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!"#$%&'()*%+##,-%,#%.#*/,/0)*%1-0'2, Rollins’s upbringing in a family with bipartisan affiliations has deeply influenced his perspective on governance and reform. .C;N37?+AG+1F39@:+93@<A@@3;7@+;4+2>?12+GC;<>>937?@+ 179+[;AC7123@:3<+GAC@A3:@/+&;2237@+9>H>2;G>9+1+FA2:341<>:>9+ A79>C@:17937?+;4+@;<3>:12+9D71F3<@+179+:=>+3FG;C:17<>+ ;4+1+4C>>+GC>@@5+I3@+41:=>CJ@+<1C>>C+1@+1+[;AC7123@:/+37<2A96 37?+17+>7<;A7:>C+N3:=+7;:;C3;A@+@>C312+\322>C+$>9+YA79D/+ 3F8A>9+&;2237@+N3:=+1+9>>G+C>@G><:+4;C+:=>+G;N>C+;4+GC37:+ F>931+37+@=1G37?+GA823<+93@<;AC@>+179+=;2937?+1A:=;C3:D+
“I was raised to appreciate the intricate balance be:N>>7+21N+>74;C<>F>7:J@+9A:D+:;+GC;:><:+179+AG=;29+<;76 stitutional rights,” Rollins said. “It’s about ensuring safety N=32>+12@;+@14>?A1C937?+3793H39A12+238>C:3>@+179+=;2937?+ those in power accountable.”
&;2237@J@+[;AC7>D+4C;F+:=>+<;AC:C;;F+:;+:=>+<1FG13?7+ trail embodies a fusion of legal acumen, familial influence, and a commitment to democratic ideals. #@+=>+GC;?C>@@>@+:=C;A?=+:=>+GC3F1C3>@/+&;2237@+@>>\@+ :;+8C39?>+G1C:3@17+93H39>@+179+<=1FG3;7+1+G21:4;CF+C;;:6 >9+37+[A@:3<>/+37:>?C3:D/+179+:=>+<;22><:3H>+N>2268>37?+;4+0126 34;C7317@+37+:=>+KL@:+M3@:C3<:5
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“My heightened interest came when I was junior year in high school, and I went into my first class of the day N=3<=+N1@+*;9>2+%-5+E>+N1:<=>9+;7+:=>+E>@:+0;1@:+1@+ :=>+-;C:=+$;N>C+<;221G@>95+$=1:+=19+1+GC;4;A79+3FG1<:+ ;7+F>+@>>37?+;:=>C+#F>C3<17@+<;H>C>9+37+1@=/+179+8>37?+ scared. I remember being scared.”
,:+N1@+1C;A79+:=3@+:3F>+:=1:+&;2237@+:;D>9+N3:=+:=>+39>1+ ;4+4;22;N37?+37+:=>+4;;:@:>G@+;4+=3@+H>:>C17+?C179G1C>7:@+ 179+>723@:37?+37+:=>+F323:1CD5+I;N>H>C/+8>37?+<2;@>:>9+37+ a society where discriminatory laws like “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” prevailed added layers of complexity to his decision.
“Being closeted and watching the stories of Arabic lin?A3@:+8>37?+93@<=1C?>9+A79>C+9;7J:+1@\+9;7J:+:>22+1:+:=>+ time created very complicated and difficult emotion to exG>C3>7<>+1@+\395+];A+N17:+:;+@>CH>+D;AC+<;A7:CD+179+D;A+ N17:+:;+8>+G1C:+;4+1+:>1F/+8A:+D;A+=1H>+D;AC+?;H>C7F>7:+ :>2237?+D;A+:=1:+:=>C>+3@+@;F>:=37?+9>4><:3H>+18;A:+D;A+ 179+:=1:+D;A+G;@>+1+:=C>1:+:;+71:3;712+@><AC3:D5+$=1:+3@+ horrible. I don’t think any kid should grow up feeling that.”
He emphasizes the detrimental effects of discriminatoCD+21N@+;7+3793H39A12@+179+@;<3>:D+1@+1+N=;2>/+19H;<1:37?+ 4;C+>BA123:D+179+F>C3:681@>9+;GG;C:A73:3>@+4;C+122+#F>C36 <17@5
“That experience did shape a lot of my outlook on anti93@<C3F371:3;7+21N@/+179+N=D+BA123:D+179+4C>>9;F+4;C+>H6 >CD8;9D+F1\>@+:=>+N=;2>+<;A7:CD+@:C;7?>C5+];A+=1H>+:;+ 2>:+G>;G2>+:=C3H>+81@>9+;7+F>C3:/+7;:+81@>9+;7+N=1:+:=>D+ look like or who they love.”
