Los Angeles Blade, Volume 06, Issue 30, July 29, 2022

Page 1


(Washington Blade photo by Michael Lavers)

We traveled to Berlin Pride to meet those fleeing Putin’s war, PAGE 02



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#$%&'()*%'+$),-./,),.&'+0%'12)/'1-)34%0'($ #3=* -==/.@?* =@>=>* 4* >41* K=A60=* /3=* 4@@J48* _30.9/653=0* 2/0==/*,41*5404>=*/66C*584H=*.@*)=08.@G )404@.JC* 3=85=>* H4001* '%&ZI9* K4@@=0* >J0.@?* /3=* 5404>=N* D3.8=*ZJ81JC.@4*/66C*5.H/J0=9*A60*/3=*60?4@.[4/.6@G Kyiv Pride Executive Director Lenny Emson is one of the LGBTQ and intersex activists from Ukraine who participated in /3=*'%&Z*-==/.@?*4@>*.@*/3=*5404>=G E=*/68>*/3=*)84>=*K=A60=*/3=*5404>=*K=?4@*/34/*3=*/66C*9=7< eral trains from Kyiv to Poland before he flew to Berlin. Emson 94.>*/3=*/0.5*/66C*/D6*>419G R!*J@>=09/4@>*/34/*./*.9*4*94A=*?06J@>N*KJ/*!*9/.88*347=*/369=* flashbacks,” Emson told the Blade as he smoked a cigarette in A06@/*6A*4*36/=8*@=40*/3=*5404>=*9/4?.@?*40=4G*RT3=@*16J*D=0=* 9.//.@?* .@* /3=* H6@A=0=@H=* 066-* 4@>* !* 94D* 96-=/3.@?* /34/* 0=< -.@>9* -=* 6A* 4@* 4.0* 04.>* 9.0=@* !* D49* ?=//.@?* 4* 54@.H* 4//4HCG* !/* >6=9@I/*-4//=0*.A*16JI0=*.@*4*94A=*584H=GS* $-96@*4896*/66C*.99J=*D./3*5404>=*60?4@.[=09I*65569./.6@*/6* D40G RB@A60/J@4/=81N* D=* 49* /3=* BC04.@.4@* H6--J@./1* 3=0=* b40=c* 7=01*>.94556.@/=>*D./3*/3=*-6//6*/34/*)=08.@*P0.>=*5J/*6@*/3=* main stage: No war,” said Emson. “This doesn’t reflect the feel.@?9*/34/*D=*347=*0.?3/*@6DGS


RT=*D6J8>*8.C=*/6*4H/J4881*941*./*86J>d*2/65*%J99.4@*4??0=9< 9.6@NS*3=*4>>=>G*RT=*@==>*4H/.6@*0.?3/*@6DG*T=*@==>*/6*9/65*./G* T=*@==>*/6*9/65*%J99.4@*4??0=99.6@G*T=*@==>*/6*9/65*./*0.?3/* @6DGS &*?06J5*6A*-40H3=09*3=8>*4*K8J=*4@>*1=886D*+*/3=*H68609*6A* Ukraine’s flag — banner that read “Arm Ukraine: Make Pride in Z40.J568* 5699.K8=S* D3.8=* 6/3=09* 9.-581* H400.=>* /3=* BC04.@.4@* flag. &* -4@* H400.=>* 4* 36-=-4>=* 9.?@* /34/* 0=4>* R&0-* BC04.@=d* Z4C=*P0.>=*.@*M1.7N*M340C.7N*'>=94N*e4560.[34N*M0171.*%.3*569< 9.K8=*4?4.@GS*F.C/60.14N*4*D6-4@*A06-*@60/3=0@*BC04.@=*D36*.9* @6D*5J09J.@?*3=0*P3G,G*.@*)=08.@N*3=8>*4*H40>K640>*569/=0*/34/* noted her homeland’s “queer soldiers are fighting for all of us.” R!I-*-40H3.@?*A60*K6/3*0.?3/9*6A*\J==0*5=658=*4@>*0.?3/9*6A* BC04.@.4@9d*#3=*0.?3/*/6*8.7=*4@>*/3=*0.?3/*A60*867=NS*93=*94.>*49* 93=*-40H3=>*/6D40>*P6/9>4-=0*P84/[*.@*/3=*H=@/=0*6A*)=08.@G Discrimination and violence based on sexual orientation and ?=@>=0*.>=@/./1*D=0=*H6--6@584H=*.@*BC04.@=*K=A60=*/3=*D40G BC04.@.4@*P0=9.>=@/*F686>1-10*e=8=@9C11*849/*1=40*58=>?=>* his country would continue to fight anti-LGBTQ and anti-intersex discrimination after he met with President Joe Biden at the T3./=*E6J9=G* 23456748N*D36*.9*>4/.@?*4*-4@*3=*-=/*849/*'H/6K=0*D3=@*3=* /047=8=>*/6*)=08.@N*/68>*/3=*)84>=*/34/*3=*0=H=.7=>*R866C9S*.@*M1.7* .A*3=*D60=*4*5.@C*93.0/G E=*D49*D=40.@?*4*54.0*6A*5J058=*9@=4C=09*>J0.@?*/3=*.@/=0< 7.=DG*23456748*94.>*3=*D6J8>*@6/*347=*K==@*H6-A60/4K8=*D=40< .@?*/3=-*.A*3=*D=0=*9/.88*.@*M1.7G RO60*-=*./*D49*=7=@*340>=0*K=H4J9=*!*34>*-.9=01*.@*BC04.@=* K=H4J9=*6A*36-6536K=9NS*3=*94.>G*R$7=@*/3=*?41*H6--J@./1*.9* so toxic in Ukraine because it’s all about toxic masculinity and all of that … I also had some experiences where gays were like, f'3*-1*?693*XJ9/*HJ/*16J0*34.0*4@>*/3=@*D=*D.88*?=/*.@*/6JH3* D./3*16JGIS 23456748*349*K=?J@*/3=*506H=99*6A*45581.@?*A60*Q=0-4@*0=9< .>=@H1G* R!*A=88*.@*867=*D./3*/3=*H./1*0.?3/*A06-*/3=*K=?.@@.@?NS*3=*94.>G* R!*A6J@>*A0.=@>9*3=0=GS U=99.H4* 2/=0@N* /3=* 95=H.48* BG2G* =@761* A60* /3=* 506-6/.6@* 6A* LGBTQ and intersex rights, and others have noted transgender 4@>* ?=@>=0* @6@<H6@A60-.@?* BC04.@.4@9* 347=* @6/* K==@* 4K8=* to leave the country because they cannot exempt themselves A06-*-.8./401*H6@9H0.5/.6@G*&@6/3=0*.99J=*/34/*(Q)#a*4@>*.@/=0< sex Ukrainians have faced as they attempt to resettle in anoth=0*H6J@/01*.9*/3=*84HC*6A*8=?48*0=H6?@./.6@*6A*/3=.0*0=84/.6@93.59G &*-400.4?=*=\J48./1*5=/./.6@*/34/*M1.7*P0.>=*9JK-.//=>*/6*e=8< =@9CC1*6@*UJ81*^:*0=H=.7=>*-60=*/34@*:]NWWW*9.?@4/J0=9N*D3.H3* .9*3.?3=0*/34@*/3=*/30=9368>*/34/*0=\J.0=9*3.-*/6*H6@9.>=0*./G* BC04.@.4@* 84D* 0=\J.0=9* e=8=@9CC1* /6* 0=956@>* /6* ./* D./3.@* ^W* >419*6A*0=H=.7.@?*./G* )404@.JC*4@>*ZJ81JC.@4*365=*/6*0=9=//8=*.@*/3=*BG2G*4@>*_4@< 4>4N*KJ/*40=*J@4K8=*/6*8=?4881*5067=*/3=1*40=*.@*4*0=84/.6@93.5G* #3=*BG2G*349*4*-400.4?=<K49=>*.--.?04/.6@*919/=-*A60*K.<@4< /.6@48*H6J58=9N*D3.8=*/3=*_4@4>.4@*919/=-*0=\J.0=9*/3=-*/6*K=* -400.=>*60*RH6--6@<84D*540/@=09GS #3=*BG2G*349*455067=>*)404@.JCI9*0=9=//8=-=@/*0=\J=9/N*KJ/* >=@.=>*ZJ81JC.@4G* #3=1*94.>*/3=*506H=99*/6*8=?4881*5067=*/3=1*40=*/6?=/3=0*.9* prohibitively expensive.”Right now we are looking for a way to ?=/*/3=*5066A*/34/*D=*40=*4*H6J58=NS*94.>*)404@.JCG*RT=*>6@I/* D4@/*/6*9/41*.@*)=08.@GS


