Gay Ukrainian immigrant uses social media to find himself
(Photo by Andrey Strekoza)
1-"'#0(88A@((.#I,'A# I(6+9,8B-B7-&#:,+."-A# 0(&E%'5#@(+#"8,/5'8A#B(&-# '5%+#%#$86&%8,'A#()#'5-#E('-# /%,+,+/#%#"-%'#(+#'5-#:("# !+/-8-"#I(6+'A#<(%&.#()#K64 $-&E,"(&"#&-$&-"-+',+/#H,"4 '&,9'#=5&--#%)'-&#K'%'-#K-+%4 '(&#<(7#0-&'F7-&/#9(+9-.-.# =56&".%A#%)'-&+((+G R+#%#"'%'-B-+'#&-8-%"-.# 0-&'F7-&/#@&('-\#[R#@%+'#'(#
offer my sincere congratulations to Sup- lect Horvath. The 95%88-+/-"#:!#)%9-"#%&-#-Z'&%(&.,+%&A#%+.#,'C88#'%2-#"(B-4 (+-#@,'5#5-&#@(&2#-'5,9#'(#7-#"699-"")68G#=5%+2#A(6#'(#-E4 -&A(+-#@5(#5%"#"6$$(&'-.#B-4#BA#)%B,8A3#)&,-+."3#-8-9'-.# 8-%.-&"3#]#&-",.-+'"#%9&(""#KHXG^ [R#%B#56B78-.#%+.#5(+(&-.#'5%'#'5-#E('-&"#5%E-#95("-+#
me to serve as their next Supervisor. Their confidence and "6$$(&'#)6-8-.#(6&#$-($8-4$(@-&-.#9%B$%,/+#%9&(""#'5-# finish line, and I could not be more grateful for the oppor'6+,'A#'(#&-$&-"-+'#'5-#$-($8-#()#H,"'&,9'#X3^#0(&E%'5#'(8.# "6$$(&'-&"#%+.#9(6+'A#&-",.-+'"#,+#%#"'%'-B-+'#=56&".%A# -E-+,+/G
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K5-#%8"(#-Z'-+.-.#5-&#%$$&-9,%',(+#'(#(6'9(B,+/#K6$-&4 E,"(&#K5-,8%#_6-583#@5(#5%.#-+.(&"-.#%+.#7%92-.#5-&#,+# '5-#9%B$%,/+#'(#"699--.#5-&#,+#'5-#"-%'G ()*'+&,-.-!/0-
!"#$%&'#()#*+,'-.#!/%,+"'#0%'-#1--23#%#)&--#%+.#($-+4 '(4'5-4$678,9#:;<=>?#=(@+#0%88#@%"#5-8.#(+#1-.+-".%A3# November 1 th via zoom.
=5-#B--',+/C"#(7D-9',E-#@%"#'(#$&(E,.-#$678,9#-.69%4 ',(+#(+#5(@#'(#&-9(/+,F-#5%'-#9&,B-"3#5%'-#,+9,.-+'"3#%+.# acts of discrimination and to encourage the community to &-$(&'#%+.#5-8$#$&-E-+'#%9'"#()#5%'-#%/%,+"'#'5-#:;<=>?# 9(BB6+,'AG
=5-#B--',+/#@%"#5("'-.#7A#B-B7-&"#()#'5-#:("#!+/-8-"# H,"'&,9'#!''(&+-AC"#:;<=>?#%.E,"(&A#7(%&.3#:!#I(6+'A#064 man Relations Commission, and the US Attorney’s Office I-+'&%8#H,"'&,9'#()#I%8,)(&+,%G#0("'"#,+986.-.#;-(&/-#;%"4 9J+3#:("#!+/-8-"#I(6+'A#H,"'&,9'#!''(&+-A3#<%B7A#K%89-.(3# President C O, TransLatin Coalition and Chair of LADA’s :;<=>#!.E,"(&A#<(%&.3#%+.#L%''5-@#<%&&%/%+3#!"","'%+'# *+,'-.#K'%'-"#!''(&+-A3#I,E,8#M,/5'"#K-9',(+G
A poll sent out during the meeting confirmed that at 8-%"'#NOP#()#'5("-#%''-+.,+/#'5-#B--',+/#5%.#-,'5-&#$-&4 sonally been or knew someone who had been affected by a hate crime. This finding is congruent with the most recent
+6B7-&#()#5%'-#9&,B-"#&-$(&'-.#,+#I%8,)(&+,%#,+#STSU#@%"# U3VWX#Y#%+#,+9&-%"-#()#XSGWP#)&(B#STSTG#=5-&-#@%"#%8"(# %#XTGSP#,+9&-%"-#,+#%+',4/%A#B%8-#5%'-#9&,B-"3#%#SUP#,+4 9&-%"-#,+#%+',45(B("-Z6%8#7,%"#5%'-#9&,B-"3#%+.#%+#UNP# increase in anti-lesbian bias hate crimes.
*+)(&'6+%'-8A3#B%+A#5%'-#9&,B-"#/(#6+&-$(&'-.3#8-%E4 ,+/#'5-#9(BB6+,'A#-E-+#B(&-#"6"9-$',78-#'(#'5-#9&,B-"# %+.#B,"9(+.69'#()#$&-D6.,9-.#,+.,E,.6%8"G#=5-#'@(#B%,+# &-%"(+"#)(&#'5,"#/&(""#6+.-&&-$(&',+/#%&-#E,9',B"#%+.#@,'4 +-""-"#$&-)-&&,+/#'(#5%+.8-#'5-#",'6%',(+#,+#%+('5-&#@%A# %+.#)-%&,+/#'5%'#'5-#$(8,9-#@(68.#+('#(	(68.#+('#&-"$(+.# ,+#%#@%A#'5%'#@(68.#5-8$#'5-#",'6%',(+G#!88#B--',+/#5("'"# "(6/5'#'(#&-9',)A#'5,"#7A#9%88,+/#)(&#%88#9(BB6+,'A#B-B7-&"# %+.#%88,-"#'(#&-$(&'#%+A#5%'-#9&,B-"3#,+9,.-+'"3#%+.#%9'"#()# discrimination.
[=5,"#,"#&-%88A#%#$&(9-""#()#7&,+/,+/#(6	(BB6+,'A#'(4 gether,” said Gas on in a closing statement. “Understand '5%'#@5,8-#@-#%&-#6",+/#'5,"#@--2#'(#6+.-&8,+-#'5-#,""6-"# surrounding hate crime and fear, this is an all-year effort.” !"#$%&$%''%'
Coali',(+G =5&(+/"#()#/8%B(&(6"8A4.&-""-.#B-B7-&"#%+.#%88,-"# ()#'5-#`6--	(BB6+,'A#/%'5-&-.#(+#'5-#$8%F%#()#'5-# B(.-&+#786-#76,8.,+/3#%#:("#!+/-8-"#"'%$8-#2+(@+#)(&# 7(%"',+/#(E-&#(+-#56+.&-.#"5(@&((B"#)(&#-E-+'"#8,2-# '5,"#(+-G#a-($8-#)&(B#%88#@%82"#()#'5-#-+'-&'%,+B-+'3# design, and media industries gave filmed statements of "6$$(&'#)(&#'5-#-E-+'#%+.#'5-#'&%+"/-+.-	(BB6+,'A# at large.
The IP reception featured two red carpets, passed hors doeuvres, two cocktail bars. Some IP guests seat-.#,+#'5-#)%"5,(+#"5(@C"#)&(+'#&(@"#%8(+/#'5-#/8,"'-+,+/# @5,'-#&6+@%A#,+986.-.#%#BA&,%.#()#=:I#"$(+"(&"3#,+986.4 ,+/#<%+2#()#!B-&,9%3#_-92#L%.,9,+-#()#*KIB3#;,8-%.3#K(4 I%8#;%"3#;8%B%F(+3#!B%F(+3#_%,"-&#a-&B%+-+'-3#;86Z3# Loud, Walmart, and City of West Hollywood. =5-#"5(@#)-%'6&-.#.-",/+-&"#b%,"-83#L%&"#1&,/5'3#
c8.-&#a%'&,9,(#!&,'%#a-&-Z3#;%7A#;%&9,%#%+.#=:I#<(%&.# L-B7-&"3#I-9,8,%#L%&',+-F3#d-"",-#!8E%&%.(3#I8%6.,%# !76+.,"3#d("-#06,F%&3#M(7-&'#e&,F3#c&6E-A#=%$,%3#:86E,%# Guzman, Fernando asquez, and Lidia Talavera and their '&%+"/-+.-&#B(.-8"#%+.#B6"-"G#I(88-9',(+"#,+986.-.#-E4 -&A'5,+/#)&(B#5%6'-#9(6'6&-#'(#"'&--'@-%&#'(#"5(-"G =5-#'&%+"/-+.-&#(&/%+,F-.#%+.#&6+#-E-+'#@%"#5("'4 ed by President and Chief xecutive Officer of the Trans Latina Coalition, Bamby Salcedo, and ice President Chief Operation Officer Maria Roman. Both ladies wore %#E%&,-'A#()#9(6'6&-#/(@+"#'5&(6/5(6'#'5-#-E-+,+/#%+.# called for continued support for the TransLatina Coali',(+C"#B,"",(+#'(#"6$$(&'#%+.#%B$8,)A#'5-#E(,9-"#()#'&%+"4 gender and gender nonconforming people.
The Garras ocational Scholarship of ten thousand .(88%&"#@%"#%8"(#%@%&.-.#'(#%#"'6.-+'#,+#'5-#B-.,9%8# field to support their continued academic ventures.
[=(#'5("-#()#A(6#@5(#$6&95%"-.#',92-'"3^#"%,.#K%89-.(3# %..&-"",+/#'5-#%6.,-+9-3#['(#'5("-#()#A(6#@5(#7-8,-E-#,+# our work and sponsor us, thank you.”
