Inside Marjorie Taylor Greene’s feud with gay Hill stafer
speaks for frst time since becoming target of harassment, page 10

speaks for frst time since becoming target of harassment, page 10
Lindsey P. Horvath was sworn in as Third District Supervisor on Monday at the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration.
Former West Hollywood mayor Abbe Land administered the oath of office in the Board chambers among County officials and close family and friends of the new Supervisor.
“It is with great honor and humility that I accept this call to serve as Supervisor for LA County’s Third District, with a clear understanding that more must be done. I would not be here today without the support of my family, my friends, my colleagues, and my allies. Thank you for believing in me, and for believing in this moment,” sai per isor or ath his seat oes not be ong to me it be ongs to the peop e of the hir istrict s the oar s th member an th oman oin them all in writing the next great chapter of history for Los Angeles County.”
Horvath previously served as a City Councilmember and the longest consecutively serving Mayor for the City of West Hollywood. She is the youngest woman to ever be elected to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors and the first millennial and only renter to serve on the historic all-female Board.
For more than 100 years, the Board of Supervisors was run primarily by five men. In November 2020, the residents of Los Angeles County elected Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell to represent the Second District, which marked a significant turning point in the make-up of the Board.
Horvath will oversee the Third District, which includes much of the west side, most of the San Fernando Valley, the one o a e , the anta onica o ntains a the way to the Ventura County line, with the northern border including Chatsworth and Porter Ranch.
FROM STAFF REPORTShe bo of ear o a o as as isco ere ast Thursday in Malibu. According to the Los Angeles County heri s epartment, ost i s tation ep ties recei e a call for service in the 33000 block of Mulholland Highway regarding a person down call at approximately 7:30 a.m. When responding deputies arrived, LA County Fire Paramedics were on scene treating the victim. he ictim as prono nce ecease at the scene
Her body was found in Mulholland highway around 7:45 am Thursday. My family and I went to the police station to f e a report on a missing person in hopes she as on missing since she stopped responding to texts and calls.
“Her boss from work called saying she didn’t show up to work so we knew something was wrong. She also had moved back in with us so when she didn’t arrive home for t o a s e kne there as a prob em nce e fn ished the report I got a call a few hours later from the homicide hotline saying the body they found matched my sister’s.
“They don’t know exactly how she died which has been unsettling for my mother, father, my little brother and I. In hopes she would be found alive she was not.
“She recently started living her life authentically as she came out to friends and family about being a trans woman. She was the most forgiving person who strongly a ocate for rights he ha so m ch o e for family and friends and she saw the good in everyone. Despite some people treating her with disrespect because she fna starte being ho she tr as she ne er is respected anyone- she was too pure and kind to ever treat anyone with disrespect.
the tragic loss of Day Rodas, our colleague and friend, and express our deepest condolences to her family and loved ones. Day was a vital member of the Center, working within our Community Health Program, and she orke e ote ring her ten re to keep peop e e cate , informe , an safe
“We are so proud of the work that Day did for the Center an o r comm nit hort after oining o r team, a anno nce that she i entife as a transgen er woman. Her colleagues and family alike have expressed that Day seemed like she was beginning a new chapter— one here she co fna be her a thentic se f o have her life cut short in this moment—and under such troubling circumstances—makes her loss all the more heartbreaking
he os nge es o nt heri s omici e n estiga tors initially determined that the deceased was a woman but then in a statement said the descendant was a male adult, with no obvious signs of trauma. The statement added that cause of death was pending and will be determined by the LA County Department of Medical Examiner-Coroner at a later time.
n a o n e post ma e on n a to raise mone for her funeral expenses, her sibling Susie Rodas wrote: “Hi my name is Susie Rodas my older sister Day Rodas has passed away and the death still remains unknown.
“She was 27 but only six months ago, she started living a thentica st for it to be o er too soon fter being afraid for 27 years, she only got to live freely without fear for only six months which breaks our hearts. My father and I are the only ones who work and after this tragedy I ha to ca o a fe eeks of ork since on t ha e the strength to go. So as of right now, we are making less money and my father works at a car wash and during this season where it rains he does not get any hours in. Any money that is donated will go to the funeral and memorial expenses. Thank you so much.”
In an emailed statement to the Blade Monday, Joe Holen oner, of the os nge es enter sai , e at the os nge es enter are eep sa ene b
“We cannot honor the life of Day Rodas without naming that violence against transgender people—particularly transgender women of color—is at an all-time high. Her passing comes shortly after Transgender Day of Remembrance, where we mourned at least 38 people in our community who we lost to acts of violence. We are witnessing a rise in anti-trans political rhetoric and cultural phobias that contribute to hate crimes against transgender people, many of which go unsolved.
“In the moments following Day’s passing last week, she was repeatedly misgendered by authorities and the local news media. We categorically condemn such carelessness, and we will do everything in our power to make sure these forces recognize our colleague as she deserves.”
The LASD also said there is no suspect or suspect vehic e information he in estigation is ongoing an c r rently, there is no additional information. Anyone with information about this incident is encouraged to contact the os nge es o nt heri s epartment s omici e Bureau at 323-890-5500.
BRODY LEVESQUEOut Assemblyman Rick Zbur (D-51, West Los Angeles) along with the rest of the incoming freshmen California Assembly lawmakers was sworn in Monday at half past noon, then immediately announced the appointments of his ke sta an then intro ce his frst t o pieces of legislation.
ntro cing his ne sta that he has hire to ser e the constit ents of ssem bly District 51 in his Capitol an istrict ces b r said in an emailed statement to the Blade:
hese e icate p b ic ser ants ha e the kno e ge an ski s to e i er on m promise to pro i e top a it constit ent ser ices an egis ati e proposa s for m istrict oth of m o ces are open an rea to ser e on a one, ith high traine professiona s ho n erstan the istrict an the apito n his frst actions as a egis ator b r intro ce , the a ifornia shore in nerg an obs ct, to fa ci itate an e pe ite o shore in energ pro ects nec essar to combat c imate change hi e at the same time protecting the en ironment an ass ring that tho san s of high pa ing obs remain in a ifornia aims to acce erate the appro a , imp ementation, an operation of o shore in energ pro ects necessar to meet California’s climate action goals and the transition to a c ean energ econom t i c arif the a thor
it of a ifornia go ern menta agencies re ate to in energ pro ects along the California Coast, re ire e pe ite proce dures, and specify criteria for the selection of port an transmission a terna ti es re ate to o shore in energ pro ects he criteria i ens re that the en ironment an sen siti e habitats an c t r a reso rces are protecte , community participation and comment is robust, that the ma im m n m ber of obs re ate to o shore in energ pro ects are create an remain in California, and that those obs a ance en ironmenta stice an impro e the i es of all Californians.
e are eca es behin in taking the steps necessar to protect o r ki s an o r p anet from the gro ing crisis of c imate change, sai b r f e o not e pe ite the ap pro a , constr ction an operation of o shore in ener g pro ects a ong the a ifornia oast, e i not meet o r c imate change goa s am conf ent that e can b i con sens s to acce erate o shore in , an at the same time protect o r coast an sensiti e habitats an ass re that the tho san s of high age obs are create an remain in a ifornia a ifornia has the opport nit to emonstrate that bo c imate action is the economic engine that can po er a rob st an socia st econom , he sai
e a so intro ce , the afe an pport i e choo s ct, hich i ass re that teachers an schoo sta are better e ippe to s pport an a st dents.
