Los Angeles Blade, Volume 08, Issue 26, November 29, 2024

Page 1


The Trans Latin oalition raised appro imately , to continue undin vital pro rams #$%&'(()**)%+,*-.)/,

The Trans Latin oalition raised a record brea in amount o money at their uincea era, celebratin fi teen years o helpin the Trans, Latin American communities o est olly ood and Los An eles. The event too place at the acific esi n enter in est olly ood, startin ith a reception and red carpet, ollo ed by a ashion sho eatur in desi ners. The th anniversary success ully hi hli hted the intersection o cultura, ashion and activism ith a mariachi and ashion lines ull o vibrant Latin American colors, patterns and embroidery.

The uinceanera s ashion sho is called A A , hich stands or roundbrea in Ac tivism edirectin and e ormin All ystems. A A is more than ust a ashion sho , it is also a movement to trans orm the Trans, ender noncon ormin and nterse community as ell as their allies into hi h ashion icons.

A A raises unds or the Trans Latin oalition and uses these events to ive T peo ple a plat orm to sho case their talents, leadership and activism. The uincea era themed ashion sho

Bamby alcedo, o Trans Latin oalition spo e durin the event to address not only the need or continued undin , but also to point out ho much more unity the T and Lat in American communities must demonstrate in li ht o the incomin Trump administration. ant to than each and every one o you or supportin our or , or believin in our or and or participatin in the chan e e are all or in to create, said alcedo to the audience. e re here to raise unds to continue to do the or that needs to happen, espe cially because o hat ust happened ith the election . And you no hat The overn ment is tryin to scare us and diminish ho e are, and say to all those mother c ers c you

The ashion sho and reception brou ht in celebrity uests, models, in uencers and many other ueer Los An eles socialites. aya ade, ia unn rom u aul s ra ace eason , Mayhem Miller rom u aul s ra ace eason , eidi loset rom u aul s ra ace eason and many in uencers and personalities.

The T desi ners ho sho cased their latest creations ere Leandra , nri ue Montes, emi reations, atalia Acosta, oyal ubbish, Armani ae, u a , Bad Burro, Li e on Mars, M , eleven, a to ab, hristiana allardo and esse Alvarado.

Reports of hate-filled messages under investigation

acist, homophobic, messa es reported across the . . ollo in presidential election #$%&'(()**)%+,*-.)/,

"%&'()*+,-& ./0&'0*0(+1&23(0+3&45&6%708.)9+.)4%&8.+.0*&./0,&+(0&%4:&)%708.)9+.)%9&+&80()08& o racist and o ensive messa es sent to L BT communities and communities o color around the country. At first, te t messa es ere tar eted at Blac Americans and A rican Americans, then the ave o hate ul di ital rhetoric spread to tar et the L BT and Latin American communities.

arlier this month, the initial te t messa es ere sent out to Blac American and A rican American people re ardin a a e or assi nment that su ested they ere oin to be or in as slaves in a plantation. olle e students, hi h school students, pro essionals and even children, reported receivin the mass te ts rom unreco ni ed phone numbers ollo in the presidential election.

ince then, at least states throu hout the nation have reported cases o similar mes sa es containin hate filled speech, accordin to . Accordin to the report issued by the B , the te ts and emails that tar et the L BT and Latin American communities stated that the receivers o these messa es ere selected or deportation or to report to re education camps.

The ederal ommunications ommission;s en orcement bureau is investi atin the te t messa es. hair essica osen orcel issued a statement re ardin the te ts.

<These messa es are unacceptable, said osen orcel. <That s hy our n orcement Bu reau is already investi atin and loo in into them alon side ederal and state la en orce ment. e ta e this type o tar etin very seriously.

The B reports that thou h they have not received reports o violence related to the mes

sa es, they are or in ith the epartment o ustice ivil i hts ivision, to eval uate all reported incidents across the . .

Last year, the Leadership #4%50(0%=0&>*3=+.)4%&'3%*& launched a report&8.+.)%9&./+.& hate crimes increase durin elections, pointin to hite supremacists bein partic ularly active durin the past our presidential election cy =108?

A portion o the report (0+*8@& <The Trump candidacy empo ered hite national ists and provided them ith a plat orm one they had been see in ith rene ed intensity since the historic election o America s first Blac president in . ince , communities across the country have e perienced some o the most violent and deadliest years or hate in modern history.

(Photo credit Niko Storment)
(Canva graphic by Gisselle Palomera)

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'()*+,-#./01-2*3-0*,4-5+4*.-263-6)7 84)86()-8(-94:6)-0*33-,41(.8*86()3-607 mediately upon ta in o ce on anuary ;<=-;<;>=-*-1.(0634-24-0*,4-.414*84,+?,/.6):-263-;<;@-1.436,4)86*+-5*01*6:)A

B%)-'*?-C=-$-D6++-+*/)52-824-+*.:438-,47 1(.8*86()-1.(:.*0-6)-"04.65*)-2638(.?-8(:48-824-5.606)*+3-(/8=E-24-,45+*.4,-,/.6):-*rally at Madison uare arden in the final ,*?3-(F-824-1.436,4)86*+-.*54A-B$-D6++-.435/44G4.?-568?-*),-8(D)-82*8-2*3-944)-6)G*,4,*),-5()H/4.4,=-*),-D4-D6++-1/8-82434-G67 56(/3-*),-9+((,826.38?-5.606)*+3-6)-I*6+=-824)J65J-8240-824-24++-(/8-(F-(/.-5(/)8.?-*3-F*38*3-1(3369+4AE

This ee , or the first time, Trump G(D4,-8(-6)G(J4-)*86()*+-404.:4)5?-1(D7 4.3-8(-4K45/84-8263-1+*)-*),=-1*.865/+*.+?8.(/9+6):=-D6++-/34-824-".04,-L4.G6543-8(-,(3(A !*86()*+-404.:4)5?-,45+*.*86()3-2*G4+():-944)-/34,-9?-MALA-1.436,4)83-8(-*554334K8.*(.,6)*.?-1(D4.3=-(F84)-9?1*336):-5()7 :.4336()*+-(G4.36:28A-#24-!*86()*+-N04.7 :4)5643-"58-O!N"P-(F-CQRS-D*3-,436:)4,-8(1.4G4)8-/)5245J4,-4K45/86G4-*/82(.68?=-9/8its provisions have ailed to e ectively curb 1.436,4)86*+-(G4..4*52A-T26+4-824-*58-3483:/6,4+6)43-F(.-,45+*.6):-)*86()*+-404.:4)7 5643=-1.436,4)83-2*G4-F.4H/4)8+?-6)G(J4,8263-1(D4.-8(-I/386F?-D6,47.*):6):-*586()3=F.(0-06+68*.?-6)84.G4)86()3-O*9.(*,P-8(3/.G46++*)54-1.(:.*03-O,(043865*++?-*),*9.(*,PA

