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be in his late teens was dropped off at LA County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actions being taken by the LAPD and other city officials to 0$&:)$%&)#1$-2B)-()2'-:&)-()$%&)%&+'$)".)$%&)*-$6@0)&($&'$+-(< :&($)4-0$'-2$D RM.)6"#)1,+()$")2":&)$")W",,63""4)$")2"::-$)2'-:&;)6"#) +'&)("$)3&,2":&;T)0+-4)*"#(2-,:&:5&')P@^+''&,,D)R?,,)?(/&< ,&("0)0%"#,4).&&,)0+.&)3%&'&)$%&6),-F&)+(4)3"'BD)K6)5'-(/-(/) +44-$-"(+,)J?\N)0%-.$0)$")W",,63""4;)3&)+'&)0$'&(/$%&(-(/) the holistic approach my office is taking to public safety –"(&)$%+$)5'-(/0)#(+':&4)0&'F-2&0)$")1&"1,&)-()4-0$'&00;)3%-,&) ensuring our LAPD officers have the necessary tools to effec$-F&,6)1'&F&($)+(4)+44'&00)2'-:&DT RM.)6"#)2":&)%&'&)$")2"::-$)2'-:&;)6"#)3-,,)5&)+''&0$&4;) 6"#)3-,,)5&)1'"0&2#$&4;)6"#)3-,,)5&)X+-,&4)"')-:1'-0"(&4;T)0+-4) P@^+''&,,)+44-(/_)RE%&'&)-0)(")1&':-00-F&(&00)-()W",,63""4D) A&@'&)("$)/"-(/)$")1&':-$)"')$",&'+$&)$%+$DT “That’s really basically about 200 more officers out on the 0$'&&$)%&'&)"()W",,63""4)K"#,&F+'4D)RE%&6@'&)/"-(/)$")5&)"() .""$;)$%&6@'&)/"-(/)$")5&)-()1+$'",)2+'0;)$%&6@'&)/"-(/)$")5&) "()%"'0&5+2B;)$%&6@'&)/"-(/)$")5&)"()5-B&0;T)J?\N)N&1#$6) *%-&.)K,+B&)*%"3)$",4)+$$&(4&&0)+(4)'&1"'$&'0)+$$&(4-(/) $%&)&F&($D `&+')$")4+$&;)W",,63""4)%+0)0&&()+)79a)-(2'&+0&)-()%":-< cides and 35.6% increase in shots fired, while robbery and $%&.$)%+F&)'-0&()56)>[DHa)+(4)=HD7a)'&01&2$-F&,6;)2":1+'&4) to 2021. This latest effort to enhance public safety follows *"#(2-,:&:5&')P@^+''&,,@0)/'"#(45'&+B-(/)3"'B)$")5'-(/) the CIRCLE program, the City’s first unarmed model of cri0-0)'&01"(0&;)$")W",,63""4;)-()+44-$-"()$")0#11"'$-(/)+)*-$6) 5#4/&$)$%+$)+22"#($0)."')+$$'-$-"()'+$&0)3-$%-()J?\N@0)'+(B0D R\&"1,&)(&&4)$").&&,)0+.&)3%&()$%&6@'&)-()W",,63""4;T) 0+-4)N&1#$6)*%-&.)*%"3D)RA&@'&)$%+(B.#,)$")*"#(2-,:&:5&') P@^+''&,,)."')$%&0&)+44-$-"(+,)'&0"#'2&0)+(4),""B)."'3+'4)$") b#-2B,6)1#$$-(/)$%&:)$")#0&)$")1'&F&($;)4&$&')+(4)+44'&00) 2'-:&DT R\#5,-2)0+.&$6)'&b#-'&0)'"5#0$)2",,+5"'+$-"()+(4)+()+,,< %+(40<"(<4&2B)+11'"+2%;T)0+-4)Z+:&0)W&/,&';)N-'&2$"')".) 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The $216,000 effort would be funded directly by O’Farrell’s office as part of his comprehensive approach to public safe$6)-()W",,63""4)+)01"B&01&'0"()0+-4)-()+)0$+$&:&($D +"#,-%.)/)&01) 23 !"!#$%$&'!()*!)+))!"!,-&#.%/,/&0,#1/23-4 %56!789:;6!7<6=!>9??;6=!<@;AB<@=C!D8<7!9@!(+!E;586 ,#F1!9@:8;56;6!75=8<G!H<8:;!>E!)++!9@!I<GGEJ<<D JP*?J FK>G9:L6!C;G7!6<K?C=!9D;@=9HE9@?!75=9;@=!5=!3<K@=EA$&3!4;D9:5G!3;@=;8 MFC<=<!:<K8=;6E!,#!3<K@=EA$&3!4;D9:5G!3;@=;8N

“We, as Americans, all have a responsibility to reject those efforts and to think about how we can strengthen our defenses and our democracy in the 21st century,” Rollins said. But issues of corruption are not the only points of divergence between the two candi0(124B Calvert had previously maintained support in what was a reliably conservative Republican district prior to redistricting in part by opposing LGBTQ rights. His record has included voting for legislation such as the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) that defined mar&+(-2.(4.<21522,.',2./(,.(,0.',2.5'/(,.(1.(.8202&(3.32923B #(392&1.(34'.9'120.(-(+,41.1*2.M+4)(3.N2(&.HIOO.J(1+',(3.?282,42.$;1*'&+D(1+',.$)1. (NDAA) which included an amendment that would repeal the military’s “don’t ask, don’t 1233F.%'3+)6.8'&.-(64.(,0.324<+(,4.42&9+,-.+,.1*2./+3+1(&6B.G*2.J?$$.;31+/(1236.%(4420.1*2. House in a 229 to 186 vote. P,.)',1&(41>.:'33+,4.*(4.<22,.'%2,.(<';1.*+4.+02,1+16.(4.(.-(6./(,.(,0.*(4.)(/%(+-,20. (3',-4+02.*+4.%(&1,2&B
to believe in