, the afe an pporti e choo s ct, i he p e ip teachers an schoo sta ith the too s an train ing the nee to s pport st ents an make a ifornia schoo s safer an more s pporti e for a st ents, teachers, an schoo sta
The bill will specify a timeline for implementation by all a ifornia schoo s of c t ra competenc training for teachers an certifcate sta c rrent n er e e op ment b the a ifornia epartment of cation
his is the res t of a b get proposa a ance b a it a ifornia an perinten ent of b ic nstr c tion on h rmon an appro e in b the egis a t re an o ernor e som in an is sponsore b a it a ifornia
er st ent eser es a safe an s pporti e earning en ironment, sai the ssemb member mpro ing o r schoo s is a ke part of the strateg e nee to re ce the high ropo t rates that ea to a c c e of home essness, po ert an hea th e being ispari ties e perience b the comm nit r teachers an schoo sta ant to s pport their st ents, an this bi i better e ip them to he p an a st ents reach their highest potentia , he a e
“These bills are among my top priorities as I honor the tr st that the peop e of ssemb istrict p ace in me to impro e the i es of a a ifornians an tack e o r to gh est cha enges ook for ar to orking ith the comm nit an a stakeho ers as e as m co eag es an o ernor e som on these proposa s an man others in the months ahea , b r note
BRODY LEVESQUEos nge es o nt perior o rt ge han e o n a sentence of ears in a a ifornia prison to ames o ar ackson, ho ha shot then thirt ear o an ischer, a ga professiona og a ker in o oo on eb ,
The robbery/dognapping made global headlines after it as re ea e that the t o rench ogs taken ere o ne b scar an ramm a ar inning singer tefani ermanotta, kno n as a aga ischer as a king three of the singer s ogs hen ack son shot him during a struggle and then along with an accomp ice grabbe t o of the ogs in the b ock of ierra onita en e st o nset , taking o in a ate mo e hite issan tima oor se an he a aga connection as a coinci ence, a thorities to ssociate ress he moti e as the a e of the French bulldogs, a breed that can run into the thousan s of o ars, an etecti es o not be ie e the thie es knew the dogs belonged to the musician.
According to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s ce, the sentence han e o n as part of a p ea ea
he p ea agreement ho s r ackson acco ntab e for perpetrating a co hearte io ent act an pro i es stice for o r ictim, the o ce sai in a statement o ar ha been charged with attempted murder, conspiracy to commit a robber an assa t ith a semia tomatic frearm n a ictim s impact statement ma e prior to ackson s
sentencing, Fischer said: o r honor, thank o for the opport nit to gi e m impact statement here in co rt, an for e er thing o , i che e anisee ep t istrict ttorne an the s o ce, an etecti es an a enforcement ha e one to bring these cases to comp etion t s har to be ie e that it s nearing ears since as taking sia, o i an sta o t for an e ening stro hen in an instant s en fo n m se f fghting ith e er thing ha to protect those dogs from being stolen. But it wasn’t enough: I was beaten, strangled, shot and left to die bleeding out on a sidewalk an gasping for m ife n o i an sta ere gone a so reporte that another accomp ice, aro hite, p ea e no contest on a to a co nt of e con ict in possession of a gun. White, who was in a relationship with McBride at the time, will be sentenced next year.
he co p e ha a ege trie to he p hite s son, a in hite, a oi arrest in the aftermath of the shooting a in hite an afa ette ha e ear ier this ear p ea ed no contest to robbery.
Vice President Kamala Harris and Second Gentleman o g as mho i atten the ma ora ina g ration ceremon of os nge es a or e ect aren ass on n a , ecember , he ice resi ent i ceremonia s ear in ass as the cit s r a or, becoming the frst oman an oman of co or to ser e as the cit s chief e ec ti e he ina g ration ceremon is set to begin at a m at it a ass term as ma or o cia begins on ec he ice resi ent, an on separate occasions h s ban o g mho , both ha campaigne together ast fa ith ep ass
ring a et t he ote st ent ra at ar ris to atten ees kno aren ass, arris to the cro e orke ith aren ass hen as in acramento an she as in acramento, sa ho she o tire ess fght for the peop e of this region, the peop e of o r state an the peop e of o r nation aren ass has a ong histor of a a s being on the si e of peop e, fghting for the peop e
BRODY LEVESQUEn a ength tira e on itter es a , far right e trem ist ra io chat sho host har es irk, hi e oose chan ne ing an nfo ars host e ones st e attack, ent after a ifornia tate enator cott iener, istrict im p ing that the eteran a maker en orses an s pports child molestation.
irk, , is a co fo n er of rn ing oint , a conservative righting po itica gro p aime at in enc ing college and ni ersit st ents an o ng peop e ronica , irk him se f roppe o t of arper o ege, a nior comm nit college near Chicago, itho t ha ing comp ete an egree or certifcate irk hosts a ai three ho r ra io ta k sho , ca e he har ie irk ho , on a em e ia hich is kno n for o n ing conser ati e ebsites o nha com, e tate, ot ir, an e ia, as e as itter aggregator itch , ca ing itse f a for proft hristian broa cast corporation e is a so an a i s pporter of impeache former pres i ent ona r mp, consistent refers to himse f as a ep b ican an has asserte that the concept of hite pri i ege is a m th an a racist ie e a so has sprea fa se information an conspirac theories abo t on socia me ia p atforms, s ch as itter, in
ecent irk has been attacking the comm nit on the s b ects of trans o th an a so fo o ing the ea of far right ep b ican ep ar orie a or reene, in attacking enator iener irk s attack on the senator commence ith ho san s of pe ophi es in a ifornia are going free after st a fe months in ai , thanks to the state s ra ica re ce pena ties for chi mo estation ne reason so man of these pre ators are going free so ear is a ifornia a maker cott iener hen he ent on to state in the threa hat name an
photo might ring a be iener is one of the most e ecti e a makers in the entire co ntr e s behin a ifornia s ne a that i protect parents ho ki nap their chi ren an take them to a ifornia to recei e m ti ating s rgeries iener as a so behin a ifornia s a o ering pen a ties for intentiona sprea ing to other peop e, an their a creating a thir nonbinar gen er for go ern ment documents.
f there s some horrif ing i ea re ate to mo ern gen er an se i eo og , iener has probab ritten an passe a bi abo t it in a ifornia
f e ecte ep b icans care as m ch abo t their oters concerns as cott iener cares abo t freeing pe ophi es an m ti ating chi ren, the ha e on tota ictor ong ago a ifornia has not re ce pena ties for chi mo esta tion.