U(.-4K*01+4=-6)-824-*F84.0*82-(F-824-L417 84094.-CC-*88*5J3=-V.436,4)8-W4(.:4-TAX/32-6)G(J4,-)*86()*+-404.:4)5?-1(D4.38(-1*33-824-V*8.6(8-"58=-D2652-*++(D4,-F(.3D4416):-3/.G46++*)54-*),-5(/)84.84..(.7 630-04*3/.43-D682-06)60*+-5():.4336()*+(G4.36:28A-#263-1.454,4)8-438*9+63243-*-5()7 54.)6):-F(/),*86()-F(.-#./01Y3-1.(1(34,/34-(F-404.:4)5?-1(D4.3-6)-824-.4*+0-(F6006:.*86()-4)F(.5404)8A

#./01Y3-1+4,:4-8(-6)G(J4-404.:4)5?1(D4.3-8(-,48*6)=-.(/),-/1=-*),-,41(.8(G4.-CC-06++6()-/),(5/04)84,-6006:.*)83D(/+,-.43/+8-6)-*-,(043865-06+68*.?-(14.*7 86()-(F-/)1.454,4)84,-35*+4A

Z4-G(D3-8(-9/6+,-BG*38-2(+,6):-F*56+6864382*8-D(/+,-F/)586()-*3-38*:6):-54)84.3E-F(.6006:.*)83-*3-8246.-5*343-1.(:.4334,-*),they aited to be o n to other countries. hile lar e scale deportation e orts have

944)-*8840184,-6)-824-1*38[0(38-.454)87 +?-V.436,4)8-N634)2(D4.Y3-B%14.*86()-T487 9*5JE-6)-824-CQ><3=-D2652-,41(.84,-CAC06++6()-14(1+4[8(,*?Y3-1.(1(34,-)/094.3*.4-F*.-:.4*84.A-NG4)-824-%9*0*-*,06)637 8.*86()=-D2652-,41(.84,-CA\-06++6()-14(1+4durin its tenure, aced si nificant le al and +(:63865*+-2/.,+43-82*8-0*,4-+*.:4735*+4-,47 portations di cult to carry out uic ly and D682(/8-5()34H/4)54A


&4:*+-52*++4):43-*.4-*+0(38-54.8*6)-8(4):/+F-#./01Y3-*,06)638.*86()-32(/+,-681/.3/4-3/52-*-1+*)A-#2434-52*++4):43-D6++6)5+/,4-J4?-633/43-3/52-*3-D24824.-8241.436,4)8-5*)-+*DF/++?-9?1*33-^():.433-8(4)F(.54-0*33-,41(.8*86()3A-#24.4-D6++-*+3(be si nificant le al disputes surroundin 824-8.4*804)8-(F-,48*6)4,-6006:.*)83=-1*.7 865/+*.+?-8246.-'/4-V.(5433-.6:283-/),4.-824. . onstitution.

The upreme ourt case ennin s v odri ue , rea rmed that due process 1.(84586()3-*11+?-8(-*++-6),6G6,/*+3-()-MALA3(6+=-.4:*.,+433-(F-6006:.*86()-38*8/3=-:/*.7 *)8446):-8240-.6:283-3/52-*3-9(),-24*.7 in s and access to counsel.

")?-*884018-8(-9?1*33-82434-.6:283-D(/+,6)G684-6004,6*84-*),-3/938*)86*+-+4:*+-52*+7 +4):43=-F/.824.-5(01+65*86):-#./01Y3-4F7 F(.83A

$)-*,,686()-8(-82434-+4:*+-5(01+4K68643=824-+(:63865*+-52*++4):43-(F-4K45/86):-3/52*-0*336G4-(14.*86()-D(/+,-94-6004)34A'41(.86):-06++6()3-(F-6),6G6,/*+3-D(/+,.4H/6.4-4K84)36G4-.43(/.543-F(.-8.*)31(.7 8*86()=-2(/36):=-04,65*+-5*.4=-*),-3/3847 nance. ome estimate the price ta could 4K544,-_`<<-96++6()-,(++*.3A #24-MALA-:(G4.)04)8-D(/+,-)44,-8(-36:7 nificantly e pand detention acilities and in F.*38./58/.4-8(-*55(00(,*84-3/52-*-+*.:4in u o detainees.

Z638(.65*+-*8840183-8(-6)5.4*34-,484)86()5*1*568?=-3/52-*3-824-F*06+?-,484)86()-54)7 84.3-/),4.-%9*0*=-F*54,-34G4.4-5.6865630F(.-(G4.5.(D,6):=-6)2/0*)4-5(),686()3*),-824-G6(+*86()-(F-2/0*)-.6:283A &4:*+-(9I4586()3-*.4-+6J4+?-8(-*.634-5()7 54.)6):-824-/34-(F-*.04,-06+68*.?-14.3()7 )4+-6)-56G6+6*)-31*543A-'41+(?6):-06+68*.?F(.543-F(.-,(043865-+*D-4)F(.5404)8-(17 4.*86()3-5(/+,-G6(+*84-824-V(334-^(068*7 8/3-"58=-D2652-.438.6583-824-/34-(F-06+68*.?-

14.3())4+-6)-56G6+6*)-+*D-4)F(.5404)8-*586G7 ities. revious e orts to militari e . . im 06:.*86()-4)F(.5404)8[3/52-*3-824-/34-(F824-!*86()*+-W/*.,-*8-824-MALA7]4K65(-9(.7 ,4.[F*54,-5()3868/86()*+-52*++4):43-*),public bac lash.