1*+,=.8'3=4.*(92.<22,.27)+120.1'.422.4'/2<'06.5*'E4.(<32.1'.<2(1.S2,.#(392&1>F.:'33+,4.4(+0B $4.1*2.%'3+1+)(3.-2'-&(%*6.'8.#(392&1E4.0+41&+)1.*(4.<22,.(312&20>.1*2.)',-&244/(,.*(4. 9'120.+,.5(64.1*(1.4;--241.(./'92.1'5(&0./'&2./'02&(12.41(,)24B.T;41.3(41./',1*>.#(392&1. 5(4.',2.'8.UV.A';42. :2%;<3+)(,4.1'.9'12. in favor of the Respect for Marriage $)1.1*(1.5';30.&2%2(3. the federal DOMA he ',)2.4;%%'&120.(,0. codify same-sex mar&+(-2.+,1'.8202&(3.3(5B Calvert told the Los Angeles Times in a mid-July interview that his views on matters such as the Su%&2/2.#';&1E4.HIOW. 02)+4+',."<2&-28233. v. Hodges, which es1(<3+4*20.1*2.&+-*1.1'. same-sex marriage, *(92.29'3920B “It wasn’t always my position,” Calvert told the Times. “It’s a different country than it was XI.62(&4.(-'BF #(392&1.52,1.',.1'.(442&1.*+4.41(,)2.1*(1.*2.*(4.*(&<'&20.,'.,2-(1+92.8223+,-4.1'5(&0. /2/<2&4.'8.1*2.)'//;,+16B “I’ve never had any animosity to the gay community,” Calvert told the Times. “I come out '8.1*2.&241(;&(,1.<;4+,244>.8'&.-''0,244E.4(=2B.$.3'1.'8.%2'%32.5*'.5'&=20.5+1*./2.52&2. -(6BF The balancing of the playing field regarding LGBTQ+ issues, in part responsible for #(392&1E4.29'39+,-.9+254.'&.,'1>.+4.4'/21*+,-.1*(1.:'33+,4.4224.(4.(,.'%%'&1;,+16B
“I think people understand that that corruption affects their daily lives,” Rollins said. “Be)(;42.+8.6';.(&2.5+33+,-.1'.%;1.1*2.+,12&2414.'8.1*2.-;,.3'<<6.(,0.1*2.+,12&2414.'8.1*2.'+3.(,0. -(4.3'<<6.(*2(0.'8.6';&.'5,.9'12&4.<2)(;42.1*(1E4.5*'.3+,24.6';&.%')=214>.1*2,.6';E&2.,'1. -'+,-.1'.023+92&.8'&.)'//;,+1+24BF
&2(336.&24',(120.5+1*.%2'%32.24%2)+(336.<2)(;42.'8./6.'5,.<()=-&';,0BF -56!789:;:86<!=>?!38@;=>?9;8AB!C(B6!D8E!F<!1<DBA!F<B6!G>H< First-time candidate aims to unseat longtime GOP incumbent #$%&'()%*+#,-.,( #'#%#+*/0!I@<=6J!89:!K8@D!&H?;9LB!48E>?!+1(*%2133+0.'4!I7<96<?J! M;6G!N;@@!O>@@;9B!I?;LG6J!86!8!?<7<96!78DH8;L9!<P<962 IKG>6>!7>5?6<BE!>=!6G<!O>@@;9B!78DH8;L9J
According to campaign finance filings, this support gained Rollins almost $1.5 million by the end of June, with nearly $480,000 from the LGBTQ Victory Fund Equality PAC which has 2,0'&420.*+4.)(,0+0()6B
!" !"!#$%$&'!()*!)+))!"!,-&#.%/,/&0,#1/23-4 !"#$! $%%&'()*+,-.(./+012&/.232)1+',.42(4',.5+0236.27%2)120.1'.8(9'&.:2%;<3+)(,4.1'./(=2. -(+,4.+,.#',-&244>.,(1+',(3.?2/')&(14.(&2.(112/%1+,-.1'.%&242&92.1*2+&.,(&&'5./(@'&+1+24. ',.#(%+1'3.A+33B
Having experienced a national atmosphere currently rife with federal and state legislative animus toward the greater American LGBTQ community, Rollins feels his identity has *23%20.*+/.1'.422.5*(1.)(,.<2.%'44+<32B “I think the experience gives me and has given me the optimism to know that the coun1&6.)(,.)*(,-2.(,0.1*(1.6';&.8(/+36.)(,.)*(,-2.(,0.1*(1.6';&.8&+2,04.)(,.)*(,-2.(33.8'&. 1*2.<2112&>F.:'33+,4.4(+0B.Q$,0.422+,-.1*(1.%&'-&244.-+924./2.*'%2.8'&.';&.)';,1&6E4.8;1;&2BF "92&.1*2.)';&42.'8.1*2.)(/%(+-,>.*2.*(4.)&+1+)+D20.#(392&1.8'&.*+4.%(41.9'1+,-.*+41'&6>. including Calvert’s vote against the 2009 Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes R&292,1+',.$)1.1*(1.(0020.)&+/24.)'//+1120.<2)(;42.'8.(.%2&4',E4.427;(3.'&+2,1(1+',>. -2,02&.+02,1+16.(,0.0+4(<+3+16.27%(,0+,-.8202&(3.41(1;124B QG*242.=+,04.'8.9'124.(&2.4'.+,)',4+412,1.5+1*.5*(1.4';1*2&,.#(3+8'&,+(,4.5(,1.1*(1.P.
The prospect of a Rollins success in flipping the seat has already garnered the former prosecutor financial and campaign support from prominent players in progressive California politics including former U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer (D) and outgoing San Francisco ?2/')&(1+).KBLB.:2%B.T()=+2.L%2+2&B
“As anti-LGBTQ bills flood legislatures across the country, voters will have the opportunity to elect someone who has made it his life’s work to increase equity in his community and fight for justice and accountability,” Victory Fund President and CEO Annise Parker said in (.41(12/2,1B.Q$4.(.8202&(3.%&'42);1'&>.C+33.1()=320.1';-*.)(424.(,0.5',>.+,)3;0+,-.*23%+,-.