A Salute to



Special Guest Artist

John Holiday Featured last Summer in Dudamel Conducts Gershwin at The Hollywood Bowl with Gustavo Dudamel and the Los Angeles Philharmonic. GMCLA Music Director & Conductor Ernest H. Harrison will conduct the Chorus in a spectacular concert of Stephen Sondheim’s masterworks, from Sweeney Todd, Company, A Little Night Music, West Side Story, Follies, Sunday in the Park with George and Gypsy. On the program is the Los Angeles premiere of Songs of the Phoenix, a major new work led by Grammy- and Tony-nominated composer Andrew Lippa (I Am Harvey Milk), with nine songs from 13 diverse, important artists, including Sondheim.







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7/1/22 1:11 PM


K=9@@L8!16AAM!H?A:!;:G>6:6=@8!=67!G9>;DM!?N@6A!@66=!O;9>6=D6 U(&99’s Berry Farm announced last week that the park will implement a new chaperone policy beginning Friday, July 22, remaining in effect on Fridays "(2) P"9;'2"</) ;(9$#) %;'9>,') (&9$A,=) :>,) (,.) B&#$A<) /9$B;#"9,/)9>"9)"##)1;,/9/)"1,/)5V)<,"'/)&#2)&')<&;(1C ,')0;/9)?,)"AA&0B"($,2)?<)")A>"B,'&(,).>&)$/)"9) least 21 years old with a valid ID to be admitted to the park. Last Saturday, park staff were forced to close several hours early after a series of violent fights broke out among teenagers visiting the amusement park. The Buena Park Police Department reported Saturday that officers were working an incident at Knotts Berry Farm involving multiple fights in the park. A report of shots fired was reported with numerous 911 callers. Officers were on scene during the calls and 2,9,'0$(,2)9>,',)."/)(&)/>&&9$(1= U(&99/)4,''<)Q"'0)."/)A#&/,2)%&')9>,)($1>9)"/)")',C sult and the department said that it was asking that 9>,)A&00;($9<)"+&$2)9>,)"',");(9$#)%;'9>,')(&9$A,= In a press release the company noted: For decades, Knott’s Berry Farm has been a place where %"0$#$,/) "(2) %'$,(2/) A&0,) 9&1,9>,') 9&) ,(W&<) &;') &(,C&%C"C kind park. Millions of guests have counted on us for their daily dose of wholesome family fun, and we’re committed to keeping that promise going forward. As part of that commitment, the park will implement a A>"B,'&(,)B&#$A<)?,1$(($(1)Q'$2"<D)F;#<)EED)EGEED)',0"$($(1) in effect on Fridays and Saturdays until further notice.


X(2,') 9>,) B&#$A<D) "##) 1;,/9/) "1,/) 5V) <,"'/) &#2) &') <&;(1C ,')0;/9)?,)"AA&0B"($,2)?<)")A>"B,'&(,).>&)$/)"9)#,"/9)E5) years old to be admitted to the park. The chaperone must present a valid photo ID with date of birth. One chaper&(,)0"<)"AA&0B"(<)(&)0&',)9>"()9>',,)1;,/9/)"1,/)5V)&') <&;(1,')B,')2"<=)!>"B,'&(,/)0;/9)"AA&0B"(<)9>,$')B"'9<) 2;'$(1),(9'<D)',0"$().$9>)9>,$')B"'9<)"9)"##)9$0,/)2;'$(1)9>,$') visit to the park, and be available by phone throughout their /9"<=)*;,/9/)"1,/)5V)<,"'/)&#2)&')<&;(1,').>&)"',)%&;(2)$(C side the park unaccompanied by a chaperone will be subject 9&),W,A9$&(=