Q<R#5%'-#9&,B-#"'%',"',9"3#@5,95#,+.,9%'-#'5-#5,/5-"'#+6B7-&# ()#5%'-#9&,B-"#(996&&,+/#,+#(E-&#'@-+'A#A-%&"G#=5-#(E-&%88#
=5-#%++6%8#;%&&%"#)%"5,(+#"5(@#)6+.&%,"-&#'((2#$8%9-# Saturday, November
at the Pacific Design Center to benefit The Center for
Prevention and Trans-
Wellness, a program of The TransLatin
12 !"!#$%&'(&)!*+,!*-**!"!.$/0#1&.&/(.02&34$' 56789:!0;<76=8!><89!?@A:=!.1(BC!D@@E!8@F6!?<AA 066G<A!1<HH<=!I<=?7@6!=?@F!J!IG6:H<7=9H!?9A: :eI!: .76:=9K!>@HL<8?!9A9M89:!8@!.0!4@G68K!(@<H:!@I!/GN9HL7=@H= ,"3'!-+&$*).%4$ O/MH996=?@8PQ@GBGR9!4(/!.@=!06;9A9=S OT?@8@!RK!/7E?<!><::<:S OT?@8@!M@GH89=K!4@G68K!@I!.@=!06;9A9=S
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'()*+,)-*.,,*-)/0)1,2)3/.4)56*78)#.*,9):,;.<4=>,(4/)-*//?)(,@*)*/)=)A7-*=(?B er with a microphone.
“What would be your ideal boyfriend ” he asked the man. :<*)+,)?6?(C*)=(-2,.D)E(-*,=?8)+,)F/-,?)*+,)-=9,)G<,-*6/()*/):,;.<4=>,(4/D HI7)6?,=J)A/70.6,(?)2/<J?)A,)J/7=J8)=9A6*6/<-)=(?)9/(/K=9/<-8L):,;.<4=B >,(4/)-=6?8)=??6(KM)HN,)4(/2-)2+=*)+,)2=(*-)0./9)J60,8)J/>,-)9,)O)E)J/>,)+69) – and we have very good goals that are going to bring us together.” '0)P/<.-,8):,;.<4=>,(4/)+=-)=J.,=?7)0/<(?)*+6-)9=(D)N,)=(?)+6-)A/70.6,(?) +=>,)A,,()*/K,*+,.)0/.)/>,.)=)7,=.)=(?)-+=.,)=)/(,BA,?.//9)=F=.*9,(*)6()*+,)
Upper West Side.
:<*)6*)+=-(C*)=J2=7-)A,,()*+6-)2=7)0/.):,;.<4=>,(4/D)$+,)QRB7,=.B/J?8)2+/) 2=-)A/.()6()*+,)S/(,*-4)&,K6/()/0),=-*,.()%4.=6(,8)J,0*)*+,)P/<(*.7)0/.)(,=.A7)
Poland in 201 , the year Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine – beginning a pe.6/?)/0)F./J/(K,?)AJ//?-+,?)6()*+,)P/<(*.7C-)S/(,*-4)=(?)T<+=(-4).,K6/(-D)N,)
moved to the United States a few years later, in 201 . :,;.<4=>,(4/)*/J?)*+,)T/-)#(K,J,-):=J?,)*+=*)+,)+=-)A,,()PJ/-,*,?)9/-*)/0) +6-)J60,D):<*8)*+./<K+)-/P6=J)9,?6=8)+,)-=6?)+,)J,=.(,?)*/),9A.=P,)+6-)G<,,.)6?,(B tity.
HU+,()E)-*=.*,?)*/)?/)P/(*,(*8)E)?6?(C*).,=JJ7)-+/2)97)K=7)-6?,8L)+,)-=6?D)H:<*8) =*)-/9,)F/6(*8)E)V<-*)46(?)/0)?6>,?)6(*/)6*D)E)-=2)*+,.,)2,.,)=)J/*)/0)F,/FJ,)2+/) could relate to me. And, in fact, I do change a lot of people’s lives.” S6-P<--6/(-)-<../<(?6(K)*+,)TW:$X)P/99<(6*7)=(?)-/P6=J)9,?6=)/0*,()0/P<-) /()P7A,.A<JJ76(K)=(?)+=*,)-F,,P+D)N/2,>,.8)-/9,).,-,=.P+)+=-)-+/2()*+=*)*+,) 6(*,.(,*)P=()=J-/)F./>6?,)TW:$X)F,/FJ,8)F=.*6P<J=.J7)7/<*+8)=)-=0,)-F=P,)*/),@B plore themselves – especially if they come from an unsupportive environment.
According to a study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, -,@<=J)96(/.6*6,-)A,*2,,()YZ)=(?)Y[)7,=.-)/J?)9/.,)/0*,().,F/.*,?)V/6(6(K)=) K./<F)/.)2,ABA=-,?)P/99<(6*7)*/)9=4,)*+,9-,J>,-)0,,J)J,--)=J/(,)P/9F=.,?) to their heterosexual peers. An Australian survey of people aged 1 to 21 found ?6K6*=J)-F=P,-)F./>6?,)=()6?,=J)F.=P*6P,)K./<(?)0/.)TW:$X)7/<*+)*/)P/9,)/<*8) ,(K=K,)26*+)K=7)P<J*<.,8)-/P6=J6;,)26*+)/*+,.)TW:$X)7/<*+)=(?),@F,.69,(*)26*+) nonheterosexual intimacy. &/--)I<..=78)>6P,)F.,-6?,(*)/0)*+,)WT##S)I,?6=)E(-*6*<*,8)-=6?)TW:$X)F,/FJ,) often use social media to find people like them. He said it can be very easy to feel isolated, but “social media helps you find and realize that you’re not alone.”
On the flip side, Murray said, social media is also used to broadcast who you =.,D)H3/<)P=()A,)*+,)/(,)2+/)6-)-+=.6(K)7/<.)J60,8)A,6(K)7/<.)=<*+,(*6P)-,J08) *=J46(K)=A/<*)*+,)V/7-)=(?)-*.<KKJ,-8)-/)*+=*)/*+,.)TW:$X)F,/FJ,)P=()J,=.()*+=*8L) he said.
:,;.<4=>,(4/)+=-)-,,()A/*+)-6?,-)O)6(-F6.,?)A7)TW:$X)P.,=*/.-)=(?),9F/2B ered by making content that celebrates who he is.
HE)J//4,?)=*)-/9,)F,/FJ,)2+/)2,.,)A,6(K)K=7)/()-/P6=J)9,?6=)=(?)-+/26(K) *+,6.)J60,8L)+,)-=6?D)HE)0,J*)J64,8)\/+8)97)K/-+8)*+,.,)=.,)-/)9=(7)K=7)F,/FJ,DC)#(?) they’re not feeling it’s a disadvantage, they make the best out of it.”
$+=*C-)(/*)*/)-=7)-/P6=J)9,?6=)6-(C*)=()6(P.,=-6(KJ7)?=(K,./<-)FJ=P,)0/.)TW:$X) people. GLAAD, for example, recently analyzed the five major social media platforms – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, ouTube and TikTok – finding none scored over a 0 for LGBTQ safety, privacy and expression. TikTok – the second 9/-*)F/F<J=.)0/.9)/0)-/P6=J)9,?6=)=9/(K-*)*,,(-8)=PP/.?6(K)*/)],2)&,-,=.P+)O) scored the lowest, with . H$+6-)6-)*+,)?=.4)-6?,)/0)>6-6A6J6*78)E)K<,--8L)I<..=7)-=6?D)H$+,)9/.,)>6-6AJ,)7/<) get, the more of a target you become.”
I<..=7)-=6?)-/P6=J)9,?6=)6-)=)FJ=P,)2+,.,)2,)F<*)/<.-,J>,-)/<*)*+,.,D)U,)?/)6*) 0/.)=()6(*,(?,?)=<?6,(P,8)+,)-=6?8)J64,)F,/FJ,)2,)P=(),?<P=*,8)P/90/.*)/.)K<6?,D) H:<*)*+=*)P=()A,)-,,()A7)=(7/(,8L)+,)-=6?D)H#(?)*+=*)A,6(K)-,,()A7)=(7/(,)=J-/) then can turn into a weaponization.”
:,;.<4=>,(4/)O)2+/)?=AAJ,?)26*+8)A<*)<J*69=*,J7)=A=(?/(,?8)-/P6=J)9,?6=) A,0/.,)P/96(K)/<*)O)-=6?)0,=.)/0)/(J6(,)+=.=--9,(*)4,F*)+69)0./9)F<.-<6(K)6*) 0/.)9/-*)/0)+6-)J60,D)N,)-=6?)+,)=J2=7-)2=(*,?)*/)?/)-/P6=J)9,?6=8)A<*)+6-)A6KK,-*) fear was that he would be bullied for how he talked or walked, like in school. N6-)J60,)P+=(K,?)?.=-*6P=JJ7)6()QZY^)=-)2=.),.<F*,?)_Z)96J,-)0./9)+6-)+/9,)6() *+,)%4.=6(6=()P6*7)/0)S/A./F6JJ7=D):,;.<4=>,(4/8)2+/)2=-).=6-,?)A7)+6-)9/*+,.) and grandparents, was 1 at the time and had just finished high school.
In an attempt to salvage his country’s lost influence in Ukraine, Russian President ladimir Putin invaded and annexed Crimea on the northern coast of the :J=P4)`,=)6()I=.P+)QZY^D)$+,(8)F./B&<--6=)-,F=.=*6-*).,A,J-)A,K=()-,6;6(K)*,..6B tory in the eastern part of the country. But as fighting with the Ukrainian military intensified, the rebels started losing – causing Russia to invade eastern Ukraine 6()#<K<-*)QZY^D)#-)/0)`,F*,9A,.)QZY^8)9/.,)*+=()Q8RZZ)%4.=6(6=(-)+=>,)A,,() killed.