Nestled in the Coachella Valley, they see California’s newly drawn 41st Congressional ?+41&+)1.(,0.%&'-&244+92.?2/')&(1+).)(,0+0(12.C+33.:'33+,4.(4.',2.'8.1*2+&.<241.4*'14.(1. 0'+,-.4'B Rollins, a first-time candidate for elected federal office, is aiming to unseat Republican incumbent Ken Calvert, who has represented the region in the U.S. House of Representa1+924.8'&.1*2.3(41.1*&22.02)(024B $.8'&/2&.8202&(3.%&'42);1'&.5*'.8');420.',.)';,12&12&&'&+4/.(,0.)';,12&+,1233+-2,)2. cases in Southern California, Rollins has crafted a campaign platform centered around ';41+,-.-'92&,/2,1.)'&&;%1+',.(,0.%(&1+4(,.&*21'&+).*2.4224.(4.1*2.&''14.'8.<'1*.*(&/8;3. (,0.0241(<+3+D+,-.)',4%+&()6.1*2'&+24>.(4.5233.(4.4;%%'&1+,-.*+4.'%%',2,1.#(392&1E4.12,;&2. in “Ioffice.think they really appreciate the contrast of somebody who has worked in law enforce/2,1>.*(4.-',2.(812&.)'&&;%1+',>.5*'E4.-'+,-.1'.1(=2.+1.1'.4'/2<'06.5*'.+4.&2(336.(<';1. =22%+,-.*+/4238.+,.%'52&.(,0.2,&+)*+,-.*+/4238./'&2.1*(,.42&9+,-.1*2.&241.'8.;4>F.:'33+,4. 4(+0B G*(1.)',1&(41>.(3',-.5+1*.1*2.*2+-*12,20.)'/%21+1+92,244.'8.1*2.&()2.8'33'5+,-.HIHI. #2,4;4.&20+41&+)1+,->.*(4.0&+92,.1*2.?2/')&(1+).J(1+',(3.#(/%(+-,.#'//+1122.1'.%3()2. CA-41 on its Red to Blue program to provide Rollins with additional support to flip the seat. While what he sees as Calvert’s affinity for corruption as harmful to constituents, Rollins +4.422=+,-.1'.*+-*3+-*1.4;)*.(.&2(4',.8'&.9'12&4.1'.)',4+02&.(.4*+81B
Following former President Trump’s defeat to Joe Biden in the 2020 election, Calvert 9'120.1'.&2@2)1.232)1+',.)'332-2.9'124.8&'/./;31+%32.41(124.5*2,.#',-&244./21.1'.)2&1+86. Biden’s election on Jan. 6, 2021. A(9+,-.*23%20.1'.%&'42);12./2/<2&4.'8.1*2.+,4;&-2,1.&+'12&4.5*'.<&2()*20.1*2.KBLB. Capitol on Jan. 6, Rollins has also sought to combat conspiracy theories surrounding the 2020 election and Trump’s “Big Lie” that the election was stolen, that he feels Calvert has %&'/'120.(,0.1*(1.8'&2+-,.(092&4(&+24.)';30.;42.1'.1*2+&.(09(,1(-2B
prosecute multiple insurrectionists who attacked the U.S. Capitol on January 6th. This grit is exactly what we need in Congress at a time of heightened attacks on democracy, LGBTQ &+-*14.(,0.&2%&'0;)1+92.8&220'/BF Even with increased fundraising, including having been the first challenger to outraise Calvert in a quarterly campaign finance disclosure filing, Rollins still faces a well-resourced +,);/<2,1.5+1*.0',(1+',4.'8.*;,0&204.'8.1*';4(,04.'8.0'33(&4.8&'/.,(1+',(3.)',42&9(1+92. R$#4.(+/20.(1.&241'&+,-.:2%;<3+)(,.)',1&'3.'8.1*2.KBLB.A';42.+,.J'92/<2&B $%%&'()*+,-.1*2.M(33./+012&/.232)1+',4>.:'33+,4.&2/(+,4.41(35(&1.+,.*+4.<23+28.1*(1.*+4. 41(;,)*.02%(&1;&2.8&'/.XI.62(&4.'8.#(392&1.(,0.*+4.1&()=.&2)'&0.5+33.2,)';&(-2.9'12&4.'8. California’s 41st District him. QG*2.232)1+',E4.&2(336.,'1>.+,.J'92/<2&>.(<';1.?2/')&(1.92&4;4.:2%;<3+)(,>F.:'33+,4.4(+0B. QP,.(.3'1.'8.5(64>.+1E4.(<';1.+,12-&+16.92&4;4.)'&&;%1+',>.(,0.P.1*+,=.1*(1.1*(1./244(-2.*(4.
“Having Democrats outnumber Republicans for the first time ever against Calvert since he was first elected in ’92 has been a huge opportunity for the party and, I think, part of the &2(4',.1*(1.PE92.<22,.(<32.1'.421.4'./(,6.8;,0&(+4+,-.&2)'&04.(-(+,41.1*+4.-;6>.1''BF

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He provided leadership and guidance for LGBTQ organizations that are new to working with the Department of Public Health, helping them navigate the complicated bureaucracy and ensuring LGBTQ project staff always have a place to turn with their questions and concerns.
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#$%&'()*##'$+,%$)( The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office, (SBSD) is recommending hate crime charges be filed against two individuals in a theft and then destruction of Pride flags in the Santa Ynez Valley community of Los Olivos. According to the SBSD, on July 28, 2022, deputies responded to the 2900-block of Nojoqui Avenue in Los Olivos to investigate a report of the theft of a pride flag. The Department said that its Deputies spent several days investigating the report including collecting physical evidence, interviewing victims and witnesses, and tracking down a video of the burning of a pride flag. As a result of their efforts, deputies identified two young adult suspects in the theft who admitted to an additional theft of a pride flag in the Ballard area as well as the burning of one of the flags in a video they shared on social media.
Santa Barbara sheriff: Hate crime charges in Pride flag theft
“Amanda McAllister-Wallner took the CA LGBTQ HHS Network to another level, expanding the staff sixfold, creating new programs on mental health, tobacco control and health equity, and winning new policies on SOGI data collection and more. With his significant experience before and during his time with Health Access working on public health, trans inclusion, and program development, we are excited to see Dannie take the CA LGBTQ Network to be a greater resource and leader to support the community.”
Ceseña has become a trusted leader in LGBTQ health among partners in the California Tobacco Control Program, responsible for building We Breathe: Supporting Tobacco-Free LGBTQ Communities from the ground-up, and has established the program as a leader statewide, nationally, and even internationally.
Ceseña’s knowledge and leadership have assisted in the creation of two TGNC community health care clinics, and a monthly TGNC legal clinic in Orange County, CA.
“Amanda has done a tremendous job in taking a small program that is housed at Health Access and turning it into a Statewide powerhouse and organization that has name recognition and respect among many state departments,” stated Network Director Dannie Cesena. “Even though I am following in the footsteps of a legend, I look forward to working closely with our Steering Committee and deepening our work in State advocacy and policy for equitable and accessible LGBTQ health care.”
As the Network Director, Ceseña will work with advocates throughout the state to ensure the implementation of legislation and policies that will benefit LGBTQ+ health and wellness. Additionally, he will provide management and direction to Network programs and staff, and support the expansion and overall capacity of the Network by adding a new Network Organizer and Trans Health Equity Manager.
In a statement the SBSD noted that Sheriff’s deputies have been in consistent communication with the parties involved in this case as well as community leaders who have voiced concern about these incidents. “The Sheriff’s Office takes these offenses seriously and the case has been submitted to the District Attorney’s Office requesting charges for 488PC – Petty Theft and 422.6(b) PC –Hate Crimes,” the statement concluded.
“With the enthusiastic support from both the staff and the steering committee, I am excited to promote Dannie as the fourth director of the California LGBTQ HHS Network, continuing his work to amplify the voices of LGBTQ-serving organizations and advance health equity.” Said Anthony Wright, Executive Director of Health Access, the statewide health care consumer advocacy coalition, which hosts the Network.
