40 70 40 70 40 40 A 41(#/G'QKeck Medicine of USC has been a proud sponsor of Latino Equality Alliance since 2017,” said Rivera(LA Trade Tech), Alejandra Aguilar (Pierce College), Luka/Isa Gidwani (UCLA), GeorgeDel Real 6*3./14'6(-#13015'/0"$,(#/"*<'0$22*++11'212P1#'(3.'0"(*#'$='L10M'Z#*.15'+"1'"1(,+"'/4/+12X/' :OK'B1#M1,14;'(3.'B,(M1'!#1T$':OK'B1#M1,14;G 6AB!CR'0$22*++11G'QWe are honored to recognize two students pursuing health care careers with !"1'6(+*3$'78%(,*+4'9,,*(301'/0"$,(#/"*<'=%3.'-(/'1/+(P,*/"1.'*3'>?@U'+$'/%<<$#+'+"1 the second annual Keck Medicine of USC scholarship award.” higher education pathway for queer students of color. LEA’s work is rooted in organizing and B 100 100 60 100 100 70 70 30 30 100 100 60 100 100 70 70 30 30 100 100 60 100 100 70 70 30 30 100 40 100 40 40 100 10 40 40 20 70 70 70 70 40 70 40 40 0000 3.1 2.2 2.2 10.2 7.4 7.4 25 19 19 50 40 40 75 66 66 100 100 100 80 70 70 100 !"1'2*//*$3'$='6(+*3$'78%(,*+4'9,,*(301':679;'*/'+$'(.)$0(+1'=$#'18%*+45'/(=1+45'(3.'-1,,31//'=$#'+"1' .1)1,$<*3&'4$%3&',1(.1#/'*3',$-V*30$21'(3.'0$22%3*+*1/'$='0$,$#'+$'12<$-1#'+"12'(3.'+"1*#' 6(+*3W'61/P*(35'A(45'B*/1W%(,5'!#(3/&13.1#5'C%11#'R'0$22%3*+4G families to fight for the resources and policies that will promote a healthy school climate and their LEA is located at Mi Centro LGBTQ Community Center in Boyle Heights. (0(.12*0'/%001//G For more information on the services and programs of Latino Equality Alliance and/or to donate, 9'/0"$,(#/"*<'=%3.'-(/'311.1.'+$'13/%#1',$-V*30$21'/+%.13+/'"()1'+"1'311.1.'#1/$%#01/'+$' )*/*+',(+*3$18%(,*+4(,,*(301G$#&G <%#0"(/1'1//13+*(,'/0"$$,'/%<<,*1/5'21(,/'(3.'<(4'#13+G T:10" !"#$%&'(!!%")*#"'& Q90"*1)*3&'18%*+4'(2$3&'+"1'6(+*3W'6AB!C'0$22%3*+4'*/'('M14'<(#+'$='679X/'2*//*$3G'Y%#'4$%+"'
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9(#H"&#(Lan alternativeL,"$ (&/10H0(&,#>$ 1&5$ ,6(-$ 19($ ,(0H"919-$ #").,+"&#$ 0(1&,$ ,"$ get people off the streets and +&,"$6"0(#=: K&$ )1,($ 219/6>$ ,6($ /+,-$ cleared a massive homeless (&/10H0(&,$+&$M/6"$@193$+&$,6($ %&'()+&"$N(+'6,#$&(+'6I"96""5$ 15O1/(&,$ ,"$ ,6($ ?P?$ G9((<1->$ )"/1,(5$ +&$ *".&/+)01&$ 2+,/6$ O’Farrell’s district 13. Officials say the hundreds of people forced to leave were offered shelter, but not everyone took it according to local homeless advocates. The clearing of Echo Park brought condemnation from rights groups and grassroots activists due to the presence of heavily armed LAPD officers and <61,$ "&($ #".9/($ ,")5$ ,6($ 4)15($ <1#$ 1$ 7/"0H)(,($ )1/3$ "8$ "H(91,+"&1)$,91&#H19(&/-=: 21-"9$M9+/$Q19/(,,+$1&&".&/(5$)1#,$0"&,6$+&$6+#$1&&.1)$ B,1,($ "8$ ,6($ *+,-$ 1559(##>$ ,61,$ 6($ <".)5$ #((3$ ,"$ #H(&5$ nearly $1 billion on initiatives for addressing homelessness, 1#$ <())$ 1#$ 1))"/1,($ RSTU$ 0+))+"&$ 8"9$ ,6($ /+,-V#$ M0(9'(&/-$ A(&,1)$%##+#,1&/($H9"'910>$+&,(&5(5$,"$6()H$.H$,"$?PP>PPP$ 6".#(6")5#$1&5$",6(9$/9+,+/1)$&((5#=
F6($ 01-"9$ 1)#"$ H9"H"#(5$ 1$ '.191&,((5$ I1#+/$ +&/"0($ H+)",$H9"O(/,$,61,$<".)5$H1-$R?>PPP$1$0"&,6$,"$S>PPP$,"$,6($ city’s neediest households over the next year as part of a 7I1#+/$'.191&,((5$+&/"0(:$H+)",$H9"'910$,61,$6($5(#/9+I(5$ 1#$,6($I+''(#,$"8$1&-$/+,-$+&$%0(9+/1= Chronic homelessness is a massive problem in both ,6($ /+,-$ 1&5$ ,6($ /".&,-=$ K&$ ,6($ /+,-$ "8$ !"#$ %&'()(#$ ,6(9($ 19($ TW>TPP$ 6"0()(##$ H("H)($ <+,6$ 1$ ,",1)$ "8$ UX>YTW$ +&$ ,6($ /".&,-$ 1//"95+&'$ ,"$ ,6($ 1&&.1)$ !"#$ %&'()(#$ N"0()(##$ Services Authority’s (LAHSA) homeless count (2019). Over ,6($ -(19#>$ 6"0()(##&(##$ 61#$ 59101,+/1))-$ +&/9(1#(5$ 1))$ over the county. !"#$%&'()(*+,(