:,;.<4=>,(4/)2=(*,?)*/)A<6J?)=)J60,)0/.)+69-,J0D)1/*)/(J7)2=-)*+,.,)2=.8)A<*) +,)=J-/)-=6?)+,)4(,2)+,)2=-)K=7)=(?)O)*+/<K+)+,)-=2)*+,)P/<(*.7)9=46(K)-/9,) efforts toward LGBTQ tolerance – ultimately didn’t see Ukraine as a place where +,)2/<J?)A,)P/90/.*=AJ,D
“I knew I did not belong in Ukraine, and I always wanted to go away,” he said. :,;.<4=>,(4/)-=6?)+6-)%4.=(6=()6?,(*6*7)6-)P/9FJ6P=*,?)O)+,)+=-(C*)0,J*)=) -*./(K)P/((,P*6/()*/)*+,)P/<(*.7)-6(P,)+,)J,0*)6*)6()QZY^D)">,()26*+)*/?=7C-)2=.)6()
!" !"!#$%&'(&)!*+,!*-**!"!.$/0#1&.&/(.02&34$' !"#$%&"
'*/-0%#-&*12'3-425 ho o n re re o
%'()*+,-./,.01*22.34,0+51. 6,,2.).01(4+7.0,+0,.46. Ukrainian identity.
8+.!,9(:)(;.46.1/*0.;,)(-. <:1*+.)++4:+=,3.).>0?,@ =*)2.A*2*1)(;.4?,()1*4+B. *+.1/,.=4:+1(;.C.1/,.D)(. 01*22./)0.+4.,+3.*+.0*7/1E. F,)(2;.G.A*22*4+.%'()*+*@ ans have fled the country 0*+=,.&:00*)50.*+H)0*4+-. making it the worst refu7,,.=(*0*0.*+.":(4?,.0*+=,. I4(23.I)(.88E.&:00*)./)0. also been accused of war crimes.
J,K(:')H,+'4.01*22./)0. 6)A*2;.*+.%'()*+,E.8+.6)=1-. his uncle is fighting in the D)(E.>8.34+51.(,)22;.A*00. %'()*+,-.)+3.8.34+51.(,@ )22;.D)+1.14.2*H,.1/,(,-B. /,.0)*3E.>J:1.8.34+51.D)+1. 1/,A.14.9,.:+3,(.1/,. bumps.”
J,K(:')H,+'4.0)*3./,. 1/*+'0./*0.0,+0,.46.%'()*+*)+.*3,+1*1;./)0.6)3,3.9,=):0,./,.A4H,3.6(4A.1/,. =4:+1(;.)1.).;4:+7.)7,E.L,.0)*3.0*+=,.A4H*+7.14.#A,(*=)-.1/,.6,,2*+7./)0.6)3,3. even more.
>M;.D/42,.)3:21.2*6,-.8.D)0.4:1.46.1/,(,-.04.8.6,,2.2*',.85A.?(49)92;.A4(,.#A,(*@ can than Ukrainian at this point,” he said.
N4./,.=4:23.2,)H,.1/,.=4:+1(;-.J,K(:')H,+'450.6)A*2;.C.D/4./,.D)0.+41.4:1.14. C.94((4D,3.A4+,;.)+3.0,+1./*A.14.I)(0)D-.<42)+3-.D*1/.).1/(,,@A4+1/.)224D@ )+=,E.O+4D*+7.2*112,.<42*0/-./,.D)0.0,1.14.01)(1.)1.1/,.%+*H,(0*1;.46.M)+)7,A,+1E L,.0)*3./,./)3.14.>/:012,B.*+.<42)+3E.8+.)33*1*4+.14.0=/442-.J,K(:')H,+'4. worked two jobs at a time – working for months without a day off. At one point, he was expelled from school for poor attendance. He was later readmitted.
>8.3*3+51./)H,.).=/4*=,-B./,.0)*3E.>8150.+41.2*',.8.3*3+51.D)+ didn’t have time.”
#61,(.0*Q.A4+1/0.46.9,*+7.*+.I)(0)D-.J,K(:')H,+'450.A41/,(.P4*+,3./*AE.$/,;. 0/)(,3.).0A)22.01:3*4.)?)(1A,+1.D*1/.+41/*+7.14.02,,?.4+.9:1.).0A)22.=4:=/E.L,. worked during the day while his mother worked nights. “There was no time for anything,” he said. “It was just working.”
Bezrukavenko worked several jobs in Warsaw – from distributing flyers to be*+7.).(,=,?1*4+*01.)+3.0)2,0.)004=*)1,E.>R4:.'+4D-.*1.04:+30.1,((*92,.9:1.*1.D)0.). good time,” he said.” I had a dream and I was saving money for America.” #61,(.1/(,,.;,)(0.*+.<42)+3.C.D*1/.4+2;.STUU.*+./*0.?4=',1.C.J,K(:')H,+'4.
moved to the U.S. in 201 . His mother stayed back in Warsaw. 8+.1/,.;,)(0.0*+=,-.J,K(:')H,+'4./)0.A4H,3.=4)01.14.=4)01.C.01)(1*+7./*0.P4:(@ +,;.*+.V=,)+.W*1;-.M)(;2)+3-.1/,+.F,D.R4('.W*1;.X64(.4+,.3);Y-.1/,+.W/*=)74-. then Los Angeles, then Austin, until he ended up in Manhattan.
“I did a circle kind of,” he said.
#22.1/,.D/*2,-./,.D4(',3.*+.(,01):()+10-.=)22.=,+1,(0.)+3.(,1)*2.C.14.+)A,.).6,D. – to make ends meet.
Z:(*+7.1/*0.?,(*43-.J,K(:')H,+'4.D)0.=240,1,3E.I/*2,.2*H*+7.*+.I)(0)D-./,. (,A,A9,(0.1,22*+7./*0.A41/,(./,.D)0.7);E.N/,.0:77,01,3.1/)1.).?0;=/4247*01. =4:23./,2?./*AE
A;.9,01.6(*,+3.)22.A;.2*6,E.J:1.0/,.01*22.=4:23+51.9,2*,H,.1/)1.8.D)0.7);-B.J,K(:')@ venko said. “So we kind of forgot about it.”
#61,(./)H*+7./*0./,)(1.9(4',+.*+.#:01*+.C.1/4:7/./,.0)*3.*1.>D)0+51.(,)22;.1/)1. 9(4',+-.8.D)0.P:01.9,*+7.[3()A)1*=\B.C.J,K(:')H,+'4.=)A,.4:1.14./*0.A41/,(. again. This time went smoother than the last.
>#61,(.8.=)A,.4:1.14.A;.A4A-.8.D)0.P:01.2*',-.8.P:01.+,,3.14.=4A,.4:1.C.8.P:01. need to get it over with,” he said.
J,K(:')H,+'4.?:92*=2;.=)A,.4:1.)0.7);.*+.).H*3,4.?401,3.4+.W/(*01A)0.]U]U. while living in Austin. In it, he held the LGBTQ Pride flag over his shoulders. Within three hours, the video had 00,000 views. >8.1/4:7/1.*+.A;./,)3-.8.A)',.).?(492,A.64(.A;0,26.9,*+7.7);-B./,.0)*3E.>I/;. don’t I look at it as not a problem but an advantage ” L,.0)*3.1/)1./*0.2*6,.=/)+7,3.).241.)61,(.?401*+7.1/)1.H*3,4-.04A,1/*+7.1/)1. shocked him. He began to grow on all different platforms – like TikTok, Insta7()A.)+3.R4:$:9,.C.0/)(*+7./*0.014(;-.34*+7.^_J$`@1/,A,3.H*3,40-.?401*+7.04@ called “thirst traps” and doing comedy.
J,K(:')H,+'4.)204.+41*=,3.1/)1.A)+;.?,4?2,.4+2*+,.D,(,.)2(,)3;.0);*+7./,. D)0.7);E.!4(.,Q)A?2,-./,.0)*3./,.()+.).R4:$:9,.=/)++,2.*+.<42*0/.)94:1.2*H*+7.*+. #A,(*=).D/*2,./,.D)0.=240,1,3E.#0.1/,.=/)++,2.7(,D-.04.3*3.1/,.+:A9,(.46.?,4@ ple saying he acted gay – which, at the time, made him feel ashamed.
>$/,;.D4:23.0);.8.)A.7*H*+7.W/,(-B./,.0)*3-.(,6,((*+7.14.).H*()2.N/)D+.M,+3,0. H*3,4-.D/,(,.1/,.0*+7,(.1423./*0.1/,+@7*(26(*,+3.W)A*2).W)9,224.1/)1.>*150.7*H*+7. W/,(EB.$/,.A,A,.*+H*1,3.*+)??(4?(*)1,.P4',0.)94:1.M,+3,05.?(,0:A,3.0,Q:)2@ ity.
J:1.)0.*1.1:(+,3.4:1-.J,K(:')H,+'4.0)*3-.9,*+7.:+)?4247,1*=)22;./*A0,26.4+.1/,. internet set him free and racked up more views.
>8.(,)2*K,3.)1.1/*0.?4*+1-.D/;.34.8./*3,.A;0,26aB./,.0)*3E.>8./)H,.).H,(;.:+*b:,. perspective.”
F4D-.J,K(:')H,+'4.*0.2*H*+7.*+.M)+/)11)+.D*1/./*0.94;6(*,+3-.A)*+2;.=(,)1*+7. content on TikTok, Instagram and OnlyFans.
Bezrukavenko recently teamed up with a fellow gay influencer, StanChris, to film a series of videos later seen on TikTok and Instagram.