DANNIE CESEÑA (Photo courtesy of California LGBTQ Health and Human Services Network)
California penal code 422.6(b), reads in part: “No person … shall knowingly deface, damage, or destroy the real or personal property of any other person for the purpose of intimidating or interfering with the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to the other person by the Constitution.” It was unclear as of Tuesday if the Santa Barbara County District Attorney’s Office will file the charges as recommended by the Sheriff’s Office. #$%&'()*##'$+,%$)( +56789:;75-!&(0<-=>56?@-A-=BC5;-#>:D7E>F-%>?G9:H ;5C>F-;>G-I7:>E?9:
%&'(#)*+,-./+)(!01%2(3')*4&()/5(367)/(8'.9+:';( Network, the statewide coalition working to advance LGBTQ health equity, announced that Transgender Health Equity Manager Dannie Ceseña will lead the organization as its Network Director after Amanda McAllister-Wallner stepped down on July 31. McAllister-Wallner had served as Network Director since 2016. Over the last six years under her leadership, the Network has grown to a team of six, and has launched multiple projects, including #Out4MentalHealth, We Breathe, Out About ACEs, and LGBTQ+ COVIDDuringSafety.thistime, the Network has firmly established +4;'*,();(4&'(;4)4'<+5'(*')5'.(-/(+;;6';(.'*)4'5(4-( LGBTQ health – with state funding to coordinate efforts to reduce LGBTQ mental health and tobacco-relatedMcAllister-Wallnerdisparities. also pushed numerous advocacy efforts, including the creation of the Gender Health Equity Unit at CDPH, collection of sexual orientation and gender identity data during the COVID-19 pandemic, and prioritizing funding for LGBTQ communities impacted by the War on Drugs. “It’s impossible to overstate my excitement to welcome Dannie as the next Director of the California !01%2(3')*4&()/5(367)/(8'.9+:';(='4<-.>?(@(,''*( fortunate to have had a front-row seat to Dannie’s work and leadership over the past four years, and have no doubt that he will take the Network to exciting new heights in the coming years,” said McAllister-Wallner. “Serving as the Network Director for the past six years has truly been a dream come true. It’s been an honor to have the opportunity to work on behalf of my community, achieve some amazing wins, and work alongside some of the most incredible LGBTQ community leaders in existence,” she added. Ceseña (he/they) is the first Indigenous, Two Spirit with Mexica roots to lead as Director of the Network. He has over 15 years of experience working with non-profits in program development and advocacy. He has extensive knowledge in creating Transgender and Gender Nonconforming (TGNC) healthcare collaborations by utilizing upstream interventions and addressing the root cause of the lack of access to TGNC-affirming health care.

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with 7 locations throughout LA County
APLA Health Center, Long Beach (562.247.7740)
HIV Specialty Care Sexual Health Services Trans Wellness
APLA Health Dental Clinic, Downtown Los Angeles (213.201.1388)
APLA Health Center, Mid-Wilshire (323.215.1725)
David Geffen Health Center, Koreatown (213.201.1600)
Out Here Sexual Health Center, Baldwin Hills (213.201.5000)
LGBTQ+ Primary Care (Medical, Behavioral, Dental)
Gleicher/Chen Health Center, Baldwin Hills (323.329.9900)
APLA Health Center, CDU/MLK Medical Campus (323.329.9700)

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Not be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Let's believe in science, not stigma. It can feel scary, but there are important steps you can take today to help stop the spread of the virus. 1. Self isolate*, monitor your symptoms, clean surfaces, and wear PPE 2. Talk to your healthcare provider and see if the post≠exposure Monkeypox vaccine is right for you** 3. Continue to monitor your symptoms for 21 days after exposure*** For more information, please visit: * If you are isolating & having a difficult time, please consider calling 9≠8≠8 or texting HOME to 741741 for mental health & crisis prevention support. ** CDC recommends that the vaccine (PEP) be given within 4 days from the date of exposure for the best chance to prevent onset of the disease. *** CDC recommends that individuals exposed to people confirmed to have monkeypox should be monitored for symptoms for 21 days after their last exposure.

The former Colombian senator who was once a member of the M-19 guerrilla movement that disbanded in the 1990s, in June defeated former Bucaramanga Mayor Rodolfo Hernández in the second round of the country’s presidential election.
It also protects intersex children from so-called sex normalization surgeries, and such procedures will only be done with a doctor’s recommendation. Those who violate the law will face at least three years in jail and a fine of at least $5,000.
The Births and Deaths Registration Act under the new law’s Section 7 (3) “shall take measures to ensure correct documentation and registration of intersex children at birth.”
Citing a lack of adequate security personnel, the organizers of the Fierté Montréal Pride Parade abruptly cancelled last Sunday’s parade. The event organizers told the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation the decision was made in collaboration with Montréal police. CBC reported that other Pride events taking place at the Esplanade du Parc olympique from 2 p.m. local time, including the closing show with Pabllo Vittar, will go on as as planned. Tens of thousands of people were expected to attend the parade. .-/01$*),)!23) ’s first leftist president takes took office as Colombia’s first leftist presicourtesy of the Colombian government) of Fierté Montréal Pride/Facebook)
“Defining an intersex from a child’s perspective while taking care of many aspects and not just the physical notion of being intersex is the best practice because in future they don’t find themselves in the state of gender confusion between males and females like the current situation,” stated Wakonyo. !"#$%&!&%"
The new law requires intersex children to be treated with dignity and have equal access to basic services like medical treatment and education, in addition to social protection services as a special need. It also requires the accomodation of intersex children in child protection centers and other facilities.Courts are also required to consider the needs of intersex children who are on trial — including the calling of an expert witness — before they issue any ruling. The law further stipulates that anyone can be a foster parent without restrictions of gender, age or marital status.
A new law that took effect late last month in Kenya has granted equal rights and recognition to intersex people Intersex people are now recognized as Kenya’s third gender with an ‘I’ gender marker in response to the Children Act 2022. Kenya is the first African country that has granted the intersex community this universal right.
Petro’s running mate, Francia Márquez, on Sunday took office as Colombia’s first female vice president of African descent. Petro before his inauguration named N!stor Osuna, an openly gay man, as the country’s new justice minister.
Kenyan law considers anyone under 17 to be a child.
“This is a great and major milestone globally for Kenya. We are now way ahead and can teach our neighbors and the whole globe good practices,” said Jedidah Wakonyo, a human rights lawyer and former chair of the Intersex Persons Society of TheKenya.long journey for recognition started dramatically in 2006 when some human rights organizations petitioned courts about a detainee who had been accused of a violent robbery.Authorities perceived the suspect was a man after police strip-searched him before he entered prison. This followed numerous court battles by intersex people who demanded the right to recognition as another gender in their birth certificates. Being denied birth certificates from the discriminatiory law that only recognized male and female genders further limited their access to national identity cards, passports and other crucial documents and government services.
"I am honored and thankful to President Gustavo Petro for the appointment as Colombia’s justice minister,” tweeted Osuna on Sunday. "I commit myself to working with your team to achieve the change for which so many of our compatriots yearn.”Petro in his inaugural speech did not specifically reference LGBTQ and intersex Colombians, but, the Washington Blade’s media partner in the country, published pictures that show LGBTQ and intersex people were among those who attended the inauguration. Petro during the campaign pledged to fight violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and to implement policies "for the reaffirmation of gender and sexual orientation identities without barriers for all nonbinary and transgender people in Colombia.” Márquez noted LGBTQ and intersex Colombians after she and Petro won the election.Wilson Casta#eda, director of Caribe Afirmativo, an LGBTQ and intersex rights group in northern Colombia, told the Blade after Petro and Márquez won the election that the campaign held "various meetings” with advocacy groups. Casta#eda also noted that Petro, among other things, named Tatiana Pi#eros, a transgender woman, to run Bogotá’s social welfare and tourism office when he was mayor.