Reflecting on his delayed coming out, Rollins acknowledges the regret and internal conflict he grappled with for years.
“I regret not being able to accept myself sooner be<1A@>+3:+N1@+@;+23F3:37?+D;A+>79+AG+23H37?+D;AC+234>+4;C+4>1C+
GH ,B,C>187,DD0,D@DE,B,F96>:?=F=6GF>H=589C
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“Growing up in the greater LA area where people as@AF>+:=1:+3:+3@+GC;?C>@@3H>/+179+:=>D+1@@AF>+:=1:+>H>CD6 8;9D+>F8C1<>@+).Y$+C3?=:@+179+:=1:+:=>D+=1H>+4;C+1+2;7?+ time. Unfortunately, that is just not the reality.”
When the the Murrieta Valley Unified School District adopted neighboring Chino Valley Unified’s policy notifying parents of student gender identity, Rollins said that fight37?+4;C+).Y$^_+C3?=:@+179+GC;:><:3;7+37+01234;C731+3@+1:+:=>+ forefront of his concerns.
“You hear people talking about LGBT kids as dangerous. $=>C>+3@+1+C>H>C@3;7+:;+:=3@+LV`QJ@+39>1+:=1:+8>37?+).Y$+ 3@+<;7:1?3;A@+4A>2>9+8D+:=>+C=>:;C3<+;7+:=>+&3?=:+18;A:+ grooming,” he said.
&;2237@+G1@@3;71:>2D+1C:3<A21:>9+:=>+3FG;C:17<>+;4+C>G6 C>@>7:1:3;7+179+>FG;N>CF>7:+4;C+).Y$^_+D;A:=/+@:C>@@6 37?+:=>+F>@@1?>+:=1:+:=>C>+3@+7;:=37?+NC;7?+N3:=+8>37?+ true to oneself. “We need to punch back as LGBTQ+ elected officials; that is really important,” Rollins asserted. “You =1H>+:;+F1\>+\39@+\7;N+:=1:+:=>C>+3@+7;:=37?+NC;7?+N3:=+ them and that they should be proud of who they are.” !AC:=>CF;C>/+&;2237@+<;79>F7>9+:=>+41C6C3?=:J@+;8@>@6 @3;7+N3:=+9>F;73Z37?+HA27>C182>+G;GA21:3;7@/+G1C:3<A21C2D+ :=C;A?=+2>?3@21:3H>+F>1@AC>@+:1C?>:37?+).Y$^_+3793H39A6 12@5+I>+<C3:3<3Z>9+21N@+@A<=+1@+F1791:;CD+;A:37?+8322@+179+ :>1<=>C+@ACH>32217<>+21N@/+N=3<=+=>+8>23>H>@+A79>CF37>+ :=>+GC37<3G2>@+;4+@F122+?;H>C7F>7:+:;A:>9+8D+:C193:3;712+ &>GA823<17+H12A>@5
($)*+,-./0,012.3+41)2+567.028+9:.33+;1<*-2:*2,8+.2/+ =>0;),+"09*2)1>*-+&*?@A306.29+>1@3/2B,+-*61;20C*+,)*+ modern turn that the G has taken,” Rollins said.
Highlighting the detrimental impact of such policies, 21,+123D+12+,)*+,.-;*,*/+02/0<0/@.39+A@,+.391+12+,)*+A-1./E er community and economy, Rollins cited the example of a gay pediatric surgeon in ew rleans who left the state due to discriminatory legislation targeting LGBTQ+ families. This departure not only affected the surgeon and his family, but also deprived the community of vital medical expertise, illustrating the far-reaching conse uences of ,.-;*,02;+FGH$IJ+02/0<0/@.39K
The example underscored the urgent need for advocacy ,1+61:A.,+/096-0:02.,012+.2/+?-1:1,*+0263@90<0,D8+*:?).E sizing that the well-being and prosperity of the community are intertwined with the protection of LGBTQ+ rights.
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Rollins shared the challenges he faced in coming to ,*-:9+>0,)+)09+0/*2,0,D+.2/+,)*+?*-<.90<*+9160*,.3+9,*-*1E types that influenced his journey.
&133029+-*<*.3*/+,).,+0,+>.92B,+@2,03+)09+*.-3D+,>*2,0*9+ that he found the courage to come out, attributing his ?-1312;*/+/*20.3+,1+;-1>02;+@?+02+.+61::@20,D+>)*-*+ the existence of gay individuals was largely unseen or dismissed.