$F-#./01-1.(544,3-D682-/36):-824-06+68*.?F(.-0*33-,41(.8*86()3=-68-D(/+,-*+0(38-54.7 8*6)+?-1.(018-6004,6*84-+4:*+-52*++4):439*34,-()-8263-+*DA #./01-2*3-+():-4K1.4334,-,63,*6)-F(.824-8.*,686()*+-3?3840-(F-5245J3-*),-9*+7 *)543=-G64D6):-4G4)-9*365-5()3868/86()*+ar uments as an obstacle to his leadership. Z4-2*3-32(D)-82*8-24-D6++-)(8-24368*848(-9?1*33-^():.433-*),-(824.-:(G4.)7 04)8*+-1.(543343-F(.-J4?-*11(6)804)83Aor e ample, durin his first term, Trump .414*84,+?-3(/:28-8(-56.5/0G4)8-824-L4)7 ate confirmation process, such as ith his appointments to the epartment o ustice *),-Z4*+82-*),-Z/0*)-L4.G6543=-D24.4-245+*324,-D682-L4)*84-'40(5.*83-(G4.-J4?)(06)*86()3A

U4*.6):-+(33-(F-5()3868/86()*+-.6:283=-4K45/86G4-(G4..4*52=-*),-06+68*.?-6)G(+G404)8-6)-56G6+-+*D-4)F(.5404)8= 6006:.*86()-5(00/)68?-35.*09+43 !"#$%&'#()*$+%* :;<!=<>?@(9!(8;@9<A?8?@B89C?D:;E ,- (F(<;G?EB?H(IJK(ILIM(F(8;@9<A?8?@B89C?D:;E

L46a6):-404.:4)5?-1(D4.3-D(/+,-*++(D#./01-8(-9?1*33-3(04=-9/8-)(8-*++=-1(+6865*+*),-+4:*+-9*..64.3-8(-601+404)86):-263-,47 portation plan.

#(-0*J4-68-0(.4-F4*369+4=-24-D(/+,-+6J47 +?-)44,-8(-3/314),-*314583-(F-'/4-V.(54331.(84586()3=-06+68*.6a4-1/9+65-31*543-*),9?1*33-./+43-3/..(/),6):-824-,484)86()-(F6),6G6,/*+3-D682(/8-*,4H/*84-24*.6):3-(.*55433-8(-5.4,69+4-+4:*+-5(/)34+A-#263-D(/+,5.4*84-*-3?3840-D24.4-*)?-6),6G6,/*+-5(/+,94-,48*6)4,=-1.(54334,-*),-,41(.84,-D682)(-*58/*+-.4:*.,-F(.-5()3868/86()*+-1.(8457 86()3A

$)-32(.8=-*-F./38.*84,-#./01[401(D7 4.4,-9?-*-c41/9+65*)70*I(.68?-^():.433and a potentially illin and upreme ^(/.8[06:28-*884018-8(-3/314),-824-5()7 3868/86()A

This is not ithout precedent. '/.6):-824-^6G6+-T*.=-"9.*2*0-&6)5(+)3/314),4,-2*94*3-5(.1/3-8(-3/11.433-,637 34)8=-*),-,/.6):-T(.+,-T*.-$$=-U.*)J+6)-'Aoosevelt s internment o apanese Ameri 5*)3-6)G(+G4,-824-3/314)36()-(F-8246.-5()7 3868/86()*+-.6:283-6)-824-)*04-(F-)*86()*+security.

T26+4-82434-*586()3-D4.4-8*J4)-,/.6):86043-(F-D*.=-824?-348-,*):4.(/3-1.4547 ,4)83-F(.-824-3/314)36()-(F-56G6+-+694.86436)-824-F*54-(F-14.546G4,-)*86()*+-5.6343A#./01-2*3-5*++4,-824-6006:.*86()-*)-d6)G*7 36()Y-*),-2*3-.4F4..4,-8(-06:.*)83-*),-8246.1.(8458(.3-*3-824-d4)40?-D6826)AY #2(/:2-F4D-*.4-1/9+65+?-5()8401+*86):8263-1(33696+68?=-D4-0/38-*5J)(D+4,:4-82*8D4-*.4-()-*-8.*I458(.?-8(D*.,-3(04-F(.0(F-56G6+-.6:283-3/314)36()=-*),-54.8*6)+?=-D4*.4-D68)4336):-*-1(84)86*+-F(.-D6,431.4*,4K45/86G4-(G4..4*52A

#./01-63-)(8-32?-*9(/8-263-9.(*,4.-,47 36.4-8(-54)8.*+6a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a*.=#(0-Z(0*)=-D2(-341*.*84,-82(/3*),3-(Families at the border durin Trump s first 84.0b-82*8-1(+65?-.43/+84,-6)-526+,.4)-)4G4.*:*6)-946):-F(/),A


'()*+,-#./0123-.45/.)-5(-564-76854-9(/34-1.(08343-5(36*:4-/1-7*368);5()-8)-<*=3-)(5-344)-4>4)-,/.8);-564)(.0?36*554.8);-#./01-@AB-=4*.3C-()-564-5*D+4-*.4-D+/41.8)53E(.-.*,8F*++=-.4E(.08);-564-E4,4.*+-F8>8+-34.>8F4-8)5(-*-0(.41*.583*)-8)3585/58()-<64.4-+(=*+5=-83-1.8G4,-*5-564-4H14)34-(Ee pertise and competence o the table, amon other thin s, *.4-*)58?,83F.808)*58()-1.(54F58()3-56*5-6*,-+();-D(+354.4,-564.8;653-*),-<4+E*.4-(E-&IJ#K-E4,4.*+-;(>4.)04)5-401+(=443A ashin ton proudly boasts, per capita, the hi hest L BT 1(1/+*58()-(E-*)=-F85=-8)-*)=-35*54-8)-"04.8F*A-!8)45=?5<(-14.? cent o the city s , residents voted or ice resident Kamala arris. o, accordin to e it polls, did percent o &IJ#K->(54.3A-

L*)=-(E-'AMA23-&IJ#K-.438,4)53-<6(-<(.:-E(.-564-E4,4.*+overnment find themselves, no , at an unenviable cross .(*,3A-N(04-35((,-5(-+(34-5648.-O(D3-.4;*.,+433-(E-<6(-<()8)-!(>40D4.-D4F*/34-564=-34.>4-8)-68;64.?.*):8);-P1(+858F*+Qroles that typically turn over administration to administration, D/5-0(.4-*.4-PF*.44.Q-401+(=443-<856-4H14.84)F4-34.>8);-<856D(56-1*.5843-8)-F6*.;4-(E-564-76854-9(/34A

Many find themselves choosin hether to ade into a hy perlocal ob mar et that is, at the moment, competitive or ob see ers or continue, i they can, or in under institutions ./)-D=-R41/D+8F*)3-<6(-6*>4->(<4,-5(-,435.(=-5640-S(.-*5least sha e them up, hatever that ill mean).