This chaperone requirement applies to all Knott’s Berry Farm and Knott’s Soak City Waterpark ticket "(2)/,"/&()B"//>&#2,'/= :>,0,2)399$', Family-oriented themed outfits/attire are permitted. Attire must not represent or resemble any official Park character, disrupt regular company opera9$&(/D)&')B&9,(9$"##<)>"'0)"(&9>,')1;,/9)&')"//&A$"9,=)) 399$',) "(2) "AA,//&'$,/) 0;/9) 0,,9) !&2,) &%) !&(2;A9) dress requirements and may not be offensive or vio#,(9)"(2)0"<)(&9)2$/';B9)9>,)1,(,'"#)/"%,9<)&%)1;,/9/) &') "//&A$"9,/=) ) *;,/9/) .,"'$(1) A>"'"A9,'C9>,0,2) outfits may not sign autographs for other guests or represent themselves as a park associate. Costumes 9>"9) A&(A,"#) $2,(9$9<) "',) B'&>$?$9,2=) ) Y$2,/) "(2) "9C 9'"A9$&(/) 0"<) "#/&) >"+,) "22$9$&("#) ',/9'$A9$&(/) &() dress attire. Themed outfits/attire may be prohibit,2)2;'$(1),+,($(1)N"##&.,,(),+,(9/= R,'/&("#)!&(2;A9 Conduct deemed by Knott’s Berry Farm to be inappropriate for the peace and good order of the park, guests, or associates, and which may adversely affect the safety of others $/)(&9)B,'0$99,2=))3(<&(,).>&)+$&#"9,/)9>,)!&2,)&%)!&(2;A9) 0"<)?,)/;?W,A9)9&),W,A9$&().$9>&;9)',%;(2= *;,/9/) "',) ,(A&;'"1,2) 9&) ',B&'9) "(<) +$&#"9$&(/) &%) 9>,) *;,/9)!&2,)&%)!&(2;A9)&')/;/B$A$&;/)"A9$+$9<)9&)9>,)(,"',/9) Knott’s Berry Farm associate, Security associate, or call 714EEGCHG5J= !"#$%&'()(*+,(

.6789:!8;<=8!>6<;8>?@;9=!A6BC;A;=<!8C;D;E6!8DA66=;=<!?@!F98G;@?>8 !"#$%&'($")*&+,'(&')*"+$()-,./&0)/$1(,2)34)5678)$(9&) #".) :;,/2"<=) :>,) ?$##) ',@;$',/) 1,(,'"#) "A;9,) A"',) >&/B$C 9"#/D).>$A>)"',)>,"#9>)A"',)%"A$#$9$,/)9>"9)B'&+$2,)E8C>&;') $(B"9$,(9) A"',D) 9&) "2&B9) ;($+,'/"#) /;$A$2,) /A',,($(1) B&#$C A$,/) %&') B"9$,(9/) 9.,#+,) <,"'/) &%) "1,) &') &#2,') ?<) F"(;"'<) 5D)EGEH= Health care providers stress that the first step in reducing suicide rates is identification of risk. In-patient or "A;9,) A"',I>&/B$9"#) >,"#9>) A"',) /,99$(1/) B',/,(9) A'$9$A"#) &BB&'9;($9$,/)%&')/;$A$2,)B',+,(9$&()"(2)$(9,'+,(9$&(= Researchers have found that 38% of people at-risk had made a medical visit within a week before attempting

/;$A$2,D) .$9>) 9>$/) B,'A,(9"1,) $(A',"/$(1) 9&) J8K) .$9>$() ") month. AB 1394 will work to save lives by utilizing existing $(%'"/9';A9;',) 9&) $(A',"/,) /A',,($(1D) B'&+$2$(1) $(9,'+,(C tion for individuals who may otherwise not seek care for 9>,$')/;$A$2"#)$2,"9$&()&')?,>"+$&'= L"9") >"/) 2,0&(/9'"9,2) 9>"9) /;$A$2,) ',0"$(/) ") 9>',"9) 9&)!"#$%&'($"(/D).$9>)',A,(9)2"9")%'&0)EG57C)EGEG)$(2$A"9C $(1)9>"9)<&;9>)"1,2)5GC5MD),/B,A$"##<)9>&/,)$2,(9$%<$(1)"/) LGBTQ+ and individuals who identify as Asian/Pacific Islander experienced an increase in suicide rates. “I am grateful for Governor Newsom’s signature on AB 5678D) "/) $9) 0,"(/) 9>&;/"(2/) 0&',) !"#$%&'($") 9,,(/) "(2)

adults will be asked the questions, and receive the supB&'9D) 9>"9) A"() /"+,) 9>,$') #$+,/) .>,() 9>,<) "',) >;'9$(1) 9>,) most,” said Assemblywoman Jacqui Irwin (D-Thousand Oaks). :>,) #,1$/#"9$&() ."/) /;BB&'9,2) ?<) 0"(<) $() 9>,) 0,(9"#) >,"#9>) A&00;($9<D) $(A#;2$(1) L$2$) N$'/A>) O,(9"#) N,"#9>) P,'+$A,/D)9>,)30,'$A"()Q&;(2"9$&()%&')P;$A$2,)R',+,(9$&(D) 9>,)!"#$%&'($")N&/B$9"#)3//&A$"9$&(D)9>,)!"#$%&'($")!&;(A$#) &%)!&00;($9<)4,>"+$&'"#)N,"#9>)31,(A$,/D)9>,)!"#$%&'($") 3##$"(A,) &%) !>$#2) "(2) Q"0$#<) P,'+$A,/D) "(2) 9>,) -"9$&("#) !,(9,')%&')S&;9>)T".= !"#$%&'()(*+,(

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last month, and $1.52 higher than last year. In San Di,1&D) 9>,) "+,'"1,) B'$A,) $/) ZH=V7D) .>$A>) $/) 57) A,(9/) #&.C er than last week, 53 cents lower than last month, and Z5=8M)>$1>,')9>"()#"/9)<,"'= [() 9>,) !,(9'"#) !&"/9D) 9>,) "+,'"1,) B'$A,) $/) ZH=MMD) which is 11 cents lower than last week, 44 cents lower than last month and $1.57 higher than last year. In Y$+,'/$2,D) 9>,) "+,'"1,) B,'C1"##&() B'$A,) $/) ZH=VJD) .>$A>) is 16 cents lower than last week, 53 cents lower than last month and $1.49 higher than a year ago. In Bakers%$,#2D)9>,)ZJ=GE)"+,'"1,)B'$A,)$/)5E)A,(9/)#&.,')9>"()#"/9)


:>;'/2"<D) 68) A,(9/) #&.,') 9>"() #"/9) 0&(9>) "(2) Z5=VH) >$1>,')9>"()")<,"')"1&)9&2"<= \3/) &%) 9&2"<D) T&/) 3(1,#,/) .>&#,/"#,) 1"/&#$(,) B'$A,/) >"+,)2'&BB,2)?<)"?&;9)Z5=HG)/$(A,)9>,$')>$1>,/9)B&$(9) $(),"'#<)F;(,)"(2)"',)(&.)"9)9>,$')#&.,/9)#,+,#)/$(A,)Q,?=) 28,” said Auto Club spokesperson Doug Shupe. “A few /9"9$&(/)$()T&/)3(1,#,/)"(2)P"()L$,1&)A&;(9$,/)>"+,)"#C ',"2<) 2'&BB,2) 9>,$') B'$A,/) ?,#&.) ZH) ") 1"##&(D) "(2) .,) would expect more stations will join them provided cur',(9)9',(2/)A&(9$(;,=] -"#.&*/0--&"(1#"/*