“The image that I had from society and from my peers was that gay people were jokes; we were the comic relief,” &133029+3.:*2,*/K
Despite growing up in a progressive family, Rollins recalled the impact of societal attitudes, particularly within sports culture, on his perception of masculinity and sex@.30,DK (L+/0/2B,+,)02M+L+61@3/+A*+;11/+.,+9?1-,9+.2/+A*+;.D8N+&13E 3029+./:0,,*/K+($).,+>.9+,)*+-)*,1-06+?*-?*,@.,*/+AD+,)*+ coaches.”
Rollins described the prevalence of derogatory lan;@.;*+.2/+9,*-*1,D?*98+?*-?*,@.,*/+AD+?**-9+.2/+61.6)E es alike, which led him to internalize feelings of inade ua6D+.2/+/*20.3+.A1@,+)09+1>2+0/*2,0,DK
“When you are a young man and about to get in a fight, what are the first words that come out of your opponent’s mouth They call you a faggot to demoralize you and emasculate you, regardless of your actual orientation.”
Rollins highlighted the profound effect of societal demonization of gay individuals, emphasizing the difficulty for young people to navigate their identity without visible role models or support systems.
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&133029+9.0/+0,+,11M+)0:+:.2D+D*.-9+,1+-*.30C*+,).,+,)*+ issue lay not with himself, but with a society that perpetuated harmful stereotypes and discrimination against the FGH$IJ+61::@20,D+P+9,*-*1,D?*9+)*+)1?*9+,1+)*3?+*-./E icate if he is elected to office.
7%-4%-$-)*+94%+:41'%)**-413(+;)%< &133029+3.0/+1@,+)09+M*D+?-01-0,0*9+9)1@3/+)*+A*+*3*6,*/8+ ranging from civil rights to economic revitalization. &1330298+>)1+?3.D*/+.+-13*+.9+.+#9909,.2,+%K'K+#,,1-2*D+ 02+,-.6M02;+/1>2+02/0<0/@.39+02<13<*/+02+,)*+4.2@.-D+Q,)+ attack on the U.S. Capitol, expressed his frustration with 026@:A*2,+712;-*99:.2+7.3<*-,B9+.6,01298+?.-,06@3.-3D+ regarding the certification of the election results and his 9,.26*+12+FGH$IJ+-0;),9K+&133029+60,*/+7.3<*-,B9+<1,02;+-*E cord of homophobia as motivating factors for his decision to run for office.
“You shouldn’t be fired from your job or kicked out of your home just for being gay that is still a possibility in #:*-06.KN
Among Rollins’s top priorities is the protection of voting rights, emphasizing the importance of ensuring e ual access to the ballot box for all Americans. He also stressed the urgency of passing the uality Act to combat discrim02.,012+A.9*/+12+9*R@.3+1-0*2,.,012+.2/+;*2/*-+0/*2,0,D8+ highlighting the need for comprehensive federal protec,0129K
#//-*9902;+316.3+6126*-298+&133029+*:?).90C*/+,)*+2**/+ for improved infrastructure in Riverside County, particularly to alleviate traffic congestion.
“Traffic sucks whether you’re a Republican or a Demo6-.,8N+&133029+9.0/K+(L+,)02M+>*+6.2+.33+.;-**+12+,).,KN S*+.391+6-0,060C*/+61-?1-.,*+;-**/8+>)06)+)*+A*30*<*9+09+ driving up prices and exacerbating financial strain on middle-class families.
“Corporate greed right now is driving up prices for average working families in so many different contacts, whether it’s baby formula or milk, whether it’s your groceries or your gas. A lot of this is driven by massive concentration of wealth by corporations and individuals who pay for less in taxes than nurses, cops, and firefighters. This is a fundamental issue that Washington has let go for way too 312;KN
Rollins highlighted alm Springs as an example of effec-
,0<*+;1<*-2.26*8+?-.0902;+,)*+60,DB9+0263@90<*+?13060*9+.2/+ economic growth. He emphasized the importance of visible representation for the LGBTQ+ community and underscored the economic benefits of creating welcoming and 0263@90<*+61::@20,0*9K
#//0,012.33D8+&133029+?3*/;*/+,1+?-01-0,0C*+>1:*2B9+ rights, including the codification of Roe v. Wade into federal law, in response to concerns about reproductive -0;),9+.2/+.66*99+,1+)*.3,)6.-*K
“Women’s rights right now are at the forefront of my priorities,” Rollins told The Blade.