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Dignitaries tour the 60% completed USNS Harvey Milk Construction work on the future U.S. Navy fleet oiler named for slain gay San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk is nearly 60 percent completed according to a spokesperson for the National Steel and Shipbuilding Company division of General Dynamics Corporation commonly referred to as NASSCO. This past week on the eve of what would have been Milk’s 91st birthday on Saturday, Milk’s nephew Stuart Milk, elected officials and other dignitaries were given two separate tours of the vessel. The Milk is a fleet oiler and will be assigned the tasks of replenishing fuel oil and dry goods to U.S. naval vessels at sea. The Milk is the second ship in the new John Lewis class of fleet oilers. The future USNS John Lewis (T-AO-205) , is named for the former civil rights leader and Georgia congressman, and is also under construction at NASSCO San Diego. The first six vessels in the Lewis class of fleet oilers are named after prominent civil rights activists and leaders, in addition to the USNS John Lewis (T-AO-205) are; USNS Harvey Milk (T-AO-206) – LGBT activist Harvey Milk; USNS Earl Warren (T-AO-207) – Chief Justice of the United States Earl Warren; USNS Robert F. Kennedy (T-AO-208) – U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy; USNS Lucy Stone (T-AO-209) – the women’s rights activist; USNS Sojourner Truth (T-AO-210) – the abolitionist and women’s rights activist. San Diego City & County Commissioner Nicole Murray Ramirez arranged the private tours led by Dennis DuBard, manager of Government Relations at General Dynamic NASSCO on behalf of the shipbuilders. Among the dignitaries were Stuart Milk, co-founder of the Harvey Milk Foundation; San Diego’s openly gay Mayor Todd Gloria; State Senate President Toni G. Atkins; City Council member Stephen Whitburn; State Assemblymember Christopher Ward; Congress member Sara Jacobs; State Commissioner Robert Gleason; The Center’s Cara Dessert; and Navy veteran, Chief Petty Officer Morgan M. Hurley, USN Ret. former chair of the LGBTQ Veterans Wall of Honor. Eddie Rey, executive director of the Equality Business Alliance noted,!"The naming of the USNS Harvey Milk is historic for multiple reasons, including that it’s the first military ship named after a service member who was harassed, court martialed and then dishonorably discharged simply for being gay; but most importantly to me — because it tells the world
that our nation now honors and supports LGBTQ individuals. It is my hope that someday the military will reverse and rectify the wrongful ‘Other Than Honorable Discharge’ given to thousands of our LGBTQ brothers, sisters, and siblings. As for Harvey Milk- the message of his less than honorable discharge and naming of a ship is a powerful message- that the family wishes to #$$%!&'!(')* Milk was given an ‘other than honorable‘ discharge from the Navy Military Sealift Command fleet oiler USNS Harvey on Feb. 7, 1955 after being forced #BAN!!JD3-3!.>HO!P@;?;!QAAG5?:>?B;8M by Navy investigators to describe his sexual relationships in a 152-page document. Some 22 years later he was the first openly gay person elected to a seat on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1977. Milk would go on to only serve 11 months in office, until he and then-San Francisco Mayor George Moscone, were murdered in their office spaces at City Hall on the morning of Nov. 27, 1978 by disgruntled former supervisor Dan White. Every year on his birthday, the foundation that bears his name celebrates Harvey Milk Day to remember and teach about his life and his activism work to stop the discrimination against LGBTQ+ people and in California, Harvey Milk Day is recognized by the state’s government as a day of special significance for the Golden State’s public schools. The day was permanently established by the California Legislature and signed into law by then Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2009. A NASSCO spokesperson said that the Milk is on schedule for a November ‘ship’'! christening’ with commissioning to follow at an unspecified date. !"#$%&'(!!%")*#"'&
