2021-22 Los Medanos College Catalog of Classes

Page 48

General Information


Under the August 2020 Title IX regulations, for any sexual harassment complaint governed by Title IX, as defined above, both the complainant and the respondent have the right to appeal the findings of the Hearing Authority to the Governing Board. The grounds for appeal of decisions on Title IX determinations made by the Hearing Authority are limited to the following:

1. Procedural irregularity that affected the outcome;

2. New evidence that was not reasonably available when the determination of responsibility was made that could affect the outcome; and

3. The Title IX Coordinator, investigator, or decision-maker had a general or specific conflict of interest or bias against the complainant or respondent that affected the outcome.

Student Complaint Process

The Student Complaint Procedures are available to every Los Medanos College student, offering an equitable means of seeking an appropriate remedy for a grievance related to any college-related matter (other than as defined under the unlawful discrimination section of this catalog). Complaint procedures are provided for the following: grade appeals process; complaints regarding a faculty member; complaints regarding a staff member; or complaints about a manager. Information about these processes and related forms are available online at: www. losmedanos.edu/students/grievance.aspx. •

Adopted 03/02/04

Revisions adopted 06/17/08, 9/25/12

Copies of the Student Complaint Procedures are also available in the following locations: •

Welcome Desk/Center, (925) 473-7434

Office of Student Life, (925) 473-7555

Office of Instruction, (925) 473-7397/(925) 473-7398

Counseling Center, (925) 473-7450

Student Right-To-Know and Campus Security Act

It is the policy of the district to comply with the Student Right-toKnow and Campus Security Act (Public Law 101542) signed into law November 8, 1990. •


The district shall make available the completion or graduation rates of certificate or degree seeking, full-time students entering any of the colleges, to current students, and to each prospective student upon request prior to that student’s enrolling or entering into any financial obligation, beginning July 1, 1993, and annually thereafter.

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Annual reports of criminal activity on campus and procedures for prevention of campus crime, as required by the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1991. This information is available, on request, from the campus Police Services Office or the LMC website under Campus Police.

Other Policies for Students Animals on Campus

The Contra Costa Community College District (CCCCD) fully supports individuals with disabilities who benefit from trained service animals. Per CCCCD Governing Board Policy 2058, and in compliance with state and federal law, individuals with a disability are permitted to use a trained service animal in all District facilities. Students using service animals should coordinate with Disabled Students Programs & Services (DSPS). To provide the LMC community with a safe and productive environment for teaching, learning, and working, other animals – including emotional support animals – are prohibited on CCCCD property. This policy shall not prohibit an employee from possessing an animal for approved instructional activities on District property.

Drug-Free Campus Policy

As defined by State and Federal law, it is the policy of Los Medanos College to maintain a campus where students, faculty, staff, and administration are prohibited from the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of controlled substances, including marijuana and cannabis products, as listed in Schedules I through IV of Section 202 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 USC Section 812) and from abuse of alcohol. This policy applies not only to the campus, but also includes participation in field trips, athletic competition, international study programs, and any activity sponsored by the College. Any violation of this policy will be cause for disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion. For information about substance abuse treatment, students may contact a campus counselor or refer to the information binder located in the Counseling Center and Information Center.

Parking Regulations & Enforcement www.losmedanos.edu/parking

All vehicles parked on campus – whether in a parking lot, gravel lot, or on any perimeter road – must have a valid parking permit. Please note that there are designated areas for student parking, as well as faculty/staff parking areas. Parking permits are required for Spring, Fall, and Summer. Students registering for classes via InSite will have the opportunity to pay for a semester parking permit online. Detailed information about this new feature is available on the InSite landing page. Once the process of registering for classes has been completed, students will be able to access the parking permit link in InSite.

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