>L,.0,,A0.(,)22;-.(,)22;.A41*H)1,3.C.)+3.8.(,)22;.2*',3.1/)1-B.W/(*0-.D/4.)0',3. the Blade to use his first name only, said. “He’s like, go, go, let’s work. And he’s always thinking of new ideas and stuff.”
$/,.1D4.A,1.)61,(.W/(*0.+41*=,3.).H*()2.8+01)7()A.(,,2.J,K(:')H,+'4.?401,3E. I/,+.W/(*0.=2*=',3.4+.1/,.)==4:+1-./,.+41*=,3.J,K(:')H,+'4./)3.)2(,)3;.)1@ tempted to DM him. So he wrote back, and the two began communicating.
W/(*0-.D/4.2*H,0.*+.F,D.L)A?0/*(,-.D)0.*+.F,D.R4('.64(.).0')1,94)(3*+7.,H,+1. and suggested that the two meet in person to film videos. After spending some 1*A,.*+.J,K(:')H,+'450.)?)(1A,+1-.1/,.1D4.,A9)(',3.4+.).+*7/1.*+.1/,.=*1;E >I,.D,(,.P:01.*+1,(H*,D*+7.()+34A.?,4?2,-.)0'*+7.1/,A.b:,01*4+0.64(.A4(,. 0/4(1.H*3,40.14.A)',-B.W/(*0.0)*3E.>#+3.D,.941/.741.A:21*?2,.H*()2.H*3,40.6(4A. doing that, so we had some good energy, good vibes, good luck.”
J,K(:')H,+'4.0)*3./,.*0.64=:0*+7.4+.A)'*+7.7);.=4+1,+1.64(.7);.?,4?2,E.>8. (,)2*K,3.)1.04A,.?4*+1.1/)1.1/,(,.*0.+41.,+4:7/.7);.=4+1,+1.C.1/)1.1/,(,.*0.+41. enough good representation,” he said.
L,.34,0./)H,.4+,.)==4:+1-.#(1.*+.1/,.<)('.C.).$*'$4'.?)7,.D*1/.4H,(.c]U-UUU. 64224D,(0.)+3.+4(1/.46.d.A*22*4+.2*',0.D/,(,./,.*+1,(H*,D0.?,4?2,.4+.1/,.01(,,10. 46.F,D.R4('.W*1;.C.D*1/.1/,.?:(?40,.46.=)?1:(*+7.).D*3,(.):3*,+=,E.$/4:7/./,. /)0.=4A,.14.24H,.*+1,(H*,D*+7.?,4?2,-./,.0)*3./,.*0.)204.64=:0,3.4+./*0.^_J$`@ themed comedy on his personal accounts.
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>8.34+51.D)+1.14.0);.85A.).(,2*7*4:0.?,(04+-.9:1.8.6,,2.2*',.1/,(,50.04A,.?4D,(-B. /,.0)*3E.>8.1423.A;.A4A.).241.1/)1.8.6,,2.2*',.[A;.94;6(*,+3\.D)0.0,+1.14.A,.9;.A;. 7()+3?)(,+10EB
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In addition to being the first woman elect&:)/7&)4/);7&)/&8=-:).3+8J)'=34;484+-)4-);7&) city’s 2 1-year history after the legendary Thomas Bradley who served as the 8th Mayor of Los Angeles from 19 to 199 .
The congresswoman’s victory comes on ;7&)7&&3/)=5)=-&)=5);7&)?=/;)&K'&-/4<&)8+?2 '+4C-/)&<&,)8=-:98;&:)4-);7&)84;B()I7&)!=/)$-2 geles Times reported the 9-year-old Bass +874&<&:)<48;=,B):&/'4;&),&+3)&/;+;&)?+C-+;&) Rick Caruso spending more than 100 million of his own fortune on his mayoral bid, shattering 3=8+3)/'&-:4-C),&8=,:/)+-:)'9?'4-C)',&<4=9/3B) unprecedented sums into field outreach and T
ren e ec e r o n or o o n e e e o e re e o r e er hoo in
The City of West Hollywood is expressing outrage and sadness at this weekend’s deadly mass shooting at an !F.IR)-4C7;839>D)#39>)RD)4-)#=3=,+:=)N',4-C/D)#=3=,+:=)4-) which at least five people have been killed and 2 people have been injured. The City has lowered its flags to half-staff 4-),&?&?>,+-8&)=5);7&)34<&/)3=/;)4-);7&)?+//)/7==;4-C( City officials are working with the West Hollywood Station of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and the .3=8J)>B).3=8J)N&89,4;B)$?>+//+:=,/)',=C,+?);=)&K'+-:) patrols in the City’s Rainbow District. The City is asking its residents: If you see something, say something: anyone with safety concerns is urged to contact the Sheriff’s Station 2 at 10 8 -88 0 or, in an emergency, always call 911. “I’m horrified by the news of the shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs,” said Mayor Lauren Meister. “The LGBTQ community, is, once again, being targeted. West Hollywood is a safe haven for LGBTQ people and we are committed ;=)',=;&8;4-C)=9,),&/4:&-;/D)>9/4-&//&/D)+-:)<4/4;=,/()N+:3BD) ?+//)/7==;4-C/)7+<&)>&8=?&)+),&+34;B)4-);74/)8=9-;,B)+-:) we are working with our law enforcement and our businesses to heighten awareness and increase preparedness ;=)&-/9,&);7&)/+5&;B)=5)=9,)8=??9-4;B()H9>348)/+5&;B)?9/;) >&)=9,)-9?>&,2=-&)',4=,4;B()S4;7)7+;&,/)&?>=3:&-&:)>B) -+;4=-+3)'=34;48/)+-:)+-;4O9+;&:)C9-)'=3484&/D);7&)#4;B)?9/;) ,&?+4-)/;&+:5+/;)4-)4;/)8=??4;?&-;);=)',=;&8;)4;/)!F.IR)
community and LGBTQ rights. My thoughts today turn to the families, friends, and loved ones of the victims.”
“I woke up to the awful news of another mass shooting at an LGBTQ nightclub,” said Mayor Pro Tempore Sepi Shyne. “Five members of our community were killed and others were injured in Colorado Springs at Club Q. My heart goes =9;);=);7&4,)5+?434&/()T)5&&3)/=)/+:)5=,);7&)7+;&);7+;)=9,)8=?2 munity continues to endure. West Hollywood stands united against hate and gun violence.”
“As Americans, we are all sickened by this attack,” said Councilmember John D’Amico. And instinctively we know that until sensible gun legislation and gun ownership regulations are in place these acts of domestic terror will not end.”
“My heart is broken for the victims and their families of the horrific attack in Colorado Springs on the eve Transgender Day of Remembrance,” said Councilmember John M. rickson. “We can draw direct lines from the growing hatred +-:)<43&),7&;=,48)+>=9;)U!F.IR)'&='3&)/',&+:)>B)&K;,&?2 4/;/)+/);7&):4,&8;)8+9/&)5=,);74/)+;;+8J()TL?)/&-:4-C)+33)?B) 3=<&);=);7=/&)4-:4<4:9+3/);7+;)'9;);7&4,)>=:4&/)=-);7&)34-&) to subdue the gunman and praying for everyone involved.”
“My heart breaks at the news of another senseless shoot4-CD)=-8&)+C+4-);+,C&;4-C)=9,)!F.IR)5+?43BD);74/);4?&)4-)#=32 orado Springs,” said Councilmember Lindsey P. Horvath.
Caruso, , outspent Bass more than 11 to 1 but was ultimately unable to prevail as a former Republican in a sapphire-blue California city.
The campaign towards the end before election day because rancorous as the two candidates traded accusations and as the Times noted: … as both candidates fought fire with fire. Much of the bombardment centered around =-&)=5);7&)?=/;)',=?4-&-;)',4<+;&)4-/;4;9;4=-/)4-) the city, with Bass and Caruso attacking their op'=-&-;L/),&3+;4=-/74'/);=)/8+-:+3/)+;)MN#()#+,92 /=)+3/=)74;).+//)5=,)+)/'&&87)/7&)C+<&)',+4/4-C) N84&-;=3=CB().+//)+-:)7&,)/9''=,;&,/)5,&O9&-;3B) hammered Caruso for his Republican past, with her allies branding him as a “liar” and a “phony.” I7&)!($()#=9-;B)%&C4/;,+,2%&8=,:&,P#=9-;B) Clerk’s office is expected to certify the results on 1&8()Q( #$%&'()*+*,-.*
“We must act boldly and with courage to root out hate and ',=;&8;)=9,)8=??9-4;B)?&?>&,/D)+-:);=);+J&)=-)+)893;9,&) that allows gun violence to ravage our country. The City of West Hollywood is taking action to evaluate whether any 8,&:4>3&);7,&+;/)&K4/;)+/)+),&/93;)=5);74/)/&-/&3&//)/7==;4-CD) +-:);=)',=;&8;)=9,)8=??9-4;B)?&?>&,/)+;)+33);4?&/()H3&+/&) contact the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station to report any concerns.”
News of the Club Q mass shooting comes as the City of West Hollywood and its Transgender Advisory Board recognize November as Transgender Awareness Month, and as ;7&)#4;B)7=/;&:)+-)4-2'&,/=-)I,+-/C&-:&,)1+B)=5)%&?&?2 brance Ceremony which featured a reading of names to memorialize people who have been murdered as a result of +-;42;,+-/C&-:&,)<4=3&-8&(
This weekend’s mass shooting, for many in the LGBTQ community, carries echoes of the June 201 Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida that left 9 people dead, 8 people injured, and countless other lives affected. That shooting became known as the site of the deadliest mass shooting in US history, as well as the deadliest incident of <4=3&-8&)+C+4-/;)!F.IR)'&='3&)4-);7&)-+;4=-(
T-)+)',&//),&3&+/&)+)84;B)/'=J&/'&,/=-)-=;&:);7+;)/4-8&)4;/) incorporation in 198 , WeHo has become one of the most influential cities in the nation for its outspoken advocacy on LGBTQ issues. More than 0 percent of residents in West Hollywood identify as LGBTQ and three of the five members of the West Hollywood City Council are openly gay.