D3-3!$:<O!IB5>LA75!6;<<78?5!;8!:76:GB?B8C!HBI7;!>9?7:!>LG57 The United States Army Recruiting Command, (USARC) was forced to disable abusive comments this week on its series of five animated recruiting videos released earlier this month, featuring the stories of servicemembers including Corporal Emma Malonelord, who was raised in California by her two mothers. Malonelord’s video documents how she felt that by being raised by strong female role models contributed to her breaking barriers in a traditionally male dominated military profession. In a press release, USARC noted, “Emma seemed to have it all. A self-proclaimed “spoiled kid” – growing up with a supportive family, good education, and plenty of extracurriculars – Emma found herself seeking her purpose in life. While studying at the University of California, Davis, she admired the humanitarian efforts of some of her sorority sisters and began to feel a pull to be part of something bigger. After meeting with an Army recruiter, she said goodbye to her sorority
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friends. Though Emma’s moms were initially wary of her joining the Army, they understood their daughter’s desire to chart her own path and, now they are active supporters of the Army community by spearheading letter writing and care package campaigns for Soldiers.” However, Malonelord’s video triggered a tsunami of abusive and homophobic comments, forcing USARC to disable the comments. The video as of Friday had 1,049,703 views, 2.2 thousand likes and over 50 thousand dislikes. “Beginning 12 May, we started noticing a significant uptick in negative commentary,” public affairs chief at the Army Enterprise Marketing Office, Laura DeFrancisco, told the Army Times. “The comments violated our social media policy and were not aligned with Army values. Out of respect for the safety and wellbeing of our soldiers and their families, we have disabled the comments.” !"#$%&'(!!%")*#"'&
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Clarke confirmed as ass’t attorney general for civil rights
!"#$%&'( )*+",&-( %.&( /"&$#0&'%( +'0( &1&23%#4&( 0#"&2%5"( 56( %.&( 7+89&"$:( )5;;#%%&&( 65"( )#4#*( <#=.%$( >'0&"( 7+8-( +( '+%#5'+*( 2#4#*( rights organization based in Washington, D.C., was confirmed by %.&(?&'+%&(@3&$0+9(%5($&"4&(+$(%.&(A$$#$%+'%(A%%5"'&9(B&'&"+*(65"( %.&()#4#*(<#=.%$(C#4#$#5'(+%(%.&(>D?D(C&/+"%;&'%(56(E3$%#2&D()*+",&( 8+$( '5;#'+%&0( %5( %.&( /5$%( #'( E+'3+"9( FGFH-( I9( J"&$#0&'%( E5&( K#0&'D Clarke was confirmed as the first woman and woman of color to 65";+**9($&"4&(#'(%.&()#4#*(<#=.%$(C#4#$#5'(+%(%.&(E3$%#2&(C&/+"%;&'%( $#'2&(#%$(&$%+I*#$.;&'%(#'(HLMND The first generation American daughter of immigrant parents from Jamaica, West Indies, Clarke’s confirmation in the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confirmation. ST(05('5%($3//5"%(0&63'0#'=(%.&(/5*#2&-U($.&($+#0(#'(%.&(.&+"#'=-(#'(
/"0*1(2&3'4"/( was confirmed to serve as Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division at the Department of Justice. (Photo courtesy Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law)
"&$/5'$&(%5(+(P3&$%#5'(6"5;(T**#'5#$(C&;52"+%#2(?&'D(C#2,(C3"I#'D( SI do support finding strategies to ensure that law enforcement can carry out their jobs more safely and effectively and channeling "&$53"2&$( %5( &;5%#5'+*( .&+*%.( %"&+%;&'%( +'0( 5%.&"( $&4&"&*9( under-resourced areas.” T'(+($%+%&;&'%(%5()VV-(?&'D()"3Q($+#0-(S!"#$%&'()*+",&:$(I"+Q&'( 0#$0+#'(65"(*+8(&'65"2&;&'%(W(&4#0&'2&0(I9(.&"("&/&+%&0(2+**$(%5( 0&63'0(%.&(/5*#2&(+'0(.&"(%"53I*#'=(.#$%5"9(56(+0452+29(5'(I&.+*6( 56(I"3%+*(25/(,#**&"$(W($.53*0(I&(0#$P3+*#69#'=(%5($&"4&(+$(A$$#$%+'%( A%%5"'&9(B&'&"+*(65"(%.&()#4#*(<#=.%$(C#4#$#5'DU For the past five years Clarke has headed the Lawyers’ Committee. J"#5"(%5(X5#'#'=(7CY-($.&(85",&0(+%(%.&(>D?D(C&/+"%;&'%(56(E3$%#2&( #'( %.&( )#4#*( <#=.%$( C#4#$#5'D( Z.#*&( +%( %.&( E3$%#2&( C&/+"%;&'%-( $.&( $&"4&0( +$( +( 6&0&"+*( /"5$&23%5"( #'( %.&( )"#;#'+*( ?&2%#5'( 56( %.&( C#4#$#5'-(.+'0*#'=(/5*#2&(;#$25'032%-(/5*#2&(I"3%+*#%9-(.+%&(2"#;&$-( and human trafficking cases. She also worked on voting rights and "&0#$%"#2%#'=(2+$&$(%."53=.(%.&(C#4#$#5':$([5%#'=(?&2%#5'D )*+",&:s confirmation 2+;&(5'(+(0+9(8.&'(J"&$#0&'%(K#0&'(;&%( 8#%.(%.&(6+;#*9(56(B&5"=&(Y*590-(+'(3'+";&0(K*+2,(;+'(;3"0&"&0( a year ago by a Minneapolis police officer who has been convicted #'(Y*590:$(0&+%.D !"#$%&'()(*+,(