Teens identified in Coachella shooting Riverside County Sheriff’s investigators are asking for infor;/54'*$,"/#4*+$5'$57"$:/.520"$'?$57"$+2*;"*$C7'$(7'5$/*#$ killed a teen-aged couple sitting in a vehicle near the Tlaquepaque apartment complex last Wednesday. Identified by family members, 16-year-old Brandon Anguiano and 17-year-old Jestine Carrillo were sitting in a vehicle C7"*$57"&$C"0"$/;%2(7"#$/*#$(7'5$5'$#"/57A A spokesperson for the Sheriff’s Department said that deputies from the Thermal Station responded to the 86000 block of Calle Geranio in Coachella to investigate a report of an as(/2,5$C457$/$#"/#,&$C"/.'*A When deputies arrived, they found a 16-year old male and a 17-year old female, suffering from apparent gunshot wounds. Deputies attempted life saving measures but the vic54;($(2::2;%"#$5'$57"40$4*Q204"(A The suspects had fled the area prior to deputies arrival and are currently outstanding. Investigators from the Riverside County Sheriff’s Central Homicide Unit and Thermal Station 0"(.'*#"#$5'$/((2;"$57"$4*J"(54+/54'*A Family members said Carrillo was a recent graduate of >'/:7",,/$T/,,"&$=4+7$-:7'',$/*#$)*+24/*'$7/#$/$%4+$4;./:5$

(Courtesy of the Riverside County, Calif. Sheriff’s Department)

'*$57"$,':/,$%'G4*+$(:"*"A$E7"$:'2.,"$7/#$%""*$5'+"57"0$?'0$ 'J"0$/$&"/06$/::'0#4*+$5'$57"$?/;4,&A Nataly Medina, Anguiano sister wrote on the GoFundMe she set up to help defray funeral expenses: “U…] On the night of July 20, 2022 my brother Brandon Anguiano and Jestine Carrillo, his girlfriend were victims of a ter-

rible gun violence. My family and I are asking for help to fund their funeral expenses. Never would I have ever imagined I would be creating a go fund me for my little brother’s funeral expenses. Brandon was such a talented and kind-hearted %'&A$)$%'&$4*$C74:7$74($C7',"$,4?"$C/($/7"/#$'?$74;6$(2:7$,41"$ K"(54*"<($/*#$57"&$C"0"$#".04J"#$?0';$45A$30/*#'*$C/($,'J"#$ %&$('$;/*&A )5$(2:7$/$&'2*+$/+"$7"$4;./:5"#$57"$%'G4*+$4*#2(50&A$9'5$ '*,&$C/($7"$(""*$/($/$0',"$;'#",$%&$&'2*+"0$14#($%25$/,('$ ',#"0$ '*"(A$ E7"$ #"#4:/54'*$ /*#$ ,'J"$ 7"$ .25$ 4*5'$ 57/5$ (.'05$ (7'C"#A$="$C/($'*"$'?$57"$J"0&$%"(5$/5$456$/*#$57"$(.""#$57/5$ little boy had was just impressive. I know for sure he would’ve %""*$:7/;.4'*$,41"$7"$/,C/&($#0"/;"#$'?A E7/*1$V'2$/,,$?'0$57"$(2..'05$/*#$+"*"0'(45&A$)*&574*+$4($ /..0":4/5"#$4*$57"("$5'2+7$54;"(AN The family’s goal is to raise $20,000. This is an active investigation and anyone with information regarding this case is encouraged to contact Investigator Juarez of the Central Homicide Unit at (951) 955-2777 or Investigator Glasper of the Thermal Station at (760) 863-8990. !"#$%&'()(*+,(

%-!,6789:!;<=7>?!:@<?:!><!@<A?B?::!C<D>@!@<=<8E=F!/8E=?8 !"#$%&$!'($)*+","($-./01($ +2/0#$ 30455*"&$ -&1"(6$ 57"$ 893)$:7/;.4'*(74.$5"/;<($ executive staff donated dozens of pairs of shoes to Cov"*/*5$ ='2("$ >/,4?'0*4/$ ?'0$ children experiencing home,"((*"(($574($./(5$@'*#/&A The shoes were donat%<:!-=F?B?:!,6789:!FD78;! "#6$ 4*$ ./056$ 5'$ 7'*'0$ 893)$ !"/001(%&*%2(* Phoenix Mercury star Brit(Photo courtesy WNBA/LA Sparks) 5*"&$ B04*"0$ C7'$ :200"*5,&$ 0";/4*($#"5/4*"#$4*$D2((4/A E7"$(7'"($C"0"$:',,":5"#$570'2+7'25$57"$893)$("/('*$4*$ :',,/%'0/54'*$ C457$ B04*"0<($ 5"/;6$ 57"$ F7'"*4G$ @"0:20&6$ /*#$ her annual Heart and Sole Shoe Drive. As the Mercury visit"#$/,,$HI$:454"($C457$893)$5"/;(6$."'.,"$C"0"$"*:'20/+"#$5'$ %04*+$*"C$'0$,4+75,&$2("#$(7'"($5'$%"$#'*/5"#$5'$,':/,$:/2("(A$ The nonprofit HavASole also contributed to the shoe drive.