enator iener respon e to irk s attacks on itter har ie irk one of the biggest attention seeking iars aro n is sprea ing ba face ies abo t me hese statements are abso te fa se efamator hese are the ies bigots ha e a a s sprea abo t peop e ies that ea to io ence against o r comm nit n an emai e statement to the a e, iener sai ea ers aro n the co ntr are n er attack b to ic, far right i eo og es an e ecte o cia s hese ta king hea s hose part performe far orse than e pecte in the mi term e ections ha e no mean ingf po ic so tions for the iss es facing o r co ntr n stea , the are foc se on s an ering an emoni ing ga an trans peop e, an sing s as scapegoats pecifca , the re emp o ing the age o s an er that peop e are threats to chi ren, an that is hat reene an irk t eete abo t me
har ie irk is a prime e amp e of this t pe of e tremist right ing grifter, an he oine ongress oman ar orie a or reene in t eeting abo t me repackage ersions of cent ries o homophobic ies irk an reene are ea ing the mo ement to s an er ga men an trans peop e as pe ophi es an groomers, an these heino s or s ha e conse ences e it the massacre at b or the eath threat st recei e this morning referencing irk s t eet, peop e e er here are e periencing an ons a ght of io ence an threats
eop e ike irk an reene are a stain on o r co ntr , an the sho be he acco ntab e for sprea ing i e, ho mophobic misinformation n his statement iener as referencing ast eek s attack b far right ep b ican ep ar orie a or reene, a ho ca e the senator a comm nist estioning iener s o a t an ser ice to both the tate of a ifornia an the she then ent on to acc se ie ner of being a groomer imp ing that the senator as a pre ator of minors for se a p rposes ass m rotect hi ren s nnocence ct to stop com m nist groomers ike this from sing state go ernment po er to take chi ren a a from their parents to a o a for proft me ica in str to chop o these conf se chi ren s genita s before the are e en o eno gh to ote iener ma e a point of ca ing o t se of the or groomer, as the ab si e reaction an fa o t from right ing so rces regar ing the mass shooting at b in o ora o prings, contin es to ratchet p against the comm nit
he or groomer is categorica an anti hate or t s s per homophobic transphobic t p a s into the s an er that peop e are pe ophi es t s no i erent than ca ing someone a fagg t f o ca someone groom er, o re inciting io ence against peop e, iener state in a t eet
a it a ifornia, the argest state i e e a rights a ocac gro p reacte to irk s smears e nes a afternoon n a te t message to the a e, a it a ifor nia spokesperson orge e es a inas sai t is isg sting b t not s rprising that a s after a mass shooting f e e b angero s rhetoric from e tremists ike ar orie a or reene, har ie irk posts ies to sprea anti hate he statements ma e are fa se, efamator an ea to io ence against o r comm nit his is another performance to b i p hatre
he organi ation ha pre io s t eete at irk efen ing the senator
his is a ie t s fa se, o ensi e an angero s the e act t pe of isinformation that has f e e io ent attacks ike the b shooting in o ora o prings hame on o , an shame on e onm sk itter o ner an for a o ing these angero s ies to pro iferate
BRODY LEVESQUEThe U.S. Supreme Court on Monday heard oral arguments in 303 Creative v. Elenis, a case that could carry broad implications for whether and in which circumstances states may enforce certain nondiscrimination rules against purveyors of goods and services.
The case was brought by website designer Lorie Smith, who sought to include a disclaimer that her company 303 Creative would not develop wedding announcement websites for LGBTQ couples, but discovered that such a notice would violate Colorado’s anti-discrimination laws, which include sexual orientation as a protected class.
Her lawsuit against the state of Colorado, argued by counsel from the anti-LGBTQ group Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), reaches the Supreme Court following the ruling against mith from the th irc it o rt of ppea s, hich create a circ it sp it ith ecisions from the th irc it an ri ona Supreme Court. A ruling is expected to come in June.
The fact pattern in 303 Creative closely mirrors the 2018 case Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, where the Supreme Court declined to rule on the broader legal questions because it found the Commission exhibited hostility toward the religious views of the bakery that refused to design a custom wedding cake for a same-sex couple.
The high court has since moved substantially to the right, with a 6-3 conservative supermajority. Colorado is one of 20 states that enforces laws prohibiting businesses from discrimination based on sexual orientation, and a ruling that would allow for broadly construed exemptions to be carved o t for frms base on their irst men ment protections would carry implications well beyond the context of same-sex marriage.
Monday’s oral arguments focused on preexisting and hypothetical cases that were presented by counsel from both parties as well as by the justices, examples whose scope and fact patterns reinforced the breadth of the legal issues at play in reati e
Colorado Solicitor General Eric Olson and U.S. Principal Deputy Solicitor General Brian Fletcher pointed to the Supreme Court’s ruling in Rumsfeld v. Forum for Academic and Institutional Rights, 2006, which found that the federal government may withhold funding from universities that, based on their objections to “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” refuse to grant military recruiters access to their resources.
ADF CEO, President and General Counsel Kristen Waggoner cited the Supreme Court’s decision in Hurley v. Irish American Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Group of Boston, 1995, which phe the right of pri ate organi ations to e c e participa tion by certain groups without interference by the state, even if that intervention by the government was for the purpose of preventing discrimination.
Much of the discussion during Monday’s oral arguments centered on what kinds of goods and services may be considered public accommodations and which constitute artistic
speech or expression by the business provider. Also at issue were questions such as whether their refusal to accommodate certain events – i.e., same-sex weddings – are tantamount to refusing goods and services to members of a protected class of people under the state’s non-discrimination laws.
ADF is designated an anti-LGBTQ extremist group by the o thern o ert a enter n amic s brief as f e in s pport of the go ernment b the corporate a frm hite & Case along with a coalition of LGBTQ rights groups and legal advocacy groups: the National LGBTQ Task Force, GLAD, the National Center for Lesbian Rights, Lambda Legal, and the Human Rights Campaign.
“Just two weeks after a shooter killed 5 people, injured , an tra mati e so man others at b in o ora o Springs, the United States Supreme Court prepares to hear oral arguments in an anti-LGBTQ public accommodations discrimination case from Colorado,” wrote the National LGBTQ Task Force in a statement addressing Monday’s oral arguments.
i eaton, the gro p s po ic irector, high ighte the im portance of public accommodations laws and condemned e orts b the opposition to ega i e iscrimination an segre gation in the marketplace. “The brief’s most important argument lifts up the powerful amicus briefs of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law,” Seaton said. “Those two briefs b enerab e ci i rights organi ations pro i e a etai e his tory of public accommodations discrimination against Black and Brown people in this country.”
“Early this morning, I was informed by the San Francisco Standard and the police that someone had issued a bomb threat against me, isting m specifc home a ress an a so threatening to shoot p m apito o ce he emai sai e will fucking kill you’ and called me a pedophile and groomer.