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Castañeda and U.S. Agency for International Development Administrator Samantha Power are among those who attended Sunday’s inauguration that took place in Bogotá’s $%&'var Square. "Full squares; happy faces; the flags of Colombia, Bogotá; rural, indigenous and LGBTI communities received the president and the vice president in an emotive and historic act that inaugurated the first popular and leftist Colombian government,” tweeted Bogotá Mayor Claudia López on Sunday. (ópez is married to Ang!lica Lózano, a bisexual woman who in 2018 became the first LGBTQ and intersex person elected to the Colombian Senate. Lozano in March won re-election in the country’s national elections. Colombians also elected five openly LGBTQ and intersex people to the country’s House of Representatives. Tamara Argote in March became the first non-binary person elected to the Colombian Congress. #&'(")*$%+$*",)-!
Former Bogotá Mayor Gustavo Petro on Sunday took office as Colombia’s first leftist president.
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Intersex people commonly have a combination of male and female gonads (ovaries or testicles) or ambiguous genitalia.Wakonyo, who also chaired the Intersex Persons Implementation Coordination Committee and was named the International Court of Justice’s 2020 jurist of the year, describes the law’s enactment as a historic moment because of its comprehensive definition of an intersex person. It defines an intersex child as “a child with a congenital condition in which the biological sex characteristics cannot be exclusively categorized in the common binary of female or male due to inherent and mixed anatomical, hormonal, gonadal or chromosomal patterns which could be apparent before, at birth, in childhood, puberty or adulthood.”

We’re working to build a world where LGBT COMPLETEEQUALHEALTHYTHRIVEPEOPLEAS,,AND members of society. CONNECT WITH US! Scan to Learn More!

Then-former San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, campaigning for governor, had a different stance, telling Chronicle columnist Phil Matier in August, “I’m open to it. I think it’s a novel strategy.” Ironically, during the height of the AIDS crisis, novel %'/0@/0.&!"#$%&')*+/0.&/0A)2%/#0&1-$.&$,)-,&2!=)&6-#=& Republicans. InMay1992, after Democratic presidential nominee and Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton addressed a rally of gay and AIDS activists at a fundraiser at the Palace in Hollywood, Clinton’s gay campaign aide Bob Hattoy enabled LGBTQ reporter Karen Ocamb and ACT UP/ LA’s Danny Levy to talk with Clinton. Clinton and Levy agreed on everything except lifting %')&"!0�&6)1)-!*&6$01/0.&6#-&0))1*)&)B2'!0.)&C&!& 2-/%/2!*&/,,$)&!,&4*)!0&D))1*)&DEF&)B2'!0.),&()-)& ")./00/0.&%#&/**).!**5&+#+&$+&!-#$01&7#,&80.)*),3&G')& issue exploded when President Clinton refused to heed recommendations to lift the ban from Health and Human Service Sec. Donna Shalala. Years later, in 1998 when Clinton still refused, most of his AIDS Commission resigned in protest. And yet, in Sept. 1994, Republican LA Mayor Richard Riordan declared a state of emergency, authorizing the city AIDS coordinator and other city officials %#&H/==)1/!%)*5&%!@)&,%)+,&+)-=/%%)1&"5&*!(?&%#&!**#(& privately run needle exchange programs to stem the spread of HIV, according to the New York Times. LAPD Chief Bernie Parks and (Republican) LA County Sheriff Sherman Block issued orders not to interfere with these operations — though Human Rights Watch subsequently reported that not all law enforcement followed those Meanwhile,orders. controlled substances and drug paraphernalia are still illegal in California, a point SB 57 addresses directly. Wiener also notes that, as of 2021, 165 safe consumption sites exist in 10 countries. In New York City, the nation’s first two consumption sites have served 1,540 people over the last eight months, reversing 399 overdoses that likely would have led to death. In the two years after Brown’s veto in 2018, Los Angeles County reported over 4,000 overdose deaths. 2021 marked the seventh consecutive year that L.A. saw preventable, accidental overdose deaths rise, with a staggering 2,442 deaths last year – more than double the number of lives lost to drug overdoses in 2015. How many are our LGBTQ people, who struggle with addiction and overdoses at higher who struggle with addiction. That’s why I’m urging Governor Newsom to sign SB 57 into law. Itquite literally is a matter of life or death. (Former Los Angeles Blade news editor Karen Ocamb, who now works at Public Justice, contributed to this op-ed.)
The addiction crisis in California is getting worse. The American Medical Association recently called the nation’s increasing drug-related overdose and death rate an “epidemic.” And with heightened public safety concerns from visible drug consumption on our own sidewalks, we’re faced with this undeniable fact: something needs to be done. We need to think creatively exactly what Senator Scott Wiener’s SB 57 aims to do. This legislation, which sits on Governor Newsom’s desk awaiting a signature or veto, allows to open pilot Overdose Prevention Programs (OPP), also known as safe consumption sites. under trained professional supervision, people can use drugs, access clean supplies and fentanyl testing strips, receive information about and re6)--!*,&%#&%-)!%=)0%9&!01&.)%&6!,%&=)1/2!*&')*+&/0&%')& event of an overdose. “This is incredibly long overdue. In 2021 alone, California lost over 10,000 residents to the overdose cri,/,9&!01&()&!-)&2#0%/0$/0.&%#&,))&/%&1/,+-#+#-%/#0!%)*5& claim the lives of people of color throughout the state. By passing SB 57 and embracing this cost-effective evidence-based public health intervention, the Legislature is making it abundantly clear that saving lives is its top priority,” Jeannette Zanipatin, California State Director of the Drug Policy Alliance, said after the bill passed the Legislature. “With countless lives hanging in the balance, we urge Governor Newsom to sign the "/**&(/%'#$%&1)*!59&,#&%'!%&()&2!0&!1)>$!%)*5&2#06-#0%& this crisis through the implementation of Overdose Prevention Programs and begin providing people the ,$++#-%&%')5&0))13? “Overdose Prevention Centers have a long-proven history of working to save people’s lives. In 35 years, there has not been one reported overdose death in these spaces. Yet, our people are dying, and OPCs are the solution to negate this public health emergency. Today we are one step closer to helping our participants stay alive,” said Elham Jalayer, Harm Reduction Program Manager for the East Los Angeles-based Bienestar. Detractors claim that safe consumption sites encourage drug abuse — which is emphatically not true. Nonetheless, it’s a position publicly embraced by even liberal-minded politicians, including Gov. Jerry Brown, who vetoed a similar Wiener bill in 2018. In his veto letter, Brown said that “enabling illegal and destructive drug use will never work.” He also cited threats from the Trump administration saying anyone associated with an OPP could be vulnerable to federal prosecution for facilitating drug use.