#64-7*368);5()-J+*,4-6*3-31(:4)-<856-&IJ#K-401+(=4438)-564-E4,4.*+-;(>4.)04)5-<6(-<(..=-*D(/5-564-<4+E*.4-(Eay, ueer, and trans collea ues they plan to leave behind or obs in the private sector. They share a deep concern, too, or the L BT Americans ho, they believe, ill su er harm ul conse uences o policy and overnance under the incomin *,08)835.*58()A-

"-+43D8*)-*55(.)4=-E(.-564-TANA-'41*.504)5-(E-U/358F4-*),a ay senior o cial or the . . epartment o ommerce 31(:4-*)()=0(/3+=-<856-564-J+*,4-5(-36*.4-4H14.84)F43-*),(D34.>*58()3-*5-5648.-.4314F58>4-*;4)F843A-


WJustice Department]C-$-1+*)-5(-+4*>4-36(.5+=-*E54.-564-8)? */;/.*58()A-

WCommerce Department]C-$-6(14-5(-D4-<(.:8);-4+34<64.4by the ne t term. The ob mar et is incredibly competitive, D/5-56*523-D4F*/34-564-J8,4)-*,08)835.*58()-68.4,-564-D435*),-D.8;65435-1/D+8F-34.>*)53-56*5-.41.434)5-4>4.=-F(00/)8? 5=-8)-"04.8F*A-$523-1*.58F/+*.+=-801(.5*)5-56*5-F(01*)843-*),nonprofits see out the reat early mid career sta rom the administration. Many finished colle e remotely durin the pandemic, to then immediately serve their country. They have e ceptional or e perience, but can be at a hirin disadvan 5*;4-D468),-5648.-F+*330*543-<6(-8004,8*54+=-4)54.4,-564<(.:E(.F4A

#$%&' ould you be (or mi ht you be) allo ed to continue

8)-=(/.-.(+4-/),4.-564-)4H5-*,08)835.*58()-8E-=(/-<8364,-5(-,(3(XW()*+,-. robably not.

#$%&' nder the ne t administration, i you ere allo ed to continue in your role or serve in a di erent position at your a ency or perhaps or else here in the ederal overnment, <(/+,-=(/X-76=-(.-<6=-)(5X W()*+,-.YC-!(Z.83:-(E-,(H8);-83-5((-68;6[-,8,-85-()F4-D4E(.4*),-)(5-8)54.4354,-8)-,(8);-85-*;*8)A--

WCommerceYC-$-<(/+,-)(5-<(.:-8)-564-#./01-*,08)835.*? tion, even i allo ed. To or or someone ho believes in .45.8D/58()-(>4.-1/D+8F-34.>8F4-<(/+,->8(+*54-564-(*56-$-5((:5(-0=-F(/)5.=-*),-564-M()3585/58()-64-.4E/343-5(-.4314F5A-$loo or ard to doin hat ueer people have done or all o "04.8F*)-6835(.=C-368)8);-D.8;65+=-8)-564-E*F4-(E-6*54-*),-D48);*-3/FF433-8)-31854-(E-4>4.=-*554015-5(-36*04A

#$%&'C-76*5-F*)-=(/-54++-04-*D(/5-564-1(35?4+4F58()-5/.)? (>4.-*5-=(/.-*;4)F=-56*5-=(/2>4-344)-3(-E*.-(.-4H14F5-5(-344in the comin months, as compared to that hich you mi ht 6*>4-4H14.84)F4,-,/.8);-1.4>8(/3-5.*)3858()3X


WCommerce perienced career sta ho survived the first Trump years are burned out and leavin . This is a horri D+4-+(33-E(.-564-"04.8F*)-14(1+4-<6(-*.4-+(38);-564-,4,8F*54,3/DO4F5-0*554.-4H14.53-<6(-,(-564-6*.,-<(.:-(E-0*:8);-5648.lives easier, sa er, and healthier. o many o them or or 564-E4,4.*+-;(>4.)04)5-D4F*/34-(E-6(<-85-F*)-D4-/34,-5(-64+1people in bi ays. They re horrified to thin o all the people, especially minorities, omen, and ueer people, ill, instead, D4-5*.;454,A-#64=-,()25-<*)5-5(-D4-*-1*.5-(E-56*5A-#64=-F*)25+8>4-<856-56*5A

#$%&'C-".4-*)=-(E-=(/.-&IJ#K-F(++4*;/43-35*=8);-8)-5648.obs so, hat can you share about the reasons you ve heard E(.-5648.-,4F838()-5(-35*=X

W()*+,-.YC-\43[-0*)=-<8++-35*=-D4F*/34-564=-,()25-6*>4-564lu ury o leavin ithout a ob lined up.

#$%&' hat are some o your bi est concerns specific to 6(<-=(/.-*;4)F=-08;65-D4-./)-/),4.-564-#./01-VAB-.4;804XW()*+,-.YC-#64=-<8++-,830*)5+4-564-F8>8+-.8;653-,8>838()-*5-'%Uor completely shi t its ocus.

WCommerce m horrified at ho data may be eaponi ed a ainst vulnerable people. o much or has been done to 64+1-F(00/)85843-D=-D/8+,8);-F+(34?:)85-.4+*58()36813-<856+4*,4.3-*F.(33-564-F(/)5.843A-78++-*++-56434-1.(;.*03-E(F/34,on supportin the most vulnerable and underserved amon us be turned on them to identi y easy tar ets to victimi e

#$%&' Broadly spea in , hat concerns do you have about the ri hts, sa ety, and ellbein o L BT ol s ho ill

remain in the civil service post anuary, or those ho mi ht O(8)-564-E4,4.*+-;(>4.)04)523-F8>8+8*)-<(.:E(.F4-*E54.-#./015*:43-(>4.X

W()*+,-. L BT people ill be at reater ris o do in bathroom e ibilities ill disappear harassment ill o un F64F:4,A-

WCommerceYC-74-*.4-D*.4+=-(/5-(E-564-36*,(<-(E-564-&*>? ender care, here thousands o ueer American public ser vants ere harassed, humiliated, and o ten fired in shame. t starts ith removin ride a s, then the photos o our part ners on our des s, and then e re escorted rom the buildin or bein security ris s. L BT Americans are the soldiers, and scientists, and civil servants and should never, ever have 5(-<(..=-8E-5648.-04.4-4H8354)F4-F(/+,-3/,,4)+=-F(35-5640their security clearance, their career path, or their sa ety.

#$%&' o do you thin sta turnover at your a ency ill impact its or under the ne t administration

W()*+,-. ta turnover ill severely undermine s or and protectin the rule o la .