“This latest wave of death threats against me relates to my work to end discrimination against LGBTQ people in the criminal justice system and my work to ensure the safety of transgender children and their families. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and MAGA activist Charlie Kirk recently tweeted homophobic lies about me, falsely accusing me of supporting pe ophi es an chi m ti ation
“The extreme homophobic and transphobic rhetoric that has escalated on social media and right wing media outlets has real world impacts. It leads to harassment, stalking, threats, and violence against our community. People are dying as a result. Responsible political leaders on the right must call it out and stop tolerating it.
i a a s fght for the comm nit an for the comm nit as a ho e an i ne er et these threats stop that work.”
so rce ith the confrme the inci ent ccor ing to the tan ar s reporting on the inci ent
The email was sent by a person using the name Zamina Tataro, the email said that they placed bombs at Wiener’s San Francisco home and threatened to shoot up his acramento o ce in min tes, am i ing to die.”
The subject line read “Scott Wiener will die today,” and the author called him a pedophile and accused him of grooming children.
A week ago on the heels of a Twitter attack by Georgia far-right extremist ep b ican ep ar orie a lor Greene, (R-GA), far-right extremist radio chat sho host har es irk, hi e oose channe ing an nfo ars host e ones st e attack, ent af ter iener imp ing that the eteran a maker en orses an supports child molestation.
Kirk, 29, is a co-founder of Turning Point USA, a conservati e right ing po itica gro p aime at in encing co ege an university students and young people. Ironically, Kirk himself dropped out of Harper College, a junior community college near Chicago, without having completed any degree or certifcate
irk hosts a ai three ho r ra io ta k sho , ca e he har ie irk ho , on a em e ia hich is kno n for o ning conser ati e ebsites o nha com, e tate, ot ir, an PJ Media, as well as Twitter aggregator Twitchy, calling itself
a for proft hristian broa cast corpora tion.”
He is also an avid supporter of impeached former president Donald Trump, consistently refers to himself as a MAGA Republican and has asserted that the concept of hite pri i ege is a m th an a rac ist lie.” He also has spread false information an conspirac theories abo t on socia me ia p atforms, s ch as itter, in 2020.
Recently Kirk has been attacking the LGBTQ+ community on the subjects of trans o th an a so fo o ing the ea of far-right Republican U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, (R-GA) in attacking Senator Wiener:
Kirk’s attack on the senator commenced with: “Thousands of pedophiles in California are going free after just a few months in jail, thanks to the state’s radically reduced penalties for child molestation. One reason so many of these predators are going free so early is California lawmaker Scott Wiener.”
Wiener responded on Twitter saying: “Not even 24 hours after MAGA grifter Charlie Kirk tweeted homophobic lies about me, I received this threat repeating one of his lies. But that was the point: Riling people up against me & other LGBTQ people. Words have consequences & Twitter is becoming a cesspool for this crap”
BRODY LEVESQUEAfter more than 20 years in public service working behind the scenes on Capitol Hill, Tim Hysom never imagined he would be staring down the barrel of an Ethics Committee probe into whether he had brought discredit upon the U.S. House of Representatives.
Equally inconceivable was the barrage of intimidating and hateful messages from strangers that have persisted for months, which included credible threats of violence that prompted the U.S. Capitol Police to monitor Hysom’s home for concern over his and his family’s safety.
A longtime public servant whose career has included high prof e positions in the congressiona o ces of emo cratic eps am chi a if , an o entha a if , an ake chinc oss ass , som a so spent f e ears at the ongressiona anagement o n ation orking ith e p b ican an emocratic members of the o se an enate an ser e on the boar of the o se hief of ta ssoci ation, frst as a ice presi ent for rofessiona e e opment an ater as presi ent of the sta organi ation
Now he is still trying to piece his life and career back together after the fa o t from a con ict this s mmer ith ep b ican ep ar orie a or reene of eorgia art of that e ort, som to the ashington a e in an e c si e interview, is to go public after months of silence to tell the stor of ho the frebran congress oman, ho is poise to become a member of Republican leadership in the House ne t ear, a nche an nprece ente attack on him ith the goal, he claims, of forcing him out of Capitol Hill.
ongressiona sta are rare the s b ect of comp aints f e to the o se thics ommittee or are the often otherwise embroiled in controversies and political debates among members that attract public interest and news coverage.
he stor of reene s con ict ith som breaks from that precedent, serving as, potentially, a harbinger of what may come when she is seated alongside Republican leadership in the ne t ongress
n ebr ar , after ep arie e man h ng a transgen er ag o tsi e her oor in the ong orth o se ce i ing, reene, hose o ce as irect across the ha a , p t p a sign that rea here are gen ers r st he cience
hen a series of stickers ere p ace on reene s signs over the course of several weeks earlier this year, she referre the matter to the apito o ice, hich i entife som in s r ei ance footage as the sta er p acing the stickers on reene s signs sing a point of persona pri i ege, reene took to the o se oor in ne to rai against som then chinc oss s chief of sta hi e a monish ing the stice epartment for ec ining to bring charges against him.
reene s bse ent anno nce in that she f e a complaint with the House Ethics Committee against Hysom. Those events earned some media attention at the time, mostly from right-wing outlets, but the full story and its fallout have not yet been revealed. Nor has Hysom responded publicly before now, either through his social media or in comments to the press.
ske for comment, reene share the following statement with the a e
his has nothing to o ith his se ual preference or orientation, or the fact that he’s married to a man, but it has everything to do with the fact that he attacke me, a ember of ongress, an m irst men ment freedom of speech, my Christian beliefs and values. He also broke the law an a i ing m o ce s propert m tip e times, as ca ght on camera, and continued to do it. He’s been arrested. Unfort nate , the epartment of stice roppe the charges, but I think they should have pressed charges. It’s outrageous that a chief of sta o contin e s ch i ega beha ior, an he sho be no onger emp o e in an o ce in the fe era go ernment
som pointe o t that in the frst p ace, reene s eci sion to hang the sign seems to be a clear violation of House r es
hi e members are permitte to isp a ags ithin cer tain g i e ines o tsi e their o ces in o se o ce b i ings, a po ic p ate in stip ates that rnishings of an kin , inc ing b t not imite to f rnit re items inc ing sign-in/registration tables, pedestals, easels, carpets, rugs an mats sha es, rapes, an screens art ork, e hibits an posters an trees, o ers an other p ants ma not be p ace in a ha a or e it access
“If she can violate the standing rules of the House and hang o ensi e an ab si e materia in the ha s of ongress n er the g ise of free speech, som aske , oesn t the onstit tion a so protect m right to free speech e a e that reene s response as isproportiona in the e treme acing a sticker on a sign that isn t s ppose to be there in the frst p ace is har a high crime or mis e meanor reene ha a so h ng a sign that rea , et s go ran on ith the hashtag both s ogans se on the right as s bstit tes for the phrase, ck oe i en som sai man o se sta ers ere eep o en e b the isp a of a message so disrespectful of the sitting president of the United States, and in a public corridor of a House government o ce b i ing
As a gay man whose religious upbringing taught the importance of love and respect as Christian virtues, Hysom as a so o en e hen reene h ng the there are gen ers sign to b an ta nt e man
After requesting a copy of the House’s policy governing ecorations in the ha a s of its o ce b i ings, he p t a sticker on reene s sign, hich accor ing to som kicke o a back an forth e change hereb reene o oc casionally respond to the stickers by writing a message on the poster back to som, once signe heart ost of the stickers containe ib e erses to point o t her h pocris , he sai hen som o p t a sticker on one of ep reene s posters, she o take o n the posters to replace them with new ones.