E7"$(7'"$#04J"$C/($'04+4*/,,&$/*$4*454/54J"$%&$B04*"0$5'$7",.$ 57'("$4*$*""#$4*$57"$F7'"*4G$;"50'.',45/*$/0"/A As Griner remains detained in Russia, the drive was ex./*#"#$570'2+7'25$57"$,"/+2"$4*$7"0$7'*'0A$E7"$,':/,$(7'"$ #04J"$C/($7",#$4*$!'($)*+","($'*$K2,&$L$C7"*$57"$-./01($/*#$ Mercury faced off in the Crypto.com arena, KTLA reported. Covenant House California (CHC) is a non-profit youth shelter that provides sanctuary and support for youth experiencing homelessness, ages 18-24. In their mission statement the organization notes: “We believe that no young person de("0J"($5'$%"$7';","((M$57/5$"J"0&$&'2*+$."0('*$4*$>/,4?'0*4/$ deserves shelter, food, clothing, education … and most impor5/*5,&6$5'$%"$,'J"#AN CHC provides a full continuum of services to meet the physical, emotional, educational, vocational, and spiritual well-be4*+$'?$&'2*+$."'.,"6$4*$'0#"0$5'$.0'J4#"$57";$C457$57"$%"(5$ :7/*:"$?'0$(2::"(($4*$4*#"."*#"*:"A Officials at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport in February detained Griner — a Phoenix Mercury center and two-time

O,&;.4:$ +',#$ ;"#/,4(5$ /?5"0$ :2(5';($ 4*(.":5'0($ /,,"+"#,&$ ?'2*#$7/(74(7$'4,$4*$7"0$,2++/+"A$E7"$-5/5"$P"./05;"*5$7/($ determined that Russia “wrongfully detained” her. “I’d like to plead guilty, your honor, but there was no intent,” B04*"0$5',#$/$@'(:'C$Q2#+"$#204*+$57"$(":'*#$7"/04*+$4*$7"0$ trial, according to the New York Times. “I didn’t want to break 57"$,/CAN President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris (.'1"$C457$>7"0",,"$B04*"0$"/0,4"0$574($;'*57$/*#$RA-A$>7/0+S$ d’Affaires Elizabeth Rood delivered a letter from the president 5'$57"$893)$(5/0$4*$/*(C"0$5'$/$,"55"0$B04*"0$7/#$C0455"*$5'$ 34#"*$.,"/#4*+$?'0$74($/((4(5/*:"$4*$+/4*4*+$7"0$?0""#';A -":0"5/0&$ '?$ -5/5"$ )*5'*&$ 3,4*1"*$ /?5"0$ 30455*"&$ B04*"0<($ guilty plea reiterated the Biden administration remains com;455"#$5'$(":204*+$7"0$0","/("A “We will not relent until Brittney, Paul Whelan, and all other C0'*+?2,,&$#"5/4*"#$);"04:/*($/0"$0"2*45"#$C457$57"40$,'J"#$ '*"(6N$5C""5"#$3,4*1"*A !"#$%&'()(*+,(

47BEG<8=E7=:!HEBB!I?!7IB?!><!:D?!<J?8!EBB?F7B!FD=: )5$ -/*5/$ @'*4:/$ >',,"+"6$ 57"$ (45"$ '?$ /$ ;/(($ (7''54*+$ 57/5$ claimed the lives of six people including the gunman in 2013, Governor Gavin Newsom on Friday signed the nation’s first leg4(,/54'*$/,,'C4*+$4*#4J4#2/,($5'$(2"$57'("$(.0"/#4*+$4,,"+/,$+2*($ /($>/,4?'0*4/$:'*54*2"($5'$0/;.$2.$45($+2*$(/?"5&$.0'5":54'*(A SB 1327, authored by Senator Bob Hertzberg (D-San Fer*/*#'$T/,,"&W6$/,,'C($>/,4?'0*4/*($5'$(2"$57'("$;/14*+6$(",,4*+6$ 50/*(.'054*+$'0$#4(504%254*+$4,,"+/,$/((/2,5$C"/.'*($/*#$+7'(5$ +2*($X$+2*($;/#"$/5$7';"$5'$/J'4#$50/:4*+$X$?'0$#/;/+"($'?$ at least $10,000 per weapon involved. The same damages are also available against gun dealers who illegally sell firearms to those under 21 years of age. The legislation is modeled after Texas’ wrongheaded anti-abortion bill, SB 8, which places $10,000 bounties on doctors, providers and others involved in

providing life-saving abortion care. )?5"0$57"$RA-A$-2.0";"$>'205$#":,4*"#$5'$%,':1$57"$E"G/($,/C$ ,/(5$?/,,6$B'J"0*'0$9"C(';$:/,,"#$'*$57"$>/,4?'0*4/$,"+4(,/520"$ 5'$./(($/$(4;4,/0$%4,,$5'$/##$/$*"C$5'',$5'$>/,4?'0*4/<($+2*$(/?"5&$ 5'',145A “Our message to the criminals spreading illegal weapons in California is simple: you have no safe harbor here in the Golden State. While the Supreme Court rolls back reasonable gun safe5&$;"/(20"(6$>/,4?'0*4/$:'*54*2"($/##4*+$*"C$C/&($5'$.0'5":5$ 57"$,4J"($'?$'20$14#(A$>/,4?'0*4/$C4,,$2("$"J"0&$5'',$/5$45($#4(.'(/,$ 5'$(/J"$,4J"(6$"(.":4/,,&$4*$57"$?/:"$'?$/*$4*:0"/(4*+,&$"G50";"$ -2.0";"$>'2056N$(/4#$B'J"0*'0$9"C(';A E7"$+'J"0*'0$(.'1"$/5$-/*5/$@'*4:/$>',,"+"6$57"$(45"$'?$/$ mass shooting that took the lives of six people in 2013, includ-


ing the gunman. The 2013 shooting involved an unserialized AR-15 type semi-automatic rifle built by the shooter using legal,&$.20:7/("#$:';.'*"*5(6$/$+7'(5$+2*$57/5$C'2,#$%"$(2%Q":5$ to lawsuit once SB 1327 is law. “For the sake of our children, this is a common sense step 5'C/0#$"*(204*+$>/,4?'0*4/$(50""5(6$(:7'',($/*#$:';;2*454"($ continue to be among the safest in the nation,” Senator Hertzberg said after the Governor signed SB 1327 into law. “Today is a momentous day for California,” said Mia Tretta, /$+2*$J4',"*:"$(20J4J'0$/*#$J',2*5""0$C457$-52#"*5($P";/*#$ Action. “SB 1327 will make it easier for victims of ghost gun violence, like me, to help enforce our gun laws. It will save lives by /55/:14*+$57"$4,,"+/,$+7'(5$+2*$4*#2(50&AN !"#$%&'()(*+,(


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Want more info? Call the Black AIDS Institute 213-353-3610 ext. 201


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+G7BH7I7FF!F:JK7B!D:FL=!9>=D?M>7!I:D7!>I!C:BB@:H7!7NO:F@DK Dan Canon represented plaintiffs in landmark case