I7&)#4;B)7+/)+:<=8+;&:)5=,)-&+,3B)5=9,):&8+:&/)5=,)?&+2 /9,&/);7+;)/9''=,;)!F.IR)4-:4<4:9+3/()$::4;4=-+33BD);7&)#4;B) 7+/)+)3=-C/;+-:4-C)74/;=,B)=5)/9''=,;4-C)C9-)8=-;,=3)?&+2 /9,&/)+4?&:)+;)89,>4-C)C9-)<4=3&-8&D)&-7+-84-C)'9>348)/+5&2 ;BD)+-:)9,C4-C)5&:&,+3)+8;4=-)=-)C9-)8=-;,=3( /$%0(,12//($*3%$1,
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e 42$*5(#2,, i ho o rre e r n en er o e e r nce herin i h c n e i h i i or ic i o he hoo in e ho o ro er
"'()*+,'-&))-".(*/012-332-41)-56'-+7+8)04)(-/'-41)-56+++1,,4/'9-64-41)-&:;#<-=.7>-<-.64)-?647*(6@-'/914-4164-.)A4five dead and at least 19 people injured has been arrested on 10 felony counts.
%'./')-0,7*4-*)0,*(+-/'-B41-C7(/0/6.-D/+4*/04-6'(-E.-F6+,County Combined Courts show that Aldrich has 10 charges levied against him stemming from the shooting. Five felony counts of first degree murder and five felony counts of bias-motivated crimes causing bodily injury.
In a press briefing, Colorado Springs Police Chief Adri6'-G6+H7)I-+6/(-41)-+7+8)04-*)56/'+-1,+8/46./I)(-6+-,AWednesday morning. asquez added the suspect had not made any statements to CSPD investigators despite attempts to interview him.
JI haven’t heard that he has not been cooperative, just simply that he has determined not to speak to investiga4,*+2K-G6+H7)I-+6/(2-6((/'9-1)-)L8)04)(-016*9)+-M,7.(->)formally filed Jrelatively soon after” the suspect is released A*,5-41)-hospital.
Two of the five victims fatally shot in the Saturday mass +1,,4/'9-64-41)-=.7>-<-'/9140.7>-M)*)->6*4)'()*+-D)**/0NRump, also a co-owner of the bar, and Daniel Aston.
JI cannot believe this is happening in a place we call a safe space we had that taken from us tonight. My heart is shattered,” Carzsa Maestas wrote.
JClub Q is where I started my drag career. It’s my home bar. This is absolutely beyond devastating and I pray to God that everyone there tonight is OK.”
son at my table.”
?1)-+6/(-41)-.6+4-M,*(+-4164-+1)-+6/(-4,-1)*-A*/)'(-M)*)2JBe safe. I love you.”
JShe was like a trans mother to me. I looked up to her,” Bingham said. JIn the gay community you create your families, so it’s like I lost my real mother almost.”
The remaining two victims in the Club Q mass shooting were identified as Ashley Paugh, , and Raymond Green, whose mother confirmed his death to the Colorado Springs Gazette newspaper.
The Gazette reported that Paugh, a -year-old wife and mother of an 11-year-old daughter, had driven from La Jun46-4,-=,.,*6(,-?8*/'9+-M/41-6-A*/)'(-?647*(6@-6'(-M)'4-4,=.7>-<-4,-+))-6-0,5)(/6'-8)*A,*52-1)*-+/+4)*2-?4)816'/)Clark, said.
In a Facebook post, the owners of the local Atrevida Beer Company, a microbrewery, said that Green, who was dating the daughter of the owners, was killed while he, his girlA*/)'(-P6++@-6'(-86*)'4+-M)*)-0).)>*64/'9-6->/*41(6@-,A-6mutual friend.
On Monday, a joint operation between police and the city of Colorado Springs corrected the totals to five fatalities. Seventeen people sustained gunshot wounds, another person injured in another manner and one victim with no visible injuries but considered a victim.
The situation was very chaotic on Sunday, city spokesperson D’Onofrio told the Gazette, which led to the change in numbers. The Gazette also reported that the shooting Jcer46/'.@-16+-6..-41)-4*688/'9+-,A-6-164)-0*/5)2K-600,*(/'9-4,-
Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers and the state’s former attorney general, but additional investigation needs to take place, he added.
A second transgender victim was later identified. Kelly Loving, 0, a transgender woman who her sister, Tiffany Loving, said Jwas a kind person, she was loving, always fighting for people.”
Tributes poured in to both men on social media. Local =,.,*6(,-?8*/'9+-(/9/46.-0*)64,*-6'(-81,4,9*681)*-"5>)*Duffy, who along with her husband Dustin were regulars at the club, posted on Facebook about both victims.
JO)-M6+-,7*->6>@-6'(-1)-M6+-,7*-@,7'9)+42K-1/+-5,41)*2Sabrina Aston, told KRDO, a Colorado Springs television station, when speaking about her son. Posts on social media showed an outpouring of grief for the 28-year-old transgender male bartender.
$'-6-8,+42-JMy heart hurts for them,” a local drag performer wrote offering a tribute to Aston, a trans man who recently moved to Colorado Springs from his native Oklahoma.
?6>*/'6-"+4,'-()+0*/>)(-1)*-+,'-6+-6>.)-4,-56N)-A*/)'(+quickly after moving because of Jhis magnetic personality.” According to Aston’s social media, the 28-year-old had his top surgery in 2021.
Tiffany Loving was told of her sister’s death Sunday by the FBI. In an interview with KRDO, a Colorado Springs television station, Kelly Loving said:-JI’ve just always been like her mother, wanting to guide her. I had just got off the phone with her that same day. We had video calls that same day. She was a kind person, she was loving, always fighting for people.”
KRDO and the New ork Times report that Kelly Loving’s friend, Natalee Skye Bingham, 2 , who is also trans, had just finished speaking with her before the shooting began.
JShe was a tough woman,” Bingham said. J?1)-467914-5)how it was to be a trans woman and live your life day to day.”
;/'9165-6(()(-4164-41)-4M,-M,5)'-16(-N',M'-)601other for years, going back to when they both lived in Florida.
JI’m so devastated because she was such a good person,” said Bingham. JShe was going to be at my house for Thanksgiving this upcoming Thursday and, now, it’s one less per-
The police searched the suspect’s home in Colorado Springs and seized items, Suthers said, adding that the investigation also will include a search of his social media and interviews with people he knew.
In a late afternoon press briefing, law enforcement and the civic leadership of Colorado Springs spoke to reporters updating the investigation into the mass shooting at Club Q on Saturday.
Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers, the state’s former attorney general, expressed his and officials’ gratitude for the outpouring of sympathy and offers of support from his city’s residents and the entire Pikes Peak region.
Aboard Air Force One en route to U.S. Marine Corps Air ?464/,'-=1)**@-F,/'4-/'-!,*41-=6*,./'62-Q1/4)-O,7+)-F*)++-
Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters:
J arlier this afternoon, President Biden had the opportunity to speak with Colorado Gov. Jared Polis following the deadly shooting in Colorado Springs over the weekend. The president extended his condolences and offered to provide support in any way that would be helpful.
-JO)-0,55/44)(-4,-0,'4/'7/'9-4,-8*)++-=,'9*)++-A,*-6'assault weapons ban because thoughts and prayers are just ',4-)',7912K-Jean-Pierre said.
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LOSANGELESBLADE.COM • NOVEMBER 25, 2022 • 11 Come Over to and Join the Action. Hosting. We’re 10 DAYS FREE FUN FOR EVERY NEW GUY
Kelley Robinson convened a press briefing on Monday '()*+,-.,-/-0)1)(2-/+3,45+64716+108+01)(4016+&9:#;+18< vocacy groups and gun violence prevention organizations to discuss the deadly shooting over the weekend at an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs.
“We are, of course, having this call under the worst of circumstances,” Robinson said, expressing her heartbreak and outrage in personal terms “as a wife, a mother, and a member of the LGBTQ community.”
Around the same time, news outlets reported that hate crime charges were filed against the suspected gunman who killed five people and injured at least 19 others when he opened fire with an assault style rifle in Club Q late Saturday night.
tersectional approach to the work, in a manner consistent with her prior leadership as executive director of Planned Parenthood Action Fund and professional background as a community organizer.
On Monday, Robinson – along with the other speakers – urged collective, decisive action to stem the escalating tides of hateful rhetoric, online misinformation and disin34,51)(40=+108+2(46-07-+108+)*,-1)/+43+2(46-07-+8(,-7)-8+ at LGBTQ people. They focused their comments on how these factors work together to raise the likelihood of violent attacks like that which happened on Saturday.
Likewise, they said solutions must involve a diverse array of stakeholders: lawmakers and social media companies tasked with fighting online hate, misinformation, and disinformation; law enforcement agencies responsible for enforcing existing gun laws; and groups representing vulnerable communities that are disproportionately impacted, like trans women of color and LGBTQ youth.
“What we saw this past year is that our opposition gets intersectionality,” Robinson told the Blade. “They are coming for us, for all of us,” she said, citing as examples the Supreme Court’s decision revoking Americans’ constitutional right to abortion, the hateful rhetoric of Fox News host Tucker Carlson, and recent spate of statewide anti-LGBTQ bills.
“They are launching an intersectional attack against us and trying to divide our power,” she said. “And we are going to fight back together, because ultimately we are stronger together.”
she said.
Still, Robinson said she is realistic about the challenges that lie ahead. Asked what keeps her up at night, she said it’s how high the stakes are: “This is truly a matter of life and death for so many people,” she said.