As Rollins continues his campaign, his platform reflects a commitment to social justice, economic prosperity, and inclusive governance, with a focus on addressing the pressing needs of Riverside County residents. If elected, &133029+.0:9+,1+A-02;+)09+*R?*-0*26*+.2/+<.3@*9+,1+712E gress, advocating for meaningful change and progress on behalf of his constituents.
Rollins gave the following message for young ueer leaders of tomorrow.
“The American dream is a possibility for you too. We are ;102;+,1+>1-M+).-/+*<*-D+902;3*+/.D+,1+:.M*+9@-*+0,+A*E 61:*9+.+-*.30,DK+L+).,*+,1+@9*+,)*+6306)T8+!"#$%"&#'%""%(8+A@,+0,+ really does and once you find your family, the possibilities .-*+*2/3*99K+L+M21>+0,+6.2+A*+-*.33D+/.-M+91:*,0:*9K+LB<*+ been there myself. But we are resilient and your resilience >033+?.D+02+,)*+312;+-@2+,11K+L+,)02M+,).,+UVUW+09+;102;+,1+ send a lot of people who believe in our freedom of e uality into Congress and so stay optimistic and thank you for ).2;02;+02+,)*-*KN
!"##"$%&"''($)%*+,,-.(/0%"12+*"*0%3%141(*"/(+.%/+% 5-6#(*%$4'2(*4 Her vision for a more livable and diverse city promises to shape the future trajectory of one of the nation’s most dynamic urban centers 47"89:;!";!<<!<
ris, a prominent figure in evada’s progressive political landscape, who serves as the Chief Majority Whip in the Senate, recently granted The Blade an exclusive interview delving into her experiences as a mother, wife, lawyer, and legislator.
n December , 1 , the Clark County Commission appointed Harris to represent the 11th District, replacing Sen. Aaron ord D who assumed the role of Attorney General. In the legislature, Dallas focuses on criminal justice reform, LGBTQ issues, and advocating for underserved communities.
A steadfast dedication to public service has marked Dallas’s trajectory. rom 1 to 1 , she served as a olicy xtern at ublic nowledge, a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C., advocating for expanded broadband access and consumer protections. Dallas then returned to her roots in evada, where she served as an Administrative Attorney at the ublic Utilities Commission, gaining firsthand experience in state government and utility regulation.
Since August 19, Dallas has served as a Consumer Rights Attorney in the Adult Guardianship roject at the Legal Aid Center of Southern evada, where she continues to champion the rights of vulnerable populations.
utside of her legislative duties, Dallas is f Counsel at Davison Van Cleve, a law firm specializing in energy law.
Dallas lives with her wife of five years, Summer Thomas-Harris, and their two children ages 1 and .
Harris spent her formative years in the bustling heart of Sin City, where her journey toward public service and advocacy began.
“I was born in the eighties, and I’ve seen the city grow uite a bit since then,” Harris told The Blade. “I like seeing the growth.”
Harris proudly described Las Vegas as a “gem” that people have been “stumbling upon.”
“I like that there are so many folks realizing how nice it is here. The weather is great and, until recently, the cost-ofliving was pretty low.”
“Another thing I love that has changed is that we now have home teams that are actually doing very well,” said Harris, who enjoys fre uenting Las Vegas Aces games with her wife and friends.
Harris expressed her relief that her cherished city doesn’t suffer from the overcrowding and congestion plaguing other urban hubs. However, with Biden’s recent announcement of a billion grant for constructing a high-speed rail, promising to slash the commute time from Los Angeles to Las Vegas to a mere two and a half hours of comfortable,
air-conditioned travel with Wi- i access, the once-intimate atmosphere of Vegas is bound to experience a significant influx of residents in the near future.
But Harris said she is not worried.
“ eople from Southern California have always wanted to come to Las Vegas,” Harris said. “We have always been a draw for people trying to get away from the busy life of Southern California and find some adult fun in Las Vegas. The rail is going to make it a lot easier for that to continue to happen, but the relationship between Southern California and Las Vegas has been there for a very long time.”
The senator reflected on her upbringing and the role models who paved the way for his authenticity.
“I could never really hide my ueerness,” Harris said, highlighting her lifelong journey towards self-acceptance. “It’s never been an option for me ever since I was very, very young.”
Acknowledging the progressive environment of her upbringing in evada, Senator Harris credited political predecessors like Senator David arks for fostering an inclusive atmosphere “My childhood was in the top 9 of what it could’ve been in America in terms of openness about being ueer,” she said. “I realize that it took the intentionality of folks like Senator David arks to create this environment for a kid like me to grow up in”
Senator arks was the first openly LGBTQ evada lawmaker in the legislature.