ne sticker som p ace on reene s gen er poster rea , r e iscip es of hrist on t sa the things o sa ,
act the way you act, or treat people the a o treat peop e reene s esca ation of the matter came as a surprise, Hysom told the a e he rea it is that cha enge her hate speech in the halls of the Congress in a way that triggered her an ca se her to ha e a me t o n, he said. “Her response was to send a like-minded horde of her followers to harass an threaten me e a e , “Regrettably, there are likely to be other waves of hate and itrio , b t on t be intimi ate b her or her hate f e aco tes
irst, p rs ant to the in estigation b apito o ice, ike con cte at reene s behest, an a a it in s pport of an arrest arrant as iss e ontrar to hat ep reene to the a e, som as ne er arreste or charge ith a crime
hen, in her min te speech eno ncing som from the o se oor, reene trie to goa chinc oss into fring Hysom, while directing her supporters to bully and harass him.
Almost immediately, a deluge of threats and harassment started pouring in to Hysom’s personal and professional emai an socia me ia inbo es e recei e a threatening etter at his home a ress an of the messages containe hatef anti s rs t contin es to this a
Now that the threats have died down, at least for now, Hysom said he is unsure whether his home is still being monitored by the Capitol Police, but the hateful messages have slowed, though they have persisted.
mi the chaos fo o ing reene s speech, o entha reache o t to o er s pport to his former chief of sta an e ten e an o er for som to ret rn to his o ce in the months before the lawmaker’s planned retirement from Congress at the end of this year.
he congressman sent a statement to the a e on his e periences working with Hysom:
tan ing p to b ies an rai ing against in stice, hi e demanding equity and grace in how we treat one another, are ideals I have always aspired to. And yes, sometimes that demands what my dear friend John Lewis called ‘good troub e im has a a s fo ght for these same i ea s of stice and equality and he has demonstrated his above-and-beyond dedication to this institution more times than I can count.
“I have been honored to have him as a member of my sta , st as each of m sta ha e benefte , both persona and professionally, from working with him. The foundation of m s ccess in ongress has been the e cient an e ec ti e o ce that im b i t for me an kept r nning smooth thro gh his more than eight ear ten re ith m o ce n espite his commitment to m o ce, he has a so e icate himself to the betterment of not only this institution as a ho e, b t to the e e opment of the professiona sta that works here.
“I can say without hesitation that Congress is a better instit tion for im being a part of it
ormer ep b ican ongressman ames im homas o be, ho represente o thern ri ona in ongress for ears, ie at r a , ec of a stroke at the age of his h sban ector fonso confrme to ri ona me ia o t ets
e be ongs to so man peop e, his h sban sai thro gh tears on at r a e ga e his ife for this cit e o e cson, he o e ri ona ri ona s ep b ican o ernor o g ce or ere ags at a state b i ings be o ere to ha f sta nti s n set n a in honor of the former congressman o be as the frst open ser ing ga ep b ican in the o se of epresentati es ha ing ser e from to ring his ear ten re he ser e as chair of the bcommittee on oreign perations, port inancing an e ate rograms of the o se ppropriations om mittee
n , o be he a press conference an o te him se f after his ote for the efense of arriage ct, this ac cor ing to po itica o rna ist ake apper as o e to the fact that o be as n er the impression he as abo t to be o te b a ga p b ication
ressing a gathering of og abin ep b icans an other ga ep b icans in , he sai he i n t ant to be a poster chi for the ga mo ement
eing ga as not an is not to a m efning persona, o be sai ring his frst speech as an open ga a maker e a so sat on the nationa a isor boar of the og abin ep b icans n ho e er, o be as a signator to an amic s brief in s pport of o ert rning a ifornia s roposition n a pri ate ceremon in after being together for eight ears, o be an fonso ere marrie fonso, a anamanian nati e ho came to the nite
tates on a bright scho arship to p rs e st ies in spe cia e cation ha been a teacher for t o eca es he co p e s n ptia s ere he at a pri ate e ent at the os mos b on assach setts e in ashington
i ona enator ohn c ain ho oppose the repea of the inton era on t sk on t e po ic , hich barre mi itar ser ice b ga an esbian mericans e repeat e co sponsore a bi to scrap the mi itar s on t ask, on t te po ic at o s ith others in his part o er the iss e
o eca es ago, co not ha e imagine s ch an e ent as this o be possib e, o be to the a e in an inter ie in a of eca e ago co not imagine that o fn someone co be so compatib e ith that o ant to spen the rest of m ife ith that per son o, this is a er o o s a for both of s he co p e ha to en re a ear ong separation hen fonso ret rne to anama hi e immigration iss es ere being sorte o t, a tho gh he as grante , esi enc a so knoen as a green car o be a so batt e his frien an fe o ep b ican, r
fter he eft ongress he contin e to be acti e in e p b ican po itics in en orsing former assach setts o ernor itt omne in his race for the presi enc against then inc mbent arack bama n an inter ie ith the ashington a e at the time, o be respon e to the anti ga ang age in the raft ersion of the ep b ican art p atform n a ition to en orsing a e era arriage men ment, the p atform critici e the bama a ministration for ropping efense of in co rt an ges for re efning marriage in fa or of ga co p es o be pre icte the ep b ican p atform i be the ast one to inc e s ch ang age hat be the ast time that i be in the ep b ican ar t p atform, o be sai t on t be there fo r ears from no t s got its ast gasp on t be ie e it be there fo r ears from no ish it eren t there no , b t on t be ie e it i be fo r ears from no he iss e o er the rights of same se co p es to marr en e ith bergefe o ges, , the an mark ci i rights case in hich the preme o rt of the nite tates r e that the f n amenta right to marr is g arantee to same se co p es b both the e rocess a se an the a rotection a se of the o rteenth men ment to the nite tates onstit tion
st this eek prior to his eath, the espect for arriage ct passe the enate b a ote of
BRODY LEVESQUEor her part, reene acc se som of targeting her for her gen er an her re igio s be iefs mong the messages she share on itter ere oon i en s i prosec te peo p e for hate crimes if the are tr to stop trans strippers resse in rag from grooming chi ren at schoo s in p b ic, b t the ref se to prosec te ake ch im som for hate crimes against m faith gen er an m istrict s be iefs
n ake ch i o kno o r im som repeate targete me ha e some of the highest n mber of eath threats in on gress, ith appro o cia threats st this ear an one man on tria for tr ing to ki me o o or im som kno an of them s som one som ass re the a e he has not sent an o ne er sen threatening messages to the congress oman part from the e change o er the stickers, he sai he has ne er ha an contact ith reene or her o ce
he poster reene took to the o se oor on ne hich mis ea ing acc ses som b name of crimina con ct ith photos of him taken from s r ei ance footage as h ng o tsi e reene s o ce in ong orth since that time t is nc ear hether she bro ght it to her ne space in the annon o se ce i ing hea of o entha s retirement, som sai he s acti e ob h nting ha e some prospects, b t nothing has materia i e efniti e et, he sai t s a bit scar , b t remain hopef m an instit tiona ist an o e the o se e spent more than ears tr ing to b i p the ongress an ep reene has spent e er aking min te of the ast t o ears tr ing to tear it o n
n terms of the impact of his con ict ith reene, som sai , obo on m si e of the ais e p ts an cre ence hatsoe er into hat ongress oman reene sa s, so it s not ike peop e on m si e of the ais e be ie e p tting a stick
er on her poster as a hate crime or that a ib e erse on a sticker someho means that hate omen or hristians n the contrar , simp trie to point o t that hat the con gress oman sa s an oes are not at a hrist ike ti , the ast thing som as ooking for as a p b ic fe ith the congress oman obo that kno s me o consi er me a rabb e ro ser, he sai a king b those hatef signs e er sing e a st fna got to me co n t et it go nans ere n then, there s the matter of the o se thics ommit tee in estigation he committee is sti e iberating on hat to o ne t hese are ncharte aters, som sai ep b icans on the committee are perhaps n ike to cross reene an ote ith emocrats to ismiss the comp aint, hi e emocrats o be n ike to assist reene in her est to f rther p nish som b oting ith ep b icans to mo e for ar an impane an in estigati e s bcommittee
ith the members ea ocke , the matter co ie ith the en of the c rrent ongress, tho gh the committee co ote to e ten the case into the pcoming th ongress he o se thics ommittee ec ine to comment
magine a gro p of inners here o fn on one hite man he recent e ection in ra i not on bro ght back former resi ent a, b t a so o b e the n mbers of o t representati es in both the nation a an state egis at res t of these e ecte o cia s are omen, are ack an f e are trans here is only one white man in the group.