#$%&' , ultimately, a disproportionate number o L BT or ers leave or obs in the private sector, are you concerned *D(/5-6*.03-56*5-08;65-.43/+5-E.(0-564-+(33-(E->(8F43-.41.4? sentin the community in the ederal overnment and or in your a ency specifically

W()*+,-. e loss o voices, yes. The ederal overnment cannot unction as e ectively hen it doesn t re ect the public 85-34.>43A

( lade file photo by ichael ey)

!"#$%#&%'()*+,-.)/012%3)4#5264)0'7#")'#&)-"08/) 578%'%96"56%:'

perts discuss everythin rom r access to blood donation !"#$%&'()*+%,&#-./,#0 1234567389:;3<5=1>?

ecent years have seen ma or inroads in the fi ht a ainst , includin throu h the development o ne preventative medicines that have become more a ordable and accessi ble than s in part to overnment interventions li e the A ordable are Act s ederal health insurance covera e and cost sharin mandates.

ver the past our years under the Biden arris adminis tration and . . ealth and uman ervices ecretary avier Becerra, health policy has ocused to a si nificant e tent on health e uity, includin or L B and trans or ender diverse populations.

resident elect onald Trump s record rom his first ad ministration, plans laid out in the erita e oundation s ro ect overnin blueprint, and the policies championed by voices closest to him o er a roadmap or ho the ederal overnment is li ely to approach public health issues import ant or the L BT community in the second term. pea in about these matters ith the ashin ton Blade earlier this month ere t o e perts rom the uman i hts ampai n, Torrian Bas erville, ho serves as director o and health e uity, and Matthe ose, the or ani ation s se nior public policy advocate.

The discussion happened be ore Trump s nomination o obert . Kennedy r. to serve as secretary, ave el don or director o the enters or isease ontrol and re vention, and Marty Ma ary to lead the ood and ru Ad ministration.

ill be very important or us, ose said. ho they put at the ce o ivil i hts at ill be incredibly im portant or us. The assistant secretary or health has, under emocratic administrations, and in epublican administra tions, been a champion or us, sometimes li e Trump . s Assistant ecretary or ealth Admiral Brett iroir, ho did hat he could or us.

e continued, This is the first time that re uires, ill re uire, a enate confirmed person, and so that is o in to be somethin to atch. m not as concerned about al ays, unless they find someone really, really cra y to ta e over. A is a orry because it could chan e ust ho e vie dru s and dru re ulations and ho those et ap proved.

ose added that he is al ays atchin MB, because the people ho ma e the bud et decide ho money ets spent and it remains unclear hether the ne administration ill see a ne director o the ce o ational A olicy. no a lot o people, particularly L BT ol s, ho are li e, oh, shit. e are in trouble, Bas erville told the Blade. And hat does that mean or my care hat does that mean or people ho are sayin , m a Blac trans oman ho s livin ith these proposals that ol s are tal in about, particularly out o ro ect and Trump, and the rhetoric ho does that impact me hile e are desirin and hopin or the best, Bas er ville said, the reality is that thin s that e have seen, at least

the rhetoric, hasn t been hope ul. And so e re ust hopin that there are uardrails in place that help to maintain and control as best as possible some o the thin s that may be oin on.

e added, As a community, e re really ust thin in li e it s oin to be a shit sho , but hat does that mean or us o do e persevere throu h and hat do e need to do to '()*+',-+.//(012.3)45+'()*+',6+.*-,1,627.2,(1+.//(012.3)45+ and continue the fi ht o advocacy

Bas erville said his bi est concern is sa ety and the ays in hich the Trump administration is oin to chal len e ol s ability to eel sa e hether based on their immi ration status or ender or se ual identity.

Trump, in his rhetoric, has emboldened ol s ith di er ent ideals and opinions to really lean into some o the hatred and the bi otry and the thin s that challen e and impose di ficulties on ol s sa ety, he said. ol s aren t eelin sa e at home, i they re not eelin sa e in their communities, they re not oin to access any o the health care, or any o the other thin s, and eel li e they re empo ered to do that. n the case Braid ood v. Becerra, the Biden arris admin istration has de ended the principle that the . . reven tive ervices Tas orce can ma e covera e determinations about preventatives li e pre e posure prophyla is ( r ), hich is ta en to reduce the ris o transmission.

nder the ne t Trump administration, e re actually very concerned about the overnment reversin its role, ose said, hich could eopardi e covera e mandates or contra ceptives, too. han in the position on Braid ood is pretty uic and easy or them to do. They can pull out o that pret ty ast.

t s a hole s eep, he said. Li e, the ar ument is that the . . reventive ervices Tas orce is not an assi ned body and voted on and thus they should not have prescribin au thority to set standards, and that hole piece has been sent

bac to the district court rom the . . ourt o Appeals or the i th ircuit.

obody ants to pay or preventative medicine, is hat they are tryin to say, ose e plained. And that the overn ment doesn t have a ri ht to tell us hat the preventive med icine is. And then they as ed or the court to stri e do n the hole A A, hich as ust antastical. But it s still an active case, and e don t no hat s oin to happen i the . . overnment s itches its position on it. ima ine that state attorneys eneral, ho have been trac in the case, ould step in, but e ll have to see hat their capacity loo s li e. ur ar ument has al ays been that i you ant to have your reli ion, that s fine, but you don t et to use overnment dollars to discriminate, ose said. And i you ant to have the overnment plan, and you ant a overnment support, you can t discriminate a ainst people. you anted to set up your o n private system, that s on you, but you don t et to ta e public dollars and do that ith them.

ith respect to r as ell as other public health mat ters, ose noted some other reasons or concern includ in some thin s in ro ect that indicate there ill be reater de erence to all thin s li e reli ious e emptions and conscience clauses and hatnot, thou h he said it is unclear ho ar the ne t administration ould be able to ta e this. ome o their bi est health people aren t all anti r , ose said. The community has continuously reminded epublicans that onald Trump did create the ndin the pidemic initiative that has helped move the needle. And so there is some promise there. They aren t all ull on, li e, anti r all the time, but they are ary o it.

e added that hile o cials in Trump . ere not the bi est ans o the , they ere fi htin so many other battles that they ere unable to substantially reorient the public health a ency.

They didn t o bac to some o the re ressive years o , li e, no promo homo, here you could not tal about ay people or anythin that made ay li e seem li e a ood thin , ose said.

There ere more Bush people bac then, he said, a lot o hom still have the le acy o doin A ith the presi dent, li e iroir, ho or ed on pediatric A as part o his career, and so he as illin to push or some thin s that e ouldn t have seen other ise.

ose added that that s ho he and lon time ational n stitute o Aller y and n ectious iseases irector Anthony auci ot to ether and or ed to create, ith the Trump people, the ndin the pidemic initiative.