#$%&'()*>,?'@(%AB-@ [/=)5'*108'08)'.1;).7'3244161.107'08/0'08)'CDED'E-3+):)'F2-+0'14' 3214)5'02'0/;)'/*/7'08)'=2(4010-012(/.'+1,80'02':/++7'>2+'4/:)< 4)B'=2-3.)4I'=2(,+)4412(/.'K):2=+/04'./40'*));'+)1(0+25-=)5' .),14./012('5)41,()5'02'>2+)40/..'320)(01/.'>/..2-0'2>'/'+)?)+4/.'2>' 08)'=2-+0Q4'./(5:/+;'RSNO'%6)+,)>)..'?D'L25,)4'+-.1(,D' #8)'G)43)=0'>2+'J/++1/,)'"=0'4/1.)5'08+2-,8'08)'CDED'L2-4)' 2>' G)3+)4)(0/01?)4' 2(' #-)45/7' *108' 4-332+0' >+2:' /' ^-/+0)+' 2>'08)'G)3-6.1=/('=/-=-4'020/.1(,'_P':):6)+4D'"'=2:3/(12(' 61..'1('08)'CDED'E)(/0)'1(0+25-=)5'67'CDED'E)(4D'#/::7'9/.5*1(' `K<H14Da'/(5'K1/(()'[)1(40)1('`K<F/.1>DaI'*108'=2<432(42+4'CDED' E)(4D'G26'Z2+0:/('`G<%812a'/(5'E-4/('F2..1(4'`G<J/1()aI'(2*' 40/(54'/'=8/(=)'2>'4)=-+1(,'08)')(52+4):)(0'2>'NS'E)(/0)'G)< 3-6.1=/(4I'*81=8'14'()=)44/+7'02'+)/=8'08)'TS<?20)'613/+014/(' threshold majority to break a filibuster. The prospect of a floor vote on the bill inched closer, possibly /4')/+.7'/4'()B0'*));'*108'CDED'E)(D'G2('b28(42(Q4'`G<H14Da'=2:< :10:)(0'02'(20'23324)'08)'61..D'"(208)+'41,('2>'0)315'4-332+0' /:2(,'08)'E)(/0)'G)3-6.1=/(4'=/:)'>+2:'CDED'E)(D'#82:'#1..14' `G<!DFDaI'*82'4/15'8)'X3+26/6.7'*2-.5Y'?20)'>2+'08)'.),14./012(I' *81.)'CDED'E)(D'&14/'J-+;2*4;1'`G<"./4;/aQ4')(52+4):)(0'*/4' :2+)')(08-41/401=D X!20' 2(.7' *2-.5' $' .1;)' 02' 4))' G2)I' F/4)7I' /(5' @+14*2.5' 2(' contraception codified,” said the Alaska senator, X6-0'$Q?)'/.42' :/5)'=.)/+':7'4-332+0'c'>2+',/7':/++1/,)'7)/+4'/,2DY &/40':2(08I'*8)('08)'L1,8'F2-+0'2?)+0-+()5'G2)'?D'H/5)I' b-401=)'F./+)(=)'#82:/4'*+20)'1('814'=2(=-++1(,'231(12('08/0'

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Plaintiffs in marriage equality cases on the steps of the U.S. ,O9B7C7!4>OBD!@;!'*TU!!P1F:<7!9E>D>!GK!5@AE:7F!V7KS

1('3./=)4'*8)+)'08)7'/+)'.),/.D'"0'.)/40I'08/0'14I'1('40/0)4'*8)+)' officials would follow the federal law. XC(.)44'/(5'-(01.'08)'>)5)+/.'=2-+04'4/7'10Q4'/'?12./012('2>'/' government actor’s free exercise rights to have to recognize a marriage — which is a radical, batshit-crazy legal position, but 401..' /' 324416.)' 2-0=2:)' d' :/++1/,)4' 1(' 3./=)4' *108' 8/.>*/7' sane judges and/or executive branch officials should be fine,” F/(2('4/15D X#8)'G[J"'`G)43)=0'>2+'J/++1/,)'"=0a',1?)4'08)'/002+()7',)(< eral and private citizens a civil enforcement mechanism,” Can2(' 4/15I' 6-0' 40/0)' ,2?)+(:)(0' ):3.27))4' :/7' ()?)+08).)44' refuse to recognize the legal marriages of same-sex couples, /(5'=2(4)+?/01?)'=2-+04'=2-.5'5)=15)'08)1+'+).1,12-4'26\)=012(4' /(5' >+))' )B)+=14)' +1,804' 4-3)+4)5)' ./*4' .1;)' 08)' G)43)=0' >2+' J/++1/,)'"=0D'



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Cruising in LA during a new health crisis

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‘Anonymous hook-ups’ (Photo by Harrison J. Bahe)

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U)-(J+=(+;' .2=3' ,-2,' ,-+' 8+:' ,)' -2*=/0' .+G' 9=,-' ?)/T 8+:<)G' ())?=/0' =.' ,)' ,28+' <;+@26,=)/.A' B-2,' =/@(63+.' (=?=,=/0' ,-+' /6?5+;' )J' .+G62(' <2;,/+;.4' 2.' 9+((' 2.' +GT @-2/0=/0'2.'?6@-'=/J);?2,=)/'2.'<)..=5(+'9=,-'<2;,/+;.4' utilizing profile options available on apps as well as di;+@,'@)/*+;.2,=)/.A 12.+3' )/' 2*2=(25(+' 32,2' 25)6,' -)9' OSa' ?2:' 5+' .<;+23=/0' =/' )6;' @)??6/=,:4' 1Q"#' -2.' ,-+' J)(()9=/0' .600+.,=)/.',)'8++<':)6;.+(J'2/3')6;'@)??6/=,:'2.'.2J+' 2.'<)..=5(+X .- Be alert and share this info. As of now, the number of MPX is small but growing quickly. Knowing this information could prevent you from getting or spreading the virus. .- Ask your sex partners and people you live with about symptoms. See if they have had any unusual rashes or sores in the last 3 weeks. Even if you’re into anonymous hookups, try to have a phone number or way to get in touch with someone in case you need to reach each other if either of you develop symptoms or gets diagnosed with MPX. .- Consider creating a ‘pod’ to keep you and your sex buddies safer. Creating a pod temporarily reduces the number of hookups you have, but they can be a great way to still have the sex you like while reducing your likelihood of getting MPX. Agree to only have sex with people in your pod. Plan how you will tell each other if one of you tests positive. Start having the conversation about getting MPX vaccination when it’s available in your area. Here is a resource to help you create your pod. .- Make informed choices about attending large events. If you’re in large crowds where people are wearing minimal clothing (like at Pride events, saunas, bathhouses, clubs), be aware of how much skin-to-skin contact you may be having. Try to minimize your contact as much as possible. Read more from CDC about attending large gatherings. .- If you receive a notification from someone you had sex with or from an event organizer, take it seriously. Call your local health department to get connected to a vaccine. It also works the other way. If you are diagnosed with MPX, be sure to also let any event organizers or sex partners know so they can make sure those exposed can get care. .- Notice if you develop symptoms. People are not known to be infectious until they have symptoms; but, keep in mind that someone may have sores in their throat, ass, or vagina/front hole ;=>-=?9-@=?A-89* .- Stop the spread. If you don’t feel well, take a break from sex and going out to bars, gyms, clubs, and other events. If you live with someone, you may need to isolate yourself from them if you are positive for MPX. !"##$%$&'()*+,-&+%$'.*/0*1+&#0*2,3,456,7