omen, an ack peop e ha e a a s sho case po itica ea ership in their comm ni ties t the path to occ p a space in ra i ian instit tiona po itics is often io ent an e pensi e n recent ears, man organi e socia mo ements ha e irecte their e orts to set the agen a for p b ic ebate into the intersectiona rea m an s pport comm ni t ea ers n a po ote con cte in ring the o a o ri e para e, the biggest in the or , on percent of ri e participants s r e e tho ght that i entit matters hen choosing a can i ate n , percent be ie e so espite the man obstac es an io ence the face, ra i ian ea ers are gain ing po itica po er, often being the most ot e in i i a s in their states or cities an trans omen ho on big in their cities in a ance to higher positions in o r peop e a omen ere e ecte to congress hree of them ack an t o of them trans, a ma or breakthro gh for po itica participation
n ra i , campaigns are p b ic f n e a pa ers mone goes to parties ea ership ho can prett m ch o hate er the ant ith it here are r es ma e to fght the n errepresentation of omen an ack pop ation, b t the are often corr pte b fra art ea ers are often o er rich hite cis men ho fo c s their e orts an fnancia s pport to o a ies po iticians recei e an a erage of percent of the ega im it for hat parties can pro i e to a sing e can i ate hen inter ie ing of those ho ran in , e came across three trans omen ho i n t ha e eno gh to eat ring their campaigns an sti on their seats r ote is the
cheapest in the e ection market nce e ecte , o cia s often face iscrimina tion from their peers in the chambers, man times from their o n parties n a po e i in e fo n that more than ha f of part members reporte facing iscrimination n those ho eci e to report it fo n that there s no acco ntabi it for phobia insi e the parties.
tiona organi ations ha e ong s pporte man of those initiati es he partnership an s pport from organi a tions ike the ationa emocratic nstit te an the ictor nstit te ha e been f n amenta to promote a comprehensi e approach to s ch a comp e iss e ote s inno ati e research strategies ha e a po it ica an historica importance e to the ack of offcia ata abo t the pop ation in ra i esearch has been f n amenta for s, not on to gi e isibi it to o r iss es an set the agen a for p b ic ebate, b t a so to better strategi e here to a ocate reso rces ince e ha e been in estigating the parties, con ct ing in epth inter ie s ith can i ates an ca c s e e pro ce a ist of o t can i ates in the e ection c c e ith their racia an i entit se f ec are hat ha ne er been one before e e o ere irect s pport thro gh organi ing a series of ebinars, creating o n oa ab e too kits, con cting press re campaigns on parties, obb ing the preme ectora o rt for them to pro ce o cia ata on o r ea ership, creating a ga er ith o er can i ates an their priorities, an o ering conf entia ps cho ogica s pport, especia after s ch a io ent campaign
ot to mention the constant eath threats that es pecia ack an especia trans omen face hen e ecte or r nning for o ce it o nse or enn rio , ho is ack an trans, ha to ee the co ntr in af ter p b ic sec rit forces ref se to o er her protection, hich as her ega right n she kept getting eath threats from a congressman, from his o cia abinet s emai rika i ton an a a abert, the frst trans om en e ecte for congress in , ha to con ct campaign acti ities ith arme sec rit an b etproof ests t seems ike the or is ooking for the too s e are e e oping to fght e tremism an phobia nterna
t o be ishonest, tho gh, to c aim an part of s ch asto n ing ictories ach of those can i ates str gg e to r n their n erfnance an n ersta e campaign, an sti create strategies to reach an amp if their a ience bri iant so, e are not the on ones on the task here are other organi ations ho are great e amp es an partners ra i s recent e ection res ts sho s that an intersec tiona approach to the iss e of po itica representation is not on possib e, b t potent can i ates earne o er mi ion otes f those otes, a thir ent to trans omen e en in ent to a ack can i ate ra i ian oters are sho ing s hat kin of emocrac the are i ing to fght for itho t i ersit there is no emoc rac
Washington Post reporter Paul Schwartzman, who is a good writer, is apparently trying to get us to change our view of the vile Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.). He also asked us to care about what former Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) is doing now. Last week he claimed Greene is adopting a more measured tone in Congress. Back in October he wrote, “What does Madison Cawthorn do now?” My thoughts on that were: Who gives a f—k?
Just last week, Greene tweeted about D.C., as reported by Petula Dvorak in the Post, “Washington, DC is a crime ridden hell hole.” “Congress should revoke home rule. Our nation’s Capital is an embarrassment.” Greene also tweeted as recently as this past June calling for the end of Pride month, wildly claiming that straight people will become extinct — and claiming, with the usual dearth of evidence, that the Uvalde gunman was a “cross-dressing loner.” Guess Schwartzman thinks that is a more measured tone. I am not sure why anyone would want to make Greene sound like anything other than the sick person she is. Doing so on the front page of the Post Style section is disgusting.
I don’t know if these topics are assigned to Schwartzman or if he comes up with them himself, either way the Post should be embarrassed to publish them. Greene said, as reported by CNN, “January 6 was just a riot at the Capitol and if you think about what our Declaration of Independence says, it says to overthrow tyrants.”