At the same time, those same people ho said, o , these numbers are really bad and e should do some thin about it e re li e, but e hate all these L BT people and their health, and so e re not oin to have any non dis crimination rules , and e don t care i e ic them o their health care, and e don t care i they re invisible in society, ose said.

lade file photo by ichael ey)



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he County of os ngeles epartment of eaches and arbors is seeking ualified and 01203405607'805793:';9'05;03'45;9'+<:;03'*=300>05;:';9'239?470'<:@500707':02;46';<5A' services for emergency maintenance pump outs septic system repairs e uent and groundB<;03':<>2C45=D'B4;E'30FG4307'30293;45='9H':02;46':I:;0>:'C96<;07'<;'/9G5;I@9B507'93' operated beaches he selection of endors ill be based on the ualifications of the firms ;E<;':GJ>4;'23929:<C:K

endors submitting Statement of ualifications (S s) must provide proof of training certificates authori ed by the manufacturer to service septic systems and a minimum of five I0<3:'9H'30C0?<5;'0120340560'239?4745=':03?460:'H93';E0'6<;0=9340:'30FG0:;07K''&E0'/9G5;I'><I' re uire additional minimum ualifications he deadline for submitting S s ill be p m ecember ho ever County ill continuously accept S s throughout the 7G3<;495'9H';E0'+<:;03'*=300>05;K

urther information regarding the R S is available at https doingbusiness lacounty gov K

o vie and print a copy of the R S please visit http beaches lacounty gov re uest-for-proposals K

&E0'/9G5;I'30:03?0:';E0'34=E;';9'6<560C';E0'!(%#'<57';9'>974HI'<5I'<57'<CC';03>:'<57' conditions of the R S including minimum ualifications


CN - - Nov



#/520B,21,/-5+3*F@ *030-*2-!21*5-521-.5M*@ 0352-5/,-+,7,G/53*2B3J:-7,B57-51F52+,0-*23;,*/-/,0?,+3*F,-+:I2@ 3/*,0= &MM5*-.51650;57*L52-!21*52-3/520-5+3*F*03L651,-;*03:/N-:2-":F=PX-GN-:G35*2*2B-5-?500@ ?:/3-H:/-;,/-]@N,5/@:71+;*71L-&F*2L-J*3;:I3*2+7I1*2B-5-H53;,/90256,=-&0-5-3/520-J:6@ 52-521-0*2B7,-6:3;,/L0;,-0,3-5-?/,+,1,23-2:3-:27N-H:/-3;,-3/520-+:66I2*3N-GI3-H:/577-J:6,2-*2-3;,-+:I23/N-/5*0*2B-+;*71/,2-:2-3;,*/-:J2= .51650;57*L-J;:-*0-:2,-:H-!21*590-6:03-?/:6*2,23-3/520activists, in became the first trans oman in the coun try to o cially adopt a child. A year earlier, she made history in Karnata a by becomin the first trans oman in the state 3:-/,B*03,/-;,/-65//*5B,-J*3;-;,/-;I0G521L-)50I1,F-)= .51650;57*-,A?/,00,1-;,/-U:N-3:-3;,-6,1*5-J;,2-0;,-51@ :?3,1-&F*2L-0353*2B-0;,-;51-57J5N0-1/,56,1-:H-G,+:6*2B-56:3;,/=

t has been my dream and desire, said admashali in XYPQ=-V'I/-H56*7*,0-;5F,-5++,?3,1-3;,-G5GN=-!390-;,5/3@J5/6@ *2B-3:-0,,-3;,-7*337,-:2,-?75N*2B-:2-6N-6:3;,/90-75?=-!-UI03-

;:?,-3;53-;,-1:,0-2:3-H5+,-52N-M*21-:H-1*0+/*6*253*:2-521social sti ma hen he ro s up.

!2-XYPQL-3;,-056,-N,5/-&F*2-J50-G:/2L-?5/7*56,23-?500,13;,-#/520B,21,/-.,/0:20-^./:3,+3*:2-:H-%*B;30_-&+3= #;,-75J-0,,M0-3:-05H,BI5/1-3;,-/*B;30-:H-3/520-?,:?7,521-?/:6:3,-3;,*/-J,7H5/,=-!3-*2+7I1,0-?/:F*0*:20-H:/-*00I@ in identity certificates, protectin a ainst discrimination in ,1I+53*:2L-,6?7:N6,23L-;,573;+5/,L-521-:3;,/-0,+3:/0L-521,035G7*0;*2B-J,7H5/,-?/:B/560=-#;,-75J-570:-511/,00,1-?;N0@ *+57L-0,AI57L-F,/G57L-,6:3*:257L-521-,+:2:6*+-5GI0,-3;/:IB;?/:3,+3*:20-521-/,;5G*7*353*:2-?/:B/560L-*23/:1I+,1-+:6@ plaint o cers to handle rievances, and outlined penalties or o enses a ainst trans people.

#;,-"5/,21/5-W:1*@7,1-B:F,/26,23-:2-K,+=-XRL-XYPZL56,21,1-3;,-?500?:/3-?:7*+N-3:-5++:66:153,-0*2B7,-?5/@ ,230-521-:3;,/0-J;:-65N-2:3-J*0;-3:-*2+7I1,-5-H53;,/90-256,in the application. This move as part o broader e orts to 03/,567*2,-521-7*G,/57*`,-3;,-?500?:/3-?/:+,00-*2-!21*5=-'2,si nificant chan e as the modification o the application H:/6L-577:J*2B-5??7*+5230-3:-7*03-,*3;,/-3;,-6:3;,/90-256,Lather s name, or le al uardian s name, instead o re uirin both parents names. The chan e sou ht to benefit sin le 6:3;,/0L-:/?;520L-521-+;*71/,2-/5*0,1-GN-7,B57-BI5/1*520= .51650;57*-1I/*2B-52-*23,/F*,J-J*3;-3;,-T50;*2B3:2D751,-,6?;50*`,1-3;*0-*00I,-,A3,210-G,N:21-3;,-3/520-+:6@ 6I2*3N=-

This is not a uestion o the community maybe a sin B7,-6:3;,/L-5-0*2B7,-?5/,23L-6:03-:H-3;,-J:6,2-5+/:00-3;,orld, she said.

eople are stru lin ith the identity crisis, admashali 511,1=-V!2-5-0N03,6-:H-65U:/*35/*52L-3;,/,-5/,-0:-652N-?,:@ ple ho are in the process o uestionin the notion o mar ria e, uestions the notion o civil relationship or partner 0;*?=-$0?,+*577N-*2-6N-+50,L-G:/2-5-657,L-3/520H:/6,1-*23:-5H,657,L-521-+;577,2B,1-3;,-2:3*:2-:H-?53/*5/+;57-*203*3I3*:20*2-3;53-J5N=-!-+75*6-6N0,7H-50-5-J:652-521-570:-51:?3*2B-5+;*71L-B,33*2B-3;,-+;*71-,F,/N-1:+I6,23-H/:6-3;,-B:F,/26,23*0-5-G*B-+;577,2B,=-$0?,+*577N-*2-3;,-0353,-:H-45/2535M5L-!-1*1not find it challen in very supportive o cers, a very sup portive overnment, and a very supportive environment.