Trans candidate wins historic primary in Pa. T'(+(%#=.%("+2&(I&%8&&'(C&;52"+%#2(25'%&'0&"$(#'(%.&(/"#;+"9(65"(]"#&()53'%9(&1&23%#4&-( @9*&"( @#%3$-( ^_-( +( %"+'$( /&"$5'( 8.5( 23""&'%*9( $&"4&$( +$( ]"#&( ?2.55*( K5+"0( J"&$#0&'%( 8+$( 0&2*+"&0(%.&(8#''&"D Titus defeated Erie County Councilman Carl Anderson in a four-way primary and will move on to face Republican Brenton Davis in the general election, the Erie Times-News "&/5"%&0D The paper also reported that Anderson, 54, wasn’t ready to throw his support behind his 6&**58(C&;52"+%-($+9#'=(%.+%(@#%3$:$(2+;/+#='(8+$("3'(+'0(63'0&0(I9(/&5/*&(53%$#0&(56( ]"#&()53'%9(+'0(%.+%(C+4#$:$(=&'&"+*(&*&2%#5'(2+;/+#='(853*0(+*$5(I&(63'0&0(I9(53%$#0&"$D( K5%.( C+4#$( +'0( @#%3$( .+4&( 2"#%#2#Q&0( A'0&"$5':$( 2+;/+#='( 65"( I&#'=( 63'0&0( I9( 8&+*%.9( 05'5"$D( Erie County election officials are looking into the legality of Anderson running as an independent, County Clerk of Elections Doug Smith told the Times-News. Should Titus, who identifies as trans non-binary, win the general election in November, they will become the first out trans person in the U.S. to be elected a county executive and one of the first out trans people to ever serve in an elected executive position. Titus /"&4#53$*9(;+0&(.#$%5"9(8.&'(%.&9(8&"&(&*&2%&0(%5(%.&(]"#&(?2.55*(K5+"0-(I&25;#'=(%.&( first out trans person elected in Pennsylvania.
Titus is currently one of nine out nonbinary elected officials serving in the U.S. @.&( 7BK@`( [#2%5"9( Y3'0-( #'( +'( &;+#*&0( $%+%&;&'%-( /5#'%&0( 53%( %.+%( %.&( 4#2%5"9( #$( also significant as Erie County is considered +'(&*&2%#5'(I&**8&%.&"-('5%(X3$%(65"(%.&($%+%&-( I3%( %.&( &'%#"&( '+%#5'D( @.&( R#**( /"&4#53$*9( '+;&0( #%( 5'&( 56( SHG( 253'%#&$( %.+%( 8#**( 0&2#0&( %.&( FGFG( &*&2%#5'U( a( #%( '+""58*9( 45%&0( 65"( @"3;/( #'( FGH_( +'0( 65"( K#0&'( #'( FGFG( a( ;+,#'=( @#%3$:( =&'&"+*( &*&2%#5'( +'( S#;/5"%+'%( %&$%U( 65"( %"+'$( 2+'0#0+%&$( TYLER TITUS "3''#'=(#'($8#'=(0#$%"#2%$D (Screenshot from campaign video) “Tyler’s primary victory amplifies the disconnect between voters who are embracing qualified trans leaders and the bigoted /5*#%#2#+'$( 8.5( +%%+2,( %"+'$( /&5/*&( 65"( %.&#"( 58'( /&"2&#4&0( /5*#%#2+*( =+#'-U( $+#0( A''#$&( J+",&"-(/"&$#0&'%(+'0()]\(56(7BK@`([#2%5"9(Y3'0D !"#$%&'()(*+,(
‘60 Minutes’ story on trans healthcare raises concern )K?(V&8$(S_G(O#'3%&$U(25""&$/5'0&'%(7&$*&9(?%+.*("&/5"%&0(5'(.&+*%.(2+"&(2.+**&'=&$( 6+2#'=( %.&( %"+'$=&'0&"( 25;;3'#%9( %.#$( 8&&,-( +*%.53=.( +( /5"%#5'( 56( .&"( "&/5"%#'=( +*$5( 254&"&0(%.5$&(#'0#4#03+*$(8.5(.+4&(0&%"+'$#%#5'&0-(+($3IX&2%(%.+%(.+$(I&&'(/5*#%#2#Q&0( by anti-LGBTQ groups such as the Heritage Foundation, the Alliance Defending Freedom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
#%(+(/5*#%#2+*($%5"9DU A*/.5'$5(C+4#0-(/"&$#0&'%(56(%.&(R3;+'(<#=.%$()+;/+#='-(%5*0(?%+.*(.&(8+$(25'2&"'&0( %.+%("&/5"%#'=(5'(%.5$&(8.5(2.55$&(%5(0&%"+'$#%#5'(253*0(I&(S%+,&'(53%(56(25'%&1%(b+'0c( 253*0(63"%.&"(4#2%#;#Q&(+'0(;+"=#'+*#Q&U(%.&(%"+'$=&'0&"(25;;3'#%9D SK"#'=#'=(+($%5"9(%5(*#=.%(+I53%(0&%"+'$#%#5'#'=(8#%.53%(%+*,#'=(+I53%(%.&(4+$%(;+X5"#%9( 56(/&5/*&(8.5(/5$#%#4&*9(%"+'$#%#5'-(853*0(2+3$&(25'2&"'(I&2+3$&(#%($&'0$(+(;&$$+=&-U( C+4#0( $+#0D( SZ&( '&&0( %5( +*$5( &*&4+%&( %.&( /5$#%#4&( $%5"#&$( 56( /&5/*&( 8.5( $322&$$63**9( %"+'$#%#5'DU C"D( 7&&( ?+4#5( K&&"$-( +( /&0#+%"#2#+'-( /"56&$$5"-( +'0( %.&( /"&$#0&'%( 56( %.&( A;&"#2+'( Academy of Pediatrics told Stahl it’s vital to “help dispel the myths about what genderaffirming care is and isn’t.” !"#$%&'()(*+,( !"#$%&'!'#(!$)'*+",-.-,$/-012-0304-. -.