On the 2020 presidential election: “I proudly objected on Jan. 6,” Greene said. “I would object again today because I know for a fact there was so much wrong in that election and I believe it was stolen. Do I know how? No, I don’t know how.” Not only is she vile, she is dumb, and based on that I don’t know what it says about the people who vote for her. But the reality is the Post shouldn’t be trying to give her any good press. She is as bad as Trump, Kanye West and all their cohorts. It makes one wonder if the Post and Schwartzman will soon fn a a to sa something positi e abo t est Part of the problem in our country today is people
trying to make the likes of Taylor Greene in any way acceptable — they are not. The next time Greene again says something outrageous, which of course she will, are Schwartzman and the Post going to apologize for this column? The better choice would have been not to rite it, or p b ish it, in the frst p ace ho are the readers the Post thinks will care about this? Which of their readers are clamoring to read such a column? Again, it’s not only the Post publishing stories like this, but they have made themselves an easy target.
Post columnists Erik Wemple and Dana Milbank have both written about how wrong the Post, and numerous other publications, got the election. How they followed the pack predicting a red wave and how Democrats, and President Biden, were all being set up to lose the Congress. I wrote about this in the Blade. Where are the apologies? Where have they been from any of the media, at least what people perceive as the liberal media — Washington Post, New York Times, Politico, MSNBC — that all got it wrong and not one of them has apologized to their readers or viewers for misleading them. t is getting har er an har er to fn an me ia that isn’t simply driven by ratings or clicks on their website. The Post has such outrageous headlines on their website for columns appearing in the print edition that you can t e en fn the co mn no n as c ickbait, it has taken over. The Post should remember they aren’t the National Enquirer, but maybe that’s their goal.
We need to marginalize the haters. We cannot normalize them if we want to save our country. That doesn’t mean the Post and other publications shouldn’t report on what they do, but it should be reporting, not trying to make them acceptable, which is what Schwartzman’s column seems to be trying to do for Greene. The headline alone does that as on the front page; it reads “A i erent sha e of reene, an on the secon page of the story continues, “Once a MAGA megaphone, now a more measured voice.”
One must seriously question whom the Post thinks they are talking about.
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is a longtime LGBTQ rights and Democratic Party activist. He writes regularly for the Blade.
ideas. Previous
week in December, we
By TERRI SCHLICHENMEYERceptance or a tota ack of it t means ork, an this book might he p no o r giftee e before gi ing this book;
Guide.) he tree ooks magnifcent o r ki s i a great ob ecorating the parts o as signe to them o took pict res this ear, beca se the rea o t i themse es o o re rea a most for the ho i a s, e cept for those fe trick gifts that o st can t seem to fg re o t o abo t books as to rap, happ to get, h not ook for these great books or the person on o r ist ho o es ark, gothic ro mance m steries, rap p “Mourning Light” b ichar oo kin t s the stor of a man ho can t et go of the g i t he fee s since his o er ie oinci enta , that eath hap pene on the e act same a he met another man that he can t stop thinking abo t he person on o r gift ist ho o es a goo memoir i ant to rea “A Place Called Home” b a i mbro t s a ta e of home essness, foster care, coming o t, an ho sheer etermination p t that a in one man s past f there s someone on o r gift ist ho ma e a i c t ecision this ear, “Families We Keep” b in ec ek an mma os e mith is a book to caref rap p t s a ook at in i i a s ho ha e eci e to stick ith their fami ies, tho gh there ma contin e to be a str gg e for ac
nti recent , there rea ha en t been a ot of books abo t bise a it , hich is h o might ant to gi e “Bi: The Hidden Culture, History, and Science of Bisexuality” b ia ha to someone specia here s a ot to kno abo t the s b ect, from genetics to ega ities, ce ebrities to monogam
he trans rea er on o r gift ist i ant to o n “Fat, Crazy, and Tired: Tales from the Trenches of Transformation” b po caster an athan, ho rites that being fat as har er than being ack ee ess to sa , this book is f nn an inspirationa , an o r giftee i o e it air it ith i e fe ts ei ra s a eeli a b i a atino f o r giftee sometimes str gg es, this book is great ackno e gement or the rea er ho o es histor , “The Women’s House of Detention” b gh an co be the perfect gift this ear t s the stor of a prison in e ork s reen ich i age hich, for near ears, as the an ing p ace home ai for tho san s an tho san s of omen, gen er nonconforming peop e, an transgen er men nge a a is as there o as feni hak r his book takes o r giftee there, too rap it p ith “Manifesting Justice: Wrongly Convicted Women Reclaim Their Rights” b a ena eet
You might assume in 2022 that information about our cultural heroes from the past would be readily available. After all, we carry the entire repository of human knowledge, or at least the potential for accessing it, in the palm of our hands; if someone has made a signifcant impact in o r histor , e en ithin the histor of a specifc comm nit , it stan s to reason that a factual chronicle of their life would exist. hat happens, tho gh, hen an important fg re is part of a comm nit that has been historica isregar e b the mainstream narrati e hen the in ence the e cast across the ears has been b rie eep in anon mit b a etermine e ort to margina i e or even erase the community they represent?
hat s the estion e p ore in raming gnes, a ne f m from transmasc ine a na ian irector hase o nt o r inar an that b en s oc mentar , narrati e, an spec ati e ana sis as it goes on a eep i e into the b rie case f es of an infamo s gen er hea th st hea e b ps chiatrist obert to er at in the s an s he gnes of the tit e refers to the pse on mo s gnes orres, ho as one of o ens of individuals interviewed as part of the research about transgender identity.
gnes, portra e in o nt s mo ie b ackar r cker ransparent , has become eg endary within the trans community for successfully navigating an institutional system to access the gen er a rming care it o other ise ha e enie her t a time hen s r gery was only granted to intersex individuals, she lied about having taken estrogen to femini e her bo from an ear age, c aiming instea to ha e been born ith ph sio ogica characteristics of both genders; she was given access the procedure, which was performed in , an contin e to participate in the st ears ater, she confesse her r se to to er, ho as then force to retract an rethink the fn ings hich ha forme part of the basis for his in entia ritings aro n transgen er i entit ritings, it sho be sai , that approache the s b ect as a patho og an consi ere it a ps cho ogica con dition to be corrected or prevented.
t s eas to see h gnes o be a heroic fg re to to a s trans comm nit fter all, she not only beat the cis-hetero patriarchy at their own game, she also managed to sing e han e sabotage the cre ibi it of theories that ere being se to egitimi e an ti-trans bias. Though her real identity may be forever hidden to us, her audacity alone is more than enough to elevate her to the status of trans icon.