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“The transgender community has shared a very beautiful status in the context of Indian cultural history in the pre-colonial area. Things changed because the British had very narrow-minded thoughts on the queer community. They talk about how the British divided and ruled the country based on caste, but they do not talk about how British rule divided the country based on gender diversity,” Divgikar told the Blade. “Over the past 16 and a half years, I have been performing as a drag queen, actor, model, and motivational speaker, so, of course, it has been a roller coaster ride, but I have never imagined this anything else. If I had not struggled this much, I would not have known what I have today and what I did not have.”
Popo moved to Germany in 2017 and is now working on a fictional film debut. While talking with the Blade, he said the film is important for him as he feels he didn’t do enough for the queer community, and he wants to contribute more to the community in the coming years. “Ever since I moved to Germany, I have been facing systematic racism. There are little resources are available for people of color,” said Popo. “What my colleagues in China have to face is also impacting me, so this makes me feel frustrated and unsafe. Another difficulty that I am facing right now is traveling back to China because of restrictions.”Despiteall the struggles, Popo has had a huge impact with his fans inside China and around the world. Hiscreativity and films historically have inspired the trans community. He has made six films, and his last film was “Beer! Beer!” in 2020. In India, the trans community has historical ties to traditional Indian culture.
#$#%&'()*+,-+.&/ 567898!:;!&<=9!>7?@@?A Trans influencers
According to scholars and ancient Indian texts, the trans community garnered respect, but things changed once the British colonized the country.
Section 377 of India’s colonial-era penal code that came into force in 1861 criminalized homosexuality. The Indian Supreme Court in 2018 struck down the discriminatory law, but more than 200 years of British colonial rule pushed Indian society to become discriminatory against trans people. To create awareness about trans Indians, trans icons are using their social media platforms and creating a positive impact on society.
While talking with the Blade, Divgikar said trans Indians feel represented when they see them on big stages. Divgikar feels pride in representing every Asian, and especially trans Indians, on the world stage. “When you harm another person, you are not just harming that person,” said Divgikar while talking about hate crimes against the trans community in Asia. “You are killing the whole humanity.” use platforms to promote acceptance in Asia
Popo launched a ferocious legal battle with China’s State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and the fight resulted in a partial victory in 2015. He continues to make LGBTQ-focused films to spread awareness in China and among Chinese people who are living abroad.
Indian model Sushant Divgikar has 1.8 million Instagram followers
China, like Japan, has a long relationship with the trans community, but repression against it is a reality. Trans cultural icons in China are fighting hard to change the narrative and situation inside the country and abroad.
The trans community has been an integral and mostly accepted part of Japanese culture since the Edo period from 1603-1868. Japan in the late 1800s moved from a country that accepted gender fluidity to one that adopted Western gender binary norms. The trans community in Japan now faces regular humiliation, misunderstanding, and discrimination. Japanese law stipulates a person has to show their ID — which often has a gender identity marker — when accessing education, health, transportation and other services. Authorities often ask invasive questions if a trans person’s picture doesn’t match their gender marker on the ID card. Sari told the Blade she wanted to come out after finishing school, getting a job or moving into a new home. She came out just before she began to look for employment. Sari said her trans friends either dropped out of school or decided not to come out. “In Asia, many countries, including Japan, are conservative in change, and policies for LGBT (people) are spreading only in limited areas,” said Sari. “There are two steps to changing those who disagree with LGBT. ‘The stage of understanding LGBT’ and ‘the stage of accepting LGBT.’ I think we are in the stage of understanding now, so please get the correct knowledge.”
Divgikar since 2012 has appeared on many TV shows and participated in numerous competitions. They have also been using Instagram to talk about the queer community and start a public discussion. Divgikar has inspired many fans with their inspirational posts and stories.
Divgikar in 2020 appeared on Forbes 30 under 30 list. “At the time when people were not ready to talk about their orientation, I was on TV, risking my life because I used to get death threats, I used to get rape threats. When I was younger, I used to get frustrated because of threats, but now I feel bad for them,” they said. “They are the ones who really need a big hug and some therapy. I don’t mind paying for their therapy.”
Fan Popo, a Chinese filmmaker and LGBTQ and intersex activist, is working to change attitudes about the country’s trans community through films and documentaries. Popo is known for his iconic documentary “Mama Rainbow,” which has inspired many LGBTQ and intersex people in China. The film attracted significant viewers on the internet in China and started a public discussion about the queer community. It has since disappeared from Youku, Tudou, and other popular Chinese streaming services.
Sushant Divgikar is an Indian model, actor, singer, drag queen and motivational speaker who won Mr. Gay India in 2014. With 1.8 million Instagram followers, Divgikar has been spreading awareness about the country’s trans community.
The transgender community in Asia continues to become more visible, but it still has a long way to go. Trans icons in the region who have become famous online are using their influence to spread awareness of the trans community among their fans and across their respective countries.
“I have continued to disseminate information, especially to students and families, as well as corporate employers and personnel,” said Sari in a statement to the Blade. “However, society is still in the process of change. Some transgender people may not be able to come out depending on their position. I want to tell them, ‘You don’t have to come out until the environment is ready. Until we change the whole society, please find a reliable person (to whom you) can come out. And please be a person that is trusted to receive the coming out of many people.’”
Social media is creating new influencers each
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Divgikar also talked about their appearance on the third largest billboard in New York’s Times Square for an entire month.
Kaede Sari, a Japanese architect, is fighting to spread awareness about trans people in her country and change society’s perspective of trans people as mere entertainment. She released a documentary, “You Decide,” in July 2020 that is based on her life. The idea was to spread awareness about trans people in Japan and inspire other trans people in the country. The documentary was available in select theaters and on Netflix Japan.
viewership. Some talk about different gadgets, while others use the platform to create a powerful impact on society.