XWe hope that the new constitution explicitly guarantees !"#!$%!&'#() !*+,-) .) /0123) 456+7+868) 49:) ;<=49+>46+;98) nondiscrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and 5-,-?<46-:)6*-)<-8@,68);A),486)B--C-9:D8)*+86;<+5)-,-56+;98)+9)!*+,-)+9) expression; as well as by all the categories protected in the Zamudio B*+5*)-+=*6);E-9,F)G@--<)549:+:46-8)B-<-)-,-56-:)6;)B<+6-)6*-)/46+9) Law; and full equality of rights is recognized for all individuals, couples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aibe from the Socialist Party of Chile, who was elected in the XAlthough the representation of people with different sexual 8;@6*-<9I;86) 4<-4) ;A) 6*-) 5;@96<F() 7+-B8) *+8) E<-8-95-) 49:) 6*46) ;A) :+7-<8+6+-8)<-I4+98),;B()+6)+8)4)*+86;<+5)86-E)6;)*47-)5;986+6@-95+-8)6*46) 8-7-9) ;6*-<) /0123) E-;E,-) 46) 6*-) 5;97-96+;9) B+,,) *-,E) <-E,45-) 6*-) 4,,;B)@8)6;)+9864,,)6*-)@<=-95F);A);@<):-I49:8()49:)E<;I;6-)<-8E-56) #8+9"'1%.$! ;>!F9=!FG!=;JA<!FI<! KI==B!789:;:8<=>!<F!L;9!;9!4A;C=3 5@<<-96) 5;986+6@6+;9) 48) 4) 5@,6@<4,) I+,-86;9-J) 2*-) 5@<<-96) !*+,-49) 49:) E<;6-56+;9) ;A) 6*-) <+=*68) ;A) 6*-) /012&3Y) E;E@,46+;9) +9) 6*-) 9-B) MNAF<F!7FIB<=>O!FG!+8;P=Q 5;986+6@6+;9) *48) ?--9) +9) E,45-) 8+95-) H@=@86;) %+9;5*-6D8) I+,+64<F) 5;986+6@6+;9)49:)+9)8;5+-6FJ)2*-)5;II+6I-96);A)A-I+9+86)49:)E<;=<-88+7-) :+5646;<8*+EJ A;<5-8) <-=4<:+9=) 6*-8-) +88@-8) B+,,) 4,8;) ?-) 7-<F) <-,-7496() 49:) 48) 49) XI think it is a milestone that, first, we have had more than 40 candidates of sexual observatory we will be attentive to that discussion,” explained Marion Stock, coordinator of :+7-<8+6F)6;)6*+8)!;986+6@6+;94,)!;986+6@6+;9(Z)84+:)6*-)E;,+6+54,)85+-96+86):@<+9=)49)+96-<7+-B) Les Constituyentes, Marion Stock, in a statement after the votes were counted. B+6*)/;)3@-)3@-:4):-,)PQ4);9)!;;E-<46+74)<4:+;J)X&6)+8)4)I+,-86;9-)+9)6*-)*+86;<F);A)!*+,-) The Movement for Homosexual Integration and Liberation (Movilh), meanwhile, :-85<+?-:)X48)*+86;<+5)6*46)-+=*6);E-9,F)/012&3Y)E-;E,-)*4:)?--9)-,-56-:)48)5;986+6@-968() 49:)+6)B+,,)E<;?4?,F)8-6)6*-)6;9-)A;<)B*46)6*-)<-86);A)6*-)-,-56+;98()+9)B*+5*)&)4I)8@<-)B-) +948I@5*) 48) 6*+8) 4,,;B8) 6*-) <+5*) :+7-<8+6F) ;A) !*+,-) 6;) *47-) 4) 7;+5-) 49:) 7;6-) +9) 6*-) I;86) B+,,)*47-)I;<-);A)4)E<-8-95-()B+,,)?-JZ !"#!$%&'()*+%&' +IE;<6496)6<498A;<I46+;9)E<;5-88)A45-:)?F)6*-)5;@96<FJZ
&)&&!D9<EC!$D2-!4F9G=B=97=!<F!<8@=!HC87=!;9!#F9<B=8C The International AIDS Society announced the 2022 International AIDS Conference will 64C-)E,45-)+9\E-<8;9)+9)L;96<-4,J 2*-)5;9A-<-95-()B*+5*)B+,,)4,8;)A-46@<-)7+<6@4,)-7-968()+8)85*-:@,-:)6;)64C-)E,45-)A<;I) July 29-Aug. 2, 2022. Pre-conference meetings are slated to begin on July 27, 2022. “AIDS 2022, the world’s largest conference on HIV and AIDS, will convene leading scientists, policy makers and grassroots activists,” reads the International AIDS Society’s 499;@95-I-96J !494:+49)]-4,6*)L+9+86-<)%466F)]4:S@)+8);9-);A)6*-)5;9A-<-95-D8)5;\5*4+<8J “We know that there is still a long way to go in the fight against HIV and AIDS,” said Hadju in an International AIDS Society press release. “In 2022, Canada will proudly host