Just a couple of weeks ago, when Robinson sat down for an interview with the Washington Blade, she was smiling for much of the conversation. For one thing, she was looking forward to the official start of her tenure as president of the Human Rights Campaign . On Nov. 28, she will become the first Black queer woman to serve in that role leading the nation’s largest LGBTQ organization.
#*-+(0)-,2(-'+16/4+715-+40+)*-+*--6/+43+1+5(8)-,5+-6-7< tion cycle that had seen record turnout among LGBTQ voters and historic firsts for LGBTQ candidates. Additionally, by then it had become clear that by the year’s end Congress would likely pass the landmark Respect for Marriage Act, which carries significant legal protections for same-sex couples.
#40-+108+)-04,+1/(8-=+*4'-2-,=+)*-,-+'1/+6())6-+81>< light between Robinson’s words and actions following the mass shooting and her comments during that Nov. 10 interview, during which she pledged to lead HRC with an in-
From her vantage point as a queer Black woman, Robinson said intersectionality is not just a theory relegated to academia but rather a fact of life. It also happens to also be exceptionally effective in engendering concrete change through movement building and coalition building, she said.
For these reasons, Robinson said HRC is focused on political advocacy at the federal, state, local, and grassroots levels. And the organization is expanding its programs in other areas that are designed to, for example, make schools more welcoming environments for LGBTQ youth, empower trans people in the workplace, and hold employers as well as municipalities to account for their policies concerning treatment of, respectively, LGBTQ employees, residents, and visitors.
Likewise, with respect to the organization’s impact litigation work, intersectionality is front and center, Robinson said. HRC’s attorneys are working with other legal 17)4,/+108+-0)()(-/+(0+)*-+542-5-0)+-74/>/)-5+40+71/-/+ involving everything from protecting the rights of the incarcerated to fighting back against anti-LGBTQ state laws,
“People are hurting right now. We may be in a different phase of the pandemic, but it’s not over for people. The impact that it’s had for people’s work lives, the impact it’s had for our mental health, all of that lingers and is present…I can’t tell you the number of people that have come up to me in tears about their kids, worrying about their kids, worrying about their trans kids who are getting kicked out of sports and told they’re different when they’re five, six, seven, eight years old. They’re worried about their gay kids and if they’ll be able to love the peo.6-+)*1)+)*->+7*44/-+)4+642-+108+/)(66+6(2-+(0+)*-+/)1)-/+)*1)+ they call home.”
However, Robinson said, “there’s a unique opportunity for us to do something about it right now. We’ve built the political power. We have the organization. We’re so close to having the political leadership that we need in office to get some stuff done. So, this is one of those moments where it just feels like there’s so much on the line, there’s such a sense of urgency. But the hope and optimism is coming from the fact that we’re not done.”
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. famously proclaimed that “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice,” but “that doesn’t happen by accident,” Robinson said. “We’ve got to pull it and push it and prod it, and I’m proud to be part of that struggle and that legacy fighting for freedom; fighting for change.”
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From the AIDS crisis in which we fought an indifferent government and hostile neighbors. To an untold number of previous attacks on our bars and clubs, including the 19 firebombing of ?9:'$E+?5A=C'#<FBL:'AB'0:;'"=4:5BC'?95?'DA44:>'OP'L5G'J:B6'8<'
enduring the playground taunts and everyday slurs that go along with being “different” in this country.
We were horrified, too, about what happened at Pulse, though not as shocked as our straight counterparts. They will never know ;95?'A?QC'4AD:'?<';54D'?9=<FL9'4AM:';A?9'5'E:=J5B:B?'?5=L:?'<B'G<F=' K5@D6'8<'E5FC:'K:M<=:':5@9'?<F@9R'?<'9:CA?5?:'K:M<=:':N@95BLABL' 5'9FL'<='DACC';A?9'5'E5=?B:='<='CE<FC:6'8<'@54@F45?:'K:M<=:'@<JABL' <F?'5?';<=D6'8<':B>F=:'?9:'SF>LJ:B?54'C?5=:C';9:B'@9:@DABL'AB' at a hotel or booking a restaurant reservation on alentine’s Day. 8<';54D'5=<FB>'?9:'K4<@D2'C@5BBABL'?9:'C@:B:'K:M<=:'JFC?:=ABL' the nerve to walk into a gay bar. To be insulted, mocked, beaten up just for loving someone of the same sex. We’ve all been there. So much has been written in recent years about this “post-gay” world in which we supposedly live. A world in which there’s no need for LGBT-identified spaces like bars, clubs, coffee shops, bookstores and, yes, newspapers, because we’re “integrated” and “accepted” now.
T95?'95EE:B:>'AB'"=45B><'AC'5'9:5=?K=:5DABL'=:JAB>:='?95?' there’s no such thing as “post-gay,” and that our spaces are sa@=:>6'T9:=:'<F?CA>:=C'C::'<B4G'5'K5='<='@4FK2';:'C::'5'@<JJFBA?G' @:B?:='<='?9:'E45@:';9:=:';:'M<=J:>'<F='@4<C:C?'M=A:B>C9AEC'<=' met our significant others. Our bars and clubs have played a heroic role in supporting the community, serving as gathering plac:C'AB'?AJ:C'<M'?=AFJE9'5B>'?=5L:>G'5B>'9:4EABL'?<'=5AC:'@<FB?4:CC' dollars to fund our causes, to fight HI , to aid our own. When the government turned its back, the first dollars raised to fight AIDS @5J:'M=<J'?9:'K5='5B>'@4FK'C@:B:6
89:'5??5@D'AB'"=45B><';5C'5B'5??5@D'<B'544'<M'FC'K:@5FC:'?9:=:QC' a Pulse in every city in this country. A place where we can let our
guard down, be ourselves, embrace our friends and kiss our partners openly. We need those places because regardless of whether you live in Dupont Circle or rural Alabama, there is a risk in engaging in public displays of affection if you’re LGBT.
A look at the public response to the Orlando massacre reveals just how much work lies ahead. The Florida governor has tried to erase LGBT identity from the attack. We can’t even get validation in death in some quarters. The lieutenant governor of Texas ?;::?:> homophobic Bible verses on the morning of the attack G:?'C<J:9<;'C?A44'95C'5'S<K6'#5C?';::D2'K:M<=:'?9:'5??5@D2'.:E6'.A@D'
Allen R-Ga. read a Bible verse on the U.S. House floor that calls for the death of gay people. Shortly after, the House voted over;9:4JABL4G'?<'=:S:@?'5'CE:B>ABL'KA44'?95?'AB@4F>:>'>AC@=AJAB5?A<B' E=<?:@?A<BC'M<='#HI8';<=D:=C6
ven those Republicans who have issued milquetoast statements offering “thoughts and prayers” are left to reconcile those sentiments with their own voting records hostile to LGBT causes. The presumptive GOP nominee for president, whose name I can’t bear to include in a tribute to Orlando, @45AJC to care about what happened, yet has pledged to nominate Supreme Court justices committed to overturning the marriage equality ruling.
Hillary Clinton is right this isn’t the time for politics. As we C?=FLL4:';A?9'9<;'?<'=:CE<B>'?<'?9:'J5CC5@=:'5B>'?<'?9<C:';9<' ;<F4>'>:J<BAU:'5B>'>AC@=AJAB5?:'5L5ABC?'FC'5B>'@5C?'FC'K5@D' AB?<'?9:'@4<C:?2';:'C9<F4>'=:CAC?'?9:'F=L:'?<'45C9'<F?'5B>'=:CE<B>' simply with love.
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One of the remarkable people I’ve met here this week, Pastor I=:A2'C5A>'A?'K:C?V
“Have faith and believe that evil and hate can be eradicated one person at a time. How do you treat someone How do you embrace someone who treats you wrong We all bleed, laugh, hope and have great victories and major defeats. And so, you know me, even if you don’t know my name I’m you.”
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We witnessed that last year in the Buffalo, N. . mayor’s race where a Dem.3%$*'3#<.3'$0'&*#/.(#*-"#5"+.3%$*'3#G%'+$%7H#$(,#*-"(#/$&#,"1"$*",#'(#*-"# "0"3*'.(#I7#$#/%'*"2'(#+.,"%$*"#5"+.3%$*8#9(#E"/#F.%:#C'*7#*-"#+.,"%$*"#3$(2 ,',$*"H#N%'3#@,$+&H#/.(#*-"#+$7.%K&#%$3"8#
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It’s good that Rep. Hakeem Jeffries D-N. . , who will most likely be the new Y'(.%'*7#V"$,"%H#'&#$#+.,"%$*"8#J-"%"#'&#$#&*.%7#.(#@;C#E"/&#$I.4*#*-"#G.*"(2 *'$0#("/#0"$,"%&-'G#.1#*-"#5"+.3%$*'3#3$434&#'(#*-"#P.4&"#.1#W"G%"&"(*$*'M"&8# “Jeffries, first elected in 2012, has long been considered Pelosi’s heir apparent, %'&'()#*-%.4)-#*-"#%$(:&#*.#0$(,#$#G"%3-#'(#*-"#G$%*7K&#P.4&"#0"$,"%&-'G8T 9(#$#&*$*"+"(*#$1*"%#6"0.&'K&#&G""3-#.(#J-4%&,$7H#-"#3$00",#-"%#Q*-"#+.&*# $33.+G0'&-",T#&G"$:"%#'(#*-"#3.4(*%7K&#-'&*.%7#I4*#,',#(.*#$004,"#*.#-'&#./(# plans. A 2-year-old descendant of enslaved people, Jeffries could be a poten*'$0#-'&*.%72+$:"%#-'+&"01#'1#5"+.3%$*&#%"*$:"#*-"#P.4&"#'(#14*4%"#3730"&`#P"# would be the first Black speaker. Jeffries has a reputation as a capable opera*.%#'(&',"#*-"#3.(1"%"(3"#/'*-#&-$%G#+",'$#&:'00&#*.#&"00#$#5"+.3%$*'3#+"&&$)"# to the public and a penchant for referencing Biggie Smalls in floor speeches . P./"M"%H#-"#3.40,#1$3"#&.+"#.GG.&'*'.(#1%.+#*-"#+.&*#M.3$0#G%.)%"&&'M"&#'(# *-"#P.4&"H#/-.#0$I"0",#-'+#$#3"(*%'&*8#Q9K+#$#;0$3:#G%.)%"&&'M"#5"+.3%$*#3.(2 cerned with addressing racial and social and economic injustice with the fierce 4%)"(37#.1#(./8#J-$*K&#I""(#+7#3$%""%H#*-$*K&#I""(#+7#L.4%("7#$(,#'*#/'00#3.(2 *'(4"#*.#I"#$	#+.M"#1.%/$%,#1.%#-./"M"%#0.()#9#-$M"#$(#.GG.%*4('*7#*.#&"%M"8# J-"%"#/'00#("M"%#I"#$#+.+"(*#/-"%"#9#I"(,#*-"#:(""#*.#-$%,20"1*#,"+.3%$*'3# socialism,” he told The Atlantic last year.”