V!-3;*2M-3;,-?500?:/3-5I3;:/*3N-:H-3;*0-+:I23/N-*0-F,/N-0,2@ 0*3*F,=-#;,-?500?:/3-B*F,0-5-+,/35*2-56:I23-:H-/,+:B2*3*:2Lespecially or the trans ender community, said admashali. VW52N-3/520B,21,/-J:6,2-;5F,-570:-51:?3,1-+;*71/,2L-GI3are stru lin ith lots o identity crises.

n my case, it as a completely di erent scenario, ot 6N-?500?:/3-50-5-H,657,L-521-&F*290-570:-B,33*2B-3;,-?500?:/3ithout namin the ather, thin it s a national issue, she 511,1=-Va/:6-3;,-3/520B,21,/-?,/0:290-?:*23-:H-F*,JL-!-56;5??N-3;53-6N->I?/,6,-O:I/3-;50-/,+:B2*`,1-3;,-+:66I2*@ 3N-521-3;,-?5/7*56,23-;50-/,+:B2*`,1-3;,-#/520B,21,/-./:@ tection Act. ndia is in process o pro ressin , ould say. #$%&'()%&*#+

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ith several L BT activists and in uencers in ndia. arish yer, a plainti in one o ndia s marria e e uality +50,0L-*2-/,0?:20,-3:-#/I6?90-,7,+3*:2-05*1-3;,-V?53;-H:/ueer liberation has never been strai ht.

VThe presidential election as filled ith rhetoric rom the epublican side a ainst trans ender persons, said !N,/=-V#;,/,-;50-G,,2-5-+:6?7,3,-1,2*57-:H-3;,-,A*03,2+,:H-3/520B,21,/-?,:?7,-521-570:-J*1,0?/,51-*B2:6*2N-521-

%=;?!D7?:=B?9<!%#*#/#)(#++,' :I?8E:!8<!FHR87B!S9=>?7:=<O!=9! 3454!H9!#H>4!T,!8P<?7!:L?!;H9U ;?B?B!<H!D7?:=B?9<U?@?;<!3H98@B! 67NJI4!!M(@8B?!ILH<H!AO!'=;L8?@!V?OQ

:03/5+*06=-#;*0L-511@ *2B-3:-3;,-:F,/3I/2-:H%:,-F0=-T51,L-;50-5B@ B/5F53,1-3,20*:20-H:/,F,/N:2,-H/:6-B,2@ 1,/-F5/*523-?,/0:20-3:G*/3;*2B-?5/,230-:H-577enders.

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V!390-5-03/:2B-/,6*21,/-:H-;:J-*23,/+:22,+3,1-:I/-03/IB@ les are lobally, said ahoo. V!3-;*B;7*B;30-3;,-*6?:/352+,o standin up or e uality every here.

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a healthcare professional in the field of substance use and addiction recovery and is part of the editorial team at DRS. His primary focus is spreading awareness by educating individuals on the topics surrounding substance use.


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Maybe Amanda Tyler s campai n ill ta e root in states li e lahoma here the u perintendent o chools issued a re uest or vendors to supply , Bibles ( or . each) that sounded a lot li e onald Trump s od Bless the A Bible printed in hi na or . The Bibles ere to be used or classroom instruction in history, supporters claimed. A ter a storm o derision, the superintendent s re uest as revo ed ithout &Z/,#)#+%1)8

A Te an to her Baptist core, Tyler dra s rom her uni ue e perience or in at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hristian aith meant he couldn t stay silent in the ace o the hristian ationalist a en da. Tyler as s, hat ould happen i a broad based coalition o people o aith oined state ep. ames Talarico in sayin e don t ant reli ious instruction happenin in our /=<,%7('7311,'a9(L;,&2(/=+'(+3%'(+1(2&#$&2'(#'(#(<#'%'(012(#7+%1)(+1(<&(7#22%&$(021-(+3&( la ma in trenches o Austin to ashin ton itsel . Tyler s ho to boo rises beyond #)5&2.($&'/1)$&)7;(#)$(!31/%=-9(%)+1(71)72&+&(%$&#'(012(125#)%^%)5(#)$(#7+%1)(#-1)5( <&,%&?&2'(#)$()1)U<&,%&?&2'(#,%\&8(



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t s our first event here and it s an ama in turnout, said Bandera. Ti To ble us up.

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Bandera says that oin the nonprofit route has its o n challen es and obstacles because o di erent <+%@(,85'()<B#1,(-#<+)(<<#+,(#4/>8)+%&7(#8:#+,(4)#78/ /3&4+-#=(4&9#+,(#<+%@(,85'()<#4&#+,4<#=3<4&(<<#W83)&(-B# PTDE(#=((&#;8)@4&9#4&#78//3&4+-#8)9%&4"4&96#/8=454" 4&9#%)83&'#KU$1V#%&'#4//49)%&+#4<<3(<#:8)#%5/8<+#NX# -(%)<#&8;#%&'#TDE(#%5;%-<#;%&+('#+8#7)(%+(#<8/(+,4&9# +,%+#;%<#:8)#3<6#5('#=-#3<#Y#?3(()6#+)%&<6#K%+4&(#%&'# inter enerational.

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portionately a ects L BT people over their heterose 3%5#>(()<B#

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The other co ounder o Botitas has di erent reasons :8)#<+%)+4&9#+,4<#=3<4&(<<#W83)&(-B# P$8+4+%<#4<#8&(#+,4&9#+8'%-#%&'#%&8+,()#+,4&9#+8/8) ro , uriel said. ur idea came rom antin to create %#=)%&'#Y#<8/(+,4&9#+,%+#-83#7%&#;(%)#;,(&#-83D)(# 83+#%&'#%=83+#4&#+,(#74+-B#L#=)%&'#+,%+#4<#=%7@('#=-#>(8 >5(#;,8#)(<8&%+(#;4+,#-83#%<#K%+4&(#:85@<6#?3(()6#+)%&<# and that s hat e are.