AIDS 2022 so that we can further our commitments to ending the HIV and AIDS global -E+:-I+5JZ X^-) <-I4+9) 5;II+66-:) 6;) ;@<) _U\_U\_U) 64<=-68() I;7+9=) 6;B4<:8) <-5;95+,+46+;9) B+6*) &9:+=-9;@8) E-;E,-8() 49:) 6;) <-:@5+9=) 86+=I4) 49:) :+85<+I+946+;9(Z) 4::-:) ]4:S@J) X1F) ?<+9=+9=) 6;=-6*-<) :;I-86+5) 49:) +96-<946+;94,) E4<69-<8() B-) 549) <-:;@?,-) ;@<) 5;,,-56+7-) efforts to improve the health of all our citizens and finish the fight against HIV and AIDS.” The 2020 International AIDS Conference was to have taken place in San Francisco and Oakland, Calif., but it took place virtually because of the coronavirus pandemic. The 2012 International AIDS Conference took place in D.C. +./0%!1'23'1%4!5"'
-<8<=!2=H<3!IBJ=>!/A898!<F!HBF<=7<!+/156!B;JA<> The State Department on Monday expressed concern over the arrest of 21 LGBTQ 456+7+868)+9)0*494J Ghananian police on May 20 arrested the activists in the city of Ho. A State Department spokesperson in their statement said the U.S. “promotes efforts worldwide to protect /0123&Y)E;E@,46+;98)A<;I)7+;,-95-)49:)4?@8-()5<+I+94,+>46+;9():+85<+I+946+;9()49:)86+=I4() 49:)6;)-IE;B-<),;54,)I;7-I-968)49:)E-<8;98)8--C+9=)6;)4:7495-)6*-)<+=*68);A)/0123&Y) E-<8;98JZ The spokesperson proceeded to say that the situation in Ghana is on the State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guarantee freedom of speech, expression, and peaceful assembly.” H) 6<4+9+9=) A;<) 456+7+868) 49:) E4<4,-=4,8) ;9) *;B) 6;) 4:7;546-) A;<) /0123) 0*494+498) 49:) record any infringements of their human rights took place on May 20. Someone tipped off 6*-)4@6*;<+6+-8()49:)6*-F)4<<-86-:)-7-96):-64+9--8J Alex Kofi Donkor, founder and director of LGBT+ Rights Ghana, told The Guardian that X6*-)`-7-96a)B48)6;)6<4+9)6*-I);9)E4<4,-=4,)8-<7+5-8)A;<)7@,9-<4?,-)=<;@E8)b)*;B)B-)549) :;5@I-96)+88@-8);A)4?@8-()49:)*;B)?-86)6*-8-)6<4+9-:)E4<4,-=4,8)549)E<;7+:-)8@EE;<6JZ) ,-!"!#$%!&'(!&)&*!"!+,-$./0+0-1+$2034,#
H@6*;<+6+-8):--I-:)6*-)-7-96)49)X@9,4BA@,)488-I?,F(Z)49:)6*-F)+II-:+46-,F)4<<-86-:)Wc) men and five women. All were denied bail and are due to appear before a judge on June 4. R+=*6+AF) 0*494() 4) 0*494+49) *@I49) <+=*68) =<;@E() +9) 4) 8-<+-8) ;A) 6B--68) 84+:) S;@<94,+868) 6-4I-:)@E)B+6*)6*-)0*494+49)E;,+5-)B*-9)6*-F):-85-9:-:);9)6*-)-7-96()49:)6;;C)E-;E,-D8) ?-,;9=+9=8J “Journalists were the first to storm the place, started taking photos, took their notepads, flip charts, puller banner, books, then locked them while calling the police. The worried 7+56+I8) 864<6-:) 5<F+9=) A;<) *-,E() ?@6) 6;:4F) 4) S@:=-) *48) <-I49:-:) 6*-) VW) G@--<) E-<8;98) dR-,-48-2*-VW(Z)84+:)R+=*6+AF)0*494J) Rightify Ghana further expressed their disappointment with the Ghanaian media’s 456+;98) 48) +6) +8) 49) -96+6F) 6*46) *48) A-<7-96,F) 4:7;546-:) A;<) A<--:;I) ;A) E<-88) +9) 6*-) ^-86) HA<+549)946+;9J) X0*494+49)I-:+4()B*+5*)*48)A;<):-54:-8)?--9)4:7;546+9=)A;<)E<-88)A<--:;I)+9)0*494() 4<-)-94?,-<8)+9)6*-)E<;I;6+;9);A)*46-)49:):+85<+I+946+;9)4=4+986)I+9;<+6F)=<;@E8)+9)6*-) country, especially sexual minorities. No wonder Ghana is here,” said Rightify Ghana. 2*-)456+7+868D)4<<-86),486)B--C)+9)];)+8)6*-),46-86)+9)4)8-<+-8);A)496+\/0123)-7-968)6*46)*47-) 64C-9)E,45-)+9)0*494J Ghanaian police officers earlier this year raided and shut down an LGBTQ center. 2*+8)456+;9)E<;IE6-:)1,45C)5-,-?<+6+-8)+9)6*-)^-86)6;)@<=-)%<-8+:-96)#494)HC@A;\H::;) in an open letter to work with LGBTQ community leaders. Some of the celebrities included 456;<)&:<+8)$,?4()I;:-,)#4;I+)!4IE?-,,()49:)1<+6+8*)M;=@-)$:+6;<\+9\!*+-A)$:B4<:)$99+9A@,J 65.&/!'/0.&(%5%&7!