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If Democrats are to retake the House and win the presidency in 202 , we will ("",#+.,"%$*"#3.()%"&&'.($0#3$(,',$*"&#$(,#$#+.,"%$*"#*.#-"$,#*-"#*'3:"*8# P"b&-"b*-"7#3$(#I"#1.%#+.M'()#1.%/$%,#0")'&0$*'.(#.(#30'+$*"#3-$()"H#V\;Jc# "S4$0'*7H#3-.'3"H#$(,#$#-.&*#.1#.*-"%#'&&4"&#*-$*#G%.)%"&&'M"�':"d#I4*#*-"7#3$(K*# I"#&""(#$�"1*2/'()#.%#&.3'$0'&*8#91#*-"7#$%"H#5"+.3%$*&#/'00#0.&"8
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“I love science fiction This is really my bag, and I’ve never done anything like it before ” Created by Scott B. Smith, who co-executive produced the show alongside “Westworld” creators Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy, the show is a mystery-thriller set not just in one future but in two. Beyond the depressingly prescient dystopian one inhabited by protag1&+-2)K":&&#)K+-.#()LM."1N)E(%8#)O1(#2BP)"+#-)%&12.#(6)3(14)<.+8.)2.#)-7(5+5+&,)(#4&%&2-) of humanity employ advanced computer technology to reach back and alter the past. The stakes are high – there’s an apocalypse involved and a complicated, “Black Ops”-style secret war going on between factions struggling for control makes them even higher. ven 31()-14#1&#)<.1)'1#-&C2)"11J)31()2.#-#)2.+&,-6)2.#)%""#,1(+8%")8140%(+-1&)<+2.)17()1<&)
world is impossible to miss; but then science fiction, done right, has always been a prime ,#&(#)31()4%J+&,)-18+%"6)87"27(%"6)%&')01"+2+8%")8144#&2%(:)A)%&')%72.1()E+/-1&6)<+'#":) credited with creating the whole “cyber-punk” genre, knows how to do it right. Billings recently spoke with the Blade about the show, among other things. Our conver-%2+1&)+-)/#"1<Q
#$%&': It’s refreshing to see you in something like this. We’re not used to seeing such strong representation in these kinds of stories.
%$'(%)&*%+#,$$,)-.: Usually, if trans characters were in sci-fi in the past, we were 0"7,,#')+&)A)2.#:)<#(#)8+-,#&'#()8.%(%82#(-)2.%2)2(%&-)0#10"#)0"%:#')%&')2.#&)2.#:)27(&#') trans. But Lowbeer is written as a trans woman. That was extraordinary, and it was thrilling to me.
#$%&': She’s a very strong presence. #,$$,)-.Q)R.#C-)J+&')13)%),7+'#6)%&')-.#)%"-1).%-),(#%2)01<#()A)&12)4:-2+8%")01<#(6) or magical, but intellectual. And that’s one of the wonderful things about this show that I want to stress – it’s very female-centric, very female-heavy. There’s gender identity that +-)%''(#--#'6)2.#(#)%(#)<14#&)13)81"1()2.%2).%5#),(#%2)01<#()%&'),(#%2)-2(#&,2.)%&') intellect. These are smart, witty, competent, capable women. No female depends on any 12.#()01<#()#$8#02)2.#+()1<&)21)/#)%/"#)21)-7(5+5#)+&)2.#)<1("')13)2.+-)-21(:6)%&')9)2.+&J) that matters, too.
#$%&': Did you ever imagine you would be playing a part like this in a mainstream Hollywood project #,$$,)-.: Oh no, God, no. When I first came to Hollywood, there were five of us, ba-+8%"":6)4#)%&')M%&'+-)%&');%5#(&#)%&')>(%8#);+-#22#6)%&')%)8170"#)13)12.#()0#10"#6)%&') that was it. very time there would be an audition for a trans person – which was usually 1&#)13)7-)+&)2.#).1-0+2%"6)1(),1+&,)21)2.#).1-0+2%"6)1(),#22+&,)(#%':)21),1)21)2.#).1-0+2%"6)1() something that had to do with the hospital – we would always meet each other. We finally just formed a little brunch club, we were like, Let’s just get together after the next audition and go out. We might as well have food.’
Back then, there was just no concept of the transgender experience, because trans people were not writing any of these shows. ou can’t have someone who’s never been 2.(17,.)%)"+5#')#$0#(+#&8#)0(#2#&')2.%2)2.#:C5#)"+5#')2.%2)#$0#(+#&8#6)+2)'1#-&C2)4%J#)%&:) sense. Now, with more trans writers, more trans producers and showrunners in Hollywood, things are starting to change. But this was a shock. I was shocked when I heard
about this character, and really shocked when I read the script. It really is brilliant.
#$%&': That’s just one aspect of the show that feels forward-thinking. Don’t you think the whole concept of a future world influencing our present day really strikes a chord with the rise of a younger generation that is primed and ready to take the wheel #,$$,)-.: I think what this show does is that it shines a light. It’s a reflection of a human #$0#(+#&8#)2.%2)+-).%00#&+&,)01"+2+8%"":6),"1/%"":6)<.+8.)+-)2.#)2%J#15#()13)(+,.2#17-&#--6)13) our idea of what is helpful to the community – and what isn’t.
We have a whole shift that is happening in the United States right now, which is a younger generation – the Gen s – saying I don’t like the way a lot of the country talks about 3#4%"#)#401<#(4#&26)9)'1&C2)"+J#)<.%2):17C5#)'1&#)21)2%J#)%<%:)%721&14:)31()3#4%"#) bodies or choices, I don’t like the way you talk about gender. There’s a whole bunch of stuff that I don’t like, so I want you out.” It’s why this blue wave’ happened – because of them. >.#(#)<%-)2.+-)<.1"#)81&-#(5%2+5#)415#4#&2)/#31(#)2.#)4+'2#(4-)2.%2)<%-)-7001-#')216) like, take over, and it just fizzled out and died. I think this is just the tip of the iceberg.
#$%&': Let’s all hope you’re right. There’s such a disheartening backlash in some pockets of our country over queer rights in general. We still even have fight to preserve marriage equality.
#,$$,)-.: We have this whole group of people out there talking about traditional marriage.’ That means nothing. I want to tell them, Nothing exists inside that container – how far back do you want to go when you say traditional’, do you still want to be able to vote Stop being an idiot.’
#$%&'Q)!-)-14#1&#)1&)2.#)/%22"#)"+&#-6)<.%2)'1)<17"'):17)"+J#)21)-##)31()2.#)3727(#)13) trans representation #,$$,)-.Q)D#)&##')21)/#,+&)21).%5#)81&5#(-%2+1&-)2.%2)%(#)-1)&1(4%"+B#')%/172)2.#) transgender experience that we no longer talk about the transgender experience. We need to have an over-abundance of trans and nonbinary stories, of trans and nonbinary <(+2#(-6)0(1'78#(-6)'+(#821(-6)8(#%21(-6)+&&15%21(-6)2#""+&,)2.#+()1<&)-21(+#-)A)-1)4%&:)13) them that the cis-white-heteronormative patriarchy finally needs to step aside. That’s what needs to happen.
#$%&': That seems like a hard sell to the people still holding onto the reins of power. #,$$,)-.: When I say things like that, all of Hollywood takes a huge intake of breath. They think it’s impossible. They can’t conceive of that to be true because they think, What about M stories What about me As if there was a shortage of those.
Look at Candace Cameron, who quit Hallmark and just came out and said, I’m going to honor traditional marriage on my new channel, and those are the stories I’m going to tell.’ What she’s saying is, These two heteronormative cisgender people are the norm, that’s what we’re going to draw a circle around. Those are the only people that are going to be (#0(#-#&2#'6)2.%2C-)<.%2)<#C(#)2#""+&,)#5#(:)-+&,"#)S7##():172.)1&)2.#)0"%)+-)2.#)2.+&,)21) be.’ That’s the message so everybody else needs to move aside That doesn’t make you a trailblazer, it makes you a coward.
#$%&': There’s another “C word” that comes to mind. #,$$,)-.: Laughing That too. ou can watch “The Peripheral” on Amazon Prime.