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Michigan’s first out statewide official seeks re-election Dana Nessel elected attorney general in 2018

$'( )*+( ,-.'/( ,)0)+( 12( 3.4*./0'5( )*+( 67+,+'4+( 12( 0'( 18)( LGBTQ statewide official for the last four years — a first in the state’s history — has been as much of a political anomaly for the region as it’s been a cultural one. Running for re-election in November after becoming the state’s first LGBTQ candidate to be elected to statewide office, Democratic Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has sought to use her office and identity as an out, married lesbian to advocate for LGBTQ equality. Prior to her run for office, she had been involved in LGBTQ legal advocacy efforts in the state, having served as co-counsel in the 2014 DeBoer v. Snyder case that briefly ruled Michigan’s ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional in the leadup to the U.S. Supreme Court’s legalization of same-sex marriage nationwide in 2015. For Nessel, an importance surrounding the representation she has provided to other members of Michigan’s LGBTQ community has remained throughout her first term in office. 9Especially for younger generations, it allows for people to see that you can be an openly gay person and be successful in public life,” Nessel told the Washington Blade. 9I have never hid who I was, I made every effort to ensure that people sort of have a little insight into my background and also see my family — :$’m] as proud of my family as any person who’s in an opposite-sex marriage — and to see that you can succeed and you can win a statewide election even in a very purple state as long as you have the right policies and as long as you’re willing to put in the work.” Defeating then-Michigan House of Representatives Speaker Tom Leonard, Nessel was elected in 2018 as part of a wave of Democratic ascensions to offices across the nation. She ran, in part, on her experience as a prosecutor and one of the state’s top civil rights lawyers on issues relating to LGBTQ equality. Since then, she has worked with other top officeholders to advance causes involving statewide civil rights efforts and promises made during her initial campaign. Her partnership with officials including Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson has spanned issues ranging from abortion access to defending Michigan election systems in the wake of the 2020 presidential election and subsequent allegations of widespread voter fraud in the state.


Michigan Attorney General 2+3+&34004# speaks at the Michigan state Capitol in Lansing, Mich., during a Pride event on June 26, 2022. (Photo courtesy of Nessel’s office)

Now entering the final months of her re-election campaign against Republican opponent and Kalamazoo attorney Matt DePerno, the attorney general has remained at the epicenter of efforts to establish additional protections for the state’s LGBTQ community. In a case currently pending in the Michigan Supreme Court, Nessel has argued for an interpretation of the language in the state’s Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act to expand its prohibition on discrimination to include an individual’s sexual orientation and gender identity. Given the state’s history with regard to progress on LGBTQ rights, the importance of such litigation and the attorney general’s role, Nessel said, remains paramount. 9If you look at Michigan, every right that an LGBTQ person has in this state was won in a court battle because, legislatively, we’ve never passed anything that was helpful to the [LGBTQ] community, only laws that are harmful to the community,” Nessel said. But following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization to overturn the nationwide right to abortion, Nessel says she is also prepared to stand against challenges to Michigan residents’ rights to privacy in other areas including sexual intimacy. In the event of the Supreme Court ruling to overturn its 2003 decision in Lawrence v. Texas that established a na-

tionwide right to same-sex intimacy and privacy regarding consensual sex acts, Nessel said that she would take multiple approaches to ensuring the right — which would affect both same- and opposite-sex couples’ ability to engage in certain private sex acts — remained. 9If Lawrence v. Texas were overturned, it’s not just that I would fight, whether testifying before the legislature or using the bully pulpit to talk about how egregious the thought is of being able to basically prosecute people for something that takes place in the privacy of their own bedroom with another consenting adult and how horrendous that is,” Nessel said. 9But then, I myself would refuse to prosecute any sodomy cases.” With the attorney general’s position as the state’s top law enforcement official, charged with bringing cases in the courts on behalf of the state, critics have characterized such moves as a neglect of duty. Following the announcement in late June of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs, DePerno released a statement criticizing Nessel’s messaging that she would not prosecute abortion-related cases should the practice once again become criminalized in the state. 9It is deeply troubling that Dana Nessel pledged to not enforce the opinion of the Supreme Court even before their announcement this morning,” DePerno said. 9We cannot have an attorney general who believes she is better than the Supreme Court and the law.” Pointing to laws rarely tried by county or state prosecutors, such as Michigan’s ban on adultery, Nessel, however, argued that such is a matter of prioritizing her department’s resources to best serve and aid her constituents. 9There are so many laws on the books that it’s your prosecutorial discretion as to whether or not you want to bring those cases,” Nessel said. 9To me, my priority is protecting the health, the safety and the welfare of my constituents and prosecuting abortion cases — that’s going to jeopardize the lives of women and not assist them. Prosecuting sodomy cases — I don’t know who I’m benefiting if I were to engage in that.” The most recent WDIV/Detroit News polling conducted in early July currently shows Nessel with a seven-point lead over DePerno, with almost 17 percent of voters undecided.

AIDS groups launch first ‘Zero HIV Stigma Day’

A consortium of four community, medical, and urban health organizations announced they have designated July 21 as the first Zero HIV Stigma Day as a new international awareness day drawing attention to the “persistent levels of stigma experienced by people living with and affected by HIV.” A statement released by the four groups organizing Zero HIV Stigma Day says July 21 was chosen to commemorate the birthday of the late South African AIDS activist Prudence Mabele, who advocated for the rights of women and children living with HIV and against gender related violence.

Organizers say Mabele was the first Black South African woman to publicly share her HIV status in 1992. She died in 2017. “In this fifth decade of the global HIV pandemic, stigma continues to undermine progress and, in combination with fear and shame, is still driving late diagnosis of HIV in a way that is unacceptable and entirely preventable,” said Parminder Sekhon, CEO of NAZ, a minority-led HIV and sexual health organization in the United Kingdom that has provided AIDS-related services and care for more than 30 years. NAZ is one of the four groups organizing Zero HIV Stigma Day.