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queer bar, to buying flowers — in our city. J+'1+'(#@%5D('#.=#.&:)#('.)'(#%B#%-*/5('#6%'1(@#L%5(=.$*#%(#@%5#('.)#6%'1(@#.*#(.('$@#.*#;.=@# 6%'1*#('.)#1+'#1.8#/%)'2#!>%&'#.=)#E1+'(#F%';*3#<:$$#*.1:*B@#@%5(#$%&'#L%='*, It’s fitting that Dimitrov dedicates the volume to “our city of New York.” From the moment you ('.)#1+'#-%%0D*#%6'=:=?#$:='*2#@%5#0=%<#1+'#/%$$'/1:%=#:*#.2#-@#15(=*2#:(%=:/2#/%;:/2#6%:?=.=12#$%&'# poem to New York. !"#)%=D1#<.=1#1%#*%5=)#5=('.*%=.-$'M-51#"#='')#1%#-'#:=#$%&'#:;;'):.1'$@23#9:;:1(%&2#NO2#<+%# lives in New York, writes at the start of the book’s first poem “Sunset On 14th Street.” “I can’t watch this sunset/on 14th Street by myself.” “You can say New York is beautiful/and it wouldn’t be a headline/and it wouldn’t be a lie,” he <(:1'*#$.1'(#:=#1+'#6%';, !>%&'#.=)#E1+'(#F%';*23#1+%5?+#<+%$$@#%(:?:=.$#.=)#%B#1+'#;%;'=12#:*#.=#+%;.?'#=%1#%=$@#1%# New York City but to the openly queer New York poet Frank O’Hara. O’Hara, who lived from 1926 to 1966 and worked as a curator for the Museum of Modern Art, <(%1'#<:11@2#;%&:=?#6%';*#%=#P:$$:'#H%$:).@2#>.=.#C5(='(2#+:*#-%@B(:'=)*2#6.(1:'*2#6.:=1:=?*#.=)# ecstatically, waking up to love, coffee and cigarettes. “I live above a dyke bar and I’m happy,” O’Hara wrote in “You Are Gorgeous And I’m Coming,” .#$%&'#6%';, O’Hara moved poetry from the stuffy realm of the Academy into bars, the movies – the streets. H'#/.$$')#+:*#<%(0#!"#)%#1+:*#"#)%#1+.13#6%'1(@, Yet, “O’Hara was a first-class intellectual,” Grace Cavalieri, Maryland’s 10th Poet Laureate, told the Blade in 2014. “He just wanted lunch at the foot of Mount Olympus where the party was.” C+'#*.;'#/.=#-'#*.:)#%B#9:;:1(%&2#<+%#<.*#-%(=#:=#P5$?.(:.#.=)#(.:*')#:=#9'1(%:1, He received a bachelor’s degree in English and film from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor in 2007 and an M.F.A. in poetry from Sarah Lawrence College in 2009. H:*# 6('&:%5*# 6%'1(@# /%$$'/1:%=*# :=/$5)'# !C%?'1+'(# .=)# P@# E5(*'$&'*3# .=)# 1+'# /+.6-%%0# !7;'(:/.=#P%@*,3 H'#:*#1+'#B%(;'(#*'=:%(#/%=1'=1#'):1%(#.1#1+'#7/.)';@#%B#7;'(:/.=#F%'1*2#<+'('#+'#'):1')# Poem-A-Day and “American Poets.” With Dorothea Lasky, he is the co-author of “Astro Poets: Your Guides to the Zodiac.” In 2009, he founded Wilde Boys, a queer poetry salon in New York City, which he ran until 2013. Renowned queer poets and writers from Mark Doty to Edmund White to Michael Cunningham ('.)#1+':(#<%(0#.1#1+'#*.$%=, Like O’Hara, Dimitrov is a flaneur in New York. In “Love and Other Poems,” we follow him over 1+'#/%5(*'#%B#.#@'.(#.*#+'#$:&'*#.=)#?%'*#.-%51#:=#+:*#/:1@, There’s a fine line between paying homage to a poet you admire and being overly imitative %B#1+.1#6%'1D*#<%(0,#9:;:1(%&#/%;'*#/$%*'#1%#/(%**:=?