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Beginning in the late ‘90s, attempts were made to develop “The Sandman” for flm, but though a few scripts initially managed to win Gaiman’s approval, creative diferences )+'0)%.1*<$*'3$%"$.$3'.3$'+3>$.+3$%&'$U"**</""3$#=("#$()**$1'A.+$%"$1=VV$%&.%$%&'$,%"@ ry was ultimately “unflmable” – until 2019, when Netfix and Warner Brothers (parent company to DC Comics) ofcially reached a deal to bring it to the screen as a series, with 5.)(.+$-=**<$"+$1".#3$.+3$.$2#'.%)0'$%'.($)+$L*.2'$%&.%$/.,$3'%'#()+'3$%"$-.)%&-=**<$ .3.L%$%&'$(=2&@*"0'3$"#)A)+.*$-"#$.$2"+%'(L"#.#<$.=3)'+2'C The show that came from that decision, which premiered on Netfix Aug. 5, makes it 2*'.#$%&.%$%&'$*"+A$/.)%$/.,$("#'$%&.+$/"#%&$)%C “The Sandman” of the title refers to the story’s leading fgure – Dream (known also as R"#L&'=,>$.("+A$"%&'#$+.(',W>$"+'$"-$,'0'+$'*'('+%.*$,)1*)+A,$/&",'$(<,%)2.*$#'.*(,$ "0'#*.<$.+3$)+%'#%/)+'$/)%&$%&'$&=(.+$/"#*3C$D,$#=*'#$"-$%&'$3#'.($/"#*3>$&'$&"*3,$&)3@ 3'+$L"/'#$"0'#$.**$(.+;)+3$B$=+%)*$.$&=(.+$,"#2'#'#$(.+.A',$%"$%#.L$&)($.+3$)(L#),"+$ him on Earth for more than 100 years. Finally freed, he returns to his kingdom to fnd it )+$3),.##.<>$.+3$&'$,'%,$"=%$%"$#',%"#'$"#3'#$.+3$=+3"$%&'$3.(.A'$3"+'$B$.$?=',%$%&.%$ will require him to enlist the aid of numerous (and sometimes less-than-willing) allies, 1"%&$&=(.+$.+3$)(("#%.*>$%"$,.0'$%&'$2",(",$-#"($.$2&."%)2$-"#2'$%&.%$&.,$1''+$=+@ *'.,&'3$)+$&),$.1,'+2'C E);'$.+<$A""3$(<%&$2<2*'>$)%6,$1"%&$.+$'L)2$,%"#<$.+3$.+$'L),"3)2$"+'>$(.;)+A$)%$.$ much better ft for the long-form storytelling capacity of series television than for any of the one-of flm adaptations that it almost became. In his sweeping, unapologetically .**'A"#)2.*$,.A.$"-$%&'$'0'#@3='*)+A$-"#2',$/)%&)+$"=#$&=(.+$L,<2&'>$5.)(.+$=,',$1#".3$ ,%#";',$)+$2"(L",)+A$&),$L*"%>$#'2<2*)+A$.+3$#')+0'+%)+A$%)('*',,$("%)-,$.+3$%&'(',$ /&)*'$#'*<)+A$"+$"=#$2"(-"#%.1*'$.22'L%.+2'$"-$%&'$-.()*).#$%#"L',$"-$(<%&$.+3$(.A)2$ %"$A'%$=,$.**$"+$1".#3X$%&'$+.##.%)0'$),$.$(.,,)0'$,%#=2%=#'>$1=%$)%6,$+"%$&.#3$%"$-"**"/$%&'$ basics. Where “Sandman” becomes complex – and exceptional – is in the details Gaiman gave himself room to explore along the way, the human moments caught in between %&'$("+=('+%.*$2",()2$3#.(.C$ I%6,$%&','$L.#%,$"-$%&'$,%"#<$%&.%$&.0'$(.3'$&),$A#.L&)2$+"0'*$)2"+)2>$("#'$'0'+$%&.+$ its gothic melancholy or its layered personifcation of primal forces into complex hu (.+$.#2&'%<L',X$)%6,$%&'#'>$%""$%&.%$&'$ was able to explore a broad and diverse range of human experience, including (.+<$?=''#$2&.#.2%'#,$)+$.$%)('$/&'+$ 2"()2$1"";$*)%'#.%=#'$/.,$-.#$-#"($.$ ?=''#@-#)'+3*<$,L.2'C$I%6,$%&','$%&)+A,$ %&.%$(.3'$5.)(.+6,$2"()2$.$%"=2&,%"+'$ -"#$.$/)3'$,L'2%#=($"-$-.+,$B$.+3$%&'<$ would have been the frst things that /"=*3$&.0'$1''+$H'%%),"+'3$&.3$.+<$"-$ the potential “Sandman” flms seen the *)A&%$"-$3.<C$F'2.=,'$5.)(.+$&.,$&'*3$ "=%$-"#$,"$*"+A$%"$(.;'$,=#'$)%$2"=*3$1'$ done right, series television has fnally A)0'+$&)($%&'$2&.+2'>$.,$2"@2#'.%"#$.+3$ co-executive producer (alongside David S. 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The story has been remolded to ft the modern world, and many elements of the comic have been reconfgured in the process. 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In the second half of the book, Miller examines why people such as Elise Stefanik opted to “take the red pill” and work for “the great MAGA future.” “Why We Did It” is dishy, dark, and soul-churning. Smith, a top Democratic strategist and veteran of 20 cam paigns, has worked for everyone from Claire McCaskill to Barack Obama. She was a senior communications adviser for Pete Buttigieg’s presidential campaign. Thankfully, “Any Given Tuesday” isn’t a stufy political mem oir. It’s smart, snarky, and gossipy. Smith is James Carville in high“Anyheels.Given Tuesday” is about Smith’s life in politics inter twined with stories from her personal life. Due to sexism, her love life was politicized. Smith became a tabloid target when she fell in love with former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer. Former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, after learning of Smith’s relationship with Spitzer, fred her from her job with his administration. (Though she had worked for de Blasio’s campaign.) You wonder if this would have happened if Smith had been a man. But Smith gets many digs at de Blasio. After her fring, de Blasio tried to win Spitzer’s political endorsement. “Both of us had tried to get in bed with Eliot,” she writes of de Blasio’s failure to win Spitzer’s backing, “but only one of us had been successful.” (Smith and Spitzer no longer have a relationship.)
The lilies of the feld, the Bible tells us, “neither toil nor spin.” If only, they had met Tim Miller and Lis Smith! Miller and Smith, two top-tier spinmeisters have written memoirs. Fasten your seatbelts. These aren’t the usual tepid politico’s tales. As you read, you’ll laugh out loud one minute. Then gulp down your go-to comfort food or libation while (literally) wor rying about the fate of our democracy. “Next to love, the most sacred thing you can give is your labor,” James Carville says to staf and volunteers in the last days of Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign in a real life Aaron Sorkin moment in the 1993 documentary “The War Room.”Miller and Smith both saw “The War Room” when they were kids. Miller would grow up to be a Republican strategist who left the party over Trump. Smith would become a top Demo cratic political operative. But “The War Room” instilled in both of them a love of the public service and game of politics. Miller, who lives in Oakland, Calif., with his husband Tyler and their daughter Toulouse, is a former Republican political operative. He was communications director for Jeb Bush’s 2016 presidential campaign and spokesman for the Republi can National Committee during Mitt Romney’s 2012 presiden tial campaign. Miller left the GOP to become a leader of the “Never Trump” movement. After calling it quits with Trump, Miller worked briefy as a consultant for Scott Pruitt, Environ mental Protection Agency administrator during the Trump administration. Now, Miller is an MSNBC analyst, a writer at large with “The Bulwark” and the host of “Not My Party” on Snapchat.TheRepublican Party has a history – from Ronald Reagan’s abysmal record on AIDS to Donald Trump’s transphobic poli cies – of being anti-queer. You’re likely wondering how Miller, as a gay man, could stomach working for the GOP. In “Why We Did It,” Miller puts himself and some of the peo ple who “enabled” Trump under the microscope. “America never would have gotten into this mess if it weren’t for me and my friends,” Miller writes, “We were the ‘normal’ Republicans.”WhenTrump arrived, they didn’t take him seriously. They didn’t, “get of on the tears of immigrant children,” Miller writes. Nor would they have been caught “dead in one of those gaudy red baseball caps,” he adds. “Why in the fuck,” Miller asks, “did the vast, vast majority of seemingly normal, decent people whom I worked with go along with the most abnormal, indecent of men?”