However, Senator Harris also acknowledged the challenges she faced, particularly from family members with religious views. “Some family members had religious views and sort of an underlying uncomfortableness about all of
this,” she revealed. “It was underneath the surface. It was definitely there...But I just kept going.”
Despite these challenges, Senator Harris emphasized the importance of perseverance and the support of loved ones. Laughing, she said, “Sometimes I think my mom likes my wife better than she likes me.”
“The work-life balance is tough,” admitted Senator Harris. “I think it’s hard on anyone who does something like this.” She highlighted the demanding nature of her job, where she is essentially away from home for months at a time due to legislative sessions.
Adding to the complexity, Senator Harris and her wife both have full-time jobs, further complicating their efforts to balance work and family responsibilities. “It can be a struggle to give yourself enough to all of those different identities,” said Harris. “It’s not a walk in the park.”
To navigate the chaos, Senator Harris and her wife rely heavily on meticulous scheduling.
“We use lots of scheduling. We have a meal plan. We sit down and plan out our entire week every Sunday,” she explained. This proactive approach ensures they stay organized and know who is responsible for childcare, school pickups, and other daily tasks.
Despite the challenges, Senator Harris emphasized the importance of prioritizing her marriage amidst the chaos. “We have been working to carve more space out for us,” she said. “We try to have time with other adults and have fun but also find time for us to connect.”
Reflecting on her role as a mother, Senator Harris highlighted the insights she gained into the realities faced by many women in the workforce.
“The thing about being a mother that has affected my view is not just the fact of having a child but the fact of managing a family,” she shared. “Because that is what we so often are in the US. We are the managers of a family. I think I better understand now what it’s like for women to be in politics and for women to be in power.”
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Harris, whose personal experiences deeply influence ()*+,)-./,01.2)+033*405(6+/(0*)7+()*+3)*/3)51.2)+48+ tenant-landlord laws.
Growing up with a single mother and moving fre uently, Harris gained firsthand knowledge of the challenges faced by tenants, particularly in dealing with security deposits and maintenance issues.
Reflecting on her upbringing, Senator Harris emphasized the impact of living in apartments with 1 -month leases where rent increases often necessitated fre uent moves. “I’ve lived in a lot of apartments,” she stated, highlighting the frustration of tenants who diligently clean their units only to face disputes over security deposit deductions. “You clean the apartment from top to bottom, but the landlord still claims you owe them something from the security deposit,” Harris recalled. “I know that fight.”
Senator Harris’s commitment to addressing these issues was evident in a bill she introduced Senate Bill 1, a measure aimed at protecting tenants from being charged for repairs and maintenance tasks that are the responsibility of landlords. The bill, sponsored by Senators D. Harris, Donate, Spearman, lores, Daly, rasner, Lange, eal, hrenschall, Scheible, and Stone, received approval from both the Senate and Assembly.
xisting law in evada mandates landlords to maintain dwelling units in habitable conditions throughout a tenant’s stay. SB 1 reinforces this re uirement by prohibiting landlords from imposing fees or charges on tenants for repairs, maintenance tasks, or other work that the landlord is obligated to perform to maintain the habitability of the unit.
Growing up, Harris found her passion not just in the bright lights but also in sports and education. She actively participated in various youth sports, with a particular fondness for tennis, basketball, and Taekwondo. Due to her fre uent moves, Harris navigated through several schools across Clark County, including arsons lementary, Swainston Middle School, Lied Middle School, Las Vegas Academy where she majored in Theatre , and Green Valley High School.
After graduating from Green Valley High School, Dallas embarked on her higher education journey at the University of evada, Las Vegas U LV . In , she obtained a Bachelor of Arts in sychology, followed by another Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science in 9. ager to delve deeper into policy and public service, Dallas ventured to Southern California to pursue a Master’s degree in ublic olicy at Claremont Graduate University. Her studies focused on economics, policy analysis, and statistics, providing her with a robust understanding of the intricacies of policymaking.
With a thirst for knowledge and a drive to effect change, Dallas then set her sights on law school, making her way to 1()+801.489/+503.10,:+'()+)8*4,,)7+01+1()+;)4*-)+<0/(.8-= ton University Law School, where she honed her legal acu-
men and gained invaluable insights into the intersection of law and policy. In , Dallas emerged from law school e uipped with a new perspective and a determination to make a difference.
Harris’ diverse educational experiences in the Clark County School District laid the foundation for her commitment to improving education in evada. Through Senat Bill , Harris was able to revise what she called an “archaic” school funding formula to allow for a substantial increase in school funding throughout evada.