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56789!:67;<=<7>?6!@?<A9! eer he ci enre in B5@?!C?6;A@?67<D !"#$%&'(%)*+""+&,-)1&)+&8(#%-+&,) (#0(#-#&2%2+1&)+&)T1"":<11' #/+012)+3%4$+5,)%$'(%)&*%+#,$$,)-.!;8! B5@?!C?6;A@?67<,D EC@F:F!GFH6:?9I!&J7>F8!C6;J?K
!"#$%&%'((&%)'&*)+(,-'#. /"-&0"1%&230+(+'1&+#&40'-+*3&+#& %)'&(31%&*'#%5-67&%)3%&831&%)'&039+0& %"&(+:'&;6<&%)'&=+,1&3-'&"#&3&#'',>%"> know basis and since they’re kids, %)'6&,"#$%&#'',&%"&=#"8.&4#,&1"& 8)3%&,+,&6"5&0+11?&!+,&6"5&=#"8& 3;"5%&230+(+3(&@)+(3#%)-"@67&-';'(> (+"#7&'0;3--3110'#%7&@":'-%6?&41&+#& the new memoir, “The Family Outing” ;6&A'11+&B'0@'(7&,+,&1'*-'%1&;'%8''#& @3-'#%&3#,&*)+(,&-5#&;"%)&8361?
“What happened to me ” That’s the big question Jessi Hampel had after many therapy sessions to rid herself of a recurring nightmare. She had plenty of good memories. Her recollection of growing up in a secure family with two siblings 831&1)3-@7&831#$%&+%?
She thought so – until she started what she called “The Project.”
With permission from her parents and siblings, Hempel set up Skype 3#,&C""0&1'11+"#1&3#,&,+,&"#'>"#> "#'&+#%'-:+'81&8+%)&)'-&230+(67&%"&%-6& %"&5#,'-1%3#,&8)6&)'-&@3-'#%1&,+> :"-*',7&8)6&)'-&;-"%)'-&='@%&0"1%(6& %"&)+01'(27&)"8&%)'&230+(6&,6#30+*1& 8'#%&38-67&8)6&)'-&1+1%'-&='@%&)'-& ,+1%3#*'7&3#,&)"8&1'*-'%1&0'11',& everything up.
Hempel’s father had an inkling as a young man that he was gay, but his own father counseled him to hide it. When he met the woman who would eventually be his wife, he was delighted to become a husband and father, as long as he could sustain it. ears before, Hempel’s mother was your typical 19 0s teenager with a job at a local store, a crush on a slightly older co-worker and, coincidentally, a serial killer loose near her Michigan neighborhood. Just after the killer was caught, she realized that the co-worker she’d innocently flirted with might’ve been the killer’s accomplice.
One secret, one we-don’t-discuss-it, and a young-adult Hempel was holding something close herself. What else didn’t she know Why did she and her siblings feel the need for distance She was trying to figure things out when the family imploded.
ver had a dream that won’t stop visiting every night That’s where author Jessi Hempel starts this memoir, and it’s the perfect launching point for “The Family Outing.”
Just prepare yourself. The next step has Hempel telling her mother’s tale for which, at the risk of being a spoiler, you’ll want to leave the lights on. This account will leave readers good and well hooked, and ready for the rest of what turns out to be quite a detective 1%"-6.
4#,&6'%7&+%$1&3&8361&3836&2-"0&%)'&D)'-("*=+3#.&E'3,'-1&=#"8&8)3%$1&3)'3,7&8'&=#"8&%)'& score before we get there, but the entwining of five separate lives in a fact-finding mission makes this book feel as though it has a surprise at every turn.
Sometimes, it’s a good surprise. Sometimes, it’s a bad one. A happily minimized amount of profanity and a total lack of overtness make “The Family Outing” a book you can share with almost anyone, adult, or ally. Read it, and you’ll be wanting to tell everyone.
!"#$%&'()*+%,-.)/01%2%3$(4)56% !"#$%&&'#(%)*%+ c.2022, HarperOne F !"#$%% F 20 pages BOOKS ,%-#.//0#%1*+/2%&#')*345#/6# 63)'+"#&%42%5& Her father was hiding his sexual orientation 7+%"899:%;<=>:<=8?38@89 789:,;<7<9!7:=<>?8@#A#,8B<@!<C#DEF#DGDD#A# AB
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But, on that morning, Ambroz remembers, when he was fi ve, he and his seven-yearold sister Jessica and six-year-old brother Alex were freezing. Mary, their mother was 65'5#5<C$+572&<<C$(<<F$G35C$95#5$3"+5<566F
Ambroz draws you into his searing memoir with his fi rst sentence. “I’m hungry,” he 9#(256$(7$235$6(+H<5.$4#(832575).$H5#=5H2('5$'"(=5$"4$&$+&<7"1#(635).$63('5#(78$<(22<5$ ,"CF
As it got dark and colder, Ambroz recalls, he walked with his family, wearing “clown(63<C$<U@$675&A5#6$:H<1=A5)$4#"+$235$2#&63F@$
Five-year-old Ambroz remembers that the night before his family got lucky. They had )(775#$K+&=$&7)$=35565M$&2$&$=31#=3$:9(23$&$65#+"7$"7$235$6()5F @$$ :L5$35&#)$235$62"#C$"4$235$23#55$A(786$,#(78(78$8(426$2"$235$,&,C$N5616.@$*+,#"-$ 9#(256F
But the next day they’re still homeless and hungry. Talk about no room at the inn. oung Ambroz doesn’t know the word “death,” but he literally worries that he and 3(6$4&+(<C$9(<<$)(5F$!#"-57.$3178#C$&7)$(7'(6(,<5$2"$17=&#(78$H &665#6,CF
Ambroz’s mom, a nurse, is occasionally employed and able to house her family in dilapidated apartments. But she’s soon ensnared by her mental illness, unable to work. G357.$35#$4&+(<C$(6$3"+5<566$&8&(7F
Until, he was 12, Ambroz and his siblings were abused and neglected by their moth5#F
Ambroz doesn’t know as a young boy that he’s gay. But, he can tell he’s diff erent.
Instead of playing street games with 235$"235#$A()6.$*+,#"-$<(A56$2"$H<&C$ :)"=2"#@$9(23$&7"235#$,"C$(7$235$ 75(83,"#3"")F
B&#C$25<<6$3(+$,5(78$8&C$(6$6(741<$ and that you’ll die from AIDS if you’re O155#F
?(6$+"235#.$3&'(78$)5=()5)$23&2$ he’s Jewish, makes Ambroz undergo &$,&)<C$,"2=35)$=(#=1+=(6("7F$*2$"75$ H"(72.$635$,5&26$3(+$6"$,&)<C$23&2$35$ falls down a fl ight of stairs.
*2$P0.$*+,#"-$#5H"#26$23(6$&,165$2"$ the authorities and he’s placed into 235$4"625#$=$6C625+F
If you think this country’s foster =$6C625+$(6$&$6&45$3&'57$4"#$"1#$ nation’s 0,000 kids in foster care, *+,#"-$9(<<$69(42<C$=12$23#"183$23&2$ +(6H5#=5H2("7F
From ages 12 to 1 , Ambroz is ric"=3525)$23#"183$&$65#(56$"4$&,16('5.$ 3"+"H3",(=$4"625#$H<&=5+5726F
Q75$652$"4$4"625#$Hᙞ$2#C$2"$ +&A5$3(+$+"#5$:+&=3".@$#572$3(+$ "12$2"$9"#A$4"#$4#55$4"#$235(#$4#(57)6$ and withhold food from him. At another placement, a counselor watch56$&7)$)"56$7"23(78$&6$"235#$A()6$ ,5&2$3(+$93(<5$31#<(78$8&C$6<1#6F
G3&7A41<<C.$*+,#"-$+5526$?"<<C$ and Steve who become fabulous fos25#$HᙞF$*+,#"-$3&6$,557$&,165)$ and hungry for so long he fi nds it 3&#)$2"$17)5#62&7)$23&2$35$=&7$5&2$93&25'5#$35$9&726$&2$235(#$3 "+5F
Through grit, hard work and his intelligence, Ambroz earned a bachelor’s degree 4#"+$R&66&#$>"<<585.$9&6$&7$(725#7$&2$235$L3(25$?"165$&7)$8#&)1&25)$4#"+$235$S>T*$
School of Law. Before obtaining his position at Amazon, he led Corporate Social Re6H"76(,(<(2C$4"#$L&<2$%(675C$G5<5'(6("7F
U12$7"75$"4$23(6$=&+5$5&6(<C$4"#$3(+F$>"+(78$"12$9&6$3&#)$4"#$+&7C$TVUGW$H5"H<5$ in the 1990s. It was particularly diffi cult for Ambroz.
In college, Ambroz is deeply closeted. He’s ashamed to reveal anything about his past K8#"9(78$1H$3"+5<566$&7)$(7$4"625#$=M$&7)$3(6$65I1&<(2CF$
At one point, he’s watching T , along with other appalled students, as the news comes on about Matthew Shepard being murdered because he was gay. Ambroz can see that everyone is enraged and terrifi ed by this hate crime. et, he’s too ashamed to #5'5&<$&7C23(78$"4$3(6$65I1&<(2CF
Over Christmas vacation, Ambroz decides it’s time to explore hi s sexuality.
G5<<(78$7"$"75.$*+,#"-$2&A56$&$2#&(7$2"$B(&+(F$G35#5.$35$8"56$3"+5$9(23$&$+&7$K93"$ 35$+5526$"7$&$,16M$93"$#&H56$3(+F
“I run in no particular direction just away from this monster,” he recalls. “When I get back to my hotel room, I’m bleeding...I order food delivered bu t can’t eat any of it.”
“A Place Called Home” has the power of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” and Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring.”
Ambroz’s writing becomes less powerful when he delves into the weeds of policy. But 23(6$(6$&$+(7"#$O1(,,<5F
Ambroz is a superb storyteller. Unless you lack a heartbeat, you can’t read “A Place >&<<5)$?"+5@$9(23"12$9&72(78$2"$)"$6"+523(78$2"$=3&785$"1#$4"62 5#$=$6C625+F
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