#1+'#$:=',#C+'#1:1$'#%B#%='#%B#1+'#/%$$'/1:%=D*# poems “Having a Diet Coke with You” riffs off the title of O’Hara’s poem “Having a Coke with You.” Yet, Dimitrov’s voice is his own. The love in his poems is for not only New York but the moon, Stonewall, difficult men, glamour and the dead. Though filled with darkness as well as light, with loneliness as well as bar-hopping, his work :*=D1#*.66@, “No one’s allowed to tell/their sad story at my funeral,” he writes in “Notes For My Funeral,” “No %='D*#.$$%<')#1%#1'$$M;@#*.)#*1%(@#.1#;@#B5='(.$,3 !>%&'#.=)#E1+'(#F%';*3#:*#1+'#*+%1#:=#1+'#.(;#<'#='')#1+:*#*5;;'(, !"!"!#$%&'()#)%*#&+),-$.!"!.&/!012!0304
5-678%9:;%,<=8>%?68@AB P@#7$'8#9:;:1(%& c. 2021, Copper Canyon Press $17.00/119 pages
Out in West Hollywood Memorial Day offerings !"#$ %&"'($ )*$ *((+$ ",$ -.'%$ /)*0%($ '%.12.%)"*$ 3-.*'4$ "#$ ')/3-1$-""5)*6$%"$/.5($%&)'$-"*6$7((5(*+$/"#($/(/"#.8-(4$ %&('($,"0#$2&)2$9('%$:"--17""+$&"%(-'$&.;($6"%$1"0$2";(#(+<$ Offering some of the best luxury accommodations in the *()6&8"#&""+4$%&('($,"0#$=(/"#).-$>.1$9((5(*+$'3(2).-'$ 7)--$ '.%)',1$ .--$ 2#.;)*6'4$ ,#"/$ 3""-')+($ /.''.6('$ .%$ ?($ @.#2$ A0)%($%"$.$BCDD$8(;(#.6($2#(+)%$.%$E&($F#.,%"*$"*$A0*'(%<$ E""$/02&$",$.*1%&)*6$)'$8.+$G$0*-(''$7(H#($%.-5)*6$.8"0%$ )*+0-6)*6$ .%$ !"#$%"&'( )'&$( *"++,-"".I$ E&)'$ =(/"#).-$ >.1$9((5(*+4$-(%$-""'($.*+$J8)%($%&($0#6(K$7)%&$%&($&(-3$",$ .$ 7(-2"/($ 8"%%-($ ",$ 8088-1$ )*$ 1"0#$ '0)%($ 03"*$ .##);.-$ .*+$ .$ 2"/3-)/(*%.#1$ #"",%"3$ .33(%)L(#<$ M((3$ %&)*6'$ &"%$ 7&)-($ you cool off poolside with specials on spicy margaritas all 7((5(*+$-"*6I A0)%($#.%('$'%.#%$.%$BNOO<$E&($3.25.6($)'$.;.)-.8-($%"$8""5$ ,#"/$ E&0#'+.14$ =.1$ NP$ %"$ E0('+.14$ Q0*($ C<$ E"$ 8""54$ ;)')%$ /"*%#"'(7('%&"--17""+<2"/$"#$2.--$RRRSNNTSOPPC< U#)*6$ 1"0#$ 2"0%0#($ 03$ %"$ /0123'%+14#5&$ #"",%"3$ 3""-$ ,"#$ .$ V&./3.6*($ .*+$ U(--)*)$ $>?!@A8:B!78!C:B?!DAEEFGAAH!!IJKA?A!-<:H7?L!-7?F!AM!C:B?!DAEEFGAAHN Bar, offered Saturday, Sunday, .*+$ ="*+.1$ %&)'$ =(/"#).-$ >.1$ 9((5(*+I$ 9&.%$ 8(%%(#$ 7.1$ %"$ '3(*+$ %&($ -"*6$ 7((5(*+$ 2(-(8#.%)*6$%&.*$#(;(-)*6$"*$%&($#"",%"3$7)%&$.$6-.''$",$8088-1$ )*$%"7W$U('%$",$.--4$&"%(-$60('%'$7)--$(*X"1$2"/3-)/(*%.#1$/)*)$ massages from Soothe, a luxury wellness service providing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exclusive Detox Then Retox package, which includes a detox 7)%&$ 2"/3-)/(*%.#1$ 7(--*(''$ X0)2($ '&"%$ .%$ 2&(25S)*4$ %&(*$ .$ free yoga flow at 11 a.m. and again at 6 p.m. with R&B Yoga "*$ A.%0#+.1<$ E&(*4$ 6(%$ #(.+1$ %"$ 6(%$ 7)-+$ "*$ A0*+.1$ 7)%&$ %&($ &(-3$ ",$ %7"$ 2"/3-)/(*%.#1$ +#)*5'$ .%$ "0#$ U-""+1$ =.#1$ bar with the panoramic views of West Hollywood – retoxing *(;(#$-""5(+$'"$6""+I$ The Detox Then Retox package includes accommodations )*$ .$ *(7-1$ #(*";.%(+$ '0)%(4$ %7"$ 1"6.$ 2-.''('$ "*$ A.%0#+.14$ .$ U-""+1$ =.#1$ U.#$ "*$ A0*+.1$ .*+$ .$ 7(--*(''$ X0)2($ '&"%$ .%$ 2&(25S)*<$A0)%($#.%('$'%.#%$.%$B[DO<$E&($3.25.6($)'$.;.)-.8-($ %"$8""5$,#"/$E&0#'+.14$=.1$NP$%"$E0('+.14$=.1$N^<$E"$8""5Y$ I-A><?:BF!AM!?K:!(<5M?A8!DA?:EN Z)')%$-(3.#2'0)%('<2"/$"#$2.--$RRRS[N]SD[^[<
THE WORLD’S BEST TASTING VODKA. Photography: Paulrobinsonart.com