The other organizations that joined NAZ to launch Zero HIV Stigma Day include the D.C.-based International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC); Global HIV Collaborative, which says it works to improve HIV outcomes for the Black community globally; and Fast-Track Institute, which was created to support cities and municipalities worldwide in their efforts end the AIDS pandemic and other diseases. Detailed background information about HIV stigma and ways it can be addressed can be accessed at: cdc.gov/hiv/ basics/hiv-stigma/index.html. #$%&'()**+,$&-,.

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The mainstream media and public health officials are being so damn careful not to label monkeypox “a gay disease” that they’re doing a disservice to the gay men who most need important information about the outbreak – while misleading everybody else. In a July 28 New York Times story of the excruciating symptoms and lack of care available for those with monkeypox in that city, the sexuality of the men profiled isn’t referenced until 11 paragraphs into the story, and even then it refers to them as “men who have sex with men,” which is technically correct but dodgy. Moreover, the article, which supposedly addresses barriers to care, ignores the fact that gay men routinely experience apathy and even judgment from health providers. Other media stories, and statements from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, have mentioned monkeypox cases in the context of “the LGBT community.” Really? Should lesbians be lining up for a monkeypox vaccine, whenever the heck they become widely available? This is happening to gay men. Say it. Journalist Benjamin Ryan, in his excellent Washington Post opinion piece, draws a hard line between attempts not to unnecessarily stigmatize gay men and the importance of telling the truth about monkeypox, writing that “public health officials cannot be expected to police the public’s reactions to epidemiological facts.” Ryan lays out those facts plainly: Here is what we can discern from data collected about monkeypox so far: This viral outbreak isn’t just mostly occurring among men who have sex with men. The confirmed cases, at least to date, have consistently almost entirely occurred among this demographic, which accounts for 96 percent or more of diagnoses where data are available. Per capita, the few monkeypox cases in women and children remain minuscule compared with the rate among gay and bisexual men. Of course, substantial transmission could always occur among such other groups. But researchers at the WHO and elsewhere have speculated that the monkeypox reproduction rate will likely remain significantly lower in such demographics — meaning the virus will more likely hit transmission dead ends among them


than among gay and bisexual men. An uncomfortable truth, one documented in peer-reviewed papers, is that sexual behaviors and networks specific to gay and bisexual men have long made them more likely to acquire various sexually transmitted infections compared with heterosexual people. This includes not only HIV, but also syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, hepatitis B and sexually transmitted hepatitis C. Global public health experts agree that skin-to-skin contact in the context of sexual activity between men has been the principal driver of the monkeypox outbreak, at least thus far. Such experts have also asserted that the risk of monkeypox to the broader population not having multiple sex partners remains low — even “very low.” This is hopeful news, and the wider public deserves to be reassured accordingly. Assuaging fears of contagion will help fight unhelpful hysteria and prevent gay and bisexual men from being subjected to even greater stigma should they be painted as culprits of the spread of virus to others. Monkeypox didn’t begin with gay men, that much is true. As Yale infectious disease expert Gregg Gonsalves explained to the New York Times, “This is not a gay disease; it has been circulating in West and Central Africa for many years… What likely happened, in this case, is that somebody who had monkeypox had a lesion and showed up at a gay rave in Europe, and it spread to those in that social and sexual network.” Whatever the origins, we’re now dealing with an outbreak almost entirely limited to gay men in the United States and Europe. And that is worth saying explicitly. Why? Because identifying those at risk and getting information to them is a basic public health strategy for containing an outbreak. Gay men are getting monkeypox and suffering greatly. When gay men understand the threat, we are more likely to take precautions, get vaccinated, or be informed about treatment. Will there be stigma and judgements and homophobia? Of course. And we’ll have to deal with that. But that doesn’t mean we bury crucial facts in vague, evasive messaging. Monkeypox is a gay thing. That’s the truth.




NPH is ‘Uncoupled’ in new Netflix sitcom


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(Editorí s note: This is the fi fth in a multi≠ part summer series of stories taking a closer look at how a group of diverse LGBTQ entrepreneurs survived and thrived during the pandemic. The series is sponsored by the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce. All installments in the series are available at our website.)


By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til his parents figured things out. Fortunately, the phone rang with an 11th hour offer to rent a home they could move into ,//#(,')#*5@ F,**,'/0$-#+#%$1&%.&)$)"')$('5$')$)"#$)'7*#$&%$)"')$*#00&-$,-$ %#0,*,#-3#@ LM$.%#<$;>$,-$'$%&;."$-#,."7&%"&&($<,)"$(%;.$'7;0#$'-($ 1'/,*5$/#/7#%0$<"&$<#%#$,-3'%3#%')#(IN$F,**,'/0$0',(@$L!&$7#$ '7*#$)&$3&/#$1%&/$)"')$#-+,%&-/#-)$'-($.&$)&$D#--$A)')#$'-($ )"#-$0)'%)$'$7;0,-#00$O$M$)'4#$)"')$'0$'$0,.-$)&$/5$3&//;-,)5$ )"')$,)$,0$>&00,7*#@N H0$)"#$&<-#%$&1$'$1;**:0#%+,3#$3&//;-,3'),&-0$'-($M-1&%/': tion Technology consulting firm generating gross revenues of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businesses in the U.S. are Black owned, and in the IT field specifically, Black and Latinx workers remain underrepresented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

‘I am Black first ’ F,**,'/0$%#3#-)*5$%#);%-#($1%&/$'$)%,>$)&$["'-'$<"#%#$"#$+,0: ,)#($)"#$1&%/#%$>&%)0$;0#($(;%,-.$)"#$)%'-0')*'-),3$0*'+#$)%'(#@$

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NGLCC ‘helps me feel comfortable in my skin’ g#'%0$ #'%*,#%I$ F,**,'/0$ "'($ )%'+#*#($ )&$ D'%,0$ 1&%$ ",0$ 8R)"$ 7,%)"('5@$ F",*#$ "#$ <'0$ )"#%#I$ "#$ "'($ '-&)"#%$ *,1#:3"'-.,-.$ /&/#-)I$)",0$),/#$'7&;)$",0$0#=;'*,)5@ When he bowed his head over his French onion soup to say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Private Party loans generally have higher interest rates, points & fees than conventional discount loans

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