She was, however, not the only one. The interviews – which were conducted by sociologist aro arfnke , to er s co aborator on the st a so oc ment the i e e pe riences of man other anon mo s participants, an o nt s f m positions gnes as on the best-known among what was, in fact, a much wider and more diverse sampling of individuals, all with relatable stories about living a trans life in mid-century America. These include trans women of color as well as trans men, who were far outside the boundaries of hat most mericans ere i ing to accept in an era hen hristine orgensen prett , b on e, an respectab c t re as the on face of transse a it in the p b ic e e n raming gnes, o nt e e ates a han f of these ns ng trans pioneers a ongsi e gnes, co aborating ith se era notab e trans performers besi es r cker, nge ica oss ose , en ichar s rs etcher , a o f a erio, i as o ar , an tephen ra are among the cast to re enact their inter ie s ith arfnke on camera sche ing a straightforward approach in favor of a more artful conceit, these segments are presente not in their c inica setting, b t in the st e of a ike a ace st e inter ie of the era, ith o nt himse f taking on the ro e of arfnke opposite each of his s b ects en further, he intersperses the re-enactments themselves with footage and interviews docmenting the creation of the segments something akin to a making of specia feat re
built right into the movie itself – and commentary focused on putting these historical snapshots of trans life into the context of what we now understand about transgender identity.
hi e it a might so n a tri e art , the f mmaker maintains a oose, accessib e, e en playful tone to the style – while still respecting the subject matter, and the subjects – that no o bt contrib te to the mo ie s in of both the ience ar an the nno ator ri e at this ear s n ance esti a ather than interr pting the o , this st istic format illuminates the material as we go, giving us a chance to share the insights of the artists as the ork to bring these n ggets of histor to ife, an o ering an opport nit to re ect on ho these ong hi en ta es of eer e istence connect to o r o n in the here and now.
et there are times in raming gnes partic ar in its atter ha f hen one can t help but feel frustrated by a sense of distance. We are ultimately given only snippets of these compelling narratives and left only with conjectured facts that can be extrapolated from contextual circumstance or by reading between the lines; the onscreen discussion around them – helped immeasurably by the availability of language around the subject matter that i n t e ist at the time the ere recor e ser es to en ighten, to amp if , an to h mani e, b t e are ne er a o e to get eep eno gh insi e them to rea know the people at their center.
hat, of co rse, is the ans er to the estion e pose in the beginning hen the re cord of our heroes has been suppressed, all we have left are icons. We can surmise, project, interpret, and guess as much as we want, but we can never know much, if anything, about them beyond whatever words they may have left us. In the case of Agnes and her fellow interviewees, those words reveal much about what it was like to be trans in their time, and verify many of our assumptions about it while contradicting others.
They tell us things about their feelings, their relationships, their self-esteem, their survival tactics, and many of the other universal touchstones of experience that can evoke solidarity between generations an era apart; beyond these things, they tell us nothing, an e can on re , ike the artists ho came together to create raming gnes, on o r imaginations.
It helps that each of the performers seems deeply invested in their character – further proof, if any were needed, of the value of lived experience over outsider assumption when it comes to acting in such roles – and that the vintage segments are executed with meticulous skill and attention to detail. And if we are denied, perhaps, the opportunity to fully access the i es of the peop e o nt s mo ie prof es, e are e come into the con ersa tion about them – indeed, into the whole creative process – by the artists who brought them to us.
raming gnes is c rrent in a imite theatrica r n before e pan ing to se ect cities nation i e f it oesn t make it to a screen near o , on t orr it s s ate for a stream ing debut early next year.
“My idea of heaven is not writing,” the iconic gay composer and lyricist Stephen Sondheim is reported to have said.
“On the other hand,” Sondheim, who died last year at 91, was, thankfully, as he reportedly said, “obviously compulsive about it.”
“FINALE: Late Conversations With Stephen Sondheim,” a new book by New orker sta riter a is good news for Sondheim’s m tit es of afciona os
“I’m not good. I’m not nice. I’m just right. I’m the witch. You’re the world,” Sondheim wrote in “Into the Woods.”
By KATHI WOLFErea ers into the e ations in volved in nailing and conducting his interviews with Sondheim. “FINALE” is structured around his quest to discover revelations about Sondheim. is search for insights into Sondheim’s life and creative process becomes, fg rati e , a Broadway show. In this vein, the book’s chapter titles range from “Prelude” to “Audition, January 2016” to “Opening Night, April 2017” to “Closing Night, March 2019” to “Curtain.”
‘FINALE: Late Conversations
With Stephen Sondheim’
By D.T. Max c.2022, Harper/HarperCollins $20.99 | 225 pages
Whether you’re a teen in a production of “Into the Woods,” a Boomer who came of age with “Company,” an 80-something who fondly remembers “Gyps or an artist ho i entifes ith n a in the Park with George,” you know you couldn’t have hung out in Sondheim’s world. re ent , prof es of ce ebrities are take o ns or s ck ps a a oi s these pitfa s
In “FINALE,” sometimes Sondheim is witty, entertaining, hospitab e his sta o er a wine) and generous (Sondheim tries to help a fn a p pp for his fami t other times, Sondheim talks hatefully about his mother (who sounds like a cool customer) and cops to not reading much, though he o es he atcher in the e beca se of its dialogue. Sondheim veers away from the ortho o take on itchcock ertigo, he sa s, is o errate is fa e itchcock mo ie as ha o of o bt n , a makes s fee ike e re having drinks with Sondheim. t asn t eas for a to ha e informa , entertaining, illuminating conversations with Sondheim.
here s a a s some rama, metaphor ically, some seduction involved when a reporter attempts to inter ie a ce eb his was even truer with Sondheim, who zealously guarded his privacy.
rof es are fra ght e orts, a rites, rof es of the famo s famo s fra ght ome riters on t bring the i c ties of their work (from getting the interview to coa ing can or an ne re ea s from inter view subjects who’ve been burned by social media) into their reporting.
t in , a oesn t st c e
he main foc s of is on heim t a is a character in the narrative.
ometimes this is o p t ting o e nee to earn here a ent to schoo , here he gre p or hat mo ies he en o s e agrees ith on heim abo t ertigo
oes it she ight on on heim hen a spills his feelings (from angst to enthrallment to disappointment when Sondheim cancelled appointments) around writing about Sondheim?
But though, at times, there’s too much of a , sometimes his presence a s to the story.
a , ike man ho rea this book, gre p o ing on heim a s nc e as a p a wright, and he was introduced to Sondheim, when his mother brought home a signed recor ing of i e i e after a beneft t he s not an e pert on m sica theater e ie s on heim ith the a miring, b t unprofessional, gaze of many theatergoers. his ser es rea ers e t keeps the con er sations lively and un-pedantic.
Most of the book is a series of one-on-one con ersations that a has ith on heim at his home in New York City and his house in Connecticut. Sondheim’s dogs and husban e om e an er in an o t on heim ta ks abo t not being ab e to fnish a m sica that he s orking on e remem bers that decades ago, one day, Katharine epb rn, then his neighbor, came b hen he was playing the piano, composing. “Pipe down! she told him.
It’s doubtful that Sondheim, given the time when he grew up, would have talked about being ga ho gh he ne er enie his se a it ti , ish a ha aske him abo t it his is a minor ibb e i be catnip to lovers of musicals.
feel like
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