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ant to create these spaces , especially in this time and %9(#;,()(#+,()(D<#%#58+#8:#),(+8)47#:)8/#>(8>5(#<>)(%' in hate.

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films about ueer resistance to inspire you for the fight ahead

Lessons on activism and resilience that seem more crucial than ever


n times o trouble, movies can o er us a chance temporarily, at least to escape our or ries. ometimes, thou h, escape is not the ans er. hen the political climate turns stormy, they can also be a li eline, connectin us ith our history and helpin us to clari y here e ve been, here e need to o, and ho e mi ht mana e to et there. ith that in mind, here s a list o reat movies about L BT activism, each ith particular relevance to the cultural challen es e ace as America braces itsel or another round o Trumpism because besides educatin us about our past, they have the po er to inspire us as e prepare to fi ht or our uture.


erhaps ironically, the first title (and only non documentary) on our list is not an American tale, but a true story rom the K, a fictionali ed chronicle o Lesbians and ays upport the Miners (L M) a roup o L BT activists ho allied ith stri in coal miners in Thatcher era Britain. irected by Matthe archus and ritten by tephen Beres ord, it balances humor and ravitas as it ollo s a youn , still closeted student ( eor e MacKay) and his involvement ith a roup o ueer activists ho decide to raise money to support elsh miners impacted by the British Minin tri e o . espite initial hostility rom the miners, a coalition is or ed that lends stren th to both causes, ultimately leadin to the incorporation o ay and lesbian ri hts into the o cial Labour arty plat orm. An in ectiously thrillin portrayal o the trans ormative po er o solidarity, it s a film that e emplifies the importance o intersectionality and the need or diverse mar inali ed communities to unite and ta e collective action a ainst oppression. The messa e e are stron er to ether than e are apart. Also starrin Bill i hy, melda taunton, ominic est, and Andre cott, it s as entertainin as it is inspirin , a eel ood movie that also fires us up to stand firm a ainst the orces o bi otry and repression.



o, e re not dissin us an ant s e cellent biopic Mil , eaturin ean enn s star turn in the title role and ustin Lance Blac s elo uent screenplay (both o hich sna ed s cars), but or our purposes here, this documentary rom director ob pstein hich on an scar itsel provides a less romantici ed account o Mil s li e and or . The first openly ay elected o cial in ali ornia, he success ully ou ht a ainst the discriminatory Bri s nitiative ( amously championed by beauty ueen turned spo esmodel Anita Bryant), hich sou ht to ban ay teachers in public schools, somethin that eels particularly relevant durin a time hen conservative American politicians are a ressively or in to remove L BT content rom schools and erode ueer representation in politics. Thou h his assassination alon side an rancisco Mayor eor e Moscone (by ello ity upervisor and political rival an hite) is

probably a more amiliar piece o history in the public ima ination today, it s the roundbrea in L BT advocacy he spearheaded that orms the centerpiece o his endurin le acy, somethin that the tra edy o his martyrdom should not be allo ed to overshado . This movin , intimate documentary hich eaves archival oota e and intervie s into a compellin narrative about the intersections o politics and identity, reminds us o the sta es hen mar inali ed voices o unrepresented by our le islators, and eatures narration rom ueer icon arvey ierstein provides a more detailed and authentic loo at the reat or he accomplished durin his short tenure than an ant s fictionali ed historical drama.

31<&=1&>?"5#5%&4&!84@?%&'()*(, any film on our list should be considered a must see, it s this idely acclaimed documen tary rom filmma er avid rance, hich chronicles the activism o A T and TA durin the hei ht o the A epidemic. Throu h archival oota e and testimonials, it ollo s the real li e activists ho ou ht or medical treatments and overnment accountability in a time hen their community as su erin a devastatin loss, hi hli htin ey fi ures li e eter taley and Larry Kramer and providin a po er ul portrait o a relentless advocacy e ort that turned despair into action. ith its themes o rassroots activism and e uitable public health care, rance s auspicious directorial debut resonates deeply in today s orld, as ueer communities ace chal len es in access to ender a rmin care and reproductive ri hts seein the tactics used by or ani ations li e A T to hold institutions accountable, modern activists can ain valuable insi hts about ho to conduct strate ic resistance a ainst le islative attac s and discriminatory policies in public health care.


ot as ell no n but e ually resonant as the other films on our list, this doc rom directors Katherine air a ri ht and Mali a ouhali orrall ollo s L BT activists in anda, a coun try here homose uality is criminali ed, centerin around the story o avid Kato the sel pro claimed first ay man in anda. A ter returnin home rom outh A rica, here he discov ered ay li e or the first time, he started a non profit L BT or ani ation ( e ual Minorities anda) to spread the ord about homose uality and trac instances o homophobia in his country he ent on to became a earless advocate or ueer ri hts, acin immense personal and le al persecution be ore ultimately losin his li e to anti ay violence. The film also trac s e orts by the andan overnment to pass the Anti omose uality Act, hich as partially orchestrated throu h the in uence o . . based hristian conservatives at a or shop unded by the American ast ood chain hi fil A, and as condemned internationally as the Kill the ays Bill, due to its inclusion o a death penalty clause. Thou h its ocus is on an A rican nation, the film has clear relevance to the lobal stru le or ueer acceptance, arnin a ainst the advancement o anti L BT ideolo ies by hate roups protectin traditional values under the uise o reli ion, and remindin us o ho the fi ht or ueer ri hts is interconnected orld ide.


ennie Livin ston s documentary delvin into e or ity s dra ball culture o the s is no iconic, a celebrated ueer classic that immortali es a deeply in uential social scene and illuminates the lives o Blac and Latino ueer individuals as they try to navi ate systemic racism, homophobia, and poverty, ith an emphasis on their artistry, their resilience, and the chosen amilies they ather around themselves. eaturin a host o ballroom le ends ( epper LaBei a, orian orey, enus trava an a, and more), it reveals stories o both triumph and tra edy hile ampli yin the e perience o ueer oy it ould later provide inspiration or yan Mur phy s roundbrea in series ose but more importantly, this essential L BT classic hi h li hts the ine uities that persist in society today, hen dra culture aces le islative attac s and trans omen o color continue to be disproportionately tar eted by violence, ach o these films o ers essential insi hts on ueer resistance, illuminatin the on oin stru les and triumphs o L BT communities. As e ace a reinvi orated attac on ueer ri hts under a hostile administration, they o er us lessons on solidarity, activism, and resilience that suddenly seem more crucial than ever. atch and learn, children, because you mi ht no be our only hope.


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FORTY YEARS of cityhood

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