!! !"!#$%&'()#)%*#&+),-$.!"!&/(/%0!12 3 !2422 056!785!96:;<;=>:!?8?6;@A! @8B8>:!C65!<C8!A>DA>E8!6F! G8?6=@>=H!;A!?>G8 Top Dem, GOP spin-meisters weigh in on Trump, Buttigieg, more "#$%&'()$*+,-. /*0#$*1$234$)56$&$'7891:;<=1$>7;?$ 501$@1A=B:3C8D$@;84$5;$(1::E *H!0;?!.;::8@ c.2022, Harper !"!"#$%% ! 259 pages /&D#$F391D$'=1G48#6$&$H;:353C8:$,;91$ I5;7#E *H!#;A!%?;<C C.2022, Harper !"!""$&% !"304 pages BOOKS
Unlike Miller, Smith doesn’t have to twist herself into a compartmentalized pretzel to do her work. Like Miller, she’s hopped up on the “game” of campaigns. Though Smith doesn’t agree with everything everyone she works for believes in, she’s generally in synch with centrist Democrats. Among the most interesting chapters of “Any Given Tues day” are those about her work on Buttigieg’s campaign. If you’re queer or queer-friendly, even if you don’t agree with his politics, you get the historic signifcance of Buttigieg’s cam paign.Smith’s account of being on the road with the “Buttibus” and prepping Buttigieg for the candidates’ debates is entertaining and informative. It’s moving when Smith, a seasoned, snarky hack, comes to believe Buttigieg is “the one” — the candidate who truly would serve this country well. In “Any Given Tuesday,” Smith reveals how the messy sau sage of democracy is made. In “Why We Did It,” Miller makes even die-hard atheists pray that democracy will last.
The frst half of the memoir is Miller’s story of how he “com partmentalized” being a gay man with being an operative for the largely homophobic GOP. Take when he worked for John McCain’s presidential cam paign. Though he was gay, Miller told McCain to walk it back after McCain said “gay marriage should be allowed if there’s a ceremony kind of thing.”

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,- • LOSANGELESBLADE.COM • AUGUST 12 ! 2022 New doc illuminates Patricia Highsmith’s life and work ‘Intercourse
New York had many gay bars in the 1950s, we learn from “Loving Highsmith.” But ho mophobia was so rampant that you wouldn’t get of at a subway stop near a bar out of fear that a straight friend, family member, or co-worker would see you going into a queer bar. There is one problem with “Loving Highsmith.” It soft pedals Highsmith’s anti-Semitism and racism. It mentions Highsmith’s prejudices only once: saying Highsmith in her old age reverted to the bigotry of her grandparents. Highsmith’s bigotry grew more virulent in her old age. But, though she had Jewish friends, Highsmith was anti-Semitic throughout her life. This doesn’t diminish Highsmith’s literary achievement or iconic role in queer history. Anti-Semitism and racism were likely common in Texas where Highsmith was born and lived before moving to New York when she was six. “Loving Highsmith” is a thoughtful, informative documentary. It would have been more insightful if more attention had been paid to Highsmith’s prejudices. Even with this caveat, “Loving Highsmith” is a must-see documentary. It will send you racing to read the nearest Highsmith book at hand. was a complicated queer fgure. (Image courtesy of Liveright) with men is like steel wool to the face’
If you’ve been transfxed by the amusement park scene in Alfred Hitchcock’s “Strangers on a Train,” rooted for the sociopath Tom Ripley in the 1999 flm “The Talented Mr. Ripley” or been moved to tears by the love of Therese and Carol in Todd Haynes’s movie of “Carol,” Patricia Highsmith is etched in your DNA. Highsmith, who lived from 1921 to 1995 wrote more than 50 books (novels and short story col lections). Nearly all of her books were made into movies.Recently, “Loving Highsmith,” a fab documen tary about Patricia Highsmith has been released. The flm, written and directed by Eva Vitija, opens Sept. 2 at the Film Forum in New York and Sept. 9 at Landmark’s Nuart Theatre in Los Angeles. “Loving Highsmith” premiered at the Sydney Film Festival and bowed at the Frameline Film Festival in Highsmith,June. like Tom Ripley and many of her oth er fctional characters, led a double life. She was a lesbian. But, because of the homophobia of her era, Highsmith had to be closeted about what she called “the ever present subject” of her “homosexuality.” Except in the 5,000 pages of her diaries and notebooks. (1,000 pages of her diaries and notebooks were published in 2021 in “Patricia Highsmith: Her Diaries and Notebooks: 1941-1995.”)EvenifHighsmith weren’t acclaimed for her mastery of suspense, she would be a queer hero.In1952, her novel “The Price of Salt” was published under the pseudonym “Claire Mor gan.” (It was reissued in 1990 under the title “Carol” and with Highsmith’s real name.) Then, fction featuring queer characters had to end unhappily: they died or went to jail. “The Price of Salt,” a rare exception, became a lesbian cult classic. Its protagonists end up together – alive and not in prison. “Loving Highsmith” deftly uses writings from her diaries and notebooks as well as inter views with her family and lovers to illuminate not only Highsmith’s life and work but queer culture in the 1950s. The flm skillfully interweaves archival clips from interviews with Highsmith and famous flm adaptations of her work with stories from her relatives and lovers. Gwendoline Christie (“Game of Thrones”) reads excerpts from Highsmith’s work.Too often watching documentaries of talent ed, deceased icons is deadly. You feel like you’re entombed in lifeless talking heads and stagnant images.You don’t have to worry about “Loving Highsmith.” Its talk and images make Highsmith’s story come alive. As the flm makes clear, Highsmith was quite “loving.” She had many lovers – in New York, En gland, France and Germany. Despite trying to cure herself with analysis, Highsmith sexually liked women. “Sexual intercourse [with men] is to me like steel wool to the face,” she says. Highsmith’s mother, by the accounts of Highsmith herself, her family and her lovers, was a horror show. She told Highsmith that she was sorry she hadn’t aborted her. When Highsmith was 14, her mother berated her for “making nois es” like a “les.”

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