In a move aimed at tightening firearm regulations and addressing hate-motivated crimes, Harris introduced Senate Bill o. 1 1. The bill, sponsored by Senators D. Harris, Spearman, Donate, lores, hrenschall, and Scheible, sought to prohibit the purchase, possession, or ownership of firearms by individuals convicted of violent hate crimes, as well as to impose a ten year cooling off period for those who had committed any nonviolent crimes.
Under existing laws, crimes committed with motives such as race, color, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity are punishable as gross misdemeanors. Additionally, individuals convicted of certain crimes are already prohibited from firearm ownership.
Harris told the Blade that she was disappointed that the bill was ultimately vetoed, as it represents what The Senator sees as a glaring misstep in the handling of gun distribution in her state. With school and mass shootings ever increasing throughout the US, Harris plans to continue to push for gun law reform.
In a proactive step towards strengthening public health initiatives, Senator Harris played a pivotal role in fortifying Senate Bill , a comprehensive legislative initiative tackling communicable diseases. The bill , which garnered bipartisan backing, introduces crucial provisions aimed at ),)201.8-+7./)0/)+3*)2)81.48+087+5481*4,+/1*01)-.)/+/101)= wide. otably, the bill seeks to transform the approach towards HIV, recognizing it as a medical diagnosis rather than a criminal offense a significant shift towards destigmatizing and addressing the condition effectively.
ne of the notable aspects of SB is the authorization for the appointment of uarantine officers when necessary to enforce uarantine measures. This provision aims to strengthen the enforcement of uarantine protocols, particularly during public health emergencies.
Additionally, the bill empowers health authorities to adopt reasonable fees for issuing or renewing health permits or licenses re uired by state law or local ordinances. These fees are designated to cover the costs associated with issuing permits and conducting related investigations, without relying on general revenue.
Moreover, the legislation emphasizes the importance of public health measures over criminalization in addressing the spread of communicable diseases. It underscores the need for a balanced approach that prioritizes public health .81)*2)81.48/:
Additionally, it allows for testing and disclosure of information related to exposure to communicable diseases under specific circumstances while emphasizing confidentiality and the protection of personal information.
Senator Dallas Harris, known for her advocacy for community well-being and economic growth, recently shared her vision for the future of Las Vegas. In her aspiration for an ideal Las Vegas, she emphasized the importance of creating a more accessible and pedestrian-friendly city.
“My ideal Las Vegas of the future would have more bike lanes and more walkable areas and more centralized zones,” Harris said. “ verything would be a little bit closer together.... Quality of life would go up in that way. “
Her vision aligns with efforts to enhance the livability of the city, making it easier for residents and visitors to move around and access amenities without relying heavily on cars. By prioritizing walkability and bike-friendly infrastructure, Harris’ vision aims to improve public health, reduce traffic congestion, and promote a sense of community con8)51.2.1>:
Moreover, Senator Harris highlighted the importance of economic diversification in ensuring the city’s resilience and prosperity. “I would like to see more diversification in our economy,” she said. “I would love to see our economy get even stronger by broadening out and inviting in all of the different industries.”
By fostering a more diverse economy, Las Vegas could potentially reduce its reliance on a single industry, such as tourism and hospitality, and create more opportunities for growth and innovation across various sectors. This approach not only strengthens the city’s economic foundation but also enhances its resilience to external shocks and changes in the global market.
As Senator Dallas Harris continues to advocate for the interests and well-being of Las Vegas residents, her vision for a more livable and diverse city promises to shape the future trajectory of one of the nation’s most dynamic urban 5)81)*/:
inally, Harris shared a message for future young leaders “There’s nothing to it but to do it,” Harris told The Blade. “If you want to run, nobody can tell you no.”
The case against Biden is over while Trump’s continues #$%&'(')%)*+',+('-,
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He’s a man looking for something. That something is most likely a job in Trump’s administration should he win. He refused to answer that uestion when asked. When asked by Rep. Adam Schiff D-Calif. if he realized what political games would be 6>.E-/'<501'153',-67,0D'1-'3.5/'50'<.3'50'<.3'52'27'<.E'67>5054.>G' Hur gets credit for being smart. He went to Harvard and Stanford, and was a law clerk for Chief ustice William Rehn uist. He served as Special Assistant and Counsel to Christopher Wray, then assistant attorney general in charge of the ustice Department’s Criminal Division. There is no way a smart, accomplished man like Hur wouldn’t recognize the political implications of <1.0'1-'<,70-G
I think once he found he couldn’t actually indict the president, because there was no indictable offense, he had to come up <501'.',-.372'01.0'<7@>/'3.0538E'01-'A-6@B>54.23'1-'<.3'0,E52H' to impress. So, what better than going along with the Republican playbook saying Biden was an old man who couldn’t remember anything and writing that is how a jury would see him What a pile of BS. The reason they wouldn’t convict is there was no crime committed.
*20-,-3052H>ED'C@,'<-20'-F-2'8@,01-,'/7<2'01-'A-6@B>54.2',.B= bit hole, and said Biden was only looking for money when he wanted to use the information from a high security paper in a book he was writing. But of course, like any former president or vice president, he was going to get a great book deal, which was in no way dependent on him having any high-level security papers in his possession to share. Again, ridiculous to pin it on that especially when you think about all the grift in the Trump family.
Clearly, im ordan R- hio , who chairs the committee, the same im ordan who I was most likely bumped out of a first-class seat on a recent American Airlines flight for, jumped on that to say Biden and his family only wanted to make money even if illegally. Again, it is beyond rational belief that Hur, a smart guy,
wouldn’t understand he played right into ordan’s hand. I think he put that in specifically for ordan, and other Republicans, to use. ow he had to have some balance to his report, so he explained why Biden didn’t do what Trump did, Biden having cooperated with the feds, while Trump did just the opposite. But the reality is this didn’t make any difference to the Trump case, and didn’t break new ground in any way. Smart thing to do by Hur, but then I keep giving Hur credit for being smart.
The State of the Union speech put to rest Biden being an old man who couldn’t think on his feet. He clearly did, and even managed to make Marjorie Taylor Greene look like a bigger fool than she is. He had Speaker ohnson sitting behind him, actually having to clap for some things he said, even if he tried to hide those claps beneath the camera’s range. This is the same Speak-,'<17'52'.'6,-33'4728-,-24-',-4-20>E'4728@3-/'*3,.->'<501'*,.2D' 3.E52H',-6-.0-/>E'01-'?72H,-33'<7@>/'.66,7F-'8@2/3'87,'*,.2G' 9,-35/-20';5/-2'/->5F-,-/'.'30,72H'.2/'4>-.,'36--41D'<1541'6@0' many Democrats’, and independents’, minds at ease.
The case investigating Biden taking documents is now over, at least with regard to any of the legal issues. That doesn’t mean Republicans will drop it, and Hur gave them the grist for their lies to continue. Hur kept saying he didn’t exonerate Biden, we can debate the meaning of the word exonerate, but again this shows how smart Hur is, and he did this for the Republicans he wants to impress. Despite this, his final report showed there was 270152H'07'6,73-4@0-';5/-2'72G'
The president can put this behind him, while Trump still has to deal with his case. The president is moving forward with a campaign that will show the American people why he, and amala Harris, should be reelected. He is out campaigning across the country making a strong case for his vision of the future, and talking about issues like abortion, and protecting democracy. If I am right, and Trump loses, Hur will realize what a big mistake he made, placing his bets on the wrong horse.
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y re ections on the death of icon Da id i ner
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Unrecognizable and anonymously masculine out of his drag persona, ules finds himself 5#,-++-+,%'%2'+,#)94&%'+2%24;8-<-/94&%,'3#%-+%."-<"%"#%;8'+&%/9%(94/1%"-&%:9)3#)%'//'<=E #)%C%."9&#%+'3#0%'&%"#%8#')+&0%-&%K)#&/9+%PT#9),#%>'<U'$Q%C%-+%/"#%39&/%"43-8-'/-+,%.'$% ;9&&-58#6%R&%"-&%&<"#3#%5#,-+&%/9%;8'$%94/0%"9.#*#)0%"#%#+<94+/#)&%'+%95&/'<8#V%-+%,#//-+,% /9%=+9.%/"#%<89&#/#2%K)#&/9+0%"#%-&%&4);)-%/9%2-&<9*#)%+9/%9+8$%#3;'/"$%:9)%&93#9+#% living their life in terrified camouflage, but a mutual attraction that develops despite the horrific history between them.
ramed as a self-described “neo-noir” story, a designation that implies a certain flavor 9:%39)'8%'35-,4-/$%'&%34<"%'&%-/%29#&%'%/#+&#%'+2%&"'29.$%/'8#%9:%-+/)-,4#%9)%'%;&$<"9E 89,-<'88$%<93;8#L%/9+#0%-/A&%'%39*-#%/"'/%)#8-#&%"#'*-8$%9+%&/$8#%-+%9)2#)%/9%X%-/&%<9+<#;/4E
al premise. Realistically, we might uestion the boldness that permits our protagonist to #+'</%&4<"%'%;9/#+/-'88$%"'W')294&%&<"#3#0%54/%-+%/"#%<9+/#L/%9:%-/&%,#+)#%/)';;-+,&%.#% ')#%8488#2%-+/9%'<<#;/-+,%-/6%R+2%."-8#%39&/%9:%4&%')#%8-=#8$%(B'2#21%#+94,"%/9%D4#&/-9+%/"#% ;9&&-5-8-/$%9:%/#+2#)+#&&%5#/.##+%-/&%/.9%8#'2-+,%<"')'</#)&0%/"#%'<<#;/#2%<9+<#-/&%9:%/"#% film noir :9)3%')#%#+94,"%/9%X%-/%/9%4&%C%9)%'/%8#'&/%'889.%4&%/9%,)';;8#%.-/"%-/%'89+,&-2#% O48#&0%."9&#%)-,"/#94&8$%>'<"-'*#88-'+%3'&/#)%;8'+%-&%/")#'/#+#2%5$%/"#%:##8-+,&%"#%(<'/<"E #&1%-+%&;-/#%9:%"-3:6
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Before we scare you off with discussion of high-concept themes and “culture war” rhet9)-<0%"9.#*#)0%-/A&%<)4<-'8%/9%5)-+,%4;%/"#%#8#3#+/&%/"'/%8-:/%(H#33#1%'59*#%'+2%5#$9+2%/"#% level of so many such narrative films and makes it a somewhat unexpectedly potent piece 9:%<-+#3'/-<%&/9)$/#88-+,%C%'+2%'88%9:%/"#3%"'*#%/9%29%.-/"%/"#%&=-88%'+2%-+/#+/-9+%5#"-+2%-/6
As to the former, the movie’s first-time directors manage a remarkable debut, steeping their film in moody, genre-appropriate visuals and murky morality, paving a path for us 5#$9+2%/"#%#'&$%'&&#&&3#+/&%;)9&<)-5#2%:9)%4&%5$%<9+*#+/-9+'8%/"-+=-+,%'+2%:9)<-+,%4&%/9% :9889.%94)%&$3;'/"-#&%-+/9%'+%4+<93:9)/'58#%<9+:)9+/'/-9+%5#/.##+%."'/%.#%(=+9.1%'&% )-,"/%'+2%."'/%.#%:##8%'&%/)4#Y%'/%/"#%&'3#%/-3#0%/"#$%;4&"%5'<=%','-+&/%'+$%+'/4)'8%&#+E /-3#+/'8-/$%.#%3-,"/%"'*#%'594/%/"#%&-/4'/-9+%5$%&/)#&&-+,%/"#%/9L-<-/$%9:%/"#%)#8'/-9+&"-;% in the middle of their film, the ironically-reversed insincerity of its dynamic, and perhaps most importantly the reality of the defining circumstances around it. While we might find ourselves longing for a happier outcome than the one we start off with, the film makes +9%;)#/#+&#%/"'/%/"#%4+8-=#8$E$#/E&93#"9.E5#8-#*'58#%)93'+<#%-/%'&=&%4&%/9%#35)'<#%-&% '%)#'8-&/-<%9+#Y%2#)'-8#2%5$%2##;%2#+-'80%/)'43'/-<%'&&9<-'/-9+&0%'+2%'%<'8<48'/#2%8'<=%9:% "9+#&/$%9+%/"#%&-2#%.#A)#%&4;;9%/9%5#%9+0%-/A&%<8#')%:)93%#')8$%9+%/"'/%'%("';;$%#+2-+,1% between these two opposed-but-somehow-parallel figures is unlikely if not impossible. I#*#)/"#8#&&0%.#%"9;#%:9)%-/0%-+%&;-/#%9:%94)*#&6 !"'/%.9)=&%8'),#8$%5#<'4&#%9:%/"#%39*-#A&%8#'2%'</9)&6%S9/"%F/#.')/EO'))#//%P(J'+2$3'+1Q% and Mac ay “ ride”, “191 ” deliver fully invested, utterly relatable performances, finding /"#%#39/-9+'8%/)4/"%5#"-+2%/"#-)%-+/#)'</-9+&%.-/"%'&%34<"%;'8;'58#%'4/"#+/-<-/$%'&%/"#$% 5)-+,%/9%/"#%<"#3-&/)$%5#/.##+%/"#36%!"#$%:9)<#%4&%/9%'5'+29+%94)%;)#<9+<#-*#2%-2#'&% about each character by finding the human presence behind them, and it makes the story’s final outcome feel as heartbreaking as it does inevitable.
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